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Re: What Tail light will fit into my M20's

exactly, my Mt211 looks different.

Re: What Tail light will fit into my M20's

I think this Lucas repro are model 480, very similar like MT211.
Of course I'm interested Your tail light, Please send me price on priw.
dawid sebastian

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Re: What Tail light will fit into my M20's

I also have an original MT211. Were they only used post war? Ron

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Re: What Tail light will fit into my M20's

You could also fit a 'tapered' post war Lucas 477/1..I had that on my 47 M21...Ian

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Re: What Tail light will fit into my M20's

I think that the very early post war M20's had an MT110, I know that my 1946 B31 has a MT211 which is original for that bike. I am not sure if the MT211 is just post war.


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Re: What Tail light will fit into my M20's

As you say for your B31 Henk..1945-50..MT211. This does appear to be a post war introduction. My Lucas parts catalogue lists the following for the M20..
1937-49 (civilian)..MT110
So they used two different lights in 1951. Also,oddly, there is no reference to the 1940 'torpedo' lamp for any model??...Ian

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Re: What Tail light will fit into my M20's

The pre war lightweights like the C10 & C11 used the Lucas MT210.

Which is slightly larger diameter than the standardised WD tail lamp, uses the same clip arrangment to hold the lens on.

The 3 mounting holes are on the same pitch as the MT110.

Re: What Tail light will fit into my M20's

Kit the seller you are talking about is only about 10 miles from me and I want to nip over there at some stage to pick up some halogen tail light bulbs so if you want to come over and look at his headlamps let me know

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