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'NIFE' Battery

Does anyone have one of the early 'NIFE' batteries?...Does one still exist?
I would like to do a replica..if you have one of these and can loan it for a pattern or provide concise dimensions and detailed photos you will be suitably rewarded...Ian

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Re: 'NIFE' Battery

I reckon they were phased out early in the war and the WD used up all the available stock.

I could use some replicas for My C10s.

Re: 'NIFE' Battery

The Norton factory records show that Ni-Fe's were standard WD issue pre-war but lead acid began to make an appearance during late 1939. By October 1939, the records were marked to the effect that lead acid was now standard.

They're quite recognisable because they have five cells for a 6v battery.

I too have never seen one. There must be one somewhere, surely ? Did civilian users ever have them ?

Should I try a letter in the VMCC journal ? Someone must have one.

What we still won't know of course is whether WD examples were marked as per the later lead acids.

Re: 'NIFE' Battery

Rik, warabout the picture you just won on fleabay???


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