Dear All.I've recently taken my WM20 for its MOT & although it passed,i got an advisory that the pivot points on the forks have play.My question is.If i remove the top and bottom links is it possible to remove the round parts through which the bolts pass and turn up some slightly oversize ones to offset any wear in the forks themselves,or are they welded together so my only course of action is to try source new links. Thanks. Mike
Hi Mike, the spindles on the back of the fork links are an integral part of the link making repair difficult.
Sourcing new links would resolve that particular problem but it is highly likely you will need to replace all the bushes as well.
Because the link pins oscillate but do not rotate fully, the bushes are generally worn unevenly and are no longer round. New links will therefore reduce the amount of play but will not eliminate it.....Ian
Ian, Do you mean that the forks are bushed where the link pins fit. My parts book diagram does'nt show any bushes so i assumed that the pins run directly on the inside of the fork tube.
Webb forks didn't use bushes. I was thinking if one could mount the links on a faceplate somehow they could have a few thou turned down and fit suitable bushes to suit. Anyone tried this? One day we won't be able to buy N.O.S links anymore, unless somebody starts making them but i suspect they could be pricey!
Hi Douglas, Machining the spindles down is a relatively common method of repair. However, ideally they do need to have some form of scroll machined onto them as well to allow the grease to travel along the bush and all four links must have the pin center line tolerance held to tight limits to avoid assembly problems...Ian
My 16H forks (copy of Webb type?) have just been in for a birthday - ex India so if you can think of something which might need doing to a set of Girders i have just had it done.
Among other things I have new set of std size spindles and the forks have been drilled and bushed x 8.
If you take the spindle out and have a fish around the diameter is small for about and inch at each end and larger in the middle so only the ends of the spindles are supported, so bushing at the ends is all that is needed.
I think i have read somewhere that they were designed to accept 1/16th over size spindles but bushing seems smarter.
I just re-bushed my M20 forks and fitted NOS links. (And my new spring). The bushes are obtainable easy enough. Unfortunately in my case the spindle holes in the actual forks had been reamed out to a larger diameter so I had to have custom made bushes. The biggest problem is line reaming each pair of bushes to keep it all parallel Ron
Hi Mike, I had the forks on my G3 and 16H overhauled by Ray Daniels.0121 789 8900. Both forks were non bushed originally, so he bored then out and fitted bushes.
I am very pleased with the job. At the same time I had the spindles hard chromed and ground to size, making them hard, so they shouldn't wear. I have asked my grinding man about hard chroming BSA links, which he could do, but at present he doesn't have a grinder small enough to get between the pins. He is looking into it.
Cheers, Mick.