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website pic.

That bike seems to have everything that a 39 M20 would have except the speedo drive through the brakeplate.
It appears that it may even have the pre war gloss under the drab, visible where the knee pad has been removed. Is this one 39 or 40? I see he has painted 'Gertie' on the toolbox, a shortened version of the English name 'Gertrude'... Wife, girlfriend, mother or granny I wonder? ...Ian

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Re: website pic.

It could be 'Galloping Gertie'. The Brits loved silly names for machinery.

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I think I see an MT1130 taillight so it's 1940 production.


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It looks like a C5110 census number so probably a late 1939 build which makes the presence of darker paint under the knee grip a bit of a puzzle unless the tank is not original ?

Re: website pic.

impressed? de luxe?

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Re: website pic.

Its interesting that the knee grip rubber steel fixing plate is painted black, I suppose there was no need to camouflage a part that you didn't see.

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