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Springs Arrived!

... But still Winter here

May I just say a big thanks to Ian and Ron for their troubles in producing an excellent, value for money part! (Girder Fork Spring) I'm real pleased.


Re: Springs Arrived! - Note to Ian and Ron

If you guys have got any more springs in stock, send me a couple of snaps and some details and I'll be happy to put a mention on Sump's news pages. Actually, that goes for any new products.

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Re: Springs Arrived! - Note to Ian and Ron

Hi Danny...Thanks for the offer...The girder fork springs were a 'one off' batch made to order so there is no surplus. I'm not too sure about making them a stock item as I am unsure of the demand.
However, I have a couple of things in the pipeline that I'm sure would benefit from a little 'exposure'...I'll be in touch...Ian (nice to hear you are happy with the spring LJ)

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Re: Springs Arrived! - Note to Ian and Ron

Ron / Ian do you chaps happen to have any under engine skid pan protector plates. Mr Plumb is looking after my wheels for a few weeks and its about time I got hold of one that actually fits and not from Thailand. Its a '41, thanks, ping me an email if its possible to get hold of one, many thanks..

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Re: Springs Arrived! - Note to Ian and Ron

I've mailed you direct Kit..Ian

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Re: Springs Arrived! - Note to Ian

I hadn't thought of that Danny...I'll nip into the bank tomorrow and organise a ridiculously large loan ...Ian

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