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one for mick..tank liner

mick, have you had any reviews on the ethanol proof liner you were getting in? and how easy is it to apply??

Re: one for mick..tank liner

Hi Chris...I spoke to Mick about the tank liner. It is ethanol proof well beyond current or projected levels and application is much as the 'Petseal' type.
My American sealant did eventually go off and seems to be working OK but the application process is complicated, I didn't get the quantity as described in the literature and it's expensive so I wouldn't recommend that!!
I have another tank to do and will get Draganfly sealant for that one...Ian

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Re: one for mick..tank liner

Hi Chris, sorry no reviews yet, but no complaints either. First batch went off the shelves like hot cakes!
Next lot is brewing, should be ready this time next week.
Cheers, Mick.

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Re: one for mick..tank liner

thanks, hold one back for me please...

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