A lovely picture of part of a display put on to show BSAs wartime work.
The 'cut off' type petrol tanks indicate bikes from one of the last 3 wartime contracts and as only one contract had the tank but without the filter fitted they is probably from that.
Both bikes appear to still be fitted with the first pattern 'long' pillion seat and it is interesting to note the cover style...with padding around the front edge. The seat was shortened ultimately to prevent riders catching the small of their backs on the front of the pillion seat, particularly when riding off road.
I've done exactly that a couple of times!!..
As well as the component parts of the bike being on display there are also the basic frame forgings shown as separate parts.
If only I could get hold of those parts and build myself a nice NOS M20!! ...Ian
After a quick search on the internet I came across this link:
It looks the same type.(only made in 1963).
Here is my WW2 Canadian Version. Built by the 'OUTBOARD AND MARINE MANUFACTUREING CO' They are usually called a 'Chore Horse charging set' They hardly changed at all right through to the 60's. Ron