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Stearing stem bearing adjustment.

I was discussing with Ian the fact that I may have over tightened my steering stem top nut, which causes a strange steering sensation. I was grizzling about the awkwardness of adjusting it correctly. After all when you jack the bike up under the engine, the spring rubs on the headstock and trying to feel the amount of movement in the bearings whilst gripping the bottom of the forks and distinguish this from actual fork movement is tedious.
Ian's answer is so simple. Tighten up all the fork spindles first. When you then jack up the bike, the spring is well clear of the headstock and the only movement will be at the bearing area. Drop the bike back to the ground and slacken the spindles the appropriate amount....Simples. Ron

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Re: Stearing stem bearing adjustment.

This also has the advantage that it lessens the risk of thinking that the play on the fork bushes is at the headstock!

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Re: Stearing stem bearing adjustment.

Exactly so Dave. Although in my case they have just been re-bushed, but still you end up with some slight collective movement. Ron

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