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Something on E Bay for Ian Wright

Hi Ian. I think I can see your house

E Bay 250748985606

I wonder where that Bailey bridge was

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Re: Something on E Bay for Ian Wright

I haven't been able to find the exact location of that Bailey Bridge...or the spotlight position for the Anti Aircraft Battery. But I have been told where to look to see the Landing Craft engine that appears at 'low tide'... and the story of the 'Old Empty Barn'. ..Ian

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Re: Something on E Bay for Ian Wright

try this for a barn find brought by a couple who brought a house and its all theirs sorry no bikes

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Re: Something on E Bay for Ian Wright

This collection is just that, the photos were taken to catalogue the cars in the collection. They've not been looked after too well but I believe the barn was sealed to prevent the cars being stolen and was only reopend for the catalogueing.

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