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The world at war - DVD set

Hi folks

For those military history lovers & based in the uk, sainsburys are selling the remastered world at war series on DVD for £22

A good price methinks !!

Best regards


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Re: The world at war - DVD set - CAUTION

If you are referring to the original series, make sure you don't buy the Blue Ray version (which is much pricier). I made the mistake of doing so. It's merely a wide-screen version of the original but in order to fill the 16:9 screen they merely zoomed in without any adjustments, the result being that the tops of heads and the bottom of the original picture are cut off.

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Re: The world at war - DVD set - CAUTION

Brilliant series..well worth having. Does anyone remember its predecessor..'The Great War'? Is that one still available?....Ian

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Re: The world at war - DVD set - CAUTION

Ian Wright
Brilliant series..well worth having. Does anyone remember its predecessor..'The Great War'? Is that one still available?....Ian

I have bought the great war set in the last twelve Months but for the Life of me I cannot remember where if I was home I could get that information but I am in the middle of the dessert doing my bit to assist the OZ Economy recover but at a guess it would have to been either the AWM, the IWM or in Belgium I will check when I get home in A fortnight and E Mail you the answer

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Re: The world at war - DVD set - CAUTION

barnes& for less than $10.

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