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Filters Inside the Silencers


I just took a look at my silencers and saw that there was no filter inside. The local mech here said that this silencer was designed without the filter in place.
Not sure if that is right.
Does anybody have a pic of the filter for the silencer?

Regards & God Bless

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Re: Filters Inside the Silencers

Filters inside the silencer ? what the F*%K for ? The mind boggles.

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Re: Filters Inside the Silencers

I guess you mean the 'baffles' Henry. If so all original M20 silencers were fitted with them...Ian

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Re: Filters Inside the Silencers

Henry the way the modern reproduction silencers are made, is with a perforated tube running through the silencer. The tube is encased with fibreglass wadding to deaden the noise.


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Re: Filters Inside the Silencers

if you search silencers by key word it will give you all the discussions on silencers and some have pictures of the baffles

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