Fellow readers -
I have the original photo of this person and rider and know him persoally.Taken during WW2 near Darwin Northern Territory;
Lt. George Gormly SX25128, 27th South Australian Scotish Div - Battalion intelligence officer - BSA wm20 supplied as transport.
The photo paken in Darwin 19/2/1942;
George comments were - the photo shows a broken headlight that was caused by my coming 'a gutsa', old saying as i was watching a Lockheed Hudson bomber coming into land at the RAAF drome in Darwin and i hit a washaway on the road. Cost me a beer in the officers mess later. Side valve BSA's were held in high regard for their reliability in all kinds of shockig condtitions, especially during the 'big wet' seasons. good luck, George now 87 years.
This is one of many original photos is have of Australian despatch riders on duty both here and overseas riding both BSA and Nortons.
Brian Forth
SOuth Astralia ;
Re: Lt George GORMLY, SX25128. 27Bn (SA Scotish Regiment)
As a Student of Australian Military History This is very interesting and Explains a number of things in the Photo, Like the Commonwealth number Plate the 27th Bn (SA Scottish regiment) is an interesting unit it was called up in 1939 as a Militia Unit (CMF) and then mobilised to Darwin in Late 1941 serving there during the Jap bombings and transferred to the AIF sometime after that. Serving in the Island Hopping Campaigns until Wars End. And Now I need to go to Canberra to pursue the history of AIF and AMF Motorcycles now you have pointed me in the right direction and that means I will once again be in trouble with She who thinks she must be obeyed.It is also Interesting That the ww2 Nominal roll list Georges unit on Discharge as the 27th Bn Special Air Service Regiment