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BSA M20 Driver's Handbook.

Is there a way to find out who this guy is and when he used this book? Would be nice to find out.

The handbook is for sale if anybody wants it.


BSA drivers handbook

BSA drivers handbook

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Re: BSA M20 Driver's Handbook.

'Clonmel' is in Co. Tipperary, Ireland..1st. F.A Regt. were in India in '39 and moved to Egypt that year as part of an Indian Division..they served in North Africa, landed at Anzio and fought in Italy and ended the War in Greece. Could Ireland have been be a post war posting?..Ian

email (option):

Re: BSA M20 Driver's Handbook.

The location is Southern Ireland so not possible as a British Army posting during the M20 period (unless he was DEEP undercover).

I'd guess that the Irish used a similar nomenclature. If it was a British service number then it would be from a block originally issued to Dragoon regiments (not impossible as numbers were retained when transferring).

This book is one for our Irish military researchers I think.

Re: BSA M20 Driver's Handbook.

Hi Henk
Clonmel is my home town

Can I buy this book


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Re: BSA M20 Driver's Handbook.

I think this chap is attached to a field artillery group.

The military barracks in clonmel was home to artillery regiments fir some time, before this in colonial times, pre 1922, it was home to royal Irish guards.

When the British army departed in 1922, the core of the Irish army was based upon ww1 vetern nco's & a high number of ex British personell who stayed as they had married local Irish girls.

In many cases this army tradition is still strong in many garrison towns such as my home town of clonmel.

My friend at the barracks will make enquiries for me. There are still parkers living in town, maybe a link !!


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Re: BSA M20 Driver's Handbook.

Hi John,

It's yours if you want it.


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Re: BSA M20 Driver's Handbook.

Thank you Henk

Drop you a line later, going to pub with a lovely lady elf :o)


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