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(Girder Fork) Spring is on the way...

We now have a small pile of new M20 girder fork springs...and very nice they are too.
All that is required now is the invoice!!
Anyway, they will be available for dispatch after the Christmas break and I will get in touch then with all those that expressed an interest...Ian

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Re: (Girder Fork) Spring is on the way...

Whoopee! Will they come gift wrapped?

Re: (Girder Fork) Spring is on the way...

Each one will be inside a Christmas Pudding.. ..Ian

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Re: (Girder Fork) Spring is on the way...

Ian Wright
Each one will be inside a Christmas Pudding.. ..Ian

Hello Ian,

I'd like to order a Christmas Pudding without a spring. But it should be delivered tomorrow. Could you do that?

Seasons greetings,
Jan (rewdco)


“And now it's your turn to get up off that couch and go into the deserts, go into the mountains, go under the lakes, rivers, and seas and search for history. You'll never find a more rewarding adventure!” (Clive Cussler)

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