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Christmas Cracker...

I recently came across another M20 cylinder that has cracked. Like the two previous examples I have had the cracks were near the exhaust valve, one running from the liner to the valve seat.
Has anyone else had similar cracked cylinders?
These are just 'hairline' cracks...not easy to if you are working on an M20 currently, or buying parts, it may be worth taking a close look....Ian

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Re: Christmas Cracker...

I have only had that with a 1933 side valve Sloper BSA, I had it welded and had a valve seat placed. The bike has done quite a few miles after this fix, This might be still to expensive to have done with an M20 cylinder.


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Re: Christmas Cracker...

Hi Ian, had the same problem with my M20. A local engineer fitted a seat insert. The cracks are still there, but the insert has never come loose or moved. This was at least fifteen years ago now.
Cheers. Mick.

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Re: Christmas Cracker...

mick was the original seat cracked

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Re: Christmas Cracker...

Hi Mick...I have also found that fitting a valve seat insert provides a long term fix...Ian

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Re: Christmas Cracker...

Hi Roger, yes, one crack ran from the cylinder wall, the other from the corner head bolt hole.
Cheers, Mick.

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