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Metrinch spanners

Does anyone have any practical experience of these? I know what the manufacturers say. I'm looking for any negative issues. Recommended? Not recommended?

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Re: Metrinch spanners

Not bad at all, sometimes they even grip mangled and rounded nuts and bolts

email (option): viaconsu # planet dot nl

Re: Metrinch spanners

I guess they are made in Metric and A/F...good if you have a later Triumph/BSA. Are they also available in Metric/Whitworth? that would be needed for the 'old 'uns'...and you'll also need a modern bike for the Metric bit...Ian

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Re: Metrinch spanners

Thanks Hans and Ian. I have seen these Metrinch spanners marketed for Whitworth nuts and bolts (I think one size fits a range of fasteners), but I've yet to meet anyone with practical experience, hence my query. Anyone with any direct experience?

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Re: Metrinch spanners

I think the idea is that one set will fit metric, AF, and Whit.
I saw a bloke at work use them, and they moved around the head like a ratchet-- he didnt have to take the spanner off the flats for the next pull.
I will have another look at his and report back

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Re: Metrinch spanners

11mm, 15mm and 18mm will cover 3 of your whitworth sizes.

Re: Metrinch spanners

Hi hi, this was the one and only item I ever bought over a TV ad when living in USA. They work really well on damaged / rusty nuts and bolts. Have used my set quite a bit in tearing down my bikes and jeeps. Only problem I see is that the open end of the wrench does not work that well. I recommend you buy it, I have used it past 12 years now. Reg Hinrik

Re: Metrinch spanners

some years ago i had some rounded off rusted head bolts on a jaguar engine some one told me about these sockets the same as these spanners it worked wonders i only brough the one socket for the job

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Re: Metrinch spanners

Thanks for all replies. Very helpful.

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