John Tinley has asked me to post this picture of an original Matchless toolbox he bought in France. He believes the insignia is of the 1st Armoured Div. and was hoping for comments. Ron
John is is the 1st Armoured Div., and it was the first armoured division formed in the British Army. .. Formed in 1937 as the 'Mobile Division'. They were sent to France as an incomplete unit (minus one tank regiment, without artillery, and with a shortage of radio and other equipment)in April 1940. The first elements arrived on the 15th. They fought in the area south of the Somme and were evacuated on 16th. June 1940.
From 1941 they fought in North Africa and Italy..being disbanded at the end of the war.Reformed in 1976 they are still in existence..Correct Div. marking is the white rhino on a black background within a red triangle.. Nice find!..Ian my last posting I put 'correct' Div. marking..that should read 'current'.
The wartime Div. marking was the rhino on a black oval. Interestingly this is the style of div marking used from the inception of the unit until 1944 when the rhino became a more aggressive charging rhino. The first style was then taken up by the 2nd. armoured brigade. So it is correct for the BEF you think it is an original marking John?..Ian
Hi Ian, Certainly the toolbox is in original paint finish and it very much has the look of being original. However, as you say it does not have a black background. If you look at the paint finish closely it looks to be stippled rather than painted. I would be interested to know what the 1st Armoured Division did and where they fought? Cheers John
The photo that Rob has posted relates to a post-Dunkirk Command Trial. A report was published on 10/10/1940
1st Armoured Division went late to Cherbourg and their actions were south of the Somme apart from a detachment sent to assist with the defence of Calais.
Rik, that is really interesting. My wife's father who is now 95 was in the Royal Tank Regiment and was sent to Calais and was blown out of his tank and spent the rest of the war in Stalag VIIIB and then Terizin Concentration Camp. Would it be possible for you to email me a scanned copy of the article? Cheers John
Hi John..It was probably a stencil, which would explain the lack of background and the gaps in the outer oval...and of course paint was often applied to stencils with a short haired stippling brush.
I have e mailed you something that may be of interest...Ian
Fascinating John. Did your toolbox come from the Calais region ?
Here's a MkVIB Light Tank from 3 RTR, probably in Calais.
I can't see a black background.
My 16H had its 2nd Div markings direct on the KG No.3 (mine was brush painted using a crude stencil). This is the only division that I've looked closely at. Although published sources refer to a black background, none of the BEF images show this feature and post-war books are frequently relying on War Office directives which reflect later practice. The system was new for the BEF which might explain the unconventional location also. I've never seen a period photo with a formation sign on a toolbox.
Here another picture of a lorry with that marking on it, it's an US White mod. 920, ex French contract 1939 petrol tanker, converted by the British to tank transporter.
Seems the marking is without black background too.
Hi Rik..what made you enquire about Calais?..1st. Div. fought over a fairly wide area and the bulk of the Div. was evacuated from Cherbourg with the remainder going from Brest. Interesting that the pic of the post Dunkirk bike does have the black background...Ian
PS I went back read your posting in more detail I understand the Calais question ...Ian
...Ian, because John said that his father-in-law was there with the RTR. I mentioned in an earlier post that 1st Armoured were generally south of the Somme. As far as I'm aware, 3 RTR were the only regiment detached and sent further north (to Calais).
Rik, my toolboxes came from a friend in Normandy which is surprising as it is a long way from the Calais/ Dunkirk area. The other one is in even better condition, but has no markings, and I am having the paint matched at the moment. I have an original G3WO Matchless which came from a dealer in Dunkirk but has only one toolbox so the plan is to put it on that. Thanks to everyone for the very interesting information. Cheers John
It certainly is...I would love to find a few M20 parts in that condition...the dilemma now is whether to repaint it...perhaps you should build an entire bike to match it John?....Ian
I have that First Armored Division sign stenciled on the tank of one of my M20s. I saw someone wearing this brand of clothes once, and did a double-take at the logo on it
As you can see Doug, John's is the early standing rhino and yours is the later charging item (on a black ground). It's nice to see these 'variations on a theme'
This is John's G3 which was a BEF abandoned machine.
I painted this one up back about '90 or so-I had no resources other than a book or two to go by, and basically, I liked the look of that Div sign.If I ever get motivated, I really should re-do this one, switch tanks with my other, repaint it, and make it more correct in conformance with all the things I've learned here since I did it. This one's a '40-my other is a '44, but that one has the 'fat' tank on it.
doug talking about switching tanks how about having a collection of say 4 tanks with different div signs on them you could change the tank and say this is my other bike dont think anybody take a lot of notice of the C number so this could stay the same on all the tanks PS has anybody got a couple of spare tanks going cheap painted with div signs would be nice
for those fashion conscious WD riders.....the 1st AD insignia has also been adopted by Mark Ecko as his corporate logo. Interestingly enough for a fashion and lifestyle guy, he was involved in the Wounded Warrior Project in NY last year.
I am sure most if not all of you have seen his fashion styles. He owns the famous Avirex line of flying jackets and apparel.