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Good idea to stop you from hurting yourself

Actually, you're not far from reality, Henk. They already have m/c suits with working air bags built in. But since they go for several thousand each, they're marketed only to racers - and well-heeled ones, at that. Of course, if governments continue their regulation juggernaught, pretty soon these will be required for scooter riders, too. Lycette saddle with a seat belt, anyone?

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Re: Good idea to stop you from hurting yourself

I think the Governments preferred option involves another two ejector seat and a parachute could be the answer...Ian

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Re: Good idea to stop you from hurting yourself

I bet a few of us have got something like that around waist anyway.
I know I have.

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Re: Good idea to stop you from hurting yourself

Health & Safety gone mad I think I actually have a bigger tyre than that and Christmas will inflate it further....

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Re: Good idea to stop you from hurting yourself

Hey Sir Ewok
I did my apprenticeship on the gas board as well. Southern Gas, Banbury depot-- Oxford tech.
Those were happy days as an apprentice fitter on the gas board in the 1970s

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Re: Good idea to stop you from hurting yourself

South Eastern Gas Board - Streatham Depot. I started mine in 1964 but failed due to the three B's. Bikes, Birds & booze.

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