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cylinder with liner

Hi folks. Last week i opened the head and put off the cylinder, cause of mechanical noise from the piston and low compression. even the valves were tickling loud.
I was a std pison inside and i thought to myself what a cool bike still runnung the first piston. when i had the spare cylinder and the original one from the engine at my work bench i recognized, that the one with the standart piston has a liner in it. (long scratches were the reason of low compression)and the inlet valve guide is the cylinder must have been rebuilt after using three oversizes...oh my good, how much kilometres can that be... the other clinder is a little rusty and has to be rebored to 1 or 1,5 mm. but the valve guides seem ok.
which cylinder should i take. is the cast iron better than the one with cylinder liner? should i put in a new liner or is it possible to rebore that too? greetings jarek

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Re: cylinder with liner

Hi Jarek...The cylinder with the liner fitted can be rebored to +.020" (.5mm) or +.040" (+1mm) using original BSA pistons or to +.060" (1.5mm) using aftermarket pistons.
The wartime cylinders were fitted with a liner when new so it may not have done as many miles as you think.
Postwar the cylinder material was improved and liners were no longer fitted. Your 'spare' barrel is one of that type....Ian

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