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frame brake pedal

on my frame#wm20 46150 the rear brake pedal bracket is bent out and some weld has been done on the frame previously for a bracket of some type . the bent brake bracket is very neat and looks original could this be some sort of side car ajustment ?

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Re: frame brake pedal

Hi Jock, I think we would need a photo before we could really be sure about this, but its not really in the right place for a standard 4 point sidecar fitting, I suppose it could have been something to do with a sidecar brake but they are usually attached to the sidecar chassis.

There is a conversion on this bracket for a small sidestand, I wonder if its something like that.

Also there have been a lot of bikes coming into the UK from India and N Africa with lots of welded repairs, do you know the history of your bike?

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Re: frame brake pedal

rob i will try to send photo not sure if i can on the site thou

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