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fitting of front guard

hi all
was wondering if the front guard fits directly to the
underside of the girder forks part #665016 or it has the spacer nut with thread both sides in between .some pics i look at seem to be directly fitted but my bike came different any help will be appreciated . my staunchins may be wrong and this may be making it a bit more confusing

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Re: fitting of front guard

Yer staunchins is right Jock,there is a spacer,with threaded studs both sides,between the staunchins and the guard,nea doot ye wull soart'it oot,but some here will say different,if'n ye want I'kin send ye a fotie.
Tommy further North.

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Re: fitting of front guard

i would appreciate a photo of the front with staunchins connected and all it would be a good help as something is not right with mine and i am thinking the staunchins are the prob

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Re: fitting of front guard

Hi Jock, there are two different lenghs of front forks, the later ones (around 1940 on) are about 1/2" longer so they require the spacer. Hope this helps. Rob.

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Re: fitting of front guard

Long for short fork here some photos. Because of the spacer the mudguard and stays stay the same. You have to apply a quite lot of force to fit a mudguard on a long fork without the spacer.


Short fork long fork

BSA forks

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Re: fitting of front guard

ok thanks for all the help it seems to me if i take the spacer out the staunchens all fit and on a bare rim i have 70mm all the way around the guard to rim or 3 inches . so maybe i just leave it out and be happy thanks

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Re: fitting of front guard

Hallo it is a sugestion but I owned older M type BSA's and some of them have a larger front wheels 20 inch it better fits without the spacer on the ftont guard.

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