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Movie alert

I just finished watching an old WW2 movie about the French Underground and a Brit Officer. The movie is called "Underground" with Robert Goulet.

In it are great scenes of German motorcyclists all mounted on M 20s. One kick starters too!

Any other movies out there with our bikes?

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Re: Movie alert

Take a look here Robb, lots of them in the movies. Including Underground.


M20's in the movies

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Re: Movie alert

all i got was movies near the M20

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Re: Movie alert

Hi Robb,
Was that movie on TV or did you get it on DVD. I saw it on TV many years ago and have been trying to get a copy of it to have another look.
The film was made in Co. Wicklow, Ireland in about 1969 or 70 and used Irish Army BSA M20s.
Myself and my brother bought a batch of the bikes that had been used in the film, all painted in a grey/blue paint and with SS reg. numbers.But in very poor condition as they had been left lying in a field for a couple of years
We assembled two bikes, which we still have, and sold off the rest of the bits.
Nice to know that the movie is still out there somewhere.


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