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what a load of rubbish this new law saying either your bike will have to be insured or sorned will you be able to sorn a taxed bike and then the people who dont care about the law will just sorn them and then ride them or not even bother to do either and will this include frames you have got knocking about

Re: sorn

If you SORN a vehicle and then ride it on the road, you risk losing it. If caught the police have the power to seize & if necessary crush uninsured vehicles. The only way to get an uninsured vehicle back is to pay a fine + storage charges and show that you are insured (now) to drive/ride that vehicle. The charges are prohibitive, with reason, so those who are riding £100 wrecks around don't claim them back. You also of course get points on your license, providing you have one ( not you personally, but the wrongdoer).

Not sure about Sorn's on frames, engines etc. but generally speaking spare parts are not vehicles. Best to check with the DVLA about that. I have two bikes with Sorn's on them and both are insured, though not taxed & MOT'd. I prefer to keep them insured in case some scrote tries to nick or damage them.

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Re: sorn

Sorn only applies to vehicles which have been taxed since 1998. If you have a frame with logbook that's been taxed since then, it should be sorned. As far as the authorities know, it's a complete machine.

When SORN isn't needed

SORN isn’t needed if:

* you no longer have the vehicle and DVLA has been informed
* your insurance company has written off the vehicle
* you take the vehicle abroad permanently
* you apply for a refund of vehicle tax and don’t keep the vehicle
* you are keeping the vehicle off the road and untaxed for less than 14 days
* your vehicle was last taxed before 31 January 1998

Re: sorn

It's still your duty to vote for the government you want. It's no use whingeing after the fact!Honestly it's bad enough down here in Oz but when i see what you guys have to put up with!!!

Re: sorn!!!

Sorn only applies to vehicles which have been taxed since 1998. If you have a frame with logbook that's been taxed since then, it should be sorned. As far as the authorities know, it's a complete machine.

When SORN isn't needed


Why must everybody descend to Acronyms? To confuse others is the likely answer then if someone had Put Statutory Off Road Notification in the header it may not have excited the same interest or Mystery?

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Re: sorn!!!

Hi Douglas...I don't want to vote for any of them...and even if I did what they say and what they do are two entirely different things. Most of the laws and regulations that have been introduced weren't in the manifesto that people voted for, SORN (sorry Ron) being just one of them. I don't remember people voting for War, speeding cameras, the destruction of the planet, people living in cardboard boxes, grotesque bonuses for the super rich and mass immigration either...but we have all of those things.
The best policy is not to vote at all..that would bring the question of whether we actually have a representative democracy into focus (which we obviously haven't) and the politicians might actually start doing what the majority want. Vote and you vote for the status quo, the preservation of vested interest and an unequal, unfair society...end of rant...I'm going to lie down for a minute and think about motorbike engines....Ian

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Re: sorn!!!

if you buy a sorned bike/car you have to sorn it right away in your name even though there might be 11 month on the one the original owner applied for from a friend that got fined he restore yamahas we should be able to get rid of our politicians with the EU we dont need two sets of them and they never stick to their manifesto

Re: sorn!!!

There should be a box on the polling form :-

"I don't believe that any of the conniving cheating bastards are fit to hold a position of responsibility, least of all at public expense".

I'd vote then. Actually as a long term expat, I'm not able to vote anywhere. Well, in local or EU elections in Belgium but if I register, then I become subject to compulsory voting laws and they poll on a Sunday, so if I register I effectively give them permission to fine me for not getting out of bed on a Sunday ! Surely that is the most basic, fundamental of human rights ?

Latest lunatic plan from the Belgian Minister of Transport is compulsory fluorescent tabards for motorcyclists. If that becomes law then I can see me stopping with powered two-wheelers, which is probably what they want. I'm not going to dress like a sodding Christmas tree on a summer's afternoon.

Re: sorn!!!

Wear your tabbard with pride! Who's to say that you cannot put your own logo on it...... Say something regarding your views on the law & lawmakers that force you to wear the shite.

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There might be some misunderstanding about the new SORN regulations (Jan 2011). It's all about insurance, and not regulation for regulation's sake.

The government wants to clamp down on uninsured vehicles. That is a real problem, especially in urban areas. If you're hit by a car that's uninsured, you could be very deeply out of pocket. Yes, there is a statutory fund for victims of uninsured drivers. We all pay for it with a small premium on our policies. But that fund doesn't give the same kind of cover.

The government's idea is that if you've declared SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification) on your bike, you DON'T need to have insurance cover (although plenty of us maintain a year round cover).

If, however, your bike has not been declared SORN, it must be insured (the government will assume it's on the road). It's as simple as that.

If they don't received a SORN notification, they'll check your details against an insurance database. If your details aren't there, they'll give you a nudge by post and ask why. Or so they say. Whether that automatically leads to fines remains to be seen.

If you buy a SORNed vehicle, you need to re-SORN it (or not) to clarify the insurance position. When the last owner notifies the government that he or she has sold the vehicle, they'll be looking to you to take responsibility for it (after all, the last owner could simply claim he or she has sold it whilst still using it uninsured, or whatever).

Like all such regulations, they will mostly hinder the broadly law-abiding citizen. But there is a strong argument in favour of some kind on control on uninsured drivers. Naturally, the hard core offenders will ignore the regulations. And there will no doubt be all kinds of anomalies thrown up.

As Rik said, it won't apply to vehicles/frames that haven't been on their database since 1998. But it's not the "continuous insurance" issue some have claimed it to be.

As far as the government is concerned, it's either on the road or it's not. SORN is merely a mechanism designed to see who's insured, and who isn't.

If you declare SORN and then drive on the road, that can quickly be checked by the authorities (via police, traffic wardens, numberplate recognition cameras, etc). That's the idea, anyway. No doubt new heavyweight fines will appear soon (uninsured vehicles can, of course, be confiscated under current law). The bottom line is that legislation is being rolled out that FORMALLY links the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency) computers with the insurers computers. Whether it's worth all the mucking about is another issue.

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