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Bearing support rings

What are the dimensions of the bearing support rings in the rear hub; part no. 15-7045? Especially the thickness!
Eternal thanks to anybody who can help

email (option): viaconsu # planet dot nl

Re: Bearing support rings

I've got mine apart at the moment so if nobody beats me to an answer I'll measure them up tonight. Might be a few thou out - it's so bloody cold in the shed they have probably shrunk a bit

email (option):

Re: Bearing support rings

whats shrunk in the cold pete

Re: Bearing support rings

pretty much everything but I'm particularly worried about my ring(s). . - wouldn't want to let Hans down.

email (option):

Re: Bearing support rings

Thanks Pete, waiting anxiously
If we meet in Normandy, I'll buy you a cold one

email (option): viaconsu # planet dot nl

Re: Bearing support rings

Right, here goes:
1 7/16 (36.5mm)inner
1 27/32 (46.8mm) outer
5/32 (4mm) thick

Afraid I am unlikely to be at Normandy but I will be at the BSA international in Germany if anyone wants to share a beer or 3

email (option):

Re: Bearing support rings

Thanks Pete

email (option): viaconsu # planet dot nl

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