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Google Earth

I just found out that large areas of England can be seen on Google Earth as photographed in 1945! Here's the BSA factory (Armoury Road) in 1945:


And this is Bracebridge Street (Norton works):


Jan (rewdco)


“And now it's your turn to get up off that couch and go into the deserts, go into the mountains, go under the lakes, rivers, and seas and search for history. You'll never find a more rewarding adventure!” (Clive Cussler)

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Re: Google Earth

As photographed by the Luftwaffe........

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Re: Google Earth

Sir Ewok
As photographed by the Luftwaffe........

There are also quite a few 1943 photographs of the German industry cities, no doubt as photographed by the RAF...

Jan (rewdco)


“And now it's your turn to get up off that couch and go into the deserts, go into the mountains, go under the lakes, rivers, and seas and search for history. You'll never find a more rewarding adventure!” (Clive Cussler)

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Re: Google Earth

The images are dated 1st January 1945 and 'Operation Bodenplatte' most certainly didn't reach as far as the midlands (Scared the hell out of my Dad in the wireless hut on the airfield at Eindhoven though !)

Re: Google Earth

Probably due to the Allied bombing campaign the Luftwaffe film took a long time to come back from the developers.. ...Ian

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Re: Google Earth

No doubt both sides had the aerial David Baileys and some of the photos are very interesting.....

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