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BSA M20 year

I have a frame with number WM20 4739
Is it possible to know the year, contract,
census number?

Re: BSA M20 year

Hi Bruce, Your bike doesn't appear in the BSA frame or Engine ledgers, and it's not listed in the postwar keycards. And it doesn't fall into any known contract.

But I think that makes it all the more exciting. Have you got a frame or a complete bike, if so what is the engine number?

And does it have sidecar lugs on the frame, and is there a brazed on lug for the prop stand.

There is also a vague possability that the number has been restamped, can you take a picture of the number.

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Re: BSA M20 year

The frame is not WM20, it is XM20 4739, and it have
lugs for the sidecar.
I was confused when writing the number,sorry.

Re: BSA M20 year

Hi Bruce..XM20 4739 is 1947....Ian

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