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That looks like one weird movie...Ian

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Re: website pic

Yes with M20's in it

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Re: website pic

Hi Henk, when I saw the picture, I thought you might be hinting of getting the next Normandy trip onto the beach at Arromanche to try this ? Anybody fancy hanging off the back of their bike ?

Re: website pic

"Roman Zair" in Hebrew is "little romance" in Frenchglish. It is an Israeli film from the 60's-70's.
The photos are from the beach of Tel Aviv,
M20 &M21 used to be common daily transportation in the country, at the time.

Re: website pic

Hi Yoram...In that case I guess they were trying to impress the girls!!...though you wouldn't look all that impressive with severe 'sand rash' if it all went wrong.. ....Ian

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Re: website pic

Yes lets try it on the beach in Normandy

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Re: website pic

I tried it last year on Omaha beach and I got in trouble with the police.They where not very pleased with me racing on the beach.
I tried to explain to them that I used to compete in the Red Bull beachrace in Scheveningen Holland at a speed twice as much as the M20 but it didn't help.
Luckily the police only gave me a warning.....
I don't want to push my luck by give it another try in 2011.


Re: website pic

You should just tell them that you are from the D-Day + 24090 wave.


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Re: website pic

Last time I tried stunts on a two wheeler, I ran over my own 'Family Jewels'. Certainly made my eyes water......

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Re: website pic

The movie “Roman Zair” (A small romance as Yoram said) AKA “Lemon Popsicle 5” Or "Eskimo-limon 5" is an Israeli movie, made at 1984, with the subject of youth and maturing at the late 50’s in Tel-Aviv.
Many British bikes are all over the movie. You can watch it on
(Not translated) or the actual bike part at

Very periodic and funny.

However, nowadays you cannot expect getting away with driving on Tel-Aviv beaches...


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Re: website pic

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Re: website pic

They should have put the hysterical fat kid in the oildrum and rolled him over the edge.. . I didn't realise there were cliffs on that part of the coast...
or that an M20 could be made to sound like a Triumph!!....Ian

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