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Ethanol again

It appears many sealants are not suitable for use with this fuel. After a bit of looking around it seems Permatex high performance sealant is suitable for sealing petrol tap threads etc.and will stand exposure to the fuel..readily available on e bay. I am currently looking for a UK/European source...does anyone out there currently use this product?...Ian

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Re: Ethanol again

We stock Permatex thread sealant at work for use on hydraulic pipes and also tapered joints on air and water etc. It's certainly good for filling large gaps. We don't use ethanol though.

I'm not sure which permatex product code it is. I'll have a look tomorrow. It's thick and white and everyone calls it 'spermatex'

If you know the code of the product you need and can use a box of ten then I should be able to get it even if it's a different one.

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Re: Ethanol again

Hi Rik, i'll try to get a code number or similar (or perhaps there is just the one product?).
Loctite 567 PST was another one that was quoted as suitable for the job....Ian

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Re: Ethanol again

Permatex 56521...Ian

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Re: Ethanol again

I've noted the number and I'll see what I can find. How much do you need ?

I just use Dowty washers on my taps.

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Re: Ethanol again

Hi Rik, A couple of tubes should last me a while....let me know how much etc. if you can supply some....Ian

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Re: Ethanol again

Permetex gasket sealer is a good product and I have used it for 35 years and my dad used it before me in our workshops.
The permetex is a brown goo I believe made from a shalack base. I was used by Rolls Royce and recommended for aviation motors.
It never goes hard and seals most things and can be removed easily.
It was readily available from popular automotive parts supplier e.g. REPCO in Australia.
Loctite products are good however you need several loctite items to do the job that permetex does. You can paint it onto threads to preserve them, put it on any gasket or bare metal joints, seal paper gaskets, put it on spoke nipples to seal the threads and seal against the rim to exclude water. It's good on speedo cable ferul nuts to stop them coming loose and still being able to loosen them when necessary. All in all it is a good product and worth keeping in your tool kit.
Ethanol is a curse as it will turn most tank sealers, fuel hoses and filters into mush very quickly. It will also attack some alloys and make them porous e.g. carburettors.

Re: Ethanol again

Thanks for the information Steve...Permatex is the one I will go for....Ian

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Re: Ethanol again

My Model A website is recommending the following product for use when ethanol is part of the mixture, for absorbing water.

Any thoughts on this?

Re: Ethanol again

Interesting Henri...I had heard there were stabilisers (corrosion inhibitors) on the market...this is the first I have seen...Ian

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Re: Ethanol again

So we are now looking for an equivalent product in the UK. Ron

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