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Proper regulator position

One question for the gentlemen in the forum:
I've started working on the wiring harness on my WD16H. Where is the right position for the regulator box? Right or left? Have seen many photos with regulators placed on both the sides..

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Re: Proper regulator position

Hi Kostas, I think all WD Nortons had the regulator clamped to the frame tube above the tool box.


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Re: Proper regulator position

Your drawing is from a B4, but the same goes for the 16H. My M&I manual shows the regulator placed in the same position...

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Re: Proper regulator position

Above the tool box is the only correct position, despite the fact that it then cannot be removed or disconnected without first removing the tool box !

I'd suspect this is the reason that some owners have put them on the other side which would have been more logical except that the box does protect the underside from dirt and spray.

I don't recall a wartime picture showing one on the left.

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Re: Proper regulator position

Although in a different position on the frame the 'clamp to the frame' regulator on the Triumphs are just about as awkward to get at, remove or replace. When I restored the 5SW I connected all the wiring before attaching it to the frame as access afterwards was pretty much impossible...not a brilliant solution...Ian

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