In the front and rear wheel hubs are felt washers, held in retaining rings. These, as well as the felt washers, are hard to find, so I think I'll have to make them myself.
Therefore I need the dimensions of these rings; they are: for the front wheel 24-6841 and 24-6846, and the rear wheel 26-6865.
If you have these rings lying around, please send me the dimensions according to this sketch:
And if you have these rings available and for sale, I'll be very happy; it will save me a lot of time on the lathe...
If I'm correct for the rear wheel the outside dia is the sam as the front wheel RH except for the inside dia, which is larger then the front RH.
You can, and i believe for you no problem correct this dia on a lathe. If you are interested I have 3 cups for sale (Front RH)
There is a firm here in the Netherlands that can make any size of rings in industrial quality felt. The problem is that you have to order at least 10 of each size, and then the fixed cost part will weigh heavily on the price!
A combined order of for instance 20 each size will result in a reasonable price.