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FLEA, rubber bands

I have two enfield fleas, and have often thought the first flea I have has a strange look to the front suspension with the top link going over centre, and resting against the headstock, Just thought it had been re assembled badly,So this week tried putting the rubber bands on the second one, and guess what it looks the same,The bands for the second bike, are new and bought from hitchcocks a year or so back, they at the time were unable to supply the thinner top one,so I cut a standard one down,On the parts list there is no indication of the size / length of the bands what I believe is the bands are too short, any thoughts

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Re: FLEA, rubber bands

Hi Andy. It's strange that Hitchcoks have always had the thick band but never reproduced the thin one. I think they will tell you to cut a thick one down, but it is too short. Some years ago I got a firm in Southampton to bond some stretchy rubber together in various lengths to achieve a reasonably usable band. The one I fitted came un bonded after a time and I managed to find another band somewhere. Perhaps Lex has a source? Ron


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Re: FLEA, rubber bands

Hi chaps,

This is a problem I have encountered too, all repro rubber bands are too strong, and they don't make the top one, I think they are all made for DKW's and they might work on those, but not on the Flea's

I do know that the top one must be reasonable strong/tight otherwise it's not pulling the fork up, and the top links should be more or less at a 45 degree angle, not steeper, and with all repro rubbers this is not the case, and the forks don't really work properly!

Hope this helps,


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Re: FLEA, rubber bands

Thanks for the input chaps, I have also come to this conclusion, the fork angles are all wrong with the new bands from hitchcocks,, I have yet another post war flea intact, and with the correct fork angle, well it looks right in my view, but haven't wanted to take apart to compare the length of the bands,Im going to plod on with the restoration, until I can re visit this problem, Any one else solved this rubber band problem yet? regards to all, thank god the snows gone temp fell to Minus 6 in my workshop fri eve, then shot up by morning to plus 2 outside, what's happening , is it globule cooling now, I know you chaps and chapesse live in colder parts of the world, but us Brits are not used to this, Will go for run on m20 to pub at lunch time, keep the oily bits down folks andrew, h.

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Re: FLEA, rubber bands

You could try to see what is available from an engineering drive train suppliers, they sort of place that would sell the "V" belts as they can also usually supply the flat belt types such as the types that are used on the "Black and Decker" Valvemaster, I'm sure there would be something available

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Re: FLEA, rubber bands

Thanks Dave, will start looking next week,andrew.h.

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