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BSA Contract C7287 tool kit.

I bought a BSA Instruction book for contract C7287 which still had it's tool list in it dated 22 OCT 1940. Here a scan of it.


BSA Contract C7287

BSA Contract C7287

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Re: BSA Contract C7287 tool kit.

Again I see the tool bag, it says standard tool bag.
The pic shows the leather type with the pattern as my Vickers tool bag.
But never seen a BSA picture of the leathere one.
They are either very rare or kept hidden away.

Vickers tool wallet - 1917

It has the same pattern in the leather as these pouches.

Leather pouches

Re: BSA Contract C7287 tool kit.

Reading it again it does say Standard Tool KIT. So not refering to actual the type of tool roll.
It would be interesting to see what tool rolls where used and how they changed over the War period.

Re: BSA Contract C7287 tool kit.

A few years ago several of these tool bags turned up.

I think LV7 NC stands for Norton Cycles?

The box is dated Mar 1943 and has an October 1955 label attached, but its not unusual to find wartime spares repackaged.

The tool bag itself is made of black rexine and has gone very brittle but oddly it has some loops on the back to fit on a belt???





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