For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing .
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
Israel to ban US tourists who had COVID-19 if they are not vaccinated
Individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 in the last six months and wish to enter Israel under the government’s new tourism outline will not be allowed to unless they have a digital recovery certificate, government officials said on Thursday. This means that US travelers, who do not have access to such documentation, will not be able to enter Israel.
US State Dept confirms: Israel would have to authorize Palestinian consulate in Jerusalem
The State Department confirmed in a Senate hearing on Wednesday that it could not open a consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem without Israel’s authorization. Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-Tennessee)…asked Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources Brian McKeon about the matter in a meeting of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
For Biden and Bennett, the honeymoon is over – analysis
It was just two weeks ago that Foreign Minister Yair Lapid and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken were all smiles together in Washington…The inevitable collision between Bennett’s and Biden’s views started to surface in recent days. It started with murmurs last week that the Biden administration was pressuring Bennett to freeze settlement construction…
Jordan is falling apart and Israel could have helped – opinion
Jordan is in trouble. It’s facing internal, external, tribal and economic turmoil. King Abdullah’s hold over his land is wobbling. Across the border in Israel, officials and experts are tsk-tsking, tut-tutting and making general plans for what the fall of the Hashemite kingdom would mean for Israel. This is not Israel’s fault – but it could have been so different.
Chinese missile launch very concerning, says top US general
The top US general has said China’s suspected hypersonic missile test is close to a Sputnik moment, referring to the Soviet satellite launch that sparked a Cold War arms race. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley said in an interview with Bloomberg News that the Chinese military was “expanding rapidly”.
Covid: Moscow shops and restaurants shut in partial lockdown
Shops, restaurants and schools have shut in Moscow in a partial lockdown, as Russia battles record Covid deaths and infections. Only essential shops like supermarkets and pharmacies are allowed to open in the capital, while food outlets are only providing takeaways.
Massive floods hit Catania after entire year’s worth of rain in just 2 days, Italy
Massive flooding hit Italy’s port city of Catania over the past couple of days after the city received its average yearly rainfall in just about 48 hours. Massive damage was reported across the city, at least 2 people have been killed and one remains missing.
First nor’easter of the season hits Northeast, leaving more than 587 000 customers without power, U.S.
A rapidly intensifying coastal storm affecting parts of the Northeast U.S. since October 25, 2021, brought strong winds and flooding rains, from New Jersey into most of southern New England.
Pastor Artur Pawlowski: Bring back God into America if you want liberty back
Pastor Artur Pawlowski of Canada said that bringing back God is a must if Americans desire liberty. He made this claim during the Oct. 22 episode of “Let’s Talk America” on Brighteon.TV. He also warned guest host Renee for the Republic of the tyranny that has taken over Canada and is set to take over the U.S. if left unchecked.
Video: White House Admits To Secretly Trafficking Planes Full Of Illegal Children From Border In Middle Of The Night
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was forced to admit Tuesday that the Biden administration is shipping planeloads of illegal immigrant children to New York City in the middle of the night after photos and footage was captured by The New York Post.
Breaking: comcast censors vax injured 13-yr.-old girl who volunteered for pfizer trial
A new television ad that spotlights Pfizer vaccine-related injuries suffered by 13-year-old Maddie de Garay was killed Friday late afternoon by Comcast attorneys after initially accepting the ad on Thursday.
America’s Frontline Doctor: Microscopic data shows ‘clotting’ in lungs, vessels, brains of jabbed patients
‘Under the microscope, we see clotting in the lungs, we see clotting in the vessels, we see clotting in the brain, not from the virus, but from the spike [protein] from the vaccine itself.’
What “Supply Chain Problem”? Everything Is FINE.
In reality, grocery store shelves are full. They’re full because they took a page from the script of The Interview, in which two goofy journalists go to North Korea to interview/kill Kim Jong Un. At first, they fall for the propaganda, but then one of the journalists enters the shop that looks to be loaded with abundance only to find out that the food is fake.
Pharmacy manager quits over store intercom: ‘I will not give this poison to people’
Did Safeway just become safer? Safeway supermarket pharmacy manager Nichole Belland this week used the Cortez, Colorado Safeway supermarket intercom to inform customers know that she was quitting so as not to administer “this poison” to people, apparently referring to the COVID-19 shot.
‘Severe concerns’: Israeli scientists sound alarm to FDA concerning COVID vaccine
As the U.S. Food and Drug Administration discusses administering COVID-19 vaccines to young children, an independent group of Israeli physicians, lawyers, scientists and researchers is advising the FDA of their “severe concerns” regarding the reliability and legality of official Israeli vaccine data.
FDA endorses murderous vaccine ATROCITIES against children … Emergency Rooms across America being filled with post-vaccine patients suffering serious illness
In a 17-0 decision, an FDA committee has codified medical atrocities against innocent children across America by voting to approve “emergency use” of covid vaccines in children aged 5 – 11.
Abrahamic Business Circle Forum In Dubai With Keynote Speaker Raphael Nagel On ‘Peace And Tolerance Are The Keys For Economic Development’
As we have already shown you, the end times Abraham Accords are absolutely the beginning of a prophetical journey that ends squarely on Daniel 9:27 and Isaiah 28:14-18 in your King James Bibles.
The United States Issues First Passport With ‘X” As A Gender Designation Graphically Illustrating America’s Stunning Moral And Spiritual Decline
The United States today is cheering its own downfall as the Biden administration celebrates issuing the very first American passport with an ‘X’ gender designation where male or female would normally be. In the Bible, words that contain ‘x’ are largely associated with the short-lived reign of Antichrist, which is exactly what America and the rest of this world is preparing themselves for.
Dr. Joel Hirschhorn: Nearly Two Million Americans Dead from COVID Vaccines, Infections, and Collateral Impacts
During the pandemic many deaths have occurred, approaching 2 million Americans. Ponder this: Have large numbers of excess deaths over pre-pandemic years resulted from something other than COVID infections?
The Vatican Begins Administering The Third Round Of The Sacrament Of Vaccination Warns Of ‘Consequences’ To The Heretics Who Refuse The Jab
In the city that Revelation 17 refers to as the ‘mother of harlots’ and the ‘abominations of the earth’, you would not be the least bit surprised to find some of the world’s strictest and most draconian COVID mandates as they force their citizens to receive the sacrament of vaccination. I am talking about, of course, Vatican City and the Devil’s counterfeit Christian religion of Roman Catholicism.
VIDEO: Journalist Reads Filthy Porn Book from School’s Library at FL School Board Meeting – Board Members Call Police to Have Him Forcefully Removed for Reading Obscene Content Aloud
In Orange County, Florida on Tuesday, this Gateway Pundit contributor attended the Orange County Public Schools board meeting to document the discussion on their illegal mask mandate, which is in violation of Governor DeSantis’ executive order banning such mandates on students.
Illinois Senate Votes to Repeal Law That Requires Parents Be Notified Before a Minor Has an Abortion
The Illinois state senate has voted to repeal a law that requires parents be notified before a minor receives an abortion.
Poll: More Than Six in 10 Frenchmen Understand the ‘Great Replacement’ is Underway
A new poll has shown that more than six in 10 Frenchmen realize that the “great replacement” is underway to destroy their nation through demographics.
Pediatric COVID Hospitalizations Plunge As Schools Reopen, Baffling Experts
All summer long, Dr. Anthony Fauci, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky and other unelected federal bureaucrats have been warning that COVID cases will explode as soon as teachers and students return to classrooms in person this fall.
The UN and the Biden Administration Are Conspiring to Bring America It’s Version of the “Final Solution”
The globalists have made a course correction dating back almost 10 years. The globalists, for populist related reasons previously covered on the CSS, have decided that humanity will ultimately be ungovernable and stronger action is needed. This course correction is reflected in the following statement by Zbignew Brzezinski:
Americans Need To Be Fully Prepared For Events Ahead
Over the past several years, we’ve published numerous stories on ANP about the full descent of America’s big cities being transformed into homeless hellholes and crime ridden wastelands and believe it or not, as bad as things have been, things are about to take a huge turn for the worse.
Illegal immigration skyrockets under Biden to third-highest level in 97 years
Data from US Customs and Border Protection shows federal law enforcement stopped 1,956,519 noncitizens attempting to enter the US via illegal crossings through the Canadian and Mexican borders, the Atlantic and Pacific coastlines, or through visa overstays after arrival via a recognized air, land or sea port.
CDC Director: Unvaccinated Police, Government Workers To Be Sent For “Education And Counseling”
Appearing on Fox News Sunday, the CDC Director Rochelle Walensky declared that the Biden regime is planning to provide vaccine hesitant police and other government workers with “education and counseling” to make them “comfortable” about taking the shots.
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
Food inflation in Canada could be as much as twice what official figures say
A new study suggests that the Canadian government is vastly underestimating changes in food costs, and that the real prices increases may be double what has been reported.
South Pole posts most severe cold season on record, an anomaly in a warming world
Amid a record hot summer in large parts of Northern Hemisphere, beset by devastating fires, floods and hurricanes, Antarctica was mired in a deep, deep freeze. That’s typically the case during the southernmost continent’s winter months, but 2021 was different.
Major oil spill hits Orange County coast, California
A major oil spill, believed to have originated from a pipeline leak, hit parts of California’s Orange County, including Huntington Beach on October 2, 2021. The event triggered coastal closures and emergency responses. Wildlife officials warned residents not to approach wildlife affected by the oil slick.
Sen. Ron Johnson: There is not an FDA approved COVID vaccine in the US
Senator Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., claimed that the U.S. still doesn’t have an FDA-approved vaccine as he exposed what was really approved by the government agency on “Fox News Primetime.”
COVID, The Grinch Who’s Stealing Christmas
COVID doesn’t go to church, and yet more than a year and a half after its outbreak, people can’t get into a church in their home towns without being ‘registered’ or are held back from worship of God by other government virus ‘restrictions’. COVID doesn’t hang out down at town and city liquor stores, which have been doing brisk business ever since the pandemic first broke out
NY Gov Hochul Fires Health Care Workers En Masse Amid ‘Pandemic’ For Refusing Vaccines ‘From God’
New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D) ordered thousands of health care workers be fired at midnight on Monday amid a “pandemic” after giving a speech saying Big Pharma’s shots were given to us by “God” and anyone who refuses them is not “listening to God and what God wants.”
Regulations Are STOPPING Doctors From Treating COVID — and People Are Dying
It’s an all-too-common story. A teen I know currently has COVID-19 and is fairly sick. After an emergency-room examination yesterday, he was released from the hospital and he and his mother were simply told, “There’s no treatment protocol for COVID.” Actually, there are effective treatments for COVID.
Mainstream Filth: NBC Contributor Becomes Spokesman for Murky Organization, Attempts to ‘Normalize’ Pedophilic Thoughts
The progressive left has, for too long, dismissed conservative claims that the LGBT agenda normalizes the sexualization of children as “homophobic” or “bigoted.” Yeah … about that. An NBC contributor and vocal proponent of the LGBT movement has been slated as the spokesman for an organization with uncomfortably close ties to the sexualization of children.
Unvaccinated Students Told to Wear Different Coloured Wristbands So They Can be Identified
First year students at the University of Bath have been given armbands by authorities to signal whether they’ve been double-vaccinated, with unvaxxed students having to wear a different colour.
Dissident Catholic Archbishop Viganò Warns Pope Francis is a “Zealous Cooperator” of “Great Reset” Globalist Agenda
A dissident Catholic Archbishop who formerly served as the church’s Apostolic Nuncio to the United States has accused Pope Francis of complicity with a globalist “great reset” coronavirus agenda. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is widely known for accusing Vatican officials of covering up for pedophile Cardinal Theodore McCarrick and exposing financial corruption at the Vatican bank in 2012.
Scenes in Australia Now Look Like Dystopian Horror Flick – And Lt. General Promises EVERYONE Will Have First Dose of Vax by Christmas (VIDEO)
Another violent weekend in the penal colony.
Scenes in Australia today look like some horrific scene from a Hollywood flick.
Pope Francis And The Vatican Will Bring The One World Religion Of Chrislam To The United Nations COP26 Climate Change Conference In Glasgow
If you are a regular reader of Now The End Begins, this article will not come as a surprise to you, but as a beautiful confirmation regarding everything we have already told you concerning Pope Francis, the Vatican, it’s connection to Climate Change, and the coming One World Religion of Chrislam. But even so, you better buckle up, because it’s about to ‘hit the fan’.
D’oh: Twitter Fact Checkers Just Revealed Their Whole Entire Backside as Shameless Shills For Big Pharma
Fact checkers at Twitter and elsewhere furiously took to their keyboards yesterday in defense of America’s Big Pharma Covid profiteers. This time, the fact checkers circled the wagons around Pfizer, which is developing an expensive drug that serves a suspiciously similar function to the cheap, time-tested, generic drug ivermectin. This time, Twitter’s approved fact checkers trafficked in deception, misinformation, and carefully worded lies, as they so often do, in order to “debunk” an article from ZeroHedge.
Breaking: Lights at Bagram Airbase Turned On – Chinese Military Planes Reportedly Seen Landing at Abandoned US Airbase in Afghanistan #BidenEffect
China military planes reportedly landed at Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan. This is after Biden abandoned the base in its hasty surrender of the country.
More US Airlines Impose Vaccine Mandates: American, Alaska, JetBlue
More U.S. air carriers—American Airlines, Alaska Airlines, and JetBlue—have announced that they’ll be requiring employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Taiwan Says 77 Chinese Warplanes Enter its Defense Zone in the Span of Two Days
China sets a new high of incursion to Taiwan’s air defense identification zone (ADIZ) for over two days, the defense ministry in Taipei said on Saturday.
Orwell’s Covid USA! Killer Hospitals, Gov-Induced Socio-Economic Disaster
George Orwell’s 1984 is the script for what is happening today in America. An all-powerful government that is dictating life-and-death decisions upon the uneducated masses who appear powerless or unwilling to exercise their God-given and Constitutional rights to life, liberty, and happiness.
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
Pelosi gets labeled ‘Grandma Death’
A commentary writer who recently labeled President Biden “Viper Joe” for his support for unrestricted abortion for all now has created a name for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who like Biden claims to be Catholic but disregards the church teachings on abortion. It’s “Grandma Death.” “She has five children and nine grandchildren, but her real devotion is to the practice of killing babies before they are born.
The CDC Wants to Ruin Your Holidays (Again)
Obama can have a giant birthday bash. Hollywood can host the Emmy Awards. The Met can hold their ritzy gala. But, @CDCgov wants you to have a virtual holiday party.
China Placed Massive Order For PCR Tests Months Before First Official COVID Case
Months before the first official reports of a novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China, officials in Hubei Province placed a massive order for PCR tests, according to Nikkei, citing a report from researchers – including former intelligence officers – in the U.S., the U.K. and Australia. “Monthly procurement data shows a spike in orders in May, especially from CDC buyers and the People’s Liberation Army,” according to the report.
Zeus temple gate unearthed in Turkey
Archaeologists in western Turkey have excavated the entrance gate of the Temple of Magnesia Zeus, according to the Turkish Hürriyet Daily News. The archeologists noted to Hürriyet Daily News that the newly discovered Zeus gate, the replica of which is on display at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, is part of a well-known temple in the history of architecture just like the Temple of Artemis.
Beam me up: William Shatner to be oldest person in space
William Shatner is set to “boldly go where no man one has gone before” next week when he becomes the oldest person to travel to outer space. “So now I can say something. Yes, it’s true; I’m going to be a ‘rocket man!’” he tweeted. “It’s never too late to experience new things.”
Draghi, Scholz or Macron? Merkel’s crown as Europe’s leader up for grabs
The three contenders to take the helm for the continent as era of outgoing German chancellor draws to a close. One of the most insightful endorsements of Mario Draghi’s leadership came from the Spanish prime minister, Pedro Sanchez, during a visit to Rome in June. Describing the former European Central Bank chief as a “maestro”, Sanchez said: “Whenever Draghi speaks to the European Council, we all fall silent and listen. This isn’t something that happens often.” Olaf Scholz, … Emmanuel Macron, … .
Experts get a ‘golden opportunity’ after archaeologists unearth a Second Temple-period quarry.
ISRAELI archaeologists have discovered the remains of a 2,000-year-old stone quarry, which could throw fresh insight on Biblical Second Temple quarrying practices. The first-century BC archaeological site was discovered in the Har Hotzvim neighborhood in northwest Jerusalem. The excavated area of the quarry is around 6,500 square feet (600 square meters), yet researchers believe it could be three times larger. The site would have been active throughout the Second Temple period, according to the Israel Antiquities Authority
Minnesota statute says refusing vaccine is ‘a fundamental right’
Minnesotans are guaranteed a “fundamental right” to “refuse medical treatment” including “vaccination,” according to an existing state law. Statute 12.39 declares that even in spite of “laws, rules, or orders made or promulgated in response to a national security emergency or peacetime emergency, individuals have a fundamental right to refuse medical treatment, testing, physical or mental examination, vaccination, participation in experimental procedures and protocols, collection of specimens, and preventive treatment programs.” The law additionally mandates that health care providers must notify their patients of their right to refuse any treatment before “performing examinations, testing, treatment, or vaccination.”
Facebook stock falls as global outage continues
Facebook’s stock took a dive Monday as the site suffered one of its worst outages of the past decade with services across its entire suite of products going offline while the tech company struggled to even bring its own internal services back online. The stock ended the day down nearly 5%, with Facebook shedding tens of billions in market cap value as the company sorted through the pieces attempting to diagnose what triggered the outage,
Canary Islands volcano ‘much more aggressive’ as new fissures erupt
The erupting volcano on Spain’s Canary Islands has blown open two more fissures, with authorities reporting “intense” activity in the area. The Cumbre Vieja volcano was “much more aggressive”, almost two weeks after it erupted on the island of La Palma, said Miguel Ángel Morcuende, the technical director of the Canary Islands’ emergency volcano response department. Overnight, scientists recorded eight new earthquakes up to magnitude 3.5.
Quake info: Very strong mag. 6.2 earthquake – South Atlantic Ocean, South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands, on Monday, Oct 4, 2021 1:54 am
Very strong mag. 6.2 earthquake – South Atlantic Ocean, South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands, on Monday, Oct 4, 2021 1:54 am
Tropical Cyclone “Shaheen-Gulab” makes historic landfall in Oman
Tropical Cyclone “Shaheen-Gulab” made landfall between Al Masnaah and Al-Suwaiq, Oman, about 80 km (50 miles) WNW of the capital city of Muscat on October 3, 2021, with maximum sustained winds between 120 and 150 km/h (75 – 93 mph). Shaheen brought extremely heavy rains and waves up to 10 m (32 feet). Tropical cyclones have previously hit northern Oman, but none came as far west as this one.
Massive oil spill hits Orange County beaches, killing birds, marine life, California
A massive oil slick originating from a pipeline leak hit the beaches of Orange County, California over the weekend, raising grave wildlife and environmental concerns.
Top Apple, Tesla Suppliers Suspend Production Amid China Power Crunch
Several suppliers for Apple and Tesla announced the suspension of manufacturing operations in China on Sunday and Monday due to local electricity constraints.
Minnesota Sex Ed Program Asks Students to Role Play Sex Scenarios
Community members and activists expressed anger and concern Monday to a Minnesota school board that reportedly has been using a sex ed program that asks straight students to role play gay and transgender relationships.
Carlson: America Has Not Lost Its Religion — It Just Replaced It with the ‘Cult of the Coronavirus’
Monday, FNC’s Tucker Carlson warned Christianity was being replaced by what he called the “cult of the coronavirus” and what cultural impacts that would have on the country. Carlson referred to Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY), who he noted wore a “vaccinated necklace,” and called her the “high priestess” of the cult.
PURE INSANITY: Now ANYONE with ANY disease in Alberta can be counted as a “covid” case
In order to keep the “case” count high and the plandemic moving right along, government officials in Alberta, Canada, are now counting all illnesses as “covid” in order to justify all the tyranny.
International shipping group issues red alert letter warning of imminent global supply chain collapse… widespread famine, power grid failures and economic ruin are right around the corner
For more than a year, we’ve warned that an engineered collapse of global supply lines was starting to unfold. That collapse is now accelerating at alarming speed, with even the International Chamber of Shipping issuing a red alert letter warning of a, “global transport systems collapse” that’s only going to get worse.
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: China’s Economic Crisis Has Arrived – This Will Impact the Entire World
We’ve reported for years on the China economy and reasons to be concerned. Recently our concerns have arrived.
Why “natural immunity” is a political problem for the regime
Both the Mayo Clinic website and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, for example, insist that “research has not yet shown” that people who have recovered from covid have any sort of reliable protection. Moreover, the CDC page points to a single study from Kentucky claiming that people with natural immunity are more than twice as likely to contract covid again, compared to people who have been vaccinated.
The Vaccines Are 1000% More Deadly Than Covid-19
According to multiple studies the fully vaccinated are at the highest risk of injury and death
As Pope Francis Calls For Chrislam Summit In Rome, Communist China Prepares For The Invasion Of Taiwan
There is so much happening in end times news today, I almost couldn’t decide what direction to go in. Do I talk about the One World Religion Chrislam conclave happening at the Vatican right now that will bring Gaia to the United Nations COP26 Climate Conference? Do I talk about Russia firing sub-launched hypersonic missiles, or the coming invasion of Taiwan by Communist China? Or how about the massive supply chain crisis that is threatening to bring the global economy to a COVID-induced halt? I know, let’s talk about all of it!
Ford Foundation exposed as a communist FRONT pushing anti-America propaganda: leaked texts
A coalition of whistleblowers from the infamous Ford Foundation has come forward to expose the organization’s communist leanings and anti-America agenda.
Australian aboriginal dies six days after second dose of Pfizer vaccine, sending shock waves through the indigenous community
Pharmaceutical companies act like mafia thugs, deploying messages of GUILT and FEAR to coerce people into doing things to their body they wouldn’t normally do. Over 70 percent of Australian aboriginals aren’t afraid to refuse disastrous covid vaccines and live a normal life, free of fear. These indigenous people were marked as “priority groups” when the vaccines first came out.
Power crisis deepens in Asia and Europe: What it means to shipping
There’s panic-buying of gasoline in the U.K. Natural gas prices in Europe and Asia are skyrocketing. Protests are breaking out across Europe due to spiking electricity bills. India and China are short of coal for utilities. Power is being rationed to factories in multiple Chinese provinces — and winter is coming.
CDC Allows Hospitals To Classify Dead Vaxxed People As “Unvaccinated”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have devised a set of rules pertaining to the classification of infectious disease and death. These rules simultaneously inflate the number of covid cases in the unvaccinated and allow hospitals to classify dead vaccinated people as “unvaccinated” deaths.
Swedish Artist Killed in Mysterious Car Crash after Drawing Prophet Mohammed
A Swedish artist, who survived multiple murder attempts after he drew a cartoon of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed, has been killed in a mysterious car crash, according to reports.
Europe Turns To Russia For More Coal As Energy Prices Skyrocket
Energy prices are through the roof across Europe as demand surges and supplies tighten in the wake of the novel coronavirus pandemic. Over the course of the global economic shutdown, energy production has decreased considerably as industries shut down, people stayed inside, and demand for electricity and fuel plummeted. Now, as the world returns to work and gets back to the ‘new normal’, energy demand is back with a vengeance, but the energy supply simply isn’t there.
With gas pumps still dry, Britain brings in the army
Britain will from Monday deploy military tanker drivers to deliver fuel to gas stations, many of which were still dry on Friday after a chaotic week that has seen panic-buying, fights at the pumps and drivers hoarding petrol in water bottles.
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
Newly-found Iranian cyber-espionage may pose ‘real threat’ to Israel
Iranian threat actors are running a highly-targeted cyber-espionage operation against global aerospace and telecommunications companies, stealing sensitive information from targets around Israel and the Middle East, as well as in the United States, Russia, and Europe…
Hamas pushes for prisoner swap, warns of ‘explosion’ during Egypt visit
A Hamas delegation headed by the movement’s leader, Ismail Haniyeh, continued efforts to reach an agreement of calm and prisoner swap, while warning against “violations” of Jerusalem and Palestinian prisoners, during a visit to Egypt on Tuesday.
Is Iran threatening Azerbaijan over Israel ties?
Iran’s media has begun to up the rhetoric against Azerbaijan, with a headline claiming that Baku has “denied the presence of the Zionist regime near the border with Iran,” a claim that appears to contrast with its insinuation that Israel’s close relationship with Azerbaijan is a threat to Tehran.
Facebook harms children and weakens democracy: ex-employee
A former Facebook employee has told US politicians that the company’s sites and apps harm children’s mental health and stoke division in society. Frances Haugen, a 37-year-old former product manager turned whistleblower, heavily criticised the company at a hearing in the Senate. Facebook has faced growing scrutiny and increasing calls for its regulation.
Flash floods hit Marseille after 2 months’ worth of rain overnight, France
Flash floods hit parts of the city of Marseille in southern France on October 4, 2021, after 173 mm (6.8 inches) of rainfall fell overnight, with most of it in the space of 2 hours. The amount represents 2 months’ worth of the city’s average October rainfall. Travel was disrupted in the region and a number of train services were suspended.
Italy breaks national 6-hour rainfall record with 496 mm (19.5 inches)
A weather station in Cairo Montenotte, Province of Savona in the NW Italian region of Liguria, recorded 496 mm (19.5 inches) of rain in just 6 hours on October 4, 2021, breaking the country’s 6-hour rainfall record of 472 mm (18.6 inches) set in 2011. While rain was recorded across the country yesterday, the storm unloaded most of its power in the Savona area.
Robots Take Over Italy’s Vineyards as Wineries Struggle With Covid-19 Worker Shortages
Last year’s grape harvest was a harrowing scramble at Mirko Cappelli’s Tuscan vineyard. With the Italian border closed because of the pandemic, the Eastern European workers he had come to rely on couldn’t get into the country. The company he had contracted to supply grape pickers had no one to offer him. He ultimately found just enough workers to bring the grapes in on time.
Congressional Report: Baby Food Industry Knowingly Sold Products Contaminated With Heavy Metals
A new congressional report released Wednesday revealing the baby food industry has failed to keep products with heavy metals off the shelves spurred calls for federal authorities to enact swift action and tough limits on toxin levels.
Pope Francis Holds Special Gaia One World Religion Meeting With Chrislam Co-Founder Grand Muslim Imam Ahmed Al-Tayeb At Vatican Today
Back in February of 2019, we showed you how Pope Francis flew to Abu Dhabi to present the end times covenant of Chrislam to Grand Imam Ahmed al-Tayeb, how both men signed this document and then sealed their pact by a kiss on the mouth. Today, Ahmed al-Tayeb was present and accounted for at the Vatican as part of Rome’s preparation for their upcoming participation in the COP26 UN Climate Conference in Glasgow in November.
Melbourne cases hit record despite two months of lockdown
Melbourne’s COVID-19 cases surged to record levels on Thursday with officials blaming illegal home gatherings to watch a key sporting event for the spike as a hard lockdown to combat the spread of the Delta variant neared two months.
Canadian Police ARREST Mother in Front of Crying Children After Failing to Show Proof of Vaccination
Footage out of Canada shows Canadian police arresting a mother in front of her children for the crime of not showing her Covid vaccine passport.
School boards want national anti-terror laws used on parents!
A group representing school boards across the country asked President Joe Biden to enforce federal statutes that combat terrorism to address violence and threats directed toward school board members and public schools in a Wednesday letter.
Australian Deputy Premier: Those Declining Vaccines Will “Lose Their Freedoms”
John Barilaro continues to mandate and enforce stay-at-home orders in the former penal colony, years after the arrival of the coronavirus to Australia and mass circulation of the disease.
Israel just nullified vaccine passports for all double jabbed people… now only the triple jabbed get “freedom”
After earlier claiming that only two injections would be necessary in order to obtain a “green pass,” the government of Israel is now forcefully demanding that all Israelis received a third jab of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) in order to maintain the “privilege” of buying and selling.
China PCR test orders soared before first confirmed COVID case
Purchases of PCR tests in China’s Hubei Province surged months before the first official reports of a novel coronavirus case there, according to a report by Australia-based cybersecurity company Internet 2.0.
Denver Police Officer Forced to Take COVID Vaccine, Now He Says He Lost the Ability to Walk
In early August, Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock announced a COVID-19 vaccine mandate. He declared that all city employees, and even some private-sector employees who worked in “high-risk settings,” must be vaccinated by Sept. 30, according to the government’s website.
Company that Handles Billions of Text Messages from Major Cellular Carriers Says its Database was Hacked for Years
Syniverse, a company that handles billions of text messages from cellular carriers, quietly admitted during its filing dated September 27th with the US Security and Exchange Commission that its database was hacked for 5 years.
VERITAS: Pfizer Scientists Admit Natural Antibodies Beat COVID-19 Vaccine, Call Company ‘Evil’
Project Veritas has obtained video of Pfizer scientists admitting the massive pharmaceutical corporation is “evil” and questioning the efficacy of the experimental jabs.
Denver Police Officer Forced to Take COVID Vaccine, Now He Says He Lost the Ability to Walk
In early August, Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock announced a COVID-19 vaccine mandate. He declared that all city employees, and even some private-sector employees who worked in “high-risk settings,” must be vaccinated by Sept. 30, according to the government’s website.
Dr. Francis Collins Stepping Down as Head of NIH
The head of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) is stepping down amid lingering questions regarding his agency’s funding of research in China.
Students Sue St. John’s University Over Vaccine Mandate, Citing Use of Aborted Fetus Cells in Testing
A group of students at St. John’s University (SJU) in New York are suing the school over its COVID-19 vaccination requirement, which they say violates their religious belief regarding abortion.
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
Flooding concerns mount as tropical rainfall deluges Southeast
Heavy rainfall spread across the region already this week, with parts of the Florida Panhandle, Georgia and Alabama reporting several inches of rain Monday. Pensacola, Florida, picked up 8.16 inches of rain, coming in second for the wettest Oct. 4 for the city on record behind the same date in 1995 when Hurricane Opal made landfall in the western Florida Panhandle. This deluge of rain closed roadways in downtown Pensacola and also brought widespread travel disruptions across the region. Flash flood watches and warnings were in effect across the Florida Panhandle, much of Alabama, northern Georgia, as well as across parts of Mississippi and Louisiana.
Fauci-funded scientist planned to create novel coronavirus in 2018
American and Chinese scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology planned in 2018 to create a novel coronavirus not found in nature, according to a grant proposal. EcoHealth Alliance, the non-profit led by Peter Daszak and funded in part by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s agency, submitted the proposal to the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, the Telegraph of London reported. “They would then synthesise the viral genome from the computer sequence, thus creating a virus genome that did not exist in nature but looks natural as it is the average of natural viruses,” the WHO source told the Telegraph. “Then they put that RNA in a cell and recover the virus from it. This creates a virus that has never existed in nature, with a new ‘backbone’ that didn’t exist in nature but is very, very similar as it’s the average of natural backbones.”
Macron to meet Biden at G20, hopes to “re-engage”
French President Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday he would meet his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden in Rome at the Group of 20 summit at the end of October to “re-engage” and to move on after a rift over a U.S. military pact with Australia. “We will catch up during the G20. I think it is the right occasion to see how we can re-engage … it is about facts and what to do together,” Macron said as he arrived for a summit dinner in Slovenia.
1st substantial snowfall of season on the way for Rockies
Over the next few days, temperatures will begin a gradual downward trend. Cooler air already arrived in the Northwest on Tuesday in the wake of a cold front. Seattle managed a high of only 55 degrees, which is 10 degrees below normal. This front will continue to move farther inland “A storm will begin to cool things down across the northern Rockies on Thursday and Friday, with areas from northern Nevada into Montana and Wyoming getting some rainfall,”
Biggest interstellar comet ever seen approaching solar system
Scientists believe Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein came from outside of our solar system and is the largest interstellar comet ever discovered.(Video)
The coldest place on Earth just had its coldest winter on record
Unprecedented bouts of extreme heat and increased ice melting events have become the common topics of global warming worries. But in the South Pole, the opposite effects have been just as jarring in recent months. Unlike its flashier cousin, the North Pole, which has been made famous for its mythical holiday residents, the South Pole hasn’t been as directly exposed to the effects of a heating climate. While rising temperatures and melting ice shelves have caused some worry for climatologists, the South Pole has been largely spared from the effects seen at the North Pole, which has endured widespread glacial melting and was even shrouded in wildfire smoke this summer.
Taiwan defence minister says tensions with China are the worst in four decades
Military tensions with China are at their worst in more than 40 years, Taiwan’s defence minister said on Wednesday (Oct 6), days after record numbers of Chinese aircraft flew into the island’s air defence zone. Tensions have hit a new high between Taipei and Beijing, which claims the island as its own territory, and Chinese military aircraft have repeatedly flown through Taiwan’s air defence identification zone.
Biden approval rating hits new low
Joe Biden’s popularity among everyday Americans is taking a beating, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday. The poll found that Biden’s approval rating has dropped to 38%, down from 42% three weeks ago.
Tel Aviv University research: Non-invasive brain stimulation of the elderly is expected to improve mobility and reduce the risk of falls
Researchers at Tel Aviv University (TAU) have discovered that mild, non-invasive stimulation of a specific aea in the brain of older adults improves their ability to maintain their balance and walk safely while carrying out other cognitively demanding tasks. The researchers stimulated the dorsal lateral pre-frontal cortex (DLPFC), a cognitive brain area responsible for dividing attention and executive functions. They found that this stimulation significantly reduced the immediate, negative impact of a dual-task on standing and walking performance.
Retaliating against church amid COVID lands government official in hot water
There have been a multitude of lawsuits over the last year over various governmental orders to churches and faith organizations to simply shut down during the COVID -19 pandemic. Many have been resolved in favor of the churches’ First Amendment rights, while a few remain pending. But one fight in California, a state that was especially aggressive in targeting churches and limiting their rights, has moved to a new level: a county lawyer is being named as a defendant for retaliating against a church. a federal judge has approved adding a lawyer for the Santa Clara County, California, government as a defendant in a lawsuit over the government’s attack on Christian churches during the COVID pandemic.
Colorado woman denied kidney transplant because she’s unvaccinated
‘Palestinian state will not be established’
Speaking with the UAE-based news outlet The National, Shaked ruled out talks on Palestinian statehood, both during Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s term, as well as after Yair Lapid rotates in as premier.
Court approves of silent Jewish prayer on Temple Mount
For the first time since Jewish prayer returned to the Temple Mount, following a court approval which gave it legal standing.
What is ***** Theory and How Are Churches Embracing It Either Intentionally or Inadvertently
***** theory seeks to understand–from a secular perspective–why heterosexuality has been deemed by society as the “normal” and “moral” standard by which human sexuality is judged. For the ***** theorist, heteronormativity has been historically augmented in society through its institutions, including the Church, the legal system, and academics. While heteronormativity is certainly on the decline today, it’s important to understand how Churches–including Evangelical churches–have contributed to its decline through its embrace of ***** theory. In fact, Black Lives Matter–both the movement and the organization–stem from the same Marxist roots and are fundamentally inseparable as a movement. The movement is, in and of itself, destructive of Western society, objective morality, and objective normativity.
Newly-found Iranian cyber-espionage may pose ‘real threat’ to Israel
Iranian threat actors are running a highly-targeted cyber-espionage operation against global aerospace and telecommunications companies, stealing sensitive information from targets around Israel and the Middle East, as well as in the United States, Russia, and Europe, according to a report published Wednesday by Israeli cybersecurity company Cybereason. Cybereason identified the previously unknown state actor, dubbed MalKamak, running a sophisticated new form of malware that was previously unknown, during an incident response call for one of its clients, said Assaf Dahan, head of the cyber threat research group at Cybereason. The potential risk inherent in such an assault campaign is large and significant for the State of Israel and may pose a real threat.”
Egypt to increase trade with Gaza starting Sunday – report
Egypt has agreed to allow increased trade and travel through the Rafah crossing with Gaza Strip starting on Sunday, as a Hamas delegation meets with Egyptian officials in Cairo, the Lebanese Al-Akhbar newspaper reported on Thursday. According to the report, the Egyptians agreed to allow construction materials, including iron, to increase imports into Gaza…
Israel hints Oman is next to join Abraham Accords
A top Israeli foreign ministry official suggested that Oman will likely be the next country to join the Abraham Accords, leading to full normalization between the countries. Eliav Benjamin…met via Zoom with reporters on Tuesday to discuss the status of the accords reached last year between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan.
Pakistan earthquake kills 20 in Balochistan province
At least 20 people have been killed after an earthquake struck Pakistan’s southern Balochistan province early on Thursday, officials have told the BBC. Authorities say the death toll may increase, and that many people were killed when structures collapsed. Many of the dead were women and children, the Reuters news agency said.
Italy sets new European 12-hour rainfall record
A severe storm stalled over NW Italy on October 4, 2021, dumping record-breaking rain and causing floods and landslides. In addition, the storm produced more than half a million lightning strikes within 48 hours.
Pfizer accused of testing COVID vaccine on orphans
According to The Daily Expose, the Children’s Health Protection Organization recently received a report from Poland that Pfizer is testing the COVID vaccine on 6-month-old orphans. In response, members of the Polish Parliament and Senate organized an emergency meeting on Oct. 2 to discuss the medical, legal and ethical relationship of medical testing on infants and children.
Ok, We’ll Ask The Question, If New South Wales PM Resigned For Pushing VAX With Millions From Pfizer, What About Old Joe?
This morning saw six more politicians on the staff of former New South Wales, Australia Premier Gladys Berejiklian resign over corruption allegations. The crux of the issue is that Berejiklian has reportedly been taking tens of millions of dollars for pushing the big Pharma vaccines on the Australian people, locking them down, and destroying lives and businesses.
VAERS DATA SHOCKER: Total number of deaths from Covid vaccines nearly double all deaths from all other vaccines combined since 1990, at nearly 500 deaths per week
How convenient that the vaccine industry and the CDC are engaged in labeling vaccine deaths during the first two weeks as “unvaccinated,” so it will look like Covid caused the death instead of the blood-clotting, heart-inflaming China Flu jabs.
VIDEO: Fauci Says You Must Give Up The ‘Individual Right Of Making Your Own Decision For The Greater Good Of Society’
Biden regime medical advisor Anthony Fauci insisted that the American people must “give up” their individual rights and freedoms for the “greater good” of society by injecting themselves with COVID vaccines and wearing masks even it goes against their beliefs.
UK Government Report: Vast Majority of Delta Variant Deaths Are VACCINATED People, NOT Unvaccinated People
A Public Health England Technical briefing released in September 2021 entitled “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England” has some findings that do not bode well for vaccine supporters. The numbers show vaccinated people contracted and died of the so-called “Delta” variant of Coronavirus at a far greater rate than unvaccinated people between February 1, 2021 and September 12, 2021.
Energy Crisis Forces German Power Plant to Halt on Lack of Coal
The global energy crunch forced a German electricity producer to halt a power plant after it ran out of coal.
Biden & Fauci Cult of Coronavirus Religion Will NEVER Replace Christianity
Just days ago, I wrote in a column that COVID doesn’t go to church: “COVID doesn’t go to church, and yet more than a year and a half after its outbreak, people can’t get into a church in their home towns without being ‘registered’ or are held back from worship of God by other government virus ‘restrictions’.
Founders Of Moderna Therapeutics, Funded With Tens Of Millions From Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Lands On Forbes 400 Richest For COVID Vaccine
Want to have a little end times fun? Then try this. Google ‘bill gates moderna’ and see what pops up, you will get USA Today warning you of a conspiracy theory, you will get purveyors of comic news Snopes telling you Bill Gates is not tied to Moderna, even Reuters weighs in telling you Bill Gates is not tied to Moderna. Well, must be true, right? The truth is that Moderna has received tens of millions from Bill Gates.
Communist China Threatens to Trigger World War Three ‘At Any Time’
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has sent out a bone-chilling threat, warning that it could trigger World War Three “at any time.” The warning comes as China continues to ramp up aggression toward other nations, particularly Taiwan.
US and Chinese scientists were planning to create a brand new coronavirus, leaked proposals show
US and Chinese scientists were planning to create a new coronavirus before the pandemic erupted, leaked proposals show. Last month, a grant application submitted to the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) revealed that an international team of scientists had planned to mix genetic data of similar strains to create a new virus.
Nearly 200,000 At-Home Covid Tests Recalled Over False Positives
Ellume, an Australian company that makes a widely available at-home coronavirus test, has recalled nearly 200,000 test kits because of concerns about a higher-than-expected rate of false positives. That represents about 5.6 percent of the approximately 3.5 million test kits Ellume has shipped to the United States.
It Begins: Federal Investigators Are Issuing Warrants for Google to Turn Over Anyone Typing in Certain Search Terms
It begins. The federal government is issuing warrants from compliant Google to turn over anyone typing in certain search terms.
The Christian Church must lead the charge to save America
We can no longer disengage from any of the battlefields where the war is being waged. We must confront this demonic enemy head-on. The repercussions of losing this war are quite serious. If the church falls, so does America.
Colorado Hospital Denies Life-Saving Transplant Operations To The Unvaccinated In Growing Trend To Kill All Those Who Refuse The Vaccine
They thought they could institute the Nazi-like ‘death panels’ with the rollout of Obamacare, but try as they might, the American people rejected it. But that was then, and this is now, and COVID might just be the ‘golden ticket’ they’ve been looking for.
California Now Bans State-funded Travel to One-third of America
California’s Democrats have now banned state-funded travel to so many states in protest at their legislation on social issues that the bans now cover one-third of the United States by population, after a new ban on Ohio was introduced last month.
SHOCKING: Soros-Funded Scout Troop Pushes Underage Girls and Boys to Strip and Perform Sexually Explicit “Games” in Macedonia
The parent of a teenage girl blew the whistle on a horrific case of abuse in a scout group where adult instructors had underage children conduct sex games.
Jane Stroud: British woman develops gruesome skin disorder after second AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injection
A British woman originally from Nigeria is struggling to live a normal life with her new, horrifying reality that is unlikely to resolve itself anytime soon.
Academia Is Establishing A Permanent Surveillance Bureaucracy That Will Soon Govern The Rest Of The Country
Having now received a tsunami of messages from people across the US (and a few internationally) about the surveillance regimes being permanently installed at their educational institutions — in contravention of earlier assurances that the current academic year would mark a long-awaited “return to normalcy,” thanks to the onset of mass vaccination — there are a few conclusions to draw.
Black History Month Website Quietly Deletes Article Calling White People ‘Genetically Defective Mutants’
The official Black History Month website has been caught promoting the racist claim that white people are “genetically defective mutants.”
Workers who maintain supply chains issue bone-chilling warning every American needs to hear
Global experts in trade logistics, who know more about getting things from point A to point B than President Joe Biden does about ice cream, are asking authorities to simply let them do their jobs unrestrained after almost two years of coronavirus red tape.
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
Flooding concerns mount as tropical rainfall deluges Southeast
Heavy rainfall spread across the region already this week, with parts of the Florida Panhandle, Georgia and Alabama reporting several inches of rain Monday. Pensacola, Florida, picked up 8.16 inches of rain, coming in second for the wettest Oct. 4 for the city on record behind the same date in 1995 when Hurricane Opal made landfall in the western Florida Panhandle. This deluge of rain closed roadways in downtown Pensacola and also brought widespread travel disruptions across the region. Flash flood watches and warnings were in effect across the Florida Panhandle, much of Alabama, northern Georgia, as well as across parts of Mississippi and Louisiana.
Fauci-funded scientist planned to create novel coronavirus in 2018
American and Chinese scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology planned in 2018 to create a novel coronavirus not found in nature, according to a grant proposal. EcoHealth Alliance, the non-profit led by Peter Daszak and funded in part by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s agency, submitted the proposal to the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, the Telegraph of London reported. “They would then synthesise the viral genome from the computer sequence, thus creating a virus genome that did not exist in nature but looks natural as it is the average of natural viruses,” the WHO source told the Telegraph. “Then they put that RNA in a cell and recover the virus from it. This creates a virus that has never existed in nature, with a new ‘backbone’ that didn’t exist in nature but is very, very similar as it’s the average of natural backbones.”
Macron to meet Biden at G20, hopes to “re-engage”
French President Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday he would meet his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden in Rome at the Group of 20 summit at the end of October to “re-engage” and to move on after a rift over a U.S. military pact with Australia. “We will catch up during the G20. I think it is the right occasion to see how we can re-engage … it is about facts and what to do together,” Macron said as he arrived for a summit dinner in Slovenia.
1st substantial snowfall of season on the way for Rockies
Over the next few days, temperatures will begin a gradual downward trend. Cooler air already arrived in the Northwest on Tuesday in the wake of a cold front. Seattle managed a high of only 55 degrees, which is 10 degrees below normal. This front will continue to move farther inland “A storm will begin to cool things down across the northern Rockies on Thursday and Friday, with areas from northern Nevada into Montana and Wyoming getting some rainfall,”
Biggest interstellar comet ever seen approaching solar system
Scientists believe Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein came from outside of our solar system and is the largest interstellar comet ever discovered.(Video)
The coldest place on Earth just had its coldest winter on record
Unprecedented bouts of extreme heat and increased ice melting events have become the common topics of global warming worries. But in the South Pole, the opposite effects have been just as jarring in recent months. Unlike its flashier cousin, the North Pole, which has been made famous for its mythical holiday residents, the South Pole hasn’t been as directly exposed to the effects of a heating climate. While rising temperatures and melting ice shelves have caused some worry for climatologists, the South Pole has been largely spared from the effects seen at the North Pole, which has endured widespread glacial melting and was even shrouded in wildfire smoke this summer.
Taiwan defence minister says tensions with China are the worst in four decades
Military tensions with China are at their worst in more than 40 years, Taiwan’s defence minister said on Wednesday (Oct 6), days after record numbers of Chinese aircraft flew into the island’s air defence zone. Tensions have hit a new high between Taipei and Beijing, which claims the island as its own territory, and Chinese military aircraft have repeatedly flown through Taiwan’s air defence identification zone.
Biden approval rating hits new low
Joe Biden’s popularity among everyday Americans is taking a beating, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday. The poll found that Biden’s approval rating has dropped to 38%, down from 42% three weeks ago.
Tel Aviv University research: Non-invasive brain stimulation of the elderly is expected to improve mobility and reduce the risk of falls
Researchers at Tel Aviv University (TAU) have discovered that mild, non-invasive stimulation of a specific aea in the brain of older adults improves their ability to maintain their balance and walk safely while carrying out other cognitively demanding tasks. The researchers stimulated the dorsal lateral pre-frontal cortex (DLPFC), a cognitive brain area responsible for dividing attention and executive functions. They found that this stimulation significantly reduced the immediate, negative impact of a dual-task on standing and walking performance.
Retaliating against church amid COVID lands government official in hot water
There have been a multitude of lawsuits over the last year over various governmental orders to churches and faith organizations to simply shut down during the COVID -19 pandemic. Many have been resolved in favor of the churches’ First Amendment rights, while a few remain pending. But one fight in California, a state that was especially aggressive in targeting churches and limiting their rights, has moved to a new level: a county lawyer is being named as a defendant for retaliating against a church. a federal judge has approved adding a lawyer for the Santa Clara County, California, government as a defendant in a lawsuit over the government’s attack on Christian churches during the COVID pandemic.
Colorado woman denied kidney transplant because she’s unvaccinated
‘Palestinian state will not be established’
Speaking with the UAE-based news outlet The National, Shaked ruled out talks on Palestinian statehood, both during Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s term, as well as after Yair Lapid rotates in as premier.
Court approves of silent Jewish prayer on Temple Mount
For the first time since Jewish prayer returned to the Temple Mount, following a court approval which gave it legal standing.
What is ***** Theory and How Are Churches Embracing It Either Intentionally or Inadvertently
***** theory seeks to understand–from a secular perspective–why heterosexuality has been deemed by society as the “normal” and “moral” standard by which human sexuality is judged. For the ***** theorist, heteronormativity has been historically augmented in society through its institutions, including the Church, the legal system, and academics. While heteronormativity is certainly on the decline today, it’s important to understand how Churches–including Evangelical churches–have contributed to its decline through its embrace of ***** theory. In fact, Black Lives Matter–both the movement and the organization–stem from the same Marxist roots and are fundamentally inseparable as a movement. The movement is, in and of itself, destructive of Western society, objective morality, and objective normativity.
Newly-found Iranian cyber-espionage may pose ‘real threat’ to Israel
Iranian threat actors are running a highly-targeted cyber-espionage operation against global aerospace and telecommunications companies, stealing sensitive information from targets around Israel and the Middle East, as well as in the United States, Russia, and Europe, according to a report published Wednesday by Israeli cybersecurity company Cybereason. Cybereason identified the previously unknown state actor, dubbed MalKamak, running a sophisticated new form of malware that was previously unknown, during an incident response call for one of its clients, said Assaf Dahan, head of the cyber threat research group at Cybereason. The potential risk inherent in such an assault campaign is large and significant for the State of Israel and may pose a real threat.”
Egypt to increase trade with Gaza starting Sunday – report
Egypt has agreed to allow increased trade and travel through the Rafah crossing with Gaza Strip starting on Sunday, as a Hamas delegation meets with Egyptian officials in Cairo, the Lebanese Al-Akhbar newspaper reported on Thursday. According to the report, the Egyptians agreed to allow construction materials, including iron, to increase imports into Gaza…
Israel hints Oman is next to join Abraham Accords
A top Israeli foreign ministry official suggested that Oman will likely be the next country to join the Abraham Accords, leading to full normalization between the countries. Eliav Benjamin…met via Zoom with reporters on Tuesday to discuss the status of the accords reached last year between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan.
Pakistan earthquake kills 20 in Balochistan province
At least 20 people have been killed after an earthquake struck Pakistan’s southern Balochistan province early on Thursday, officials have told the BBC. Authorities say the death toll may increase, and that many people were killed when structures collapsed. Many of the dead were women and children, the Reuters news agency said.
Italy sets new European 12-hour rainfall record
A severe storm stalled over NW Italy on October 4, 2021, dumping record-breaking rain and causing floods and landslides. In addition, the storm produced more than half a million lightning strikes within 48 hours.
Pfizer accused of testing COVID vaccine on orphans
According to The Daily Expose, the Children’s Health Protection Organization recently received a report from Poland that Pfizer is testing the COVID vaccine on 6-month-old orphans. In response, members of the Polish Parliament and Senate organized an emergency meeting on Oct. 2 to discuss the medical, legal and ethical relationship of medical testing on infants and children.
Ok, We’ll Ask The Question, If New South Wales PM Resigned For Pushing VAX With Millions From Pfizer, What About Old Joe?
This morning saw six more politicians on the staff of former New South Wales, Australia Premier Gladys Berejiklian resign over corruption allegations. The crux of the issue is that Berejiklian has reportedly been taking tens of millions of dollars for pushing the big Pharma vaccines on the Australian people, locking them down, and destroying lives and businesses.
VAERS DATA SHOCKER: Total number of deaths from Covid vaccines nearly double all deaths from all other vaccines combined since 1990, at nearly 500 deaths per week
How convenient that the vaccine industry and the CDC are engaged in labeling vaccine deaths during the first two weeks as “unvaccinated,” so it will look like Covid caused the death instead of the blood-clotting, heart-inflaming China Flu jabs.
VIDEO: Fauci Says You Must Give Up The ‘Individual Right Of Making Your Own Decision For The Greater Good Of Society’
Biden regime medical advisor Anthony Fauci insisted that the American people must “give up” their individual rights and freedoms for the “greater good” of society by injecting themselves with COVID vaccines and wearing masks even it goes against their beliefs.
UK Government Report: Vast Majority of Delta Variant Deaths Are VACCINATED People, NOT Unvaccinated People
A Public Health England Technical briefing released in September 2021 entitled “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England” has some findings that do not bode well for vaccine supporters. The numbers show vaccinated people contracted and died of the so-called “Delta” variant of Coronavirus at a far greater rate than unvaccinated people between February 1, 2021 and September 12, 2021.
Energy Crisis Forces German Power Plant to Halt on Lack of Coal
The global energy crunch forced a German electricity producer to halt a power plant after it ran out of coal.
Biden & Fauci Cult of Coronavirus Religion Will NEVER Replace Christianity
Just days ago, I wrote in a column that COVID doesn’t go to church: “COVID doesn’t go to church, and yet more than a year and a half after its outbreak, people can’t get into a church in their home towns without being ‘registered’ or are held back from worship of God by other government virus ‘restrictions’.
Founders Of Moderna Therapeutics, Funded With Tens Of Millions From Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Lands On Forbes 400 Richest For COVID Vaccine
Want to have a little end times fun? Then try this. Google ‘bill gates moderna’ and see what pops up, you will get USA Today warning you of a conspiracy theory, you will get purveyors of comic news Snopes telling you Bill Gates is not tied to Moderna, even Reuters weighs in telling you Bill Gates is not tied to Moderna. Well, must be true, right? The truth is that Moderna has received tens of millions from Bill Gates.
Communist China Threatens to Trigger World War Three ‘At Any Time’
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has sent out a bone-chilling threat, warning that it could trigger World War Three “at any time.” The warning comes as China continues to ramp up aggression toward other nations, particularly Taiwan.
US and Chinese scientists were planning to create a brand new coronavirus, leaked proposals show
US and Chinese scientists were planning to create a new coronavirus before the pandemic erupted, leaked proposals show. Last month, a grant application submitted to the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) revealed that an international team of scientists had planned to mix genetic data of similar strains to create a new virus.
Nearly 200,000 At-Home Covid Tests Recalled Over False Positives
Ellume, an Australian company that makes a widely available at-home coronavirus test, has recalled nearly 200,000 test kits because of concerns about a higher-than-expected rate of false positives. That represents about 5.6 percent of the approximately 3.5 million test kits Ellume has shipped to the United States.
It Begins: Federal Investigators Are Issuing Warrants for Google to Turn Over Anyone Typing in Certain Search Terms
It begins. The federal government is issuing warrants from compliant Google to turn over anyone typing in certain search terms.
The Christian Church must lead the charge to save America
We can no longer disengage from any of the battlefields where the war is being waged. We must confront this demonic enemy head-on. The repercussions of losing this war are quite serious. If the church falls, so does America.
Colorado Hospital Denies Life-Saving Transplant Operations To The Unvaccinated In Growing Trend To Kill All Those Who Refuse The Vaccine
They thought they could institute the Nazi-like ‘death panels’ with the rollout of Obamacare, but try as they might, the American people rejected it. But that was then, and this is now, and COVID might just be the ‘golden ticket’ they’ve been looking for.
California Now Bans State-funded Travel to One-third of America
California’s Democrats have now banned state-funded travel to so many states in protest at their legislation on social issues that the bans now cover one-third of the United States by population, after a new ban on Ohio was introduced last month.
SHOCKING: Soros-Funded Scout Troop Pushes Underage Girls and Boys to Strip and Perform Sexually Explicit “Games” in Macedonia
The parent of a teenage girl blew the whistle on a horrific case of abuse in a scout group where adult instructors had underage children conduct sex games.
Jane Stroud: British woman develops gruesome skin disorder after second AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injection
A British woman originally from Nigeria is struggling to live a normal life with her new, horrifying reality that is unlikely to resolve itself anytime soon.
Academia Is Establishing A Permanent Surveillance Bureaucracy That Will Soon Govern The Rest Of The Country
Having now received a tsunami of messages from people across the US (and a few internationally) about the surveillance regimes being permanently installed at their educational institutions — in contravention of earlier assurances that the current academic year would mark a long-awaited “return to normalcy,” thanks to the onset of mass vaccination — there are a few conclusions to draw.
Black History Month Website Quietly Deletes Article Calling White People ‘Genetically Defective Mutants’
The official Black History Month website has been caught promoting the racist claim that white people are “genetically defective mutants.”
Workers who maintain supply chains issue bone-chilling warning every American needs to hear
Global experts in trade logistics, who know more about getting things from point A to point B than President Joe Biden does about ice cream, are asking authorities to simply let them do their jobs unrestrained after almost two years of coronavirus red tape.
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
Strong M6.1 earthquake hits near Tokyo, Japan
A strong earthquake registered by the JMA as M6.1 hit near Tokyo, Japan at 13:41 UTC (22:41 LT) on October 7, 2021, at a depth of 80 km (50 miles). The USGS is reporting M5.9 at a depth of 62 km (38 miles), EMSC M5.9 at 80 km (50 miles).
Shallow M5.9 earthquake hits Pakistan, killing at least 20 and injuring over 300
A shallow earthquake registered by Pakistan’s National Seismic Monitoring Centre (NSMC) as M5.9 hit near Harnai, Balochistan Province at 22:01 UTC on October 6, 2021 (03:01 LT, October 7). The agency is reporting a depth of 15 km (9.3 miles). The USGS registered it as M5.9 at a depth of 9 km (5.6 miles); EMSC M5.7 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).
Large planet wide movement — Earthquake activity increase across whole regions
The large spread from the deep M7.3 this past week is now taking place. M5.9 to M6.0+ spreading out and away in all directions from the M7.3 deep location .
US State With Highest Vaccination Rate Hit by Virus Surge
Vermont, the state with the highest vaccination rate in the United States, is experiencing a CCP virus surge at levels not seen since the pandemic’s peak last winter.
Coal’s Resurgence: Futures Rally to Fresh Record Highs
This year, U.S. coal prices have staged a fierce comeback amid renewed global demand and supply cuts. As parts of Europe and Asia face a growing energy crisis, industry observers project that the fossil fuel’s gains could be extended into 2022, prompting more countries to increase production and shipments.
Dominos Fall As Germany’s Largest Ammonia Producer Slashes Output Amid Energy Crisis
A natural gas shortage across Europe has created supply-chain shocks, as seen in the food industry, where problems continue to worsen. European natgas prices are at insane levels, triggering a domino effect of output reduction or closures of fertilizer plants on the continent.
Largest Human Trafficking Sting in Ohio History Nets 161, Including Democratic City Councilman
An Elyria City Council member was arrested Thursday as part of a statewide prostitution sting overseen by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.
As A Bible Believing Christian, I Reject The COVID-19 Vaccine With its Aborted Fetal Tissue And The Vaccination Passport Mark Of The Beast Prototype
Yesterday, pretend president Joe Biden falsely claimed yet again that vaccinated people cannot spread the COVID-19 coronavirus touting his administration’s implementation of vaccine mandates for federal workers and active-duty military and push to mandate large businesses when he made the questionable remarks.
WHO database reports over 2 million potential COVID jab injuries in 2021, vast majority in women
The World Health Organization’s publicly accessible database recording reported potential side effects of medicinal products shows over 2 million cases of possible COVID vaccine injuries in 2021 alone, with 69 percent of the cases occurring in female patients.
Joy Behar Says Black People Should Trust the Vaccines Because ‘…the Experiment Has Been Done on White People’
The View cohost Joy Behar raised more than a few eyebrows while urging black people to get the vaccine. Behar said that black people shouldn’t have vaccine hesitancy because “…the experiment has been done on white people.”
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Clayton Missouri School District Is Using US AG Garland’s Son-In-Law’s Panorama Books Pushing CRT – Is Your District Too?
We have uncovered that the Clayton Missouri Board of Education is using the conterversial Panorama literature in the school district’s educational curriculum. How many school districts around the country are paying for this racist garbage?
In Stunning Rebuke, Poland’s Top Court Rules Polish Law Takes Presedence Over The EU
In a stinging rebuke to Europe’s unelected bureaucrats, and a major escalation in the rule of law crisis between Warsaw and Brussels, Poland’s constitutional court ruled on Thursday that Polish law can take precedence over EU law amid an ongoing dispute between the European bloc and the eastern European member state
BBC: “Nearly 13% of hospital patients with confirmed Covid were unvaccinated.” You Mean, 87% Were Vaccinated?
To the BBC, this headline was best. “Covid-19 in Wales: A third of positive cases are unvaccinated.” Correctly translated, this means that at least 66% were vaccinated, but wait, there’s more! In the second paragraph, we learn that “Nearly 13% of hospital patients with confirmed Covid were unvaccinated.” So, 87% were vaccinated. But wait, there’s more!
China warns World War Three could be triggered ‘at any time
China has warned that World War Three could be triggered ‘at any time’ after it sent dozens of warplanes into Taiwan’s airspace. An article in the state-backed Global Times newspaper on Tuesday said that ‘collusion’ between the US and Taiwan was so ‘audacious’ that the situation ‘has almost lost any room for manoeuvre, teetering on the edge of a face-off.’ It claimed that the people of China were ready to back all-out war with the US, warning the island nation against ‘playing with fire’.
It Was A Con – White House Has No Idea When, or Even If, OSHA Will Ever Provide Rules to Support Legally Enforceable Worker Vaccine Mandate
On September 9th, Joe Biden made the announcement that all employers with more than 100 workers would be required to enforce a national worker vaccine mandate. The White House stated that OSHA would, “develop a rule that will require all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated.”
Vietnam Veteran Reportedly Died From COVID-19 After Hospital Rejected Court Order to Treat Him With Ivermectin
An upstate New York hospital was so dead set against administering Ivermectin that they ended up with a dead patient.
The Whole World Is Watching Bill Gates Dream Of Forcing A Vaccine And Digital ID On Every Human Being Come True
Bill Gates actually announced the coming biometric digital identification we now know as the COVID-19 Vaccine Passport back in a talk given in March of 2020, that segment was edited out by the producers. That turned out to be a very wise move, because that gave the massive fear campaign they’ve been runnin non-stop time to do its work in convincing people that ‘normalcy’ cannot be achieved with receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, the various booster shots as well as the mandatory Vaccine Passport. We have that edited audio to play for you today, and so much more.
Workers who maintain supply chains issue bone-chilling warning every American needs to hear
Global experts in trade logistics, who know more about getting things from point A to point B than President Joe Biden does about ice cream, are asking authorities to simply let them do their jobs unrestrained after almost two years of coronavirus red tape.
Will 2021 Boast The Reddest October Ever?
..Recently the dragon has arisen–Red China, the communist world leader and belligerent nuclear superpower, openly bidding for world domination and a the destruction of all good people of every color, this time over the whole globe.
CLOWN SHOW: Pretend President Joe Biden Now Broadcasts From A Fake White House Stage Set Where He Faked Getting COVID-19 Booster Shot
How bad is pretend president Joe Biden’s mental decline and cognitive ability? It’s so bad that the White House was forced to created an entire fake White House stage set where Biden can easily be told what to say through ear buds, and utilize a covert series of hidden monitors for his daily script. Biden is basically a husk on digital life support and being used to make you think he is in charge when he clearly is not. Welcome to the real-life ‘Truman Show’, and there’s nothing funny about this one.
US Government Devolving Into Templar-Like Cult Seeking Pure Power
In recent days, Joe Biden’s desultory performance as leader of the free world led to widespread repudiation, precipitated by abandonment of Afghanistan. Strangely, as his own influence wanes, a disreputable cadre appears, aka his mentally challenged cabinet. They descend like a pack of mad, foam-lipped dogs tearing into the Constitution and our Rights, aided by various Democrat lackeys.
Feds secretly order Google to track people who search for specific names, addresses and keywords
The federal government has covertly issued warrants requiring Google to give up user information on people searching for specific terms and information, generating concerns among privacy advocates that users may inadvertently be caught up in criminal probes at a higher frequency than once believed.
BREAKING: Sweden And Denmark Ban Use Of Moderna SpikeVax In Young People, Citing Myocarditis
The Swedish Public Health Agency revealed on Wednesday that it is recommending use of the Moderna SpikeVax be discontinued in young people born after 1991, citing serious cardiac issues incuding myocarditis and pericarditis. Denmark implemented a ban for people aged 12-17 the same week.
HORROR: Exclusive VIDEO Captures “Organism” From Vaxxed Soldier’s Body
Amanda is a military wife. Thanks to President Biden’s dictatorial vaccine order, her husband was forced to submit to the jab. Now, she claims they’ve seen all kinds of bizarre medical developments on him..they think they’ve found tiny metallic strings coming out of his body. They have a video which they believe shows one of those strings trying to wriggle out of tweezers back into his body. They also sent us photos of his blood cells, which allegedly show substantial damage.
Father Savvas Agioritis: What is to come for those who are vaccinated
The spiritual testimonies of several Priest-monks after taking the Covid-19 vaccine.
EXPLOSIVE VIDEO Emerges of Fauci and HHS Officials Plotting for ‘A New Avian Flu Virus’ to Enforce Universal Flu Vaccination (VIDEO)
Alex Jones of Infowars made a special broadcast on Monday night regarding an explosive video of Fauci with HHS officials and other health experts discussing how to enforce Universal Flu Vaccination in a summit organized by Milken Institute in Washington, DC last October 2019.
Prominent Doctor Misled Catholics on Aborted Baby Body Parts in the Pfizer COVID Vaccine
Project Veritas released video on Wednesday of a whistleblower at Pfizer who accused the pharmaceutical company of trying to hide the connection between its new COVID-19 vaccine and aborted babies.
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
Aliyah up 31% over 2020 numbers so far
Aliyah to Israel has bounced back strongly in 2021 so far with some 20,360 arriving in Israel to date, compared to 15,598 during the corresponding period in 2020, an increase of 31%. The figures come ahead of the national holiday, Aliyah Day, on October 13, which celebrates immigrants to Israel from around the world.
US: ‘Our position against unilateral Israeli settlement activity is clear’
The Biden administration has clearly opposed unilateral settlement activity, State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters…in response to a query about US pressure on Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to halt such action…“I just reiterated where the United States stands on settlement activity. There should be no question about that,” Price said…
Iraqis vote in first parliamentary election since 2019 mass protests
Iraqis are voting in the first parliamentary elections since mass protests over corruption, unemployment and poor services erupted in 2019. The poll had been due next year but was brought forward by six months in response to the unrest, during which hundreds of people were killed.
Iran makes more 20% enriched uranium than watchdog reported
Iran has produced more than 120 kilograms (265 pounds) of 20% enriched uranium, the country’s nuclear chief said, far more than what the U.N. nuclear watchdog reported last month. Mohammad Eslami said…under the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers the other signatories were to provide Iran with 20% enriched uranium needed for its research reactor.
Catastrophic sandstorms leave at least 6 dead in Brazil
Videos posted on social media showed towering, apocalyptic-looking dust clouds enveloping the region and pummeling the landscape.
USPS mail slowdown sparks lawsuit from 20 state attorneys general
The changes represent a “radical” plan that could “destroy the timely mail service that people depend on for medications, bill payments, and business operations in rural parts of the state,” North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein said in a Thursday statement.
She’s 51, a mother and a devout Catholic. She plans to die by euthanasia on Sunday.
Until this year, the option has been available legally only to those who are expected to live for six months or less. On Sunday, Sepúlveda, who considers herself a devout Catholic, plans to become the first person in Colombia without a terminal prognosis to die by legally authorized euthanasia.
Expert: US could approach “high-inflation era” soon
An economic expert has warned that the U.S. may be nearing an era with high inflation rates. Capital Economics Chief Market Economist John Higgins claims that inflation will remain “significantly higher on average” over the next decade. His forecast comes amid different economic issues plaguing various parts of the world that threaten to increase prices.
Brace Yourselves – The Epilogue
“Time’s Up! This is your final wake-up-call! As we contemplate our current dire circumstances, a well-known religious phrase comes to mind: “The truth will set you free” which could not be more pertinent in this exact moment in time. Today is your time to wake-up and accept the truth that your own government(s) is (are) conspiring to poison you (us) with a series of deadly-clot-producing-spike-protein-nanoparticles, still being called vaccinations, but now better known as – The Jab!”
Canadian Doctor Says ‘Something Malicious is Going On’ After He’s Punished For Treating COVID Patients with Ivermectin
Canadian emergency room physician has been banned from practicing medicine in Alberta after he defied the province’s COVID treatment protocols by prescribing Ivermectin to three patients.
Migrant Caravan Leader Vows to Flood US Border: ‘We Are Ready for War!’
Sixty thousand illegal aliens, consisting of mostly Haitians, are heading to the U.S. border in the next week as a second migrant caravan prepares to flood the United States.
One US State Already Has A De Facto ‘Vaccine Passport’ Requirement Just To Enter
Much of the American public might be surprised to find out that for months there’s already been a de facto ‘vaccine passport’ policy in effect to enter one US state. And already there’s been a handful of people busted at the “state border” (legal questions of Constitutionality aside) attempting to enter the islands with a fake vaccine proof card.
Russia test fires submarine-launched hypersonic Tsirkon …
Russia said on Monday it had successfully test launched a Tsirkon (Zircon) hypersonic cruise missile from a submarine for the first time, a weapon President Vladimir Putin has lauded as part of a new generation of unrivalled arms systems.
GLOBAL TAX: At UN Meeting, The Vatican Calls For Redistribution Of Wealth To Overcome ‘Economic Inequality’ Through Global Taxation
Yesterday, the big headline was ‘World Leader Reach Landmark Deal On Global Tax Rate’, and everyone got all excited at this latest New World Order update. But NTEB told you back in 2019 to prepare for the global tax because it heralds the coming time of Jacob’s trouble. Luke 2 tells us that there was a global tax at the First Advent of Jesus Christ, so it stands to reason that in the ramp up to the Second Advent, you will see the same thing being played out.
Texas braces for surge of 60,000 Haitian migrants
State officials are bracing for what could be the largest surge of migrants ever to attempt to enter the country illegally from Mexico, weeks after thousands of Haitians did so.
Israeli Health Minister Caught on Live Mic, Says Vaccine Passports Exist to ‘Influence’ the Hesitant
Israel’s Minister of Health told a peer in response to a question about the country’s Green Pass vaccine passport that the country’s pandemic problem is attributable to the unvaccinated and the purpose of the passport system is simply to pressure citizens into vaccine acceptance.
Wuhan Lab Journal Edited By U.S. Officials, Published Dozens Of Studies From China’s Military.
Virologica Sinica – the scientific journal affiliated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology – has published dozens of studies authored by Chinese researchers working for the Communist regime’s People’s Liberation Army.
Major storable food supplier Augason Farms ceases operations for 90 days, citing collapsing supply chain
Storable food mega-supplier Augason Farms has ceased operations for 90 days, citing, “global raw-material shortages” and “substantial delays” in procurement and production.
Graphene Oxide and the Vaccine
…let’s be real, what is contained in vaccines that have had adequate testing and trials are still far more harmful than a cross-bred vegetable full of GMO. That’s besides the point, if you want to fill yourself with metals after the “coincidental” roll-out of 5G then you go right ahead Tin Man.
“Catastrophic” Property Sales Mean China’s Worst Case Scenario Is Now In Play
No ponzi scheme can continue if the participants lose faith in a favorable outcome, and at $62 trillion, China’s housing sector is the world’s biggest ponzi scheme.
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
UNHRC approves Durban resolution, 10 nations oppose over antisemitism
The United Nations Human Rights Council approved a pro-Durban resolution on Monday 32-10, after the United Kingdom called for a roll call vote and prevented its anticipated passage by consensus. “Racism should be tackled in all its forms and, regrettably, for far too long, the UN has downplayed the scourge of antisemitism.
China has won the AI battle against the US – Pentagon ex-software chief
China has won the artificial intelligence battle with the United States and is heading towards global dominance because of its technological advances…China…is likely to dominate many of the key emerging technologies, particularly artificial intelligence, synthetic biology and genetics within a decade or so, according to Western intelligence assessments.
China bans British beef again over mad cow disease
China has banned British beef imports of cattle under 30 months of age after a case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or “mad cow” disease, in the UK last month. The ban took effect from 29 September, according to a statement from the General Administration of Customs.
China floods: Nearly 2 million displaced in Shanxi province
More than 1.76 million people have been affected by severe flooding in China’s northern Shanxi province, according to local media. Torrential rain last week led to houses collapsing and triggered landslides across more than 70 districts and cities in the province. Heavy rainfall is hampering rescue efforts, officials said.
Large fire breaks out at oil facility in crisis-hit Lebanon
Firefighters say they have extinguished a large blaze at an oil facility in southern Lebanon, which is in the grip of a severe energy crisis. The fire erupted on Monday morning in a petrol tank belonging to the army at the Zahrani Oil Installation, sending a plume of black smoke into the sky. No casualties have been reported.
Israel says it will keep Golan as Assad’s fortunes, U.S. views shift
Israel will keep the Golan Heights, which it captured from Syria in a 1967 Six-Day War, even if international views on Damascus change, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Monday. In 2019, then-U.S. president Donald Trump broke with other world powers by recognizing Israel as sovereign on the Golan Heights…
Does Taiwan Need Nuclear Weapons To Deter China?
Does a deterrent strategy demand atomic deterrence? Not necessarily. It’s far from clear that nuclear weapons deter much apart from nuclear bombardment—the type of aggression least likely to befall Taiwan.
Showers, thunderstorms forecast over Southeast ahead of West’s early-season winter weather
Showers and thunderstorms continue to bring the threat of flooding over Florida, the Southeast and the southern Appalachians on Friday.
Billion-dollar disasters: US on pace to top 2020 record, report says
The U.S. is on pace to exceed 2020’s record number of billion-dollar disasters. According to a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration report released Friday, 2021 has already seen 18 weather and climate disasters, each with losses topping $1 billion.
North Carolina lieutenant governor faces resignation calls after terming homosexuality as ‘filth’
“North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson says Christians must take control of public schools because children are being abused by being taught “filth”: “There’s no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenderism, homosexuality, any of that filth.”
Biden administration to host Abraham Accords trilateral
The Biden administration plans to host an Abraham Accords trilateral meeting in Washington this Wednesday, between US, Israeli and Emirati officials.
Company that Handles Billions of Text Messages from Major Cellular Carriers Says its Database was Hacked for Years
Syniverse, a company that handles billions of text messages from cellular carriers, quietly admitted during its filing dated September 27th with the US Security and Exchange Commission that its database was hacked for 5 years.
Lebanese Army Seizes Over 28 Tons Of Ammonium Nitrate In Town With Terror Ties
The Lebanese Army announced this week that it has seized over 28 tons of ammonium nitrate during a raid at a gas station in Arsal in the Bekaa region, which is near the border with Syria. The fertilizer can be used in bomb-making, and the seizure comes after hundreds of tons of the same substance caused the August 2020 blast which killed 200 people and decimated whole neighborhoods in Beirut.
Illegal Immigrant Trafficker Warns Americans: “We’re Leaving from Tapachula – We Are Ready for War”
The Biden open border crisis continues along our southern border.
Over 400,000 illegal migrants are expected to enter the US this month. These unvaccinated and untested illegals will be shipped across the United States.
Report: Southwest Airlines Cancels 1000s of Flights Due To Air Traffic Control Walkouts Over Vaccine Mandate
Southwest Airlines cancelled thousands of flights over the weekend, citing air traffic control issues and “disruptive weather.”
SHOCKING DATA: The More You Inject, The Higher The Case Numbers Go
Actual data makes vaccine mandates and passports look like a dumber idea every day
Vaccine Mandate DEFIED By Hundreds Of Thousands Of U.S. Troops
New reports are coming in stating that hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops remain unvaccinated or are only partially vaccinated against COVID-19 as the Pentagon’s first compliance deadline for the vaccine mandate is coming up.
Total power outage in Lebanon: Entire country down, may last for several days
The electricity grid in Lebanon has reportedly cut off electricity in the entire country as the two main power stations ran out of fuel.
Pennsylvania House Democrat Releases Forced Sterilization Bill…Then Claims It Was a ‘Parody’ After Being Exposed
A Pennsylvania Democrat in the state house released a forced sterilization bill, and then attempted to claim it was a parody after he was exposed for introduced this heinous measure.
AMAZING: COVID-19 Cases in Indonesia Plummet After Government Authorizes IVERMECTIN For Treatment
In July 2021, the Indonesian Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) finally granted the Emergency Use Authorization for Ivermectin as the therapeutic drug to cure the Covid-19.
Newsom Signs Bill Requiring Free Tampons in California Public Schools — Including Boys’ Bathrooms
California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a bill requiring public schools and colleges to stock free menstrual products — including boys’ restrooms.
China Prepares For Possible Large-Scale COVID-19 Outbreak: Leaked CCP Documents
“This reflects the CCP’s concern about the rise of the epidemic. It must have been concealing the true epidemic in mainland China, otherwise it would not suddenly issue a national notice of emergency preparedness.”
Taliban committing war crimes, kills 13 including 17-year-old girl: report
The Taliban executed 11 ex-defense personnel and two civilians, including a 17-year-old girl in Afghanistan’s Daykundi province, all of whom were from the ethnic Shia minority, according to an investigation by Amnesty International, which says the killings appear to be war crimes.
Crisis in church leadership: How celebrity pastors can avoid failing the fame test
What drives the dysfunction and lack of health seen in many church leaders today? Why do so many pastors in Western evangelicism fail the fame test despite the biblical example set by Jesus Himself?
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
Sa’ar, Bennett oppose US consulate in Jerusalem for Palestinians
Justice Minister Gideon Sa’ar said that he strongly opposes a US consulate being opened in east Jerusalem that will exclusively serve Palestinians, in a conversation with Editor-in-Chief Yaakov Katz at the Jerusalem Post Conference on Tuesday. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is on the same page, Sa’ar added.
Powerful earthquake strikes Crete, Greece for 2nd time in under a month
A powerful earthquake rattled the Greek island of Crete on Tuesday for a second time in less than a month but there were no immediate reports of damage. A magnitude 6.3 tremor was centered at sea, some 23 km (14 miles) east of the village of Zakros in eastern Crete, the Athens Geodynamic Institute said.
Bennett: Iran aspires to build an army on Israel’s Golan border
Iran aspires to build an army on Israel’s Golan Heights border, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Monday as he doubled down on Israeli sovereignty in that region and warned Tehran against continued entrenchment there. “The Golan Heights is Israel, period,” Bennett said as he addressed the Makor Rishon newspaper conference…
Iran hacked US and Israeli defense tech companies – Microsoft
The Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) announced on Monday that Iranian hackers successfully targeted US and Israeli defense technology companies. More than 250 Microsft Office 365 accounts linked to the US, EU and the Israeli government were hacked into through extensive password spraying.
China floods: Coal price hits fresh high as mines shut
The price of coal used in China’s power plants has surged to a new record high as another of the country’s key mining regions is hit by flooding. Heavy rains hit Shanxi in recent days, the country’s biggest coal producing province, after record floods struck the mining region of Henan in July.
Russia’s Putin to host Bennett for Iran talks next week
Russian President Vladimir Putin will host Prime Minister Naftali Bennett for talks on Iran’s nuclear program and other regional security issues, Bennett’s office said on Tuesday. The meeting, held at Putin’s invitation, will take place in Sochi on Oct. 22, the Israeli statement said.
Seattle Small Businesses Forced To Hire Private Security Over Reduced Police Presence
“These small businesses losing their windows and doors – we need this as a stop gap measure and help them…”
Tropical Storm “Pamela” forms, forecast to impact Mexico as a major hurricane
Tropical Storm “Pamela” formed at 21:00 UTC on October 10, 2021, about 425 km (265 miles) SSW of Manzanillo, Mexico as the 16th named storm of the 2021 Pacific hurricane season.
Shallow M6.2 earthquake hits near the southwest coast of Island of Hawaii
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.2 hit near the southwest coast of the Island of Hawaii, U.S at 23:48 UTC on October 10, 2021 (11:48 HST).
Dems Tuck Multibillion-Dollar Handout to Illegal Immigrants Into Reconciliation
President Joe Biden’s budget includes a provision that provides billions of dollars in cash to illegal aliens with children. The $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill extends the Child Tax Credit to anyone in the United States who provides an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, overturning a crucial safeguard against fraud.
New Aerosol Ammunition To Protect Russian Battle Tanks From US Javelin Missiles
The Russian army has adopted a new aerosol ammunition designed to protect armored vehicles from high-precision weapons…
WHO database reports over 2 million potential COVID jab injuries in 2021, vast majority in women
The World Health Organization’s publicly accessible database recording reported potential side effects of medicinal products shows over 2 million cases of possible COVID vaccine injuries in 2021 alone, with 69 percent of the cases occurring in female patients.
Why are people dying after getting the Covid vaccine? Pathologists now have answers.
Dr. Jessica Rose, a PhD computational biologist, molecular biologist and immunologist, conservatively calculates that over 150,000 people have died from the Covid vaccine in America as of August 28, 2021. (Click here for her website and numerous articles & presentations.)
Lakewood Church says it never sought forgiveness for $4.4M PPP loan
The Joel Osteen-led Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, which came under fire from the public last December for accepting $4.4 million from the federal government’s coronavirus relief program for small businesses known as the Paycheck Protection Program, said it never sought forgiveness for “the temporary assistance received.”
REVEALED: Pfizer Lobbying Hits Decade High as DOZENS of High-Profile Political Appointees Become Big Pharma Reps.
…The lobbying apparatuses at both vaccine-reliant companies – in terms of the number of lobbyists hired and the overall budget deployed to influence government officials – have seen dramatic increases since 2019. The news comes one day after hidden camera footage revealed a Pfizer scientist admitting: “Basically, our organization is run on COVID money now.”
Not even ONE state legislature has passed a covid vaccine mandate – it’s all rogue governors and local officials doing the dirty work
…All of them, it turns out, were decreed into existence by state governors, state or local officials, or private employers – meaning none of them are legitimate or legally enforceable in any way, shape or form.
World Renowned Psychiatrist: ‘Global Predators’ Fauci, Gates, and Schwab Behind the COVID ‘Reign of Terror’
A world-renowned psychiatrist says an evil cabal of powerful elites, including National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, tech billionaire Bill Gates, and World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, created the COVID pandemic to
RECEIPTS! Patent PROVES Vaxx is Obedience Training Platform – THE FINAL VARIANT!
This interview with Karen Kingston will absolutely change the trajectory of the planet if it is seen by the masses. Point blank, this is the FINAL “Variant”. Kingston brought receipts that PROVE the agenda for the shots is controlling behavior and forcing OBEDIENCE by injection.
Brazilian President Warns of Population Control
Another Warning for the Gaslighted Masses! Wake Up Folks! “Another requirement will come soon,” Bolsonaro warned, “And you know where it will stop? Population control.” Say what? Now where have I seen that kind of thinking written in stone? Why the Georgia Guide Stones of course!!
6 Scandals The Media Won’t Tell You About Outgoing NIH Director Francis Collins.
“ single person should serve in the position too long, and that it’s time to bring in a new scientist to lead the NIH into the future.” This, Collins says, is why he is resigning – not because of the revelations that he lied and committed treason by sending American taxpayer dollars to Wuhan, China, to perform illegal gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses.
Chinese Illegal Immigrant Charged Over Arson of Historic Alabama Church
A Chinese illegal immigrant has been charged with setting multiple fires to the First Baptist Church Montgomery in Alabama..Given Yan was in the country illegally, Bailey said in a motion that the $30,000 bail was “woefully inadequate to secure her presence in court given her strong ties to an overseas country.”
FDA exposed as a criminal body parts cartel involved in routine harvesting of organs from LIVING human babies
Using the Freedom of Information Act, Judicial Watch uncovered 198 suspect communication records from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The records unveil a criminal operation within the agency, a ghoulish operation that routinely harvests and traffics organs from LIVING human babies.
EMPTY SHELVES: The Deliberate and Now Inevitable Food Shortage Holocaust Is Upon Us
It’s Christmas in October or so the retailers are saying. If one wants to celebrate the traditional gift exchanges that come with the Christmas season, one better complete their shopping this month, or their holiday celebration will be limited to gathering near the family Christmas tree, provided that the Green New Deal hasn’t taken over the grid.
Southwest Airlines Cancel Thousands Of Flights As Pilots Refuse Federally Mandated COVID-19 Vaccine Injections
Southwest Airlines pilots asked a court to temporarily block the company from carrying out federally mandated coronavirus vaccinations until an existing lawsuit over alleged U.S. labor law violations is resolved. The Southwest Airlines Pilots Association’s filing Friday also asked for an immediate hearing on the request before a federal court in Dallas, claiming the carrier has continued to take unilateral actions that violate terms of the Railway Labor Act, which governs airline-union relations. Those steps include the Covid-19 vaccination requirement. Looks like the Matrix is waking up.
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
Potent western storm shifts into the 4-corners and Plains, U.S.
Heavy snow and powerful winds in the Great Basin mountains, Rockies, and into the High Plains will create hazardous travel conditions, NWS warned on October 12, 2021. Severe storms developing in the Plains ahead of this front may have damaging winds, large hail, and a couple of tornadoes.
Strong and shallow M6.3 earthquake hits Crete, Greece
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) as M6.3 hit the eastern coast of Crete, Greece at 09:24 UTC on October 12, 2021. The agency is reporting a depth of 8.2 km (5 miles). USGS is reporting M6.4 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). This is the second powerful quake to hit Crete since September 27.
California Bans Small Off-Road Gas Engines, Including Lawnmowers And Chainsaws
“Companies are going to have to completely retrofit their entire workshops…”
Tropical Storm “Kompasu” drenches Luzon, leaving 9 people dead and 11 missing, Philippines
Tropical Storm “Kompasu” — known as Maring in the Philippines — dropped heavy rains on the country’s most populous island of Luzon over the past 2 days, leaving at least 9 people dead and 11 others missing. Kompasu is the 18th named storm of the 2021 Pacific typhoon season.
CME impacts Earth, sparks G2 – Moderate geomagnetic storm
Coronal mass ejection (CME) produced by M1.6 solar flare at 06:40 UTC on October 9, 2021, reached DSCOVR spacecraft at 01:48 UTC and Earth at 02:30 UTC on October 12, 2021. The impact sparked a G2 – Moderate geomagnetic storm.
Judge Delivers Blow To NY Vax Mandate–Allows Religious Exemption From Vax
A New York Judge has issued a preliminary injunction against New York’s vaccine mandate.
Connecting the Dots Regarding the Deliberate Apocalypse Befalling the United States
I recently interviewed Bob Griswold of and found that our independent analysis of the crises facing America, all which potentially represent a “nation-extinction-level” of events, are simultaneously in place could very well kills tens if not hundreds of millions of Americans. Remember, the Deagel Report predicted over 250 million American deaths, from various causes, by 2025.
Sources: VAXXED Delta Pilot DIES IN-FLIGHT, Emergency Landing Required
BREAKING: During an interview with Stew Peters, Dr Jane Ruby provided Breaking information, corroborated by multiple sources, that a Vaxxed Delta Airlines pilot died in flight within the last two weeks, an emergency landing was forced, and the company is covering it up!
SHOCKING VIDEO: Marine Exposes Possible Punishment For Refusing To Follow Biden’s Mandate!
In a video guaranteed to make your stomach turn., an anonymous young man claiming to be Marine outlines the potential consequences for servicemen and women who fail to comply with Joe Biden’s dictatorial and anti-science vaccine mandate for the military.
PLANETARY CRUCIFIXION will lead to humanity’s resurrection and unstoppable, cosmic awakening
PLANETARY CRUCIFIXION now under way, as humanity sacrificed with crown (corona) of spikes (spike protein) by evil empire that worships Satan..But just as Jesus rose from the dead and revealed the miracle of resurrection, humanity, too, will experience resurrection and rebirth, following the attempted crucifixion.
U.S. Troops Have Been Deployed in Taiwan for at Least a Year
A U.S. special-operations unit and a contingent of Marines have been secretly operating in Taiwan to train military forces there, U.S. officials said, part of efforts to shore up the island’s defenses as concern regarding potential Chinese aggression mounts.
Trudeau Bans Unvaccinated From Travel, Leaving the Country, And Earning A Living
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced this week that starting Oct. 30th any citizen wishing to board a plane, train, or cruise in or out of Canada will be required to show a ‘vaccination passport’ proving they received the COIVID-19 shot in order to move freely, USSA News reported.
Fauci’s policies are KILLING 10,000 children a month, plunging tens of millions of people into abject poverty and starvation all around the world
Do black lives matter to Tony Fauci? Not in the slightest. His Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) policies are killing tens of thousands of black children per month, it turns out.
SHOCKING Allegation: Disgraced Politician Was Blackmailed by Big Pharma Interests to Impose “Vaccine” Mandate
It has long been known that certain entities are getting rich off COVID. For example, major Democrat donors Amazon and Walmart made billions more during the pandemic after the Democrats locked down their small-business competition while allowing them to remain open.
JACOB’S TROUBLE: Defense Minister Benny Gantz Praises The Fact That Israel Gave Up Sovereignty Over Judea And Samaria For The Abraham Accords
Israel Defense Minister Benny Gantz gave a stunning speech yesterday about the Abraham Accords and that the fact that in order to have them, the Jews needed to give up sovereignty over the biblical areas of Judea and Samaria known commonly as the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Why would the Jews think this was a good thing? Because they are preparing themselves to go into the time of Jacob’s trouble, they just don’t know it yet.
Former Mossad Chief Stuns Audience By Admitting Iran “Not Even Close” To Getting Nuclear Bomb
Foreign Minister Yair Lapid at same time is in D.C. arguing Iran becoming a “nuclear threshold state”.
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
Beirut blast: 6 killed, 60 injured as Hezbollah protests investigation
At least six people were killed and 60 wounded as shots were fired during a protest by Hezbollah supporters against Tarek Bitar, the judge investigating the Beirut Port blast, in front of the Palais de Justice in Beirut on Thursday, as tensions surrounding the case continue to rise.
Iran threatens ‘harsh response’ after alleged Israeli airstrike in Syria
Iranian militias warned of a “harsh response” after a number of Syrian and Iranian-backed forces were killed and wounded in an alleged Israeli airstrike near Palmyra in central Syria on Wednesday night, the second such airstrike in the past week. The Syrian state news agency SANA reported that an Israeli airstrike targeted a communications tower and a number of nearby sites…
Australia endorses IHRA definition of antisemitism
Australia will formally endorse the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Wednesday at the Malmö International Forum on Holocaust Remembrance and Combating Antisemitism.
Yellen: IRS Surveillance of $600 Bank Transactions ‘Absolutely Not’ Spying
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has argued that the IRS having access to Americans’ bank accounts is “absolutely not” a way for the government to spy on U.S. citizens.
Hurricane “Pamela” – Life-threatening storm surge, dangerous winds, and threat of significant flash flooding and mudslides, Mexico
Pamela regained hurricane strength as its center came closer to the coast of Mexico on October 13, 2021. The system is forecast to make landfall on the west-central coast of Mexico this morning (LT) and life-threatening storm surge and dangerous hurricane-force winds are expected within the Hurricane Warning area. Residents in this area should follow any advice given by local officials, NHC said.
Backlog of Ships at Port of LA Reaches Boiling Point
As an estimated 500,000 containers are sitting on cargo ships off the Southern California coast, many are wondering how to handle the backlog.
Brits May Be Forced to Take COVID Tests on Camera to Prove to “Health Advisers” They’re Not Lying
Brits returning from holiday may be forced to take COVID tests on a live video call with “health advisers” to prove they’re not lying about the result. Yes, really. Double vaccinated travellers who return to Britain will be able to forego a PCR test in favor of a cheaper lateral flow swab. However, the government is “concerned that those taking the tests could lie about the results.”
Hospital is lying about bed shortage: Whistleblower nurse fired for refusing COVID shot
In a video interview published yesterday, former Valley Health System nurse Brad McDowell spoke to LifeSiteNews correspondent Jim Hale about the contrast between what he has witnessed and the story being told by the media regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
Indiana Walgreens ‘accidentally’ gives Covid Vaccine to young children… Both now suffering heart issues…
An Evansville family and their attorney says they were accidentally given full adult doses of the Pfizer vaccine instead of flu shots. It happened October 4, at the Walgreens on St. Joseph Avenue. The two children are just four and five years old.
Vaccine ‘sickout’ spreads to AMTRAK…
Amtrak announced it will require nearly all of its 18,000 employees be fully Vaccinated by Nov. 22. Multiple sources are reporting that train crews have now joined the protest started by Air Traffic Controllers and Southwest pilots and employees. Rumors that American Airlines pilots are next.
Hospitals are literally SUFFOCATING patients with plastic bags; AIR CARGO will be halted this winter due to collapsing airplane parts supply chain
In yet another shocking development demonstrating the medical murder that now characterizes hospitals and doctors around the world, a hospital in Odessa, Texas, has been caught placing large plastic bags over the heads of patients due to “covid.” This truly insane, criminal practice has reportedly been carried out on hundreds of patients, causing suffocation, anxiety, trauma and heightened carbon dioxide levels in respiratory air.
Catholic Troops Can Refuse COVID Vaccine, Archbishop Declares
“No one should be forced to receive a COVID-19 vaccine if it would violate the sanctity of his or her conscience,” Broglio wrote.
Israel Blasts Biden Plan To Open US Consulate For Palestinians In Jerusalem: “No Way We’d Agree”
The Biden administration is planning to open a consulate dedicated to Palestinian affairs in Jerusalem in a significant break from Trump’s policy of only recognizing a diplomatic presence to Israel, resulting in severe pushback this week from top Israeli officials. Former Trump admin officials have called the proposal “illegal” under international law, given they argue that Palestine is in no way a state that has any formal recognition.
In Minnesota, Breakthrough Cases From The Fully Vaccinated Account For 99% Of All New COVID Cases Including Rising Death Rate Despite Vaccine
Oh, how the main stream media loved to run headline stories on the Delta COVID surge here in the free state of Florida, dragging the name of our fantastic governor Ron DeSantis through the mud every chance they got. Funny thing, though, the same media has no interest in reporting on COVID cases in Democrat states like Minnesota where infections, hospitalizations and deaths are skyrocketing despite having a senior population that is 93% vaccinated. Isn’t that the opposite of what they have been telling us?
Healthy 16-Year-Old Boy Dies During Online Class After Receiving Second COVID Shot from Pfizer
California – A 16-year-old boy died while taking his math class on Zoom last April reportedly 27 days after taking his second shot of Pfizer vaccine according to VAERS data released on October 1, 2021.
EMS services warn of ‘crippling labor shortage’ undermining 911 system
“We’re not bleeding any longer — we’re hemorrhaging,” one ambulance service operator said of a decade long worker shortage exacerbated by the pandemic.
NYC drug store shelves empty amid shoplifting surge
Thanks to a citywide shoplifting tsunami, bare necessities are now rare luxuries on drug-store shelves across New York City.
India Faces Rolling Blackouts As Coal Shortage Forces Power Plants To Adopt Emergency Measures
Due to a combination of factors – including environmentalists’ push for “green” energy like wind and solar, plus the COVID-inspired collapse in global supply chains leaving countries around the world desperate for badly needed energy supplies (from LNG to coal to unrefined crude oil) – energy crises have been unfolding in China, the UK, Continental Europe and now India, the world’s largest democracy.
Brandon Smith: If You Don’t Respect My Freedoms, I Don’t Respect Your Pronouns
The issue here is not about actual trans people, but about respect for freedom of speech and thought…
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
15 killed, 31 injured as blast hits Afghan mosque in Kandahar
A large explosion tore through a Shi’ite mosque in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar during Friday prayers, killing at least 15 people and wounding 31, officials and provincial leaders said. Qari Saeed Khosti said authorities were collecting details of the explosion…
Are Saudi Arabia and Iran on the road to reconciliation?
Saudi Arabia and Iran reportedly are on the path to reconciliation after years of tense relations. Iraq has been hosting a series of meetings between officials on both sides aimed at easing tensions after a five-year rift, and expectations are high that a public announcement of a normalization agreement could come soon.
Covid: Italy port workers strike over Covid pass rules
Dockers at the Italian port of Trieste have gone on strike in protest at the requirement for all workers to show a Covid pass. The Green Pass shows whether you have had the Covid vaccine, recovered from it or had a negative test. It became mandatory for all Italian workplaces on Friday.
Beirut port blast: Day of mourning in Lebanon after bloodshed at protest
Lebanon is holding a day of mourning after seven people died and dozens were hurt in some of the worst violence for years in the capital, Beirut. Gunfire broke out on Thursday during a protest by Shia Muslim groups against the judge investigating last year’s huge blast at the city’s port.
Qatar resumes distribution of monetary aid to Gaza
Tens of thousands of impoverished families in the Gaza Strip began receiving Qatari humanitarian funds on Thursday after Israel agreed to a new distribution mechanism involving the United Nations. Recipients of the money queued from the early hours outside 300 distribution centers spread across the Hamas-ruled Palestinian enclave.
Iran warns Israel against ‘military adventures’
Iran warned Israel in a letter to the UN Security Council chief Thursday against any attack on its nuclear facilities after its arch-foe declared its right to use force. “We warn the Zionist regime against any miscalculation or military adventure targeting Iran and its nuclear program,” Iran’s ambassador to the UN Majid Takht Ravanchi wrote…
Putin brags Russia’s new hypersonic missiles ‘can wipe out US cities’ sparking WW3 fears
Vladimir Putin made a terrifying boast this week, saying that Russia has hypersonic nuclear missiles that are “on alert” and capable of destroying cities in the US. Speaking at an energy forum in Moscow, the Russian leader also said that his “intercontinental” weapons can travel five times faster than those being developed in America.
VAX OR STARVE: German State Allows Grocery Stores to Ban Unvaccinated
In Hesse Germany all retailers including grocery stores can now decide whether they want to allow the unvaccinated in their stores.
River Overflows, Submerges 12 Chinese Villages
More reports of flood damage are coming out of northwestern China. Excess water has breached one riverbank in the country’s Shanxi Province, amid continuous heavy rains. The resulting flood submerged 12 small towns there.
Hurricane Pamela Strengthens as It Barrels Toward Mexico’s Bread Basket
Hurricane Pamela gathered strength on Tuesday as it barreled toward Mexico’s western coast, with the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) predicting it will strengthen further before crashing into the fertile farm state of Sinaloa.
After family members contracted COVID-19, Ozzy Osbourne says worshiping Satan protected him from virus
Ozzy Osbourne is thanking Lucifer for protecting him from coronavirus. The Grammy Award-winning heavy metal icon credited Satan for covering him during the pandemic, even as close family members contracted COVID-19.
The global elites are headed to Scotland. Call it climate FOMO.
Scotland’s largest city — famous for deep fried Mars bars, club nights and sectarian soccer rivalry — is about to attract a network of global elites more comfortable gathering over champagne in Davos for the World Economic Forum.
Oil Price Jumps Above $80 and Natural Gas Races Higher, Turbocharged by Supply Shortages
The extended climb in oil prices is leaving some other industrial commodities behind, a divergence that reflects bets that energy supply shortages will offset any slowdown in the global economy.
Academia Is Establishing A Permanent Surveillance Bureaucracy That Will Soon Govern The Rest Of The Country
Having now received a tsunami of messages from people across the US (and a few internationally) about the surveillance regimes being permanently installed at their educational institutions — in contravention of earlier assurances that the current academic year would mark a long-awaited “return to normalcy,” thanks to the onset of mass vaccination — there are a few conclusions to draw.
CDC: 16,310 Dead 778,685 Injured Following COVID-19 Shots – 2.5X More Deaths than Following All Vaccines for Past 30 Years – 2,102 Fetal Deaths
The U.S. Government is now reporting that in the past 10 months since the emergency use authorization for the COVID-19 shots 16,310 people have died following those shots.
The Newest Big Pharma Scam Exposed
Molnupiravir is the new pill that’s been all over the news recently because it can cut hospitalizations and deaths of unvaccinated Covid-infected people by as much as half and doesn’t require folks to go to the hospital or an infusion center, like the monoclonal antibody treatment. Just take four pills every day for five days and you’re good.
Biden terminates all Texas border wall contracts…
DHS is pulling the plug on contracts to erect a border wall in the embattled Rio Grande Valley — even as migrants from around the world continue to pour into the US from Mexico in unprecedented numbers.
RED COVID: Lead Democrats try to rename virus because it’s mostly blue state Democrats at 92% who get the deadly clot shots, nearly doubling Republican red state vax rates
Most Democrats believe everything they see and hear on television, especially since 2016 when the media vilified Trump and gas-lighted everything anti-American and anti-constitutional
North Carolina lieutenant governor rejects call to resign over anti-LGBTQ comments
North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson (R) rejected calls for his resignation on Saturday after a number of lawmakers condemned his comments describing homosexuality as “filth.” Robinson remained defiant in a video posted to Facebook, saying he “will not back down.”
Costco and Walmart limit toilet paper as supply chain problems worsen
Across America and all across Europe, store shelves are starting to empty themselves out as a global government-created supply chain crisis is preventing hundreds of thousands of shipping containers from being unloaded at various worldwide ports. Evidentially, the New World Order has a very deep bag of tricks, you might want to start now and stock up on the essentials this winter. COVID rates are dropping fast so they needed a new calamity to keep you locked down, the supply chain crisis is it.
Prices Skyrocketing From Inflation As Empty Shelves Begin Appearing Across America As New World Order Creates Yet Another Fear-Inducing Crisis
Across America and all across Europe, store shelves are starting to empty themselves out as a global government-created supply chain crisis is preventing hundreds of thousands of shipping containers from being unloaded at various worldwide ports.
CHILD SACRIFICE: Creepy Joe Biden Issues Scary Warning That Little Kids As Young As 5-Years Old Will Be Forced To Receive The COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine
ll regimes and all dictators have one thing in common, at some point they come for your children and sacrifice them on the altar of their religion, in this case the ‘religion’ being the International Church of COVID. Heretics will be burned at the stake. Today pretend president Joe Biden’s White House warned America’s governors to get the children ready to be placed on the altar.
Workers Who Maintain Supply Chains Warn of Worldwide ‘System Collapse’
As part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, so-called “Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds” are distributed to states which then deposit those funds into the bank accounts of counties and cities.
Attorney Says Denver Cop Coerced Into Getting COVID Vaccine Now Hospitalized with Stroke Symptoms
After Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock announced a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all city employees in August, Jose Manriquez, a seven-year veteran with the Denver Police Department and father of four, reluctantly received his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on Aug. 22.
The Job Creators Network, One Of America’s Largest Small Business Advocacy Groups, Pushes Back Against Biden COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
The battle against the New World Order has come center stage as across America and around the world, freedom loving citizens of many nations are rising up against totalitarian COVID vaccine mandates and the Mark of the Beast prototype Immunity Passports. But be forewarned, this is not a political battle, it is a spiritual one, and it’s not about freedom, it’s about the salvation of your eternal soul.
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
Winter storm highway shutdowns worsen supply chain issues, U.S.
Truck drivers say highway closures and restrictions in parts of the Intermountain West and Rockies during a winter storm are complicating supply chain issues.
Starting On November 28th, US Navy Guidance Will Discharge All Sailors Who Refuse To Receive The COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Without Exemption
That you are watching play out now is exactly what you would expect to see in an authoritarian regime, dictators issuing lawless orders never voted on in order to subjugate and enslave the citizenry. Where does the Constitution sit in all this, it sits against it, of course, but America is no longer ruled by our founding documents. This “new America” is run by executive orders and secrets backroom meetings, this “new” America is much more 1984 than 1776.
Scores of U.S. troops still aren’t vaccinated for COVID-19; are we going to have a viable military left by the end of winter?
Because Joe Biden isn’t Joe Biden anymore, the “moderate” Democrat, and his regime is being run from behind the scenes by Marxist authoritarians, all 2.1 million members of the U.S. military have been ordered to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
BOMBSHELL: British Funeral Director John O’Looney: Deaths Skyrocketed ‘300%’ After Covid Vaccine
“I’ve never seen a death rate like it in 15 years.” – John O’Looney Statements from a courageous funeral director went viral in September after he shared observations about those who died in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
Australia building PERMANENT covid quarantine camps for “ongoing operations”
Even though the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is pretty much already over, at least for the unvaccinated, Australia is busily constructing new “quarantine” camps that the government there says will be needed next year to house people “who have not had access to vaccination.”
Doctors Examined Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca Vaccines Under A Microscore and Identified Metals and Parasites
Thirty-five groups of doctors, research scientists and lawyers across US, UK, Germany, Austria and Japan examined a thousand vials of Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca ‘vaccines’ and found hundreds of sharp edged metal pieces in one droplet along with parasite material. When researchers heated the samples while being observed under the microscope, the particles began to move and were in-sync with each other. Sharp metal objects, graphene layers, large rectangular objects that have never seen before, are not biologic and likely are harmful when inside a human body. These doctors are calling for a worldwide halt of Covid injections. -GEG
Global food prices hit their highest level in a DECADE, and experts warn it could get worse
Worldwide food prices have reached the highest levels in a decade – and experts are warning that price spikes of up to 16 per cent in the US could worsen, partly because of soaring energy costs.
America: A Dead Man Walking
`Will America Exist in 10 or 20 Years? Probably Not. I knew America was finished when the insouciant dumb****s let the corrupt Establishment openly and blatantly steal a presidential election and install a cipher as front man for the Establishment’s agenda. What is the Establishment’s agenda? It is Evil incarnate.
Australia will STOP making AstraZeneca Covid vaccine after blood clot fear mongering
Australia is set to stop manufacturing the AstraZeneca vaccine onshore with the life-saving jab falling victim to ‘negative press’. The federal government in November last year contracted Australia biomedical firm CSL to produce 50 million doses of the Oxford University vaccine at its manufacturing hub in Melbourne.
Brief video illustrates dramatic spikes in COVID-19 deaths after jabs in 40 nations
A brief video published last week uses data from the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center to illustrate dramatic spikes in COVID deaths in numerous countries across the globe after the introduction of experimental COVID gene-transfer vaccination campaigns.
Florida COVID cases have plunged 88% in the past six weeks with NO MANDATES
Barely anyone is getting sick in Florida anymore now that Gov. Ron DeSantis has lifted all Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) mandates and returned the state back to normal.
‘There will be things that people can’t get,’ at Christmas, White House warns
White House officials, scrambling to relieve global supply bottlenecks choking U.S. ports, highways and railways, warn that Americans may face higher prices and some empty shelves this Christmas season.
Federal Appeals Court Keeps Texas Abortion Ban in Place Amid Ongoing Litigation
An appeals court ruled on Thursday that a Texas abortion ban will remain in effect as legal challenges against it play out.
Joe Biden Summoned To The Vatican For October 29th Meeting As Pope Francis Prepares For Chrislam Summit At UN
President Joe Biden will meet Pope Francis at the Vatican on Oct. 29, the White House announced Thursday, will be in Rome to attend the G20 Leaders’ Summit, held Oct. 30 to 31, before traveling to Glasgow, Nov. 1 to 2, to take part in the World Leader Summit at the start of the COP26 climate change gathering. What’s on the agenda, you ask? How about the One World Religion of Chrislam?
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
Tuberculosis deaths rise for the first time in more than a decade due to the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has reversed years of global progress in tackling tuberculosis and for the first time in over a decade, TB deaths have increased, according to the World Health Organization’s 2021 Global TB report.
Nolte: Walmart Training Accuses White Employees of Being Racist
“Walmart Inc. has launched a critical race theory training program that denounces the United States as a ‘white supremacy system,’” the City Journal’s Christopher Rufo reports. He adds that the Walmart brainwashing also “teaches white, hourly wage employees that they are guilty of ‘white supremacy thinking’ and ‘internalized racial superiority.’”
Biden Report: Climate Change Calls for ‘Realignment’ of U.S. Economy
The domestic crises continue in U.S. ports and on the southern border but President Joe Biden and his administration are focused on so-called climate change, including releasing a a 40-page report on Friday on how the issue threatens the U.S. economy.
Active-Duty Military Suicide Deaths In 2nd Quarter 2021 Have Taken More Military Lives Than Covid During Entire Pandemic
More soldiers in the U.S. military’s active-duty, National Guard, and reserve forces died from suicide in the second quarter of this year than soldiers in the entire U.S. military died from the coronavirus since the start of the pandemic, a new Pentagon report shows.
Working-Poor Still Use Food Banks As Millions Had Their Savings Wiped Out During COVID
Eighteen months since the virus pandemic began, hunger and food insecurity continue to plague millions of households across the country. Some of these folks have had their life savings drained with no financial safety net for the next crisis.
German State Allows Food Stores To Ban The Unvaccinated
The German newspaper BILD reports that the state of Hesse has passed a motion that will allow food stores to decide whether they want to BAN unvaccinated people from entering.
When the Phase One of America’s Destruction Is Complete, Biden’s Primary Objective of Eliminating Christianity Will Commence
Meet the new enemy of the state. No, it is not anti-vaxxers. All liberal opposition groups will eventually be defined as the Christian Extremist Right and the early days of Christian persecution will be relived.
FINAL COUNTDOWN: The Mark Of The Beast Global System Is Preparing To Launch The Metaverse, And You Need To Have Nothing To Do With It
The Antichrist is not yet on the scene, but his global Mark of the Beast System is already well underway, and in fact, quite close to being as much to be completed as you could expect to see without the Beast physically being present. I know the Church will be removed in the Pretribulation Rapture before his arrival, but allow me to take a moment to warn you about something you need to avoid at all costs – the Metaverse.
Facebook’s Secret Blacklist of “Dangerous” Groups and People
Experts say the public deserves to see the list, a clear embodiment of U.S. foreign policy priorities that could disproportionately censor marginalized groups.
Fully-Vaccinated College Student Shawn Kuhn Who Was ‘Super Fit’ Dies Of COVID-19 After Receiving Two Doses Of The Pfizer Vaccine Last Summer
I want you to pay close attention to what I am about to tell you here, it just may save your life. 21-year old college student was an amazing young man, a born again Christian who knew the Lord, a hard worker, a beloved son and friend to all who knew him. Last year, Shawn contracted COVID-19, but breezed through it with no problems. But this year, after catching COVID the second time, it hit him so hard that it killed him. So what was difference from last year to this year, could it be Delta? No, it was Pfizer.
10 Shortages That Are Getting Worse
The global supply chain is in complete tatters. Tens of thousands of items and services are in short supply or can’t be found at all. This is leading to higher prices, a/k/a cost-push inflation, and a general decrease in the purchasing power of all fiat currencies, be it the US Dollar, the Japanese Yen or the Euro.
Robot Dogs Now Have Assault Rifles Mounted On Their Backs
Ghost Robotics and SWORD International have teamed up to create a rifle-toting “robot dog.” Called the Special Purpose Unmanned Rifle, or SPUR, the system adds a 6.5mm Creedmoor rifle from SWORD to one of Ghost Robotics’ quadrupedal unmanned ground vehicles, or Q-UGVs.
The Unholy Transformation of God’s Creation Over To The Great Reset
Make ready for the ‘Greatest Show on Earth’, the one for which demented and demonized Joe Biden will raise the curtain on what he and Dr. Anthony Fauci proudly predict as: “The Dark Winter”.
Apple Deletes Popular Bible Apps from China’s App Store at Communist Regime’s Request
American Big Tech giant Apple has deleted popular Bible apps from China’s App Store after being told to do so by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Biden’s handlers working hard to crash the system: Airline pilots say prepare for chaos over refusal to take mandated COVID vaccine
…Already there is major pushback against Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates for companies with 100 or more employees. And while a month has gone by since he made the announcement, on Thursday he said the Labor Department was about to issue an “emergency rule” mandating that companies with 100 or more employees must order them to be vaccinated for COVID-19.
Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine With Comirnaty Label Still Not Available in US
Officials in 19 states confirmed this week to The Epoch Times they have not received doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine labeled Comirnaty. So did pharmacies in New York, California, and Missouri.
Fully vaccinated Florida man DIES from covid, MSN implies it’s the fault of unvaccinated people
A North Palm Beach man is dead after contracting post-vaccination “covid pneumonia.” And the mainstream media – MSN in particular – is blaming the unvaccinated.
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
3 people killed as M5.1 earthquake hits near Agung volcano, Bali, Indonesia
A shallow M5.1 earthquake hit close to Mount Agung, Bali, Indonesia at 20:18 UTC on October 15, 2021, leaving at least 3 people dead and 7 others injured.
SUBWAY GAS ATTACKS to be staged by DHS/Feds in NYC at over 120 locations, including transit buses, airports, subway tunnels between October 18th – 29th
Calling all crisis actors, get your practice run-through of the script before the “real” staged event of biological warfare in New York’s subway system occurs, according to the feds who say they are deploying non-toxic gas so they can test for biological attack “preparedness.” Rehearsals for gassing millions of subway travelers to death begins now.
Reaction to Cleveland Clinic’s new transplant COVID-19 vax policy
Mike Ganim was five days away from life-saving kidney transplant surgery when his wife, Debi, got the devastating news. The surgery would not happen. Debi Ganim said they were informed on October 8 that Cleveland Clinic implemented a new safety policy that required both living donors and organ recipients to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Report: Social Media Giants Helping Lead Haitian Migrants to Texas
Social media tools provided by Facebook, YouTube and platforms like WhatsApp are enabling migrants seeking to cross the Mexico border into the United States to navigate their way before leading others to follow.
Medical associations back stripping licenses from doctors who warn against COVID-19 jabs
The American Board of Pediatrics, American Board of Family Medicine, and American Board of Internal Medicine support the Federation of State Medical Boards’ decision that all boards should revoke or suspend the license and certification of doctors who question the safety of the experimental COVID-19 jabs.
A comparison of official Government reports suggest the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Latest UK PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report figures on Covid cases show that doubly vaccinated 40-70 year olds have lost 40% of their immune system capability compared to unvaccinated people. Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 2.7% and 8.7%). If this continues then 30-50 year olds will have 100% immune system degradation, zero viral defence by Christmas and all doubly vaccinated people over 30 will have lost their immune systems by March next year.
Graphene oxide emits frequencies that make non-inoculated people sick
Many non-inoculated people wonder why being around inoculated people makes them feel sick. Many think they have contracted the famous fashionable virus.
Did the World Economic Forum admit something very unnerving?
…here is a much deeper concern that the vaccines are injecting permanent substances in the body that support a “transhumanist” agenda. The newest video from the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) isn’t going to put that last concern to rest. First, for those unfamiliar with the concept, “transhumanism” is an idea that sounds wonderful in theory:
New Hampshire rejects $27 million from Biden admin to promote COVID vaccines
…CBS affiliate WCAX reported that the state’s five-member Executive Council, which must approve all federal funds above $10,000, voted down the measure Wednesday, making New Hampshire the first state to reject federal COVID dollars.
Active 60-yr-old woman blames Pfizer vaccine for sudden heart, lung ailments
In a detailed and heartfelt video, a Washington woman shared her experience from living an active lifestyle to becoming gravely ill just days after receiving her second shot of the abortion-tainted mRNA jab from Pfizer.
TV station asks for stories of unvaxxed fatalities but gets deluged with jab death and injury stories
Detroit’s ABC station asked Facebook users to share stories of unvaccinated people who have passed away from COVID-19, only to be flooded with stories of death and injury as a result of the shots.
China Tests New Hypersonic Nuclear-Capable Missile That Circled Entire Globe at Low-Orbit – US Military Officials Stunned
China launched a new hypersonic nuclear-capable missile that circled the entire globe at low-orbit in August, the Financial Times reported. US Intelligence and US Military officials were left stunned.
Australian X Factor Winner Altyan Childs Exposes World’s Secret Religion Freemasonry And Satanism
“We are in a war; a war between good and evil, between God, and Lucifer. We must choose between good and evil. All the big important people have been bought, compromised, sworn to Lucifer through a secret society, Freemasonry, which is actually Satan worship. They have sworn to destroy most of mankind in a bloodbath, which is a blood sacrifice to their god, Lucifer.”
Report: Supply Chain Crisis Impacting Grocers, ‘Shelves Were Bare’
President Biden’s supply chain crisis is impacting grocery store’s ability to keep food on shelves and workers employed.
Woolworths, Coles will use QR codes for Aussies to pay for groceries
Aussies will be able to pay for their groceries at Woolworths and Coles by scanning a QR code, with the new option rolling out into stores before Christmas.
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
The Israel-UAE-India-US partnership is a quiet revolution – analysis
The visit of India’s External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar and a subsequent virtual meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the UAE Foreign Minister, and Israel’s Foreign Minister, Yair Lapid marks a new stage in Israel’s diplomatic relations and it represents a rare example of Israel as part of a group of countries…
Earthquake felt throughout Israel, ministry issues guidelines
An earthquake was felt throughout Israel on Tuesday morning after a 5.8 magnitude quake struck south of the Greek holiday island of Rhodes, about 600 km west of Haifa, according to the Energy Ministry’s seismological division. This earthquake was also felt in Cyprus and even in Cairo, according to the ESMC, who marked it as having a magnitude of 6.4.
Who Will Be ‘Brave’ In Huxley’s New World?
“Anything for a quiet life. We’ve gone on controlling ever since. It hasn’t been very good for truth, of course. But it’s been very good for happiness…”
At least 26 dead as floods and landslides hit Kerala, India
At least 26 people have been killed in Kerala, India over the past couple of days after floods and landslides caused by heavy rains destroyed roads and homes and cut off many towns and villages. Heavy rains began on October 11, intensified late October 15, and continued through the weekend.
China’s energy crisis deepens, coal prices hit record high as cold weather sweeps in from the north
China’s coal crisis deepened late last week as cold weather swept in from the north, causing coal prices to surge to new record highs. Power rationing has already been in place in at least 17 of mainland China’s more than 30 regions since September, forcing some factories to suspend production and disrupting supply chains.
250,000 VAXXED AMERICANS DEAD? – Dr. Zev Zelenko
In Memory of Antifa Member’s Death – Rioters Tear Through Portland Causing $500,000 in Damage
At least 100 self-proclaimed anarchists tore through Portland, setting dumpsters aflame, smashing windows and causing $500,000 in damage, but police stood idle because of a new state law that restricts how law enforcement can respond to riots.
Biden’s Intelligence Agencies In United States Caught Completely Unawares As Communist China Conducts Successful Hypersonic Missile Tests
China well-played their hand in their business dealings with Hunter Biden, so much so that pretend president Biden now is very reluctant to act against the Communist nation for fear of secrets getting leaked. Hunter Biden still appears to hold an ownership stake in a Chinese government-linked firm that has invested in companies sanctioned by the United States despite repeated pledges from President Joe Biden that his family would not have any foreign business ties and claims from White House press secretary Jen Psaki that Biden’s son was ending his investment. And what about that laptop with “alleged” child pornography? Yep, there’s that, too.
Docs Show Fetal Organ Trafficking Horrors
Judicial Watch has uncovered more documents detailing the evil activities of your federal government – the trafficking of the remains of unborn human beings killed by abortion. We received another 198 pages of records and communications from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) involving “humanized mice” research with human fetal heads, organs and tissue, including communications and contracts with human fetal tissue provider Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR).
“It’s More A Gut Feeling Rather Than Based On Really Truly Serious Data”: FDA Panelist On Approving Moderna Boosters
The FDA approved the rollout of Moderna mRNA booster shots based off “a gut feeling” rather than any “really truly serious data,” according to a member of the FDA’s vaccine-advisory panel who voted in favor of the plan.
Whirlpool Rolls Out $1,000 Incentive for Employees to Get Vaccinated
Whirlpool Corp. has announced it is offering to pay employees a $1,000 incentive to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as pressure mounts on businesses across America to boost vaccination rates among workers.
Observations of Possible Microbiota in COVID mRNA Vaccines by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid
…It’s worth mentioning that, except for some identifiable materials, such as graphene oxide, the microbiota in the vaccination vials from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Janssen, and Moderna laboratories are completely unknown at the moment.
Covid-19 Vaccine Pill by Merck
The Covid-19 vaccine pill by Merck will be available, to entice you into taking their death jab, in case you don’t like needles. The U.S. is set to Pay $712 Per Patient for Merck’s COVID-19 vaccine pill.
Doctor confirms Ivermectin. Zinc and vitamin D no deaths zero hospitalizations
Doctor confirms Ivermectin. Zinc and vitamin D no deaths zero hospitalizations. He states the CDC and NIH aren’t using science.
One Bank Reveals The Dismal Truth About The $150 Trillion Crusade Against Climate Change
“If the Fed allows a permanent overshoot of economic potential, we think inflation will not just increase, it could trend higher. As in the 1970s there will be a feedback loop between price inflation, wage inflation and price expectations.”
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
14 Iranian army officers killed in mysterious Damascus bus blast: Is Israel behind it?
At least 14 people were killed and several others were wounded in central Damascus on Wednesday morning in an explosion on a Syrian military bus, Syrian state TV reported. According to additional reports from Syrian and Lebanese outlets, the casualties were Iranian officers.
‘Idols’ take over Wall St as Gorilla statue positioned to stare down iconic bull
A battle of idols took place on Wall Street when a seven-foot-tall bronze statue of a gorilla appeared, facing off against the iconic bronze Charging Bull statue that has come to symbolize the investing district. One rabbi noted that this publicity stunt symbolized the new era of idolatry that is taking over the “woke culture.”
Some people tend to think that you can have infinite growth and have infinite money, but that’s not how the world works.”
Vaccines, masks? Japan puzzling over sudden virus success
Almost overnight, Japan has become a stunning, and somewhat mysterious, coronavirus success story. Daily new COVID-19 cases have plummeted from a mid-August peak of nearly 6,000 in Tokyo, with caseloads in the densely populated capital now routinely below 100, an 11-month low. The bars are packed, the trains are crowded, and the mood is celebratory, despite a general bafflement over what, exactly, is behind the sharp drop. Japan, unlike other places in Europe and Asia, has never had anything close to a lockdown, just a series of relatively toothless states of emergency.
North Korea launches suspected sub-launched ballistic missile toward Japan
North Korea fired off a suspected submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) into the Sea of Japan on Tuesday, Japanese and South Korean officials said. We are aware of the North Korean ballistic missile launch this morning into the Sea of Japan and are consulting closely with the Republic of Korea & Japan, as well as other regional allies and partners.”
State Dept. investigating itself over Afghanistan pullout disaster says new report
According to Politico’s sources, parts of the investigative effort will focus on the sudden emergency evacuation of the U.S. Embassy in Kabul on August 15 as the city fell under Taliban control. Another part of the investigative effort will focus on the State Department’s Special Immigrant Visa program, the Afghans processed for refugee admission into the U.S. and the resettlement itself of those refugees and visa recipients. Diana Shaw, the State Department’s acting inspector general, notified Congress of the new investigations on Monday.
OSHA openly advocates ignoring vaccine-related injuries
On its website, OSHA is urging employers not to report any side effects workers may experience from COVID-19 vaccines because it would discourage others from getting vaccinated. Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., spotlighted the statement on Twitter.
Largest Known Undersea Volcanic Eruption Explains Odd Seismic Waves
Since the beginning of the eruption, the new underwater volcano has grown to a height of around 820 meter in a place where there was hardly any elevation before. The volume of the fire mountain is estimated to be five cubic kilometers. “This is the largest active submarine eruption ever documented,” Feuillet and her colleagues write in the paper. The eruption is located about 50 kilometers east of Mayotte, a overseas territory of France between the archipelago of Comoros and Madagascar.
Earthquakes Rock Oregon’s Largest Volcano
Just months after a similar swarm impacted the volcano, a fresh swarm of earthquakes is rocking Mount Hood, Oregon’s largest volcano. In the last 30 days, 41 earthquakes struck around the slopes and summit of Mount Hood; in just the last 24 hours, 33 earthquakes occured. Most of the earthquakes in the last 24 hours have struck the southern flank of the stratovolcano. Of all of the earthquakes, the strongest was a 2.5 which struck earlier today.
5 volcanoes spew ash in Indonesia
Eruptions of ash at five volcanoes clouded the skies over parts of Indonesia on Wednesday. Mount Raung on Java island blasted ash and debris, …
Volcano in Canary Islands shows no signs of eruption ending
There is no sign that the volcanic eruption on the Spanish island of La Palma is ending, four weeks after it began, officials said Sunday. The volcano on one of the Canary Islands off northwest Africa has destroyed more than 1,800 buildings, mostly homes, although quick evacuations have helped prevent deaths on the island of about 85,000 people. “We are at the mercy of the volcano,” Torres told reporters. “It’s the only one who can decide when this ends.”
Buttigieg on supply chain gridlock: Biden’s plan is working
ransportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg doesn’t appear to be concerned that U.S. supply chain issues likely will continue into 2022. “That’s the one thing he is correct about,” says Peter St. Onge, research fellow for The Heritage Foundation, a center-right think headquartered in Washington, D.C. “This administration has no plan, boots on the grounds are saying it’s getting worse, and Wall Street and companies are warning [the issue could persist into] 2022, possibly even 2023.”
Omar endorses open letter to Star Tribune that calls editorial board ‘racist’ and ‘Islamophobic’
The piece, titled “An Open Letter to the Minneapolis Star Tribune,” blasts the paper for numerous perceived transgressions against “people of color.” It begins by criticizing the Star Tribune for reposting a New York Times op-ed on Israel’s Iron Dome by Bret Stephens, which included an image of Israel’s defense system intercepting a Hamas rocket. The paper also changed the headline of the article to: “Omar, ‘squad,’ launch another anti-Israel strike.”
FED Chairman Powell Under Investigation for Dumping Stocks at Market Top Just Before Economy Slides into Recession. No Mention on MSM.
Fed Chair #JeromePowell Sold More Than a Million Dollars of Stock as the Market Was Tanking Disclosure documents reveal that the spectacle of Fed officials personally trading stocks extended to the chair
Why Are Gulf Coast Welders Dying From Anthrax-Like Disease?
The bacteria, called Bacillus cereus (B. cereus), naturally occurs in soil and dust. B. cereus can cause food poisoning and anthrax-like disease, but why it singles out welders and other metalworkers is a mystery, according to researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Also a puzzle is why it has only been reported in Gulf Coast states.
America’s doctors, nurses, paramedics and other medical professionals were celebrated as heroes – courageous frontline soldier-healers, selflessly battling a fearsome new pandemic called COVID-19. Just one year later, in 2021, tens of thousands of those same “frontline heroes” are now branded as rebels, conspiracy theorists, extremists – and yes, potential terrorists, at least according to the Department of Homeland Security. From hero to untouchable – what a difference a year makes.
Minnesota offers kids gift cards and scholarships for shots
Minnesota will offer $200 gift cards and a shot at five $100,000 scholarships as incentives for students ages 12-17 to get vaccinated against COVID-19, Gov. Tim Walz announced Monday.
Giant hailstones pummel Queensland, likely the largest seen in Australia since records began
Severe thunderstorms hit parts of Queensland, Australia on October 18 and 19, 2021, bringing heavy rain, giant hailstones, and tornadoes. The largest hail was reported in Bloomsbury and Yalboroo, north of Mackay in North Queensland on October 19.
Hundreds of underage migrants are being secretly flown from Texas to New York for resettlement
Hundreds of underage migrants are being secretly flown from Texas to New York for resettlement by the Biden administration, an investigation has learned.
BOOM! Major law firm confirms FDA deceived America with its confusing ‘approval’ of Pfizer vax
Dr. Anthony Fauci told national media outlets he expected a whole host of new “mandates” to be fueled by the “approval” of the Pfizer jab. There’s only one problem. The “approval” given by the FDA was not for the Pfizer jab currently available in the U.S. market.
Pontiff’s Suggested Quick Fix Leaves God Out Of The Picture
After 84 years of life in this Valley of Tears, Pope Francis has never learned that there is no ‘Quick Fix’ for a corrupt world going more corrupt by day. Nor is there a magic wand that would make everything alright. World ‘leaders’—all of them self-serving politicians—count on ‘The Great Reset’, and the ‘Build Back Better’ to stop the world madness that they instituted in the first place.
24 GOP AGs Ask Supreme Court to Uphold First Amendment Rights of High School Coach Fired for Praying on Field
Two dozen Republican attorneys general are urging the Supreme Court to “uphold the constitutional rights” of a former high school football coach who was fired for praying on the field.
Kraft Heinz CEO Warns Shoppers: ‘Get Used to Paying More for Food’ Over Inflation
The CEO of Kraft Heinz, Miguel Patricio, warned that around the world and in the United States, people will have to get used to higher food prices due to “across the board” inflation.
Meat Sector Leads Food Price Inflation
Food prices climbed 4.5% last month, the sixth consecutive month of increases, according to the Consumer Price Index for Food. The increase was led by the meat sector, with the “meat” basket of goods up 12.6% from a year ago while the poultry index was 6.1% higher.
US Army Suicides Increase by 46% Amid Fixation on Coronavirus
A new study commissioned by the Pentagon and released Wednesday indicates that suicides among active-duty members of the United States Army have increased by 46% relative to 2020, with 60 Soldiers killing themselves in 2021. Suicides had in turn increased last year, as well.
57 Top Scientists and Doctors Release Shocking Study on COVID Vaccines and Demand Immediate Stop to All Vaccinations
A group of 57 leading scientists, doctors and policy experts has released a report calling in to question the safety and efficacy of the current COVID-19 vaccines and are now calling for an immediate end to all vaccine programs. We urge you to read and share this ****ing report.
Massachusetts State Police sergeant in ICU one day after Vaccine…
Massachusetts State Police officer in ICU a day after he got the jab because he didn’t want to be terminated. Safe and effective? Tell that to this officers family and the paralyzed officer in Colorado that had a stroke last weekend.This has got to stop!
Pennsylvania Votes to Withdraw from National School Boards Association
The Pennsylvania School Boards Association is one of 11 state boards that are officially withdrawing from the National School Boards Association following the infamous letter to the White House.
‘Conformity to the Extreme’: Parents Outraged After Teachers Tape Face Masks to Students’ Faces
Parents want answers after teachers at a middle school in Colorado were accused of taping face masks to students’ faces.
René Carmille Was The World’s First Computer Hacker And He Saved The Lives Of Millions Of Jews From Nazi Death By Hacking Into IBM Machines
René Carmille is likely not a name you are familiar with, but like Oskar Schindler of ‘Schindler’s List‘ fame, Carmille saved the lives of countless Jews during the Nazi occupation of France by becoming the world’s first hacker, hacking into the electronic tabulating machines created by IBM. I bet you didn’t know that IBM helped Hitler and the Nazis organize and catalogue the millions of concentration camp prisoners in order to send them to their deaths with the greatest of efficiency.
SUBWAY GAS ATTACKS to be staged by DHS/Feds in NYC at over 120 locations, including transit buses, airports, subway tunnels between October 18th – 29th
The entire transit system of New York City will seem like it’s under siege by terrorists releasing chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction for the last two weeks of October, thanks to what the feds are calling necessary rehearsals in case the real thing happens. As if nobody can imagine what would happen if one of the most populated metropolitan cities of America suddenly came under deadly gas attack, and everyone starting choking to death and dropping like flies. What are we practicing here, how to trample people to death for real during rehearsal? Will Biden announce this so nobody thinks these insane (staged) terrorist attacks are real?
Total Destruction Has Arrived! There Is Not One Institution That Is Not Under DELIBERATE Attack By the Obama Controlled Biden Administration
People ask me how I know that Fox News is the controlled opposition. It is simple, as much as they have covered, they never state that Biden is doing what every aware person knows, his destruction of America is deliberate. Biden is systematically attacking every institution and is preparing to hand off the fate of every American to the Globalist new police force, the CHICOMS. I cannot overstate how hideous this will become.
Lake Tahoe water level hits four-year low due to severe drought in California
Lake Tahoe’s water level dropped to a four-year low on Tuesday as gusty winds and the impacts of California’s devastating drought hit the popular tourist destination.
Report: Many Cities that Defunded Police Quietly Restored Funding
Many cities that cut police department funding during the height of anti-police activism in 2020 are quietly restoring the funds and, in some cases, handing out bonuses to keep officers on the payroll.
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
ISIS Puts China On Notice by Recruiting Minorities for Attacks in Afghanistan
The Islamic State militant group (ISIS) has sent an implicit warning to Beijing by claiming to recruit ethnic minorities for recent attacks in neighboring Afghanistan at a time when separatists are increasingly looking to a more influential China as a target in the region.
Social unrest threatens Mideast economic recovery, IMF warns
The Middle East and North Africa are on track for a recovery, but rising social unrest is threatening the “fragile” progress of low-income economies, the International Monetary Fund said Tuesday.
Majority of Israelis believe Biden worse for Israel than Trump, survey finds
According to the Mitvim poll, 53% of Israeli adults favored the former U.S. president over his successor, …
Air Force resumes training to attack Iran nuclear sites
The Israeli Air Force has resumed training for a possible attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities after two years in which no such training had taken place, Channel 12 News reported. IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi has even ordered a significant budget be used to facilitate the training exercises. The resumption of training for a possible attack on Iran is taking place against the background of American attempts to resume talks with the Iranians on a nuclear agreement.
Iran praises arms deal with Russia – analysis
Iran has reached an agreement on arms purchases from Russia, according to media reports. “The conclusion of arms agreements and their implementation in the near future will considerably deepen our relationships,” the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting corporation quoted the Iranian military chief as saying.
US Orthodox rabbis accused of secretly being Evangelical Christians
Accusations have been leveled against a father and son in the United States who practice as Orthodox rabbis of secretly being Evangelical Christians. The father and son in question, Michael and Calev Isaacson, have worked as rabbis in Orthodox Jewish communities throughout the United States. These include Portland, Milwaukee, Houston, and, currently, Phoenix. While in Houston, from 2014-2016, Michael reportedly worked as a supervisor for the local kashrut association.
‘Unilever falsely claiming its hands are tied on Ben & Jerry’s boycott’
Pro-Israel lawyers in Great Britain have warned Ben & Jerry’s parent company Unilever against falsely claiming it cannot overrule the ice-cream maker’s boycott of Judea and Samaria. UK Lawyers for Israel, … noted Ben & Jerry’s Judea and Samaria boycott was in breach of Unilever’s Code of Business Conduct.
Netanyahu: Government’s policy on Iran threatens our children’s future
Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Thursday that the current government’s policy on Iran was dangerous because it has reportedly agreed not to take unilateral action to stifle Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons without US consent. “I lose sleep over this,” Netanyahu told the audience …
1.6%, Not 97%, Agree that Humans are the Main Cause of Global Warming
According to Bahner (and I have not gone through and checked the raw data for myself), of the 11,944 abstracts that Cook et al examined, only 64 claimed explicitly that humans are the main cause of global warming. Here are the categories that Cook et al state. I have added the numbers that Bahner found beside each.
Jordan issues formal directive banning land sales in Judea-Samaria to Jews
In a surprise move, Jordan’s foreign minister issued a formal directive to the kingdom’s Justice Ministry this week forbidding the approval of any real estate transactions conducted in Judea and Samaria.
US Military Conducts Three Successful Tests To Advance Hypersonic Weapon Program
The three tests “demonstrated advanced hypersonic technologies, capabilities, and prototype systems in a realistic operating environment,” the Pentagon said.
Multiple landfalling atmospheric rivers aim U.S. West Coast
A series of landfalling atmospheric rivers (ARs) will impact the western United States, and British Columbia, this week into early next week, bringing excessive rainfall, strong winds, and mountain snow. This could lead to flash floods and dangerous debris flows in regions devastated by recent wildfires.
Record-breaking rains leave at least 54 dead, 5 missing in Uttarakhand, India
Heavy rains triggered by two simultaneous low-pressure systems — one over the Arabian Sea and the other over the Bay of Bengal regions — caused severe floods and landslides in parts of the Indian state of Uttarakhand, since Sunday, October 17, 2021. Massive damage was reported across the state.
Forced-On-Masses COVID Passport A Diversion From Increasing Reports On Side Effects of Experimental Vaccines?
Canada’s not too bright Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may have inadvertently let the cat out of the bag on Western ‘leaders’ forcing the COVID-19 vaxx passport on their masses. Is the rise of the COVID Passport a diversion from increasing reports on the dangerous side effects of the experimental vaccines? Casually dressed, Trudeau was all smiles and surrounded by reporters today when he unveiled Canada’s International Proof-Of-Vaccination for COVID-19.
Human Trafficking Operation Yields 115 Arrests in Texas
In operation “Buyer Beware,” police focused on “slowing down sex trafficking,” bringing “awareness to human trafficking,” and bringing to light the new law making it a felony to solicit a prostitute rather than a misdemeanor. The law took effect September 1 of this year.
Murder Charges After Child Vaxx Death, Genetic Code STOLEN With PCR Tests
Wild conspiracy theories are becoming reality around the world. AJ Roberts is a veteran of the British Army and host of “The AJ Roberts Show”, and Roberts is based in the UK. Roberts joined Stew Peters to reveal an investigation that has been launched to determine if health officials intentionally led “undesirable” patients to their death. In addition, Roberts broke news about a prosecutor in the UK that has accepted murder charges against a school that jabbed a child who later died.
Biden released more than 16,000 covid-positive illegals into U.S., says ICE
A source at Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has come forward with information claiming that the Biden regime set loose into the United States more than 16,000 illegal “migrants” who tested “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
Pupil Yells “Allahu Akbar” During Tribute To French Teacher Beheaded By Jihadist
Islamist father threatens to burn down school..
Is covid a falsified “pandemic” that was launched as a bioweapons exercise?
Just a few months before the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “pandemic” was officially declared, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and several other federal bureaucracies held a “National Exercise Program” (NEP) that simulated the country’s preparedness response to a disease threat. Well, it has been speculated ever since that the Chinese Virus is simply this exercise gone live.
Trump announces ‘TRUTH Social’ network will be rolled out first quarter of 2022
Former President Donald Trump announced Wednesday the forthcoming “TRUTH Social,” a social media network that aims to “stand up to the tyranny of Big Tech.”
FAUCI LIED: NIH Releases Document Proving That Gain-Of-Function Research Was In Fact Conducted In Wuhan Lab And Paid For By Liar Fauci
Senator Rand Paul famously exposed professional liar and New World Order minion Anthony Fauci in viral and highly-combative hearings in which Sen. Paul confronted liar Fauci and provided documented evidence to prove his case. Lair Fauci pushed back and the fake news media covered for him. But today comes the news that Fauci’s own organization, the National Institutes of Health, have outed Fauci as having lied when he said no gain-of-function research was funded. It absolutely was.
Alabama school district warns of food shortages, asks for parent help after deliveries fail
Alexander City Schools has asked parents to start feeding their children breakfast at home or to send them to school with a snack because the district has not received food deliveries from their vendors.
‘White Is Not Right’: Walmart Training Manual For White Employees Leaked by Whistleblower
“Walmart has launched a critical race theory training program that denounces the United States as a ‘white supremacy system’ and teaches white hourly-wage workers that they are guilty of ‘white supremacy thinking’ and ‘internalized racial superiority,'” Christopher Rufo reports.
The Chinese Communist Party is Behind a U.S. ‘Climate Change’ Activism Conference.
Chinese Communist Party-linked foreign influence group sponsored a climate change conference seeking to mobilize youth advocates in America, the National Pulse can reveal.
79-year-old American pastor kidnapped 2 weeks before missionaries in Haiti still missing
Nearly two weeks before the notorious 400 Mawozo gang in Haiti kidnapped 17 mostly American missionaries and demanded a $17 million ransom, Pastor Jean Pierre Ferrer Michel, another American, was abducted from his church along with two others. And like the missionaries, Michel is still missing.
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
Powerful storm wreaks havoc across Europe, leaves over 500 000 homes without power and at least 4 fatalities
A powerful autumn storm named Aurore by Meteo France brought severe weather to France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Poland, the Channel Islands, and parts of southern England on Wednesday, October 20, and Thursday, October 21, 2021. This is the year’s first violent autumn storm in Europe. In Germany, this storm is known as Ignatz.
Vaccination Rates Not Linked to Lower COVID Rates, Epidemiology Paper Finds
A new paper in the European Journal of Epidemiology that analyzed 168 countries and 2,947 US counties found that higher vaccination rates were not associated with fewer COVID-19 cases.
Millions Of Americans Are Getting Fired For Not Taking A Jab That’s Now 3% Effective
CNN is reporting that a new study involving over 600,000 veterans has found that Johnson & Johnson’s covid vaccine’s protection “fell from 88% in March to 3% in August.”
Five Days In, Here’s How the John Deere Worker Strike Is Already Impacting Farmers During Harvest
More than 10,000 John Deere workers have been on strike for five days. Both Deere and United Auto Workers Union (UAW) insist negotiations are ongoing, but the strike is already impacting farmers who are busy with harvest. From sourcing parts to manufacturing tractors and planters, the strike could sting a supply chain that’s already strained.
Unvaccinated lawmakers now getting locked out of government buildings
Members of the Washington House of Representatives who have not gotten “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are being locked out of the Capitol building in Olympia, according to new reports.
Victoria, NSW mask rules: Experts shred Burnet Institute study
A “world-first” Australian study which Victoria’s government has held up as proof its mandatory face mask policy worked is riddled with basic errors and should never have been published in a major journal, medical researchers and experts say.
HORROR: In order to make covid vaccines, Pfizer cuts open live babies without anesthesia to harvest tissues
A disturbing, but not surprising, revelation has surfaced about how Pfizer harvested organs and other body parts from live babies in order to produce Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”
Are the US Supply Chain Disruptions Deliberate?
Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo may have accidentally leaked the cause of America’s supply chain issues. “The reality is the only way we’re going to get to a place where we work through this transition is if everyone in America and everyone around the world gets vaccinated,” Adeyemo admitted in an interview with ABC News.
COVID Has Become The New Religion And Adherents Must Receive The Sacrament Of Vaccination In Order To ‘Buy And Sell’ In The New System
Today on the podcast, we talked about how coronavirus has become the new religion, and that the congregation must receive the sacrament of vaccination in order to be allowed to ‘buy and sell’ in the new economy.
In-N-Out Fined for Refusing to Check Customers’ Vaccination Status
An In-N-Out in Contra Costa County, California, has been hit with fines for refusing to ask customers to present evidence showing they are vaccinated against COVID-19, according to reports.
Farmers struggle to find more space to grow crops, Biden makes the situation worse
Farmers say the surge in demand for food means they need more space to grow crops to meet the demand. But their situation is about to get even more dire as President Joe Biden pushes to increase the use of renewable fuel.
Illinois Sheriffs Say They Won’t Send Deputies To Help Fill Gap Created By Chicago’s Vaccine Mandate
Multiple sheriffs in jurisdictions near Chicago said they will not respond to fill the potential gap in police manpower created by Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
Maine Hospital Fired So Many Unvaxed Employees They Had to Close the ICU ⋆ A hospital in Maine fired so many of its employees for being unvaccinated that the place was forced to close its ICU.
A hospital in Maine fired so many of its employees for being unvaccinated that the place was forced to close its ICU because it didn’t have enough workers to staff it.
Union Pacific Railroad enacts federal vaccine mandate
Union Pacific Railroad is the latest company to board the mandatory vaccine train. The company’s 31,000 employees across 23 states have been given just under two months to comply or face additional consequences.
In Australia, DOUBLE vaxxed to be locked up if they fail to take all required “booster” shots
Premier Daniel Andrews, a politician from the Australian state of Victoria, has announced that people who are “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) will only remain such if they agree to also take all existing and future “booster” jabs.
China’s Military Declares Biotechnology Warfare as its Fundamental Guiding Principle
China’s People’s Liberation Army believes that biological weapons, not nuclear weapons, are the key to global military dominance.
National security laws may suggest that COVID-19 is a falsified pandemic ‘exercise’
One of the approaches used to determine whether COVID-19 may be a falsified pandemic is to observe the legal actions, plans, and strategies leading up to and during COVID-19 in any way relevant to emerging infectious diseases, vaccinations, or pandemics.
Texas Governor Abbott: Border Crisis “Escalating Into a Firing War”
On Sunday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, told Fox News that the situation at the U.S. Southern border with Mexico has deteriorated to the point where “aggressive” Mexican cartels feel emboldened to fire on National Guard troops patrolling the area for illegal immigrants. Abbott further stated that the Biden administration has “abandoned” the people living on the U.S. side of the border.
Chaos coming to streets of Chicago as mayor won’t back off vaccine mandate and 3,200 cops refuse to take the jab
As bad as murder and violence is in parts of Chicago at present, things are about to get a lot worse across the entire city if Mayor Lori Lightfoot doesn’t stop playing the role of Democrat tyrant with her nonsensical COVID-19 vaccine mandate, especially when it comes to the Chicago Police Department.
Civil War By Politicians Via Covid
..Governments want A New World Order and are doing everything to get you to comply – they are pushing people too far. As time marches on, people are waking up and realizing their government is the enemy.
White House Getting Ready To Have 28 Million Children Between 5 and 11 Vaxxed By Christmas
Pertinent Question in ‘The Time of Covid’: Why should a White House administration, including an abortion advocating President and House Speaker be trusted on its plans to vaccinate 28 million children age 5 to 11 with the Pfizer shot by Christmas?
America’s Frontline Doctors agree: murdered infants at the heart of vaccine research “Not only are the babies delivered alive, horrifically, their organs are often removed when they are still alive. This is how they got the HEK293 kidney cells used in the manufacture of the vaccines and why Pfizer wanted it to remain a secret…”
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
BYU conference: Elder Bednar, Elder Gong invite mutual understanding, respect among Latter-day Saints and Muslims
Two Apostles encouraged members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Tuesday, Oct. 19, to better understand the similarities and differences they have with the globe’s 1.8 billion followers of Islam. “The two faiths are different in many of our core doctrines, but many of our values and the ways in which we practice our respective faith are similar and reflect our love of God and of our fellow man,” said Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
Strong Earthquake Rocks Caribbean; No Tsunami Threat to U.S. East Coast
The quake, originally classified as a magnitude 4.9 earthquake, struck at 6:47 pm ET. USGS reviewed data and lowered the magnitude of the actual quake down to a 4.6. The earthquake struck 21 miles northwest of Saint John’s, Antigua and Barbuda. USGS said the earthquake struck at a depth of approximately 57 miles.
The military is preparing for a ‘space superhighway,’ complete with pit stops
U.S. Transportation Command and the U.S. Space Force see a future space superhighway system where the United States, commercial partners, and allies would be able to make repeat, regular trips to the moon or beyond by using multiple hubs where they could gas up, have maintenance done, and even throw out their trash.
After sub accident, China demands US end free navigation ops
China is demanding the United States stop its freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea, and has accused the U.S. of a “stupid mistake” when one of its nuclear-powered submarines collide with an unidentified object this month.
Vaccine mandates decimating police forces across U.S.
As crime rates surge, so are vaccine mandates — and resistance by police to those mandates. That means major cities across the United States risk losing one-third or more of their police forces, hesitant about getting the COVID-19 shot. Chicago Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara said last week, “It’s safe to say that the city of Chicago will have a police force at 50% or less for this weekend coming up.”
The majority of voters blame Democrats for inflation
America is currently enduring the fastest rate of inflation it’s seen in 30 years. Voters blame Democrats, according to a new poll. 62% of Americans blame Democratic policies, putting even more pressure on President Joe Biden to address the issue heading into the 2022 midterm election cycle.
Syria executes 24 charged with lighting wildfires last year
Syria has executed 24 people who were convicted of terrorism charges for igniting last year’s devastating wildfires that left 3 people dead and scorched thousands of acres of forests, the Syrian Ministry of Justice said Thursday. The perpetrators confessed that they had set fire to several locations in the three governorates, and were first arrested last year, the Ministry of Justice statement said. They were executed on Wednesday.
Rick Expected to Become A Hurricane Later Saturday, NHC Says
Tropical storm Rick is expected to become a hurricane later Saturday as it approaches the coast of Mexico, according to the National Hurricane Center. At 1 a.m. central daylight time, the center of Rick was located near latitude 13.7 North, longitude 101.3 West and was moving toward the northwest at 6 miles (9.7 kilometers) per hour, the center said in an advisory. It is expected to turn to the north-northwest later Saturday.
Drone footage shows La Palma volcano continuing to erupt, spewing lava and ash into the air
Recently released drone footage shows hypnotic images of the volcano in the Spanish island of La Palma as it continues to shoot sprays of lava, smoke and ash into the air.
A tour of the Wailing Wall Tunnel shows a new underground area in Jerusalem
After more than 150 years of excavation, the buried building, built around 20 AD, will be open to the public this year. The underground building is right next to the Wailing Wall, a retaining wall on the west side of Temple Mount, the most sacred place in Judaism, where the First and Second Temples of Jerusalem were once located.
Macron, Biden discuss ‘stronger’ European defence after submarine row
Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron discussed strengthening European defenses in a telephone call Friday, the White House said as Washington seeks to mend ties after a bitter row over submarine contracts. Biden will meet Macron in Rome later this month, and the statement said he looked forward to the chance to “take stock of the many areas of US-France cooperation, and reinforce our shared interests.”
New Colorado River basin projections show dire conditions for reservoirs as drought persists
New projections of Colorado River system inflows into Lake Powell and Lake Mead released this week by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation show both reservoirs could reach critical, and lower, levels in the next two years with another drier La Niña weather pattern setting up for the basin this winter.
State Department Privately Admits ‘Nearly 400’ Americans Still Stuck In Afghanistan
“We now know this administration repeatedly lied…”
Hurricane “Rick” forecast to make landfall over Mexico near or at major hurricane strength
Tropical Storm “Rick” formed at 21:00 UTC on October 22, 2021, as the 17th named storm of the 2021 eastern Pacific hurricane season and strengthened into a hurricane at 12:00 UTC today, becoming the 8th hurricane of the season. Rick is forecast to approach the coast of Mexico on Sunday and Sunday night, October 24, possibly as a major hurricane.
No Jab? No Food! Planning for Food Rationing Is Underway Designed to Control the Public
I am in the process of writing a series on the coronavirus-induced martial law in New Zealand and Australia and what we have to look forward to here. However, and quite unexpectedly I have received intel that the Biden adminstration is beginning to lay the ground work for using food as a weapon. That means the food rationing is right around the corner.
Biden Lawyer Caught Criticizing Pro-Life Christians: They’re Not “Sincere” in Their Beliefs
A lawyer in the Biden administration has been caught in a phone call criticizing pro-life Christians and questioning the sincerity of their beliefs. The White House official was captured criticizing the religious beliefs of federal workers on abortion, specifically the religious exemptions to the COVID vaccine mandate.
Shannon Olsen: 22-year-old Wisconsin newlywed healthcare worker says having only two seizures is a “good day” in the 10 months since second Pfizer mRNA injection
A 22-year-old respiratory therapist and newlywed did everything by the proverbial book to live her American dream. Now she’ll live with neurological disorders for the rest of her life.
Sweden Suspends Moderna Vaccine Indefinitely After Vaxxed Patients Developed Severe Heart Condition
According to reports, Swedish health authorities have decided to impose an indefinite suspension on administering the Moderna vaccination to anybody under the age of 31. The Moderna shots were originally supposed to be resumed on December 1st.
Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg Tells His Unvaccinated Citizens To Prepare To Be Locked Down Unless They Agree To Take The Jab
In case you haven’t noticed, exactly none of the nations who mentioned any percentage of people needing to be vaccinated in order to achieve ‘herd immunity’ have declared herd immunity after arriving at their goal number. The concept of herd immunity, a meaningless phrase dangled in front of you to get you to take the vaccine, does not figure in the plans of any world leader. They only have one number that will satiate their vaccine lust, and that is 100%.
Inflation Is Approaching a Tipping Point at the Grocery Store
Confident consumers have swallowed higher supermarket prices so far this year, but the risk of indigestion is growing. For companies that make staple goods, asking for more money is delicate.
Buck Up World – Your Last and Worst Dictator is Approaching Quickly
If this seems a bit hard for the snowflakes and the woke, consider this. Even in those days there is still a way out. Here it is, in all its grand simplicity. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Biden’s Adminstartion Has Run Out of “Legal” Compliance Options-False Flag Events Blamed on the Unvaxxed Are Next As the Pretext for Quarantines and Gun Confiscation
When outright compliance, or genocidal enforcement of governmental mandates is not possible, look for false flag events to occur in order the justification for any use of force to gain citizen compliance. The American public, as a whole, has never faced the dangers that the Biden administration is preparing to bring their way. You may not want violence, but your oppressors will not likely grant any quarter, nor give you any choice. We are already seeing the precursors to these strategies in New Zealand and Australia.
Chinese & Russian Warships Still Circling Japan As ‘Counterweight’ To US “Destabilization” In Region
State media: Encircling Japan, particularly sailing to the east side of Japan, is of significance because many key military installations are located on that side.
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
India: Human rights groups document over 300 acts of Christian persecution in 2021
Human rights groups in India say they have documented over 300 incidents of Christian persecution in just the first nine months of 2021, warning that this year might be the worst in terms of the number of such incidents in the country’s history.
Northern California Swamped With “Historic Rain” Amid Rare Atmospheric River Event
“We just passed the Gold Rush year of 1849 for 7th wettest October on record for Downtown SF.”
M6.5 earthquake hits Yilan County, Taiwan
A powerful earthquake registered by the CWB (Taiwan) as M6.5 hit Yilan County, Taiwan at 05:11 UTC (13:11 LT) on October 24, 2021, at a depth of 66.8 km (41 miles). USGS is reporting it as M6.2 at a depth of 64.5 km (40 miles); EMSC M6.0 at a depth of 60 km (37 miles).
Louisiana High School Administered COVID Vaccine to Children Without Parental Consent
East Jefferson High School in Metarie, La. recently administered the COVID-19 vaccine to children without parental consent, according to a lawsuit filed by the parents of one of the alleged victims.
California Drove Truckers Out of Business. Now Store Shelves Are Empty
After a long cross-country flight, I made it out of LAX and into an Uber. I wasn’t in the mood to talk, but the driver was. And hearing that I was a journalist, he wanted to tell me a story. I’ve heard a lot of stories over the years, but this may have been the most important one I let go.
3 Ohio Judges Unexpectedly Die in 9-Day Period Following Vaccine Mandate in Cuyahoga County
In the weeks following an imposed mandate by the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court that voted to force all courthouse employees to be fully vaccinated by mid-October, three Cleveland-area judges – two from the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court – have died in a nine-day span under curios circumstances.
Archbishop Vigano: “The vaccine victims are sacrificed at the altar of Moloch.”We Are in a War of Good vs Evil, The Deep State and Deep Church Conspire Against Humanity
Vigano goes on to declare, “The Vaccine and Abortion Victims are Sacrificed at the Altar of Moloch.” He Warns of the Coming Evil of Climate Change Tyranny. Archbishop Vigano is a Rare Religious Leader Who Dares to Speak the Truth. Even more Rare, He Actually Understands What is Really Happening.
If you take the covid vax, you can NEVER achieve full immunity again – government stats unveil the horrifying truth
The British government has spilled the beans about that fact that once you get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), you will never again be able to acquire full natural immunity.
Lancet COVID Origins Investigator Wins $1 Million Chinese Prize For Claiming Virus Developed Naturally.
Dr. Malik Peiris, who previously served on the Lancet medical journal’s COVID-19 origins investigation committee, received China’s “Nobel Prize” for research affirming the Chinese Communist Party’s false narrative that COVID-19 developed naturally.
With Death Panels Here, Imagine Barcodes On Americans Foreheads To Scan Vax Status Now Dead Ahead
As Americans watch the disturbing coverage of what is happening to freedom and human rights across the globe, from supposed “democracies,” we note the terrifyingly apathetic reactions of nearly half of Americans.
Secret Vaccine Contracts Reveal How Pfizer Strong-Armed Governments to Maximize Profits
In a report published Tuesday, Public Citizen exposed how Pfizer, through secret contracts, used its monopoly on COVID vaccines to extract concessions from “desperate” governments.
COVID vaccine experiment causes monstrous spike in vaccine injuries and deaths, serious adverse events under-reported by a factor of eight
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are legally required to collect and report accurate pharmacovigilance data in regard to every vaccine on the market.
Open borders policies are really just are a child trafficking operation run by Democrats
The Biden regime has reportedly “lost track” of some 45,000 illegal immigrant children who arrived at America’s southern border before mysteriously “disappearing.”
Vaccine mandate being used to gut America’s weapons research assets by firing top scientists at Los Alamos
The diabolical nature of the Biden regime puts America and Americans more at risk every day as these lunatics continue to exploit the COVID-19 pandemic to weaken our country in the face of our enemies, such is their hatred for our liberties.
Most Vaccinated State In U.S. Sees Huge Spike In COVID Cases
The state of Vermont is seeing a massive spike in COVID-19 cases even though 88% of the state is “fully vaccinated” against coronavirus.
Is Stagflation Here: Comparing The 2020s With The 1970s…
Things were very bad in the 1970s. Are they about to get even worse? Read on for a comprehensive compare and contrast between the stagflation of the 1970s and what we are living through now.
Shadow Inflation: Shipping Costs Are Up Way More Than You Think
Costs are not just about rates. As service quality plummets, effective inflation goes even higher…
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
Israel rejoins EU science program excluding Judea and Samaria
Israel and the EU completed negotiations for Israel to join the Horizon Europe scientific research funding program, which includes a controversial clause banning the use of the funds in east Jerusalem, the Golan Heights and Judea and Samaria. Horizon Europe is the EU’s largest research and development program to date, with a budget of 95.5 Euros.
Iran sending advanced anti-aircraft batteries to challenge Israel
Iran has begun deploying advanced anti-aircraft missile batteries to the region, including in Syria where Israeli jets routinely carry out airstrikes, in an attempt to challenge Israel Air Force jets. Israel has carried out hundreds of strikes in Syria in an attempt to thwart Iranian entrenchment and the smuggling of advanced weapons to Hezbollah in Syria and Lebanon…
Iran feeds highly enriched uranium into more machines at Natanz -IAEA
Iran is expanding its enrichment of uranium beyond the highly enriched threshold of 20% purity at a Natanz plant where it is already enriching to 60%, but the new activity does not involve keeping the product, the UN nuclear watchdog said on Monday. The move is likely to help Iran refine its knowledge of the enrichment process…
People of faith and the COVID vaccine: Refusing the COVID vaccine should be a personal mandate
“Well, I mean, sure, maybe some of the research behind the COVID vaccine involved aborted fetuses, but that was a long time ago, and really, I can’t think about that, I need to take the vaccine to protect myself, and besides, abortion is legal…”
Climate Change Replacing Pandemic Panic Leaving Al Gore No Longer Dancing in the Dark
Man-made Global Warming whiner Al Gore and the Sky-is-Falling Brigade must be dancing up a storm. Fox News is changing partners and dancing giddily across the ballroom floor, all the way over to embracing Global Warming/Climate Change.
Biden backs UN racist plan to exclude Jews from East Jerusalem
Why does rebuilding this relationship justify consular offices separate from the US Embassy in Jerusalem for those seeking to deny Jews the right to live in East Jerusalem alongside the
Heavy rain, snow, and high winds in the West, severe thunderstorms shift to the East, U.S.
A strong storm off the Pacific Northwest will continue directing a stream of heavy rain, high elevation snow and gusty to high winds over much of central and northern California, the Sierra Nevadas and the Great Basin Monday, October 25, 2021. Thunderstorms associated with isolated wind damage are possible over parts of the southern and central Appalachians into the Carolinas and Middle Atlantic region today.
A West Coast Storm Breaks Records as Another Storm Threatens 70 Million Americans in the Eastern US
After the West Coast got walloped by record-setting rainfall and dangerous mudslides—with more heavy rain in store today—70 million Americans in the Eastern United States are now also at risk for severe weather.
Anti-Defamation League faces backlash for guide on avoiding ‘gender norms’ for Halloween costumes
The Anti-Defamation League, an organization that once worked to prevent the defamation of the Jewish people and other marginalized groups, has published a Halloween costume resource guide titled, “Halloween: When the Goblins, Ghosts and Stereotypes Come Out.”
Navy to begin kicking sailors out who refuse COVID vaccine without waivers
The U.S. Navy announced on Thursday it will begin halting reenlistments and transfer orders for sailors currently refusing the COVID-19 vaccines and active-duty sailors will have up until November 14 to either have an approved or pending vaccine exemption request or their second COVID-19 vaccine dose or they will face being discharged from the service. Sailors in the Navy Reserves have until December 14 to receive their second vaccine dose.
The Number Reason for America’s Decline
.During Obama’s acceptance speech, he announced that he was going to fundamentally transform America. Obama did a very good job to that end. However, the real fundamental transformation of America away from being a Christian nation that largely rejected Satan, began much earlier:
‘Unprecedented’ freight demand, labor challenges next year, Heartland Express says
Truckload carrier Heartland Express recorded its best operating ratio Thursday since it began acquiring other carriers in 2013. The third-quarter result was a 75% adjusted OR, 650 basis points better year-over-year and 470 bps better than the second quarter.
Soros Backed Radical Dem McAuliffe’s Campaign Signs Say “Keep Parents Out of Classrooms”
According to reports, signs promoting Virginia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe have been spotted that bear the slogan “Keep Parents Out of Classrooms,” a slogan that clearly alludes to parents in recent months voicing opposition to things like CRT being injected into school curriculums.
In Historic United States First, National Guard Soldiers Start Arresting Illegal Migrants on the U.S.-Mexico Border
In a dive into new political and legal water, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has initiated the first-ever border security operations in which thousands of National Guard troops — newly imbued with civilian arrest authority and given 40 hours of traditional police training in the use of deadly force — have started handcuffing illegally entering migrants on state trespassing charges.
US agency enlisted foreign governments for pandemic ‘preparedness activities’ before COVID
A strategic plan of the Department of Health and Human Services before COVID-19 stated that the agency was working with foreign governments to ‘enhance international preparedness activities at the national, regional, and global levels,’ possibly through pandemic ‘exercises.’
NIH Contradicts Fauci, Admits Funding Gain-of-Function Research at Wuhan Lab
Molecular biologist Richard H. Ebright on Wednesday posted a letter from the National Institute of Health (NIH) showing that an NIH grant did fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, contrary to what Dr. Anthony Fauci had testified to the Senate.
What Are They Hiding? OSHA Announces They Will Not Enforce Policy That Requires Employers Record Their Worker’s Adverse Reactions to Covid-19 Vaccine “At Least Through May 2022”
In a dramatic shift in their enforcement policy that concerns the recordability of adverse reactions from vaccines, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published a new Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) explaining that employers no longer need to report adverse reactions that their employee’s contract from COVID-19 vaccines.
Thousands Of New York City Workers Protest Against New World Order COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Demanding An End To Vaccination Fascism
I loved watching the protest of thousands of Americans in New York City demanding an end to the draconian COVID-19 vaccine mandates of the radical Left, it reminded me of the highly passionate protests in Paris just a few months ago. But in France, as 160,000+ passionate Parisians protested, 6.2 million signed up for the sacrament of vaccination from their lord and savior Emmanuel Macron.
Australian tyrants promise to FLOOD the country with virus-transmitting vaccinated people… global biowar aims to REMOVE humanity before the coming “big event”
AUSTRALIA: Queensland health official Jeannette Young is now promising to flood the country with vaccinated super spreaders who carry covid, claiming on video, “Every single queenslander is going to get exposed to the covid-19 virus and will get infected.”
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
NYPD’s Largest Police Union Sues Mayor Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
The largest New York City Police Department union on Monday filed a lawsuit to block a citywide COVID-19 vaccine mandate that’s slated to go into effect by the end of this month. The Police Benevolent Association union sued over Mayor Bill de Blasio’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, which goes into effect for all police officers and other city workers on Friday, Oct. 29. “The City has provided no explanation, much less a rational one, for the need to violate the autonomy and privacy of NYPD police officers in such a severe manner, on the threat of termination,” the lawsuit said, adding that the current policy to either mandate vaccines or testing for COVID-19 is “sufficient enough.”
Flesh-Eating STD spreading in England ‘resembles disease mentioned in Zachariah’
A rare sexually transmitted disease is slowly becoming more common in the United Kingdom. Granuloma Inguinale, also known as Donovanosis, is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection that causes sores on the genitals. Left untreated, donovanosis ulcers can keep growing and, over time, could damage or destroy larger areas of skin.
Texas Governor Signs Bill Requiring Student Athletes Play On Teams Matching Birth Sex
The governor of Texas on Monday signed a law that bars student athletes from playing on sports teams that do not match the sex listed on their birth certificate. Texas House Bill 25 (pdf) bars most interscholastic athletic teams from letting students compete in competitions “that is designated for the biological sex opposite to the student ’s biological sex as correctly stated on” their official birth certificate. The bill “protects girl’s safety and their right to equal access to athletic opportunities,” state Rep. Valoree Swanson, one of its authors, said during a House session earlier this month.
Preliminary 6.5-magnitude earthquake strikes Taiwan’s northeastern coast
A 6.5-magnitude quake has struck Taiwan, according to preliminary data from the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC). The EMSC said the quake struck at a depth of some 60 kilometers, about 65 kilometers northeast of Hualien City on Taiwan’s northeastern coast.
Majority of Christians shrug off ‘Way, Truth, and Life’
A cornerstone of the Christian faith – and explicitly laid out in Scripture – is the belief that Jesus Christ is quite literally “the way, the truth, and the life,” and therefore He is the way to God in the afterlife. That naturally would mean being in God’s presence would depend on belief in Jesus yet according to a poll by Probe Ministries, 70% of Christians believe other religions can lead to heaven, too.
Educators’ apology? Take it with a grain of salt
“Parents don’t take kindly to being accused of being domestic terrorists, and voters don’t take kindly to the people who they elect joining associations that would call their voters domestic terrorists – when all that the voter is doing it exercising First Amendment rights to hold government accountable and to petition for a redress of grievances.” That, Martin explained, is constitutionally protected speech. “It’s difficult for me to believe that [the NSBA apology] is sincere,” said Martin, whose organization released a video over the summer urging parents to shut down the NSBA.
Air War College professor hid ties to Chinese official who sought US secrets
Xiaoming Zhang, a civilian professor at the Air War College on Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Ala. pleaded guilty to hiding ties to a Chinese official who sought to exploit the professor’s ties to the college to gain access to sensitive information. On Monday, the U.S. Department of Justice announced Zhang’s guilty plea on charges of making false statements to a federal agent about his ties with a Chinese government official. He now faces up to five years in prison for the false statements.
US troops secretly tipped off about Iran-backed attack, bomb fragments found where they sleep, says report
After receiving a tip about an imminent Iranian-backed drone and rocket attack on a base in Syria last week, U.S. forces housed there quietly evacuated the base, unnamed military officials told Fox News on Monday. Upon returning to the base, U.S. troops reportedly found fragments from exploded munitions in places where they slept and stood guard.
Astronomers eye ‘giant space volcano’ comet spewing ‘cryomagma’
One of the most bizarre objects in our solar system might be the comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann, which is cruising around space at around 26,000 miles per hour (41,836 kilometers per hour) and repeatedly erupting with so-called “cryomagma” as it goes. “In fact, it strains the definition of ‘comet,’
China just test-fired a massive solid-fueled rocket
China has test fired a huge new solid rocket motor, creating more propulsion options for the country’s growing space activities. The rocket motor was ignited Tuesday (Oct. 19) at a site near Xi’an city in north China, firing for 115 seconds, creating a tremendous trail of flame and exhaust.
Mass cyberattack shuts down gas stations across Iran
Disruptions in fuel distribution were reported across Iran Tuesday, as cars lined up outside of gas stations throughout the Islamic republic, waiting to fuel up as an outage in a government fuel management system interfered with serve at stations.
Islamic State in Afghanistan could be able to attack US in 6 months
The US intelligence community has assessed that Islamic State in Afghanistan could have the capability to attack the United States in as little as six months, and has the intention to do so, a senior Pentagon official told Congress on Tuesday.
US steps up pressure over settlements, says it ‘strongly opposes’ new plans
“We are deeply concerned about the Israeli government’s plan to advance thousands of settlement units,” State Department spokesman says in harshest rebuke yet under Biden presidency.
Moscow Outraged After German Defense Minister Advocates ‘First Use’ Nuke Policy Against Russia
Russia summons German Embassy’s military attaché in Moscow to denounce the threatening words…
La Nina threatens to worsen energy crisis with colder winter
A weather phenomenon that typically delivers harsher winters is on the way and expected to add to Asia’s energy crisis.
After drought, US west coast slammed by ‘bomb cyclone’Severe thunderstorms bringing record rainfall hit northern California on Monday, following several months of gigantic forest fires caused by drought.
Luciferian Worship By The “Elite”
..The UN exerts its will over sovereign nations and seeks to increase control over states while minimizing those states’ power to enforce their laws and regulations to bring about luciferian worship and taking the jab is only the beginning.
Sweden Suspends Moderna Shot Indefinitely After Vaxxed Patients Develop Crippling Heart Condition
..Swedish health officials have now decided that a moratorium on giving the Moderna vaccine to anyone under 31 will be extended indefinitely, the U.K. Daily Mail reported. The pause on the Moderna shots had been scheduled to end on Dec. 1.
Deleted Government Report Celebrates How Public Loves to “Conform”
A deleted government report exploring how to make the public alter its behavior to accept the new ‘green economy’ reveals how COVID-19 restrictions have created a population with a “deep set reverence” for authority and a “powerful tendency to conform.”
China Is Actively Trying to Acquire Your Genetic Data, US Officials Warn
A new warning is being issued about China’s attempts to grab Americans’ genetic data. “The powerful technologies harnessed by the bioeconomy also can lead to national security and economic vulnerabilities.
America becomes North Korea: Re-education camps announced by the CDC, grocery stores display cardboard food printouts to hide bare shelves while Biden babbles
If you’re wondering whether America will plunge into a Venezuela-style financial collapse vs. a North Korea-style tyrannical authoritarian police state, it seems that the North Korea outcome is currently winning the race.
Dr. Zelenko Drops ATOMIC BOMB – Pediatric Whistleblower – FDA DEEP TIES to Pfizer and MORE!
The FDA Committee members that plan to tell you to subject your kids to a shot that has proven to be dangerous, and in many cases deadly, didn’t want you to know about their profitable ties to Pfizer. Well, Patrick Howley DOES want you to know!
Studies Claim Recent Global Warming Driven by Factors Other Than Humans
A trio of recent studies published from June through September of this year have concluded that observed warming in the first two decades of the 21st century is more likely due to increases in absorbed solar radiation than humankind’s emissions of greenhouse gases.
DATA MATTERS: Death Rate EXPLODES in “Fully Vaccinated” Victims
…in Israel, despite almost universal vaccination, their third wave of Covid was their worst one yet. In the U.K., despite deploying vaccines early and jabbing almost everyone, they’re averaging more than forty-five thousand cases a day. In America, New York is one of the most tyrannical vaccine states, and it has more new cases per day than any state.
Yes, Bill Gates Is Working Around The Clock To Bring A Global Identification System Based On The COVID Immunity Passport To Every Nation On Earth
The whole world understands what Bill Gates is trying to do, the New World Order is providing his cover, and sites like NTEB work to remove that cover and expose him for exactly what he is. Even the World Health Organization, with this white paper entitled ‘ID2020, Bill Gates and the Mark of the Beast: How COVID-19 Catalyses Existing Online Conspiracy Movements’ understands what’s going on, telling us that “a recent poll found that 44% of Republicans and 19% of Democrats in the US now believe that Gates is linked to a plot to use vaccinations as a pretext to implant microchips into people.” Amen, you nailed it, WHO.
Major Exclusive! Doctors Confirm Pfizer Covid Jabs Clot Blood & Contain Junk Material Unsafe For Humans
Dr. Richard Fleming Ph.D., MD, JD performed microscopic examinations of the Pfizer Covid vaccine’s reaction with human blood, and the results were disturbing.
Biden Effect: Thanksgiving 2021 to be the Most Expensive Meal in History of the Holiday
Let’s go Brandon! Thanksgiving 2021 is shaping up to be the most expensive meal in the history of the holiday thanks to Joe Biden’s incompetence and corruption.
The Wicked Witch of New Zealand | Yes, we are creating two classes of people…
The Prime Minister of New Zealand proudly admits that she has created two classes of people — the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.
If Terry McAuliffe Wins Virginia’s Governor Race, Kiss The 2nd Amendment Goodbye
If Virginia elects McAuliffe this November and Virginia Democrats pass an assault weapon ban…
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"
Inexpensive Antidepressant Slashes COVID-19 Hospitalizations By Over 30%: New Study Finds
An inexpensive antidepressant drug has been found to reduce the risk of hospitalization in high-risk adults recently diagnosed with COVID-19 by over 30 percent, according to a study published in The Lancet Global Health.
Healthcare Exec Fired For Being White Wins $10 Million In Discrimination Case
A former top healthcare executive in North Carolina was awarded $10 million in a ‘reverse’ discrimination lawsuit over his claim that he was unfairly fired because he is a white male, according to Winston-Salem Journal. We believe the punitive damages award is a message that an employer cannot terminate and replace employees in order to achieve greater diversity in the workforce.”
****ing Report Details How Four US Intel Agencies Failed To Predict Rapid Taliban Victory
The Wall Street Journal has obtained and reviewed two dozen classified US intelligence assessments on Afghanistan from four different agencies including the CIA, DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), the State Dept.’s intelligence bureau, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). All of them examined Taliban advances across the country from the spring of 2020 through the middle of last summer, and while they consistently forecast the eventual collapse of Afghan national forces if US support was withdrawn, not a single agency assessment foresaw the group’s ultra-fast takeover of Kabul by August 15 and the entire country even as US forces were still on the ground attempting to evacuate personnel in Kabul.
Report accuses Jill Biden of plotting to get rid of Kamala
Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has been charged with a misdemeanor sex-crime complaint in Albany City Court, a court system spokesman said Thursday, according to CNBC. The filing comes two months after Cuomo resigned after a New York State investigation concluded he had “sexually harassed multiple women and violated state law.”
The New York Post reported that Cuomo is expected to be arrested next week and charged with a misdemeanor in the alleged groping of a former aide.
Andrew Cuomo charged, two months after resigning
Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has been charged with a misdemeanor sex-crime complaint in Albany City Court, a court system spokesman said Thursday, according to CNBC. The filing comes two months after Cuomo resigned after a New York State investigation concluded he had “sexually harassed multiple women and violated state law.”
The New York Post reported that Cuomo is expected to be arrested next week and charged with a misdemeanor in the alleged groping of a former aide.
Hamas condemns six Gazans to death for cooperating with Israel
Hamas condemned six people to death on Thursday for cooperating with Israel, the military judiciary in the Gaza Strip announced on Thursday. Additional sentences were issued as well, ranging from hard labor to life in prison, as well as one acquittal due to lack of evidence. Two of the people sentenced to death, a 58-year-old Gazan and a 57-year-old resident of Khan Younis, have evaded the authorities in the Gaza Strip, according to the military judiciary.
Detailed satellite images of Dimona nuclear facility free-to-access
Detailed satellite imagery of the Dimona nuclear facility and fighter jets at Israeli bases can now be accessed for free online, thanks to a change in satellite imagery regulations implemented under the Trump administration last year. The imagery can be accessed on the Mapbox application, a free-to-access website that provides custom online maps for websites and applications.
Sudan’s military justifies coup, says it was to prevent civil war
Sudan’s top general Abdel Fattah al-Burhan defended the army’s seizure of power on Tuesday, saying he had ousted the government of Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok to avoid civil war. Burhan accused politicians of incitement against the armed forces. He said Hamdok was confined in his own home and had not been harmed.
A Sunspot Just Showered the Earth With Solar Flare X-Rays
Scientists have detected spikes of solar x-ray radiation hitting Earth, and a flare on Tuesday could have been the cause. On Tuesday this week, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center reported that there had been multiple spikes of x-ray radiation detected by the GOES geostationary satellites orbiting our planet.
A step towards normalization? Algeria respects Muslim countries making peace with Israel
Algerian FM Ramtane Lamamra said … that the Arabs should unite around the cause of the Palestinian people and their rights, because division amongst the Arabs does not serve the Palestinians. However, he said that he respects the sovereign decisions made by some Arab countries to establish relations with Israel, such as Morocco, even though he does not agree with such decisions.
Israel ‘accused’ of being among the few countries that doesn’t care about climate change
According to a report by Kan news, Englman’s report, published on the eve of the Glasgow Climate Summit, concluded that Israel has failed to limit its pollution levels and has inadequately planned for the challenges posed by long-term climate change.
On anniversary of Abraham Accords, rabbi reveals how treaty is Abraham’s vision coming alive
On the one-year anniversary of the historic Abraham Accords, popular Rabbi YY Jacobson gave a lecture on how the iconic treaty is precisely what happened in the Bible between Isaac and his brother Ishmael when after being estranged from Abraham, Ishmael eventually reunited with his brother Isaac to bury their father.
Medicane “Gloria” (Apollo) to stall near Sicily and Malta before making landfall over Libya
Medicane “Gloria” — known as Apollo in Italy — has re-strengthened and is forecast to come close to Sicily, Italy and stall some distance off the coast, then accelerate to landfall in eastern Libya. The storm is expected to bring heavy rain, strong winds, and waves over 4.5 m (15 feet) to Sicily and Malta through Friday, October 29, 2021.
Major, long-duration X1.0 solar flare erupts from AR 2887, Earth-directed CME very likely
A major, long-duration solar flare measuring X1.0 at its peak erupted from geoeffective Active Region 2887 at 15:35 UTC on October 28, 2021. The event started at 15:17 and ended at 15:48 UTC.
As The Shelves Get Emptier, How Long Can They Keep The Charade Going?
They keep telling us that everything is going to be just fine, but an increasing number of Americans are beginning to realize that what we are facing is not “temporary” at all. From coast to coast, store shelves have been getting emptier and emptier, and supply chain experts are warning us that things aren’t going to be getting better any time soon.
China launches suspected anti-satellite weapon
China has launched a new satellite that analysts say can be used as a weapon capable of grabbing and crushing American satellites.
‘Unconscionable’: Pfizer, Moderna to Rake in Combined $93 Billion in 2022 COVID Vaccine Sales
Vaccine makers Pfizer and Moderna are projected to generate combined sales of $93.2 billion in 2022 nearly twice the amount they’re expected to rake in this year, said Airfinity, a health data analytics group.
HYPOCRITES: Climate change conference will use coal-powered charging stations and diesel generators to charge electric vehicles
There are not enough electric vehicle charging stations in Glasgow, Scotland to power the supposedly green cars that will transport heads of state and other VIPs around the city during the United Nations’ 2021 Climate Change Conference, or COP26. Instead of using the coal-powered electric vehicle charging stations, some of the cars will instead be charged using diesel generators.
Mark Zuckerberg Changes Name Of Facebook To Meta In Hopes Of Leading Humanity Into A Demonic Alternate Reality Metaverse World
On the one hand, you have Mark Zuckerberg, who may or may not be a reptilian, who started Facebook by creepily posting ‘hot or not’ photos of his female classmates at Harvard, going on to build one of the world’s largest surveillance and tracking companies. On the other hand, Zuckerberg is seriously evil, and his plans to force the entire world into a metaverse may be much more likely to happen than you might think. So yet again, we will issue our standard warning in the hopes that you will heed it.
COVID booster shots will be mandatory in ‘the vaccinated economy’: Australian state leader
COVID-19 booster shots will be mandatory for workers in Australia’s state of Victoria. During a press conference on Monday morning, Victorian Premier Dan Andrews announced his government’s strategy to implement booster shots was an essential part of Victoria’s “vaccinated economy.”
Canadian pastor ‘won’t comply’ with gag order on COVID speech, is ‘prepared to go to prison’
Pastor Artur Pawlowski has made it clear that he will not comply with the gag order imposed by a Canadian judge that was part of the final ruling against him and his brother for their outspoken stance against lockdowns and vaccine mandates.
Biden administration releases ‘Life of Linda’ portraying a woman’s best life is led beholden to government
Biden’s Life of Linda bears an eerie similarity of former President Barack Obama’s “Life of Julia,” where one glaringly obvious similarity in both is the absence of a husband or partner. They both appear to illustrate single mothers, who’s children grow up without a father.
Noam Chomsky Endorses Holodomor 2.0 Strategy to Starve The Unvaxxed Into Submission
Leftist intellectual Noam Chomsky in a recent interview endorsed segregating the unvaccinated from society and denying them food in a neo-Bolshevik Holodomor 2.0 strategy to starve them into submission.
EXPOSED: U.S. Navy’s Plans to Issue Blanket Rejection for ALL Religious Exemptions to the Covid Vaccine Mandate Despite Directly Violating Several Naval Procedures
On Wednesday, independent journalist Liz Wheele dropped a bombshell when she revealed a series of documents from the US Navy that expose their plans to flagrantly ignore several laws and procedures in order to DENY every single servicemembers’ request for a religious exemption to the federal Covid vaccine mandate.
Hulu And Mars Candy Team Up For ‘Bite Size Halloween’ Presenting A Witch Who Defends A Non-Binary Child Against Bullies By Killing Them
The stunning message of ‘The New Nanny’, who is a witch sent to babysit a non-binary child, is shockingly clear. Accept the demonic transgender movement with all it’s gender-shifting confusion, or you will be ‘taken out of the way’ like the witch does to the bullies who taunt the confused little boy in a dress. Death to the enemies of Woke, Inc
Ontario doctor resigns over forced vaccines, says 80% of ER patients with mysterious issues had both shots
Dr. Rochagné Kilian recently resigned as an emergency room and family practice physician due to her concerns that the Ontario health system and Grey Bruce Health Services (GBHS) crossed ethical lines throughout the pandemic.
MI Twp Clerk Is Relived of Election Duties by Crooked SOS Benson For Refusing to Update Voter Machine…Tabulator Confiscated, While Dem City Clerk Accused of 6 Felony Voter Fraud Charges in 2018 Is Still On Job
On September 23, 2019, Southfield City Clerk Sherikia Hawkins (D) was charged with six election law felonies related to the 2016 election. Curiously, four of the six felony charges against her were dropped before her case went to trial.
Record-Breaking Mexican Border Arrests, Caravan En Route, Panama Warns 65K More
Not only was the record for illegal immigrant apprehensions along the southern border shattered in 2021, the fiscal year, which ended in September, concluded with a bang—a final month spike of migrants from Haiti (132%), Turkey (89%), India (82%), Ukraine (81%) and even China (75%).
Ventura County Nurses Blow the Whistle on Crisis in Local Health Care
Ventura County nurses from different sectors and specialties are coming forward to blow the whistle on what they deem serious lapses in local health care practices, mostly related to COVID-related protocols, “vaccine” mandates and politically and financially motivated bullying of medical staff, which these health care workers say is seriously compromising the general quality of local care.
Dominican Republic’s extreme jab mandate forces vaccine on pregnant women
The Dominican Republic has passed a draconian COVID vaccine mandate forcing people age 12 or over, including pregnant women, to show a “vaccination card” in order to access basic everyday venues.
CDC: 16,310 Dead 778,685 Injured Following COVID-19 Shots – 2.5X More Deaths than Following All Vaccines for Past 30 Years – 2,102 Fetal Deaths
The CDC released more data into VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) this past Friday which included cases through October 1, 2021. The U.S. Government is now reporting that in the past 10 months since the emergency use authorization for the COVID-19 shots 16,310 people have died following those shots.
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Bennett, ministers head to Glasgow for Climate Conference
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett was set to depart for the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow on Sunday, known as COP26, along with delegations from 200 countries. Representing a small country…Israel primarily views the conference as an opportunity to punch above its weight when it comes to technological solutions.
Drill for 2,000 rockets a day and internal strife: IDF preps for war
Israel’s Home Front Command and National Emergency Authority (RAHEL) will hold a week-long drill starting on Sunday simulating a large-scale war in which civilians are evacuated from northern border communities and security agencies will deal with massive rocket barrages sent by Hezbollah.
Hezbollah-Saudi crisis deepens and could impact Israel – analysis
“We are facing a crisis created by one of the countries in the region, which is waging a brutal war against another Arab country,” said Mohammed Raad, head of the Hezbollah faction in the Lebanese parliament…Raad was quoted in Iranian media in recent days. His comments refer to Saudi Arabia’s “hostile” actions against Lebanon.
Israeli airstrikes near Damascus target Hezbollah sites – Syrian reports
Israel allegedly carried out a rare daytime airstrike against Hezbollah weapon caches in Damascus on Saturday, Syrian media reported. The airstrike, which caused explosions around the capital, killed at least one Syrian Armed Forces soldier and wounded three others, Syrian state-run SANA news agency stated.
G20: World leaders agree to historic corporate tax deal
Leaders of the world’s 20 major economies have approved a global agreement that will see the profits of large businesses taxed at least 15%. It follows concern that multinational companies are re-routing their profits through low tax jurisdictions. The pact was agreed by all the leaders attending the G20 summit in Rome.
Two Major Cities Launch Universal Basic Income Pilot Programs to Solidify Welfare State’s Hold Over the Poor
Welfare is often sold as a means to help people lift themselves out of poverty, but every piece of data ever accumulated on the topic reveals the opposite is true…With few exceptions, welfare becomes a generational problem…To this end, universal basic income pilot programs have been launched in Chicago and Los Angeles. According to Fox32 in Chicago:
October sets tornado record for Oklahoma
..It has definitely been a very active October when it comes to severe weather across the state. During the month, Oklahoma picked up 31 tornadoes which surpassed the old October record of 27 tornadoes from October 1998.
Covid Vaccine for Children 5-11 by FDA
FDA authorizes covid vaccine for Children 5-11. This is the next battle to face. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Friday, 10-29-2021, issued an emergency authorization to use Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in children aged 5 through 11, coming days after an advisory panel recommended it.
Wisconsin DOJ reveals 180 reports of abuse by faith leaders
Six months after launching a statewide initiative to review reports of abuse committed by clergy and faith leaders in Wisconsin, Attorney General Josh Kaul announced Wednesday that they have received nearly 180 reports of abuse by leaders from multiple religious organizations and faith traditions.
United Nations Launching Their COP26 Climate Summit On The Devil’s Feast Day Of Halloween As New World Order Minions Gather For Their Coven
On Halloween night, the New World Order will gather, flush from the G20 Summit where they called for global vaccinations, a global Vaccine Passport tracking system, and a global digital currency, and dive straight into the UN COP26 Climate Change Summit to extort nations into ‘climate action’. Speaking of the United Nations, did you know they and thier future destiny are mentioned in the writings of the prophet Zephaniah? Take a look and see.
Another Virginia Election, Another Election Steal – Virginia’s Fairfax County Reportedly Not Requiring Last Four Digits of SSN’s on Absentee Ballots
To no one’s surprise, the state of Virginia is being stolen again. We saw it in the 2020 Election and we are seeing it again.
Doctor probed for 5th time for expressing his views of pandemic
Dr. Scott Jensen, a physician and state senator in Minnesota who is running for governor, says his medical license has been investigated five times because of complaints against his positions on issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Japan ends vaccine-induced pandemic by legalizing IVERMECTIN, while pharma-controlled media pretends masks and vaccines were the savior
Japan just flattened their biggest covid curve yet, and they did so by legalizing and using ivermectin. In almost every country, infection rates and daily death records have increased with each new wave of sickness. The public health advice of lockdowns, isolation, mask mandates and mass inoculation programs has only continued to cause larger curves of sickness and hospitalization.
German City to Stop Publishing Statistics of Vaccinated Hospitalizations to Avoid “Playing Into the Hands of Corona Deniers”
The health authority of a city in Germany has announced it will cease publishing statistics regarding vaccinated coronavirus patients who are hospitalized, citing what it claims is a false narrative from “corona deniers.”
Hefty Fines, 2-Year Jail Terms Loom in New Australian Pandemic Bill
Residents in the Australian state of Victoria face prison time or massive fines of up to AU$90,000 (US$67,570) if they are deemed to have failed to comply with government-mandated health orders and pose a risk to the health of others, according to a measure rushed before the state’s Parliament on Oct. 26.
Shippers fear ‘catastrophic’ fallout from ‘crazy’ California port fees
The cure is worse than the disease, say critics of an emergency plan of the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach backed by the Biden administration. If you think port congestion is bad now, just wait for what comes next.
Diplomat accuses State Department of cover-up over “directed energy weapons” attacks
Mark Lenzi, a Department of State official who sustained traumatic brain injuries while on assignment in Guangzhou, China, accused the department of hiding the source of his and other diplomats’ ailments and withdrawing information from Congress.
Holy Communion For Biden & Pelosi Not Up To Clergy But To Their Own Conscience We’ve seen the smiling face of Pope Francis beaming in photos with the two most pro-abortion politicians in all the world over past weeks. ‘Catholic’ Nancy Pelosi actually simpering during her morning Vatican photo-op, Joe Biden having lost the support of his own party in the Infrastructure Bill, not looking in the least bit gruff, but all smiles within hours of leaving D.C. behind.
Zuckerberg Having Digital World On & Trying To Save Face By Changing Facebook To Meta
Both the pope and Zuckerberg are on the same side in advocating for One World Government and its coming Great Reset. Who does Zuckerberg really think he’s fooling while roughly at the same time he was pulling his name switcheroo, Pope Francis was asking Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey to “crack down on your free speech”?
Mesa County, Colorado 2020 Election Results Reviewed – Thousands of Ballots and Entire Process Contaminated – 2020 Election Results Never Should Have Been Certified
Mesa County Colorado Clerk Tina Peters knew that the Colorado Secretary of State was most likely committing a crime when she ordered voting machines cleaned of 2020 Election results so Peters made a backup of her County’s 2020 voting machines. She was then targeted by the state for her actions.