Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Re: Rapture Ready News - September 2021

"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"

Unidentified planes hit Iranian militias in eastern Syria
Unidentified aircraft hit a base run by Iranian-backed militias in Syria’s eastern province of Deir al Zor near the Iraqi border where Tehran has in the last year expanded its military presence, residents and military sources said on Monday. They said the strikes were south of the town of Mayadeen along the Euphrates River…

Jordan to fully reopen main crossing with Syria
Jordan will fully reopen its main border crossing with Syria from Wednesday, government and industry officials said, as a high-level Syrian team arrived in Amman to discuss how to ease the flow of goods hit by the pandemic and a decade of conflict. Although the Jaber crossing has been open since 2018…trade has yet to recover to the $1 billion pre-war level.

Europe’s crippling energy crisis presages trouble for the rest of the world
Natural gas prices have soared by almost 500% in 2021 and with another winter just around the corner gas is trading at near-record values. While European countries attempt to outbid one another for supplies from major exporters it’s inevitable that utilities will turn back to coal to provide heat for its residents and power for its dying economy, but this will not be enough. The effects of Europe’s catastrophic policymaking are about to escalate to another level.

Strong and shallow M6.0 earthquake hits Crete, Greece
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.0 hit Crete, Greece at 06:17 UTC on September 27, 2021. The agency is reporting a depth of 8.7 km (5.4 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.0 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).

Over 3,000 Doctors and Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID Policy-Makers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
“Physicians’ Declaration” produced by an international alliance of physicians and medical scientists strongly condemns the global strategy to treat COVID, accusing policy-makers of potential “crimes against humanity” for preventing physicians from providing life-saving treatments for their patients and suppressing open scientific discussion.

The Civil Rights Struggle of 2021
The civil rights movement led to the end of legalized racial segregation and the beginning of the ability of African Americans to be free and equal citizens in the United States of America. But similar oppressive government injustice is happening in New York City today.

We Are Educating Our Students to Become the World’s Next Marxists! Nobody Is Safe!
Attention Parents: If you send your kid off to a liberal state-run university and you will not recognize your child when they graduate.

Millions of smart devices including iPhones, iPads and PlayStations to stop working from Thursday
Internet connectivity for old devices within your home could be coming to an end on Thursday. A digital certificate that was widely used in electronic devices prior to 2017 will expire on September 30. It’s estimated that millions of gadgets worldwide will be affected and won’t be able to install updates of newer digital certificates to allow for continued connectivity to the internet.

The Triumph of Evil
The murderers at West Chester Hospital in Cincinnati would rather patients die than to treat them with Ivermectin. This is how crazed and brainwashed the Medical establishment is. A judge had to intervene to force the hospital to give Ivermectin treatment to a dying patient. In America to get competent medical treatment requires wining a court case.

New York Health Commissioner Repeals Mask Mandate for Unvaxxed After Federal Lawsuit Filed
The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) on Aug. 27 repealed an emergency mask mandate after a lawsuit was filed Aug. 5 in federal court challenging the regulation.

CCP Virus Surges in Northeast and South China; International Events Postponed
China’s state media have been reporting in recent days that the CCP virus is flaring up in different parts of the country, leading to international events being postponed, districts going into lockdown, and residents in outbreak areas being tested overnight.

ACLU Counsel Doubled As Professor For Chinese Communist-Run University Flagged For Espionage.
The Beijing-based university, headed by a former Chinese Communist Party spy agency leader, has seen its American graduates questioned by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) over fears of students being “co-opted by Chinese espionage efforts.”

Canadian nurse whistleblowers say many people are dying after getting vaccines while hospitals are filled with the fully vaccinated

Two Canadian nurses have turned into whistleblowers and told reporters what they have seen during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This includes people dying after getting vaccinated and hospitals filled with fully vaccinated people suffering from COVID-19.

“It’s Gotten Out Of Control”: Supply Shortages Plaguing Global Economy Expected To Last A Long Time
Stocks are selling off again on Monday as worries about inflation persist, as the market is increasingly coming around to Morgan Stanley’s view that inflation will be an endemic phenomenon of the V-shaped recovery engineered by the Fed and federal government.

High gas prices and shortages hit trucking industry, as nation critically needs gasoline and goods transported
Lee Klass is a long-haul trucker who has spent most of the past 50 years working behind the wheel. The cost of doing his job spiked dramatically this week.

If Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are really “safe and effective” as the government claims, then why are there hundreds of stories about people who were seriously injured or killed by them documented in detail at CovidVaccineVictims.com?

Show jumper, 22, who suffered ‘extremely rare’ reaction to Moderna vaccine may never ride again
A champion show jumper may never ride a horse again after two massive clots formed on her lungs in an incredibly rare reaction to the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine.

Democrat NY Governor Kathy Hochul Tells The Unvaccinated ‘I Need You To Be My Apostles’ Demanding They ‘Listen To God And Take The Vaccine!’
Wearing a gleaming “VAXED” necklace around her neck, and dressed all in black, speaking from a black podium on a black stage, New York Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul preached up a storm, telling the unvaccinated to repent of their wicked ways. Hochul ranted about the COVID-19 vaccine as “coming from God”, and she told her listeners “I need you to be my apostles”, and that receiving the vaccine is receiving God’s love. Jack Chick, you died too soon!

Washington Elementary School Walks Back ‘Insane’ Rule Asking Students to Wear Masks WHILE EATING
An elementary school in Washington state has walked back a policy requiring kids to wear face masks “to chew, swallow, or talk” at lunchtime, after some outraged parents complained about the bizarre rule.


Re: Rapture Ready News - September 2021

"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"

This is a great example of the CDC’s real priorities
You may be aware that autism– a severe developmental disorder that affects children– has been rising at alarming rates. The CDC is keenly aware of this; in fact they even set up a special division more than 20 years ago to track autism prevalence in the United States. According to the agency’s data, for example, autism prevalence back in the year 2000 was about 1 in 150 children. By 2008, autism prevalence had increased to 1 in 88 children. Then, by 2014, prevalence had increased to 1 in 59 children. And finally, last year they released the most recent data from 2016 (they seem to be four years behind…) showing a prevalence of 1 in 54 children. You don’t need a degree in public health to understand the trend: this is a five alarm fire. But there is one thing they’re certain about with respect to autism: social justice. Yes I’m serious. The CDC actually devoted several pages in its report to explain how, for the first time ever, autism rates in 2016 were virtually the same in black children versus white children.

The Danger Of Invoking God’s Name In The Vaccine Debate
To speak on behalf of God, especially without scriptural authority, let alone divine calling to do so, is a serious and ugly error. But what got immediate attention was the arrogance of his words. Mr. Governor, please do not denigrate God’s mercy. You have no idea what God did and did not do in answer to the prayers of many. Unfortunately, after Cuomo’s sudden and dramatic fall from grace, forcing his resignation, it appears that his replacement, Gov. Kathy Hochul, has not yet learned the lesson. All of you, yes, I know you’re vaccinated, you’re the smart ones, but you know there’s people out there who aren’t listening to God and what God wants. You know who they are.

“It’s A ***king Kid”: Johnson & Johnson Official Says Children Shouldn’t Get Vax Due To ‘Unknown Repercussions’
“It’s a kid, you just don’t do that, you know? Not something that’s so unknown in terms of repercussions down the road, you know?” Schadt also implied that the huge push to vaccinate children is about money, not public safety. Another J&J employee, scientist Justin Durrant, explicitly said “Don’t get the Johnson & Johnson [COVID vaccine], I didn’t tell you though.”

Democrats move to file resolution that may result in barring Jews from Jerusalem Holy Sites
One week after a group of Democratic Congressmen tried to block funding of the defensive Iron Dome system for Israel, another Democratic Congressman introduced the “Two-State Solution Act” which, if it passes, may result in Jews being prohibited from visiting the Temple Mount and the other holy sites in Judea and Samaria. Andy Levin (D-Michigan) filed the “Two-State Solution Act” with Congress. Levin, who was born Jewish, stated on his website that the resolution “marked the end of the High Holy Days.”

Bennett to UN: Modern-day Israel brought Bible to life
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett addressed the UN General Assembly on Monday. He also remarked that Israel is the current embodiment of the Bible saying: “Israel is a nation of great hope, a nation that’s brought the heritage of the Torah to life in modern-day Israel.” Bennett was likely referring to Jeremiah’s prophecy which states that following the exile, the nation of Israel will return to its land: “And there is hope for your future —declares Hashem: Your children shall return to their country.” (Jeremiah 31:16)

Australia’s astonishing tyranny keeps growing
It’s ironic that, each year, ‘Australia Day’ is celebrated on January 26, which commemorates the day that the British Navy first sailed into Sydney Cove, hoisted their flag, and declared the land their penal colony. So Australia Day does not celebrate the birth of a nation so much as the ribbon-cutting of a giant prison. Clearly in 2021, Australia has simply been returning to its roots as the world’s largest prison. You know the story by now— “two weeks to control the spread” of COVID-19 became “indefinite dictatorship and total suspension of basic human rights.” There is no reason it couldn’t happen to other formerly free nations as well. And that means, more than ever before, it’s time to think about a Plan B.

Lawyers & Scientists Are Building A Case For Why Natural Immunity Should Be Treated Same As Vaccination
Now that at least one employer in the health-care field – Michigan’s Spectrum Health – has decided to accept proof of natural immunity from prior infection as reason to waive its vaccination mandate for all employees, legal expert (and the reporters who love to quote them) are wondering: will the legality of proving natural immunity potentially win out in court?

Most Americans No Longer Trust Biden’s COVID Info, New Poll Finds
The poll found that fewer than half of the respondents trust the president regarding accurate information about COVID-19, a 13-percentage decline since his inauguration in January. Axios/Ipsos found trust in President Biden, the federal government and the mainstream media to deliver accurate information about the virus pandemic slumped in tandem with no end in sight.

Military Leaders Saw Pandemic As Unique Opportunity To Test Propaganda On Canadians: Report
A plan devised by the Canadian Joint Operations Command relied on propaganda techniques similar to those employed during the Afghan war… Canadian military leaders saw the pandemic as a unique opportunity to test out propaganda techniques on an unsuspecting public, a newly released Canadian Forces report concludes. The federal government never asked for the so-called information operations campaign, nor did cabinet authorize the initiative developed during the COVID-19 pandemic by the Canadian Joint Operations Command, then headed by Lt.-Gen. Mike Rouleau.

Catholic Priest Gives Pulpit to Gay Couple to Mock, Blaspheme God During Baptism
They then go on to justify their choice to live in rebellion against God while raising their son in the Catholic church. The entire video is extremely disturbing, however, not unexpected given the falsity of the Roman Catholic Church and its tendency to compromise on many forms of sexual deviancy.

Valley Fever Is Spreading Through a Hotter, Drier Western US
“I felt like I had gotten hit by a bus,” he said. Jesse chalked it up to jet lag and pushed through with the broadcast. But his symptoms didn’t subside. Instead, they got much, much worse. Within a couple of days, he was coughing and running a low-grade fever. A rash had appeared on his upper torso. “I remember being miserable,” he said. “I wasn’t sleeping.” Once the rash started moving up his neck, about four days after he first started feeling sick, Jesse knew he had to get to an urgent care clinic.

Watch: Norway drops all COVID-19 restrictions
Could other nations follow in its path?

PA outraged after woman holds Israeli flag on Temple Mount
‘Sometimes you have to break the rules to do the right thing’ says woman who held up Israeli flag on the Temple Mount.

Bennett: We are taking initiative against Iran now
Iran’s pace of advancement towards a nuclear weapon is “unacceptable,” and Israel’s approach is “not just apocalyptic warnings, but initiative. “Iran’s nuclear weapon program is at a critical point. All redlines have been crossed. Inspections – ignored. All wishful thinking – proven false. Iran is violating the [International Atomic Energy Agency’s] safeguard agreements – and it’s getting away with it. “Iran’s nuclear program has hit a watershed moment – and so has our tolerance,” he said. “Words do not stop centrifuges from spinning.”

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is getting faster! Winds around the edge of the storm have increased in speed by 8% since 2009 and now exceed 400mph, NASA reveals
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland analysed the Hubble Space Telescope’s regular ‘storm reports’ and discovered winds in the ‘high-speed ring’ on the edge of the storm had increased by eight per cent since 2009. In contrast, the winds near the red spot’s innermost region are moving significantly more slowly, ‘like someone cruising lazily on a sunny Sunday afternoon,’ said NASA. The scientists are still unclear what the changing wind speeds actually mean for the Great Red Spot, which is bigger than Earth itself.

14 armed Mexican soldiers cross into US; Arrested by Border Patrol:
“Just after midnight today CBP officers working at the Bridge of the America’s international crossing in El Paso noted two Mexican military vehicles crossing the boundary and entering the U.S.,” the border officials stated. According to the outlet, the 14 Mexican soldiers said they didn’t realize they had crossed the U.S.-Mexico border. In the interest of “safety and processing,” the U.S. border agents seized the soldiers’ weapons and equipment. U.S. officials contacted Mexican military leadership, who arrived at the station shortly thereafter.

CDC Director: Loss of Unvaccinated Health Care Workers Is a ‘Challenge’
“We have seen that these vaccine mandates get more people vaccinated,” Walensky said during a “Good Morning America” appearance on Sept. 27. “It absolutely creates a challenge. What I would say is [we need] to do some work … to meet them where they are, to understand where their hesitancy is so we can get them vaccinated and get them back to work.” During the interview, Walensky didn’t offer a definitive plan to address the potential shortfall of health care workers.

If You Didn’t Like A Rising China, A Declining China Will Terrify You
In China, a walk or ride through its crowded cities is defined by endless sightings of American fast food brands: McDonald’s, Burger King, Carl’s Jr., Dairy Queen, KFC, and so many others. Americana captivates the Chinese people in much the same way it excites people from other parts of the world. It’s something to think about as China’s president Xi Jinping makes increasingly worrisome comments about capitalism in the rising country. According to a front-page Wall Street Journal report from yesterday, Xi “is trying to roll back China’s decades-long evolution toward Western-style capitalism and put the country on a different path entirely.”

Macron Egged by Protester Shouting ‘Vive La Revolution’
French President Emmanuel Macron was hit with an egg while he was visiting Lyon on Monday to promote French gastronomy. A man was arrested after the incident at the international catering, hotel and food trade fair in the city, French media said.

FL sheriff tells people to shoot at-large cop-killer if he breaks in: ‘Blow him out the door’
Leeper offered the advice to armed homeowners while discussing the active manhunt for 35-year-old Patrick McDowell, who allegedly shot Nassau County Sheriff’s Deputy Joshua Moyers and who remains at large. “This guy is dangerous,” Leeper said of McDowell. “If you’re in a home and he breaks into your home and you have a gun, blow him out the door.”

NY Governor Preaches that Those Who Don’t Get Vaccine Aren’t Listening to What God Wants
Kathy Hochul, the sitting New York governor … recently preached a sermon at the Christian Cultural Center in New York stating that she wears her “I’m Vaccinated” necklace all the time because she’s smart. Conversely, she states, those who aren’t getting vaccinated aren’t listening to what God wants. Of course, she’s right–her “god” does absolutely want everyone to be vaccinated.

APOCALYPSE NOW Humanity on brink of nuclear annihilation with threat highest for 40 YEARS, UN chief warns in chilling message
HUMANITY is on the brink of “nuclear annihilation” with the threat reaching its highest boiling point in forty years, a top UN chief has warned. The nuclear arms race has the globe teetering “unacceptably close” to mass atomic destruction, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said. Now is the time to lift the cloud of nuclear conflict for good, eliminate nuclear weapons from our world, and usher in a new era of trust and peace,” he wrote.

Potential orbit of mysterious Planet Nine which may lurk on edge of our solar system has been plotted by scientists
Scientists have debated the existence of Planet Nine since it was first introduced several years ago, but a new study has determined the orbit of the alleged celestial object. Caltech researchers Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin have plotted the orbital path of the mystical planet, which has yet to be discovered.

Hurricane Sam ramps up to 130 mph winds again; forecasters track 3 other systems
Hurricane Sam surged back to Category 4 strength Tuesday morning in the mid-Atlantic basin, where the National Hurricane Center is also monitoring three other disturbances with the potential of becoming the next tropical storms of the season. One of those systems has a 90% chance of becoming the next tropical depression.

GOP lawmakers demand DOJ explain why it dropped charges against suspected Chinese spies in the US
A pair of Republican lawmakers are demanding answers this week as to why the Department of Justice dropped a series of Trump-era cases against as many as six alleged Chinese spies in July. On Monday, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, calling on him to explain why the DOJ said it was “in the interest of justice” to drop the charges against six alleged Chinese spies. That line of questioning follows a July decision by federal prosecutors to drop charges against six Chinese researchers who stood accused of concealing their ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

Gen. Milley admits speaking with journalists for books about Trump
Army Gen. Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, admitted on Tuesday to speaking to several reporters who authored books containing controversial allegations about President Donald Trump’s presidency. Milley confirmed he spoke with those journalists in response to a line of questioning from Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN). Milley compared Trump to Hitler, compared Trump’s supporters to Nazi “Brownshirts”

Paraguay on the brink as historic drought depletes river, its life-giving artery
In the shadow of towering grain silos that line the bank of the River Paraná, South America’s second-longest waterway, Lucas Krivenchuk stands watching workers rush to load a barge with soybeans. “Twelve barges had to leave today, but only six will make it out: there’s no time, the water’s dropping too fast,” said Krivenchuk, general manager of the Trociuk private port in southern Paraguay. “It’s the first time that any have left in two months.” The Paraná River, which winds through Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, has dropped to its lowest levels in 77 years … .

Audit: Pentagon lags in fight against fraud
Studying the effects of a meteor that devastated part of Jordan valley some 3,600 years ago, the authors suggest that it was this cosmic event that gave rise to the Sodom and Gomorrah story. The excavations in question took place at Tall el-Hammam, the largest archaeological site in the Jordan Valley. The site was unearthed as workers quarried for gravel and has been excavated ever since by a joint team from Trinity Southwest University and the Department of Antiquities of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Official Sources Warn a Geomagnetic Storm Is Imminent, So Get Ready For Auroras
The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the British Met Office have both issued predictions for the storm, which is predicted to be the result of several solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs), and solar winds unleashed from a “hole” that has opened up in the Sun’s corona.

Powerful blizzard hits Northern Iceland
A deep cyclone with estimated pressure below 970 hPa is bringing intense snowstorms and blizzard conditions to northwest Iceland on September 28, 2021. Bad weather is expected to continue through Wednesday, September 29.

China carrying out Nazi-style experiments on Muslims with organs cut out & mystery injections, chilling report claims
CHINA is carrying out barbaric medical experiments on Uighur Muslims in a chilling echo of cruel research by Nazi doctors, campaigners have claimed. Inmates in the Communist regime’s network of “re-education camps” are allegedly being given mysterious pills, injections and even having organs removed while still alive.

Italy Orders Companies Not To Pay Unvaccinated Workers
The Italian government has passed a decree applying to both the private and public sector ordering companies to withhold pay from workers who refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

BREAKING! Covid-19 Deaths 3,000% Higher Than This Time Last Year and 80% of the Dead Had the Vaccine
Authorities claim that the Covid-19 vaccines reduce the risk of hospitalisation and death, and they claim that the vaccines have so far been successful in doing so. But if this is the case, then why are Covid-19 deaths across the UK over 3,000 higher than this time last year? And why are 80% of those dying people who have had the Covid-19 vaccine?

Hospital System That Serves 4 States Fires 175 Workers After Vaccine Mandate
Days after announcing that about 375 healthcare employees would be suspended, a North Carolina-based hospital system confirmed Monday that around 175 workers were fired in one of the largest-ever mass terminations due to a COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

CLOWN SHOW: Dems Eat Their Own As Disgraced General Milley Throws Failure Pretend President ‘Walkaway’ Joe Biden Under The Bus In Congress
The Biden Clown Show was on full display during Congressional hearings today with disgraced woke general Mark Milley fielding questions about the complete and total failure of the United States to safely and successfully withdraw from Afghanistan. Woke Gen. Milley had no problem throwing Biden under the proverbial bus, always fun watching the disloyal Democrats eat their own.

North Carolina Hospital Caught Plotting To Inflate COVID Numbers Fires 175 Employees For Refusing Vaccine
On Monday, the North Carolina-based Novant Health hospital system announced that more than 175 of its workers have been fired after refusing to comply with a COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The mass-firings took place across 15 hospitals and more than 800 clinics.

Before They Were An Inconvenience, But Now The Shortages Are Really Beginning To Sting
Have you noticed that store shelves are starting to get emptier and emptier? During the panic shopping that was sparked by the start of the COVID pandemic in 2020, there were very intense shortages of certain items, but those shortages did not last very long at all. But now there are widespread shortages in just about every sector of our economy, and they are starting to become quite painful.

An Industry Insider Just Revealed The Truth About What Is Really Behind The Shortages At Our Local Supermarkets
The supply chain crisis that our supermarkets are facing is far worse than the mainstream media has been telling us. The mainstream media keeps trying to put a happy face on the “temporary” shortages, but an industry insider has let me know what is really going on behind the scenes. This particular insider runs a grocery store in Maine, and he says that things are as bad as he has ever seen. In fact, he says that he has “never seen anything close to what is happening now.

These Countries Have an INTERNET KILL SWITCH (and They Admit It)
What do you suppose would happen if the President of the United States deemed it necessary, for “national security,” to flip the Internet Kill Switch? In these digital times, there should be great concern over something like this. However, normalcy bias seems to have a firm hold on a majority of the citizens of the US, and many are clinging to the “it can’t happen here” theory.

New York initiates medical martial law rollout with troops to take over hospitals where unvaxxed health care workers are being fired en masse
The medial martial law takeover of society has begun in New York where Governor Kathy Hochul has announced the mass firing of unvaccinated health care workers, to be replaced by foreign workers and National Guard troops.

‘Manipulating humanity’: French medical professionals, academics denounce transgenderism
While progressive elites in North America have accepted the diktats of gender ideology as dogma, Europeans appear far more willing to push back. In the U.K., the High Court ruled that minors could not consent to puberty blockers — that case was recently overturned by an appeals court but will likely end up at the Supreme Court.

Exclusive: Physician ‘Horribly Injured’ After Pfizer Vaccine Pleads With Top U.S. Public Health Officials for Help — and Gets None
Danice Hertz, a 64-year-old physician who was “horribly ill” and “incapacitated” after getting Pfizer’s COVID vaccine, claims U.S. health agencies are ignoring thousands of adverse events. In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Hertz said if she could go back in time, she would not have gotten vaccinated.

Report: Ivermectin Obliterated 97% Of Covid Cases In Delhi, India
On June 1, the Desert Review News reported that Ivermectin had obliterated 97 percent of Covid infections in India’s capitol territory, Delhi (pop. 30 million).

New York To Declare State Of Emergency Due To Nurses Quitting, Getting Fired Over Vaccine Mandate
New York Governor Kathy Hochul, a Democrat who assumed the job after Andrew Cuomo’s resignation, announced that she is prepared to declare a state of emergency if the state’s vaccine mandate results in an unmanageable shortage of healthcare workers. The mandate, which pertains to all New York healthcare workers, is set to take effect this week.

Why Is There Suddenly An Extremely Severe Shortage Of Workers All Over The World?
The unprecedented employment crisis that we are watching unfold around the globe is so bizarre that it could have been pulled straight out of an episode of the Twilight Zone. For the very first time in recorded history, there is an extremely severe shortage of workers in nations all over the planet.


Re: Rapture Ready News - September 2021

"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"

New technology discovers what appears to be Noah’s Ark, where Bible says it docked
A massive shape that appears to match the Bible’s description of Noah’s Ark has been discovered by archaeologists using 3D scans reports the US Sun. The researchers used earth-penetrating radar to examine the boat-shaped formation on Mt Tendürek which has long been understood to be the spot where the legendary vessel from the Book of Genesis docked.

Rabbi banned from Temple Mount for ‘not praising the police’
Temple Mount activist Rabbi Yehuda Glick has a history of receiving restraining orders from the Temple Mount. But the reason for the latest distance order submitted on Monday was arguably the most bizarre: ‘not praising the police.’

Fumio Kishida Set To Become Next Japanese PM After Surprise Win In LDP Leadership Contest
For Kishida, the victory represents a major comeback from his crushing loss to PM Yoshihide Suga during last year’s LDP leadership battle. But the 64-year-old’s victory represents defeat for a “new generation” of Japanese politicians who had hoped to take control of the party. Unfortunately for them, Kishida’s victory was secured by the same factional politics that have dominated in Japan for decades. The race included two female candidates,

“Declaration Of Media War”: Russia Threatens Total Ban On YouTube After Major Channels Deleted
The Kremlin on Wednesday slammed YouTube for unwarranted “censorship” and “media obstruction” after the day prior the Google-owned video hosting platform suddenly blocked two German RT channels, including RT Deutsch which was competing for traffic with major German news and politics channels. YouTube said the Russian state media channels had breached its Covid ‘disinformation’ policies.

Hillary Clinton bombarded with accusations she’s a ‘war criminal’
Hillary Clinton, who famously embroiled herself in scandal during her failed 2016 run for the presidency, her second loss in the race, by putting national security secrets on a private email server in her home, was the target of derogatory accusations on a trip to Belfast. Clinton, who also repeated for years her claims that President Donald Trump was not legitimately elected, was at Queen’s University there to be inaugurated as chancellor. According to a report from Political Insider, she is bombarded with shouts of “war criminal” as she climbed the steps.

Arizona AG announces review of Maricopa County election audit
When the Arizona state Senate revealed last week the results of its audit of the 2020 presidential election race in Maricopa County, which confirmed more than 57,000 problem ballots in a county won by Joe Biden by a handful, some may have thought the issue was over. They would have been wrong.

France moves against ‘radical’ Muslim groups, centers
France is moving to shut six mosques and break up several associations suspected of producing radical Islamic propaganda, Interior Minister Gerard Darmanin said on Tuesday.

Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis: ‘It’s not the government’s decision to decide who is vaccinated’
Dr. Alroy-Preis added that, “15%-25% of the infections occur at workplaces. We have no interest in applying the Green Pass where it is not needed. Its purpose is not to force vaccines but to reduce infections.”

Report: Iran contracts mercenaries to target Israelis in Cyprus
Cypriot authorities detain a suspect found to be in possession of a handgun with a silencer, and said to be casing the office building of a businessman based in Nicosia.

MN health care workers sue to block vaccine mandate
Nearly 200 Minnesota health workers are suing their employers to block a pending requirement that they be vaccinated against COVID-19 or risk getting fired. The lawsuit was filed in federal court late Monday against federal officials and about 20 providers that operate hospitals and clinics across Minnesota.

Highly contagious rabbit disease detected for first time in Minnesota
Two indoor rabbits in Ramsey County “died suddenly and inexplicably” earlier this month from Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus 2 (RHDV2), a news release said. RHDV2 is “highly contagious” and can affect domestic and wild rabbits. The Ramsey County rabbits were indoor animals and did not have contact with any other rabbits, the release said. The disease does not have any known risk to humans or other species of wildlife. Rabbits that get the disease typically die between a day and a week after becoming infected, and the disease kills 70-90% of infected rabbits … .

Army Doctor & Aerospace Medicine Specialist LTC. Theresa Long Calls On Pentagon To Ground ALL Pilots That Have Taken COVID Shots
…The majority of young new Army aviators are in their early twenties. We know there is a risk of myocarditis with each mRNA vaccination. We additionally now know that vaccination does not necessarily prevent infection or transmission of SARs-CoV-2. Therefore individuals fully vaccinated with mRNA vaccines have at least two independent risk factors for myocarditis after vaccination. Additional boaster shots add more risk

Unprecedented power outages hit China’s homes and factories, increasing global supply chain chaos
Coal shortages are causing unprecedented power outages in parts of China ahead of the winter season, affecting the country’s economy and increasing global supply chain chaos. It’s estimated that around 44% of China’s industrial activity is affected by outages. With nearly 60% of the Chinese economy powered by coal, entire power grids in parts of the country are now facing collapse.

Nearly 50k Medicare patients died soon after getting COVID shot: whistleblower
A whistleblower has provided government data documenting 48,465 deaths within 14 days of COVID-19 vaccination among Medicare patients alone, according to medical freedom rights attorney Thomas Renz.

Liberal Group Includes Call to ‘Shoot Republicans’ in Letter to FCC
A left-wing group funded by the Center for American Progress and George Soros’s Open Society Foundations submitted a letter to the government that advocated for murdering Republicans.

BREAKING: NY Gov. Fires Unvaccinated Healthcare Workers, Replaces With National Guard
Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY) announced Monday that she is deploying the New York National Guard to replace healthcare workers who will be fired after tonight for choosing to not take the COVID-19 jab.

Breaking: Google-YouTube to Ban ANY CLAIMS that “Vaccines are Ineffective or Dangerous” despite the Death Numbers – Suspends Robert F. Kennedy’s Account
Google-YouTube is now banning any claims that the COVID vaccines are “ineffective or dangerous” from their platform. And the social media giant suspended several accounts that questioned the vaccine including Joseph Mercola and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

END TIMES COMEDY: Fake president Biden FAKES White House vaccine photo-op while NY Gov. Hochul says God created vaccines and we must worship Big Pharma as our new saviors
Today’s Situation Update podcast (see below) is really an End Times comedy hour, given all the insanity that it covers. One of the big stories is how NY Gov. Hochul is now claiming God created vaccines and wants everybody to be injected with them. Those who don’t take vaccines aren’t listening to God, claims the obviously Satan-infested witch posing as governor.

‘Dozens’ of Massachusetts State Troopers Submit Resignations Over Vaccine Mandate
The State Police Association of Massachusetts (SPAM) issued a statement indicating that “dozens of troopers have already submitted their resignation paperwork,” in the wake of a court ruling on Thursday denying the police union’s request to delay the upcoming deadline for the state’s vaccine mandate.

Taliban Terrorists ‘All Smiles’ on Fairground Rides as Afghan Freedoms Disappear
Taliban terrorists enjoyed fairground rides as they cradled AK-47 and M4 assault rifles as Afghanistan crumbles under the brutal regime’s social strictures.

Covid-19 Is a United Nations Exercise, Signed Off on by 196 Countries in 2005 to Usher in the New World Order
Covid-19 is an exercise of the United Nations signed off on by 196 countries in 2005 to usher in the New World Order.

‘Woke’ School District Forced to Remove Books after Mom Exposes Pedophilia in Them
A “woke” school district has been forced to remove books from its libraries after an angry mom exposed the sexually explicit pedophilia contained in them.

Conservative commentator accuses Loudoun County school board of being ‘child abusers’
Conservative political commentator Matt Walsh excoriated the Loudoun County school board during their weekly meeting Tuesday for their gender ideology and accused them of being predators.

Pentagon Preparing for Potential Government Shutdown: Spokesman
Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said the Department of Defense is preparing for the possibility of a government shutdown by the end of the month, as Congress works to avert it.

Broadway Shows Bans Whites: Performances for ‘Black-Identifying’ Audiences Only
A new Broadway show will ban white people and most other races from attending and will limit performances to be for “black-identifying” audiences only.

NY Times’s Alarmist Covid Reporter Makes Up ‘Surge’ From School Reopenings
Tuesday’s New York Times lead story by Apoorva Mandavilli on Pfizer pushing to get its coronavirus vaccine approved for children was filled with the reporter’s typical coronavirus scaremongering. This time, it was about the dangers it posed to children: “Pfizer Says Shot Safely Benefits Children 5 to 11 – Seeking F.D.A. Approval – Urgency as Cases Rise in Young – Trial Review May Take Weeks.” Mandavilli’s freaked-out reporting was sadly valuable in helping keep schools shut around the country last year, and it’s gotten no better.

100 People in Ontario, CA Hospitalized With Heart Problems After COVID Vaccination
Public Health Ontario (PHO) in Canada recently released report, Myocarditis and Pericarditis Following Vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines in Ontario: December 13, 2020 to August 7, 2021, which found that the majority of COVID-19 vaccine recipients who went to the hospital for heart inflammation after the novel vaccine were young people.1

New York initiates medical martial law rollout with troops to take over hospitals where unvaxxed health care workers are being fired en masse
The medial martial law takeover of society has begun in New York where Governor Kathy Hochul has announced the mass firing of unvaccinated health care workers, to be replaced by foreign workers and National Guard troops.
