For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing .
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
New Ebola case diagnosed in DR Congo’s Goma: health official
A new case of Ebola has been registered in the eastern DR Congo city of Goma, a key transport hub, a Congolese health official said on Tuesday, as the virus death toll rose to 1,790. It is the second case of Ebola detected in the lakeside city of more than two million people, close to the Rwanda border.
‘Amateur’ Capital One Hack Stuns Security Community
The massive data breach at Capital One appeared to be an unsophisticated attack from a single hacker, raising questions about the security of the financial system and insider threats to cloud computing. “The biggest surprise is the amateur nature of the attack,” said John Dickson of the security consultancy Denim Group.
Jeffrey Epstein Will Be Murdered by “Powerful Friends,” Lawyer Warns
Spencer Kuvin, a lawyer who represented three women during the criminal proceedings against billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein over a decade ago, says Epstein’s attempted suicide last week was likely an attempted hit by someone close to him. “I do question whether it was a true suicide attempt. I mean how do you choke yourself? It doesn’t make any sense,” Kuvin told The Sun newspaper. “There are reports someone came after him but that could just be because he’s a pedophile. Those types of individuals don’t last long in prison.” Kuvin’s warning mirrors what conservative author Ann Coulter said last week when she urged the Bureau of Prisons to move Epstein to a Super Max facility so that “the people who want him dead” won’t be able to hide their role in his child sex crimes.
Turkey expects US to end its support to PKK/YPG
Turkish defense minister has told his U.S. counterpart over a phone call that Turkey expects the U.S. to completely end its support to the PKK/YPG terrorist group. Hulusi Akar said Turkey would be obliged to create a safe zone on its own in case the two countries failed to find a common ground, according to a statement released by the National Defense Ministry on July 29.
President Trump Meets with Pastors about Inner City Problems: Alveda King Says ‘We Have a President Who’s Listening’
The employment rates are up in every community, including the black community. The historically black colleges and universities under this president are being blessed. The babies in the womb. The sick and poor and elderly are being blessed. We have an opportunity to continue to be blessed, and we have a president who’s listening. And I was glad to pray with him today.” -Alveda King
John Ratcliffe: AG William Barr will deliver justice to any Obama officials who committed crimes
A top Republican investigator said accountability is coming for any of those individuals who may have committed crimes during the Trump-Russia investigation. With the Justice Department conducting a review of that operation, Rep. John Ratcliffe said during a Fox News interview Sunday that he trusts Attorney General William Barr and Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz to provide answers. And while Ratcliffe said he does not want to prematurely accuse any specific person of a crime — as Democrats have done with President Trump — he stressed that it is clear crimes were committed by people during the Obama administration, including government officials.
The coming of persecution for Christian Americans
the Washington Examiner reported that Pastor Andrew Brunson said he was “astounded at the speed with which the U.S. is imploding” and that he predicts persecution of Christians will follow. Brunson is the evangelical Presbyterian missionary to Turkey who spent two years in a Turkish prison. Brunson made his remarks about the coming of persecution for American Christians during an interview at the Western Conservative Summit, held every year by the Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University.
End Times Complacency Spreading Through The Church
Coming on the heels of World War II, the rebirth of Israel, the Six Day War, and widespread societal upheaval, many were convinced the rapture would take place before the end of the decade. But the 1970’s came and went, and Jesus did not return. Then, in the 1980’s and 1990’s, numerous bible prophecy books with titles like “Countdown to Armageddon” and “Final Warning” sold all over the world. Yet Jesus didn’t come. End Times Burnout, The Bible Said This Would Happen.
Trump to host Arab leaders at peace summit before Israeli election – report
The Trump administration will host an Israeli-Palestinian peace summit at Camp David before Israel’s September elections…Jared Kushner is planning to…invite the Arab leaders during his trip to the Middle East which starts on Thursday with a stop in Jerusalem. The summit…at Camp David…President Donald Trump will lay out his vision for peace between Israel and the Palestinian Authority in general terms, the Wednesday report said.
Zarif: Iran to reduce nuclear deal commitments unless Europe protects it
Iran is set to further cut its commitments to its international nuclear deal unless its European partners move to protect it from U.S. sanctions by ensuring it can sell oil and receive income, its foreign minister told state television on Wednesday. “Under current circumstances and if no action is taken (by the Europeans) we will take the next step (in cutting commitments),” Mohammad Javad Zarif said…
China orders Arabic, Muslim symbols taken down in Beijing
Authorities in the Chinese capital have ordered halal restaurants and food stalls to remove Arabic script and symbols associated with Islam from their signs, part of an expanding national effort to “Sinicize” its Muslim population. Employees at 11 restaurants and shops in Beijing selling halal products …said officials had told them to remove images associated with Islam, such as the crescent moon and the word “halal” written in Arabic, from signs.
Ebola crisis: Second case confirmed in DR Congo border city of Goma
A second case of Ebola has been detected on Democratic Republic of Congo’s border with Rwanda, raising fears the deadly illness could spread. The case was confirmed in the city of Goma, home to two million people, authorities said. More than 1,600 people have died of Ebola in DR Congo since the outbreak began in August 2018 but those have been in more remote areas.
North Korea fires two ballistic missiles in second missile launch in a week
North Korea has fired two short-range ballistic missiles off its east coast, according to South Korea’s military, the second such launch in a week. The two missiles were launched from the Wonsan area early on Wednesday. Last week’s launch was the first such action since US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met in June.
ISIS Warns of Terror Strikes in San Francisco, New York, London
The ISIS terrorist organization is threatening to launch new attacks in San Francisco, New York, and London, according to new warning messages posted on the group’s social media channels. The messages…feature the three cities and call for adherents of the terror group’s radical ideology to “kill them all,” according to copies of the warnings obtained by the Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI, a group that monitors jihadi networks.
America’s Housing Affordability Crisis Spreads to the Heartland
Low mortgage rates and thriving employment should be the recipe for a strong housing market. Instead, they’re deepening America’s affordability crisis. What began on the coasts, in areas like New York and San Francisco, is now radiating into the nation’s heartland, as well as to cities from Las Vegas to Charleston, South Carolina. Entry-level buyers are scrambling to purchase homes that are in short supply, sending values soaring.
Neuroscientists decode brain speech signals into written text
Doctors have turned the brain signals for speech into written sentences in a research project that aims to transform how patients with severe disabilities communicate in the future. The breakthrough is the first to demonstrate how the intention to say specific words can be extracted from brain activity and converted into text rapidly enough to keep pace with natural conversation.
Egyptian, Jordanian leaders meet ahead of Kushner’s visit
Jordan’s King Abdullah ll met with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to arrive at a united position on the Trump Administration’s proposed plan to bring peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Just days before an American team is set to visit the Middle East, the two leaders met in Cairo to discuss “relations between the two countries and ways to promote levels of joint cooperation,” according to a statement from the Jordanian government.
Swiss Funding Freeze in Wake of UNRWA Corruption Allegations Piles On Palestinian Refugee Agency’s Woes
Switzerland confirmed on Tuesday that it was temporarily freezing funding for UNRWA — the United Nations agency dedicated solely to Palestinian refugees and their descendants — following the emergence of an internal report that accused the agency’s top management of systematic corruption and abuse.
Bipartisan Senate bill to inquire about creation of US-Israel cyber-security center
U.S. Sens. Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) and Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) introduced Tuesday a bill to require the U.S. State Department to investigate potential benefits of establishing a joint U.S.-Israel cybersecurity center.
“California Should Be Embarrassed” – State Passes Law Banning Trump From Ballot Unless Tax Returns Released
“… it’s unconstitutional and it opens up the possibility for states to load up more requirements on candidates in future elections. ”
Pompeo: US will maintain Strait of Hormuz, as Iran continues to reject talks
“We are gonna keep it open,” said U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. “Countries from all across the world who have a vested interest in keeping those waterways open will participate.”
40 Percent of Americans Believe in Creationism and Reject Evolution, Gallup Poll Finds
The nation’s universities and the mainstream media may be promoting evolution, but a large percentage of Americans still isn’t buying it. Forty percent of Americans say they believe “God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so,” according to a Gallup poll released July 26. It is an increase from 38 percent in 2017, the last time Gallup asked the question.
Pakistani Christian in hiding because of blasphemy accusations pleads with UN to help
A Pakistani Christian refugee accused of blasphemy is facing renewed death threats after his location in Thailand was revealed on social media this month. But he and his family continue to face hurdles in their years-long effort for resettlement with no end in sight.
California Lawmakers Pass Resolution Blaming Religious People for High Suicide Rates in the LGBT Community
Lawmakers in California have passed a resolution that singles out the state’s religious communities and forces them to fully support LGBT individuals.
Black Moon is coming Wednesday: What that means
We’ve seen all kinds of interesting phases of the Moon, from “Super blood Moons” to “full worm supermoons” to even the stunning Strawberry Moon.
Crackdown Coming? China Gathers Forces On Hong Kong Border Amid Unrest
Comes after Beijing charged that unrest is “creation of the US”
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Goliath’s City Is More Than Myth
Until this summer, decades of excavations at the ancient Philistine city of Gath had failed to uncover structural remains from the time of young David’s famous victory against Goliath. Now, as if by chance, excavations have uncovered a hitherto unknown layer at biblical Gath (Tell es-Safi). The initial results show that this older city is better and, let’s say, more gigantic than anything discovered so far.
Intel says Osama bin Laden’s son is dead, NBC News reports
The United States has obtained intelligence that the son of former al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is reportedly dead, according to NBC News. NBC cited three anonymous U.S. officials who said the U.S. has obtained intel that Hamza bin Laden is dead, NBC first reported on Wednesday. Hamza’s death is not confirmed, nor are the circumstances of his death known.
Pro-Third Temple Politician: Prepare for War
Responding to reports of an upcoming Israeli-Arab Peace summit hosted by the Trump administration, former MK Moshe Feiglin said that the result of this initiative will be a “war. Moshe Feiglin, a former parliament member and current head of the Zehut party took to social media saying that the “outcome of Trump’s upcoming Peace summit, like all previous peace summits, will be a war”. “To comprehend this, one must understand that the objective of a “Palestinian” is not sovereignty (for this non-nation) in Israel but rather the elimination of Jewish sovereignty” Feiglin added.
Sen. Rand Paul to Ilhan Omar: I’ll fund ticket to Somalia
“Well, she came here and we fed her, we clothed her, she got welfare, she got [schooling], she got healthcare, and then, lo and behold, she has the honor of actually winning a seat in Congress, and she says we’re a terrible country?” Rand said about Omar. “I think that’s about as ungrateful as you can get.”
Top Rabbi In Israel: We Must Build The Third Temple
The former Rabbi of the Old City of Jerusalem and one of the leading rabbis in Israel today said in an interview: “we must do everything in our power to build the Temple”. …the Rabbi stated that despite delays by Israel’s High Court, explicitly stated that we must do everything in our power to build it and not wait for it to fall from the sky.
European Superstate: A Massive Expansion Of Central Power Coming Soon
Former German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen has been narrowly confirmed as the next President of the European Commission, the powerful administrative arm of the European Union. An examination of von der Leyen’s policy proposals, reveals that she is calling for a massive expansion of top-down powers of the European Commission. Her proposals would substantially increase the role of Brussels in virtually all aspects of economic and social life in Europe — all at the expense of national sovereignty. She wants to build a centralized, undemocratic, updated form of Communism that will render [obsolete] nation state parliaments, where the state controls everything, where nation state parliaments will cease to have any relevance at all.
Human-animal hybrids to be developed in Japan after ban controversially lifted
Human-animal hybrids are to be developed in embryo form in Japan after the government approved controversial stem-cell research. Human cells will be grown in rat and mouse embryos, then brought to term in a surrogate animal, as part of experiments set to be carried out at the University of Tokyo. But opponents have raised concerns that scientists are playing God.
Drug-Resistant Superbug Spreading Throughout European Hospitals
The spread of Klebsiella pneumoniae is “extremely concerning” according to reserarchers with the Sanger Institute, who warn that other bacteria could become similarly resistant to “last resort” drugs known as carbapenems ‘because of the unique way bacteria have sex.’ “The alarming thing is these bacteria are resistant to one of the key last-line antibiotics,” said Dr. Sophia David of the Sanger Institute, adding “The infections are associated with a high mortality rate.”
Church of the Apostles discovered near Sea of Galilee, archaeologists say
The Church of the Apostles, which is said to have been built over the house of Jesus’ disciples Peter and Andrew, has been discovered near Israel’s Sea of Galilee, according to a team of American and Israeli archaeologists.
Rouhani says ‘childish’ of U.S. to sanction Iran foreign minister Zarif
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani accused the United States of “childish behavior” on Thursday over Washington’s sanctioning of Iran’s foreign minister amid rising tensions between the two countries. The United States on Wednesday imposed sanctions on Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Washington has previously proposed unconditional talks with Tehran.
IDF officer, two soldiers injured in exchange of fire at the Gaza border
An IDF officer and two soldiers were injured and a Hamas militant killed in an exchange of fire at the border with the Gaza Strip on early Thursday morning, the IDF confirmed. According to IDF Spokesperson Brig.-Gen. Ronen Manelis, the initial investigation into the incident has found that the Palestinan was identified by troops at 2am approaching the border fence in the area of Kissufim in southern Israel.
Hamza Bin Laden ‘killed in air strike’
Hamza Bin Laden, the son of al-Qaeda founder Osama Bin Laden, died in an air strike, US media outlets report, citing intelligence officials. The place and date of death were unclear. The Pentagon did not comment. Bin Laden, thought to be aged about 30, had released audio and video messages calling for attacks on the US and other countries.
Brexit: £2.1bn extra for no-deal planning
The government has announced an extra £2.1bn of funding to prepare for a no-deal Brexit – doubling the amount of money it has set aside this year. The plans include more border force officers and upgrades to transport infrastructure at ports. There will also be more money to ease traffic congestion in Kent and tackle queues created by delays at the border.
Flood of illegal migrants to the border outpaces last two years with 1.1M expected in fiscal year 2019
Federal law enforcement…are expected to encounter 1.1 million people trying to cross illegally by the end of the fiscal year Sept. 30, despite Mexico’s assistance… Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Ron Johnson forecast the 1.1 million figure…based off the number of people arrested for illegally entering between border crossings and those who presented at ports of entry but were deemed ineligible for admittance.
White House aide denies peace summit planned for Camp David
A senior White House official denied Wednesday that President Donald Trump is planning a summit of Arab leaders at Camp David to unveil his self-styled “deal of the century” for Middle East peace. The plan to hold the summit was first revealed in Ynet’s sister publication Yedioth Ahronoth on Wednesday morning.
Trump firms up plan to import medicines; pharma companies resist
The Trump administration took a step Wednesday toward allowing importation of medicines from Canada…as a way to bring cheaper prescription drugs to Americans, but the pharmaceutical industry was quick to resist the move. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said it and the Food and Drug Administration will propose a rule that will allow it to authorize states and other groups to pursue pilot projects…to importing drugs from Canada.
Fed cuts interest rates, signals it may not need to do more
The Federal Reserve cut interest rates on Wednesday, but…said the move might not be the start of a lengthy campaign to shore up the economy against risks including global weakness. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell cited signs of a global slowdown, simmering U.S. trade tensions and a desire to boost too-low inflation in explaining the central bank’s decision to lower borrowing costs for the first time since 2008…
HUGE! Joe diGenova: Declassification Process Will Start THIS WEEK, by Wednesday — Criminal Investigation of Senior Obama DOJ and FBI Officials!! (AUDIO)
…During his interview diGenova announced the declassification process will begin this week. AG Bill Barr is getting it ready to come out. Joe diGenova added that this is a criminal investigation of senior DOJ and FBI officials under Obama.
Siberian Wildfires Swell to Crimea-Sized Area, Authorities Say Extinguishing Them Is ‘Pointless’
Massive wildfires sweeping through Russia have spread to an area the size of annexed Crimea as regional authorities have been slow to declare emergencies and firefighting efforts have been scaled back.
Minnesota Weather: Temperatures Dip To 37 Degrees In International Falls, Breaking 121-Year-Old Record
While the calendar says Minnesota is in the middle of summer, it felt like fall in northern Minnesota on Tuesday morning. A new daily low-temperature record was set in International Falls, where the mercury dipped to 37 degrees, breaking the record (38 degrees) set back in 1898.
Two hurricanes, one a Category 3, are moving toward Hawaii
Two hurricanes, one of them a Category 3, are moving toward the Hawaiian islands — one heading straight for the island chain and another tracking slightly south.
We Just Witnessed 3 Major Developments That Could Easily Lead To Global War
There is so much apathy in our society today, and so little knowledge about foreign affairs… most people simply do not grasp the importance of the drama that is playing out right in front of our eyes…
79-Year-Old Woman Was Just Sentenced To Prison For Feeding Stray Cats
“It began in 2017 with me feeding stray kitties. I used to have a neighbor that had a couple cats and he moved away so he left them,” Segula said. “I would always feed them and care for them because I was worried about them and I’m a cat lover. Once my neighbors got upset about it, they called the animal warden.”
The Camp Pendleton Affair Demonstrates Every Federal Agency Has Been Infiltrated by the Deep State
…Surprised? Why should America be surprised? The Democratic Party has forsaken its once mainstay base of inner-city residents in favor of representing the illegal immigrants that are flooding into our country. Leaving out the decent human beings that illegally cross our border, we are witnessing drug dealers, child-sex-traffickers, hardcore terrorists, the hitmen from MS-13, ISIS, etc., crossing our border in force.
Yet Another Freight Company Unexpectedly Ceases Operations And Closes Its Doors
This closure marks the seventh freight company to shut down in 2019 alone…
MORE LIES: Liberal Media Runs Story About Seesaws on Border Wall that Allow Children in US and Mexico to Play Together — Close-Up Shot Shows THEY’RE ALL ADULTS
NBC News ran a lovely story about how a liberal architect was able to build seesaws on the border that allow children from Mexico to play with children from the US. How sweet. It was a plug for open borders. But when you look at a closeup they’re all adult liberal activists on the seesaws.
Study traces location of major nuclear release in 2017 to southern Urals
…”This must have been a sizeable, yet undeclared nuclear accident,” study authors said. The study presents the most compelling monitoring dataset of this release, comprising 1 100 atmospheric and 200 deposition data points from the Eurasian region. The data suggest a release from a nuclear reprocessing facility located in the Southern Urals, possibly from the Mayak nuclear complex.
Creation Of Human And Animal Embryo Hybrids Set To Begin In Japan After Government Gives Green Light To Controversial Stem Cell Experiments
Remember all those crazy, nutty conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones who warned about the coming ‘pig men’ and ‘human animal chimeras’? Well, Alex Jones is a nut, and is wrong about a whole lot of things, but he was right about this one. Transhumanism is a thing, and it’s coming soon to a theater near you, only in real life and not on the screen. The ‘pig man’ from Seinfeld may well turn out to be more prophecy than comedy.
The Laodicean Evangelical Professing Christian Church Is Turning Gay And Embracing LGBTQ+ Movement As The Great Falling Away Nearly Complete
…one of the problems with such a vast expanse of news and information is the news cycle is so short that we forget the older stuff and new stuff comes in. Such is the case with the incredible rush by the Laodicean professing Christian church to 1). embrace the LGBTQ+P for Pedophile community and affirm them in that lifestyle, and 2). pastors and other Laodicean church leaders who have actually come out as gay. There have been a lot of these stories, but as time goes on we forget
Child porn investigation ensnares Miami-Dade County day care
Police and the Department of Homeland Security launched an early-morning raid Monday on a family-run day care in the Miami-Dade County area as part of a child pornography investigation.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
There might be something to ‘deal of the century’ after all
The Palestinian position is being criticized more and more in the Arab world, both on social media and by journalists and bloggers. Even some politicians are expressing such views – which would have been unthinkable just a decade ago. The outline of the deal is being revealed bit by bit. It is not just the economic plan whose gist was presented at the Bahrain summit in June. There is no Palestinian statehood in the “deal of the century,” only autonomy, as U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, a silent member of the administration’s Mideast peace team, has revealed. Friedman warned the Palestinians that the Clinton, Olmert, Kerry and Obama proposals are no longer on the table.
Video shows Chinese army ‘practicing’ shooting protesters
Just on the heels of new reports of a significant build-up of Chinese security forces on Hong Kong’s border, with the White House monitoring what an admin official described as “a congregation of Chinese forces” outside the city, the chief of the Chinese military garrison in Hong Kong has warned that the army stands ready to “protect” Chinese sovereignty. A military crackdown could be imminent,…
Trump’s Grandchild Sent to Jewish Summer Camp to Learn Importance of Israel
Ivanka Trump dropped her kids off at Camp Morasha (inheritance) for a 3-day retreat reported Matzav. The Lakewood PA camp welcomed Ivanka’s eldest, Arabella, to their ‘Morasha Mania’ program. The sleepaway camp’s mission according to its site is to: “nurture the camper’s commitment to Torah, Modern Orthodoxy, and Zionism”. Among other things, the camp “inculcates the value of good citizenship — as Jews, Americans, and supporters of Israel”. Their site
Japan Approves Scientist’s Plan to Create World’s First Humanimals
For the first time, a government is supporting a plan to create animal embryos with human cells and bring them to term, resulting in a type of humanimal known as a human-animal chimera. According to Nature, a committee from Japan’s science ministry signed off on a request by researchers to grow human pancreases in either rats or mice, the first such experiment to gain approval since a government ban was reversed earlier this year. “Finally, we are in a position to start serious studies in this field after 10 years of preparation,” lead researcher Hiromitsu Nakauchi told the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun.
FBI: Agents retrieve ‘missing’ evidence from James Comey’s home
Hillary Clinton, while U.S. secretary of state for Barack Obama, kept emails with classified information on an unsecure server in her home. James Comey, who was FBI director at the time, didn’t do that. But he kept memos with classified information in his home. We know because the FBI revealed that’s where it obtained them, according to government watchdog Judicial Watch.
2 tropical waves on horizon: one has 70% chance of becoming a tropical depression; closer storm could bring weekend rain to Florida
A tropical wave in the west Atlantic gained strength and has a 70 percent chance of becoming a tropical depression over the next five days, while another threatens rain over the weekend, the National Hurricane Center said Thursday morning. The tropical wave in the mid-Atlantic Ocean has continued to gain strength as it traverses through a “corridor of favorable conditions” for tropical development about 900 miles west-southwest of the Cabo Verde Islands, said WOFL-Fox 35 meteorologist Jayme King. The storm is moving through an area of warm, moist air and low wind shear giving it a strong chance of organization and growth into a powerful system.
U.S. pulls out of 30-year nuclear treaty with Russia
U.S. President Donald Trump made the determination that the United States would terminate adherence to the 1987 arms control accord, known as the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF)… The treaty bans either side from stationing short- and intermediate-range, land-based missiles in Europe. Washington signaled its intention six months ago to pull out of the agreement if Russia made no move to adhere to it.
Trump escalates trade war with more China tariffs
US President Donald Trump has said he will impose a fresh 10% tariff on another $300bn (£247bn) of Chinese goods, in a sharp escalation of a trade war between the two countries. It came after the latest round of bilateral talks showed little sign of a breakthrough. The new tariffs, due to take effect on 1 September, effectively tax all Chinese imports to the US.
N Korea conducts third weapons test in eight days
North Korea has fired two projectiles which South Korean officials say appear to have been a new type of short-range missile. The launch, the third in just over a week, came from North Korea’s east coast early on Friday. The string of tests are being seen as reaction to planned military exercises between South Korea and the US.
Japan to strike South Korea off trusted export list as rift deepens
Japan will remove South Korea from its list of trusted trade partners, deepening a bitter row between the two countries. The decision to strike South Korea off its so-called “white list” puts fresh trading restrictions on the country. South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Friday condemned Tokyo’s “selfish” act and threatened possible retaliation.
Saudi Arabia allows women to travel independently
Women in Saudi Arabia can now travel abroad without a male guardian’s permission, royal decrees say. The new rule announced on Friday allows women over the age of 21 to apply for a passport without authorisation, putting them on an equal footing to men. Women are also being given the right to register births, marriage or divorce.
Yemen war: Houthi missile attack on military parade kills 32
At least 32 people have been killed in an attack by the rebel Houthi movement on a military parade in Yemen. The parade in the southern port city of Aden was targeted by missiles and an armed drone, a Houthi-run TV channel says. Aden is the seat of Yemen’s internationally recognised government. Earlier, 10 people were killed in a suicide bombing at a police station in the city. It is not clear if the two attacks are linked.
Venezuela: Socialist ‘Death Squads’ Targeting Opposition Activists
The Maduro dictatorship in Venezuela is stepping up the operations of “death squads” aimed at eliminating all opposition to the socialist regime, El Mundo detailed in a report on Wednesday. At a military ceremony in 2017, dictator Nicolás Maduro launched a new security unit known as the Special Action Forces (FAES), which he declared would “join the fight against crime, against terrorism and against right-wing terrorist groups.”
German City Rocked After Kazakh Man Hacked to Death by Syrian Migrant in Broad Daylight
A local news bureau reported “shock” in the German city of Stuttgart after a 36-year-old man was hacked to death with…a…sword in the middle of the street… The attack took place in front of dozens of witnesses and was filmed by passers-by on mobile phones from multiple angles, and saw a man, a 36-year old German resident of Kazakhstan origin, lying on the floor and being repeatedly hacked at and stabbed with a sword…
Syrian media: Israeli missile hits in Quneitra
An Israeli missile hit a village in the Quneitra countryside in Syria’s Golan Heights near the frontier between the two countries on Thursday, Syrian state media said. State news agency SANA described it as “an Israeli attack” that caused only material damages. The Al Majd Hadith TV channel reported that Hezbollah militants were seen in the area sometime before the strike.
Facebook And Other Tech Companies Spending Millions Of Dollars To Create Technology Capable Of Reading Your Mind, And They’re Succeeding
It is a sobering reality when you come to the startling conclusion that Facebook is not a product, no, not by a long shot. To paraphrase that classic line from ‘It’s A Wonderful Life‘, Facebook isn’t selling, they’re buying. What are they purchasing? You. You’re the product field they have purchased for the purpose of cultivating and harvesting.
Report: Police Depts Ditching Facial Recognition Technology
Several police departments are eliminating the use of facial recognition technology due to costs, privacy concerns, and limited resources, Defense One reports. The Orlando Police Department in Florida halted its facial recognition pilot program this month, citing resources.
Why Muslim Friends Betray
One of the most troubling aspects of the recent gang-rape and murder of a 60-year-old Christian teacher in Syria was reported on Arabic media as follows (in translation):
Evangelical Climate Change Scientist-Turned-Doomsday Prophet
Students at three evangelical colleges were used as guinea pigs several years ago to see if a scientist who is also an evangelical Christian could persuade the schools’ devout students that climate change was a man-made catastrophe requiring urgent action to combat.
SoCal hospital director arrested on child pornography charges
The director of artificial intelligence medicine at Cedars-Sinai hospital has been charged with distributing and possessing child pornography, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office said Wednesday.
Are Dems Prepping Michelle Obama For A Hail-Mary Toss Against Trump?
“There is one person that would crush Trump – and she hasn’t announced yet. And her last name rhymes with Obama. In fact, it is Obama – Michelle Obama…”
Pennsylvania to Allow Gender Option ‘X’ on Driver’s Licenses
Pennsylvania will soon allow residents who wish not to be identified as male or female to select gender option “X” on their driver’s licenses.
Dead People Aren’t Just Voting, This Guy Donated $2500 to Rashida Tlaib FROM HIS GRAVE!
Are Democrats so desperate that they now have to solicit money from dead people? Apparently they are. We already know that lots of dead people vote Democrat:
Gaza Border Attack: ‘Terrorist infiltrated Israel, hid for 2 hours before attack’
A senior IDF officer in the Gaza Division spoke about the incident on Wednesday night in which an IDF officer and two soldiers were lightly wounded in an exchange of gunfire with a terrorist at the Gaza border.
Mormon GOP Chair: Bank Blockade On Marijuana Needs To End Now
We now need to, I think, move forward and see if there’s some way we can draft legislation that will deal with the issue.”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Iran to further reduce commitments to nuclear deal
Iran will take another step to reduce its compliance with a landmark 2015 nuclear deal, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Saturday without elaborating, according to parliamentary news agency ICANA. Iran has repeatedly said it will reduce its commitment to the nuclear accord in stages and may even withdrew from the pact altogether unless the remaining signatories find ways to shield its economy from US sanctions.
King Abdullah refuses meeting with Netanyahu – Report
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu requested a meeting with Jordanian King Abdullah, but…the King refused. Netanyahu is reported to have also asked Abdullah to have a conversation over the phone, to which the king still said no. In the paper, a Jordanian source said that relations between the two countries are very difficult because of the Israeli elections and lack of progress with US President Trump’s “Deal of the Century.”
Russia protests: Opposition leader Lyubov Sobol detained
Russian opposition leader Lyubov Sobol has been detained ahead of an unauthorised protest in Moscow. Ms Sobol was in a taxi about to set off for the rally when police officers dragged her into a black van, which swiftly sped off. Protesters are gathering in the Russian capital after authorities disqualified a number of opposition candidates from standing in local elections.
INF nuclear treaty: Trump says new pact should include China
US President Donald Trump has said he wants a new nuclear pact to be signed by both Russia and China. Mr Trump said he had spoken to the two countries about the idea, and that they were both “very, very excited”. His comments came after the US withdrew from a key nuclear treaty with Russia, raising fears of a new arms race.
Florida just declared a public health emergency over its ballooning Hepatitis A cases
With 56 new cases of Hepatitis A reported statewide in the week since the last reporting period, the Florida Surgeon General declared a public health emergency…“I am declaring this Public Health Emergency as a proactive step to appropriately alert the public to this serious illness and prevent further spread of Hepatitis A in our state,” Florida Surgeon General Dr. Scott Rivkees said.
Air Force to deploy ground-based lasers in first field test of ‘directed energy’ weapon
The Air Force announced Friday it will soon deploy two ground-based laser weapons…to test how they can be used against small drones, the service’s first “operational field test” of an experimental “directed energy” weapon…the Air Force announced a $23 million…contract for two of Raytheon’s High Energy Laser Weapons Systems…which the systems are to be tested for 12 months in an undisclosed “contested environment” outside the continental United States.
KNOWLES: Marianne Williamson’s Diabolical Heresy
…Williamson made her career proselytizing A Course In Miracles, a 1976 book written by Columbia University psychologist Helen Schucman, who believed the text had been dictated to her word-for-word by a spirit claiming to be Jesus Christ.
Strong and shallow M7.4 earthquake hit near the coast of southwest Sumatra, Indonesia
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the BMKG as M7.4 hit off the coast of southwest Sumatra, Indonesia at 12:03 UTC (19:03 local time) on August 2, 2019. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). USGS is reporting M6.9 at a depth of 52.8 km (32.8 miles); EMSC M6.8 at a depth of 40 km (24.8 miles).
BREAKING: Unbelievable! Deep State FBI Helped Hillary Clinton Erase and Bleachbit Data Off Laptops and Hammer Her Phones
It was reported today that the Obama FBI and DOJ worked with Hillary Clinton in the destruction of evidence pertinent to her case. Her case was a sham and the FBI assisted in the coverup.
The Democrats Are the Gun Confiscation Party-Genocide ALWAYS Follows Gun Confiscation
If the Democrats are elected and control the White House in 2020, America is electing the party of gun confiscation and history shows that America would be electing the party of genocide, by default.
BREAKING: Texas Arrests 32 in Massive Food Stamp Fraud Scheme
According to new information coming from Texas officials, 32 people were arrested in June for their role in a massive fraud scheme involving food stamps and the SNAP benefit program. Prosecutors alleged that “over 300 purchases utilizing 92 different EBT cards from 61 different [SNAP] recipients were used to procure over $71,000 worth of goods.”
Poll: 9 in 10 Young Britons Believe Their Lives Have No Purpose
A nationwide poll has revealed that 89 per cent of 16- to 29-year-olds believe that their lives have no meaning or purpose.
The US Pentagon And DARPA Are Conducting Wide-Area Surveillance Tests Using Experimental High-Altitude Balloons Across 6 Midwestern States
If you thought that the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States was going to repeal the Patriot Actat best, or stop government intrusion into our lives at least, you would be quite wrong. Case in point is our story today about DARPA and the Pentagon conducting high-altitude spy tests using mass surveillance balloons over 6 midwest states. And no, this is not conspiracy theory either. Down below are links to the manufacturers of the balloons.
French Group ‘Test for Discrimination’ on Private Beaches
The social justice group SOS Racisme has been using hidden cameras to test private French Riviera beaches for signs of “discrimination”.
Major Solar Storm To Strike Earth This Week As “Black Supermoon” Looms
An absolutely massive hole has formed in the upper atmosphere of the Sun, and our planet will align with that hole later this week. Once the alignment happens, Earth will be bombarded by a “solar storm”, and nobody is quite sure yet how bad it will be. If the storm is relatively minor, we could just experience a few disruptions to satellite communications and see some pretty lights in the sky.
Barack Obama ‘best US president in history,’ college student poll says. Lincoln, Washington not even close.
The College Pulse poll surveyed 8,112 students to determine the outcome, and Obama nabbed 1,744 — or 22 percent — of the votes.
WOW! FBI Caught Using Far Left Websites Wikipedia and Snopes as Sources for Junk Report on Deep State “Conspiracy Theories”
The FBI recently published a report warning that “conspiracy theorists” discussing the “deep state” are a new domestic terrorism threat.
Fundraiser To Help Our Longtime NTEB Volunteer Janette Carter Who Is Disabled And Needs Funds To Prevent Being Evicted From Her Home
I have known Janette for nearly 10 years now. She is a strong Bible believer, a close personal friend, and also the person who faithfully records the notes for all of our weekly Sunday night radio Bible studies, and then posts them all across Facebook. She also has some serious health issues that she has done her best to deal with over the years. When I heard that she was in danger of being evicted, I knew exactly what the Lord would have me to do. The first thing I did was make a donation, and the second thing is I sat down and started writing this article.
Hundreds Of Bees Are Dropping Dead Around 5G Cell Phone Towers In California As Controversy Mounts Around New Mobile Technology
There is a lot of conspiracy theory being generated about the nascent 5G cell phone technology that has come online now in California and soon to the rest of the country. Some of it is hype and nothing more, but as is the case with the vast majority of conspiracy theory, there is a lot of truth to it as well.
Raw human sewage all over the beaches of California is the perfect metaphor for the failure of liberalism
Why is there raw feces strewn across nearly all the beaches along the West Coast? The answer is simple: Liberal policies allow people to openly crap all over their own cities (like San Fran****sco), causing untreated raw human sewage to be flushed directly into the oceans every time it rains
Facebook Supports the Mark of the Beast
Facebook, no surprise, backs the Mark of the Beast (aka a global ID). Why do people need a global ID unless nationalism is dead. and satanic globalism is the future of this country.
Gillette CEO: $8 billion loss is ‘price worth paying’ over #MeToo campaign
Gillette CEO Gary Coombe said he does not regret his company’s controversial marketing campaign targeted at the #MeToo movement even though the company has taken an $8 billion hit.
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All 40 top Likud candidates pledge loyalty to Netanyahu
All 40 of the Likud’s top Knesset candidates signed a petition on Sunday reiterating that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and only Netanyahu, is the party’s candidate to form the next government.The petition came after Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman said on Channel 12’s Meet the Press program on Saturday evening that he would like to see a prime minister from Likud who is not Netanyahu and suggested Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein.
Sudan crisis: Military and opposition agree constitutional declaration
Sudan’s ruling military council and main opposition coalition have agreed on a constitutional declaration which will pave the way for a new period of transitional government. African Union mediator Mohamed Hassan Lebatt made the announcement early on Saturday, without giving any details. Sudan has been in turmoil since the military ousted President Omar al-Bashir in April.
Hong Kong protests: Police fire tear gas at activists
Hong Kong police have fired tear gas at protesters who are demonstrating for the ninth weekend in a row. Groups rallied in the Mong Kok district before starting their march. They called on others to join a city-wide strike planned for Monday. Beijing and the Chinese army have issued stern warnings about the unrest.
India orders tourists to leave Kashmir over ‘terror threat’
Thousands of people, including tourists and Hindu pilgrims, are leaving Indian-administered Kashmir after local officials issued a security alert. Indian authorities warned of a “terror threat” against Hindu pilgrims heading to the Amarnath shrine. Militants backed by Pakistan were planning an attack on the annual pilgrimage, officials have said.
Russia protests: Hundreds detained during unauthorised demonstration
More than 600 people have been detained over an unauthorised protest in Moscow, amid reports of police violence. Protesters had gathered in the Russian capital after authorities disqualified a number of opposition candidates from standing in local elections. Leading activist Lyubov Sobol was arrested before she could reach the rally, attended by 1,500 people.
Iran seizes another tanker in the Gulf, state media say
Iran has seized another foreign tanker in the Gulf, Iranian state media say. A Revolutionary Guard Corps commander was quoted as saying its naval forces had “seized a foreign tanker in the Persian Gulf that was smuggling fuel for some Arab countries”. It said the tanker was carrying 700,000l of fuel, adding that seven sailors had been detained.
Texas Walmart shooting: El Paso gun attack leaves 20 dead
Twenty people have been killed and 26 injured in a mass shooting at a Walmart store in the Texas city of El Paso. Governor Greg Abbott described it as “one of the most deadly days in the history of Texas”. Police are investigating whether the attack, which happened a few miles from the US-Mexico border, was a hate crime.
Dayton shooting: Nine confirmed killed, shooter also dead
Nine people have been killed and at least 16 injured in a mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio, police have confirmed. First reports came in at about 01:00 local time (05:00 GMT) of a shooting outside a bar in the Oregon district of the city. Police confirmed they killed the shooter at the scene. Casualties have been taken to a number of hospitals.
Harvard Scientists, Funded By Bill Gates, To Begin Spraying Particles Into The Sky To Dim The Sun
Harvard has formed an advisory board to begin moving forward with their plan to spray particles into the stratosphere to test the geoengineering method of dimming the sun…
Older adults are binge drinking at alarming rates
Binge drinking is booming — among boomers. In fact, more than one in 10 Americans ages 65 and older are binge drinkers, according to a New York University study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society on Wednesday, which is defined as having five or more drinks during one occasion in the past month for men, and four or more for women.
Breaking: Epstein Scandal to Bring Down CFR / Trilateralist Pedophile Ring
Jeffrey Epstein is currently infamous for his conviction for soliciting a fourteen-year-old girl for prostitution and for allegedly orchestrating underage “sex slave” orgies at his private Virgin Island mansion, where he purportedly pimped out underage girls to elite political figures such as Prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz, and probably Bill Clinton as well (he also traveled to Thailand in 2001 with Prince Andrew, probably to indulge in the country’s rampant child sex trade).
Time Magazine: Arctic Nearing ‘Point of No Return’ from Climate Change
Climate alarmists continue to seek new vocabulary to express the apocalyptic urgency of their cause, with Time magazine now declaring that the Arctic is nearing a “point of no return,” thanks to global warming.
THE ABORTION AGENDA: Its Benefactors & What You Don’t Know
Pay very close attention, because there is a lot more going on with their abortion agenda, than meets the eye. Who’s involved, where is this headed, and what atrocities have already occurred? Something very significant began back in 1993, leading up to this, and no one is reporting on it.
California Scrubs Controversial Kamala Harris-Era Arrest Reports
A ‘routine website redesign’…
Water in Hawaii volcano could trigger explosive eruptions
For the first time in recorded history, a pond of water has been discovered inside the summit crater of Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano, a development that could signal a shift to a more explosive phase of future eruptions.
California’s Homeless Crisis Spreads To Orange County, Doubles In Two Years
No affordable housing has resulted in a gigantic mess…
Republican anxiety spikes after retirements, Dem gains in Texas…
Republicans have long idealized Texas as a deep-red frontier state, home to rural conservatives who love President Donald Trump. But political turbulence in the sprawling suburbs and fast-growing cities are turning the Lone Star State into a possible 2020 battleground.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Currency War Begins: Chinese Yuan Crashes Past 7 To New Record Low As Global Markets Tumble
China’s central bank has confirmed that it is, indeed, on, saying that it is able to keep the yuan exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level – whatever that means – while acknowledging that the Yuan plunging beyond 7 per dollar is due to market supply and demand, trade protectionism and expectations on additional tariffs on Chinese goods.
A Year In, the Second-Largest Ebola Outbreak Continues to Rage
One year after the outbreak, certainly, we didn’t expect it to be still going on,” says Michelle Gayer, director of emergency health at the International Rescue Committee (IRC), a humanitarian organization that has been responding to the outbreak in more than 70 health facilities. “It’s killing more people than it should, despite vaccination and treatments. It’s still going on, and it is affecting more women than previous outbreaks.”
US – Russia Relations: Pentagon To Test New Missiles After US Pulls Out Of Nuclear Treaty
“Russia is solely responsible for the treaty’s demise,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Friday. The U.S. has accused Russia of violating the deal by deploying 9M729 missiles. “It’s been true now for two administrations, that Russia has been the one not in compliance with the treaty, not the United States,” Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said.
Is The Cyber War With Iran Every Man For Himself?
Christopher C. Krebs, Director of the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, said in an official statement that his organization was “aware of a recent rise in malicious cyber activity directed at United States industries and government agencies by Iranian regime actors and proxies.” Iranian actors and their proxies were after much more than money – they were using “destructive wiper attacks.” “What might start as an account compromise, where you think you might just lose data,” Krebs said, “can quickly become a situation where you’ve lost your whole network.”
Only One Country In The World Has A Higher Homicide Rate Than The City Of Baltimore
According to WorldAtlas, the murder capital of the globe is Honduras — where there are 90.4 homicides per 100,000 people. Baltimore, with 56 homicides per 100,000 people, edges out the number two spot ahead of Venezuela, where there are 53.7 homicides per 100,000 people. Venezuela’s capital city of Caracas is widely known as one of the world’s most dangerous cities with 122 homicides per 100,000 people.
Former Google Engineer Says Google Will Try to Prevent Trump’s Reelection
former Google engineer Kevin Cernekee told Fox News’s Tucker Carlson that his former employer will try to prevent President Donald Trump’s reelection. “Do you think that Google will attempt to influence the election outcome, attempt to prevent Trump from being reelected?” Carlson asked. “I do believe so,” Cernekee replied. “I think that’s a major threat. They have openly stated that they think 2016 was a mistake. They thought Trump should have lost in 2016. They really want Trump to lose in 2020. That’s their agenda.” The former engineer also said Google has “very biased people running every level of the company. They have quite a bit of control over the political process. That’s something we should really worry about.”
Russia to sell India air-to-air missiles
Russia will sell India air-to-air missiles to be used on Sukhoi Su-30MKI fighter jets, Russian and Indian news agencies reported on Tuesday. “Some time ago, fairly large contracts for airborne missiles were signed, involving the supply of about 1,000 missiles for various purposes,” RIA Novosti news agency quoted the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation …
Tensions Overshadow US-Turkey Talks on Syria Safe Zone
Turkey is gearing up for a new round of negotiations with the United States this week over a safe zone in Syria, and analysts tell The Media Line that Ankara’s fresh threats of a unilateral military incursion could add to what generally are deteriorating relations between the NATO allies. As Turkey sees it, the safe zone is intended to clear a border area inside Syria of the Kurdish YPG militia, which has been allied with the US in its fight against Islamic State. The Pentagon has stated that a unilateral military incursion into northeastern Syria, especially where US personnel might be, was unacceptable.
Trump To Address Nation Monday Over Mass Shootings, Says More Gun Control May Be Needed
But, the president ignored shouted questions about whether the El Paso shooter’s anti-immigrant manifesto shared similarities with his rhetoric and said the shootings are part of “a mental illness problem.”
AOC aide faces Fed investigation amid resignation: report
The controversial chief of staff for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., who resigned on Friday is currently being investigated by federal officials, a new report says. The investigation is reportedly related to Brand New Congress and Justice Democrats, two PACs Chakrabarti started to back progressive candidates. The March complaint alleged that the groups funneled more than $885,000 to the similarly named Brand New Campaign LLC and the Brand New Congress LLC — companies controlled by Chakrabarti that, unlike PACs, are exempt from reporting all of their significant expenditures. The PACs claimed the payments were for “strategic consulting.”
Tower of Babel Falling Down? Belgium is Third Country to Halt UNRWA Funding
The already-beleaguered division of the UN suffered another blow in the wake of a scandal. Tasked with taking care of Palestinian refugees, UNRWA was defunded by the Trump administration last year after he described the organization as a tool for perpetuating conflict. On Friday, Belgium became the third nation to suspend funding to the United Nations Works and Relief Association (UNRWA) in the wake of a scandal that included allegations of serious ethical misconduct of senior administration.
Strong earthquake 6.3 mag, 54 km ENE of Namie, Japan
A earthquake with magnitude 6.3 (ml/mb) was reported 54 kilometers (34 miles) from Namie in Japan on Sunday. Event ids that are associated to the earthquake: us600050if. Id of event: us600050if. Date and time of earthquake in UTC/GMT: 04/08/19 / 2019-08-04 10:23:03 / August 4, 2019 @ 10:23 am. The temblor was detected at 19:23:03 / 7:23 pm (local time epicenter). Exact location of event, depth 38.56 km, 141.5361° East, 37.7344° North. A tsunami warning has not been issued (Does not indicate if a tsunami actually did or will exist).
Facebook-backed brain research decodes thoughts as words instantly for the first time
researchers at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) have made a breakthrough they say represents a first for the field. It builds on an advance the team made earlier in the year, where it developed a brain implant that could turn signals into synthesized speech. One drawback, however, was that the scientists needed weeks or months to carry out the translations. Now, the team says the technology is capable of decoding spoken words and phrases in real time.
How artificial intelligence promises to revolutionize medical diagnosis
When it comes to medical ailments and their diagnosis, time is absolutely of the essence. The sooner we’re aware of a developing condition, the better chance we have of treating and ultimately overcoming it. Lately we’re seeing how artificial intelligence is poised to play a greater and greater role in detecting tell-tale signs of disease long before doctors can, with potentially life-saving ramifications.
First human-monkey chimera raises concern among scientists
Efforts to create human-animal chimeras have rebooted an ethical debate after reports emerged that scientists have produced monkey embryos containing human cells.
Suicidal Christianity turns British cathedrals into golf courses
…The Rochester affair comes a few days after the publication of a new report on the end of Christianity in the United Kingdom. The presence of Christians has halved in Great Britain in the last 35 years with only one person in three who today identifies itself as Christian, while atheists and Islam continue to grow. The figures, published by the British Social Actitudes Survey, reveal a drop of 50 percent in the number of Christians since 2008.
Nellie Ohr Criminal Referral Being ‘Finalized’ According To Jim Jordan
Congressional Republicans are “working to finalize” a criminal referral of Russiagate lynchpin Nellie Ohr, the wife of the Justice Department’s former #4 official Bruce Ohr.
These Horrific Mass Shootings Show Us That As America Grows Ever More Dark, Violent And Divided, It’s Becoming Apparent That We As A Nation Are Under God’s Judgment
Yesterday’s mass killings in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas not to mention the killings that took place at the Garlic Festival in Gilroy, California, were horrific on every possible level. But after people have had time to process not only these events but also the dozens of mass killings that have been happening over the past decade, I believe there is only one logical conclusion that can be arrived at. America has finally come under the judgment of God.
US officials call El Paso shooting terrorism, mull death penalty for suspect
The shooting that killed 20 people at a crowded El Paso shopping area will be handled as a domestic terrorism case, federal authorities said Sunday, as they weighed hate-crime charges against the gunman that could carry the death penalty.
Dayton Shooter Identified: 24-Year-Old Connor Betts from Bellbrook, Ohio — Wore Satanic Patches on His Clothing– PHOTOS
The shooter Connor Betts was pictured with satanic patches on his jacket in a previous photo — via Robby Starbuck.
The Left Cannot Win In 2020, So They Need to Start a Racial Civil War
I want to express my deepest condolences to the people who lost friends and loved ones in the El Paso Walmart false flag shooting.
Latest Breaking New On the Ground at the El Paso Shooting
Latest Breaking New On the Ground at the El Paso Shooting. I have been speaking with a confidential informant from DHS. There were actually multiple shooters at more than one location. Anything else the MSM is a lie. It is not know if this related to Antifa’s threats to commit violence in El Paso. Here is what we know as of late Saturday afternoon/early evening.
Google ‘Very Biased At Every Level’ And ‘Will Attempt To Influence 2020 Election’:
A former Google engineer told Fox News‘s Tucker Carlson on Friday that Google has “very biased people running every level of the company,” and is a “major threat” to President Trump in the 2020 US election.
Harvard Scientists, Funded By Bill Gates, To Begin Spraying Particles Into The Sky To Dim The Sun
No, we are not a satire site. We are not a conspiracy theory site. The information you are about to read is factually accurate and 100% real despite the ostensible ‘skeptics’ who claim otherwise. The controversial subject of geoengineering or weather modification – which was popularized, and oversimplified with the term “chemtrails” – is once again stepping from the shadows and into the light of public scrutiny. And it may soon be a reality as Harvard scientists plan first ever experiment to spray particles in the sky to dim the sun.
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3 Major Developments Happening Right Now That Could Lead To Global War
Let’s start with a stunning new development in the Middle East. Even though most Americans do not realize it, Israel and Iran are already shooting at each other. Israel has been striking Iranian military targets inside Syria for months, but now the rules of engagement have apparently changed, because in recent days the IDF has started conducting airstrikes against Iranian targets inside Iraq… In an unprecedented move, Israel has expanded its attacks on Iranian targets, with two bombing strikes on Iran-run bases in Iraq in the space of ten days.
‘Why mourn the Temple – we’ve had the Temple Mount for 52 years’
The Temple Institute has released a powerful new video to awaken world Jewry and reframe the traditional period of mourning into one of preparation for the rebuilding of the Third Holy Temple. “Tisha B’Av is not about just mourning, it is about acting to bring the Holy Temple back to the world – a ‘House of prayer for all nations.’
‘One Million Moms’ Boycotts Whole Foods Market for Sponsoring Drag Queen Hour
Christian advocacy group “One Million Moms” is boycotting retailer Whole Foods now that the grocery store supports Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH). The boycott comes after the city of Atlanta LGBTQ Affairs tweeted that Whole Foods is the latest sponsor for its drag queen story hour. The tweet said that NBA team the Atlanta Hawks and NFL team the Atlanta Falcons were also sponsors.
Johnstone: Americans Should Be Very Skeptical Of Calls For New “Terrorism” Laws
Indeed, it is an established fact that the US government will use the narrative about the need to fight terrorism to advance pre-existing agendas. The first draft of the massive USA Patriot Act was introduced a week after the 9/11 attacks, far too fast for anyone to have gathered the necessary information from all the relevant government bodies about what changes were necessary and typed out the hundreds of pages of the bill. Legislators later admitted that they didn’t even have time to read through the densely worded bill before passing it the next month, so to believe that it could have been written in a week would be childish. One thing I can tell you won’t fix your problems, America, and that’s listening to the propagandists who want you to hand over even more control to a government that has already begun floating high-altitude surveillance balloons over your country without your permission.
Poll: Swing Voters Hugely Oppose 2020 Democrats Promising More Immigration
The latest Harvard/Harris Poll reveals that about 69 percent of swing voters said they are somewhat unlikely or very unlikely to support a 2020 presidential candidate that supports opening the U.S.-Mexico border to more illegal and legal immigration.
Nearly 90 percent of B-1B bombers not ready for war, top Air Force general says
Out of a fleet of 61, only seven B-1B Lancer bombers are mission-capable, while 39 are down for inspections and the remaining 15 are in depot maintenance, according to a report by Task and Purpose on Wednesday. Gen. John Hyten said on Tuesday during his Senate Armed Services Committee confirmation hearing that the reason for the disrepair is because the military is over-using and under-maintaining the bombers. “We were just beating the heck out of them,
Two earthquakes strike Tennessee Monday morning
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) – Two earthquakes have struck Tennessee early Monday morning. The bigger one happened about one kilometer southeast of Mascot, just outside of Knoxville.
Time for the courts to defend parental rights
When Annmarie Calgaro’s son, 15 years old at the time, decided he wanted to be a girl, the county and school system were able to obtain custody and authority over him so he could start taking hormones and obtain surgical mutilation of his body, against his mother’s wishes.
Islamic Terrorism from Mexico to the U.S.
A captured Islamic State fighter recently confessed how, in an effort to terrorize America on its own soil, the Islamic terror group is committed to exploiting the porous US-Mexico border, including through the aid of ISIS-sympathizers living in the United States. Abu Henricki, a Canadian citizen of Trinidadian origin, told researchers with the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism that ISIS sought to recruit him and others to penetrate the US-Mexican border through routes originating in various Central American locales.
Siberia burns as Putin sends in the military
Siberia is burning. Almost three million hectares of land in the centre and east of the nation were on fire, officials said, roughly about the size of Belgium.
Trump could Initiate Building of Third Temple as Head of Edom
Jewish sources hint that the alliance between the U.S and Israel is the prophetic end-of-days coming together of Esav and Jacob as a prelude to the building of the Third Temple. Some experts believe that President Trump fulfills many of the requirements for the leader of Edom that will make this happen. Rabbi Hillel Weiss, the spokesman for the Sanhedrin, noted that Trump’s role in building the Third Temple was essential to so many of the issues that concern people around the world.
The Latest UN Horror Show: Christian Refugees Ignored
“Since January, the process has become even slower and more difficult. The UNHCR has not even granted newcomers refugee status since…”
Water reservoirs nearly full, 8 500 rescued as record-breaking rains hit Mumbai, India
Very heavy monsoon rains are affecting Indian financial capital Mumbai (population 18.4 million) since June 25, leaving the seven lakes and reservoirs supplying drinking water to the city almost full and at the highest levels since 2016. Officials said the supply can comfortably last up to September 2020 without any cuts.
Severe Tropical Storm “Francisco” to hit Kyushu with violent winds and heavy rain, Japan
Japanese weather officials are warning residents of Kyushu of violent winds, high waves, mudslides, swelling rivers and flooding in low-lying areas as Severe Tropical Storm “Francisco” makes landfall and starts moving over Kyushu early on Tuesday (JST), August 6, 2019. Francisco is the 8th named tropical cyclone of the 2019 Pacific typhoon season.
Daily Talker: Spying On Students
A research project at Harvard University is causing a lot of controversy this morning. The school has acknowledged that it secretly photographed more than 2,000 students in 10 lecture halls as part of a study on classroom attendance.
Anti-Semitism Spiking: ‘They Start with Jews, but They Never Finish with Jews’
…Adolf Hitler would have loved it: a float in this year’s carnival parade in the Belgian city of Aalst. It featured a Nazi-style depiction of greedy Jews, sitting on a pile of money, one with a rat on his shoulder. And when confronted by Jewish groups, the town mayor defended it.
Ohio church holds drag queen storytime during service
Dan Davidson can usually be seen around Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church sweeping the floors and getting the building ready for worship services. On Sunday, June 16, though, church caretaker Davidson woke up before the sun to get ready for a new role at the church that morning. He spent hours applying layers and layers of makeup and glitter to transform himself into Sparkle Leigh.
ALERT: How the Radical Left Is Planning for Civil War, Using El Paso Shooting As Excuse
In the wake of the most recent mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, as the pieces continue to come together, the narrative demonizing white Americans and law-abiding gun owners is already raging.
UN Plans New Global Censorship Push to Combat “Hate Speech”
The United Nations released a new and rambling plan to combat what the organization sees as “hate speech” on Saturday. A memo on the plan was signed off on by the organization’s secretary-general, Antonio Guterres.
Report: Baltimore Cannot Account for Millions in Federal Funding
Twitter suspended an account Sunday evening allegedly linked to the gunman who killed nine and wounded dozens outside a Dayton, Ohio, bar early Sunday morning, after several reports identified the account and noted its left-wing political orientation.
Khan’s London: Signs Warn People Not To ‘Defecate’ in City Streets
The central London borough of Westminister, known for its enriched history, pride, and architecture, has reportedly put up signs warning people not to poop in the streets.
EU against relocation of embassies to Jerusalem
If any continent should be vigilant against the existential threat to the Jewish State, it is Europe – the whole of which aided and abetted in the genocide of the Jewish people.
FBI Was Preparing To Hire Social Media Monitors Weeks Before El Paso, Dayton Attacks
Several weeks before the shootings that took 29 innocent lives the FBI had posted on the bureau’s website a request for private sector monitors to assist federal agents in tracking social media posts to prevent future attacks, according to the post.
Israeli researchers say they’ve developed vaccine for skin cancer in mice
Israeli researchers say they have developed a vaccine and treatment for skin cancer in mice, using nanotechnology.
Five simple questions that blow apart the official fake news narrative about the El Paso Wal-Mart shooting
The official news narrative about the El Paso WalMart mass shooting is largely fabricated. Even though the violence was real, and people were really shot and killed, the narrative surrounding the tragedy is almost all fiction.
United Nations Continues To Push Gaia Worship Saying Humans Must Become Vegetarians In Order To Stop Climate Change By 2050
Climate Change and worship of the Earth as the ‘mother goddess‘ is quite popular in our day. The New Agers who practice this ancient pagan religion call it Gaia, but they are not the only ones. Earth worship is a favorite ‘sermon topic’ for Pope Francis in Rome, for all major universities and colleges here in America, and for the demonically-powered United Nations in New York City.
NARRATIVE CONTROL: Multiple reports, witnesses claim that there were “three or four” shooters at El Paso Walmart, but police only claim one
Details surrounding the mass shooting at a Walmart store in El Paso, a Texas city bordering Juarez, Mexico, are continuing to roll in, but already there are conflicting witness accounts versus what police and other authorities are reporting.
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UK Continues Preparing For No-Deal Brexit After Boris Johnson Takes Charge
UK companies are getting ready for a no-deal Brexit even though the new prime minister, Boris Johnson, has indicated he would try to renegotiate the withdrawal agreement with the European Union. At the same time, Johnson has stressed that the United Kingdom would have to leave by October 31, whatever the circumstances are, and Brussels has reiterated it does not want to reopen negotiations on the withdrawal deal.
Rouhani says Iran favors talks but US must lift sanctions
He said Iran was ready for talks regardless of whether or not the US was party to a landmark nuclear deal. However, Rouhani also warned: “Peace with Iran is the mother of all peace, war with Iran is the mother of all wars”
Taliban say differences resolved on US troop withdrawal
KABUL, Afghanistan: A Taliban official says the United States and the Taliban have resolved differences in peace talks over troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, as well as Taliban guarantees to cut ties with extremist groups. The development came during talks over the past two days in the Gulf Arab state of Qatar, where the Taliban maintain a political office.
Stay out of Syria, US defense chief tells Erdogan
A military offensive by Turkey against Kurdish forces in northeast Syria would be “unacceptable” and the US would act to prevent it, the Pentagon warned on Tuesday. The warning came after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan renewed threats to drive US-backed Kurdish militia away from its border, because Ankara considers them a terrorist threat to its security.
Hitler’s secret history revealed: Study suggests Nazi leader’s grandfather was Jewish
For years, the rumor existed that Adolf Hitler’s paternal grandfather was Jewish, but the claim went unsubstantiated. Now, a new study suggests that the grandfather of the Nazi leader was indeed Jewish.
Colorado fighting plague-infested fleas
‘It is getting very serious’ that’s why we’re out here today,” Gilbert Cazier is with the Tri-County Health Department. “We’re assessing the situation, we’re posting signs, and we’re also dusting some of the holes with insecticide to try to prevent flea transmission.” The concern is that fleas carrying the plague have begun infecting and killing a prairie dog colony just north of Dick’s Sporting Goods Park.
Boy Scouts running ‘largest pedophile ring on Earth’
Claiming to represent hundreds of sexual abuse victims, an organization called Abused in Scouting called on Congress to address what it calls the “largest pedophile ring on earth.” At a press conference in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, AIS lawyers announced their first lawsuit against the Boy Scouts of America, the Daily Caller reported.
Will Ban On Gas Appliances Be The Next Push To Save The Planet?
As more cities and states try to cut carbon emissions, some are taking aim at a new target: natural gas inside homes. Buildings, through heating and cooking, use almost a third of the natural gas consumed in the U.S.
July was the hottest month ever measured across the world
July was the hottest month across the globe ever measured, and 2019 is on track to be one of the warmest years, according to data released Monday by the European Union’s Earth observation network.
6 asteroids are headed for Earth this month, and 1 is bigger than the Empire State Building
Scientists at NASA are tracking six asteroids that will be heading in the direction of our planet during the next few weeks, and one of them is larger than the Empire State Building.
Military suicides reached an all-time high in 2018, Pentagon says
Military suicides reached their highest recorded level last year, the Pentagon reports, highlighting a crisis affecting both civilians and veterans.
Ruby Rose Hopes Lesbian Batwoman Appeals to Everyone
The CW drama features the first out lesbian superhero to have her own show.
Pentagon’s Next Dystopian Surveillance Exercise Will Launch Spy Balloons Over These States
The Guardian reported Friday that the US military is conducting a surveillance exercise across six midwest states using surveillance radars attached to high-altitude balloons.
We Won’t Get Fooled Again! The Anatomy of a False Flag Event
With regard to JFK, RFK, MLK, 9/11, Oklahoma City, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Vegas Massacre; We won’t get fooled again! History shows that when the FBI moves into control the crime scene and manage the scene, the first casualty is the truth.
“The End Of The World As We Know It” – China Going Nuclear Means There’s No Turning Back Now
At the end of last week, President Trump announced that the U.S. would be imposing a 10 percent tariff on 300 billion dollars worth of Chinese imports, and that marked a dramatic escalation in our trade war with China. This move by Trump came as a total shock to Chinese officials, and global financial markets were thrown into a state of turmoil. Since that announcement, we have been waiting for the other shoe to drop, because we knew that the Chinese would retaliate. But honestly, very few of the experts expected something like this. On Monday, China announced that it is going to completely stop buying U.S. agricultural products…
President Trump Announces His Call For A National ‘Red Flag’ Gun Law That Will Allow The Government To Begin Confiscating Guns From US Citizens
An estimated 88,000 people die every year from alcohol, and yet alcohol is legal in all 50 states. Over 324,000 babies are killed in abortion each year, and yet abortions are legal in all 50 states. Over 40,000 people each year die in car crashes, the majority of which are linked to alcohol, and yet automobiles are legal in all 50 states. In 2018, less than 15,000 people died from gun violence in America. Yet somehow, guns are the real problem, go figure.
Spain No Longer Catholic Country as ‘Non-Believers’ Now Make Up Majority
Since the Catholic Church was established in Spain in the 1st century, it has remained the majority religion in the country, with most Spanish people identifying themselves as practicing Catholics, until now.
The Declining Empire Of Chaos Is Going Nuts Over Iran
The transition in recent years from a unipolar to a multipolar world order has created international tensions that seem to threaten to escalate into clashes between regional and global powers.
U.S. Air Force and Raytheon Join Navy and Lockheed Martin by Introducing Directed Energy Weapons
After many years of speculation as to whether the use of Directed Energy Weapons in war would be unleashed upon the world, we now have our answer.
Merkel’s Germany in ‘Economic Meltdown’ Amid Trump’s China Trade War
Germany is facing an economic meltdown as the trade war between the US and China continues to escalate, according to reports.
Gold Hits Record Highs!
Gold hit record highs in a number of currencies this week as trade war worries, geopolitical uncertainty drove investors to seek safe haven… following central banks buying a record amount of the precious metal in the first six months of the year…
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Foxes seen walking near the Western Wall, fulfilling biblical promise…
In a graphic materialization of the prophecy in Zechariah as explained in the Talmud, foxes are now being seen playing at the Temple Mount. It was reported in The Yeshiva World that visitors to the area have observed the group of about a dozen foxes in the southwestern area of the Western Wall for the last three days in the early hours of the day.
Evidence Of CIA Meeting HK Protest Leaders? China Summons US Diplomats Over Viral Photo
Allegations the US sent a well-known “trained subversion expert” to plot anti-Beijing actions in Hong Kong.
Recession odds rise as economists cut growth estimates
The likelihood of a U.S. recession in the next 12 months rose to 35% in an August survey of economists, from 31% forecast previously, as global trade tensions fuel economic uncertainty.
4 dead, 2 wounded in Southern California stabbings
A man who was “full of anger” went on a two-hour stabbing and robbery rampage in Southern California, killing four people and wounding two others, authorities said Wednesday.
Charles Nenner Warns: “Civil War Cycle Is Heating Up In America”
“I am more worried about internal social war in the United States than outside wars… I don’t feel comfortable living in the United States anymore because people are so aggressive on everything…”
Temple Institute To Jews Worldwide: Build The 3rd Temple
The Temple Institute has released a powerful new video to awaken world Jewry and reframe the traditional period of mourning into one of preparation for the rebuilding of the Third Holy Temple.
Trump aide John Bolton links future Asia missile deployment to protecting allies including Japan
U.S. national security adviser John Bolton on Tuesday linked the deployment of intermediate-range ballistic missiles (IRBMs) in Asia to protecting America’s allies in the region — including Japan — despite Chinese warnings it would take retaliatory countermeasures. Bolton said that any U.S. deployment of the missiles would be a defensive move as China continues to amass a large arsenal of weapons that put American and Japanese military bases and facilities within striking distance.
Political Violence Fuels Globalist Endgame That Has All of Humanity in its Sights
Political violence will fuel an agenda that has a gun held at all of our heads. We cannot give in to the propaganda. Before the nation descends into chaos, remember that there is a larger agenda at play.
Getting Ready: Temple Institute Practices Burning the Red Heifer
Israeli professor involved in test of the Red Heifer ritual calls it an “historical moment” on the road to purity and redemption. The Temple Institute has recently done just that: …Experimenting with the meticulous rabbinic rituals surrounding the red heifer. The effort includes burning a dead cow on a kind of a wooden altar. Into the burning fire were also thrown cedar wood, hyssop and scarlet-dyed wool. The experiment was designed to check the amount of ash produced, and whether it would be enough to purify every Israelite living today.
IDF moves to expand integration of transgender troops
Israel’s army making adjustments from very start of the recruitment process, including addressing soldiers by new names and gender identity, offering special arangements for religious trans soldiers, consultations with doctors and commanders.
Foxes Seen at Temple Mount: Prophetic Proof Jerusalem Returning to Former Glory
In a graphic materialization of the prophecy in Zechariah as explained in the Talmud, foxes are now being seen playing at the Temple Mount. It was reported in The Yeshiva World that visitors to the area have observed the group of about a dozen foxes in the southwestern area of the Western Wall for the last three days in the early hours of the day. This precise scenario was discussed in the Talmud (Makkot 24b). Rabban Gamliel, Rabbi Elazar ben Azaria, Rabbi Joshua and Rabbi Akiva went up to Jerusalem. When they reached the Temple Mount, they saw a fox emerging from the place of the Holy of Holies.
CNN Confirms: Dayton Shooter Had ‘Extreme’ Left-Wing Views; Backed Warren, Sanders
The report — which appears on CNN’s website, but has not apparently appeared on air as of this writing — states: A Twitter account that appears to belong to Dayton mass shooter Connor Bettsretweeted extreme left-wing and anti-police posts, as well as tweets supporting Antifa, or anti-fascist, protesters.
CA Department of Education Prepares Mandatory Anti-Israel Curriculum
“The Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum is deeply troubling–not only for its shocking omission of any mention of Jewish Americans or anti-Semitism or its blatant anti-Israel bias and praise of BDS, but for its clear attempt to politically indoctrinate students to adopt the view that Israel and its Jewish supporters are part of ‘interlocking systems of oppression and privilege’ that must be fought with ‘direct action’ and ‘resistance,’
China removes ‘Bible,’ ‘God,’ ‘Christ’ from children’s classics like ‘Robinson Crusoe’
In efforts to bring Christianity further under government control, authorities in China have erased the words “Bible,” “God” and “Christ” from classic children’s stories, including Robinson Crusoe.
Sanders, Harris and Booker stump at church whose pastor said being gay is ‘enough to send you to hell’
Three leading Democratic presidential candidates – all ardent supporters of LGBTQ rights – have made campaign stops in the last two months at a Baptist church led by a controversial Las Vegas pastor who believes that being gay is “enough to send you to hell.”
‘Death Camps for Trump Supporters Now!!!’ Emblazoned on ANTIFA-style Fliers in New York
Today in Patchogue, a city in New York, fliers were found plastered across signage declaring support for “Death Camps for Trump Supporters Now!!!”
NASA Circling DC-8 Jet Around San Andreas Fault Sparks Conspiracy Theories
“Everyone kind of stopped in their cars, looking up. It was big and loud.”
Philippines declares epidemic after more than 600 die from dengue fever
The Philippines declared a national epidemic Tuesday after an outbreak of dengue fever killed more than 622 people this year.
Iran-backed Houthis launch drone attacks on 3 Saudi airports
Waging war on many fronts while the Democrats front for them.
Super-sized hailstorm pounds Watertown, Delano, Maine
The hailstorm that hit Watertown and Delano Monday afternoon was described by area residents as super-sized.
Toxic, treasonous media pushing “white supremacist” hoax and hit lists of Trump supporters in desperate scheme to drive America into civil war
It’s now obvious the malicious, toxic media is pushing a “white supremacist” hoax in a desperate scheme to drive America into a civil war.
Israel Successfully Launches ‘Amos-17’ Satellite to Bring the Internet to Africa
Israel is helping Africa connect to the rest of the world thanks to a new satellite soaring into space.
17 Things You Can Count On When The UN Is Brought In to Quell Racial Unrest Resulting From False Flag Attacks
About a week ago, I received this email which asks a very timely question, what are the Kigali Principlas? Dear Dave, I visit your site every morning and I want to thank you for what you do. You have mentioned something quite frequently called the kigali principle and how they will be used to take away our country. Can you tell us more? Thanks, John
Typhoon “Lekima” strengthening, heading toward Ryukyu Islands, Taiwan and Shanghai, China
Typhoon “Lekima,” the 9th named tropical cyclone of the 2019 Pacific typhoon season is strengthening on its way toward southern Ryukyu Islands, Japan, northern Taiwan and Shanghai, China.
China’s H-6K Heavy Bomber Could Soon Air-Launch Hypersonic Missiles For Pre-Emptive Attacks
“In a war, our main objective is to launch attacks on an enemy’s deep and vital positions, paralyzing their facilities.”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Biden Goes All-In On The Race Issue
But Biden’s raising of the race issue is going to come back and bite him…
Putin covering up nuclear disaster?
Suspicions are growing today that Russia has suffered another nuclear accident after ambulances covered in protective film were seen transporting six people with serious radiation poisoning in a mystery explosion at a military base.
In first for Arab world, openly gay candidate runs for Tunisia presidency…
Baatour’s candidacy marks “a first which will without doubt be a benchmark in history”, his party said
A lawyer at the Court of Cassation, Tunisia’s highest court, the Liberal Party leader presents himself as a defender of LGBT rights.
Dayton killer’s demonic notebook scrawls…
The warped loner, 24, declares himself a servant of ‘evil incarnate’ and rants about everything from schizophrenia to satanic rituals and massacres.
New Movie Has Blue State Elitists Hunting Red State Trump Supporters For Sport
Violent ads for a movie about blue state elitists hunting red state Trump supporters for sport have been pulled in the aftermath of the mass shootings. Studio executives say that they fear the tragedies will eclipse the ultra-dark and violent satire. TV station ESPN has yanked the trailer without waiting for Universal to make up its mind, opting not to air the clip at all in the next few weeks, according to a source at the station. “We pay for everything, so this country belongs to us,” one of the hunters says in a trailer which is still available on YouTube. The hunters reportedly pick their “prey” based on social-justice sins like using racist language on social media.
Man ‘Full of Anger’ Kills 4 in Southern California ‘Machete’ Rampage
According to the AP, Garden Grove police Lt. Carl Whitney told reporters the man’s motives appeared to be “robbery, hate homicide.” The suspect and all the victims were Hispanic, the AP reported.
Philadelphia Archbishop on Gun Control: ‘Only a Fool Can Believe That [It] Will Solve the Problem’
According to Chaput, who assumed his current position in Philadelphia in 2011, it’s foolish to believe “gun control” will make mass violence go away.
The space race is now, and America can’t afford delays
For the past few years the national security discussion rightly looked beyond our atmosphere to the next battleground. The latest threat assessment by the U.S. Department of Defense should dispel any myth that there is no space race. There is, and the U.S. is far behind. The proliferation of laser and cyber weapons as well as counter-space technology by our adversaries is deeply troubling. Fortunately, we are on the precipice of action to further U.S. space interests, unless that effort gets bogged down by personal agendas.
President Trump Readies Executive Order To Crack-Down Hard On Social Media Censorship Of Conservatives
According to Politico, the Trump administration is in the process of drafting an executive order that will “tackle Silicon Valley’s alleged anti-conservative bias”. And it is very much in President Trump’s own self-interest to do this. Social media played a key role in helping him win in 2016, but since that time we have seen an unprecedented wave of censorship on the major social media platforms, and most of that censorship has been directed at conservative voices.
Mexico cartel hangs bodies from city bridge in grisly show of force
The merciless dogfight between Mexican drug cartels has produced its latest macabre spectacle with the discovery of 19 mutilated corpses – nine of them hung semi-naked from a bridge – in a city to the west of the capital. Falko Ernst, an International Crisis Group researcher who studies Mexico’s cartels, said this week’s slaughter was clearly intended to intimidate rival criminal groups, the families of their members, as well as Mexican authorities.
NORAD intercepts two Russian bombers off coast of Alaska, Canada
U.S. and Canadian fighter jets intercepted two Russian bombers near the Alaskan coast Thursday, North American military officials said. The North American Aerospace Defense Command — also identified by the acronym NORAD — said two F-22 and two CF-18 fighter jets intercepted the two Russian Tu-95 bombers as they entered the Alaskan and Canadian air defense identification zones.
NOAA now expects above-normal Atlantic hurricane season
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration increased the odds for an above-normal Atlantic hurricane season Thursday in an update to the forecast it gave nearly three months ago. Now that El Nino has ended, conditions are more favorable for more frequent and stronger named storms as peak hurricane season begins, the organization said.
Somali Refugees Accused of Plotting ISIS Attack Sought U.S. Citizenship
Two Somali nationals granted refugee status in the United States are accused of attempting to join the Islamic State (ISIS) and sought to obtain American citizenship. Last month, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that 21-year-old Ahmed Mahad Mohamed and 20-year-old Abdi Yemani Hussein — both refugees in the U.S. from Somalia — were arrested on suspicion that they were planning to join ISIS.
Democrats guilty of ‘the ultimate hate crime’
A policy-naked party that would kill a baby on its birthday, believes you can marry your cat and denounces the rule of law will hawk their moral superiority. And half of America will cheer them on. And so will the principal enemy of the people – the majority dishonest media, a media that has convinced nearly half of America that Russia elected Donald Trump – the most extraordinary hoax ever. This is the Democratic Party,…
Germany to put 92-year old former SS guard on trial for Nazi crimes
Bruno Dey who guarded the Stutthof death camp – where 65,000 people, including many Jews were killed – as a 17-year-old soldier is accused of preventing prisoners from escaping; ‘What use would it have been if I had left, they would have found someone else?’ he says
Powerful twin typhoons churn over Western Pacific as they close in on land
Twin typhoons were churning over the Western Pacific Ocean on Thursday, threatening to bring severe tropical impacts to multiple parts of Asia.
Iran is reportedly jamming ship GPS navigation systems to seize them
Ships passing through the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf have reported unusual GPS interference, among other problems, and the US believes Iran is to blame.
Temple Watchers Say Foxes Spotted Walking Near The Western Wall In Jerusalem Is Fulfillment Of End Times Prophecy, But Is It?
The word ‘foxes’ appears exactly 8 times in the Bible, 6 times in the Old Testament and twice in the New Testament. None of the places where the word appears has any discernible connection to any known Bible prophecy regarding the rebuilt Jewish Temple in the end times. When you read a little deeper, you find that they are not quoting the Bible for their proof text, but the Talmud which is not the Bible, not scripture and not the word of God.
The White Supremacist Terrorists Are Coming…The White Supremacist Terrorists Are Coming!”
…some racist psycho murdered a bunch of people in Texas, so it’s time to “take the gloves off” again, pass some new kind of Patriot Act, further curtail our civil liberties, and whip the public up into mass hysteria over “white supremacist terrorism.”
New Zealand advances legislation that would decriminalize abortion
New Zealand is one step closer to decriminalizing abortion. New legislation passed Parliament by a 94-23 vote Thursday. If it gets final approval, the legislation would mark the first change to New Zealand’s abortion laws in over 40 years.
“Nobody Speaks For The United States”: Trump Bashes Macron Over Mixed Signals Toward Iran
President Trump took to Twitter Thursday to express frustration over the US “maximum pressure” campaign designed, according to prior statements, to bring the Iranians back to the table to “negotiate a better deal” after the White House’s unilateral pull out of the 2015 nuclear deal brokered under Obama. He slammed EU countries, particularly France, for sending mixed signals.
The Seven Steps of Genocidal Tyranny
Between researchers such as Mike Adams, myself and others, it has clearly been established that America is suffering from a bad case of false flag attacks. By the end of the first 24 hour cycle, the false flag nature of the El Paso shooting had already been established beyond a reasonable doubt. Now we have learned that the Dayton shooter was an Elizabeth Warren supporter and we are not totally certain about who he really is. Therefore, I am not going to waste anymore of time debating forensics, disputing eyewitness accounts which collaborate each other’s stories. America is looking, as I have already labeled it, a TET Offensive of false flags sponsored by the Deep State Left. End of story. Now, we are going to talk about why this is happening and, more importantly, where this is leading.
THE HUNT: Liberals Blame Trump For Mass Shootings As Hollywood To Release Movie About The Targeting Killing Of Trump Supporters For Sport
Whoever first said that ‘liberalism is a mental disorder’, I think it was Michael Savage, really hit the nail on the head with that statement. Think about it. At this very moment Leftist Liberal Democrats are blaming President Trump for the recent mass shootings, despite the fact that the Dayton shooter was a Leftist Liberal who hated Trump and wanted Socialism in America. But somehow, Trump is still the problem.
LGBTQ+ Activist Transforming Public Schools Freely Admits That Their Goal Is To ‘Train School Teachers To Completely Smash Heteronormativity’
The LGBTQ+P for Pedophile movement has no idea of any kind about wanting to ‘live in harmony’ with those around, no sir. They don’t want mere tolerance, they don’t even want you to grant them ‘acceptance’. So what do they want? As Elly Barnes so clearly states, they want to “completely smash heteronormativity“, that is to say they want to destroy the notion that being heterosexual is the normal way to be. Where does this idea of heteronormativity come from? It comes from the mouth of God.
Grass Gestapo Out Of Control: $30K Fine & Potential Foreclosure For Too-Long Lawn
While some people might think “Well, just cut your grass regularly and the government will leave you alone,” it isn’t always that simple…
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Biden Goes All-In On The Race Issue
But Biden’s raising of the race issue is going to come back and bite him…
Putin covering up nuclear disaster?
Suspicions are growing today that Russia has suffered another nuclear accident after ambulances covered in protective film were seen transporting six people with serious radiation poisoning in a mystery explosion at a military base.
In first for Arab world, openly gay candidate runs for Tunisia presidency…
Baatour’s candidacy marks “a first which will without doubt be a benchmark in history”, his party said
A lawyer at the Court of Cassation, Tunisia’s highest court, the Liberal Party leader presents himself as a defender of LGBT rights.
Dayton killer’s demonic notebook scrawls…
The warped loner, 24, declares himself a servant of ‘evil incarnate’ and rants about everything from schizophrenia to satanic rituals and massacres.
New Movie Has Blue State Elitists Hunting Red State Trump Supporters For Sport
Violent ads for a movie about blue state elitists hunting red state Trump supporters for sport have been pulled in the aftermath of the mass shootings. Studio executives say that they fear the tragedies will eclipse the ultra-dark and violent satire. TV station ESPN has yanked the trailer without waiting for Universal to make up its mind, opting not to air the clip at all in the next few weeks, according to a source at the station. “We pay for everything, so this country belongs to us,” one of the hunters says in a trailer which is still available on YouTube. The hunters reportedly pick their “prey” based on social-justice sins like using racist language on social media.
Man ‘Full of Anger’ Kills 4 in Southern California ‘Machete’ Rampage
According to the AP, Garden Grove police Lt. Carl Whitney told reporters the man’s motives appeared to be “robbery, hate homicide.” The suspect and all the victims were Hispanic, the AP reported.
Philadelphia Archbishop on Gun Control: ‘Only a Fool Can Believe That [It] Will Solve the Problem’
According to Chaput, who assumed his current position in Philadelphia in 2011, it’s foolish to believe “gun control” will make mass violence go away.
The space race is now, and America can’t afford delays
For the past few years the national security discussion rightly looked beyond our atmosphere to the next battleground. The latest threat assessment by the U.S. Department of Defense should dispel any myth that there is no space race. There is, and the U.S. is far behind. The proliferation of laser and cyber weapons as well as counter-space technology by our adversaries is deeply troubling. Fortunately, we are on the precipice of action to further U.S. space interests, unless that effort gets bogged down by personal agendas.
President Trump Readies Executive Order To Crack-Down Hard On Social Media Censorship Of Conservatives
According to Politico, the Trump administration is in the process of drafting an executive order that will “tackle Silicon Valley’s alleged anti-conservative bias”. And it is very much in President Trump’s own self-interest to do this. Social media played a key role in helping him win in 2016, but since that time we have seen an unprecedented wave of censorship on the major social media platforms, and most of that censorship has been directed at conservative voices.
Mexico cartel hangs bodies from city bridge in grisly show of force
The merciless dogfight between Mexican drug cartels has produced its latest macabre spectacle with the discovery of 19 mutilated corpses – nine of them hung semi-naked from a bridge – in a city to the west of the capital. Falko Ernst, an International Crisis Group researcher who studies Mexico’s cartels, said this week’s slaughter was clearly intended to intimidate rival criminal groups, the families of their members, as well as Mexican authorities.
NORAD intercepts two Russian bombers off coast of Alaska, Canada
U.S. and Canadian fighter jets intercepted two Russian bombers near the Alaskan coast Thursday, North American military officials said. The North American Aerospace Defense Command — also identified by the acronym NORAD — said two F-22 and two CF-18 fighter jets intercepted the two Russian Tu-95 bombers as they entered the Alaskan and Canadian air defense identification zones.
NOAA now expects above-normal Atlantic hurricane season
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration increased the odds for an above-normal Atlantic hurricane season Thursday in an update to the forecast it gave nearly three months ago. Now that El Nino has ended, conditions are more favorable for more frequent and stronger named storms as peak hurricane season begins, the organization said.
Somali Refugees Accused of Plotting ISIS Attack Sought U.S. Citizenship
Two Somali nationals granted refugee status in the United States are accused of attempting to join the Islamic State (ISIS) and sought to obtain American citizenship. Last month, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that 21-year-old Ahmed Mahad Mohamed and 20-year-old Abdi Yemani Hussein — both refugees in the U.S. from Somalia — were arrested on suspicion that they were planning to join ISIS.
Democrats guilty of ‘the ultimate hate crime’
A policy-naked party that would kill a baby on its birthday, believes you can marry your cat and denounces the rule of law will hawk their moral superiority. And half of America will cheer them on. And so will the principal enemy of the people – the majority dishonest media, a media that has convinced nearly half of America that Russia elected Donald Trump – the most extraordinary hoax ever. This is the Democratic Party,…
Germany to put 92-year old former SS guard on trial for Nazi crimes
Bruno Dey who guarded the Stutthof death camp – where 65,000 people, including many Jews were killed – as a 17-year-old soldier is accused of preventing prisoners from escaping; ‘What use would it have been if I had left, they would have found someone else?’ he says
Powerful twin typhoons churn over Western Pacific as they close in on land
Twin typhoons were churning over the Western Pacific Ocean on Thursday, threatening to bring severe tropical impacts to multiple parts of Asia.
Iran is reportedly jamming ship GPS navigation systems to seize them
Ships passing through the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf have reported unusual GPS interference, among other problems, and the US believes Iran is to blame.
Temple Watchers Say Foxes Spotted Walking Near The Western Wall In Jerusalem Is Fulfillment Of End Times Prophecy, But Is It?
The word ‘foxes’ appears exactly 8 times in the Bible, 6 times in the Old Testament and twice in the New Testament. None of the places where the word appears has any discernible connection to any known Bible prophecy regarding the rebuilt Jewish Temple in the end times. When you read a little deeper, you find that they are not quoting the Bible for their proof text, but the Talmud which is not the Bible, not scripture and not the word of God.
The White Supremacist Terrorists Are Coming…The White Supremacist Terrorists Are Coming!”
…some racist psycho murdered a bunch of people in Texas, so it’s time to “take the gloves off” again, pass some new kind of Patriot Act, further curtail our civil liberties, and whip the public up into mass hysteria over “white supremacist terrorism.”
New Zealand advances legislation that would decriminalize abortion
New Zealand is one step closer to decriminalizing abortion. New legislation passed Parliament by a 94-23 vote Thursday. If it gets final approval, the legislation would mark the first change to New Zealand’s abortion laws in over 40 years.
“Nobody Speaks For The United States”: Trump Bashes Macron Over Mixed Signals Toward Iran
President Trump took to Twitter Thursday to express frustration over the US “maximum pressure” campaign designed, according to prior statements, to bring the Iranians back to the table to “negotiate a better deal” after the White House’s unilateral pull out of the 2015 nuclear deal brokered under Obama. He slammed EU countries, particularly France, for sending mixed signals.
The Seven Steps of Genocidal Tyranny
Between researchers such as Mike Adams, myself and others, it has clearly been established that America is suffering from a bad case of false flag attacks. By the end of the first 24 hour cycle, the false flag nature of the El Paso shooting had already been established beyond a reasonable doubt. Now we have learned that the Dayton shooter was an Elizabeth Warren supporter and we are not totally certain about who he really is. Therefore, I am not going to waste anymore of time debating forensics, disputing eyewitness accounts which collaborate each other’s stories. America is looking, as I have already labeled it, a TET Offensive of false flags sponsored by the Deep State Left. End of story. Now, we are going to talk about why this is happening and, more importantly, where this is leading.
THE HUNT: Liberals Blame Trump For Mass Shootings As Hollywood To Release Movie About The Targeting Killing Of Trump Supporters For Sport
Whoever first said that ‘liberalism is a mental disorder’, I think it was Michael Savage, really hit the nail on the head with that statement. Think about it. At this very moment Leftist Liberal Democrats are blaming President Trump for the recent mass shootings, despite the fact that the Dayton shooter was a Leftist Liberal who hated Trump and wanted Socialism in America. But somehow, Trump is still the problem.
LGBTQ+ Activist Transforming Public Schools Freely Admits That Their Goal Is To ‘Train School Teachers To Completely Smash Heteronormativity’
The LGBTQ+P for Pedophile movement has no idea of any kind about wanting to ‘live in harmony’ with those around, no sir. They don’t want mere tolerance, they don’t even want you to grant them ‘acceptance’. So what do they want? As Elly Barnes so clearly states, they want to “completely smash heteronormativity“, that is to say they want to destroy the notion that being heterosexual is the normal way to be. Where does this idea of heteronormativity come from? It comes from the mouth of God.
Grass Gestapo Out Of Control: $30K Fine & Potential Foreclosure For Too-Long Lawn
While some people might think “Well, just cut your grass regularly and the government will leave you alone,” it isn’t always that simple…
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Denmark’s 3rd Largest Bank Is Now Paying People To Take Out A Mortgage
“Yes, I hardly understand it either. In fact, I said it can’t happen. But we have figured out how to have a negative rate mortgage.”
Will Proud Boys, antifa showdown mark tipping point for Portland?
The demonstrations will return next week when right-wing activists from around the country plan to hold a waterfront rally to condemn anti-fascists, or antifa, and push to have their adversaries designated as domestic terrorists. This time police and city leaders are more alarmed than usual. “We’ve been sitting on a powder keg and everything is kind of coming to a head at this point,” Police Chief Danielle Outlaw told The Oregonian/OregonLive in an interview this week. “Not just because of what’s happening locally, but nationally.”
Trump retweets post implying Bill Clinton behind Jeffrey Epstein’s death
President Trump added fuel to the conspiracy theories surrounding multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s apparent suicide on Saturday when he retweeted a post that implied former President Bill Clinton was linked to Epstein’s death. “Died of SUICIDE on 24/7 SUICIDE WATCH ? Yeah right! How does that happen,” the tweet read, alongside a photo of Epstein and one of the Clintons. “#JefferyEpstein had information on Bill Clinton & now he’s dead.
Jews and Muslims to Face Off at Temple Mount on Sunday
On Sunday, a record number of Jewish pilgrims are expected to ascend the Temple Mount marking the holiday of Tisha B’Av which commemorates the destruction of both the first and second Temples. Upon hearing of the mass ascension, the Jordanian Waqf organization, who administers civil control over the holy site, called on Arabs throughout East Jerusalem to close their mosques and storm the mount in an effort to block the Jewish pilgrims from entering the site.
AMERICA: Rise In ‘Doomsday Prepping’; Mainstream ‘Culture Of Fear’…
“Doomsday prepping” or stockpiling food, medicine, weapons and other supplies in case of an apocalyptic scenario has long been considered peculiar behavior only exhibited by conspiracy theorists and other extremists in the United States.
Two Tiered System Of Justice: Top FBI Officials Escape Prosecution, While Others Pay Heavy Price
“As an American, I’m more than disturbed – I’m sickened – by their uncanny ability to skirt the law and how their friends in high ranking positions are working diligently still to protect them…”
Are Churches Still a Place for Prayer or Have They Become an Arena for Amusement?
Some British churches have launched controversial new projects in an attempt to attract people and make cathedrals accessible to everyone. But one leading clergyman is calling it “blasphemous.”
US Congressman Warns of Political Conspiracy to Overturn the 2nd Amendment In Its Entirety – Admits He’s Part of It
…Under these red flag laws, family members or law enforcement officers can petition a judge to seize firearms from a person they think is a threat to themselves or others. The judge could then hold a hearing without the targeted person being present and grant a temporary order for 14 days.
“Human Tragedy” On The “Diseased Streets” Of San Francisco: “Worse Than Slums In Brazil & India”
An How dirty is San Francisco? An NBC Bay Area Investigation reveals a dangerous mix of drug needles, garbage, and feces throughout downtown San Francisco. The Investigative Unit surveyed 153 blocks of the city – the more than 20-mile stretch includes popular tourist spots like Union Square and major hotel chains. The area – bordered by Van Ness Avenue, Market Street, Post Street and Grant Avenue – is also home to City Hall, schools, playgrounds, and a police station.
The Democratic Party Has Become Radicalized And Their Socialist, Pro-Death And Anti-Israel Agenda Should Be Truly Terrifying To All Americans
Time was, the Democratic Party was the party of championing freedom and individual liberty, freedom of the press and commonsense immigration control. The Democratic Party used to stand for American values and our uniquely American way of life. But those ideals for Democrats exist only in unread history books, they are not the waking reality of the Democratic Party in 2019.
Drug shortages forcing hospitals to ration treatments
A shortage of a versatile medicine used to treat immune disorders and other diseases has forced U.S. hospitals and infusion clinics to suspend treatment for many patients.
Insect ‘apocalypse’ in U.S. driven by 50x increase in toxic pesticides
America’s agricultural landscape is now 48 times more toxic to honeybees, and likely other insects, than it was 25 years ago, almost entirely due to widespread use of so-called neonicotinoid pesticides, according to a new study published today in the journal PLOS One.
Typhoon “Lekima” hits China, leaving 3 million homes without power, at least 18 dead and 16 missing
Typhoon “Lekima” – the 9th named tropical cyclone of the 2019 Pacific typhoon season, made landfall in Wenling, Zhejiang Province, China at about 01:45 LT on August 9, 2019, with winds of 187 km/h (116 mph). It then turned north toward Shanghai, bringing heavy rain and strong winds.
Convicted Pedophile And Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein Found Dead By ‘Suicide’ In Jail Cell As He Becomes Latest Person Added To The Clinton Body Count
…Jeffrey Epstein has officially joined the most exclusive and most infamous club on the face of the earth, that ignominious group of people who had the goods on Bill and Hillary Clinton and was preparing to use it in a court of law. Welcome, Jeffrey Epstein, to the Clinton Body Count.
Los Angeles faces an imminent bubonic plague outbreak due to rampant homelessness
The City of Angels is on the verge of succumbing to a deadly disease epidemic, thanks to an out-of-control homeless problem that’s bringing back horrific contagions like bubonic plague that rarely make an appearance in the First World
The Early Stages of Civil War Activities Have Commenced with the Infiltration of Law Enforcement by the Cartels With Support From the Democrats
In a classic revolutionary tactic, legitimate law enforcement and the political opposition to the Left is being attacked from within and from without.
Chinese Government Removes Word ‘Bible’From Iconic Kids Novel ‘Robinson Crusoe,’ Arrests People Selling Audio Bibles in Latest Crackdown
Authorities in China have continued to crack down on the Christian faith, this time by erasing faith-based words from children’s stories contained within school workbooks.
Disney Features First Teenage Gay Couple In ‘Andi Mack’ Series Finale
The Disney Channel is apparently breaking barriers by featuring the first teenage gay couple on the show “Andi Mack.”
10 Aug 2019
Published on: August 10, 2019 by RRadmin7
Epstein Found Dead In Cell ‘Hanged Self’
Jeffrey Epstein has hanged himself inside his New York City jail cell. The billionaire pedophile was found in cardiac arrest shortly before 7am on Saturday at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in lower Manhattan.
Blackout Mystery in UK: Fury as Britain Brought to Knees…
Energy watchdog Ofgem has demanded an urgent report from National Grid after a major power cut yesterday caused travel chaos and cut electricity for almost one million people in England and Wales.
Huge swathes of the country were left without power after two major generators failed yesterday afternoon within minutes of each other.
HAMMER: The Trump Administration Is Right. The U.N. Can Never Dictate An Israeli-Palestinian Peace Deal.
Last month, Jason Greenblatt, who is the Trump administration’s special representative for international negotiations and, along with Jared Kushner, a co-leader of the administration’s yet-to-be-unveiled comprehensive proposal for Israeli-Palestinian peace, addressed the United Nations Security Council.
Trump Calls Hollywood ‘Racist’ Over Controversy About ‘The Hunt’
The social satire movie in which elite liberals hunt deplorable MAGA types for sport has stirred big controversy on social media, causing people to speculate if this might further fan the flames of division among Americans.
Russian research facility quietly released 100 times more radiation than the ********* disaster… and almost no one reported it
Did you hear about the radioactive leak that sent 100 times more radiation than ********* into the atmosphere? If the answer is no, you’re not the only one. The incident, which took place back in 2017, went largely under the radar despite the dangers it posed. Now, the source has been identified as a southern Russia nuclear processing plant.
Bio-warfare experts question why Canada was sending lethal viruses to China
In a table-top pandemic exercise at Johns Hopkins University last year, a pathogen based on the emerging Nipah virus was released by fictional extremists, killing 150 million people.
Very large landslide hits Myanmar’s Mon State
A large landslide caused by heavy monsoon rains hit southern Myanmar on August 9, 2019, burying 10 houses and leaving at least 15 people dead. At least 30 others are missing.
Good Guy With Gun Stops Potential Attack At Walmart After Man Shows Up With Rifle, Body Armor
An off-duty firefighter who had a firearm with him stopped a potential attack from taking place at a Walmart in Missouri after a 20-year-old man showed up to the store with a rifle, body armor, and over 100 rounds of ammunition.
Drag Queen Filmed Teaching Children to ‘Twerk’ During ‘Story Hour’ – WATCH
A drag queen was filmed teaching children sexually provocative “twerk” dance moves during a so-called “story hour” event at a local library.
Nancy Pelosi Meets with Soros-Linked Activists During Guatemala Visit
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and a delegation of Democrat lawmakers met with a number of left-wing activists and socialist politicians during their visit to Guatemala, some of which have links to billionaire George Soros.
Paul Craig Roberts Asks “Is The Fed Losing Control Of The Gold Price?”
The Fed has no awareness of the pending crisis that it has set up for itself…
Major floods and landslides hit Kerala, over 64 000 people evacuated
Heavy monsoon rains are falling over Kerala since August 7, increasing river levels and causing deadly floods and landslides. At least 28 people have been killed and 27 others are still missing. More than 64 000 people have been evacuated.
NSA Whistleblower Confirms “They Can Use Your Data Against You Any Time”
A bombshell interview with William Binney, an NSA Whistleblower, has just been released! Binney says that President Donald Trump is being framed and that we the people are subjected to the constant surveillance and tracking authoritarian regimes are known for.
Dayton Mass Shooter Connor Betts Was An ‘Anti-Fascist’ Leftist Who Was Inspired To Kill By Listening To Endless ANTIFA Calls For Violence And Hate
We have been warning about the US domestic terror group known as ANTIFA for quite a few years now. Like the Ku Klux Klan, and because of their cowardly nature, they wear masks and hoods to hide their identities. The KKK wear white masks, and ANTIFA wears black masks, while both groups commit acts of mayhem while claiming to be something they’re not.
To Avoid A Collapse Means Restoring Glass-Steagall (Without The Green New Deal)
With the recent discussion of the collapse of the western system of banking (and neo-liberal ‘post-truth’ values more generally) a serious overview of the post-WWII stripping down of nation states is in order…
Mexicans Are Safer In El Paso Than In Mexico
Yet, it’s hard to believe that Mexican politicians are truly indignantabout the deaths of Mexican nationals in the US when Mexico’s homicide rate is nearly five times that of the US, and among the worst in the world.
WATCH: Biden Forcefully Grabs Girl After Being Asked How Many Genders There Are
The incident happened while Biden was campaigning at the “Political Soapbox” at the Iowa State Fair when a girl named Katie, who is a student in the state, approached Biden with questions.
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Israel Would “Spark War” By Joining US Flotilla In Gulf: Iran’s Navy Chief
Follows separate threat that “smoke will rise from Tel Aviv” as Israel mulls support to proposed joint maritime coalition in Persian Gulf.
Hong Kong airport shuts down amid pro-democracy protest
One of the world’s busiest airports canceled all flights after thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators crowded into Hong Kong’s main terminal Monday, while the central government in Beijing issued an ominous characterization of the protest movement as something approaching “terrorism.”
More Bad News Out Of Beijing: China’s Credit Engine Breaks Down
It’s been a bad year for China, and it’s only getting worse.
White House approves rule that penalizes immigrants who use forms of welfare like food stamps
The Trump administration announced a new “public charge” rule Monday, which takes into account immigrants’ use of government benefits when deciding whether to award them permanent status.
“Heads Must Roll”: Outrage Grows Over Epstein’s Mysterious Suicide
“Heads must roll,” said Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse (R), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee in a blistering Saturday letter to AG Barr. “Every single person in the Justice Department — from your Main Justice headquarters staff all the way to the night-shift jailer — knew that this man was a suicide risk, and that his dark secrets couldn’t be allowed to die with him,”
Scalise: Trump No More Responsible for El Paso Than ‘Bernie Sanders Is for My Shooting’
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) said President Donald Trump’s was no more responsible for the mass shooting in El Paso, TX than Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was for one of his supporters shooting a Republican baseball practice in 2017, which severely wounded Scalise.
Pope Francis Proposes ‘Europe First’ Against Populist Nationalism
“The thinking must be ‘Europe first, then each one of us,’” the pope said in a wide-ranging interview with the Italian daily La Stampa. “‘Each one of us’ is not secondary, it is important, but Europe counts more.” “Never forget that ‘the whole is greater than the parts.’ Globalization, unity, should not be conceived as a sphere, but as a polyhedron: each people retains its identity in unity with others,” he said.
City Denies Permit For Straight Pride Parade, Tells Organizers To Find New Venue
Reeves says straight pride organizers can apply for another permit to hold the event at an alternative site not in a residential area and will still have to ensure they have proper insurance. Don Grundmann, the outspoken organizer of the National Straight Pride Coalition, said he is being set up to fail. “My presumption is that were being set up to be told that the bureaucratic process won’t be completed in time,” Grundmann said.
Epstein death: ‘The word around the street is the Clintons did it’
On Saturday afternoon, President Trump retweeted messages insinuating the Clintons may have had some sort of connection to Epstein’s sudden death. One read: “BREAKING: Documents were unsealed yesterday revealing that top Democrats, including Bill Clinton, took private trips to Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘pedophilia island.’” JefferyEpstein had information on Bill Clinton & now he’s dead.
Islamic Jihad, Hamas threaten Israel after Jews ascend Temple Mount
Police were forced to storm the Temple Mount, firing stun grenades in an attempt to disperse crowds of Muslims protesting against the gathering of Jews at the entrance to the mount who wanted to enter to mark Tisha Be’av, the day commemorating the destruction of the First and Second Temples. According to police figures, 1,729 Jewish worshipers ascended the Temple Mount Sunday.
Sixth-generation fighters and the future of air supremacy
Not surprisingly, sixth-generation fighters are the next technological level after today’s fifth-generation fighters like the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter, which is a stealthy, high-performance, multi-role aircraft that is most notable for its ability to use high-speed data links to directly share information from sensors and avionics.
Ohio defunds Planned Parenthood, funnels $7.5M to life-affirming pregnancy centers
…As Planned Parenthood is being defunded of $1.5 million in annual state funds this year, pro-life pregnancy centers are being allocated $7.5 million in Ohio’s state budget. Taken together, these two changes represent a bold stride for protecting unborn lives and supporting women’s well-being at the state level…
Yet Another Mass Shooting Leaves 6 Wounded
…but where are the Democratic Party nominees and the news media crews?
Hepatitis A vaccine: Outbreak spreads, shadows opioid epidemic
Since 2016, the virus has spawned outbreaks in at least 29 states, starting with Michigan and California. It’s sickened more than 23,600 people, sent the majority to the hospital and killed more than 230. All but California’s and Utah’s outbreaks are ongoing, and experts expect to eventually see the virus seep into every state.
India floods: Death toll reaches 95 as monsoon rains force hundreds of thousands to flee homes
The death toll from floods in India’s states of Karnataka, Kerala and Maharashtra rose to 95, official figures showed on Saturday, as heavy rain and landslides forced hundreds of thousands to evacuate their homes.
Japan: Third tropical cyclone set to hit country in as many weeks
Krosa is expected to be the third tropical cyclone to hit Japan in the wake of Typhoon Francisco and Tropical Storm Nari.
The West Coast is a literal toilet: 80% of coastal areas infected with toxic feces (biosludge), warns Dr. Drew
California is experiencing a homelessness crisis of unprecedented proportions, and it is now endangering the health and safety of every single person living in the state, particularly those who live in coastal areas.
Billionaire George Soros Exposed, Had Secret Access To Highest Levels Of Government
Soros got caught – now Democrats are taking a big hit! For decades, Democrats have condemned Republicans for being influenced by big donors—well isn’t this ironic! All along, Democrats have been catering to one super-rich liberal. A man by the name of George Soros.
Muslims Clash with Israeli Police at Jerusalem Holy Site
Muslim worshippers and Israeli police clashed Sunday at a major Jerusalem holy site during prayers marking the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha.
San Francisco saw 150 percent spike in fentanyl-related deaths last year, report says
The number of deaths from fentanyl overdoses in San Francisco jumped by nearly 150 percent last year, according to a report by the city’s public health department made public this week.
Gay Hollywood Designer Describes Dramatic ‘Damascus Road’ Conversion to Christianity
…If you would’ve told him that one day he’d be a devoted Christian who adhered to the Biblical view of sexuality and be a Christian author, he very well might’ve thrown his coffee at you. But that’s exactly – and miraculously – what happened.
Illinois Passes Law Forcing All State Schools To Begin Teaching LGBTQ+P For Pedophile History Lessons To ‘Neutralize Religion’ In The Classroom
I hate to be the one to tell you, Christian, but we are losing the battle against the forces of rising darkness here in America, with more ground lost each and every day. Illinois is not the only state to force schools to begin teaching LGBTQ+P for Pedophile history lessons, and within 2 years, there will not be a state that does not have that as a requirement. When that happens, on what basis then do you stop such wickedness like Drag Queen Story Hour from taking place in your public library? The answer is you can’t, and you won’t legally be able to do anything about it.
Texodus: Why are Texas Republicans in Congress bolting for the exits, and what does it mean for 2020?
Four rapid-fire retirement announcements by Texas Republicans in Congress have prompted fresh soul-searching for a political party that’s seeing its decades-long dominance in the Lone Star State start to teeter.
Trade War Chaos Collapses Farm Equipment Sales Across Midwest
“Overall, this is a perfect storm for US farmers”
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Iran Warns of War if ‘Zionists’ Enter the Persian Gulf
Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps naval commander Alireza Tangsiri warned on Sunday that “any illegitimate presence by the Zionists in the waters of the Persian Gulf could spark a war,” after Israel announced that it was taking part in a U.S.-led mission to secure the Strait of Hormuz. “Whenever our commanders wish to, they are able to detain any ship, even if it is accompanied by American and British forces,” Tangsiri told Hezollah-affiliated Al-Mayadeen television in Lebanon.
French officials call for investigation of Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘links with France’
“The US investigation has highlighted links with France,” Schiappa and Taquet said in a statement. “It thus seems to us fundamental for the victims that an investigation be opened in France so that all is brought to light.” In response to questions from ABC News, a spokesperson for the Paris prosecutor’s office said that request was under careful consideration.
Is Global Warming Really An Existential Threat?
An existential threat is one that threatens the very existence of mankind. Something that is a simply a challenge or an inconvenience is not an existential threat. An existential threat must have the potential to undermine the very viability of human civilization.
Mystery blasts at Shiite militia missile depot near Baghdad
First reports of a series of powerful explosions at 18:55 on Monday at the pro-Iranian PMU militia’s arms and missiles depot at Dura in southern Baghdad. Some witnesses said they saw “missiles blowing up in the air.”
California Introduces Radical Anti-Semitic High School Curriculum
The state of California has introduced “blatantly anti-Semitic and anti-Israel” lessons into its official high school curriculum, drawing outrage and concern in the state’s Jewish and pro-Israel communities, according to multiple sources involved in the controversy. The California Department of Education is facing backlash after permitting a host of anti-Israel activists to build a statewide educational curriculum that demonizes the Jewish state and is said to be fostering hatred of Jewish and Israeli-American students, sources said.
Mysterious, Ancient Radio Signals Keep Pelting Earth. Astronomers Designed an AI to Hunt Them Down.
Sudden shrieks of radio waves from deep space keep slamming into radio telescopes on Earth, spattering those instruments’ detectors with confusing data. And now, astronomers are using artificial intelligence to pinpoint the source of the shrieks, in the hope of explaining what’s sending them to Earth from — researchers suspect — billions of light-years across space.
Here Are 4 Dubious Claims In Bruce Ohr’s FBI Notes
They include claims that: Carter Page met in Moscow with sanctioned Kremlin insiders, Michael Cohen visited Prague, A conservative attorney expressed concern that Russia was funneling money to the National Rifle Association (NRA) and A Belraus-born businessman named Sergei Millian used a secret email server that communicated covertly with the Trump Organization.
UK Prime Minister Compared the EU to Hitler in 2016
In an interview with the Telegraph back in 2016, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that “the European Union is pursuing a similar goal to Hitler in trying to create a powerful superstate.” He also warned how although politicians in Brussels are implementing “different methods” than those of the Nazi dictator, they both have the same goal of a united Europe under one authority.
Abbas Accidentally Admits: According to Bible, Palestinians Must Leave Israel
the last time Prime Minister Netanyahu met with Abbas, he told him that he was willing to make concessions but first, he wanted to settle an old and outstanding debt between the Palestinians and the Jews. “When Moses came down from Sinai, a Palestinian stole the stone tablets. We want them back. They are precious artifacts worth millions of dollars.” “No,” Abbas retorted. “We don’t have them and we don’t keep those laws. We weren’t there.” “Exactly,” Netanyahu countered. “Now let’s talk about whose land it really is.”
The Hammers Coming Down: Trump Ending Welfare-dependant Immigration
President Trump is set to save American taxpayers billions of dollars as his administration announces a new rule on Monday that will essentially ban welfare-dependent legal immigrants from permanently resettling in the United States.
Ebola drugs show ‘90% survival rate’ in breakthrough trial
Ebola may soon be a “preventable and treatable” disease after a trial of two drugs showed significantly improved survival rates, scientists have said. Four drugs were trialled on patients in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where there is a major outbreak of the virus.
AccuWeather predicts the lowest US corn yield in 7 years
The latest AccuWeather 2019 crop production analysis predicts a significant decline from last year’s corn and soybean yield, as well as a noticeable variation from the July U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates.
1 million evacuated, more than 190 killed after exceptionally heavy rains hit parts of India
At least 193 people have been killed across parts of India in floods and landslides caused by exceptionally heavy monsoon rains since August 1, 2019. Dozens of people are still missing and the death toll is expected to continue rising in the days ahead.
Google’s File on You Is 10 Times Bigger Than Facebook’s – Here’s How to View It –
Google, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft are all central players in “surveillance capitalism” and prey on our data. New reports suggest that Google may actually harvest ten times as much as Facebook.
Is Global Warming Really An Existential Threat?
Reading these numbers and considering the many reports backing them up, there clearly is no existential threat to either the U.S. or mankind from global warming, leaving one to wonder why are so many politicians, environmental activists, and lots of media are spreading this existential threat line.
Evidence Suggests Pope Francis Might Help Facilitate Vatican Pedophila & Satanic Rituals
If you don’t already know, a number of Vatican officials over the years have been implicated in sexually abusing children. In fact, it goes well beyond the main church inside the walls of Vatican city, and into various churches around the world that are connected to the Roman Catholic Order, among others.
Original Hillsong Worship Leader Marty Sampson Announces He’s ‘Leaving Christianity’ Because The Bible Is ‘Full Of Contradictions’
Over the past few years, there has been a tidal wave of contemporary Christian church leaders who have dramatically announced they are ‘leaving the faith’ because they no longer believe the Bible is true. Just two weeks ago, Joshua Harris, author of ‘I Kissed Dating Goodbye‘ decided he had had enough and walked away.
Trump Ending Welfare-Dependent Immigration, Saving Taxpayers Billions
The regulation will be a boon for American taxpayers in the form of an annual $57.4 billion tax cut — the amount taxpayers spend every year on paying for the welfare, crime, and schooling costs of the country’s mass importation of 1.5 million new, mostly low-skilled legal immigrants.
Liberal Activist Group PETA Is Oddly Silent As Muslims Around The World Slaughter Over 10 Million Animals In Celebration Of Eid al-Adha
In typical Islamic style, the celebration of Eid is a gruesome and barbaric ritual where animals are killed in a horrifically painful manner as Muslims laugh and cheer their death. It truly is an unwatchable event, even if you love to eat meat. But my question is why is PETA suddenly struck, pardon the pun, hoarse? Here is abject and overt animal cruelty on a global scale, with the blood running through the streets like after a heavy rain, and the organization that cannot bear to allow you to wear a fur coat is suddenly silent?
‘Fall Armyworm’ Invades China; Wreaks Havoc On Agriculture Lands
“You have to keep spraying chemicals. If you don’t kill the worm, you will end up penniless.”
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Enjoy The Calm While It Lasts
From the Xi end of things we see a US that can’t stick to a tough policy; is afraid of its own consumers; is terrified of the stock market; and which won’t take a stand over Hong Kong.
Main yield curve inverts as 2-year yield tops 10-year rate, triggering recession warning
The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note broke below the 2-year rate early Wednesday, an odd bond market phenomenon that has been a reliable, albeit early, indicator for economic recessions.
Guards Were Sleeping During Epstein’s Alleged Suicide, Then Falsified Records To Cover It Up
When the guards awakened after not checking on Epstein for three hours to discover, to their horror, that Epstein had apparently committed suicide, they decided to falsify records to cover their tracks, something that could draw criminal charges, per the NYT. Ladies and gentlemen, have we found our patsies? Ghislaine Maxwell, is nowhere to be found.
US and Britain discuss trade deal that could take effect on November 1
Britain and the United States are discussing a partial trade accord that could take effect on November 1, the day after Britain is due to leave the European Union, a senior Trump administration official said on Tuesday. During a visit to London, US national security adviser John Bolton discussed with British trade minister Liz Truss the possibility of the two countries` leaders signing a road map declaration towards a trade deal. That could take place at this month`s G7 summit meeting in France, the official said.
Japan temple puts faith in robot priest, faces criticism
A 400-year-old temple in Japan is attempting to hot-wire interest in Buddhism with a robotic priest it believes will change the face of the religion — despite critics comparing the android to “Frankenstein’s monster.” The android Kannon, based on the Buddhist deity of mercy, preaches sermons at Kodaiji temple in Kyoto, and its human colleagues predict that with artificial intelligence it could one day acquire unlimited wisdom. “This robot will never die, it will just keep updating itself and evolving,” priest Tensho Goto told AFP.
Erdogan May Buy Russian Fighter Jets After Trump Refused him F-35s
Turkey doubled-down on its controversial decision to acquire Russian S-400 air-defense systems by setting out to acquire Russian Sukhoi SU-35 fighter jets. Last month, Turkey finalized a $2.5 billion deal with Russia and acquired the first S-400 systems. The purchase was in response to the U.S. delaying an acceptable alternative. Turkey is a member of the Northern Alliance Treaty Organization (NATO) and acquiring Russian weaponry is problematic, making their systems operationally incompatible with those of the other NATO nations. The acquisition of Russian hardware has raised doubts about the future of Turkey as a NATO member.
Recent Wave of Anti-Semitism in U.S. Hinted by Prophet Jeremiah
Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi, a well-known mystic rabbi in Israel, noted in his weekly sermon that this rise in anti-Semitism will only get worse as the Messiah approaches. “Anti-Semitism in the world is terrifying,” Rabbi Ben Artzi said on Friday. “The non-Jews in the world feel that the Messiah needs to come out and they are going crazy. The anti-Semitism will continue to increase. Even when the non-Jews attack other non-Jews it is a warning to the Jews. This will not cease until the last Jew comes to Israel.”
Richard Gere, Italy’s Salvini clash over migrant ship
Hollywood star Richard Gere on Saturday urged the Italian government to stop “demonising people” and instead help migrants who have been stranded on a Spanish charity boat … Salvini, who this week pushed through parliament tougher sanctions on charity ships that seek to bring migrants rescued at sea to Italy, was quick to reply.“Given this generous millionaire is voicing concern for the fate of the Open Arms migrants, we thank him: he can take back to Hollywood, on his private plane, all the people aboard and support them in his villas. Thank you Richard!” he said in a statement.
Video shows Chinese military building up outside Hong Kong’s border
China may be preparing to take military action against Hong Kong as Chinese paramilitary forces have assembled only 18 miles from Hong Kong in the city of Shenzhen on Tuesday. Video on Chinese state media showed troop carrier vehicles traveling to the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center near the Hong Kong border in preparation for military exercises amid Hong Kong’s public crisis of ongoing large scale protests, the Independent reported Tuesday.
Monsters, men and magic: why feminists turned to witchcraft to oppose Trump
Whether it’s hexing the president, chatting in WhatsApp covens or featuring in TV reboots, radicalised women have been finding strength in the ancient pagan arts. the idea that, by gathering together and hatching plots, women might obtain heretofore unthinkable power – has also fuelled much feminist organising throughout history. The San Francisco Bay area… saw an explosion of neo-pagan traditions, including the witches’ coven that initiated Miriam Simos, ….
US Border Patrol Comes Under Cartel Gunfire On Rio Grande
United States Border Patrol agents came under fire from members of Mexican cartels Friday in Texas while making rounds on the Rio Grande. The agents were conducting a morning patrol by boat near Fronton, Texas, according to a news release from U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, when they reported shots fired from the Mexican riverbank. CBP reported multiple shooters, armed with automatic rifles, fired more than 50 rounds at the watercraft, making contact several times.
Report: ‘Shrieking’ Heard from Epstein’s Cell the Morning He Died
A new report is adding to the questions surrounding Saturday’s jail cell death of billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. CBS has reported that on the morning Epstein died, there was “shouting and shrieking from his jail cell.” It was further revealed in an account by The New York Times that one of the guards watching Epstein at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City on the night he died was not a regular corrections officer.
Is Biden The Manchurian Candidate?
Like a cross between Mr. Magoo and Homer Simpson, Biden’s verbal stumbles make many Dems cringe…
Hong Kong’s Date With Martial Law (Pt 1)- America You Are Next!
The specter of martial law is going to rear its head all across the planet as the spirit of populism and popular uprisings is upon us. What is happening across the planet is also happening in America. What’s going on in foreign lands is also going to happen here is the extreme Left gets there way.
FBI investigating shooting into two ICE offices in San Antonio as a ‘targeted attack’
FBI officials said on Tuesday they have opened an investigation into shots fired into Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices in San Antonio. Authorities described it as a “targeted attack” against federal employees.
Meanwhile, This Is What LGBTQ Organizations Are Doing to Society
LGBTQ organizations are quietly going about their work dismantling ethical norms, making a mockery of education, ruining innocent people’s lives and destroying children’s innocence. If you think this is overstated, here are some examples:
OUTRAGEOUS! Pope Francis Compares Matteo Salvini’s “Italians First” Language to Nazis
In May Italian media reported Pope Francis would not meet with Lega (League) Party leader and Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini.
Pro-life movie ‘Unplanned’ takes No. 1 spot on Amazon’s Best Sellers Drama DVDs
On Monday afternoon, “Unplanned” became the #1 Best Seller overall for DVD’s on Amazon. The DVD release of the pro-life “Unplanned” movie has topped the Amazon Best Selling Drama charts.
1m evacuated, at least 184 dead as monsoon floods sweep India, South Asia News & Top Stories
The Indian authorities have moved about a million people into emergency camps in recent days, as the death toll from monsoon floods jumped yesterday to at least 184.
IL Governor Signs Bill Mandating LGBT History Curriculum in All Public Schools
Illinois has passed a law requiring “LGBT history” to be taught in all public schools.Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D – IL) signed House Bill 246 on August 9 with the objective of encouraging a more diverse history curriculum.
All Across The Planet, Humanity Is Fighting For The Right To Exist
Populism is sweeping the planet. Overnight in Jerusalem, riots took the life of an Israeli soldier. Thousands of Russians are protesting voting irregularities in Moscow. Venezuela remains in a chronic state of societal meltdown. Honduras has entered the early stages of revolution, where boys are being conscripted from their homes.
USPS Reports First Drop In Package Volume In Nearly A Decade
“We anticipate that given our ongoing liquidity concerns, and without legislative action and regulatory reform, we may not be able to pay all legally required obligations…”
Greenspan says no barrier to treasuries falling below 0%…
There is some $15 trillion in government debt that now yields less than zero, and former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan believes there’s no reason why U.S. government bond yields couldn’t join much of the developed world in the subzero world.
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China, Russia Look to Each Other for Support as Protest Movements Rock Their Economies
Similarities between the protest movements in Hong Kong and Moscow have not gone unnoticed by the authoritarian rulers of China and Russia. Russia’s state-run Tass news service on Wednesday quoted the new Chinese ambassador calling for the two countries to “cultivate our relations at a higher level” and “open a new page” in their friendship.
Will Turkey and China Become Friends?
Despite their limited economic relations and ongoing differences over the Uyghur issue, the two countries could grow closer if Western partners fail to provide the financial boost Turkey needs so badly
John Brockman’s Edge Dinner Hosted Epstein, Minsky: Meetings Between Big Tech Heads Pushed Transhuman Future
The Edge Billionaire Dinner has hosted all of the biggest names in Big Tech; Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Evan Williams, Bill Joy, Larry Page and others. Yahoo Finance reports that the group is deleting posts from its website about Epstein following revelations of his sex trafficking. Epstein is still listed as a guest in 2000 on the Edge dinner website. Also listed as a 2001 guest is Marvin Minsky, accused of sex with a trafficking victim. John Brockman himself sought transhumanist goals. His 1969 book Afterwords foreshadows the transhumanist philosophy of later years which envisions man merging with machine. Brockman writes: “Man was nothing more than a model, a technique. It is necessary to construct a new model… The human delusion lies in the belief that the human being is the basis of reality and the final goal of the evolution.”
Merkel: European ministers to discuss Strait of Hormuz naval mission
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Wednesday she believed the idea of a European naval mission in the Strait of Hormuz would be discussed again at informal meetings of European foreign and defense ministers in Finland later this month. Britain last week joined the United States in a maritime security mission in the Gulf to protect merchant vessels traveling through the Strait of Hormuz after Iran seized a British-flagged vessel. Two weeks beforehand, Britain had called for a European-led naval mission.
UAE says Khamenei meeting proves Houthis are Iran’s proxy
A meeting between a Houthi official and Iran’s Supreme Leader proves “in black and white” that the Yemeni militants are an Iranian proxy, a senior Emirati said Wednesday. State TV showed Ayatollah Ali Khamenei praising the militants Tuesday, as he met the Houthi negotiator, Mohammed Abdul-Salam.
It’s war: FTC prepared to break up Big Tech
Chairman Joe Simons told Bloomberg he is leading a broad review of the technology sector to see whether companies, including Google and Facebook, are harming competition. “If you have to, you do it,” Simons said, according to Reuters. “It’s not ideal because it’s very messy. But if you have to you have to.”
‘Back-Loaded’ Hurricane Season Bearing Down on U.S. Coastlines
Next six weeks could see a train of Atlantic storms develop. Factors that have hindered hurricane since June 1 are now gone. But the next six weeks — “the season within a season” — is regularly the most dangerous and active time for storms to develop in the Atlantic, said Dennis Feltgen, spokesman for the National Hurricane Center in Miami.
Jordan Outraged After Israeli Minister Calls for new Temple Mount Status Quo
A spokesman for the Jordanian Foreign Ministry warned on Tuesday that a change of the status quo on the Temple Mount would have serious consequences. The statement came in response to Israeli Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan saying during an interview Tuesday that he saw “an injustice in the status quo” that “we need to work to change.”
Robots compete in DARPA’s Subterranean Challenge to prep for alien life hunt
This week DARPA kicks off a competition called the Subterranean Challenge, where hordes of robots are unleashed into caves and tunnels to test how well they can autonomously navigate these environments. One team, headed up by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), is entering a crew of bots that could inform future designs of spacefaring robots that explore caves and lava tubes on other planets and moons.
Preparing for Ezekiel 38:19? Israel’s Navy Leads Major Multinational Earthquake Drill
The Israel Navy led a first-of-its-kind multinational exercise dedicated to earthquake response this week, in a drill which brought representatives from 10 naval forces, as well as NATO, to the Haifa Port on Israel’s northern coast. The week-long “Mighty Waves 2019” exercise, which included ships and personnel from the United States, France and Greece, as well as representatives from the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Italy, Cyprus, Chile and NATO, was the largest-ever naval exercise led by the Jewish state. Could they be preparing for the earthquake that is prophesized in Ezekiel: For I have decreed in My indignation and in My blazing wrath: On that day, a terrible earthquake shall befall the land of Yisrael (Ezekiel 38:19)
‘We will rain hundreds of rockets on Israel in a single barrage’
“I call on Benny Gantz to remember how the IDF failed in its conflict with residents of eastern Gaza during Operation Protective Edge, when he was Chief of Staff,” Sinwar said. “During the next conflict with Israel, we will rain hundreds of rockets in a single barrage.”
89 Percent of British Young Adults Say Life Has No Meaning, Poll Finds
A new United Kingdom survey showing an overwhelming majority of 16-29-year-olds believe life has no purpose or meaning can be directly attributed to the decline of Christianity in the country, says the founder of Answers In Genesis.
Why The Dollar Rules The World – And Why Its Reign Could End
With little else in place for shelter, the US dollar served as a safe haven. It remains to be seen if this will also be the case when the next financial disaster happens…
Record-breaking hailstone in Colorado: ‘Big hail like this can easily kill people’
Monster hail fell from the sky and hammered areas of the central United States on Tuesday, shattering a state record. Earlier on Tuesday before the storms developed, AccuWeather Extreme Meteorologist Reed Timmer warned that Colorado’s state hail record could be in jeopardy given the intensity of the storms that he saw developing.
Barnegat mayor: Requiring LGBT history in school is ‘absurdity’
Mayor Alfonso Cirulli launched a campaign Tuesday to fight a New Jersey law that brings an LGBT curriculum into schools and urged residents to join his fight. During the Tuesday morning meeting of the Township Committee, Cirulli, a 60-year-old former assistant principal, said it was his duty to protect residents and called the LGBT political movement “an affront to almighty God.”
Photos: Flooding claims more than 300 lives in India, Myanmar and Pakistan
In addition to the lives lost, the number of people forced from their homes stands in the hundreds of thousands after torrential monsoon rain over the past week.
Baptist, Presbyterian Pastors Claim Christians Can Support Killing Babies in Abortions
A small group of Kentucky religious leaders held a press conference this week to insist that they can both be Christians and support the killing of unborn babies in abortions.
It’s raining plastic: microscopic fibers fall from the sky in Rocky Mountains
Discovery raises new questions about the amount of plastic waste permeating the air, water, and soil virtually everywhere on Earth
Large Tropical Storm “Krosa” to make landfall over southern Japan
A large and dangerous Tropical Storm “Krosa” is heading toward Japan, bringing heavy rain and strong winds. Landfall is expected in southern Shikoku around midnight UTC, August 15. This will be the third tropical cyclone to hit mainland Japan after Nari on July 27 and Francisco on August 6.
“Magic-Bullet” Michael Baden to Lead Epstein Autopsy-What Could Go Wrong?
Pathologist Michael Baden, served as chairman of the House Select Committee on Assassinations’ Forensic Pathology Panel that investigated the assassination of John F. Kennedy. This should immediately disqualify him to ever do an autopsy again. But against all truth and honesty, Baden is set to conduct the autopsy on Jeffrey Epstein.
California School District Will Not Allow Parents To Opt Children Out Of LGBTQ Content, Emails Show
California school district will not allow parents to opt their children out of classes containing LGBTQ content, figures or historical references, emails show.
Muslim Student Sets Fire To Christian School To ‘Protest’ Against Trump
The protest against President Trump got out of hand in St. Louis when a Muslim college student from Minneapolis attempted to burn down a Christian school, lighting four fires and endangering the lives of 33 children.
Apple’s new iPhones to come with built-in 5G transmitters… AVOID all Apple products or be irradiated
…While Bill Gates pushes for more population control across planet Earth, from vaccines in Africa to 5G cell towers just a stone’s throw from kids playing in their own yards, America is quickly becoming the sickest industrialized nation from the ultra-high frequency and intensity of their smartphones.
US 30Y Yield Tumbles Below 2.00% For The First Time Ever
And for the first time ever, the entire UST curve is below 2.00%…
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Former Epstein Bodyguard Warns Journalist: ‘Don’t Put Yourself in Trouble’
When asked about his thoughts surrounding Epstein’s mysterious prison cell suicide, the bodyguard dropped a bombshell.“Somebody helped him to do that,” he said. When pressed on this answer, Zinoviev refused to say anything further, only that the line of questioning was going “too deep.” This wasn’t the only warning the Russian would give.
FBI agreed to ignore Hillary evidence, docs reveal
The Justice Department drafted an agreement with the lawyer for Clinton and top aide Cheryl Mills, Beth Wilkinson, that limited the scope of the investigation, according to the documents, which were obtained through a FOIA request by attorney Ty Clevenger. The agreement prevented the bureau from examining evidence of the infamous BleachBit deletion of some 33,000 emails on Clinton’s unauthorized and unsecure server, the Gateway Pundit reported. The FBI essentially agreed to perform an investigation in which it wasn’t allowed to examine key evidence.
Epstein Autopsy Finds Evidence He May Have Been Murdered
Among the bones broken in Epstein’s neck was the hyoid bone, which in men is near the Adam’s apple. These breaks can occur in those who hang themselves, particularly if they are older, according to forensics experts and studies on the subject. But they are more common in victims of homicide by strangulation. Even Jonathan L. Arden, president of the National Association of Medical Examiners, admitted that a hyoid break is more commonly associated with homicidal strangulation than suicidal hanging.
Christian Missions Change Direction: The Task Of Reconverting The West
This move of the Gospel from the West to the South and the East could be one of the largest scale fulfillments of the Great Commission since Jesus first gave it. Yet, as a fascinating piece in The Economist explains, the direction of the flow of Christian missions has now largely reversed. As it did, the geographic center of the faith also shifted.
A Powerful Response To The Chorus Of Christian Leaders Renouncing Their Faith
John Cooper, lead singer for the Christian band Skillet, posted a powerful response on Facebook to the growing number of Christian leaders who have renounced their faith in recent weeks. The most notable of late was Joshua Harris ( I Kissed Dating Goodbye) and Hillsong songwriter Marty Sampson. We now have a church culture that learns who God is from singing modern praise songs rather than from the teachings of the Word.
Don’t change your DNA at home, says America’s first CRISPR law
The law appears to take aim at a California resident, Josiah Zayner, whose Oakland company, The Odin, sells genetic-engineering supplies to amateurs online. He won notoriety in 2017 when he filmed himself injecting CRISPR into his own arm. “It’s obviously targeting me,” says Zayner, an outspoken biohacker also currently under investigation by California Department of Consumer Affairs for practicing medicine without a license.
Israel Bans Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar from Entering the Country Ahead of Upcoming Trip
Top Israeli officials made the message clear on Thursday: Radical Democrat Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan will not be allowed into the country for a planned visit, according to the Times of Israel. And their reasoning was brutally simple. “We won’t allow those who deny our right to exist in this world to enter Israel. In principle, this is a very justified decision.”
Abby Johnson’s Pro-life ‘Unplanned’ Movie Rockets to #1 on Amazon
“Unplanned,” a movie which recounts the life of a woman who left behind a job as a Planned Parenthood abortion manager, has become not only a box office success but it became the number one DVD in Amazon sales on its first day of sales this week.
Exclusive: Burning of Red Heifer Takes Place in Preparation for Third Temple
A major step was made towards reinstating the Temple service: after an intensive study into the practical details, an actual heifer, albeit not a red one, was burned in precisely the manner that will enable the Jewish people to be purified.
The Demonic Influence of Serial Killers
Judging from the just-released writings of Connor Betts – the killer in Dayton, Ohio – the “adversary the devil” devoured his soul and drove his deadly rampage. His writings chronicle how he pledged his life to Satan. They include: A Satanic pentagram with the words “Hail Lucifer.” He declared himself a servant of “evil incarnate.” And in an ominous foreboding to his victims, he wrote: “Take all you can, slaves eternal, slaughtered for Satan.” He also tweeted, “I’m going to hell and I’m not coming back.” But Betts is not the only serial killer to carry out the plans of the devil.
IDF officer reprimanded for investigating Hezbollah’s flagship tunnel
One of the architects of the IDF’s Operation Northern Shield…reprimanded by IDF Chief Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi after he crossed into Lebanon via one of the tunnels without informing his superiors…Rafi Milo, who served as the commander of the Galilee Division until earlier this week, took several troops with him as he investigated the tunnel until the entrance of Hezbollah’s flagship tunnel in the southern Lebanese town of Ramiyeh.
North Korea snubs peace talks with South Korea over war drills
North Korea has rejected any further talks with South Korea, calling its decision “completely the fault of South Korea’s actions”. It issued a statement in response to a speech by South Korea President Moon Jae-in on Thursday. Meanwhile, early on Friday North Korea test-fired two missiles into the sea off its eastern coast, the South Korean military said.
Iran oil tanker: Gibraltar orders release of Grace 1
Gibraltar has freed an Iranian oil tanker detained last month on suspicion of sanctions-busting, despite a last-minute plea by the US authorities. The UK territory received written assurances from Iran that the ship would not discharge its cargo in Syria. Grace 1, carrying Iranian oil, was stopped by Royal Marines on 4 July, triggering a standoff with Tehran.
Israel bars Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib from visiting
Israel is blocking two US Democratic lawmakers, who are prominent critics of the Israeli government, from visiting. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were due to visit the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem next week. Both have supported the boycott movement against Israel, but Israeli law allows supporters of the campaign to be banned from visiting.
Philadelphia shooting: Mayor calls for gun control
The mayor of Philadelphia has joined growing calls for gun control after a shootout in his city left six officers injured as they served a drug warrant. “Our officers need help,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “They need help with keeping these weapons out of these people’s hands.” A gun battle broke out between police and a gunman on Wednesday, leading to a seven-hour stand-off.
North Korea fires two missiles into sea in SIXTH weapons test in just a month amid US tensions
NORTH Korea has fired two missiles into the sea in yet another bullish weapons test – the SIXTH in just a month. It comes amid anger in Pyongyang at ongoing US-led military exercises with South Korea – which the North views as a rehearsal for invasion. And there is growing frustration in Kim Jong-un’s regime at stalled talks between the US and North Korea over his weapons programme.
Chinese military personnel parade near Hong Kong border: AFP
Thousands of Chinese military personnel waving red flags paraded at a sports stadium in a city across the border from Hong Kong on Thursday, an AFP reporter witnessed. Armoured vehicles were also seen inside the stadium in Shenzhen, with the event taking place as concerns build that China may intervene to end 10 weeks of unrest in Hong Kong.
Scientists Detect New Repeating Signals From the Depths of Outer Space – Report
One of the astronomers involved in the signal search effort expressed hope that this discovery might encourage other astronomers to “point their telescopes” at the sources of the newly discovered signals. Astronomers studying the enigmatic signals emanating from space, the so called fast radio bursts (FRB), have recently detected eight new repeating FRBs, bringing the total known number of such signals known to 10…
Nearly 25 Percent of Babies Aborted in England, Wales in 2018
Nearly a quarter of babies are aborted in England and Wales, shocking new statistics reveal.
According To The Feds, 19 Million Acres Of Farmland Went Un-Planted With Crops This Year
…this is the largest number that the USDA has ever reported for a single year, and it is nearly 17.5 million acres greater than last year’s final tally of less than 2 million acres.
Banana-targeting fungus may cause ‘apocalyptic scenario’ for the fruit
It might be time to say goodbye to bananas. It might also be time to panic. An “apocalyptic” scenario for the most popular type of banana may be unfolding in Latin America. A strong and incredibly hard to stop fungus has been spotted in the area.
Record-breaking hailstone in Colorado: ‘Big hail like this can easily kill people’
Monster hail fell from the sky and hammered areas of the central United States on Tuesday, shattering a state record. Earlier on Tuesday before the storms developed, AccuWeather Extreme Meteorologist Reed Timmer warned that Colorado’s state hail record could be in jeopardy given the intensity of the storms that he saw developing.
Extreme monsoon rains in western India and Myanmar, more than 250 people killed
Extreme monsoon rains hit western India and Myanmar in early August 2019, causing dramatic flooding and landslides and leaving at least 258 people dead.
554-year-old Boys’ Cathedral Choir Sued for ‘Gender Bias’
A 9-year-old girl is suing a centuries-old Berlin boys’ choir, arguing that her bid to join was only rejected because of her gender, in a case that has sparked debate over equal rights versus artistic freedom.
Sorry, climate change fanatics: Turns out, Greenland’s glaciers are actually growing
If you buy into the climate change narrative, you might think that Earth’s glaciers are melting. And if you buy into total climate insanity, you might even think that the melting glaciers are one day going to flood most of the planet. But the latest research shows that Jakobshavn, once the fastest-melting glacier on Earth, is now growing. No longer receding inland, new measurements show that Jakobshavn’s ice is thickening and advancing towards the ocean.
The NFL Strikes A Deal With Luciferian Music Star Jay-Z Using The National Football League To Promote Social Justice Program ‘Inspire Change’
About 12 years ago, I started noticing that one of the songs that the NFL on its Monday Night football program started playing was AC/DC’s ‘Highway To Hell‘, needless to say I switched channels or left the room when that was happening. Flash-forward to 2019, and we have the NFL announcing its new social justice program ‘Inspire Change‘, and they have partnered with Luciferian hip-hop mogul Jay-Z to bring it about. I wonder, is this a good thing or a bad thing, hmm? Let’s take a look and see if we can figure it out.
US Army Discloses New Details About Hypersonic Weapon
RCCTO officials told the military blog that one experimental LRHW prototype would be ready by 2023 for testing…
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‘Her hatred for Israel overwhelms her love for her grandmother’: Israeli interior minister brutally calls Rashida Tlaib OUT
Anyway, the Israeli interior minister called her out on Twitter in a big way and it’s glorious: “I authorized this humanitarian trip, but it turns out that it was a provocation to embarrass Israel. Her hatred for Israel overcomes her love for her grandmother.”
Russia flies nuclear-capable bombers to region facing Alaska
Russia said on Wednesday it had flown two nuclear-capable TU-160 bombers to a far eastern Russian region opposite Alaska as part of a training exercise that state media said showed Moscow’s ability to park nuclear arms on the United States’ doorstep.
Former KKK Leader Endorses Tulsi Gabbard for Stance on Israel
Duke, who used to head the KKK back in the 1970s, posted several tweets endorsing Gabbard’s 2020 presidential campaign, Duke also changed the background image of his Twitter account on Monday, which enjoys over 50,000 followers. A prominent “Tulsi Gabbard for President” accompanied by the words: “Finally a candidate who will actually put America First rather than Israel First!”
IDF strikes targets in Gaza following rocket fire
IAF jets struck several targets in the Gaza Strip Friday night following the launching of rockets towards southern Israel.
According to the Israeli military, fighter jets and other aircraft struck two underground terrorist infrastructures belonging to Hamas in the north and center of the coastal enclave.
Siblings run-over in Gush Etzion terror attack
Two Israeli siblings, Noam and Nahum Navi, aged 20 and 18, were injured in a ramming attack near the settlement of Elazar on Friday afternoon in the Gush Etzion region of the West Bank. Police released dramatic video footage of the attack, which showed a white car with an Israeli license plate speeding on Route 60, then swerving off the road to hit the sister and brother who were standing by the bus stop.
Sudan conflict: Senior commander Hemeti vows to stick with deal
A key military leader in Sudan has promised to abide by a power-sharing agreement with the opposition. Mohamed Hamdan “Hemeti” Dagolo – widely regarded as Sudan’s most powerful man – made the pledge in a BBC interview as the two sides prepared to sign the landmark deal later on Saturday. Its aim is to end months of unrest and pave the way for civilian rule.
Iran tanker: US issues warrant to seize Grace 1 supertanker
The US justice department has issued a warrant to seize a detained Iranian oil tanker, a day after a judge in Gibraltar ordered it to be released. The Grace 1 supertanker, which is carrying 2.1m barrels of oil, was detained on 4 July on suspicion of illegally transporting oil to Syria. A last-minute legal attempt by the US to keep the tanker detained was rejected by Gibraltar on Thursday.
Meadowhall shoppers scanned in facial recognition trial
Visitors to a major shopping centre could have been scanned by facial-recognition cameras without knowing it, a civil liberties group said. Big Brother Watch said the trial at Meadowhall in Sheffield was part of a UK-wide facial recognition “epidemic”. The shopping centre’s owner said data was “deleted immediately” after the month-long police trial in 2018 ended.
Candida auris: The new superbug on the block
The drug-resistant fungus, Candida auris, was only discovered 10 years ago, but is now one of the world’s most feared hospital microbes. There have been outbreaks across the world, and new research shows higher temperatures may have led to an increase in infections. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has called for better understanding of who is most vulnerable to reduce risk.
ISIL is building a new caliphate from inside a Syrian refugee camp, and the West has no plan to combat it
ISIL has largely taken over control of a huge camp in northeast Syria, and there’s no plan for what to do with the 70,000 people there (including more than 50,000 children). The United States and Europe must immediately address this urgent national security and humanitarian crisis, before a new caliphate is established while we watch.
Churches arm, train congregants in wake of mass shootings
…The anxiety of one mass shooting after another has led some churches to start training and arming their worshippers with guns. Not all security experts support this approach, but it has gained momentum as congregations across the country grapple with how to secure spaces where welcoming strangers is a religious practice.
Satanic Temple in Ottawa to Hold First Public Black Mass in Canada
The Satanic Temple in Ottawa plans to hold what apparently will be the first public Black Mass in Canada’s history on Aug. 17. A Black Mass is an inversion and mockery of the Catholic Mass, where the ritual is performed in reverse, from the end to the beginning, and symbolizes the undoing of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and the undoing of Satan’s defeat.
Secret Service Clears Streets Near Israeli Embassy Following Reports of ‘Suspicious Person, Vehicle’
The U.S. Secret Service confirmed Friday…it has shuttered the streets surrounding the Israeli embassy in downtown Washington, D.C. following reports “of a suspicious person and vehicle,”… “This morning at approximately 8:00 a.m. Secret Service Uniformed Division officers responded to the report of a suspicious person and vehicle near the Embassy of Israel,” the official said.
CYBER PANIC Google warns BILLIONS of website passwords have been hacked – how to check yours now
GOOGLE has warned users that billions of passwords – and hundreds of thousands of username and password combinations – have been hacked. Cyber-experts are now urging users to make sure they’re using tough passwords that haven’t already been stolen. Earlier this year, Google launched a Password Checkup add-on for the Google Chrome web browser.
Democratic and Republican lawmakers back $8 billion F-16 sale to Taiwan
Congress should move quickly with an $8 billion sale of F-16 fighter jets to Taiwan as the self-ruled island faces pressure from China’s increased military presence in the region, leading U.S. Democratic and Republican lawmakers said on Friday. China denounced the planned sale, one of the biggest yet by the United States to Taiwan, which Beijing considers a renegade province. It warned of unspecified “countermeasures.”
Russia flies nuclear-capable bombers to region facing Alaska
Russia said on Wednesday it had flown two nuclear-capable TU-160 bombers to a far eastern Russian region opposite Alaska as part of a training exercise that state media said showed Moscow’s ability to park nuclear arms on the United States’ doorstep.
Drug-poisoning deaths in England and Wales at highest level ever recorded
Britain is facing a public health emergency as alarming figures for England and Wales show drug-related deaths have hit record levels, prompting calls for damaging cuts to treatment services to be urgently reversed.
Downpours to aim at Delhi after monsoon kills hundreds and displaces over 1 million
Following news that monsoon rain has claimed more than 300 lives across India, Myanmar and Pakistan so far this month, the risk of flooding will expand to India’s National Capital Region (NCR) this weekend.
Severe floods leave at least 50 dead, thousands of homes destroyed, Sudan
Thousands of homes were destroyed and at least 50 people have been killed in severe floods affecting Sudan over the past 10 days. Flooding has affected 25 localities in 16 of Sudan’s 18 states. Catastrophic health conditions are expected if authorities do not intervene.
Rashida Tlaib And Ilhan Omar’s Botched Israel Trip Was Sponsored By Terror-Linked Organization
Rashida Tlaib’s and Ilhan Omar’s cancelled trip to Israel was sponsored by a Palestinian-based organization whose members have expressed sympathy for terrorist activities and support the BDS movement.
Back to School: Prepping Kids for Gender-Confusing Messages, Internet Temptations, and More
The start of another school year is upon us. The fun and relaxed schedule of the summer will quickly fade as structure and routine settle back into households all around the world. Parents are already dealing with the hustle and bustle of the upcoming school year as they work tirelessly to adjust schedules in advance of the school year’s many activities.
Millennial has meltdown when boss corrects her spelling of ‘hamster’
…In a series of tweets on July 12, 2019, Blymire recounted a story she overheard of a millennial “in her late 20s” in Washington, DC, getting feedback on something she had written from her boss, who is also female:
Insider Raises Alarm on Google’s AI Project in China
Whistle Blower Zach Vorhies is raising the alarm on Google’s AI project in China that he’s calling this century’s ‘Manhattan Project’ for artificial intelligence.
Soros Implementing His Radical Leftist Agenda by Investing in Criminal Justice
For many years leftist billionaire George Soros has used his wealth to remake our society. His latest area of focus is criminal justice. From Texas to Philadelphia to Virginia, Soros has reportedly spent millions in backing candidates for district attorneys or prosecutors.
Corrupt FBI was running a treasonous espionage operation against Trump… and it’s all about to come out
By now it should be obvious to fair-minded, thinking Americans concerned about the loss of trust in our country’s governing institutions that elements of the Obama administration and careerists in the Deep State conspired to keep Donald Trump out of the White House — and when that didn’t work, to undermine him and his administration with the goal of ousting him from office.
Teen Vogue Attempting To Turn Teenage Girls Against Their Parents By Posting To Snapchat And Instructing Them To Seek Out Secret Abortions
This is not about ‘reproductive rights’ or ‘healthcare freedom’, no it’s nothing of the kind. Abortion is being used by the Left to not only murder unborn babies, the majority of which are black, but abortion is also being used to destroy the nuclear family by pitting children against their parents.
Grapefruit-size hailstone in Colorado breaks state record
The sky wasn’t falling, but it might have felt like it in Colorado this week. Indeed, a storm there delivered a record-breaking hailstone that measured 4.83 inches in diameter — roughly the size of a grapefruit, weather services said.
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US murderer executed after choosing electric chair
Washington (AFP) – A man put to death in the US state of Tennessee on Thursday for murdering a woman and her daughter chose in his final hours to be electrocuted rather than executed by lethal injection, prison officials said. Stephen West, who was convicted in the two killings more than 30 years ago, waited until Wednesday to choose his method of execution — one day after Tennessee’s Republican Governor Bill Lee refused his request for clemency.
Epstein’s Own Lawyers Revolt, Move to Challenge Autopsy Conclusion
Lawyers for late financier Jeffrey Epstein are not happy with the autopsy conclusion of the New York City medical examiner’s office and have issued a challenge demanding answers and accountability. The mystery surrounding his death and his treatment at the Metropolitan Correctional Center have sparked his lawyers to apparently begin digging for answers on their own. Reid Weingarten, Epstein’s lead attorney, signed the letter along with two others.
Democrats Suffer Significant Court Defeat in Their Attempt To Impeach President Trump
House Judiciary Committee…set a timeline in which articles of impeachment could be recommended by his committee by late autumn. On Wednesday, that schedule took a huge hit. Judge Beryl Howell of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia rejected House Democrats’ attempt to have two separate cases related to the Judiciary Committee’s investigation tried by the same judge, stating they “are too superficial and attenuated” to be designated as related.
More genes in the human microbiome than stars in the observable universe
Astronomers suggest there may be about one billion trillion stars in the observable universe. Trying to fathom a universe that mind-bendingly large is virtually impossible, and now a new study is suggesting the human microbiome is operating on similar levels of complexity, but on a vastly smaller scale. The research, from Harvard Medical School and the Joslin Diabetes Center, suggests the bacteria living inside us may collectively contain more novel genes than there are stars in the observable universe.
Afghan wedding suicide blast kills 63, wounds 182 – ministry
A suicide bomber killed 63 people and wounded 182 in an attack on a packed wedding reception in the Afghan capital on Saturday night…The attack came as the Taliban and the United States are trying to negotiate an agreement on the withdrawal of US forces in exchange for a Taliban commitment on security and peace talks with Afghanistan’s US-backed government.
Hong Kong protests: More than 100,000 march peacefully
More than 100,000 people are holding another day of pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, amid increasingly severe warnings from the Beijing authorities. Activists and police have clashed over the past 10 weeks, but this weekend’s rallies have so far been peaceful. The protests were sparked by an extradition bill, which has since been suspended by the Hong Kong government.
Portland ‘ground zero’ for protests between right, left-wing
Hundreds of far-right protesters and anti-fascist counter-demonstrators swarmed downtown Portland, Oregon, on Saturday for a long-hyped rally that attracted President Donald Trump’s attention and resulted in at least 13 arrests. Police seized metal poles, bear spray and other weapons and closed bridges and streets to try to keep the rival groups apart. They were largely successful. Six minor injuries were reported.
Your New Heart Could Be Made in China
Recently, a Chinese startup named Qihan Biotech raised $20 million to develop replacement organs for humans. The smallish deal would hardly have rated a headline, except for the fact that the Hangzhou-based gene-editing company is aiming to grow those organs in pigs and other animals. If successful, such transplants could well transform medicine.
Top North Korea, China generals huddle in Beijing
Top military leaders from North Korea and China have recommitted themselves to strengthened exchanges between their armed forces during a meeting in Beijing. The meeting Saturday came as North Korean leader Kim Jong Un supervised another test-firing of an unspecified new weapon, seen as an attempt to pressure Washington and Seoul over nuclear negotiations and joint military exercises.
U.S. and UK presence in Gulf brings insecurity: Iran Revolutionary Guards navy chief
The presence of America and Britain in the Gulf region brings insecurity, the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards navy, Alireza Tangsiri, was reported as saying by the ILNA news agency. Tensions have spiked between Iran and the U.S. and Britain in the Gulf after the Islamic Republic shot down an American drone in June and seized a British tanker last month for violating maritime regulations.
Zombie Deer Disease Rears Its Ugly Head: Canada Issues Stark Warning About “Always Fatal” Infection
Earlier this year, an infectious disease expert warned that a deadly disease found in deer could infect humans in the near future. Often referred to as “zombie deer” disease because of the symptoms, Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) has been reported in at least 26 states in the continental United States and in four provinces in Canada.
Dayton, Ohio, gunman had cocaine, alcohol and antidepressants in system: coroner
The gunman who carried out a deadly mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio, this month had cocaine and other drugs in his system at the time, according to a coroner’s report.
New Compilation of Utility Smart Meters’ Many Flaws — Outrageous Bills, Fires and More
Tens of millions of utility Smart Meters have been installed in the U.S. and around the world so there’s a good chance they are installed on your home and throughout your community even if your utility company doesn’t refer to them as “Smart.”
Former Obama White House counsel ‘schemed, falsified, and concealed’ facts from investigators: Prosecutors
The prosecution and defense painted starkly different pictures of how Obama White House counsel Greg Craig handled a report involving Ukraine, Paul Manafort, and the media in their opening statements at Craig’s trial Thursday.
Churches arm, train congregants in wake of mass shootings
The anxiety of one mass shooting after another has led some churches to start training and arming their worshippers with guns. Not all security experts support this approach, but it has gained momentum as congregations across the country grapple with how to secure spaces where welcoming strangers is a religious practice.
Lightning struck near the North Pole 48 times. Here’s why it’s not normal.
Lightning happens all the time, but certain parts of the world get far less of it than others, including near the North Pole. Lightning requires atmospheric instability, something that’s set up when cold, parched air sits atop warmer, wetter air. At very high latitudes, that hotter, damper air tends not to show up.
THE DAYS OF LOT: New Pew Poll Shows That Support For Same-Sex Marriage Has More Than Doubled Among Evangelical Christian Groups
I do not see any end-times revival coming for the Christian church in the last days before the Rapture, but what I do see is exactly what Jesus said would be the state of the last professing global Christian church. What is that state, you ask? A big, fat and sloppy, lukewarm Laodicean mess that Jesus is disgusted with. So much so that He spues it from out of His mouth. That, my dear reader, is how the Church Age ends.
Planned Parenthood Set To Lose $60 Million In Annual Funds On Monday, Following Trump Administration Rule Change
The Trump administration is cracking down on Planned Parenthood, the federally-subsidized abortion provider that has killed and dismembered millions of babies nationwide, by denying them the annual funds they have come to rely upon from the taxpayer.
‘Veggie Tales’ Creator Says Christian Media Will Soon Be Forced to Cover LGBT Topics for Kids
‘Veggie Tales’ co-creator Phil Vischer says it’s inevitable that Christian filmmakers will be forced to address LGBT topics on their shows.
Israeli Air Force Strikes Targets In Gaza Strip Following A Barrage Of Rockets Launched By Palestinian Terrorists And Aimed At Southern Israel
After a relatively quiet summer, Palestinian terror group Hamas has once again fired a barrage of rockets at southern Israel. The IAF responded quickly and efficiently with a target strike Hamas offices and homes in the Gaza Strip. Just another day in the Holy Land, right? Consider this.
Sen. Schumer wants to outlaw bulletproof backpacks that help protect children from violence
Another day, another Democrat, post-mass shooting, who wants to stifle liberty and steal more of your freedom. In the wake of the most recent shootings in El Paso and Dayton, the Senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer of New York, wants to make it more difficult for even schoolchildren to survive such an incident.
“The Impact On Tourism Is Huge:” Hong Kong Hotel Crisis Erupts Amid Escalating Protests
Tourism in Hong Kong just crashed.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
This Isn’t Normal: Kansas And Oklahoma Have Been Hit By 65 Earthquakes Within The Last 7 Days
The state of Kansas is certainly known for a lot of things, but earthquakes are not one of them, and that is why what we just witnessed is so startling. According to the Kansas City Star, one county in central Kansas alone has been hit by 11 quakes within the past five days…It started with a magnitude-2.4 earthquake Wednesday morning just 2 1/2 miles southwest of Hutchinson, Kansas, in Reno County, according to the United States Geological Survey. There would be 10 more before the week was out.
Rocket sirens wail in Israel for second night in a row
Incoming rocket sirens on Saturday sounded in Sderot and several communities in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council at 9 p.m. The military said that two of the three projectiles were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system. The city of Sderot and Israel Police said that shrapnel from the third Qassam rocket launched from the Gaza Strip landed in the yard of a home in Sderot. A 30-year-old woman was treated by Magen David Adom paramedics after she fainted at a bus stop during the barrage.
Palestinian factions warn Gaza is a boiling volcano
Factions call on Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza to “set the ground ablaze under the Zionist’s feet” “We have warned the Zionist enemy against persisting in their crimes, but the leadership of the enemy is still playing in the fire,” a joint statement by various Palestinian factions in the Strip said quoted by Palestinian Safa news agency. “Gaza is a boiling volcano which will explode in the face of the enemy and the leadership of its soldiers,” the statement added.
Trump says he will release Mideast peace plan after Israel elections
U.S. President Donald Trump said on Sunday he would likely wait until after Israel’s Sept. 17 elections to release a peace plan for the region that was designed by White House senior adviser Jared Kushner.
FRANKENSWINE Pig hearts could be used in human transplants ‘within just three YEARS’ says surgeon who performed first ever op 40 years ago
PIG hearts could be used for human transplants within just three YEARS, according to the surgeon who performed the first op in Britain 40 years ago. Scientists could be close to solving the organ donor crisis as a leading surgeon claims pigs’ hearts could be used in human transplants within just three years
Turkish lawyers threaten boycott of Erdogan’s courts ceremony
Dozens of Turkish bar associations are threatening to boycott President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s planned ceremony to open the judicial year at the presidential palace, saying it would be another violation of the judiciary’s independence.
Former CIA Spook: “Russian Hoax Coup & Epstein Are Interlocked”
“I don’t know why it took so long, but they have raided Epstein’s island… So, there is a lot of ****ing information the FBI has now on certain people. At the top of the list, and the one who flew the most, was Bill Clinton. Then he lied about it. They are intertwined in that regard and with the Clinton Foundation that we know is a fraud. It is known around the world, and you’ve got these two intersections with Bill and Hillary Clinton. Welcome to the global elite. Welcome to human trafficking. These things are connected, and with Epstein dead, there are a lot of prominent people breathing a sigh of relief—for now.
It’s Sentient
Meet the classified artificial brain being developed by US intelligence programs. “When will the Department of Defense have real-time, automated, global order of battle?” they asked. “That’s a great question,” said Chirag Parikh, director of the NGA’s Office of Sciences and Methodologies. Then, Parikh actually answered this question: When would that translate to near-instantaneous understanding and strategy development? “If not now,” he said, “very soon.” “Sentient is a thinking system,”….
After Tlaib Backtracks on her Visit to Israel, Trump Excoriates Her
“Tlaib wrote a letter to Israeli officials desperately wanting to visit her grandmother. Permission was quickly granted, whereupon Tlaib obnoxiously turned the approval down, a complete setup. The only real winner here is Tlaib’s grandmother. She doesn’t have to see her now!”
Bill Gates will Try to Block the Sun: ‘Tower of Babel’ in 2019
A team of scientists personally sponsored by Bill Gates plan on countering the effects of ‘global warming by injecting millions of tons of dust into the atmosphere to block the sun’s rays. Despite the clear and obvious concerns, the first test run is set to take place any day now. “There is a very fine line between playing God and tikkun olam (fixing the world),” Rabbi Trugman told Breaking Israel News. “If you don’t get it right, you are courting disaster.” Rabbi Trugman noted that this was also true for other branches of science like genetic research. “They think they can control the environment and they also think they can control men. They think they can keep the populace calm by investing in projects that may or may not solve the problem.”
Trump likely to roll out highly anticipated peace plan after Israel votes
U.S. President Donald Trump said on Sunday he would likely wait until after Israel’s Sept. 17 elections to release his peace plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that was designed by White House senior adviser Jared Kushner. “I probably will wait, but we may put out pieces of it,” Trump said, explaining that “peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians” is the “toughest deal of all.”
Hezbollah brings arson terror to the northern front
Following in the footsteps of terrorists in Gaza, terrorists from the Hezbollah terrorist movement lit fires along the Israeli-Lebanese border on Friday which quickly spread into Israeli territory, according to Channel 12 news. The fire, exacerbated by strong winds, threatened an IDF post and the border town of Margaliot.
Gran Canaria: 8,000 flee wildfires on holiday island
About 8,000 people have been evacuated as wildfires rip through Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands. The fires, which started on Saturday, are advancing on two fronts in a mountainous area of the island. Ten planes and helicopters, as well as about 700 firefighters on the ground including 200 from the military, are being deployed.
US Navy to build £330m world’s largest robot warship to patrol the most dangerous seas
THE US Navy wants to build a fleet of ten robot warships over the next five years. The huge ships referred to as Large Unmanned Surface Vehicles (LUSVs) would function as scouts for the main battle fleet, carrying radar and sonar as well as anti-air and cruise missiles. The vessels will mostly carry out “3D work” – dull, dirty and dangerous.
First-ever mandatory water cutbacks will kick in next year along the Colorado River
Arizona, Nevada and Mexico will be required to take less water from the Colorado River for the first…under a set of agreements…to keep enough water in Lake Mead to reduce the risk of a crash. The federal Bureau of Reclamation activated the mandatory reductions in water deliveries on Thursday when it released projections showing…the level of Lake Mead will sit just below a threshold that triggers the cuts.
Trump ‘not ready’ for China trade deal, dismisses recession fears
U.S. President Donald Trump and top White House officials dismissed concerns that economic growth may be faltering, saying on Sunday they saw little risk of recession despite a volatile week on global bond markets, and insisting their trade war with China was doing no damage to the United States.
Hong Kong readies for further protests after huge, peaceful rally
Hong Kong is gearing up for further protests this week after hundreds of thousands of anti-government demonstrators braved heavy rain to rally peacefully on Sunday, marking a change to what have often been violent clashes. Sunday’s massive turnout, which organizers put at 1.7 million, showed that the movement still has widespread support despite chaotic scenes last week when protesters occupied the Chinese-ruled city’s airport.
Palestinian intelligence warns of possible violent uprising in West Bank
A Palestinian intelligence warns of a possible deterioration of security situation in the West Bank which may lead to another breakout of violent uprising and destabilize the Palestinian Authority, if the political and economic stagnation continues, according to a report seen exclusively by Ynet and its sister publication Yedioth Ahronoth.
Jordan summons Israeli ambassador over holy site clashes
Jordan has summoned Israel’s ambassador to protest “Israeli violations” at a Jerusalem holy site sacred to Muslims and Jews. Jordan’s Foreign Ministry said Sunday that Amman delivered a “decisive letter” to the ambassador, including a call “to immediately cease all Israeli violations and all Israeli attempts to change the historical, legal status” at the site.
“The Southern Poverty Law Center Is A Hate-Based Scam That Nearly Caused Me To Be Murdered”
“I’ll never forget the moment I learned we were on lockdown. It was Aug.15, 2012. My frustration mingled with fear. Trapped on the sixth floor, we knew someone had been shot…”
Hail Storm Kills, Maims More Than 11,000 Birds in Montana
Wildlife officials say a hail storm packing 70-mile-per-hour winds killed or maimed more than 11,000 pelicans, cormorants and other birds when it rolled over a central Montana lake and nesting area.
Deadly floods hit Istanbul after 4 months’ worth of rain in 90 minutes
Extremely heavy rain hit Istanbul and other cities in NW Turkey on August 17, 2019, causing severe flooding in which one person lost its life.
The Chinese Are Silently Invading Australia
Just as the American southern border is under attack, so it in Australia. The Chinese invasion is threatening the Australian culture, education system and is moving into the political arena. The resulting chaos has largely been ignored by the government, until recently.
For 30 Plastic Bottles You Can Get A Free Subway Ride In Rome
Starting now, it might be beneficial for you to pick up and store plastic bottles as you go across Rome in a metro. Well, unless you want to start ‘plogging’, then it is a completely different ball game. As the news proclaims, the transport authorities of Rome are trying to see if swapping plastic bottles for metro fare would be economically and socially beneficial enough for the population.
Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib Retweet Jew-Hating Cartoonist who Mocked Dead US Soldiers in Iraq
On Friday Democrats Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib shared a meme on their Instagram pages from cartoonist Carlos Latuff, who’s work has been accused of being anti-Semitic and has trivialized the holocaust.
Pelosi SLAMS Israel, Who Enforced Their Laws Against Omar and Tlaib, As “Sign Of Weakness”
On Thursday, Rep. Nancy Pelosi stated after Israel decided not to allow Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaibenter, their country as a congressional delegation, calling it a “sign of weakness” by Israel.
US Air Force Can Now Turn Small Planes Into Robots
“Imagine being able to rapidly and affordably convert a general aviation aircraft, like a Cessna or Piper, into an unmanned aerial vehicle…”
Earthquake cluster slams Kansas county with 11 quakes in 5 days
A county in central Kansas experienced a pretty shocking uptick in seismic activity last week — 11 earthquakes in five days. It started with a magnitude-2.4 earthquake Wednesday morning just 2 1/2 miles southwest of Hutchinson, Kansas, in Reno County, according to the United States Geological Survey.
Every Abortion Clinic in US to Receive ‘Unplanned’ Movie DVD
The pro-life motion picture “Unplanned” will be released on DVD, Blu-ray and in digital formats on Tuesday, and Abby Johnson, the woman whose true transformational story is the subject of the movie, is taking advantage of the event by sending a DVD to every abortion clinic in the nation.
Car Bomb Hits Security Force in Northeastern Syria, at Least One Killed
A car bomb killed one member of a security force and wounded two others in the Kurdish-controlled city of Qamishli in northeastern Syria on Sunday, the security force said.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Is Rashida Tlaib Actually a Jew?
Though much of the media was focused on Tlaib’s “sitty” (grandmother in Arabic) there was a significant detail they missed. Many of the older residents of her village, Beit Ur El Foka in the Shomron (Samaria) region have a tradition that everyone in the village is indeed descended from Jews. ‘It is well-known that everyone in the village of Bet Ur El Foka is descended from Jews,” MiSinai told Breaking Israel News. … I would advise Rashida to have a serious talk with her grandmother about her family’s history. There are indications that there may be some surprises for the congresswoman.”
Ebola Continues to Spread in Congo, Stoking Regional Tension
BLANTYRE, Malawi—Hundreds of people continue to be exposed to the Ebola virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), raising fears of the disease spreading to neighboring countries and the wider region. The World Health Organization (WHO) team in the DRC has reported 70 to 80 cases a week. “The current rate of transmission can be described as intense,” Dr. Margaret Harris, spokesperson for the WHO response team in the DRC, told The Epoch Times.
Mueller accused of lying about ‘Russian agent’
Mifsud “was being directed specifically, he was asked to connect George Papadopoulos to Russia, meaning it was an operation, some form of intelligence operation,” Solomon said. “That was the lawyer’s own words for this. If that’s the case that means the flash point the started the whole investigation was in fact manufactured from the beginning.”
Iranian official: We never should’ve signed nuclear deal
Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council and the military adviser to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, told NBC News on Monday that his country should never have signed the 2015 nuclear deal that has now been renounced by US President Donald Trump.
Modeling agency provided Jeffrey Epstein with over 1000 underage girls – report
One of Epstein’s partners, Jean-Luc Bruno, was suspected of providing the pedophile with minors for the purpose of sexually assaulting them. Bruno opened an international modeling agency by the name of MC2 through which he managed to collect approximately 1000 teenage girls for Epstein.
William Barr Removes Bureau of Prisons Chief in Wake of Jeffrey Epstein Suicide
The shakeup is beginning. In a statement, Barr announced that Hugh Hurwitz, who had served as acting director of the Bureau of Prisons since last year, would be out of the top spot.
Planned Parenthood Set to Lose $60 Million: Court of Appeals Upholds Trump Administration’s Effort to Defund The Abortion Giant
A US appeals court refused to block new rules Friday from the Trump administration that prohibit clinics that receive federal funds from referring patients for abortions. That’s a big blow to Planned Parenthood. The nation’s largest abortion provider has been in the Title X program for decades and receives almost $60 million in funding from the program each year. But the appeals court has now rejected a lawsuit by Planned Parenthood and others to overturn the Trump administration’s new rules.
Iraq Shuts Down all Air Travel to Stop Israeli Strikes on Iranian Installations
On Friday, Iraq’s Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi established new guidelines, declaring his country’s airspace off-limits to military traffic from other countries including the U.S. “The prime minister ordered to revoke all special flight permits in Iraqi airspace for reconnaissance aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft with weapons, fighters, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles of all kinds available to the Iraqi and non-Iraqi sides”, an official Iraq government statement said after an Iraqi National Security Council meeting this week.
Christian group asking court for permanent right to be Christian
A faith-based student group is awaiting a federal court ruling that will determine if it has the legal right to decide who leads its Michigan chapter. InterVarsity sued Wayne State University last year after the school revoked its status as a recognized student group in 2017, citing the “discriminatory” policy that InterVarsity chooses its student leaders who adhere to biblical beliefs.
US tests first cruise missile since Russian/US INF Treaty expired
“The test missile exited its ground mobile launcher and accurately impacted its target after more than 500 kilometers of flight. Data collected and lessons learned from this test will inform the Department of Defense’s development of future intermediate-range capabilities,”
Hamas gives Israel ultimatum: Allow Qatari funds to Gaza or face escalation
In the wake of recent terrorist attacks and rocket fire from the Gaza Strip, Hamas has threatened to escalate the situation if Israel does not commit to allowing the transfer of Qatari money to Gaza at the same time as the electricity supply increases, a member of the terrorist organization told the Lebanese newspaper Al-Ahbar.
Syrian war monitor: Rebels withdrew; Jihadists: We’re still fighting
A Syrian war monitor said rebels had withdrawn from a town in southern Idlib province and from their last territory in neighboring Hama province after government advances, though an insurgent group denied this and said they were still fighting. The recovery of these areas would mark an important gain for President Bashar al-Assad into the northwestern region which is the last major rebel stronghold in Syria.
Hong Kong: British consulate worker ‘detained at China border’
The UK Foreign Office has expressed concern over reports that a Hong Kong consulate employee has been detained at the Chinese border. Media reports say Simon Cheng, who is thought to be from Hong Kong, is believed to have gone missing on 8 August while on a business trip. The Foreign Office said it was “seeking further information from authorities in Guangdong Province and Hong Kong”.
Syrian civil war: ‘Three killed’ in attack on Turkish convoy
A Syrian government air strike aiming to stop a Turkish convoy reaching a rebel-held town in northern Syria has killed three civilians, Turkey alleges. Another 12 people were injured in the attack in Idlib province on Monday, the Turkish defence ministry said. Idlib, one of the few areas not under government control, was supposed to be protected by a buffer zone agreed with rebel-backing Turkey last year.
INF nuclear treaty: US tests medium-range cruise missile
The US has tested a medium-range cruise missile weeks after pulling out of a key treaty with Russia that banned such nuclear-capable weapons. The Pentagon said it successfully launched the missile off the coast of California on Sunday. Moscow accused the US of “escalating military tensions”.
Wide implications as Germany teeters toward recession
Germany, Europe’s industrial powerhouse and biggest economy, with companies like Volkswagen, Siemens and BASF, may be entering a recession, according to a gloomy report from the country’s central bank Monday — a development that could have repercussions for the rest of the eurozone and the United States.
This Isn’t Normal: Kansas And Oklahoma Have Been Hit By 65 Earthquakes Within The Last 7 Days
What are we supposed to think when rather large earthquakes start happening in places that aren’t supposed to have large earthquakes? 2019 has been quite a year for seismic activity already, and I understand that we should expect to see earthquakes in diverse places, but if someone told me that the U.S. was just hit by a significant quake one of the last places that I would check would be Kansas.
Study Links Fluoridated Water During Pregnancy to Lower IQs
An influential medical journal published a study…that links fluoride consumption during pregnancy with lower childhood IQs—a finding that could undermine decades of public-health messaging, fire up conspiracy theorists, and alarm mothers-to-be. The research was expected to be so controversial that JAMA Pediatrics included an editor’s note saying…it was subjected to “additional scrutiny.”
Planned Parenthood opts out of U.S. subsidies in fight over abortion referrals
Planned Parenthood said…it was withdrawing from a federal program subsidizing reproductive healthcare for low-income women after the Trump administration banned participants…from referring women to abortion providers. Planned Parenthood…said its move was spurred by a federal appeals court decision…clearing the administration’s way to restrict Title X grants under a new policy critics have branded a “gag rule.”
U.S. scraps West Bank conference over Palestinian protests
The U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem on Monday was forced to postpone a conference it organized in the West Bank city of Ramallah after Palestinian officials and factions called for a boycott and threatened to organize protests. The Palestinians cut all ties with the U.S. after it recognized disputed Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in 2017…
Chinese Social Credit Score Prevents 2.5 Million “Discredited Entities” From Buying Plane Tickets
Coming to the west soon…
Thousands evacuated as major wildfire rages on Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
More than 8 000 people were evacuated from dozens of towns on Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain after wildfire which broke on Saturday, August 17, 2019, near the town of Tejeda spread in two directions and scorched more than 1 700 (4 200 acres) of land by Sunday afternoon, August 18.
Jewish leaders applaud Paraguay over terrorist designation
Arthur Stark, Chairman, and Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman/CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, on Monday praised Paraguay for designating Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist organizations.
Students At California High School Sang Nazi Song And Gave Hitler Salute During An Award Ceremony Sparking Outrage After School Fails To Address
Anti-semitism is poised to be making a comeback these days, but what more outrageous is the fact that this incident did not seem to cause much if any outrage in the high school in southern California where it took place. School officials there seemed like it was no big deal .
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas Now Claims That They Are The Biblical Canaanites, Zechariah Tells Them What Their Fate Shall Be
I like this story, it brings a smile to my face and I will tell you why. I am been saying for years now that I view the so-called Palestinians are the descendants of the biblical Canaanites, and now Mahmoud Abbas is agreeing with me. In the article below you will read about why these claims he is making are ‘problematic’, but the ‘scholars’ all come to the wrong conclusion as to why such claims are problematic. The prophet Zechariah shows us the real scoop.
Iran warns U.S. not to interfere as Gilbraltar releases oil tanker
An Iranian tanker headed through the Mediterranean towards Greece on Monday after it was released from detention off Gibraltar, and Tehran said that any at U.S. move to seize the vessel again would have “heavy consequences.”
Lying Israel-hater Geraldo Rivera says he was ‘really hurt’ that Israel barred Omar, Tlaib
At this point one has to wonder if the pro-jihad Geraldo Rivera is CAIR’s spokesperson on Fox News. Fox News is making a big mistake by subjecting their audience to Rivera’s lies, idiocy, and anti-Israel propaganda. In fact, Rivera is making the Fox segments that he participates in unwatchable. #FireGeraldo!
It Begins: Pentagon Tests First Land-Based Cruise Missile Post-INF Treaty
“It’s fair to say, though, that we would like to deploy a capability sooner rather than later,”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Is Rashida Tlaib Actually a Jew?
“I do not know what Rashida Tlaib’s grandmother knows or does not know. But I would advise Rashida to have a serious talk with her grandmother about her family’s history. There are indications that there may be some surprises for the congresswoman.” This means that Rashida Tlaib, may in fact be Jewish according to Halacha (Jewish law).
Jeffrey Epstein and the Truth of the Bible
No Escaping Judgement. These words may have seemed irrelevant to Epstein at the height of his powers. He was incredibly wealthy. He was the friend of presidents and leaders. He was surrounded by beautiful women. Yet the words of Scripture always come to pass, sooner or later. As Moses said almost 3,500 years ago, “you may be sure that your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23, NIV). Either in this world or the world to come, our sins will catch up with us, and we will give account — unless, of course, we have truly repented before God and received forgiveness through the blood of Jesus.
Netanyahu to Pay Arabs to Leave Israel as Commanded in Numbers 33:51
A recent report cited an anonymous source in the Netanyahu government as saying there are efforts underway to eradicate Palestinian aggression by encouraging, even paying them to leave. Ridding Israel of its inhabitants is a direct commandment to the Jewish people that is outlined in Numbers 33:51.The commandment to kick out the nations dwelling in the land applies to Gentiles who do not abide by the 7 laws of Noah. And according to many rabbis, since Muslims in Israel believe in murder, they do not qualify as Noahides.
Arab MK Admits: Palestinians Use ‘Prayers’ on Temple Mount as Precursor to Violence
In a revealing interview on Israeli television, an Arab MK described Muslims prayers as a precursor to violence, stated that the entire Temple Mount is a mosque, and denied that Israel has any sovereignty over Judaism’s holiest site.
Iran-Backed Rebels Down US Drone in Yemen
Iran-backed Houthi rebels reportedly took down a United States MQ-9 Reaper drone on Wednesday in Yemen, Reuters reported. Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Sari told Al-Masirah TV, the group’s media arm, the American drone was taken down by Houthi air defenses in the Dhamar governate, just southeast of the rebel-controlled capital, Sanaa.
Putin’s Mercenaries Are Using Syria as a Training Ground
Wagner Group is only the latest advance in Russia’s flirtation with private warfare. While not the first state to engage in foreign adventures with mercenaries, Russia is setting a dangerous new trend—namely, using mercenaries solely for combat rather than for logistical and peripheral support of their armed forces. Such aggressive intervention adds a new façade to Putin’s power abroad. “Russia’s intervention in Syria has served several of [Putin’s] interests,” explains analyst Joshua Yaffa. “It saved the Assad regime from defeat, holding off the spectre of a regime change, and secured Russia an undeniable and influential role in the geopolitics of the Middle East”.
6.0 magnitude earthquake 91 km from Lata, Temotu, Solomon Islands
UTC time: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 13:03 PM Your time: 2019-08-20T13:03:53Z Magnitude Type: mww USGS page: M 6.0 – 87km SE of Lata, Solomon Islands USGS status: Reviewed by a seismologist
President Trump: We Won’t Sacrifice Gun Rights to ‘Slippery Slope’
President Trump suggested Democrats have given up any defense of the Second Amendment and pledged that he will not allow Americans’ gun rights to be swept away on the “slippery slope” of gun control.
Epstein’s Former Cellmate Begs Judge For Transfer To Another Jail
In his request for transfer, the 51-year-old Tartaglione said he was told there would be a “price to pay” if he talks about Epstein’s death. “The clear message Mr. Tartaglione has received is that if he conveys information about the facility or about [Epstein’s] recent suicide, there will be a price to pay,” reads the letter from Barket.
Pope Francis In Rome On Thursday Blasphemously Declared That Mary Is The ‘Gate Of Heaven’ Even Though The Bible Declares That Only Jesus Christ Is
Just when I think that Pope Francis cannot possible double-down any further on his blasphemous worship of Mary, he goes and show me just how serious he is about idol worship. During the Roman Catholic Feast of the Assumption on Thursday, he confidently declared that the door, or the gate, to getting into Heaven is not Jesus Christ, but Mary.
Russia, U.S. agree Israel can strike Iranian targets in Iraq – report
Israel has struck Iranian targets in Iraq at least three times over the past few weeks after Russia and the United States gave the green light… According to Western sources, Moscow and Washington have agreed that Israel’s strikes in Iraq and Syria are “vital to ensure Israeli security” and that Israel should be allowed to continue to track Iranian activity in Syria and Iraq…
PA President Mahmoud Abbas fires all advisers, demands back bonuses
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas fired all his advisers “regardless of their title or ranking,” the Palestinian News Agency Wafa reported on Monday. Furthermore, Abbas also abolished “the decisions and contracts related to them,” and suspended “the rights and privileges they received in their capacity.”
Danon to UNSC: Ramallah following Tehran in seeking Israel’s destruction
The Palestinian Authority is following Tehran in seeking to destroy the Jewish state, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon told the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday. “As Tehran openly calls for Israel’s destruction, Ramallah uses other means to undermine the Jewish State’s right to exist,” Danon said.
Kashmir: Pakistan to seek International Court of Justice ruling
Pakistan has said it will take the Kashmir dispute to the International Court of Justice. The move comes after India revoked the special autonomous status of the part of Kashmir that it administers. Pakistan reacted to that decision by cutting trade and transport links, and expelling India’s ambassador.
Syrian migrants in Turkey face deadline to leave Istanbul
Thousands of Syrian migrants have until Tuesday to leave Istanbul or face expulsion from Turkey’s biggest city. Authorities have told unregistered migrants to return to the province they are registered in, as part of a bid to relieve pressure on the city. But some Syrians told the BBC many were being deported to Idlib, inside Syria, where fighting is escalating.
Venezuela crisis: President Maduro admits secret talks with US
Venezuela’s embattled President Nicolás Maduro said he had been in talks with the Trump administration for months, even as the US ramped up its sanctions. The US is one of more than 50 nations which do not recognise Mr Maduro as Venezuela’s legitimate leader. It imposed sweeping sanctions earlier this month aimed at increasing pressure on President Maduro to step down.
Mexico judge approves recreational cocaine for two users
A Mexican judge has granted two people the right to recreational cocaine use, in the first ruling of its kind, the organisation behind the cases said. The court said it would allow both claimants to “possess, transport and use cocaine” but not sell it, according to Mexico United Against Crime (MUCD). MUCD, which seeks to end the country’s “war on drugs”, called the ruling a “historic step”.
Facebook to stop stalking you off-site – but only if asked
Facebook is drawing back the veil to show what data it collects on users. Many may not like what they see. A feature in settings called Off-Facebook Activity will show all the apps and websites that send information about you to Facebook, which is then used to target ads more effectively.
The weird, repeating signals from deep space just tripled
Scientists suddenly have a whole lot more data on one of the strangest and most recent mysteries in the cosmos, so-called fast radio bursts. First discovered in 2007, these fleeting blasts of radio waves originate thousands, millions or even billions of light-years from Earth. FRBs have influenced the design of new radio telescopes like the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME).
Trump says White House discussing gun legislation; Democrats say talks low-level
President Donald Trump said…his administration was in “meaningful” talks with Democrats about gun legislation after the latest mass shootings, but congressional aides downplayed the discussions as low-level and not very productive. Democrats have accused Trump of reversing course after he initially voiced support for tougher background checks following the latest shootings to rock the United States…
China could win military conflict in Indo-Pacific region even ‘before America can respond’, think tank warns
A new study by a think tank warns the U.S. has lost its military supremacy in the Indo-Pacific region, with China being able to launch and win a military conflict even before American forces are able to respond.
The Extinction Of Christians In The Middle East
“Threats to pandas cause more emotion” than threats to the extinction of the Christians in the Middle East…
Kentucky Denies Planned Parenthood Abortion License, Says it Broke the Law
The administration of Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin on Friday declined to grant a license to Planned Parenthood to perform abortions at its Louisville clinic, asserting it previously violated state law by performing illegal abortions.
Russia, China accuse U.S. of stoking tensions with missile test
Russia and China accused the United States on Tuesday of stoking military tensions by testing a ground-launched cruise missile, but the foreign ministry in Moscow said it would not be drawn into an arms race.
China Wants To Build A Grains “Superhighway” In Argentina
“China is already our principal buyer of soybeans. For them to also have control over navigation would give them a very strong stance in negotiating prices.”
Germany Is About To Sells Its First Ever Zero-Coupon Ultra-Long Bond
It’s not quite a zero coupon perpetual sovereign bond just yet… but it may have to do.
Democratic presidential candidates talk God, faith and Trump as primaries near
Democratic presidential hopefuls are talking about prayer and their journeys of faith as the 2020 primaries near, making appeals to crucial voting blocs.
Billy Graham’s grandson Tullian Tchividjian prepares to launch independent church after affairs
As he gets ready for the fall launch of his unaffiliated The Sanctuary church in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, Billy Graham’s grandson, Tullian Tchividjian, who was stripped of his preaching credentials in 2015 due to extramarital relationships with former congregants, says they were all “consensual” and not an abuse of power.
San Francisco homeless stats soar: city blames big business, residents blame officials
In the summer of 2019, Fox News embarked on an ambitious project to chronicle the toll progressive policies have had on the homeless crisis in four West Coast cities: Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland, Ore. In each city, we saw a lack of safety, sanitation and civility. Residents, the homeless and advocates say they’ve lost faith in their elected officials’ ability to solve the issue. Most of the cities have thrown hundreds of millions of dollars at the problem only to watch it get worse. This is what we saw in San Francisco.
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Amazon, Microsoft, ‘putting world at risk of killer AI’: study
“Autonomous weapons will inevitably become scalable weapons of mass destruction, because if the human is not in the loop, then a single person can launch a million weapons or a hundred million weapons,” Stuart Russell, a computer science professor at the University of California, Berkeley told AFP on Wednesday.
War Drums: US Navy “Ready” For Venezuela Conflict, Says Top Commander
The US Navy is preparing for a conflict with Venezuela, a top US Naval commander said earlier this week. Adm. Craig Faller, who oversees the U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) said Tuesday that the Navy must be ready to “do what needs to be done” on Venezuela.
Solomon: If Trump Declassifies These 10 Documents, Democrats Are Doomed
As the Russiagate circus attempts to quietly disappear over the horizon, with Democrats preferring to shift the anti-Trump narrative back to “racist”, “white supremacist”, “xenophobe”, and the mainstream media ready to squawk “recession”; the Trump administration may have a few more cards up its sleeve….Here are the documents that Solomon believes have the greatest chance of rocking Washington, if declassified:
China, Israel Seal ‘Landmark’ Agreement to Advance Cellular Nanotechnology
Although China has strong connections with Arab and Muslim countries, including Iran, it also has a robust desire to maintain its relationship with Israel because of this country’s high-level knowhow and technology. In 1950, Israel was the first country in the Middle East to recognize the PRC as the legitimate government of China, which established normal diplomatic relations with Israel only in 1992.
Israel is the Sole Sovereign on the Temple Mount
I would remind the official, too, that in classical Arabic, Jerusalem is referred to as Bayt al-Maqdis, meaning “temple,” and that this is further proof of the falsehood that prevails today among the people of the region, according to which a Jewish temple never existed on the site.
Facebook Hiring Corporate Media Veterans to Manually Curate ‘News Tab’
Facebook recently spoke with Axios, revealing a number of plans to promote news outlets on its platform including the creation of a “News Tab” featuring outlets handpicked by Facebook, changing how millions of people receive news. Facebook has new plans aimed at helping handpicked news outlets on its platform and will be hiring a number of seasoned journalists to curate a planned “News Tab” feature.
New Data Reveals: Late-Term Abortions Worse than Pharaoh’s Baby Killing Decree
Born-Alive laws are quickly becoming a strong agenda for the Republican Party. The law is problematic for pro-abortion activists as many states consider late-term abortions, from the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy or 28 weeks from conception until birth, an option that was not even considered by pro-abortion advocates just a few years ago. Late-term abortions were explicitly prohibited in the controversial 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that opened the door for legalizing abortions.
Incredibly Sick, Federally-Funded Experiments Are Happening Behind Closed Doors In Secret Laboratories All Over America
Some of the things that are being done in the name of “scientific research” are almost too horrifying to talk about. at UCSF, the abortion training capital of the US, experimenters recently used a $2 million government slush fund to transplant intestines removed from 18-24 week-old aborted fetuses onto the backs of 6 to 8-week-old mice. In other bizarre Frankenstein study funded by taxpayers, UCSF implanted intact reproductive tracts from 9.5 to 22-week-old human fetuses, including from a pair of aborted twins, into mice dosed with synthetic estrogen. Before we proceed, let me ask you a question. What do you think a nation that does such things deserves?
Will Israel Launch A Military Ground Operation In Gaza?
Some Israelis are calling for a military ground invasion into Gaza to damage, or even eradicate, Hamas. The question many are asking: Does Israel have the ability to do so, and if so, why hasn’t it taken that course of action? “Israel would like to conduct the first operation in order to harm the Hamas leadership in a way that would be effective. This requires a much more aggressive and surprising attack.”
Two rockets fired into southern Israel, as Qatari envoy set to visit Gaza
It’s been a long night for residents in the south, as two rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip on Wednesday evening and then again early Thursday morning. First rocket sirens sounded in Nahal Oz in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council when a rocket was fired from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel on Wednesday evening, according to an IDF spokesperson.
Following two rockets launched from Gaza, IDF strikes Hamas targets
Israeli Air Force jets struck several targets in the Gaza Strip overnight on Wednesday after two rockets were fired towards southern Israel communities. According to a statement by the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit a number of military targets in a Hamas naval facility in the northern Strip following rocket fire towards the community of Nahal Oz.
Israel plans to attack the Houthis in Yemen – report
…Sources from the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida claim that Israel plans to attack targets of Houthi rebels and Hezbollah in Yemen, near the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb separating the Red Sea from the Gulf of Aden. According to the source, the Mossad and Military Intelligence are monitoring Iran’s attempts to deliver weapons, including missiles and drones, which could be used for terrorist attacks…
Why India wants to break its decades-old nuclear pledge
India’s defence minister recently suggested that the country may re-evaluate its “no first use of nuclear weapons” doctrine, raising the stakes at a time of high tension with its nuclear-armed neighbour Pakistan. Analysts Christopher O’Clary and Vipin Narang examine the implications for peace and security in South Asia.
Brexit: Macron tells PM renegotiating deal ‘not an option’
Boris Johnson is to meet Emmanuel Macron later, hours after the French president insisted reopening negotiations is “not an option”. Mr Macron said: “We have to help the British deal with this internal democratic crisis but we mustn’t be hostage to it nor export it.” On Wednesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the onus was on the UK to find a workable plan.
Iraq paramilitary force blames US and Israel for mystery blasts
A powerful Iran-backed paramilitary force in Iraq has said it holds the US responsible for a series of blasts at its bases in recent weeks. The deputy head of the Popular Mobilisation, which is dominated by Shia militias, alleged that US forces had brought four Israeli drones into the country to target its positions. Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis said the force would use “all means at its disposal” to prevent and deter future attacks.
Mortgage Market Reopens to Risky Borrowers
Proponents of unconventional loans argue that mortgages became too hard to get in the aftermath of the crisis and that their proliferation will open the housing market to sound borrowers who had been shut out of it. But some worry that the competition for customers could drive lenders to loosen standards too much.
Why ‘Bachelor in Paradise’ Broke Its Rules for First Same-Sex Romance
The long-running ABC franchise delivered its first-ever same-sex romance on Bachelor in Paradise. Tuesday’s episode of the summer spinoff series, currently in its sixth season, saw sexually fluid contestant Demi Burnett commit to Kristian Haggerty, a woman outside the Bachelor franchise who came to Paradise’s set in Sayulita, Mexico, to explore a relationship with the reality TV contestant.
Japan warns North Korea now has miniaturized nukes
North Korea has miniaturised nuclear warheads and made them small enough to fit on ballistic missiles, Japan believes. Tokyo defence chiefs warn…that North Korea’s military activities pose a ‘serious and imminent threat’. In last year’s report Japan said it was ‘possible’ that North Korea had achieved miniaturisation, but Tokyo now appears to have upgraded its assessment, according to Japanese newspaper Yomiuri.
1,058 killed, 1.8 million displaced since the start of the monsoon season, India
The number of people killed in floods, landslides and other weather-related incidents since the start of this year’s monsoon season in India has reached 1 058.
Chantal forms as the third named storm of the unusually slow 2019 Atlantic hurricane season
Tropical Storm “Chantal” formed in the North Atlantic Ocean, south of the Newfoundland at 03:00 UTC on August 21, 2019, as the third named storm of the unusually slow 2019 Atlantic hurricane season.
FEDS Suggest Optimum Temperature Citizens Should Maintain In Their Homes…A Slippery Slope?
On March 7, 2011, Rush Limbaugh warned about how smart meters that energy companies were starting to install in residential homes, could be the first step in the rationing energy in private citizen’s homes.
Workers Exposed To ‘Trash & Bodily Fluids’ At L.A. City Hall Building, Citations Issued In Response To Typhus Case
California’s occupational safety and health agency found that workers at a Los Angeles City Hall building “were exposed to unsanitary conditions from trash and bodily fluids,” issuing multiple citations for failing to keep the structure’s passageways and exteriors clean.
Powerful Bloodlines Behind the Dark Cabal
ith the recent arrest of a Nazi remnant hiding in Hungary, we are reminded of the holocaust from the last century which cost millions of lives, and all for the glory of the bloodlines.
BREAKING: Pentagon Confirms US Military Drone Shot-Down Over Yemen
US officials confirmed Wednesday that a US military drone was shot-down over Yemen late Tuesday evening.
Cargo ship busted with over a billion dollars worth of cocaine was owned by JP Morgan Chase
JPMorgan Chase, one of the largest banks in the United States, is the owner of a cargo ship found carrying over $1 billion worth of cocaine at a port in Philadelphia recently. More than 20 tons of cocaine were seized from the MSC Gayane, the ship in question.
Why do so many “trans” pushers turn out to be pedophiles?
A British politician who lobbied heavily for the implementation of “gender neutral” toilets following his election has since been outed as a pedophile who was allegedly charged with nine counts of inappropriately touching underage children
Big Cities That Are Struggling With Hepatitis, Typhus, Mountains Of Human Feces And Millions Of Rats Are All Run By Democrats
Today, large cities all over the country are dealing with mountains of feces, millions of rats and horrific diseases that we once had completely under control. Let’s start our tour in Philadelphia, where cases of Hepatitis A are starting to spread like wildfire…
Watch As Parents Boo Christian Street Preacher Dorre Love As He Confronts The Pedophiles At Drag Queen Story Hour And Stands Up For The Children
Street preacher Dorre Love said the Lord told him to go to the Drag Queen Story Hour event in Ottawa, Canada, and tell them to repent or risk dying and going to Hell. So Love did just that. You will see in the video below as he firmly but respectfully confronts the pedophiles in dresses at the Drag Queen Story Hour meeting. It will break your heart as you watch him standing up to protect the little children that were present, while their parents booed him.
Pope Francis In Rome On Thursday Blasphemously Declared That Mary Is The ‘Gate Of Heaven’ Even Though The Bible Declares That Only Jesus Christ Is
Just when I think that Pope Francis cannot possibly double-down any further on his blasphemous worship of Mary, he goes and shows me just how serious he is about idol worship. During the Roman Catholic Feast of the Assumption on Thursday, he confidently declared that the door, or the gate, to getting into Heaven is not Jesus Christ, but Mary.
Pro-Lifers Say Planned Parenthood Just Exposed the Truth: ‘Their Primary Focus Is Not Women’s Healthcare’
Planned Parenthood says it will no longer accept Title X funding so that it can continue to refer women for abortions. The abortion provider announced the news in the wake of a new Trump administration rule which says clinics that refer for abortions can’t receive the funds.
Largest Child Porn Bust in History Ignored By Mainstream Media
Norwegian Police has just uncovered over 150 terabytes of child porn, in the largest child sex abuse case in modern history, according to reports.
Statistical Analysis of America’s 8 Stage Decline Into Genocide
Gregory H. Stanton, President of Genocide Watch, wrote the most salient paper on the topic of Democide, that is by definition, genocide by government against its people. In his analysis, Stanton identified 8 key stages related to the process of genocide? Classification Symbolization Dehumanization Organization Polarization Preparation, Extermination and Denial.
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Three seriously wounded from explosive device in West Bank
A father and his two adult children were seriously injured on Friday after a grenade was thrown at them from a car near the spring of Ein Bubin near the Israeli settlement of Dolev in the West Bank in what the military is calling a serious terror attack. Magen David Adom rescue services said that a 46 year-old and a 19 year-old man were seriously injured and an 18 year-old woman was critically injured.
Escalation expected at the Gaza border – report
Israel has refused to allow Qatari funds into the Gaza Strip and will not permit the transfer until it receives a commitment that calm would be maintained until after the elections next month…Sources in Hamas said that…an escalation is to be expected in the march on the fence on Friday and that they were considering resuming attempts to damage the fence, the launch of incendiary balloons and other activities.
IDF stops Gaza terrorist entering Israel after grenades thrown at troops
The IDF stopped yet another terrorist from entering Israel near the southern community of Kibbutz Nachal Oz, late Thursday night. “The gunman,” as a Hamas affiliated Telegram channel referred to the attacker, approached the Gaza ‘security fence’ and “hurled several grenades at IDF soldiers,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said in a tweet.
PA President Abbas: We Shall Enter Jerusalem — Millions of Fighters!
In a visit to the Jalazone Refugee Camp near Ramallah earlier this month, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas claimed that the Palestinians “will enter Jerusalem – millions of fighters.” In a video uploaded to Abbas’ Facebook page…the Palestinian president stated that the Palestinian people “shall remain [here], and nobody can remove us from our homeland.”
Russian nuclear accident: Medics fear ‘radioactive patients’
Russian medics who treated radiation victims after a military explosion in the Arctic had no protection and now fear they were irradiated themselves. Two of the medics in Arkhangelsk spoke to BBC Russian about the victims’ evacuation, on condition of anonymity. Five nuclear engineers died on 8 August when an “isotope-fuel” engine blew up at the Nyonoksa test range, officials said. Six other people were injured.
The Amazon in Brazil is on fire – how bad is it?
Thousands of fires are ravaging the Amazon rainforest in Brazil – the most intense blazes for almost a decade. The northern states of Roraima, Acre, Rondônia and Amazonas have been particularly badly affected. However, images purported to be of the fires – including some shared under the hashtag #PrayforAmazonas – have been shown to be decades old or not even in Brazil.
Hail Satan?: The Satanists battling for religious freedom
Everything you know about Satanism is wrong. At least that’s what a new documentary about the Satanic Temple could be about to prove. Despite the similarity of the name, the Temple is different to The Church of Satan, established in 1966 by chat show circuit celebrity Anton Levey in San Francisco, California. Human sacrifice? Wrong. Blood drinking? Wrong. Black Mass? Well, sort of right.
Scientists Attempt Controversial Experiment To Edit DNA In Human Sperm Using CRISPR
First it was human embryos. Now scientists are trying to develop another way to modify human DNA that can be passed on to future generations, NPR has learned. Reproductive biologists at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City are attempting to use the powerful gene-editing technique called CRISPR to alter genes in human sperm. NPR got exclusive access to watch the controversial experiments underway.
Iran Kicks Off ‘Massive’ War Games, Unveils Homemade Russian Missile System
The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps’ ground forces kicked off a “massive” set of war drills…as the country unveiled its own homemade version of Russia’s advanced S-300 missile defense system… Iranian military leaders said the war games will mix with actual fighting as the IRGC forces seek to cleanse what they described as “anti-revolutionary terrorist groups” from along the country’s borders.
Putin orders reciprocal Russian response to U.S. missile test
Russian President Vladimir Putin…told the Defence Ministry and other government agencies to analyze the threat posed by a new U.S. missile test and to prepare a reciprocal response. The Pentagon said…it had tested a conventionally-configured cruise missile that hit its target after more than 500 km (310 miles) of flight, the first such test since the United States pulled out of a major arms control treaty with Russia on Aug. 2.
Palestinians to get half-billion dollars from Israel in new tax deal
Israel has agreed to allow the Palestinian Authority to collect at least half-billion dollars in tax money, which normally Israeli government collects on the Palestinians’ behalf, in an effort to help relieve a burgeoning economic “crisis” constraining the West Bank, a senior PA official said Thursday.
In Brazil, sudden darkness befalls Sao Paulo, baffling thousands
In the height of daytime on Monday, the sky suddenly blackened, and day became night in Sao Paulo. Sure, smog is bad in the Western Hemisphere’s largest city, where traffic jams can stretch for dozens of miles. But not this bad. What was going on? Was the end near?
Wildfires: After July was hottest month ever, fires rage across globe
Wildfires are burning across the globe, clogging the sky with smoke from Alaska to the Amazon, and scientists say it’s no coincidence that July was the warmest-ever month recorded on Earth.
An FAQ on Christianity for the Unbeliever
…Since ignorance is what leads us to fear something (unless we’re talking about platypuses, as the more you know about them, the scarier they are — did you know they’re poisonous?), I thought I’d write an FAQ about Christians to help explain what these strange new people are, so everyone won’t be all freaked out about them.
Rare weather phenomenon amassing in southern hemisphere – Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW)
A rare weather phenomenon for the southern hemisphere – Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) – is amassing in the polar stratosphere. This may lead to unusual or extreme weather in parts of the southern hemisphere (potentially New Zealand) during September and October 2019. SSWs are much more common in the northern hemisphere. You are probably familiar with a major northern hemisphere’s SSW event of February 2018 – dubbed the ‘Beast from the East’ – and odds are you’ll be seeing many international headlines with ‘September to Remember’ in the days and weeks ahead.
President Trump Unleashes “Jade Helm 19” War Games In North Carolina
Jade Helm 16 was one of the most egregious acts ever perpetrated against the American people by the Obama administration. They actively practiced putting down a civilian rebellion and imposing martial law. They also used crisis actors to play ex-American military to play the role of guerilla chieftains in their rebellion against a liberal establishment that was running the United States.
US combat deaths in Afghanistan hit five-year high
2019 has been the deadliest year for U.S. troops fighting in Afghanistan in five years.
US Lawmaker Blasts Wall that Prevented Suicide Bombings
“Walls are destructive, not productive,” claimed the congresswoman, referring to the security barrier that has prevented Palestinian terrorists from killing innocent Israelis.
Gillette backflips on ‘toxic masculinity’ with new firefighter ad
Razor brand Gillette says it is “shifting the spotlight from social issues to local heroes” after an ad delving into “toxic masculinity” caused a customer backlash.
Shocking Raw Video Shows Attempted Stabbing Of US Marine Veteran By Domestic Terror Group ANTIFA At Portland Riots Last Weekend
ANTIFA is not only a domestic terror organization inflicting fear and intimidation on American citizens, they are also a fascist group that uses fascist means and tactics to bully people into submission. Not only that, like their heros the Ku Klux Klan, ANTIFA likes to wear hoods and masks when they stalk you in the streets. The Dayton mass shooter was linked to ANTIFA, and as soon as the fake news media found out he was a Liberal calling for Socialism, they dropped the story like a hot rock.
Arab report: US and Russia permitting Israel to bomb in Iraq
The Arabic-language Asharq Al-Awsatnewspaper reported on Wednesday that the bombing of Iranian weapons warehouses in Iraq in recent weeks, which has been attributed to Israel, was carried out with permission from the United States and Russia.
Famous Christian departees have lost their sense of truth
The evangelical world has been rocked with the recent news of several prominent Christians who are suddenly and very publicly abandoning their faith. Marty Sampson, a Christian music artist, wrote that he believes Christianity is “just another religion.” Weeks earlier, Joshua Harris, known for his books on dating and sexual purity, posted on Instagram that he had undergone a “massive shift in regard to my faith” and declared he is no longer a Christian.
FBI Busts 67 Sex Traffickers, Recovers 103 Child Victims
An FBI-led operation has culminated in the arrest of 67 suspected sex traffickers across the United States and the recovery of 103 child victims, authorities announced.
Facebook’s Latest ‘Mistake’ – Blacklisting Artwork Mocking the Chinese Government
Instagram recently censored a post by an artist critical of the Chinese government. The anti-Beijing post was removed by the Facebook-owned social media platform, but death threats made against the artist remained uncensored. Instagram later restored the artwork, while Facebook claimed that the censorship had occurred due to “a mistake” by the company.
Disabled 41-Year-Old Man is Euthanized After Funding for Home Health Care Runs Out
Canadian Sean Tagert, aged 41, was killed by assisted suicide after health officials decided to cut the funding for his in-home care hours.
Baltimore’s Crime-Fighting Strategy Gets A Bit Strange
Man gets no jail time for having three pounds of pot in his car.
Ocasio-Cortez Claims Electoral College a Racist Scam to Benefit Middle America
“She’s not just wrong, she’s stupid.”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
CRISPR breakthrough allows scientists to edit multiple genes simultaneously
An incredible new breakthrough from scientists at ETH Zurich has, for the first time, demonstrated a new CRISPR method that can modify dozens of genes simultaneously, allowing for more large-scale cell reprogramming. In a recently published paper in the journal Nature Methods, a team of ETH scientists demonstrated their new gene editing process can modify 25 different target sites simultaneously. The scientists say this new technique is not necessarily limited to 25 targets, but theoretically could be increased to hundreds of simultaneous gene modifications.
Teenage girl killed, father and brother hurt in West Bank terror attack
The IDF late Friday afternoon was scouring the West Bank for the terrorists responsible for a terror attack that killed a teenage girl and wounded her father and brother near a natural spring close to the West Bank settlement of Dolev. The military said that an improvised explosive device (IED) had been used in the attack at the Ein Buvin spring.
Iran test fires new missile
Iran has test fired a new missile, the commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, Major General Hossein Salami, said on Saturday, according to the Tasnim news agency. “Our country is always the arena for testing a variety of defense and strategic systems and these are non-stop movements towards the growth of our deterrent power,” Salami said. “And yesterday was one of the successful days for this nation.”
Israeli airstrike leads to renewed calls for U.S. troops to leave Iraq
News that Israel was behind airstrikes in Iraq has reinvigorated calls to oust US forces from the country. A US official confirmed Friday that Israel had struck a base for the Hashd al Shaabi, an umbrella group of Shiite-dominated militias also known as the Popular Mobilization Forces, many with deep links to Iran. Two Iranian commanders were reported killed in the attack, which occurred in July.
US names Nigerians in massive fraud investigation
The US authorities have charged 80 people, “most of whom are Nigerian nationals”, with participating in a conspiracy to steal millions of dollars, prosecutors say. They are accused of using business email fraud schemes and romance scams to con victims – many of them elderly. Police have so far arrested 14 suspects across the US, 11 in Los Angeles alone.
Hong Kong’s human chain protest against extradition bill
Thousands of people held hands to form a human chain of peaceful protest against a suspended extradition bill. Demonstrators believe the bill could undermine Hong Kong’s legal freedoms and might be used to intimidate or silence dissidents.
North Korea launches two more ‘short-range ballistic missiles’ into sea
North Korea fired two suspected short-range ballistic missiles into the sea on Saturday morning, South Korea’s military says. The launch is the seventh carried out since North Korea ended a 17-month hiatus on testing at the end of July. Pyongyang has repeatedly expressed anger at US-South Korean military exercises that have been taking place.
Russia floating nuclear power station sets sail across Arctic
Russia has launched a pioneering floating nuclear power station, which will sail 5,000km (3,000 miles) from the Arctic port of Murmansk to Chukotka in the far east. The nuclear agency Rosenergoatom says the Akademik Lomonosov’s mobility will boost the power supply to remote areas. One of its targets is to power the Chaun-Bilibin mining complex in Chukotka, which includes gold mines.
Chinese ship inches closer to Vietnam coastline amid South China Sea tensions
A Chinese survey vessel…extended its activities…closer to Vietnam’s coastline…after the United States and Australia expressed concern about China’s actions in the disputed waterways. The Haiyang Dizhi 8 vessel first entered Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) early last month where it began a weeks-long seismic survey, triggering a tense standoff between military and coastguard vessels from Vietnam and China.
Trump Hikes Tariffs On Chinese Goods In Retaliation To Trade War Escalation
Starting on October 1st, the 250 BILLION DOLLARS of goods and products from China, currently being taxed at 25%, will be taxed at 30%. Additionally, the remaining 300 BILLION DOLLARS of goods and products from China, that was being taxed from September 1st at 10%, will now be taxed at 15%.
Hail Satan?: The Satanists battling for religious freedom
Everything you know about Satanism is wrong. At least that’s what a new documentary about the Satanic Temple could be about to prove. Despite the similarity of the name, the Temple is different to The Church of Satan, established in 1966 by chat show circuit celebrity Anton LaVey in San Francisco, California.
Newsweek: Time to Rethink Taboo on Cannibalism?
Since cannibalism is found throughout the animal kingdom and therefore is something natural, perhaps it is time for humans to rethink the “ultimate taboo” against eating human flesh, Newsweek proposes in an article Wednesday.
Python wars: the snake epidemic eating away at Florida
There are tens of thousands of pythons in the Florida wild, attacking animals and damaging ecosystems – and the quest to stop them has become a collective crusade
Amazon rainforest fires are breaking records, darkening sky in Brazil
Tropical Storm “Bailu,” known as Ineng in the Philippines, formed August 21, 2019, as the 11th named storm of the 2019 Pacific typhoon season. Bailu is expected to pass extremely close to the southern tip of Taiwan or make landfall somewhere near Hengchun over the next 24 hours.
Severe Tropical Storm “Bailu” (Ineng) heading toward Taiwan, eastern China
Tropical Storm “Bailu,” known as Ineng in the Philippines, formed August 21, 2019, as the 11th named storm of the 2019 Pacific typhoon season. Bailu is expected to pass extremely close to the southern tip of Taiwan or make landfall somewhere near Hengchun over the next 24 hours.
15 former spooks who work at CNN and MSNBC now
CNN added to its deep roster of former FBI and CIA officials-turned-analysts Friday with the hiring of Andrew McCabe, the former FBI deputy director fired for lack of candor during an investigation last year.
The Pedophile Enterprise Sits at the Right Hand of Satan-Where Is Government Witness Kathy Hall?
Advocates for kidnapped and trafficked children are disappearing. Whistleblowers who shine light on child-sex trafficking are murdered. They have their own children stolen by the courts…The corruption never ends and will not until we collectively stand up and say “enough is enough” and do something about this.
More Wildfires Are Burning In Angola & Congo Than Brazil
We’re sure all of the Instagram influencers posting about the wildfires in the Amazon will soon post about these other fires, too…right?
CDC: Measles Outbreak Now Reported in 30 States
The nationwide measles outbreak is still growing, with just over 1,200 confirmed cases being reported in 30 states as of Aug. 15, marking 21 more cases from the week before, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
The Knights Of Columbus, The Powerful Pitbull Of The Roman Catholic Church Now Facing Charges Of ‘Racketeering, Fraud, Deception And Theft’
In his great expose on the Roman Catholic Church called ‘Smokescreens‘, gospel tract creator Jack Chick lifted up the curtain covering the Vatican’s pitbull known as the Knights of Columbus and showed us who they really are and what their true goals are.
Walmart Calls for ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban
Walmart is calling on Congress to consider introducing legislation to ban so-called “assault weapons” nationwide.
Orwellian San Francisco flunks the real test of justice
Not content to define deviancy down, San Francisco is actually defining outright criminality down The situation might be funny, if it weren’t both Orwellian and dangerous.
Obama Judge Rules Medicaid Must Pay For Transgender Sex Reassignment Surgery
Federal judge is forcing Wisconsin taxpayers to provide costly sex reassignment surgery and hormonal procedures for low-income transgender residents
In Unprecedented, Shocking Proposal, BOE’s Mark Carney Urges Replacing Dollar With Libra-Like Reserve Currency
“In the longer term, we need to change the game. When change comes, it shouldn’t be to swap one currency hegemon for another.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
25 Aug 2019
Published on: August 25, 2019 by RRadmin7
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Treated for Cancer on Pancreas
Ginsburg, 86, began radiation therapy at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City on August 5th, according to the court. Doctors from the hospital said tests show that the rest of the justice’s body is cancer-free. As part of Ginsburg’s treatment, doctors inserted a stent into her bile duct.
Yale Computer Scientist David Gelernter Abandons Darwinism
Renowned Yale computer scientist David Gelernter claims that he is abandoning Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Gelernter, who formerly served as a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, published a column earlier this year detailing his move away from evolutionary theory. The column, which was titled “Giving Up Darwin,” provides Gelernter’s arguments against Darwinism. Gelernter argues that intelligent design, the notion that life on earth was designed by a higher power, is an “absolutely serious argument.” Gelernter cautions his peers in academia against using anti-religious bigotry to justify their dismissals of the theory of intelligent design.
Near Dogfight over Syria between Russian and Turkish Fighter Jets
Once Syria’s military advanced against Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham rebel groups in the southern Idlib village of Khan Sheikhoun, Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter jets flew above the battle scene, compelling Russian Su-35 fighter jets at the Khmeimim airbase near Latakia to scramble in response on Tuesday reports Debka. They cautioned the Turkish pilots to withdraw or else get shot down.
Messianic ‘Jew’ Dubs Trump ‘King of Israel’, Trump Thanks him
In a series of Tweets, conservative radio show host and columnist Wayne Allen Root proclaimed that President Trump ” is the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world.” Root was “born Jewish” but told JTA that he “took Jesus Christ as a savior” about 30 years ago, but he still considers himself Jewish. The Las Vegas based pundit added: “Jewish people in Israel love him like he’s the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God…But American Jews don’t know him or like him. They don’t even know what they’re doing or saying anymore. It makes no sense!”
Hezbollah warns of retaliation after two ‘Israeli’ drones downed in Beirut
Lebanon’s military said two IDF reconnaissance drones crashed in the Lebanese capital of Beirut early Saturday morning, hours after the Israeli military said it foiled an Iranian drone attack against northern Israel from Syria. “Two Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace over the area of Moawad – Madi neighborhood in the southern suburbs of Beirut,” read a statement by the Lebanese Armed Forces.
IDF on high alert following strike, 2 Hezbollah militants killed
The IDF was placed on high alert ahead of possible retaliation after IDF aircraft struck Iranian targets in Syria overnight Saturday. In a rare confirmation of an Israeli attack, the military said that it struck several targets in the village of Aqraba south of the Syrian capital of Damascus, thwarting an attack by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) against northern Israel.
Hong Kong police fire tear gas at protesters in fresh clashes
Riot police have fired tear gas and baton-charged protesters in Hong Kong, as a tense standoff turned violent on the 12th week of protests. Thousands of demonstrators, many in hard hats and gas masks, marched through the industrial Kwun Tong area on Saturday and were met by police. Some protesters launched stones from slingshots, prompting police to charge.
Antibiotic-resistant Salmonella strain confirmed as ‘superbugs’ continue to worry experts
A strain of Salmonella Newport in some beef in the United States and in some soft cheeses in Mexico has been found to be resistant to antibiotic treatment, according to a release from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published Friday. The CDC reported the results of a study conducted on Salmonella Newport that was not responding to two oral agents that are frequently recommended to treat Salmonella infections.
Beirut fallen drones were Iranian not Israeli, images show
Images from the scene of the two drones that crashed in Beirut on Sunday reveal the unmanned aerial devices were manufactured in Iran and not in Israel, as was reported in Arab media earlier. Lebanese terror group Hezbollah claimed earlier on Sunday that two Israeli drones came down over Beirut, with one of the pair being rigged with explosives and causing serious damage to a building housing Hezbollah’s media office.
Preparation for Ezekiel 38:19? Israeli Navy Leads Major Multinational Earthquake Drill
The Israel Navy led a first-of-its-kind multinational exercise dedicated to earthquake response this week, in a drill which brought representatives from 10 naval forces, as well as NATO, to the Haifa Port on Israel’s northern coast.
Hunter Biden Helped China Buy American ‘National Security’ Assets
Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s second son, helped facilitate China’s acquisition of Henniges Automotive explained Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and senior contributor at Breitbart News, in a Friday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Rick Manning.
Democrat Fundraiser Features Simulated Donald Trump Assassination
Proving once again that there are no moral boundaries in the Democrat Party, a fundraiser for a prominent Illinois state senator featured the simulated assassination of President Trump.
Arkansas passes bill ordering their law enforcement to cut off all ties with Islamic group CAIR, due to their close ties to terrorists
On Monday, February 18, the Arkansas House of Representatives sent a strong signal to law enforcement agencies within its borders to beware of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).
Austria takes their war against Islam to a whole new level by closing mosques, expelling imams and cutting off foreign-funding from Muslims
Austria’s government is closing seven mosques and plans to expel imams in a crackdown on “political Islam” and foreign financing of mosques.
It Might Surprise you that the Trump Family Has 50-Year History of Donating to Jewish and Israeli Causes
Israeli media have reported several important donations made in years past by both the late Fred Trump and his son, now President Elect Donald Trump.
First Lesbian Bishop Orders Church Crosses Replaced with Islamic Symbols to Make them Feel More at Ease
Decisions like these have unexpected consequences. The first wave of Sharia Islamists are within their rights to take the lesbian bishop and throw her off the steeple. After all, in their eyes she is an infidel, a woman speaking in public and a homosexual, all crimes that are deserving of death to them.
Tropical Storm “Bailu” makes landfall over southern Taiwan
Tropical Storm “Bailu” made landfall over southern Taiwan early morning (UTC) August 24, 2019, bringing significant rainfall to most of the country, in places extremely heavy, and 108 km/h (67 mph) winds with gusts up to 137 km/h (85 mph).
Mayor, doctors and social workers arrested in scheme to brainwash children into believing they had been abused and sell them
Italian police have arrested 18 people, including a mayor, social workers and psychologists for allegedly “brainwashing” children into believing their parents had abused them, in a scheme to take them away from their families and sell them to foster parents.
IDF confirms: Israel attacked Syria to prevent Iranian terror attack – Arab-Israeli Conflict
Israel struck several targets in the village of Aqraba south of the Syrian capital of Damascus overnight Saturday, thwarting an attack by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps against northern Israel.
More U.S. Firms Say China Has Stolen Their Intellectual Property: Poll
A new CNBC poll finds that one in five corporations say China has stolen their intellectual property within the last year. Intellectual property, or IP, theft has been a major contentious issue in trade talks between the Trump administration and China.
Dear climate alarmists: We regret to inform you that NASA declared the fires in the Amazon to be ‘close to the average in comparison to the past 15 years’
If you’ve been reading the MSM over the past few days, you’ve been treated to a barrage of coverage over the fires in the Amazon and how what’s going on is a “massive increase over last year”:
Canadian single dad faces human rights complaint for asking about babysitter’s gender
A single father in Canada may have violated his province’s human rights act by asking about the gender and age of a potential babysitter, according to a lawsuit.
New Jersey Legislators Worry Newark Water Crisis Could Spread
New Jersey Democrat are sounding the alarm about his state’s current water crisis in Newark.
‘Rats Have Taken Over the City’: Los Angeles Homeless Crisis Reaches Epidemic Levels
California’s homeless epidemic is hitting record levels. Many have turned to faith-based groups for help, but despite those organizations’ best efforts, more are turning up in need of assistance.
18, 000 Syrian Children have had their Organs Harvested Over the Last 6 Years
Turkish refugee camps on the border with Syria are identified as prime locations where organ harvesting has been, and is, occurring. Director-General Hossein Noufel recently made the disclosure though United Nation officials have not officially confirmed the findings.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
25 Aug 2019
Published on: August 25, 2019 by RRadmin7
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Treated for Cancer on Pancreas
Ginsburg, 86, began radiation therapy at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City on August 5th, according to the court. Doctors from the hospital said tests show that the rest of the justice’s body is cancer-free. As part of Ginsburg’s treatment, doctors inserted a stent into her bile duct.
Yale Computer Scientist David Gelernter Abandons Darwinism
Renowned Yale computer scientist David Gelernter claims that he is abandoning Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Gelernter, who formerly served as a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, published a column earlier this year detailing his move away from evolutionary theory. The column, which was titled “Giving Up Darwin,” provides Gelernter’s arguments against Darwinism. Gelernter argues that intelligent design, the notion that life on earth was designed by a higher power, is an “absolutely serious argument.” Gelernter cautions his peers in academia against using anti-religious bigotry to justify their dismissals of the theory of intelligent design.
Near Dogfight over Syria between Russian and Turkish Fighter Jets
Once Syria’s military advanced against Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham rebel groups in the southern Idlib village of Khan Sheikhoun, Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter jets flew above the battle scene, compelling Russian Su-35 fighter jets at the Khmeimim airbase near Latakia to scramble in response on Tuesday reports Debka. They cautioned the Turkish pilots to withdraw or else get shot down.
Messianic ‘Jew’ Dubs Trump ‘King of Israel’, Trump Thanks him
In a series of Tweets, conservative radio show host and columnist Wayne Allen Root proclaimed that President Trump ” is the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world.” Root was “born Jewish” but told JTA that he “took Jesus Christ as a savior” about 30 years ago, but he still considers himself Jewish. The Las Vegas based pundit added: “Jewish people in Israel love him like he’s the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God…But American Jews don’t know him or like him. They don’t even know what they’re doing or saying anymore. It makes no sense!”
Hezbollah warns of retaliation after two ‘Israeli’ drones downed in Beirut
Lebanon’s military said two IDF reconnaissance drones crashed in the Lebanese capital of Beirut early Saturday morning, hours after the Israeli military said it foiled an Iranian drone attack against northern Israel from Syria. “Two Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace over the area of Moawad – Madi neighborhood in the southern suburbs of Beirut,” read a statement by the Lebanese Armed Forces.
IDF on high alert following strike, 2 Hezbollah militants killed
The IDF was placed on high alert ahead of possible retaliation after IDF aircraft struck Iranian targets in Syria overnight Saturday. In a rare confirmation of an Israeli attack, the military said that it struck several targets in the village of Aqraba south of the Syrian capital of Damascus, thwarting an attack by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) against northern Israel.
Hong Kong police fire tear gas at protesters in fresh clashes
Riot police have fired tear gas and baton-charged protesters in Hong Kong, as a tense standoff turned violent on the 12th week of protests. Thousands of demonstrators, many in hard hats and gas masks, marched through the industrial Kwun Tong area on Saturday and were met by police. Some protesters launched stones from slingshots, prompting police to charge.
Antibiotic-resistant Salmonella strain confirmed as ‘superbugs’ continue to worry experts
A strain of Salmonella Newport in some beef in the United States and in some soft cheeses in Mexico has been found to be resistant to antibiotic treatment, according to a release from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published Friday. The CDC reported the results of a study conducted on Salmonella Newport that was not responding to two oral agents that are frequently recommended to treat Salmonella infections.
Beirut fallen drones were Iranian not Israeli, images show
Images from the scene of the two drones that crashed in Beirut on Sunday reveal the unmanned aerial devices were manufactured in Iran and not in Israel, as was reported in Arab media earlier. Lebanese terror group Hezbollah claimed earlier on Sunday that two Israeli drones came down over Beirut, with one of the pair being rigged with explosives and causing serious damage to a building housing Hezbollah’s media office.
Preparation for Ezekiel 38:19? Israeli Navy Leads Major Multinational Earthquake Drill
The Israel Navy led a first-of-its-kind multinational exercise dedicated to earthquake response this week, in a drill which brought representatives from 10 naval forces, as well as NATO, to the Haifa Port on Israel’s northern coast.
Hunter Biden Helped China Buy American ‘National Security’ Assets
Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s second son, helped facilitate China’s acquisition of Henniges Automotive explained Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and senior contributor at Breitbart News, in a Friday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Rick Manning.
Democrat Fundraiser Features Simulated Donald Trump Assassination
Proving once again that there are no moral boundaries in the Democrat Party, a fundraiser for a prominent Illinois state senator featured the simulated assassination of President Trump.
Arkansas passes bill ordering their law enforcement to cut off all ties with Islamic group CAIR, due to their close ties to terrorists
On Monday, February 18, the Arkansas House of Representatives sent a strong signal to law enforcement agencies within its borders to beware of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).
Austria takes their war against Islam to a whole new level by closing mosques, expelling imams and cutting off foreign-funding from Muslims
Austria’s government is closing seven mosques and plans to expel imams in a crackdown on “political Islam” and foreign financing of mosques.
It Might Surprise you that the Trump Family Has 50-Year History of Donating to Jewish and Israeli Causes
Israeli media have reported several important donations made in years past by both the late Fred Trump and his son, now President Elect Donald Trump.
First Lesbian Bishop Orders Church Crosses Replaced with Islamic Symbols to Make them Feel More at Ease
Decisions like these have unexpected consequences. The first wave of Sharia Islamists are within their rights to take the lesbian bishop and throw her off the steeple. After all, in their eyes she is an infidel, a woman speaking in public and a homosexual, all crimes that are deserving of death to them.
Tropical Storm “Bailu” makes landfall over southern Taiwan
Tropical Storm “Bailu” made landfall over southern Taiwan early morning (UTC) August 24, 2019, bringing significant rainfall to most of the country, in places extremely heavy, and 108 km/h (67 mph) winds with gusts up to 137 km/h (85 mph).
Mayor, doctors and social workers arrested in scheme to brainwash children into believing they had been abused and sell them
Italian police have arrested 18 people, including a mayor, social workers and psychologists for allegedly “brainwashing” children into believing their parents had abused them, in a scheme to take them away from their families and sell them to foster parents.
IDF confirms: Israel attacked Syria to prevent Iranian terror attack – Arab-Israeli Conflict
Israel struck several targets in the village of Aqraba south of the Syrian capital of Damascus overnight Saturday, thwarting an attack by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps against northern Israel.
More U.S. Firms Say China Has Stolen Their Intellectual Property: Poll
A new CNBC poll finds that one in five corporations say China has stolen their intellectual property within the last year. Intellectual property, or IP, theft has been a major contentious issue in trade talks between the Trump administration and China.
Dear climate alarmists: We regret to inform you that NASA declared the fires in the Amazon to be ‘close to the average in comparison to the past 15 years’
If you’ve been reading the MSM over the past few days, you’ve been treated to a barrage of coverage over the fires in the Amazon and how what’s going on is a “massive increase over last year”:
Canadian single dad faces human rights complaint for asking about babysitter’s gender
A single father in Canada may have violated his province’s human rights act by asking about the gender and age of a potential babysitter, according to a lawsuit.
New Jersey Legislators Worry Newark Water Crisis Could Spread
New Jersey Democrat are sounding the alarm about his state’s current water crisis in Newark.
‘Rats Have Taken Over the City’: Los Angeles Homeless Crisis Reaches Epidemic Levels
California’s homeless epidemic is hitting record levels. Many have turned to faith-based groups for help, but despite those organizations’ best efforts, more are turning up in need of assistance.
18, 000 Syrian Children have had their Organs Harvested Over the Last 6 Years
Turkish refugee camps on the border with Syria are identified as prime locations where organ harvesting has been, and is, occurring. Director-General Hossein Noufel recently made the disclosure though United Nation officials have not officially confirmed the findings.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Erdogan says Turkish troops will enter planned Syria safe zone ‘soon’
Turkish ground troops will enter a planned safe zone in northern Syria “very soon,” President Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday, after a joint operation center with the United States opened at the weekend. Turkey and the United States agreed earlier this month to set up the joint center for the planned safe zone along Syria’s northeastern border, but gave few details on the size of the zone or the command structure of the forces to operate there.
Head of Iran’s Quds Force threatens Israel
Qassem Soleimani, head of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, threatened Israel on Sunday after the Jewish state thwarted a planned Iranian drone attack. “These insane operations will surely be the last steps of the Zionist regime,” he wrote on Twitter.
Far-right surge rattles guardians of Nazi era remembrance
Defenders of Germany’s sacrosanct atonement for the Nazis’ crimes — the foundation of its Basic Law and political culture — warn it is coming under calculated assault from right-wing extremists. And ahead of three state elections in the coming weeks in which the AfD is set to do well, Germans like Drecoll are growing nervous about erosion of the country’s culture of remembrance, which many experts argue is unique in the world. The far-right AfD could come in first in Brandenburg as well as neighboring Saxony…
Abbas Reveals Secret Plot to Invade Jerusalem with ‘a Million Fighters’
In a video that was recently recovered and translated by MEMRI, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said while addressing a terror rally at the Jalazone village near Ramallah that: “We shall enter Jerusalem – millions of fighters!” along with the “entire Islamic nation”. The PA chairman added that: “every building built by the Zionist occupation will be destroyed. The statements were made while the crowd chanted “To Jerusalem, we march, martyrs by the millions!”
Netanyahu: Syria Strike Shows ‘Iran Has No Immunity Anywhere’
Israel announced on Sunday than it had carried out an airstrike overnight Saturday against Iranian forces and Shi’ite militias in Syria that were planning to attack the Jewish state with explosives-laden drones. “In a major operational effort, we have thwarted an attack against Israel by the Iranian Quds Force & Shi’ite militias.
Cryptocurrency becoming terrorists’ lifeblood
Terrorists already are using cryptocurrencies to fund their attacks, support jihadists and subsidize their families, according to the Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor of the Middle East Media Research Institute.
Ex-CEO Claims He Was in Room When Political Espionage Against Trump Happened, Leaves Fox Panel Nearly Speechless
In an interview that can be described as jaw-dropping, baffling and downright unbelievable, former CEO Patrick Byrne told a panel on Fox Business Network’s “Bulls & Bears” that he played a role in a significant “political espionage” campaign carried out against Donald Trump, among other political candidates and officeholders. Byrne did not seem to consider the alleged 2015 contact from federal investigators to be especially out of the ordinary. He did, however, say the alleged orders he received through those contacts were “a little fishy.”Then Byrne dropped the bomb. The name of the man who sent me the orders was…
Lacy Johnson Announces Run for Congress Against Ilhan Omar
With your help, I will make Ilhan Omar’s first term her last term. “I believe that family is the basic building block of any strong and productive society,”… Johnson’s platform is pro-Trump and pro-Israel. Johnson wants to increase competition in the public school system and supports proven strategies to reduce the achievement gap.
“Palestinian Territories” Disappear from State Dept Website As If They Never Existed
The U.S. State Department updated its website, removing ‘Palestinian Territories’ from its updated list of countries. Though “Palestinian Territories” is still listed in the archived content, the term is no longer listed on their updated website list of countries as well as their list of Near Eastern countries.
Tropical Storm Dorian is expected to turn into a hurricane this week. Here’s where the storm is heading.
Tropical Storm Dorian in the Atlantic is expected to strengthen to a Category 1 hurricane this week. Currently situated northeast of French Guiana in the Atlantic, the storm is expected to strengthen into a Category 1 hurricane by Wednesday morning…
Iran Critics Say Macron’s Surprise G7 Invite to Zarif ‘Disrespectful’ to Trump
President Emmanuel Macron’s surprise invitation to Iran’s controversial foreign minister to drop by the weekend G7 summit in France is hosting drew mixed reactions from observers, but former ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley did not hold back, accusing Macron of being “completely disrespectful” to President Trump and other G7 leaders.
As Long As Enemies Of The State Keep Dying Before Trial, No One Should Trust The State
There is no other way to say it: It was a political assassination…
BREAKING: Joe Walsh’s 2020 primary Trump challenge is funded by Soros
With Soros funded John Kasich saying that he sees ‘no path to challenging Trump in GOP primary, it seems the Open Society foundations Stalwart has set his sights on a new strategy in the form of Joe Walsh.
2020 Democrats Trip Over Themselves on Radical Gun Buyback
Liberal Democrats, frustrated by inaction in Congress on gun control, appear ready to embrace a radical proposal that wouldn’t stop one single mass shooting, but would make them feel good about not solving the problem.
Taxpayers Must Pay for Convicted Pedophile’s Gender Reassignment Surgery: Court
A federal court has ruled that taxpayers in the state of Idaho will have to pay for a convicted pedophile to undergo “gender reassignment” surgery while in prison for abusing a minor.
Past Sex Offenders Participate in Children’s ‘Drag Queen Story Time’ at Local Libraries
Over the past year, the Austin Public Library in Texas has allowed a sex offender to read to children during “Drag Queen Story Time,” a pro-family organization has learned. This is the latest development in a series of related findings this year.
Israeli Air Force Saturday Strikes Iranian Forces In Damascus To Stop Iran From Launching Drone Attack At Targets In Northern Israel
Israel and Iran are not ‘going to war’, they have been at war and fighting each other openly for quite sometime now. Israel has made hundreds of attacks on Iranian targets in Syria, and Iran continues to attack Israel through their Hamas proxies in the Gaza Strip. This under the radar war has produced hundreds of casualties with thousands injured, and no end in sight to the hostilities.
Duke University Shrink: Trump May Be Worse Than Hitler, Stalin, And Mao
“Trump is as destructive a person as Hitler, Stalin and Mao… may be responsible for many more million deaths than they were… He needs to be contained…”
Homicides Of Young Brazilian Males Higher Than Syria And Iraq, Report Says
“Homicide victims are mostly black boys who live on the outskirts of the major cities. They are out of school and come from low-income families.”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
“Hezbollah attack will be met by ‘disproportionate’ response”
the IDF has deployed all the forces already in the northern area, while a decision to bring more forces to the area may be made in the coming days. A senior IDF official who spoke with Channel 12 said that, in any event, any attempted Hezbollah attack on Israel will be met with a “disproportionate” Israeli response. The report comes after the IDF announced on Saturday night that it struck Iranian targets in Syria, thereby thwarting an Iranian drone attack on Israel.
The Great Failure Of The Climate Models
For decades, these models have projected dramatic warming from small, fossil-fueled increases in atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, with catastrophic consequences. Yet, the real-world data aren’t cooperating. They show only slight warming, mostly at night and in winter. According to the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, there has been no systematic increase in the frequency of extreme weather events, and the ongoing rise in sea level that began with the end of the ice age continues with no great increase in magnitude. The constancy of land-based records is obvious in data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
In Nod to Trump, G-7 Leaders Make Joint Statement on Fair Trade
Leaders of the Group of Seven issued a declaration on Aug. 26 committing to fair trade, a term President Donald Trump has frequently employed in his campaign to rebalance the United States’ global trade relationships. The statement emphasized “great unity” among the leaders and expressed their commitment to “open and fair global trade and the stability of the global economy.”
The Push To Kill Cash – Next Up Is Australia
The removal of large cash bills is a worldwide, ongoing reality, with the European Central Bank (ECB) stopping production of the 500 euro note earlier this year. The note, dubbed by the media as “the Bin Laden,” was said to be used disproportionately in financing terrorism.
Bishop Schneider says Vatican is betraying ‘Jesus Christ as the only Savior of mankind’
The Vatican’s decision to implement a document affirming that the “diversity of religions” is “willed by God,” without correcting this statement, is tantamount to “promoting the neglect of the first Commandment” and a “betrayal of the Gospel,” Bishop Athanasius Schneider has said.
Trump admin launches ‘unprecedented’ pro-life effort at UN to fight pro-abortion EU
The U.S. Government has reached out to foreign capitals to request support for U.S. pro-life efforts at the United Nations. Such a high-level pro-life effort by a U.S. administration is unprecedented. UN delegates have been looking for such a letter for more than a year because it makes official the U.S. pro-life stance and will help them in standing up to abortion forces in the UN bureaucracy and the European governments.
Louisiana governor candidate: ‘As a doctor, I can assure you there are only 2 genders’
A Republican lawmaker running to become Louisiana’s next governor has a new campaign ad succinctly declaring his conservative stances, including that “life begins at conception” and “there are only two genders.” Ralph Abraham is a physician, veterinarian, and National Guard veteran who currently represents Louisiana’s fifth district in the U.S. House of Representatives.
15 Former Spooks Who Work At CNN And MSNBC Now
CNN added to its deep roster of former FBI and CIA officials-turned-analysts Friday with the hiring of Andrew McCabe, the former FBI deputy director fired for lack of candor during an investigation last year. McCabe is the tenth ex-FBI, CIA or intelligence community official CNN has hired during the Trump administration, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation analysis. MSNBC has followed closely behind, having hired five former officials, including former CIA Director John Brennan.
Jordan, Iraq Sign Nuclear Energy Agreement
Jordan and Iraq signed a nuclear-energy cooperation agreement on Saturday, according to reports in Jordanian media. The protocol was signed by Jordan Atomic Energy Commission chairman Khaled Toukan and Iraqi Higher Education and Scientific Research Minister Qusay al-Suhail.
IDF on High Alert in North After Alleged Strikes in Lebanon
On Saturday night, the IAF attacked Iranian military targets in Syria, preventing an attack by Iranian drones armed with explosives. The sites were part of the Iranian backed Al Quds force, the overseas arm of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), working with allied Shiite militias. Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force, tweeted that “these insane operations will surely be the last steps of the Zionist regime.”
Quantum teleportation takes on a new dimension in new experiments
Unlike regular computers where data is stored in binary bits as 0 or 1, the “qubits” in quantum computers can exist as both at the same time. Stranger still, this information can be effectively “teleported” over any distance. Now, scientists from Austria and China have managed to create photons that exist as 0,1 and 2 simultaneously, and teleported these complex quantum states. Quantum computers are poised to leave traditional computers and even supercomputers in the dust, and they owe their exponential increase in power to the fact that they go beyond binary. One “bit” of information isn’t limited to a 0 or a 1 – it can be either or both at the same time,…
Hezbollah and Lebanese allies are building a case for war – analysis
Hezbollah and its allies are building a case for war and Lebanon’s media and other officials are fueling the tensions with assertions that drones that crashed in Beirut carried bombs. Whether or not the drones carried C4 explosives or that their aim was to carry out a bombing or target an individual is not particularly important because what matters is the calculations beneath the surface in Lebanon.
IDF limiting traffic along Lebanon border in response to rising tensions
The IDF began limiting traffic on roads along the Lebanese border over fears of retaliation by Hezbollah as tensions remain high following Israeli attacks. “In light of an operational status assessment, it was decided that the movement of certain military vehicles on several roads would be possible only on the basis of individual approval and in accordance with the situational assessment of the situation,” the IDF said…
Facial recognition specialist Megvii plans share sale
A leading Chinese facial recognition provider has filed papers for a listing on Hong Kong’s stock exchange. Megvii – the maker of the Face++ system – is one of the country’s best known artificial intelligence (AI) companies. Earlier this year, a Western study suggested its face-checking tech was more accurate than rival systems from Amazon and IBM.
Dutch doctor faces trial in landmark euthanasia case
A Dutch doctor has appeared in court after performing euthanasia on a patient suffering with severe dementia. Prosecutors say the doctor did not do enough to verify consent. It is the first such case since the Netherlands legalised euthanasia in 2002. The 74-year-old patient was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease when she died in 2016.
Amazon fires: Brazil to reject G7 offer of $22m aid
The Brazilian government has said it will reject an offer of aid from G7 countries to help tackle fires in the Amazon rainforest. French President Emmanuel Macron – who hosted a G7 summit that ended on Monday – said $22m (£18m) would be released. But Brazilian ministers say the money is not needed and accuse foreign powers of wanting control of the Amazon.
Google Warns Against Blocking ‘Cookies’ Entirely, Triggering Criticism
After promising to offer tools to let users limit “cookies,”…that help internet and advertising companies track users, Alphabet Inc. ’s Google suggested it won’t go any further, saying…that blocking cookies entirely could be counterproductive for user privacy. The post…has drawn criticism…from some privacy advocates who say Google’s Chrome…should catch up to the stricter practices of rivals Firefox and Safari.
China says U.S. ‘maliciously hyping up’ South China Sea issue
China accused the United States…of “maliciously hyping up” the South China Sea situation and making warrantless criticism, after the Pentagon said China was carrying out “coercive interference” in waters claimed by Vietnam. A Chinese survey vessel on Saturday extended its activities to an area closer to Vietnam’s coast…after the United States and Australia expressed concern about China’s action in the disputed waterway.
Pence: U.S. supports Israel’s right to defend itself
U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said he spoke on Monday with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and reiterated American support for its Middle East ally. Israel said it conducted an air strike on Sunday against an arm of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards in Syria and on Thursday Netanyahu hinted at possible Israeli involvement in a series of blasts in the past few weeks in Iraq.
Silicon Valley In California Is Building A Chinese-Style ‘Social Credit System’ That Grows Larger And Stronger With Every App You Download And Use
We all gasped in shock and horror when we learned last year about China’s dystopian and chilling social credit system that looked and sounded a whole lot like the George Orwell novel ‘1984‘. But guess what? A very similar system is rising up here in America, not run by our government like the Chinese system is, but created by each and every one of us who download apps and use the “like” and commenting features. All this activity has created a system that is beginning to rate people and allow them access to the system, or to lock them out of it.
EFCA Now Considers Premillennialism a Non-Essential……
The Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) changed its position on end times theology, voting this summer to drop the word “premillennial” from the denomination’s statement of faith.
Drag Queen Story Hour ‘greatest grooming program ever devised,’ counselor says
A clinical counselor who has worked with over 4,000 serial predators is urging parents to be vigilant after a Texas library hosted a Drag Queen Story Hour for kids featuring a reader who has a criminal record.
Back To School: Mutant Super Lice Found In 42 States, Including Florida
Scientists discovered that lice populations in at least 42 states have mutated to develop a resistance to over-the-counter treatments still widely recommended by doctors and schools.
Over 30,000 scientists say ‘Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming’ is a complete hoax and science lie
The highly-politicized climate change debate rages on as we approach the crucial 2016 U.S. presidential election, despite an ever-growing body of evidence revealing the fact that “catastrophic man-made global warming” is nothing more than an elaborate hoax.
Communist Chinese Soldiers Infiltrate Hong Kong Police-VIOLENCE IS ESCALATING!!!
As I predicted 2 weeks ago, the Hong Kong police have been infiltrated by CCP soldiers. Subsequently the violence level is dramatically escalating. Here comes Hong Kong Square. And pay close attention American, if the Democrats win in 2020, this will be happening in a city near you.
Major Fentanyl Shipment from China Seized in Mexico
The Secretariat of the Navy of Mexico (La Secretaría de Marina–SEMAR) has reported a major fentanyl seizure believed to be of multi-ton in the Mexican port city of Lázaro Cárdenas in the state of Michoacán.
US Imam says the Muslims absolutely have the right to take the property of filthy Jews and Christians Yasir Hadhi, a prominent American Imam and college professor at Rhodes College, in Memphis, Tennessee. He was described in a 2011 New York Times Magazine essay as “one of the most influential conservative clerics in American Islam.” Just recently, Hadhi publicly said that Christians and Jews are the “filthy,” “impure,”and basically no different than “feces” and “urine.”
Long-Running Christian Program Airs Gay Wedding
“…the show’s reformating is meant to represent the Christian faith of today and all its different looks and appearances.” Well, God’s Word hasn’t changed! What God clearly states about marriage being an institution He ordained in Genesis—one man and one woman—hasn’t changed. God’s Word calling homosexual behavior a sin hasn’t changed.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Why Europe Isn’t Such A Great Place For Anti-Gunners To Emulate
Over and over, we hear how wonderful Europe is with its strict gun control. It’s often credited with the lower crime rates on that side of the Atlantic, though it’s really kind of impossible to compare crime rates due to reporting differences. Still, anti-gunners persist. Europe is an absolute paradise when it comes to guns, at least in their minds.
Elizabeth Holmes’ “Theranos” fraud was actually a plot to surveil the blood and DNA of everyone
…Theranos was really about building a blood and DNA database of everyone That’s the deeper story in all this. The Edison machine was really a blood and DNA surveillance system that would sit in your home and surveil your blood each day. Your DNA and blood profile would then be uploaded into a Theranos database that would obviously be shared with the deep state globalists who also run Google and Facebook.
PA Gov. Tom Wolf converts to Islam
Governor Tom Wolf has recently been accused of Christianophobia and was spotted in photographs praising Allah.
Transgender Model Teddy Quinlivan the New Face of Chanel Beauty
Chanel Beauty has announced that transgender model Teddy Quinlivan has been picked as the company’s new face.
Bill Gates’ latest depopulation scheme? Pollute the skies, collapse the ecosystem and starve everybody to death
Bill Gates has been hounded for years by allegations that he is a strong supporter of depopulation. Despite being praised by some as a philanthropist and humanitarian, the reality is that Gates’ actions have proved time and time again that he is actively invested in reducing the global population by whatever means necessary.
BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain
Up to 300,000 Spanish babies were stolen from their parents and sold for adoption over a period of five decades, a new investigation reveals.
Legal firm uncovers taxpayer-funded Islamic propaganda that bashes Christianity is being forced on teachers, students
A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by an Ann Arbor, Mich., law firm has turned up evidence of a widespread Islamic propaganda campaign being waged against public school teachers in the state and elsewhere.
Prophecy Unfolding: Israel & Iran Prepare For War
Are we about to see World War 3 erupt in the Middle East? Over the past several days, Israel has attempted to prevent attacks by Iranian forces and their allies by striking targets in Syria, Gaza, Lebanon and Iraq. As you will see below, political leaders in both Lebanon and Iraq are now accusing Israel of a “declaration of war”, and Hezbollah is pledging to strike Israel back extremely hard. Of course if a full-blown war erupts between Israel and one of her neighbors, it is likely to become a multi-front war almost immediately. Both sides have been preparing for this “final war” for a very long time, and once it fully erupts the death and destruction that we will witness will be off the charts.
The Fighting Dramatically Escalates As Both Sides Prepare For “The Final War” Between Israel And Iran
Are we about to see World War 3 erupt in the Middle East? Over the past several days, Israel has attempted to prevent attacks by Iranian forces and their allies by striking targets in Syria, Gaza, Lebanon and Iraq. …political leaders in both Lebanon and Iraq are now accusing Israel of a “declaration of war”, and Hezbollah is pledging to strike Israel back extremely hard. Missiles are not flying directly back and forth between Israel and Iran yet, but at this point a state of war essentially exists, and many are deeply concerned about what is going to happen next.
‘Kill them all’: Iowa professor resigns after his comments about evangelicals revealed
A professor has resigned from his position over social media posts, where he expressed support for the extreme-left antifa and his hatred for evangelical Christians. When contacted by Cedar Rapids ABC affiliate KCRG, Klinzman said he was part of the group, “I affirm that I am antifa.”
“Epstein Did Not Act Alone”: In Tuesday Hearing, Prosecutors And Attorneys Target Co-Conspirators
Tuesday’s hearing revealed that Epstein’s attorneys are skeptical of the official determination that he committed suicide, and asked Judge Berman to oversee an investigation into the 66-year-old’s death. Meanwhile, a separate group of FBI agents and prosecutors are doing the same. … prosecutors made clear that a dismissal against Epstein does not mean the investigation into co-conspirators will end,
National-Security Adviser Bolton arrives in Ukraine to ‘underscore US support’
White House national-security adviser John Bolton has arrived in Kyiv — the first visit to Ukraine by a top U.S. official since the election of President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in April. Bolton said he had traveled there to hear the priorities of the new government, adding that it was in the United States’ interest to see a successful Ukraine, according to Reuters. He also told reporters that U.S. President Donald Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart could meet soon in Poland, but he did not give a date.
Mexican Navy seizes 25 tons of fentanyl from China in single raid
Mexican government authorities reported a seizure of approximately 25.75 tons of powdered fentanyl in the port city of Lázaro Cárdenas, in the western Mexican state of Michoacán — and it came from China. The Secretariat of the Navy of Mexico intercepted the fentanyl shipment which originated from Shanghai, China and was bound for the Sinaloa Cartel home base of Culiacán, Sinaloa, as reported by local media outlet Tobasco Hoy on Saturday.
Christian Filmmakers Who Refused to Video Gay Wedding WIN in Appeals Court! Why This Great News Is So Important for All of Us
Over two years ago, Alliance Defending Freedom filed a lawsuit on behalf of two Minnesota filmmakers, Carl and Angel Larsen. Carl and Angel realized a state law was threatening their right to live and work according to their beliefs, they decided to take a stand—for themselves, for their eight kids, and for all Americans. Today, their stand was rewarded.
Woman Accuses Husband of Cheating on Her with Ilhan Omar in Explosive Divorce Document
The wife of a Washington, D.C.-area political consultant says in a divorce filing that her husband is having an affair with Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar. The bombshell claim, reported by the New York Post, was made in divorce papers filed Tuesday in D.C. Superior Court by Dr. Beth Jordan Mynett. In the divorce filing, she claims her husband, Tim Mynett, acknowledged the affair in April and made a “shocking declaration of love” for Omar before leaving his wife.
Florida father suffering from flesh-eating disease has over one quarter of his skin removed
A Florida father of two is fighting for his life after he contracted a flesh-eating disease from an unknown source, his family says. David Ireland, 50, began experiencing flu-like symptoms last week and was admitted to an Orlando emergency room before being diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis and rushed into an operating room. The rare, life-threatening bacterial infection is often referred to as a “flesh-eating” disease, as it quickly and aggressively kills the body’s soft tissue.
Strong earthquake, 6.6 mag has occurred near Bristol Island in South Sandwich Islands
An earthquake magnitude 6.6 (ml/mb) strikes 132 km S of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands (82 miles) on Tuesday. The temblor was picked up at 21:55:18 / 9:55 pm (local time epicenter). The earthquake occurred at a depth of 10 km (6 miles) below the earth’s surface. A tsunami warning has been issued near Bristol Island in South Sandwich Islands.
Russia, Turkey agree steps to tackle militants in Syria’s Idlib: Putin
Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that Russia and Turkey had agreed steps to tackle militants in northwest Syria and “normalize” the situation there after a Syrian army offensive encircled rebel fighters and a Turkish military post.
Iran looks to China, Japan, Malaysia to seek relief from U.S. sanctions
Japan’s Foreign Minister Taro Kono has called on Iran to stay committed to the nuclear agreement… Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was in Tokyo as part of a tour of Asia. Before arriving in Japan, he made stops in China and Malaysia. Zarif’s trek came on the heels of his surprise visit to the G7 summit in France where he met with French President Emanuel Macron and European diplomats.
Hezbollah planning ‘calculated strike’ against Israel, but not war
Hezbollah is preparing a “calculated strike” against its enemy Israel after suspected Israeli drones crashed in Beirut but it aims to avoid a new war, two sources allied to Hezbollah told Reuters on Tuesday. A reaction “is being arranged in a way which wouldn’t lead to a war” that Hezbollah does not want, one of the sources said.
Facial recognition: School ID checks lead to GDPR fine
A watchdog has penalised a local authority for trialling facial recognition on high-school students in Sweden to keep track of attendance. The Swedish Data Protection Authority (DPA) fined the Skelleftea municipality 200,000 Swedish Krona (£16,800, $20,700) for flouting a privacy law. The trial involved tracking 22 students over three weeks and detecting when each pupil entered a classroom.
Tropical Storm Dorian: Puerto Rico braces for possible hurricane
The US territory of Puerto Rico has declared a state of emergency as it braces for a tropical storm churning through the Caribbean. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) has issued hurricane watch and tropical storm warnings for Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. Forecasters expect Tropical Storm Dorian to develop into a hurricane in the next 24 hours.
Gaza violence: ‘Suicide bombers’ kill three police officers
Suicide bombers thought to be aligned with the Islamic State (IS) group have attacked two police checkpoints in Gaza, killing three Palestinian officers, security sources say. The attacks follow a recent operation by Hamas, which controls Gaza, against militants linked to IS. One of the bombers who carried out Tuesday’s attacks had previously been held, a security source told the BBC.
Wave of arrests in Gaza after 2 blasts kill 3 Hamas cops
Hamas security forces have moved in to begin arresting people associated with Islamic State and other radical Islamist factions in Gaza after at least three Palestinian police officers were killed in two mysterious bombings in the enclave, Palestinian sources said Wednesday. Qatar-based broadcaster Al Jazeera reported the Tuesday blasts were detonated by two suicide bombers.
Report: Israeli drone attack in Beirut targeted precision guided missiles technology
An alleged Israeli drone attack in Lebanon’s capital targeted shipping containers with “machinery to mix high-grade propellant” for precision guided missiles, the British daily newspaper The Times reported Tuesday. The Lebanese terror group Hezbollah said two Israeli drones rigged with explosives came down over Beirut on Sunday on the roof of a building housing Hezbollah’s media office in the Moawwad neighborhood in Dahiyeh…
IDF limits movement on northern border ahead of possible Hezbollah attack
Israeli military on Tuesday ordered to restrict the movement of military vehicles along Israel’s border with Lebanon after Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah threatened to retaliate against an alleged Israeli drone attack in Beirut. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, meanwhile, warned the leader of the Iran-backed Lebanese terror group to “calm down.”
Iraqi PM: ‘Iraq ready to respond to aggression with all available means’
Iraq is ready to respond firmly and with all available means to any aggression launched from outside or inside the country, said Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi on Tuesday, according to Al Sumaria.
China’s New Hypersonic Missile Threatens Regional Stability, Analyst Warns
“But the race to develop hypersonic missiles such as DF-17 risks destabilizing the region…”
Idaho must provide gender reassignment surgery to inmate jailed for abusing child: 9th Circuit
The U.S Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has ruled that the state of Idaho must provide gender reassignment surgery for a trans-identified inmate imprisoned for sexual abuse of a minor.
Federal judge temporarily halts Missouri’s 8-week abortion ban
A federal judge on Tuesday temporarily blocked a Missouri ban on abortions at or after eight weeks of pregnancy just hours before the law was slated to take effect.
Russia denies visas to two U.S. senators, amid G7 tensions
Republican and Democratic U.S. senators said Russia refused to grant them visas for a visit to Moscow next week, amid disagreement within Washington and among U.S. allies over whether the country should be readmitted to the Group of Seven.
Israeli Drones Targeted ‘Iranian Guided-Missile Technology’ In Beirut: Report
The drones had “targeted crates believed to contain machinery to mix high-grade propellant for precision guided missiles”
Joe Walsh, Republican candidate challenging Trump, says he lost his radio show
Joe Walsh, the former congressman who’s challenging President Trump in the Republican Party’s presidential primary, said in a Monday night CNN interview that he lost his popular radio show and had just received notice before arriving to the studio for the sit-down. Walsh told CNN’s John Berman that he expected the move because nearly “80 to 90%” of his audience supports the president.
Putin, Erdogan, Meet on Deterioration of Syria Understandings
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Monday that Russian president Vladimir Putin will have a busy day Tuesday, as he is scheduled to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the town of Zhukovsky for the MAKS air show, and hold bilateral talks.
Fighting Escalates Dramatically As Both Sides Prepare For “The Final War” Between Israel And Iran
Are we about to see World War 3 erupt in the Middle East?
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Senator Calls For Probe Into Fed Independence After Bill Dudley Urges Fed To Overthrow Trump
In the aftermath of the shocking Bill Dudley op-ed, which has “opened a staggering can of worms”, and prompted many to call the former NY Fed central banker “rogue”… it was only a matter of time before someone called for an official inquiry into the “independence” of the Federal Reserve: the world’s most important central bank, the same one which Bernanke’s former advisor Andrew Levin said 3 years ago, “a lot of people would be stunned to know” the extent to which the Federal Reserve is privately owned.” The President is standing up for America against China after 30 years of our country and our workers being ripped off and there is now an effort to get the Fed to try to sabotage the President’s efforts.”
Boris Johnson asks Queen Elizabeth to suspend Parliament to force through Brexit
Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II approved a request Wednesday by Prime Minister Boris Johnson to suspend Parliament, a constitutionally unusual move that makes it easier for Johnson to force through the country’s departure from the European Union. It means British parliamentarians, determined to stop the nation leaving the EU without a formal exit deal, will have little time to do so just weeks ahead of a Brexit deadline on Oct. 31. Johnson requested the Queen “prorogue” Parliament — shut it down, essentially — on Sept. 10, a week after lawmakers return from a summer recess.
Dorian is forecast to become a Category 3 ‘major’ hurricane. What does this mean?
The latest forecast from the National Hurricane Center has Dorian strengthening into a major Category 3 hurricane with winds of 115 mph by Sunday off the U.S. East Coast. If Dorian hits as a Category 3, “devastating” wind damage will occur, …”There is a high risk of injury or death to people, livestock and pets due to flying and falling debris,” the hurricane center warned.
Israel – or ISIS? Gaza Strip on edge after bombings kill 3
After Israel is initially blamed, ISIS-linked group now suspected after apparent suicide bombings kill 3 Hamas officials in Gaza Strip. Hamas said Wednesday that two overnight bombings killed three police officers in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip in what witnesses called suicide attacks as the coastal enclave was placed under a heightened state of alert.
Krakatoa (Krakatau) volcano news & eruption updates:
Anak Krakatau volcano (Sunda Strait, Indonesia): ash eruption warning, aviation color code raised to RED.
Eruption updates & news from Stromboli:
Stromboli volcano (Italy): another massive explosion today. Another major explosion has occurred at the volcano minutes ago at 12:18 local time. Details are yet unclear, but from the image we received from Stromboli, it was another massive explosion from the summit vents,
Hamas Threatens To Attack Israel from South If Hezbollah Starts in North; Egypt Says ‘No’
In its efforts to broker a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, Egypt warned Hamas to stop firing rockets and mortars and to refrain from joining Hezbollah in any aggression against Israel. Beirut-based Al Mayadeen televised a report on Tuesday citing an unnamed leader in the “Palestinian resistance” in the Gaza Strip as saying: “If war breaks out with Hezbollah, we will be at the front line.”
Dorian strengthens into Category 1 hurricane near US Virgin Islands
Dorian strengthened into a Category 1 hurricane Wednesday as it blew through Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and makes a beeline toward the U.S. Southeast coast by the holiday weekend. Dorian’s exact path remains uncertain, but the National Hurricane Center said the threat of hurricane conditions in Florida is increasing:
Putin enhances Russia-Turkey-China defence ties at MAKS 2019
Putin has used the MAKS 2019 aviation and space exhibition to enhance defence cooperation with Turkey and China. The two are Russia’s strongest allies and Putin is on full gear showcasing his country’s achievements in its aircraft industry, the technical capabilities of its latest-generation equipment and new opportunities for mutual benefits. The presence of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and top brass from China’s military at the opening of MAKS 2019, further demonstrated the strong bilateral ties.
Alabama GOP Approves Resolution To Expel Ilhan Omar from Congress Under Article 1, Sect. 5 of the Constitution
At the conclusion of the Alabama GOP’s summer meeting on Saturday, the party passed resolution 2019-12 (page 6), which officially urges the state’s “elected congressional delegation to proceed with the expulsion process in accordance to Article 1, Section 5 of the U.S. Constitution to expel Rep. Ilhan Omar from the United States House of Representatives.” Article 1, Section 5 of the Constitution provides for the expulsion of members of Congress who engage in “disorderly behavior.” A two-thirds vote is required to expel a member.
Can Turkey seal a Russia deal and get Northern Syria too?
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was in Moscow this week to discuss military contacts and closer relations with Russia. At the same time, Ankara faces an emerging crisis in northern Syria where a Syrian regime offensive is pushing back rebels and extremist groups that have enjoyed relative peace under a Turkish security umbrella since a September 2018 deal stalled a Syrian-regime offensive.
Israel: Republic of Nauru recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital
The Republic of Nauru has recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Israel Foreign Ministry announced on Thursday. “I commend @Republic_Nauru’s important decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. We will continue to strengthen Jerusalem and to bring about the recognition and opening of diplomatic missions and embassies in our capital,” Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz tweeted on Thursday.
Australia to tackle foreign interference at universities
Australia is to formally investigate foreign interference in its universities amid rising concerns about Chinese influence on campuses. The push follows reports of students and staff “self-censoring” on sensitive political issues such as the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong. Universities had also increasingly been targeted by state-sponsored cyber attacks, the government said.
Yemen war: Government forces re-enter key city of Aden
Forces loyal to Yemen’s government have re-entered the southern city of Aden, which they lost to previously allied separatists earlier this month. Information Minister Moammar al-Eryani said troops and militiamen had taken full control of the city after securing the airport and presidential palace. But a separatist militia commander said it was still in control of most areas.
Gaza explosions: ‘Suicide bombers’ kill three police officers
Hamas is arresting suspected jihadist activists in Gaza, which the militant Islamist movement controls, after what a security source said were suicide bomb attacks on two police posts. Three police officers were killed in the attacks, which are thought to have been carried out by extremists with links to the Islamic State (IS) group. Gaza’s interior ministry declared a state of emergency after the bombings.
Extreme acts of violence in Mexico are on the rise: 27 burned to death at a strip club
The assailants locked the doors and emergency exits. Then they doused the strip club with gasoline and set it on fire. The inferno that engulfed the White Horse bar in southern Mexico on Tuesday night killed 27 people and injured more than a dozen others. Photos taken after the flames were extinguished showed the bodies of semi-nude women strewn amid charred barstools.
Mortgage Defaults Rise First Time Since Financial Crisis
The Black Knight Mortgage Monitor shows the first annual rise in defaults since the crisis. An estimated 243K borrowers defaulted on first lien mortgages in Q2 2019. While the quarter ending on a Sunday certainly played a factor in the rise in defaults, a noticeable overall slowdown in the decline in default activity has been observed.
Iraq facing resistance in crackdown on Iran-allied militias allegedly targeted by Israel
At checkpoints leading into the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, the flags of Brigade 30, a paramilitary force, still fly nearly two months after the Baghdad government ordered all militias to leave. Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi’s decree gave Iran-backed paramilitary groups, which have wielded increasing power in Iraq, a month to fully integrate with the armed forces, leave checkpoints and sever ties with political groups.
Gaza rocket fire sends children at swim event in south scrambling for protected spaces
Air raid sirens warning of rocket fire from the Gaza Strip sounded Wednesday night at the Netiv Ha’Asara community that borders the northern section of the Hamas-run enclave. The moshav was holding a night swim for dozens of local children at the time. Local residents reported hearing an explosion, and no injuries or damage were reported. The IDF said the rocket did not cross into Israeli territory.
U.S.: No peace plan before September 17 elections in Israel
The United States will not be releasing any or all of its plan for Middle East peace before the September 17 elections in Israel, Donald Trump’s special envoy to the Middle East, Jason Greenblatt, said Wednesday. The plan, referred to by U.S. President Donald Trump as the “deal of the century” and developed by his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner, was scheduled to be revealed sometime this summer.
Tenacious Dorian Heads for Puerto Rico; Bahamas and Florida Could Be Next
Nudged on all sides by a grab bag of influences, Tropical Storm Dorian has held its own, working its way into the eastern Caribbean after passing near Barbados and over St. Lucia. Dorian is likely to move across Puerto Rico as a tropical storm on Wednesday afternoon and evening, and longer-range models point toward a track that could angle across The Bahamas and westward into Florida. Dorian’s strength by later this week remains a big question mark, but a hurricane on Florida’s East Coast over Labor Day weekend is a distinct possibility.
Tropical Storm “Erin” forms off the coast of North Carolina, Dorian nears Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico
Tropical Storm “Erin” formed off the coast of North Carolina, U.S. at 03:00 UTC on August 28, 2019 as the 5th named storm of the 2019 Atlantic hurricane season. Some slight strengthening is possible today, but the system will gradually weaken Thursday as it completes a transition to an extratropical cyclone.
NBC News is now attacking heterosexuality, the very basis of sustainable human life
The mainstream media has gone so far off the rails into LGBTQ insanity that it’s now claiming that heterosexuality is an inherently bad thing that was created by men to function as the “bedrock” of “global oppression” for women – meaning all women now need to become lesbians or “other” in order to “free” themselves from the shackles of the patriarchy.
Pope Francis Issues The Order Creating Global Chrislam Committee To Implement His Decree On ‘Human Fraternity For World Peace’ Signed In UAE Back In February
If you remember we had told you back in February that Pope Francis went to the United Arab Emirates and signed a covenant called “Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together”, which we told you at the time was the official declaration of the start of the One World Religion of Chrislam. Since that time not much has happened in the way of progress until last week. What happened last week? The implementation of the covenant.
THE GREAT CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE: Mosul Goes from 15,000 Christians to 40 Following Obama’s Presidency
There were 15,000 Christians in Mosul, Iraq before ISIS took control of the third largest Iraqi city in 2014. Now there are just 40 Christians left.
National-Security Concerns Threaten Undersea Data Link Backed by Google, Facebook
U.S. officials are seeking to block an undersea cable backed by Google, Facebook Inc. and a Chinese partner, in a national-security review that could rewrite the rules of internet connectivity between the U.S. and China, according to people involved in the discussions
Yale professor, computer scientist rejects Darwinism, now finds Intelligent Design compelling
An Ivy League professor of computer science has abandoned Darwinism and denounced evolution as an improbable scientific theory. Intelligent design, he now says, is an argument worthy of deeper consideration.
HHS says Vermont center forced nurse to assist abortion
The Trump administration accused the University of Vermont Medical Center on Wednesday of violating federal law by forcing a nurse to participate in an elective abortion.
The Future of the World Pivots On the Events In Hong Kong
The 20th century was to have belonged to the United States. The 21st century was promised to China. Both countries were tasked to help usher in a path toward one world government and a one world planned socialist economy. Former President, HW Bush, called it the “New World Order” as he was the first to use the term on the world stage.
Victory For Believers: Court Rules Atheists Cannot Offer Prayer In PA State House
Last Friday, the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against a group of atheists who sued the Speaker of the Pennsylvania House in federal court, claiming the Pennsylvania House violated the Establishment Clause by barring a non-religious person from offering prayer.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Hurricane Dorian to strengthen, set to slam Florida as major Category 4 storm on Labor Day
Hurricane Dorian is on track to strengthen to a powerful Category 4 hurricane with possible life-threatening storm surge and dangerous winds as it slams into Florida’s east coast at the end of Labor Day weekend, forecasters said Thursday. “Strengthening is forecast during the next few days, and Dorian is expected to become a major hurricane on Friday,” the National Hurricane Center said Thursday. Landfall on Monday is possible anywhere between the Florida Keys and southern Georgia, forecasters said.
No injuries reported after 6.3 magnitude earthquake hits off Oregon coast
A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Thursday off the Oregon coast, but did not generate a tsunami or cause any damage or injuries, authorities said. The epicenter of the quake, which hit just after 8 a.m., was located about 150 miles from the city of Bandon at a depth of 7 miles in the Pacific Ocean.
Amazon, Microsoft, ‘putting world at risk of killer AI’: study
“Why are companies like Microsoft and Amazon not denying that they’re currently developing these highly controversial weapons, which could decide to kill people without direct human involvement?” said Frank Slijper, lead author of the report published this week.
Hong Kong Christians Rise Up in Worship, Joining Protests against China
“The unofficial anthem of Hong Kong’s anti-extradition movement is ‘Sing Hallelujah to the Lord.’ The underground Church is coming out of hiding in China. Gathering in peace and prayer, thousands of Christian protestors can often be heard belting out the 1974 hymn, “Sing Hallelujah to the Lord.”
Netanyahu to make Pro-3rd Temple Politician ‘High Ranking Official’
It has been confirmed that Zehut (Identity) party leader Moshe Feiglin will order his party, Zehut, to step down in the current election to join Netanyahu’s Likud party who will make him a “high ranking official” in the PM’s next government. Moshe Feiglin’s Zehut was the only party head in the current elections who openly calls for building the third Temple and has placed it on his party’s platform.
Mini-brains grown in a lab show neural activity like preterm babies
Muotri and his colleagues developed a new way of making brain models from pluripotent stem cells. They added special growth factors and other chemicals to make the stem cells grow into various brain cell types that then spontaneously assembled into brain-like structures. Each artificial brain grew to about half a centimetre in diameter over a period of 10 months. Using tiny electrodes to measure electrical activity, the researchers found that they began producing simple brain waves at about two months. Over time, these brain waves became more complex, suggesting the individual brain cells were starting to communicate with each other and form networks. The researchers found that the way these brain waves evolved resembled the early development of real human brains.
It’s official: No U.S. warming since at least 2005
Purveyors of the belief that mankind is catastrophically impacting the global climate insist it’s getting warmer year by year. But a new, improved system to assess surface temperatures established in 2005 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA, indicates otherwise. In fact, the U.S. Climate Reference Network — comprised of 114 pristinely maintained temperature stations spaced relatively uniformly across the lower 48 states — finds there has been no warming for the past 14 years at least
Latest Projection Shows Dorian Hitting US as a Major Hurricane
“Dorian is expected to become a major hurricane on Friday,” the National Hurricane Center said in its Thursday morning advisory. The center estimated that Dorian will clip the northwestern Bahamas and dump four to eight inches of rain there before turning to the U.S. mainland to do the same, with a foot of rain possible in some locations.
Egypt proposes long-term ceasefire between Israel and Hamas – report
During the talks between the Hamas delegation, Egyptian intelligence officials proposed a long-term ceasefire between Israel and Hamas – Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar reported Friday morning. According to the report, the Egyptians suggested a long-term ceasefire in exchange for humanitarian and economic improvements for the Gaza Strip.
Iranian tanker headed to Lebanon, not Turkey
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Friday an Iranian oil tanker, now in waters south of Turkey and at the center of a confrontation between Washington and Tehran, was headed for Lebanon. Tracking site Marine Traffic showed earlier on Friday that the Adrian Darya, formerly called Grace 1, had changed course again and was headed for the southeastern Turkish port of Iskenderun.
U.S. Census Bureau partners with controversial Muslim group – report
A controversial US Muslim organization is going to cooperate with the US Census Bureau, according to a report by the Investigative Project on Terrorism. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced the partnership on Wednesday, highlighting that it is aimed to “ensure American Muslims are fairly and accurately counted in the 2020 Census.”
No single gene associated with being gay
A genetic analysis of almost half a million people has concluded there is no single “gay gene”. The study, published in Science, used data from the UK Biobank and 23andMe, and found some genetic variants associated with same-sex relationships. But genetic factors accounted for, at most, 25% of same-sex behaviour.
Ilhan Omar Demands UN Take Control of US Borders in Mirror of European Migrant Crisis
Rep. Ilhan Omar is demanding that the United Nations take control of the U.S. border with Mexico in a mirror of how Europe was inundated with migrants following lobbying from international bodies. “We should do what any other country does by dealing with this situation in a serious way,” Omar said during an immigration forum in south Minneapolis.
Mumps has swept through 57 immigration detention facilities and infected over 900 people
Mumps has swept through 57 immigration detention facilities in 19 states since September, according to the first U.S. government report on the outbreaks in the overloaded immigration system. The virus sickened 898 adult migrants and 33 detention center staffers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in its report Thursday.
Ebola death toll in east Congo outbreak climbs above 2,000
The death toll from Democratic Republic of Congo’s year-long Ebola outbreak has climbed above 2,000, government data showed on Friday, as responders battle to overcome community mistrust and widespread security problems. The government team overseeing the response said the number of confirmed and probable cases had also hit a milestone of more than 3,000 in what has become the second-worst epidemic of the virus on record.
Palestinians shun U.S. consular events after widespread protests
The United States Embassy in Jerusalem…canceled a meeting that was scheduled to take place in Ramallah between Palestinian business people and the embassy’s commercial attaché after widespread pressure from the Palestinian public. It is the second activity to be canceled in August after the embassy was forced to postpone a conference it organized in the West Bank city of Ramallah last Monday due to Palestinian protests.
Israel: Iran, Hezbollah intensifying missile efforts
The Israeli military is accusing Iran and its Lebanese proxy Hezbollah of stepping up attempts to build missile-production facilities in Lebanon and says these efforts are putting Lebanese civilians in danger. The announcement comes at a time of rising tensions. In recent days, Israel has struck Iranian targets in Syria and Iraq, and Hezbollah has accused Israel of a drone strike in Lebanon.
“I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This”: China Reels As Pork Prices Explode To Record Levels
Prices of China’s favorite protein have surged 18% in China in just two weeks, and the people are not happy.
Severe hunger threatens millions in Somalia as climate emergency deepens
Somalia faces a new humanitarian crisis with more than 2 million people now threatened by severe hunger, aid agencies say. A further 3 million people are uncertain of their next meal, latest assessments suggest.
Apocalyptic footage shows cars narrowly avoiding flames from massive Alaska wildfire
A destructive wildfire season in Alaska has only grown worse in recent weeks, as the Swan Lake Fire has spread rapidly. Located near Sterling on the Kenai Peninsula, the blaze has been fueled by an incredibly warm and dry summer.
The temporary city built for Burning Man is visible from space
…In addition to cleaning up after yourself, there are also organized runs and games that encourage people to pick up M.O.O.P., which stands for Matter Out Of Place. In addition to routine cleanup, there’s a wild list of other activities this year, including sensual hot dog eating and 40 orgies.
Nearly 850,000 ordered to evacuate in Japan as downpours, flooding, mudslides continue into Friday
Daily downpours inundating parts of western Japan in the coming days will raise the risk of flooding and mudslides. The downpours began on Tuesday, and they are expected to continue into Friday before diminishing in intensity this weekend.
Georgia Governor declares state of emergency –
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp on Thursday afternoon declared a state of emergency for 12 South Georgia counties ahead of the arrival of Hurricane Dorian.
The Real Reason Why End Times Fraud Todd Bentley And The New Apostolic Reformation Scandal Could Very Well Destroy The Charismatic Movement
…Bentley’s “ministry” was nothing more or less than an openly demonic freak show in the flesh that at times ranged from comical to terrifying. The idea that anyone, on any planet, would consider this man to be a “minister of the gospel” is the most ridiculous thing you could ever imagine. Yet, in spite of that, Todd Bentley became an official ordained minister in the Charismatic Movement.
Jesuit Superior General Of The Roman Catholic Church Says No Country Can Turn Away Illegal Migrants Because The ‘Land Belongs To Everyone’
It has been quite awhile since the Roman Catholic Church has wielded the type of absolute power they had grown accustomed to during the start of the Dark Ages and all the way into the time of the Spanish Inquisition. And like their brothers over in Islam, when Rome is not in power they pretend to be all about “peace and love” until they can seize control once again.
Trump admin allows veterans’ hospitals to have Bibles, Christmas trees again
…”One of my fondest memories growing up, we used to sing Christmas carols at the VA hospital in Fayetteville, North Carolina,”…”Something as simple and as decent as that was being stopped,” he said. “With the support of the president, we just said enough is enough.”