For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing .
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Southern residents to turn to UN to protest incendiary balloons
Residents of Israel’s South have decided to turn to the United Nations concerning the waves of incendiary balloons that have been launched from Gaza toward Israeli communities near the Strip… Heads of regional councils near the Gaza border and residents of communities in the area are looking into the legal options for turning to the UN in order to protest the disruptions and human rights violations…
After threat from U.S., PA frees businessman who attended Bahrain summit
Palestinian Authority security forces released Hebron businessman Saleh Abu Mayaleh on Saturday at 10:45 p.m., after he had been detained upon his return from the economic conference in Bahrain. According to Palestinian reports, the decision to release the businessman came following a threatening letter from the US Embassy.
IfNotNow campaigning to highlight ‘occupation’ in US 2020 elections
The radical IfNotNow US-based organization that campaigns against Israel’s control of the West Bank has formed a new non-profit branch to highlight its message during the 2020 presidential campaign. The organization stated that Israel’s occupation of the Palestinians was a moral concern for the US Jewish community and alleged that allegations of antisemitism are manipulated to fight those who oppose Israel’s policies.
Sudan security forces ‘carry out raid’ ahead of mass protest
Sudan’s main opposition group says security forces raided its office and blocked a new conference on the eve of mass protests against military rule. Security forces have been patrolling parts of the capital, Khartoum, ahead Sunday’s planned protests. The Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) called for a “million-strong” march on Sunday to push the military to hand control to civilians.
US-North Korea: Trump and Kim agree to restart talks in historic meeting
Donald Trump has become the first sitting US president to set foot in North Korea, after meeting Kim Jong-un in the area dividing the two Koreas. Mr Trump and the North Korean leader posed for handshakes before talking for nearly an hour in the heavily fortified demilitarised zone (DMZ). Both countries agreed to set up teams to resume stalled nuclear talks.
Delay to rule allowing US medics to refuse procedures on moral grounds
A rule protecting US medics who refuse to carry out procedures on moral or religious grounds has been delayed. The so-called “conscience rule” was due to come into effect on 22 July, but has been postponed because of a legal challenge in California. Opponents warn it would endanger patients, particularly women and LGBT+ people seeking access to contraception, HIV treatment or abortion.
ISIS poised for ‘devastating’ comeback thanks to secret billions and sleeper cells, new report warns
ISIS is about to make a come back — but this time it “could be faster and even more devastating” than first time round, a new report warns. The death cult’s Caliphate in Syria and Iraq collapsed this year but it is feared hardcore followers escaped as part of a tactical retreat. The Washington-based Institute for the Study of War is warning in a report that the brutal terror group is set to come back — bigger and more dangerous than before.
Swine fever toll in China may be twice as high as reported, industry insiders say
As many as half of China’s breeding pigs have either died from African swine fever or been slaughtered because of the spreading disease, twice as many as officially acknowledged… While other estimates are more conservative, the plunge in the number of sows is poised to leave a large hole in the supply of the country’s favorite meat, pushing up food prices and devastating livelihoods in a rural economy that includes 40 million pig farmers.
Calls to Normalize Pedophilia on the Rise: New Report Recommends Workshops Instead of Prosecution
Jackie Hill Perry, who shares her journey from lesbian to Christian poet, writer, and hip-hop artist in her book “Gay Girl Good God,” recently retweeted a TED Talk speaker who normalizes pedophilia.
A deadly, drug-resistant fungus has swept the globe—here’s how it spreads
Patients infected with a deadly, drug-resistant fungus are dripping with the dangerous germ, which pours into their surroundings where it lies in wait for weeks to find a new victim. That’s according to fresh data reported from the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology recently in San Francisco.
Cockroaches may soon be unstoppable—thanks to fast-evolving insecticide resistance
The day that squeamish humans—and exterminators—have long feared may have come at last: Cockroaches are becoming invincible. Or at least German cockroaches (Blattella germanica) are, according to a new study. Researchers have found that these creatures, which have long been a prevalent urban pest, are becoming increasingly resistant to almost every kind of chemical insecticide.
No End in Sight for Record Midwest Flood Crisis
The 2019 Mississippi River flood fight is going to slog deep into the summer — and maybe much longer.
US Army Wants 500,000 Active Troops By 2020, Amid Threats Of War
The US Army wants 500,000 active duty military personnel by 2020, amid threats of war with Iran near the Strait of Hormuz and potential conflict with China across the South China Sea. The service’s recruiting goals, however, first reported by Army Times, is facing significant difficulties with unhealthy, ineligible millennials.
Get Outraged And Stay Outraged
There are some things so wrong that we cannot allow ourselves to get used to them. We must always be outraged over them. Always grieve over them. We can never accept them as the new status quo. The drag queen assault on our children is one of those things.
End Times Prophecy Being Fulfilled
…The following interview with Lisa Haven didn’t begin with the intention to cover end times prophecy, but much of the discussion kept coming back to this central theme. I would never have believed that I am living the end times when I was younger. However, when one examines current events and compares them to what the Bible says, can there be any question about the nature of the times we live in? I recently interviewed Lisa Haven and this message came through loud and clear. This is a facinating interview tihe Lisa Haven on the end times that we find ourseleves in.
City Council in St Louis Park, MN Voted to Ditch Pledge of Allegiance …Then Backlash
St Louis Park, Minnesota: The St Louis Park City Council decided unanimously on June 17 that the Pledge of Allegiance had been ‘weaponized.’ So they amended their rules to remove it from the beginning of their council meetings. You know, to make everything more “diverse.”
Yes, Our Global Climate Is Changing Rapidly, And No, There Is Nothing You Can Do About It And There Is No Power On Earth That Can Stop It
The headlines this week have been literally, pardon the pun, on fire with talk about all the intense weather that has been sweeping not just across America, but all over Europe as well. Yahoo News said “Europe sweltered Saturday on the sixth day of a widespread and deadly 114.6 degrees Fahrenheit heat wave”.
Judge Keeps Dismemberment Abortions Legal in Indiana, 27 Babies Died Having Their Limbs Torn Off
Federal judge Sarah Evans Barker, issued a preliminary injunction in the abortion industry’s favor, allowing dismemberment abortions in Indiana. The American Civil Liberties Union, on behalf of abortion practitioners, sued to stop the dismemberment ban from taking effect July 1.
Newly Consecrated Gay Bishop Declares God Is A Woman
Rev. Thomas Brown, who is married to a fellow priest, was ordained as a bishop of the diocese of Maine in the Episcopal Church June 22. Immediately following his ordination, Brown referred to God as a “she” twice in the Nicene Creed.
Mom of 12-Year-Old Drag Queen Shocked To Find Pedophile Lusting After Him
You may perhaps have heard about the preteen drag performer who goes by the name “Desmond Is Amazing.” Desmond Napoles is an online sensation who’s appeared on “Good Morning America” and has become a cause célèbre among the LGBT community.
Catholic Bishop Walks Asylum Seekers Across US Mexico Border To ‘Protest Trump’
A Catholic bishop from Texas walked with Central American migrants across the US-Mexico border bridge to protest the Trump administration.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Pro-Third Temple Party Makes Move “Guaranteeing Spot in the Next Government”
Zehut, the only political party in Israel’s current election calling for the rebuilding of the Third Temple, has agreed to join forces with Former Education Minister and head of the ‘New Right’ party, Naftali Bennett reports Ynet. Each party was just shy of the required mandates needed to pass Israel’s electoral threshold. However, running on a joint list should have them passing the four-seat minimum threshold required to enter the Knesset (parliament) with flying colors.
Massive Cyprus explosion believed connected to Israeli strikes in Syria
The possibility of a misdirected Israeli or Syrian missile were among the numerous theories floated as to the cause of a loud explosion and large fire in Turkish-controlled northern Cyprus early Monday. Initial reports indicate that the object was a Russian missile, fired against Israeli attacks…
Fatah members threaten to ‘hunt down’ Bahrain conference participants
They go on to say that they will strike with “an iron fist the necks of anyone” who sells out the Palestinian rights and anyone who participates in the Bahrain workshop. Those who attend the workshop, they say, have “opened the gates of Hell on themselves.”
New discovery in Jerusalem’s City of David: 2,000-year-old pilgrimage road
The ancient street is referred to as “Pilgrimage Road,” since archeologists are convinced that this is the path millions of Jews took three times a year when performing the commandment of aliyah l’regel – going up to the holy city of Jerusalem to bring sacrifices to God during Judaism’s three key holidays, Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot. The Pilgrimage Road goes all the way from the Shiloah Pool to the area adjacent to the Western Wall known as Robinson’s Arch, where today you can still see remnants of the ancient stairway that led into the Jewish Temple.
Turkey’s Erdogan says S-400 systems will be delivered within 10 days
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said the first delivery of the Russian S-400 missile defense system would take place within 10 days, broadcaster NTV reported on Sunday, a day after he said there would be no U.S. sanctions over the deal.
A shocking night for Syria – Analysis
Airstrikes and active air defense across Damascus into the mountains near Lebanon and near Homs 160 km to the north awoke Syrians after midnight in the first hours of Monday. It was the largest series of airstrikes many had seen in months or years,…
Ex-Palestinian Authority Minister Hints that Arabs who attended Bahrain Summit will be Tortured or Executed
Breaking Israel News ran an expose revealing the various torture techniques used by the Palestinian Authority to punish those accused of collaborating with Israel or the “occupation. Some of the victim’s testimonies included prolonged hanging upside-down, boiling plastic to drip onto skin, the removal of nails and teeth, sterilization, sleep deprivation, starvation, murder and even the rape of family members…
US deploys F-22 stealth fighters to Qatar as tensions with Iran surge
The United States has deployed F-22 Raptor stealth fighter jets to Qatar for the first time, according to the US Air Forces Central Military Command on Friday. The deployment, to the Al Udeid Air Base, a forward headquarters of U.S. Central Command and headquarters of U.S. Air Forces Central Command, is intended to “defend American forces and interests,” said officials in a statement. It was not stated how many of the jets were deployed.
Left-Wing Organization Launches Campaign to Troll Democratic Presidential Candidates Against Israel
A radical left-wing group of activists who are against Israel’s presence in Judea and Samaria is expanding its organization in hopes of influencing the Democratic primaries. ‘IfNotNow’, a group of anti-Israel activists have opened a non-profit 501(c)(4) and is training their activists to troll Democratic candidates in an effort to force the Israeli/Arab conflict and compel the candidates to take a stand against Israel,…
Papua New Guinea volcanic eruptions force 15,000 from their homes
Volcanic eruptions in Papua New Guinea (PNG) have forced 15,000 villagers in the country’s northeast to flee their homes, aid agencies said on Sunday. Mount Ulawun on PNG’s northeastern island of New Britain exploded suddenly on Wednesday, shooting an ash column 18 km (11.18 miles) into the air, while nearby Manam erupted on Friday, sending dangerous pyroclastic flows down its slopes.
Tucker Carlson: Debate Shows Democratic Party Has Broken From Reality Into Self-Righteous Fantasy
The Democratic Party went completely insane on Wednesday. That’s been happening for a while, of course — insanity is a process. But Wednesday night at the first Democratic primary debate of the 2020 season, they made it official. Elite Democrats have permanently broken with reality. They no longer care about what’s true, what’s possible, even what’s real. They live in a kind of dream-state, a place of fantasy punctuated by howls of self-righteousness.
A shocking night for Syria
Airstrikes and active air defenses across Damascus into the mountains near Lebanon and near Homs 160 km. to the North woke up Syrians after midnight in the first hours of Monday. It was the largest series of airstrikes many had seen in months or years, according to social media accounts tweeting from Syria or in touch with people on the ground.
At least 15 killed during alleged Israeli airstrikes in Syria – report
At least 15 people, among them six civilians including an infant were killed and 21 others wounded by an alleged Israeli airstrike in Damascus and Homs in Syria, Syrian media reported on Monday. “A military source said that the army air defenses confronted hostile missiles launched by Israeli warplanes at midnight from Lebanese airspace towards some of our military sites in Homs and the surrounding of Damascus,” SANA reported.
Hong Kong: Police and protesters clash on handover anniversary
Police in Hong Kong have clashed with protesters marking the anniversary of its handover from UK to Chinese rule. In chaotic scenes on Monday, police used pepper spray and batons to contain protesters outside a venue hosting an annual flag-raising ceremony. A small group of protesters also smashed into the government building.
Trump in North Korea: KCNA hails ‘amazing’ visit
North Korean state media have hailed US President Donald Trump’s impromptu visit to the country as “an amazing event”. On Sunday, Mr Trump became the first sitting US president to set foot in North Korea, accompanied by leader Kim Jong-un. Mr Trump had earlier tweeted asking Mr Kim if he would like to meet while the US president was in South Korea.
EU summit: Leaders resume talks after disagreement over top jobs
EU leaders meeting in Brussels remain divided over who should get the EU’s top jobs, including a successor to Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker. Talks resumed over breakfast on Monday morning, after the member countries failed to reach agreement at the emergency summit convened on Sunday. Summit chair Donald Tusk decided to have a break for bilateral talks.
Mexico hail: Ice 1.5m thick carpets Mexico’s Guadalajara
Six suburbs in the Mexican city of Guadalajara have been left carpeted in a thick layer of ice after a heavy hail storm. The ice was up to 1.5m (5ft) thick in places, half-burying vehicles. Civil protection machinery was deployed to clear streets in the city of five million located north of Mexico City. Local officials also reported flooding and fallen trees, but no-one is thought to have been hurt.
New York Pride: Bumper crowds attend LGBT march
Hundreds of thousands of revellers have thronged the streets of New York for WorldPride, one of the largest LGBT celebrations in the world. Around 150,000 people took part in the march, 50 years on from the Stonewall riots, with many more watching. The riots, after a police raid on the Stonewall Inn, helped to energise the fight for gay equality. This year’s march started outside the inn.
New data shows depth of U.S. mental health crisis
U.S. suicide rates are at the highest level since World War II, according to a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, per Bloomberg’s Cynthia Koons. By the numbers: From 2000 to 2006, the suicide rate in the U.S. increased by an average of about 1% a year. From 2006 through 2016, it increased by 2% a year. There were 1.4 million suicide attempts in 2017 and 47,000 deaths.
Russia plans to tow a nuclear power station to the Arctic. Critics dub it a ‘floating Chernobyl’
Next month, a floating nuclear power plant called the Akademik Lomonosov will be towed via the Northern Sea Route to its final destination in the Far East, after almost two decades in construction. It’s part of Russia’s ambition to bring electric power to a mineral-rich region. The 144-meter (472 feet) long platform painted in the colors of the Russian flag is going to float next to a small Arctic port town of Pevek, some 4,000 miles away from Moscow.
Russia beating U.S. in race for global influence, Pentagon study says
The U.S. is ill-equipped to counter the increasingly brazen political warfare Russia is waging to undermine democracies, the Pentagon and independent strategists warn… The…white paper, prepared for the Joint Chiefs of Staff…says the U.S. is still underestimating the scope of Russia’s aggression, which includes the use of propaganda and disinformation to sway public opinion across Europe, Central Asia, Africa and Latin America.
China Confirms Submarine-Launched Missile Test
China’s Defense Ministry this week confirmed the test firing of a new submarine-launched ballistic missile the Pentagon regards as a strategic weapon capable of striking anywhere in the United States from underwater launch points. Asked about the test of the new JL-3 submarine-launched ballistic missile, Sr. Col., Ren Guoqiang, a Defense Ministry spokesman, acknowledged the test firing.
Syrian missile fending off alleged Israeli strike hits Cyprus
A Turkish Cypriot official said…that a Syrian anti-aircraft missile trying to fend off an alleged Israeli raid missed its target and hit ethnically divided Cyprus, causing an explosion outside a village in east Mediterranean island… No injuries were reported. Intensive Israeli airstrikes, reportedly targeting Syrian government targets and Hezbollah bases near the Syrian-Lebanon border…were taking place at the time of the blast…
U.S. envoys on hand at controversial ceremony in Jerusalem
U.S. envoys attended the inauguration of a Jewish heritage site in East Jerusalem on Sunday, signaling support for Israel’s hold over parts of the city that Palestinians want for a future state. Palestinians – who view the heritage project and settlement activities in the Silwan district as moves by Israel to further cement control over areas it captured in the 1967 Middle East war – called the U.S. presence at the event a hostile act.
Palestinians: 95 wounded in East Jerusalem clashes over weekend
At least 95 people were wounded and 20 others had been arrested over the weekend in East Jerusalem as the clashes which were sparked last Thursday over the killing of a Palestinian man by Israeli security forces, show no signs of slowing down. On Saturday evening, the rioters threw rocks and launched fireworks at the police forces, who in turn responded with crowd dispersal measures, which included stun grenades and sponge-tipped bullets.
Gun battle rages in Afghan capital after Taliban blast injures 100
Afghan security forces on Monday were battling Taliban gunmen who stormed a building in the capital, Kabul, after a bomb-laden truck exploded near the defense ministry at rush hour, injuring at least 100 people, including 35 children… For hours after the attack, sporadic gunfire and explosions could be heard in the area… At least three gunmen entered a building around the defense ministry after the blast, a government security official said.
Over 200 dead as Australia braces for peak flu season, Australia/NZ News & Top Stories |
According to data released separately by Australia’s six states and two territories, at least 228 people have already been killed by the flu and more than 100,000 have been infected compared to only 58,824 in 2018.
Heatwave cooks mussels in their shells on California shore
In all her years working at Bodega Bay, the marine reserve research coordinator Jackie Sones had never seen anything like it: scores of dead mussels on the rocks, their shells gaping and scorched, their meats thoroughly cooked.
European Heat Wave Shatters June Records in 7 Nations; France Set a New All-Time Record High |
A heat wave currently baking parts of Europe has already set new all-time June record highs in seven nations and an all-time record high in France as an intense dome of high pressure taps into hot air from northern Africa.
Herd of cattle swept into river amid Minnesota flooding
A herd of cattle was swept into a raging river amid Minnesota flooding Friday about 87 miles southeast of Minneapolis. Seventeen of the animals survived.
Iran helping dig tunnels in Gaza
In an article in the Hamas daily Al-Risala, Hamza Ismail Abu Shanab, who is affiliated with the terrorist group, describes Iran’s assistance to the Palestinian “resistance organizations”.
Baltimore: ICE Seizes 333 Pounds Of Cocaine Hidden In Secret Containers from CHINA
A Border Enforcement Task Force (BEST) team in Baltimore comprised of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers seized 332 pounds of cocaine in the port of Baltimore June 18.
Pennsylvania Democrats (including Senator) attend events with terror group CAIR representatives
Several state and local officials in Pennsylvania participated in recent days in events hosted by members of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which is known for spreading antisemitic messages.
Salmonella outbreak linked to fresh papayas sickens at least 62 people in 8 states, CDC says
Dozens of people in eight U.S. states have been infected with a strain of salmonella after eating fresh papayas imported from Mexico, according to federal health officials.
Girl, 4, is encouraged to touch naked man for weird art performance
Footage showing a four-year-old child being encouraged to touch a naked man’s body for a performance art stunt has sparked outrage in Brazil. …Rather than art, they are calling the show disgusting’ and a crime that ‘incites paedophilia’, the Daily Mail reports.
Conservative writer gets punched, kicked, hit with cement ‘milkshakes’ by left-wing protesters
This is how Democrats debate. War is coming and if you don’t see it, you aren’t paying attention.
BREAKING News About Border Wall And Liberals Are Up In Arms
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), in partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), has awarded a contract to construct approximately four miles of new border wall system, consisting of four segments, located just south of Rio Grande City and La Grulla within U.S. Border Patrol’s Rio Grande Valley (RGV) Sector in Starr County, Texas.
UN chief urges action to avert climate change ‘catastrophe’
UN chief Antonio Guterres says climate-related devastation was striking the planet on a weekly basis and warned Sunday that urgent action must be taken to avoid a catastrophe.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Unborn Babies are Being Extracted From Their Mother’s Wombs Alive to Have Their Livers Harvested
Dr. Jörg C. Gerlach, an “experimental surgeon” at the taxpayer-funded University of Pittsburgh, has developed and published on a grotesque technique to harvest fresh, pristine livers from intact babies delivered alive in late-term abortions “at a gestational age of 18 to 22 weeks.” Gerlach’s liver-harvesting “protocol” is used for experimental stem cell transplants according to “current Good Manufacturing Practice,” or cGMP, guidelines developed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, another arm of HHS. They even washed the babies: “Upon its arrival at the cGMP facility, each fetus was weighed, rinsed with an iodine solution, and placed onto a sterile surgical tray.” Then they cut their livers out.
Guadalajara Hit By Freak Hail Storm; Cars Buried, Hundreds Of Structures Damaged
Guadalajara, Mexico was struck by a freak hail storm on Sunday, burying vehicles and trapping residents in ice pellets up to two meters (6.5 ft) deep, While seasonal hail storms do occur, there is no record of anything so heavy.
Push for Licenses to Genetically Engineer Human Beings
… a letter written by Julian Hitchcock of the U.K. government’s Synthetic Biology Leadership Council, published in Nature, the most prestigious science journal in the world — explicitly advocates licensing scientists to genetically engineer in the same way we do cannabis vendors! No. We need a legally enforceable moratorium with punch for violators. Our institutions keep failing us, and the science sector is no exception.
Hidden Clue On Website Belonging To Ilhan Omar’s Sister Adds To Evidence About Marriage History
The ties between Omar’s supposedly long-lost ex-husband and Omar’s sister appear to contradict Omar’s sworn testimony and add to the body of evidence that the ex-husband may be her brother, making all three siblings.
Trump’s Israel Ambassador Sledgehammers his Way to the Third Temple
President Donald Trump’s Israel envoy including Ambassador David Friedman and Middle East Advisor Jason Greenblatt hammered through the final wall to reconnect a 2,000-year-old road that Ancient Jews used to bring sacrifices up to the Second Temple to sounds of the shofar in the background.
Iranian state TV puts responsibility on Europe to protect economy, save nuclear deal
Iranian state TV has said it is up to Europe to protect Iran from U.S. sanctions and prevent it from reducing its compliance with the landmark 2015 nuclear agreement signed with world powers. “The ball is in Europe’s court. Are Paris, London, and Berlin going to again waste a chance under the influence of [U.S. President Donald] Trump, or use the remaining opportunity to fulfill their promises and act on their commitments under the [nuclear deal]?,”
Russian biologist welcomes backlash over his plan for gene-edited babies
A Russian biologist has thrust himself to the forefront one of the world’s most urgent medical-science debates by declaring his intention to use CRISPR gene-editing techniques to modify the genomes of human embryos and implant them in women. Denis Rebrikov, a DNA-technology specialist who heads a genome-editing lab at a Moscow fertility clinic, vowed this month to seek Russian authorities’ approval to disable a gene, known as CCR5, in carefully selected embryos of would-be mothers who are HIV-positive or who suffer from specific genetic disorders.
Trump dumping Obama transgender shelter rule to protect women, girls
President Donald Trump is fixing a problematic transgender rule devised and implemented under former President Barack Obama that forwarded the LGBT agenda, while putting battered women and girls in shelters at risk of being sexually assaulted by male predators claiming to be female.
Hailstorm Destroys Thousands Of Acres Of Crops
Thousands of acres of corn and soybeans have been destroyed by a hailstorm that moved through southwest Minnesota. And, in some cases it’s too late in the season for farmers to replant.
Putin says liberalism ‘eating itself,’ migrant influx wrong
Vladimir Putin fired a new broadside against Western liberalism at the Group of 20 summit in Japan, saying that policies such as welcoming migrants have hurt people’s interests. Speaking after the summit in Osaka concluded on Saturday, Putin charged that Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and a drop of popularity of traditional parties in Europe have been rooted in growing public dismay with mainstream liberal policies. He said Trump’s election victory was driven by growing disenchantment with liberal policies.
Iran says several suspected U.S. spies face possible death sentences
Iranian prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for several suspects arrested last year for spying for the United States in military and nuclear bodies, state media reported on Tuesday, as tensions rise with Washington over Tehran’s nuclear program. Iran said in August it had arrested “tens of spies” in state bodies, many of whom were dual nationals.
Hong Kong protests: China says protesters ‘trample rule of law’
China has accused protesters who vandalised Hong Kong’s parliament on Monday of “serious illegal actions” that “trample on the rule of law”. A group of activists occupied the Legislative Council (LegCo) building for several hours after breaking away from a peaceful protest. Hundreds of police used tear gas to disperse demonstrators.
Taliban bomb and gun attack leaves three dead in Kabul
Three people were killed and more than 90 injured, including dozens of children, when Taliban gunmen launched an attack on a government building in the capital, Kabul. The militants detonated a huge car bomb during the morning rush-hour before storming the building and opening fire on security forces. A seven-hour gun battle ended with all five insurgents killed, officials said.
Tory leadership: Jeremy Hunt sets 30 September ‘no-deal deadline’
Jeremy Hunt has said he would decide by the end of September whether there is a “realistic chance” of reaching a new Brexit deal with the EU. The Tory leadership contender said he would deliver a provisional “no-deal Brexit budget” in early September and then give the EU three weeks. He vowed to abandon talks after that if there was no “immediate prospect” of progress and move to a no-deal footing.
Iran nuclear deal: Enriched uranium limit breached, IAEA confirms
Iran has breached the limit on its stockpile of low-enriched uranium set under a 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, a watchdog has confirmed. The International Atomic Energy Agency said its inspectors had verified the 300kg (660lb) cap had been exceeded. Iran stepped up production of enriched uranium, used to make reactor fuel but also potentially nuclear bombs, in May.
Facebook may be ‘pivoting’ to something worse
Over the past few months, Mark Zuckerberg has spoken at length about his grand plan for fixing Facebook. In short, it involves “pivoting” – as they say – to a more private social network. One which focuses on closed spaces, like groups or messaging, rather than the public News Feed. He unveiled this plan in March, a year after the Cambridge Analytica scandal hit.
Could new Israeli research allow humans to choose their children’s sex?
Israeli scientists have demonstrated the ability for mammals to mate and produce only female babies. A similar system based on identical principles could produce only males. The research for the study was led by Prof. Udi Qimron, Dr. Ido Yosef and Dr. Motti Gerlic and conducted by Dr. Liat Edry-Botzer, Rea Globus, Inbar Shlomovitz and Prof. Ariel Munitz…
Border crossing shut down after ‘large and unruly group’ forms in Mexico
U.S. authorities closed an international border bridge in El Paso, Texas, early Monday in response to Central American and Cuban migrants protesting on the Mexican side of the border. The protesters in Ciudad Juárez were chanting “vamos a cruzar” — “we are going to cross” — before Customs and Border Protection officials closed the bridge about 2 a.m., reported CNN.
REPORT: 35,000 MORE Africans on way to US via South America
A report from the Center for Immigration Studies indicates another 35,000 African migrants are on their way to the United States…Like the proverbial “bulge in the belly of the snake,” unusually high numbers of non-Latino migrants, obviously not from Central America, are now reportedly passing from Colombia through Panama on their way to the U.S. southern border.
Netanyahu calls for automatic European sanctions on Iran over uranium breach
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged Europe on Monday to impose “automatic sanctions” on Iran for accumulating more low-enriched uranium than permitted under its 2015 nuclear deal with major powers. “I say again that Israel will not allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu said, according to a statement from his office.
Total Solar Eclipse 2019: Path, Viewing Maps and Photo Guide
On July 2, a solar eclipse will sweep across the South Pacific and parts of South America.
The Birth Pangs Of The End Times Continue As Unprecedented Freak Hail Storm Drops 7 Feet Of Ice On Mexican City Of Guadalajara
Just yesterday we published an article showing you in great detail from the Bible that the current climate change we are experiencing right now is actually the ‘birth pangs’ of the Earth as it begins to prepare itself for the coming time of Jacob’s trouble leading to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. And not even 24 hours later, we have this incredible story of a never before seen hail storm in Mexico of this level and intensity.
Freak hail storm strikes Mexican city of Guadalajara
A freak hail storm on Sunday struck Guadalajara, one of Mexico’s most populous cities, shocking residents and trapping vehicles in a deluge of ice pellets up to two meters (yards) deep.
Massive damage after worst floods in history hit Irkutsk region of Siberia, Russia
Five people were killed in the Siberian region hit by strong rains, two are missing, nearly 400 were injured with 97 were admitted to local hospitals. Thirty two children were among the injured.
Flood apocalypse in Eastern Siberia kills five and maroons 9,919 whose homes destroyed or damaged
Five people were killed in the Siberian region hit by strong rains, two are missing, nearly 400 were injured with 97 were admitted to local hospitals. Thirty two children were among the injured.
As Pedophile Sex Scandals Rage The Vatican Says Law Enforcement Cannot Force Priests To Reveal Statements From The Confessional, Falsely Claims It Is A ‘Sacred Sacrament’
Nowhere in the entire New Testament, in any dispensation, do we see people going and confessing their sins to a priest in the Church Age, it doesn’t exist. In fact, the Bible warns against the idea of a priestly ruling class. Verses in Matthew 20:24-28 clearly show this.
“Libya Under Turkish Invasion”: Haftar Releases Hostages But Vows War On Turkish Planes, Vessels
We’ve noted before that Libya’s new civil war has increasingly come out in the open as in reality an international proxy war, with even the White House in the past months “switching” support from the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli to the renegade General Khalifa Haftar, whose LNA forces have for months laid siege to the capital in an attempt to wrest the country from GNA authority.
WARNING! Google Chrome has devolved into nothing more than “surveillance software” that spies on its own users
Google Chrome may still be a popular choice for browsing the web, but there are better options — especially if you value privacy and freedom. A new review has revealed that Google Chrome is shamelessly spying on its users — and collecting data on them to build profiles of their likes, interests and personalities. This “surveillance software” used to be the stuff of dystopian fiction nightmares but is now our unfortunate reality.
New York Times wants Customs and Border Patrol agents doxxed
The nation’s paper of record has called for the unmasking and public humiliation of the individuals responsible for enforcing the US’ border laws. Fury has ensued from the right.
WATCH: Shocking VIDEO of Danish public schoolkids chanting Allahu Akbar
The methods of integrating Muslim refugee children into Denmark’s society is at the center of a fierce debate, after a video of Danish pupils being trained to recite Islamic prayers prompted harsh criticism from conservatives.
Orwell’s 1984 No Longer Reads Like Fiction: It’s The Reality Of Our Times
70 years ago, the British writer George Orwell captured the essence of technology in its ability to shape our destinies in his seminal work, 1984. The tragedy of our times is that we have failed to heed his warning.
Town in Ilhan Omar’s district votes to ditch Pledge of Allegiance, in the name of diversity
In the name of so-called “diversity,” a city in anti-Semitic, anti-American Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s district has voted to effectively ditch the Pledge of Allegiance.
Jordan criticizes Israel for opening road to the Temple
Jordan’s Foreign Ministry on Sunday slammed Israel for opening the 2,000-year-old Pilgrims’ Road which linked the historic City of David to the Temple Mount.
IG Report: Hillary Clinton Has Committed ‘Sexual Crimes Against Children’
The highly anticipated Inspector General’s report is finally complete, and the bombshell details of the case have just been made public.
LOVE HAS NO AGE: The Push To Normalize Pedophilia And Place It Under The LGBTQ+ Umbrella Increases With Child Love Snapchat Filters And Pedophile Performance Art
Ugh, I hate to do stories like this, I truly do. One main reason is because everytime I write one, I am forced to remember back when I was a little kid and was sexually molested by a homosexual pedophile who was my piano teacher. But I write stories like these as first a warning to let people know what’s really going on in our world, and secondly, that in doing so some children alive now will be spared that harrowing experience.
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‘It just really ethically scares me’: Caution urged as scientists look to create human-monkey chimeras
Some Alzheimer’s researchers are proposing the creation of human-monkey chimeras — part-human beings with entire portions of the brain entirely human derived. Alzheimer’s research relies heavily on rodents. Munoz is trying to develop a monkey model of Alzheimer’s, because one of the biggest reasons for the staggering string of flops in the search for an effective treatment for the brain-ravaging disease is the species gap. The rat brain is a long way away from the human brain. Not so much a monkey’s.
Urgent consultations in Washington, Moscow on reported US-Russian submarines in firefight
First reports reaching DEBKAfile’s military sources say that a US submarine intercepted a Russian nuclear sub in American waters opposite Alaska. The Russian sub escorting the nuclear submarine responded with a Balkan 2000 torpedo and scuttled the US vessel. Urgent consultations in both the White House and the Kremlin were taking place on Tuesday night. US Vice President Mike Pence called off an appearance in New Hampshire after being recalled to Washington for a conference called by President Donald Trump without explanation.
Iran’s Navy Has a Big Problem: A Track Record of Getting Crushed in Battle
If war breaks out, American forces could target Iran’s small navy as well as the vessels belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps militia. The battle could be brief. Iran’s fleet has a long history of waging losing fights with the United States and other Western powers.
Presbyterians Descend Into Depravity With Drag Service, First Non-Binary Pastor
Just when you think it can’t get any worse in the church, it does. With Gay pride flags covering the hall and rainbow candles on the church stage, Cincinnati’s Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church greeted its visitors this past Sunday with Drag Queen “Sparke Leigh”, complete in purple dress, makeup, high heels and a glitter beard. Following the song “God Welcomes All” by the church choir, Sparke Leigh walked up on stage and, rather than reading from the Bible, read the book Pride: The Story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag to the audience.
Recently Discovered Ancient Factory for Blue Dye Techelet: “Fulfillment of Prophecy in Zechariah”
Techelet is a blue dye highly prized by ancient Mediterranean civilizations and mentioned 49 times in the Hebrew Bible. It was used in the clothing of the High Priest, the tapestries in the Tabernacle, and in tzitzit (ritual fringes worn by Jewish men). The practice of dying one thread in the tzitzit was discontinued after the destruction of the Temple and the knowledge of how to produce the dye was lost however according to some opinions, the dye was made from the murex snail. Rabbi Tuly Weisz, the head of Israel365, believes this recent archaeological discovery has powerful implications for the Redemption.
Former IRGC commander: We should have accepted U.S. call to negotiate
“It would have been better to have negotiated when [US President Donald] Trump announced he would leave JCPOA, and tried to prevent it, or when Trump said he would negotiate without preconditions,” said Hossein Alaee, the former IRGC commander. “We should have responded, saying that we will negotiate but based on our own agenda. Alaee added that “we cannot leave aside negotiations, whether at the apex of power or in a position of weakness.”
Total solar eclipse casts a shadow on South America
During the total solar eclipse, the moon’s shadow darkened parts of the South Pacific, Chile and Argentina.
Navy SEAL found not guilty in death of Islamic State fighter
The jury found Gallagher not guilty of premeditated murder, willfully discharging a firearm to endanger human life, retaliation against members of his platoon for reporting his alleged actions and attempted murder of two noncombatants in other incidents the same year. He was found guilty for posing for a photo with a human casualty — a violation of the Army’s code of conduct — and faces a maximum sentence of four months in prison, although he has already served six months.
New Vatican constitution to centralize power in state secretariat
Focus on the forthcoming changes has largely fixed on the perception that a reformed and enlarged Dicastery for Evangelization will be “ranked above” the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, with the change said to imply a shift in priorities for the universal Church. In fact, a recent draft of Praedicate Evangelium obtained by CNA proposes a far more significant change in the governing structure of the Church, one which represents a consolidation of power in Rome unprecedented in the modern era.
Trump: By Not Striking Iran Over Drone, ‘We’re in a Position to Do Far Worse’
Trump said that by not striking Iran in retaliation for downing the drone, “I built up a lot of great capital,” which means that “if something should happen, we’re in a position to do far worse by not doing it. But, hopefully, we don’t have to do anything.”
Military Tanks Arrive In DC For Trump’s Fourth of July Party
President Trump confirmed the military vehicles would be present at the celebration on Thursday. “I’m going to be here, and I’m going to say a few words, and we’re going to have planes going overhead, the best fighter jets in the world and other planes too and we’re gonna have some tanks stationed outside,” Trump said.
Barbara now a major hurricane on NASA satellite imagery
NOAA’s National Hurricane Center (NHC) noted that Barbara intensified early during the morning of July 2 and could strengthen a little more. Fortunately, Barbara is over 1,000 miles west of the southern tip of Baja California, and there are no coastal watches or warnings in effect.
China conducts massive land, sea and air military drill amid Hong Kong protests
The massive land, sea and air forces conducted the live ammunition military exercise as thousands of protestors continue to challenge the city’s Beijing-backed government. Images and video footage of the demonstration included search and rescue drills in waters, marching formations, close quarter combat and live fire exercise with assault rifles and machine guns. The military exercise reportedly took place last Wednesday.
Lindsey Graham to unveil plan for Iranian nuclear power
A leading US Senator, Republican Lindsey Graham, plans to unveil an alternative to the Iranian nuclear deal that would allow for Tehran to have nuclear power plans but without the ability to enrich uranium. The nuclear power plan without fuel would also be include Arab states in the region…“When you don’t make your own fuel, your can’t make a bomb. It is possible to have nuclear power without enriching and reprocessing,” Graham told reporters…
Rouhani: Iran will increase uranium enrichment to whatever levels needed
Iran will increase its level of uranium enrichment after July 7 to whatever levels it needs beyond the 3.67% cap set in the landmark 2015 nuclear deal, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday, according to the IRIB news agency. If the remaining signatories of the nuclear deal with world powers do not fulfill their promises, then the Arak nuclear reactor will return to its previous activities after July 7, Rouhani said.
Hamas tests rockets, launches several towards the sea
A rocket alarm was heard in the Gaza border communities area on Wednesday morning was eventually declared a false alarm by the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit, while several rockets were reported to have been fired towards the sea, according to media reports. Although no rocket was launched towards Israeli territory, it was revealed that shortly before the alarm was heard, Hamas tested several rockets by launching them towards the sea north of Gaza…
Libya migrants: Attack kills dozens at detention centre
An attack has killed up to 40 migrants at a detention centre on the outskirts of the Libyan capital Tripoli, government officials say. Some 80 people were injured at the centre, which the UN-backed government says was hit by an air strike. Anti-government forces led by warlord Gen Khalifa Haftar have accused government forces of bombarding it.
US criticises Chinese ‘missile launches’ in South China Sea
The US has accused China of conducting missile launches in the South China Sea, describing Beijing’s actions as “meant to intimidate”. US media first reported the launches citing unnamed Pentagon officials. Beijing had announced military drills but did not confirm the allegations that it launched missiles in the disputed waters.
Caution urged as scientists look to create human-monkey chimeras
The monkeys in Douglas Munoz’s Kingston lab look like other monkeys. They socialize and move around and eat and drink in the same way. They don’t fall over or stagger around. In fact, the only thing separating the macaques from their unaltered lab mates is the elevated level of a specific human protein implanted inside their brains — proteins that accumulate in the brains of humans with Alzheimer’s disease.
Despite Turkey’s assurances, U.S. still eyes sanctions, F-35 exit
The Trump administration still plans to impose sanctions on Turkey and remove it from a critical fighter jet program if the NATO ally acquires Russian air defenses, U.S. officials told Reuters, despite the Turkish president’s assurances to the contrary. After meeting U.S. President Donald Trump…Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said Ankara would be spared damaging U.S. sanctions once Russia’s S-400 air defense system starts arriving in Turkey…
Days of Lot: New Survey Finds That Evangelical Christian Support for Gay Marriage Has More Than Doubled
A new survey just released by the Pew Research Center has found that support for gay marriage in the United States is at an all-time record high. According to the survey, 62 percent of all Americans are now in favor of allowing gays and lesbians to get married, and only 32 percent are opposed.
Local News: A new water mark: Flood of 2019 likely to ‘easily’ set a record for duration
Barring an unlikely rapid fall in the next two weeks, it appears the Mississippi River will set a record later this month for consecutive days above flood stage at Cape Girardeau.
Record rains hit Japan, 1.2 million under evacuation advisory
Evacuation advisories were issued to 1.2 million people on July 1, 2019, as heavy rains caused by seasonal rain front hit Kyushu region in Southwest Japan and other areas, killing one person.
Newly formed tropical depression to bring flooding, mudslides to China and Vietnam this week
A new tropical depression formed in the South China Sea on Monday and will bring days of heavy rainfall to parts of China and Vietnam this week.
Barbara explodes from a tropical storm to major Category 4 hurricane in 24 hours
Soon after becoming the Eastern Pacific’s first major hurricane (Category 3 or higher), Barbara reached Category 4 status on Tuesday and is forecast to become a Category 5 with maximum sustained winds of at least 157 mph.
Albania’s President Accuses Soros of ‘Conspiracy’ to Destabilise Country
The president of Albania has accused globalist George Soros of being involved in a ‘conspiracy’ to destabilize his country following the municipal elections that took place on Sunday.
PURE WICKEDNESS: Drag Queen Story Hour Is Now Encouraging Children To Lay On The Floor With Men In Dresses After Storytime Is Over
The LGBTQ+P for Pedophile Movement is nothing if not smart, clever and calculating. So smart in fact that they are succeeding despite the lukewarm protests Drag Queen Story Hour has received.
Mexico Confirms Illegal Immigrants Trying to Buy Children to Cross Border
Mexico has confirmed that illegal immigrants are attempting to buy children from vulnerable mothers to use as a tool to help them cross the border into the United States.
George Soros and Charles Koch Have Teamed Up to Form a Think Tank
Progressive billionaire George Soros and right-leaning billionaire Charles Koch have formed an unusual alliance to advocate for pacifist foreign policy, teaming up to create an anti-war think tank known as The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.
Organ harvesting from euthanized humans begins in CANADA, with full support from medical authorities
It would appear as though Communist China’s illicit organ harvesting racket has finally creeped its way into North America, as new reports indicate that euthanasia patients in Canada are now having their vital organs collected while they’re still alive, and “voluntarily” donated for profit after their deaths.
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Iran Threatens to Destroy Israel in 30 Minutes: Does this Confirm Prophecy of a Speedy Gog and Magog?
A senior Iranian official threatened Israel but revised his threat from seven minutes until total obliteration, to half an hour. This raised the question of precisely how long the War of Gog and Magog will last. There seems to be a prophetic basis for the War of Gog and Magog having such short fuse. A tradition from the Vilna Gaon (a prominent 18th century Torah authority) teaches that the war of Gog and Magog will last 12 minutes. According to a 20th-century interpretation, “A third of the world will die, a third will suffer from plague and a third will survive.”
Trump warns Iran nuclear threats will ‘come back to bite you’
“Iran has just issued a New Warning. Rouhani says that they will Enrich Uranium to ‘any amount we want’ if there is no new Nuclear Deal,” Trump tweeted, referring to Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani. “Be careful with the threats, Iran. They can come back to bite you like nobody has been bitten before!”
Know thine enemy: DNA study solves ancient riddle of origins of the Philistines
A groundbreaking new study of DNA taken from the bones of ancient residents of the coastal city of Ashkelon has put to rest a centuries-old debate surrounding the origins of the Kingdom of Israel’s most reviled foes, the Philistines. The Philistine culture and peoplehood remained distinct from other local communities for six centuries.
Israeli experts debate how to approach an increasingly belligerent Iran
“Through these attacks, Iran is trying to say to the world—a world that is afraid of escalation—that if the sanctions are not lifted, it will cause serious damage to the world oil economy,” said Cohen. “This is an irresponsible Iranian policy that could ignite a fire in the region.”
Electrical Engineer Convicted of Conspiring to Illegally Export to China Semiconductor Chips with Missile Guidance Applications
Yi-Chi Shih, 64, a part-time Los Angeles resident, was found guilty on June 26 of conspiracy to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), a federal law that makes illegal, among other things, certain unauthorized exports. The jury also found Shih guilty of mail fraud, wire fraud, subscribing to a false tax return, making false statements to a government agency, and conspiracy to gain unauthorized access to a protected computer to obtain information. “This defendant schemed to export to China semiconductors with military and civilian uses, then he lied about it to federal authorities…
Former State Official Testifies He Warned State Department Officials about Clinton Email Issues; Concerned about Interference on Classified Clinton Benghazi Email Documents
John Hackett, the former Director for Information Programs and Services (IPS), which handles records management at the State Department, testified under oath that he had raised concerns that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s staff had “culled out 30,000” of the secretary’s “personal” emails without following strict National Archives standards.
How socialism violates all Ten Commandments
Socialism teaches that wealth should be held in common ownership, controlled by the state. Hence, the Democrats’ constant push to have government confiscate ever more income and power. By contrast, the Bible teaches that God owns all things and that we’re merely stewards of His creation. When we look at each of the Ten Commandments, we see that they’re directly at odds with socialism.
Update on African Swine Fever in China – It’s Still Breaking
African swine fever (ASF) is still breaking hard in southern China this summer, says a director at a swine production company in the country. He spoke about ASF at a meeting in Iowa last week. He asked not to be named, and for his company not to be named, because he wants to be able to go back to China. He says he wants his message to scare the swine industry. His company’s farms have been affected. Here are facts, stories, and conclusions he shared. For his safety, the meeting won’t be named, either.
Major Pro-Life Victory: Federal Government Ending Fetal Tissue Research
In the beginning of June, President Donald Trump’s administration quietly shifted the government’s policy on the use of fetal tissue from elective abortions for scientific research. The decision from the White House came after a 2018 letter signed by numerous pro-life organizations, including March for Life Action, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, and Concerned Women for America, urging the federal government to stop allowing research on fetal tissue for moral and ethical reasons.
Trump warns Iran: Threats can ‘come back to bite you like nobody has been bitten before’
US President Donald Trump lashed out at threats from Iran that it will continue to enrich uranium, warning the Islamic Republic…that threats may come back to bite them. “Iran has just issued a New Warning. [Iranian Hassan President] Rouhani says that they will Enrich Uranium to ‘any amount we want’ if there is no new Nuclear Deal,” he tweeted. “Be careful with the threats, Iran. They can come back to bite you like nobody has been bitten before!” he said.
Archaeology shows Philistines, enemy of Israelites, came from Europe
New evidence has revealed that the ancient people most known for their biblical conflict with the Israelites were immigrants to the region in the 12th century BCE. “For 30 years, we excavated at Ashkelon, uncovering Canaanites, early Philistines and later Philistines – and now we can begin to understand the story that these bones tell,” said Daniel M. Master, director of the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon, who headed the excavations.
Hong Kong protests: Jeremy Hunt warns China against ‘repression’
The UK foreign secretary has continued to warn China it could face “serious consequences” over its treatment of protesters in Hong Kong. A group of activists occupied Hong Kong’s parliament on Monday over a controversial extradition bill. Jeremy Hunt told the BBC he “condemned all violence” but warned the Chinese government not to respond “by repression”. It comes after China warned the UK not to “interfere in its domestic affairs”.
US ‘hell-bent’ on hostility despite talks, North Korea says
North Korea has accused the US of being “hell-bent on hostile acts”, despite a recent agreement between the two countries to resume nuclear talks. Pyongyang’s delegation to the United Nations said on Wednesday that the US was “obsessed with sanctions”. This comes days after the countries’ leaders held a historic meeting in the heavily fortified demilitarised zone (DMZ) which divides the two Koreas.
Stromboli: One dead as volcano erupts on Italian island
A volcano has erupted on the Italian island of Stromboli, killing one person and sending frightened tourists fleeing.The victim is a male hiker who was hit by a falling stone, while other people were injured. The navy has been deployed for a possible mass evacuation, with 70 people already evacuated. The volcano is one of the most active on the planet and has been under a regular state of eruption since 1932.
Islamic organization condemns Israeli tunnel in East Jerusalem
An international body of Muslim nations has condemned the opening of an Israeli tunnel that runs beneath the Arab neighborhood of Silwan in East Jerusalem. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation on Wednesday called it a “bold and irresponsible move” that seeks “to alter the historic and legal status” of East Jerusalem.
DHS says that Americans need to be prepared for a power outage of up to 6 months
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) urged the public to be prepared for a power outage that may last up to six months. In a report from the agency’s National Infrastructure Advisory Council, it warned that a sudden attack would likely occur and could cause chaos for at least half a year as the electric grid is now the prime target of terrorists.
June was hottest ever recorded on Earth, European satellite agency announces
Last month was the hottest June ever recorded, the EU‘s satellite agency has announced.
Disney Kept Lesbian Scene for Toy Story 4 Hush Hush
WARNING! Toy Story 4 has just hit cinemas, but one thing we did not expect to see was LGBTQ characters. No matter how insignificant to the overall story they were, Disney still felt it was necessary to include them.
Entire Japanese city of 600,000 people is evacuated as 35 inches of rain sparks landslide fears
A Japanese city of 600,000 people has been evacuated due to a freak rainstorm. Residents of Kagoshima, in the country’s south, have been told to take shelter in evacuation centers and other safe areas amid fears of devastating landslides.
Report: Anti-Semitism on the rise in Czech Republic
The Jewish community in the Czech Republic released a report on Wednesday which found there was an increase in the number of anti-Semitic incidents in the country last year.
State-of-the-Art Illumination Reveals Visions of Saint John’s Apocalypse
The visions in the Book of Revelation have been with us for some 2,000 years. But now, they’ve been reinterpreted in a 21st century way.
Pope Francis Releases New Document Outlining How Pagan Gaia Earth Worship Will Be Combined With The Catholic Church In The Amazon
The people in the Catholic Church are an easy lot to fool and deceived because they have been trained that the popes are ‘infallible’ when they speak, and that priests can forgive sins, so they don’t if ever question them or compare what they say to the Bible. Because if they did, Catholics around the world would realize that Pope Francis is absolutely a false prophet, if not the False Prophet in the book of Revelation. In his desire to see his dream of a One World Religion come to pass in his lifetime, Pope Francis is written a document outlining how unsaved, pagan tribal people in the Amazon are indeed part of the ‘body of Christ’.
Memorial for 400-year-old Jewish community to be built in town next to Auschwitz
Eighty years after the Great Synagogue of Oswiecim was set ablaze by the German occupiers of Poland, a memorial park will be built where the legendary shul once hosted up to 2,000 worshipers.
Thousands Marvel as Total Eclipse Darkens Chile and Argentina
Tens of thousands of tourists and locals gaped skyward Tuesday as a total eclipse of the sun darkened the heavens over Chile and Argentina.
Actual demonic energy now channeling out of drag queens as humans morph into creatures from hell, right in front of children
Renton Public Library in Renton, Washington, recently held a so-called “teen pride” event that featured a deranged, gender-dysphoric young man dressed as a woman who actually got down on all fours and started roaring incoherently like a demon from hell, this being the latest installment of satanic LGBTQ propaganda aimed at America’s impressionable youth.
You are not even close to being prepared for the chaos that’s coming
A civil war has already begun in America, but only one side is fighting it: the radical, violent Left. So far, conservatives aren’t fighting back, even while Leftist viciously assault innocent people with deadly weapons.
UK Headmistress Suspends Two 10-Year-Olds for ‘Homophobia’
The headteacher of Heavers Farm Primary School in South London suspended two 10-year-old Christian students after one of them asked for permission not to participate in an LGBT lesson during “Gay Pride Month.”
More Evidence An Invasion Force IS Gathering On Our Southern Border
I recently interviewed Marilyn Rupar and she produced stunning evidence that there are not going to be 15,000 Mexican soldiers on our Southern border, there are going to be 140,000. These troops are clearly not there for immigration purposes. They are being put in position to eventually become the vanguard of an invading Army.
What Attacked a Russian Submarine On a Retrieval Mission In the Arctic?
…if one were to just read the headlines of the MSM, one would think that nothing but the wrapping of Christmas presents by Santa Claus is the only activity going on at the North Pole. Yet, both American interests and the Russian military are vying for control of the region and have been for the past 12 years.
Weather: Hottest June ever recorded last month, EU data shows
Soaring temperatures worldwide made last month the hottest June ever recorded, according to data collected by the EU’s satellite agency.
Baptist Pastor Robert Jeffress Gives Fiery Speech Says That The Democrats Have Created An ‘Imaginary God’, And He Is Absolutely Correct
Pastor Robert Jeffress hit the nail square on the head in his remarks at the Faith & Freedom Coalition policy conference last week when he said that the Democrats serve an ‘imaginary God’ because they absolutely, 100% do
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Scientists are searching for a mirror universe. It could be sitting right in front of you.
At Oak Ridge National Laboratory in eastern Tennessee, physicist Leah Broussard is trying to open a portal to a parallel universe. Broussard will send a beam of subatomic particles down a 50-foot tunnel, past a powerful magnet and into an impenetrable wall. If the setup is just right — and if the universe cooperates — some of those particles will transform into mirror-image versions of themselves, allowing them to tunnel right through the wall. And if that happens, Broussard will have uncovered the first evidence of a mirror world right alongside our own.
Ridgecrest Earthquake: Las Vegas Earthquake Today 2019
A Ridgecrest Earthquake was felt across California and Nevada. Its strength was so strong that a Las Vegas Earthquake of lesser magnitude was felt as well. The Ridgecrest Earthquake today registered initially around 6.4 and could be felt in Las Vegas, Nevada, in Southern California, across Los Angeles, and even in Long Beach. A dozen aftershocks have hit. Today’s quake was four miles outside of town. It was 16 miles from Searles Valley. It was 58 miles from Barstow. It started 71 miles from Lancaster and 82 miles from Bakersfield.
Trump Mulls Executive Order to Get Citizenship Question on 2020 Census
President Donald Trump is considering if he should use an executive order to get a citizenship question on the 2020 census, according to a report released Thursday.
When President Trump Was Asked About The Epidemic Of Human Feces On Our Streets, Here Is How He Responded
President Trump blamed the liberals that are running those big cities for the current conditions, and he described what some homeless people are going through as “living in hell”…Some people may be tempted to think that Trump was exaggerating, but the truth is that conditions on the streets of some of our major cities just continue to deteriorate at a very rapid pace. Now city streets are treated like dumpsters, or even toilets — on Thursday, the 1600 block of Santee Street was cordoned off after someone dumped a fat load of poop in the street. Of course similar things could be said about Seattle, Portland, Denver or just about any major city out west….a giant human manure pile.
Turkey announces ‘trilateral summit’ on Syria with Russia and Iran
Turkey announced a meeting in August that will be a “trilateral summit” between Ankara, Tehran and Moscow. This is the latest in numerous meetings the three countries have had on Syria that began with a ceasefire in 2016. It also reflects growing influence for Russia and its ability to try to keep the Syrian crises from escalating while working closely with Turkey on military deals.
Russia beginning to deliver S-400s to Turkey on Sunday
The first of the Russian S-400 defense systems that Ankara has purchased will be loaded on to cargo planes on Sunday and arrive in Turkey some time next week, privately-held broadcaster Haberturk reported. Washington has said that US sanctions would be triggered when the missile batteries arrive in NATO ally Turkey.
Qatar to fund project for new Gaza Strip industrial zone
A controlled industrial zone funded by Qatar is intended to be built on the Palestinian side by the now-closed Karni crossing, which is forecasted to employ up to 5000 workers, Walla News reported Thursday. The project was a central topic at the security cabinet meeting led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu within the Gaza Division army base.
China Muslims: Xinjiang schools used to separate children from families
China is deliberately separating Muslim children from their families, faith and language in its far western region of Xinjiang…At the same time as hundreds of thousands of adults are being detained in giant camps, a rapid, large-scale campaign to build boarding schools is under way. Based on publicly available documents, and backed up by dozens of interviews…BBC has gathered…evidence to date about what is happening to children in the region.
Iran summons UK ambassador in tanker seizure row
Iran has summoned the British ambassador in Tehran to complain about what it says was the illegal seizure of an Iranian oil tanker. British Royal Marines helped the authorities in Gibraltar seize the ship because of evidence it was heading to Syria in breach of EU sanctions. Spain’s acting foreign minister said the seizure of the ship – Grace 1 – was at the US’s request.
Israel unveils ancient road ‘where Jesus walked’ to temple
Israel officially opened a stairway, known as “Pilgrim’s Road,” that Jesus is believed to have walked on in ancient Jerusalem as another place with the significance of “biblical proportions” to billions, especially for Judeo-Christian visitors to the Holy Land. The City of David Foundation unveiled the 2,000-year-old main thoroughfare…that it says served pilgrims ascending to the ancient Jewish Temple from the Pool of Siloam built by King Hezekiah.
Suicides rock Hong Kong protest movement as despair grows over city’s independence
A lone man in a yellow raincoat stood on top of the scaffolding at a mall in central Hong Kong. Nearby was his banner: “Make love no shoot! No extradition to China!” For hours, police tried to talk Leung down but at around 9pm the 35-year-old jumped to his death, missing the inflatable mattress the officers had prepared to catch him.
Lebanese town bans Muslims from buying, renting property
Mohammed Awwad and his fiancee, both Muslims, recently found an affordable apartment for rent online in a town in Lebanon, southeast of Beirut. The 27-year-old journalist called the number and asked the owner when they could drop by to take a look. He was stunned by her response: Muslims are not allowed to settle in the town, she said.
Scientists claim to have developed world’s first vaccine with artificial intelligence
A new flu vaccine designed by artificial intelligence has gone on trial in the United States in what researchers are claiming is a world first.
Monster tornado rips through city in China, killing 6 and injuring 190
At least six people were killed and 190 others were injured after a ferocious tornado tore through the city of Kaiyuan, north-east China’s Liaoning province on Wednesday, officials said.
Significant earthquake rattles California, USGS says
A 6.4 magnitude earthquake rattled parts of Southern California and Nevada on Thursday morning.
Former Mosanto bioengineer comes clean, says GMO potatoes absorb MORE toxins – including those that aren’t even in regular potatoes
A bioengineer who worked for Monsanto in the past revealed that all kinds of deadly substances accumulated in the GMO potatoes he helped create. Even toxins not found in the food crop appeared in the genetically modified versions.
Patriots Will Raise the White Flag After the 2020 Election! Will the American Viet Cong Emerge From the Ashes?
It is abundantly clear that the globalists are escalating their timetable to establish a New World Order and they are in a hurry to achieve this goal. The globalists found a formula that worked when they stole the 2018 Midterm Elections. The Republicans, and especially Trump, have done nothing to counter. The emboldened globalists are intensifying their 2018 approach and the 2020 Election has already been decided.
Would-Be Refugees Trying To Buy Children To Enter The US
ome would-be refugees are reportedly trying to buy children in order to secure a trip across the Mexican border into the United States.
Weather: Hottest June ever recorded last month, EU data shows
Soaring temperatures worldwide made last month the hottest June ever recorded, according to data collected by the EU’s satellite agency.
Baptist Pastor Robert Jeffress Gives Fiery Speech Says That The Democrats Have Created An ‘Imaginary God’, And He Is Absolutely Correct
Pastor Robert Jeffress hit the nail square on the head in his remarks at the Faith & Freedom Coalition policy conference last week when he said that the Democrats serve an ‘imaginary God’ because they absolutely, 100% do. It is beyond cringe-inducing to hear people like Pete Buttigieg say that ‘God blesses his same-sex marriage‘ when the Bible roundly condemns it. Or how about listening to people like Lady Gaga or Beyonce talk about their ‘faith in God’ when their musical shows regularly feature satanic and demonic imagery. Madonna dressed as the Antichrist and mocking Jesus, is she a Christian, too? She says she is.
Goodbye Dollar, It Was Nice Knowing You!
The significance of the European move cannot be understated. It is the first major step in moving away from the dominance of the dollar as the world’s trading and reserve currency
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Jordan pushes bill to limit firearm ownership
Members of Jordan’s lower house are working to push forward a bill that would prevent citizens from purchasing automatic or semi-automatic firearms, even if they are to be used for hunting. The legislation does not grandfather in those who already own such weapons, forcing people with legal permits to hand them over to the authorities.
IAF’s orders transport, refueler planes back to service
Israel’s Air Force fleet of Karnaf C-130 cargo planes and Re’em Boeing 707 refueling planes will return to service next week after they were grounded by the military last month. The military said on Friday the decision to return the planes to service came after the IAF and the government-owned IAI, which maintains the aircraft, “fixed the immediate shortcomings” and drafted a plan to further improve maintenance and quality control.
Thousands of Gazans protest along border fence for weekly riots
Some 7,500 Palestinians violently demonstrated along the border on Friday with at least 41 injured by IDF troops, who used riot dispersal means against the protesters, including live fire. Palestinian media reported that 22 protesters were injured by live bullets and another 19 by rubber-coated rounds. IDF troops detained two Palestinians near the border fence with the Gaza Strip…after they were suspected of infiltrating into Israeli territory.
Turkey’s Erdogan fires central bank chief Murat Cetinkaya
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has fired the governor of the central bank and replaced him with his deputy. No official reason was given for the sacking of Murat Cetinkaya, who had held the position since April 2016. However, it comes amid reports of disagreements over interest rates, which the government wants to lower in a bid to boost economic growth.
Iranian official threatens to seize British oil tanker
An Iranian official has said a British oil tanker should be seized, if a detained Iranian ship is not released. British Royal Marines helped officials in Gibraltar to seize the super-tanker Grace 1 on Thursday, after it was suspected of carrying oil from Iran to Syria, in breach of EU sanctions. A court in Gibraltar has ruled the ship can be detained for a further 14 days.
Ancient city of Babylon designated Unesco World Heritage Site
The ancient Mesopotamian city of Babylon has been declared a Unesco World Heritage Site. Iraq had been lobbying since 1983 for the 4,000-year-old site to be added to the United Nations’ prestigious list. The city was famous for its Hanging Gardens, which were among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The site has suffered in recent years – first from the construction of a palace for Saddam Hussein, and later from being used as a base for US troops.
California earthquake: Larger 7.1 magnitude quake hits
A 7.1 magnitude earthquake has rattled parts of Southern California, the biggest tremor to strike in 20 years. It struck at the shallow depth of 0.9km (0.6 miles) and its epicentre was near the city of Ridgecrest, about 240km north-east of Los Angeles. A 6.4-magnitude quake hit the same area on Thursday at a depth of nearly 11km.
The Steamboat Geyser in Yellowstone National Park is approaching a record number of eruptions
The world’s tallest active geyser — whose major eruptions shoot water more than 300 feet into the air — is known to be unpredictable. But if there was ever a year to witness Steamboat’s spectacular surge of water, this might be it. We’re just over halfway through 2019 and the Steamboat Geyser has already erupted 25 times, according to the US Geological Survey.
Alaska heatwave: Anchorage hits record temperature
The US state of Alaska, part of which lies inside the Arctic Circle, is sweltering under a heatwave, with record temperatures recorded in several areas, including its largest city. Temperatures reached 90F (32C) in Anchorage on Thursday, shattering the city’s previous record of 85F. Several other places in southern Alaska also set all-time or daily records.
Russia Declares It Will Continue To Develop Venezuelan Armed Forces
In spite of reports that a ‘deal’ had been worked out between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding Venezuela’s future, and the recent departure of Russian ‘advisors’ from Caracas, Russia today declared it will continue to help develop the armed forces of the dictator Nicolas Maduro.
Austin joins San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle in accelerated collapse toward third world living conditions for the homeless, impoverished masse
The squalid, drug-infested, diseased nature of life on the streets in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, and other uber-Left-wing cities along the West Coast is coming to the heart of the Lone Star State, and residents there likely aren’t ready for it.
The Once Red State Of Texas Is Now Purple And On Its Way To Turning Blue As Gays, Transgenders And Illegal Immigrant Voters Having Huge Impact
I am old enough to remember when California was a rock-solid Red State that helped usher Ronald Reagan into the White House back in 1980, and yes, Reagan was the first person I ever voted for. But here in the 21st century, California is a dystopian Liberal state that more and more is coming to resemble a Third World country than the fabled Golden State lauded in stories, songs and movies. You find that a lot in states that are dominated by Liberals and Leftist policies. Now Texas, already a purple state, is flirting with finishing the job of putting lace on the cowboy’s britches.
NY State Is Handing out Driver’s Licenses to Illegals That Look Exactly Like a Citizen’s License — It Helps Democrats Steal Elections that Way (VIDEO)
New York Rensselaer County Clerk Frank Merola plans on suing the state over the new Democratic law.
Employers can’t demand clergy notes for flu shot exemptions, feds say
An employer violated federal law when it refused to grant an employee an exemption from its mandatory flu shot policy without a note from a clergy leader, the federal government has alleged in a lawsuit
Oreo Launch ‘LGBT Edition’ Cookies, Lectures Children on Transgender Pronouns
Oreo cookies announced yesterday a “special” LGBT edition aimed at lecturing children about how to use transgender pronouns.
California Hit With Massive Aftershock Following 6.4 Quake; USGS Warns Of More To Come
More than 170 aftershocks have been recorded following a 6.4-magnitude earthquake centered near Ridgecrest, southern California – the most powerful earthquake to hit the state in nearly 20 years.
Is Palestinian Islamic Jihad Trying to Drag the Gaza Strip into a War against Israel?
The organization’s involvement in directing activity during the violent civilian incidents along the Israel-Gaza security barrier is also evident. Clearly the organization has adopted a bolder and more independent approach toward Israel, and unlike in the past, its activities are not fully coordinated with Hamas and at times are even undertaken contrary to Hamas’s position.
Warren Buffett Philanthropy Donates $3.6 billion – to Support Abortion
Warren Buffett continues to boast of his philanthropic agenda. Most recently he announced that he would again donate $3.6 billion to five charities that have benefited from him in the past: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Sherwood Foundation, NoVo Foundation, Howard G Buffett Foundation and Susan Thompson Foundation. With the exception of the Gates Foundation, the other four are controlled by his children. In essence, he is transferring his estate without paying estate taxes…
Russian Submarine Theories Abound: Sent To Kill The Internet & Sank US Sub
…Though the White House hasn’t commented on Pence’s canceling of his political event in New Hampshire, there is a lot of hush hush about what actually was going on but we are told it was not an “emergency.” The timing of what went on in Russia and what went on in the US has led to widespread speculation that the Russian submarine fire is the key to the mystery. From theories that it was sent to cut undersea cables that provide internet to the world to it being involved in an underwater battle with a US submarine, there seems to be no end in sight as to the speculation.
HORROR – Illegal Alien Now Tied to Possibly 750 MURDERS
…Next News Network is reporting that there has been a development and Chemirmir is now officially accused of 6 more murders, bringing the total to 18, while being investigated for up to 732 more.
Unemployment Claims Hit 50-Year Low
The total number of workers claiming unemployment insurance fell to the lowest level in 50 years, the Department of Labor reported Thursday.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Tsunami warning issued as strong 6.9 magnitude quake strikes Indonesia | The Times of Israel
A strong magnitude 6.9 earthquake strikes off Indonesia, the US Geological Survey reports, triggering a tsunami warning.
CDC: U.S. Has Highest Number of Measles Cases in 25 Years
More people in the U.S. have been infected with measles during the first five months of 2019 than the total for any year since 1994, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced Thursday.
Jeffrey Epstein Arrested For Sex Trafficking of Minors
Jeffrey Epstein was reportedly arrested on Saturday and will appear in New York court on Monday to be charged with sex trafficking, according to multiple law enforcement sources
California Quake Storm: 1,217 Earthquakes In The Ridgecrest Area in 24 Hours
What in the world is happening to southern California? Could it be possible that all of the shaking that we have seen over the past couple of days is leading up to something even bigger?
BIG ONE NEXT? Southern California Is Pounded By Back-To-Back Major Earthquakes With Thousands Of Aftershocks Coming Every 24 Hours
California is in panic mode right now, and not simply because of an earthquake or two, but because of nearly 5,000 quakes that have been registered over the past 48 hours. So scared, in fact, that many Californians are choosing to sleep in their yards rather than be inside their homes. That’s how bad it is. Scientists say it is only going to get worse, what exactly is happening in the land of fruits and nuts?
Teen Vogue Says Patriotic Anthems Are Racist, Tells Their Young Readers to Think of America’s Crimes on Fourth of July
Teen Vogue published a slew of anti-patriotism articles on Independence Day, including one declaring that “racism and patriotism go hand in hand.”
The UN Is Training the Mexican National Guard to Implement Martial Law and Run US FEMA Camps (Pt 1) Despite the fact that there is overwhelming documentation regarding the existence of FEMA Camps, some people steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the existence of FEMA Camps (ie concentration camps). The documentation dates back as far as the 1980’s.
Ohio Middle School Tosses Out the 10 Commandments, Dishonors Veterans and Suspends Student for Supporting Both
This is unbelievable! I guess I take umbrage and exception because of the topic – but this is utterly disgusting.
Californians brace for aftershocks after pair of potent quakes; governor confident about federal commitment to assist state
The quake, which initially was reported as magnitude 7.1, would be the largest temblor in the region in 20 years; Jeff Paul reports from Ridgecrest, California. Communities in Southern California were bracing for hundreds of aftershocks Saturday after the region was rattled by two of the largest earthquakes felt there in two decades, resulting in multiple fires, punctured water and gas lines and infrastructure damage. Seismologists warned of large aftershocks following Friday’s 7.1-magnitude tremor, which happened just after 8 p.m. local time. The quake was centered 11 miles from Ridgecrest, the site where a 6.4-magnitude tremor hit a day earlier.
Swiss set to cut all ties with EU if Brussels hardline one-size-fits all policy enforced
It follows the launching of a “trade war” by Brussels as it tries to force the Alpine country to accept EU laws. “The EU commission is playing a dangerous game which could bring a new crisis in the heart of one of the most dynamic economic areas the EU has,” warned Luca Cirigliano, Head of the International Department of the Swiss Trade Union Confederation, last night.
Congresswomen: Declaration of Independence racist, sexist
Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts retweeted a Salon article contending the Declaration of Independence is a racist and sexist document because it doesn’t address slavery or women’s rights.
France, Iran agree to seek conditions to resume nuclear talks by July 15
French President Emmanuel Macron said on Saturday he and Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani had agreed to seek conditions for a resumption of dialog on the Iranian nuclear question by July 15.
‘President Trump invited us. We showed up’
“I love him. He’s imperfect. I’m imperfect. I feel like he loves me even though he doesn’t know me personally – like he loves the American people.”
Tehran Imam threatens missile attack on Dimona nuclear power plant
Kermani also warned the US against a military attack on Iran, saying, “think of an attack only if you want to change the color of the Persian Gulf waters from azure to red.”
Another son of Hamas founder flees, blasts terror organization’s corruption
Suheib Yousef, son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef and younger brother of “Green Prince” Mosab Yousef, deserted his post in Turkey, flew to an undisclosed Asian country and then gave an interview to an Israeli journalist in which he excoriated the terrorist organization’s corruption.
Report: California Sees Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes Increase by 21 Percent
The California Department of Justice (DOJ) released a report on July 2 revealing that anti-Semitic hate crimes increased by 21 percent in 2018 from the year prior.
Iran steps up nuclear violations; Steinitz: Tehran marching toward bomb
Iran said on Sunday it would further scale back its commitment to the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, raising its uranium enrichment level to what officials said earlier was 5% to produce fuel for power plants. In a news conference, senior Iranian officials also said that Tehran would continue reducing its commitments every 60 days unless signatories of the pact moved to protect it from U.S. sanctions, but they left the door open to diplomacy.
Tehran Imam threatens missile attack on Dimona nuclear power plant
“If Iran decides to confront you, a missile strike on the Dimona reactor would be enough,” said Tehran’s Friday Prayer Imam Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahedi-Kermani in a sermon addressing the United States and Israel, according to a report by Radio Farda. Movahedi-Kermani threatened that such an attack on the nuclear reactor in Israel’s Negev desert would “plow Israel 200 times.”
Democracies are on track to lose their global economic dominance as ‘authoritarian capitalism’ rises
…Dangers are accelerating to the democratic ideals that the American Revolution inspired. If no unanticipated shock disrupts current trajectories – say a democratic uprising in China, a Russian regime change or, still significant, a Venezuelan dictator’s decline – autocratic powers will surpass democracies in their economic size and influence within the coming decade. And history has shown prosperity often precedes political dominance.
Police Investigate Death Threats to Movie Theater Owners Screening Pro-Life Film ‘Unplanned’
Police have been called in to investigate allegations of death threats made to cinema theater owners in Canada who had scheduled to screen the pro-life movie Unplanned. B.J. McKelvie, president of Cinedicon, the Canadian distributor of the film that tells the story of Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood manager-turned pro-life activist…
Netanyahu calls Iran’s uranium enrichment increase ‘very dangerous’
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday called an announced increase of Iranian uranium enrichment a “very, very dangerous step,” and urged the European powers to impose automatic sanctions on the Islamic Republic. Iranian officials earlier on Sunday said the country would further scale back its commitment to the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers…
5 IDF soldiers wounded in car ramming attack in West Bank
Five IDF soldiers were wounded Saturday when a Palestinian man crashed a car into the group, near the Hizma check point in East Jerusalem. The hitting driver was arrested overnight Saturday. Three soldiers were hospitalized in moderate condition and a fourth in light condition; the fifth soldier was released overnight.
Iran to announce it is increasing nuclear enrichment to 5% Sunday
Iran will on Sunday announce an increase in uranium enrichment to five percent, in a breach of its commitments to the 2015 nuclear deal, further stoking tensions with Washington and putting more pressure on the European states that support the accord.
Mysterious military space plane captured on camera…
Skywatcher and satellite tracker Ralf Vandebergh of the Netherlands recently caught a rare glimpse of the U.S. Air Force’s secretive X-37B space plane.
Starbucks Kicks Cops Out On 4th Of July After Customer “Did Not Feel Safe”
If only they were homeless and shooting-up heroin in the bathroom…
NEW WARNING: Chance of another huge tremor in next week…
The odds that Southern California will experience another earthquake of magnitude 7 or greater in the next week are now nearly 11%, according to preliminary estimates from seismologists.
Mexico murder rate reaches all-time high; 94 killings every day.
MEXICO is experiencing its worst ever murder rate with 94 killings each day amid a massive surge in violence between cartels. The number of homicides has rocketed over the past four years with more than 3,000 people slaughtered in June alone — and over 17,000 in the first six months of this year.
Bay Area Home Prices Plunge In May, Largest In 7 Years
Sales in tech-heavy and ultra-expensive San Mateo and Santa Clara counties plunged…
In “Radical Overhaul” 20,000 Deutsche Bankers Will Be Fired As “Bad Bank” Soars To €80BN, 5x DB’s Market Cap
Job cuts across Deutsche Bank are now expected to total 18,000 to 20,000, while the size of the “bad banks” has quietly grown from €50 billion to €80 billion.
Toxic caterpillars spark health scare across Germany
Marauding caterpillars with toxic hairs have brought parts of Germany to a standstill, leading to closures of swimming pools, restaurants, public parks and sections of the motorway.
Iran: UK ‘should be scared’ of retaliation over seized tanker
Iran said Saturday the United Kingdom should be “scared” of possible retaliation after the Royal Marines captured an Iranian supertanker in Gibraltar.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
US Intelligence Officials and Satellite Photos Detail Russian Military Buildup on Crimea
Russia has added troops, aircraft, and weapons to Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula in what amounts to a “significant” buildup of forces over the past 18 months, according to U.S. intelligence officials, observers, and new satellite photos that reveal the locations of new S-400 air defense systems and improvements to Soviet-era bases. Those officials and observers of the region say the additional firepower gives Moscow greater defensive control over the Black Sea and puts offensive fighters and ships closer to the Middle East.
“The Deutsche Bank As You Know It Is No More”: DB Exits Equities In $8.4 Billion Overhaul, To Fire Thousands
The bank which only a decade ago dominated equity and fixed income and sales trading and investment banking across the globe, and was Europe’s banking behemoth, is no more. On Sunday afternoon, in a widely telegraphed move, Deutsche Bank announced that it was exiting its equity sales and trading operation, resizing its once legendary Fixed Income and Rates operations and reducing risk-weighted assets currently allocated to these business by 40%, slashing as many as 20,000 jobs including many top officials, and creating a €74 billion “bad bank” as part of a reorganization which will cost up to €7.4 billion by the end of 2022
Indian police arrest priest & school teacher after they attempt to ‘sacrifice’ 3yo girl
Police in India have saved a 3-year-old girl from imminent death at the hands of her own relatives, as they planned to “sacrifice” the toddler after getting the green light from her parents, local media reports.
7.0 magnitude earthquake hits Indonesia, tsunami warning issued
Indonesia’s geophysics agency has issued a tsunami warning, after a magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck in the Moloccan Sea to the country’s east. The figure was later downgraded to 7.0 The quake struck shortly after 10 PM local time on Sunday, at a depth of 36km, …
Trump: Iran better be careful
“Iran better be careful, because you enrich for one reason, and I won’t tell you what that reason is, but it’s no good. They better be careful,” he told reporters.
Netanyahu: Iran’s uranium enrichment steps are like those Nazis took in 1930
This enrichment, the prime minister said, “is for only one thing – to prepare nuclear weapons.”
Netanyahu: Archaeology, DNA prove Palestinians not native to Land of Israel
“There’s no connection between the ancient Philistines & the modern Palestinians, whose ancestors came from the Arabian Peninsula to the Land of Israel thousands of years later,” Netanyahu tweeted. Netanyahu tweeted that, “A new study of DNA recovered from an ancient Philistine site in the Israeli city of Ashkelon confirms what we know from the Bible – that the origin of the Philistines is in southern Europe,”
Iran claims to pioneer new electronic warfare unit
The US says it carried out cyberattacks against Iran in late June after Iran shot down a US Global Hawk drone over the Gulf of Oman. The attacks were judged to be a better response than airstrikes, which would have killed Iranians. In response, Iran has rolled out this new unit, the latest in a series of Iranian claims to have created indigenous technology.
Saudi Arabia launches arrest campaign against Palestinian expatriates
“There is an intensified campaign to arrest more Palestinians living in the kingdom,…the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been tracking down and detaining Palestinian expatriates living in the country, after the Kingdom launched a new arrest campaign again to track down these Palestinian targets. Qamedi explained that the Kingdom is targeting these individuals on suspicion of affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood,…
Ex-IAEA official to ‘Post’: Iran cutting nuclear breakout time by two months
Things could get worse in 60 days if Tehran carries out previous threats .
IDF shoots down drone after it infiltrates into Israel from Gaza Strip
A drone which infiltrated from the Gaza Strip and was seen over the community of Zikim was intercepted by the Israeli military and taken in for inspection, the army said on Monday. The drone was identified by Israeli radar systems as crossing over the border in the northern Gaza Strip, flying near the communities of Karmiya and Zikim and tracked by troops until it was downed.
Deutsche Bank will exit global equities business and slash 18,000 jobs in sweeping overhaul
Deutsche Bank announced Sunday that it will pull out of global equities sales and trading, scale back investment banking and slash thousands of jobs as part of a sweeping restructuring plan to improve profitability. Deutsche will cut 18,000 jobs for a global headcount of around 74,000 employees by 2022. The bank aims to reduce adjusted costs by a quarter to 17 billion euros ($19 billion) over the next several years.
1 in 4 Americans have no plans to retire
Nearly one-quarter of Americans say they never plan to retire, according to a poll that suggests a disconnection between individuals’ retirement plans and the realities of aging in the workforce. Experts say illness, injury, layoffs and caregiving responsibilities often force older workers to leave their jobs sooner than they’d like.
Pentagon’s Cloud Project Under Fire as Award Nears
The Pentagon plans to award a long-awaited cloud-computing contract next month, but the huge program—expected to cost up to $10 billion—faces mounting complications from congressional scrutiny and a court challenge. Inc. and Microsoft Corp. were designated in April as finalists…drawing complaints from rival companies…which say the contract-award process was skewed from the start to favor Amazon…
World cannot shut China out, vice president says, in jab at U.S.
China and the rest of the world must co-exist, Vice President Wang Qishan said on Monday, in an indirect jab at the United States, with which Beijing is trying to resolve a bitter trade war. Top representatives of the world’s two biggest economies are trying to resume talks this week to try and resolve their year-long trade dispute, which has seen the two countries place increasingly harsh tariffs on each other’s imports.
Second Turkish drillship arrives off coast of Cyprus: shipping data
A second Turkish drillship, which is expected to begin drilling for oil and natural gas near Cyprus this week, arrived off the Mediterranean island’s northeastern coast on Monday, Refinitiv Eikon shipping data showed. Last month, European Union leaders warned Turkey to end its gas drilling in disputed waters around the island or face action from the bloc, after Greece and Cyprus pressed other EU states to speak out.
‘Europe’s biggest sex festival’ hits England, aerial photos show
Europe’s biggest swingers’ party has come to the UK again for three days as raunchy revelers get into the swing of things.
They Thought She Was Crazy: Doctor Extracts RFID Chip from Sex Trafficking Victim
Doctors thought this patient might need psychiatric help — until an x-ray revealed she’d been forcibly implanted with an RFID chip for trafficking.
Gates Says Steve Jobs Cast ‘Spells’ to Keep Apple From Dying
Apple’s Steve Jobs was singular in his ability to take a company “on a path to die” and turn it into the world’s most valuable — in part by “casting spells,” billionaire Bill Gates said.
Official Lutheran Church is really a Coven of Witches – Exposing Satanism and Witchcraft
A church holding membership in the Evangelical LutheranChurch in America, the largest Lutheran denomination in the country, worships God almost exclusively as a woman. The church, Ebenezer Lutheran in San Francisco, also participates in rituals to honor ancient goddesses.
‘80% of the Muslims in the West are Unemployed Beggars’
…If we do not remain vigilant, it will be coming to America as well. It is already here, but not like it is in Europe. There is still some hope for America. But we must fight as if our entire future depends on it, because it does.
BREAKING BOMBSHELL: NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes with Children, Child Exploitation, Pay to Play, Perjury
New York Police Department detectives and prosecutors working an alleged underage sexting case against former Congressman Anthony Weiner have turned over a newly-found laptop he shared with wife Huma Abedin to the FBI with enough evidence “to put Hillary (Clinton) and her crew away for life,” NYPD sources told True Pundit.
Jihadists massacre entire Christian village in Mali killing at least 100, many burnt to death
At least 100 men, women and children were slaughtered in Sobame Da, a mainly-Christian village in the Mopti region of central Mali, by heavily-armed Islamist extremists on 10 June.
UN Backed Obrador, MX National Guard, Sinaloa’s vs Federal Police, Related Cartels In Unfolding Mexican Civil War
In Part One of this series, I alleged that the newly formed and UN sponsored and trained Mexican National Guard would one day become our FEMA camps guards. In Part One, I painstakingly detailed, through an overview of EO 13603 and FEMA camp manual, FM 39.4, how foreign troops would become our captors. Before the newly formed Mexican National Guard, backed and trained by the UN, can become a threat to the people of the United States, they must first win their emerging civil war.
SB 75 Is Kryptonite for Kids-MSM and Liberals Combine Forces to Attack Millions of Children
Attention, if your child is middle class and above, SB 75 which will spread across the country, will be the reason that your child is forced from the public school because of reverse discrimination! And the MSM is completely on board with this repressive legislation
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
US women’s soccer team drops, steps on American flag celebrating World Cup victory
A player on the U.S. women’s national soccer team intentionally dropped the American flag on the ground during post-victory celebrations after the team’s big win against the Netherlands in the World Cup final on Sunday. Midfielder Allie Long initially dragged the flag on the ground, and when she turned toward a camera to pose alongside Megan Rapinoe and Alex Morgan, she dropped the flag at her feet for the photo op and can be seen stepping on it.
When Pride Parades Increase, So Should the Messianic Response
LGBTQ activists are so proud of their agenda that they make sure everyone knows it; why is the same not true of Messianics?
A Bird’s Eye View of ‘Trump Heights’ in Northern Israel
Love him, or hate him, in the Jewish State of Israel, Donald Trump is a rockstar. Last month, Israel sought to thank the US president by announcing a new settlement named after him on the Golan Heights. “Trump Heights” is little more than a sign at this point, but plans are being drawn up for a new community that will no doubt draw a great many Israeli residents. (video)
Just In: Ilhan Omar Fesses Up to Fake Story She Told 400 Students About ‘Racism’ and ‘Injustice’
When pressed, the congresswoman acknowledged that some of the facts in her “America-is-terrible” story might have been completely wrong.
AG Barr Determines Trump Admin Can Legally Add Citizenship Question to Census
Attorney General William Barr stated on Monday that there is a legal path to adding the citizenship question to the 2020 United States Census, despite a negative ruling at the Supreme Court.
Good News: Egypt Legalizes 127 Churches in Sweeping Approval
While the committee still has many churches to legalize, this is a promising start for a country in which Coptic Christians have faced fierce levels of violence and persecution for decades.
Researchers: ‘We Have Found Biblical Ziklag’
The name Ziklag is unusual in the lexicon of names in the Land of Israel, since it is not local Canaanite-Semitic. It is presumed to be a Philistine name, given to the town by the alien invaders from the Aegean sea. Ziklag is mentioned multiple times in the Bible. The runaway David episode was one; Ziklag was also the scene of an Amalekite raid that featured burning and taking local women and children captive, including two of David’s wife.
Deep-CEE: The AI deep learning tool helping astronomers explore deep space
Deep-CEE builds on Abell’s approach for identifying galaxy clusters but replaces the astronomer with an AI model that has been trained to “look” at colour images and identify galaxy clusters. Chan trained the AI by repeatedly showing it examples of known, labelled, objects in images until the algorithm is able to learn to associate objects on its own.
Earth’s eighth persistent lava lake found on remote sub-Antarctic island
Persistent lava lakes on the other hand, are very rare. In fact, among the 1,500 land-based, potentially active volcanoes on Earth, only seven persistent lava lakes have been found so far, until now. The seven known persistent lava lakes are Mount Nyiragongo (DR Congo), Erta Ale (Ethiopia), Mount Erebus (Antarctica), Ambrym and Mount Yasur (Vanuatu), Kilauea (Hawaii) and Masaya (Nicaragua). After 30 years of suspecting its existence and location, a team of scientists from the British Antarctic Survey and University College London, has finally confirmed number eight….
Top Trump officials to speak to Christians United for Israel
Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton are set to address the annual Christians United for Israel conference, a sign of how much President Donald Trump values pro-Israel evangelicals. Pence, Pompeo, Bolton as well as ambassador to Israel David Friedman and Jason Greenblatt, the top U.S. Middle East negotiator, will speak Monday and Tuesday at the conference taking place in Washington D.C. Such a broad array of top senior foreign policy and security officials is rare for pro-Israel groups.
TROPICAL UPDATE: Chance for tropical development in Gulf increases to 70 percent
An area of low pressure is expected to form Wednesday in the northeast Gulf along a stalled front. The National Hurricane Center increased the tropical formation odds to 70% within the next 5 days This potential tropical weather system will bring heavy rains to the US Gulf coast, especially to the central and eastern Gulf states.
Russia to start delivery of S-500 air defense system ‘ahead of schedule’
Russia’s latest S-500 air defense missile system will be delivered to troops ahead of schedule following successful trials, Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov said…”The successful preliminary trials have enabled the Defense Ministry of Russia to make a decision on cutting the time of starting the serial deliveries of this surface-to-air missile system to the troops.
Hong Kong extradition bill ‘is dead’ says Carrie Lam
Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam has said the controversial bill that would have allowed extradition to the Chinese mainland “is dead”. At a press conference on Tuesday, Ms Lam said the government’s work on the bill had been a “total failure”. But she stopped short of saying it had been fully withdrawn, and protesters have vowed to continue mass rallies.
Afghanistan talks agree ‘roadmap to peace’
A landmark peace conference between the Taliban and influential Afghans, including government officials, has agreed a “roadmap for peace” that could hasten the end of the 18-year war. A statement called for an end to civilian casualties and the protection of women’s rights within an “Islamic framework”. The non-binding agreement comes as the US and Taliban continue to negotiate an American withdrawal.
Government faces no-deal backlash from its business experts
The government’s attempts to find a technological solution to its Irish border Brexit problem have run into immediate difficulties with its own business advisers. The BBC has obtained internal documents, including the terms of reference which some of its business experts are refusing to sign off on. They are concerned the terms could be used to endorse a plan of action in the event of a no-deal Brexit.
Washington D.C. Flooding Leads to Water Rescues, Stranded Vehicles
A flash flood emergency was declared Monday morning for the nation’s capital and surrounding areas in Maryland and Virginia after the area received nearly a month’s worth of rain in an hour. The heavy rains flooded numerous roads causing dozens of drivers to be stranded. All lanes of the Capital Beltway’s inner loop shut down about 8:30 a.m. at the American Legion Bridge, the Washington Post reported.
Jerusalem court: PA must pay compensation for Hamas, Jihad terror attacks
Jerusalem District Court ruled Monday that the Palestinian Authority must pay compensation for 17 attacks carried out by terrorist organizations such as the PLO, Hamas and Islamic Jihad at the start of the millennium… The attacks cited in the ruling include the October 2000 lynching of two IDF soldiers in Ramallah; the December 2001 suicide bombing on Ben Yehuda Street in Jerusalem; and the March 2002 attack at the Gavish family home in Elon Moreh.
U.S. appeals court to take up constitutionality of Obamacare
The future of Obamacare could be at stake on Tuesday when a coalition of Democratic-led states and House of Representatives urge a federal appeals court to overturn a Texas judge’s ruling that the U.S. healthcare reform law is unconstitutional. Republicans have repeatedly tried to repeal Obamacare…and while the Justice Department would normally defend a federal law, the Trump administration has declined to defend its constitutionality…
Church of England says it will recognize marriages of transgender worshipers
The marriage of worshipers who transition to a different gender will still be valid, the Church of England has said.
River flooding in Tennessee ruins cotton, soybean crops
Lush green fields of cotton and soybeans turned into lakes Tuesday as flooding from the overfull Mississippi River covered thousands of acres of farmland in Lauderdale County in west Tennessee.
US Gulf Coast put on alert for potential tropical storm to form late week
After more than a month of inactivity in the tropical Atlantic basin, development is likely in the northern Gulf of Mexico with potential impacts to residents and visitors later this week and this weekend.
APA: We’d Like to Teach the World to Swing…
Just when you think you’ve heard it all, the American Psychological Association (APA) decides this: Monogamy is the new bigotry. That’s right. According to the supposed “mental health experts,” open marriages are the tolerant approach to intimacy. And they’ve launched a task force to prove it to the world.
VILE AFFECTIONS: Mile High Comics In Denver Sponsors ‘All Ages Drag Show’ Targeting Children, Helping To Pave The Way For Acceptance Of Pedophiles
In case you haven’t been paying attention, drag queen children are all the rage these days. This time last year, I only knew of less than half a dozen of the drag queen kids like Desmond Is Amazing, but blink your eyes and *Presto!*, drag queen events for children are suddenly all across the country. Why sudden rush to promote drag to kids? Simple, because once you have gotten people to mentally sign off on that, getting you to also tolerate pedophilia will be a slam-dunk. Don’t think it will happen in America in the next one to two years? You’re an idiot and a fool if you think otherwise.
TRUMP OFFICIAL: ICE Ready to Deport 1M Illegal Aliens with Final Orders | Neon Nettle
The director of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services has confirmed that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is ready to begin deporting around one million illegal aliens.
ACLU Told CA Teachers To Help Students Obtain Abortions Without Parental Notification, Video Reveals
Video footage purportedly shows the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) instructing teachers on progressive sexual education and gender theory in collaboration with California school districts and Planned Parenthood.
‘Church Is Not The Building, It’s The People’: Does Watching Church Online Count?
Church attendance in America has been on the decline in recent years. According to Pew Research, only 36 percent of Americans attended weekly services in 2014, a 14 percent decline from a 1950’s Gallup Report.
The UN and AMLO Are Transforming Mexico Into a Military Enemy of the United States
Recently, I received the following communication from an anonymous Mexican official. He is concerned that his government and military are being taken over by the United Nations. This is not a farfetched claim as it was announced in the media that the Mexican National Guard was being trained by the United Nations..
ACLU Told CA Teachers To Help Students Obtain Abortions Without Parental Notification, Video Reveals
Video footage purportedly shows the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) instructing teachers on progressive sexual education and gender theory in collaboration with California school districts and Planned Parenthood.
Pedophiles Are Now Calling Themselves ‘Minor Attracted Persons’ And Want Inclusion In LGBTQ Movement
For years now, we’ve been telling you that eventually the ever-growing alphabet soup that is the LGBTQ Movementwould, at some point, have to add a ‘P’ to their acronym. The letter ‘P’ of course standing for pedophile. Why is this inevitable? Because of their motto, ‘all love is love‘. The word of God says otherwise.
STUDY: Leaked Huawei Resumes Reveal Extensive Ties To Chinese Intel Agencies
As we previously highlighted, grenade attacks and deadly shootings in Sweden – concerns over which were once derided as a conspiracy theory by the media – now represent a “national emergency” according to a new report.
“Get Used To It” – Sweden Is Experiencing A “Small Scale War”
As we previously highlighted, grenade attacks and deadly shootings in Sweden – concerns over which were once derided as a conspiracy theory by the media – now represent a “national emergency” according to a new report.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Democrats Wage War on Jesus
Left-wing political activist Linda Sarsour angered many on Saturday when she tweeted that Jesus was a Palestinian. The Israeli Prime Minister’s son, Yar Netanyahu, who is known to be an avid student of history, also pointed out the absurdity of Sarsour’s comment, bringing a graphic proof from within Christianity. “Are you that stupid? On the cross above Jesus’ head was the sign “INRI”- “Iesvs Nazarenvs Rex Ivdaeorvm”, which means in Latin- Jesus of Nazareth king of the Jews! The Bible say that Jesus was born and raised in Judea! ”
McConnell Releases ****ing Footage of Dem After She Announces Bid for His Senate Seat
There’s a reason why Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell is a legislative legend. He is tough as nails and doesn’t play games. Yet McConnell keeps his calm and maintains an excellent sense of humor while he’s kicking some leftist butt. And his Tuesday morning video illustrates perfectly all of those things.genesis
Iran threatens to enrich uranium to 20% purity as tensions rise
“Earlier today, the level of enrichment reached 4.5%,” Behrouz Kamalvandi, the spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, told the state-run Iranian Students News Agency. In a separate report, Kamalvandi said Tehran may consider boosting enrichment to as much as 20% purity or using more advanced centrifuges at a later stage. It’s “among the options considered,”
Followers of occultist Aleister Crowley to be welcomed back to his former Highland home
Crowley, who bought Boleskine in 1900, conducted various black magic rituals at the house including a six-month long experiment to raise his Guardian Angel. It is said the experiment was not properly completed, with the spirits raised by Crowley never fully banished leading to a number of unexplained events at Boleskine. Crowley developed the new religion of Thelema, which observes a number of feasts throughout the year, after honeymooning in Egypt in 1904. He claimed to have been contacted by a supernatural entity who provided him with the Book of the Law, a sacred text that served as the basis for Thelema.
Yellowstone Volcano Eruption Fears Triggered by California Earthquakes
The quakes—a magnitude 6.4 and 7.1 on July 4 and 5 respectively—had apparently raised fears an eruption at the supervolcano could be triggered by these events. Related search terms, according to Google Trends, included “California earthquake” and “the big one California.”
Pope meets Putin; two leaders talk about Ukraine, Syria, Venezuela
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis welcomed Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Vatican July 4, and the two discussed the ongoing wars in Eastern Ukraine and in Syria, the Vatican said. Russia plays a major role in both conflicts. At the end of the 55-minute private meeting, Alessandro Gisotti, interim director of the Vatican press office, issued a statement describing the discussions as “cordial.”
Trump: We will no longer deal with British Ambassador
“I have been very critical about the way the U.K. and Prime Minister Theresa May handled Brexit. What a mess she and her representatives have created. I told her how it should be done, but she decided to go another way. I do not know the Ambassador, but he is not liked or well thought of within the US,” Trump tweeted. “We will no longer deal with him.
EU ‘urges’ Iran to end enrichment and uphold nuclear deal
The European Union on Tuesday called on Iran to cease its violations of the 2015 nuclear deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and halt its efforts to enrich uranium beyond the 3.67% cap imposed by the agreement.
Temple Mount Sifting Project Unveils Artifacts From the Time of David
In 1999, the Islamic group responsible for the Temple Mount began construction on a large underground mosque. They broke a law prohibiting unauthorized construction, and during the project dumped tons of debris into the Kidron Valley. Over the years, The Temple Mount Sifting Project has uncovered a treasure trove of artifacts. Throughout its history, more than a quarter of a million volunteers have worked on the sifting project making it the largest archeological project in history. Since its beginning, the project has uncovered enormous archeological evidence.
Palestinian commander: We will capture Gaza border towns in future war
“We will take the settlements bordering Gaza. In any future war, the enemy must expect groups behind enemy lines to enter and control those settlements,” said a commander of one of the terrorist groups in Gaza to the Lebanese Al Akhbar newspaper on Wednesday. The commander added that scuba units will also play a “very important role” in an upcoming conflict.
Netanyahu responds to Iran’s threats: Israel’s F-35 jets can reach you
Tehran should remember that Israel’s air force can strike anywhere in the Middle East, including Iran and Syria, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday after visiting a F-35 squadron at the Nevatim Air Force base. “Iran has threatened recently to destroy Israel,” Netanyahu said…standing in front of an F-35 “Adir” plane. “It is worthwhile for them to remember that these plans can reach everywhere in the Middle East, including Iran and Syria.
Australian seagulls carry antibiotic-resistant superbugs
Seagulls all over Australia are carrying superbugs resistant to antibiotics, scientists say. They found more than 20% of silver gulls nationwide carrying bacteria such as E. coli, which can cause urinary tract and blood infections and sepsis. The research has raised fears that the antibiotic-resistant bacteria- similar to superbugs which have hit hospitals – could infect humans and other animals.
Brexit: Bid to make no deal more difficult scrapes through Commons
MPs have voted by the thinnest of margins for a process that would make it more difficult for a future prime minister to prorogue Parliament. Tory MP Dominic Grieve wanted to amend the Northern Ireland Bill to stop a future PM forcing through a no-deal Brexit by suspending Parliament. His amendment – to require ministers to regularly report on the situation in Northern Ireland – passed by one vote.
US to enlist military allies in Gulf and Yemen waters
The US says it wants to create an multinational military coalition to safeguard waters around Iran and Yemen. Gen Joseph Dunford, chairman of the US military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he wanted to “ensure freedom of navigation” in the region, which provides essential trade routes. The US has blamed Iran for attacks on six oil tankers in May and June.
Iran threatens to sink US warships and destroy army bases as war fears loom
Iranian commander Hossein Nejat launched a new fiery threat towards the US amid the weeping row between Washington and the US. The two sides have been at loggerheads since US President Donald Trump pulled out of the so-called nuclear deal. It exchanged an easing of sanctions for restrictions on the enrichment of uranium.
Big Government and Big Tech Are Partnering to Track Us Everywhere
…For Orwell’s Big Brother dystopia to become Reality – Big Government would need private sector help. Enter private sector Big Tech…“The study found that digital assistants (Google Home and Amazon Echo) can be ‘awake’ even when users think they aren’t listening…“(T)he devices listen all the time they are turned on – and Amazon has envisioned Alexa using that information to build profiles on anyone in the room…
China June exports seen falling, adding to fears of global slowdown: Reuters poll
China’s exports likely fell in June as weakening global demand and a sharp hike in U.S. tariffs took a heavier toll on the world’s largest trading nation, a Reuters poll showed. Imports are expected to have fallen for a second straight month, pointing to continued weakness in domestic demand and highlighting the need for Beijing to roll out more economic support measures.
Turkey warns United States against harmful steps over Russian S-400s
Turkey called on the United States on Wednesday to avoid steps harmful to bilateral relations after the U.S. State Department spokeswoman reiterated Ankara would face “real and negative consequences” for acquiring Russian S-400 defense systems. Turkey’s foreign ministry spokesman said the comments by the State Department…were not in line with the spirit and content of talks between presidents of the two countries at the G20 summit last month.
Apple Cofounder Steve Wozniak’s Dire Warning: Delete Your Facebook Account Now!
“Who knows if my cellphone’s listening right now.”
Tropical depression forecast to form in Gulf of Mexico this week.
The hurricane season is awakening from its slumber. After several quiet weeks, the National Hurricane Center said Monday that there’s an 80% chance a tropical depression will form by the end of the week in the Gulf of Mexico.
Clint, Texas border facility: Reports of “scabies, shingles and chickenpox” prompts calls for answers
House Democrats want top immigration officials from the Trump administration to testify this week about the crisis at the border. The lawmakers want answers about reports of dangerous and unsanitary conditions at migrant detention facilities.
Twitter Announces Ban On Language ‘Dehumanizing Religious Groups’
Twitter announced in a statement issued Tuesday a new protected class is being recognized by the online forum: Religious groups. The move comes as one religion has campaigned for decades for a global ban on speech critical of Islam, while other major religions have been content to use public persuasion rather then the jackboot of government or corporate totalitarianism to deal with critics.
UK & France Accept Trump’s Call For More Troops In Syria As Germany Rebuffs
Hailed as a “a major victory for Donald Trump’s national security team.”
Here Are The Details On California’s Sex Education
The California Board of Education implemented progressive sex and gender education curriculum in public schools across the state, regardless, in some cases, of parental knowledge or consent.
Accused Child Trafficker Epstein Claimed To Be Co-Founder of the Clinton Global Initiative
Accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein claimed that he was a co-founder of the Clinton Global Initiative, a subsidiary of the scandal-plagued Clinton Foundation. Bill Clinton was a frequent Epstein travel companion.
CPS Is Taking Kids Away Based on ‘Predictive Analytics’ Computer Program To Judge Parents
Child Protective Services (CPS) is using a “Predictive Analytics” computer program to determine whether or not parents should be allowed to keep their children.
Weaponizing The Dollar Has Accelerated The Demise Of The US Empire
The Trump administration’s incessant sanctions wars are curbing the dollar’s global hegemony and speeding the demise of U.S. empire…
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
How we know war with Iran is imminent and why it only makes sense via biblical perspective
BIN editor and writer David Sidman and Eliyahu Berkowitz (for the first time) discuss the current detente between Israel, the US, the Gulf states and Iran and whether or not it will escalate. See how Jewish sources predicted the current situation and where it’s all going. (VIDEO)
Pentagon seeks international coalition to guard waterways from Iranian threat
“We’re engaging now with a number of countries to see if we can put together a coalition that would ensure freedom of navigation both in the Straits of Hormuz and the Bab al-Mandab,” he said. “And so I think probably over the next couple of weeks, we’ll identify which nations have the political will to support that initiative and then we’ll work directly with the militaries to identify the specific capabilities that’ll support that.”
Trump vows that US sanctions on Iran will be ‘increased substantially’
“Iran has long been secretly ‘enriching,’ in total violation of the terrible 150 Billion Dollar deal made by John Kerry and the Obama Administration,” tweeted Trump. “Remember, that deal was to expire in a short number of years. Sanctions will soon be increased, substantially!”
VP Pence at CUFI: US Military Gearing Up for War on Radical Islam
In his address to the summit for Christians United for Israel (CUFI) in Washington D.C. on Monday, Vice President Mike Pence gave a rousing and positive speech describing the unbreakable bond between Israel and the U.S. In marked contrast to the previous administration, Pence issued an unmistakable challenge, saying that a newly strengthened military would focus on its primary enemy: radical Islam.
Chinese Communist Party Ramps Up Persecution Of Christians
Recent reports from China paint a disturbing picture of the worsening conditions for Christians at the hands of an ever oppressive regime. While socialism is growing more popular in America thanks to Bernie Sanders and others on the left, communism’s evils are on full display in China. The Communist Party rules over fearful people of faith with an iron fist.
The ‘Holy Grail’: Epstein’s Little Black Book Names Clinton, Media Giants and Others
An FBI affidavit details how the list ended up in the hands of investigators and then the media. Epstein employee Alfredo Rodriguez called the list the “Holy Grail” or “Golden Nugget” that would map out the billionaire’s alleged underage sex network. Rodriguez first tried to sell it to journalists; instead, authorities seized it as evidence.
EastMed pipeline project gains American support, though debate remains over feasibility
The EastMed pipeline, which envisions the construction of a pipeline that takes natural gas from Israeli and Cypriot underwater reserves, and then transfers them to Greece and beyond, has been a frequent talking point during trilateral summits. The pipeline, which could extend for 2,000 kilometers (nearly 1,250 miles) and go as far as Italy, has the potential to “attract investment that will maximize these resource,” s.
Apple Co-Founder Wozniak: ‘Get Off Facebook’
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, who last year deleted his Facebook account over concerns about the social media company’s troubles protecting the privacy of its users, says people should get off the platform. “I worry because you’re having conversations that you think are private. … You’re saying words that really shouldn’t be listened to because you don’t expect it,” Wozniak said during an interview with TMZ on June 28 at Reagan National Airport in Washington, D.C. “But there’s almost no way to stop it. People think they have a level of privacy they don’t.”
Ocasio-Cortez Slammed with Two Lawsuits After Court Ruling Against Trump Paves the Way
The lawsuit said Hikind, a staunchly pro-Israel legislator, was blocked after he criticized Ocasio-Cortez for a comment she made that likened detention centers along America’s southern border to concentration camps. “Just today the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a ruling that elected officials cannot block individuals from their Twitter accounts, thereby setting a precedent that Ocasio-Cortez must follow.
Inside the head of a killer: Imaging study uncovers unique brain abnormalities in murderers
A new study involving MRI scans of hundreds of brains of convicted prisoners suggests notable differences in the brains of someone who has committed a murder compared to other violent but non-homicidal inmates. The results strikingly found a number of gray matter differences in the brains of those subjects who committed a homicide, compared to the other two groups. “Yes, this is a first step towards using neuroscience to help predict who will commit homicidal behavior and identifying neuro-risk factors for homicidal behavior,”
PA rejects Israeli legal decision on liability in attacks
Accusing Palestinian leaders of being responsible for terrorism and other violent attacks, the Jerusalem District Court ruled on Monday that the Palestinian Authority was liable for civil damages in the cases of 17 attacks against Israelis, including both civilians and soldiers. The attacks were carried out mostly between 2000 and 2002, during the Second Intifada. One claim dates back to an attack in 1996.
PA doubles pay-for-slay salary to murderer of 3 Israeli teenagers
The Palestinian Authority today doubled the monthly payment being made to the terrorist mastermind behind the 2014 kidnapping and murder of Gilad Shaar, Eyal Yifrach and Naftali Frenkel… Beginning today, five years after the July 11, 2014 arrest of Husam Al-Qawasmi, he will begin receiving NIS 4,000 instead of NIS 2,000 a month, according to the PA’s standard pay scale. A prisoner’s monthly salary increases with prison time served.
Vincent Lambert: Frenchman at centre of end-of-life debate dies
A quadriplegic man, who became a symbol of the right-to-die debate in France, has died after doctors removed his feeding tubes, his family says. Vincent Lambert, 42, had been in a persistent vegetative state since a motorcycle accident 11 years ago. Doctors began taking him off life support last week after a final ruling by France’s highest appeals court.
North Korea develops software to teach ideology
North Korea has developed software designed to teach ideology to party members and workers… Called Chongseo 1.0, it contains writings by the country’s founder Kim Il-sung and his son – former leader Kim Jong-il. The paper explains that the encyclopaedia-like electronic book program aggregates classical works and anecdotes about the two Kims, as well as material related to current leader Kim Jong-un.
Flooding swamps New Orleans; possible hurricane coming next
A storm swamped New Orleans streets and paralyzed traffic Wednesday as concerns grew that even worse weather was on the way: a possible hurricane that could strike the Gulf Coast and raise the Mississippi River to the brim of the city’s protective levees. The storm was associated with an atmospheric disturbance in the Gulf that forecasters said was on track to strengthen into a hurricane by the weekend.
White House pushes Congress to strike deal as Treasury could run out of cash faster
The White House is pushing congressional leaders to strike a spending deal and increase the debt limit in the next two or three weeks, jolted by a recent report that found the Treasury Department was running out of cash much faster than previously forecasted. But the talks have bogged down amid acrimony between Democrats and the White House…that could also imperil President Donald Trump’s effort to update the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Abortion support is the highest it’s been in two decades as challenges mount
Support for legal abortion stands at its highest level in more than two decades according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll… The Post-ABC poll finds a 60 percent majority who say abortion should be legal in most or all cases, up from 55 percent in a 2013 Post-ABC poll, and tying the record high level of support from 1995. The latest survey finds 36 percent say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, also tying a record low.
Eu, Israel, Egypt express unease about Turkey’s gas drilling off Cyprus
Turkey said on Wednesday it rejected Greek and European Union assertions that Turkish drilling for gas and oil off Cyprus was illegitimate, and said they showed the EU could not be an impartial mediator on the Cyprus problem. The foreign ministry said Turkey’s Fatih ship had started drilling to the west of the Mediterranean island at the start of May and its Yavuz ship had recently arrived east of Cyprus and would also carry out drilling.
Mass immigration roundups in U.S. to start Sunday
Roundups of undocumented immigrant families will start Sunday in 10 U.S. cities, fulfilling a hardline immigration stance from U.S. President Donald Trump which will be a key issue in his 2020 re-election bid… The raids will be conducted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents over a number of days starting July 14, the Times reported citing unnamed sources including two current and one former homeland security officials.
Secret, Leaked Speech by Chinese Defense Minister Demonstrates China’s Intent to Destroy America
“The central committee believes, as long as we resolve the United States problem at one blow, our domestic problems will all be readily solved. Therefore, our military battle preparation appears to aim at Taiwan, but in fact is aimed at the United States, and the preparation is far beyond the scope of attacking aircraft carriers or satellites.
New high temperature records set in Alaska (again) as heat wave is set to relinquish grip
Days after Anchorage reached the 90-degree Fahrenheit mark for the first time in recorded history, all-time and daily records continue to fall as a sweltering heat wave leaves Alaska sizzling.
NOAA: 12-month precipitation record hits all-time high for the third month in a row, U.S.
Heavy rainfall during the month of June added to another record-breaking 12 months of precipitation for the contiguous U.S – the third consecutive time in 2019 (April, May and June) the past 12-month precipitation record has hit an all-time high.
Big Pharma Hikes Drug Price 879% And That’s Just One Of 3,400 So Far This Year
Big Pharma continues to jack up the prices on the drugs they peddle. The price of one drug was hiked 879%, and that’s only ONE of the 3,400 price increases that have occurred so far this year.
Bernstein: Anti-Christian Attacks in France Quietly Quadrupled. Why?
Richard Bernstein writes at RealClearInvestigations of the growing phenomenon of violent anti-Christian attacks taking place in France:
5 Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Boats Tried And Failed To Seize British Oil Tanker In Persian Gulf On Wednesday In Dramatic Standoff
Iran is steadily provoking not just the United States but Britain as well in their latest attempt to cause a military confrontation. Five Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps fast attack boats thought the British oil tanker would be easy pickings. Right up to the moment that is that a British warship backed up by the United States verbally told them to leave the area. Those words of warning were backed up by guns pointed at the Iranians from a UK Royal Navy frigate.
Did You Know America Is in the Middle of a War, with China?
America is in a war that many Americans don’t know we’re fighting. The one waging the war – China. And experts say the communist country is angling to use stateside operatives to fight it.
US Customs just seized a ship owned by JPMorgan after authorities found $1 billion worth of drugs on it
Federal prosecutors in Philadelphia have seized a container ship operated by the Mediterranean Shipping Co., weeks after authorities found more than $1 billion worth of cocaine on the vessel in what was one of the largest drug busts in American history.
Report: One in 50 Male Prisoners Identify as Transgender
A report by the UK’s inspector of prisons has found that one in 50 adult male prisoners identify as transgender or transsexual.
John Whitehead Exposes America’s Heart Of Darkness: Sexual Predators Within The Power-Elite
“As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends to increase. And the dictator (unless he needs cannon fodder and families with which to colonize empty or conquered territories) will do well to encourage that freedom.”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
How should we respond to alien contact? Scientists ask the public
Scientists wrestling with the delicate issue of how to respond should humanity ever be contacted by an alien civilisation have hit on a radical idea: a survey that asks what the public would do. Members of the UK Seti Research Network (UKSRN) are to launch what they believe will be the largest ever survey of public attitudes towards alien contact on Monday at the Royal Society’s summer science exhibition. The views they gather will help them shape plans for an international protocol that sets the ground rules on how organisations should share news of any signals that are detected; what sense can be made of them; and how, if at all, humans might reply.
Swarm of earthquakes has USGS keeping closer eye on Mt Hood
A swarm of earthquakes have been reported on Northern Oregon’s Mount Hood over the past two days. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), there have been around 40 quakes registered in an area five miles south of the volcano’s summit since Monday afternoon.
Louisiana may get hit by a hurricane this weekend. New Orleans is already flooded.
A storm is brewing in the Gulf of Mexico, and the National Hurricane Center expects it to become a hurricane by Friday or Saturday, with potentially dangerous impacts along the coasts of Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana, and the city of New Orleans. The storm could bring as much as 20 inches of rain to the region, which isn’t good, considering that the region is already inundated with rain.
Trump Hits Dems with Census Curveball, Announces Plan To Circumvent SCOTUS
“I am hereby ordering every department and agency in the federal government to provide the Department of Commerce with all requested records regarding the number of citizens and noncitizens in our country,” Trump said, as ABC News reported. “They must furnish all legally accessible records in their possession immediately. We will utilize these vast federal databases to gain a full, complete, and accurate count of the noncitizen population.”
Republican Senators Team Up To Give Victims of ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Chance To Seek Damages
A group of Republican senators introduced legislation on Tuesday that will make sanctuary jurisdictions subject to civil lawsuits by the victims of crimes perpetrated by illegal immigrants in the U.S.
Bombshell Claim: Scientists Find “Man-made Climate Change Doesn’t Exist In Practice”
Scientists in Finland found “practically no anthropogenic [man-made] climate change” after a series of studies. “During the last hundred years the temperature increased about 0.1°C because of carbon dioxide. The human contribution was about 0.01°C”, the Finnish researchers bluntly state in one among a series of papers. This has been collaborated by a team at Kobe University in Japan, which has furthered the Finnish researchers’ theory: “New evidence suggests that high-energy particles from space known as galactic cosmic rays affect the Earth’s climate by increasing cloud cover, causing an ‘umbrella effect’,”
Dow has first close above 27,000 points
The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed above 27,000 for the first time after a turbulent day on Wall Street. The S&P 500 also hit a closing high milestone of its own Thursday, a day after its first move above 3,000.
Britain sends second warship to gulf amid tensions with Iran – Sky
Britain is sending a second warship to the Gulf amid growing tensions with Iran after Royal Marines seized an Iranian tanker off the coast of Gibraltar last week, Sky News reported. Sky said the destroyer HMS Duncan, which had been earmarked for deployment in the region anyway although not so soon, would sail to the Gulf in the next few days to join the frigate HMS Montrose.
Iran’s hard-to-attack underground nuke facility part of increasing threat
Iran’s hard-to-attack underground Fordow nuclear facility is part of the increasing nuclear threat the country presents as it steadily escalates its violations of the 2015 nuclear deal, a new think tank report says. According to the report by the Institute for Science and International Security, “Fordow is potentially part of Iran’s current threats to progressively go to higher enrichment levels and increase its stocks of enriched uranium.”
Turkey defies US as Russian S-400 missile defence arrives
Turkey has received the first parts of a Russian S-400 missile defence system despite opposition from the US. The shipment arrived in an airbase in the capital Ankara on Friday, the Turkish defence ministry says. The move will anger the US, which has warned that Turkey cannot have both the S-400 anti-aircraft defence system and US F-35 fighter jets.
Russian nuclear submarine: Norway finds big radiation leak
Norway has found a radiation level 800,000 times higher than normal at the wreck of a Russian navy submarine. The Komsomolets sank in the Norwegian Sea in 1989 after a fire on board killed 42 sailors. A sample showed radioactive caesium leaking from a ventilation pipe, but researchers said it was “not alarming”, as the Arctic water quickly diluted it.
Tropical Storm Barry: Flooded New Orleans braces for likely hurricane
Tropical Storm Barry, which is currently moving over the Gulf of Mexico, is likely to develop into a hurricane. It is forecast to hit the US city of New Orleans, which has already seen thunderstorms and flash floods. A state of emergency is in effect and residents in some low-lying areas have been asked to evacuate.
How U.S. Tech Giants Are Helping to Build China’s Surveillance State
An American organization founded by tech giants Google and IBM is working with a company that is helping China’s authoritarian government conduct mass surveillance against its citizens…The OpenPower Foundation — a nonprofit led by Google and IBM…has set up a collaboration between IBM, Chinese company Semptian, and U.S. chip manufacturer Xilinx…to advance a breed of microprocessors that enable computers to analyze vast amounts of data more efficiently.
Texas Reporter Watches 300 Migrants Cross Border in Six Hours
KGBT CBS4 Reporter Sydney Hernandez traveled to the Texas border at Rincon Village Wednesday night at about 6 p.m. The deserted area on the banks of the Rio Grande is a well-known border crossing area. During the next six hours, Hernandez sent out a series of tweets capturing the images of migrants walking up the dirt roads from the border river where human smugglers cross them at will.
Trump rips tech firms at ‘free speech’ summit
President Donald Trump welcomed prominent conservative social media provocateurs to the White House on Thursday and said that along with himself, they are being treated unfairly by big tech firms, which he says suppress conservative voices. Trump said he has told his administration to look for regulations and legislation that could protect free speech – though he did not provide details on what measures were being discussed…
Report: Google Contractors Listen to Recordings from Your Home
A new report claims that Silicon Valley tech giant Google has been employing outside contractors to listen in on the voice recordings of its Google Assistant users without their knowledge.
Christian Leaders Gather to ‘Bless’ Texas Abortion Clinic: ‘God Is Already Present’
…“As people of faith, it’s not that we think we’re bringing God to this place; we believe God is already present in that space,” Fulbright said. “But it’s to ask for prayers of safety, healing and peace, to infuse the space with an energy that is life-giving for women, a lot of whom are in an anxious time.”
Tropical Storm “Barry” forms – long duration heavy rainfall along the central Gulf Coast and inland, U.S.
Tropical Storm “Barry” formed at 15:00 UTC on July 11, 2019, in the Gulf of Mexico, as the second named storm of the 2019 Atlantic hurricane season. Barry is expected to reach hurricane status on Friday, July 12 and be near the central or southeastern coast of Louisiana on Friday night (CDT) or Saturday, July 13.
6 killed and more than 100 injured as very strong winds, tornadoes and violent hailstorms hit Greece
Very strong winds, tornadoes and violent hailstorms hit northern Greece late Wednesday, July 10, 2019 (local time). Such severe weather is extremely unusual in Greece for this time of year, meteorologist Klearxos Marousakis said.
Exceptional multiple meteor event recorded over Brazil
An exceptional multiple meteor event took place over Brazil at 07:10 UTC on June 26, 2019, and was recorded by a BRAMON video station in Maranhão, Brazil. The preliminarily calculated radiant of this cluster does not seem to be associated with any known meteor shower.
Facebook adopts new policy allowing death threats against “Dangerous Individuals and Organizations”
And judging by Facebook’s treatment of foes of jihad terror and Sharia oppression of women and others, they are likely to find themselves on the “Dangerous Individuals” list.
IAEA finds nuclear material in Iran warehouse
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors found evidence of radioactive activity in a warehouse in Tehran that Prime Minister Netanyahu revealed in his UN speech in September, Channel 13 News reported Thursday evening.
More Links Uncovered Between George Soros and Russiagate through Russian Opposition Official Alexander Navalny|
The Gateway Pundit previously reported on the Soros-related origins of the Russia collusion conspiracy. Now there is more information on George Soros’ role in Russiagate through the West’s favorite Russian opposition blogger Alexander Navalny.
Christian Doctor Fired From Government Job After Refusing to Refer to 6 Foot Bearded Man as “Madam”
A Christian doctor in the UK was fired from his government job after he refused to refer to a 6 foot bearded man as “Madam”.
Shocking moment senior Labour employee says he ‘nearly killed himself’ over leadership’s attitude to anti-Semitism
A former Labour staffer tasked with dealing with anti-Semitism in the party said he ‘actively considered’ killing himself over the leadership’s attitude to the issue. Sam Matthews, the former head of disputes, shockingly claimed that he was driven to the brink by instructions from senior figures in the Labour leadership on how to handle cases of anti-Jewish racism from party members.
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Nasrallah: Israel will vanish in next war with Hezbollah
Israel will be wiped out in the next war with Hezbollah, the group’s leader Hassan Nasrallah warned on Friday in an interview with Al-Manar on the 13th anniversary of the Second Lebanon War. “Any war will be bigger than the 2006 war for Israel and it will put it on the brink of extinction,” he said in the interview with the Hezbollah TV network. Nasrallah said that there will be “surprises on the ground, in the air and at sea” in the next war…
Rocket fired from Gaza Strip towards southern Israel
An explosion was heard in Eshkol Regional council communities in southern Israel bordering the Gaza Strip after a mortar was fired from the Hamas-run coastal enclave on Friday night. The mortar landed in an open area and caused no damage or injuries. The rocket fire came after The IDF reinforced its Iron Dome missile defense batteries on Friday in southern Israel…
Greenblatt: ‘We are aiming for a home run’ with the peace plan
Special Envoy Jason Greenblatt says that the peace team is “aiming for a home run” that will solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict…”We are aiming for a comprehensive solution,” he said… “I am not saying we would hit the home run, but we are aiming for the home run.” He added that interim solutions have been examined in the past and that the current administration is trying to combine a political solution to the conflict with an economic one.
Assad meets Russians to discuss future of Syria
Russian Presidential Special Envoy for Syria Alexander Lavrentyev met with Syrian President Bashar Assad on Friday to discuss the latest developments in Syria. The meeting came as Ankara posted the first photos of Russia’s S-400 air defense equipment arriving in Turkey. Turkey has backed opposition to Assad, but Moscow – an ally of the Syrian regime – is now growing closer to Ankara.
Kismayo attack: At least 26 dead as gunmen storm Somali hotel
At least 26 people, including a prominent journalist and several foreigners, have been killed in an attack on a hotel in southern Somalia. A suicide bomber rammed a car containing explosives into the Asasey hotel in the port of Kismayo, and gunmen then stormed the building. Journalist Hodan Naleyah and her husband are thought to be among the dead. Islamist group al-Shabab has claimed the attack.
‘Black vest’ protesters storm Panthéon in Paris
Hundreds of undocumented migrants have stormed the Panthéon in Paris and demanded the right to remain in France. The protesters, who were mainly from West Africa, surged into the building at around midday (11:00 GMT) on Friday. Tourists were evacuated from the mausoleum, where many of France’s most famous figures are buried.
Christchurch shootings: New Zealanders hand over guns
New Zealanders have started handing over their semi-automatic weapons as part of a buyback scheme following a ban after the Christchurch attacks. Gun reforms were enacted after a gunman shot dead 51 people at two mosques in March. Saturday’s handover in Christchurch was the first of more than 250 collections to be held across the country.
Hawaii governor declares emergency for Maui wildfires
Hawaii’s governor on Friday declared an emergency on the island of Maui, where firefighters were battling a blaze that forced the evacuations of thousands of people and sent huge clouds of smoke billowing over nearby beaches. Although most of the evacuees were later allowed to return home, the blaze more than tripled in size to spread over about 9,000 acres (3,642 hectares), scorching mostly former sugarcane fields and brush.
U.S. appeals court blocks Trump administration birth control exemptions
A federal appeals court…blocked the Trump administration from enforcing new rules allowing employers to obtain exemptions from an Obamacare requirement they provide health insurance that covers women’s birth control. The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia upheld a nationwide injunction that blocked the implementation of rules allowing employers with religious and moral objections to seek exemptions from the 2010 healthcare law’s requirement.
Flooding Fears: Louisiana Braces for ‘Major Weather Event’ as Tropical Storm Barry Bears Down
Forecasters say the first hurricane of the Atlantic season is expected to bring torrential rainfall and widespread flooding. With New Orleans already recovering from flooding earlier in the week, the situation is about to get much worse.
Facebook said to face $5 billion fine for privacy violations
US regulators have approved a $5 billion penalty to be levied on Facebook to settle a probe into the social network’s privacy and data protection lapses, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday.
YouTube Recommendation System Gathers Together Videos Of Partially-Dressed Young Children And ‘Recommends’ Them To Pedophiles
Social media is getting more and more evil as we continue our journey into the last days before the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church takes place. Sites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are banning content from Christians and Conservatives, but evidently catering to the needs of bottom-feeding pedophiles is OK. Apparently, YouTube thinks so, anyway. Their new algorithm is automatically locating videos of young children who are swimming at the beach or in other activities that would cause them to be partially dressed and places those videos in playlists for pedofiles.
American Psychological Association to promote adultery, swinging & orgies
Psychology is already at best a soft, if not outright pseudo, science. Now the American Psychological Association (APA) is venturing into the non-scientific, non-empirical domain of morality by giving their approval to adulterers, swingers, and orgiasts.
Unless scrubbed clean, US voter lists invite major fraud
For years, a hardy band of mostly conservative lawyers has been warning that American voter rolls are so poorly maintained as to be absolutely ripe for, and perhaps already rife with, abuse. At Real Clear Investigations on July 11, reporter Mark Hemingway amply confirmed that those attorneys were correct.
Pedophiles to Be Chemically Castrated Under Tough New Laws in Ukraine
Convicted pedophiles will be chemically castrated under tough new laws introduced in Ukraine.
George Soros: Trump is Winning, He’s Destroying the New World Order
George Soros recently expressed his frustration that “everything that could go wrong has gone wrong” referring to the rapid dismantling of the New World Order spearheaded by President Donald Trump.
French Police Reported Nearly 900 Acts Of Anti-Catholic Vandalism In 2018. What Is Going On?
French police reported 129 thefts and 877 acts of vandalism in Catholic spaces in 2018, but neither the Church nor French media are calling attention to the widespread incidents, reported RealClearInvestigations Wednesday.
Depopulate to repopulate—an ancient formula for control
Progressives, under the guise of Social Democrats and, now, the mainstream Democrat Party, have fully embraced the concept of depopulation, but they’re no longer targeting people of color, certain ethnicities or sexual orientation. The bull’s eye is boldly painted on the back (because cowards won’t face their adversary) of anyone who still believes in God, family and country.
Leaked Document Shows Chinese Intent to Commit Mass American Genocide Followed the Occupation of America
The reason that the United States remains today is that it has never seen war on its mainland. Once its enemies aim at the mainland, the enemies would have already reached Washington before its congress finishes debating and authorizes the president to declare war. But for us, we don’t waste time on these trivial things. From Leaked Address to the CCP by the Chinese Defense Minister Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fengh
Catholic sex abuse scandal: 13 Colorado friars named with credible allegations
A Catholic order of Franciscans based in Denver on Thursday released the names of 13 friars or former friars who have been accused of sexual abuse of a minor or a vulnerable adult.
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Netanyahu: Israel will ‘crush’ Lebanon if Hezbollah attacks
Israel will inflict a “crushing” military blow on Hezbollah and Lebanon if Hezbollah dares to strike Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at Sunday’s cabinet meeting. Netanyahu’s comments came in reaction to an interview Hezbollah’s head Hassan Nasrallaeh gave in an interview on Friday with Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV to mark the 13th anniversary of the Second Lebanon War.
Leviathan gas platform embarks on 11,500 km. journey to Israel
The first of four giant barges transporting the Leviathan natural gas platform to Israel departed the Gulf of Mexico last week…ahead of its September installation approximately 10 km. from Israel’s coast. Five operational structures, the 38,000 ton topsides of the Leviathan platform, will make the approximately 11,500 km. trans-Atlantic journey, with the remaining barges due to set sail from Texas in the coming weeks.
Hong Kong protests: Tens of thousands again turn out
Tens of thousands have again taken to the streets of Hong Kong as weeks of anti-government unrest show no sign of stopping. There were violent clashes between police and a small number of demonstrators in Sha Tin. The protests were sparked by a proposed extradition bill which would allow people to be sent to China for trial.
Large earthquakes rock Indonesia, Western Australia
A massive earthquake has hit off the remote Maluku Islands in eastern Indonesia with panicked residents running into the streets. The quake comes hours after Western Australia felt its strongest ever earthquake, which shook residents from Broome to as far south as Perth. The Indonesian quake struck about 165 kilometres south-southwest of the town of Ternate in North Maluku province at 6:28pm local time, at a depth of 10 kilometres…
Qatar, U.N. officials to enter Gaza amid renewed border tension
Delegations from Qatar and the United Nations will enter the Gaza Strip in the coming days in order to continue mediating the indirect talks between Israel and Hamas, sources said Sunday. The news comes amid renewed tension along Israel’s southern border, which began Thursday with the killing of a Hamas operative by IDF troops, who later called the incident a “misunderstanding.”
After Taiwan buys arms, China holds military drills on southeast coast
China’s military recently carried out air and naval drills along its southeast coast, the Defence Ministry said on Sunday, following the latest arms sales from the United States to self-ruled Taiwan, which China claims as a renegade province. In a brief statement, and without giving an exact geographical location, the ministry said that the People’s Liberation Army had in “recent days” held the exercises.
Democrats In Colorado Remove U.S. Flag And Replace It With Mexican Flag Outside ICE Facility In Aurora During Violent Anti-America Riots
For those of you looking to vote in the upcoming 2020 presidential elections, let me tell you the platform of the Democrats and the Democratic Party as stated in their own words and deeds.
Climate change hoax COLLAPSES as new science finds human activity has virtually zero impact on global temperatures
The climate change hoax has collapsed. A devastating series of research papers has just been published, revealing that human activity can account for no more than a .01°C rise in global temperatures, meaning that all the human activity targeted by radical climate change alarmists — combustion engines, airplane flights, diesel tractors — has virtually no measurable impact on the temperature of the planet.
Satanists take Scottsdale to court as Surprise adds prayer to meetings
Scottsdale will head to court Tuesday to defend a city council decision to block Satanists from leading a council meeting invocation.
Riskier male sex pushes Europe’s syphilis rates up 70% since 2010
Reported cases of the sexually transmitted disease are up by 70% since 2010, a report from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) showed – with the rise driven by more unprotected sex and riskier sexual behavior among gay men.
Court rules Trump admin. can stop abortion providers from taking family planning funds
The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has again affirmed that a Trump administration rule barring abortion providers from receiving family planning funds under Title X can take effect.
Hurricane “Barry” makes landfall near Intracostal City, Louisiana
Category 1 Hurricane “Barry” made landfall near Intracostal City, Louisiana and weakened into a tropical storm, NHC said 18:00 UTC.
Activists Gathered for Celeb-Endorsed Protest Against Migrant Shelters
Progressives gathered Friday night and held celebrity-endorsed vigils across the country in over 700 cities to protest migrant shelters – or what left-wing lawmakers like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) call “concentration camps” – on the southern border.
Arrested Migrants Used Church As Base To Sell Heroin
Five African migrants have been arrested in Rome this week after turning a local church into a headquarters for trafficking and stockpiling large amounts of heroin.
The Quake To Make Los Angeles A Radioactive Dead Zone
Two coastal reactors upwind of ten million people that are surrounded by earthquake faults in a tsunami zone like the one where the four ********* reactors have already exploded…
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Report: Israeli warship enters Lebanon
The Lebanese television channel LBC reported on Sunday night that an Israeli warship had entered Lebanon’s territorial waters. The ship reportedly crossed over near a beach in Israel’s Rosh Hanikra.
CA city takes step toward Second Amendment Sanctuary
The Needles City Council on Tuesday, July 9, adopted a resolution declaring the city a “Second Amendment Sanctuary,” giving direction to city officials to begin working with their state representatives on legislation that would exempt the city — and possibly other border cities — from certain state gun laws.
Bastille Day In France Showcases The Ten Nation Confederacy Of The European Intervention Initiative Joint Military Pact As Main Feature Of Parade
the European Intervention Initiative, a joint military pact created last year. Now, that may not sound like much of anything to you right off the bat, but if you dig just a little bit under the surface, you find that the European Intervention Initiative is a ten nation confederacy designed to protect Europe. Well, here there, Mr. Ten Toes from Daniel 2, I was wondering when you would make an appearance.
Polio eradication campaign loses ground
The global initiative to eradicate polio is badly stuck, battling the virus on two fronts. New figures show the wild polio virus remains entrenched in Afghanistan and Pakistan, its other holdout, where cases are surging. The main problem in both countries is that the massive vaccination campaigns held every few months are still not reaching every child. In Africa, meanwhile, the vaccine itself is spawning virulent strains that are hard to contain.
WWIII Is Coming – Dramatic Moment: American Bombers Intercepted by Russians Above the Black Sea- Romania
Several Russian fighter planes were sent Monday to intercept bombers of the US-based B-52N air force bombers that were approaching the southern and north-western borders of Russia. The incident was captured in a video uploaded by the Russian Ministry of Defence on Monday, and is the latest in a series of brushes between Nato and Russian forces.
Congo confirms 1st Ebola case in city of Goma
The Congolese health ministry confirmed an Ebola case in Goma late Sunday, marking the first time the virus has reached the city of more than 2 million people along the border with Rwanda since the epidemic began nearly a year ago. The health ministry said the man who had arrived earlier Sunday in the regional capital had been quickly transported to an Ebola treatment center. Authorities said they had tracked down all the passengers on the bus the man took to Goma from Butembo, one of the towns hardest hit by the disease.
UK’s Johnson would meet Trump to negotiate trade deal after becoming Prime Minister: The Times
Boris Johnson, the frontrunner to become Britain’s next prime minister would want to meet U.S. President Donald Trump within the first two months of becoming prime minister to negotiate a post-Brexit trade deal, the Times newspaper reported on Sunday citing an ally of the former London mayor. “The key to the whole thing is the US. If we get a trade deal with America we will be very quickly in the market for other deals. It encourages others to realize that we mean business,” the newspaper quoted Johnson’s ally as saying.
Earthquake of 6.1 magnitude rocks Japan’s south
An earthquake of 6.1 magnitude rocked Japan’s southern Okinawa prefecture on Saturday, US Geological Survey reported. The earthquake’s epicenter lay in 350 km to the north of the prefecture’s capital city Naha at the depth of 237 km. No injuries or damages were reported, and no tsunami alert was issued.
Netanyahu Threatens Nasrallah with a ‘Crushing Blow’
the Hezbollah leader said that “any [future] war will be bigger than the 2006 war for Israel and it will put it on the brink of extinction.” Netanyahu said in response, “Suffice it to say that for years Nasrallah dug terror tunnels, which we destroyed within days.” He added that if Hezbollah “dared to do something foolish and attack Israel, we would impose a crushing military blow on it and on Lebanon.” “But unlike Nasrallah, I do not intend to detail our plans,” he said.
Giant Barges Carrying Leviathan Natural Gas Platform Set Out from Texas to Israel
The first of four giant barges carrying sections of the Leviathan natural gas platform set out on a 7,000-mile voyage from Texas and the Gulf of Mexico to the Mediterranean Sea last week. The platform, comprised of five operational units, will be erected in 280 feet of water 7 miles off the coast of Israel and will rise 155 feet above sea level. When fully assembled in September, the platform topside decks will be 335 feet long, 260 feet wide, and weigh 38,000 tons, enabling the platform to drill three miles into the seabed.
River turns blood red near Digity volcano
While social media bloggers have already begun prophesying that the red river was an indication of doomsday, EMA managing director Hayden Romano said he planned to dispatch teams to take samples of the river water for testing. Romano said he did not know what caused the river to turn red but once investigations are complete, a statement will be issued.
Chinese Christians Declare Country ‘No Longer Safe for Us,’ Seek To Flee
As China’s policies on surveillance intensify and a crackdown on religion in the communist state continues, Christians are fleeing the country, Fox News reported. The ruling Communist Party of China has recently engaged in a crackdown on any manifestations of organized religion in the country, knocking down mosques and churches. Gordon Chang, Gatestone Institute Senior Fellow, told Steve Hilton of “The Next Revolution” that China “plan to have a nationwide social credit system in place” by next year.
Big earthquakes today in Australia and Indonesia
There are lots of small earthquakes going on all the time, but earthquakes over magnitude 6 are rarer. They are the big ones, which shake more strongly near their epicenters, and which can be felt over longer distances. Today – July 14, 2019 – so far there have been two large earthquakes relatively near each other. The first was a 6.6-magnitude undersea quake off the western coast of Australia. It took place 202 km (125 mi) west of Broome, Australia, and was equal in magnitude to the largest earthquake ever recorded in Australia, which happened in 1988. Today’s second large earthquake had its epicenter 102 km (63 mi) north-northeast of Laiwui, Indonesia. It was an even bigger earthquake, with a magnitude of 7.3..
7.3 magnitude earthquake strikes eastern Indonesia, causes panic
A 7.3 magnitude earthquake shook the Moluccas islands on Sunday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, creating panic and causing damage to houses in eastern Indonesia. “There are no reports of infrastructure damage yet,” Iksan Subur, an official with Indonesia’s disaster mitigation agency located near the epicenter, told Reuters. “But people panicked and ran out of their houses. Some people who live near the ocean are starting to move to higher ground,”
Hubble spots “impossible” structure around a malnourished black hole
Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have discovered structures around a black hole that were thought to be impossible. A small, “malnourished” black hole was found to have a flat disk of material circling it – a feature thought unique to supermassive black holes. This disc is also so close to the black hole that it’s distorting and stretching the light itself. The intense gravitational forces at that range are accelerating the material to over 10 percent of the speed of light. To us the light appears red, because it’s having such a hard time escaping the region that the gravity is stretching out the wavelengths.
Cargill shuts animal-feed mills in China as fatal hog disease spreads
Cargill shuttered animal-feed mills in China in recent months partly because the rapid spread of a fatal hog disease has reduced demand, a company executive said on Friday. The closures highlight the pain for global agriculture companies from the outbreak of African swine fever in China, the world’s top hog producer and pork consumer.
Hamas using Whatsapp to collect intelligence on IDF movements
Hamas has once again been trying to obtain intelligence from Israeli troops stationed along the Gaza border using online messaging applications. Posing as fellow soldiers, Hamas operatives contacted troops on the Whatsapp text messaging service and would ask for intelligence such as troop movements. One combat soldier serving in the Paratrooper’s brigade received a text…asking him to send the dates of the next exercises…
U.S. grants visa to Zarif for U.N. meeting, limits his movement to 6 blocs
The United States has granted a visa to Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to attend a U.N. meeting in New York this week, two sources familiar with the matter said on Sunday, saying Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had approved the decision. Had Pompeo not approved giving Zarif, Iran’s top diplomat and nuclear negotiator, a US visa it could have been a signal that the United States was trying to further isolate the Islamic Republic.
Ebola in DR Congo: Case confirmed in Goma
The Democratic Republic of Congo has confirmed the first case of Ebola in the eastern city of Goma, home to more than a million people. The health ministry confirmed that a pastor tested positive for the virus in a centre in Goma after arriving there by bus on Sunday. The ministry says that risk of the disease spreading is low.
Galileo sat-nav system experiences service outage
Europe’s satellite-navigation system, Galileo, has suffered a major outage. The network has been offline since Friday due to what has been described as a “technical incident related to its ground infrastructure”. The problem means all receivers, such as the latest smartphone models, will not be picking up any useable timing or positional information.
Army researchers building ‘smart’ landmines for future combat
rmy leaders see a future battlefield with networked minefields a commander can see from across the globe through satellite communications and that can be scattered in minutes but also retrieved and reused when needed. The push is an effort to keep landmines of various types in the weapons portfolio while still meeting the agreements made to get out of the old school “dumb” landmine use.
Netanyahu: We’ll respond with ‘crushing blows’ to Hezbollah’s ‘nonsense’
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday threatened to hit Hezbollah with a “crushing blow” if the Lebanese terror group “dares to do some nonsense” and launches an attack on Israel. Netanyahu made his comments at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting in response to Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s speech over the weekend, commemorating the Lebanese terror group’s “victory” in the 2006 Second Lebanon War…
China says will freeze out U.S. companies that sell arms to Taiwan
China’s government and Chinese companies will cut business ties with U.S. firms selling arms to Taiwan, China’s Foreign Ministry said on Monday, declining to give details of the sanctions in a move likely to worsen already poor ties with Washington. China claims self-ruled and democratic Taiwan as its own and has never renounced the use of force to bring it under Beijing’s control.
US organization exposes the horror of global Christian persecution: ‘It’s a different world’
The battle over the separation of church and state continues to rage in the United States, but David Curry, CEO of Open Doors USA, wants American Christians to know what persecution is like in other areas of the globe — and it’s a pretty shocking paradigm.
Brain implant restores partial vision to blind people
Partial sight has been restored to six blind people via an implant that transmits video images directly to the brain.
Self-cloning ticks that suck animals’ blood dry spark concern humans may be next
They’re out for blood. Self-cloning super-ticks are sparking worry in some as the insects recently were linked with killing five cows by sucking their blood dry in North Carolina.
Barry Weakens to a Tropical Depression But Remains a Dangerous Flash Flood Threat in the Lower Mississippi Valley
Barry has weakened to a tropical depression in the lower Mississippi Valley, but its dangerous impacts will persist in the region, including the potential for significant river flooding and flash flooding in parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas and Tennessee.
Powerful M7.3 earthquake hits Halmahera, Indonesia
A very strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M7.3 hit Halmahera, Indonesia at 09:10 UTC (16:10 WIB) on July 14, 2019. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). Indonesian BMKG is reporting M7.2 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).
Philadelphia is Using a Sonic Weapon on Kids — To Keep them Out of Parks
The Philadelphia government is reportedly using sonic weapons on it own citizens, youth and young adults, to keep them out of public parks after hours. We at TFTP were initially caught off guard with the news of compliance weapons usually reserved for riot control being used on kids. Admittedly, we believed it was fake news. Unfortunately, after further investigation, it is no laughing matter and is the first such torture device we are aware of regularly being used on young people in the U.S.
Bastille Day In France Showcases The Ten Nation Confederacy Of The European Intervention Initiative Joint Military Pact As Main Feature Of Parade
…At the annual Bastille Day celebrations in Paris this year, the main theme and focus was on something called the European Intervention Initiative, a joint military pact created last year. Now, that may not sound like much of anything to you right off the bat, but if you dig just a little bit under the surface, you find that the European Intervention Initiative is a ten nation confederacy designed to protect Europe.
‘Christianophobia’? Why Anti-Christian Attacks Have Quadrupled in France
There’s a disturbing phenomenon happening in France that you may not have heard about. An alarming increase in anti-Christian attacks on churches, cemeteries and other distinctly Christian sites has gone largely unreported.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
America Helps Israel Prepare: 2 More F-35s Touchdown in Jerusalem
Two brand new F-35 “Adir” jet fighters touched down at Nevatim Airbase in southern Israel on Sunday, raising the number of advanced stealth aircraft in Israel’s arsenal to 16. Israel was the second country after the United States to receive the state-of-the-art fighter jet.
FTC Fines Facebook $5 Billion
Following the Cambridge Analytica scandal, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) moved to fine Facebook $5 billion for violating the terms of a consent decree. The settlement represents the largest fine the FTC has ever levied against a company. In early 2018, reports that Cambridge Analytica had detailed information about millions of Facebook users began to spread. The company (through third parties) created an app called “This is Your Digital Life” that claimed to be a personality quiz. Everyone who took the quiz shared information about themselves to Cambridge Analytica. But, they also shared data about every one of their friends to the company as well.
EU agrees sanctions against Turkey for drilling off Cyprus
European Union officials on Monday agreed political and financial sanctions against Turkey after Ankara went ahead with drilling operations off Cyprus despite repeated warnings, European diplomats said. “The conclusions on Turkey have been adopted and they will be made public in the coming hours,” the EU’s foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini told reporters after a meeting with members states’ foreign ministers. The most serious measure is understood to be a cut of 145.8 million euros ($164 million) in the European funds allocated to Turkey for 2020.
Ancient Babylon continues to inspire
The UN World Heritage Committee held its 43rd session between June 30 and July 10 in the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku. The committee deemed the site of Babylon to be “the most exceptional testimony” of the Babylonian civilization, which “exerted considerable political, scientific, technological, architectural and artistic influence upon the human settlements in the region, and on successive historic periods of antiquity.” The designated site includes the ancient city’s surviving structures of walls, gates, palaces and temples, along with the villages and agricultural areas around it.
Senior member of Gaza’s Islamist rulers encourages killing “every Jew possible”
A senior member of Gaza’s Islamist rulers Hamas has encouraged Palestinians across the globe to kill Jews, drawing outrage from both Israeli and Palestinian officials as well as a UN envoy. In a video from a speech to participants of weekly protests on Friday, Fathi Hamad, a member of the movement’s top political body, can be heard calling on Palestinians across the globe to carry out attacks.
EU works to save Iran nuclear agreement
European Union nations have thrown their diplomatic weight behind the unravelling Iran nuclear deal, trying to rescue the pact from collapsing under US pressure. The 28 EU foreign ministers insisted recent Iranian actions surpassing uranium enrichment thresholds set by the 2015 deal did not necessarily condemn the whole agreement.
Indonesian tourist hotspot struck by ‘very strong’ magnitude 5.7 quake
A “very strong” earthquake has hit the resort region of Bali, with witnesses saying the “walls of their house were shaking”. Authorities say the quake struck southwest of Bali, however there is no tsunami warning. The European earthquake monitoring agency EMSC initially said the quake was 6.2 magnitude but later downgraded it to a 5.7 magnitude earthquake.
Israel warned: Lift ‘siege’ or we’ll kill every Jew on Earth
Hammad said the 7 million Palestinians who live abroad have been “warming up” and “preparing” to attack. “Enough warming up. … We must attack every Jew on planet Earth and slaughter and kill them,” he said. “We say to the Zionist enemy that it has exactly one week – until next Friday. If it does not lift the siege by then, and if it does not implement the understandings [with Hamas] … we have many methods and means up our sleeves, and they are just waiting for the green light to powerfully explode in the face of the enemy,…
Lindsey Graham unloads: 4 Dem lawmakers ‘bunch of communists’
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has introduced a House resolution calling President Trump’s tweets over the weekend “racist” and “xenophobic,” but Republican U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham said Monday the focus of outrage should be the four “communist” congresswomen Trump was condemning. “Well, we all know that [New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez] and this crowd are a bunch of communists, they hate Israel, they hate our own country,” Graham said in an interview with “Fox and Friends.”
Joke or Not, Raid on Area 51 Would be Dangerous: Air Force
More than a million people have signed up to raid Area 51 in a hunt for aliens, a joke event posted on Facebook. Nearly another million indicated they’re interested in going. The Air Force is starting to become concerned that everybody isn’t in on the joke,.. A Facebook post says, “They can’t stop all of us.” That prompted an Air Force spokeswoman to warn that “any attempt to illegally access military installations or military training areas is dangerous.”
Trump Accuses Democrats of Hating Israel With a ‘True and Unbridled Passion’
“So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion. Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, ‘RACIST.’ Their disgusting language and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged.
Iran nuclear deal breaches not yet significant, EU says
Iran’s recent breaches of the 2015 nuclear deal are not significant and can be reversed, the European Union’s foreign policy chief says. “We invite Iran to reverse the steps and go back to full compliance,” Federica Mogherini said on Monday. Iran has broken restrictions on its production of enriched uranium, used to make reactor fuel but also potentially nuclear bombs.
The Number Of Global Earthquakes Is 3 Times Above Normal
Within the last 48 hours we have seen large earthquakes going off like firecrackers all along the Ring of Fire. As you will see below, a magnitude 6.1 quake just hit Japan, a magnitude 6.6 quake just hit Australia and a magnitude 7.3 earthquake just hit Indonesia. And of course all of this comes just about a week after southern California was hit by the two largest earthquakes that it has experienced in more than two decades.
Swedes are getting implants in their hands to replace cash, credit cards
Thousands of people in Sweden are having futuristic microchips implanted into their skin to carry out everyday activities and replace credit cards and cash. More than 4,000 people have already had the sci-fi-ish chips, about the size of a grain of rice, inserted into their hands — with the pioneers predicting millions will soon join them as they hope to take it global.
‘He dropped to his knees and started throwing up blood’: Georgia man, 31, becomes 13th U.S. citizen to die on vacation in the Dominican Republic after complaining about drinking a soda that ‘didn’t taste right’
A Georgia man has died of a ‘respiratory illness’ while on holiday in the Dominican Republic – becoming the 13th American to die there in under a year. Jerome Jester Jr. of Forsyth, Georgia, died on March 17 this year just a day after going sightseeing in the Caribbean nation, according to his family. The 31-year-old had been on vacation with his sister, who called for an ambulance after he started having difficulty breathing.
As Hamas shows restraint, security officials discuss allowing 5,000 Gazan workers into Israel
Secret negotiations between Israel and Hamas became known in recent days, as the Gaza Strip’s ruling terror group showed restraint after one of its men was killed by IDF soldiers on Thursday, later deemed by the IDF as a mistake in a near-apology. Hamas’ decision to launch two rockets into Israel, rather than firing a larger barrage or starting border-fence riots, is considered minor in comparison to earlier events.
Netanyahu: EU response on Iran reminiscent of appeasement of Nazis
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned a European Union response on Monday to Iran’s breaches of nuclear limitations, saying it recalled failed diplomacy with Nazi Germany ahead of World War Two. “(It) reminds me of the European appeasement of the 1930s,” Netanyahu said in a video statement in Hebrew that was posted on Facebook.
North Korea says nuclear talks at risk if U.S.-South Korea exercises go ahead
The United States looks set to break a promise not to hold military exercises with South Korea, putting talks aimed at getting North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons at risk, the North Korean Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday. The United States’ pattern of “unilaterally reneging on its commitments” is leading Pyongyang to reconsider its own commitments to discontinue tests of nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)…
50 killed by floods in Nepal; Sweltering heat remains across Delhi
Since Friday, flooding has killed 50 in Nepal while dangerous heat and humidity remain across northern India.
The Number Of Global Earthquakes Is 3 Times Above Normal
Within the last 48 hours we have seen large earthquakes going off like firecrackers all along the Ring of Fire. As you will see below, a magnitude 6.1 quake just hit Japan, a magnitude 6.6 quake just hit Australia and a magnitude 7.3 earthquake just hit Indonesia. And of course all of this comes just about a week after southern California was hit by the two largest earthquakes that it has experienced in more than two decades.
UCLA Professor Faces 219 Years in Prison for Selling Missile Technology to China
A UCLA adjunct professor in the Engineering Department faces up to 219 years in federal prison for stealing missile technology and selling it to a Chinese company.
Boston Sued For Booting Christian Flag, While Allowing Islamic Symbols
The city of Boston is facing a federal lawsuit after officials refused to allow a Christian flag to be flown at city hall.
The Number One Reason China Wants to Occupy America with Hundreds of Millions of Colonists
…From a globalist perspective, the US must be destroyed as it is the number one barrier to the full implementation of the satanically inspired New World Order. Further, Americans, themselves, must also be totally destroyed because of their proclivity to believe in individual liberties and their propensity to defend their rights with 300 million gun estimated to be in private American hands. America and Americans are targeted for complete obliteration by both the Chinese and the United Nations.
More Ebola Preparations Underway As CDC, NYC Quietly Brace for Congo Migrant Surge
The nonprofit Greenville Health System in South Carolina recently published a job posting for an Emergency Preparedness Program Manager whose qualifications should include familiarity with “Ebola grants.”
Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry: Boys raped by priests at ‘satanic parties’
A child abuse inquiry witness has told how he was raped by priests during “satanic” drink-fuelled sex parties.
Report: Facebook and Twitter consult with terror-tied CAIR over who gets banned from platforms
The Hamas-tied Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), which is best known as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing case in U.S. history, appears to have access to high-ranking Facebook and Twitter executives and has communicated with these individuals about who should be allowed to stay on their platforms, according to a Wall Street Journal report published Tuesday.
Weaponized Immigration-Infected Immigrants Are Being Deployed Across the Breadth of the Country
I recently interviewed Paul Martin and he discussed an insider’s revelation that pre-selected immigrants are being “weaponized” in order to infect as many Americans as possible. This ultimately goes back to the Communist Chinese. Here is the complete story…
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Amid Internal Dispute Over Mission, Planned Parenthood President Resigns
Citing disagreements with board leaders over whether Planned Parenthood should focus on health care or abortion advocacy, the organization’s president is stepping down. Dr. Leana Wen took the reins at Planned Parenthood eight months ago. On Tuesday, she announced that she was resigning. “The new Board leadership has determined that the priority of Planned Parenthood moving forward is to double down on abortion rights advocacy,” Wen said.
Israel identifies Hezbollah precision missile project commander
I24 News has identified the Iranian Revolutionary Guards engineer commanding Hezbollah’s precision missile project in Lebanon as Majed Naveed. Israel estimates that Iran-backed Hezbollah possesses some 100,000 to 150,000 rockets, and has acknowledged carrying out hundreds of airstrikes targeting weapons stores and convoys destined for the Lebanese terror group in Syria…
Trump Says US Won’t Sell Fighter Jets To Turkey. Here’s Why.
The Trump administration has repeatedly told Turkey that it will be cut off from buying F-35s if it buys the S-400 Russian air defense system because it’s incompatible with NATO defenses and could jeopardize sensitive information about F-35 technologies. Turkey is a member of NATO.
Magnitude 4.3 earthquake rattles San Francisco Bay Area
An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.3 has rattled parts of the San Francisco Bay Area. There are no immediate reports of damage. The quake struck Tuesday afternoon 9 miles (14 kilometers) south of Brentwood, California.
Crusader Era Moat Discovered Outside Jerusalem’s Old City walls
Archaeologists have discovered an 11th-century moat just outside Jerusalem’s Old City walls—the first hard evidence of a fabled Crusader siege against the city 920 years ago. Attested to in several historical documents, many scholars nonetheless believed the siege was a myth. The five-week battle for Jerusalem between Crusader armies and the Fatimid Caliphate which controlled the region in 1099 C.E. came to a head in July 15 of that year, with Raymond IV, Count of Toulouse, one of the leaders of the First Crusade, attacking the city from the south while another Christian force erected a tower to breach the city walls from the north.
Donald Trump aide Kellyanne Conway becomes latest to defy congressional subpoena
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway will ignore a congressional subpoena demanding she answer questions about whether she broke the law by engaging politics in her official capacity, administration officials said Monday.
Pastor confirmed with Ebola as disease spreads in DR Congo
The patient is a pastor who had been preaching in church and would have touched the hands of worshippers “including the sick”, the ministry said in a statement. His symptoms first appeared last Tuesday in Butembo, one of the main towns touched by Ebola where he had been preaching. He left by bus on Friday to Goma, the capital of North Kivu province, arriving early Sunday where “the results of the laboratory test confirmed that he was positive for Ebola”, the ministry said.
APA: We’d Like to Teach the World to Swing…
Just when you think you’ve heard it all, the American Psychological Association (APA) decides this: Monogamy is the new bigotry. That’s right. According to the supposed “mental health experts,” open marriages are the tolerant approach to intimacy. And they’ve launched a task force to prove it to the world.
Sanhedrin to Host Conference of 70 Nations to Take Place on Anniversary of Creation of the World: Nations Answer Call
“God established the borders of the world based on the 70 children of Israel who went down to Egypt and the 70 nations that came out from Noah,” the Sanhedrin’ proclomation explained. “The concept of 70 Nations is from the Bible and symbolizes the basis for the organization while not being intended to imply a limit or requirement for participation.”
Lebanese PM Hariri: Lebanon to increase naval capabilities
Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad Hariri is finalizing a plan to increase the country’s naval capabilities while he continues to work to re-start negotiations on the country’s maritime borders with Israel. “Lebanon’s strong naval capabilities will play a pivotal role in protecting our national oil and gas resources,” Hariri was quoted as saying by Lebanon’s Daily Star.
Imam with ties to terror organization to speak on State Dep’t religious panel
An imam of an organization connected to a co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism case will speak as part of a panel at the US State Department’s annual Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom in Washington on Wednesday, JNS reported. Mohamed Magid, who was born in Sudan in 1965 and emigrated to the US in 1987, is currently imam of the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Center in Virginia.
Rohingya crisis: US imposes sanctions on top Myanmar generals
The US has imposed sanctions on Myanmar’s top general and three senior officers, accusing them of human rights violations against Rohingya Muslims. The generals and their families are banned from entering the US. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said there was credible evidence that the generals were involved in the violent crackdown on the Rohingya minority in 2017, and that abuses were continuing.
Data of ‘nearly all adults’ in Bulgaria stolen
Personal data belonging to millions of Bulgarians has been stolen in a cyber-attack on the country’s tax agency. According to a local cyber-security researcher, most adults in the country of seven million people are likely to have had some data compromised. Bulgarian authorities have arrested a 20-year-old man on suspicion of involvement in the attack.
Iran rejects suggestion its missile programme is negotiable
Iran has rejected suggestions it is willing to discuss its missile programme with the US. A spokesman for Iran’s UN Mission said the weapons “are absolutely and under no condition negotiable”. His denial comes after Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif suggested in an interview the missiles could be up for discussion if sanctions are lifted.
Netanyahu: ‘Europe might ignore Iran threat until nuclear missiles hit’
Israel’s prime minister has said the European Union might not wake up to the threat of Iran “until Iranian nuclear missiles fall on European soil”. Mr Netanyahu likened Europe’s approach to Iran’s recent breaches of a 2015 deal limiting its nuclear programme to the appeasement of Nazi Germany. He spoke after EU foreign ministers said the breaches were not significant.
Elon Musk reveals brain-hacking plans
NeuraLink, a company set up by Elon Musk to explore ways to connect the human brain to a computer interface, has applied to US regulators to start trialling its device on humans. The system has been tested on a monkey that was able to control a computer with its brain, according to Mr Musk. The firm said it wanted to focus on patients with severe neurological conditions.
TICKING BOMBS Pentagon ordered to reveal to Congress if its scientists used diseased TICKS as biological weapons – and if any escaped the lab
US Military chiefs have been ordered to reveal whether they used diseased TICKS in sick biological warfare experiments. A bill passed in the House of Representatives requires the Pentagon to investigate whether researches infected the insects in the 1970s – and if any were let loose. It comes after a bombshell new book claims the Defence Department was behind the spread of Lyme Disease between 1950 and 1975.
Tech giants on defensive at antitrust hearing
Four of the nation’s largest tech companies sought to reassure skeptical lawmakers over their market power as the House ramps up its antitrust investigation into Silicon Valley. Executives from Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google testified before the House Judiciary Committee’s antitrust subcommittee Tuesday in a hearing examining the effect that their size has had on small businesses and their ability to innovate.
Iran doubles down on threat to attack Britain over ‘vicious’ oil tanker seizure as Royal Navy sends a THIRD warship to the Gulf
IRAN’s supreme leader has threatened Britain with retaliation over the “vicious” seizure of an Iranian oil tanker near Gibraltar. As tensions escalate over the tanker row, it’s been revealed that the Royal Navy is set to send a third warship to the Persian Gulf this summer. It comes as an Iranian bomb boat was found in the path of a second British warship – the HMS Duncan – which is currently racing to the flashpoint.
Magnitude 4.3 earthquake widely felt around San Francisco Bay Area
A magnitude 4.3 earthquake rattled the San Francisco Bay Area Tuesday afternoon, and residents around the region widely reported feeling light shaking. The quake struck at 1:11 p.m. with a depth of 7.46 miles and an epicenter in the East Bay, about 7.5 miles east of Blackhawk and 17 miles southeast of Concord, according to the United States Geological Survey.
Hottest weather of season on tap for Northeast as record-challenging heat wave builds
As heat expands across the northeastern United States, highs near the century mark will be common, with some locations experiencing dangerously high…Temperatures well above 100 F — but not before what’s left of Barry sweeps through with localized flooding downpours. While temperatures may be briefly held back…a northward retreat of the jet stream will allow an impressive heat wave to build even for midsummer standards.
Temperatures soar as Israel hit by extreme heatwave
An unexpected extreme heatwave hit Israel on Wednesday, with temperatures skyrocketing to above 40 Celsius in some parts of the country. While residents of Tel Aviv and the central region saw the mercury climb to 39 degrees Celsius, in Tiberias in the north the temperature hit 41 degrees, and in the southern cities of Eilat and Be’er Sheva it was to reach as high as 42 degrees.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Putin says Russia ready to restore ties with EU
Vladimir Putin said that Moscow expects to rebuild partnerships and launch constructive dialogues with the European Union (EU) after the European Commission elected its new president, the Kremlin said Wednesday. In a congratulatory message to Ursula von der Leyen on her election as the president of the European Commission, Putin said that her rich political experience and international standing will contribute to the European Commission’s constructive work and help “restore the equal and mutually beneficial partnership between the EU and Russia,”
Expect a War Between Russia and China in the 2020s
Notwithstanding the seeming friendship between Chinese president Xi Jinping and Russian president Vladimir Putin, and the growing congruence of both countries’ interests in undermining the US-led international order, relations between Russia and China remain at their core as brittle and prone to mutual suspicion and distrust as they have in the past. It is not unreasonable to expect that that underlying animosity will erupt into violence in the relatively near future. China – which contains a billion-and-a-half people – not only dwarfs Mother Russia in population, national power, and economic might.
Elon Musk’s Neuralink plans its first brain chip implants for next year
More than two years have passed since the world caught wind of Elon Musk’s Neuralink, an ambitious and mysterious startup focused on developing brain-machine interfaces that can connect minds to machines. Not a lot has been revealed since, but the company today emerged from the shadows to share its progress so far, along with its plans for the future, which involve implanting its first chips in human as early next year.
Trump Slams AOC’s ‘Squad’ As “The Four Horsewomen Of The Apocalypse”
In a string of tweets, Trump quotes Louisiana Senator John Kennedy, who blasts the members of the “squad” – AOC, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib – as “left wing cranks” and “the four horsewomen of the apocalypse.” Kennedy blasted the Congresswomen as irredeemably dumb (“they’re the reason there are directions on a shampoo bottle”) and lamented the fact that Democratic presidential candidates are “falling over themselves to try and agree” with them.
Threats against members increasing, Capitol Police chief says
House Homeland Security Chairman Bennie Thompson sent a letter to Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Michael C. Stenger, who chairs the Capitol Police Board. The Mississippi Democrat requested Stenger to hold an emergency meeting to reexamine the board’s approach to analyzing the risk environment, setting thresholds for enhanced security for certain targeted members and evaluating threat streams with law enforcement partners in member districts.
Prominent California Islamists Praise Imam’s Call to Exterminate Jews
California Muslim cleric Ahmed Billoo, an educator who trains the next generation of imams, advocates for the genocide of Jews, for which he is praised by prominent Islamists in the US. He offered a prayer to deal with the surfeit of Jews in the building: “Oh God, reduce their numbers, exterminate them, and don’t leave a single one alive.” He added the hashtag “Zionists.”
US-Iran envoy says Bahrain to host Gulf maritime security conference
The US said Bahrain will host a maritime security conference to ensure freedom of navigation in the region’s waters. The comments come after Washington said last week it was seeking partners for a military coalition to protect the busy shipping lanes off Iran and Yemen. Brian Hook, the special envoy to Iran, said 65 countries would attend the event, Al-Arabiya reported, which comes amid a heightened threat for shipping in the waters around the Arabian Peninsula.
Speediest quantum operation yet
Australian scientists have linked together two electrons spins embedded in a silicon chip to form a two-qubit gate, the fundamental building block of a quantum computer. The gate is 200 times faster than any other of its type, taking a mere 0.8 nanoseconds to complete an operation, and uses atom-based qubits that are known for their high accuracy and extremely low noise. A lot of people thought this would not be possible. To be able to control nature at its very smallest level so that we can create interactions between two qubits but also individually talk to each qubit without disturbing the other is incredible,”
80 Percent Of Priests In The Vatican Are Gay: New Book-Forgiven By Church!
A large majority of priests in the Vatican are gay, although many are not sexually active, a new book claims. Some of the most senior clerics in the Roman Catholic church who have vociferously attacked homosexuality are themselves gay, according to a book to be published . Eighty per cent of priests working at the Vatican are gay, …
Ebola outbreak in Congo declared a global health emergency
The deadly Ebola outbreak in Congo is now an international health emergency, the World Health Organization announced Wednesday after a case was confirmed in a city of 2 million people . “The reality check is that a year into the epidemic, it’s still not under control, and we are not where we should be,” she said. “We cannot keep doing the same thing and expect different results.”
Report: Iran, Assad Plotting to Attack Israel
Syrian President Bashar Assad met on Tuesday in Damascus with an unnamed senior Iranian official to discuss ways to cope with Israeli airstrikes in the war-torn country, reported regime-affiliated Syrian newspaper Al-Watan. According to the report, the Iranian official also discussed with Assad the Trump administration’s Mideast peace plan and presented Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s plan to contend with it.
Israel bakes as temperature climbs to near-record 49.9°C at biblical Sodom
The highest temperature in the country was recorded on the southern shores of the Dead Sea, near the site of Biblical Sodom, where the mercury hit 49.9° Celsius (122° Fahrenheit), a record for the spot.
Will Netanyahu bar Ilhan Omar from entering Israel?
On Wednesday, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar announced that she will be visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories in the coming weeks. Omar will be accompanied by Rep. Rashida Tlaib. The two freshman congresswomen have become a focal point of the Jewish community after expressing numerous controversial comments regarding Israel and several statements that were deemed anitsemitic.
U.S. to send 500 troops to Saudi Arabia as Iran tensions heat up
The United States is sending 500 troops to the Prince Sultan Air Base east of the Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh, reported CNN. Some of the troops and support personnel are already at the base preparing for a Patriot missile defense battery and runway and airfield improvements, according to US defense officials. Security assessments have shown that Iranian missiles would have difficulty targeting the base located in a remote area.
Palestinians seek to disengage economically from Israel
Palestinian leaders are spearheading a new effort to reduce their economic dependence on Israel by approaching Arab states for economic cooperation and agreements in a move meant to help counter the…so-called deal of the century peace project. Over the past two weeks, a delegation headed by Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh visited Iraq and Jordan, where senior Palestinian officials discussed proposals for new economic understandings…
DR Congo Ebola outbreak declared global health emergency
The World Health Organization has declared the Ebola crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo a “public health emergency of international concern”. The move may encourage wealthy donor countries to provide more cash. But the WHO stopped short of saying borders should be closed, saying the risk of the disease spreading outside the region was not high.
Nato chief calls on Russia to save INF nuclear missile treaty
Time is running out to save a key nuclear missile treaty with Russia, Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has told the BBC. Mr Stoltenberg pledged a “measured, defensive” response if Russia did not come back into compliance with the deal by the 2 August deadline. “We have to be prepared for a world… with more Russian missiles,” he said.
Top secret locations of 150 US nukes hidden in Europe are accidentally leaked in Nato report sparking major security fears
SECRET sites storing 150 US nukes have been accidentally revealed in a Nato report, it has been reported. The United States and its allies in the Nato military alliance never disclose the locations of the nuclear arsenal but it appears the six sites have inadvertently disclosed. A draft version of the document entitled “A new era for nuclear deterrence? Modernisation, arms control and allied nuclear forces” was published earlier this year.
US official claims Mexican soldiers made an ‘incursion’ onto American soil and got in a ‘scuffle’ with a Border Patrol agent near El Paso
Mexican military personnel have made an ‘incursion’ into U.S. territory, according to an American border official. Multiple members of the Mexican military crossed into the U.S. in the El Paso sector of western Texas at around 6.15pm ET on Tuesday, said National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd on Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs Tonight.
Franklin Graham warns Equality Act would be ‘catastrophic’ for Christians if it becomes law
The Equality Act, a bill that would add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected classes under federal civil rights law, would be “catastrophic” for Christians and churches if it becomes law, evangelist Franklin Graham warned.
Trump abortion rule deals ‘devastating blow’ to Planned Parenthood, group says
The Trump administration stopped taxpayer dollars from going to abortion referrals at publicly funded family planning centers on Monday.
Dengue fever: Philippines on national alert after 456 die from illness this year
Health authorities in the Philippines have declared a “national dengue alert” after a spike in cases of the viral disease which has left more than 450 people dead since January.
DC to feel almost as hot as Death Valley on Saturday
The northeastern United States will sizzle this week as summer heat builds to near-record levels in some places, with many metropolitan areas experiencing the hottest air temperatures of the summer so far as a heat wave envelopes a wide swath of the United States.
More than 120 killed, 6 million affected by floods in India and Nepal
At least 123 people were killed, tens of thousands are displaced and at least 6 million affected in seasonal floods affecting India and Nepal over the past 10 days. The death toll is rising steadily.
American Tech Giants Are Helping To Build China’s Surveillance State
Google and IBM are leading an effort via the non-profit “OpenPOWER Foundation” that is supporting China’s authoritarian government in conducting mass surveillance against its citizens, The Intercept has revealed.
UN officials join calls against East Jerusalem home demolitions
A day ahead of the possible demolition of 10 East Jerusalem buildings built near the security barrier, United Nations officials joined calls on Israel not to carry out the demolitions, saying they would displace 17 Palestinian residents and mean “massive property loss” for 350 more.
Trump Slams AOC’s ‘Squad’ As “The Four Horsewomen Of The Apocalypse”
Two days after President Trump provoked Democrats to pass a resolution condemning him as a racist by urging the radical left “squad” of freshman House Democrats “if you are not happy here, you can leave”, the president is back with another tweet storm guaranteed to send Democrats on Capitol Hill into fits of apoplexy.
Conservative Christians Denounce APA’s Promotion of Polyamory, Swinging
The American Psychological Association’s (APA) decision to establish a “Consenual Non-monogamy Task Force” to promote “polyamory, open relationships” and “swinging” as normal sexual behavior was condemned by the Catholic League and the Ruth Institute, respectively, as a form of “mental breakdown” and another step in a long march “to normalize aberrant sexual behavior between adults.”
It’s all CRUMBLING… NYC power outages to continue; GPS satellites fail; tech is collapsing at an increased rate
A series of incidents that have occurred in close proximity to each other over the past several days are leading many to believe that technology is failing society and that U.S. infrastructure is collapsing faster than previously believed.
FBI and Italian police in dawn raids targeting New York Gambino and Inzerillo Mafia clans in Sicily
A 200-strong force of FBI and Italian police targeted the New York Gambino family and the Sicilian Inzerillo Mafia clans during dawn raids this morning in Sicily.
Scientists use sound to apparently defy gravity
Scientists have made levitation a reality using a rather unexpected tool – sound. An Anglo-American research team experimented with sound-based levitation and succeeded in suspending small bits of plastic in mid-air. Their results will contribute to the field of soft robotics, which uses similar plastic materials to create flexible robots.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
IRGC deputy commander: U.S. forces entering Persian Gulf are entering ‘hell’
When the American forces enter the Persian Gulf they enter “hell,” said Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Deputy Commander Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi on Thursday, according to Tasnim news agency. “Whenever they [Americans] enter the Persian Gulf, they say among themselves that ‘We entered hell.’ Also, whenever they leave the Persian Gulf, they say ‘we got out of the hell,’” he said. “They are under tough mental and psychological conditions.”
Iran state TV: Iranian forces seize foreign oil tanker, crew
Iran said Thursday its Revolutionary Guard seized a foreign oil tanker and its crew of 12 for smuggling fuel out of the country, and hours later released video showing the vessel to be a United Arab Emirates-based ship that had vanished in Iranian waters over the weekend. The announcement solved one mystery — the fate of the missing ship — but raised a host of other questions and heightened worries about the free flow of traffic in the Strait of Hormuz…
Violent confrontations rock Puerto Rico protests demanding the governor step down
One of the largest protests in Puerto Rico’s history erupted into violent clashes late Wednesday night between demonstrators who said they will keep coming back to demand the governor’s resignation and officers in riot gear who shot tear gas and rubber bullets into the packed crowds…hundreds of protesters gathered and blocked the narrow streets surrounding Gov. Ricardo Rosselló’s Fortaleza mansion, clamoring for him to resign.
Firefighters battling blaze at entrance to Jerusalem
Firefighters were battling Thursday to control a fire that broke out in the afternoon in the area of the Lifta nature reserve at the entrance to Jerusalem. A dozen firefighting and rescue teams and four firefighting planes were deployed to the scene. Israel Railways suspended the train line from Jerusalem to Ben-Gurion Airport as the fire spread near the tunnels, providing buses instead for travelers.
House Chaplain Casts Out Demons During Morning Prayer In Capitol Building
Reverend Patrick Conroy serves as the House of Representatives Chaplain in Washington, D.C. and regularly starts the day off for lawmakers with prayer. Thursday’s invocation was a little more serious than most days for Rev. Conroy. The Roman Catholic Priest prayed specifically to cast out the demons inside Capitol Hill.
Trump Says American Warship Destroyed Iranian Drone as Tensions Escalate
A U.S. warship on Thursday destroyed an Iranian drone in the Strait of Hormuz after it threatened the ship, President Donald Trump said. The incident marked a new escalation of tensions between the countries less than one month after Iran downed an American drone and Trump came close to retaliating with a military strike.
Christchurch explosion: Rescuer reveals scene horror
One of the first people on the scene of today’s gas explosion in Christchurch has spoken of the horror that they encountered.
Rivers at highest levels since records began, 60 000 homes destroyed or damaged, Bangladesh
At least 60 000 homes were washed away or damaged in 13 districts across Bangladesh after a heavy monsoon rains hit Bangladesh and neighboring countries over the past week. At least 26 people have been killed and 3 million marooned. Over the past couple of days, rivers overflowed in 122 upazilas, flooding thousands of villages.
Moving Moments in the Oval Office as Trump Extends Session to Hear from More Religious Persecution Victims
It was an extraordinary and moving scene in the Oval Office as President Trump took the time to listen to the stories from people around the world who have been targeted for their faith.
Canadian PM urged to speak out on Quebec religious symbols bill
B’nai Brith Canada on Thursday called on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to speak out against Quebec’s religious symbols bill, after a legal effort to block it temporarily came up short.
WHO declares Ebola in Congo to be emergency of ‘international concern’
The World Health Organization took the rare step Wednesday of classifying an ongoing Ebola outbreak in eastern Congo as a “public health emergency of international concern,” just days after a first case of the virus was confirmed in the major city of Goma on the border with Rwanda.
Normalcy Bias Will Keep One From Seeing the Modern Day FEMA Camps (CMU’s) Operating In Full View (Part 3)
This is the third part of a series on the psychological processes which are leading to the literal enslavement of the American people by Leftist tyrants.
Facebook says posting about dietary supplements is a “violation,” but issuing death threats against conservatives is a-okay By Ethan Huff
Just when we thought that Big Tech couldn’t get any more blatantly hypocritical with its “community standards,” Facebook comes along and issues a new policy stating that it’s now okay to issue death threats against people you don’t like online, just so long as they’re conservatives.
Manholes in Berkeley will now be called ‘maintenance holes’
At a Tuesday night city council meeting, Berkeley became the first city in America to ban the use of natural gas piping in new construction. But that was not the only utility-related issue they saw fit to attend to. No, there was another matter on deck: Eliminating the gendered connotations of words like “manhole” in the city municipal code.
Thousands Attend Opening Dedication Ceremony Of $134 Million Dollar New Age Catholic Church On Site Of Robert Schuller’s Old Crystal Cathedral
The Catholic Church has just opened a glittering, dazzle New Age temple in California that will undoubtedly serve as the western headquarters of Antichrist during the time of Jacob’s trouble. It is the old Crystal Cathedral created by Prosperity preacher and false teacher Robert Schuller. I find it funny that the Catholic Church is always saying how poor they are, but have no problem spending $134 million for a church building ($57M) and renovations ($77M) while hundreds of thousands of homeless in California are eating garbage out of the dumpster. But that’s a story for another day. Many thanks to eagle-eyed NTEB reader Josie for making us aware of this.
Pentagon Fears Turkey To Retaliate Against US Troops In Syria Over New Sanctions
As expected, Turkey blasted the White House’s prior day announcement that it has killed Turkey’s involvement in the F-35 joint strike fighter program after Ankara received a first batch of S-400 Russian-made air defense components starting last week. Turkey’s foreign ministry called on the US to rectify its “mistake”.
As Iran Forces Seize Foreign Oil Tanker, United States Preparing To Deploy 500 Troops To Expanding Saudi Arabian Air Base In Event Of Iranian Attack
First the United States got involved with growing Iranian aggression, then the UK, sent three warships to the Gulf, and now we see Saudi Arabia also preparing for what more and more is looking like unavoidable conflict with Iran. President Trump has shown great restraint thru far, calling off a strike at the last minute, but his patience with the terror state is wearing thin.
Omar: End ‘Capitalist System.’ Guarantee Jobs, Housing, Medicare and Abortion for All
In the new nation that Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota seeks to create, the “capitalist system” will be left behind in pursuit of a “fair and just economy” where the federal government guarantees everybody jobs, housing, health care and free abortions.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
UK Warns “Robust” Response Coming If Iran Doesn’t Release Tanker As US Jets Fly Over Gulf
UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has warned Iran of “serious consequences” if its military does not return control of the British-flagged oil tanker Stena Impero, according to Sky News. He said British action will be “robust”
New Epstein Documents Reportedly Name ‘Staggering’ Number of Elites
Wall Street financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein has shaken America’s elitist class to the core: they don’t want to be remotely close to the nuclear explosion of names and dates that will inevitably be released. According to Vanity Fair, the U.S. Court of Appeals is set to release nearly 2,000 documents related to Epstein, which may uncover rampant sexual abuse by the disgraced financier and his many associates.
U.S. Fighter Jets Are About To Get Infrared Sensors That Could Be Huge For UFO Reporting
America’s long and murky relationship with unidentified flying objects has taken an abrupt turn in recent years and especially in recent months as the Navy has officially admitted that its pilots are encountering things it cannot, or isn’t willing to explain, at an alarming rate.
University of Chicago Ph.D. Student Surveys Thousands of Biologists and Most Agree that Life Begins at Conception
A University of Chicago Ph.D. student recently defended a dissertation in which he asked thousands of biologists when life begins. A large majority of the biologists he surveyed, even those who are committed to the pro-choice position, said human life begins at conception.
Russia’s Putin, France’s Macron discuss Iran nuclear deal – Kremlin
Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron discussed the 2015 Iran nuclear deal as well as the conflict in eastern Ukraine, the Kremlin said on Thursday. France is trying to ease tensions after the United States pulled out of the nuclear agreement last year. Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany remain parties to the deal.
Prophecy News Talk: The Democrats As the Mixed Multitude in the End-of-Days
Breaking Israel News discuss the political ramifications for the strange transformation of the Democrats into the Jew-hating party. (video)
Ancient Prophecy of Lunar Eclipse: A “Sultan” Will Die Suddenly
An esoteric Jewish source predicted that the lunar eclipse that passed over Jerusalem Tuesday night portends the sudden death of a “sultan” followed by great confusion and tragedy. The source, written over one hundred years ago, has proven to be shockingly accurate in the past, presaging the recent California earthquakes. Rabbi Yosef Berger, the rabbi of King Davids Tomb on Mount Zion, personally witnessed the lunar eclipse that passed over Jerusalem on Tuesday night. “I was at the Kotel (Western Wall) and saw the full moon slowly covered in shadow,” Rabbi Berger told Breaking Israel News. “It was a powerful sight when it passed over the gold dome.”
Trump Emissaries Sent to Ask Major Israeli Rabbi, “When Will Messiah Come?”
This was not the first time that representatives of the U.S. government have come to Rabbi Kanievsky. Last December, David Freidman, the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, paid an official visit to the rabbi and received his blessing. It should be noted that Rabbi Kanievsky has been a central figure in the Jewish world. Four years ago, Rabbi Kanievsky announced that the arrival of the Messiah was imminent.
Saudi king approves hosting U.S. troops to enhance regional security
Saudi Arabia’s King Salman approved hosting US forces in the country to boost regional security and stability… The gesture comes amid rising tensions between Washington and Tehran in the Gulf that have impacted global oil markets. On Friday, Iran said it had seized a British oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz, but denied Washington’s assertion that the U.S. Navy had downed an Iranian drone nearby earlier this week.
U.S. Army: We are monitoring the situation in the Strait of Hormuz
The US army said on Friday it is using an unarmed surveillance aircraft to view the situation in the Strait of Hormuz and is in touch with US vessels in the area to ensure their safety. British foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt spoke with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo over the Islamic Republic seizing two oil tankers in the Gulf.
Greek earthquake: Buildings collapse as powerful tremor shakes Athens
A strong earthquake has shaken the Greek capital of Athens, knocking out phone networks and power in parts of the city. The 5.1 magnitude earthquake had an epicentre about 22km (14 miles) north-west of Athens. Athenians ran out into the streets as the city shook for 15 seconds. There were no reports of serious injuries, but several aftershocks have been felt and two buildings have collapsed.
Dangerous heatwave starts hitting US and Canada
Extremely hot weather has started to hit most of the United States, with temperatures set to peak over the weekend, meteorologists say. The heatwave could affect about 200 million people in major cities like New York, Washington and Boston in the East Coast, and the Midwest region too. In some places, temperatures could be close to or exceed 100F (38C). Parts of Canada are also being hit.
Military eyes 16-year-olds as ranks and candidates dwindle
The best way to fix the U.S. armed forces’ recruiting challenges may involve dipping further into the nation’s high schools. As the Army, Navy and other services contend with a thriving economy and a directive to expand their ranks, there is a growing debate over whether the military should consider lowering the minimum enlistment age from 17 to 16. More than a dozen countries, including the United Kingdom, already have adopted the policy.
Parents Told They Could Lose Kids Over Unpaid School Lunches
A Pennsylvania school district is warning that children could end up in foster care if their parents do not pay overdue school lunch bills. The letters sent recently to about 1,000 parents in Wyoming Valley West School District have led to complaints from parents and a stern rebuke from Luzerne County child welfare authorities.
Rising health insurance deductibles fuel middle-class anger and resentment
Denise Wall, a Fresno-area schoolteacher with more than $2,000 in medical bills, was outraged to hear she could get free care if she quit her job and enrolled her family in Medicaid. Brenda Bartlett, a factory worker in Nebraska, was so angry about $2,500 in medical bills she ran up using the coverage she got at work that she dropped insurance altogether.
Report: Syria benefits from Israeli drone technology sold to Russia
Drone technology supplied by Israel to the Russian military is now being used by its enemies. According to a report published Wednesday on the Intercept website, Israeli Defense Forces found their own technology used in a Syrian drone they shot down after it had intruded into Israeli airspace in August. The report goes on to say the drone was of the design sold to the Russians in 2010.
Ahead of U.S. deadline, Mexico minister has fulfilled migration enforcement pledge
Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said…that Mexico has followed through on its commitment to the United States to reduce migration from Central America, as a deadline in a bilateral pact approaches. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is scheduled to travel to Mexico City to discuss migration and trade with Ebrard on Sunday…
UK Warns “Robust” Response Coming If Iran Doesn’t Release Tanker As US Jets Fly Over Gulf
A US cargo ship is currently traversing the same narrow, dangerous waters near where armed Iranian special forces had boarded the 2nd vessel.
China’s Schools Teaching Children to ‘Hate God’ and Distrust Christian Parents
Children in China’s primary schools are now being taught that belief in God is abnormal and that parents who are religious should not be trusted, according to a report out of the country.
Tropical Storm Danas to unleash heavy rain on South Korea, Japan into early next week
After drenching the Philippines and Taiwan, Tropical Storm Danas will now bring the risk of flooding to South Korea and Japan this weekend.
It’s all CRUMBLING… NYC power outages to continue; GPS satellites fail; tech is collapsing at an increased rate
A series of incidents that have occurred in close proximity to each other over the past several days are leading many to believe that technology is failing society and that U.S. infrastructure is collapsing faster than previously believed.
Whole Foods sponsors Drag Queen Story Hour to indoctrinate children with perversion, pedophilia and transgenderism
The sick, twisted agenda of the deranged Left has come full circle today as Whole Foods is now sponsoring a Drag Queen Story Hour event to indoctrinate children into pedophilia, transgenderism and perversion.
Leftism Before Anti-Semitism: Anti-Defamation League Ignores Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib’s BDS Legislation — Attacks Trump and Pamela Geller Instead
On Wednesday Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) introduced legislation to support the terror-funded BDS movement.
ALERT for humanity: The “perfect storm” for a vaccine HOLOCAUST is now here
The Holocaust of history saw the coordinated, government-run murder of six million Jews, capping off one of the most horrifying chapters of human history. Yet another holocaust is being repeated right now by the vaccine industry, also run by fascist government much like the Third Reich. Except this holocaust’s impact goes far beyond six million people; it involves the maiming, injury and deaths of hundreds of millions of people around the world, spanning at least three decades.
“Due To A Poor Harvest Season, We Are Experiencing Shortages On Many Of Our Canned Vegetable Items”
I know that this headline is alarming, but it is actually a direct quote from a notice that was recently posted in a Kroger supermarket. And as you will see below, similar notices are being posted in the canned vegetable sections of Wal-Mart stores nationwide. I would encourage you to examine the evidence in this article very carefully and to come to your own conclusions about what is happening.
It’s Un-American To Be Anti-Free Speech: Protect The Right To Criticize The Government
This is how freedom rises or falls… tolerance for dissent is vital if we are to survive as a free nation.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Qatar delivers more cash to Gaza as part of truce understandings
Qatar on Saturday delivered another cash grant to the Gaza Strip, paving the way for the distribution of payments to Palestinian families, sources in the Gaza Strip said. Some 60,000 families will benefit from the latest Qatari funds, the Qatari Committee for the Reconstruction of the Gaza Strip said on Saturday. The committee said that each family will receive $100 on Sunday.
Saudis, Iraqis among rare Arab media delegation due to arrive Sunday
A month after Bahrain allowed journalists from six Israeli media outlets into the country for the first time to cover the US-sponsored Peace to prosperity workshop, a group of Arab journalists – including for the first time from Saudi Arabia and Iraq – is expected to arrive on Sunday via the Allenby Bridge for meetings in Israel.
Pompeo to meet with Mexico’s foreign minister to discuss immigration, trade
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will meet with Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard on Sunday to discuss migration and trade, amid heightened bilateral tension ahead of a deadline on a deal that removed tariff threats on Mexican exports. Under the June agreement…Mexico averted punitive tariffs on U.S.-bound Mexican shipments…by promising to stem the flow of illegal migrants from Central America by July 22.
British Airways suspends flights to Cairo for seven days-
British Airways and Lufthansa abruptly suspended flights to Cairo from Saturday over security concerns, but giving no details about what may have prompted the move. “We constantly review our security arrangements at all our airports around the world, and have suspended flights to Cairo for seven days as a precaution to allow for further assessment,” British Airways said in a statement.
‘Noose’ Which Sent UMich Dean On Racism Tirade Turns Out To Be Fishing Knot Practice
A symbol of hate and discrimination and fishing tehcniques…
National conference teaches librarians how to sneak drag queens past parents
The American Library Association’s recent national conference provided librarians from across the country with strategies for advancing gender identity ideology in schools and finding ways to bring “Drag Queen Story Times” into public libraries despite the objections of local communities.
Large Group of Migrants Rush International Bridge, Assault CBP Officers
A group of 47 migrants violently rushed an international port of entry near McAllen, Texas, and assaulted officers in an attempt to illegally enter the country.
Hyperinflation Is Back: “Zimbabwe Burns While The Lights Are Out”
…After weeks of twelve to seventeen hour a day power cuts we are worn down to a frazzle. Getting up in the middle of the night, every night, to cook, charge batteries and electronic equipment, catch up on domestic chores, work on computers, meet deadlines and keep any sort of production going, is taking a heavy toll on all of us.
Connecticut: Muslims slaughter cow “in accordance with Islamic law” in Home Depot parking lot
“The officer was stunned over the disturbing act. ‘You know this is a big — this is a problem. This is not something that can be done.’” Sure, but just let him try to stop it. The “Islamophobia” charges and his dismissal from the force will come before he can even say “Diversity is our strength.” Get used to this, Bloomfield Home Depot shoppers!
UK Politician Who Pushed for Gender-Neutral Bathrooms Is Charged with 9 Counts of Child Sex Abuse
British politician David Smith from Middlesborough who pushed for gender-neutral bathrooms in the community was charged with nine counts of sexually touching a child.
California’s Homeless Crisis Has Reached “Epic Proportions”
The homeless crisis in the Democrat stronghold of California has reached epic proportions. Even after throwing billions of dollars at the problem, the state is unable to solve the epidemic they created.
Biological Resource Center raid: FBI finds cooler of penises
A head sewn onto a mismatched body, a bucket of limbs and a cooler filled with penises are among items found by FBI agents during a raid on a Phoenix body-donation business.
New US Pentagon Chief – Vested Interest In War & Conflict
…at a precarious time of possible war with Iran, the last person Trump should consult is someone whose corporate cronies are craving for more weapons sales…
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Flocks of Dead Birds Randomly Fall From Sky in Australia: A Sign of End-of-Days?
A flock of birds fell from the sky in Australia, dying in gruesome agony. A closer look reveals that this is far from an isolated phenomenon and as more of these sightings occur, one rabbi warns that the death of nature is both a sign and an opportunity for us to fix our relationship with the Creator.
Russia Would Welcome Any Improvement Of Relations Between US, Iran – Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Moscow would welcome any moves aimed at easing tensions in relations between Tehran and Washington. “We would welcome any steps aimed at improving relations between the United States and Iran,” Putin told US film director William Oliver Stone in an interview. The Russian president also expressed concern over escalation of tensions around Iran as the country lies not far from the Russian borders.
Episode 1: The Secrets of Ilhan Omar
Episode 1 of the mini-series The Secrets of Ilhan Omar Exploring the evidence that a member of Congress Ilhan Omar committed Bigamy, Marriage Fraud
House Chaplain Casts Out Demons During Morning Prayer In Capitol Building
Reverend Patrick Conroy serves as the House of Representatives Chaplain in Washington, D.C. and regularly starts the day off for lawmakers with prayer. Thursday’s invocation was a little more serious than most days for Rev. Conroy. The Roman Catholic Priest prayed specifically to cast out the demons inside Capitol Hill. As reported by Fox News, Rev. Conroy said, “This has been a difficult and contentious week in which darker spirits seem to have been at play in the people’s House.” Conroy is a Jesuit priest, …
More than 500,000 still without power after severe weather strikes Michigan, Wisconsin
The majority of the power outages remain in Michigan, where more than 470,000 remained without electricity as of midday Sunday, according to More than a quarter of those outages were from Wayne County, which is home to Detroit.
Hurricane center watching system east of Bahamas, what it means for South Florida
The National Hurricane Center is watching an area of low pressure east of the Bahamas that has a 20 percent chance of tropical development over the next five days. The disorganized area of showers and thunderstorms is moving west at around 15 mph. While chances of a tropical cyclone forming are low, the disturbance is expected to increase rain chances for South Florida this week, according to the National Weather Service in Miami. If a tropical storm did form, it would be named Chantal.
California Is Launching a Creepy “Cradle to Career” Data System to Track EVERYTHING About Children
California, has a brand new program. The “Cradle to Career Data System” will study and document everything about a child born in the state. But don’t worry, it’s for your children’s own good. Beginning at birth and stalking the child until he or she joins the workforce, California wants to keep on eye on all sorts of demographics and variables.
Italy’s Etna volcano erupts on Sicily, closing two airports
Italy’s Mount Etna, Europe’s biggest live volcano, erupted overnight with lava flows and explosive burps, vulcanologists said Saturday. A heavy emission of ash into the sky forced the closure of two airports in Sicily’s second-biggest city of Catania. They partially reopened early Saturday.
Are you a Salad Bar Christian?
Did you know there are Salad Bar Christians, melding together a lot of curious practices, choosing what they like, but sometimes irrespective of what Scripture might say? A little of this and a little of that. A dash of Bible reading. A few prayers. A little Zen Buddhism here, and a little Hinduism (think yoga) there. Maybe church once a month. Dabbling in this and dabbling in that. Crystal-healing sessions, fortune telling, a little astrology, a tad of magic, medium readings, spiritism, burning sage, reiki, healing stones. “What’s twinkling to you?” … if you understand the spiritual aspects for much of the list above, it’s wise to stay away from it. And Scripture commands us to steer clear of fortune telling, mediums, and astrology. ad Bar Christian?
Kushner Heading to Israel, Arab Nations for Next Step in ‘Prosperity to Peace’ Plan Talks
Jared Kushner is expected to arrive in Israel next week as he sets out on another shuttle diplomacy effort to promote the Trump Administration’s Middle East economic development plan. Specifically, the trip is intended to finalize details of the proposed U.S. $50 billion plan to jump-start the Palestinian Authority economy while giving a boost to Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon.
Boris Johnson is right: Islam means cultural suicide
“there must be something about Islam that indeed helps to explain why there was no rise of the bourgeoisie, no liberal capitalism and therefore no spread of democracy in the Muslim world”. After describing the beauty of the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo’s artistic masterpiece in Rome, Boris Johnson wrote: “There is nothing like it in Muslim art of that or any age, not just because it is beyond the technical accomplishment of Islamic art, but because it is so theologically offensive to Islam”. In the world of media, tv, the entire cultural milieu, it is forbidden to claim Western cultural superiority.
Volcano eruption leads to state of emergency, evacuations in southern Peru
Peru’s government has declared a state of emergency and carried out numerous evacuations in the areas hit in one way or another by the Ubinas volcano’s eruptive process which has affected around 30,000 people in the south of the country, mainly due to the dispersion of ashes, authorities reported Sunday. The volcanic activity peaked Thursday when a column of ash of about 5,000 metres high dispersed in several regions of the south of the country, even reaching places in neighbouring Bolivia.
Former CIA agent exposes the Deep State
Kevin Shipp held several positions in the CIA and had top security clearance. Since leaving the CIA, he has become a whistleblower about the corruption he saw there and in other intelligence agencies. And he believes the Deep State is attempting a secret coup to take down President Trump. He believes that coup is treason. He made that claim and others in a recent interview with Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog. Shipp thinks indictments will be coming down, maybe as soon as this year – a civil war that has been brewing for over 60 years. One side is composed of the “dark left,” the shadow government – the FBI, CIA and the NSA – the DNC and members of Congress. Armed citizens are a key component to thwart them, he says.
Israeli security forces razing Palestinian homes in Wadi Hummus
Israeli security forces began razing some 18 Palestinian-owned buildings in Wadi Hummus, located in the West Bank just outside of Jerusalem. Photos and videos from the anti-occupation NGO All That’s Left, showed the border police surrounding and entering some of the buildings. While many of them are still under construction, it is thought that there are three families, totaling 17 people, living in a number of the buildings.
Hong Kong protests: Armed mob violence leaves city in shock
Hong Kong has been left in shock after a night of violence on Sunday, which saw dozens of masked men storm a train station. The men – dressed in white shirts and suspected to be triad gangsters – assaulted pro-democracy protesters and passers-by in the Yuen Long area. This is the first time this kind of violence has been seen in the ongoing anti-extradition demonstrations.
Imran Khan: Pakistan PM to meet Trump in bid to mend ties
Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan is due to visit the White House for his first face-to-face talks with US President Donald Trump. The meeting is part of a push to mend relations, which have been strained by the Afghan conflict. Mr Trump reduced security aid to Pakistan early last year, accusing the country of “lies and deceit”.
Medical chief calls for global health effort
Countries must work together to tackle global health risks, England’s outgoing chief medical officer has said. In her final annual report, Prof Dame Sally Davies said focusing on domestic issues could risk failing to control global threats such as Ebola. And she said learning from other countries would also ensure the NHS was not left behind.
‘Slaughter the Jews’ painted in Arabic on Western Wall in Jerusalem
An anti-Semitic vandal scrawled “Slaughter the Jews” on a section of the sacred Western Wall in Jerusalem over the weekend, according to local reports. The chilling phrase was spray-painted in Arabic on the Kotel HaKatan, or “Little Western Wall,” on Saturday in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, according to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
Venezuelan fighter jet ‘aggressively shadowed’ U.S. aircraft, Pentagon says
A Venezuelan fighter jet “aggressively shadowed” an American reconnaissance aircraft flying over the Caribbean last week, military officials said Sunday. The Russian-made SU-30 Flanker approached the U.S. Navy EP-3 Aries II on Friday at an “unsafe distance” and in an “unprofessional manner” while the aircraft was flying in approved international airspace, the United States Southern Command said in a statement.
CBP: Over 1,000 African migrants arrested near Mexican border
According to a new report from the U.S. Border Patrol, over 1,100 people from 19 different African countries have been arrested illegally crossing the border into the United States since May 30. “The apprehension of people from African countries illegally crossing our borders continues to increase,” said Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Raul L. Ortiz.
China says U.S. criticism over South China Sea is slander
Remarks by U.S. officials on China’s role in the South China Sea are slanderous, its foreign ministry said on Monday, after the United States voiced concern over reports of Chinese interference with oil and gas activities in the disputed waters. China’s claims in the South China Sea, through which about $5 trillion in shipborne trade passes each year, are contested, all or in part, by Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam.
Turkey will retaliate if U.S. imposes sanctions over S-400s: minister
Turkey would retaliate against what it called an unacceptable threat of U.S. sanctions over Ankara’s purchase of Russian S-400 missile defenses, its foreign minister said on Monday, adding he thinks President Donald Trump wants to avoid such measures. Turkey began receiving deliveries of the surface-to-air S-400 systems earlier this month, prompting the United States to begin removing the NATO ally from its F-35 stealth fighter program…
Democratic Party pours old Nazi-era tropes into new GOP-wineskins
…Could it be that Democrats are beginning to sense the extent to which their sustained, “toxic” and “politically-charged rhetoric” has so far exceeded the limits of civility, reason, and history that a serious push-back is coming? And, if Antifa is finally declared a terrorist organization, how will that implicate their funding sources, and the Democratic Party? “No one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will make the skins burst, and both the wine and the skins will be ruined.” Mark 2:22
Chinese Activist: Camps in Communist China Like ‘During the Holocaust,’ Body Organs Being Sold
Jewher Ilham, a human rights activist who fled Communist China after her father was imprisoned, noted that China’s concentration camps are like the ones that operated during the Holocaust and that human body organs are being sold.
Wildfires burning in heavily forested Castelo Branco region, central Portugal
More than 1 000 firefighters are battling several large wildfires in central Portugal since July 20, 2019. Fanned by strong winds, the fires are burning in heavily forested Castelo Branco region, 200 km (124 miles) N of capital Lisbon.
Daniel Turner: California’s latest descent into liberal madness – Berkeley bans natural gas
From sanctuary cities to brutally high taxes, California is the undisputed center of gravity for today’s far-left. If you want to see how liberal policies would look on a national level, you don’t have to imagine it. You can just look at the thousands fleeing the once-great state.
Los Angeles, California cities ‘overrun by rodents’ that pose public health epidemic, study says
An ever-growing number of rodents in California — particularly in Los Angeles — is being fueled by a spiking homeless population and restrictions on rodenticides that are risking a public health crisis, according to a study released Tuesday.
Autistic child kidnapped by state ends up in CPS system before being trafficked – are they trying to “disappear” all vaccine damaged children?
Despite all of their manufactured outrage over the illegal alien children that are allegedly being “separated” from their families and held in detention “cages” at the southern border, liberals are hypocritically nowhere to be found in standing up for the many American families that continue to be separated and torn apart by the corrupt Child Protective Services (CPS) system.
Powerful derecho sweeps through Midwest, leaves 365 000 customers without power
A powerful derecho swept through the Upper Midwest on Friday night local time, July 19, 2019, leaving more than 365 000 customers without power from Minnesota Michigan.
California Launches Creepy “Cradle-To-Career” Data System To Track Everything About Children
If you want to have a social credit system like the one in China, I guess you’ve got to start early…
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
NEW WORLD ORDER Cyborgs will rule the planet within 80 years – but they won’t kill us, British scientist claims
Mr Lovelock believes the rise of the cyborgs to becoming the dominant species is part of evolution. And since the fitness survive, it will be them who inherit the world.
Microsoft Joins Project On Ethical Artificial Intelligence
Microsoft on Monday announced a $1 billion investment in an OpenAI ethical artificial intelligence project backed by Tesla’s Elon Musk and Amazon. The partnership will be devoted to developing advanced AI models on Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing platform while adhering to “shared principles on ethics and trust,” the companies said in a joint release. OpenAI and microsoft expressed a vision of “artificial general intelligence” (AGI) working with people to help solve daunting problems…
Elon Musk’s Neuralink unveils device to connect your brain to a smartphone
Neuralink seeks to build a brain-machine interface that would connect human brains with computers. No tests have been performed in humans, but the company hopes to obtain FDA approval and begin human trials in 2020. Musk said the technology essentially provides humans the option of “merging with AI.”
Read a Harvard geneticist’s plan for redesigning humans
Harvard geneticist George Church makes a list of genes that could be modified to enhance human abilities. The list tracks both positive and negative effects. Redesigning humans can lead to posthumans or transhumans. Here are some selections from the so-called Transhumanist Wishlist, leading to a transformation of what it means to be human:
Netanyahu: Iran is ‘just waiting’ for my opponents to come to power
“We’ve blocked it up until now but it hasn’t been permanently blocked,” he said. “No one knows what will happen… the Iranians are banking on it being only a little while more until they’re free of [us]… The Iranians are just waiting, they’re waiting for our opponents.” “Who will stop [them]?” he said. “Benny Gantz? Who will stop it, Yair Lapid?” Netanyahu said. “These people who said we mustn’t walk away from the deal? That it was alright?”
Leaked docs show China’s Huawei secretly developed North Korea’s 3G network
Documents obtained exclusively by The Washington Post this week revealed Huawei’s workings with Chinese state-owned Panda International Information Technology Co. to provide the equipment used to build the Koryolink cellular network for North Korea. “All of this fits into a general concern we have about corporate responsibility and a company like Huawei that is not trustworthy because of its company culture and numerous incidents indicating a willingness to evade or outright violate laws,”
UK: Europe-led mission will protect vital shipping in Gulf
Britain announced plans Monday to develop and deploy a Europe-led “maritime protection mission” to safeguard shipping in the vital Strait of Hormuz in light of Iran’s seizure of a British-flagged tanker in the waterway last week. Briefing Parliament on the budding crisis, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt accused Iran of “an act of state piracy” that must be met with a coordinated international reaction.
Comey Under DOJ Investigation For Misleading Trump While Targeting Him In FBI Probe
James Comey has been under investigation for misleading President Trump – telling him in private that he wasn’t the target of an ongoing FBI probe, while refusing to admit to this in public. According to two US officials familiar with Horowitz’s upcoming report on FBI misconduct, Comey was essentially “running a covert operation” against Trump – which began with a private “defensive briefing” shortly after the inauguration.
Ex-Ohio judge dragged from court after being ordered to be taken into custody
Tensions reportedly flared inside a Cincinnati courthouse on Monday as a bailiff dragged a former judge out of the courtroom after she was ordered to be taken into custody. The chaotic scene occurred after a judge announced his decision regarding Tracie Hunter’s 2014 conviction and six-month sentence for using her ex-job as judge to help a family member.
Israel begins toppling Palestinian housing in East Jerusalem
Israel said the homes violated a construction ban because they were too close to the West Bank separation barrier, which it considers a security risk. A year-long legal fight over the buildings went to the Israeli Supreme Court in May, when the court cleared the way for demolition.
Whole Foods, A Retailer That Once Promoted Organics And Purity, Is Now Sponsoring ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ That’s Aimed At Grooming Young Children For Pedophiles
Not only are Whole Foods’ product offerings filthy from a food science point of view; its cultural indoctrination programs are rooted in filth and child “grooming” that prepares children to be sexually molested by adult perverts dressed as women. Drag Queen Story Hour is a front for the pedophilia wing of the extreme transgender pervert community.
Boris Johnson set to become next UK PM as Conservatives announce new leader
Boris Johnson is expected to be elected leader of Britain’s governing Conservative Party and the country’s next prime minister on Tuesday, tasked with following through on his “do or die” pledge to deliver Brexit in just over three months time.
U.S. to expand rapid deportation nationwide with sweeping new rule
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security said on Monday it will order more speedy deportations of immigrants who crossed illegally and are caught anywhere in the United States, expanding a program typically applied only along the southern border with Mexico. The rule set to be published in the Federal Register on Tuesday would apply “expedited removal” to any illegal crossers who cannot prove to immigration agents that they have been living in the country for two years. Legal experts said it was a dramatic expansion of a program that cuts out review by an immigration judge.
77% of Religious Zionist Israelis Want the Right to Pray on the Temple Mount
A survey conducted by the Direct Polls Institute last week revealed that in Israel’s religious Zionist communities, there is an across-the-board consensus regarding the Temple Mount reports Makor Rishon. The survey was backed by entrepreneur Shlomo Ben-Zvi and included 569 Religious Zionist (Israeli) participants. 77.6% of those surveyed support or strongly supports (25.4% support and 52.2% strongly support) allowing freedom of worship to Jews in the Temple Mount area as opposed to only 9.7% who oppose or strongly oppose it …
Greek Orthodox Church Uses Nefarious Replacement Theology to Protest Legal Sale of Jerusalem Hotel to Jews
A real estate deal in Jerusalem has pitted the Greek Orthodox Church against Jews who want to live in Jerusalem and like many such conflicts, the real issue may go much deeper than money.
Houthi rebels raise close to $300,000 for cash-strapped Hezbollah
A radio station broadcasting in support of the Houthi rebels in…Yemen has raised close to $300,000 in fundraising campaign for Lebanon’s Hezbollah which is facing increasing financial pressure from American sanctions on Iran. The radio station…published a video…showing…bundles of cash alongside…men chanting “From Yemen the faith to Lebanon’s resistance, salute to the well-being of Yemen,” “Death to America, death to Israel, curse the Jews.”
MI6 fears Iran used Russian GPS tech to send UK tanker off course – report
MI6 and GCHQ are investigating the possibility that Iran used Russian GPS “spoofing” technology that produces incorrect location data to send the British-flagged Stena Impero off course into Iranian waters before it was seized by IRGC forces… “Russia has the technology to spoof GPS and may have helped Iran in this venture as it was extremely brazen,” said an anonymous security source in a report published by the Daily Mail.
South Korea fires warning shots at Russian military aircraft
South Korea says its jets fired warning shots at a Russian surveillance plane that entered its airspace on Tuesday. Officials said the plane twice violated the airspace over the Dokdo/Takeshima islands, which are occupied by Seoul but also claimed by Japan. South Korea’s Ministry of Defence said it scrambled fighter jets in response and fired 360 machine-gun rounds.
Eight EU nations agree migrants deal, France says
France says eight EU countries have agreed to share the resettlement of migrants rescued in the Mediterranean – but Italy is not one of them. President Emmanuel Macron says another six nations backed in principle a Franco-German plan at talks in Paris. He says he will not agree to releasing EU structural funds to countries that refuse to share the burden.
US expands powers to deport migrants without going to court
The US government is introducing a new fast-track deportation process that will bypass immigration courts. Under the new rules, migrants who cannot prove they have been in the US continuously for more than two years can be immediately deported. Until now, expedited deportations could only be applied to those detained near the border who had been in the US for less than two weeks.
US denounces Venezuela aircraft’s ‘unsafe approach’
The United States military has accused a Venezuelan fighter aircraft of endangering the crew of a US navy plane in international airspace. The Venezuelan plane made an “unsafe approach” and “aggressively shadowed” the US reconnaissance aircraft over the Caribbean Sea, US Southern Command said on Sunday. Venezuela said the US plane had entered Venezuelan airspace without permission.
Massive protests held in Puerto Rico after governor refuses to step down
Hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets in Puerto Rico to demand the resignation of the island’s embattled governor, Ricardo Rosselló. It comes a day after Mr Rosselló said he would not step down over a leaked online chat in which he and top aides exchanged obscenity-laced messages. He said he would leave office next year, at the end of his term.
Resistant malaria spreading in South East Asia
Malaria parasites resistant to key drugs have spread rapidly in South East Asia, researchers from the UK and Thailand say. The parasites have moved from Cambodia to Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, where half of patients are not being cured by first-choice drugs. Researchers say the findings raise the “terrifying prospect” drug-resistance could spread to Africa.
Army Lets Slip That It’s Conducting Secret Operation Around D.C.
The Pentagon has revealed a few details about a secret Army mission that has Black Hawk helicopters flying missions over the Washington, D.C., area backed by active-duty and reserve soldiers. The mysterious classified operation was disclosed when the Army asked Congress for approval to shift funds to provide an extra $1.55 million for aircraft maintenance, air crews and travel in support of an “emerging classified flight mission.”
Hamas meets Iran’s supreme leader during warm visit in Tehran
Iran’s state TV says a delegation from the Palestinian militant group Hamas that is visiting Iran has met with the country’s supreme leader. The TV report on Monday says Ayatollah Ali Khamenei held talks with Hamas’ deputy chief, Saleh al-Arouri, who is heading the delegation. The Hamas delegation also met with Kamal Kharrazi, an adviser to Khamenei.
North Korea’s Kim inspects new submarine, signals possible ballistic missile development
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspected a large newly built submarine, state news agency KCNA reported on Tuesday, potentially signaling continued development of a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) program. Kim inspected the operational and tactical data and combat weapon systems of the submarine that was built under “his special attention”, and will be operational in the waters off the east coast, KCNA said.
Japan scrambles fighters to intercept Russian and Chinese planes
Japan’s military scrambled fighter aircraft to intercept Russian and Chinese planes, it said on Tuesday, including an observation jet at which South Korean forces fired warning shots after it entered airspace over an island claimed by both Seoul and Tokyo. Japan, like South Korea, identified two Chinese H-6 bombers and two Russian TU-95 bombers flying over the strait between the countries.
Intense cold front to make landfall in South Africa, Cape Town dam levels soaring to impressive new heights
South African Weather Service issued severe weather warnings and watches for part of the country as an intense cold front, currently positioned SW of South Africa, is expected to make landfall overnight tonight July 22 into 23, 2019 with a second front following closely tomorrow. The cold fronts are expected to result in a significant drop in temperatures, windy and wet conditions as well as snow in the western and southern parts of the country.
Philippines declares national emergency after more than 100,000 people contract Dengue fever
Health officials in the Philippines declared a national emergency this week after a record-breaking 106,630 cases of Dengue fever were reported since January.
At least 50 dead pilot whales wash up on remote beach in Iceland
At least 50 dead whales were discovered washed up on a remote beach in Iceland by a group of sightseers Thursday.
The Bones Of 15-Year Old Murder Victim Emanuela Orlandi May Just Have Been Discovered Under The Vatican As The Catholic Church Denies Being Involved In Her Disappearance
From the time it was created by Rome in the 4th century, the Roman Catholic Church has always been filled with death, murder and intrigue, with the penultimate part of the RCC being the demon-filled Vatican. Yesterday, the bones of 15-year old Emanuela Orlandi who went missing in the Vatican 36 years ago may finally discovered, but the really gruesome thing is that while looking for her, investigators found piles and piles of bones belonging to untold victims.
IWV – Children are Being Rented Out to Cross the Border With Strangers
It’s hard to believe, but there are hundreds of asylum seekers attempting to enter the United States more easily by “renting” children. This “family fraud,” as it’s called, has become a focus for Arizona border control after at least 700 claims were filed. The individuals in question reportedly were found attempting to enter the country with children who weren’t their own, allegedly rented from smugglers.
Oregon approves ‘mental health days’ for students
Important news about the Shroud of Turin, believed by millions to be the authentic burial cloth of Jesus Christ, has been flagrantly under-reported.
Shroud of Turin: New Test Concludes 1988 ‘Medieval Hoax’ Dating Was a Fraud
Important news about the Shroud of Turin, believed by millions to be the authentic burial cloth of Jesus Christ, has been flagrantly under-reported.
Trump takes action against child trafficking foster care system, dealing huge blow to left-wing deep state pedophilia
Back in February, President Trump quietly signed into law the “Family First Prevention Services Act” which, when it finally comes into effect on October 1, will greatly curtail abuses within the foster care system that facilitate the child sex trafficking and pedophilia rings operated undercover by the evil, left-wing deep state
Viral Russian FaceApp Now Owns the Personal Data of Over 150 Million People
The smartphone app FaceApp has recently gone viral across social media as people all over the world use the eerie photo filter, which uses AI to digitally age your face, to share hilarious images of how they will look in the future.
Severe flooding death toll in India, Nepal and Bangladesh surpasses 300
Death toll from intense flooding in parts of India, Bangladesh, and Nepal surpassed 300 on July 22, 2019.
California’s Homeless Crisis Has Reached “Epic Proportions”
The homeless crisis in the Democrat stronghold of California has reached epic proportions. Even after throwing billions of dollars at the problem, the state is unable to solve the epidemic they created.
Why Is America the Loneliest Nation on the Face of the Earth?
…Many studies show that the Christian religion has declined from 90% to about half of the country actively embrace Christianity. In many cases, Satanic cults have taken the place of Jesus. The net effect is that, in particular, our young people are spiritually bankrupt.
Election Fraud: Brenda Snipes Destroyed Ballots & Allowed Aliens, Felons to Vote
As the controversy swirls around the election results in Florida, at the eye of the storm is an official who has a long history of losing and destroying ballots and breaking laws by allowing felons and illegal immigrants to vote.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Democratic Republic of Congo: Ebola Virus Disease – External Situation Report 51
Since our last external situation report (data reported by 14 July 2019), 91 new confirmed EVD cases with an additional 75 deaths have been reported across the two affected provinces. We continue to observe sustained local transmission with a large number of cases in Beni Health Zone. In addition, cases continue to be exported from Beni to other health zones via the movement of cases and their contacts.
USGS reports magnitude 4.1 earthquake hit in Searles Valley, near Ridgecrest
The U.S. Geological Survey is reporting a magnitude 4.1 earthquake struck Searles Valley early Tuesday morning. The quake was reported near Ridgecrest, less than a month following the massive 7.1 and 6.4 quakes that rocked the region earlier in July.
Strong earthquake 6 mag, Balleny Islands region
A earthquake magnitude 6 (ml/mb) has occurred on Tuesday, Balleny Islands region (0 miles). The temblor was picked up at 20:33:24 / 8:33 pm (local time epicenter). The earthquake was roughly at a depth of 10 km (6 miles). A tsunami warning has not been issued (Does not indicate if a tsunami actually did or will exist).
BDS Proponent Ilhan Omar uses Israeli company to Power Website
Ilhan Omar (D, MN), who introduced legislation that seeks to protect those who want to boycott, divest and sanction (BDS) Israel, uses an Israeli company to power her own website. Reddit user ‘EthanB111’, noticed that the site ‘’ is powered by WIX, a company that allows its customers to easily build websites using simple drag and drop tools. WIX does not hide the fact that they are based in Tel Aviv, Israel.
What is the state of religious freedom in Israel & the Arab world? Here’s what the media is not telling you.
For the last several days, more than 1,000 Foreign Ministers, religious and civic leaders, academics and survivors of religious persecution from more than 100 countries have gathered in Washington for a State Department conference on advancing religious freedom. Keynote speakers have included Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Vice President Pence, U.S. Ambassador At Large For International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback, Nobel Peace Prize winner and Yazidi survivor of ISIS Nadia Murad, Sheikh bin Bayyah (considered one of the most influential Sunni Muslim theologians in the world), and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
Is Bubonic Plague Predicted in L.A a Sign of Zechariah’s Prophecy in 2019?
During a Periscope broadcast on Friday, celebrity doctor Dr. Drew Pinsky, known simply as Dr. Drew, predicted that Los Angeles is in danger of an outbreak of Bubonic Plague in what he termed an imminent “apocalypse.” Ironically, Dr. Drew blamed civil liberties organizations, which he called “clueless do-gooders”, for exacerbating the problem by blocking alternative solutions for homelessness. He also referred to left-wing politicians as “disgustingly negligent.”
Dem Director: Rural White Americans ‘Not Grateful Enough’
David Atkins, a regional director for the California Democratic Party, who posted a nine-tweet thread on Thursday accusing “rural white Americans” of being “ungrateful” for what the federal government had done for them while charging the same group of voters with being “whiny” and “bigoted.” “You know who is not grateful enough? Rural white Americans,” Atkins wrote to begin his diatribe.
The rise of the Satanic Temple in Canada
As the national co-ordinator for the Satanic Temple in Canada, Marc has overseen the group’s latest developments and events since he started the chapter here in 2016. He says he got involved shortly after retiring from a decade in the Canadian military, searching for a new purpose in life, and new regimens. Many members, including Marc, were raised in devout Catholic households. Once they eschewed those beliefs, they found their way to Satanism. And it makes them feel whole. Lately, Marc can barely keep up with the sudden explosion of interest in the Temple and says hundreds of people across the country are trying to join.
Israel attacks Iranian stronghold in Syria – report
Syrian state television said on Wednesday there were reports of an Israeli attack on a strategic area in southern Syria where Western intelligence sources previously said Iranian-backed militias are known to be based. According to Ynet, explosions began around 12:40 a.m. near the Golan Heights. Then again at 1:00 a.m. two more explosions were heard. One in the Quneitra area and another in Tel al-Hara in the northwest of Daraa.
Boris Johnson: New PM to form government after taking office
Boris Johnson will head to Downing Street later after he takes over from Theresa May as prime minister. The new Conservative leader will take office on Wednesday afternoon following an audience with the Queen at Buckingham Palace. After entering Number 10, he is expected to announce a clutch of senior cabinet posts, including chancellor of the exchequer and home secretary.
Europe heatwave: French city of Bordeaux hits record temperature
The French city of Bordeaux has hit its highest temperature since records began, as Western Europe braces for the second heatwave to hit this summer. On Tuesday, Meteo France registered 41.2C (106.1F) in the south-western city, breaking a 2003 record of 40.7C. Forecasters predict a record-breaking run across Europe this week, including Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands.
Guatemala president seeks to unblock US migration deal
Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales has filed an appeal against a court ruling blocking a deal to reduce the number of asylum seekers reaching the US border. He said last week’s court injunction could damage ties with the US. This comes after US President Donald Trump threatened to impose tariffs on Guatemalan goods.
Climate change: 12 years to save the planet? Make that 18 months
Do you remember the good old days when we had “12 years to save the planet”? Now it seems, there’s a growing consensus that the next 18 months will be critical in dealing with the global heating crisis, among other environmental challenges. Last year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported that to keep the rise in global temperatures below 1.5C this century, emissions of carbon dioxide would have to be cut by 45% by 2030.
Iran claims U.S., Israel assassinated head of IAEA
The Iranian Tasnim News Agency published a report Wednesday quoting unnamed official sources suspecting Israel and the United States had assasinated Yukiya Amano, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency who died last week. According to the report, Amano was assassinated because he would not give in to pressure calling him to slander the Iranian nuclear plan…
Death toll from India, Nepal, Bangladesh floods jumps to over 300
The death toll from severe flooding in parts of India, Nepal and Bangladesh rose to more than 300 on Monday, even as heavy rains are starting to ebb and water levels started to recede in some of the worst-affected areas.
Priest who said he urinated in communion wine, was attracted to satanism gets 25 years for child porn|
The Rev. W. Thomas Faucher, a retired Idaho priest who once claimed to have urinated in communion wine at least once at his church, was sentenced Thursday to 25 years in prison without parole for what investigators said was the most disturbing child pornography case they had ever seen.
BREAKING: House Passes Anti-BDS Resolution in Direct Opposition to Omar and Tlaib!
A recently-passed House resolution which opposed the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement has exposed a glaring rift among Democrats, as members of “The Squad” including Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib opposed the idea.
Mexico had the most murders on record for the first half of the year
Mexico set a new record for the number of homicides recorded during the first half of the year, with the number of deaths rising 5.3% compared to the same time period last year.
The Chiapas “Infectons” Are Crossing US Border with Implanted and Deadly Diseases
In Part One of this series, through a brief review of a previous give part series, itw as revealed that the Chinese fully plan to use bioweapons in order to exterminate as many Americans as possible as a potential prelude to a massive Chinese colonization of the United States. Much of this information was obtained from a 20 page leaked document containing the contents of Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe’s intentions to takeover America.
BREAKING: ILHAN OMAR SUPPORTERS Caught Threatening, Attempting “to Dox a Somali WhistleBlower” Who Revealed Ilhan’s Crimes
The Gateway Pundit was sent several updates last week on Ilhan Omar’s history of tax fraud and her marriage to her biological brother.
Trump Administration Set To Expand ‘Expedited Removal’ Of Illegal Aliens
The Trump administration is set to expand the ability to rapidly deport illegal aliens who cannot prove they have been in the U.S. for two years or more, according to a federal filing on Monday.
Patriot Missile Batteries Are Being Installed As Pentagon Reactivates Key Saudi Military Base That Was Previously Used To Stage All Previous Middle East Wars In The Gulf
In the Bible, the nation of Iran is called Persia, is mentioned 29 times and figures prominently in end times prophecy, and at the moment it seems that the United States is preparing for war with them on a fairly large scale. The Pentagon has reactivated the Prince Sultan Air Base, and is filling it right now with hundreds of troops and massive firepower. This is the same air base that the United States has previously used in every Middle East campaign. Add to that Britain announcing plans Monday to develop and deploy a Europe-led “maritime protection mission” to safeguard shipping in the vital Strait of Hormuz, and you got the recipe for another Gulf War.
Comey’s Cyber Spy in White House Stole Classified White House Material — Is Now Working for CNN
Yesterday a report was released that corrupt and fired former FBI Director James Comey had a spy in the Trump White House. We know he stole information and shared it with Comey, the question is, did he try to frame the President as well?
CSI Beersheba: Israeli team develops tool to help detect blood at crime scenes
At crime scenes , forensic analysts work alongside investigators to collect evidence and analyze it for chemical, biological and physical markers, such as DNA.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation by the numbers
The special counsel did not find that the 2016 Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government despite multiple offers. The attorney general vows to release as much of the Mueller report as possible.
Ultimately, the special counsel’s office “issued more than 2,800 subpoenas, executed nearly 500 search warrants, obtained more than 230 orders for communication records, issued almost 50 orders authorizing use of pen registers, made 13 requests to foreign governments for evidence, and interviewed approximately 500 witnesses,”
Islamists Claim Search for Mt Sinai is Jewish-American Plot to Conquer Saudi Arabia
But the controversy is far more explosive than that. In a recently released video, Mauro claims that propaganda outlets linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, the Iranian regime, Houthi rebels, and other violent elements are threatening him, claiming that whether or not his theory is accurate, his film is part of a Jewish-U.S. plot to conquer Saudi Arabia.
British legislator: Johnson will withdraw UK from Iran nuclear deal
British legislator Matthew Offord said on Tuesday that new British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will withdraw the United Kingdom from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, which the United States left in May 2018, reimposing sanctions lifted under it alongside enacting new financial penalties against the regime.
Israeli Children Prepare for 3rd Temple in New Playground Exhibition
Breaking Israel News editor David Sidman visits a playground in Judea turned into a Temple exhibition for Israeli children to get a hands-on experience learning about, getting inspired by and preparing for the Third Temple to be built. (video)
Abbas calls for urgent meeting to discuss measures against Israel
The Palestinian Authority’s leadership was expected to meet Thursday to decide measures against Israel following the demolition of Palestinian homes in the village of Sur Baher, on the outskirts of Jerusalem on Sunday.
Mexico Sets Homicide Record As Country Descends Into Chaos
A new report from Associated Press (AP) reveals how homicides in Mexico have hit a new record high in 1H19, a 5.3% increase compared to the same period of 2018. Mexico reported a record 3,080 killings in June alone, an increase of 8% YoY, according to government numbers. The country of 125 million sees an average of 100 murders per day.
Ebola: The Global Health Threat Most Are Still Ignoring
Almost a week ago, the World Health Organization declared the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Ebola outbreak to be a “global health emergency.” Since then, most have failed to take notice or just plain ignored the ongoing problem. Public health experts expect the outbreak to continue into the foreseeable future. So where’s the notice to the public?
A Spirit Of Lawlessness Has Descended Upon The Streets Of America
We have raised an entire generation of Americans that have no respect for the law, and now we are reaping what we have sown. all over the nation young people are brazenly flouting the law, obstructing and assaulting law enforcement officers, and committing criminal acts in large groups. I think that “lawlessness” is perhaps the best word to describe what is happening, and many believe that what we have witnessed so far is just the beginning.
Trump’s Economic Plan Is Necessary Because Peace Is Not Possible
None of the three actors in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – Hamas, the PA, and Israel – envisions peace in the foreseeable future. It is this very absence of the prospect of peace that makes the Trump economic plan so timely. Engendering economic well-being does not solve deep-seated political conflict, but it does contain the prospect that differences can be expressed in less violent ways.
Incoming British PM Johnson picks his Brexit team
Boris Johnson takes office on Wednesday as British prime minister and will then unveil the names of the team he has tasked with delivering Brexit by the end of October, with or without a deal. Johnson enters Downing Street at one of the most perilous junctures in post-World War British history – the United Kingdom is divided over Brexit and weakened by a three-year political crisis since the Brexit referendum.
IDF orders snipers to aim for ankles of Gazan protesters
Over a year after Palestinians began protesting along the Gaza border fence, the Israeli military has changed the way it trains snipers… A senior officer in the IDF’s Lotar counter-terrorism school told reporters that the military has begun to instruct snipers to shoot at the ankles of protesters after it was understood that “firing at the lower half of the body above the knee led to the deaths of many people, even though this was not our objective.”
Iran offers to return to nuclear deal even if U.S. doesn’t
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has told French President Emmanuel Macron that the Islamic republic is ready to return to its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal if the US dials back sanctions, even without returning to the JCPOA deal, Radio Farda reported on Thursday. Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi conveyed the offer from Rouhani to Macron in Paris as an alternative to the “freeze-for-freeze” plan proposed by the French president.
North Korea fires ‘new short-range missile’ into sea, S Korea says
North Korea has fired two short-range missiles into the sea, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said. They were launched over the sea early on Thursday, from Wonsan on North Korea’s east coast. A JCS official said at least one of the missiles travelled about 690km (428 miles) and appeared to be a new design.
Puerto Rico governor to resign after mass protests
Puerto Rico’s Governor Ricardo Rosselló has announced his resignation after days of mass street protests in the US territory. Mr Rosselló, who had only on Sunday insisted he would stay on, said he would continue working until 2 August to allow an orderly transition. He has been at the centre of a group text message scandal that has already led two top officials to resign.
Trump uses veto to unblock $8bn weapons sale to Saudi Arabia
The US president has vetoed resolutions in Congress to block the sale of $8.1bn (£6.5bn) worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Donald Trump said the three resolutions “would weaken America’s global competitiveness” and damage its relationship with its allies. It comes after both chambers of Congress voted to prevent the sale.
U.S. warship sails through strategic Taiwan Strait
The U.S. military said…it sent a Navy warship through the Taiwan Strait, which separates Taiwan from China, a move likely to anger China… Taiwan is among a growing number of flashpoints in the U.S.-China relationship, which include a trade war, U.S. sanctions and China’s increasingly muscular military posture in the South China Sea, where the United States also conducts freedom-of-navigation patrols.
Beijing strikes ominous tone, saying military could intervene in Hong Kong
The latest protests in Hong Kong appear to have touched a nerve in Beijing, where officials and state media have escalated rhetoric against the pro-democracy movement, accusing the United States of interference and ominously affirming the People’s Liberation Army’s ability to intervene at the Hong Kong government’s request.
Abbas calls for urgent meeting to discuss measures against Israel
The Palestinian Authority’s leadership was expected to meet Thursday to decide measures against Israel following the demolition of Palestinian homes in the village of Sur Baher, on the outskirts of Jerusalem on Sunday. In Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ chambers, the meeting was described as “a watershed moment” that will redefine the organization’s relationship with Israel.
Turkey, U.S. will continue discussing planned Syria safe zone: officials
Turkish and U.S. officials will continue to hold talks on a planned safe zone in northern Syria, Turkish military officials said on Thursday, a day after Ankara warned that it would launch a cross-border operation if an agreement was not reached. On Wednesday, Turkey said it had run “out of patience” with the United States on the safe zone.
Weather: Europe prepares for another record-breaking heatwave
“The U.K. will experience another pulse of high temperatures this week, with the possibility of records being broken for not only July but also all-time records,” Paul Gundersen, chief meteorologist at the Met Office, said in a press statement on Monday.
St Lucia, Barbados on Ebola alert
At least two Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries have responded to a warning by the Trinidad-based Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) that regional countries should seek to enhance disease surveillance at ports of entry and at health facilities following the categorisation of the current outbreak of the Ebola virus disease (EVD) as a public health emergency.
Rats infest LA, other CA cities as state restricts poison
The rats were winning. There were so many earlier this summer outside the CalEPA building in downtown Sacramento officials had to close its outdoor playground out of fear state employees’ kids would catch rodent-borne diseases.
Two rare tornadoes touched down in Cape Cod, NWS confirms
The National Weather Service confirmed two tornadoes touched down Tuesday on Cape Cod. Tens of thousands of homes and businesses remain without power after the storm.
The Democratic Party Is a Domestic Terrorist Organization-DNC Connections to China, Terrorists and the Cartels (Part 3)
Along the same lines, a Border Patrol agent told me a month ago that people who are assigned to the border, regardless of affiliation are quitting in droves because they feel the government has forsaken them. As this article will reveal, the Democrats have done more than forsaken them, they are willing participants in the takedown of this country.
US blocks UN condemnation of Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes — report
The United States on Wednesday reportedly blocked an attempt to get the UN Security Council to issue a formal condemnation of Israel’s demolition of Palestinian homes on the edge of Jerusalem earlier this week.
Active lava lake at Shishaldin volcano, Aviation Color Code Orange, Alaska
The Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) has raised the Aviation Color Code from Yellow to Orange and the Alert Level from Advisory to Watch at Shishaldin volcano on July 24, 2019. The last eruption of this volcano took place in 2015 (VEI 1).
Boycott threats force Israel-founded burger restaurant to delay Michigan opening
A Michigan restaurateur said he will “step away” from opening a Dearborn branch of a burger chain founded in Israel following boycott threats.
The rise of the Satanic Temple in Canada
…“When we first started, there was like four or five of us at meetings. Now there’s this,” Marc said as he extended a tattooed hand toward everyone seated at the tables. “And it’s happening across Canada.”
Rare tornado touches down in Cape Cod, Massachusetts
A rare tornado hit Cape Cod, Massachusetts on July 23, 2019, causing widespread destruction in the popular tourist vacation town. Of the 1 253 tornadoes that the US has on average each year, Massachusetts sees only one and Alaska and Rhode Island none.
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Earth had a near-miss with a ‘city-killer’ asteroid
An asteroid about 100 metres in diameter and racing at 24 kilometres a second has just missed the Earth. The rock, called Asteroid 2019 OK, sped by our planet on Thursday, passing within about 70,000 kilometres – which is a long way away but closer to us than the moon’s orbit. Due to the position of the asteroid – flying towards us from the direction of sun – astronomers had no warning it was headed our way.
The Progressive Plot to Impose Genetic Enhancements
Despite clear public opinion to the contrary, progressives in Congress are eager to eliminate even the weak regulations that prevent a chaotic explosion of research into genetic engineering of human embryos. Hidden away in a House appropriations agriculture subcommittee, Democrats in May repealed the spending bill rider that prohibited the FDA from considering requests to approve any clinical trial “in which a human embryo is intentionally created or modified to include a heritable genetic modification.”
Substantial’ evidence Omar committed federal & state crimes
Judicial Watch hand-delivered an ethics complaint to David Skaggs, chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Office of Congressional Ethics, calling for a full investigation into potential crimes tied to allegations that the Minnesota lawmaker may have married her biological brother. Judicial Watch claims it has “substantial, compelling and, to date, unrefuted evidence” that Omar may have committed crimes in violation of both federal and state law.
Jeffrey Epstein Visited Clinton White House Multiple Times in Early ’90s
Now, a Daily Beast investigation has uncovered ties between Epstein and the Clinton administration that date back to the president’s earliest days in the White House, casting doubt on the oft-circulated narrative that the two only began associating after Clinton left office. As early as 1993, records show, Epstein donated $10,000 to the White House Historical Association and attended a donors’ reception hosted by Bill and Hillary Clinton. Around the same time,…
Top FBI Agent, Investigated Clinton Foundation, Commits Public Suicide at Dance Club
FBI agents are mourning the death of one of the Bureau’s top financial crimes supervisors who reportedly shot and killed himself on a crowded nite-club dance floor, according to top FBI insiders.
DOJ To Resume Capital Punishment, AG Barr Immediately Schedules Five Executions
Attorney General William Barr said Thursday the Justice Department will resume executions of federal prisoners after a nearly 20 years lapse, and immediately scheduled executions for five federal death row inmates convicted of murdering children and the elderly, while promising more to come.
Turkish military chiefs discuss possible offensive in Syria
Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar met military officials on Thursday to discuss a possible offensive east of the Euphrates River in Syria as Ankara ramped up warnings of a cross-border operation. The meeting came a day after Turkey said it would launch an offensive unless agreement on a planned safe zone in Syria could be reached with the United States, saying it had run “out of patience” with Washington.
Peace doesn’t exist; neither do the Palestinians
Salah Abu Miala, a Hevron businessman, traveled to Bahrain to attend the Bahrain peace conference. When he returned home, he was arrested by the Palestinian Authority. A security official for the Islamic terror group admitted that there was no actual charge. “It was a warning,” he said. “He must understand the implications of this sort of collaboration.” Collaboration, under Palestinian Authority law, can be punishable by death. The message is that the Palestinian Authority really doesn’t want peace.
Cathedral Fire Exposed Catholic Paganism
The recent fire at the 800-year-old Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris exposed some of Roman Catholicism’s dirty laundry and unbiblical rituals. News of the progress of the fire carried deep concern over some priceless “relics” endangered by the flames. One was supposedly the crown of thorns worn by Jesus during the mocking by the Roman soldiers. Another was a splinter and a nail said to be from the cross. The story of their rescue emerged after the fire was extinguished. A fire department chaplain, who happened to have keys and access codes to the cathedral, organized a human chain to get the relics out of the burning building.
U.S. official: Iran test-fired medium-range missile
Iran test-fired a medium-range ballistic missile on Thursday night, a US official told Fox News. The missile was reported to be a Shahab-3 missile that flew a distance of 1,000km (Approx. 600 miles) to an area outside Tehran…The US official suspected the test was part of Iran’s efforts to improve the range and accuracy of their missiles.
Kim Jong Un oversees test-firing of two ballistic missiles
North Korea said on Friday its latest missile launch was a warning to South Korean “warmongers” to stop importing weapons and conducting joint military drills, a message that analysts said was also aimed at the United States. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un personally watched the test-fire of two short-range ballistic missiles on Thursday, the first test since Kim met with US President Donald Trump last month and agreed to revive denuclearisation talks.
Palestinians have ‘halted’ all agreements with Israel, says Abbas
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas announced on Thursday that the Palestinian leadership has decided to “halt” all agreements signed with Israel. Abbas reached out to Hamas, offering to end the dispute between the movement and his ruling Fatah faction. “We announce the leadership’s decision to stop dealing with agreements signed with the Israeli side,” Abbas said during an emergency meeting of PA leaders in Ramallah.
Boris Johnson’s Brexit policy ‘unacceptable’ – EU negotiator
Top European officials have rebuffed the Brexit policy of Boris Johnson after his first speech to UK MPs. The new prime minister said he was committed to “getting rid” of the Irish border backstop, which has long been a bone of contention in negotiations. The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, said removing the backstop guarantee was unacceptable.
Russian police raid opposition ahead of big Moscow rally
The homes of several opposition politicians have been raided by Russian police ahead of an unauthorised rally demanding fair elections. Moscow officials barred opposition candidates from running in 8 September local elections, then arrested key Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny ahead of Saturday’s planned mass protest. Police then raided four candidates’ homes, calling in more for questioning.
Designer Protein Acts as a Switch for Cellular Circuitry
Scientists have invented a synthetic protein designed to control the inner workings of cells. In a pair of papers, published yesterday (July 24) in Nature, the researchers demonstrate how the tool can be used to tweak gene expression, orchestrate protein binding events, and cue functional changes in the cell in response to environmental conditions.
North Korean defector says cousin’s entire family executed for sharing Gospel
A North Korean defector detailed what it’s like to live as a Christian in North Korea, telling President Donald Trump and the State Department’s religious freedom ministerial about the execution of his cousin’s family for sharing the Gospel.
Drug-resistant malaria ‘spreading aggressively’ across South East Asia, scientists say
Drug-resistant malarial parasites are spreading rapidly across South East Asia amid fears the new strain could reach Africa.
We have 18 months to save world, Prince Charles warns Commonwealth leaders
The Prince of Wales has warned global leaders they have 18 critical months to solve climate change and restore the balance of nature, ensuring the survival of the human race.
Paris breaks all-time high temperature as deadly heat wave grips Europe
Paris on Thursday joined the growing list of all-time high temperatures being broken as the second blistering heat wave of the summer gripped a wide swath of Europe.
Pennsylvania: School Board Would Rather Put Kids In FOSTER CARE Than Take a Donation for Overdue Lunch Bills
You’ve probably heard about the school board in Pennsylvania who sent a letter to parents with overdue lunch money tabs threatening to take their children away because of the debt. But did you hear that a local CEO offered to pay off every dime of the bills and the school board refused to take it?
City Removes Memorial to Fallen Officers After Complaints Over Word “Lord”
A memorial to slain police officers which bore references to the “Lord” was first edited and then completely removed by city officials in South Carolina after complaints.
16 California Marines Arrested On Charges Of Human Trafficking, Drugs And Other Crimes
Sixteen US Marines stationed at Camp Pendleton in California were arrested on a series of charges ranging from human smuggling to drug-related offenses, according to Fox News, citing officials.
Unusually strong cold front brings record-low July temperatures to southern U.S.
An unusually strong cold front for the time of a year hit much of southern United States on July 24 and 25, 2019, bringing record-low July temperatures to numerous cities throughout the region. Lower temperatures will continue across much of the region through the rest of the week.
Pentagon Wants 16-Year-Old Kids To Fight The Empire’s Wars
Recruitment numbers are down, and the elite doesn’t send its Harvard-bound kids into its neoliberal meat grinder.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Nasrallah: Israel’s claims about Hezbollah using Beirut port are baseless
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah objected to remarks…by UN Ambassador Danny Danon, that the Iranian regime was using the port of Beirut for military purposes and “categorically” denied the claims calling them “baseless.” He later referred to…workers in Lebanon: “There is a difference between the work of the Palestinians and the other foreigners, since the Palestinians are under occupation and cannot return to their Palestinian homeland,” he said.
One Palestinian dead, 56 wounded at weekly Gaza riots
One 23-year-old Palestinian died of his wounds of Friday while 56 more were wounded from IDF fire during the latest weekly Gaza protest along the border fence, according to Palestinian Health Ministry reports. The report specifies that 38 of those injured were cause by live ammunition fire, 22 of the injured were children and three were women. Thousands gathered along the Gaza border fence on Friday for the weekly March of Return protests.
Hong Kong protests: Police fire tear gas at Yuen Long rally
Hong Kong police have fired tear gas at an unauthorised protest involving thousands of demonstrators. Protesters had been marching through the northern district of Yuen Long, condemning an assault on pro-democracy protesters by armed masked men that took place there last week. Protesters had accused the police of turning a blind eye and colluding with the attackers – claims the police deny.
Philippines earthquakes kill at least eight
At least eight people have been killed and dozens more injured after two earthquakes struck a province in the Philippines. The earthquakes, magnitudes 5.4 and 5.9, hit the province of Batanes, an archipelago in the north of the country early on Saturday. Mayor Raul de Sagon said around 60 people were hurt. Many people were in their homes when the earthquakes struck.
Guatemala signs migration deal with US after Trump threats
The US and Guatemala have signed a migration agreement, days after US President Donald Trump threatened the Central American country with tariffs. Under the deal, migrants from Honduras and El Salvador who pass through Guatemala would be required to stop and seek asylum there first. Migrants who failed to do so would then be ineligible for asylum in the US.
US Supreme Court gives go-ahead for Trump wall funding
The US Supreme Court has said that President Donald Trump can use $2.5bn (£2bn) of Pentagon funds for a section of wall on the southern border. The court ruled by five votes to four to block a ruling by a federal judge in California that barred the president from spending the money on the wall. The wall, dividing the US and Mexico, was Mr Trump’s major campaign promise during the 2016 election.
Trump: US and UK working on ‘very substantial’ trade deal
US President Donald Trump has said talks about a “very substantial” trade deal with the UK are under way. He said a bilateral post-Brexit deal could lead to a “three to four, five times” increase in current trade. There are no details about how this would be achieved. After a phone call with Boris Johnson on Friday, Mr Trump said the new prime minister would be “great”.
China Outlines Space War Plans
China’s strategy for developing advanced space weapons were disclosed this week in Beijing’s first defense white paper issued in years. The defense strategy report produced by the People’s Liberation Army was made public Wednesday and drops earlier veiled references by bluntly identifying the United States as Beijing’s main adversary that is undermining world peace.
Backup to Roe: Online abortion pills!
So what are abortionists developing as a backup, should Roe be overturned and the regulation of abortion be sent back to the states? The internet abortion.
Netflix says, ‘We’re here, we’re ********
In a letter sent by Netflix to leaders of a Straight Pride event, the internet giant said, “You should know that we’re unafraid of bullies. Our legal department is here, it’s ****** and it’s telling you to steer clear.”
County does 180, allows church to have school
Sarasota County, Florida, officials have abruptly reversed a decision to prevent a church from hosting a religious school that serves students from underprivileged homes who have learning disabilities.
Tropical Storm “Nari” forms near Japan, landfall expected over the central-eastern coast of Honshu Island
Tropical Storm “Nari” formed July 26, 2019, as the sixth named storm of the 2019 Pacific typhoon season. Landfall is expected early July 27 (UTC) over the central-eastern coast of Honshu Island, close to Tahara City, Aichi Prefecture.
Fall-like air breaks record lows from early 1900s in parts of southern US
Cool air has descended on the southern United States and broken records more than a century old.
Europe melts under Sahara heat wave, smashes heat records
Even ice cream, Italian gelato or Popsicles couldn’t help this time. Temperature records that had stood for decades or even just hours fell minute by minute Thursday afternoon and Europeans and tourists alike jumped into fountains, lakes, rivers or the sea to escape a suffocating heat wave rising up from the Sahara.
The Reasons Why China Wants War with the United States
There is a plethora of articles appearing about the growing Chinese threat to the United States. The essential reporting of the threat is accurate, however, how deep the determination, the length of the plot and the motivation behind China’s intent to exterminate as many Americans as possible, is omnipresent and being largely ignored, even within the Independent Media. In fact, it is accurate to say that since the Obama administration, we have forced China’s hand to make destroying America, China’s number one goal.
Biblical Archaeologists Discover A ‘Massive’ Giant-Sized Fortification Believed To Be The Ancient Philistine City Of Gath And Home To Goliath
Digging and excavations at the site of what is believed to be the ancient biblical city of Gath have been going on for a few years now, but archaeologists have recently found an exciting ‘new layer’ which is shedding light on Gath actually being the home of Goliath and his fellow giant brothers. Results are still being analyzed but suffice to say it is creating a buzz in the biblical archaeology community in the Middle East.
Strong phreatic eruption at Tangkubanparahu, heavy ashfall reported, Indonesia
A strong phreatic eruption took place at Indonesian Tangkubanparahu volcano (also know as Tangkupan Perahu) early July 26, 2019. Two people have been injured and taken to hospital.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Iran nuclear deal parties meet for ’emergency talks’ after month of friction
Parties to Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal met in Vienna on Sunday for emergency talks called in response to an escalation in tensions between Iran and the West that included confrontations at sea and Tehran’s breaches of the accord. Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China and Iran have been trying to salvage the pact since the United States withdrew from it in May 2018 and re-imposed and toughened sanctions on Iran, crippling an already weak economy.
Israel, US carry out successful test of Arrow-3 missile over Alaska
In face of Iran’s continued development of long-range missiles, Israel and the United States completed a series of tests of the new long-range Arrow-3 ballistic missile defense system in Alaska, including the successful interception of an “enemy” target. The series of experiments over the course of 10 days saw three successful interceptions. It was the first time that such a test took place outside of Israeli territory…
Israeli satellite ‘Amos-17’ to be launched into space next week from Florida
Israeli satellite “Amos-17” is scheduled to be mounted on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and launched to space from Cape Canaveral, Florida next Sunday or Monday, Ynet reported. The satellite is owned by the Israeli communication company Spacecom, built by Boeing and will be mounted on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. Amos-17’s objective would be to provide TV, cellular and internet services to Africa, Europe and the Middle East.
Bernie Sanders would use foreign aid as leverage on Israel
US Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont) said on Friday that he would “absolutely” consider using foreign aid as leverage to get the Israeli government to act differently. “We are giving large sums of money,” Sanders said in an interview with the liberal podcast “Pod Save America,” but then asked to take a step back to clarify his point of view: “Let me back it up before the tweets start flowing,” said the Democratic hopeful.
At least 30 killed and 15 missing after China landslide
At least 36 people are now known to have died in a landslide that struck a village in southern China on Tuesday. State-run local media also report that 15 people have been missing since a wave of mud buried more than 20 houses in the province of Guizhou. Chinese authorities told Xinhua news agency that another 40 people had been rescued from the landslide in Shuicheng county.
GOP lawmaker says he’s ‘concerned’ over reported UFO sightings by Navy pilots
Rep. Mark Walker, R-N.C., told Fox News Friday that he is “concerned” about recent reports by U.S. Navy pilots of encounters with unidentified aircraft that some have speculated could be otherworldly. “We are concerned about it,” Walker, a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, said on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “As the ranking member of terrorism and counterintelligence, we have questions.
An Evangelical Megachurch Is Sued for More Than $1 Million in Child Sexual Abuse Case
The case against the Village Church — which is based in Flower Mound, Tex., outside Dallas, and is led by Matt Chandler — is perhaps the most high-profile current lawsuit alleging child sexual abuse in the Southern Baptist Convention. It comes as the largest Protestant denomination in the United States has vowed to address widespread sexual abuse in its congregations.
Putin leads Russian naval parade after crackdown in Moscow
Russian President Vladimir Putin led Russia’s first major naval parade in years on Sunday, the day after a violent police crackdown on anti-government protesters in Moscow. Putin on Sunday morning went aboard one of the vessels in the Navy Day parade in St. Petersburg on the Gulf of Finland. The parade, the biggest in years, included 43 ships and submarines and 4,000 troops.
Ebola outbreak unstoppable as victims REFUSE treatment fearing Govt ‘behind disease’
Ebola is sweeping through central Africa with the current outbreak becoming the second worst in history. Experts even believe it could equal or surpass the worst on record, where 11,323 people died from December 2013 to January 2016. WHO has called for the world’s superpowers to do more to help combat the disease, with 1,743 people killed.
Russia detains more than 1,000 people in opposition crackdown
Russian police rounded up more than 1,000 people in Moscow on Saturday in one of the biggest crackdowns of recent years against an increasingly defiant opposition decrying President Vladimir Putin’s tight grip on power. The detentions came around a protest to demand that opposition members be allowed to run in a local election.
Magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits near Japan
An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 has struck near the south coast of Japan’s island of Honshu, the European earthquake monitoring service EMSC reported. The estimated population of the area where the earthquake was felt is 30 million inhabitants, EMSC said.
Thou shalt not take the Lord’s name in vain: Italian town to issue €400 blasphemy fines
A northern Italian town has had enough of people taking the Lord’s name in vain and those who do will be fined up to €400 (£360) for blasphemy.
India Investigating Female Feticide In 132 Villages Without Girl Births
Indian authorities are investigating if illegal abortions and illicit sex-selection methods led to a lack of female births over the last three months in 132 villages, several outlets reported this week.
Australia weather The one in 120 year super drought weather news
We are in a super drought. How did we get here and just how did it get so bad? These were just some of the questions tackled in a recent webinar hosted by the Bureau of Meteorology.
At least 8 people killed, dozens injured after series of strong earthquakes hit Batanes Islands, Philippines
Series of strong earthquakes hit Batanes, the Philippines on July 26 and 27, 2019, leaving at least 8 people dead and dozens injured.
NGO: Over 7,000 Venezuelans Have Died in Prison Under Socialism
Over 7,000 people have died in Venezuelan prisons since the socialist regime seized power in 1999, according to a studypublished Thursday by the Venezuelan Prison Observatory (OVP).
Coast Guard Seizes 26,000 Pounds Of Cocaine In The Pacific Ocean
The U.S. Coast Guard seized over 26,000 pounds of cocaine worth more than $350 million from several drug busts throughout the Pacific Ocean, which it unloaded in San Diego Friday.
South Dakota law requiring ‘In God We Trust’ to hang in all schools goes into effect
Schools across South Dakota will soon have the national motto, “In God We Trust,” displayed prominently in every school of the state’s 149 school districts.
Official Jesuit Magazine ‘America’ Makes The ‘Catholic Case For Communism’ In Outrageous Article Defending The Murderous Ideology Of Marxism
All Bible believers know that in the time of Jacob’s trouble, the Roman Catholic harlot seen in Revelation 17 and 18 rises to have world domination under the leadership of Antichrist. One sure sign that we are getting very, very close to that time period is on full display in the latest edition of ‘America‘, the official magazine of the Jesuits. They have become so bold that they are actually beginning to tell the truth, little do they realize that the King James Bible they hate so much is already light-years ahead of them.
Euthanasia Activist’s New 3D-Printed ‘Suicide Pod’ Promises ‘Almost Euphoric’ Death
A new 3D-printed “suicide pod” with a detachable casket will soon be available to terminally ill people who want to end their own lives.
Former Mexican police officer indicted for trafficking enough fentanyl to kill 10 million
A federal grand jury in Amarillo has indicted a former Mexican municipal police officer for fentanyl trafficking, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas Erin Nealy Cox announced Friday.
America is Surrounded by Its Enemies and Nobody Is Paying Attention
America is approaching our Valley Forge moment. The only problem is lies in the undisputable fact that our country does not have the character or awareness of the patriots from that time. We are soft, lazy, self-indulgent and immoral. The following analysis looks at the real and imminent threat posed by Russia and China’s allies in Central and South America as well as in Canada. I lose sleep over this story and even thought the Russians and Chinese are practicing to go to war with the United States, we simply sleep through the entire movie.
Naturalized U.S. citizen charged with becoming ISIS sniper and weapons instructor
A 42-year-old Brooklyn man has been charged with providing and attempting to provide material support – including training, services and personnel – to ISIS in Syria, the Department of Justice announced Friday after unsealing a criminal complaint in Brooklyn federal court.
Colorado public school forces girls to follow Islamic dress code on a school field trip to a mosque
A school district in colorado is coming under the wrath of the community for telling school girls that they may have to submit to sharia-compliant rules regarding covering their heads and ankles on a field trip to a Muslim mosque.
Trans Activist Jessica Yaniv Applies For Permit to Host Semi-Nude Pool Party with Children – Parents Excluded
Because of Yaniv’s lawsuit spree demanding females touch his genitals, many critics called him a sexual predator — and the critics may be right. Yaniv this week applied for a permit to hold “topless” pool parties for children aged 12+ and he wants to bar parents and guardians from attending so they can be in a “safe and inclusive” environment.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Erdogan: Whoever is on Israel’s side, we are against them
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that his country will oppose anyone who supports Israel.
“Whoever is on the side of Israel, let everyone know that we are against them,” stated Erdogan.
‘We will find out exactly what Comey was up to’
“We will find out exactly what Comey was up to and bring it to light. And we’re prepared to go right back to court against the FBI Deep State in order to expose the truth, defend the Constitution and our rule of law, and once again defeat the Deep State. We will keep you updated as this case progresses,” ACLJ said Friday.
Assuming EU will not budge, Britain ramps up preparations for no-deal Brexit
The British government is working on the assumption that the European Union will not renegotiate its Brexit deal and is ramping up preparations to leave the bloc on Oct. 31 without an agreement, senior ministers said on Sunday.
New tropical wave could head for South Florida
A new blob of storms and clouds in the eastern Caribbean Sea was given a small chance on Sunday of becoming a tropical disturbance. The preliminary forecast path from the National Hurricane Center shows the tropical wave heading for South Florida.
Tropical Storm Erick expected to gradually strengthen into a hurricane by late Monday over the Pacific
Erick is moving toward the west near 17 mph, and this general motion is expected to continue for the next few days with a slight decrease in forward speed. Strengthening is forecast, and Erick is expected to become a hurricane by late Monday with continued strengthening through Tuesday.
Ilhan Omar SPLITS with her husband and moves into luxury penthouse as she heads for SECOND divorce with father of her three children
Omar left her husband and has moved into a penthouse apartment in one of Minneapolis’s trendiest neighborhoods ‘Wow,’ said Hirsi, when approached about the split by ‘I can’t comment on that. I’m sorry, I just can’t say anything’ Omar did not return calls requesting comment from by deadline. The bust-up comes just as critics are demanding answers as to whether she married her own brother in a successful bid to get him into the United States.
The ‘Arrow 3’ Hypersonic Missile Developed by Israel and US Successfully Tested in Alaska
The Arrow-3 (Hetz 3) air defense system, is an exoatmospheric hypersonic anti-ballistic missile that was funded, developed and produced by both Israel and the US, has passed a live interception test in Alaska, the Israeli Defence Ministry said on Sunday. The missile was designed to be a defense mechanism against the ballistic missiles in Iran and Syria’s stockpile.
Ancient Egypt in Sin City: Grasshopper Swarm on Las Vegas Pyramid so Large it’s Showing Up on Radar
An unusual swarm of grasshoppers so thick it appeared on radar appeared in las Vegas this week, creating an out-of-place sight more suited to ancient Egypt. Experts assured the locals that unlike locusts, grasshoppers posed no threat, would not cause undue amounts of damage, and would most probably be moving on in two or three weeks. The Biblical imagery was not lost on the media. Travis Herzog, Chief Meteorologist at ABC13, tweeted out a Biblical query: “Did anyone happen to spot Moses shouting something to Pharaoh in front of that pyramid on the Las Vegas Strip?”
Israel’s Foreign Minister to Announce Plan for all World Embassies to Move to Jerusalem
The Israeli government is preparing an official initiative, including an incentive package, to encourage countries to relocate their embassies to Jerusalem. Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz will soon present a proposal to the Cabinet to designate the transfer of embassies to Jerusalem as a “national, diplomatic and strategic objective of the highest order.”
Earthquake of magnitude 6.5 strikes off Mie Prefecture
An earthquake registering a magnitude 6.5 struck off the coast of Mie Prefecture around 3:30 a.m. Sunday, the Meteorological Agency reported.
Twisted graphene exhibits previously-unseen form of magnetism
In a study last year, an MIT team found that graphene could become a superconductor, meaning electricity passes through it freely with zero resistance. This was done by stacking two sheets and twisting them so their patterns don’t quite line up, forming what’s called twisted bilayer graphene. The Stanford team set out to reproduce these results and build on them. In doing so, they accidentally made the graphene exhibit magnetism. Weirder still, this wasn’t your everyday magnetism. Instead, this appeared to be the result of the electrons’ orbital motions lining up, a phenomenon known as orbital ferromagnetism. “To our knowledge, this is the first known example of orbital ferromagnetism in a material,”…
Iran admits to enriching 24 tons of uranium since signing nuclear deal
Iran has enriched 24 tons of uranium since signing the 2015 JCPOA nuclear deal, said the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi, on Sunday, according to Radio Farda. Iran had claimed that they had limited their stock of enriched uranium to 300 kg. (about 600 pounds) as required by the JCPOA. Salehi has not explained exactly what he meant by his statement or what happened to the 24 tons of enriched uranium.
Hong Kong protests: China condemns ‘horrendous incidents’
China has condemned the recent anti-government protests in Hong Kong as “horrendous incidents” that have caused “serious damage to the rule of law”. “We hope that… people will stand firm in defence of the rule of law,” a spokesman for the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office [HKMAO] said. The comments mark a rare intervention from China’s top policy office on Hong Kong.
Hong Kong protests: Police fire tear gas near China’s liaison office
Hong Kong has seen a second day of violent clashes between police and pro-democracy demonstrators who are also angry at alleged police brutality. Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters trying to reach the Chinese government’s office. Tens of thousands of demonstrators have taken over streets near Sai Wan and Causeway Bay on Hong Kong Island.
Alexei Navalny: Jailed Russian opposition head taken to hospital
Russia’s most prominent opposition figure, Alexei Navalny, has been taken from jail to a hospital in Moscow. Officials said Mr Navalny was in a satisfactory condition but his personal doctor said he may have been poisoned. His spokeswoman earlier suggested he may have have had an allergic reaction, but she said he had not experienced one before.
Israel invests in high-tech upgrades at West Bank crossings
It’s just after 6 a.m. and a Palestinian man’s face is momentarily bathed in crimson light, not by the sun rising over the mountains of Jordan, but by a facial recognition scanner at an Israeli checkpoint near Jerusalem. The Israeli military has installed the face scanners as part a multimillion dollar upgrade of the Qalandia crossing that now allows Palestinians from the West Bank with work permits to zip through with relative ease.
Israel is battling Gaza terrorists on a new front – the post office
The IDF is facing a new challenge in attempting to thwart attacks on Israel from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip – the post office. In the past 12 months, the Gaza office of the Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) has confiscated more than 1,600 items sent to the coastal enclave that are defined as “dual-use items” – products not originally intended for military use but that may be used for attack or intelligence operations.
Saudis, Israel among states rapped by U.N. for killing children
A Saudi Arabia-led military coalition fighting in Yemen killed or injured 729 children during 2018, accounting for nearly half the total child casualties, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a report to the Security Council on Friday that blacklisted the coalition for a third year. Guterres also reported that the highest number of Palestinian children had been killed or injured last year since 2014, mainly by Israeli forces…
Iran’s foreign policy is to protect multilateralism and confront American hegemony: Iran vice president
Iran’s foreign policy is to protect multilateralism and confront American hegemony, Iranian Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri said on Monday, according to the IRIB news agency. Iran and the United States came to the brink of war last month after the Islamic Republic shot down a U.S. drone, nearly prompting a retaliatory attack which U.S. President Donald Trump called off at the last minute.
YouTube blocks ad with ‘Christian’ keyword, labels it ‘unacceptable content’
The founder of an organization that serves military veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder says that Google-owned YouTube barred him from running an advertisement that used “Christian” as a keyword but allowed him to run the same ad using “Muslim” as a keyword.
Scientists have developed a bionic hand that can help users feel again
To lose a hand is to lose part of yourself, Gregory Clark, associate professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Utah told USA TODAY. And while prosthetic hands have been in use for thousands of years, there is room for improvement.
BREAKING: MASS SHOOTING at Gilroy Festival in California – Multiple Victims, Fatalities — Witness Heard “About 50 Shots” — VIDEO OF SHOOTING!
There was a Mass Shooting at Annual #Gilroy Garlic Festival In California:
Gilroy is about 30 miles south of San Jose.
Tropical Storm “Erick” expected to become a hurricane on its way toward Hawaii
Tropical Storm “Erick” formed on July 27, 2019, as the 5th named storm of the 2019 Pacific hurricane season. Gradual strengthening is expected while moving quickly westward toward Hawaii. Hurricane strength is expected late Monday or Tuesday, July 30.
A Royal Navy Warship Arrives In Persian Gulf As Israel And United States Complete Successful Test of Arrow 3 Missile Interception System
Slowly and steadily, Israel, the UK and the United States are putting everything in place in a unified front to Iran amid escalating tensions in the Persian Gulf. Newly-elected PM of Britain Boris Johnson seems to be more on a hawkish-side than his predecessor Theresa May was.
If You Understand the Meaning of the WSJ’s “3rd Wave”, It’s Time to Lock and Load
The Wall Street Journal is Calling it the 3rd Wave! In other words, first there was the French Revolution and then there was the Bolshevik Revolution. According to this Wall Street Journal article, we are living in and experiencing the Third Wave which is justified and many people from the traditional First and Second State are about to be put to death by the Third Estate.
Trump Was Right: Orkin Lists Baltimore As One Of Most Rat-Infested US Cities
..Democrats were outraged at President Trump for daring to call Baltimore a rat-infested city. Of course, they said it was racist. But is Orkin racist?
Hordes of grasshoppers descend upon Las Vegas, experts blame wet weather
Wet weather is to blame for the hordes of grasshoppers that have descended upon Las Vegas this week.
Singapore’s Richest Man: ‘Missing Piece’ in His Life Is ‘Jesus Christ’
A billionaire in Singapore is making headlines after a video posted last year recently surfaced in which he said his relationship with Jesus Christ is most important in his life.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Canada’s Public Broadcaster Airs Its Documentary Celebrating Children In Drag
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) aired its “Drag Kids” Thursday night. Canada’s taxpayer-funded media outlet, which is allotted $1.5 billion dollars a year, promoted its documentary about children performing in drag for the entire month of July. The network used its CBC Kids Twitter profile to ask the question, “What’s it like to be a KID #DRAGQUEEN?”
UNRWA report: Corruption and abuse of power at highest levels
Internal investigation by United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees alleges ‘inappropriate sexual acts, nepotism, reprisals, discrimination and other abuses of authority’ being carried out by senior officials
The Art of the Deal: Donald Trump and Boris Johnson Hammering Out ‘Very Substantial Trade Agreement’
President Donald Trump said Friday he is already working with new British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on a major trade agreement. “And I think it’ll be a very substantial trade agreement, …
Russia and China romance runs into friction in Central Asia
Russia “is feeling a potential threat” from China, according to an expert on the Russian military. The difference in the two countries’ power continues to widen: China’s gross domestic product is roughly eight times larger than Russia’s and its population is 10 times larger. Russia is especially nervous about the possibility of Central Asia — much of which was once part of the Soviet Union and is seen by Russians as their backyard — falling under China’s sway.
The Syrian War Ends: Its Many Implications
The civil war that raged in Syria over the past eight years seems to be drawing to a close. In July 2018, the Syrian regime regained control of the southern part of the country, including the town of Dar’a where the revolt began in March 2011. Five months later in December 2018, U.S. president Donald Trump announced his decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria, driving the final nail in the coffin of the rebellion.
Muslim Brotherhood Accuses Egyptian President of Making Isaiah Prophecy Come True
In a criticism of their arch-nemesis, the current president of Egypt, The Muslim Brotherhood cited a prophecy from the Book of Isaiah. Though it may seem odd for Islamist extremists to cite the Jewish Bible, an expert in Arabic studies explained that implicit in this reference was a much larger threat in which the group hints at its agenda to replace all other religions. The article claimed that al Sisi’s administration was following an agenda outlined in the “Jewish Bible” by the Prophet Isaiah, citing the verse. “I will incite Egyptian against Egyptian: They shall war with each other, Every man with his fellow, City with city And kingdom with kingdom…And I will place the Egyptians At the mercy of a harsh master, And a ruthless king shall rule them” —declares the Sovereign, the lord of Hosts. Isaiah 19:2-4
Terrorist attack prevented as 1,200 worshippers visit Joseph’s Tomb
IDF forces found a pipe bomb near Joseph’s Tomb during preparations before the arrival of 1,200 Jewish worshippers to the compound in Nablus. The bomb was neutralized in a controlled explosion. Disturbances broke out as the worshippers entered the tomb, as rioters burned tires and threw stones at IDF forces. The soldiers responded with riot dispersal means. The prayer services continued undisturbed.
Right in uproar over Netanyahu’s Palestinian building plan
The Israeli right is in an uproar over a KANN report that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a security cabinet meeting to promote a Palestinian building plan for Area C in advance of a visit by US envoy Jared Kushner. “If it’s true that this is an American demand, then we expect our government to say loud and clear – enough!” Gush Etzion Regional Council head Shlomo Neeman said.
Pound sinks to 28-month low on Brexit fears
The pound sank to a 28-month low against the dollar as Boris Johnson’s government toughened its rhetoric on Brexit. Sterling dipped 1.1% to $1.2242 and €1.1004 respectively. The currency could fall further, according to analysts at ING Group, as traders appear to have been betting on a last-minute deal being reached.
Drug-resistant superbug spreading in Europe’s hospitals
Superbugs resistant to emergency antibiotics are spreading in hospitals, a Europe-wide study shows. Drugs called carbapenems are used when an infection cannot be treated with anything else. The spread of resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae was “extremely concerning”, researchers from the Sanger Institute said. And they warned other bugs could become resistant too – because of the unique way bacteria have sex.
Senate fails to overturn Saudi arms sale veto
The US Senate has failed in its latest bid to block the controversial sale of $8.1bn (£6.5bn) worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia. It comes after Donald Trump used his presidential veto to override resolutions passed by both chambers of Congress preventing the sale. Critics fear the weapons may be used on civilians in the Yemen conflict.
Capital One data breach: Arrest after details of 106m people stolen
The personal details of about 106 million individuals across the US and Canada were stolen in a hack targeting financial services firm Capital One, the company has revealed. The alleged hacker, Paige Thompson, was arrested on Monday after reportedly boasting about the breach online. Capital One said the data included names, addresses and phone numbers of people who applied for its products.
Federal Borrowing Soars as Deficit Fear Fades
Borrowing by the federal government is set to top $1 trillion for the second year in a row as higher spending outpaces revenue growth and concern about budget deficits wanes in Washington and on Wall Street. The Treasury Department said Monday it expects to issue $814 billion in net marketable debt in the second half of this calendar year, bringing total debt issuance to $1.23 trillion in 2019.
Satellites are starting to watch your every move
The dramatic advances in satellite imaging technology in the last 10 years have privacy advocates worried about 24-hour surveillance. Right now, US federal regulations help keep things in check, so that while commercial satellite imagery is powerful enough, for instance, to see a car, it’s not detailed enough to identify the make and model, according to a report from the MIT Technology Review.
A deadly mosquito-borne virus that causes brain swelling in humans has been detected in Florida
Florida health officials are warning of an uptick in a mosquito-borne virus known as Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE). Several sentinel chickens tested positive for EEE, which can spread to humans via infected mosquitoes and cause brain infection and swelling, the Florida Department of Health in Orange County said in a Thursday statement. Sentinel chickens are fowl that are tested regularly for the West Nile virus and EEE.
Report: Israeli warplanes hit Iranian targets in Iraq
Israeli warplanes bombed Iranian-linked targets in Iraq and Syria in July, the Arabic-language Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper reported Tuesday, quoting Western diplomatic sources. The sources told the London-based newspaper that on July 19, Israel carried out an attack on the base of an Iran-linked paramilitary group in the northern Salahuddin province of Iraq.
UNRWA report: Corruption and abuse of power at highest levels
An internal report by the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees says there has been alleged mismanagement and abuse of authority at the highest levels of the organization, at a time when it faced an unprecedented financial crisis. The alleged irregularities contained in the report produced by the ethics department of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) are currently being examined by UN investigators.
Canadian court rules West Bank wines can’t be labeled as ‘Made in Israel’
In a dramatic ruling, sure to anger Jerusalem, Canada’s Federal Court rules that Israeli wines produced in West Bank settlements can no longer be labeled “Made in Israel.”
Tropical Storm Erick Could Enhance Rainfall, Surf in Hawaii Late This Week; Tropical Storm Flossie Follows on Its Heels
Tropical Storm Erick will likely pass to the south of Hawaii later this week, but it could increase rainfall and churn up surf in parts of the island chain. Another tropical storm, Flossie, is following on its heels and might have to be watched for a possible close pass to Hawaii next week.
Baltimore’s Rat Problem is So Bad, Roads Are Collapsing
Baltimore’s rat problem is so bad that it is causing roads in the city to collapse, proving President Trump right when he said the city was a “rodent infested mess.”
Chinese Duck Farmers Become Overnight Millionaires As Half Of China’s Pigs Die
The price of China’s favorite food is about to hit all time highs, and the country’s duck farmers couldn’t be happier.
We Need To Be Christian First, Patriot Second
This is not about President Trump. It is about us. About our behavior as followers of Jesus. About our words. About our attitudes. About our priorities.
Aussie Children Taught to Reject Kisses, Hugs with Grandma
An Australian school program is teaching young children about the boundaries for sexual consent by explaining they have the right to reject kisses and physical contact with their grandmother.
Amazon openly sells pedophilia products while banning books that try to help people overcome unwanted same-sex attraction
At the same time that Amazon continues to sell child sex dolls to pedophile perverts, the Jeff Bezos retail empire is reportedly pulling all “conversion therapy” books from its website because they’re apparently “offensive” to leftists.
Roman Catholic Pedophile Priests Are Being Harbored And Protected By Covert Vatican-Linked Group ‘Opus Bono Sacerdotii’ To Escape Justice
Just when you thought that the Roman Catholic harlot could not be any more devious, deceptive or demonic, up pops a Catholic ‘rapid-response group’ known as Opus Bono Sacerdotii. What is the mission of Opus Bono Sacerdotii? They provide funds, food and lodging for Roman Catholic peodphile priests who are on the run from justice. When they get caught and put in jail, Opus Bono Sacerdotii steps in with more money and lawyers to try and make the accusations ‘go away’ with the result of the pedophile priest being return to a parish where he gets to abuse more children.
After Rand Paul Offers To Buy Ticket To Somalia, Ilhan Omar Supports Violent Attack
“maybe after she’s visited Somalia for a while, she might come back and appreciate America more…”