For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing .
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Congo Ebola cases hit record for most reported in single day
Health experts are expressing growing alarm about the number of people sickened with the Ebola virus who are never reaching treatment centers, allowing the disease to spread to caregivers and countless others. Monday set a new record in this outbreak of 27 confirmed cases in a single day, Congo’s health ministry said. Over the past four days 93 cases had been confirmed.
Demons in the Halls of Congress
The subversives in Congress continue their mayhem. When Keith Ellison was elected to the House from Minnesota’s 5th district in 2006, he became the first Muslim in Congress. Since then, Barack Obama has helped push this forward by allowing tons of Somali immigrants into that Minnesota district, and the result has been the election of the anti-Semite Ilhan Omar. Her outrageous statements about Israel include that the Jewish state “hypnotizes” other nations. This is classic anti-Semitic garbage. Her hatred of Israel is truly over-the-top.
Out of the Ashes: Clash of Civilizations Could Summon New World Religion
Rockefeller-backed Federal Council of Churches pushed “World government”, “Universal system of money” and “Worldwide freedom of immigration” in 1942. The council was told by Dr. William Paton, co-secretary of the World Council of Churches, that “Collectivism is coming, whether we like it or not“ For those paying attention, there is a discernible pattern of social engineering that is directed at the major world religions, particularly Christianity. This is undoubtedly a very complex issue, as there are numerous belief systems and nuanced views of millions of people. What we know is that globalist financed wars and revolutions have fueled illegal immigration and stoked flames of conflict all over the world.
Iran Threatens to Shutter Straits of Hormuz Shipping Route
Iran’s armed forces chief of staff threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz, a vital shipping route, in response to U.S. sanctions on the regime, which he labeled as “hostility,” reported the semi-official ISNA news agency. Kuwaiti Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled al-Jarallah expressed alarm over Bagheri’s remarks. “We are looking at these threats with concern, and hoping as always to distance our region from this tension,” he said, reported the Kuwait News Agency.
US vows to track down remaining ISIS leaders
The US-led coalition against the group will fight across the world to “ensure an enduring defeat of these terrorists and that any leaders who remain are delivered the justice that they deserve,” a State Department spokesman said,
Elections are over; now Israelis notice the Palestinian Authority is collapsing
The outgoing government voted to withhold tax revenues from the Palestinians, in the sum of stipends to families of convicted or killed terrorists; pay cuts to security forces bring frustration; Hamas is making the most of it and in Israel – some are looking for a way out.
Limbaugh: Dems ‘starting to wake up to reality
‘It’s a slow-motion explosion right in front of ’em heading their way’ “I don’t think they can become fully woke, but they’re starting to wake up to reality,” he said. “That the Mueller report was a bomb, the Mueller report was a dud, and that they are not prepared to deal with Trump on any issue of substance. “They put every weapon they have in that Mueller report, in Trump-Russia collusion, and they are slowly awakening to the fact that it has bombed out on them,” he said.
Wealthy Elites Freak Out As Homeless Hordes Take Over West Coast Neighborhoods
For example, let’s talk about what is going on in Los Angeles. No city on the west coast has a bigger problem with homelessness than L.A. does, and many in the homeless population enjoy camping out on the beautiful beaches in the L.A. area at night. But of course many of the elite that paid millions of dollars for beachfront property are not too thrilled about this. Sex Pistols frontman Johnny Rotten was a key symbol of anti-establishment rebellion in the 1970s, but now he is freaking out because homeless people are making life very difficult for him and his wife in Venice Beach, and what he recently told Newsweek’s Paula Froelich is making headlines all over the nation…So how bad will things get when the economy really starts going downhill?
Presidential Candidate: I Cannot Help Myself, I Was Born This way! It’s Gods Fault – Blasphemy!
I am here speaking of self-professed sodomite Christian (No such thing -The Lord and the Devil are not united) Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who is unabashedly and unashamedly running for the President of the United States of America. You see, Pete is one that has taken part in what no man has ever in the history of mankind has, in daring the justice of God. They resort to “we were born this way, and we cannot help ourselves, it is Gods fault.”
Army vet-turned jihadi arrested for mass ISIS terror bomb plot in Calif.
The FBI was tipped off to Domingo’s actions when they discovered his online postings where he shared his loyalty to ISIS, his willingness to commit jihad, and called for revenge for the mosque attacks. “America needs another vegas event …[to] give them a taste of the terror they gladly spread all over the world,” Domingo wrote of the Oct. 2017 mass shooting at the Route 91 concert in Las Vegas.
South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster Will Sign Bill Banning Abortions When Baby’s Heartbeat Begins
Pro-life Gov. Henry McMaster of South Carolina promised Thursday to sign a bill banning abortions after an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable. Following the lead of Georgia and other states, the South Carolina House passed the bill Wednesday in a 70-31 vote.
‘The moment is now’: Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido leads military uprising
Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido has taken to the streets with detained activist Leopoldo Lopez and a small contingent of heavily armed soldiers in a military uprising. “This is the moment of all Venezuelans, those in uniform and those who aren’t,” said Lopez in his first public appearance since being detained in 2014 for leading anti-government protests. “Everyone should come to the streets, in peace.”
IDF reduces Gaza fishing zone after rocket from Palestinian Islamic Jihad
The IDF will reduce the fishing zone around the Gaza Strip to six nautical miles on Tuesday following the launch of a missile by Palestinian Islamic Jihad on Monday night , the military announced. According to IDF Spokesperson Brig.-Gen. Ronen Manelis, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) launched from the al-Attra neighborhood of Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza Strip towards into the Mediterranean sea.
Iran seeks way around US sanctions with non-dollar trade
Iran’s Ambassador to London attended a recent meeting where he discussed the use of Europe’s Instrument for Trade and Exchanges (INSTEX) to continue trade despite US sanctions. In the works since the US walked away from the JCPOA Iran Deal, the concept was created by Germany, France and the UK in January. Iranian state media now says INSTEX is ready to conduct transactions.
Rare snowstorm hits Chicago, breaking 109-year-old snow record
An unusually strong late-season snowstorm hit parts of United States on April 27 and 28, 2019, dropping heavy snow and causing hundreds of flights to be canceled.
South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster Will Sign Bill Banning Abortions When Baby’s Heartbeat Begins
Pro-life Gov. Henry McMaster of South Carolina promised Thursday to sign a bill banning abortions after an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable.
Black Monday: South African Farmers Demonstrate Outside U.S. Embassy to Bring Awareness on Epidemic of Farm Attacks and Murder
South Africans demonstrated outside the U.S. embassy in Pretoria Monday, April 29th to raise awareness of the epidemic of farm attacks and murders. There were 13 farm attacks and 3 gruesome murders over the Easter weekend alone.
Adolf Hitler’s Inspiration For The Concentration Camps Was Henry Ford, His Auto Assembly Line, And His Shared Hatred Of The Jewish People
Now imagine, if you can, that you are the person that inspired Adolf Hitler to conceive and then carry this plan out. Can’t do it? I don’t blame you, I can’t either. But American automaker, Ford founder Henry Ford was that inspiration for Hitler. How can this be, you say? It happened because Henry Ford, millionaire industrialist, was also a rabid Jew-hater, and started a newspaper to spread his peculiar brand of antisemitism to the world at large.
NASA Prepares For “Asteroid Apocalypse” With “Planetary Defense” Simulation
NASA is going to be using a simulation of an “asteroid apocalypse” in order to help the space agency prepare for the cataclysmic event. And they are taking it seriously, as disaster planners from FEMA will join NASA for a dress rehearsal of doomsday.
Mexico to Deport 186 Central American Migrants from Shelters near Texas
Mexican authorities began the removal of 186 Central American migrants, including women and children, from this border city. The migrants were sent to Mexico City to board flights to their respective home countries.
The Weather Channel Faces a Storm of Its Own
On April 18, 2019, an unknown ransomware variant knocked The Weather Channel off the air. Fortunately, the interruption time was minimal, totaling approximately 99 minutes. While services were offline, the network played a prerecorded program until they were able to restore their systems.
“Massive” Herpes Outbreak Reported At Coachella Music Festival
People attending the Coachella Music Festival this year are picking up much more than “good vibes” – they are also picking up herpes. According to the herpes tracking app “HerpAlert” there has been a massive outbreak of the sexually transmitted disease in California which is believed to be associated with the Coachella Music Festival.
Sri Lanka Bans Burka for ‘National Security’ Following Easter Sunday Bombings
In the wake of the Easter Sunday bombings, which left hundreds dead after Islamic terrorists targetted Christian worshippers, Sri Lanka has banned all “face coverings” – including burkas and veils – for “national security” reasons, according to reports.
All You Need To Know About The US Measles Outbreak
The United States has recorded a whopping 695 cases of measles in 22 states, its largest outbreak since public health officials in 2000 declared the disease “eradicated” apparently rather prematurely.
Annihilation of Christian Life and People: Where is the Outrage in the West?
Islamic extremists have seen that the West has not mobilized to prevent them from repressing Christians, as if unconsciously there were a strange convergence between our silence and the ethnic cleansing project of the Islamic State, aimed at erasing Christians.
Combat Vet Who Stopped The Synagogue Shooter: ‘I Scared The Hell Out Of Him’
The man who fired a semi-automatic weapon inside the Chabad of Poway synagogue in San Diego on Saturday froze, dropped his gun and sprinted to his car when he saw Oscar Stewart come barreling toward him, yelling so loud the priest at a neighboring church could hear.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Saudi Arabia offered Abbas $10 billion to accept Trump’s peace plan – report
A senior Palestinian official in Ramallah refused to comment on the report. Referring to meetings between the Saudi crown prince and Abbas, the newspaper said that “according to information obtained by Al-Akhbar, Salman briefed Abbas about the details of the deal of the century and asked him to accept it. Abbas, however, rejected the offer and said it would “mean the end of my political life,” the report added… the Saudi crown prince also told Abbas that the Trump administration was prepared to give the Palestinians the land which they already live on.
Human Rights NGO Reports on Hamas’ Abuses in Gaza Strip
A human-rights nongovernmental organization that has a special consultative status in the United Nations released a report last week that documented the fact that several hundred people were summoned, arrested and detained over the course of a year by the terrorist group Hamas solely because of their political beliefs.
Amazing Things Accompany The Imminent Arrival of the Messiah
Starting with the premise that we are already living in the time of the arrival of Moshiach (Messiah), Rabbi Anava recently spoke in detail about what life will be like after Moshiach arrives and how we can best prepare ourselves, to ensure a smoother transition to the Messiaic era.
NASA Conference on Asteroid Defense: Disaster Planning or Plotting for Deception?
This week, 300 scientists from around the world gathered at a NASA conference to prepare for a scenario they constantly and consistently deny has any possibility of occurring: the planet-threatening impact of a huge asteroid with the earth. An expert in Torah-sourced astronomical phenomena rejects the scientific approach, pointing to evidence that the self-proclaimed experts are clearly hiding the truth. The answers and solutions, he claims, have already been provided by “a higher authority.”
Report: Violent anti-Semitic attacks in US doubled in 2018
The New York-based group counted 1,879 anti-Semitic incidents — either harassment, vandalism or physical assault — in 2018. That is a 5% decrease from the 1,986 incidents reported in 2017, but the third-highest total since ADL began tracking the data in the 1970s.
Dermer: New York Times Has Become a ‘Cesspool of Hostility’
Israeli Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer said on Monday that The New York Times has become a “cesspool of hostility” amid the publication’s international edition featuring antisemitic cartoons on April 25 and over the same weekend that a Chabad-Lubavitch synagogue in Southern California was attacked by a gunman who killed one woman and injured three others, including a child. “The same New York Times that a century ago mostly hid from their readers the Holocaust of the Jewish people has today made its pages a safe space for those who hate the Jewish state. ”
Palestinian Islamic Jihad Launches Missile at Israel, Explodes in Sea
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) was accused of launching a long-range rocket from northern Gaza at Israel on Monday evening, in an attempt at provoking a heavy response from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Israel’s Army confirmed the launch Tuesday – which landed in the sea off the country’s southwestern coastline – and was “deliberately” intended to destabilize the fragile ceasefire agreement. The IDF said that the Iran-backed Palestinian militant group had intended to hit land, but that the rocket missed its target and landed in the Mediterranean sea.
“An Estimated 150-200 Million Pigs” Have Been Hit By A Global Plague Of Biblical proportions
African Swine Fever is the greatest threat to global food production that we have seen since World War II ended. As you will see below, the disease has now spread “to every province in mainland China”, and it has now infected “an estimated 150-200 million pigs”. To put that number in perspective, that is more pigs than the entire U.S. pork industry produces in an entire year. In other words, the equivalent of the entire U.S. pork industry has just been wiped out.
Wonky black hole seen firing off plasma “bullets”
But not everything gets sucked in – many black holes have been found to spew jets of high-speed particles. Those usually form long, straight beams but now astronomers have discovered a weird black hole that’s spinning like a wonky top, firing off “bullets” of plasma in all directions.
U.S. Air Force F-35s carry out first combat mission against ISIS targets
Two weeks after the United States Air Force (USAF) deployed several F-35 fighter jets to the Middle East, the jets carried out their first combat mission in Iraq against Islamic State targets. The first American combat sortie of the stealth fighter jet came a day after Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi appeared in a video for the first time in five years when he declared the caliphate in a now infamous speech in Mosul.
Violent antisemitism on the rise worldwide
Violent attacks on Jews and Jewish targets around the world rose in 2018, a report by the Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry released on Wednesday indicated. According to the study, released in cooperation with the European Jewish Congress, the number of major violent cases globally jumped 13% last year, from 342 to 387.
US searches of phones, laptops at airports rising, suit says
U.S. government searches of travelers’ cellphones and laptops at airports and border crossings nearly quadrupled since 2015 and were being done for reasons beyond customs and immigration enforcement, according to papers filed Tuesday in a federal lawsuit that claims scouring the electronic devices without a warrant is unconstitutional.
Trump oil sanctions go into effect while debate on move continues
U.S. President Donald Trump’s unexpected decision to ban all Iranian oil purchases after May 1…came after hawkish economic and security advisors allayed the president’s fears of an oil price hike, according to three sources familiar with the internal debate. The unprecedented move to fully sever Tehran’s financial lifeline – finalized just days before the April 22 announcement – underscores the strong influence of hard-liners within Trump’s inner circle.
Saudi Arabia beheads 5 homosexuals, yet but one peep from liberals, mainstream media or LGBT community
FIVE of the 37 men beheaded in Saudi Arabia last week were secret gay lovers according to Saudi reports. The men from the Shia minority were reportedly tortured into terror confessions.
SHOCKING VIDEO: Border Agents Release New Footage of ‘111 Migrants’ Crossing US-Mexico Border
ICE Warns of Surge in ‘Fake Families’ Exploiting US Law to Cross Border Authorities warned Monday of a surge in “fake families” at the border as illegal immigrants are entering the United States by using children to pose as a family as exploit US laws, according to reports.
Venezuela Pulls CNN, BBC Off Air After Military Vehicles Plow Into Protesters
CNN and the BBC were quickly taken off the air in Venezuela on Tuesday by the government amid an apparent coup by forces loyal to National Assembly Leader Juan Guaidó.
Trump: ‘In America, We Don’t Worship Government, We Worship God’
President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence addressed the National Rifle Association (NRA) annual convention in Indianapolis, reminding Americans that the foundational blocks for life are “faith and family” and not the worship of government.
NOT DEAD YET: Infamous ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Emerges From His Rat Hole For First New Video In 5 Years, Takes Credit For Sri Lanka Bombings
ISIS exists largely in the minds and memories of what’s left of its adherents since President Trump kept his campaign promise to eradicate ISIS. Their cowardly leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. has emerged like a rat from whatever hole he has been hiding in, to basically take credit for any and all Islamic terrorism happening anywhere including the recent murders in Sri Lanka.
Venezuela Coup? “Live Fire” Exchanged Outside Contested Air Base In Dramatic Escalation
update 3: Things are getting hotter in Venezuela, as Reuters reports that a pro-Guaidó gathering at the La Carlota military air base came under fire and shot back. In this video, what sounds like gunfire can be heard.
Sports Illustrated Promotes Sharia Law By Featuring Muslim Model Halima Aden In ‘Swimsuit Edition’ Wearing An Islamic Hijab And Burkini
There are a lot of orthodox Jewish women who dress modestly when swimming, the same goes for a lot of bible believing Christian women as well, but you won’t see them in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition any time soon. Why? Because Sports Illustrated has no interest in promoting modesty, obviously, but they are interested in promoting the doctrine Far Left Liberals like Ilhan Omar and AOC.
China is ‘Funding Biden Family Businesses’ with ‘Billions,’
Democratic 2020 hopeful Joe Biden’s family’s business dealings with China’s government mean that the former vice president is “compromised by a foreign power and unfit to be president,” according to a report by Fox News’s Steve Hilton.
Under the Cover of the Measles Panic, the CDC Is Mobilizing for a Fake Ebola Pandemic
Something is seriously wrong in LA. People and institutions were unduly isolated when the “reported” cases of measles totaled less than 20. When I was kid, you caught measles, stayed home for 14 days and returned to school. Nobody died! Now the mainstream media would have you believe that everyone will die. Of course when I was a kid, we took 9 vaccinations. Today, there are 77 and according to the CDC and mainstream media, they are all equally safe.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
FBI Investigating Antifa Plot To Buy Guns From “Mexican Rambo” For “Armed Rebellion At Border”
A leaked FBI document reveals that members of Antifa were plotting to purchase guns from a “Mexico-based cartel associate known as Cobra Commander,” and “stage an armed rebellion at the border,” according to the San Diego Union Tribune, which received a copy of the unclassified report. The document warns that “anti-fascist activists” had “planned to disrupt U.S. law enforcement and military security operations at the US/Mexican border.”
Nellie Ohr Criminal Referral Being ‘Finalized’ According To Jim Jordan
Congressional Republicans are “working to finalize” a criminal referral of Russiagate lynchpin Nellie Ohr, the wife of the Justice Department’s former #4 official Bruce Ohr.
Hillary aide under oath: Yes, we used unsecure email for State business
Jacob Sullivan made statement in court-ordered deposition. Jacob Sullivan, who was Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff while she was U.S. secretary of state, has confirmed under oath that both he and Clinton used her private, unsecure and unapproved email system for official government business. It’s not that that’s been a secret. “It is shameful that the Justice and State Departments continue to try to protect Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration on the email scandal.”
Anti-Israel legislation submitted to US Congress
New legislation proposed by Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) on Wednesday would prohibit US funding to any foreign military that detains children, including Israel. The bill, known as the Promoting Human Rights for Palestinian Children Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act, H.R. 2407, would authorize the creation of an annual $19 million fund to support non-governmental organizations that monitor rights abuses pertaining to the Israeli military’s alleged detention of children.
IDF: Islamic Jihad to try firing rockets into Israel during May – report
The report comes after it was announced earlier today that Iron Dome batteries were being deployed to multiple locations throughout the country. The news report said that it had received intelligence information about the imminent attempt by Islamic Jihad to stir unrest in the upcoming weeks, especially during next week’s Independence Day celebrations and the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest events held in Tel Aviv in mid-May.
Bible is Jewish deed to Land of Israel, settlement envoy tells UNSC
“Even the Romans themselves admitted the land was ours,” Danon said. hose rights rest on four pillars, Danon said, citing the bible, history, legality and the pursuit of international peace and security. God gave the land to the people of Israel in Genesis, when he made a covenant with Abraham, said Danon. He held up a copy of the Bible for all the ambassadors present to see and said, “This is our deed to our land.”
58% of Austrians believe something like the Holocaust could happen again
The organization’s comprehensive Holocaust Knowledge and Awareness Survey of adults in Austria also found that more than one-third of Austrian adults – 38%, who are 43% of Millennials and Generation Z – believe that National Socialism/Nazism could come to power again.
Pinatubo emitting ‘unusual’ smoke
The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology is keeping a tight watch on Mount Pinatubo following reports of “unusual” smoke emitting from different areas near the volcano’s summit.
Iraqi Shi’ite paramilitaries seek to clear ISIS from Syrian border – report
Days after ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi released a new video the Iraqi paramilitary groups known as Hashd al-Shaabi, a 100,000-strong group of mostly Shi’ite militias, launched an operation to crush Islamic State in rural areas near the Syrian border… An operations command in Iraq’s western Anbar province released a statement saying that four units would participate, including armored vehicles and engineering and communications forces.
Senior Hamas, Islamic Jihad members summoned to Cairo after attacks – report
Egypt has summoned senior Hamas and Islamic Jihad members to Cairo for talks following a flare-up in tensions between the IDF and Hamas in the Gaza strip, according to a report from Ynet News on Thursday. The delegation from both groups crossed into Egypt via the Rafah border crossing. Egyptian intelligence officials will meet with members of the delegation in an effort to calm the situation and prevent further incidents.
UFO information not expected to go to general public, Navy says
The U.S. Navy has drafted a procedure to investigate and catalogue reports of unidentified flying objects coming in from its pilots. But the service doesn’t expect to make the information public, citing privileged and classified reporting… Joe Gradisher, a spokesman for the office of the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare, said…the Navy expects to keep the information it gathers private for a number of reasons.
System Off Florida May Be 2019’s First Named Atlantic Storm
The Atlantic hurricane season’s official start is a month away, but the waters off Florida are already churning. A patch of low pressure swirling over the northwest Bahamas has a 20 percent chance over the next five days of becoming the first tropical storm of 2019, the National Hurricane Center in Miami said. Either way, the system will probably dump heavy rains across Florida and the Bahamas.
Sirens wail as Israel remembers victims of the Holocaust
Israelis stood in silence while a two-minute siren was heard across the country, in remembrance of the 6 million Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Pedestrians stood in place, buses stopped on busy streets and cars pulled over on major highways – their drivers standing on the roads with their heads bowed. In homes and businesses, people stopped what they were doing to pay homage to the victims of the Nazi genocide…
Christian Persecution And Genocide Is Worse Now Than “Any Time In History,” Report Says
The persecution and genocide of Christians across the world is worse today “than at any time in history,” and Western governments are failing to stop it, a report from a Catholic organization said.
Wake up America, there is an Islamic terror caucus in your Congress
Ilhan Omar has exposed the greatest liability America faces in the global terror war.
Christians irked as Pope donates exactly $6.66 per migrant so they can reach America’s southern border
….While the money will be spread among various projects and congregations, one can’t help notice the math ($500,000 divided by 75 thousand migrants) derives the number $6.66 – a number associated with Satan in the bible and Christianity.
Drag performance held at Methodist church in Durham
Drag performance held at Methodist church in Durham
Record 26 Ebola deaths in DRCongo in a single day
Twenty-six people died of Ebola in a single day in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s North Kivu province, the highest daily toll since its outbreak nearly nine months ago, the health ministry said Tuesday.
WATCH: Rare Tornado Tears Through Romania…
A large, photogenic tornado hit Drajna, Romania on April 30, 2019, damaging homes, agricultural fields and vehicles. According to reports, seven people were injured when a bus was tossed 30 feet into a field. Look at the size and structure of this beast…
More than 100 million in the path of life-threatening Cyclone Fani
Cyclone Fani continues to strengthen as it tracks over the Bay of Bengal and may make a direct hit on the eastern India coastline later this week.
Forgotten War: Death Toll In Yemen To Reach 233,000 By End Of Year
The death toll from the ongoing war in Yemen will reach a staggering 233,000 if it continues until the end of 2019, a new report from the United Nations said. According to the UN report, of the 233,000 estimated deaths in Yemen, 102,000 will be combat-related and the remaining 131,000 due to malnutrition, cholera, and other diseases.
Israeli Aircraft Strike Targets In Gaza Strip Early Thursday Morning After Palestinian Fire Balloon Attacks Ignite Fields In Eshkol Region Of Israel
Fire balloons are no joke, and have done millions of dollars in damage to myriad acres of fields in southern Israel since the Gaza Strip riots began a little over a year ago. They show no signs of abating anytime soon. In keeping with Israel’s zero tolerance policy on attacks by Palestinians in the Strip, the Israel air force launched a series of targeted strikes early Thursday. We will update this story as events progress.
The Cascadia Subduction Zone: The most devastating earthquake in American history is coming, possibly very soon
The West coast could soon be transformed by a devastating mega-earthquake — but not where you might expect. The San Andreas Fault may be the most famous fault line, but experts say that the Cascadia subduction zone now poses an even bigger threat.
Last Year’s Decline In Dutch Euthanasia May Have Dark Explanations
Is the Netherlands pumping the brakes on euthanasia? The official figures for 2018 were released in April and they show that euthanasia has decreased by 7 percent. This is the first time since 2003 that there was a drop.
Trade War Crushes American Farmers, Income Collapses Most Since 2016
It’s been a rocky road for American farmers under the Trump administration rule. Personal incomes have plummeted the most in three years last quarter, as the entire industry is on the verge of collapse from the ongoing Sino-American trade war.
Why Do Both Roman Catholic Popes And Nazi Soldiers Make The Two-Finger ‘Peace Sign’ Salute?
Berlin, Germany 1934: Shortly after Adolf Hitler consolidated his control over Germany, he then stepped in to exert his control over the hearts and the minds of the German people. Like all evil dictators, allegiance was given to Hitler first and foremost, with loyalty to the German nation a distant second place. This was the exact oath, with the two finger salute, required of not only the Nazi military and associated groups like the Hitler youth, but it was required of all German citizens as well:
‘Armageddon’ Rioting Breaks Out In Paris As Extremist Black Bloc Anti-Capitalist Demonstrators Hijack May Day And Yellow Vest Protests
Members of the anti-capitalist agitator group Black Bloc have joined the Yellow Vest protestors on the streets of Paris today, resulting in an unbelievable level of rioting, fighting and violence today as French police struggled to keep the anarchists at bay.
California wants to ban schools from suspending pupils for disruptive behavior because it’s ‘racist’
A pattern we’ve seen throughout the United States is on a roll in California. Last week, the state Senate approved a bill to prohibit schools from suspending students who engage in “willful defiance” of teachers and other school authorities and staff. This permission slip for disruptive and even dangerous behavior also extends to the disruption of school activities.
Teens Protest United Methodist Church For Stance On LGBT Issues
Teenagers in Nebraska are protesting the United Methodist Church for affirming its long-held opposition to same-sex marriage and homosexual acts earlier this year.
The Meaning of Madonna’s “Madame X” Persona and the Video “Medellín”
…In 2019, at 60 years old, Madonna is still at it. While her fans like to gush about how Madonna keeps “reinventing herself”, her act is actually quite consistent: It is actually 100% based on the occult elite’s current agenda, combined with an attempt to remain relevant by associating with young and
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Swarm of locusts darkens skies of Saudia Arabia
The infestation started on Sunday, when masses of the insect were reported to have come from Sudan and Eritrea following unusually heavy rainfall in the region. The insect poses a major concern for farmers, given that an adult locust can consume its own weight in fresh food per day, which is about 2 grams, the equivalent of a person eating an average of 2.3 kg of food per day, according to the USDA.
Kushner says Middle East peace plan will be ‘good starting point’
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner said on Thursday he hopes Israel will take a hard look at President Donald Trump’s upcoming Middle East peace proposal before proceeding with any plan to annex West Bank settlements.
Grandson of Nazi Soldier Returning Golden Menorah Stolen by Titus in 70 CE
The Menorah Project required €120,000 in private donations and 18 months to create but they succeeded: a 265-pound gold-plated duplicate of the menorah depicted on the Arch of Titus in Rome is now on its way to Israel. Like the menorah of Titus, the replica was made with several of the branches broken.
Abbas bypasses EU, asks Russia help avert PA collapse over terror payments
The Palestinian Authority has demanded that Russia resolve the terror-payment crisis that could lead to the PA’s collapse as it rejected a European Union compromise solution.
Jewish group alarmed after German police let neo-Nazis march
“The images of the neo-Nazi march by The Third Way party in Plauen are disturbing and frightening,” said Josef Schuster, the head of Germany’s Central Council of Jews.
Rush Limbaugh: Democrats ‘in full meltdown’
Democrats in Washington are “in full meltdown” because their hopes that special counsel Robert Mueller would provide a reason to remove President Trump from office have been dashed. And even worse, says talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh, Attorney General William Barr is investigating the genesis of the Russia collusion investigation launched by the Barack Obama administration. “They are in full meltdown. Do not make the mistake of thinking they are running things, that they are in control of things,” he said Thursday.
Former CIA Officer Pleads Guilty to Chinese Espionage Conspiracy
Former CIA operations officer Jerry Chun Shing Lee pleaded guilty on Wednesday to conspiracy to commit espionage for China in a case linked to the loss of numerous recruited CIA spies in China. Lee, 54, a naturalized U.S. citizen living in Hong Kong, supplied documents and information to Chinese intelligence officers from April 26, 2010, to Jan. 15, 2018 when he was arrested, according to court papers in the case.
Measles Cases Spark Quarantine Of Scientology Retreat Ship In St Lucia
Everyone on board the ship is forbidden from disembarking by authority of St. Lucia’s health officials under their quarantine act and public health act. Measles is highly contagious and can be transmitted via the air through sneezing or coughing, or by physical contact with an infected person or with an object that the person has touched.
‘Last resort’ letter argues pope contradicting Catholic doctrine
A Catholic journalist is among the signatories of an open letter that states the words and actions of Pope Francis have brought about “one of the worst crises” in the history of the Roman Catholic Church. Nineteen prominent and respected Catholic clergy and scholars have published an open letter accusing Pope Francis of heresy.
A COMMON WORD: In 2019, As Chrislam Continues To Grow At Lightning Speed, Let’s Check In With The Major End Times Players And See What’s New
Apostate Christianity, represented by mega-church pirates Rick Warren and Brian Houston and others, are preaching that Muslims and Christians ‘serve the same God’, and since we do, we should join forces. Welcome to Chrislam 2019. Chrislam is a term that has been coined to denote the joining together of Christianity, CHRI, and the Muslim religion of Islam, SLAM, forming the new word ‘chrislam’. The bible says in the end times the the professing Christian church will fall away and give heed to ‘doctrines of devils’, and that is exactly what we are seeing in the rise of Chrislam.
Over 23,000 IDF soldiers killed since inception of State of Israel
Some 56 IDF soldiers who died over the last year have been added to the list of fallen soldiers to be commemorated for Yom Hazikaron this year, the Defense Ministry announced on Friday. In addition, another 40 IDF veterans who died as a result of disabilities and injuries over the past year were also added to the list, the ministry said.
Massive 82% spike in antisemitic hate crimes in New York City, NYPD finds
The New York Police Department has reported a massive increase in antisemitic hate crimes in the city, with the data showing an 82% increase in such incidents in the first three months of 2019. The statistics, released on Thursday, also showed a 67% increase in overall hate crimes in New York City over the same period.
Sudan army rejects civilian majority in ruling council
A top official in Sudan’s military council has told the BBC it will not allow civilians a majority on the supreme council set to rule the country during a transitional period. Lt Gen Salah Abdelkhalek said that an equal share of the membership would be an option they might consider. Protesters are continuing their mass sit-in outside military HQ to demand that the army cede control.
Cyclone Fani: Powerful storm slams into eastern India coast
A powerful cyclone has slammed into India’s eastern coastline, bringing torrential rains and winds of up to 200 km/h (125mph). Cyclone Fani, one of the most severe storms to hit the region in recent years, made landfall at 08:00 local time (02:30 GMT) on Friday. More than one million people have been evacuated from the eastern state of Orissa, also called Odisha.
Russia tightens grip on its national net
Russia has formally adopted a law that gives its government more control over its domestic internet. The law means the systems that exchange data between the networks forming the Russian internet must share more information with government regulators. It also lets regulators exert direct control over what Russians can post, see and talk about online when national security is threatened.
‘God is real’: Two teens stranded in the ocean rescued by a boat named ‘The Amen’
When two local teens skipped school for a beach senior skip day, their adventure turned into a fight for their lives, and their savior was heaven-sent. Tyler Smith and Heather Brown, both 17 years old, have been friends since the fourth grade. They decided to swim offshore in Vilano Beach, but became stranded 2 miles off the coastline for two hours.
Islamic Jihad warns will hit major cities if targeted assassinations resume
The Islamic Jihad commander in Gaza Ziad Nahala responded Thursday to the revelation regarding the commander of the northern brigade of the organizations’ military wing Baha al-Atta earlier this week. They believe the publication of his name is an indication that Israel will assassinate him if terror attacks continue.
IDF strikes Gaza overnight, two rockets launched from the Strip
The IDF struck several Hamas military targets in the northern Gaza Strip overnight, in response to the launching of incendiary airborne devices into Israel earlier Wednesday. One firebomb launched on Wednesday caused a fire in a field in the Eshkol Regional Council. The IDF said following the strike, that it views any attempt to harm the citizens of Israel, severely, and that it will continue to act against “all terror acts.”
Pentagon warns on risk of Chinese submarines in Arctic
Deepening Chinese activities in the Arctic region could pave the way for a strengthened military presence, including the deployment of submarines to act as deterrents against nuclear attack, the Pentagon said in a report released on Thursday. The assessment is included in the U.S. military’s annual report to Congress on China’s armed forces and follows Beijing’s publication of its first official Arctic policy white paper in June.
China And Russia: Whoopin’ Uncle Sam At His Own Game
The Russo-Chinese model is built on a more solid, and less extractive, foundation… an interconnected multipolar world…this vision of ‘revitalized capitalism’ that Washington sees as its mortal enemy.
Prominent clergy, scholars accuse Pope Francis of heresy in open letter
Prominent clergymen and scholars including Fr. Aidan Nichols, one of the best-known theologians in the English-speaking world, have issued an open letter accusing Pope Francis of committing heresy. They ask the bishops of the Catholic Church, to whom the open letter is addressed, to “take the steps necessary to deal with the grave situation” of a pope committing this crime.
Minnesota Hospital Plans to Euthanize Cancer Patient Who Says in Video “I Want to Live”
A pro-life legal group is advocating for a Minnesota cancer patient who they say may be euthanized despite her desire to live.
Navy issues new policy allowing Sailors to dress in whatever gender they want
The US Navy is doing no favors to the stereotypes that surround it, releasing guidance that allows off-duty Sailors to dress as whatever gender they believe themselves to be.
Hillary Clinton Spits On Constitution With New Plan To Unseat Trump
Hillary Clinton is bitter. Hillary Clinton is jealous. Hillary Clinton is shifty and not to be trusted. Hillary Clinton just went nuclear and called on a foreign power to help unseat Trump in 2020.
GRAPHIC: Dozens Killed over 3 Days in Cartel War near Mexican Avocado Region
The raging cartel violence that reignited this week with gun battles, executions, and arson has killed close to three dozen victims. Officials continue to reassure the public by claiming the dead are mostly criminals.
Is The Media Driving America Insane?
Americans are more depressed than almost anyone in the world – and we may have the media to thank.
Abbas bypasses EU, asks Russia help avert PA collapse over terror payments
The Palestinian Authority has demanded that Russia resolve the terror-payment crisis that could lead to the PA’s collapse as it rejected a European Union compromise solution. “There have been attempts to find alternative channels to pay the prisoners and martyrs allowances, which we will not accept,” PA Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Information Nabil Abu Rudaineh said on Thursday.
Kushner: Peace plan will be a ‘good starting point’
White House senior adviser says “people will be surprised” by the contents of the US peace plan to be unveiled next month.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Hamas fires over 90 rockets from Gaza, house hit in Southern Israel
A house was hit by a rocket fired from Gaza by Hamas as more than 90 rockets were fired into Israeli territory on Saturday. The house is located in Hof Ashkelon Regional Council in Southern Israel and no injuries were reported. Iron Dome batteries intercepted dozens of rockets fired at Ashkelon and the Gaza border communities, according to the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit.
DR Congo Ebola deaths pass 1,000
The death toll from the Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo has passed 1,000, the health ministry says. DRC’s Ebola outbreak began in August and is the second deadliest in history. World Health Organization deputy director Dr Michael Ryan said mistrust and violence was harming efforts to tackle the disease as it spread through the east of the country.
North Korea ‘test fires short-range missiles’
North Korea has tested several short-range missiles, according to reports from South Korea. They were fired from the Hodo peninsula in the east of the country, said South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff. If confirmed, it will be the first missile launch since Pyongyang tested an intercontinental ballistic missile in November 2017.
US jobless rate at lowest since 1969
The US unemployment rate dropped to its lowest level for more than 49 years in April, according to official figures. The jobless rate fell from 3.8% to 3.6%, the US Labor Department said, the lowest since December 1969. However, the fall was due to a large number of people – 490,000 – leaving the labour force during April.
EU’s Tusk warns of risks in rise of U.S. tech giants
The world needs to be wary of the rise of tech giants such as Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon, comparing their powers to those of countries such as China, European Council President Donald Tusk said… “In the East, we see the rise of those capable of controlling everyone’s behavior, and in the West we’ve seen the rise of an uncontrolled, spontaneous empire,” Tusk said in Warsaw in reference to the companies during a speech marking Constitution Day.
Mississippi River in Davenport now higher than historic 1993 flood levels — and rising
During the historic flooding in July 1993, the Mississippi River near Davenport rose to its highest level ever: 22.63 feet. That record is no more. The river hit 22.64 feet shortly before noon Thursday, the National Weather Service reported, and the water continues to rise. The river is expected to reach 22.7 feet by Friday, the weather service said. Even with a dry weekend, it’s not projected to fall below 22 feet until late Sunday.
Black Death pandemic fears after ‘disease found on PLANE’ – two dead
Shocking scenes show the plane being met at an airport by men in white anti-contamination suits, with fears of Black Death being spread. Passengers arriving in the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar were escorted into a special facility amid a shocking outbreak of the bubonic plague in the country.
Paramedics boarded the flight as soon as it landed.
U.S. Air Force F-35s Carry Out First Combat Mission Against ISSI Targets
Strikes against ISIS tunnel network mark a first for the USAF – a year after Israel became the first to use the jet in a combat.
Navy issues new policy allowing Sailors to dress in whatever gender they want
The US Navy is doing no favors to the stereotypes that surround it, releasing guidance that allows off-duty Sailors to dress as whatever gender they believe themselves to be.
Gates, Zuckerberg, Soros, Bezos Are Destroying the U.S. Republic (in Preparation for the New World Order)
The mass media has brainwashed millions of Americans, including top Government officials, into believing that our country is run by a white supremacist freak, when actually it’s the “Resistance” movement that wants genocide, depopulation, communism, and to destroy the entire U.S. middle class. Little do they all realize.
NATION STATE: At The Apostolic Palace, The King Of Vatican City Calls For A One World Government More Powerful Than The United Nations
I am beginning to think that Pope Francis, who is also the ruling king of the Roman Vatican City state nation, is perhaps getting ready to make a real power move soon. From his throne at the papal Apostolic Palace, King Francis spoke frankly of his desire to see global rule on a far-greater scale and scope than that of the United Nations, and the end of borders, walls and nationalism. To boil it down into only 3 words, King Francis called for a One World Government.
UK Foreign Secretary Lambastes World Governments For Being ‘Asleep On The Watch’ Against Anti-Christian Persecution
The U.K.’s foreign secretary lambasted world governments Thursday for failing to respond to growing worldwide anti-Christian persecution that has, in some cases, reached genocidal levels.
Trump Overrules Pelosi, Closes Asylum Loophole For Migrants
..To protect our sovereignty they need to be closed, at least until we get a handle on the humanitarian crisis going on at the southern border. Which is why Trump just overruled Pelosi and the rest of the Dems and closed an enforcement loophole that should help mitigate the crisis.
America’s Most Anti-Christian President
Which American president changed the White House Christmas cards from being about Christmas or faith to cards featuring the family dogs and similar non-Christmas related subjects?
Gunmen attack Christians near Ramallah after dispute involving Palestinian Authority official – Middle East
President Donald Trump on Thursday credited contemplating God with helping him get through special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into allegations of Russian collusion, and other probes he had denounced as “witch hunts.”
Trump says thinking about God got him through Mueller probe
President Donald Trump on Thursday credited contemplating God with helping him get through special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into allegations of Russian collusion, and other probes he had denounced as “witch hunts.”
Cocaine Discovered in Shrimps from UK Rivers, Study Shows
A team of British scientists has discovered cocaine along with other narcotics, chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs in freshwater shrimp from UK rivers, a new study shows.
Democratic ‘LGBT’ Lawmakers: The Nation is Ready For A Gay President
Democratic lawmakers identifying as lesbian, gay or bisexual have said that American voters will soon be ready to for gay American president, according to a report from The Hill.
Pope Francis Declares That May Is The ‘Month Of Mary’, Commands All Catholics Everywhere To ‘Entrust Themselves’ To Her For Protection
Pope Francis today on Twitter took time out to remind Catholics around the world that Mary is their protector, their life, their light. He reminded Catholics that Mary is the ‘queen of the month of May’, and told them to put thier lives in her hands. This is not ‘respect’ or ‘veneration’, this is old-fashioned idol worship, it is Roman Catholic doctrine and teaching, and it was what I was taught as a Catholic growing up.
China’s Mass Surveillance App Hacked; Code Reveals Specific Criteria For Illegal Oppression
Human Rights Watch got their hands on an app used by Chinese authorities in the western Xinjiang region to surveil, track and categorize the entire local population – particularly the 13 million or so Turkic Muslims subject to heightened scrutiny, of which around one million are thought to live in ‘reeducation’ camps.
Dozens killed in ethnic clashes in Ethiopia, regional official says
Dozens of civilians were shot dead in ethnic clashes in Ethiopia’s northern Amhara state, a regional official said Friday, describing the attacks as retaliation for earlier violence.
It will soon be time for President Trump to unleash military arrests of all the domestic enemies in America: Tech CEOs, journo-terrorists, treasonous lawmakers and more (see full list)
Events are rapidly coalescing to the inevitable conclusion that America must either rise up and defend itself or fall to the lawless, lunatic Leftists and globalists who seek to destroy it from within.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Close to 500 Gaza rockets rain down on Israel – continuous coverage
Close to 500 rockets have been fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip since the security situation escalated over the weekend. One person is dead and several more are in critical condition. Dozens are wounded. Red alerts continue to rock the country from the Gaza border, to the south and even central Israel.
Amidror: Iran behind the Gaza escalation
Iran, through Islamic Jihad – its proxy in Gaza – is behind the current escalation in the South, former national security advisor Yaakov Amidror said… Amidror, in a conversation with The Israel Project, traced the current round of massive rocket fire on Israel to Friday, when Islamic Jihad fired on Israeli soldiers patrolling the Gaza border, wounding two officers. Israel responded and killed two Hamas men, and then the rocket barrage began from Gaza.
U.S. Air Force working on laser technology to diffuse missiles in flight
The US Air Force revealed a ground laser system that has the ability to protect fighter jets and other military aircraft from incoming tests such as missiles or anti aircraft material, the prototype is set to be finished by 2021, according to The Drive. The Air Force and Research Laboratory successfully tested the new artillery with defense contractor Lockheed Martin.
North Korea: Kim Jong-un oversees ‘strike drill’ missile component test
North Korea has confirmed via state media that leader Kim Jong-un has overseen a “strike drill” testing various missile components. “A number of short-range projectiles” were also fired from the Hodo peninsula into the Sea of Japan on Saturday. North Korea’s leader gave the order of firing to “increase the combat ability” of the country, the announcement said.
Cyclone Fani: More than 1,000 Bangladesh homes destroyed
Cyclone Fani has caused extensive damage in Bangladesh, despite weakening as it blew north from India. More than 1,000 homes have been destroyed and entire villages submerged in the South Asian country. At least five people died and 63 were injured. With more than a million people evacuated to safety, the director of the Bangladesh Meteorological Department said “fear of a major disaster is mostly over”.
Christian persecution ‘at near genocide levels’
The persecution of Christians in parts of the world is at near “genocide” levels, according to a report ordered by Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt. The review, led by the Bishop of Truro the Right Reverend Philip Mounstephen, estimated that one in three people suffer from religious persecution. Christians were the most persecuted religious group, it found.
Midwest flooding today: Flooding leaves 4 dead as waters rise to historic levels in several states
The latest round of flooding in the Midwest has claimed at least four lives, closed hundreds of roads and forced residents of threatened towns to shore up threatened levees with sandbags. In some communities, waters are rising to historic levels.
Globalist Pope Francis calls for new ‘supranational’ authorities that would to rule countries and enforce UN goals
Pope Francis made a strong new push for globalism on Thursday, calling for a supranational, legally constituted body to enforce United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and implement “climate change” policies.
ISRAEL UNDER ATTACK: 250 Rockets Fired Into Israel; IAF POUNDS Terror Targets
Palestinian terrorists on Shabbos fired over 250 rockets into Israel, drawing 120 retaliatory airstrikes on targets across the Gaza Strip in a round of intense fighting. One Israeli man was killed when a rocket slammed into his home in Ashkelon early Sunday morning, and four Israelis, including an elderly woman and man, were severely wounded.
Houston, Texas: Drag Queen Story Hour Provides Child Sex Offender & Transgender Prostitute To Groom Your Kids
The City of Houston, Texas apparently is not understanding the judgment of God against itself. They have had issues determining bathrooms for the right gender, electing ***** mayors and considering robot brothels. Now, they are promoting the Drag Queen Story Hour, complete with a child sex offender and transgender prostitute… and the parents are seemingly allowing it.
‘Jihad Is the Best Part of Worship’: Jihadists Gear Up for Ramadan
Terrorist groups such as the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) and the Taliban in recent days made their annual call to arms as Ramadan approaches, claiming Allah exceptionally rewards martyrdom during the holy month.
This Is What Happens When You Preach The Gospel Of The Grace Of God On The Streets To A Lost And Dying World
Street preaching is the time-honored way instituted by God for reaching a lost world with the gospel, and reminding the saints that there is work yet to do. God called me to the streets on March 24, 2012, and by His grace I am still doing it (and loving every minute of it, too).
Trump: Prayer ‘Most Powerful Thing There Is’
Earlier this week, while speaking before over 100 religious leaders at the National Day of Prayer dinner, President Donald Trump said prayer is the most powerful thing people can do, vowing that the United States would be a country that holds the practice in high esteem
Israel closes Gaza crossings, fishing zone in response to rocket fire
Israel on Saturday afternoon announced the closure of the Erez and Kerem Shalom crossings between Gaza and Israel, as well as the fishing zone off the coast of the Palestinian enclave, in response to the firing of over 150 rockets at Israel.
Why Are Christian Adoption Agencies Placing Children In Homes With Homosexual Parents?
The answer to the headline is that Christian adoption agencies have abandoned the Bible, plain and simple. They are not only condoning what God condemns, but they are endangering the lives and souls of America’s children. Now, a “Christian” adoption agency out of Michigan had decided to work with sodomites, lesbians and gender confused, mentally ill, people who are at war with their Creator to adopt children.
Ron Paul Says War In Venezuela Will Begin with a False Flag Attack In the United States
Ron Paul Remembers the Maine, he remembers the Boston Marathon and he remembers 9/11. Ron Paul is on the record for saying that war in Venezuela will begin with a false flag attack upon the United States.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Ebola outbreak grows in Congo after health clinic attacks
More than 1,000 people have died from an Ebola outbreak that began in August in Democratic Republic of Congo. The country’s government is working with international aid organizations to contain the deadly disease but their efforts have been challenged by insecurity, including attacks on health clinics.
Mexican villagers beseech volcano goddess for rain, safety
It’s the Day of the Holy Cross, a religious holiday celebrated in many parts of Latin America that marks Byzantine Empress Saint Helena’s search for the cross on which Jesus was crucified. The ceremony at Iztaccíhuatl, though, mixes Catholic traditions with pre-Hispanic rituals and beliefs. The pilgrims sing Catholic hymns and hold Mass to ask the Virgin Mary to forgive their sins
Imam Calls Out Rashida Tlaib/Ilhan Omar for Defending Hamas Rockets
In the wake of a two-day rocket attack by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad firing approximately 700 rockets at Israel, freshman congressmen Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich) and Ilhan Omar (D-Minn) made public statements condemning Israel.
Christian Holiday Massacres: The New Norm
Although the Islamic terrorist bombings that rocked Sri Lanka last Easter Sunday—killing more than 300, most inside churches—have shocked many, spectacular terrorist attacks on Easter are much more common than supposed.
Philadelphia Muslim Children Sing About Decapitating Jews
On April 22, 2019, the Muslim American Society Islamic Center in Philadelphia (MAS Philly) uploaded a video of an “Ummah Day” celebration to its Facebook page in which young children wearing Palestinian scarves sang: “Glorious steeds call us and lead us [to] the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The blood of martyrs protects us … Take us, oh ships … until we reach our shores and crush the treacherous ones … Flow, oh rivers of martyrs!”
Trump Taps ‘True Believer’ to Head ICE
President Donald Trump is tapping a former border patrol chief who served in the Obama administration to lead Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the AP reports. Trump tweets that Mark Morgan “will be joining the Trump Administration as the head of our hard working men and women of ICE.” He added: “Mark is a true believer and American Patriot. He will do a great job!” The announcement comes amid a shake-up at the Department of Homeland Security triggered by the president’s frustration with the increasing number of migrants at the border.
Bolton Announces Carrier Strike Group Deployed In “Message” To Iran
The White House’s sending the USS Abraham Lincoln to the region, likely first near Qatar, makes the potential for a major incident leading to direct exchange of fire between the US and Iran now much more likely.
Study: 42 million Americans look to Bible for answers
The “State of the Bible” study conducted by the Barna Group and commissioned by the American Bible Society found 48 percent engage three or four times a year by using, listening to, watching, praying or using Bible text outside of a church service. Significantly, the study shows that 21 million new people are looking to the Bible for wisdom and guidance this year.
Pence: We stand by our great ally Israel
“We strongly condemn the attacks in Gaza by Hamas terrorists. Israel has the absolute right to defend itself & the U.S. stands by our great ally Israel,” Pence tweeted.
IDF Prepares to Answer Netanyahu’s Call to “Deal Hard Blow” to Gaza Terror Groups
Almost 500 rockets were fired at Israel from Gaza in less than 24 hours, beginning around 9:30 am on Saturday. The IDF responded by hitting over 220 military targets in Gaza with airstrikes and tank fire, killing at least two terrorists.
NASA Prepares For Asteroid Armageddon With Simulation Exercises
NASA, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and their international partners are conducting planetary defense exercises for a potential asteroid impact. The “Armageddon” exercise (not the official name) is a simulation in preparation for disaster management planning for a potential asteroid impact and determination of possible ways to the response.
MN Health Education Mandate Tied to Planned Parenthood Ignites Explosive Debate on Minnesota House Floor
There were fireworks on the Minnesota House floor on April 23rd. Buried deep within the Omnibus Education Finance bill (HF2400) is a two page mandate requiring “Sexual Health Education” curriculum, aka Comprehensive Sex Ed (CSE). The language in the bill mandates CSE must be taught in every Minnesota public and charter school beginning as young as kindergarten.
Death Toll Rises to Three as Rocket Attacks Continue
Over 500 rockets have been fired at Israel from Gaza since Saturday morning. The sirens reached as far as Bet Shemesh, 12 miles west of Jerusalem, and Beersheba, 26 miles from the border with Gaza. The Iron Dome missile-protection system was claimed to have a 90 percent success rate, intercepting approximately 100 rockets.
Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin have first phone call since Mueller report findings
US President Donald Trump and Russia’s Vladimir Putin have discussed what Mr Trump again dismissed as the “Russian Hoax” in their first known phone call since the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian election meddling. Mr Putin chuckled about Mr Mueller’s findings, Mr Trump said. During their conversation on Friday, which the White House and Kremlin said lasted more than an hour,…
Anti-CRISPR molecules discovered that can block the gene editing technology
CRISPR technologies are undoubtedly becoming increasingly precise, but alongside enhanced precision is also the necessity for developing ways to inhibit or block the process – an anti-CRISPR molecule, if you will. New work from the Broad Institute and Brigham and Women’s Hospital has presented a study that homes in on small molecules that may have the ability to safely block the CRISPR gene editing process.
Cyclone Fani: More than 1,000 Bangladesh homes destroyed
Cyclone Fani has caused extensive damage in Bangladesh, despite weakening as it blew north from India. More than 1,000 homes have been destroyed and entire villages submerged in the South Asian country. At least five people died and 63 were injured.
Flooding from Michigan to the South damages homes, sends Mississippi River to 157-year-high in Davenport, Iowa
The Mississippi River ticked above levels reached in 1993 in Davenport, Iowa, the highest level there in 157 years. The city’s downtown area remained under water Friday, days after a temporary levee gave way. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer declared a state of emergency Thursday for Wayne County. At least 3,000 homes have been damaged in Wayne County from flooding.
Pedophilia Being Taught As “Sexual Orientation” in California Schools
That is according to a top official for California’s Brea Olinda School District, who admitted to parents that it was being done — and that it would continue, despite the outrage. The implications are mind-blowing.
“Mass Sterilization”: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine
The HCG antigen is used in anti-fertility vaccines, but was found present in tetanus vaccines targeted to young girls and women of childbearing age. Dr. Ngare, spokesman for the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, stated in a bulletin released November 4:
Ceasefire agreement reached between Israel and Gaza officials -report – Arab-Israeli Conflict
Palestinian officials said an Egyptian-mediated ceasefire agreement was reached with Israel on Monday to end a recent surge of violence in the Gaza Strip and southern Israel.
USS Lincoln strike group deployed to send Iran ‘clear and unmistakable’ message, Bolton says
The U.S. is sending the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group and a bomber task force to the Middle East in order “to send a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime,” National Security Adviser John Bolton announced Sunday night.
Swedish Doctor Says Deadly Parasitic Disease Has Doubled Since Muslim Refugee Wave
An infectious diseases doctor has warned that the number of cases in Sweden of Leishmaniasis, a parasitic disease which can lead to death, has doubled since the 2015 migrant wave.
After 500 are fired at Israel, the IDF sends massive reinforcements to the Gaza border and prepares for war
IDF bolsters forces in south. 8 terrorists eliminated in attacks by Air Force, while Gazan mother, daughter killed by Hamas fire.
San Francisco Sues to Overturn New Trump Rules and Force Doctors and Nurses to Do Abortions
The city of San Francisco has filed a lawsuit to overturn new pro-life regulations the Trump Administration put into place yesterday. The lawsuit could ultimately force doctors and nurses to kill babies in abortions or to refer women to abortion practitioners who will.
As Israel Prepares For A ‘Ground Invasion’ Of The Gaza Strip, Netanyahu Says Hamas Will Pay A ‘Heavy Price’ For Killing 4 Israelis
As I write this, it is 7:51 PM EST here in the state of Florida, and it is 2:51 AM in the sovereign nation of Israel. As the sun rises over the middle east in a little under 3 hours from now at 5:52 AM, Israel tanks will already have parked on the Gaza Strip border, waiting orders to enter into Gaza to root out Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists.
YouTube’s Sinister Pedophile Community Continues To Flourish
YouTube has cracked down on the comment sections of videos featuring minors in them — sort of. Many videos that have young children in them still have comment sections and are still being used to exploit children.
Trump Administration Announces Protection For Religious Health Care Providers’ Conscientious Objections
The Trump administration announced a new rule on Thursday, protecting the right of doctors, nurses, insurers, and hospitals to opt out of providing services that conflict with their religious beliefs such as abortion or assisted suicide.
Facebook Is Involved In Activities That Every Christian Would Find Dangerous
Facebook is involved in activities that every Christian would find objectionable. What is it?
Senate Dems Delete Embarrassing Poll Showing 70% Prefer Kavanaugh Over RBG
Well that didn’t work out as planned…
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
7.2 magnitude earthquake strikes Papua New Guinea
CANBERRA, Australia – The quake hit around 7:20 a.m. Tuesday about 33 kilometers (21 miles) southeast of Bulolo, on the country’s eastern side. It struck at a depth of 127 kilometers (79 miles), U.S. Geological Survey said. It wasn’t immediately clear if there was any major damage.
Indonesia’s Mount Sinabung spews massive smoke-and-ash column
Mount Sinabung on Sumatra island – which has been rumbling since 2010 and saw a deadly eruption in 2016 – spewed the thick plume after activity picked up recent days. Disaster agency officials said the eruption has the “potential” to affect flights, but it had not issued a formal notice for planes to avoid the area. Local residents living along rivers near the crater were advised to be on alert for possible lava flows.
8 Zoonotic Diseases Shared Between Animals and People of Most Concern in the U.S.
“Every year, tens of thousands of Americans get sick from diseases spread between animals and people. CDC’s One Health Office is collaborating with DOI, USDA, and other partners across the government to bring together disease detectives, laboratorians, physicians, and veterinarians to prevent those illnesses and protect the health of people, animals, and our environment,” Plague, Emerging coronaviruses (e.g., severe acute respiratory syndrome and Middle East respiratory syndrome)……
European Elections: “The Battle for Europe has Begun”
“My friends, we are gathered here today to stand up for our freedom and our sovereignty. “Immigration must be stopped, and the Islamist ideology must be eradicated…. Islamization and globalism are new totalitarianisms that threaten European countries.” — Marine Le Pen, Prague Press Conference.
Report: Israel Provided Tip About Possible Iranian Attack on US Interests in GU.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton said: “The United States is … send[ing] a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime that any attack on United States interests or on those of our allies will be met with unrelenting force.”ulf
Israel tipped the United States about a possible Iranian plan to “attack U.S. interests in the Gulf” prior to U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton warning Iran on Sunday night with “unrelenting force,” reported Israel’s Channel 13, citing senior Israeli officials. “The officials said intelligence gathered by Israel, primarily by the Mossad intelligence agency, is understood to be part of the reason for Bolton’s announcement,” according to the outlet, adding that the tip was passed along a few weeks ago during discussions at the White House between delegations led by Bolton and his Israeli counterpart, Meir Ben-Shabbat.
Organisms that breathe arsenic discovered in the Pacific Ocean
Arsenic is toxic to almost all life forms, but now researchers at the University of Washington have discovered that some microbes in the Pacific Ocean not only tolerate the stuff, but actively breathe it. Arsenic-breathing microbes have previously been found in hot springs or lakes with high arsenic levels, but finding them in the ocean, where there isn’t all that much arsenic to begin with, is quite strange.
Rocket Lab fires a set of satellites into orbit for US military
2019 is shaping up as quite a success story for US space startup Rocket Lab. The company has backed up a successful satellite launch for DARPA in March with another for the US Air Force, seemingly putting a string of technical troubles behind it as it looks to ramp up the frequency of its missions from here on out.
Artificial embryos possible after embryonic stem cells breakthrough
An incredible new study from researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has for the first time found a way to transform skin cells into all three of the stem cell types that make up an early-stage embryo. This extraordinary discovery points a way toward creating an embryo without the need for an egg or sperm.
Magnitude-5.8 earthquake rattles Ilocos Norte in northern Philippines
An earthquake of 5.8-magnitude struck Ilocos Norte province in the northern Philippines on Monday, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said. The institute said the quake, which struck at 10:48 a.m. local time, hit at a depth of 8 km, about 11 km northwest of Pagudpud town in Ilocos Norte. Phivolcs said the quake was also felt in nearby Pasuquin town in Ilocos Norte, Tuguegarao City, Claveria town in Cagayan province, Sinait town and Vigan City in Ilocos Sur province.
‘Fearfully, wonderfully made’ proven in Times Square
Over the weekend, thousands of tourists and native New Yorkers saw a live 4-D ultrasound of a third-trimester baby on huge video screens in Times Square, despite efforts to censor the images. Focus on the Family reports the turnout for “Alive from New York” far exceeded expectations. “That close to 20,000 people would jam into New York City’s Times Square on a Saturday to celebrate life should encourage everyone who continues to champion and protect the most vulnerable and innocent among us,” the ministry says. “It was a triumph and the largest pro-life gathering in the history of New York City.”
HHS stirs up left-wing anger for defending religious rights
More praise is pouring in for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which under the Trump administration is finally defending the federally-protected conscience rights of doctors and nurses.
Tear-filled Alveda King on NDOP: ‘Hallelujah!’ for Trump
King got emotional after listening to Trump’s sincere appeal to God given after Vice President Mike Pence and First Lady Melania Trump lifted America up to God, asking for His blessing on the U.S. – the first country in the world’s history to have governing laws and principles rooted in the Bible.
Pennsylvania State Rep. Brian Sims Records Himself Rebuking Pro-Life ‘Old White Lady’ Saying Rosary
Pennsylvania State Rep. Brian Sims videotaped himself last week as he rebuked a woman he called an “old white lady,” who was praying the rosary as she demonstrated in front of a Planned Parenthood facility.
Dalai Lama Warns America and Europe About Muslim Refugees
“A human being who is a bit more fortunate has the duty to help them. On the other hand, there are too many now,” he said. “Europe and America, cannot become an Arab country,” he added with a laugh, the daily reported.”
Bilderberg Elites Planned Free Speech Crackdown Prior to Trump Win, Internet ID Next Step
In June of 2016, Prior to the current social media purge, Bilderberg elites discussed implementing an Internet ID in Dresden, Germany. Under the Obama administration, a National Internet ID was proposed. CBS News reported in 2011, Those involved said that the ID needed to be created by the private sector because if the government did it, “it wouldn’t be trusted”. When discussions were taking place on how to implement this ID system, Facebook emerged.
As Ramadan nears, Islamic terror groups tell the world that jihad is the best form of worship
Terrorist groups such as the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) and the Taliban in recent days made their annual call to arms as Ramadan approaches, claiming Allah exceptionally rewards martyrdom during the holy month. This year, the holiest month for Muslims is expected to run from the evening of May 5 to June 5, depending on the phases of the moon.
Lost Fertility Clinic Embryos Weren’t Living Persons, Ohio Appellate Court Rules
Frozen embryos are not living persons, an appellate court in Ohio affirmed Thursday. The ruling is the latest development in a case brought by a couple who lost three embryos in a fertility clinic storage tank malfunction last year.
Qatar will allocate $480 million to the West Bank, Gaza
The Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al Thani has ordered the transfer of $480 million to the Palestinian Authority and the Gaza Strip, according to a statement from the Qatari Foreign Ministry. Some $300 million will go toward the Palestinian Authority’s budget for health and education, with the remaining $180 million earmarked for UN programs for the Palestinians as well as electricity services.
US accuses China of backtracking on trade deal
US trade representative Robert Lighthizer has accused China of backtracking on commitments in trade talks, but insisted a deal on tariffs is still possible. He said President Trump’s threat to impose new taxes on Chinese exports came after China reneged on promises. But he said a Chinese delegation was still expected in Washington on Thursday for a further round of talks.
Microsoft offers software tools to secure elections
Microsoft has announced an ambitious effort to make voting secure, verifiable and subject to reliable audits by registering ballots in encrypted form so they can be accurately and independently tracked long after they are cast. Two of the three top U.S elections vendors have expressed interest in potentially incorporating the open-source software into their voting systems.
Cartels thrive in New Mexico county after feds shut down checkpoints
…Otero County last month became the first border community to declare a state of emergency after the federal government shut down two local checkpoints in the area, which had traditionally provided a second line of defense against shipments of drugs and illegal immigrants who managed to sneak through the border at El Paso, about 90 miles to the south.
Catholic Clergy Accuse Pope Francis of Heresy, Call to Reprimand Him
A group of Catholic Church clergy members and theologians has called on bishops to admonish Pope Francis, accusing the head of the Vatican of heresy, according to reports.
Resistant ’superbug’ hitting hospitals in N.Y., N.J. should be declared public health emergency, lawmaker says
A U.S. senator is calling for federal officials to declare a public health emergency over the a potentially deadly fungus that has been spreading at health care facilities in New York and New Jersey, among other states.
Tropical Cyclone “Fani” forced one of the biggest human evacuations in history, death toll rises to 30
At least 16 people have been killed in India and another 14 in Bangladesh due to strong winds and heavy rain produced by Tropical Cyclone “Fani” since it made landfall May 3, 2019. More than 200 were injured.
Pope slanders those who are calling for strengthening nation sovereignty and protecting borders
Pope Francis addressed participants at a Vatican conference on Thursday and denounced a trend toward nationalism that entails “excessive demands for sovereignty.” “The common good has become global and nations must associate,” the pope told members of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences who gathered for their annual meeting, entitled “Nation, State, Nation-State.”
Facebook Has An Orwellian Future Just For You
Alex delves into what you can expect in the very near future as the totalitarian tech rollout accelerates. There are already plans to surveil any dissent via text messages and organized digital gulags.
Crimes, deaths, and attacks during Ramadan 2019 – updated daily
Crimes, deaths, and attacks during Ramadan 2019 – updated daily: Ramadan killathon – takbir!
No, Christianity Doesn’t Need To Endorse Homosexuality To Grow
Stop accepting the Bible as true and admit Christianity has gotten it terribly wrong on homosexuality. This is the advice Rev. Oliver Thomas gives in a recent opinion article in USA Today for how the church can stop “hemorrhaging members” and see brighter days.
United States Deploys USS Abraham Lincoln With Bomber Strike Force To Middle East After Hearing Iran Planned Attack On US Forces In Region
Well this was quite the surprise tonight. As a very shaky ceasefire is called between Israel and Hamas, the United States makes the stunning announcement that we are sending over the USS Abraham Lincoln and a bomber attack squad to the Middle East after threats from Iran.
NOT OVER: As Ceasefire Goes Into Effect, Netanyahu Says Gaza Campaign Not Over And Israel Is Preparing To Continue Fight Against Hamas
As we told you yesterday, it is no coincidence of any kind that the United States is sending over the USS Abraham Lincoln to the Middle East to deal with some vague, non-specific “Iranian threat’ at exactly the same time Hamas wants a ceasefire. Netanyahu has zero intentions of letting this one go after Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad rockets killed 4 Israelis over the weekend.
Review: ‘Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile’: A Tense Look At Bundy’s Charm
“Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile” is a Netflix original crime biopic about serial killer Ted Bundy…Rather than focusing on the grotesque nature of Bundy’s crimes, as one might expect from the title, the film centers around Bundy’s relationships and the impact his various trials had on them.
Rejected: Transgender Weightlifter’s Claim to Women’s Records Revoked By League
A born-male transgender weightlifter, who recently smashed several women’s powerlifting records in a single day by “identifying” as a woman, has had the claims rejected by the official weightlifting league.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
US deploying 4 B-52 bombers in response to ‘possible attack’ by Iran
The U.S. is deploying B-52 bombers to the Middle East in preparation for potential attacks that have been threatened by Iran or its allies on U.S. troops. The Pentagon confirmed Tuesday that the deployment includes four B-52 bombers, two of which reportedly departed Tuesday from Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisana, and are expected to arrive Wednesday at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar
China stole NSA hacking tools and used them against US: report
Chinese intelligence agents stole hacking tools from the National Security Agency (NSA) and used them in cyberattacks against targets in the U.S., Europe and Asia, cybersecurity experts have found. Symantec researchers say the spies then repurposed the tools in order to wage several attacks on U.S. targets in 2016, including highly sensitive defense targets, such as technology companies in the space, satellite and nuclear industries…
Use of Chinese animal feed in US raises concern as killer swine disease rages abroad
American pork producers are using feed from China for their pigs, raising concerns about bringing a contagious disease to the U.S. At least 129 cases of the African swine fever in China have been reported since August, and the incurable viral disease has spread to other parts of Asia, including Vietnam and Mongolia. The fear is it could reach the U.S., where it could devastate the more than $20 billion pork industry.
State Rep. John ‘Kill Them Now’ Rogers announces bid for Senate, offers more hot takes on abortion
we hadn’t before heard of Alabama State Rep. John Rogers until video surfaced of him arguing against proposed pro-life legislation, in which he argued that in the case of unwanted kids, “you kill them now or you kill them later. You bring them in the world unwanted, unloved, you send them to the electric chair.” So now Rogers apparently wants to be promoted to state senator, where he’ll be even better positioned to keep crazy and retarded kids from ever being born.
Globalist Pope Francis calls for new ‘supranational’ authorities that would to rule countries and enforce UN goals
Pope Francis made a strong new push,… calling for a supranational, legally constituted body to enforce United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and implement “climate change” policies.
District is running roughshod over the First Amendment’ A public school instructing teachers to greet Muslims during Ramadan with “Ramadan Mubarak” and adjust test schedules is raising the specter of official district endorsement of Islam, contends a non-profit legal group. The Freedom of Conscience Legal Defense Fund is warning the Dieringer School District in Lake Tapps, Washington, about its implementation of guidelines issued by the terror-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Morocco is sending 422 imams to Europe for “religious guidance” during Ramadan – which starts today
Morocco’s Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs is sending 422 imams to Europe for religious guidance during Ramadan. In an effort to ensure the unity of their community and the preservation of their mosques abroad, scholars will be sent to France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, among other countries the ministry explained.
Iran likely to move ballistic missiles through Persian Gulf – report
Intelligence received by the US showed that Iran is likely to move short-range ballistic missiles aboard boats in the Persian Gulf, according to a CNN report. This was one of the main reasons the US decided to move an aircraft carrier strike group and B-52 bombers to the Middle East, according to several officials who are knowledgeable about the situation. This intelligence, along with other threads of intelligence from multiple sources, led the US to believe that Iran was able and ready to launch strikes against US targets or US interests.
Islamic Jihad leader expects war with Israel to break out next summer
A leader of the Islamic Jihad said in a televised interview that he expects a war with Israel to break out by next summer. Speaking to Al Mayadeen, a Lebanese news channel, on Tuesday night, secretary general of the Islamic Jihad Ziad al-Nahala described the most recent escalation against Israel as “just preparation for the greater battle”.“The resistance in Gaza is fully prepared for any war,” Nahala said, adding that when the ceasefire was reached they were about to shoot rockets at Tel Aviv.
Netanyahu on Iran: We will not let them get nuclear arms
Israel will not let Iran attain nuclear weapons, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday just hours after Iran announced that it will continue its nuclear program. Netanyahu’s comments came at the government’s central Remembrance Day ceremony at the Mount Herzl military cemetery honoring the country’s 23,741 fallen soldiers.
Iran threatens uranium enrichment if world powers do not keep promises
Iran said it had started scaling back parts of its commitments under its 2015 nuclear deal on Wednesday and threatened to do more if world powers did not protect it from U.S. sanctions… President Hassan Rouhani said Tehran would move on to resuming high level uranium enrichment if the remaining signatories – Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia – did not make good on promises to shield its oil and banking sectors in the next 60 days.
700 rockets, 4 dead Israelis: Is the Iron Dome getting worse?
After the weekend’s fighting between Hamas and the Israeli army, some Israelis have raised questions about the strength of their country’s missile defenses. Over the course of the weekend, Hamas and Islamic Jihad launched nearly 700 rockets from Gaza at Israel, killing four people and injuring more than 200. According to Haaretz, of the 690 rockets launched from Gaza, Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted 240.
US Secretary of State Pompeo visits Iraq amid Iran tensions
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made an unscheduled, fleeting visit to Iraq, amid growing tensions with Iran. Mr Pompeo cancelled a trip to Berlin to meet Iraqi leaders during a four-hour stop in the capital Baghdad. He told the leaders that the US doesn’t “want anybody interfering in their country”, and asked them to protect US troops in Iraq.
Colorado shooting: Teenager killed in high school attack
A teenager has been killed and seven others injured after two pupils allegedly opened fire in a US school. The attack at the STEM School Highlands Ranch, near Denver, Colorado, took place on Tuesday, police said. Both attackers have now been arrested. Highlands Ranch is just 8km (5 miles) from Columbine High School – the site of one of the US’s worst school shootings 20 years ago.
US climate objections sink Arctic Council accord in Finland
US objections to wording on climate change prevented Arctic nations signing a joint statement at a summit in Finland, delegates said. It is the first time such a statement has been cancelled since the Arctic Council was set up in 1996. A Finnish delegate, Timo Koivurova, said “the others felt they could not water down climate change sentences”.
More than 7,000 Robots Will Work in Construction by 2025
Research firm Tractica today projected a $226 million revenue market by 2025 for the construction robotics space, an area that traditionally has been labor-intensive and not focused on robotics as much as industries such as manufacturing, supply chain logistics, and health care. In a new report…Tractica said growing interest in construction robots will drive revenue from $22.7 million in 2018 to the $226 million figure by 2025.
Area mosques report receiving threats after video shows Muslim children reciting violent poems, songs
Several local Muslim leaders say their mosques have received threatening phone calls after a video was posted Friday of children reciting violent poems and songs in Arabic during a program at a North Philadelphia Islamic center. That prompted the Philadelphia branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) to issue an advisory Monday to all Islamic institutions to increase security precautions throughout the month.
Exorcism goes mainstream: Combined Churches assemble in Rome to learn ‘best practice’ eviction of demons
Exorcism is going multi-denominational. Where once those competing for the souls of followers would burn each other as heretics and engage in bloody wars, the world’s mainstream Christian denominations are now rallying together to battle a resurrected threat. And that’s no less than Satan himself. The Roman Catholic Church has for the first time opened up its annual exorcism class in Rome to representatives of all major Christian faiths.
Islamic Jihad says war with Israel coming this summer
Leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group believes the recent deadly flare-up between Israel and Gaza militants was a “military exercise” ahead of a large-scale war in the coming summer…”I anticipate a war to erupt in the summer, following Israel’s attempts to disarm the Palestinian factions in Gaza,”…Ziad al-Nakhala said…adding the ceasefire was reached “just hours” before the militants…planned to launch rockets at Tel Aviv.
Exclusive: China backtracked on nearly all aspects of U.S. trade deal – sources
The diplomatic cable from Beijing arrived in Washington late on Friday night, with systematic edits to a nearly 150-page draft trade agreement that would blow up months of negotiations between the world’s two largest economies, according to three U.S. government sources and three private sector sources briefed on the talks.
Population Control Activist Paul Ehrlich: Human Extinction Will Happen if People Don’t Start “Having Fewer Children”
CNN interviewed discredited environmental catastrophist Paul Ehrlich in its coverage of the United Nations’ latest warning of ecological collapse due to human activities and climate change.
Not One Democrat Presidential Candidate Defended Israel During Onslaught of 700 Rocket Attacks
Not one of the more than 20 candidates for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination in 2020 tweeted this past weekend about the nearly 700 rockets that Palestinian terrorists in Gaza launched against Israel over two days.
China’s Big Brother Social Control Arrives In Australia
In Darwin, they’ve already constructed “poles with speakers, cameras and Wi-Fi,” to monitor people… the monitoring will be done mainly by artificial intelligence…
US deploying 4 B-52 bombers in response to ‘possible attack’ by Iran
The U.S. is deploying B-52 bombers to the Middle East in preparation for potential attacks that have been threatened by Iran or its allies on U.S. troops.
Baptist Pastor Writes In USA Today That The Bible Can’t Be Trusted, And That The Church Must Accept Open LGBTQP Members In Order To Survive • Now The End Begins
If you ever needed proof that we are knee-deep into that great time of apostasy that Paul calls the ‘falling away’, look no further. This article we present to you today will confirm that for you a hundred times over. On the USA Today site, it says that Oliver Thomas is a retired American Baptist minister and a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributors. He has written an article so Liberal and so Far Left that even Joel Osteen would have trouble putting his name on it. Well, maybe not.
TABLES TURN: Attorney General WillIam Barr Begins Investigation Of Former FBI Boss James Comey With Everything Including Hillary Clinton On The Table
James Comey, a long time benefactor and protector of Hillary Clinton, is nothing if not smug and condescending. Worse than that, since the day that he allowed Crooked Hillary Clinton to walk free in spite of a mountain of evidence, he has considered himself untouchable. But guess what? Attorney General William Barr just touched him., and it’s about to get really bad really fast.
Trump administration forces China to sell the Port of Long Beach
The Trump Administration’s Department of Homeland Security has forced China’s state-owned Cosco* to sell the Port of Long Beach over security concerns.
Alexa has been eavesdropping on you this whole time
Would you let a stranger eavesdrop in your home and keep the recordings? For most people, the answer is, “Are you crazy?” Yet that’s essentially what Amazon has been doing to millions of us with its assistant Alexa in microphone-equipped Echo speakers. And it’s hardly alone: Bugging our homes is Silicon Valley’s next frontier.
Classified Air Force Laser Weapon For Stealth Jets Shoots Down Missiles
“…our directed energy systems are on track to be a game-changer for our warfighters.”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
North Korea fires 2 short-range missiles, 5 days after previous launch; US tests long-range missile within 10 minutes
The U.S. Air Force, meanwhile, tested a long-range missile from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California within 10 minutes of the reported launch by Pyongyang. The American intercontinental ballistic missile flew 4,200 miles into Pacific from a base in California, according to the Air Force. The launch of the Minuteman III intercontinental missile was the second missile launch this month and the fourth this year.
As tariff hike looms, China asks U.S. to meet it halfway, denies backtracking
China appealed to the United States to meet it halfway to salvage a deal that could end their trade war, with its chief negotiator in Washington for two days of talks hoping to stave off U.S. tariff increases set to be triggered on Friday.
U.S. carrier to deter Iran passes through Suez Canal
The US aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln, deployed by President Donald Trump’s administration to the Middle East as a warning to Iran, passed through Egypt’s Suez Canal on Thursday, the Suez Canal Authority said. The deployment of the carrier strike group is meant to show the United States will retaliate with “unrelenting force” to any attack, national security adviser John Bolton said on Sunday.
Pope issues sweeping decree holding bishops accountable for sex abuse or cover-ups
Pope Francis introduced sweeping changes in Catholic Church law on Thursday to hold bishops accountable for sexual abuse or covering it up, making reporting obligatory for clerics and allowing anyone to complain directly to the Vatican if needed.
Islamic Jihad: We are preparing rockets
Abu Hamza, spokesman for the Islamic Jihad’s “military wing”, the Al-Quds Brigades, said on Wednesday that the Palestinian “resistance organizations” would start from the point at which the last round of the conflict ended should the “enemy” refuse to implement the understandings. The escalation began after Palestinian Arab terrorists opened fire at Israeli soldiers along the Gaza border in southern Israel, wounding an officer and a soldier.
Germany issues ‘early warning’ report about rise of Islamist antisemitism
The top intelligence agency in Germany has written what is being called its most comprehensive analysis of rising antisemitism by Islamist extremists. “Antisemitism in Islamism” homes in on the Islamist extremist component, which represents a looming threat, the agency said, though relatively few anti-Semitic crimes in Germany have been attributed to Islamist extremism. The report distinguishes between “Islam” the religion and “Islamism,” which it describes as a form of political extremism that “aims at the partial or complete abolition of the liberal democratic constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany.”
Are These the Terms of the ‘Deal of the Century’?
According to the newspaper, the peace plan states (translated from Hebrew):
Army — The new Palestine would no longer have to form an army. The only weapon would be light weapons held by the police. A defense agreement will be signed between Israel and the new Palestine in which Israel will guarantee the new Palestine from all external aggression and the new Palestine will pay Israel for this protection. The cost of this payment shall be in negotiations between the parties, mediated by the supporting countries.
Germany issues ‘early warning’ report about rise of Islamist antisemitism
The top intelligence agency in Germany has written what is being called its most comprehensive analysis of rising antisemitism by Islamist extremists. “Antisemitism in Islamism” homes in on the Islamist extremist component, which represents a looming threat, the agency said, though relatively few anti-Semitic crimes in Germany have been attributed to Islamist extremism. The report distinguishes between “Islam” the religion and “Islamism,” which it describes as a form of political extremism that “aims at the partial or complete abolition of the liberal democratic constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany.”
Bud Light reveals rainbow bottle for Pride Month
For the first time ever, Bud Light is selling rainbow bottles for Pride Month to celebrate the LGBTQ community.
More Storms, Flooding on the Way as Rivers Continue to Rise in Texas and Oklahoma
Heavy rain will continue to batter the Plains this week and it won’t stop there. Storms will hit cities across Texas and Oklahoma Tuesday and Wednesday with the possibility for damaging winds, large hail and even tornadoes.
Great-grandmother with CBD oil arrested at Disney World
Disney World may be the most magical place on Earth, but it turned into a legal nightmare for a great-grandmother with arthritis.
Exorcism goes mainstream: Combined Churches assemble in Rome to learn ‘best practice’ eviction of demons
Exorcism is going multi-denominational. Where once those competing for the souls of followers would burn each other as heretics and engage in bloody wars, the world’s mainstream Christian denominations are now rallying together to battle a resurrected threat.
Mongolian Couple Dies of Bubonic Plague After Eating Raw Marmot Kidney
Nine tourists were left stranded in a remote region of Mongolia after an unidentified local couple died from the bubonic plague.
Seattle School District Urges Teachers to Follow CAIR Guidelines on Blessing Muslim Students During Ramadan
Dieringer School District in Seattle, Washington, is calling on its teachers to follow CAIR-issued guidelines regarding adherence to Islam. The school district is urging its teachers to bless Muslim students by reciting Arabic to them during Ramadan.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Announces That The Terms Of The Jerusalem Embassy Act Of 1995 Have Been Fulfilled, Waivers To Forever End
Alot of Christians are not aware of something called the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, passed by both the House and the Senate, which called for the US Embassy in Tel Aviv to be moved to Jerusalem. The act left final decision making in the president’s hand to either move it or exercise a waiver that would last for 6 month, and then either decide to move it or use the waiver. Well, gutless 2-term presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Hussein Obama all used the waivers for a total of 46 times over a 23 year period, even though all had promised to move it while campaigning for office. Only Donald J. Trump had to guts to do it.
“It’s Pornography” Parents Outraged as California Targets Kindergartners With Transgender Propaganda
California is targeting children as young as Kindergarten with transgender propaganda in a revised sex education guide for teachers.
Military Religious Freedom Foundation sues over Bible at VA hospital
A group of veterans in New Hampshire has filed a lawsuit to remove a Bible on display in the lobby of a VA hospital in the state’s largest city, Manchester.
Deep Cover Source Reveals 8,000 Russian Spetsnaz Troops Poised to Attack American Infrastructure
Please note that the cover photo for this article is a 2013 photo of Russian Spetsnaz an American soldiers at Fort Carson Army base in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This will figure prominently later in this article.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Earthquake of magnitude 6.3 jolts southern Japan, no tsunami warning
An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.3 hit off the coast of southern Japan on Friday (May 10) but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of damage, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. The quake struck at 8.48am local time (7.48am Singapore time), with its epicentre off the coast of Miyazaki prefecture in the southern island of Kyushu at a depth of 20km, the agency said.
‘We’re in the End Times’: Why Satan Worship Is on the Rise in Pop Culture
“We’re not talking about a one- or two-minute scene in a short program,” she says. “The entire theme of the program is about seances, black cats, magic, Wicca. We’ve got Sabrina’s Sweet 16 party with the devil, Satan, showing up at her birthday party.” But it’s not just Chilling Adventures of Sabrina that’s glorifying witchcraft and glamorizing the devil. Griffin says Satan worship has infiltrated pop culture through music and social media too. She shares example after example of top celebrities who adhere to Satanism, wear occult clothing or brand themselves with Satanic symbols. But why are we seeing this sudden spike in Satan worship? “It’s because Satan has little time left,”
US Enacts New Iranian Sanctions, Denies Oil Waivers
Exactly one year after withdrawing from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, the United States announced on Wednesday new sanctions on Tehran, and that it will not issue further waivers to countries over importing Iranian oil. The Trump administration said sanctions will target Iran’s aluminum, iron, copper and steel sectors. “It remains the policy of the United States to deny Iran all paths to both a nuclear weapon and intercontinental ballistic missiles, and to counter the totality of Iran’s malign influence in the Middle East,” Trump said in the order released on Wednesday.
Farrakhan talks of ‘Satanic Jews’ at Catholic church address
Denying accusations of anti-Semitism, Nation of Islam leader says he distinguishes between ‘good Jews’ and ‘Satanic Jews’. “I’m here to separate the good Jews from the Satanic Jews.” Pfleger, who introduced Farrakhan at the event, said he had received a wave of hate mail and angry phone calls over his decision to host Farrakhan, going on to call the Nation of Islam leader a “bold voice against injustice done against black people”.
Ebola virus disease – Democratic Republic of the Congo: Disease outbreak news, 9 May 2019
As of 7 May, a total of 1600 confirmed and probable EVD cases have been reported, of which 1069 died (case fatality of 67%). Of the total cases with recorded sex and age, 57% (907) were female and 30% (475) were children aged less than 18 years. The number of healthcare workers affected has risen to 97 (6% of total cases). 442 EVD patients who received care at Ebola Treatment Centres (ETCs) have been successfully discharged.
The FBI Has 850 Open Domestic Terrorism Investigations
“The velocity in which we are working our cases, both on the domestic terrorism side and the international terrorism side, with homegrown violent extremists, that velocity is much quicker than its ever been before,” Michael McGarrity, assistant director of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, told the House Homeland Security Committee.
US has secret ‘ninja bomb’ blade-wielding missile to kill terrorists, avoid civilians
The Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have both used the missile – a modified Hellfire missile dubbed R9X – as a means to take out highly sought targets while minimizing civilian casualties, and safeguarding the missile’s secrecy, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday. The missile works in such precision due to its warhead that is designed not to explode, but to drive the missile through cars and buildings and straight into the target without ever injuring nearby persons or property.
FBI’s Steele Story Unravels – Claims Debunked, Leaks Suspected Before FISA Application
What makes this particularly ****ing is that the FBI swore on October 21, 2016 to the FISA judges that Steele’s “reporting has been corroborated and used in criminal proceedings,” and that the FBI deemed him to be “reliable” and was “unaware of any derogatory information pertaining” to the former British spy who was working for Fusion GPS – the firm paid by the DNC and the Clinton campaign to come up with dirt on Donald Trump.
Australia Allows CRISPR Editing Of Plants And Animals Without Government Approval
on April 10, the Australian government announced that it has approved the use of the CRISPR gene editing tool on plants, animals, and human cell lines under the condition that new genetic material is not created. This decision is the result of a massive review of the country’s regulation regarding gene editing technology.
Newly discovered “jumping” superbug gene threatens last-resort antibiotic
The significance of this discovery is predicated on the vital importance of the antiobotic this new gene was proven to help bacteria overcome. Colistin is regarded by the World Health Organization as a “highest priority critically important antimicrobial for human medicine,” due to its role as a last-resort antibiotic used by clinicians to treat infections caused by bacteria already resistant to other, less effective medicines.
World-first human treatment of antibiotic-resistant infection with genetically modified virus
Moving focus to the other patient’s bacterial strain, the team homed in on three potential phages. To increase their bacterial killing efficiency, two of the phages were genetically modified and then the three viruses were combined into a cocktail containing a billion phage particles per dose. The subsequent treatment was incredibly successful,…
Anti-Semitic attacks spike worldwide, killing most Jews in decades
Tel Aviv University researchers say assaults targeting Jews rose 13% in 2018, with Germany recording an unprecedented in recent years 70% increase in anti-Semitic violence; ‘Anti-Semitism has become mainstream and accepted by civil society’. “There is an increasing sense of emergency among Jews in many countries around the world,” said Moshe Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress, an umbrella group representing Jewish communities across the continent.
Dems, media in ‘full meltdown mode’ over Barr being held in contempt of Congress
Jesse Watters pointed to several members of the media and the Democratic Party he said were going into “meltdown mode” over Attorney General William Barr’s refusal to turn over the full and unredacted Mueller report to Congress.
Trump not ruling out military confrontation with Iran
Trump says he can’t rule out military confrontation with Iran given the heightened tensions between the two countries. “We have information that you don’t want to know about. They were very threatening and we have to have great security for this country and many other places,” he said, according to Reuters.
Jason Greenblatt says no peace plan leak, all speculation
The White House has denied earlier reports by Israel’s leading newspaper that the “deal of the century” has been leaked.
Supreme Court Says No to NYC’s Second Amendment–Avoidance Scheme
The Supreme Court saw through New York’s scheme. The Court denied the state’s request to delay briefing until New York resolved its rulemaking process. As a result, briefing will go forward on the first true Second Amendment case since McDonald v. Chicago.
U.S. B-52 bombers reach Middle East in message to Iran
American B-52 Stratofortress bombers sent to the Middle East over what Washington describes as threats from Iran have arrived at a U.S. base in Qatar, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) said. The US military said on Tuesday that a number of B-52 bombers would be part of additional forces being sent to the Middle East to counter what the Trump administration says are “clear indications” of threats from Iran to U.S. forces there.
Police on high-alert in Jerusalem’s Old City as first Friday of Ramadan commences
Police took security measures and precautions, remaining on high alert over Friday, in and around the Old City of Jerusalem as visitors arrived and prayers commenced on Temple Mount for the first Friday of Ramadan. “Police units and Border Police have been mobilized in different parts of the Old City to allow thousands of people to make the area accessible, whilst preventing any incidents,” the Israel Police said in a media statement.
Trade war: Trump raises tariffs on $200bn of Chinese goods
The US has more than doubled tariffs on $200bn (£153.7bn) worth of Chinese products, in a sharp escalation of the countries’ damaging trade war. Tariffs on affected Chinese goods have risen to 25% from 10%, and Beijing has vowed to retaliate. China says it “deeply regrets” the move and will have to take “necessary counter-measures.”
Iran nuclear deal: European powers reject ‘ultimatums’
European powers have said they remain committed to the Iran nuclear deal but that they “reject any ultimatums” from Tehran to prevent its collapse. Iran announced on Wednesday that it had suspended two commitments under the 2015 accord in response to the economic sanctions the US reimposed last year. It also threatened to step up uranium enrichment if it was not shielded from the sanctions’ effects within 60 days.
Climate change: Scientists test radical ways to fix Earth’s climate
Scientists in Cambridge plan to set up a research centre to develop new ways to repair the Earth’s climate. It will investigate radical approaches such as refreezing the Earth’s poles and removing CO2 from the atmosphere. The centre is being created because of fears that current approaches will not on their own stop dangerous and irreversible damage to the planet.
U.S. seizes North Korean ship suspected of violating U.N. sanctions
The U.S. has seized a North Korean freighter that was caught shipping coal in violation of U.N. sanctions, the Justice Department revealed Thursday. The 17,000-ton cargo ship, called the Wise Honest, was stopped in Indonesia last year after it was found to be carrying coal. The ship’s captain was charged with violating Indonesian law, and last July, the U.S. filed an action to seize the ship, according to court papers.
French kissing could be unexplored cause of throat gonorrhea
Gonorrhoea is the second most common bacterial sexually transmitted infection in the UK, but despite assumptions it can only be passed on through genital contact, new research suggests throat (oropharyngeal) gonorrhoea might be contracted through kissing alone. According to a study published in the journal Sexually Transmitted Infections, “deep kissing” (aka French kissing or kissing with tongues) might be a neglected route for spreading the infection…
‘Unprecedented’ 100,000 hit by European Measles outbreak spreading at ‘alarming’ rate
The World Health Organisation said the rise in cases was “unprecedented” for a preventable disease. They revealed they are rapidly ramping up their response to the outbreak, which has spread over two years, “based on the growing number of children and adults affected by and dying from the disease”. Measles is one of the leading causes of death in the world from a disease that can be cured by a vaccine.
Israel celebrates 71 years of independence
Celebrations for Israel’s 71st Independence Day began at Jerusalem’s Mt Herzl with the traditional Torch-Lighting Ceremony. IDF bands and flag bearers marched across the parade grounds forming Israel related symbols in highly choreographed fashion. The ceremony began with the Yizkor prayer recited by Shimon Baumel, brother of Zechariah Baumel whose remains were only recently repatriated to Israel 37 years after disappearing in battle in Lebanon.
First-Ever Record of 400 Years of El Ninos Shows They Really Are Getting More Brutal
The pattern of El Niño has changed dramatically in recent years, according to the first seasonal record distinguishing different types of El Niño events over the last 400 years.
Arctic outbreak breaks numerous minimum temperature records for the month of May, France
A surge of very cold Arctic air affecting much of Europe over the past 4 – 5 days broke numerous minimum temperature records for the month of May across the French Alps. On a national level, May 6, 2019 was the coldest May morning over the past 40 years.
Coca-Cola Releases Crescent Moon Logo for Ramadan
Coca-Cola is set to launch a new logo in Norway dedicated to Muslims during the holy month known as Ramadan.
Brussels Buses Suspend Service To Islamic ‘No-Go’ Station, Citing Malaria, TB Outbreak
Bus drivers will no longer service a major Brussels station, trade unions have announced, citing a reported outbreak of diseases including malaria, tuberculosis, and scabies.
Offended By What Someone Said? Now You Can Report Them To Law Enforcement
Soon free speech will be a thing of the past in paranoid America. DIGIT Lab’s “Hate Incident Reporting” app promises to turn complete strangers into secret, hate speech/bias spies.
Google Sister Company Using SPLC Data To Develop Comment Moderation Engine
Jigsaw, the Alphabet subsidiary that began as the Google Ideas think tank, has been utilizing Southern Poverty Law Center datasets in the development of their Perspective API, a comment moderation engine, documents shared with The Daily Caller indicate.
Texas A&M Says WHITE CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS Are the Newest and Greatest Threat to America
Texas A&M groups are saying the WHITE CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS are the newest and greatest threat to America. This certainly sets the table for end times prophecies. Please share this with every WHITE CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST that you know…
Man in ‘amazing disguise’, 100 others arrested with enough fentanyl ‘to kill everyone in Brevard County’
It was a drug bust involving the seizure of enough fentanyl to kill every person in their county. On Wednesday, police in Brevard County, Florida arrested 100 people in a massive drug bust.
Microsoft Is Entering Journalists Personal Computers In An Attempt to Censor Their Investigations
As the Independent Media focuses on the Left’s extreme censorship on social media sites, there is a new brand of censorship that is appearing which threatens to cut the legs off of all Independent Media investigations. The Common Sense Show may be the first to report this phenomenon, but very soon, I expect the following to become an everyday occurance.
UN Elects Somalia, Congo to Women’s Rights Boards
The United Nations decided it would be a good idea to elect several countries with terrible track records on women’s rights to sit on boards that promote…women’s rights.
Pennsylvania School Stops Principal from Saying ‘God Bless America’ After Pledge
A Pennsylvania school district moved to ban a school principal from saying “God bless America” after the Pledge of Allegiance when an anti-Christian group threatened to sue.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Cuba to increase rationing amid shortages
Cuba has announced rationing of more products amid shortages it blames on the US trade embargo and hoarders. There have been hours-long queues for basic foodstuffs in recent weeks on the Caribbean island. People have posted photos of long waits at the supermarket under the hashtag #lacolachallenge, meaning queue challenge.
Pentagon deploying Patriot anti-missile battery to Middle East to further deter Iranian threat
The Pentagon would not specify the location but a senior military official said it would arrive “relatively soon.” The decision follows an announcement earlier in the week that the U.S. would deploy a carrier strike group and bomber task force to the region in response to indications that Iran and its proxies were preparing to attack U.S. forces and interests in the region.
Debate rages in Egypt as Christian women told to cover up
A Coptic priest’s comments about women’s clothing being too revealing in churches has sparked a heated debate this week among Egyptian Christians, the largest religious minority in the Middle East. Father Daoud Lamei, a well-known parish priest in an upmarket Cairo suburb with a sizeable social media following, lambasted Christian women for attire that he deemed immodest.
April was another record month for illegal immigration
According to Customs and Border Protection (CBP), April set yet another record, with a total of 109,000 apprehensions at the southwest border. Unless the administration…calls for a complete shutoff of immigration processing at the border, it’s unlikely that the numbers will fall significantly. The partial measures being pursued currently might have worked a year ago when we warned about the tsunami, but not now that we are squarely in the storm.
San Francisco Weighs ‘IPO Tax’ to Spread Tech Wealth
City leaders here are proposing to more than triple a tax on stock compensation in a bid to use revenue from a wave of public offerings by tech companies to address concerns about growing wealth disparity. The so-called IPO tax would raise the levy on corporations for stock-based compensation to 1.5% from the current rate of 0.38%.
Chinese Officials Warn: Christianity Causes ‘Enormous Harm’ to Society
Government leaders in China’s third most-populous province held a seminar last month to warn communist officials of the “enormous harm” Christianity poses on China’s security, according to China Aid, which promotes religious freedom within the country.
Calif. approves new sex ed guidance; critics say it is too explicit, morally corrupt
California’s Department of Education voted to approve a controversial guidance for sex education for elementary and middle school students despite protests by parents and others.
Houston Rains Bringing Floods Reminiscent of Hurricane Harvey, Water Rescues Begin Into the Night
The fourth-largest city in America is bracing for storms Thursday night that could bring even more flooding to a region that has been saturated during the last week. Houston officials have emergency vehicles staged for anticipated flooding not seen since Hurricane Harvey in 2017, which was one of the greatest rain events in the country’s history.
May snowstorm breaks 117-year-old record in Minnesota
While the calendar shows it’s more than six weeks into spring, Mother Nature dealt a wintry blow to Minnesota with a winter-like storm that unleashed historic snow amounts in some locations on Wednesday into Thursday.
Tetanus Vaccine Causes a New Disease Known as Antiphospholipid Syndrome
…The tetanus vaccine causes a new disease known both as Hughes syndrome and antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). It’s an autoimmune condition that can attack any part of the body, though is best noted for heart attacks and killing fetuses. It’s likely that APS will become more common with the new generation of vaccine adjuvants now being produced.
Trump Takes Iran Seriously, Here Is Full List Of Firepower That The US Military Is Sending To Middle East Right Now To Counter Latest Iranian Threat
On Monday, we told you that in response to threats from Iran, the US military had authorized the USS Abraham Lincoln to be deployed to the Middle East. Yesterday, the Lincoln passed through Egypt’s Suez Canal. Iran said they could take out the Lincoln with a single missile, and guess what? The United States is talking them seriously and sending quite an impressive array of ships, planes and firepower. The full list is in the article here below.
Mother Says 12-Year-Old Daughter Was Taken To Clinic, Had Birth Control Implanted In Arm Against Her Will
The mother of a 12-year-old Beaver Falls girl is demanding answers after a doctor implanted birth control in her arm.
White House Immigration Plan Likely to Include Mandatory E-Verify
An immigration plan being drafted by the White House is likely to include a provision that mandates, nationally, the E-Verify system that prevents businesses from hiring illegal aliens over American citizens.
Change Your Faith, or Else: Nancy Pelosi’s ‘Equality Act’ Will Make Religious Freedom Less Equal
The House Judiciary Committee voted last week to advance the deceptively named “Equality Act,” which, according to the conservative legal nonprofit Alliance Defending Freedom, “gives people of faith an ultimatum: Change your faith-based practices or face government punishment.”
Death by donation: Euthanizing patients for organs gaining acceptance
Organ donation is a selfless gift to those on transplant wait lists. But what if we euthanized patients by harvesting their organs?
New Data Reveals 19 Million People in 43 States Exposed to Toxic Chemicals in Drinking Water
While those who lead our cities, towns, and public utilities companies continually reassure us that they’re doing us a service and require payment to continue doing so, it is glaringly obvious that most Americans are getting a poor return on their investment.
Massive Fifth Column Forces Have Infiltrated The United States and Are Ready to Attack
This article is filled with questions that emanate from a developing narrative in which it is apparent that there is nothing about the US government that can be trusted and there are indeed people who intend to do us harm if we stand in the way of an extreme leftist take over.
Planned Parenthood CEO Declares Her Happiest Moment Was Forcing Christians To Pay For Abortion Drugs
In February 2018, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards said that Christians should be forced to perform abortions because morality is a form of ‘discrimination.’ In a recent statement, Richards said that her ‘happiest moment’ was forcing Christians to pay for abortions:
Colo. School Shooting Suspect Was ‘Transitioning to Male,’ 2nd Suspect Said He ‘Hates’ Christians
You can be certain the latest school shooting in Colorado will be dropped by the media real quick.
The Vatican Is Bringing Christian Pastors To Rome To Train Them In How To Perform Catholic Ritual Exorcisms Using Saints, Icons And Graven Images
Ah, Rome, drunken with the blood of the saints, Rick Warren would feel right at home here. You will remember that back in 2014, Rick Warren gushed effusively about ‘our pope’, and what a great jobs he was doing. Well, now Pope Francis has invited Christian pastors to come to Rome and learn the ways of Babylon in how to ‘cast out devils’. Not surprisingly 241 people have taken the bait from the man in the fish hat to become trained in how to use Roman Catholics idols and icons to perform exorcisms. If it wasn’t so profoundly sad, it would be pretty funny.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
U.S. not strong enough to start war, mocks U.S. “psychological war”: IRGC
Major General Hossein Salami…The newly appointed head of the IRGC, which the US views as a terrorist organization, said the US is not strong enough to start a war with Iran because it has not deployed enough forces in the region. Salami gave his best assessment to parliament in a closed and largely secretive session. Yet Iranian media received reports about the discussion, to reassure Iran that war is not coming.
Pakistan attack: Gunmen storm five-star hotel in Balochistan
Three gunmen who stormed a five-star hotel in the restive Pakistani province of Balochistan, killing at least one guard, have been shot dead by security forces, officials say. The attack and subsequent siege, which targeted the Zaver Pearl-Continental Hotel in the strategic port city of Gwadar, lasted several hours. A hotel spokesman said there were no guests and few staff due to Ramadan.
US states file lawsuit accusing drugs firms of inflating costs
More than 40 US states have filed a lawsuit accusing pharmaceutical firms of conspiring to artificially inflate the cost of common medicinal drugs. The lawsuit alleges that as many as 20 companies have been involved in fixing prices for over 100 drugs, including treatments for diabetes and cancer. One of the firms accused is Teva Pharmaceuticals, the world’s largest producer of generic medicine.
A new camera can photograph you from 45 kilometers away
…Zheng-Ping Li and colleagues from the University of Science and Technology of China in Shanghai show how to photograph subjects up to 45 km (28 miles) away in a smog-plagued urban environment. Their technique uses single-photon detectors combined with a unique computational imaging algorithm that achieves super-high-resolution images by knitting together the sparsest of data points.
How facial recognition became a routine policing tool in America
…The technology-driven revolution in policing is unfolding in big cities and small communities around the country, as more police departments purchase facial recognition software. The government “facial biometrics” market — which includes federal, state and local law enforcement — is expected to soar from $136.9 million in 2018 to $375 million by 2025, according to an estimate by market research firm Grand View Research.
More ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Bans Advancing in South, Midwest
If a new Mississippi law survives a court challenge, it will be nearly impossible for most pregnant women to get an abortion there. Or, potentially, in neighboring Louisiana. Or Alabama. Or Georgia. The Louisiana legislature is halfway toward passing a law — like the ones enacted in Mississippi and Georgia — that will ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, about six weeks into a pregnancy and before many women know they’re pregnant.
Israel reopens Gaza crossings as calm restored
Israel reopened Sunday its crossings with the blockaded Gaza Strip after closing them during a deadly escalation earlier this month, an official said, as a fragile truce held. Both the Erez Crossing for people and Kerem Shalom crossing for goods were open and operating, a spokeswoman for COGAT, the Defense Ministry unit that oversees the crossings, said in a statement.
US Mideast envoy says ‘deal of the century’ to be delayed once more
US Special Mideast Envoy Jason D. Greenblatt said…the Trump administration’s…peace proposal…will not be unveiled until mid-June after the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. Last month, reports suggested White House senior adviser Jared Kushner…planned to unveil the proposal after Israel forms a governing coalition in the wake of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s election victory and after the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which ends in early June.
Pentagon eyes longer-term support on U.S.-Mexico border
Acting U.S. Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan made his second trip to the U.S.-Mexico border…as the Pentagon looks to develop a longer-term plan to support President Donald Trump’s immigration policies. Shanahan traveled to McAllen, Texas, to meet with officials and visit a migrant processing facility and Border Patrol station, two days after the White House announced Trump’s intention to nominate the former Boeing Co executive as defense secretary.
Canada Moves to Ban Christians From Demonstrating in Public Under New Anti-Hate Proposal
The Canadian province of Ontario is considering legislation that would officially criminalize Christianity.
Severe thunderstorms batter Houston, southeastern Texas with baseball-sized hail and flooding rainfall
A severe weather event took shape across southeastern Texas on Thursday night with large hail, gusty winds and flooding downpours – this round of storms coming just on the heels of multiple days of severe thunderstorms and heavy rainfall across the region over the past couple of weeks.
Pentagon: Obama’s DOD Gave Security Clearances to Contractors Charged with Felonies, Including Pedophilia
The Pentagon was forced last year to rescind interim security clearances granted under the Obama administration to at least 165 contractors linked to various crimes, including felony convictions for pedophilia and foreign government affiliations, revealed a report issued by the Director of the Defense Security Service (DSS).
John Quincy Adams’ Warning Ignored: Washington Has Become The World’s Dictatress
No can can deny that Adams’ prediction has come true. America has truly become the world’s dictatress – an arrogant, ruthless, brutal dictatress that brooks no dissent from anyone in the world.
Pence Calls on Dems to Remove Ilhan Omar from House Foreign Affairs Committee
On Saturday, Patrick Shanahan, the current acting Defense Secretary, made it clear that the military remains committed to securing the US-Mexico border, as law enforcement officials continue struggling to address the growing numbers of migrants.
BREAKING: Shanahan Vows “Military Won’t Leave Until Border is Secure”
On Saturday, Patrick Shanahan, the current acting Defense Secretary, made it clear that the military remains committed to securing the US-Mexico border, as law enforcement officials continue struggling to address the growing numbers of migrants.
Border crisis worsens: 100,000 border crossers arrested in April, highest since 2007
Nearly 100,000 people were taken into custody along the southern border in April after illegally crossing from Mexico into the United States, marking the highest number in one month since April 2007, according to new federal data.
The Only Gold The US Will Show: The “Working Vault” At West Point
West Point stays silent on 11 ‘deep storage’ compartments, while parading its working stock vault.
2006 Biden: ‘We Need A Border Wall’ And To ‘Punish American Employers’ Who Hire Illegals
“Now, I know I’m not supposed to say it that bluntly, but they’re the facts, they’re the facts.”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
U.S. not strong enough to start war, mocks U.S. “psychological war”: IRGC
Major General Hossein Salami…The newly appointed head of the IRGC, which the US views as a terrorist organization, said the US is not strong enough to start a war with Iran because it has not deployed enough forces in the region. Salami gave his best assessment to parliament in a closed and largely secretive session. Yet Iranian media received reports about the discussion, to reassure Iran that war is not coming.
Pakistan attack: Gunmen storm five-star hotel in Balochistan
Three gunmen who stormed a five-star hotel in the restive Pakistani province of Balochistan, killing at least one guard, have been shot dead by security forces, officials say. The attack and subsequent siege, which targeted the Zaver Pearl-Continental Hotel in the strategic port city of Gwadar, lasted several hours. A hotel spokesman said there were no guests and few staff due to Ramadan.
US states file lawsuit accusing drugs firms of inflating costs
More than 40 US states have filed a lawsuit accusing pharmaceutical firms of conspiring to artificially inflate the cost of common medicinal drugs. The lawsuit alleges that as many as 20 companies have been involved in fixing prices for over 100 drugs, including treatments for diabetes and cancer. One of the firms accused is Teva Pharmaceuticals, the world’s largest producer of generic medicine.
A new camera can photograph you from 45 kilometers away
…Zheng-Ping Li and colleagues from the University of Science and Technology of China in Shanghai show how to photograph subjects up to 45 km (28 miles) away in a smog-plagued urban environment. Their technique uses single-photon detectors combined with a unique computational imaging algorithm that achieves super-high-resolution images by knitting together the sparsest of data points.
How facial recognition became a routine policing tool in America
…The technology-driven revolution in policing is unfolding in big cities and small communities around the country, as more police departments purchase facial recognition software. The government “facial biometrics” market — which includes federal, state and local law enforcement — is expected to soar from $136.9 million in 2018 to $375 million by 2025, according to an estimate by market research firm Grand View Research.
More ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Bans Advancing in South, Midwest
If a new Mississippi law survives a court challenge, it will be nearly impossible for most pregnant women to get an abortion there. Or, potentially, in neighboring Louisiana. Or Alabama. Or Georgia. The Louisiana legislature is halfway toward passing a law — like the ones enacted in Mississippi and Georgia — that will ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, about six weeks into a pregnancy and before many women know they’re pregnant.
Israel reopens Gaza crossings as calm restored
Israel reopened Sunday its crossings with the blockaded Gaza Strip after closing them during a deadly escalation earlier this month, an official said, as a fragile truce held. Both the Erez Crossing for people and Kerem Shalom crossing for goods were open and operating, a spokeswoman for COGAT, the Defense Ministry unit that oversees the crossings, said in a statement.
US Mideast envoy says ‘deal of the century’ to be delayed once more
US Special Mideast Envoy Jason D. Greenblatt said…the Trump administration’s…peace proposal…will not be unveiled until mid-June after the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. Last month, reports suggested White House senior adviser Jared Kushner…planned to unveil the proposal after Israel forms a governing coalition in the wake of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s election victory and after the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which ends in early June.
Pentagon eyes longer-term support on U.S.-Mexico border
Acting U.S. Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan made his second trip to the U.S.-Mexico border…as the Pentagon looks to develop a longer-term plan to support President Donald Trump’s immigration policies. Shanahan traveled to McAllen, Texas, to meet with officials and visit a migrant processing facility and Border Patrol station, two days after the White House announced Trump’s intention to nominate the former Boeing Co executive as defense secretary.
Canada Moves to Ban Christians From Demonstrating in Public Under New Anti-Hate Proposal
The Canadian province of Ontario is considering legislation that would officially criminalize Christianity.
Severe thunderstorms batter Houston, southeastern Texas with baseball-sized hail and flooding rainfall
A severe weather event took shape across southeastern Texas on Thursday night with large hail, gusty winds and flooding downpours – this round of storms coming just on the heels of multiple days of severe thunderstorms and heavy rainfall across the region over the past couple of weeks.
Pentagon: Obama’s DOD Gave Security Clearances to Contractors Charged with Felonies, Including Pedophilia
The Pentagon was forced last year to rescind interim security clearances granted under the Obama administration to at least 165 contractors linked to various crimes, including felony convictions for pedophilia and foreign government affiliations, revealed a report issued by the Director of the Defense Security Service (DSS).
John Quincy Adams’ Warning Ignored: Washington Has Become The World’s Dictatress
No can can deny that Adams’ prediction has come true. America has truly become the world’s dictatress – an arrogant, ruthless, brutal dictatress that brooks no dissent from anyone in the world.
Pence Calls on Dems to Remove Ilhan Omar from House Foreign Affairs Committee
On Saturday, Patrick Shanahan, the current acting Defense Secretary, made it clear that the military remains committed to securing the US-Mexico border, as law enforcement officials continue struggling to address the growing numbers of migrants.
BREAKING: Shanahan Vows “Military Won’t Leave Until Border is Secure”
On Saturday, Patrick Shanahan, the current acting Defense Secretary, made it clear that the military remains committed to securing the US-Mexico border, as law enforcement officials continue struggling to address the growing numbers of migrants.
Border crisis worsens: 100,000 border crossers arrested in April, highest since 2007
Nearly 100,000 people were taken into custody along the southern border in April after illegally crossing from Mexico into the United States, marking the highest number in one month since April 2007, according to new federal data.
The Only Gold The US Will Show: The “Working Vault” At West Point
West Point stays silent on 11 ‘deep storage’ compartments, while parading its working stock vault.
2006 Biden: ‘We Need A Border Wall’ And To ‘Punish American Employers’ Who Hire Illegals
“Now, I know I’m not supposed to say it that bluntly, but they’re the facts, they’re the facts.”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Eleven-year-old ‘Drag Kid’ now a spokeschild for Converse shoes
An 11-year-old drag performer known as Desmond-is-Amazing is now a model for a shoe company. The Converse footwear company, once known for its fashionable high top basketball shoes, has announced a new “partnership” with Desmond Napoles and five other “individuals connected with the LGBTQ+ community” to market its new “Pride collection.”
FBI uncovers Islamic terror training camp in Alabama
The property, similar to another compound in New Mexico the group is now linked to where federal prosecutors say Wahhaj and four other suspects were training children to carry out deadly terror attacks on American soil. “The threat of domestic terrorism exists in every region of the United States and affects all walks of life.”
Minister: Iran could strike Israel if U.S. standoff escalates
If there’s some sort of conflagration between Iran and the United States, between Iran and its neighbours, I’m not ruling out that they will activate Hezbollah (in Lebanon) and Islamic Jihad from Gaza, or even that they will try to fire missiles from Iran at the State of Israel,” said Steinitz, a member of Netanyahu’s security cabinet.
Iranian commander: US forces must leave the region
“The presence of the Americans in the Persian Gulf region has reached its end and they must leave the region,” Khanzadi said. In addition, a senior Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander said the US military presence in the Gulf used to be a serious threat but now represents a target.
Are the Palestinians Planning Another Round of Temple Mount Violence?
Ramadan began eight days ago and the security situation is already heating up the Temple Mount, threatening to be as violent as it has been in the past.
The Middle East Anti-Peace Movement
Ibrahim al-Karaki, the mayor of the Jordanian city of Al-Karak, 87 miles to south of Amman, with a view to the Dead Sea, is under attack for hosting Israeli (Jewish) tourists during the Jewish Passover holiday. His critics have accused him of promoting normalization with the “Israeli enemy” and are demanding his resignation.
Pence Again Calls for Removal of Omar From House Foreign Affairs Committee
“Ilhan Omar has made statements … anti-Semitic comments … statements against our most cherished ally: Israel … that ought to be rejected by every American,” said Pence during an interview with Fox News. Even before running for Congress, Omar made anti-Israel statements such as tweeting in 2012 that Israel has “hypnotized the world,” a post that has since been deleted.
Catholic philosopher: Why I signed the open letter accusing Pope Francis of heresy
The Open Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church that was signed by a number of scholars and pastors, including me, furnishes clear evidence of heretical (not just erroneous) statements that may be found in the approved writings of Pope Francis, as well as evidence—in the form of repeated acts and omissions of governance—that he is fully aware of what he is promoting.
Devin Nunes: ‘Comey is in a lot of trouble’ after making ‘a mess of the FBI’
What’s more, according to Rep. Devin Nunes, the former chairman and now ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee said Friday, Comey may be facing substantial legal problems in the near future.
6.1 magnitude earthquake in Panama injures two
A 6.1 magnitude earthquake rattled homes in southwest Panama on Sunday near the border with Costa Rica, damaging buildings and injuring at least two people, but there were no immediate reports of fatalities, authorities said. The quake struck some 4 miles southeast of Plaza de Caisán, Panama, at a depth of about 12 miles,…
Remains of 35 found at western Mexico clandestine sites
Mexican investigators have found thirty-five bodies buried around the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, the country’s second city, state prosecutors said on Saturday. The discovery of the bodies was another reminder of the task facing President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who took office in December vowing to reduce the gang-fuelled violence that produced nearly 29,000 murders in Mexico last year, a record.
Pompeo to meet Putin in Russia next week
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo would hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin next week in Russian city of Sochi to discuss “bilateral and multilateral challenges,” US State Department said Friday. Pompeo’s Russia trip is scheduled from May 12 to 14. He would lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow on Monday, according to a statement issued by the department.
Alexa, Why Are Employees Looking at My Data?
Everyone’s been talking about Bloomberg’s report that Amazon workers are listening to the voice recordings created when you speak to Alexa. But Amazon is far from alone. Here’s how tech companies can—and have—looked at that private data you upload.
Bitcoin donations to ISIS soared day before Sri Lanka bombings
“Globes” can reveal that an investigation conducted by Israeli blockchain intelligence startup Whitestream has found that on the day prior to the Easter bombings in Sri Lanka, there were exceptionally large transfers in the bitcoin wallets that ISIS uses to raise contributions. Militant Islamic terror group ISIS took responsibility for last month’s Sri Lankan bombings, which claimed the lives of over 250 people.
Trump bumps up Brazil to ‘major non-NATO’ ally
President Donald Trump said he will grant special military status to Brazil, making it a “major non-NATO ally” in a move to boost cooperation. “I am making this designation in recognition of … Brazil’s recent commitments to increase defense cooperation with the United States, and in recognition of our own national interest in deepening our defense coordination with Brazil,” Trump said in a letter to Congress. Trump said he also was giving consideration to having Brazil become an actual member of NATO,…
Ex-intelligence analyst charged with leaking classified documents to reporter
A former intelligence analyst was taken into custody Thursday after federal authorities unsealed an indictment accusing him of leaking more than a dozen classified national defense documents to a journalist. The document does not identify the reporter or his outlet, but the description suggests they are Jeremy Scahill and the news site The Intercept. The outlet said in a statement Thursday morning that it “does not comment on matters relating to the identity of anonymous sources,” but it described the arrest as an abuse of power.
RED ALERT ‘Unprecedented’ 100,000 people hit by EU measles outbreak – as deadly disease spreads at terrifying rate
MEASLES is spreading at a terrifying rate across Europe with more than 100,000 people hit by the outbreak in the last year.
War with Iran forthcoming? Most experts say they don’t think so
It’s been an intense couple of weeks in the triangle of the United States, Iran and the European Union. The immediate trigger is the one-year mark since US President Donald Trump decided to withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The Trump administration decided to use that anniversary to impose fresh sanctions on the Islamic Republic.
Qatari envoy arrives in Gaza Strip, transfers $30 million to Hamas
The Qatari envoy Mohammed al-Emadi arrived at the Gaza Strip through the Erez Crossing and handed over $30 million to Hamas on Monday, and families are now being asked to check whether they received the $100 grant they deserve. After the last round of fighting last week, the Qatari Foreign Ministry issued an official statement saying that Qatar would transfer $480 million in support of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Saudi Energy Minister says two Saudi oil tankers attacked near UAE waters
Saudi Arabia said on Monday that two Saudi oil tankers were among vessels targeted by a “sabotage attack” off the coast of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), condemning it as an attempt to undermine security of global crude supplies. The UAE said on Sunday that four commercial vessels were hit by sabotage near the emirate of Fujairah, one of the world’s largest bunkering hubs lying just outside the Strait of Hormuz.
Burkina Faso church attack: Priest among six killed
Gunmen have killed six people including a priest as Mass was being celebrated in a church in Dablo in northern Burkina Faso, officials say. The attackers, said to number between 20 and 30, then burned down the church. The town’s mayor, Ousmane Zongo, said that there was panic as other buildings were burned down and a health centre looted.
Iran commander calls U.S. military in Gulf a target not a threat -ISNA
A senior Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander said on Sunday the U.S. military presence in the Gulf used to be a serious threat but now represents a target, the Iranian Students’ News Agency (ISNA) reported. The U.S. military has sent forces, including an aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers, to the Middle East in a move that U.S. officials said was made to counter “clear indications” of threats from Iran to American forces in the region.
Handful of ‘left leaning sources’ dominate Google’s ‘Top Stories,’ study finds
A new study from the Computational Journalism Lab at Northwestern found that many of Google’s top hits for news searches came from just a handful of left-leaning sources. Researchers Daniel Trielli and Nicholas Diakopoulos conducted their study by looking at the results of more than 200 news-related questions every day in November 2017.
Coalition deal could pave way for ultra-Orthodox-only communities
The ultra-Orthodox parties are focused on the Housing Ministry and control of Israel’s Land Authority as part of negotiations to join Benjamin Netanyahu’s new coalition, indicating they will make new neighborhoods already being planned exclusive to the ultra-Orthodox community. According to religious MKs, outgoing Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon’s policy for subsidized housing, resulted in a shortage of homes for the ultra-Orthodox community…
Face it: If you are using Amazon Alexa in your home, you are an incredibly stupid person
Amazon has really pulled a fast one on the public with its Alexa ploy – and especially those stupid enough to actually pay money for one of these things, which basically allows Jeff Bezos and his brigade of digital peephole perverts to spy on them 24/7.
Mississippi River Flooding: With New Orleans Levee Pressure Increasing, Bonnet Carré spillway Opened; Louisiana Governor Declares Statewide Emergency
As the flood-swollen Mississippi River rises across the South into Louisiana, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has opened the Bonnet Carré spillway north of New Orleans in a precautionary move to relieve potential stress on the city’s levees, which protect from catastrophic flooding.
Police In New Zealand Looking To Make Arrest of Person Who Left A Chick Gospel Tract About Islam And Muslims Called ‘Men Of Peace’ In Mailbox
Do you get the sense that the wide-open window we have enjoyed for so long is starting to close? I do. Yes, this story takes place in New Zealand and not in America, but guess what? America is a kitten’s whisker away from turning Socialist. Could I see Americans in America arrested for handing out gospel tracts if the Democratic Socialists get power? I absolutely do!
Texas Officials Illuminate Crosses After Atheists’ Call for Removal
Elected officials in an East Texas community defiantly illuminated the crosses on their courthouse after an atheist organization told them to take them down. The move came after the county judge and commissioners voted unanimously to keep the four crosses on the county building.
Horror! Nazis Crash Holocaust Commemoration Ceremony in Arkansas – With Signs About Ovens
Nazis and white supremacists interrupted a Holocaust remembrance ceremony in Arkansas last Sunday. The nazis were chanting, The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported:
FBI Breaks Up Homegrown Islamic Terror Camp in Alabama Owned by Terrorist Siraj Wahhaj and his Supporters
A homegrown Islamic terrorist training camp was discovered in Alabama recently. The property belongs to terrorist Siraj Wahhaj who was arrested at a camp in New Mexico.
Vatican Wishes Happy Ramadan to ‘Muslim Brothers and Sisters’ As Christians Are Slaughtered in Ramadan-Jihad Terror Attacks
Why doeasn’t speak in defense of his flock? Outreach is all well and good but Ramadan is the season of jihad — pure terror for non-Muslims living in Muslim countries.
Catholic Clergy Accuse Pope Francis of Heresy, Call to Reprimand Him
A group of Catholic Church clergy members and theologians has called on bishops to admonish Pope Francis, accusing the head of the Vatican of heresy, according to reports.
Chips Ahoy Goes Full SJW – Promotes “Drag Moms” in Bizarre Mother’s Day Advertisement (VIDEO)
Chips Ahoy! promoted “drag moms” and drag queens in their Mother’s Day advertisement on Sunday. Is nothing sacred anymore? An infinitesimal percentage of people dress in drag, yet Chips Ahoy decided to feature a (male) “drag queen” in their Mother’s Day advertisement.
More ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Bills Emerge in the Midwest and South
New “heartbeat” abortion bills are emerging in the Midwest and South that will ban pregnancy terminations after a fetal heartbeat has been detected.
Pelosi’s Holy Imam Compared Jews to Nazis and Homosexuality to Bestiality
On Thursday Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi gave opening prayer duties to Imam Omar Suleiman. Anti-Semitic radical Linda Sarsour praised Pelosi for the choice.
Rashida Tlaib says thinking of the Holocaust provides her a ‘calming feeling,’ shockingly claims Palestinians created ‘safe haven’ for Jews
Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., has made yet another shocking and historically ignorant claim: That thinking about the Holocaust gives her a “calming feeling” because her Palestinian ancestors provided a “safe haven” for Jewish victims of the tragedy.
Pope Urges Youth to Hear the ‘Anguished Plea of the Earth’
Pope Francis has told young economists and entrepreneurs that the world needs a different kind of economy, “one that cares for the environment and does not despoil it.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Iran bans men from looking at women during Ramadan
Iran has ordered its men to stop looking at women during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Along with banning men from looking at women, the Iranian government also announced bans on eating in public, and playing music in cars, as part of a new social crackdown, The Telegraph reported Saturday. “My personal advice to women is to respect the hijab even more than before and gentlemen must avoid looking directly at female passersby,” Gholam- Hossein Esmaili, a judiciary spokesperson said. “Anyone ignoring these instructions during the Ramadan will be committing an offense and should expect some punishment from the law enforcement units.” Those who break the rules will be punished, from fines to arrest and imprisonment, depending on the crime.
Barr Appoints US Attorney To Investigate FBI/DOJ Spying On Trump; Has Investigated FBI Before
Attorney General William Barr has appointed US Attorney John H. Durham of Connecticut to examine the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation to determine if the FBI’s spying on the Trump campaign was “lawful and appropriate,” According to Fox, Barr is “serious” and has assembled a team from the DOJ to participate in the probe, adding that Durham is known as a “hard-charging, bulldog” prosecutor according to their source.
Franklin Graham schools Cory Booker on faith
Franklin Graham, CEO of the Samaritan’s Purse global Christian ministry, apparently has taken on additional responsibilities as a Christian leader during the 2020 presidential election season. He’s schooling the candidates on the Bible. The latest lesson was directed to Democrat Cory Booker, who complained in an interview that the idea of “thoughts and prayers” helping someone is just “bull—-.” “Democratic presidential candidate Cory Booker obviously doesn’t know the power of prayer,” Graham wrote on Facebook.
Ilhan Omar in U.S. illegally? Serious lawsuit seeks answer
Former Justice Department prosecutor and Freedom Watch founder Larry Klayman, who previously petitioned the Department of Homeland Security and the House of Representatives to investigate Rep. Ihlan Omar, D-Minn., to determine her eligibility for naturalization, now has gone to court.
Trump praises Orban as ‘tough’ defender of Christians
Orban has been accused of anti-Semitism and expressions of bias against Muslims and other minorities, among other reasons. However, he has admitted to Hungary’s “shameful” role in the Holocaust and his government last year pledged $3.4 million to fight anti-Semitism in Europe. Recently, Hungary opened a diplomatic office in Jerusalem.“You have been great with respect to Christian communities,” Trump told Orban, seemingly alluding to Hungary’s efforts to keep refugees from Syria from entering the European Union. “You have really put a block up, and we appreciate that very much.”
Rabbi: Trump Confronting Iran as ‘Tikkun’ of Esau
As tensions between Iran and the U.S. rise and the first sparks of an actual conflict appear, ancient prophecies concerning pre-messiah politics seem suddenly relevant like never before.
Pence Warns Graduates to Prepare for Persecution for Their Christianity
On Saturday, Vice President Mike Pence spoke to the 2019 graduates of Liberty University. While many commencement speakers wish the graduates a bright and glorious future, Pence issued a dire warning. He told the students that for most of America’s history, there was no problem being a Christian, but times have changed. He continued to tell the graduates that in today’s America to be prepared to be ridiculed and shunned because of their Christian faith. He also said that the loudest voices for tolerance have little tolerance for anything pertaining to Biblical teachings.
Trump to meet with Russia’s Putin, China’s Xi Jinping at G20
President Donald Trump will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping next month at the G20 summit in Japan, he told reporters Monday. The summit will take place in late June in Osaka, Japan.
UN envoy says ‘last chance’ to prevent all-out war in Gaza
The UN envoy to the Mideast warned Monday that it was the “last chance” to prevent an all-out conflict between Israel and armed terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip. Mladenov told reporters “the next escalation is going to be probably the last one” before the sides descend into a full-fledged war,…
Obama WH Tied Clinton Email Cover-Up
In late April we announced that E.W. (Bill) Priestap, assistant director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division, had admitted in writing and under oath that the agency found Clinton email records in the Obama White House, specifically, the Executive Office of the President. Now we have obtained 44 pages of records from the State Department through court-ordered discovery revealing that the Obama White House was tracking a December 2012 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking records concerning Clinton’s use of an unsecure, non-government email system. Months after the Obama White House involvement, the State Department responded to the FOIA requestor, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), falsely stating that no such records existed.
CHRISLAM UPDATE: Pope Francis Wishes A Very Happy Ramadan To ‘Our Muslim Brothers And Sisters’ As The Vatican Embrace Of Islam Grows Deeper
The endearing use of the phrase “brothers and sisters” invokes a vision of harmony and peace together. This is not the case between Muslims and Christians globally. This is Chrislam. Pope Francis continues his full court press of wooing the Muslims and Islam into the folds of the Roman Catholic tent as he builds the One World Religion that Revelation 13, 17 and 18 tells us the Roman pontiff will do.
Barr, meanwhile, has launched a wide-ranging investigation into FBI conduct during the 2016 election, making him public enemy #1 to the left. Consequently, Democrats are now working overtime to discredit him less than three months after he ‘sailed through’ his confirmation hearings (on the Kavanaugh scale) due to his distinguished career in Washington.
Yes, CNN actually claims unborn babies “aren’t human”
During a recent segment of “Primetime with Chris Cuomo” on CNN, New York City Democratic politician Christine Quinn angrily defied science by squawking her deranged belief that, “when a woman is pregnant, that is not a human being inside of her.”
Former DHS officials ousted over push back on Trump administration’s plan to arrest thousands of migrants
Former Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and a top immigration official challenged a previously secret White House plan to arrest thousands of migrant parents and children in nearly a dozen U.S. cities, Fox News confirmed Monday.
Heavy rains, ‘incredible’ flooding blamed for 2 deaths across Southeast from storm system
Heavy rains from a storm system sparked flash flooding that turned deadly across portions of the Southeast on Sunday and may have also contributed to a freight train derailment.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to break record for longest river flood event since 1927 on May 21
Parts of the south-central United States hammered by severe weather and flash flooding this past week will face long-term river flooding through the rest of May and even into June.
Anti-abortion bills mount as GOP-led states angle for Supreme Court fight over Roe v. Wade
Republican-led states are charging ahead with a spate of restrictive anti-abortion bills designed to trigger a legal battle that lands at the doorstep of the Supreme Court, lawmakers and experts said.
The LGBT Political Campaign Behind Pope Francis’ Election
With theologians and bishops aghast over what some are calling ‘the most terrible schism the world has ever seen,’ it behooves the Catholic hierarchy to take a closer look at the 2013 papal election since it appears to have raised to the Chair of Peter “a man, not canonically elected.”
Facebook Shuts Down Populist Italian Pages Before EU Elections
Facebook has shut down 23 major populist Italian pages with 2.5 million followers just two weeks before the European elections.
Disney’s New Film ’Tolkien’ Erases the Christian Faith and the Western Literary Tradition From the Story of the Author of ‘The Lord of the Rings’
Disney’s new film Tolkien premiers this weekend, and the trailers promise an engrossing biopic, complete with scenes from the First World War.
Phony Baptist Pastor And Jew-Hating False Teacher Steven Anderson Becomes The First Person To Be Banned From The Country Of Ireland
Pastor Steven L Anderson, who founded the Faithful Word Baptist Church in 2005, in Arizona, USA, was set to deliver a sermon in Dublin on May 26 as part of a short tour of Europe.
Disney’s ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ Cuts Bible References and Erases God, Jesus, Christian Artists From L’Engle’s Classic Novel
As Disney adapted the beloved children’s book “A Wrinkle in Time” (1962) into a major motion picture — with no less than Oprah Winfrey on the star-studded cast list — the studio cut out a great deal along the way. Bible quotes, a reference to Jesus, and even Christian historical figures all got the boot. Could the excising of God help explain why the movie is projected to struggle at the box office?
UK: Parents Gender Transition Son, 7, and Foster Son, 3, to Female
A British judge has given his approval to the foster parents of a transgender child who “transitioned” to their new gender at just three-years-old. The two parents, named only as TP and CP, already had a seven-year-old biological child who had changed their gender from boy to girl just months earlier.
Farrakhan: “I’m Here to Separate the Good Jews From the Satanic
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan reacted to Facebook banning him by saying in a speech, “I just know the truth, and I’m here to separate the good Jews from the Satanic Jews.”
Yankees Fans Call for Boycott After Ban of ‘G-d Bless America’
Yankees fans are calling for a boycott in response to the team’s banning of Kate Smith’s version of God Bless America. The team ditched the late singer’s rendition after a they learned Smith had also sung some controversial songs about blacks back in the 1930s.
Transgender Female Athlete Stripped Of 4 Powerlifting Titles Because Sports Board Rules ‘She’ Is Still A Biological Male Despite ‘Identifying’ As A Woman
In this planet, no matter what you do, you cannot increase the amount of water we have available to us. All the water that there ever was is all the water that there is. In much the same way is human gender. There are only two genders in this world, male and female, and nothing you can ever do will change that.
Millions Of Californians Will “Plunge Into Darkness” As PG&E Commits To Cut Power During Wildfire Season
As a result of a new plan to cut power on high wind days during wildfire season, millions of Californians could wind up unprepared and in darkness, according to Bloomberg.
SHOCKING: There Is Absolutely Appalling Anti-Semitism At New York University
Anti-Semitism at New York University (NYU), the large private institution in the city that is home to the nation’s largest Jewish population, is unfortunately hardly new.
Sex With Children Has Become Big Business in America
Children, young girls – some as young as 9 years old – are being bought and sold for sex in America. The average age for a young woman being sold for sex is now 13 years old.
CHRISLAM UPDATE: Pope Francis Wishes A Very Happy Ramadan To ‘Our Muslim Brothers And Sisters’ As The Vatican Embrace Of Islam Grows Deeper
If I call someone who is not my biological sibling my ‘brother or sister’ what exactly am I saying? Well, with the use of that term, I am acknowledging that that person and myself share an overwhelming and fundamental agreement about the major issues in life.
False Teacher And Gospel Pimp Paula White Now Says That God Has ‘Elevated Her To An Apostle’ So That She Can ‘Train Pastors’ For The Ministry
There are your run-of-the-mill, greedy-for-lucre crooked televangelists like Kenneth Copeland and Jesse Duplantis, laughable frauds like Benny Hinn that are so bad you cannot imagine that anyone could take them seriously, and a whole assortment of Laodicean gospel crooks of all shapes, sizes, genders and colors. When you arrive at the bottom of the barrel, you meet gospel pimp Paula White.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
The Latest: Kremlin open to any format for Trump meeting
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s foreign affairs adviser says the Kremlin is prepared to agree to any format for a meeting of Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump. Yuri Ushakov made the statement Tuesday to Russian reporters following Putin’s meeting with visiting U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in the Black Sea city of Sochi. Trump has said he is aiming to meet with Putin at the G20 meeting in Japan in June. Russian officials say there has been no formal proposal from the White House.
Netanyahu: United in our desire to stop Iranian aggression
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Tuesday expressed support for US President Donald Trump’s stance against Iranian aggression. “There is a new efflorescence, a new renaissance of relations between us and many of our Arab neighbors, and many non-Arab Muslim countries. We are united in our desire to stop Iranian aggression,” said Netanyahu at an event marking the one year anniversary of the US Embassy moving to Jerusalem.
America’s largest cities drowning in debt, with Chicago leading the way, study finds
America’s 10 largest cities, largely Democrat strongholds, are drowning in municipal debt, according to a new report from government watchdog Truth in Accounting. “The largest cities in the U.S. issue so-called ‘Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports,’ but most of them aren’t so comprehensive,” ….
US-Iran ESCALATION: Colossal B-52 bombers leave Qatar to ‘send message’ to Iran – Video
THE US’s colossal B-52 bombers have been mobilised and shot to the skies over the Persian Gulf to “send a message” to Iran as tensions between the two nations hurtle towards conflict. The top US defence official has presented an updated military plan to President Donald Trump’s administration that envisions sending up to 120,000 troops to the Middle East should Iran attack American forces or accelerate work on nuclear weapons,…
Papua New Guinea earthquake: TSUNAMI THREAT for Pacific after 7.7 quake
The 7.7 earthquake struck the island of New Ireland in Papua New Guinea. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said there was a threat of tsunami. They said in an alert: “An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.7 occurred in the New Britain region, Papua New Guinea at 12:58 UTC.
Russia vows to develop unrivalled defences as US tensions ERUPT – ‘Weapons put on ALERT’
RUSSIA has vowed to develop defence technology against weapons Vladimir Putin has claimed only his country possess. The president wants the development to come in order to prepare for when other nations produce its own hypersonic weapons. According to Newsweek, Putin told the Russian Ministry of Defence and the heads of his country’s defence industry warned that “changes in the world military-political situation that adversely affect regional and global security should be taken into account”.
When Will Trump Finally Drop the Hammer on the Deep State?
This country has been put through a holy hell the last two years, a hell based upon a promulgation of a myth by a leftist propagandist media. A recent poll, by CNN of all outlets, shows a huge majority of the American people are in favor of launching an investigation into this spying by the Obama administration. The current US attorney general Bill Barr agrees with the majority of Americans and he has launched an investigation with a wide scope.
U.S. orders non-emergency embassy staff to leave Iraq
As tension continue to rise between Iran and the United States, the US State Department ordered the departure of “non-emergency US government employees” from Iraq on Wednesday. The statement urged those affected “depart by commercial transportation as soon as possible.” The statement came after US Central Command (CENTCOM) raised the threat level in Iraq and Syria on Tuesday…
Jews will be barred from Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day
Jews and tourists will be barred from visiting the Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day. It reportedly will be the first time that the holiest site to Jews will be closed on the day marking the reunification of Jerusalem under Israeli control in 30 years. The site is closed every year on the last days of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which this year falls out at the same time as Jerusalem Day, which is on June 1.
Activists storm Yekaterinburg park in protest against new church
About 2,000 people have protested against a church being built on a park square in Yekaterinburg in Russia. Tuesday was the second day of protests in what is a long-standing conflict over the planned church. Activists say building St Catherine’s Cathedral on the square will destroy one of the city’s few green spaces.
Alabama passes bill banning abortion
Alabama has become the latest US state to move to restrict abortions by passing a bill to outlaw the procedure in almost all cases. Supporters say they expect the law to be blocked in court but hope that the appeals process will bring it before the Supreme Court. They want the court, which now has a conservative majority, to overturn the 1973 ruling legalising abortion.
America’s largest cities drowning in debt, with Chicago leading the way, study finds
America’s 10 largest cities, largely Democrat strongholds, are drowning in municipal debt, according to a new report…The report sought out “to determine what … overlapping financial entities mean for taxpayers’ bottom line.” Truth in Accounting said its purpose was to “calculate the various bills (and surpluses, when available) at the city government level and divide them out to determine a per-Taxpayer Burden.”
Polish ambassador in Israel assaulted on streets of Tel Aviv
Poland’s ambassador to Israel was assaulted in broad daylight on Tuesday afternoon near the Polish embassy in Tel Aviv by an assailant who apparently shouted curse words at the envoy as he struck him. The attack comes amid the growing diplomatic tension between the two countries, as the former Soviet nation refuses to pay restitution to Holocaust survivors and downplays the county’s involvement in Nazi-orchestrated atrocities.
China Calls For “People’s War” Against The US, Vows To “Fight For A New World”
“The White House might as well try to call on American companies such as General Motors, Ford, Apple, McDonald’s and Coca-Cola to leave China.”
‘Once in half a century’ torrential rain lashes Okinawa island of Yonaguni
The Japan Meteorological Agency issued a heavy rain and flood warning for the island of Yonaguni in Japan’s southernmost prefecture of Okinawa on May 13, saying that the town was being lashed with rainfall on a scale seen only every 50 years. – Target pushes for U.S. government to punish churches and Christian business owners
Target endorses dangerous bill before Congress Over 1.5 million families have pledged to stop shopping at Target since it announced it would allow men to enter women’s dressing rooms and bathrooms, putting women and children in danger of sexual assault.
Watch As Liberal Princeton University Professor Peter Singer Promotes Bestiality, Saying That ‘Sex With Dogs Is Harmless’ And He Knows Women That Enjoy It
If you think that the LGBTQ is not going to add a’P’ for pedophile, you are very much mistaken. Pedophiles have already rebranded themselves as MAPS, and their inclusion under the LGBTQ+ umbrella is all but assured. But the train is not planning at stopping at that point, either. Why, you ask? Because at some point they are going to have to add protection for people who enjoy having sex with animals. Think it won’t happen? Think again. A Princeton professor is already making the case for it.
Soros-backed Jewish group plays defense for Tlaib, Omar
When freshmen Democratic representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib find themselves in yet another controversy involving anti-Semitism and/or support for Islamic extremism and/or support for the annihilation of Israel, what has become their favorite Jewish group springs to action to defend them against any of the aforementioned accusations, or any other issues, whatever they may be.
62% Of Millennials Are Living Paycheck To Paycheck, Says Study
Almost two-thirds of Millennials are living paycheck to paycheck, and only 38% feel financially secure, according to Charles Schwab’s 2019 Modern Wealth Index Survey.
DOOM TOWN: Hit PBS Children’s Show ‘Arthur’ Will Have Third Grade Teacher Mr. Ratburn Come Out As A Homosexual And Get Married While The Kids Watch
Every great empire, right before their decline began, normalized open homosexuality and all manner of other perversions. The Greeks, the Romans, and others embraced homosexuality to their own destruction. Greece today, like Egypt, once ruled the world but today is a nation who displays ruins for tourist dollars. As the Roman empire fell from power it became a religion in 313 AD called the Roman Catholic Church. 1,700 years later what’s the biggest, number one and all-consuming scandal in the Roman church? Homosexual pedophilia of its priests.
MURDER INC: Democratic Party In Vermont BIll Will Provide ‘Unlimited And Unregulated’ Elective Abortion And Declares That Murdering Your Unborn Child Is A ‘Fundamental Right’
Here’s something funny that should make you laugh. Remember way back when in 1996 when all the Democrats wanted was to keep abortion ‘rare, safe and legal‘? You can laugh now, that’s the joke. Because in 2020, Democrats want nothing of the kind. Democrats in the 2020 election will be running on a platform that includes abortion as ‘dangerous, imposed and frequent‘. The Democrats have become Murder, Inc, and they’re bragging about it as you will see in the article below from Breitbart News.
US Press Reaches All-Time Low On Venezuela Coverage
Analyzing 76 total press articles of the “elite” press, Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR) could find not one voice that opposed Trump’s regime plans in Venezuela. Meanwhile, 54 percent openly supported these plans…
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Barr trolls Pelosi: ‘Did you bring your handcuffs?’
Democrats in Congress have been fuming that Barr refused to follow their orders to turn over an unredacted Mueller report along with underlying materials on now-discredited claims the Trump 2016 campaign colluded with Russia.Barr, in fact, is prevented by law from releasing any grand jury materials.
Iran will defeat U.S.-Israeli alliance, says defence minister
Iran’s military commanders said on Wednesday the Islamic Republic was on the verge of an all-out confrontation with its enemies and was ready to counter any threat. “Iran has the highest level of defense-military preparedness to confront any type of threat and excessive demands,”
Alabama Passes A Bill Making Abortion A Felony, Potentially Setting Up A Historic Showdown In The Supreme Court
They actually did it. On Tuesday night, the Alabama Senate passed a bill that would actually make abortion a felony in the state of Alabama. Needless to say, pro-abortion forces all over the nation are officially freaking out about this new law.
Iran officially suspends execution of part of its obligations under nuclear deal
The source noted that Tehran, as it had previously warned, may renew work on uranium enrichment and stop the updating of the heavy water reactor in Arak if the participants to the deal fail to fulfil their obligations under the deal within 60 days.
Minister to Trump: ‘Deal of the Century – or Deal of Eternity’
Ahead of the expected release of the Trump administration’s “Deal of the Century” aimed at achieving peace between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Rev. Anthony Abma, who heads the Christians in Support of Jewish Sovereignty group, penned a letter to Trump, urging him to “respect and honor the ‘Deal of Eternity’ made thousands of years ago” between God and the nation of Israel, and not to“force a compromise upon Israel that in any way invalidates the terms of that original ‘deal’ made by the God of Creation.” May I also respectfully remind you Mr. President, that to force a compromise upon Israel that in any way invalidates the terms of that original “deal” made by the God of Creation, will seriously risk forfeiting the blessing of God upon the United States of America as per His own words as recorded in Gen 12:3…
Trump declares national emergency to protect communications networks
US President Trump on Wednesday declared a “national emergency” to protect US communications networks. Trump declared the emergency in the form of an executive order that says foreign adversaries are exploiting vulnerabilities in US telecommunications technology and services.
SpaceX readies for space-based internet service with 60-satellite Starlink launch TODAY
The latest space race has started, with companies scrambling to build a functioning space internet. Today, only about 25 percent of the world is served by quality internet. Elon Musk’s SpaceX will today take a significant step to rectifying this, with the launch of the first phase of satellites it hopes will provide universal internet connectivity.
A SERIES of solar storms are set to hit Earth this week as a HUGE hole opened up on the surface of the Sun, scientists have warned.
A coronal hole almost 20 TIMES the size of Earth has opened on the surface of the Sun, releasing particles into the cosmos. The massive hole stretches a staggering 220,000 kilometres across…Unfortunately for Earth, we are in line with the coronal hole and as it is so massive, there could be solar storms hitting our planet until Friday.
Yellowstone eruption: Huge geyser erupts after laying dormant for YEARS
Officials at the national park in Wyoming, US, said the Ledge Geyser burst into life on April 28, letting out huge amounts of steam out as it blew. The Ledge Geyser, which is the second larges in the Norris Geyser Basin, had not shown any activity for three years before its eruption. Ledge Geyser is capable of shooting water up to 125 feet in the air, but scientists believe it has slipped back into its dormant state since the eruption.
Ilhan Omar’s Ignorance and Bigotry on Gaza Rockets
So, too, is US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar encouraging the firing of rockets by Hamas and Islamic Jihad by blaming the Israeli victims for what she calls the “cycle of violence,” instead of blaming those groups for initiating terrorist violence against innocent Israeli civilians. In a tweet following the rocket barrage, Omar justifies the double war crimes committed by terrorists who target Israeli civilians while using Palestinian civilians as human shields.
U.S. trying to mediate Israeli-Lebanese maritime dispute to avoid war
A senior American official mediating the maritime border dispute between Israel and Lebanon is in Tel Aviv in a push to resolve a maritime border dispute between the two enemy countries. Acting US Assistant Secretary of State David Satterfield was in Beirut on Wednesday and met with Lebanon’s President Michel Aoun and discussed bilateral relations and the latest local and regional developments…
Plot to smuggle military equipment into Gaza foiled
An attempt to smuggle weapon equipment, scuba diving equipment and communications equipment into the Gaza Strip was foiled on Wednesday, Maariv reported Thursday morning. Two hundred and fifty Israeli mail bags were transferred into the Gaza Strip through the Erez crossing, and was coordinated by the Gaza Coordination and Liaison Administration on behalf of the Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories.
Minor earthquake felt in Israel and surrounding areas
Residents in the Center and South reported feeling a minor earthquake on Wednesday night. No injuries or damage was reported. “The whole house shook,” Asaf, a resident of Be’er Ya’acov told Maariv. In addition to Beersheba, those in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv also reported feeling the quake. The 4.6 magnitude earthquake was felt across #Israel. No damage or injuries reported.
North Korea suffers worst drought in decades
North Korea has said it is suffering its worst drought in 37 years and called on its citizens to “battle” against the crop damage caused by it. It comes after the UN said that up to 10 million North Koreans were “in urgent need of food assistance”. North Koreans had been surviving on just 300g (10.5 oz) of food a day so far this year, the UN report said.
Iran-backed militias move rockets in range of U.S. troops: Report
The current ramping up of U.S. military posturing against Iran was triggered by U.S. intelligence that showed Tehran-backed militias in Iraq moving rockets to locations that could hit bases where American troops are positioned in the nation, according to sources familiar with the intelligence. Trump administration officials have said the Pentagon’s bumping up of the deployment last week of a U.S. aircraft carrier and bomber group to the region was justified by intelligence on threats of a potentially imminent attack by Iran on U.S. interests in Iraq…
LED light can damage eyes, health authority warns
The “blue light” in LED lighting can damage the eye’s retina and disturb natural sleep rhythms, France’s government-run health watchdog said this week. New findings confirm earlier concerns that “exposure to an intense and powerful [LED] light is ‘photo-toxic’ and can lead to irreversible loss of retinal cells and diminished sharpness of vision,” the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) warned in a statement.
Christian persecution close to ‘genocide levels,’ largely ignored due to ‘political correctness’: report
Political correctness contributes to alarming anti-Christian hostility around the world and caters to the terrorists trying to eradicate Christianity, an expert on religious persecution told Fox News.
Warning: Christians Will Be ‘Forced to Violate Their Beliefs’ if Equality Act Passes
Males identifying as females and using women’s locker rooms. Faith-based adoption and foster agencies required to place children with same-sex couples. Florists and bakers forced to fill orders for same-sex weddings. Critics say these are just a few of the potential results if The Equality Act becomes law.
Abortion Lobby Reacts to Alabama Abortion Ban: ‘War on Women,’ ‘Cruel’
Abortion industry giants and their political allies condemned a ban on most abortions passed by the Alabama State Senate Tuesday and headed to Gov. Kay Ivey’s desk.
Alumni Support Historic Murals of George Washington that ‘Traumatize Students’ at California High School
A mural of George Washington may be destroyed in response to a protest effort by students who claim that the artwork “traumatizes them.” Now an alumni group is fighting back in support of the murals, which they call “unusually progressive for their time.”
Trump team preparing for rollout of the ‘Deal of the Century’ peace plan that will shakeup the Middle East
The West Bank “could erupt before, during or after you present your peace plan, and you should add this to your calculations.”
US Orders All Non-Essential Staff Out Of Iraq As Iran Vows To Defeat The ‘American-Zionist Alliance’, Says We Are On Cusp Of ‘Full-Scale Confrontation’ With The Enemy
What started out as potentially mere sabre rattling has morphed into a legitimate brewing confrontation between Iran and the United States. With the arrival today of the USS Abraham Lincoln to the Gulf of Oman, things have just ‘gotten real’ for all the major players in the Gulf region. Even Russia weighed in to defend their allies Syria and Iran.
BOMBSHELL: Bayer discovers “black ops” division run by Monsanto, shuts it down, initiates internal investigation as law enforcement prepares criminal charges against the chemical giant
Monsanto has been running a “black ops” division for over ten years, spending perhaps $100 million or more on efforts to silence, destroy or assassinate anyone who interfered with the agricultural giant’s market dominance.
Ramadan 2019 Starts With A Bang As Islamic Terrorists Kill 165, Wound 145 During First Week Of Muslim ‘Holy’ Month To Please The Moon God Allah
Why do Islamic terror attacks increase so dramatically during the ‘holy’ month of Ramadan in Islam? Because Islam teaches that during that time, their moon god Allah will ‘reward them double’ for acts of martyrdom where they kill themselves and innocent people around them. Allah is angry all the time, it would seem, and the only thing that serves to pacify him to any degree is when his followers murder the ‘infidels’ who don’t believe in him. Ironically, most of the people killed in Islamic terror attacks during Ramadan are Muslims. Go figure.
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The Media Won’t Say It, but Christians Are the No. 1 Persecuted Group Worldwide
Sri Lanka. April 21. Five hundred wounded, over 300 dead in terrorist attacks. According to mainstream media and many in the international community, these attacks were another senseless assault on “humanity.” But the destruction of Christian churches on Easter morning was not motivated by generic hatred. We know exactly why these men, women, and children died. They died for their Christian faith. On the holiest day in the Christian calendar, three bombs ripped through Christian churches, killing hundreds who had gathered peacefully to celebrate Christ’s resurrection from the dead. But international leaders have studiously avoided calling this what it is: anti-Christian persecution.
These Big Name Rappers Are Tight With Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan
The rapper said Farrakhan, who has repeatedly demonized Jews as “satanic” and railed against interracial marriage, was banned “for telling truth.” Snoop Dogg’s support for Farrakhan is far from unique in the rap community.
US Suspends All Passenger And Cargo Flights To Venezuela
Though all of the major US carriers have already ended their flights to Caracas, the Department of Homeland Security has officially suspended all air traffic – passenger and cargo – between the US and Venezuela due to the “ongoing political stability and increased tensions.”
‘We did all we could, but it wasn’t enough’ | Asteroid simulation ends with direct hit in NYC
A group of scientists and planners from all across the world met this month in College Park, Maryland to run through a practice scenario and discuss what they’d do if a large asteroid was discovered in an orbit heading towards earth. This exercise was completed over a five day time frame, during which they ran through a 10 year timeline of discovering, observing, and trying to mitigate the threat from a large asteroid heading towards the earth.
In first for Asia, Taiwan lawmakers back same-sex marriage
Taiwan became the first place in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage on Friday, as thousands of demonstrators outside parliament cheered and waved rainbow flags, despite deep divisions over marriage equality.
Israeli ambassador’s ‘Bible speech’ at U.N. goes viral
Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon’s speech several weeks ago has taken on a new life on social media and YouTube as translations into different languages have propelled the “biblical speech” well beyond the walls of the United Nations building. Wearing a kippah and reading from the Bible, Danon defended Israel’s right to the land of Israel.
Jerusalem Police brace for second Ramadan Friday prayers in Old City
Police are taking security measures and remain on high alert in and around the Old City of Jerusalem over Friday, as visitors arrived and prayers commenced on Temple Mount for the second Friday of Ramadan. Roads in the old city were closed to enable the thousands of worshipers to make their way on foot to the Temple Mount.
Taiwan gay marriage: Parliament legalises same-sex unions
Taiwan’s parliament has become the first in Asia to legalise same-sex marriage following a vote on Friday. In 2017, the island’s constitutional court ruled that same-sex couples had the right to legally marry. Parliament was given a two-year deadline and was required to pass the changes by 24 May. Lawmakers debated three different bills to legalise same-sex unions and the government’s bill, the most progressive of the three, was passed.
Trump unveils ‘merit-based’ immigration policy plan
US President Donald Trump has outlined plans for a new US immigration system designed to favour younger, better educated, English-speaking workers. In an address at the White House, he proposed moving away from the current system that favours applicants with family ties to the US. He said border security would be beefed up and a tougher line taken on asylum seekers.
Apprehensions up 42% on NORTHERN border as Mexicans, Central Americans try to enter US from Canada
The overwhelming surge of illegal immigrants on the U.S.-Mexico border is drawing agents away from the northern border, where apprehensions are also increasing significantly. Sault Ste. Marie Border Patrol Agent in Charge Henry Laxdal told WJFW apprehensions in the Detroit sector increased 42 percent between 2017 and 2018, though the numbers pale in comparison to the southern border crisis.
Likud members: leaving West Bank settlements was a crime
Likud members sent a message to Prime Minister Netanyahu calling for him to revoke the disengagement law from 2005, that enabled the pullback from Gaza and disbanding four settlements in the Northern West Bank. Nine members of Likud along with others from the right- wing, toured the site of Homesh, a settlement that was evicted in 2005 as part of the disengagement from Gaza.
After Huawei blow, China says U.S. must show sincerity for talks
The United States must show sincerity if it is to hold meaningful trade talks, China said…after U.S. President Donald Trump dramatically raised the stakes with a potentially devastating blow to Chinese tech giant Huawei. China has yet to say whether or how it will retaliate…although…the ruling Communist Party’s People’s Daily publishing a front-page commentary that evoked the patriotic spirit of past wars.
Farmageddon Looms: Only 30% Of US Corn Fields Have Been Planted, 5 Year Average Is 66%
It is no exaggeration to say that what we are facing is a true national catastrophe.
Facebook Censors Picture of Unborn Baby, Says It May ‘Be Sensitive to Some People’
Facebook censored a pro-life advertisement campaign featuring an unborn baby because it might “be sensitive to some people.”
Second Worst Ebola Outbreak in History Is Now Killing 66 Percent of People Who Become Infected
The current outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has infected 1,720 and killed 1,136, giving the viral disease a whopping 66 percent fatality rate. And the situation is making public health experts on the ground increasingly nervous.
Turkish Lira Tumbles After Trump Terminates Preferential Trade Agreement In Retaliation For S-400 Order
“I have determined that, based on its level of economic development, it is appropriate to terminate Turkey’s designation as a beneficiary developing country effective May 17, 2019.”
Wettest 12-month period on record leaves US nearly drought-free amid rampant flooding
The continental United States just recorded its wettest 12-month period in recorded history, while also moving one step closer to being drought-free, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Texas Police Raid Dallas Diocesan Offices, Claim Catholic Officials Withheld Information
Texas police raided the offices of the Catholic Diocese of Dallas Wednesday on the grounds that Catholic officials withheld information from authorities’ sex abuse investigation.
Trump: If Iran does anything, they will suffer
US President warns Iran will “suffer greatly” if it targeted US interests.
US President Donald Trump warned on Monday that Iran would “suffer greatly” if it targeted US interests.
President Trump Was Right: CDC Confirms 143 Babies Born Alive After Abortions, Left to Die
The “fact checkers” at Associated Press were the latest to fulminate against President Trump mocking Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam about executing babies born alive after an abortion attempt. The tweet was mockable: “The reality behind President Trump’s false accusation that abortion doctors execute babies.” Apparently, abortion doctors just kill….germs? Cellular clumps?
Walmart Betrays Trump And America In Unpatriotic Move
Walmart is one of the most profitable companies in history and a true American success story. But their success came at a cost.
CNN & MSNBC Caught Meddling In US Democracy
Both Channels put out fraudulent claims about Presidential polls..
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Jordan awaits Trump deal with fear, rumors
As the US administration prepares to roll out its long-awaited plan for peace in the Middle East, also known as the “deal of the century,” there are indications of growing instability and consternation in Jordan. Facing increased demands for major political and economic reforms in the kingdom, King Abdullah II seems to be worried that the kingdom will pay a heavy price whether it accepts or rejects the deal.
Syria accuses Israel of airstrikes on targets outside Damascus
Syrian state media accused Israel’s Air Force of launching a strike against targets outside Syria’s capital of Damascus late Friday night and claimed the country’s air defenses intercepted a number of missiles. “Aerial defenses detected hostile targets coming from the direction of Quneitra and intercepted them,” a military source was quoted by Syria’s SANA news agency as saying.
Saudi Arabia and Gulf states have agreed to deploy U.S. forces to deter Iran
Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states have agreed to a request for a renewed deployment of US forces to deter Iran, the Saudi daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat reported Saturday. According to the report, the deployment of the forces comes as part of the cooperation agreement between Washington and the Arab states in the Gulf, and will take place both at sea and on land.
British Foreign Office advises Iranian-British nationals against Iran travel
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has intensified it’s warning to both British and British-Iranian dual nationals on travel to Iran, advising both parties to avoid travelling to Iran at all costs, stating that there is a risk being “arbitrarily detained in Iran.” The strict warning comes a few days after an Iranian British Council Member Aras Amri was reportedly sentenced to 10 years in prison for allegedly spying on Iran for the British government.
Boston Police investigates three fires at two Chabad houses
Police in the Boston area have opened a multi-jurisdictional probe after a fire was reported at the Chabad Jewish Center in Needham, Massachusetts, just one hour after a fire was reported at the Arlington home and Chabad house of Rabbi Avi Bukiet and his family. That brings to three the number of suspicious fires since last Saturday night, when a blaze damaged outside shingles at the Bukiets’ home.
Gun-loving Swiss asked to toughen laws or risk EU tension
Swiss voters go to the polls on Sunday to decide whether to tighten up their gun laws to conform with European Union regulations. Switzerland is not a member of the EU, but is part of the Schengen open-border treaty. After the 2015 Paris attacks in which 130 people died, the EU issued Schengen members with new restrictions on automatic and semi-automatic weapons.
US lifts steel and aluminium tariffs on Canada
The US has reached a deal with Canada to lift tariffs on steel and aluminium imports in a move that could lead to approval for a new North American trade deal. In a joint statement, the US and Canada announced that a 25% tariff on steel imports, and of 10% on aluminium, will end in 48 hours. It is widely expected the US and Mexico will make a similar announcement soon.
ICE to hire contractor to transport 225,000 migrants to shelters across the US
The Trump administration is looking to hire a private contractor that will be responsible for transporting approximately 225,000 migrant children and families to shelters across the country…as they wait for their asylum claims to be processed. ICE seeking the services of a “highly responsible” contractor that “fully embraces the philosophy” of treating all unaccompanied minors (UACs) and family units (FAMUs) with “dignity and respect,”…
US Air Force deploys missiles that can fry Iran and North Korea’s weapons with microwaves as Saudi urges Trump to launch airstrikes now
THE US Air Force has deployed 20 missiles which can zap enemy electronics with powerful pulses rendering weapons virtually useless. They can be launched into enemy airspace at low altitude and emit blasts of high-power microwave energy that immediately disable any devices targeted. The Counter-Electronics High Power Microwave Advanced Missile Project (CHAMP) is the brainchild of Boeing’s Phantom Works lab.
China unveils terrifying new armoured truck which launches swarms of killer drones to attack its enemies
A CHINESE defence firm has unveiled a terrifying new battle truck which can unleash a swarm of killer drones behind enemy lines. The armoured war machine – based on a Russian Tigr vehicle – can direct the drones so they simultaneously converge on targets and detonate their explosive payloads. The mighty YJ2080 is equipped with 12 launch tubes – four for reconnaissance drones and the other eight for explosive laden drones which can travel at 110mph.
Missouri follows Alabama by passing restrictive abortion bill
Missouri lawmakers passed a bill on Friday that prohibits women from seeking an abortion after the eighth week of pregnancy, days after Alabama enacted the most restrictive abortion law in the United States. The legislation allows for an abortion after the eighth week only in the case of medical emergencies. On Wednesday, Alabama banned abortions at any time, with the same exception.
California braces for feet of snow from storms; ‘significant severe weather event’ to impact Plains
It may be May, but Spring has not quite sprung in the Golden State. Parts of California still resemble a scene out of winter, with a series of storms bringing several feet of snow to mountain areas, ahead of a “significant” severe weather threat across the nation’s midsection.
China Launches Campaign to ‘Dismantle’ and Eliminate House Churches
China’s government launched a new campaign in April to eradicate underground house churches so that only state-sanctioned and heavily restricted Three-Self churches remain.
The coming civil war over abortion
A civil war is coming to America, only this time, it will be abortion, rather than slavery, that divides the nation. And while I hope will all my heart that it will not be a physically violent war, the ideological conflict will certainly be violent and intense.
North Korea suffering ‘extreme drought,’ worst in nearly 40 years amid fears of food shortages
The Hermit Kingdom is also apparently the barren kingdom.North Korea disclosed on Wednesday it is suffering its worst drought in nearly four decades, amid growing concerns the country is dangerously short on food.
Tornado Alley ‘about to wake up’: Wall of storms threaten 18 states
Severe thunderstorms and tornadoes will threaten almost 1 million square miles of 18 states in coming days as tumultuous spring weather sweeps the nation.
Govt.-funded lab seeks to buy ‘fresh’ aborted baby heart, pancreas from almost anyone
The Center for Medical Progress (CMP), the citizen journalism organization responsible for the undercover video series exposing Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby body parts, revealed today that over the past month, government-funded researchers at University of California San Diego (UCSD) have sought to purchase hearts and pancreases from aborted fetuses from CMP.
School Announces Tariff on Students Not Wearing Pro-LGBT Clothing
An Australian public school landed in hot water after announcing that students not wearing pro-LGBT clothing on a coordinated dress-down day would be expected to double their ‘voluntary’ charitable donations.
Ocasio-Cortez Mocks Conservative Christians, Botches Scripture
Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) made her disdain for conservative Christians clear this week with multiple attacks she made on social media about people of faith.
Gov. DeSantis: Dumping Migrants in Florida is Unacceptable
Florida’s governor plans to fight any federal plans to fly hundreds of immigrants weekly from the Mexican border to South Florida, saying Friday he’ll take his case to President Donald Trump.
Pakistan doctor arrested after 400 children diagnosed with HIV
Authorities investigating if Muzaffar Ghangharo, who has Aids, knowingly spread virus
BREAKING – The fight for America begins: Trump to invoke Insurrection Act that authorizes National Guard, military action inside U.S. borders
This is bombshell breaking news. See the emergency Counterthink video update, below.
Farm Crisis: Suicides Spike In Rural America As Trade War Deepens
The deepening trade war between the US and China has roiled complex global supply chains and America’s Heartland. The latest breakdown in negotiations comes at a time when soybean exports to China have crashed, and huge stockpiles are building, have resulted in many farmers teetering on the verge of bankruptcy. Mounting financial stress in the Midwest has allowed a public health crisis, where suicide rates among farmers have hit record highs, according to one trade organization’s interview with the South China Morning Post.
Wells Fargo Banker Pleads Guilty To Helping Launder Millions For Sinaloa Cartel
Luis Figueroa of Tijuana admitted to the scheme which spanned the United States, according to Business Insider.
Who Wants This War With Iran?
Speaking on state TV of the prospect of a war in the Gulf, Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei seemed to dismiss the idea. “There won’t be any war. … We don’t seek a war, and (the Americans) don’t either. They know it’s not in their interests.”
Beijing Backs Iran, “Firmly Opposes” Unilateral US Sanctions
In the latest sign of Beijing’s frustration with the US, the Chinese leadership have reiterated their opposition to American sanctions against Iran. After a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, Chinese Foregin Minister Wang Yi reiterated Beijing’s ‘firm opposition’ to unilateral US sanctions against Iran.
Deep State Treason: Former State Dept. Official Under Trump Tells China To Quit Negotiating Until Trump Is Removed In 2020
Deep state traitors no longer hide their deep hatred for the American people —Mrs. Susan Thornton, the former acting assistant secretary of state in the Trump administration, told her Beijing audience to stop negotiating until President Trump is removed from office in 2020.
BREAKING: Junk Anti-Trump Russia Steele Dossier Appears Tampered With – Pages Were Replaced
…The fake Trump – Russia dossier that Obama’s corrupt FBI and DOJ used to obtain the Carter Page FISA warrant appear doctored. Internet sleuths have uncovered material differences in the Steele dossier
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In the Path of This Storm? ‘Take Cover Now!’
the National Weather Service spotted a “rain wrapped tornado on the ground” in San Angelo. “Take cover now if you are in the path of this storm!” the service cried. Meanwhile, over 35,000 Texas customers have no power between the two cities. And that’s not all: With tornado season peaking, at least 34 have been spotted across a swath of the country including Texas, Nebraska, and Kansas. One wrecked two homes Saturday morning in Comanche County, Oklahoma….In all over 70 million people are facing the prospect of severe weather from southern Minnesota to Texas.
U.S. sanctions are limiting Iran’s ability to fund Hezbollah – report
The latest wave of US sanctions has significantly curbed Iran’s ability to fund Hezbollah, The Washington Post reported on Saturday. The Lebanese terrorist group has traditionally been the best funded Islamic Republic’s proxy, with its fighters and affiliates benefiting from salaries and social services paid for by Tehran.
Turkey keeps talking about building an S-500 system with Russia
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey had finalized it’s S-400 deal with Russia and would not turn back from acquiring the advanced system. In comments made Saturday the Turkish leader also hinted at producing an “S-500” system jointly with Russia. This would be a major new element of the emerging Turkish-Russian alliance and another sign of Ankara’s drift away from the US and NATO.
Iran-US tensions: ‘There will be no war’, says Zarif
Iran’s foreign minister has said he does not believe a war will break out in the region amid concerns over rising tensions with the US. Mohammad Javad Zarif told state news agency IRNA that Tehran did not want a war, and that no country had the “idea or illusion that it can confront Iran”. The US has deployed warships and planes to the Gulf in recent days over what it has described as Iranian “threats”.
Trump breaks silence amid Alabama abortion ban row
US President Donald Trump has outlined his “strongly pro-life” views on abortion amid controversy over strict new laws passed in several states. Mr Trump said he was against abortion except in cases of rape, incest or a “serious health risk” to the mother. His stance on what is a divisive election issue in the US emerged days after Alabama passed a law banning abortion in almost all cases.
‘Weapons in our hands’ Venezuelan Military warns it is ready to slaughter US troops
Troops in the South American country took part in what was dubbed a “march of loyalty” to show their support for President Nicolas Maduro. The embattled Socialist leader visited Aragua State to watch…soldiers pledged their allegiance. “Only the ones who fight have a right to be. You will never invade my country. Listen to us small gringo. We are ready. With weapons in our hands … we are waiting for you,” the personnel shouted during the parade.
US issues warning to airlines flying over Gulf
The Federal Aviation Administration has warned US airlines flying over the Gulf to exercise caution “due to heightened military activities and increased political tensions in the region.” The advisory, which also covers airspace over the Gulf of Oman, comes amid rising tensions between the US and Iran.
China’s top diplomat calls for U.S. restraint on trade, Iran
China’s senior diplomat Wang Yi told U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo…that recent U.S. words and actions had harmed the interests of China and its enterprises, and that Washington should show restraint… Speaking…by telephone, Wang said the United States should not go “too far” in the current trade dispute between the two sides, adding that China was still willing to resolve differences through negotiations, but they should be on an equal footing.
Congo’s Ebola outbreak: Health workers fear for their safety
Some doctors fighting the second-deadliest Ebola outbreak in history are afraid to wear scrubs.
Dozens of tornadoes have struck the Plains since Friday, with a serious outbreak feared on Monday
Severe storms have plagued parts of the Plains since Friday, including about 50 reported tornadoes, and more severe weather is on the way. A dangerous severe weather outbreak is possible Monday, which would target parts of Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas. Massive hail, destructive winds, and potentially strong tornadoes could be in the offing.
Rapid DNA testing reveals a THIRD of migrants faked family relationship with kids
An Immigration and Customs Enforcement pilot of new rapid DNA testing at the border has found that nearly a third of those tested were not biologically related to the children in their custody.
Syria accuses Israel of airstrikes near Damascus
Several explosions were heard in the Syrian capital on Friday night as the country’s air defenses opened fire on “objects” coming from the direction of the Golan Heights, state media reported.
Pete Buttigieg Equates Radical Shia And Wahhabi Islam With Christianity
Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg equated radical Shia Islam and the Islamic ideology behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks with Christianity’s capacity for extremism Friday.
Senator Feinstein (D) Is An Unregistered Agent for Communist China
Dianne Feinstein loves communists. Senator Feinstein cavorts with communists. She has close alliances with many of America’s most dangerous enemies. In short, Senator Dianne Feinstein is an enemy of the State.
Ohio pastor gets life in prison on child sex trafficking charges
A minister in Ohio who pleaded guilty to child sex trafficking has been sentenced to life in prison.
Socialism Leaves South Africa in the Dark
Nearly 150 years after electricity came to South Africa, the country is in the dark. The blackouts can strike at any time and then lights, hot water and even major industries vanish into the darkness.
WHO 2050 Prediction: 10 Million Could Die From Mutated Superbugs And We’ll Have Nothing To Fight Them
The discovery and widespread use of antibiotics many decades ago have saved millions of lives. Infections that were once a death sentence were easily treated with the medications. Unfortunately, many antibiotics are now becoming ineffective because bacteria have become resistant to the drugs.
THE RAVENSBRUCK RABBITS: Brilliant Secretly-Coded Letters Written By Four Concentration Camp Inmates To Tell the World About Horrific Nazi Medical Experiments During WWII
There are many amazing stories of survival when we read about Hitler’s Holocaust in WWII, stories of astounding courage, bravery and defiance in the face of stupefyingly overwhelming odds. The four women who risked their lives to warn the world of Nazi atrocities is such a story.
College Board president pushing ‘adversity score’ is same man behind controversial Common Core program
The College Board president behind the recent decision to assign applicants an “adversity score” is the same man who courted controversy pushing Common Core, the national K-12 curriculum standards project that several states adopted, then dropped under pressure from education activists.
Trump Admin Notifies 500,000+ Employers They Have Workers With Bogus Social Security Numbers
The Trump administration has notified more than 500,000 employers that some of their employees’ names do not match their reported Social Security numbers in a new move to crack down on illegal aliens.
WATCH: Barr Promises America Will Soon Know “EXACTLY What Happened!”
Attorney General William Barr appears to be highly suspicious wrongdoing occurred as the highest level in the events leading to the Trump campaign probe. Speaking to FoxNews, Barr promised to find out “exactly what happened.” Barr also called Pelosi’s claim he lied “laughable” and part of the “political circus.”
Communist China Edits Pastor’s Sermon, Deletes ‘God Made Heaven and Earth’
As further evidence of Communist China’s continuing persecution of Christians, a pastor’s sermon was edited by government officials who required him to remove the sentence “God made Heaven and Earth and created everything,” and also demanded that he include more Chinese and pro-Communist Party references, the religious liberty watchdog group Bitter Winter reported.
A Chicago couple lives like Orthodox Jews — and preaches the word of Jesus
Two members of the Illinois Jewish community, who dress in religious garb, are outed as Christian missionaries. They don’t deny it, and don’t see a problem
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Ayaan understands Islam’s Jew-hating Jihad for the prophet
Somali ex-Muslim conscientious objector to Islam, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, warned her capacity audience that the “scale and scope” of Islamic Antisemitism remains incomprehensible to most Westerners, rendering this ugly, burning hatred even more dangerous. “Little attention is paid (to it) and that is a pity because it is the most zealous, most potent Jew hatred. It both condemns Jews wholesale and seeks to destroy the State of Israel.” “Love of the Prophet, requires hatred of the Jews.”
Trump Admin Kicks Off Plan to Foster Israeli-Palestinian Peace
The Trump administration has started to implement its multi-faceted plan to foster peace between Israel and the Palestinians, a process that will begin in June when Bahrain hosts a forum to promote economic development in key Palestinian territories, according to senior administration officials. The Trump administration’s long rumored peace plan is just beginning to spill into public view, with senior officials organizing a June 25 business forum in Bahrain that will bring together a range of political and business officials in the region to develop methods to spur growth in the Palestinian economy.
Japan issues warning over probable volcano eruption
Japan’s Meteorological Agency on Sunday issued a warning over a possibility of volcanic Mount Hakone erupting. Along with this, the agency also raised its alert level to two on a scale of five, according to NHK. The step was taken after the number of volcanic earthquakes near the mountain increased on Saturday.
US in new push to resolve Israel-Lebanon sea border dispute
Israel and Lebanon both claim some 860 square kilometers (330 square miles) of the Mediterranean Sea. Lebanon hopes to unleash offshore oil and gas production as it grapples with an economic crisis. Washington is mediating between the two countries, which have been officially at war since Israel’s creation in 1948.
Europe’s far-right parties hunt down the youth vote
“The far right has made a very explicit effort to pander to younger audiences. They’ve essentially rebranded themselves,” said Julia Ebner, a researcher with the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a left-leaning think tank. “Far-right political parties have been most active in engaging with social media users.” The far right has also succeeded at picking up on existing grievances and fears among young people and at using their language and cultural reference points, she said.
Trump: I don’t want to fight, but you can’t let Iran have nukes
While Trump continued opposing military intervention, he indicated Iranian nuclear development would constitute an urgent exception.
What You Need to Know About the Newly Minted Satanic Temple ‘Religion’
By recently granting tax-exempt status to the Satanic Temple, the IRS now officially acknowledges the group as a religion. “This acknowledgment will help make sure the Satanic Temple has the same access to public spaces as other religious organizations, affirm our standing in court when battling religious discrimination, and enable us to apply for faith-based government grants,” read a statement posted to the organization’s Instagram account.
Russia to Launch ‘Fake News’ Database
Russia’s media regulation agency Roskomnadzor announced Wednesday that it will create a public database of “fake news,” using new authority granted to the agency by President Vladimir Putin with a controversial Internet law signed at the beginning of the month.
Trump Threatens “THE END OF IRAN” After Rocket Lands Near US Embassy in Baghdad
Iraqi military spokesman Brig. Gen. Yahya Rasoul told The Associated Press that a Katyusha rocket fell near the statue of the Unknown Soldier, less than a mile from the U.S. Embassy. He said the military is investigating the cause but that the rocket was believed to have been fired from east Baghdad. The area is home to Iran-backed Shiite militias.
New Caledonia earthquake: HUGE 6.8 quake rocks island off coast of Australia
The quake hit 179 km (111 miles) eats of Tadine in the Loyalty Islands. Moreover, the earthquake hit a depth of 14 km (9 miles) the United States Geological Survey (USGS) has confirmed. The island is located in between Australia and Fiji near to the infamous Ring of Fire. Last December the island was put on “immediate evacuation” following a tsunami warning.
A tropical cyclone is brewing in the Atlantic, but hurricane season has yet to arrive
A tropical cyclone could form in the Atlantic in the next few days and barrel toward Bermuda, according to the National Hurricane Center in Miami. Whether the storm will track toward the Carolinas or elsewhere on the coast was too early to predict, as of Saturday afternoon. A special outlook has been issued for an area of low pressure that is expected to form several hundred miles S or SW of Bermuda late this weekend. Thereafter, gradual development of this system into a tropical or subtropical cyclone is possible.
‘New York Times’ Bret Stephens: West ‘in crisis,’ Israel on right track
New York Times columnist and Pulitzer Prize winner Bret Stephens said earlier this week that Western civilization is “in crisis” due to people straying from certain values. “The West is in crisis because it is following policies that are not in keeping with its values and deep traditions, especially with the rise of antisemitism, which is usually the harbinger of national decline,” he said at the annual American Friends of Migdal Ohr (AFMO) Gala….
Radical Islam’s Existential Threat to Christianity Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Middle Eastern Christians have endured a long and violent history at the hands of radical Muslims. At the turn of the 20th century, Christians made up 20 percent of the population in the Middle East. Today, that number is only 3-5 percent. “Christians have been harassed in more countries than any other religious group and have suffered harassment in many of the heavily Muslim countries of the Middle East and North Africa,” says the Pew Research Center’s Katayoun Kishi Related.
Trump and the Jews: A Fascinating Look into American Jewry and the US-Israel Relationship Under Trump
“How can a president who has been so good for the Jewish people fail to receive [the liberal American Jewish community’s] support?” Trump and the Jews explains that while the majority of Jewish Americans voted for Hillary Clinton, there is a “strong and growing part of the Jewish community that isn’t so clearly anti-Trump,” Rubin told Breaking Israel News. The majority of these Jews are Orthodox Jews and those “very strongly connected to Israel and their Judaism.”
Carriers Promise They Stopped Selling Your Location… Again
Last year it was discovered that Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, and T-Mobile were all selling your real-time location data to third-party companies. They offered no oversight of what the companies did with the data whatsoever, and if that’s not disturbing enough, those third-parties turned around and sold the data to yet other parties like LocationSmart. …the companies pledged to stop selling your data in varying statements. The most notable statement came directly from T-Mobile CEO John Legere…. But last January, Sprint, T-Mobile, and AT&T got caught continuing the practice. In that case, your location data was so laughably accessible; a bounty hunter could buy it for a mere $300. Now, five months later… Even as they stress that they had the right to do so, and did nothing wrong. This time, we’re sure they “super-duper promise” and really mean it.
Palestinian PM: We weren’t consulted about U.S.-led economic conference
Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh claimed that the Palestinian government was not consulted regarding a US-led economic conference being held in Bahrain next month designed to encourage investment in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Reuters reported on Monday. The economic portion of US’s Middle East peace plan is expected to be revealed at the conference June 25, according to the White House.
US president says war would be ‘end’ of Iran as tensions rise
US President Donald Trump has issued a stern warning to Iran, suggesting it will be destroyed if a conflict breaks out between the two countries. “If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran,” he said in a tweet on Sunday. “Never threaten the United States again!” The US has deployed additional warships and planes to the Gulf in recent days.
Saudis say they will defend themselves, as Trump warns Iran
Saudi Arabia does not want war but will not hesitate to defend itself against Iran, a top Saudi diplomat said Sunday after the kingdom’s energy sector was targeted this past week amid heightened tensions in the Persian Gulf. U.S. President Donald Trump, meanwhile, warned Iran that it will face destruction if it seeks a fight, while Iranian officials said their country isn’t looking for war. Trump spoke after a rocket hit near the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.
Abbas aide: U.S. peace plan will fail without Palestinian statehood
Any American peace plan that ignores the Palestinian people’s political aspirations for an independent state is doomed to fail, a senior Palestinian official said Monday — boding poorly for a Mideast peace conference in Bahrain,planned next month. The comments by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ spokesman immediately cast a cloud over the conference, which is expected to take place in late June in the tiny Gulf Arab state of Bahrain.
As U.S.-Iran tension simmers, rocket fired near Iraq’s U.S. Embassy
A rocket was fired into the Iraqi capital Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone, which houses government buildings and diplomatic missions, on Sunday night, falling near the U.S. Embassy but causing no casualties… The attack came two weeks after U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned Iraqi leaders…that if they failed to keep in check Iran-backed militias, which are expanding their power in Iraq…the United States would respond with force.
U.S. warship sails in disputed South China Sea amid trade tensions
The U.S. military said one of its warships sailed near the disputed Scarborough Shoal claimed by China in the South China Sea on Sunday, angering Beijing at a time of tense ties between the world’s two biggest economies. The busy waterway is one of a growing number of flashpoints in the U.S.-China relationship, which include a trade war, U.S. sanctions and Taiwan.
Visualizing The Countries In Range Of Iranian Ballistic Missiles
While they cannot match the 6,000 km range of North Korea’s Taepodong-2, Iranian missiles could prove a major threat to U.S. military installations across the Middle East…
Healthcare Workers Warn that Mandatory Vaccines Are Already Here
Since the passage of California State Bill 792, or the “Mandatory Vaccination Law,’ concerned citizens around the country have been publicly voicing their discontent with the notion of forced vaccines. Now, professional healthcare workers are warning us that an insidious form of mandatory vaccines are already here, and in a recent video, nurse Lauren Atkinson, from Georgia, shares her troubling story of how hospitals are threatening the jobs of healthcare workers who refuse the flu vaccine.
Katyusha Rocket Lands Near US Embassy in Central Baghdad
A Katyusha rocket was fired off into Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone on Sunday. The blast was heard in central Baghdad on Sunday night.
Miracles Happen! “Unplanned” Movie is Causing Abortion Workers to Leave Their Jobs
Abby Johnson’s star is growing and growing. The “Unplanned” movie has been an overwhelming hit and exceeded expectations. In a recent interview with Rachel del Guidice of The Daily Signal, Johnson delivered lots of good news about the effects of the movie on the abortion industry it seeks to villainize.
135 officers arrest 50 people in massive Connecticut heroin bust: 11 suspects on the run
State and Federal law enforcement arrested 50 people in Connecticut on Friday as part of a massive undercover operation that resulted in the seizure of thousands of bags of heroin, guns and $15,000 in cash.
HPV vaccine carries 25% chance of lifelong sterilization, study finds
A new research study has found that 25% of girls who receive the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine end up sterilized. They will never be able to conceive children.
CIA Officer Under Brennan Sentenced To Prison For Chinese Espionage
Kevin Mallory will be spending the next 20 years behind bars for passing information to a Chinese intelligence officer under Obama’s reign.
Now that we know the FBI is corrupt and treasonous, it’s time to revisit the “official narrative” of 9/11 in search of the real truth
Now that the American people are fully aware the FBI is a corrupt, treasonous criminal cabal, it’s important to revisit the events of 9/11:
Canada: al-Qaeda linked charity helps Toronto area Islamic center raise funds to turn church into mosque
The “Al-Qaeda-linked Kuwaiti charity”–Revival of Islamic Heritage Society–helped the Canadian Islamic organization Abu Huraira Center raise funds “to buy a former Church to convert into a mosque”, according to the Investigative Project on Terrorism. The Church property cost about 8,800,000.
Al Jazeera suspends journalists over Holocaust video
The Al Jazeera media network on Sunday suspended two journalists responsible for a video claiming the extent of the Holocaust was being misrepresented by Jews.
hina State Run Media Broadcasts Anti-American Movies To Millions Amid Deepening Trade War
“Enlightenment from this film to Chinese: there’s no equal negotiation without fighting.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Trump Admin Kicks Off Plan to Foster Israeli-Palestinian Peace
The Trump administration has started to implement its multi-faceted plan to foster peace between Israel and the Palestinians, a process that will begin in June when Bahrain hosts a forum to promote economic development in key Palestinian territories, according to senior administration officials. The Trump administration’s long rumored peace plan is just beginning to spill into public view, with senior officials organizing a June 25 business forum in Bahrain that will bring together a range of political and business officials in the region to develop methods to spur growth in the Palestinian economy.
Yes, the BDS Movement Is Anti-Semitic, Similar to Nazi Campaigns
The BDS movement is fundamentally anti-Semitic, comparable to the Nazi regime’s efforts to isolate and weaken the German Jewish community.
Israeli Minister Performs Kohanic Blessing on Temple Mount
Ariel is a long-time advocate for Jewish rights on the Temple Mount and a Kohen (descendant of Aaron the High Priest).During his tour of the Temple Mount Compound, Ariel stopped on the steps leading up to the gold-domed Dome of the rock which stands on the site where the two Jewish Temples once stood. He began by specifying the prime minister, the president of Israel, the IDF, the Israeli police, and the security forces for being blessed. He then recited Birkat Hakohanim (the priestly blessing) as it appears in Numbers 6:23-27: It should be noted that the Israeli police did not prevent the minister from performing the ritual.
Iranian Military Commander: Iran On the Brink of ‘All-Out Clash With the Enemy’
The Iranian leadership continues to prepare for further economic, political and military tensions with the United States, while the United States continues to build up its military forces in the Persian Gulf region.
Trump threatens Iran with ‘great force’
US President Donald Trump said on Monday Iran would be met with “great force” if it attempted anything against US interests in the Middle East. “If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran. Never threaten the United States again!” he wrote.
Knesset gives equal treatment to same sex spouses
Partners of gay MKs to get same rights as heterosexual husbands and wives; director-general of Israeli parliament tells Ynet that the institution is ‘mirror image of Israeli society’ and is ‘sending a message’ to the country.
Facing Financial Crisis, Hezbollah Launches ‘Financial Jihad’
The Hezbollah terror organization is contending with the worst financial crisis in its history, and has engaged in a broad fundraising campaign, dubbed “financial Jihad.” The Lebanon-based organization has cut back it communal services to the Shiites, has called back fighters from Syria to cut back on salaries and has fired employees, and has scaled back its communications and educational operations.
If A Decline In Births Is A Problem Nationally, It’s A Full-On Crisis In Illinois
According to separate U.S. Census data analyzed recently by Wirepoints, Illinois’ birth rate has fallen faster than the national average since the turn of the century. And that’s a real issue given the state’s massive pension debts and its declining population. Barring structural pension reforms, Illinois will be trapped in a downward spiral where growing government debts fall on fewer and fewer people.
NRA helps sheriffs fight gun laws in Second Amendment ‘sanctuaries’
In a rural pocket of New Mexico, Sheriff Ian Fletcher fights back against new state firearm laws he calls unconstitutional, decrying “out-of-state gun control groups” in a column the Catron Courier newspaper published this spring. “These measures make it harder for law-abiding New Mexicans to exercise their Second Amendment rights, waste scarce law enforcement resources, and do nothing to keep guns out of the hands of criminals,” the column says. Fletcher’s missive is part of a campaign among representatives of at least 75 cities and counties nationwide that call themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries, opposing enforcement of gun background checks and emergency protection orders.
Israel and Hamas agree on six-month ceasefire
Israel and the terrorist group Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, have reportedly agreed to a six-month ceasefire in the aftermath of the latter launching hundreds of rockets earlier this month into the Jewish state and caused four civilian deaths.
Hundreds Of Illegal Muslim Migrants From Africa Storm The Charles de Gaulle Airport In Paris Shouting ‘France Does Not Belong To The French!’
The very idea of these people who have no right to even be in France, taking over an entire terminal and shouting ‘France does not belong to the French’ is the very essence of what these illegal migrants are looking to do, and that is to tear down the sovereignty of free nations.
Washington school district caught promoting Islam for Ramadan; lawyers send cease and desist letter
A Washington school district “promoted Islam through a Ramadan policy that provides special privileges for Muslim students”, but fortunately a “legal team has dispatched a cease-and-desist letter.” This is how far the school went, after CAIR suggested “various changes in policy and practice that would benefit Muslim students”…
Illegal alien from Kenya charged with murdering a dozen elderly Texans but is implicated in a THOUSAND more
It seems too unreal to even contemplate, but authorities in Texas are taking it seriously. An illegal alien from Kenya was arrested last week and charged in connection with a dozen deaths of mostly elderly white women in Texas, but according to authorities, he may actually have had a hand in at least a thousand other murders.
Christian broadcasting studio attacked by arson on Shabbat morning
Police have confirmed that an arson attack occurred over the weekend at Daystar’s Jerusalem studio. “We have opened an investigation,” Israel Police Spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld told The Jerusalem Post. “All directions are being looked at.” Daystar is a pro-Israel Christian network. The studio is located in Abu Tor and had been undergoing extensive renovations for more than one year.
Trump’s ‘genocidal taunts’ will not end Iran – Zarif
Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has dismissed US President Donald Trump’s “genocidal taunts” and warned him not to threaten the country. Amid rising tensions, Mr Trump tweeted on Sunday: “If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran.” Mr Zarif said the US president should look to history. “Iranians have stood tall for millennia while aggressors all gone… Try respect – it works!”
Four in 10 Americans Embrace Some Form of Socialism
Americans today are more closely divided than they were earlier in the last century when asked whether some form of socialism would be a good or bad thing for the country. While 51% of U.S. adults say socialism would be a bad thing for the country, 43% believe it would be a good thing. Those results contrast with a 1942 Roper/Fortune survey that found 40% describing socialism as a bad thing, 25% a good thing and 34% not having an opinion.
Billboard: ‘Welcome To Colorado, Where You Can Get A Safe, Legal Abortion’
A controversial billboard advertising Colorado as a safe space for abortions has some applauding the state for its progressive views, while others are left worried that it implies Colorado condones murder. The billboard, paid for by “Keep Abortion Safe,” is featured along I-70 eastbound, for those visiting Colorado from Utah. The billboard reads “Welcome to Colorado, where you can get a safe, legal abortion.”
Iran Accelerates Production of Enriched Uranium as Tensions Rise
Iran has accelerated the rate at which it’s enriching low-grade uranium four-fold, weeks after threatening to gradually scale back its commitments under a 2015 deal meant to prevent it from developing a nuclear bomb…Tasnim news agency quoted Behrouz Kamalvandi, an official at Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, as saying that Iran had increased its output of 3.67% enriched uranium as of Monday…the United Nations nuclear watchdog had been informed.
Uber driver identified as Somali war criminal who burned men alive, executed others approved
Yusuf Abdi Ali, “an alleged Somali war criminal accused of burning men alive and shooting a captor five times at point-blank range”, yet still, “Uber and Lyft approved him to drive”.
Actress Jameela Jamil: Killing My Baby in an Abortion Was the “Best Decision I Ever Made”
How far society has fallen that women now brag about aborting their own children.
Jameela Jamil, an actress known for her role in NBC’s “The Good Place,” slammed Georgia’s new pro-life law Tuesday by sharing how she aborted an unborn baby years ago.
What did Israel just blow up in Syria?
The Syrian news agency SANA quoted an unnamed military official as saying that that on Friday night, Syrian air defenses reacted to “hostile targets” coming from the direction of the Quenitra region on the edge of the Israeli Golan Heights, claiming that Syrian air defenses shot down several projectiles. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported three explosions southwest of Damascus but it was not clear if the explosions were caused by the airstrikes or Syrian surface-to-surface missiles.
Middle School Invites Drag Queens To ‘Teach’ Students How ‘People are Different’
A middle school in North Carolina last week hosted an array of local drag queens to talk, educate, and celebrate ‘how people are different.’
Angela Merkel: Trump Has Almost Destroyed The ‘New World Order’
German chancellor Angela Merkel has admitted that the New World Order is ‘under threat’ due to the rise of President Trump and the trend of Trump-supporting populist leaders winning elections around the world in the past year.
Emanuel Kidega Samson sought to kill 10 white churchgoers, prosecutor says
A prosecutor said Monday that a black man charged with fatally shooting a woman and wounding seven people at a Nashville church aimed to kill at least 10 white churchgoers and cited a 2015 massacre at a black church in South Carolina.
Wells Fargo banker guilty of helping launder cartel drug money
A Wells Fargo personal banker pleaded guilty on Thursday to knowingly opening bank accounts for people working with the Sinaloa cartel.
Climate change scare stories reach the point of psychological TERRORISM… while scientists blame the fear on the “climate crisis”
…The quack science hoax of so-called “climate change” is used to terrorize the public into believing that their planet will somehow be destroyed by carbon dioxide — the very molecule that has been rapidly re-greening the Earth over the past four decades
US Embassy in Iraq Nearly Leveled by Rocket as Iran Tensions Soar
Last week’s warning to US workers in Iraq could not have come a moment too soon, apparently. Due to increasingly hostile actions by the government of Iran, US officials last week demanded that non-essential American personnel leave the country of Iraq for feat that the regime in Tehran would soon launch a series of attacks. As it turns out, this was far more prophetic than anyone could have imagined because, just days later, a rocket has nearly leveled the US Embassy in Baghdad.
U.S. school fails Christian student for refusing Islamic prayer
The declarations could have been made by an imam in a mosque sermon. “Most Muslims’ faith is stronger than the average Christian.” “Islam at heart is a peaceful religion.”
Hundreds Of Illegal Muslim Migrants From Africa Storm The Charles de Gaulle Airport In Paris Shouting ‘France Does Not Belong To The French!’
As the bleeding heart of the moronic Liberal tells us that these ‘poor, disadvantaged immigrants‘ only want to ‘live in peace’ and have a ‘better life’, these illegal Muslim migrant criminals are on a search-and-destroy mission to do as much damage as they possibly can. The very idea of these people who have no right to even be in France, taking over an entire terminal and shouting ‘France does not belong to the French’ is the very essence of what these illegal migrants are looking to do, and that is to tear down the sovereignty of free nations.
NYC Schools Chief Accused Of Creating Environment “Hostile” To White People
“There’s a toxic whiteness concept going on… decisions are being made because DOE leadership believes that skin color plays a role in how to get equity…”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
23 May 2019
Published on: May 23, 2019 by RRadmin7
ICE Wants To Track Electronic Devices — Through Time
ICE is searching for geolocation services technology that can give an accurate location—either pinpoint or a designated polygonal area—for connected devices within a specific time window. The service should be able to identify locations going back at least two years or more. According to a request for information posted Monday to FedBizOpps, ICE agents may use the service to locate electronic devices from geolocation data obtained through providers and applications, though it is unclear if the service could be used to pull geolocation data from confiscated devices.
The SEC Never Collects On Nearly Half Of The Fines It Levies
The SEC took in just 55% of the $20 billion in fines it sought through settlements or judgments in the five years that ended September 2018, according to agency statistics. In the five years prior to that, the SEC collected on just 60% of the $14.6 billion in fines it issued. And 2018 has been far worse. The commission took in just 28% of the almost $4 billion that it fined, marking the lowest rate in a decade, resulting from a $1.7 billion settlement with Petrobras that “may never require payment to the SEC”. Instead, the settlement allows the company to give the money to Brazilian authorities and other regulators.
No Wonder Obama Intel Chiefs Panicking – Trump To Declassify “Bucket 5” Russiagate Docs
Appearing with Fox News’s Sean Hannity Tuesday night, The Hill’s John Solomon revealed that according to his sources (and Hannity’s as well), President Trump will begin declassifying ‘Russiagate’ documents in the next 6-7 days. Among those will be the so-called “Bucket Five” – documents which were originally presented to the Gang of Eight in 2016, which included everything the FBI and DOJ used against Trump campaign aide Carter Page – including the FISA surveillance application and its underlying exculpatory intelligence documents which the FISA court may have never seen.
Mark Levin: Masters of the Universe Reject the Declaration of Independence and Constitution
Mark Levin, author of Unfreedom of the Press, described Silicon Valley’s dominant “progressive” ideology as hostile to America’s Declaration of Independence and Constitution, offering his analysis of political and partisan censorship deployed by technology companies such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter ….“Why do I think that Silicon Valley is conducting itself the way that it does?” asked Levin, “Because this is the way the progressive left works. They do not tolerate diversity. They do not tolerate independent thinkers. They do not tolerate anyone who opposes their view.” “Remember, progressivism is about a very destructive ideology that runs counter the Declaration of Independence. We talk about natural rights. We talk about unalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They reject this.”
Al Jazeera gets Twitter to silence critics
Twitter agreed to a request by Al Jazeera’s Arabic-language network to censor English translations of a video that questioned the reality of the Holocaust and charged Jews exploited it “for their agenda.”
Did Trump send TWA 800 signal at Montoursville?
A question I have heard often, and I suspect Capt. Francis has too, is whether President Trump can or will reopen the investigation, there being no riper example of deep state treachery than the TWA 800 investigation.
13 MILLION NAZI DOCUMENTS RELEASED: Information of 2.2 Million Nazi Victims Now Searchable Online
The International Tracing Service in Germany uploaded more than 13 million documents from Nazi concentration camps, including prisoner cards and death notices, to help Holocaust researchers and others investigate the fate of victims. Established by the Western Allies in the final days of World War II and initially run by the Red Cross, the ITS also announced Tuesday it was changing its name to “Arolsen Archives – International Center on Nazi Persecution.”
ICE wants more immigration detention space in California
Immigration and Customs Enforcement wants to hold up to 5,600 more people in custody in California, according to a Request For Information document the agency posted last month. Its recent request indicates potential plans for more contracted detention space in the areas of responsibility for all three of its California field offices — San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
US intercepts more Russian fighter jets and bombers off Alaska, 2nd day in a row
U.S. fighter jets intercepted two Russian nuclear-capable bombers, on two separate occasions, and two Russian fighter jets off the coast of Alaska on Tuesday, the first of two consecutive days intercepting Russian aircraft this week. North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) confirmed Wednesday morning that another intercept occurred off the Alaskan coast, again involving Russian fighter jets and bombers; it was the fifth intercept of Russian aircraft this year.
Rat-infested mountains of rotting garbage are piling up in Los Angeles — and may spur disease epidemic
One disease expert said it’s worse than third world country slums. The trash has been abandoned by the city and attracts rats that can carry fleas and spread diseases like typhus. One study found that Los Angeles is the second most rat-infested city in the country, with New York lagging behind in third place, but Chicago coming out on top with a first-place finish. Doctor Drew Pinksy predicted in 2018 that Los Angeles was headed toward a typhus epidemic and even a plague.
Measles cases continue climb; ‘eliminated’ disease see highest total in 25 years
The number of measles cases reported in the U.S. is continuing to climb despite efforts to stifle spread of a disease that was declared eliminated in this country almost two decades ago. Another 41 cases were reported last week, raising the 2019 total to a 25-year-high of 880.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis unveils huge Israel trade delegation
More than 90 delegation members will join Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis on Saturday as he leads a business development mission to Israel, his first international trip since taking office in January. Elected officials, state workers, businessmen, senior academics and religious leaders will participate in the six-day trip with DeSantis, who has repeatedly promised to be the “most pro-Israel governor” in America.
Israel, European Jewry watching carefully as EU votes for new parliament
Jerusalem has little expectation that the elections to the European Parliament that begin Thursday and run through Sunday will have much of an impact on Israeli-European ties, even as European Jews are warily eyeing what is expected to be the strengthening of right-wing populist parties. “I don’t think there is anyone who is watching this with bated breath, as if it will alter our fate,” one Israeli official commented.
…Monster tornado tears through Jefferson City in Missouri…
A catastrophic tornado has ripped through Missouri’s capital, according to the National Weather Service. The ‘violent tornado’ was confirmed in Jefferson City around 11.43pm Wednesday night. Jefferson City took a direct hit by the storm and there are several unconfirmed reports of residents hearing ‘mass casualties’ over their scanners.
ISIS fanatics depict Big Ben on fire as chilling posters warn of ‘London attacks soon’ and show knife-wielding suicide bomber in New York
ISIS fanatics have released three new posters inciting lone wolf attacks on London and New York. One poster depicts a suicide bomber standing in front of a burning Big Ben and is captioned with the warning: ‘London attacks coming soon’. Another shows a masked terrorist wielding a knife above New York city and a rallying call for lone extremists to ‘fight them in your country’.
Faced with relentless American pressure, Iran starts to hit back
Iran has made a dramatic shift in how it confronts the United States, abandoning a policy of restraint…for a series of offensive actions…Iran is now seeking to highlight the costs it could also impose…by disrupting the world’s oil supply…When four ships were damaged in the Persian Gulf…including two Saudi tankers and an Emirati one, U.S. and Arab officials said they suspected Iran had ordered the sabotage.
IQ rates are dropping in many developed countries and that doesn’t bode well for humanity
People are getting dumber. That’s not a judgment; it’s a global fact. In a host of leading nations, IQ scores have started to decline. Though there are legitimate questions about the relationship between IQ and intelligence, and broad recognition that success depends as much on other virtues like grit, IQ tests in use throughout the world today really do seem to capture something meaningful and durable.
U.S., Japan, South Korea, Australia hold first naval drills in Western Pacific
U.S. Navy ships conducted joint drills with warships from allies Japan, Australia and South Korea in their first combined exercise in the Western Pacific, the U.S. Navy said on Thursday. The Pacific Vanguard exercise near the U.S. island of Guam takes place ahead of President Donald Trump’s visit to Japan this weekend, as Washington looks to allies in Asia to help counter China’s military might in the region.
Pentagon mulling military request to send 5,000 troops to Middle East: officials
The U.S. Department of Defense is considering a U.S. military request to send about 5,000 additional troops to the Middle East amid increasing tensions with Iran, two U.S. officials told Reuters on Wednesday. Tehran and Washington have this month been escalating rhetoric against each other, following U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to try to cut Iran’s oil exports to zero and beef up the U.S. military presence in the Gulf…
New York state legislature votes to make Trump tax returns available
New York state’s legislature on Wednesday passed a bill that would make it easier for U.S. congressional committees investigating President Donald Trump to get access to his state tax returns. The Democratic-controlled state Assembly and Senate voted along party lines on the measure, which would circumvent his refusal to hand over his federal tax returns to Congress.
Canada Court Doctors Must Euthanize Abort or Refer
The culture of death brooks no dissent. In Canada, doctors have been ordered to bend the knee.
Israel hit by extreme heatwave and worst is yet to come
Unseasonably hot temperatures – predicted to stay above 40 degrees celsius in some parts of the country throughout the weekend – coincide with Jewish holiday of Lag B’Omer, prompting the authorities to advise the public to refrain from lighting traditional bonfires
Denver Weather: City Sees Biggest Late May Snow In 44 Years
As of 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Denver had officially received 3.4 inches of snow. That’s the most snow measured this late in the season since May 29, 1975 when 5.6 inches hit the city.
Radical Left endorses widespread violence and assaults on conservatives and Christians… death squads the next step?
The radical Left has now jumped the shark, with calls for violence against conservatives and Christians now being made by mainstream media outlets and commercial businesses run by “progressives.” This normalization of demanded violence against conservatives is the latest escalation among progressives who appear to be part of a dangerous authoritarian cult that demands the silencing and extermination of all political opponents.
Cyber Attacks Holding Baltimore Hostage, Threatening $10,000 A Day
Two weeks after cyber hackers got into Baltimore’s servers and demanded 13 bitcoins — over $100,000 — in exchange for releasing their hold, the hackers remain there, and they’ve updated their demand to $10,000 a day.
Gazan arson balloons blamed for six fires in south
Six fires were sparked in southern Israel by balloon-borne incendiary devices sent over the security fence from the southern Gaza Strip, according to Israeli officials.
Armed Antifa group calls for “revolutionary resistance” against Trump
The “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM)” is a militant far-left extremist movement that claims to have six active cells across the U.S. This group openly supports foreign Communist soldiers like the IRPGF and others, and routinely organizes domestic criminal activity using their Facebook and Twitter accounts. They have coordinated campaigns to destroy Christopher Columbus statues and even bragged about their “success” on their social media platforms, they have encouraged their Facebook followers to burn down luxury housing developments, and they do all of this without any consequences from the big tech companies or the law enforcement community
“We’ve Lost Control” Say Federal Officials As America Is Being Occupied
“We’ve lost control of the border”, say the federal officials who liken the immigration process to bailing out the Titanic with teaspoon. America is losing its country. The infrastructure is danger of collapsing. Hospitals, schools and public services will soon be overwhelmed. America has been conquered…..
Washington Democrats Sign Bill Allowing ‘Human Composting’ in the State
Washington state’s Democratic Governor Jay Inslee signed a new bill into law on Tuesday, allowing the composting of human bodies as an alternative to burials and cremations.
Trans Activists Silence The Science So They Can Claim It’s On Their Side
According to legend, Galileo defiantly muttered “and yet it moves” after the Inquisition forced him to abjure his Copernican views. Although unverified, this story became a popular anecdote in the history of science, giving voice to the passionate love for inquiry and truth, even in the face of dogmatic threats of violence.
Pope Francis: God Only ‘Permits’ Islam To Exist
Pope Francis has clarified his provocative statement issued in Abu Dhabi, which seemingly suggested that God “wills” the existence of many religions.
Thanks Kathy, for posting yesterday's threads. I was in a lot of chronic pain yesterday after visiting the cancer doctor in the morning. Had to take extra meds at the hospital too...bad day., I fell asleep in front of my computer. I guess the medicine just knocked me out. I just couldn't keep my eyes opened, no matter how hard I tried. Hugs, Valerie
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Northern Alberta wildfire ranked at highest danger level, conditions expected to worsen
Town of High Level, Alta., has been successfully evacuated, Alberta premier says
Three Killed in Missouri Tornadoes; Rising Waters Force Entire Oklahoma Town to Evacuate
The Missouri capital of Jefferson City took a direct hit from a violent tornado that produced extensive damage just before midnight Wednesday night. The tornado was part of a multi-day severe weather outbreak in the Plains and Midwest that has killed seven people, caused extensive flooding, damaged buildings and closed highways.
Tornado in Jefferson City, Mo., may have caused ‘catastrophic damage’: reports
Jefferson City, the capital city of Missouri, has taken a direct hit from a tornado and suffered possibly “catastrophic” damage, according to reports.
Televangelist Fraud Kenneth Copeland Is So Surprised By Inside Edition Reporter That He Winds Up Telling The Truth And Exposing Himself
This video starts at a fairly high level of uncomfortability, and as it proceeds, flies right off the charts like an exploding thermometer from those old cartoons. Kenneth Copeland receives a surprise visit from Lisa Guerrero of Inside Edition, asking him questions about his lavish lifestyle and previous comments he has made about his followers being ‘demons’. Copeland by turns stutters before lapsing into silence, lashes out in a frenzied rage, and concludes with some very hard to watch hand kissing combined with some rather creepy comments that were intended to be compliments. You’re watching Kenneth ‘Crazy Eyes‘ Copeland at his finest, showing us the demon that he truly is.
Los Angeles Implements Travel Ban to Alabama Over New Abortion Law
In response to Alabama’s strict new abortion law, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted this week to institute a one-year travel ban to the Yellowhammer state for county business.
Mississippi Floodway May Be Opened, Unleashing 17 Million Liters Of Water Per Second
One of the major barriers that keeps the Mississippi River on its course could be opened for only the third time in its history. The opening would be the result of rising river levels and could also flood parts of Louisiana, which would affect businesses in the region, according to Bloomberg.
First Batch of Declassification to Include ‘Bucket 5’ – FBI Docs Exonerating Papadopoulos and Carter Page
It’s happening! President Trump on Thursday evening announced that at the recommendation of Attorney General Bill Barr, he has directed the Intel Community to quickly and fully cooperate with Barr’s investigation into surveillance activities.
Madonna At Eurovision In Israel Performs As Antichrist Mocking The Sacrifice Of Jesus Christ At Calvary Sending An End Times Message Of Warning To The Jews And Palestinians
Watching Madonna perform at Eurovision 2019 from a biblical perspective was truly staggering, she invoked so much prophetical scripture that it was breathtaking. Here was the aging popstar, performing for the whole world on stage in Israel, with a ‘message’ for the Jews and the Palestinians. What was that message?
Ocasio-Cortez: Christian & Muslim Prayers ‘Go to the Same Place’
Radical Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said that Christian and Muslim prayers “all go to the same place” during her speech at the first-ever congressional iftar this week, according to reports.
No, People Shouldn’t Commission A Child Using Their Dead Son’s Sperm
Posthumous sperm collection has been going on in the United States since the 1970s. Its authorized procurement and use has been determined on a case-by-case basis.
A Government Environmentalist Experiment in Brainwashing Parents Through Children in North Carolina
That’s the hashtag for it in Germany, where they know a bit about mass hysteria and brainwashing. It shows up every time students are manipulated into another school strike for the “environment”.
The Pentagon On Thursday Will Ask White House To Authorize 10,000 More Troops To Be Sent To The Middle East To Counter Threats From Iran
In just a few hours, Pentagon officials will be at the White House presenting plans to send a minimum of 10,000 US troops to the Middle East to counter what has been an ongoing series of provocations from the terror-sponsoring nation state of Iran. Over the past two weeks, President Trump has authorized a large-size armada of firepower be dispatched to the region. As we have told you before, it is very unlikely the president would be ramping up this much just to rattle a few sabres.
Planned Parenthood Launches ‘No Judgment’ AI Sexual Health Chatbot Named Roo Aimed At Children To Indoctrinate Them Towards Abortion And Gender Confusion
Planned Parenthood’s perversions and new tactics to target children seem to never end. I’m certain that the new laws in Alabama have enraged the abortion giant. So, the powers that be decided to target young children with smutty, inappropriate sexual advice, using an AI phone app called “Roo.”
The top 12 ways Israel is feeding the world
Food security is a critical concern as the global population expands and natural resources dwindle. Smart solutions for more efficient farming, hardier crops, alternative sources of nutrition, and safer food packaging and storage are essential. No other single country – certainly not one as young and as tiny as Israel – has contributed more breakthroughs to this area than Israel.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
ICE Wants To Track Electronic Devices — Through Time
ICE is searching for geolocation services technology that can give an accurate location—either pinpoint or a designated polygonal area—for connected devices within a specific time window. The service should be able to identify locations going back at least two years or more. According to a request for information posted Monday to FedBizOpps, ICE agents may use the service to locate electronic devices from geolocation data obtained through providers and applications, though it is unclear if the service could be used to pull geolocation data from confiscated devices.
The SEC Never Collects On Nearly Half Of The Fines It Levies
The SEC took in just 55% of the $20 billion in fines it sought through settlements or judgments in the five years that ended September 2018, according to agency statistics. In the five years prior to that, the SEC collected on just 60% of the $14.6 billion in fines it issued. And 2018 has been far worse. The commission took in just 28% of the almost $4 billion that it fined, marking the lowest rate in a decade, resulting from a $1.7 billion settlement with Petrobras that “may never require payment to the SEC”. Instead, the settlement allows the company to give the money to Brazilian authorities and other regulators.
No Wonder Obama Intel Chiefs Panicking – Trump To Declassify “Bucket 5” Russiagate Docs
Appearing with Fox News’s Sean Hannity Tuesday night, The Hill’s John Solomon revealed that according to his sources (and Hannity’s as well), President Trump will begin declassifying ‘Russiagate’ documents in the next 6-7 days. Among those will be the so-called “Bucket Five” – documents which were originally presented to the Gang of Eight in 2016, which included everything the FBI and DOJ used against Trump campaign aide Carter Page – including the FISA surveillance application and its underlying exculpatory intelligence documents which the FISA court may have never seen.
Mark Levin: Masters of the Universe Reject the Declaration of Independence and Constitution
Mark Levin, author of Unfreedom of the Press, described Silicon Valley’s dominant “progressive” ideology as hostile to America’s Declaration of Independence and Constitution, offering his analysis of political and partisan censorship deployed by technology companies such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter ….“Why do I think that Silicon Valley is conducting itself the way that it does?” asked Levin, “Because this is the way the progressive left works. They do not tolerate diversity. They do not tolerate independent thinkers. They do not tolerate anyone who opposes their view.” “Remember, progressivism is about a very destructive ideology that runs counter the Declaration of Independence. We talk about natural rights. We talk about unalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They reject this.”
Al Jazeera gets Twitter to silence critics
Twitter agreed to a request by Al Jazeera’s Arabic-language network to censor English translations of a video that questioned the reality of the Holocaust and charged Jews exploited it “for their agenda.”
Did Trump send TWA 800 signal at Montoursville?
A question I have heard often, and I suspect Capt. Francis has too, is whether President Trump can or will reopen the investigation, there being no riper example of deep state treachery than the TWA 800 investigation.
13 MILLION NAZI DOCUMENTS RELEASED: Information of 2.2 Million Nazi Victims Now Searchable Online
The International Tracing Service in Germany uploaded more than 13 million documents from Nazi concentration camps, including prisoner cards and death notices, to help Holocaust researchers and others investigate the fate of victims. Established by the Western Allies in the final days of World War II and initially run by the Red Cross, the ITS also announced Tuesday it was changing its name to “Arolsen Archives – International Center on Nazi Persecution.”
ICE wants more immigration detention space in California
Immigration and Customs Enforcement wants to hold up to 5,600 more people in custody in California, according to a Request For Information document the agency posted last month. Its recent request indicates potential plans for more contracted detention space in the areas of responsibility for all three of its California field offices — San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
US intercepts more Russian fighter jets and bombers off Alaska, 2nd day in a row
U.S. fighter jets intercepted two Russian nuclear-capable bombers, on two separate occasions, and two Russian fighter jets off the coast of Alaska on Tuesday, the first of two consecutive days intercepting Russian aircraft this week. North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) confirmed Wednesday morning that another intercept occurred off the Alaskan coast, again involving Russian fighter jets and bombers; it was the fifth intercept of Russian aircraft this year.
Rat-infested mountains of rotting garbage are piling up in Los Angeles — and may spur disease epidemic
One disease expert said it’s worse than third world country slums. The trash has been abandoned by the city and attracts rats that can carry fleas and spread diseases like typhus. One study found that Los Angeles is the second most rat-infested city in the country, with New York lagging behind in third place, but Chicago coming out on top with a first-place finish. Doctor Drew Pinksy predicted in 2018 that Los Angeles was headed toward a typhus epidemic and even a plague.
Measles cases continue climb; ‘eliminated’ disease see highest total in 25 years
The number of measles cases reported in the U.S. is continuing to climb despite efforts to stifle spread of a disease that was declared eliminated in this country almost two decades ago. Another 41 cases were reported last week, raising the 2019 total to a 25-year-high of 880.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis unveils huge Israel trade delegation
More than 90 delegation members will join Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis on Saturday as he leads a business development mission to Israel, his first international trip since taking office in January. Elected officials, state workers, businessmen, senior academics and religious leaders will participate in the six-day trip with DeSantis, who has repeatedly promised to be the “most pro-Israel governor” in America.
Israel, European Jewry watching carefully as EU votes for new parliament
Jerusalem has little expectation that the elections to the European Parliament that begin Thursday and run through Sunday will have much of an impact on Israeli-European ties, even as European Jews are warily eyeing what is expected to be the strengthening of right-wing populist parties. “I don’t think there is anyone who is watching this with bated breath, as if it will alter our fate,” one Israeli official commented.
…Monster tornado tears through Jefferson City in Missouri…
A catastrophic tornado has ripped through Missouri’s capital, according to the National Weather Service. The ‘violent tornado’ was confirmed in Jefferson City around 11.43pm Wednesday night. Jefferson City took a direct hit by the storm and there are several unconfirmed reports of residents hearing ‘mass casualties’ over their scanners.
ISIS fanatics depict Big Ben on fire as chilling posters warn of ‘London attacks soon’ and show knife-wielding suicide bomber in New York
ISIS fanatics have released three new posters inciting lone wolf attacks on London and New York. One poster depicts a suicide bomber standing in front of a burning Big Ben and is captioned with the warning: ‘London attacks coming soon’. Another shows a masked terrorist wielding a knife above New York city and a rallying call for lone extremists to ‘fight them in your country’.
Faced with relentless American pressure, Iran starts to hit back
Iran has made a dramatic shift in how it confronts the United States, abandoning a policy of restraint…for a series of offensive actions…Iran is now seeking to highlight the costs it could also impose…by disrupting the world’s oil supply…When four ships were damaged in the Persian Gulf…including two Saudi tankers and an Emirati one, U.S. and Arab officials said they suspected Iran had ordered the sabotage.
IQ rates are dropping in many developed countries and that doesn’t bode well for humanity
People are getting dumber. That’s not a judgment; it’s a global fact. In a host of leading nations, IQ scores have started to decline. Though there are legitimate questions about the relationship between IQ and intelligence, and broad recognition that success depends as much on other virtues like grit, IQ tests in use throughout the world today really do seem to capture something meaningful and durable.
U.S., Japan, South Korea, Australia hold first naval drills in Western Pacific
U.S. Navy ships conducted joint drills with warships from allies Japan, Australia and South Korea in their first combined exercise in the Western Pacific, the U.S. Navy said on Thursday. The Pacific Vanguard exercise near the U.S. island of Guam takes place ahead of President Donald Trump’s visit to Japan this weekend, as Washington looks to allies in Asia to help counter China’s military might in the region.
Pentagon mulling military request to send 5,000 troops to Middle East: officials
The U.S. Department of Defense is considering a U.S. military request to send about 5,000 additional troops to the Middle East amid increasing tensions with Iran, two U.S. officials told Reuters on Wednesday. Tehran and Washington have this month been escalating rhetoric against each other, following U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to try to cut Iran’s oil exports to zero and beef up the U.S. military presence in the Gulf…
New York state legislature votes to make Trump tax returns available
New York state’s legislature on Wednesday passed a bill that would make it easier for U.S. congressional committees investigating President Donald Trump to get access to his state tax returns. The Democratic-controlled state Assembly and Senate voted along party lines on the measure, which would circumvent his refusal to hand over his federal tax returns to Congress.
Canada Court Doctors Must Euthanize Abort or Refer
The culture of death brooks no dissent. In Canada, doctors have been ordered to bend the knee.
Israel hit by extreme heatwave and worst is yet to come
Unseasonably hot temperatures – predicted to stay above 40 degrees celsius in some parts of the country throughout the weekend – coincide with Jewish holiday of Lag B’Omer, prompting the authorities to advise the public to refrain from lighting traditional bonfires
Denver Weather: City Sees Biggest Late May Snow In 44 Years
As of 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Denver had officially received 3.4 inches of snow. That’s the most snow measured this late in the season since May 29, 1975 when 5.6 inches hit the city.
Radical Left endorses widespread violence and assaults on conservatives and Christians… death squads the next step?
The radical Left has now jumped the shark, with calls for violence against conservatives and Christians now being made by mainstream media outlets and commercial businesses run by “progressives.” This normalization of demanded violence against conservatives is the latest escalation among progressives who appear to be part of a dangerous authoritarian cult that demands the silencing and extermination of all political opponents.
Cyber Attacks Holding Baltimore Hostage, Threatening $10,000 A Day
Two weeks after cyber hackers got into Baltimore’s servers and demanded 13 bitcoins — over $100,000 — in exchange for releasing their hold, the hackers remain there, and they’ve updated their demand to $10,000 a day.
Gazan arson balloons blamed for six fires in south
Six fires were sparked in southern Israel by balloon-borne incendiary devices sent over the security fence from the southern Gaza Strip, according to Israeli officials.
Armed Antifa group calls for “revolutionary resistance” against Trump
The “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM)” is a militant far-left extremist movement that claims to have six active cells across the U.S. This group openly supports foreign Communist soldiers like the IRPGF and others, and routinely organizes domestic criminal activity using their Facebook and Twitter accounts. They have coordinated campaigns to destroy Christopher Columbus statues and even bragged about their “success” on their social media platforms, they have encouraged their Facebook followers to burn down luxury housing developments, and they do all of this without any consequences from the big tech companies or the law enforcement community
“We’ve Lost Control” Say Federal Officials As America Is Being Occupied
“We’ve lost control of the border”, say the federal officials who liken the immigration process to bailing out the Titanic with teaspoon. America is losing its country. The infrastructure is danger of collapsing. Hospitals, schools and public services will soon be overwhelmed. America has been conquered…..
Washington Democrats Sign Bill Allowing ‘Human Composting’ in the State
Washington state’s Democratic Governor Jay Inslee signed a new bill into law on Tuesday, allowing the composting of human bodies as an alternative to burials and cremations.
Trans Activists Silence The Science So They Can Claim It’s On Their Side
According to legend, Galileo defiantly muttered “and yet it moves” after the Inquisition forced him to abjure his Copernican views. Although unverified, this story became a popular anecdote in the history of science, giving voice to the passionate love for inquiry and truth, even in the face of dogmatic threats of violence.
Pope Francis: God Only ‘Permits’ Islam To Exist
Pope Francis has clarified his provocative statement issued in Abu Dhabi, which seemingly suggested that God “wills” the existence of many religions.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Southeastern US to endure lengthy streak with highs nearing 100, challenging records from a century ago
Temperatures approaching the century mark amid the hottest weather yet this year will challenge records in many places that date back to the late 1800s and early 1900s Friday into at least Memorial Day. Temperatures are forecast to approach the century mark as areas from Alabama and Tennessee to Georgia, northern and central Florida, the Carolinas and parts of Virginia endure their hottest weather yet this season.
VOA Fires Two More Reporters for Chinese Dissident Interview
Voice of America radio has fired two more reporters for their role in a broadcast interview with a dissident Chinese billionaire amid charges radio executives caved to Chinese government pressure in canceling the broadcast midstream. Fred Wang and Robert Li, veteran VOA reporters with the Chinese language branch, were notified May 15 by the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM), the entity in charge of VOA, that they were terminated as a result of the 2017 interview with Guo Wengui. Guo is an exiled Chinese billionaire living in New York who has been targeted by Beijing through cyberattacks and influence and propaganda campaigns aimed at discrediting his anti-Chinese Communist Party activities. Pressure from Beijing forced Twitter, Facebook, and Google to block his access to social media.
Washington State Lawmakers Just Approved Human Corpse Composting
Dust to dust” just became a much more literal proposition in Washington state, where the legislature approved human composting on May 21. Bill 5001, “concerning human remains,” is now on the governor’s desk, awaiting a signature after passage in the house and senate. This makes Washington the first US state legislature to approve human composting as an alternative “burial” option…
Tornadoes kill three, hit U.S. Plains state capital
Tornadoes killed at least three people in southwest Missouri and slammed into the state capital just before midnight on Wednesday, with rescue workers in Jefferson City searching into the morning for the injured, officials said. The NWS reported that a “massive” twister also hit the southeastern part of Jefferson City, damaging buildings, toppling trees and power lines and tossing around parked cars.
UNRWA runs on fumes and Band-Aids, can’t be fixed, Greenblatt warns UNSC
“UNRWA is currently running on fumes,” charged US special envoy Jason Greenblatt on Wednesday, at a special appearance at the UN Security Council, “surviving on a surge in foreign donations in 2018 that is unlikely to be sustained this year, or in the future.” Greenblatt spoke after a briefing by UNRWA Commissioner General Pierre Krähenbühl, who warned that his organization, which services more than five million Palestinian refugees and their descendants, was in danger of running out of humanitarian funds by mid-June.
Arab states pressuring Palestinians to attend Bahrain workshop
Some Arab states have begun exerting pressure on the Palestinians to agree to participate in next month’s workshop in Bahrain, where the US administration is planning to unveil the economic portion of its long-awaited plan for peace in the Middle East. “Some Arab countries are unhappy that we immediately rejected the idea of the workshop,” a senior Palestinian Authority official in Ramallah told The Jerusalem Post. “They are now asking us to stop attacking the workshop and not to oppose the participation of Palestinian businessmen.”
Jordanians call for a third intifada to thwart ‘Deal of the Century’
Jordanian thought leaders are calling for a third Palestinian intifada against Israel in order to thwart the “Deal of the Century,” according to a report published this week by Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). The United States is scheduled to reveal the first part of its peace plan at an economic conference in Bahrain in late June.
Dozens of communities severely damaged in massive heat-wave induced fires
Dozens of houses burned to the ground and at least 3,500 people were evacuated from their homes on Thursday, after more than 20 fires raged across the state. Injuries were minimal, however, with just several people lightly injured or treated for smoke inhalation. Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan cautioned Israelis Thursday night that “there is a good chance that tomorrow is going to be worse than today.
Theresa May to resign as prime minister
Theresa May has said she will quit as Conservative leader on 7 June, paving the way for a contest to decide a new prime minister. In an emotional statement in Downing St, she said she had “done my best” to honour the 2016 EU referendum result. It would remain a matter of “deep regret” that she had been unable to deliver Brexit, she added.
Majority in Brazil’s top court to make homophobia and transphobia crimes
A majority in Brazil’s Supreme Court has voted in favour of making homophobia and transphobia crimes. Six out of 11 judges voted to consider discrimination against gays and transgender people equivalent to racism. The decision will give the community, which suffers constant attacks, real protection, activists say.
NASA’s first-of-kind tests look to manage drones in cities
NASA has launched the final stage of a four-year effort to develop a national traffic management system for drones, testing them in cities for the first time beyond the operator’s line of sight… Multiple drones took to the air at the same time above downtown Reno this week in a series of simulations testing emerging technology that someday will be used to manage hundreds of thousands of small unmanned commercial aircraft…
UN agency aiding Palestinians rejects US bid to strip it of mandate
The head of the United Nations agency that has supported Palestinian refugees for seven decades hit back on Thursday at a U.S. proposal to have host countries take over the services it provides across the Middle East. The suggestion, from U.S. Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt at a U.N. Security Council meeting on Wednesday, that UNRWA should be effectively dismantled was the latest U.S. attack on an agency that began operations in 1950.
Northern Alberta wildfire ranked at highest danger level, conditions expected to worsen
Town of High Level, Alta., has been successfully evacuated, Alberta premier says
Three Killed in Missouri Tornadoes; Rising Waters Force Entire Oklahoma Town to Evacuate
The Missouri capital of Jefferson City took a direct hit from a violent tornado that produced extensive damage just before midnight Wednesday night. The tornado was part of a multi-day severe weather outbreak in the Plains and Midwest that has killed seven people, caused extensive flooding, damaged buildings and closed highways.
Tornado in Jefferson City, Mo., may have caused ‘catastrophic damage’: reports
Jefferson City, the capital city of Missouri, has taken a direct hit from a tornado and suffered possibly “catastrophic” damage, according to reports.
Televangelist Fraud Kenneth Copeland Is So Surprised By Inside Edition Reporter That He Winds Up Telling The Truth And Exposing Himself
This video starts at a fairly high level of uncomfortability, and as it proceeds, flies right off the charts like an exploding thermometer from those old cartoons. Kenneth Copeland receives a surprise visit from Lisa Guerrero of Inside Edition, asking him questions about his lavish lifestyle and previous comments he has made about his followers being ‘demons’. Copeland by turns stutters before lapsing into silence, lashes out in a frenzied rage, and concludes with some very hard to watch hand kissing combined with some rather creepy comments that were intended to be compliments. You’re watching Kenneth ‘Crazy Eyes‘ Copeland at his finest, showing us the demon that he truly is.
Los Angeles Implements Travel Ban to Alabama Over New Abortion Law
In response to Alabama’s strict new abortion law, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted this week to institute a one-year travel ban to the Yellowhammer state for county business.
Mississippi Floodway May Be Opened, Unleashing 17 Million Liters Of Water Per Second
One of the major barriers that keeps the Mississippi River on its course could be opened for only the third time in its history. The opening would be the result of rising river levels and could also flood parts of Louisiana, which would affect businesses in the region, according to Bloomberg.
First Batch of Declassification to Include ‘Bucket 5’ – FBI Docs Exonerating Papadopoulos and Carter Page
It’s happening! President Trump on Thursday evening announced that at the recommendation of Attorney General Bill Barr, he has directed the Intel Community to quickly and fully cooperate with Barr’s investigation into surveillance activities.
Madonna At Eurovision In Israel Performs As Antichrist Mocking The Sacrifice Of Jesus Christ At Calvary Sending An End Times Message Of Warning To The Jews And Palestinians
Watching Madonna perform at Eurovision 2019 from a biblical perspective was truly staggering, she invoked so much prophetical scripture that it was breathtaking. Here was the aging popstar, performing for the whole world on stage in Israel, with a ‘message’ for the Jews and the Palestinians. What was that message?
Ocasio-Cortez: Christian & Muslim Prayers ‘Go to the Same Place’
Radical Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said that Christian and Muslim prayers “all go to the same place” during her speech at the first-ever congressional iftar this week, according to reports.
No, People Shouldn’t Commission A Child Using Their Dead Son’s Sperm
Posthumous sperm collection has been going on in the United States since the 1970s. Its authorized procurement and use has been determined on a case-by-case basis.
A Government Environmentalist Experiment in Brainwashing Parents Through Children in North Carolina
That’s the hashtag for it in Germany, where they know a bit about mass hysteria and brainwashing. It shows up every time students are manipulated into another school strike for the “environment”.
The Pentagon On Thursday Will Ask White House To Authorize 10,000 More Troops To Be Sent To The Middle East To Counter Threats From Iran
In just a few hours, Pentagon officials will be at the White House presenting plans to send a minimum of 10,000 US troops to the Middle East to counter what has been an ongoing series of provocations from the terror-sponsoring nation state of Iran. Over the past two weeks, President Trump has authorized a large-size armada of firepower be dispatched to the region. As we have told you before, it is very unlikely the president would be ramping up this much just to rattle a few sabres.
Planned Parenthood Launches ‘No Judgment’ AI Sexual Health Chatbot Named Roo Aimed At Children To Indoctrinate Them Towards Abortion And Gender Confusion
Planned Parenthood’s perversions and new tactics to target children seem to never end. I’m certain that the new laws in Alabama have enraged the abortion giant. So, the powers that be decided to target young children with smutty, inappropriate sexual advice, using an AI phone app called “Roo.”
The top 12 ways Israel is feeding the world
Food security is a critical concern as the global population expands and natural resources dwindle. Smart solutions for more efficient farming, hardier crops, alternative sources of nutrition, and safer food packaging and storage are essential. No other single country – certainly not one as young and as tiny as Israel – has contributed more breakthroughs to this area than Israel.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Military official: Iran can sink U.S. warships with ‘secret weapons’
Iran can sink U.S. warships sent to the Gulf region using missiles and “secret weapons,” a senior Iranian military official was quoted as saying by the semi-official news agency Mizan on Saturday. The United States on Friday announced the deployment of 1,500 troops to the Middle East, describing it as an effort to bolster defenses against Iran as it accused the country’s Revolutionary Guards of direct responsibility for this month’s tanker attacks.
Satellite images reveal: Iran building border crossing to smuggle weapons
Iran is building a border crossing between Iraq and Syria that will allow the smuggling of weapons new satellite images have revealed, raising concerns that it could could expedite the transfer of weapons from Tehran to groups like Hezbollah. The images, taken by ImageSat International (ISI)…allegedly shown construction activity of permanent infrastructure 2.6 kms west of the official Al Bukamal Al-Qaim border crossing between the two countries.
‘Sabotaged’ tanker in Gulf of Oman leaked oil
A sizeable oil slick developed in waters where tankers were damaged off the United Arab Emirates on 12 May. Finnish company Iceye says one of its radar satellites detected a long trail leading from the Saudi-flagged vessel Amjad two days later. The crude oil tanker and three other ships suffered damage while anchored outside the port of Fujairah.
Trump approves $8bn Saudi weapons sale over Iran tensions
US President Donald Trump is approving the sale of billions of dollars’ worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia, citing Iranian threats to its arch rival. Mr Trump invoked a rarely used aspect of federal law to push through the $8bn (£6bn) deal – bypassing Congress. He did so by declaring that ongoing tensions with Iran amounted to a national emergency.
US judge blocks funds for Trump border wall plan
A US federal judge has temporarily blocked the use of defence department funds to build a border wall between the US and Mexico. The judge granted the injunction to block the use of $1bn (£786m) in Arizona and Texas because it had not been approved by Congress. President Donald Trump declared an emergency earlier this year, saying he needed $6.7bn to build the wall as a matter of national security.
Nearly 25% of Americans are going into debt trying to pay for necessities like food
American have an average of $6,506 in credit card debt, according to a new Experian report out this week. But which expenses are adding to that balance the most? A full 23% of Americans say that paying for basic necessities such as rent, utilities and food contributes the most to their credit card debt… Another 12% say medical bills are the biggest portion of their debt.
North Korean missile test violated U.N. resolution, says Bolton
U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton said on Saturday North Korea’s recent missile launches violated a U.N. Security Council resolution and urged leader Kim Jong Un to return to denuclearization talks. It was the first time a senior U.S. official has described the tests as a violation of U.N. resolutions aimed at halting North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs and came ahead of a four-day visit to Japan by U.S. President Donald Trump…
Indianapolis 500 officials will offer measles vaccine at race
IndyCar medical director said that a “very limited supply” of vaccines will be available to fans at the race.
Robots conduct daily health inspections of schoolchildren in China
Please stand in front of Walklake for your examination. This health checking robot takes just 3 seconds to diagnose a variety of ailments in children, including conjunctivitis, and hand, foot and mouth disease. Over 2000 preschools in China, with children aged between 2 and 6, are using Walklake every morning to check the health status of their students.
Italy, Croatia, Greece and Cyprus offer to send firefighting planes to Israel
Foreign ministry thanks countries for willingness to help Israeli crews working to contain hundreds of blazes amid during heatwave
Thousands Ordered to Evacuate as Fires Continue to Rage Across Israel
Thousands of Israelis may be forced to spend this upcoming Sabbath out of their homes; many no longer have a home to return to.
LGBT progressivism horrors: Parents to start physically maiming their own babies to slice off all “gender” organs in the name of progressivism and “equality”
If you wonder where “progressivism” is headed, look no further than the self-mutilation movement where LGBT followers physically maim their own bodies to become so-called “nullos” by cutting off their nipples and reproductive organs.
Outrage As Baptist Pastor Dan Freemyer Gives Benediction Prayer At Baylor Graduation Asking God To ‘Deliver Us’ From The Evil Of ‘Straight White Men’ And ‘Fossil Fuels’
A number of years ago, I created a category on NTEB called “The Church Of Laodicea“, for articles and stories about churches and pastors claiming to be Christian yet were incredibly either lukewarm or full-blown apostates. For a long time there was little to no stories involving Baptist churches. Sadly, over the past year, that has changed. Baptist churches are falling just as far and just as fast as the Liberal megachurches are.
Monsanto Faces More Than 13,000 Plaintiffs Amid Calls In Europe They Kept Dossiers On Influential People Both Pro And Anti Pesticide, Rigged Studies
Last week Activist Post reported that Monsanto had kept dossiers on influential people throughout France and other European countries. This week, it was revealed that the German chemical and pharmaceuticals giant Bayer disclosed that Monsanto, the controversial U.S. pesticide producer behind genetically modified organisms (GMOs) involved in more than 13,000 plaintiffs lawsuits alleging illness had kept “watch lists” of its opponents including journalists in key EU member states and in EU institutions.
Amid ‘extreme’ heat wave, officials close parks, restrict holiday bonfires
Police and firefighting officials are preparing for an “extreme” heat wave starting Wednesday and continuing into the weekend, shuttering popular hiking areas and limiting permits for the traditional bonfires that accompany the Lag B’Omer holiday that begins Wednesday night.
46 cases of MUMPS in county with highest illegal immigrant traffic
Hidalgo County, Texas, is ground zero for the most illegal aliens coming in among all places along the southwestern border. It is also experiencing an outbreak of mumps, with 46 reported cases countywide since March, an unprecedented number for any U.S. county. Yet you would never know about this if you rely on the national media beat reporters at the border to report on it.
Democrats’ passage of “Equality Act” is the first stage in their attempts to CRIMINALIZE Christianity and throw all practicing Christians in prison (while banning their speech)
One of the first things Americans need to understand about Democrats is that virtually every piece of legislation they propose is misnamed.
BREAKING: Leading Cardinal Declares Nancy Pelosi Gets NO COMMUNION!
The head of the Vatican court just declared that Nancy Pelosi cannot receive communion until she changes her stance on abortion.
Jason Chaffetz: Democrats claim they want election security – They really want to secure election victories
In the wake of the report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller confirming Russian interference in our 2016 presidential election, we are enjoying broad bipartisan consensus on the need to improve election security.
Israel braces for fresh fire flare-up as temperatures set to skyrocket
Help from four countries expected to arrive as officials warn brush fire outbreak could worsen with scorching heat and wind, day after dozens of homes destroyed in blazes
Al Jazeera Says Its Holocaust Denial Video Was A Mistake, But Has A Long History Of Anti-Semitism
The Al Jazeera news network and its AJ+ subsidiary have a long history of anti-Semitism. The network, which pushes Islamic rhetoric in Arabic but has wrapped itself in progressive liberalism in English, is controlled by the royal family of Qatar.
WATCH: Ilhan Omar Attacks Conservative People Of Faith On House Floor
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) attacked conservative people on the floor of the House of Representatives on Wednesday over their advocacy for pro-life stances on abortion.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Is Israel going to elections again?
“Liberman is looking for any excuse to bring me down,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday at an emergency meeting with Likud ministers, according to Kan. A source close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denied a Channel 12 report that the Knesset would vote on Monday to disperse itself and initiate a new election.
Trump dismisses North Korean tests of ‘some small weapons’
US President Donald Trump has dismissed concerns about recent North Korean missile tests, appearing to contradict his own national security adviser. In a tweet issued shortly after his arrival in Japan on Sunday, Mr Trump called the missiles “small weapons”. US National Security Adviser John Bolton said on Saturday that the tests violated UN resolutions on North Korea.
German Jews warned not to wear kippas after rise in anti-Semitism
The German government’s anti-Semitism commissioner has urged Jews to avoid wearing skullcaps in public. Felix Klein warned Jews against donning the kippa in parts of the country, following a rise in anti-Semitism. Mr Klein said his opinion on the matter had “changed compared with what it used to be”. “I cannot recommend to Jews that they wear the skullcap at all times everywhere in Germany,” he told the Funke newspaper group.
In Baltimore and Beyond, a Stolen N.S.A. Tool Wreaks Havoc
For nearly three weeks, Baltimore has struggled with a cyberattack by digital extortionists that has frozen thousands of computers, shut down email and disrupted real estate sales, water bills, health alerts and many other services. But here is what frustrated city employees and residents do not know: A key component of the malware that cybercriminals used in the attack was developed…at the National Security Agency…
Mayor says 2 dead after tornado roars through Oklahoma town
A likely tornado killed at least two people as it destroyed a motel, roared through a nearby mobile home park and caused significant damage in the Oklahoma City area, officials said Sunday. El Reno Mayor Matt White said during a news conference that “there have been two fatalities at this point in time,” adding that officials are currently working to notify relatives. White said search and rescue efforts are continuing.
Magnitude-8 earthquake strikes Amazon jungle in Peru
A large earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 8.0 struck the Amazon jungle in north-central Peru early Sunday, the U.S. Geological survey reported. The quake, at a moderate depth of 110 kilometers (68 miles) struck at 2:41 a.m., 80 kilometers (50 miles) southeast of the village of Lagunas and 158 kilometers (98 miles) east-northeast of the larger town of Yurimaguas.
U.S. Military to Trawl Through 350 Billion Social Media Messages
The U.S. military plans to analyze 350 billion social-media posts from around the world to help it track how popular movements evolve. A tender for the project, based at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, calls for screening messages from at least 200 million users from more than 100 countries in more than 60 languages to better understand “collective expression.”
Israelis homeless, reeling in aftermath of massively destructive wildfires
A wave of massive bushfires over the weekend, caused by an extreme heatwave, left dozens of families without homes as entire neighborhoods were engulfed by the flames. Some 16 people suffered smoke inhalation and 13 others had light burns, including some of the 1,000 firefighters – from National Fire and Rescue Authority – who battled at least 1,023 conflagrations across the country.
Ukrainian lawmakers urge new president to move embassy to Jerusalem
Ukraine might soon follow in the footsteps of the United States and move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, after dozens of Ukrainian lawmakers co-authored a draft calling on the country’s new president to recognize the holy city as Israel’s capital. Some 86 – out of 450 – members of the Ukrainian parliament (The Verkhovna Rada) already submitted the bill for a vote, according to reports in the country’s media on Friday.
BREAKING: Bans of Chick-fil-A Under Investigation By the U.S. Government!
The airport bans against Christian-owned Chick-fil-A are now under investigation by the Department of Transportation for possible religious bias. The airport bans started about 2 months ago at San Antonio airport.
Report Finds UN Employs 3,300 Pedophiles, Responsible for 60,000 Rapes in Last 10 Years
A former high-level official from within the UN has blown the whistle on a pedophilia network of massive proportions involving thousands of UN employees wreaking havoc on tens of thousands of innocent children.
WOKE: New Gillette Ad Features Dad Teaching Transgender Son How to Shave
Gillette’s latest ad shows a dad teaching his transgender son how to shave.
Trump administration to reportedly allow federally funded adoption agencies to reject same-sex couples
President Trump’s administration will reportedly reverse his predecessor’s policy of blocking federal funding for religious adoption organizations that refuse to serve same-sex couples.
Malaria back with a vengeance in crisis-hit Venezuela
If it weren’t for the Center for Malaria Studies in Caracas, Francelis Pacheco would have been unable to get treatment for a disease she has contracted around 20 times.
Monster tornado that ripped 20-mile trail of destruction through Missouri capital was almost a mile wide
A clearer picture emerged Friday of the size and scope of the powerful tornadoes that tore across Missouri on Wednesday night, leaving trails of destruction in their paths. The state’s capital, Jefferson City, was among the hardest-hit places, struck overnight by a tornado with a peak wind speed of 160 mph that has been given preliminary rating of EF3.
Storm-weary residents of Plains to face more violent weather into Memorial Day weekend
After severe weather outbreaks hammered areas from Texas to Kansas and Missouri earlier this week, more severe weather and flooding will threaten these same areas into the Memorial Day holiday weekend.
Record-breaking floods inundate parts of central US
Evacuations are underway as flooding is impacting areas across Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois and parts of Nebraska and Iowa.Nine fatalities have been reported as a result of the flooding. One driver attempted to cross a flooded roadway in Perkins, Oklahoma, two other bodies were found in a submerged vehicle near the Mississippi River in Missouri as well as other deaths.
2+2=5 Under The Democrat’s Equality Act
In George Orwell’s 1984, everyman Winston Smith is tortured and brainwashed into truly believing that 2+2=5. Orwell’s message was that an unfettered State would eventually maintain the population in such propaganda-induced fear of its power that people would deny objective reality.
MS-13 blamed for body found in shallow grave in Long Island nature preserve
…Officials said during a press conference that a body found Friday afternoon at the Massapequa Preserve in Nassau County was believed to be an MS-13 murder victim.
Prominent South African Farm-Attacks Activist Annette Kennealy Is Beaten To Death With A Pipe And Hammer
Annette Kennealy (pictured above) was a prominent activist against white farmer attacks in South Africa. Kennealy, 50, was an activist against farm attacks and related murders. She was brutally murdered with a hammer late Monday.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Ten Day Old Red Heifer Candidate Checked For Eligibility
Rabbinic experts traveled this week from Jerusalem to two separate locations in Israel where a small number of red heifer candidates are being raised, as part of the Temple Institute’s Raise a Red Heifer in Israel program, initiated four years ago. Three of the most recent candidates were checked to determine whether they bore suitably red coats, as required by halacha (Jewish law) to render them eligible as red heifer candidates. One bore a small patch of white hairs, rendering it ineligible. One bore a few very light red hairs, which will require further inspection. A third candidate is currently eligible, and will also require follow up.
Christian Archaeologist Attacked by Palestinian Authority in their Legal Battle Against Biblical Archaeology
The Israeli Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Bible last week in a case brought by the Palestinian Authority in which they tried to have archaeology in Judea and Samaria declared a crime. Undeterred, the PA turned to UNESCO to intervene while threatening archaeologists around the world with litigation if they participate in digs in Israel. One archaeologist, a Christian who has been sifting the sands of the Holy Land for Decades, stood strong as he was singled out for attack.
‘The Strange Death of Europe’ – and what it means for Israel
Mass migration – particularly illegal immigration – has become, perhaps, the defining political crisis for the West. Concerns over such migrations helped catapult a reality television star into the White House, and have divided the European Union even more than the global financial crisis of the late 2000s and the subsequent austerity programs. While some have argued that the various crises stemming from the recent waves of mass migration are a temporary aberration, British journalist and commentator Douglas Murray believes the issue is here to stay – and indeed will only grow in importance in the coming years. “This is going to be the single biggest issue in an age where anyone can move anywhere,”
France’s Le Pen declares victory over Macron
French far-right, nationalist leader Marine Le Pen is declaring victory in the European Parliament election over pro-EU French President Emmanuel Macron. French polling agencies are projecting that Le Pen’s National Rally will come first in France’s voting Sunday, followed by Macron’s centrist Republic on the Move party.
Fascist symbols and rhetoric on rise in Italian EU vote
Fascist symbols, rhetoric and salutes — long a public taboo — have made their way out of the hooligan sections of soccer stadiums and into Italian streets in the run-up to this week’s European Parliament elections.
Death spiral: CNN in ratings collapse
It’s the network most frequently referenced by President Trump as “fake news,” and as with his Republican primary opponents, the label may have something to do with its decline in popularity. In total day viewers last week, reported Breitbart’s John Nolte, CNN plummeted 34 percent. In prime time viewers, the network was down 26 percent. Even worse, throughout all of last week, CNN came in 16th, averaging only 693,000 total prime time viewers. RedState pointed out Fox News has nearly four times the viewership during prime time.
HHS Moves to Protect Religious Health Providers
The Trump administration issued a new proposal that would safeguard the conscience rights of hospitals and doctors. On Friday, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a new rule to reverse an Obama-era regulation that would have allowed those seeking abortions or sex changes to sue providers for discrimination.
Statements by Peter Strzok, Lisa Page ‘Could Well Be Treason’
Cheney said, “What is crucially important to remember here is that you had Stzrok and Page who were in charge of launching this investigation and they were saying things like we must stop this president. We need an insurance policy against this president. That in my view when you have people that are in the highest echelons of the law enforcement of this nation saying things like that, that sounds an awful lot like a coup, and it could well be treason. And I think that we need to know more. What was Jim Comey’s role in all this?
Scientists Find Source of Worldwide Mystery Hum
The volcano likely came into being in 2018, but Tech Times says its exact age is unknown. How it caused a worldwide hum is also unclear, but experts are calling the November blast the biggest underwater volcanic eruption on record.
Magnitude 8 Earthquake Shakes Amazon Jungle
A powerful magnitude 8.0 earthquake struck a remote part of the Amazon jungle in Peru early Sunday, collapsing buildings and knocking out power to some areas but causing only one reported death. The quake struck at 2:41 a.m. and was centered in a vast nature preserve 57 miles east of the small town of Yurimaguas, the AP reports. Helping limit damage was the earthquake’s depth, at 70 miles below the surface,….
Are West Coast ‘Tremor Bursts’ “Just Reminders” That ‘The Big One’ Looms?
for the first time since 2011, three distinct zones in the Pacific Northwest have been “going off” all at once. According to King 5 News, scientists say that the theory is that the sub-ducting ocean plate is being stretched like taffy in the heat that is the mantle of the earth.
Farm Crisis: Corn Planting Slowest On Record For This Time Of Year
American farmers have some of the most corn acres left to plant, last week, than any other date on record, reported the Crop Progress Report -written by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA warned corn planting is currently at 49% complete, behind the 80% five-year average.
Trump says Iran nuclear deal possible as sanctions bite
US President Donald Trump said on Monday a deal with Iran on its nuclear program was possible, crediting economic sanctions for curbing activities Washington has said are behind a spate of attacks in the Middle East. “I really believe that Iran would like to make a deal, and I think that’s very smart of them, and I think that’s a possibility to happen,” Trump said during a news conference with Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo.
Belgian far-right party triples voter share, becomes 2nd largest
Belgium’s far-right Flemish Interest party has more than tripled its electorate, emerging as the country’s second largest in Sunday’s federal elections.
The party, whose founders included collaborators with Nazi Germany and whose lawmakers have a rich history of antisemitism, won about 15 percent of the national vote – its best result ever. It had fewer than four percent in the 2014 elections.
Trump in Japan: US president meets Emperor Naruhito
US President Donald Trump has become the first foreign leader to meet Japan’s Emperor Naruhito. Mr Trump, who is currently on a four-day state visit to Japan, was greeted by the emperor and Empress Masako at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. The US leader said ahead of the meeting that it was a “great honour”. Emperor Naruhito ascended the throne earlier in May after his father Akihito stepped down – the first abdication by a Japanese emperor in centuries.
European elections 2019: Power blocs lose grip on parliament
The big centre-right and centre-left blocs in the European Parliament have lost their combined majority amid an increase in support for liberals, the Greens and nationalists. Pro-EU parties are still expected to be in a majority but the traditional blocs will need to seek new alliances. The liberals and Greens had a good night, while nationalists were victorious in Italy, France and the UK.
EF3 Tornado Devastates Motel, Trailer Park in El Reno, Oklahoma; Two People Killed
Two people were killed when a tornado tore through El Reno, Oklahoma, late Saturday night, destroying a motel and tossing mobile homes like toys. The tornado touched down in El Reno, about 25 miles west of downtown Oklahoma City, about 10:30 p.m. CDT Saturday, on the leading edge of a squall line of severe thunderstorms.
‘Wow, what is that?’ Navy pilots report unexplained flying objects
The strange objects, one of them like a spinning top moving against the wind, appeared almost daily from the summer of 2014 to March 2015, high in the skies over the East coast. Navy pilots reported to their superiors that the objects had no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes but that they could reach 30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds.
China bridles at rare meeting between Taiwan and U.S. security officials
China responded angrily on Monday as Taiwan confirmed the first meeting in more than four decades between senior U.S. and Taiwanese security officials. Taiwan’s national security chief David Lee met White House national security adviser John Bolton earlier this month, the island’s foreign affairs ministry said in a statement on Saturday.
Crop planting behind schedule as Midwest farmers battle rain
The persistent rain in the Midwest is causing major problems for farmers. “Beans will go in there,” said farmer Ronnie Mohr as he pointed to the field soaked in puddles on his Greenfield farm.
Floods That Hit The Midwest In March Continue To Affect The Farm Economy
Midwest Farmers are still cleaning up from record floods in March. The work may delay or even prevent planting for some, which will have ripple effects throughout the U.S. agriculture sector.
Unrelenting heat wave to keep breaking records in Southeast beyond Memorial Day
Memorial Day marks the unofficial start to summer and sweltering heat will have a firm grip on the Southeast beyond the extended holiday weekend.
UH OH! Dr. Drew Warns Of Deadly Epidemic This Summer, & It’s All Due to Liberal Policies (Details)
“We have tens and tens of thousands of people living in tents. Horrible conditions. Sanitation. Rats have taken over the city. We’re the only city in the country, Los Angeles, without a rodent control program. We have multiple rodent-borne, flea-borne illnesses, plague, typhus. We’re gonna have louse-borne illness. If measles breaks into that population, we have tuberculosis exploding. Literally, our politicians are like Nero. It’s worse than Nero,” Pinsky said.
Kentucky: 15 Victims Come Forward, To Expose Network of Pedophile Cops
Inside information into the years-long child abuse saga involving Louisville Metropolitan Police Department (LMPD) officers is now being revealed. The city commissioned former U.S. Attorney Kerry Harvey to investigate the LMPD Explorers program for children to determine if sexual misconduct, abuse, and even rape were widespread with police officers involved in the program.
Hundreds of Patriots Protest Ilhan Omar at CAIR Fundraiser In Bellevue, Washington
Outspoken Muslim congresswoman Ilhan Omar was the keynote speaker at a fundraiser for the Washington chapter of the Council On American Islamic Relations (CAIR) on Saturday, May 25th.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein Caught In Treasonous Lie About Secret Iran Meeting, Turns Out It Was NOT Sanctioned By The State Dept
Opinion Of Elder Patriot – On Thursday we discussed how “unusual” we thought Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) coming as it did, amid escalating U.S.-Iranian tensions. It raised red flags for us about Democratic senator’s motives.
NYC Mayor De Blasio tells citizens: We own your bodies, and we can force you to be injected with anything we want
NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio has declared that residents do not own their own bodies. The city of New York can demand that all citizens be injected with literally anything the government declares to be a “vaccine,” even when those vaccines contain aborted human fetal tissue cells, toxic aluminum metals, inflammatory adjuvants and other dangerous, deadly chemicals.
There’s a trash and rodent nightmare in downtown L.A., with plenty of blame to go around
The trash trucks arrived early Wednesday afternoon, and members of the cleanup team from the Los Angeles sanitation division came with protective coveralls and white masks.
Rev. Franklin Graham Calls for Day of Prayer for Trump
This is a critical time for America. We’re on the edge of a precipice. Time is short. We need to pray for God to intervene. We need to ask God to protect, strengthen, encourage, and guide the President.
Nancy Pelosi’s brother-in-law given loan bigger than Solyndra for solar plant
Nancy Pelosi is facing accusations of cronyism after a solar energy project, which her brother-in-law has a stake in, landed a $737 million loan guarantee from the Department of Energy, despite the growing Solyndra scandal.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Our coming DNA nightmare, as outlined by a dystopian graphic novel
In their vision of a near-future dystopian society, a corporation called Nyima acquires a DNA ancestry company (think 23andMe or, along with its huge database of genetic profiles. From there, all of that data is used to create a new social media platform-cum-genetic security system called the SEQ Network, which recommends products, services, and even romantic partners based on what inferences about people can be gleaned from their genetic profiles, and tracking everything—from users’ banking transactions to their location—using their DNA signatures. It’s already beginning to happen.
Trumptown in Golan Now Taking Applications
The community, which is still in its early stages, will house 97 families. These past few weeks its popularity has grown, and due to a large number of inquiries, the settlement has even created a hotline. We have received close to 100 inquiries, mostly from families in the United States and Canada who say that they want to make aliyah and live in ‘Trump city,’ ” said Golan Regional Council head Haim Rokach.
IAF destroys Syrian missile launcher after missile fired at Israeli plane
The IAF destroyed a Syrian launcher that fired an anti-aircraft missile at an Israeli plane, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed on Monday night, stressing that Israel will not tolerate any aggression against it. “A short time ago, the Syrian army tried to hit an Israeli plane, it did not succeed,” Netanyahu said in a video statement. “The air force in response destroyed the launcher from which it [the missile] was fired.
World Health Organization Designates Gaming Addiction as a Disease
The WHO noted that gaming disorder was a relatively rare condition, writing that “studies suggest that gaming disorder affects only a small proportion of people who engage in digital- or video-gaming activities.” The designation is likely to draw backlash from the video game industry. In response to the WHO’s move, industry lobby organization the Video Games Coalition said that their products had “educational, therapeutic, and recreational value” and were “enjoyed safely and sensibly by more than 2 billion people worldwide,”
European elections: Merkel dealt CRUEL blow as German leader’s party DEVASTATED in poll
The CDU recorded just 28.7 percent of the overall vote, while 20.7 percent went to Alliance 90. The nation’s democratic party finished third. Italy was left stunned as right-wing group League secured the country’s majority. In France, Marine Le Pen took valuable votes from Emmanuel Macron’s Resistance. While the Brexit Party in the UK made history by becoming the largest group to secure wins in the polls. Led by Matteo Salvini, League won convincingly – gaining around 32 percent of the nation’s vote.
Beginning of an underwater volcano within the Indian Ocean has brought on mysterious seismic ripples
The birth of an underwater volcano in the Indian Ocean is thought to have caused a succession of mysterious quakes around the world throughout last year. Short bursts of seismic activity were picked up by seismic sensors up to 10,000 miles away from the location of the ‘submarine volcano’ near the French Island of Mayotte. The mountain’s birth triggered a series of earthquakes which were felt daily by locals on the island and further afield by experts using seismographs. n previous maps, there had been nothing. ‘This thing was built from zero in 6 months!’ said Marc Chaussidon, director of the Institute of Geophysics in Paris (IPGP).
California Is Shaken By More Than 80 Earthquakes As Chile Is Hit By The Largest Quake In 12 Years
Very early on Sunday morning, a massive 8.0 magnitude earthquake struck a sparsely populated area of Peru. Here in the United States, there were dozens of detectable earthquakes in the state of California on Sunday, and a lot of people are concerned about what all of these small earthquakes could mean.
Christianity’s top guns urge ‘day of prayer’ for Trump
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has assembled a coalition of 250 key Christian leaders across the country, from James Dobson and Jerry Falwell Jr. to Mike Huckabee and Alveda King, to call for a special Day of Prayer for President Trump on Sunday, June 2. “President Trump’s enemies continue to try everything to destroy him, his family, and the presidency. In the history of our country, no president has been attacked as he has. I believe the only hope for him, and this nation, is God,” he said.
“The Most Destructive Breach In History”: Hackers Use NSA Code To Grind Baltimore To A Halt
The United States is no longer supplying its enemies only with conventional weapons – that list now also includes cyberweapons. While Baltimore has been struggling with an aggressive cyber-attack over the last three weeks, previously profiled here , it has now been revealed that a key component of the malware used by cyber-criminals was actually developed just a short drive from Baltimore – at the NSA, according to the New York Times. “The government has refused to take responsibility, or even to answer the most basic questions. Congressional oversight appears to be failing. The American people deserve an answer.”
“Pig Ebola” Epidemic Threatens To Unleash Stagflation Across China
With Chinese pigs getting slaughtering left and right to contain the breakout of African swine fever, also known as “Pig Ebola”, so are pork shorts as meat processors around the world scramble to sell more pork to China to make up for sharp shortages of China’s most popular protein. The consequence is tighter supplies in the U.S. and Europe, which is pushing up prices. And as the disease continues to spread throughout China – the world’s largest producer and consumer – the trend will only get worse. …pork prices may surge more than 70% in the second half of this year an agriculture ministry official said last month, as the country’s pork output has plunged as much as 30% this year…
‘Hello’ elections means ‘goodbye’ Trump peace plan – analysis
If Israel says “hello” to new elections in September, it is safe to assume it can kiss goodbye US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century.” Some, like the Palestinian Authority leadership, will be thrilled by that news. They have rejected the plan without even seeing it and want to prevent it from seeing the light of day – because of a concern that it will alter…a two state solution with east Jerusalem as the capital of “Palestine.”
IAF destroys Syrian missile launcher after missile fired at Israeli plane
The IAF destroyed a Syrian launcher that fired an anti-aircraft missile at an Israeli plane, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed… “A short time ago, the Syrian army tried to hit an Israeli plane, it did not succeed,” Netanyahu said… “The air force in response destroyed the launcher from which it [the missile] was fired. Our policy is clear: we will not tolerate any aggression against us, and we will respond to it with force and firmness.”
Japan attack: Child among three dead in Kawasaki stabbing
A knife-wielding man has attacked a group of schoolchildren waiting for a bus in the Japanese city of Kawasaki near Tokyo. At least 18 people were injured in a residential area. Two of them, an 11-year-old girl and a 39-year-old man, have died. A suspect, a man in his 50s, stabbed himself in the neck after his rampage and later died in hospital.
Tornados leave trail of destruction across Ohio, Indiana
A rapid-fire line of apparent tornadoes tore across Indiana and Ohio overnight, packed so closely together that one crossed the path carved by another. The storms strew debris so thick that at one point, highway crews had to use snowplows to clear an interstate. At least half a dozen communities from eastern Indiana through central Ohio suffered damage, according to the National Weather Service…
Parasite in paradise: Rat lungworm disease confirmed in three Hawaii visitors
Rat lungworm disease has sickened three more visitors to the state of Hawaii recently, bringing the total number of cases to 10 for 2018 and five so far this year, the state’s Department of Health said. The three cases newly confirmed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are unrelated, and affected three adult travelers from mainland United States.
U.S. walks out of U.N. arms forum as Venezuela takes chair
The United States walked out of the Conference on Disarmament on Tuesday to protest Venezuela assuming the rotating presidency of the U.N.-sponsored forum – as it did a year ago when Syria took the chair. “We have to try to do what we can to prevent these types of states from presiding over international bodies,” Robert Wood, U.S. disarmament ambassador, told reporters after leaving the session in Geneva.
Turkish military launches operation against militants in northern Iraq
Turkey’s military launched an operation with commandos, backed by artillery and air strikes, against Kurdish militants in a mountainous area of northern Iraq, the defence ministry said on Tuesday. The military action began with artillery and air strikes on Monday afternoon and the operation by commando brigades began at 8 pm (1700 GMT) to “neutralise terrorists and destroy their shelters”, according to a ministry statement.
California May Give Hollywood Tax Breaks for Not Working in Pro-Life States
A California state legislator has introduced a bill that would give filmmakers an additional tax credit if they relocate their productions to California from states with abortion restrictions.
Tornadoes rake 2 Oklahoma cities, killing 2 and injuring 29
A tornado leveled a motel and tore through a mobile home park near Oklahoma City overnight, killing two people and injuring at least 29 others before a second twister raked a suburb of Tulsa more than 100 miles (160 kilometers) away, authorities said Sunday.
World’s rivers ‘awash with dangerous levels of antibiotics’
Hundreds of rivers around the world from the Thames to the Tigris are awash with dangerously high levels of antibiotics, the largest global study on the subject has found.
THE BEST A TRANS CAN GET: New Gillette Ad Features A Dad Teaching His Transgender ‘Son’ How To Shave
In 2019, the Liberal Left controls the narrative. They control the Public Schools where children in Pre-K are being taught to be transgender. They control the colleges where children are being taught that gender is only a ‘construct’that changes according to your feelings. And they control the nearly the entire mainstream media, and all social media outlets, where they ram home the LGBTQ+P for Pedophile agenda.
UN Peacekeepers Caught Running Massive Child Sex Ring — Not One Person Jailed
In a blow to victims of human trafficking worldwide, a massive child sex ring was exposed in Haiti — involving international ‘peacekeepers’ with the United Nations as well as other high-level officials from around the world — and no one is going to jail.
“Pig Ebola” Epidemic Threatens To Unleash Stagflation Across China
With Chinese pigs getting slaughtering left and right to contain the breakout of African swine fever, also known as “Pig Ebola”, so are pork shorts as meat processors around the world scramble to sell more pork to China to make up for sharp shortages of China’s most popular protein. The consequence is tighter supplies in the U.S. and Europe, which is pushing up prices. And as the disease continues to spread throughout China – the world’s largest producer and consumer – the trend will only get worse.
Chicago shootings: More than 34 shot – 5 fatally – during Memorial Day weekend: police
At least 34 people were shot – five fatally – in Chicago by Sunday evening of Memorial Day weekend, police said.
Photos of Holocaust survivors on exhibit in Vienna vandalized for 3rd time
An exhibit of photos of Holocaust survivors lining a major street in downtown Vienna, Austria, was vandalized for a third time on Monday.
Nuclear Missile Alert Base Operators Caught Boozing In Second Major Breach
One of the country’s most sensitive nuclear missile launch facilities has admitted that Air Force personnel responsible for overseeing the base were caught boozing, in violation of strict regulations governing nuclear sites.
‘Drag 101’ course for teens to be taught at Ohio public library
An Ohio public library will be treated to a first this summer: An hour-long course dubbed “Drag 101” taught by Kyle Gayle.
CALLS GROW TO PROSECUTE JOHN BRENNAN after Existence of Clandestine CIA Asset in Top Level of Russian Government is Leaked
Former Obama CIA Director John Brennan continued his public meltdown on Friday. President Trump released a statement on Thursday night ordering declassification of the intelligence related to the spying on the Trump Campaign in 2016.
Crop Catastrophe In The Midwest – Latest USDA Crop Progress Report Indicates That A Nightmare Scenario Is Upon Us
The last 12 months have been the wettest in all of U.S. history, and this has created absolutely horrific conditions for U.S. farmers. Thanks to endless rain and historic flooding that has stretched on for months, many farmers have not been able to plant crops at all, and a lot of the crops that have actually been planted are deeply struggling. What this means is that U.S. agricultural production is going to be way, way down this year
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: “We Build the Wall” Completes First Half Mile of US Border Wall in 4 Days from Private Donations
For months the liberal media mocked “We Build the Wall” founder and organizer Brian Kolfage and his plan to use private donations to help build the much-needed security wall between the US and Mexico. Brian raised over $20 million in private donations from over 260,000 individuals to build a border wall on the US southern border.
French students smash Jewish headstones; police say it wasn’t anti-Semitic
Drunk students smashed several headstones at the only functioning Jewish cemetery in Bordeaux last Friday, police said, but said that it was not an anti-Semitic incident.
‘Wow,What Is That, Man?’ US Navy Pilot Ryan Graves Reports Seeing UFO Flying At Speeds Unsustainable For Human Making Sudden Stops And Instantaneous Turns
US Navy pilot Lieutenant Ryan Graves, who flies an F/18 Super Hornet that has a top speed of 1,190 mph, reports seeing objects that he cannot explain that are flying so fast that it makes his plane appear to stand still. More than that, he has observed these UFOs perform maneuvers that his top-level training tells him could not be performed by human beings.
California Is Shaken By More Than 80 Earthquakes As Chile Is Hit By The Largest Quake In 12 Years
Very early on Sunday morning, a massive 8.0 magnitude earthquake struck a sparsely populated area of Peru. As you will see below, it was the largest earthquake to hit Peru in 12 years, and other areas of “the Ring of Fire” experienced unusual shaking afterwards.
Texas abortion bill called “biggest threat” to Planned Parenthood passes
One of this session’s biggest anti-abortion bills, which would ban state and local governments from partnering with agencies that perform abortions even if they contract for services not related to the procedure, is headed to the governor’s desk.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Severe Weather, Flash Flood Saga Continues From the Midwest Into the Plains Through Midweek
Early Tuesday evening, a tornado emergency was issued for the southern side of Lawrence, Kansas, and the western side of Kansas City. A confirmed large tornado, estimated 1 to 1.5 miles wide by storm spotters, was seen on the ground. Doppler radar detected debris being lifted some 20,000 feet into the air. Images posted to social media showed houses damaged or destroyed just south of Lawrence. There were also reports of multiple vehicles overturned. Linwood, Kansas, may have taken a direct hit from this destructive tornado.
Clarence Thomas: Abortion for eugenics ‘not hypothetical’
Justice Clarence Thomas on Tuesday bluntly warned the other justices on the U.S. Supreme Court they need to start acting on various abortion-law cases because of the industry’s threat “to achieve eugenic goals.” That, he warned in a concurring opinion, “is not merely hypothetical.” The case centered on a law in Indiana that banned abortions based on sex or disability and required the state to ensure deceased unborn infants are provided a “proper burial.”
Staggering: Venezuela’s Epic Economic Collapse Is So Complete We Have This Figure Hitting…10 Million Percent
If the Democratic Party wants to run on a full-blown socialist agenda, and it looks like they could especially in future election cycles, then Republicans have the perfect example to show voters concerning its total failure. Yes, we’re talking about Venezuela whose addiction to so-called 21stCentury Socialism, championed by the late Hugo Chavez, had led to one of the most stunning economic collapses in nearly a half-century. It’s downright depraved what has occurred. People are eating out of trashcans, hyperinflation has made mounds of money utter worthless, groceries are now a luxury due to available items and costs, and because of the cost—you have Venezuelans of all walks of life resorting to prostitution for common goods.
The Message That Addiction Is a Disease Makes Substance Users Less Likely to Seek Help
Research finds that people with substance-use problems who read a message describing addiction as a disease are less likely to report wanting to engage in effective therapies, compared to those who read a message that addiction behaviors are subject to change. The finding could inform future public and interpersonal communication efforts regarding addiction.
Russia is harassing U.S. jets in the Arctic as part of a Putin power play
Last week alone, the ussians twice conducted air sorties. In each case, the American F-22s rushed to take off to keep the Russian planes out of U.S. airspace. In such missions, the F-22s and Bear bombers eye one another warily for several minutes — or hours…
Abbas: Trump Peace Plan Can ‘Go to Hell’
Abbas added that “the economic project they [the conference participants] are working on for next month will also go to hell … we said we are not going to accept this meeting and its results because they are selling us illusions that will lead to nothing.”
Alaskans are shaken out of their beds in the middle of the night as 5.8 magnitude earthquake strikes off state’s southern coast
The Alaska earthquake was said to have struck at about 1.50am Monday The quake hit about 55 miles away from the southwest coastal town of Homer There were no reports of injuries or damage from the quake, but it was felt by many residents who said they were shaken awake by it.
Forecasters calling for up to four major hurricanes in 2019
Forecasters with NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center said Thursday that 2019 could generate up to four major hurricanes from June 1 to Nov. 30. A report posted on the National Hurricane Center’s website stated NOAA predicts up to 15 named storms with winds of 39 miles per hour or higher, of which four to eight could become hurricanes, with winds of 74 mph or higher. Two to four of those could reach category 3, 4 or 5, which are considered major hurricanes producing winds of 111 mph or higher.
U.S. court fails to halt Florida cabinet’s Jerusalem meeting at U.S. Embassy
A second-circuit Florida judge refused to stop Wednesday’s first ever meeting of the Florida state cabinet at the US Embassy in Jerusalem, according to media reports. The Florida based NGO – the First Amendment Foundation – and four media companies filed a suit to block the meeting, claiming it violated the constitutional rights of Florida residents.
German intel: Iran wants to expand to weapons of mass destruction
The Islamic Republic of Iran is committed to a program of weapons of mass destruction, the domestic intelligence agency for the southern German state of Bavaria said in its May 2019 intelligence report. The hair-raising section of the report reviewed by The Jerusalem Post states Iran’s regime is “making efforts to expand its conventional arsenal of weapons with weapons of mass destruction.”
After several quiet years, tornadoes erupt in United States
After several quiet years, tornadoes have erupted in the United States over the last two weeks as a volatile mix of warm, moist air from the Southeast and persistent cold from the Rockies clashed and stalled over the Midwest. On Monday, the U.S. tied its current record of 11 consecutive days with at least eight tornadoes confirmed on each of those days, said Patrick Marsh, warning coordination meteorologist for the federal Storm Prediction Center.
Secretive Bilderberg meeting to address Russia, cyber threats and Brexit…
More than a hundred of the world’s elite including Henry Kissinger, Mark Carney and the Dutch King will meet at the secretive Bilderberg summit this week. Bankers, Prime Ministers, CEOs and defence experts will meet in Montreux, Switzerland, to discuss a wide range of topics including Russia, cyber threats and Brexit.
Knesset mulls bill to dissolve for elections as time runs out to form coalition
With just hours to go before Benjamin Netanyahu runs out of time to form a coalition, the Knesset began discussions Wednesday noon on a bill to dissolve parliament and head to a second round of national elections this year. Netanyahu…has indicated that he would take the country into a new vote rather than cede the task of forming the next government to a rival either within his own right-wing bloc or opposition leader Benny Gantz.
Trump team to meet leaders of Israel, Jordan as it sells Mideast plan
President Donald Trump’s top Mideast advisers face skeptical audiences as they visit several locations in the region and in Europe starting Tuesday to rally support for what they have billed as a workshop on the economic foundations of peace between Israel and the Palestinians. The White House is promoting the June 25-26 meeting in the Gulf state of Bahrain as the first phase of its long-awaited Mideast peace plan…
First openly gay Orthodox rabbi ordained in Jerusalem
A gay rabbinical student denied ordination by a liberal seminary in New York was welcomed into the rabbinate in Jerusalem, breaking a longstanding taboo against homosexuality in the Orthodox community.
Villagers kill Ebola health worker in eastern DR Congo
Villagers in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo killed a health worker engaged in the fight against a major Ebola outbreak and looted a treatment centre, according to an official report seen Monday by AFP.
Mississippi River breaks record set by Great Flood of 1927
The Mighty Mississippi is setting a new record for the longest period at or above flood stage. The world’s fourth largest river broke the 92-year-old record yesterday when it reached 136 days in flood stage, according to the National Weather Service.
Christians, Stop Saying Jesus Is The Son Of God. It Provokes Muslims.What is your response to Muslims now ? –
Buried in the concluding paragraphs of a Christmas Eve Washington Times report about Muslims in Uganda forcing Christians to convert to Islam was the extraordinary revelation that in that country, Muslims now consider any public statement of the Christian Faith to be a calculated insult to Muslims, for which they can justifiably exact revenge.
Warzone: 42 People Shot In Chicago Over Memorial Day Weekend
Every 3 minutes and 57 seconds, someone in Chicago is shot.
Is The US On The Cusp Of War In Iran?
…Increased US pressure has had a pernicious and dangerous effect on the Iranian people, more specifically far-right Shia Islamists who have been further emboldened by these economic sanctions. Even the more moderate Hassan Rouhani (President of Iran) has shifted his tone stating that he would begin to walk away from the 2015 restrictions imposed by the Iran nuclear deal. But instead of treading lightly, the US responded with further sanctions on Tehran, reviving a crisis that had been previously contained for the past 4 years.
AOC Featured Among America’s ‘Enemies Of Freedom’ In Baseball Team’s Memorial Day
The Fresno Grizzlies, a minor league baseball team in California, played a double header on Monday. But it wasn’t their play on the field that drew headlines.
BREAKING: Missouri Poised to be First State Without an Abortion Clinic
The state of Missouri is poised to become the first state in the country without an abortion clinic according to a new report.
Germany Tells Jews to Stop Wearing Skullcaps in Public
Germany’s government is urging Jewish citizens to stop wearing traditional skullcaps in public over concerns about rising discrimination in the country, according to reports.
Socialist Paradise: Venezuela’s Streets Now Ruled By Violent Kidnapping Gangs
The failing socialist state of Venezuela has descended into a crime-ridden hell hole where murderous gangs rule the streets making money from kidnapping, according to reports.
Snyder: A Random Encounter In A Diner On Memorial Day Shows Exactly Where America Is Heading…
“… the most narcissistic generation in American history… feel entitled to everything, but they don’t want to work for it…”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
US believes Russia conducting low-level nuclear tests: official
This is a breaking news story. Please check back for updates as more information becomes available. The United States believes Russia may be conducting low-level nuclear testing in violation of a moratorium on such tests, the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency said on Wednesday.
In Venezuela, criminals feel the pinch of an economic crisis
street gangster El Negrito sleeps with a pistol under his pillow and says he’s lost track of his murder count. But despite his hardened demeanor, he’s quick to gripe about how Venezuela’s failing economy is cutting into his profits. Firing a gun has become a luxury. Bullets are expensive at $1 each. And with less cash circulating on the street, he says robberies just don’t pay like they used to. For the 24-year-old, that has all given way to a simple fact: Even for Venezuelan criminals it’s become harder to get by.
Obama Bags $600,000 Payday For Single Speech In Colombia
Obama was paid nearly $600,000 to speak at a Tuesday marketing conference in Bogota, Colombia, according to Colombian news outlet El Tiempo. For those keeping track, that’s $100,000 more than Bill Clinton made for a single speech in Moscow (during a 2010 trip where he hung out with Vladimir Putin at his house).
Pre-Crime Is Here: Law Enforcement’s New TAPS System ‘Predicts’ If You Pose A Future Threat
But the TAPS Act, first introduced in January, would take law enforcement screenings to a whole new level. It would create a national threat assessment of children and adults. In the course of six months the Threat Assessment, Prevention and Safety (TAPS) Act (H.R. 838) has seen support of the bill grow to nearly 80 Congress members. What better way to garner public support for a national threat assessment program than to introduce it during National Police Week.
Runners and riders: The favourites in the race to replace EU boss Jean-Claude Juncker
THE row over replacing Jean-Claude Juncker as European Commission president will rumble on after EU leaders failed to decide on his successor at a Brussels summit last night. German MEP Manfred Weber made himself an early favour to become Commission president after becoming the centre-right European People’s Party’s candidate of choice. But a number of EU leaders, including Emmanuel Macron, showed strong signs of opposition to Angela Merkel’s favoured candidate. This leaves the door wide open for an alternative contender to swoop in and steel Mr Weber’s thunder, as well as EU’s most senior role.
THE EBOLA death toll continues to rise at a staggering rate in in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), with charities now urging the UN to step up efforts to the highest possible threat level. “There has never been an epidemic of this complexity or size in the DRC.”
Bilderberg 2019: Shock conspiracy theories behind shadowy meeting of world leaders
ONE of the world’s most-mysterious meetings will take place this week at Bilderberg, with conspiracy theorists aflutter over what really takes place. Theorists claim those in attendance at the meeting have the power to start wars and run world affairs. Other conspiracy theorists connect Bilderberg to the Illuminati, the Freemasons and even the death of Princess Diana… participants are forbidden from talking about the discussions.
World War 3: ‘Breakthrough’ US missile capable of ‘wiping out’ North Korea WITHOUT killing
A MILITARY expert has warned the US could retaliate to an international threat by using a “breakthrough” US Air Force missile which is capable of “wiping out” North Korea’s military capabilities without causing any fatalities.
“It really is a breakthrough on a level of a nuclear weapon in terms of what it can do.
RUSSIA WARNING: Putin could INTERVENE if US and Iran go to war
The relationship between Washington and Tehran continues to be strained amid plans to deploy 1,500 US troops to the Middle East. US national security adviser John Bolton warned the US had “deep and serious” intelligence on threats posed by Iran. The prospect of warfare in the troubled region has prompted fears Moscow will be dragged into battle if its Iranian allies come under threat.
Venezuela Reports Grim Details of Hyperinflation, GDP Plunge
Venezuela’s central bank published key economic data for the first time since 2015, reporting figures on gross domestic product, external accounts and inflation that might be expected from an economy devastated by war rather than one boasting the world’s largest oil reserves. Inflation spiraled out of control to 130,060% in 2018 and hit 862.6% in 2017, while the economy shrank 22.5% during the third quarter of 2018 from same period in 2017,… illustrating in painful detail the depth of Venezuela’s collapse.
Israel goes back to elections as Netanyahu fails to form coalition
Exactly one month after the 21st Knesset was sworn in, a majority of the Knesset voted late Wednesday night to disperse and initiate an unprecedented repeat election on September 17. It was the first time in Israeli history that a candidate for prime minister failed to form a coalition after being given the task by the president after an election.
Jordanian king to Kushner: Pal. state only possible on pre-1967 lines
Jordanian King Abdullah told White House senior adviser…Jared Kushner on Wednesday that a Palestinian state can only be created along the border lines that existed before the 1967 Six-Day War. “His Majesty stressed the need for a comprehensive and lasting peace based on a two-state solution, leading to an independent Palestinian state on 4 June 1967 lines with east Jerusalem as its capital,” according to a statement from Abdullah’s palace.
Argentina abortion: Crowds gather to back pro-choice bill
A large crowd has marched on the Congress building in the Argentine capital, Buenos Aires, to demand the decriminalisation of abortion. Tuesday’s march came as a bill was introduced to legalise terminations in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. A similar bill was defeated at almost the last hurdle last year when senators voted 38 to 31 against it.
Syrian military ‘burning farmland in rebel-held north’
Satellite images show large areas of farmland in opposition-held north-west Syria have been burnt as part of what activists allege is a campaign by the government to destroy vital food crops. Civil defence workers say incendiary weapons have been fired repeatedly at fields in Idlib, Hama and Aleppo provinces in the past month. Air and artillery strikes have also killed at least 160 civilians.
‘Fetal heartbeat’ abortion bill sent to Louisiana governor, who will sign it; court must uphold it
Louisiana lawmakers have passed a bill that would ban abortions at about six weeks of pregnancy if upheld by the courts, sending it to the governor’s desk without exceptions for victims of rape and incest. Gov. John Bel Edwards, the only Democratic governor in the Deep South, said he will sign the bill into law.
Rain intensifies flooding in saturated Arkansas, Oklahoma
Brad Hindley planned to be vacationing on a lake this week. Instead, he’s been on a boat in his swamped Fort Smith neighborhood trying to keep gas in generators that are pumping water from his flooded home in Arkansas’ second largest city. “We’ve got lakefront property now. Right up to the front door,” said Hindley…who is among thousands of residents along the Arkansas-Oklahoma border impacted by widespread flooding along the swollen Arkansas River.
Dow slides more than 200 points as yields fall on worries about the economy
Stocks fell on Wednesday as bond yields declined again, triggering concerns about the economic outlook. Increasing trade tensions in the China-U.S. trade fight also weighed on markets. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 221.36 points to 25,126.41 while the S&P 500 slid 0.7% to 2,783.02. The Nasdaq Composite declined by 0.8% 7,547.31. The Dow briefly fell more than 400 points as the 10-year Treasury note yield hit its low of the day.
How U.S. sanctions over a Russian weapon could rattle Turkey
Turkey is on the cusp of facing U.S. sanctions over its decision to buy a Russian S-400 missile defense system, leaving its already soft currency and economy vulnerable and raising questions over its position within NATO… If no solution is found in coming weeks…tit-for-tat sanctions could hit trade between the allies and prolong a recession in Turkey that has already tested President Tayyip Erdogan’s grip on power.
Methodist evangelicals ask for prayers as Church considers allowing gay marriage
Evangelicals are asking for prayers ahead of the Methodist Church’s annual conference next month when proposals to allow gay marriage ceremonies will be considered.
Crop-tastrophe In The Midwest – Latest USDA Progress Report Signals Nightmare Scenario
The last 12 months have been the wettest in all of U.S. history, and this has created absolutely horrific conditions for U.S. farmers. Thanks to endless rain and historic flooding that has stretched on for months, many farmers have not been able to plant crops at all, and a lot of the crops that have actually been planted are deeply struggling. What this means is that U.S. agricultural production is going to be way, way down this year. The numbers that I am about to share with you are deeply alarming, and they should serve as a wake up call for all of us. The food that each one of us eats every day is produced by our farmers, and right now our farmers are truly facing a nightmare scenario.
Extreme weather spans coast-to-coast with multiple tornadoes and severe storms plaguing the country
Severe storms stretched across the nation Tuesday, including tornadoes in Kansas and Pennsylvania, while catastrophic flooding puts other states at risk. It’s only the latest outbreak of extreme weather that’s been plaguing the U.S. for nearly two weeks.
IDF reveals ‘longest, most significant’ Hezbollah tunnel on northern border
Military says Lebanon terror group’s cross-border tunnel has infrastructure for electricity, ventilation, communications; subterranean passage to be destroyed in coming days
Uproar over Netflix show in which Hitler ‘roasts’ Anne Frank
Actor playing Nazi leader makes concentration camp jokes at expense of famed diarist who died in Bergen-Belsen; Amsterdam’s Anne Frank House calls show ‘tasteless satire’
NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses
A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers. – Target stores donating $100,000 to promote gay lifestyle to school children
Target’s website has several pages dedicated to products that promote the LGBT lifestyle According to LifeSiteNews, Target department stores are not only offering clothing and accessories celebrating the gay lifestyle to adults and children, but the company has also pledged to donate to a nonprofit that trains students and teachers in LGBT politics and advocacy.
‘Dark day’: Illinois House passes abortion bill far worse than New York’s
…HB 2495 and would virtually eliminate all protections for preborn children, allow infanticide, remove conscience protection laws for health care workers, allow taxpayer funding for abortion, and more. HB 2467 would repeal the Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995, making it so that minors can obtain abortions without parental notification.
Ohio Public Library to Offer ‘Drag 101’ Class for Teenagers
The Delaware County District Library in Delaware, Ohio, is gearing up to host a “Drag 101” class for local teenagers.
Under Mayor de Blasio, NYPD Records Record “Antisemitism Crisis,” 83% Increase in Hate Crime
Wilhelm is his real name. This vicious leftist gave Linda Sarsour hundreds of thousands of dollars and has been a long time support of antisemitic causes. He was a Sandinista activist with Palestinian ties (NY Times). He flouted his ties to Nicaraguan Solidarity Network, a Communist-front organization that still supports the Marxist regime in Nicaragua headed by Communist Sandinista Daniel Ortega.
Official: U.S. Believes Russia Conducting Low-Level Nuclear Tests
The United States believes Russia may be conducting low-level nuclear testing in violation of a moratorium on such tests, the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency said on Wednesday.
Florida governor, Cabinet sued over plans to meet in Israel
An open-government watchdog group and several news outlets sued Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and members of the Cabinet on Tuesday in an effort to stop them from holding a Cabinet meeting while on a trade mission in Israel.
Palestinians Broadcast Ramadan Mini-Series Inciting Muslim Children To Kill Jews – Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar Silent (VIDEO)
Palestinian Muslims are running a TV special to celebrate Ramadan. And what would Ramadan be without death to the infidels? A young boy is taught how to murder Jews in the holy Ramadan TV special.
You Will Not Believe What the INDY 500 Officials Gave Out at the Event
Professional sports has totally gone globalist! In the latest example of this, we see unquestioning support for the Big Pharma agenda. Despite the fact that the vast majority of the recent measles outbreak is of foreign strains coming from unscreened immigrants, the INDY 500 gave out free measles vaccines.
World War Follows False Flag Attacks on American Ships
Throughout American history, false flag attacks on ships have led to major wars. As we approach war with Iran, or Venezuela, or anywhere else, we need to look for the same thing to happen again.Four tankers, off the coast of Saudi Arabia has already constituted the first false flag attack. However, it is was not enough to move the needle on the way to war. Look for more. Here’s the complete story….
Bolton Says “No Doubt” Iranian Naval Mines Used In UAE Tankers Sabotage
Addressing a press conference in Dubai on Wednesday US National Security Advisor John Bolton said Iranian underwater mines were “likely” used in an attack on four international oil tankers near the Strait of Hormuz a week-and-a-half ago, including two Saudi vessels, but still didn’t present evidence nor show the precise nature of the damage.