For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing .
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
As March Begins, Temps Won’t Change Much Across U.S.
The jet is flowing almost directly west to east across the country. This pattern is called Zonal Flow. To the north of the jet we find cold air. To the south of the jet we find warm air. There is almost no north-south movement to the jet, and therefore, very little temperature transport to the north or south. This allows temps to remain relatively constant across the country. Cold areas stay cold. And warm areas stay warm. This will continue to be the case until the jet begins to meander north and south once again.
First CRISPR therapy administered in landmark human trial
The gene-editing therapy, called CTX001, is designed to treat beta-thalassemia and sickle cell disease. Both conditions are caused by a mutation in a single gene. CTX001 involves engineering a patient’s stem cells with a single genetic change designed to raise levels of fetal hemoglobin in red blood cells. Inside China CRISPR human trials have been ongoing for at least two years now, although no data from these studies has been published and recent reports have begun to suggest significant procedural problems in the research.
Shock Waves Hit DC: These House Members Can’t Believe The Senate Failed to Stop Infanticide
Ripples of shock are rolling through the ranks of pro-life Congress members after Democrats blocked a US Senate bill that would have ensured medical care for children born alive after an attempted abortion.
Warning Shot? Amazon Pulls Out Of Seattle Office Tower At Center Of Homeless Tax Debate
As community activists in Virginia, emboldened by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s successful campaign to drive Amazon out of Queens, push back against Amazon’s plan to build its HQ2 in Crystal City, it looks like Amazon is preemptively scaling back its plans to expand in Seattle as it braces for more pushback from progressives
‘Should I go nuclear on Michael Cohen?’
Candace Owens drops stunner as Dems give Trump critic platform.
What many of you may not be aware of is the fact that I can personally confirm that the ONLY reason Michael Cohen ‘turned on’ the President of the United States is because Mueller threatened to throw his wife in jail for up to 30 years. Period. She is the co-guarantor of a $20M personal loan that Mueller discovered Michael secured back in 2015 by falsely inflating the value of his taxi medallions – effectively making her part & parcel to the federal charge of ‘Making False Statements to a Financial Institution,’ to which Cohen ultimately pleaded guilty.”
Corporate attack on traditional marriage ‘more like a betrayal’
Walmart has launched a “gay dating” video as part of an advertising campaign – a corporate move that the American Family Association says likely has Walmart founder Sam Walton “rolling over in his grave.” “It’s not only a promotion of homosexuality, but it’s really an attack on God’s design for marriage between a man and a woman,” Smith continues. “We believe it’s a very dangerous lifestyle; and the fact that Walmart would release this kind of video is even more in the face of Christian people who believe in God’s design for human sexuality.”
Resolutions Introduced, Senate Recognizing Israeli Sovereignty over Golan
U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wisc.) introduced companion resolutions on Tuesday urging the United States to officially recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights. The bill emphasizes the strategic importance of Israeli control over the area, which the Jewish state captured in the 1967 Six-Day War, in protecting civilians from threats such as from Iran in Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon.
A-G expected to announce intent to indict PM Netanyahu for bribery today
Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit is expected to announce his intent to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for bribery today, in a decision that could decisively impact the April 9 election. With Netanyahu’s Likud Party and Benny Gantz’s Blue and White Party close in the polls, if the prime minister loses even a few seats due to the accusations against him for public corruption, it could turn the tide.
Turkey launches ‘Blue Homeland’ naval drill
Turkey has launched the largest maritime drill in the country’s history, testing its war fighting capabilities in the Black Sea, Aegean Sea, and eastern Mediterranean simultaneously. Dubbed “Mavi Vatan” or “the Blue Homeland” it will last between February 27 to March 8 and will see the participation of 103 military vessels and thousands of soldiers conducting operations…
Trump-Kim summit breaks down after North Korea demands end to sanctions
A summit between US President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un ended with no agreement after the US refused North Korean demands for sanctions relief, President Trump said. “It was all about the the sanctions,” Mr Trump told reporters. “They wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety and we couldn’t do that.” The pair had been expected to announce progress on denuclearisation.
Kushner meets Erdogan on Israel-Palestinian peace plan
White House adviser Jared Kushner discussed his Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday, and the two also discussed increasing US-Turkish cooperation and ways to boost economic conditions in the region. Kushner, who has responsibility for Washington’s Israel-Palestinian policy, has said the peace plan will address final-status issues of the Israel-Palestinian conflict…
Trump border wall prototypes torn down to make way for new barrier
The prototypes for President Donald Trump’s contest for a border wall near San Diego, California, were torn down on Wednesday, to make way for a new section of actual border fencing. To the president’s supporters, the eight 30-foot-high (9-meter) models were a symbol of his commitment to build a wall along the length of the U.S. Mexico border to enhance national security.
Atmospheric River Is Pummeling California’s Sierra With Feet of Snow, Topping February Records
Another atmospheric river event is pummeling California with feet of snow in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, shattering February snow records at some ski resorts while also triggering flooding, rockslides and mudslides in lower elevations.
United Methodist Church strengthens ban on same-sex marriage, LGBT clergy
The United Methodist Church voted on Tuesday to uphold and strengthen its ban on same-sex marriage and LGBT clergy in a move likely to alienate large numbers of followers who had pushed for reform.
Incest and necrophilia ‘should be legal’ according to youth branch of Swedish Liberal People’s Party
Incest between siblings and necrophilia should be legalised, a branch of the Swedish Liberal People’s Party has argued.
Radical abortion laws cause ‘dramatic’ spike in Americans identifying as pro-life
A new Marist poll commissioned by the Knights of Columbus (KofC) finds that just as many Americans consider themselves “pro-life” as “pro-choice,” representing a surprising increase from a poll the same organization released just a month ago.
Israeli company makes water out of thin air!
Imagine being able to pull a glass of water out of thin air when you’re thirsty. Think it sounds like science fiction?
House passes sweeping gun legislation to expand background checks to cover virtually all sales
The Democrat-led House on Wednesday broke a years-long stalemate over gun control legislation, approving a bill to expand background checks to nearly all firearms sales and transfers.
Official Swedish Welcome Sign to City of Gävle Features Woman in Hijab with Connections to ISIS Mosque
…It turns out that the woman on the billboard named Suzan Hindi has connections to a Salafist extremist Mosque which has urged followers to donate money to support terrorism – And now this woman is one of the people featured to represent the Swedish city!
Rocker John Mellencamp Adds ‘Take a Knee’ Segment to His Concerts
Rocker John Mellencamp has added a “take a knee” segment to his concerts to celebrate protests against the United States.
PayPal Censoring Groups With Help from Leftist, Anti-Christian SPLC
The CEO of PayPal has revealed the multi-billion dollar service partners with the leftist organization Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to decide who should be blacklisted from their company. Using “company corporate values” as their defense, PayPal has taken intentional steps to deny access to conservatives.
Planned Parenthood: ‘There Is No Such Thing as Abortion Until or After Birth’
“There is no such thing as abortion until or after birth,” Planned Parenthood Action declares in a pinned tweet responding to President Donald Trump’s comment that Democrats have become “so extreme they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth.”
Pelosi and Cuomo Sign Gun Confiscation Bill into New York State Law
Democrats Nancy Pelosi and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the “Red Flag Bill” into state law this week, allowing authorities to confiscate guns from citizens.
107 Democrats to Launch ‘Medicare for All’ Bill; Eliminates Private Health Insurance; No Funding Plan
Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) and 106 other Democrats will launch a “Medicare for All” bill on Wednesday that will shift every American to government health insurance and eliminate private insurance — with no funding plan.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
“Deal of the century” or a plan doomed to failure?
So what’s the problem? The deal of the century’s main flaw is that it is based on the assumption that in 2019, Middle Eastern culture is not the same as it was a century ago, and that the region’s nations as well as their rulers, are prepared to accept Israel as a legitimate national entity with the a priori right to exist as a Jewish state or the state of the Jewish people – if Israel gives up Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, the Jordan Valley and the settlements. The problem is that this premise is totally wrong, and even those nations who made peace with us do not recognize the Jewish people’s right to a state of its own.
For Israelis, right or left, Netanyahu’s indictment is sad: editor’s note
The indictments against Netanyahu refer to crimes he is suspected of committing over the last few years while serving as Israel’s prime minister. More than historic though, Thursday will be remembered as a sad day, not just for the people who support Benjamin Netanyahu and believe he is innocent and the victim of political persecution, but also for those opposed to Netanyahu and the policies he has led for the last 10 years as Israel’s powerful prime minister.
Blessings From Heaven: Kinneret Rises Six Centimeters in 24 Hours
As God continues to answer Israel’s prayers for rain, the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) rose by an astounding six centimeters (2.36 inches) over the last 24 hours and almost five feet so far this winter. Prior to this bountiful rainfall, Israel had been suffering from a five-year drought and 2018 was one of the driest in the last 100 years. Though Israel is a leader in water technology, receiving much of its water from desalination and recycling, the Kinneret, supplied by rainfall, still accounts for 25 percent of the drinking water.
Nanoparticle eye drops give mice night vision
Mammals such as humans are only capable of visually processing light in the visible spectrum, hence its name. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, however, wanted to find out if it was possible to extend that capability farther, allowing mice to visually detect longer wavelength infrared light that is given off by objects in both bright and dark environments.
Health officials confirm outbreak of potentially deadly contagious disease
MACON COUNTY, N.C. —Macon County Public Health officials have confirmed an outbreak of meningitis and at least one death caused by the disease. Two deaths have occurred in the last three weeks; one is confirmed to have been caused by Neisseria meningitidis.
‘Liar, liar, pants on fire!’: Republicans bring out posters to mock Michael Cohen during his congressional testimony
During their questioning, Republicans displayed the posters on easels, as is common for members to display charts or evidence in certain cases. On the posters were quotes attempting to discredit Cohen and pictures of a Twitter account created at his request to praise his appearance and sex appeal. One sign simply called him a liar.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren slams Israeli corruption with Netanyahu’s indictment
“Corruption—in Israel, in the US, or anywhere else—is a cancer that threatens democracy,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Democratic presidential candidate wrote on her Twitter account late Thursday night. Her statement was made in the wake of Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit’s announcement on Thursday that he has intent to indict – pending a hearing – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for bribery.
If India and Pakistan go to war, Israeli weapons could be decisive
As India and Pakistan contemplate their next moves amid rising tensions, airstrikes and the downing of an Indian warplane, Israeli weapons could play a decisive role in a future war. India has become a key defense partner for Israel in recent years with Israeli technology playing a major role in India’s modernization programs for its large armed forces.
Parashat Vayakhel: Who will build the Tabernacle?
In this week’s Torah portion, Vayakhel, we read the description of how the fund-raising was done to build the Mishkan, the Tabernacle, the temporary temple that accompanied the Children of Israel until the permanent one was built in Jerusalem. The call to contribute to the building of the Mishkan went out to the entire nation – men and women – and, indeed, the response was impressive:…
Somali militants holed up as battle rages in Mogadishu
Somalia’s security forces are battling gunmen in a building in Mogadishu, hours after a suicide car bomb attack on a busy street left at least 20 people dead, security sources say. The attack was launched late on Thursday by suspected al-Shabab militants in an area lined with hotels, shops and restaurants. The gunmen then seized a nearby building and were surrounded.
Brexit: EU rejects no deal citizens rights call
The EU has rejected calls for an agreement to protect UK and EU expats’ rights, if there is a no-deal Brexit. Tory MP Alberto Costa quit his government job to table an amendment calling for the protections. It was backed by the government in votes on Wednesday, with Mr Costa urging the PM to write to EU chiefs to demand an agreement on rights.
Experts On High Alert After Dead, Sick Dolphins Wash Ashore On Calif. Coastline
From Laguna to Huntington Beach, an unprecedented number of dolphins are washing ashore dead or so sick that they have to be humanely euthanized. “It’s a shock and not happy about it whatsoever,” said Newport Beach resident Eric Fritz. “They’re our friends, are you kidding? I’ve rode waves with dolphins before.”
Humans could get X-Men ‘SUPER VISION’ to see in the DARK after nanoparticles let mice see infrared
HUMANS could get the power to see in the dark after mice were injected with nanoparticles which gave them the ability to see infrared light. The rodents were given infrared night vision for 10 weeks after the injection, with only minor side effects, in an experiment conducted by Chinese and US scientists.
Israel slams ‘hostile’ and ‘biased’ UN report on Gaza deaths
Israel on Thursday hit back furiously at a UN Human Rights Council’s report claiming Israeli soldiers intentionally fired on civilians and could have committed crimes against humanity during a string of crackdowns against Palestinian demonstrators last year in Gaza that left 189 people dead.
The Middle East Peace Plan Being Pushed By Jared Kushner Will Require Israel To Tear Down Their 440 Miles Of Protective Barrier Border Walls
Israel has spent the better part of the last decade and a half building an elaborate labyrinth of protective barrier border walls that shield them from attacks on the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, the Golan Heights and on their southern border with Egypt. This has reduced the number of terrorist incursions to virtually zero. Illegal immigration? Non-existent. Walls work. The only people against Israel’s wall system are the terrorists. No surprise there.
If I Were The Devil: Paul Harvey’s 1965 Warning To America Comes True
Alex Jones breaks down a special report highlighting the prophetic 1965 speech by Paul Harvey, explaining how the devil deceives humanity.
92% of Berlin left-wing activists live with their parents
The vast majority of left-wing protesters arrested on suspicion of politically-fuelled offences in Berlin are young men who live with their parents, a new report found.
‘Atmospheric river’ spawns massive flooding in California, turns town into ‘island’ as thousands told to flee
Days of heavy rain from a weather system known as an “atmospheric river” pounding Northern California has spawned floodwaters that have inundated a town north of San Francisco, cutting off all road access Wednesday as authorities warned thousands to flee.
One Day After Jared Kushner Says Israel’s Walls ‘Must Come Down For Peace’, Benjamin Netanyahu Is Indicted On Fraud And Bribery Charges
Just as the radical Progressive Left in America wakes up each and every day thinking of how they might be able to bring down President Donald Trump, the radical Progressive Left in Israel does the same with their hatred of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Today they scored of victory of sorts as the Israeli attorney general announced his intention to indict Netanyahu on a variety of charges.
Rise of drug-resistant superbugs rings alarm bells in Europe
The spread of superbugs resistant to antimicrobial drugs shows no sign of slowing in Europe, health officials said on Tuesday, making food poisoning and other infections more difficult to treat.
How to Buy Your Way Into a Top Secret US Government Intel Facility – FBI/DOJ Coverup of Clinton Foundation Connected AGT
A 2016 DOJ criminal investigation was suppressed and buried by the DOJ/FBI that involved a major NY Democratic power broker and the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation.
The Queen Signs Official EU Withdrawal Bill, Making Brexit ‘Irreversible’
Queen Elizabeth II has signed the official EU Withdrawal Bill into law which will make Brexit irreversible and an ‘Act of Parliament.’The massive blow will completely derail George Soros’ campaign for a second referendum.
Did CNN Ambush Bernie Sanders With Political Operatives Disguised As Everyday People?
“Former Biology Professor” (and Chair of the Baltimore County Democratic Party)
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Jewish synagogue WWII memorial vandalized in Strasbourg, France
Strasbourg’s memorial to the synagogue that was sacked and burned by the Nazis during World War II was vandalized on Saturday, two weeks after 100 Jewish graves were desecrated in the same French city. Strasbourg’s Deputy Mayor Alain Fontanel announced the destruction of the monument on his Facebook page and dozens of people piled up on the case.
Iran condemns Britain for listing ally Hezbollah as ‘terrorist’ group
Iran criticized Britain for its decision to list Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, saying…it ignored both the will of a large portion of the Lebanese people and the Tehran-backed group’s role in fighting Islamic State. Britain said…it planned to ban all wings of Hezbollah, which is deemed a terrorist organization by Washington, due to its destabilizing influence in the Middle East…
Algeria protests: Thousands denounce president’s bid for fifth term
Tens of thousands in Algeria have taken to the streets angry at 81-year-old President Abdelaziz Bouteflika’s plan to seek a fifth term in office. Police fired tear gas at protesters in the capital, Algiers. According to authorities seven protesters and more than 50 officers were injured, with 45 people arrested.
Donald Trump asks China to lift all US agricultural tariffs
US President Donald Trump has asked China to “immediately” lift all tariffs on US agricultural products. In a tweet, the president said he made the request because “we are moving along nicely with Trade discussions”. Mr Trump has delayed tariffs scheduled for 1 March on Chinese goods due to progress in talks.
Police in Canada Are Tracking People’s ‘Negative’ Behavior In a ‘Risk’ Database
Police, social services, and health workers in Canada are using shared databases to track the behaviour of vulnerable people—including minors and people experiencing homelessness—with little oversight and often without consent. Documents…show that at least two provinces—Ontario and Saskatchewan—maintain a “Risk-driven Tracking Database” that is used to amass highly sensitive information about people’s lives.
Japan earthquake: HUGE 6.9 quake strikes off Northern Japan on Pacific Ring of Fire
A STRONG earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.9 has struck the north coast of Japan. The earthquake which was located 114 miles southeast of the city of Nemuro struck at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) put the original magnitude down to 6.2 from the initial estimate from the country’s Earthquake Early Warning System. Serious damage and casualties are unlikely but in some areas, tremors and moderate shaking may have been felt.
4 Ebola patients in Congo missing after treatment center is set on fire
Four Ebola patients have gone missing in Congo after an attack on Wednesday on a treatment center run by Doctors Without Borders, prompting the group to suspend its operations in the area. The move to temporarily shut down its operations came on Thursday just after attackers burned tents and other equipment, in what appears to be a second attack on the medical group in the span of four days.
GOP reps refer Michael Cohen to DOJ for alleged perjury during hearing
House Oversight Committee Republicans on Thursday referred ex-Trump attorney Michael Cohen to the Justice Department for alleged perjury, claiming he lied during sworn testimony before the panel a day earlier about a number of issues including his ambitions to work in the Trump administration and contracts with foreign entities. Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., penned a letter Thursday to newly sworn-in Attorney General William Barr, citing evidence that Cohen “committed perjury” during his hearing before the committee on Wednesday.
The Northern Hemisphere Just Experienced Its First-Ever Category 5 Cyclone In February
We’ve seen a lot of weird-arse tropical cyclones in recent years. This week, we can add another one to the list. Typhoon Wutip formed and brushed Guam late last week. That alone made it an oddity in terms of timing and location. But rather than weakening as forecast, the storm blew up into a Category 5 monster over the weekend. That makes Wutip the first Category 5 storm of any kind — typhoon, cyclone, or hurricane — ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere in February.
Weak El Niño Impacts Florida Weather And Possibly Coming Hurricane Season
El Niño is back, even if it’s weak! Warmer than normal ocean temperatures in the Pacific Ocean, if they persist, could mean a less active hurricane season for us this year.
California’s Hidden Threat: High-Risk Volcanoes That Might Erupt in the Next Decade
There are eight volcanic areas throughout the state that experts say are “threatening” to people or property nearby, according to the report. At least seven of the eight volcanoes sit atop magma and are thus considered “active.”
Magnitude 7.0 earthquake hits southern Peru
A powerful earthquake struck southern Peru early Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, just one week after another strong quake hit in neighboring Ecuador. The quake measured a magnitude of 7.0, the USGS said, and struck at a depth of 160 miles. The epicenter was about 16 miles north of Azangaro, Peru. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.
Ebola virus found in bat in West Africa for the first time, scientists say
The Ebola virus has been found in a bat in Liberia, the country’s government and scientists with Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health announced this week. The discovery marks the first time the virus has ever been found in a bat in West Africa, though it has previously been found in bats in Central Africa…
Professor who wanted cops to be killed still somehow employed
If you haven’t heard of Joshua Clover before now, allow me to introduce him. Clover is a tenured professor at the University of California, Davis, and the author of nearly a dozen books. He’s also a big fan of social media, … where he wished that more police officers would be murdered. Even in California, that was a bridge too far for some, but Clover remains on the faculty to this day.
DRAMATIC FOOTAGE: Multiple People Rescued in Floods as Heavy Rainfall Continues in Eretz Yisrael
The unseasonably cold temperatures that were predicted to arrive did just that, as did the thundershowers, which are continuing today, Thursday, February 28, 2019, and over the weekend.
Clintons Connected to Another Major Pedophile Ring
Evidence has emerged that Hillary Clinton is connected to the pedophile ring recently uncovered in Norway, involving 51 people, including politicians, teachers and doctors.
Radical Progressive Left Is Now Protecting George Soros As 8 Employees Get Fired From Miami News Station For Reporting The Truth About Billionaire Financier’s Nazi Past
Let’s talk about a few facts, shall we? It’s a FACT that billionaire moneyman George Soros finances Black Lives Matter as well as all the race riots in America over the past few years. It’s a FACT that George Soros gave $6 million dollars to Hillary Clinton just weeks before she suddenly had a lot of nice things to say about him. It’s a FACT that George Soros spent $80 million to create a new anti-Trump network staffed by formet ACORN employees. It is also a FACT that George Soros bought and paid for the Andrew Gillum campaign, created Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez out of thin air, and about 4 dozens more acts of end times nastiness which you can read about here.
NBC Admits Hillary Clinton Used her Job to Cover up Pedophile Rings as Secretary of State
The NBC investigation was broadcast at a time when they were a real news organization rather than a branch of the Democratic Party’s PR department, and provided internal State Department memos to back up claims of a massive Hillary Clinton elite pedophile ring cover-up.
Chicago Democrats Have Driven the Middle Class to Extinction
The City of Chicago is crashing and burning thanks to decades of failed Democrat policies. It has been so bad that the city’s middle-class has practically disappeared leaving only the rich and the poor to wallow in the city’s mounting failures.
An Arms Race Begins: Deadly AI Tanks – The U.S. Military’s Next Project
“It looks very much as if we are heading into an arms race where the current ban on full lethal autonomy will be dropped as soon as it’s politically convenient to do so…”
Muslims Brutally Slaughter Over 30 Christians in Church Attack in Nigeria, Set Fire to Homes and Churches
Another major news story the sharia compliant enemedia will not be covering. Any mention that Islam calls for such slaughter is prohibited and increasingly criminal in Western countries. Islamic law mores and traditions transforming once free societies. And Black leaders say nothing about the wholesale slaughter of their brothers and sisters.
What Does Planned Parenthood Do With Babies That Survive Abortions?
What I am about to share with you is absolutely sickening. But if we do not shine a light on these practices, they will never stop. And once you learn what is really going on behind the scenes, you have a responsibility to help do something about it. Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, more than 60 million children have been murdered by abortionists in America. Future generations will not look back on this time in history with fond memories. Instead, they will look back with horror at a generation that committed evil on an unprecedented scale.
US Army Takes 50 Tons Of Gold From Syria In Alleged Deal With ISIS
As the remaining pockets of ISIS fighters faced imminent defeat in northeast Syria, the United States allegedly gave them an offer they couldn’t refuse: give us your massive caches of gold – or die.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Canadian forces train Lebanese Armed Forces in winter warfare
Canada’s Armed Forces are in Lebanon training troops in basic winter warfare which will allow them to better protect their borders… The training in the “snowy mountains of Lebanon” are aimed to help the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) to improve their basic military capabilities such as patrolling, ski and mountaineering, and knots and ascension/rappelling.
Iran, Hezbollah commanding forces located along Golan border – report
Forces commanded by Hezbollah and Iran are facing Israel along the Golan Heights border and are being used as sources of tactical information, according to a report on the news site. Hezbollah began returning home to Lebanon after fighting in the Syrian civil war for some eight years, the report said.
Netanyahu: Russia shares goal of removing all foreign troops from Syria
Russia and Israel share the goal of removing all foreign troops from Syria, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday at the weekly cabinet meeting. Netanyahu, discussing his meeting in Moscow last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin, said Iran was the focus of the talks, and that he and Putin agreed on the need to remove all foreign forces that came into Syria after the start of the civil war there in 2011.
South Korea and US to end large-scale war games
The US and South Korea have confirmed they will no longer hold large-scale joint military exercises which have always infuriated North Korea. The alliance’s defence chiefs said the decision supported “diplomatic efforts to achieve complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula”. A number of exercises were suspended last year after US President Donald Trump met North Korea’s Kim Jong-un.
Israel slams ‘hostile’ and ‘biased’ UN report on Gaza deaths
Israel on Thursday hit back furiously at a UN Human Rights Council’s report claiming Israeli soldiers intentionally fired on civilians and could have committed crimes against humanity…last year in Gaza that left 189 people dead. The independent Commission of Inquiry mandated by the Human Rights Council said more than 6,000 people were shot by military snipers using live ammunition to repel protesters near the separation fence.
India-Pakistan border quiet but Kashmir tense amid militancy crackdown
As India and Pakistan seemingly dial down hostilities that brought the arch enemies to the brink of another war, a massive crackdown on militancy in the Indian-controlled Kashmir region is killing both militants and security personnel in big numbers. At the Line of Control (LoC), the de facto border between the nuclear-armed neighbors, there was relative calm in the past 24 hours, their armies said on Sunday.
MyPillow CEO at CPAC: Trump’s Election Was a Miracle After Biblical ‘End Times’ Under Obama
On Thursday, MyPillo CEO Mike Lindell compared President Barack Obama’s tenure to the End Times prophesied in the Bible and called President Donald Trump’s election a miracle from God. Lindell described his entry into politics as an awakening from years of apathy.
Arrests made after Planned Parenthood Caught Selling Baby Body Parts
Two wealthy Ecuadorian brothers who were principals in DaVinci Biosciences and DV Biologics, the California companies fined and ordered to shut down for illegally trafficking world-wide in aborted baby parts it obtained from Planned Parenthood, were arrested by ICE on February 13, 2019.
Soros Foundation Calls for War on Poland’s Sovereignty ‘or EU Won’t Survive’
George Soros’ Stefan Batory Foundation has stepped up its efforts to save the EU by demanding Brussels puts pressure on patriotic Poland to open its borders, asserting that “the progressive battle” will force globalism into the nation.
New York Mayor’s Wife ‘Loses’ $850 Million in Taxpayer Money
The wife of New York Mayor Bill de Blasio “can’t account for” $850 million in missing taxpayer money that was granted to her mental health project, according to reports.
Campaign to send baby hats to Nancy Pelosi
Abortion has been in headlines in recent weeks. There was New York’s abortion-until-birth law described by some critics as worse that China’s one-child policy. Other states proposed equally horrific bills, with one specifying an unborn child does not have human rights.
Storm Freya to lash western Europe with rain and wind Sunday and Monday
…A potent storm will track through much of western Europe bringing wind-driven rain Sunday into Monday. Even more storminess could be on the way for the rest of the week.
Winter storm forecast: Snow across US then record cold as March roars
March is definitely coming in like a lion over the next few days. First, a winter storm will spread snow along a 2,500-mile path from Friday through Monday, all the way from California to Maine.
Israel Unleashes A Blistering Response To Relentless Incendiary Balloon Attacks On The Gaza Strip Saturday Night Wounding 5 People
The explosive balloons that have been launched by Hamas over the Gaza Strip border at Israel has destroyed nearly 10,000 acres of farmland to date. The Palestinians have kept these weekend riots going for nearly a full year now.
The Roman Catholics Of Brazil Mark The Beginning Of Lent With Their Annual 5-Day ‘Carnival’ Brimming With Tribal Paganism
The Catholic Church in America is relatively conservative, at least outwardly, but all that changes when you go overseas. In many foreign countries Roman Catholicism is much more open about their pagan Babylonian and Egyptian roots, where you will frequently encounter Catholic occultism, Catholic exorcisms, and Catholic voodoo.
Merkel Demands Hungary, Poland Surrender Their Borders to The EU
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has set her sights on Hungary amongst other European countries to take away government control of borders, according to reports.
France: Listening Devices Installed in Crime-Ridden Town
French authorities will install tiny microphones in a crime-ridden neighbourhood to listen for suspicious noises and alert police, but residents worry they will be spied on by “Big Brother”.
Iran merges military financial institutions with bank under US sanctions
Iran’s official IRNA news agency said Saturday the country’s Central Bank has merged four banks and a credit union to reform the country’s banking system and financial markets.
India, Pakistan resume shelling in Kashmir, killing 6
Indian and Pakistani soldiers again targeted each other’s posts and villages along their volatile frontier in disputed Kashmir, killing at least six civilians and wounding six others, officials said Saturday.
Denmark Plans to Send Refugees Home, Considers Using Force for Deportations
Denmark is reportedly planning to send all Syrian and Somalian refugees back home after declaring that the situation has changed in their country of origin and they no longer have grounds for asylum.
Grotesque anti-Semitic mural in downtown Los Angeles
This is one more result of the left’s norming of Jew-hatred. While Islamic supremacists and their left elite media lapdogs pimp the islamophobia narrative, reality is far different.
Blue State Blues: Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib Silent About China’s Muslims
…Curiously, neither one of them — including Omar, who has a seat on the the House Foreign Affairs Committee — has had anything to say in Congress about China’s persecution of Muslims.
Researchers develop a system that levitates objects using only ultrasonic waves
Have you ever imagined moving a small object across the room by just pointing at the direction you need it to go? German researchers have created a device called LeviCursor that can accomplish that magical task of levitating items with invisible ultrasonic waves.
United Nations Showcases Portrait of Communist Tyrant Che Guevara
The United Nations office in Geneva, home to its Human Rights Council, is currently showcasing a large photograph of the Argentinian revolutionary Che Guevara, despite his record of violence, repression, and egregious human rights abuses.
HARVESTING CHILDREN: Department Of Health And Human Services Extends Contract To Create ‘Humanized Mice’ From Aborted Late Term Baby Parts
This sounds like the type of story you would read about in the World Weekly News, but it’s not. It’s real. Yes, the Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, DC is indeed spending nearly $100 million dollars on creating ‘humanized mice’ from freshly-aborted dead baby parts.
“Our Drivers Have Been Attacked”: UPS Halts Deliveries To Swedish “No Go Zone”
The decision to cease package delivery follows a spike in crime in the notoriously poverty-stricken neighborhood, where police say they cannot effectively carry out their law enforcement duties.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Canadian forces train Lebanese Armed Forces in winter warfare
Canada’s Armed Forces are in Lebanon training troops in basic winter warfare which will allow them to better protect their borders… The training in the “snowy mountains of Lebanon” are aimed to help the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) to improve their basic military capabilities such as patrolling, ski and mountaineering, and knots and ascension/rappelling.
Iran, Hezbollah commanding forces located along Golan border – report
Forces commanded by Hezbollah and Iran are facing Israel along the Golan Heights border and are being used as sources of tactical information, according to a report on the news site. Hezbollah began returning home to Lebanon after fighting in the Syrian civil war for some eight years, the report said.
Netanyahu: Russia shares goal of removing all foreign troops from Syria
Russia and Israel share the goal of removing all foreign troops from Syria, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday at the weekly cabinet meeting. Netanyahu, discussing his meeting in Moscow last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin, said Iran was the focus of the talks, and that he and Putin agreed on the need to remove all foreign forces that came into Syria after the start of the civil war there in 2011.
South Korea and US to end large-scale war games
The US and South Korea have confirmed they will no longer hold large-scale joint military exercises which have always infuriated North Korea. The alliance’s defence chiefs said the decision supported “diplomatic efforts to achieve complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula”. A number of exercises were suspended last year after US President Donald Trump met North Korea’s Kim Jong-un.
Israel slams ‘hostile’ and ‘biased’ UN report on Gaza deaths
Israel on Thursday hit back furiously at a UN Human Rights Council’s report claiming Israeli soldiers intentionally fired on civilians and could have committed crimes against humanity…last year in Gaza that left 189 people dead. The independent Commission of Inquiry mandated by the Human Rights Council said more than 6,000 people were shot by military snipers using live ammunition to repel protesters near the separation fence.
India-Pakistan border quiet but Kashmir tense amid militancy crackdown
As India and Pakistan seemingly dial down hostilities that brought the arch enemies to the brink of another war, a massive crackdown on militancy in the Indian-controlled Kashmir region is killing both militants and security personnel in big numbers. At the Line of Control (LoC), the de facto border between the nuclear-armed neighbors, there was relative calm in the past 24 hours, their armies said on Sunday.
MyPillow CEO at CPAC: Trump’s Election Was a Miracle After Biblical ‘End Times’ Under Obama
On Thursday, MyPillo CEO Mike Lindell compared President Barack Obama’s tenure to the End Times prophesied in the Bible and called President Donald Trump’s election a miracle from God. Lindell described his entry into politics as an awakening from years of apathy.
Arrests made after Planned Parenthood Caught Selling Baby Body Parts
Two wealthy Ecuadorian brothers who were principals in DaVinci Biosciences and DV Biologics, the California companies fined and ordered to shut down for illegally trafficking world-wide in aborted baby parts it obtained from Planned Parenthood, were arrested by ICE on February 13, 2019.
Soros Foundation Calls for War on Poland’s Sovereignty ‘or EU Won’t Survive’
George Soros’ Stefan Batory Foundation has stepped up its efforts to save the EU by demanding Brussels puts pressure on patriotic Poland to open its borders, asserting that “the progressive battle” will force globalism into the nation.
New York Mayor’s Wife ‘Loses’ $850 Million in Taxpayer Money
The wife of New York Mayor Bill de Blasio “can’t account for” $850 million in missing taxpayer money that was granted to her mental health project, according to reports.
Campaign to send baby hats to Nancy Pelosi
Abortion has been in headlines in recent weeks. There was New York’s abortion-until-birth law described by some critics as worse that China’s one-child policy. Other states proposed equally horrific bills, with one specifying an unborn child does not have human rights.
Storm Freya to lash western Europe with rain and wind Sunday and Monday
…A potent storm will track through much of western Europe bringing wind-driven rain Sunday into Monday. Even more storminess could be on the way for the rest of the week.
Winter storm forecast: Snow across US then record cold as March roars
March is definitely coming in like a lion over the next few days. First, a winter storm will spread snow along a 2,500-mile path from Friday through Monday, all the way from California to Maine.
Israel Unleashes A Blistering Response To Relentless Incendiary Balloon Attacks On The Gaza Strip Saturday Night Wounding 5 People
The explosive balloons that have been launched by Hamas over the Gaza Strip border at Israel has destroyed nearly 10,000 acres of farmland to date. The Palestinians have kept these weekend riots going for nearly a full year now.
The Roman Catholics Of Brazil Mark The Beginning Of Lent With Their Annual 5-Day ‘Carnival’ Brimming With Tribal Paganism
The Catholic Church in America is relatively conservative, at least outwardly, but all that changes when you go overseas. In many foreign countries Roman Catholicism is much more open about their pagan Babylonian and Egyptian roots, where you will frequently encounter Catholic occultism, Catholic exorcisms, and Catholic voodoo.
Merkel Demands Hungary, Poland Surrender Their Borders to The EU
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has set her sights on Hungary amongst other European countries to take away government control of borders, according to reports.
France: Listening Devices Installed in Crime-Ridden Town
French authorities will install tiny microphones in a crime-ridden neighbourhood to listen for suspicious noises and alert police, but residents worry they will be spied on by “Big Brother”.
Iran merges military financial institutions with bank under US sanctions
Iran’s official IRNA news agency said Saturday the country’s Central Bank has merged four banks and a credit union to reform the country’s banking system and financial markets.
India, Pakistan resume shelling in Kashmir, killing 6
Indian and Pakistani soldiers again targeted each other’s posts and villages along their volatile frontier in disputed Kashmir, killing at least six civilians and wounding six others, officials said Saturday.
Denmark Plans to Send Refugees Home, Considers Using Force for Deportations
Denmark is reportedly planning to send all Syrian and Somalian refugees back home after declaring that the situation has changed in their country of origin and they no longer have grounds for asylum.
Grotesque anti-Semitic mural in downtown Los Angeles
This is one more result of the left’s norming of Jew-hatred. While Islamic supremacists and their left elite media lapdogs pimp the islamophobia narrative, reality is far different.
Blue State Blues: Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib Silent About China’s Muslims
…Curiously, neither one of them — including Omar, who has a seat on the the House Foreign Affairs Committee — has had anything to say in Congress about China’s persecution of Muslims.
Researchers develop a system that levitates objects using only ultrasonic waves
Have you ever imagined moving a small object across the room by just pointing at the direction you need it to go? German researchers have created a device called LeviCursor that can accomplish that magical task of levitating items with invisible ultrasonic waves.
United Nations Showcases Portrait of Communist Tyrant Che Guevara
The United Nations office in Geneva, home to its Human Rights Council, is currently showcasing a large photograph of the Argentinian revolutionary Che Guevara, despite his record of violence, repression, and egregious human rights abuses.
HARVESTING CHILDREN: Department Of Health And Human Services Extends Contract To Create ‘Humanized Mice’ From Aborted Late Term Baby Parts
This sounds like the type of story you would read about in the World Weekly News, but it’s not. It’s real. Yes, the Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, DC is indeed spending nearly $100 million dollars on creating ‘humanized mice’ from freshly-aborted dead baby parts.
“Our Drivers Have Been Attacked”: UPS Halts Deliveries To Swedish “No Go Zone”
The decision to cease package delivery follows a spike in crime in the notoriously poverty-stricken neighborhood, where police say they cannot effectively carry out their law enforcement duties.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Bin Laden: US offers reward for Osama’s son Hamza
Hamza Bin Laden is emerging as a leader of the Islamist militant group, officials say. He is thought to be based near the Afghan-Pakistani border. In recent years, he has released audio and video messages calling on followers to attack the US and its Western allies in revenge for his father’s killing. In 2011, US special forces killed Osama Bin Laden in a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. He approved the attacks on the US on 11 September 2001, in which nearly 3,000 people were killed. On Friday, Saudi Arabia’s interior ministry announced it had stripped Hamza Bin Laden of his citizenship.
India, Russia to ink $3 billion nuclear submarine deal this week
India is set to sign a $3-billion deal with Russia this week to lease another nuclear attack submarine that will be customised and fitted with indigenous communications systems and sensors. The deal for the Akula class submarine — dubbed Chakra III after the first two similar vessels India obtained from Russia — will be the biggest signed with Moscow since the $5.5-billion contract for the S-400 air defence system was finalised last year.
A relationship in need of Reform
A recent survey about the growing rift between the world’s two largest Jewish communities (Israel and the US), came up with interesting, but somewhat worrying, results. Apparently, some 50 percent of Israelis still consider Israel’s relationship with US Jewry as positive, while only 7% defined it as poor. A somewhat embarrassing result, however, shows that 34% of Israelis consider American Jewry to be a financial asset for the country, first and foremost.
At least fourteen dead in Alabama tornado -sheriff
At least fourteen people, some of them children, died after a tornado swept through Lee County, Alabama on Sunday, destroying numerous homes and leaving a death toll that could rise as rescuers sift through the rubble, Sheriff Jay Jones said. Emergency workers were expected to toil through the night, pulling bodies and the injured out of the wreckage of destroyed homes and businesses.
Support abortion? Then you better know how it’s done
The following column contains graphic descriptions which may be unsettling to some readers.
When you hear or see a medical doctor who does those abortions describe with clinical coolness how the about-to-be-born infant is dismembered in the womb, taken out piece by piece, and how the doctor must keep count of all the parts to be certain nothing is left inside the mother – you will never forget it. There are descriptions of using care to preserve certain organs, how to cut the spinal cord or crush the child’s head.
Socialism destroyed black America
Democrats used blacks to test socialism, and the results have been catastrophic. Liberal Democrat policies wiped out two-parent black families across the U.S. by encouraging welfare and dependency on government programs. For the past 60 years, the federal government encouraged and rewarded single black female-headed households, and it became the daddy and provider. Today, 77.3 percent of black babies are now born out of wedlock, and most black men are nothing more than sperm donors.
Greenpeace co-founder erupts on AOC: ‘You’d bring about mass death’
Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore has launched a ferocious attack on U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., calling her an “immature bully” and “pompous little twit” with “ZERO expertise” who is “going for the jugular of civilization” and “would bring about mass death.”
Locusts May Arrive in Israel in Time to be Served for Passover Seder
A plague of locusts that has been creeping across the Middle East is set to hit Israel just in time for the Passover holiday, commemorating the original pre-Exodus plague in Egypt.
Israel ranks as 8th most powerful country – U.S. News report
Israel was ranked the eighth most powerful country in the world, according to the US News and World Report’s power ranking in 2019. The power ranking was based on leader, economic influence, political influence, international alliance and a strong military. This ranking was part of a subcategory ranking for the US News’s annual Best Country ranking.
Actually, China’s social credit system isn’t the first
And we ought to expect even more countries to use behavioural economics to nudge good citizen behaviour, says China commentator Tom McGregor. Western media reports have swirled about China’s social credit system, which is intended to nudge Chinese citizens to adopt good behaviour, including motivating them to pay outstanding debts and fines, as well as encouraging them to obey the country’s laws and regulations.
US officially closes Palestinian consulate in East Jerusalem
The United States on Monday officially shuttered its consulate in Jerusalem, downgrading the status of its main diplomatic mission to the Palestinians by folding it into the US Embassy to Israel. For decades, the consulate functioned as a de facto embassy to the Palestinians. Now, that outreach will be handled by a Palestinian affairs unit, under the command of the embassy.
The Real Reason Why Globalists Are So Obsessed With Artificial Intelligence
Whenever the establishment attempts to saturate the media with a particular narrative, it is usually with the intent to manipulate public perception in a way that produces self fulfilling prophecy… The globalists have long held AI as a kind of holy grail in centralization technology. “
4 months’ worth of rain in 30 hours floods desert city of Kandahar, Afghanistan – At least 20 killed, 2000 homes damaged
Yesterday, heavy floods devastated the southern parts of Afghanistan, thereby leading to several adults and children reported getting drowned in this mishap. An official report was released by the United Nations (UN) regarding the heavy loss that has been reported as a result of heavy floods.
‘Godzilla’ El Niño in 2015-16 to blame for worldwide surge in cases of killer viruses
The ‘godzilla’ weather phenomenon El Niño in 2015-16 has been blamed for the worldwide surge in cases of killer viruses.
Pro-Life Groups Promise Democrats Will Face “Political Consequences” for Supporting Infanticide
Democratic presidential candidates will have to answer to voters why they support abortion up to birth and infanticide ahead of the 2020 election.
At least 14 dead as tornado hits Alabama
A sheriff confirmed at least 14 people were killed by a possible tornado in Alabama on Sunday as severe storms destroyed mobile homes, snapped trees and left a trial of destruction and weather warnings extending into Georgia, Florida and South Carolina.
KOLB: Pope Francis Has A Pedophile Problem
… Today’s Roman Catholic Church has a major crisis with thousands of pedophile priests who have abused young children for years without any accountability — secular or spiritual. The current crisis in the United States began in 1985; the scope is now global, but the problem is much older. French novelist Octave Mirabeau, himself a victim of priest abuse, published an 1890 novel about the church’s cover-up of sexual abuse by priests entitled “Sebastien Roch: The Murder of the Soul of a Child.”
3.8 Million Drop Off Food Stamps Under President Trump
More than 3.8 million people dropped off food stamps since President Donald Trump’s first full month in office, according to the most recent data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Hackers scrawl ‘Jerusalem is capital of Palestine’ across many Israeli web pages
An apparent attempt to plant ransomware and freeze more than one million Israeli web pages over the weekend failed, but not before the hackers had managed to deface multiple pages with the words “Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine,” and in so doing underline the failure of some of Israel’s major companies to ensure that their computer systems are sufficiently protected.
Feds opening door to ‘privacy’ in medical ‘privacy’ law?
The federal government is asking for input to improve the so-called “privacy” law for medical records and information, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, or HIPPA.
Snopes Defends Pedophiles by Giving us ‘Mostly False’ Rating on Article that’s 100% True
Snopes (democrat led opposition media) created their own Fake News by giving us a ‘Mostly False’ Rating on an article in a pathetic attempt to defend pedophiles, (ironic enough, the article was about Democrats defending pedophiles).
Jesus is stone-cold killer in new graphic novel
What’s the last taboo? Maybe it’s the new graphic novel from Image Comics, publisher of “The Walking Dead” series and other hits – “Jesusfreak,” in which Jesus of Nazareth is portrayed as a stone-cold killer. Oh, and by the way, it comes out just in time for Lent.
UPS stops deliveries to Muslim ‘no-go zone’
The international delivery company UPS will no long deliver packages in a Muslim-majority neighborhood in Malmo, Sweden, for security reasons.
As President Trump Approaches his Third Year In Office, Christians Need To Be Reminded Why God Put Him There In The First Place
Donald John Trump was elected as the 45th president of these United States by the sovereign act of an almighty God’s will to place into power, and to remove from power, anyone He so chooses. So as we are passing the two and a half year mark of his presidency, a message from my pastor and a recent exchange with longtime NTEB reader Laura earlier today made me realize it was time to once again check in with some of the reasons behind why God would choose to use a man like Donald J. Trump. So let’s take a look, shall we?
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Jews Call for Synagogue on Temple Mount in Response to Muslim Takeover
A confrontation between the Israeli police and the Palestinians is expected as more politicians are calling for the closure of a prayer area that was opened in the area of the Sha’ar HaRachamim (the Gate of Mercy, also known as the Golden Gate). The groups also called for the establishment of a synagogue on the Temple Mount. This project was first advocated by Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, former Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, in the mid-1990s. His son, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, Safed’s chief rabbi, continues to work toward that goal and in 2016, Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau, generally considered to be moderate in his politics as well as his religious rulings, stunned many when he said in 2016 that there was enough room on the Temple Mount for the addition of both a synagogue and church without infringing on the Muslim sites currently in existence.
Anti-Semitic Vandalism Surges Across Eastern France
Vandals defaced a former synagogue in eastern France with swastikas in the latest of a series of anti-Semitic desecrations plaguing the region. Staff at the synagogue-turned-sports-facility in the town of Mommenheim discovered the swastikas on the building’s door and facade, which still bears Hebrew lettering, Monday, according to The Associated Press. The anti-Semitic incident came hot on the heels of the Saturday vandalism of a monument honoring a synagogue ransacked and burned by Hitler Youth in Strasbourg. The culprits knocked the memorial stone off of its base and left it lying on the ground.
Illinois Fast-Tracks Abortion Legislation So Extreme You Won’t Believe It
The leftist caucus of the Illinois General Assembly looked at New York and West Virginia and said, “Hold my beer.” As a result, a bill being called the Reproductive Health Act and another piece of legislation that repeals the Parental Notice of Abortion Act have been filed and are making their way through the legislative process. Like the New York law, this would allow for abortion up to and during birth and decriminalize the murder of an unborn child (through, say, physical abuse of the child’s pregnant mother).
US Deploys Improved THAAD Missile-Defense System in Israel for First Time
The U.S .military has deployed its latest Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile-defense system in Israel for the first time for use in an exercise with Israel’s military, announced the Israel Defense Forces on Monday.“The IDF is working in cooperation with U.S. forces in order to enhance coordination between the two militaries and to strengthen the ability to defend Israeli airspace,” it said in a statement.
Vatican to Open Second World War-Era Archives, Allow Investigation into Pius XII
In a surprising move, Pope Francis announced today that the Vatican, after decades of silence, will open its secret archives to allow access to files pertaining to Second World War-era Pope Pius XII. Jewish groups have long accused Pius of remaining silent in the face of his alleged knowledge of the Holocaust.
Trump announces executive order to cut off federal research funds for campuses that don’t protect free speech
President Trump announced that he will sign an executive order denying federal research funding to campuses that do not protect free speech. The promise came after he called to the stage Hayden Williams who was punched in the face on February 19 at the University of California, Berkeley, while manning a recruitment table for Turning Point USA.
Dem House Leadership Values Illegal Aliens Over Law-abiding Gun Owners
Just prior to the vote on H.R. 8, Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) made a motion to recommit the legislation to amend it to include a provision that would require the National Instant Criminal Background Check System to notify U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) if an illegal alien attempts to purchase a firearm. Under 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(5), it is already a felony for an illegal alien to possess or receive a firearm. The vote and surrounding furor is instructive in understanding the legislative and political priorities of the Democratic House leadership. This amendment was aimed at alerting law enforcement to felony conduct among a group championed by Democratic leadership rather than imposing new burdens on law-abiding gun owners, and as such Democratic House leadership vigorously opposed it.
Jim Jordan: No evidence of Trump colluding with Russia, but ‘all kinds’ showing Clinton campaign did
The House Oversight Committee’s top Republican said Sunday that there is a double standard in the scrutiny placed on President Trump compared to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.
Israel Air Force delegation returns from two-week drill in the U.S.
An Israeli Air Force delegation from the 103rd Elephants Squadron has recently returned from two weeks of exercises at the Advanced Airlift Tactics Training Center (AATTC), its first time going there in over a decade. Led by IAF Lt.-Col. Het, the delegation included 60 troops and two Samson Hercules C-130J transport planes.
A synagogue on the Temple Mount? Activists call for construction to begin
A large group of Israeli activists are calling on the government to establish a synagogue on the Temple Mount and open it for Jewish prayer, according to media reports. On Sunday, Religious Zionists leaders gathered to discuss the situation on the Temple Mount, known as Har Habayit in Hebrew. The reports did not indicate specifically which leaders took part in the talks.
Mexico apology after police handed youths over to gang
Mexican officials have issued a rare apology to the families of five youths who were killed in 2016 in the eastern state of Veracruz. Corrupt local police officers colluding with the notorious Jalisco New Generation drug cartel (CJNG) seized the five in the mistaken belief they were members of a rival gang. They handed them over to the CJNG which killed them and burned their bodies.
With Nazi salutes around a makeshift swastika, Newport Beach students spark outrage
Newport Beach school officials on Sunday said they are investigating images posted on social media appearing to show a group of partying students — arms outstretched in a Nazi salute — gathered around red plastic cups arranged in the shape of a swastika. Some of the people in the images are believed to be students or recent graduates of Newport Harbor High School, one official said.
Republicans Who Couldn’t Beat Climate Debate Now Seek to Join It
Representative John Shimkus once issued a forceful rejection of climate science at a congressional hearing, invoking the Bible and declaring that “Earth will end only when God declares it’s time to be over.” Last month, in a turnabout, the Illinois Republican signed onto a letter with the top Republican of the House Energy and Commerce Committee that said “prudent steps should be taken to address current and future climate risks.”
AOC Chief-Of-Staff Funneled $1 Million Of Campaign Cash Into His Own Companies: Report
“Chakrabarti’s companies appear to have been set up for the sole purpose of obscuring how the political donations were used.”
MEDIA SILENCE CONTINUES: Clinton Foundation Connected AGT Forwarded Top Secret US Intel to RUSSIA – Made Bribes to Seal Deals – FBI/DOJ Covered It Up – Part VI
A 2016 DOJ criminal investigation was suppressed and buried by the DOJ/FBI that involved a major NY Democratic power broker and the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation.
Finnish ‘Soldiers of Odin’ vigilante group announce they are hunting for Muslim migrant rapists and pedophiles in controversial new video
The Finnish Police investigates a video published recently in social media by the vigilante group ‘Soldiers of Odin’ that announces a “hunt” for rapists and pedophiles.
Media Claim Abortion Survivors Don’t Exist: ‘There Are No Survivors’
The media race to promote the stories of women who have had abortions. But when women who survived abortions as babies speak up, the media insist they don’t exist.
Muslim Parents Withdraw Children Following Forced LGBT Lessons In Schoo
Around 600 Muslim children have been taken out of school by their parents after they were forced into lessons on homosexuality and gender equality.
H.I.V. Is Reported Cured in a Second Patient, a Milestone in the Global AIDS Epidemic
Scientists have long tried to duplicate the procedure that led to the first permanent remission 12 years ago. With the so-called London patient, they seem to have succeeded.
Second skin: Israeli medical device creates temporary nano-layer to treat wounds
Israeli startup Nanomedic Technologies Ltd. has developed a medical device that it says can dress burns and other wounds with nano materials that mimic human tissue and peel off once the skin below is regenerated.
Democrats Refuse to Say ‘So Help Me God’ While Swearing-In at House Committee
Democrats refused to say “so help me God” during the swearing-in oath before testifying to a House committee this week, by simply omitting it when they were sworn in.
IDF helicopters pound Hamas positions in response to explosive balloon
IDF attack helicopters hit two positions of the Hamas terror group in the southern Gaza Strip on Monday in response to an explosive device that was carried into Israel by balloons launched from the Palestinian enclave, the army said.
New Zealand’s “Bumbling Jihadi,” Known For Inadvertently Tweeting His Location, Caught In Syria
Roundly mocked and scorned, even among his fellow jihadists…
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Psychedelic research on microdosing rats with DMT reveals unusual results
The research also uncovered some rather strange and unexpected negative results. In female rats, the microdosing seemed to result in a condition known as neuronal atrophy, a kind of neuronal shrinkage that is the opposite of the neuronal growth previously observed in large DMT dosages. Another odd result was a significant increase in weight, only seen in the male rats. This was despite the fact that the microdosing regime generally resulted in lower appetites.
American Civil War 2: US Media Will Have Only Itself to Blame if All Hell Breaks Loose
For the first time in years, the drumbeat of civil war has become audible across the United States. The nation looks destined to repeat history thanks to a media that is no longer able to objectively perform its job. The predominantly left-leaning US media has just entered its third consecutive year of open warfare against Donald Trump. This non-stop assault risks aggravating political passions to the point where ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ snowballs into something completely beyond our ability to control. Like full-blown Civil War. With a level of audacity and self-righteousness that has become a trademark of the Left, not once did the article float the possibility that just maybe the mainstream media is complicit in the ongoing deterioration of political discourse, …
Christian Baker Jack Phillips Vindicated by “Overwhelming Evidence” of Hostility Toward Religion: Court Case Dropped
The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is reporting that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission (CCRC) has decided to drop its transgender cake case against Christian baker Jack Phillips. (Photo: AP/ CBN News) ADF says it was nothing more than anti-religious “harassment” that came even though Phillips had just won his previous case at the US Supreme Court. CCRC’s decision to drop the case comes after members of the commission were exposed by newly discovered evidence that revealed clear hostility toward religious freedom.
‘Israel tells Hamas to rein in border violence or face major military action’
Israel is reportedly warning Palestinian terror organization Hamas that it faces widespread military action if it does not rein in violence along the country’s border with the Gaza Strip, the neighboring coastal enclave that it rules.
Democrats think Trump will be re-elected, says Limbaugh
Talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday said Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler’s letter to 81 Trump associates seeking dirt on the president is helping set the stage for impeachment after Trump is re-elected in 2020. Only then, he suggests, will the left be confident enough, or brazen enough, to try for impeachment. “The Democrats expect Trump to be re-elected.
Human enhancement: Is it good for society?
These technologies are currently geared towards upgrading or restoring physical and psychological abilities for medical purposes. An application is surfacing, however, that is designed with another goal in mind: embellishing performance. Although using this technology is very much an individual choice, it nevertheless has an impact on society as a whole.
Netanyahu declares Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV a terrorist organization
rime Minister and Minister of Defense Benjamin Netanyahu signed an order declaring the Al-Aqsa TV channel a terrorist organization on Wednesday, according to a statement released by Israel’s Defense Ministry. The TV channel was declared a terrorist organization under Israel’s Anti-Terrorism law.
Democrats delay vote on antismitism to include other types of bigotry
House Democrats will not vote on an antisemitism resolution Wednesday as they are still refining the language of the measure, with multiple members saying it is likely to be broadened to reject other forms of religious bigotry such as Islamophobia. The resolution is Democratic leadership’s response to recent comments from Minnesota freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar that lawmakers in both parties have said play into antisemitic stereotypes.
North Korea rebuilding Sohae rocket launch site, say observers
New satellite images of North Korea suggest it is restoring a rocket launch site it had pledged to dismantle, say analysts. The images were taken two days after talks between the leaders of the US and North Korea ended without them reaching a deal on denuclearisation. The Tongchang-ri site has been used for satellite launches and engine testing, never for ballistic missile launches.
Thomas Sowell warns U.S. may not resist siren song of socialism: ‘I wouldn’t bet on it’
Thomas Sowell, a living legend in the field of economics, says he fears the U.S. may eventually succumb to the siren song of socialism. The author of “Basic Economics,” “The Vision of the Anointed,” “The Quest for Cosmic Justice” and numerous other books said the U.S. may very well go down a path of financial ruin due to “wonderful-sounding” rhetoric.
U.S. Budget Deficit Widens 77 Percent
The U.S. budget deficit widened to $310 billion in the first four months of the fiscal year, underscoring the revenue hit from Republican tax cuts and an increase in government spending. The budget gap widened 77 percent compared with the same October-January period a year earlier, according to the Treasury monthly budget report released on Tuesday…
‘Israel tells Hamas to rein in border violence or face major military action’
Israel is reportedly warning Palestinian terror organization Hamas that it faces widespread military action if it does not rein in violence along the country’s border with the Gaza Strip, the neighboring coastal enclave that it rules. The two sides are in the midst of indirect negotiations mediated by Egypt meant to consolidate a ceasefire arrangement after months of escalating tensions between the two sides…
Israel hit by widespread floods as wintry weather persists into March
Heavy rains, accompanied by hail and thunderstorms, caused floods across Israel on Tuesday, stranding cars mid-stream in the north and damaging a shopping mall in the city of Modi’in. Southern Israel was hit the hardest with heavy thunderstorm causing the Revivim River in the Negev Desert to overflow.
Record Snowfall In February Precedes Record Low Temperatures In March
Although a record-setting February is behind us, March is on track to set some records of its own.
Denver Weather: Coldest Early March Temps In Nearly 60 Years
Arctic cold will grip the eastern half of Colorado today and tonight with some areas seeing the coldest temperatures for early March in nearly 60 years according to the National Weather Service. Many places on the northeast plains fell below zero Sunday morning including Denver International Airport with a low of -6 degrees.
Australia breaks weather records with hottest ever summer
Australia has endured its hottest summer ever, according to the Bureau of Meteorology, breaking the previous record set six years ago.
Entire Australian town ‘all but wiped off the map’ in massive bushfire
A rural township just outside Melbourne has reportedly been lost to flames. Tonimbuk, a small town in the Bunyip State Park, has been all but razed to the ground by a fire that tore through the State Park on Monday.
Republicans seek first-ever convention in Jerusalem ahead of 2020 election
For the first time, representatives of the Republican Party living outside the United States plan on convening an international conference in Jerusalem.
George Soros-Linked Money Used To Promote BDS Movement Against Israel
The EIRIS Foundation, a charity organization that focuses on investment research, received donations totaling nearly $300,000 from Soros’ Open Society Foundations to build a “Business in Occupied Lands” database, according to financial reports from the U.K. Charity Commission between 2015 to 2017.
8 journalists fired after Menendez comes to Soros’ defense
Eight reporters and editors at U.S. tax-funded TV and Radio Marti, which broadcasts in Spanish to communist Cuba, have been fired after a report aired portraying left-wing billionaire George Soros in an unflattering light.
The Deep State Has Begun Their Final Approach-“The Purge” Has Arrived – Dave Hodges
.there is one connection we might have missed, the genocide of late term abortions. This is the latest purge. This dynamic fits perfectly within the schema of the Purge series, both TV and movies. Although the movie and the TV series of “The Purge” did not deal specifically with late term abortion, all the trappings and innuendos are there for the public to see.
Democrats Push Bill to Give Driver’s Licenses and ID Cards to Illegal Immigrants
Wisconsin’s Democratic Governor Tony Evers has laid out plans to give illegal immigrants driver’s licenses and ID cards during his Biennial Budget Address.
Pope Francis Warns Young Children: ‘The Devil is Real’
Pope Francis reportedly told a group of children on Sunday that the Devil exists and is their “biggest enemy, and is not a ‘fairytale’.”
MyPillow CEO: ‘Saving Minnows in California and Killing Babies in New York; Are You Kidding Me?’
Condemning the liberal mindset that defends animal life more than human life, MyPillow CEO promised his Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) audience that “This is going to change.”
84-Year-Old Widow Threatened with Eviction for Holding Bible Studies at Veterans Senior Home
California state officials are threatening to evict 84-year-old widow from a Veterans Home unless she shuts down her Bible studies.
Vatican archives to dispel ‘myth of Hitler’s pope’?
Amid claims that the characterization of World War II-era Pope Pius XII as “Hitler’s pope” is slanderous, Pope Francis has ordered the opening of secret archives.
Is Netanyahu a crook? Allegedly. A threat to democracy? That verdict is sadly in
…Israel’s spectacularly articulate prime minister, in his frequent live television appearances to put his case to the public, depicts the charges as a house of cards of flimsy accusations, hatched by opposition parties who seek to harm the country, inflated by a media that shares the opposition agenda and loathes him for his very success, investigated by a biased and dishonest police force, overseen by a politicized state prosecution, and marshaled by a weak, incompetent attorney general who shares the leftists’ agenda.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Israel strikes Hamas naval commando base after rocket fired at Israel
Tensions along the Gaza border escalated on Thursday when Israeli warplanes responded to a mortar shell fired at southern Israel with a strike on a Hamas naval commando base. “Fighter jets and aircraft struck several military targets in a Hamas compound in the southern Gaza Strip,” the Israel Defense Forces said in a statement on Thursday.
New Gate in Old City Jerusalem officially debuts after $3 million renovation
The New Gate in Jerusalem’s Old City has reopened to the public after more than $3 million was invested in renovating it, announced the Jerusalem municipality on Tuesday. First opened in 1889, the New Gate is located near the northwestern corner of the city and leads into the Christian Quarter, which includes the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and other well-visited historical sites.
Al-Aqsa TV: Death to Israel, turn them into body parts, roast them
“Al-Asqa TV promotes all the components of Palestinian terror, including murder of Jews, suicide bombings, kidnapping of soldiers, bombing our cites and destruction of Israel.”
Russian missile threats reach new level of intimidation
“On a submarine with a nuclear motor – yes, with a dozen 100-megaton bombs… I called to the gunner: ‘Set the target to Washington city’… In the skies is my friend Vovochka… and his hatches aren’t empty… I’m sorry, America… Five hundred years ago, you were discovered in vain… Burn in half the land of adversary!” The video, MEMRI reported, went viral among Russian social media users. The report said the performance “came amidst tensions between Russia and the U.S. surrounding American withdrawal from the INF Treaty after accusing Russia of violating the agreement. ”
Arkansas church under fire for immigration sign
“Heaven has strict immigration laws, hell has open borders.” The controversial sign was posted in the Apostolic Faith Church’s marquee in Springdale, Arkansa earlier this week.
Climate rewind: Scientists turn carbon dioxide back into coal
Scientists have harnessed liquid metals to turn carbon dioxide back into solid coal, in research that offers an alternative pathway for safely and permanently removing the greenhouse gas from our atmosphere. The new technique can convert carbon dioxide back into carbon at room temperature, a process that’s efficient and scalable. A side benefit is that the carbon can hold electrical charge, becoming a supercapacitor, so it could potentially be used as a component in future vehicles.
Court grants unborn baby legal rights!
An aborted baby for the first time in the United States has been recognized to have legal rights. An Alabama man suing a clinic for providing an abortion to a woman he says was pregnant with his baby petitioned a probate judge to allow him to represent the unborn child’s estate, reported WHNT-TV in Huntsville, Alabama. Probate Judge Frank Barger signed off on the petition by Ryan Magers, who claims to be the father of “Baby Roe.”
Countdown to Red Heifer
After years of hard work and preparation, the rabbi charged with overseeing the red heifer claims that this Biblical commandment is on the verge of reappearing. Rabbi Azariah Ariel goes on record, explaining how the return of this ritual of purification will, and will not, change our lives. The Temple Institute in Jerusalem has been working for three decades to educate the public and make practical steps to prepare for the Third Temple. After many years of research and work, they are close to bringing about an essential element: the Red Heifer. If they are successful, implementing the red heifer ritual will not only have implications for the Temple service but will also help Jews observe other commandments in a more complete manner.
Al-Aqsa TV: Death to Israel, turn them into body parts, roast them
“Declaring Al-Asqa TV a terror organization is a precise labeling,” said Itamar Marcus, director of Palestinian Media Watch (PMW)…commenting on Netanyahu’s decision to declare…Al-Aqsa TV channel a terrorist organization… “Al-Asqa TV promotes all the components of Palestinian terror, including murder of Jews, suicide bombings, kidnapping of soldiers, bombing our cites and destruction of Israel,” Marcus continued.
Phillipe Barbarin: French cardinal guilty of abuse cover-up
France’s most senior Roman Catholic cleric, Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, has been handed a six-month suspended sentence for his role in covering up the sexual abuse of minors. Cardinal Barbarin was found guilty of not reporting allegations of assaults by a priest in the 1980s and 1990s. He denied the charges and his lawyers say he will appeal against the verdict.
Trump revokes Obama rule on reporting drone strike deaths
President Donald Trump has revoked a policy set by his predecessor requiring US intelligence officials to publish the number of civilians killed in drone strikes outside of war zones. The 2016 executive order was brought in by then-President Barack Obama, who was under pressure to be more transparent. Since the 9/11 terror attack, drone strikes have been increasingly used against terror and military targets.
US growth to slow ‘considerably’ in 2019: NY Fed
The US economy should slow “considerably” in 2019 as the boost from last year’s economic stimulus fades, the president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank said Wednesday. Amid economic uncertainty, the Federal Reserve could “wait” before raising interest rates again, John Williams said in remarks to the Economic Club of New York. Williams holds the number two position on the central bank’s rate-setting monetary policy committee.
In sensitive year for China, warnings against ‘erroneous thoughts’
China’s ruling Communist Party is ramping up calls for political loyalty in a year of sensitive anniversaries, warning against “erroneous thoughts” … This year is marked by some delicate milestones: 30 years since the bloody crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators in and around Tiananmen Square; 60 years since the Dalai Lama fled from Tibet into exile; and finally, on Oct. 1, 70 years since the founding of Communist China.
Pakistan seizes religious schools in intensified crackdown on militants
Pakistan intensified its crackdown against Islamist militants on Thursday, with the government announcing it had taken control of 182 religious schools and detained more than 100 people as part of its push against banned groups. The move represents Pakistan’s biggest move against banned organizations in years and appears to be targeting Islamic welfare organizations that the United States says are a front for militant activities.
Democrats read transgender kids book ‘I Am Jazz’ on floor of House of Representatives
To commemorate a day set aside by pro-LGBT lobbyists and the nation’s largest teacher union to promote gender fluidity, two Democrat congresswomen read the infamous “transgender” children’s book I Am Jazz on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives last Thursday.
Iranian hackers accused of causing hundreds of millions in damages
Iranian hackers working to penetrate systems, businesses and governments around the world have caused hundreds of millions of dollars in damages, a report said Wednesday.
Girl Scouts Gives Highest Award To Girl Who Organized A Pro-Abortion Campaign
As Girl Scout cookies season comes to a close, parents should be aware that the organization does not exactly have family-friendly values at its heart.
Michael Jackson Statue Removed from Britain’s National Football Museum Amid Abuse Claims
A statue of pop icon Michal Jackson has been removed from the grounds of the National Football Museum, as charges of abuse are once again lodged against the late star.
Alabama Man Sues Abortion Clinic On Behalf Of Himself and Unborn ‘Baby Roe’ – First Time US Has Granted Legal Rights to Aborted Baby
An Alabama man has filed a lawsuit against an abortion clinic for performing the procedure without his consent, as he was attempting to stop it.
Buddhists At Kodaiji Temple In Japan Have Begun Worshipping A Robot Named Mindar Modelled After Kannon Goddess Of Mercy
In Revelation 13, we see the frightening picture of the beast that is brought to life that is able to speak and kill. The beast demands worship at the tip of a sword. But you don’t have to wait for the time of Jacob’s trouble to begin in order to see people worshipping the image of a beast brought to life. The fine folks at the Kodaiji buddhist temple in Japan are happy to demonstrate that for you.
Dozens Arrested For Erecting “Anti-Migrant” Christian Cross in Greece
Dozens were arrested in Lesbos, Greece, for erecting a large Christian metal cross reportedly meant to deter migrants from entering the region.
Schiff Hires Leftist, Russian Mob Prosecutor for Trump Investigation
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) announced on Tuesday that the House Intelligence Committee he chairs has hired Daniel Goldman to be a senior adviser and lead the committee’s investigative operations as it continues its probe into the President Donald Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia.
Journo-Fascism: CNN pressures Amazon to ban SCIENCE books that don’t fit the Leftist narrative
The cable media network that President Trump first dubbed as “fake news” is reportedly calling on digital retailer Amazon to stop selling all science books that contradict the mainstream government narrative that all vaccines are 100 percent safe and effective.
To the bitter end, ISIS militants remain organized and brutal
As defeat looms, militants of the Islamic State group have remained organized and ruthless to their last breath. Keeping institutions functioning in their last shred of territory in Syria, they have continued benefits like food and money to supporters while their religious police and fighters still impose their rule of fear and brutality.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
‘Time for a Jewish Exodus from the Democratic party’
Elizabeth Pipko, a 23-year-old Jewish figure skater-turned-model, who recently launched the ‘’JEXODUS’ movement, calling for a “mass Jewish exodus from the Democratic party”.
House Democrats were drawn into an internecine fight over their party’s response to a string of anti-Semitic controversies sparked by Minnesota congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s criticism of Israel supporters and allegations Jewish groups had bought off lawmakers to support Israel. Her suggestions that supporters of Israel were guilty of ‘dual loyalties’ or allegiance to a foreign power were decried as anti-Semitic by Republicans and even some Democrats. I think we saw it in the Obama presidency, the turn towards anti-Israel policies, accompanied by a rise in anti-Semitism in our country. And its only gotten worse, and right now we have anti-Semitism in the halls of Congress. So if not now, when?”
Islamic Waqf Refuses Order of Israeli Court to Withdraw from Temple Mount
The court ordered that the “Gate of Mercy” (Sha’ar HaRachamim) be closed by next Monday. However, Waqf Council chairman Sheikh Abdelazeem Salhab refused, not only vowing the area would “remain open for Muslims to pray,” but demanding that Israel permit the Waqf to renovate the site. He also demanded that Israeli revoke orders against dozens of Waqf officials and guards who have been banned from the Temple Mount.
Top U.S. general: Fight against ISIS not over – report
ISIS is “waiting for the right time to resurge,” according to the top US general overseeing military operations in the Middle East. Gen. Joseph Votel said that despite ISIS’ territorial loss, the fight against ISIS is “far from over.” Rather, he said, the group is positioning itself for a potential resurgence. “This ISIS population being evacuated from the remaining vestiges of the caliphate largely remains unrepentant, unbroken and radicalized,” Votel said, noting that in the next phase, “we will see low-level attacks, we’ll see assassinations, we’ll see IED attacks, we’ll see ambush type things as they begin to emerge from this.”
A synagogue on the Temple Mount? Activists say let the Jews move in
According to Asaf Fried, a spokesman for an association of organizations dedicated to Jewish rights on the Temple Mount, more than 50 leaders from across the religious spectrum gathered on Sunday to discuss the situation on the Temple Mount. Participants included Rabbi Yehudah Glick (Likud), Baruch Marzel (Otzma Yehudit) and members of the rabbinate. Jews believe the site – venerated as holy in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam alike – is where the First and Second Temples used to sit.
The U.S. peace plan will divide Jerusalem – Saudi reporter
Saudi Arabia has been in touch with the US administration regarding the peace initiative, as it is rumored that the deal will include recognition of Israel by surrounding Arab countries.
House approves resolution condemning hatred
While critics argued Omar should have been directly named in the resolution, a number of progressives and members of key minority caucuses stood by her this week, balking at the suggestion she be singled out and calling for the language to be broadened to include the condemnation of other forms of bigotry.
Petition seeks deportation for Ilhan Omar
She’s already the target of a petition demanding her resignation. Now, the Department of Homeland Security is being urged to investigate her and begin deportation or other removal proceedings. The petition was submitted to DHS by former Justice Department prosecutor Larry Klayman, who this week added a demand that the House of Representatives “investigate, consider and take remedial action” on the issue.
U.S. House passes resolution condemning antisemitism
After democratic lawmakers revised a resolution condemning antisemitism to include broad condemnation of hate in all its forms, the US House of Representatives passed the new legislation… “We are pleased the House of Representatives took a firm stance against anti-Semitism, including making an explicit statement rejecting the pernicious myth of dual loyalty and other vile slurs…,” the Anti-Defamation League…said…”We strongly agree that anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim bigotry, and other forms of hate constitute a threat to our democracy.”
Finland’s government resigns over failed healthcare reform
Finland’s entire government has resigned over its failure to achieve a key policy goal on social welfare and healthcare reform. Prime Minister Juha Sipila said he was “hugely disappointed” in the outcome. Finland’s extensive welfare systems are under financial pressure as the nation’s population ages, yet reform plans remain politically controversial.
Venezuela power cuts: Blackouts hit Caracas and spread
The power cut plunged the capital Caracas into almost complete darkness during rush hour on Thursday, before extending to other areas. The government of President Nicolás Maduro has blamed the opposition, accusing them of sabotage. It comes amid rising tensions over opposition efforts – backed by the US and some Latin American countries – to remove Mr Maduro from power.
Students at elite Washington school projected swastikas during assembly
High school students at the elite Sidwell Friends School displayed swastikas during an afternoon assembly Wednesday, the head of the private academy informed families in a letter. The incident happened during an interactive portion of a presentation about a student-run nonprofit that uses soccer to build community among refugee children in the Washington region, according to the letter.
Adults won’t take climate change seriously. So we, the youth, are forced to strike.
We, the youth of America, are fed up with decades of inaction on climate change. On Friday, March 15, young people like us across the United States will strike from school. We strike to bring attention to the millions of our generation who will most suffer the consequences of increased global temperatures, rising seas, and extreme weather. But this isn’t a message only to America.
Historic avalanche danger causes havoc in Colorado mountains
Historic avalanche danger caused havoc in the Colorado mountains Thursday, shutting down portions of two highways and prompting a rare warning for drivers to avoid a route leading to some of the state’s busiest ski resorts. After another round of heavy snow, at least three major snow slides buried vehicles and ruptured a natural gas line. No injuries were reported.
Heads bowed to the ground, suspected IS members surrender
Suspected Islamic State group members, including foreign fighters, sat in a long line in a field of bright yellow flowers, exhausted and hunched over as they were questioned and searched Thursday by U.S.-led coalition members and Kurdish fighters. They were the latest group to surrender from the besieged final pocket of Syrian territory held by the militant group.
New Russian bill introduces punishment for insulting state
Russian lawmakers passed legislation Thursday that imposes restrictions on online media and criminalizes anyone who insults the state. The bill introduces fines for publishing materials showing disrespect to the state, its symbols and government organs. Repeat offenders could face a 15-day jail sentence.
Lebanon warns neighbours against using disputed territory for Israel’s EastMed gas pipeline
Lebanon on Thursday warned its Mediterranean neighbours that a planned EastMed gas pipeline from Israel to the European Union must not be allowed to violate its maritime borders. Beirut has an unresolved maritime border dispute with Israel – which it regards as an enemy country – over a sea area of about 860 sq km (330 square miles) extending along the edge of three of Lebanon’s southern energy blocks.
Suicide, alcohol, drug deaths reach all-time high
The number of deaths from alcohol, drugs and suicide in 2017 hit the highest level since federal data collection started in 1999, according to an analysis of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data by two public health nonprofits.
36 Christians in Greece arrested for erecting a massive cross to scare off Muslim migrants
Police arrested 35 Greek citizens and an Albanian man on the Greek island of Lesbos for raising a giant metallic cross meant to deter migrants and refugees from reaching the island.
Trumps Deal of the Century will force Israel to give up half of Jerusalem to the Muslims for their own state
Saudi Arabia has been in touch with the US administration regarding the peace initiative, as it is rumored that the deal will include recognition of Israel by surrounding Arab countries.
Facebook To Begin Deleting Groups And Pages That ‘Spread Misinformation’ On The Risks And Dangers Of Vaccinations
When I first became a parent some years ago, I did my research on the risks, benefits and known dangers of vaccinating your child. The Internet was still in its infancy, pardon the pun, but even at that time there much evidence to pour over. I concluded my research by deciding to not have our kids vaxxed, opting instead for raising them in a healthy and largely organic lifestyle. Today my children are robust and healthy and with one or two notable exceptions, almost never need to visit the doctor.
Pedophiles Demand to be Part of LGBT Community, Call for ‘Normalization’
Pedophiles are now attempting to ‘rebrand’ themselves as ‘MAP’ (Minor-Attracted Persons) in a strange effort to be accepted into the LGBT community by ‘normalizing’ pedophilia.
Perry HS (AZ) Goes Full Gestapo and Declares Itself to be a Constitutional Free Zone Perry High School in Arizona, the administration has decided what political views will be tolerated and which ones will not be honored. Last week at this school, students were singled out for the political expression of wearing MAGA clothing, they were harassed, belittled and even punished for participating in an administratively sponsored event at the school.
More than 140 children may have had their hearts removed in ancient sacrifice in Peru
Anthropologists have found evidence of a mass ritual killing that involved the deaths of more than 140 children, three adults, and at least 200 young llamas on the northern coast of Peru.
Joe Biden Confronted Over Child Molesting Claims At CSPAN LIVE Event
Joe Biden is a prime example of the permissiveness that infests the inner circle of the D.C. Satanists and pedophiles?The pedophilia problem in government is the elephant in the room, and it used to keep politicians in check.
Sadiq Khan Admits Defeat on London’s Knife Crime Epidemic: ‘I’ve Done All I Can’
As the British government prepares to send military troops to deal with violence in the capital, London Mayor Sadiq Khan rolled his eyes as he admitted defeat on London’s knife crime epidemic.
Southern Poverty Law Center website triggered FRC shooting
The Family Research Council shooter, who pleaded guilty today to a terrorism charge, picked his target off a “hate map” on the website of the ultra-liberal Southern Poverty Law Center which is upset with the conservative group’s opposition to gay rights.
Largest Child Porn Bust in History Ignored By Mainstream Media
Norwegian Police has just uncovered over 150 terabytes of child porn, in the largest child sex abuse case in modern history, according to reports.
Election Fraud: Brenda Snipes Destroyed Ballots & Allowed Aliens, Felons to Vote
As the controversy swirls around the election results in Florida, at the eye of the storm is an official who has a long history of losing and destroying ballots and breaking laws by allowing felons and illegal immigrants to vote.
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IDF strikes Hamas posts following rocket launch, violent clashes
Israeli aircrafts attacked several Hamas military targets in the Gaza Strip on Friday night, hours after a projectile was fired towards southern Israel, the IDF said. The IDF Spokesperson’s Office said that IDF fighter planes and aircraft attacked a number of terrorist targets in the military compound of the Hamas terrorist organization in the southern Gaza Strip, as well as underground infrastructures in the northern Gaza Strip.
Nasrallah: Israel is scared of war and is not prepared for one
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said that Israel is scared of another war…and that the United States has placed sanctions because they have “failed in their military campaigns.” “What the Zion-American enemy failed to obtain during the military campaigns it wants to achieve through imposing sanctions…besieging the Palestinians…causing starvation in Yemen and blacklisting Hezbollah,” Nasrallah said…
North Korea ‘preparing rocket launch’, images suggest
Satellite images of a facility near Pyongyang suggest that North Korea may be preparing to launch a missile or a satellite. The increase in activity is around a site known as Sanumdong, where North Korea assembled most of its ballistic missiles and rockets. It comes after reports earlier this week that North Korea’s main rocket launch site at Sohae had been rebuilt.
Venezuela power cuts: Blackouts continue as protests loom
A widespread power cut affecting much of Venezuela continued throughout Friday ahead of planned protests on Saturday. President Nicolás Maduro and the US-backed opposition trying to oust him have blamed each other for the outage. Hospitals struggled to cope and at least one hospital patient died when her respirator stopped working.
U.S. SEC to review stock trading rules in big potential shakeup
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is launching a review of the main set of rules governing stock trading, opening the door to the biggest potential changes in a decade-and-a-half… The possible changes are aimed at making it easier to trade illiquid stocks, making more trading information available to investors, and improving the speed and quality of public data feeds needed for trading.
Democrats Vote To Give Illegal Immigrants The Right To Vote
“… these newcomers make America more American… And we want them to be fully part of our system… And that means not suppressing the vote of our newcomers to America…”
More Americans under the age of 40 are having heart attacks
Days after Luke Perry’s death at 52 from a stroke, a new study on heart-attack rates has another grim reminder that the young are far from invincible — and maybe even more vulnerable than they used to be.
22 states sue Trump rule stripping Planned Parenthood of Title X funding
Twenty-two states and the District of Columbia are suing to try to block the Trump administration from enforcing a new rule that would shift millions in Title X family planning funding away from Planned Parenthood and to faith-based clinics.
Majority of churches in decline or flatlining; nearly half see dip in giving, study says
A majority of churches have fewer than 100 people attending services each Sunday and have declined or nearly flatlined in membership growth,
UN Panel Says North Korea Obtained $670 Million In Crypto & Fiat Via Hacking: Report
According to the documents obtained by Nikkei, the hackers attacked overseas financial institutions from 2015 to 2018 and purportedly used blockchain “to cover their tracks.”
US Government Approves Experiment to Create a Type of Bird Flu that Could ‘kill millions of people’
The US Government has been scorned for lifting its ban on experiments to engineer deadly bird flu which could infect humans.
Hawaii Democrats Want U.S. Congress to Consider Repeal of Second Amendment
A resolution introduced in the Hawaii Senate this week urges the U.S. Congress to “consider and discuss whether the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution should be repealed or amended to clarify that the right to bear arms is a collective, rather than individual, constitutional right.”
Here’s Why Dems Voted Against Care For Babies Who Survive Abortion
Conservative commentator and pro-life advocate Ben Shapiro said, in a recent podcast episode, that he’s stumped about why Democrats voted overwhelmingly against passage of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.
Mark Zuckerberg’s Elaborate Security Measures Rumored To Include ‘Panic Chute’
…an adjacent conference room near his desk has bulletproof glass and a panic button.”
South African court rules Dutch Reformed Church’s gay marriage ban is unconstitutional
A court in South Africa ruled Friday that the Dutch Reformed Church’s rules against same-sex marriage are “unlawful and invalid.”The decision comes from the bench of the Gauteng High Court in Pretoria led by Judge Joseph Raulinga, which reversed a decision to not recognize same-sex marriage in the church that was made by the denomination’s general synod in November 2016.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Iran’s Zarif arrives in Iraq for “new chapter” as Tehran cements Iraq-Iran alliance
Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif arrived in Iraq on Saturday night to pave the way for a major visit by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani this week. Iran is seeking to cement closer ties with Iraq, a development that will undermine the US role in the country and seeks to spread Tehran’s ambitions throughout the region.
IDF strikes Gaza in response to rocket fired into Israel
The IDF struck several targets in Gaza Saturday night after a rocket was shot at Israel several hours before, triggering sirens in surrounding Israel communities. The IDF fighter jets struck in several locations, including terrorist targets in a military compound in the northern Gaza Strip and two vessels belonging to Hamas, the IDF spokesperson confirmed.
Gap between Gantz and Netanyahu narrows as polls show right-wing coalition
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party narrowed the gap with Benny Gantz’s Blue and White Party in new polls released Sunday, as two samplings showed a small right-wing coalition that could be established after April’s elections. The Likud party came second behind Blue and White in a poll…as Netanyahu’s list would gain 29 seats in Knesset. Gantz’s party earned 33 seats, the poll found, down from 35 seats in prior editions.
India to hold 2019 Lok Sabha election from 11 April
India’s general election will take place in seven phases between April and May, the Election Commission says. Polls to elect a new Lok Sabha, or lower house of parliament, will be held from 11 April to 19 May. Votes will be counted on 23 May. With 900 million eligible voters, India’s election will be the largest the world has seen.
Venezuela’s Maduro thanks military for defeating ‘coup’
Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro has praised the armed forces for staying loyal to him and defeating a “coup” led by the US and opposition leader Juan Guaidó. During a rally, Mr Maduro also blamed Venezuela’s widespread power cuts on “cyber attacks” by the opposition. His remarks came during a day of protests in the country by pro-government and opposition groups.
Experts in huge breakthrough with ‘God molecule’ psychedelic drug
A revolutionary project aims to discover whether psychedelic drugs can help people whose brains are unable to form mental images. The project, led by Dr David Luke at the University of Greenwich, will look to find out whether powerful mind-altering substances can offer a cure. Experts carrying out the study are focusing on Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) — the most psychedelic drug in the world.
New York City is edging toward financial disaster, experts warn
New York City is careening closer to all-out financial bankruptcy for the first time since Mayor Abraham Beame ran the city more than 40 years ago, experts say. As tax-fleeced businesses and individuals flee en masse, and city public spending surges into the stratosphere, financial analysts say Gotham is perilously near total fiscal disaster.
More than 2,000 migrants quarantined in U.S. detention centers due to disease outbreaks
Christian Mejia thought he had a shot at getting out of immigration detention in rural Louisiana after he’d found a lawyer to help him seek asylum. Then he was quarantined. In early January, a mumps outbreak at the privately-run Pine Prairie U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Processing Center put Mejia and hundreds of other detainees on lockdown.
The Purim supermoon will usher in the final redemption of the Jewish people
In two weeks, Jews around the world will read the Megillah (Book of Esther) and celebrate the holiday of Purim. On the same evening they are celebrating victory over the archetypal evil personified by Haman, a supermoon will appear in the heavens. Several rabbis agree that a rare confluence of events is especially auspicious for the unfolding of the Messiah.
Syria: We will attack Israel unless it withdraws from the Golan
Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad reportedly warned Kristin Lund, head of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO), that “Syria will attack Israel if it does not leave the Golan Heights.”
Knowing Four Arabic Words May Save Our Civilization from Islamic Takeover
…Like the “handwriting on the wall” that Prophet Daniel had interpreted, there are four Arabic words, which could lead to submission of the entire world to Islam, if non-Muslims do not fully understand their meaning and implications. Those words are takiyya, tawriya, kitman, and muruna.
Under President Trump, America Is About To Make History By Becoming The World’s Largest Exporter Of Oil And Natural Gas Beating Saudi Arabia
All through his 8 year destruction of America, Barack Hussein Obama did everything he could to stop America from becoming the world’s leader in energy exports. When gas prices topped $4 per gallon in May 2011, President Barack Obama said, “We can’t just drill our way out of the problem.” An obvious lie, so why would Obama say it? Because Obama hates capitalism, and tried his best to convert America to Socialism. If Hillary would have won, the game would have been over. But God had other plans for America, like the Trump Train.
Pope Francis Hold Unprecedented Closed-Door End Times Meeting With Head Of The Mormon Church, Prophet President Russell M. Nelson
During his reign as both king of Vatican City and as the pope of the Catholic Church, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has been widening his tent and making preparations for the coming One World Religion of Antichrist. From seducing gullible pawns like Rick Warren who gushingly calls him ‘our pope’, all the way up to signing a ‘Universal Peace Document‘ with a high-ranking leader of Islam, Pope Francis is a man on an end times mission.
Israeli jets reportedly strike Gaza after latest cross-border attack
Israeli planes reportedly struck targets in Gaza early Sunday, the latest tit-for-tat cross-border fighting that has set the restive region on edge.
Holy Moly: Trump Triggered The MSM (Again). This Time It Involves Bibles.
President Donald Trump visited parts of Alabama on Friday to see the damage caused by a deadly tornado that ravaged the area last week. During the visit, people approached the president about signing their Bible.
VIDEO: Los Angeles Office Workers Chase a Rat Through City Hall as City Battles Spread of Typhus in Homeless Camps, Public Buildings
On Friday night FOX News host Tucker Carlson ran a shocking piece by reporter Hillary Vaughn. Vaughn went to Los Angeles to report on the current medieval Typhus outbreak on the streets and in city hall. Typhus, a horrific disease spread by fleas on rats, is spreading through Skid Row in California.
Targeting young hearts, minds with leftist children’s books
Welcome to the newest frontier of political indoctrination: Children’s books. Bookstores these days are stacked with hyperpartisan propaganda aimed at stealing the minds of our youngest, though not necessarily our most impressionable
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Palestinian officials: Abbas picks ally for new premier
Ishtayeh, a British-educated economist, is a top official in Abbas’ Fatah movement. He is a former peace negotiator and strong proponent of a two-state solution with Israel. He also is a strong critic of the Islamic militant group Hamas, which seized control of the Gaza Strip from Fatah forces in 2007.
Pope Denounces Anti-Semitism Among Christians While Democrats Hesitate To Denounce It Among Themselves
Francis’ unequivocal denunciation of anti-Semitism came days after House Democrats delayed voting on a resolution against anti-Semitism sparked by comments from Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar, one of the first two Muslim women elected to the House, in which she claimed that supporters of Israel were loyal to a foreign country and therefore could not be fully loyal to the U.S.
Congress hates Christians, whites, men
This week Congress passed a resolution against “hate,” which is laughable. Never has Congress been filled with more hateful people. We have a government full of evil liberals and cowardly RINO Republicans who hate Christians, whites and men.
PA Slashes Salaries to Civil Servants But Pays Terrorists in Full
The Palestinian Authority (PA) announced that it will pay civil servants half of their salaries for February but terrorists and their families have already received the full amount paid to them as a stipend for attacking Israelis.
Israeli Police Stands Strong in Holy War At The Gate of Mercy
A video released by Hamas media intended to show the brutality of Israeli police showed instead one lone policeman standing strong against in the battle for Judaism’s holiest site. With a firm but polite demeanor, this policeman handles in his daily beat a situation that could explode into a regional conflict.
Shi’ite militia leader in Iraq threatens U.S., slams ‘Zionist regime’
Two Shi’ite militia leaders spoke out over the weekend, with one threatening the US, and the other demanding American troops leave Iraq. Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba spokesman Hashim al-Mousawi slammed the US and Israel after the US last week designated the group as a terrorist threat. Iraqi Transportation Minister Hadi al-Amiri said he was looking forward to a visit by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, and that he opposes the continued US presence in Iraq.
King Abdullah heads to Washington amid Temple Mount crisis
Jordan’s King Abdullah II left Amman for Washington on Saturday to speak with members of Congress about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including the crisis over the Golden Gate on Temple Mount. In talks on Thursday, Israeli and Jordanian officials failed to resolve what began on February 22, when Jerusalem’s Wakf Islamic religious trust unilaterally opened a building near the Golden Gate that Israel had closed in 2003. In response, Israel arrested a senior Wakf official two days later.
U.S.-backed SDF says attack on last Islamic State enclave has begun
The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) started an attack to capture Islamic State’s last remaining shred of territory in eastern Syria on Sunday and were exchanging fire with the jihadist militants, an SDF official said.
Report: US Military Buildup in Iraq to Prepare for Confrontation With Pro-Iranian Forces Set to Conquer Golan
an Israeli English-language military intelligence news site, reported over the weekend that U.S. troops were flown to Iraq last Wednesday to prepare for confrontations with pro-Iranian forces in Syria and northern Iraq. In their exclusive report, Debka stated that American forces in the Gulf region and southern Europe were placed on high alert in anticipation of the confrontation.
Syria Notifies Israel It Will Attack If IDF Doesn’t Leave Golan Heights
In a surprising and provocative ultimatum, Syria has notified Israel through United Nations diplomatic channels that it is prepared to go to war if Israel does not leave the Golan Heights. Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mikdad reportedly sent the message through the head of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO), Christine Lund, this past week, according to a World Israel News report and later picked up other major Israeli sources, including The Jerusalem Post. “Syria will attack Israel if it does not leave the Golan Heights,” Mikdad told the UN representative.
Turkey’s economy slides into recession
Turkey went into recession at the end of last year, according to the country’s official statistics office. The Turkish Statistical Institute said the economy shrank by 2.4% in the fourth quarter of 2018, from the previous quarter. It followed a 1.6% drop the previous quarter, making two quarters of falling growth – the definition of recession.
Russia internet freedom: Thousands protest against cyber-security bill
Thousands of people in Russia have protested against plans to introduce tighter restrictions on the internet. A mass rally in Moscow and similar demonstrations in two other cities were called after parliament backed the controversial bill last month. The government says the bill, which allows it to isolate Russia’s internet service from the rest of the world, will improve cyber-security.
Exclusive poll: Young Americans are embracing socialism
Generation Z has a more positive view of the word “socialism” than previous generations, and — along with millennials — are more likely to embrace socialistic policies and principles than past generations, according to a new Harris Poll given exclusively to Axios…Gen Z and millennials are projected to make up 37% of the electorate in 2020, and what they’re looking for in a presidential candidate is shifting.
America is set to surpass Saudi Arabia in a ‘remarkable’ oil milestone
Move over, Saudi Arabia. America is about to steal the kingdom’s energy exporting crown. The United States will surpass Saudi Arabia later this year in exports of oil, natural gas liquids and petroleum products, like gasoline, according to energy research firm Rystad Energy. That milestone, driven by the transformative shale boom, would make the United States the world’s leading exporter of oil and liquids.
Christian University Blocks Black Speaker Because Her Pro-Life Views are “Radical Beliefs”
A university that boasts of offering “Minnesota’s finest Christian education” blocked a black pro-life advocate from speaking on campus.
UK schools are now teaching how to treat knife wounds, as Islamic stabbing attacks skyrocket all over Britain
…“Now schoolchildren are to be taught how to treat knife wounds: New first aid classes are planned amid soaring numbers of teens stabbed”:
Hillary Clinton: Killing Babies in Abortions is a “Human Right”
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton backed legislation Friday that would require the State Department to bring back a “Reproductive Rights” section in their annual Human Rights report. Clinton claimed the term’s omission was “dangerous” and also advocated for a global right to access abortion.
Rioting Muslims are burning down France…and not one thing is being done to stop them
Predominantly Muslim rioters in the French city of Grenoble set cars on fire and hurled molotov cocktails at police for a fourth consecutive night.
Ocasio-Cortez Fundraising Email: Let’s End The US-Israeli Relationship
Well, if you thought there would be a day where the far left wing of the House Democratic caucus would quiet down a bit, given their anti-Semitism issues, you’d be wrong. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) sent a fundraising email last night suggesting that AIPAC was coming after her and that the U.S.-Israeli relationship should be severed. No, I’m not kidding. This is insanity. AOC has been one of the few defenders of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who once again was accused of anti-Semitism for suggesting those who support Israel are exhibiting dual loyalty.
Washington State Trying to Force Churches to Pay for Abortions in Their Health Insurance Plans
Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys filed a lawsuit in federal court Friday against Washington state officials for forcing churches to pay for elective abortions in their health insurance plans. ADF attorneys represent Cedar Park Assembly of God in the federal suit, challenging the constitutionality and legality of a new state mandate that requires the Seattle-area church to fund abortion if it provides its staff members access to group health insurance.
A federal judge removed a bar on President Donald Trump’s ban on transgender individuals serving in the military Thursday as litigation in the case moves forward.
Civil War: Swedish Citizens Rise Up To Protest Globalism
Citizens across Sweden have begun rising up to protest globalism, in solidarity with hundreds of thousands of French protestors.
The US is building up their military presence in Israel as a prelude for their impending clashes with pro-Iranian militias in Iraq
US troop reinforcements were flown to Iraq on Wednesday, March 6 ready for an offensive by Iraq’s two largest pro-Iranian militias against US forces in northern Iraq and Syria. The additional troops were consigned from US bases in Jordan and Israel. The next day, when those militias called for “resistance to US presence in the region,” American forces in the Gulf region and southern Europe, particularly in Romania and Bulgaria, were also placed on high readiness.
Over 1,500 Migrants Cleared From Bulldozed Italian Shanty Town
Approximately 1,592 migrants have been removed from a shanty town migrant camp in southern Italy as part of the populist government’s policy to dismantle squatter camps across the country.
Democrats Hire George Soros-Tied Investigator for Latest Trump-Russia Probe
The Democrat-led House Intelligence Committee has hired an investigator with ties to liberal billionaire George Soros for the latest Trump-Russia probe.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Rabbi: This Passover is “Very Special,” For Better and For Worse
“This particular Passover is a very special holiday for the Jews,” Rabbi Ben Artzi told Breaking Israel News. “More than ever before, this year the Jews are leaving Egypt. The Holy One, Blessed be He, is hugging and loves His children who celebrate Passover in the Land.” The rabbi explained that the world is now entering an era similar to previous eras when Jews outside of Israel are in danger. “These days are a time of danger for Jews outside of Israel,” Rabbi Ben Artzi said. “This situation is only going to get worse.
The world’s first genderless AI voice: Researchers launch neutral-sounding ‘Q’ that’s neither male nor female to fight bias in smart assistants
They modulated the pitch to find a range of 145 to 175hz was gender neutral. Talk to Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa and you’ll notice a common trait: They both have female voices. While this can help make robotic assistants more relatable and natural to converse with, it has assigned a gender to a technology that’s otherwise genderless.
Tucker Carlson says ‘we will never bow to the mob’ amid resurfaced comments
Carlson asked. “What if we acknowledged what’s actually going on?” Carlson described Democrats as “deadly serious” in their effort to “crush” those who oppose their ideology. “Why are the people who considered Bill Clinton a hero lecturing me about sexism?” Carlson asked. “How can the party that demands racial quotas denounce other people as racist? After a while, you begin to think maybe their criticisms aren’t sincere.”
NYC Could Go Bankrupt for First Time in 40 Years
Financial experts predict that there are already signs the city is headed for financial disaster, as many individuals and businesses are leaving the city for lower tax areas and city government spending is at an all-time high. The last time the city came close to filing for bankruptcy was in 1975 when former President Gerald Ford refused to give the city a bailout package to settle its debt. “New York is already in a difficult financial spot, but it would be in an impossible situation if we had any kind of setback.”
Qatar’s ‘Spiritual Leader’ Prompts World Cup Fears Over Calls For New Holocaust
Qaradawi said. “I will shoot Allah’s enemies—the Jews—and they will throw a bomb at me, and thus, I will seal my life with martyrdom. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Allah’s mercy and blessings upon you.”
Dems’ scheme for permanent majority
How does the left expect to permanently dispossess Middle America? Let us count the ways.
Brazil to sign accord with U.S. on space technology next week
The United States and Brazil have negotiated an accord to safeguard U.S. space technology the South American nation hopes will be used in commercial rockets lifting off from its launch site near the equator, the Brazilian government said on Monday. The agreement is being wrapped up in time to be signed next week during a visit to Washington by President Jair Bolsonaro.
Hamas Willing to Risk War to Avoid Economic Collapse
Hamas “should understand now that any display of aggression will be answered with a double and quadruple decisive reply by Israel. It is best that Hamas understands this now, rather than later.”
Non-Jewish Women Join Jewish Women In Praying for the Messianic Era
In the original story, Rivka Malka Perlman, the Baltimore-based Geula Gatherings coordinator, specifically encouraged non-Jewish women when she said, “I’ve had a fair amount of non-Jewish people get very, very excited about this. I feel like one of those on the front lines with all the prophecies coming true and all the Nations coming closer to Torah.
Campaigns move to AIPAC: Netanyahu, Gantz, Gabbay, Bennett all to appear
Blue and White’s candidate for Prime Minister, Benny Gantz confirmed Tuesday that he will deliver a keynote speech at the AIPAC Policy Conference on March 25. Gantz’s spokeswoman said he will use his speech to emphasize that if he wins the election, “he will work to rebuild the relationship with American Jewry and ensure that Israel will once again enjoy the support of its friends across the spectrum in the United States.”
Only 12 percent of Americans think Israel is a top foreign policy partner
Only 12 percent of Americans think Israel is a top foreign policy partner, according to a Pew study released in early March. According to the poll, 37 percent of Americans believe the UK would be the most valuable partner and after that China (26%). One percent less believe Canada would be the most important partner. However, more Republicans seem to believe Israel is a key partner, with 25 percent in comparison to the 5 percent of democrats.
Brexit: MPs to vote on Theresa May’s deal
MPs will vote on Theresa May’s Brexit deal later after she says she secured “legally binding” changes following last-minute talks with the EU. The PM said the changes meant the Irish backstop – the insurance policy designed to avoid a hard border in Ireland – could not “become permanent”. Attorney General Geoffrey Cox’s updated legal advice is seen as crucial if the DUP and Tory Brexiteers are to back it.
UK economic growth remains sluggish
The UK economy grew by 0.2% in the three months to January, matching the growth of the previous three months. The report from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed a pick-up in activity in January when the economy expanded by 0.5%. The ONS said strength in IT, health services and wholesale trading offset falls in the manufacturing of metals and cars, and construction repair work.
Venezuela: US withdraws all staff from Caracas embassy
The US will withdraw all diplomatic staff from Venezuela this week due to the “deteriorating situation” there, the state department has announced. In a tweet, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said having staff in Caracas had “become a constraint on US policy”. The US ordered all non-essential staff to leave Venezuela in January amid an ongoing diplomatic crisis.
250 scientists sign petition warning against cancer from wireless tech including the trendy in-ear headphones
Apple’s popular wireless AirPods headphones may pose cancer risks to wearers, according to a United Nations and World Health Organization petition. Some 250 have signed the petition, which warns against numerous devices that emit radiofrequency radiation, which is used in WiFi, cellular data and Bluetooth.
US senator vows to seek recognition of Israeli rule in Golan
U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham on Monday vowed to push for U.S. recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, in what would represent a new contentious political gift to Israel from the Trump administration. The South Carolina Republican said he aimed to change the current U.S.-designation of the Golan, which Israel captured from Syria in 1967, as disputed territory.
Mormon President and Pope Francis meet for the first time, after decades of hidden diplomacy
The head of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints met with a pope for the first time on Saturday, an event that reportedly followed decades of behind-the-scenes relationship building between denominations whose leaders share a concern over secularism.
Mayor de Blasio: NYC will have ‘Meatless Mondays’ in all public schools
There’ll be no mystery meat, or any other meat, on Mondays at New York City public schools. New York City public schools are expanding their “Meatless Mondays” program in the fall.
Gaza Celebrates Intl. Women’s Day By Using Women as Human Shields, While Firing Rockets at Israel
Friday was International Women’s Day and Hamas took the opportunity to use Gazan women as human shields in order to attack Israel’s southern border.
The Islamic plan to use American public schools to convert the youth into Muslims
The late managing editor of the International Institute for Islamic Thought’s American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Sharifa Alkhateeb, talks about using U.S. schools to proselytize Islam & about making the state Islamic.
TERRIFYING: This is the true brains behind Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
I don’t say this lightly…if you care about the future of America then take 22 minutes out of your day and watch this video. If it doesn’t scare the hell out of you, then no offense but you deserve to live in AOC’s future America.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib Follows Anti-Semitic Instagram Account
In the wake of the anti-Semitism scandal involving Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) that rocked the Democratic Party last week, Omar’s close friend and fellow Muslim representative Rashida Tlaib was discovered following an Instagram page that posts images depicting Jews as rats, vampires, Nazis, the plotters of the 9/11 attacks, and members of global conspiracies that control finance and media.
Shocking New Evidence Reveals That Girl Scouts USA Is A Pro-Abortion Organization That Supports Many Late Term Abortion Groups
The Girl Scouts vigorously deny that they support abortion, and deny having a partnership with abortion factory Planned Parenthood. But the list of pro-abortion groups and events that you will find the Girl Scouts at is growing by leaps and bounds.
Human Rights Advocate Calls On DOJ To Investigate Ilhan Omar’s Terror Ties
Evangelical leader Laurie Cardoza-Moore, the special envoy to the United Nations for human rights and anti-Semitism on behalf of 44 million Christians, is calling on the Department of Justice to investigate Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
JUST IN: Jeb Bush Super PAC Hit with Massive FEC Fine For Accepting $1.3 Million in Illegal Donations From Chinese Corporation
The FEC [Federal Election Commission] hit Jeb Bush’s super PAC with a $390,000 fine for illegally accepting $1.3 million in donations from Chinese-owned corporation American Pacific International Capital (APIC) during the 2016 presidential primary.
Radical Dem Rep. Rashida Tlaib Declares Victory Over US in Chicago CAIR Speech, ‘The Muslims Are Here!’ (VIDEO)
Radical Democrat Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (MI) declared victory over the US government in a speech to terror-tied CAIR last month — the video just began making the rounds on social media earlier this week.
Rep. Omar’s comments are worse than you think
A significant crack in the US-Israel alliance broke open last week and it will be very difficult to fix.
Same Leftists who say vaccines promote the “greater good” now insist that ABORTION is a “moral good” for society
A rabid feminist and “Christian social ethicist” by the name of Rebecca Todd Peters recently hosted a lecture at Emory University in Georgia, where she tried to make the case that abortion is somehow a “moral good” for American society.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Christian Martyrs of Islamic Jihad: A Recurring Theme
Last February 15 marked the four year anniversary of the martyrdom of 21 Christians—20 Coptic Orthodox from Egypt and one Ghanaian. Inasmuch as the 21 martyrs should be remembered and commemorated, the fact is, they are ultimately modern day reflections of an ancient (and ongoing) phenomenon that permeates nearly fourteen centuries of history: Muslims slaughtering Christians who refuse to renounce Christ and embrace Muhammad.
2020 Budget Request Reveals Slow Shift Toward Great Power War
“Future wars will be waged not just in the air, on the land or at sea, but also in space and cyberspace, dramatically increasing the complexity of warfare,” Norquist said. “This budget reflects that challenge, pulling together all the pieces of the National Defense Strategy that have been built over the past two years.”
Inside DARPA’s Ambitious ‘AI Next’ Program
As federal agencies ramp up efforts to advance artificial intelligence under the White House’s national AI strategy, the Pentagon’s research shop is already working to push the tech to new limits. The grand vision for the AI Next campaign is to take machines and move them from being tools—perhaps very valuable tools—but really to be trusted, collaborative partners.
Ex-N.J. priest accused of sex abuse found shot to death in Nevada home
A former New Jersey priest who had been “credibly accused” of sexually abusing minors was found dead in his Nevada home, and police are treating it as a homicide. The body of John Capparelli was found Saturday morning by police conducting a welfare check at his home in Henderson, about 15 miles south of Las Vegas. The Clark County Coroner’s Office said Capparelli, 70, died from a single gunshot wound to the neck. His body was found in the kitchen, a spokesperson said.
GOP Appropriations Rep. Fleischmann: Wall Funding ‘Will Get Done
House Appropriations Committee member and Homeland Security Subcommittee Ranking Member Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN) stated that Democrats will have to compromise on border wall funding and “It will get done.”
10 Colorado Counties Declare Sanctuary Status Against Gun Confiscation Law
Ten Colorado counties have declared “Second Amendment Sanctuary” status against a gun confiscation law being pushed by state-level Democrats.
Border Police captures members of terrorist cell near Jerusalem
The Border Police arrested seven members of a terror cell operating from the Kalandiya refugee camp north of Jerusalem, according to a statement released on Wednesday. The cell had executed multiple attacks on the Kalandiya checkpoint with explosives and Molotov cocktails. The seven members of the cell were arrested in an extensive operation that took place during the month of January.
Israel warns against religious war on Temple Mount
Israel accused the Palestinian Authority of inciting a religious war on the Temple Mount after a Palestinian Molotov cocktail attack on an Israeli police station on the holy site sparked an afternoon riot. Police closed the al-Aqsa compound for the remainder of the day but are expected to fully reopen it Wednesday.
Wisconsin representative defends Omar, Tlaib, AOC, says Right ‘fears’ them
Wisconsin Democrat Representative Mark Pocan defended the words and actions of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, who have on several occasions made antisemitic and anti-Israel comments, according to a Washington Times report. “They’re smart women of color, two of them happen to be Muslim,” Pocan said. “So between AOC, Rashida and Ilhan – that hits every box [conservatives have] told people to fear for a long time.”
Most imports tariff-free under no-deal plan
The government has announced that most imports into the UK would not attract a tariff in the event of a no-deal Brexit. Under a temporary scheme 87% of imports by value would be eligible for zero-tariff access. At the moment 80% of imports are tariff free. Tariffs would be maintained to protect some industries, including agriculture.
Saudi Arabia puts women’s rights activists on trial
A number of women’s rights activists have gone on trial in Saudi Arabia in a case that has raised questions about the kingdom’s human rights record. The first activists were detained last May, shortly before the lifting of a ban on women driving, for which many of them had campaigned. Charges they face are said to include supporting “hostile elements” and could carry long prison sentences.
In-car monitoring: Surveillance tech will make your car less private
Your car has long been a sanctuary on wheels but that won’t be true for much longer. Car manufacturers will soon be adding radar and lasers inside the cabin to monitor who you are and what you do, and that will mean even more of your personal habits being tracked. Millimeter-wave radar is perhaps the most intriguing in-car detection tech.
Israel uncovers ‘secret Hezbollah terror network’ on Golan border
The Israeli military has uncovered a covert terror network set up by Lebanese terror group Hezbollah on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights, in order to carry out attacks against Israel, the IDF said Wednesday. The network was established without the knowledge of Syrian President Bashar Assad, the army said.
Iran warns of firm response if Israel acts against its oil shipments
Iran will respond firmly to any Israeli naval action against its oil shipments, Iran’s defense minister said on Wednesday, in comments that came a week after Israel’s prime minister said its navy could act against Iranian oil “smuggling” to evade US sanctions. US President Donald Trump last year quit a nuclear deal with Iran and reimposed some sanctions, aiming to cut Tehran’s oil exports to zero.
America Is Precariously Close To Losing Battle With China For Control Of Undersea Global Internet Data Grid As Huawei Tech Flexes Muscle
The Internet, made available for mass public consumption in 1994, has grown into a global, One World System through which the majority of all buying and selling is accomplished. Its presence is so powerful and all-consuming that newspapers and magazine are going out of business in record numbers, brick-and-mortar-stores closing from the crushing online competition. Even giant Sears could not take the onslaught from Amazon, and they too have gone the way of all flesh.
Actress Ilana Glazer Says NY Abortion Law ‘Making the World a Better Place’
Comedy Central’s Broad City creator Ilana Glazer praised Planned Parenthood supporters, New York Democrat lawmakers, and journalists Tuesday for working to achieve an abortion law that pro-life activists say allows “infanticide.”
CLOSER LOOK: Who is Rep. Ilhan Omar?
Glenn takes a closer look at Representative Ilhan Omar, accusations made against her, and the relationship between CAIR and Hamas.
The World Has Never Been Closer to World War III
Even though most of us are cognizant of the fact that mainstream media is nothing but a “bread and circus” excrement show, it is still difficult to comprehend how much deception that they think they can get away with.
Southern Border: Over 2K Migrants Quarantined For Contagious Diseases
As of March 7, a total of 2,287 detainees were quarantined around the country, ICE spokesman Brendan Raedy told Reuters.
Trump Promotes ‘Jexodus’
A few days after declaring the Democratic Party the “anti-Israel” and “anti-Jewish” party, President Trump promoted the nascent “Jexodus” movement, urging young Jewish Democrats to abandon the party.
Flu Shots Are Killing Senior Citizens in Record Numbers, Study Warns
Researchers have found that senior citizens are being killed by flu vaccines in record numbers, and the death rate is rising at an alarming rate.
Catholic Church Bans ‘Pro-Abortion’ Democrat from St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Democrat Sen. James Gaughran has been disinvited to the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade by the Catholic Church in Huntington, New York, for voting in favor of his state’s ‘progressive’ pro-abortion bill.
British Parliament decisively rejects May’s Brexit deal to leave European Union
The British House of Commons Tuesday evening again decisively rejected a plan by Prime Minister Theresa May to take the U.K. out of the European Union, leaving the country with no clear path forward with a March 29 deadline to negotiate a deal.
Seattle-area church fights forced funding of abortions
Attorneys for the nonprofit Alliance Defending Freedom just filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Cedar Park Assembly of God of Kirkland, near Seattle, over a Washington state mandate passed a year ago, via Senate Bill 6219, requiring employers who provide maternity care in their group insurance plans to also cover elective abortions.
With cash from N.Y., feds test 100K rape kits; 1K arrested, hundreds convicted
Languishing evidence in more than 100,000 sexual assault cases around the country has been sent for DNA testing with money from a New York prosecutor and federal authorities, spurring over 1,000 arrests and hundreds of convictions in three years, officials said Tuesday.
Democrats and CNN Collude to Rig Elections
…Instead of doing the people’s business, the Democrats will waste their time, energies and budget solely on a desperate witch hunt targeting Trump? The clock is ticking. They only have two years to come up with something, anything, to bring about the fall of their Trump nemesis.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Bringing Fruit Offerings to God on Temple Mount
Two groups of approximately 50 people each, braved a rainy but blessed morning, to ascend the Temple Mount. A call had gone out a day or two earlier for Jews to take part in Ha’aliyah Hamonit, a mass ascension to create a presence on the site of the two Temples. While there, the woman, who had somehow managed to bring dates with her, distributed them to those gathered. Each person made a blessing over the fruit prior to eating it and Rabbi Ariel said one when everyone had finished.
Palestinian Attempt to Conquer the Temple Mount With Corpses
While the world watches tensions grow on the Temple Mount a side aspect of the conflict is going unnoticed, a “war” for the Temple Mount that is being fought with dead bodies. On Tuesday, a Palestinian terrorist threw a firebomb into a police post next to the Dome of the Rock. A policeman was seriously wounded and riots ensued after police arrested the terrorist. The police responded by closing all entrances to the site and ordering everyone to leave.
House Republicans Urge Sending Cohen Case to Justice Department for Alleged Perjury
leading House Republicans are ramping up pressure on House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings to refer the case of former Trump attorney Michael Cohen to the Justice Department because of allegations that he perjured himself during congressional testimony.
U.S. and India agree to establish six U.S. nuclear power plants in India
The United States and India on Wednesday agreed to strengthen security and civil nuclear cooperation, including the establishment of six U.S. nuclear power plants in India, the two countries said in a joint statement.
PA organizations in the US reject ‘Deal of the Century’
Organizations representing Palestinian Arabs in the US on Wednesday announced their absolute opposition to participating in any political framework that seeks to promote economic peace with Israel as an alternative to the establishment of a Palestinian state with eastern Jerusalem as its capital.
Lisa Page admitted Obama DOJ ordered stand-down on Clinton email prosecution, GOP rep says
Lisa Page: Justice Department told agents not to charge Hillary Clinton. “the FBI was ordered by the Obama DOJ not to consider charging Hillary Clinton for gross negligence in the handling of classified information,” the congressman alleged in a social media post late Tuesday, citing a newly unearthed transcript of Page’s closed-door testimony.
10 Colorado Counties Declare Sanctuary Status Against Gun Confiscation Law
Ten Colorado counties have declared “Second Amendment Sanctuary” status against a gun confiscation law being pushed by state-level Democrats.
Satellite images show another Iranian missile site in Syria
Satellite images taken by Israeli intelligence firm ImageSat International (ISI) on Wednesday appear to show a new missile factory being constructed in the Syria raising additional suspicion of Iranian involvement in missile production in the country. The images show a site surrounded by a fence, three hangers, a newly built water tower and buses and vans were detected in the site entrance within the securely fenced compound…
1,700-year-old inscription found at Negev Excavation
Archaeologists have uncovered a Greek inscription at the Haluza excavation in southern Israel indicating the name of the town. The name Haluza is mentioned in many historic sources, but this is the first archaeological evidence for the name of the city of Haluza found at the site itself. It is one of the two main possible locations for the Biblical city of Ziklag, mentioned in Genesis and I Samuel.
Israel issues complaint to U.N. over terrorists on Golan border
Israel issued a formal complaint to the United Nations Security Council over Hezbollah’s recently revealed “Golan Project,” which has positioned operatives along Israel’s northern border. Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon…wrote to council members stating that Israel “will not ignore the conversion of Syria and Lebanon to a military front against us and will act with force against the aggression from Tehran,” referring to Hezbollah’s Iranian backers.
Senate votes to end US support of Saudi-led Yemen war
The US Republican-led Senate has approved a bill to end US support for the Saudi-led coalition war in Yemen. The bipartisan vote was 54 to 46, and is a rebuke to President Donald Trump’s support of Saudi Arabia and its leader despite recent tensions. Mr Trump has vowed to veto the resolution should it pass through the Democrat-led House.
More than 1,000 drivers stranded in Colorado Springs area, Gov. Polis declares state of emergency as bomb cyclone paralyzes Front Range
Snow driven by winds approaching 100 mph shut down schools, highways, air travel and businesses in the Pikes Peak region Wednesday and left more than 1,000 stranded in their cars awaiting rescue. The rapidly intensifying storm — known as a bomb cyclone — caused whiteout conditions for drivers caught in its fury and prompted the governor to call out the National Guard and El Paso County to declare an emergency.
Parents Blame Elementary School’s Cell Tower After 4th Student Diagnosed With Cancer
A fourth child has been diagnosed with cancer at a San Joaquin County elementary school, and parents believe it’s because of radiation caused by a cell phone tower. The towers are spread throughout the community, but it’s this particular one that parents say needs to go. “We had a doctor tell us that it’s 100 percent environmental, the kind of tumor that he has,” said Monica Ferrulli.
Polish newspaper’s front page teaches ‘how to recognize a Jew’
A right-wing newspaper with national distribution in Poland ran on its front page an article that instructs readers on “how to recognize a Jew.” The Polish-language weekly, Tylko Polska, or “Only Poland,” lists on its front page “Names, anthropological features, expressions, appearances, character traits, methods of operation” and “disinformation activities.” The text also reads: “How to defeat them? This cannot go on!”
‘IDF will shoot African infiltrators,’ Israeli official tells shocked activists
A United Nations plan to resolve the issue of African migrants in Israel has been secretly revived by the government… The renewal of the plan was leaked by activists from South Tel Aviv who are furious at the prospect of around half of the almost 40,000 migrants being allowed to remain in the country. Even more shocking…is a call by the head of Israel’s Immigration Authority for the IDF to open fire on any Africans who…sail to Israel seeking asylum.
US drops ‘occupied’ from description of West Bank, Golan Heights
The US State Department changed its usual description of the Golan Heights from “Israeli-occupied” to “Israeli-controlled” in an annual global human rights report released by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday. A separate section on the West Bank and Gaza Strip, areas that Israel captured along with the Golan Heights in the 1967 Six-Day War, also did not refer to those territories as being “occupied” or under “occupation.”
Syria’s Assad struggles to reap spoils after military gains
Eight years since Syria began its descent into war, many of President Bashar al-Assad’s enemies have been defeated and the bulk of the country is back under his control. But he isn’t celebrating. “We must not wrongly think, as happened in the last year, that the war is over. I say this not just to citizens but also to officials,” Assad told supporters in a speech last month.
CUT OFF: Trump is requesting ZERO dollars for the ‘Palestinians’ in the new budget
The difference between Trump and the Democrats could not be clearer. Unlike the Democrats, Trump believes that incitement, terrorism, and anti-Semitism should not be rewarded with financial aid from American taxpayers. Thank god this man was elected President. Any Jewish American who votes against President Trump is mad.
Georgia: Jewish parents furious over map of terror state ‘Palestine’ replacing Israel featured at middle school multicultural night
From Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders to Rashida Tlaib to Ilhan Omar, American Jews turned a blind eye to the anti-Semitism from the left. As a result, anti-Semitism is now normalized in the United States.
Top Catholic Cardinal Pell sentenced to six years for choirboy abuse
Disgraced Australian Cardinal George Pell was on Wednesday sentenced to six years in prison for sexually abusing two choirboys, in what the judge lambasted as a “brazen” attack and “grave” abuse of power.
Dick’s Throws in the Towel: Pulling Guns from 125 Stores
Dick’s Sporting Goods announced Tuesday it will pull guns from 125 stores around the country.
It has been several years since the term “New World Order was widely used. It almost seems as if it faded from the world scene after George Bush (father) popularized the term in the 1990’s. His use of the term didn’t set too well with conservative voters. After a glorious victory over Iraq, he became a one-term president. Politicians learned not to use the cliché around voters. But across the pond, in stodgy old Europe, the New World Order is as popular as ever.
Swedish Government Pushes New ‘Gender Swap’ Program for Teens | Neon Nettle
Authorities in Sweden are steering male teenagers who apply for summer jobs towards “traditionally female professions” and females to males jobs in a bid to “break” traditional gender roles, according to reports.
The Pope Is Creating a One-World Religion to Complement the Coming One-World Government
The Fall of Rome has commenced. The Pope is holding private meetings in an effort to create a one world religion which will complement the coming one-world government that the UN has publicly stated that they will install by 2030. Here is the story.
$2M in Soros, Feinstein-Linked Dark Money Connects to Trump Dossier Creators
A dark money group, with ties to liberal billionaire George Soros and senior Democrat Dianne Feinstein, gave $2 million to an organization that contracted Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to investigate the president and create the now-infamous Trump-Russia dossier, it has been revealed.
BOOM! President Trump Warns Obama Deep State – a “Broken and Corrupt Machine” – Justice Will Be Served, More to Come!
For over two years the Deep State FBI-DOJ and their liberal media has been investigating and harassing the Trump administration over a made-up Russia conspiracy.
They have found nothing. Yet they continue to abuse their power.
NY Aggressively Auditing Residents Fleeing State, Tracking Social Media, Phone Records
New York is aggressively auditing its wealthy residents attempting to flee the high-tax state for Florida, going so far as to monitor cell phone records, social media use and visits to the veterinarian or dentist, according to CNBC.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Minnesota Dems Are Looking for an Omar Primary Challenger in 2020
Minnesota Democrats are reportedly looking for someone to launch a primary challenge against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) after her recent string of anti-Semitic comments, which drew condemnations from both sides of the political aisle. Several party leaders said they have had discussions about finding a candidate to take on Omar, just two months into her first term in Congress.” “Unfortunately, having the opportunity to speak with her about that point didn’t dissuade her making that statement,” Steve Hunegs, the executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota, told The Hill. “We were appalled.”
US Declares West Bank and Golan No Longer “Occupied Territories”
US President Donald Trump’s State Department has called the Golan Heights “Israeli-controlled territory” in its annual human rights report for 2018, which was released this week. All previous administrations refused to recognize Israeli sovereignty on the Golan, and consistently referred to the area as “occupied territory.” In addition, the report does not refer to the “West Bank” and Gaza Strip as “occupied” or “under occupation,” language used by all US administrations in reference to Judea and Samaria and all the territories, including Jerusalem, captured by Israel in the 1967 Six Day War.
Left Mocks Beto’s ‘Messiah-Esque’ ‘Born’ to Run Remarks: ‘Peak White Male Privilege’
The Messiah cometh.. ‘I’m just born to be in it,’ Beto O’Rourke says he “feels called” to run the for US Presidency in 2020.
Palestinian Red Crescent Society Set to host BDS conference
Palestinian Media Watch reveals that, in direct breach of its commitments, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS), which is a member of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), is set to host a conference sponsored by the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement on Saturday.
The two-state-solution is a failure: India-Pakistan as living proof
Proof that the “two state solution” does not work is the 300 killed in the India-Pakistan conflict in February 2019 Since the British-sponsored 1947 partition there have been 14 million refugees, 4 wars and now a dangerous nuclear race.
ISRAEL FIRES BACK: IDF Bombs 100 Gaza Terror Targets After Rockets Fired at Tel Aviv: Iron Dome Intercepts New Rockets
Israeli warplanes attacked some 100 Hamas terror targets in the Gaza Strip on Friday in response to a rare rocket attack on the Israeli city of Tel Aviv, as the sides appeared to be hurtling toward a new round of violence. Rocket fire persisted into the morning, setting the stage for additional possible reprisals.
Feminists, conservatives, lesbians urge Congress to scrap ‘gender identity’ from Equality Act
A coalition of radical feminists, lesbians, and politically conservative women are petitioning the government to scrap “gender identity” in federal civil rights legislation that’s being considered in Congress. The inclusion of this into the Equality Act, these women say, erases sex-based protections feminists and others have fought for in previous decades, and women as a category are essentially scrubbed from the law. Women and girls face increased risk of exploitation by predatory males who will use gender identity to invade their private spaces, they maintain.
IDF: Hamas rocket fire on Tel Aviv was a ‘mistake’
The two rockets fired from the Gaza Strip toward Tel Aviv on Thursday night, were likely launched mistakenly by Hamas, the IDF said on Friday. The understanding was based on the IDF’s initial assessment of Thursday night’s events and included the possibility that the rockets accidentally went off during routine maintenance work by Hamas.
Polish Pres. to ‘Post’: Israel started the crisis and it needs to end it
A month after a crisis erupted between Israel and Poland over Polish history of the Holocaust, Polish President Andrzej Duda outlined a path on Thursday for how it can be resolved, saying that the first move must be made by Israel. “The side that started the crisis should also finish it,” Duda told The Jerusalem Post in an exclusive interview at the Presidential Palace. Asked if that would be Israel, he said: “Yes. I expect friendship and respect. On both sides.”
Cyclone Idai: Mozambique city of Beira hit by storm
People living in one of Mozambique’s largest cities have been cut off by a huge storm. Cyclone Idai, which is carrying heavy rains and winds of up to 170 km/h (106 mph), made landfall at the port city of Beira on Thursday evening. Its 500,000 residents are now without electricity and communications have been severed, the National Institute of Disaster Management (INGC) says.
Senate Republicans revolt against Trump over border
Rebel members of President Donald Trump’s party have helped pass a vote to reject his declaration of an emergency on the US-Mexico border. Twelve Republican senators broke party ranks to side with Democrats, approving a proposal to revoke the proclamation by 59-41. The Democratic-controlled House of Representatives last month backed the measure.
50 Iranian drones conduct massive ‘way to Jerusalem’ exercise – report
Iran’s Defense Ministry announced on Thursday that it had launched a massive exercise involving 50 drones that are based on a US Sentinel drone the Iranians captured in 2011. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said it was the strongest exercise of its kind to date. Named “Beit al-Maqdis,” a reference to Jerusalem, the operation was attended by the commander of the IRGC, Hossein Salami, and IRGC Aerospace Force commander Amir Ali Hajizadeh.
North Korea may suspend nuclear talks with ‘gangster-like’ U.S.: diplomat
North Korea is considering suspending talks with the United States and may rethink a ban on missile and nuclear tests unless Washington makes concessions, news reports from the North’s capital on Friday quoted a senior diplomat as saying. Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son *** blamed top U.S. officials for the breakdown of last month’s summit in Hanoi between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un…
Austria to introduce digital tax after failure of EU-wide plan
Austria will press ahead with a planned tax on Internet giants after plans for an EU-wide levy fell through this week, Finance Minister Hartwig Loeger said on Friday. Austria said in January that it would tax firms like Google, Amazon, Facebook and Alibaba 3 percent of their advertising revenue from within Austria.
Federal Court: “Planned Parenthood Does Not Have a 14th Amendment Right to Perform Abortions”
The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals granted a major victory to Ohio taxpayers Tuesday when it ruled that the state may defund the abortion giant Planned Parenthood.
Christchurch Shooter Livestreamed MASS SHOOTING on Facebook!
There was a shooting at a Christchurch mosque in New Zealand on Friday afternoon. Several people are injured. Hospitals are expecting 40-50 victims.The witnesses describe a man in military uniform is responsible for the shooting.THE SHOOTER LIVESTREAMED THE SHOOTING ON FACEBOOK!!!
Pentagon finally implements Trump’s transgender military ban, LGBT community livid
Almost a year after the policy was unveiled, the Pentagon on Tuesday instituted the Trump administration’s new guidelines barring gender-confused individuals from military service.
Ex-Planned Parenthood director: We were ‘trained’ how to sell abortion to Christian women
…“We were trained how to overcome various objections…to abortion, particularly religious arguments because we know that the majority of women walking into abortion clinics to have abortions identify as Christian.”
Israel Confirms That Two Rockets Were fired At Tel Aviv On Thursday Evening As Iron Dome Gets Activated First Time There Since 2014
Israel was caught in a very rare ‘nap’ today, as two rockets were fired on Tel Aviv without the IDF having advanced warning it was coming. Military spokesman Ronen Manelis told Channel 13 News that “we did not have advance knowledge of this fire today, and in fact it surprised us.” That is not a good sign. With all the controversy surrounding the upcoming elections, Israel’s attention is elsewhere, and that’s bad.
Polish church admits clergy abused hundreds of children
Poland’s powerful Catholic church on Thursday published a report admitting that nearly 400 of its clergy had sexually abused children and minors over the last three decades, reflecting findings published last month by a charity focused on abuse in the church.
Parents, Be Warned: This Prominent Charity May Be Funding Pro-Abortion Orgs
Writing at LifeNews, The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) says people should shield their wallets from Red Nose Day since those funds may be going toward abortion services like the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF).
Facebook’s Under Criminal Investigation – Geller Report
Facebook reportedly under criminal investigation for secret data-sharing deals. Is this why Facebook was down all day yesterday? Were they conducting a massive purge? Federal prosecutors are probing Facebook’s illicit data-sharing partnerships, reportedly subpoenaing data from smartphone manufacturers as the regulatory walls appear to close in on the beleaguered social media firm. A New York grand jury has subpoenaed two device-makers’ records as part of a criminal investigation into some of the 150+ dubiously legal data partnerships Facebook forged with technology companies and other large corporations, according to sources familiar with the requests who spoke to the New York Times.
The Destruction of Damascus Marks the Beginning of World War III
Damascus-Gone In a Day! It’s Biblical and prophetic. Damascus will be destroyed in one day at the start of WW III. Here is the story…
Germany is Covering Up Migrant Crime to Protect Merkel’s Open Borders Agenda
In a bid to protect German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open borders agenda, authorities in Germany have been covering up violent crimes by migrants over fears it would “stir up prejudice,” it has been alleged.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Trump issues veto over border emergency declaration
President Donald Trump has vetoed a measure from Congress revoking his declaration of a national emergency at the US-Mexico border. Lawmakers, including 12 Republicans, had passed the rejection resolution on Thursday in a surprising rebuke of Mr Trump’s pledge to build a border wall. Congress will now need a two-thirds majority in both chambers to override him, which is unlikely to happen.
Apple’s iCloud is the latest service to suffer an outage this week
Following the Verizon outage on Tuesday morning, the Gmail and YouTube issue on Tuesday night, and the “server configuration change” that took down Facebook and Instagram for hours on Wednesday, Apple has decided to join in on the fun with an outage of its own. According to the System Status dashboard on Apple’s site, virtually every iCloud service is currently experiencing issues, including Contacts, Drive and Mail.
U.S. manufacturing sector slowing as economy loses steam
U.S. manufacturing output fell for a second straight month in February and factory activity in New York state hit nearly a two-year low this month, offering further evidence of a sharp slowdown in economic growth early in the first quarter. The reports on Friday extended the streak of weak data and underscored the Federal Reserve’s “patient” stance towards further interest rate increases this year.
Russia says it will respond to new EU sanctions
Russia will respond to new European Union sanctions, its foreign ministry said on Saturday, without saying what action it would take. The EU on Friday added eight more Russians to its sanctions list over a stand-off between Russia and Ukraine in the Azov Sea, including senior security service officials and military commanders that the EU accuses of preventing Ukrainian ships from reaching port.
Germany’s parliament favors Merkel’s anti-Israel U.N. voting pattern
Political representatives in Germany’s Bundestag…overwhelmingly rejected a resolution by the Free Democratic Party to urge Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government to reverse its anti-Israel voting record at the United Nations…Merkel, who said in Israel in 2008 that Israel’s security is “non-negotiable,” for her administration, voted with authoritarian regimes like the Islamic Republic of Iran 16 times in 2018 to condemn the Jewish state.
DOJ And Clinton Lawyers Struck Secret Deal To Block FBI Access To Clinton Foundation Emails: Strzok
The goal of the DOJ was to “make sure they hear no evil, see no evil — they had no interest in
pursuing the truth.”
Houston drag queen storytime reader charged with child sex assault
Houston Public Library is apologizing after a man charged for sexually assaulting a child was allowed to entertain children at Drag Queen storytime.
FL House approves right to smoke medical marijuana
Without much debate and two days before Gov. Ron DeSantis’ deadline, a bill to repeal a ban on smoking medical marijuana has finally rolled onto the governor’s desk.
Nancy Pelosi and Democrats Have Defended Infanticide 18 Times During the Last 40 Days
Republican leaders in the House of Representatives gathered outside the Capitol Building on Wednesday to announce the party’s strategy to bring anti-infanticide legislation to the floor after House Democrats rejected a vote 17 times.
Parents Caught Openly Discussing ‘Tucking’ And ‘Packing’ Penises For Toddlers They Desperately Want To Believe Are Transgender
Yes, there are actually parents who are dumbfounded and confused when their five-year-old children don’t take to wearing fake penises, or tucking their real ones.
ICYMI: 120 Christians Slaughtered By Muslim Herders In Nigeria
As media outlets across the world bring you the minute-by-minute updates of the Christchurch mosque shooting in New Zealand, those same outlets have been mostly silent on the recent mass slaughter of Christians in Nigeria by muslim herdsmen. Those attacks have resulted in 120 dead and 140 homes burned to the ground.
California Bill Would Mandate That School ID Cards Have Phone Number Of ‘Reproductive Health Hotline’ Printed On One Side
On February 15, California Assemblyman Jesse Gabriel (D) introduced legislation that would require all schools (grades 7-12, as well as postsecondary) to provide “on either side of the pupil identification cards the telephone number for,” among other things, “a sexual or reproductive health hotline.”
Israel says it struck 100 Hamas targets after rocket attack
Israeli warplanes on Friday struck some 100 Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip in response to a rare rocket attack on the Israeli metropolis of Tel Aviv. Rocket fire persisted into the morning, setting the stage for additional possible reprisals.
Humboldt County Is the Epicenter of the Invasion of the United States
America has been invaded and the epicenter of this invasion is located in Humboldt County, CA. This invading army is exporting its erosion of law and order the undermining of the United States to all parts of the country. This article will continue to dig deeper into this invasion by exposing the layers of this invading army for from the eyes of many Humboldt County residents
Cal Expo sued for restricting Christian’s speech to 36 square feet
A Christian who hands out tracts about his faith to people he meets is suing Cal Expo, the grounds for the California state fair, because it allows free speech on only .00025 percent of its 350 acres.
New Zealand To Change Gun Laws After Mosque Shooting
“While work is being done as to the chain of events that lead to both the holding of this gun license and the possession of these weapons, I can tell you one thing right now. Our gun laws will change.”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Palestinians distribute sweets after terrorist attack in Ariel – report
Palestinians distributed sweets in the southern Gaza Strip on Sunday morning following the terror attacks in Ariel, according to a video tweeted by the Palestinian Information Center, an Arabic news site, on Sunday. “Distribution of Candy in the southern Gaza Strip, Khan Yunis, to celebrate the heroic morning,” the tweet translates. At least one Israeli was killed and two others were injured in two attacks outside the West Bank settlement.
Indonesia floods: Dozens dead in Papua province
At least 58 people have been killed in flash floods in the eastern Indonesian province of Papua. Rescue workers are struggling to reach remote parts of the province, and there are fears the number of dead may rise. Roads have been blocked by landslides and fallen trees, and floodwaters have damaged two bridges and more than 100 houses.
Newark’s mayor exploring universal basic income program
Getting a paycheck for doing nothing could be in the future for residents of New Jersey’s largest city. Newark Mayor Ras Baraka says the city is going to study a pilot program to provide a universal basic income, or basically guaranteeing income for all residents whether they have a job. He made the statement during his annual State of the City address Tuesday night at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center.
New US military budget focused on China despite border talk
…To a remarkable degree, the 2020 Pentagon budget proposal is shaped by national security threats that acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan has summarized in three words: “China, China, China.” The U.S. is still fighting small wars against Islamic extremists, and Russia remains a serious concern, but Shanahan seeks to shift the military’s main focus to what he considers the more pressing security problem of a rapidly growing Chinese military.
Historic floods hit Nebraska after ‘bomb cyclone’ storm
Large parts of Nebraska and the U.S. Central Plains were underwater on Saturday after a late-winter “bomb cyclone” storm triggered historic flooding along the Missouri and Platte rivers, causing two deaths, tearing apart homes and swallowing roadways. The National Weather Service predicted dangerous flooding would continue through the weekend in Nebraska and in south and west central Iowa, particularly along the Missouri River.
Pentagon Wants to Test A Space-Based Weapon in 2023
Defense officials want to test a neutral particle-beam in orbit in fiscal 2023 as part of a ramped-up effort to explore various types of space-based weaponry. They’ve asked for $304 million in the 2020 budget to develop such beams, more powerful lasers, and other new tech for next-generation missile defense. Such weapons are needed, they say, to counter new missiles from China, Russia, North Korea and Iran.
Catholic student not vaccinated for chicken pox sues NKY Health Dept., claims he was told he couldn’t play basketball amid outbreak
…According to the lawsuit, Kunkel is a practicing Catholic who rejects the use of any vaccine that is “derived from aborted fetal cells” as they are “immoral, illegal, and sinful.” As a result, he has never received the Varicella Vaccine, or the chicken pox vaccine.
New Zealand To Change Gun Laws After Mosque Shooting
Less than a day after a terrorist attack at two mosques that left 49 people dead and several fighting for their lives, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said she will change gun laws of the country, with the prime minister noting that the New Zealand government is now looking at banning semi-automatic weapons.
Limbaugh: ChristChurch Shooter A ‘Leftist’ Who Staged ‘False Flag’ Attack To Frame Conservatives
Following Thursday’s deadly terror attacks on two New Zealand mosques, which left 49 people dead, radio host Rush Limbaugh mentioned an “ongoing theory” that the shooter – identified by Australian media as 28-year-old Brenton Tarrant, is actually a “leftist who writes the manifesto and then goes out and performs the deed purposely to smear his political enemies.”
The point of the drill is to showcase Iran’s military prowess. It comes in the wake of a large naval drill in February and frequent new tests of ballistic missiles.
Aborted babies are still being used in today’s vaccine production
The “sordid history” of vaccine production using aborted babies began with the eugenics movement and has become a billion-dollar industry that threatens parents’ rights and fills the pockets of pharmaceutical companies and abortion providers, a leading advocate for ethical vaccines has said.
Mystery Illness Traced to Bloody Ritual Practiced by Muslims
Add self-flagellation to the list of ways to get a dangerous viral blood infection. Researchers said Wednesday that they were initially puzzled how 10 British men had become infected with a little-known virus, because the men hadn’t taken risks usually associated with the infection.
Yellow Vest Protests Explode In Violence As Fed Up French Citizens Set Paris Burning In Response To Macron’s ‘Great Debate’ Fiasco
In recent weeks, the Yellow Vests in France had been holding protests that were drawing smaller amounts of demonstrators, leading to speculation that the movement had run its course. That assumption has proved to be false this weekend by the explosion of anger that led to one of the most violent demonstrations to date. Paris is indeed burning, and Macron is running scared.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Mocks Christians For Praying For The Victims And Families Of Those Shot In New Zealand Mosque Massacre
Now I know that unsaved people cannot understand or know the things of the spirit of God and of the word of God, because there is no Spirit of God dwelling within them. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one of those people, obviously. But even with that said, to say that prayer “doesn’t do any good” reveals a disturbing level of coldness and cynicism. Many times I have witnessed unsaved people who were faced with tragedy, and most of those times they asked for my prayer. But not so with AOC.
Hating Jewish people is as old as Judean Hills, remarkably diverse
A freshman member of Congress openly espouses bigotry toward Jews and Israel. Her fellow Democrats, with only a few exceptions, fail to forcefully condemn her words and views. Troubling to be sure, but let’s remember: This gnarly tree grows in an old, luxuriant and global forest.
At age 15, Beto O’Rourke wrote a short story fantasizing about killing children, mass murder
Many presidents become authors after their presidencies, writing their memoirs. Beto O’Rourke, who is running for president in 2020, has already done some writing.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Illegal Alien Who Used Fake Fed Doc to Get License Committed No Crime, Obama Judge Rules
It is not a crime for an illegal immigrant to use fake federal documents to obtain a legitimate state license, according to a remarkable ruling issued this week by an Obama-appointed judge in south Florida. The defendant, 38-year-old Rubman Ardon Chinchilla, was among 20 people arrested several months ago in a scheme that used bogus immigration documents in driver’s license applications. The man who masterminded the operation, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Cuba, has been charged with fraud.
Court Victory Against Deep State FBI
Judge Declares FBI’s Search for Peter Strzok Records Inadequate. Judicial Watch Sues for Key Anti-Trump Coup Doc. Judicial Watch Files Ethics Complaint Against Congressman Adam Schiff. Clinton Email Scandal Witness Testimony Begins
Media Silence Surrounds Muslim Massacre of Christians
Political leaders and public figures were falling over themselves this weekend to condemn the mosque attacks in New Zealand, while dozens of Christians were slaughtered by Muslims in Nigeria to the sound of crickets. The bizarre aspect of the coverage was not, in fact, the attention paid to a heinous crime committed in New Zealand, but the absolute silence surrounding the simultaneous massacre of scores of Christians by Muslim militants in Africa.
Sex with kids, child weddings at Philly mosque?
She’s 17 now but says she first became a child bride at 14. “At the time I was a virgin. It was going to be my first marriage of course,” said the teen. She says it didn’t last. And in 2016, she says she was married off to Rajmann Sanders, a man more than twice her age who then allegedly began sexually assaulting her and her 10-year-old sister.
The Feiglin phenomenon
Zehut calls to cancel the Oslo Accords, have Israel annex the entire West Bank,… removing the Wakf Islamic religious trust from the Temple Mount and building a synagogue on Judaism’s holiest site, and seeks to move the Knesset and Supreme Court to the Old City.
Video Report From Temple Mount: Arab Riots and Thanksgiving Offering
Breaking Israel News joined a Jewish mass ascension to the Temple Mount, braving angry Palestinians and joyously participating in a covert ceremony intended as the first tiny step towards reinstating the Temple service.
Taliban captures 50 border police as fighting intensifies in Afghanistan
At least 50 members of the Afghan security forces have surrendered to the Taliban in a fight for control of Afghanistan’s western province of Badghis, local officials said. Some 100 Afghan personnel who are part of the interior ministry’s border police attempted to flee their posts into neighboring Turkmenistan on Saturday, but they were prevented from entering that country, Badghis provincial council chairman Abdul Aziz Bik said on Sunday. “These soldiers have been fighting against the Taliban for years and if they give up, they will be killed by Taliban,” Bik said.
UN defends claim IDF shot ‘innocent’ Gaza protesters
The UN Gaza Commission of Inquiry is set to defend its claim that Israel shot innocent Palestinian protesters on the Gaza border in an action it has said could be a war crime. On Monday morning it released a 228 -page report on the weekly Hamas-led protests known as the “Great March of Return,” which began on March 30, 2018, and in which more than 200 Palestinians have been killed.
Cyclone Idai: Devastation in Mozambique and Zimbabwe
Cyclone Idai has had a “massive and horrifying” impact on Mozambique’s port city of Beira, the Red Cross says. It made landfall on Thursday with winds of up to 177 km/h (106 mph), but aid teams only reached Beira on Sunday. People have been rescued from trees, homes have been destroyed and roofs were ripped off concrete buildings, head of the Red Cross assessment team, Jamie LeSeur, told the BBC.
Churches are opening their doors to businesses in order to survive
Sunday looks very different from Monday at White Rock United Methodist Church in Dallas, Texas. During the week, a florist fills out orders next to an artist working on a project. Down the hall, students practice tai chi. Declining attendance at America’s churches — a persistent trend in recent decades — has forced some to take a novel approach to keeping their doors open: renting out otherwise empty space during the usually quiet mid-week…
Israeli military raids home, arrests brother of Ariel attacker
Israeli military raided the home of the suspected Ariel attacker and arrested his teenage brother early Monday morning. The security forces also questioned the father of the suspect, and searched a store belonging to the family. The 20-year-old Omar Abu Lila, from the village of Az-Zawiya in the West Bank, is suspected of killing two people and seriously wounding two others.
Japan’s exports slump again on weak external demand, puts BOJ on notice
Japan’s exports fell for a third month in February in a sign of growing strain on the trade-reliant economy, suggesting the central bank might be forced to offer more stimulus eventually to temper the effects of slowing external demand and trade frictions. Slowing global growth, the Sino-U.S. trade war and complications over Britain’s exit from the European Union have already forced many policymakers to shift to an easing stance over recent months.
NZ Threatens 10 Years In Prison For ‘Possessing’ Mosque Shooting Video; Web Hosts Warned, ‘Dissenter’ Banned
Hosting platforms can be fined up to $200,000
VICTORY: New Mexico Senate blocks bill that would force doctors to commit abortions
Pro-abortion activists faced an unexpected defeat in New Mexico Thursday as the state Senate voted down legislation that would have forced doctors and nurses to participate in abortions.
BOMBSHELL: DNC Billionaire and Hard-Left Donor George Soros Tied to Anti-Trump Dirty Dossier Hoax
The secrets to the deep state coup to prevent Donald Trump from winning the 2016 election and then to overthrow his government are slowly being revealed. To no one’s surprise, the plot leads back to dance billionaire donor and anti-American activist George Soros.
Democratic Governor Pushes Bill To Allow ‘Non-Doctors’ To Perform Abortions
If pushing for bills allowing late-term abortions in more states wasn’t enough, Democratic Gov. Janet Mills has proposed new legislation that will allow people who are not doctors to perform abortions.
British man called “racist bigot” for opposing daughter’s assignment to write a letter about converting to Islam
Everyone is already deemed “racist,” “Islamophobic,” and “bigoted” for reporting about sharia-justified abuses and jihad murder. Already the word “Islamophobia” is defined as including “dislike” or “fear” of “Muslimness.”
EXCLUSIVE: Portland School Teachers Now Obligated To Help Illegal Alien Students Evade I.C.E. Agents
What to do if you’re a teacher in Portland Public Schools, you suspect that one or more of your students are “undocumented,” and you see federal I.C.E. agents around the school?Well, thanks to this handy guide from the school district, you are now obligated to help the students evade the I.C.E. agents.
Terrorist Attack Israel ( North of Jerusalem) Near city of Ariel
#BREAKING: Deadly terror attack north of Jerusalem, near city of Ariel. Multiple casualties reported in two locations, at least 2 dead.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad praise deadly West Bank terror shootings
The Palestinian Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror groups praised a pair of shooting attacks in the northern West Bank on Sunday, in which one Israeli was killed and two others were critically wounded, calling them “heroic.”
Son Publicly Defends Parents Implicated In Admissions Scandal While Smoking Blunt
“They’re blowing this whole thing out of proportion. I believe everyone has a right to go to college, man…”
Meeting Between Trump And Xi Said To Be Delayed Till June: SCMP
The meeting between US President Donald Trump and Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping to end the trade war which was tentatively pushed back from March to April, may be pushed back again, this time to June, the SCMP reported.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Egypt to Hamas: ‘Israel Will Destroy You, We Won’t Intervene’
Shortly after 9 p.m. on Thursday—minutes after sirens blared across central Israel and a loud boom overhead shook the area—senior Egyptian intelligence officers became outraged during a meeting with Hamas officials in Gaza. “Just so you know,” they leveled at Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar and Ismail Haniyeh, “if Israel decides to launch a comprehensive military operation in Gaza, we won’t do a thing to stop it, even if it decides to simultaneously topple Hamas and conquer the Gaza Strip.” The dramatic exchange was relayed by a senior Egyptian official who attended the meeting.
General closure in Judea and Samaria
Crossings from Palestinian Authority-controlled areas in Judea, Samaria, as well as Gaza’s border crossings, will be closed for the duration of the Purim holiday. Arabs who wish to cross into pre-1967 Israel from Judea and Samaria but do not have Israeli citizenship must apply for permits. The reason is usually in order to work, but since criminals and terrorists seeking to carry out attacks can try to join them, there is a need for permits so that each can be vetted and a record kept.
Cracks in Earth’s magnetic field? It only sounds like science fiction. In fact, a magnetic crack opened for more than 5 hours on March 16-17. The resulting G1-class geomagnetic storm sparked stunning auroras around the Arctic Circle.
Minnesota Democrats Reportedly Want Ilhan Omar Out — She Blames Trump
Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar blamed President Donald Trump on Sunday after reports that members of the Minnesota Democratic Party are considering removing her from congressional office for her repeated anti-Semitic statements. Omar has defended the anti-Semitic statements, such as ones invoking Allah to expose Israel’s “evil doings,” and she is on record stating that Israel is not a democracy. She also gave an interview to a host that referred to Israel as the “Jewish ISIS”
Google makes Greenpeace co-founder ‘vanish’
Google has eliminated Patrick Moore from a search result listing co-founders of the environmental group Greenpeace. The move came after Moore made headlines criticizing the climate-change-driven policies of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and 2020 presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, which drew praise from President Trump. Moore tweeted Saturday that his name had been eliminated from the Google list sometime in the previous two days. “Oh my! @Google has removed my photo and name from the “Founders of @Greenpeace“. It was still there 2 days ago but now I am erased. Tech Tyranny!!”
Take Back the Temple Mount
With predictable petulance, the Palestinian leadership has been deliberately raising tensions on the Temple Mount, seeking to exploit the sensitive preelection season in Israel to further strengthen its hold on the holy site.
Aleutian Flights Affected By Erupting Volcanoes in Russia
Volcanic eruptions on Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula have delayed and canceled flights in the Aleutian Islands over the last several days. Bezymianny Volcano exploded Friday, throwing ash 50,000 feet into the air — some 1,300 miles from Unalaska. Meanwhile, Sheveluch Volcano has remained restless since an eruption last month, with a growing lava dome and continued ash emissions. All that activity has generated international flight warnings, according to Dave Schneider of the Alaska Volcano Observatory.
Stash of Original Temple Incense Found
End Times expert Rabbi Pinchas Winston spoke to Breaking Israel News at length about the spiritual significance of the Temple incense and its connection to the upcoming holiday of Purim. “Purim is all about the ketoret. Eleven spices correspond to the sefirah (Godly attribute) of da’at (knowledge), the eleventh sefirah. It is no coincidence that the ketoret has 11 spices. Thus, the ketoret is connected to da’at.
‘Democratic Party not anti-Jewish but some members are’
“The Democratic Party is not an anti-Jewish party, but there are some people in the party now, including in Congress as we’ve seen from Congresswoman Omar…who are saying explicitly anti-Semitic things,” Lieberman, who is Jewish, was quoted as having said in an interview on AM 970 in New York. President Donald Trump ripped the Democrats, telling reporters that the Democratic party has become an “anti-Israel” and “anti-Jewish” party.
Iraq-Syria-Iran hold ‘tripartite’ meeting against U.S. in Syria
Iranian Maj.-Gen. Mohammad Baqeri met with his Iraqi counterpart and Syrian Defense Minister Ali Abdullah Ayyoub to discuss opposition to the US role in Syria… In what Iranian media called a “tripartite” meeting, the three held a joint press conference in Damascus. It is the latest…sign of an Iran-Iraq-Syria entente that will aid Iran’s ambitions in the region and comes on the heels of a historic visit by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to Iraq.
Saudi report: Iranians hacked the phones of Yair and Sara Netanyahu
A Saudi Arabian paper, Independentarabia, published a report on Tuesday claiming that Iranian Intelligence has hacked the phones of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s son Yair and wife Sara. According to the report, the breach was done several months ago, and that it is not yet clear what information was leaked through the tapping of their phones.
Iranian Commander: All of Israel within reach of Hezbollah’s missiles
All of Israel is within range of Hezbollah’s missiles, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Maj.-Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari said… “The current status quo and the current capabilities of the Resistance Front of the Islamic Revolution are all the unique accomplishments of the Islamic Revolution which cannot be verbally described and they rather should be sensed,” he said in an interview with the Persian-language Soroush Magazine.
Gaza economic protests expose cracks in Hamas’s rule
In Gaza, it is no surprise to hear complaints about the terrible living conditions – after all, the World Bank describes a local economy in “free fall” with 70% unemployment among young people. However, what has been extraordinary in recent days is that large crowds of Palestinians have been turning out on the streets to voice their frustration and even criticise Hamas – the militant Islamist group which rules the strip with an iron fist.
Three dead in record flooding in US Midwestern states
Thawing snowpack and heavy rains have brought historically high flooding to several Midwestern states and have led to thousands of evacuations. Three people have died, including a man who officials say was trying to rescue strangers from freezing flood waters. Record-breaking flooding in at least five states has led to emergency declarations. Several communities have been cut off from outside help.
UK scientists join race for lab-grown meat
British scientists have joined the race to produce meat grown in the lab rather than reared on the hoof. Scientists at the University of Bath have grown animal cells on blades of grass, in a step towards cultured meat. If the process can be reproduced on an industrial scale, meat lovers might one day be tucking into a slaughter-free supply of “bacon”.
Isis calls on followers to ‘take revenge’ for New Zealand terror attack
Isis has called on its followers to retaliate for the terror attack against Muslims in New Zealand last week, in a rare message from one of its top figures. The group’s spokesman, Abu Hassan al-Muhajir, broke a six month silence to call on Isis supporters to “take vengeance for their religion” in the 44-minute audio recording.
Palestinian agency urges donors to step up after US cuts
The head of the UN agency that helps 5.3 million Palestinian refugees on Monday urged donors who filled a $446 million hole in its budget last year after the Trump administration drastically cut the US contribution to be equally generous this year. “Last year we had an extraordinary crisis and an out of the ordinary response,” Pierre Krahenbuhl said… “Our humble request to all the donors is: Please keep your funding levels at the same level as 2018.”
Tuberculosis epidemic hits Minnesota as 296 Muslim refugees are diagnosed as active – majority are Somalis
Two hundred and ninety-six refugees were diagnosed with active tuberculosis (TB) between 2010 and 2014 in Minnesota, according to the Minnesota Department of Health. Seventy-one were diagnosed within one year of their arrival, while 225 were diagnosed after the first year.
The Catholic Church Has Made a Deal With the Devil in Beijing
The Catholic Church, which has jealously defended its sovereignty for centuries, has made a deal with the Devil. In October of 2018, the Vatican entered into a preliminary agreement with the militantly atheist Chinese Communist Party meant to “protect” the nine million Catholic Chinese citizens who are currently being harassed and oppressed by the totalitarian government in Beijing.
Voter Fraud Ring Caught Rigging Elections for Democrats in Texas
Four members of a voter fraud ring have been arrested in Texas after they were caught rigging the votes for Democratic candidates ahead of the 2016 primary elections.
Mentally disabled Christian beaten, arrested after Muslim bursts into his home claiming he overheard ‘blasphemous’ comment
One would think the home invader who broke into the home of a mentally disabled Christian and beat him would be the one arrested. But this is Islam.
Leaked Documents Prove Soros Working with UN Supporting Illegal Migrant Crisis
On Sunday, the United Nations admitted it is supporting the illegal immigrants and caravans from Central America, currently marching towards the US southern border.
Palestinians in Gaza resume night time border protests
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip resumed night time protests along the border between Israel and the coastal enclave on Monday, a week after halting them.
Iran Building Two New Nuclear Plants
Iranian leaders announced on Monday the construction of two new nuclear plants, and it remains unclear if the Trump administration views this as crossing a red line since its abandonment of the landmark nuclear deal, which included provisions permitting Iran to work on heavy water nuclear reactors that could provide a plutonium-based pathway to a bomb.
Secret Underground Church Started By James The Half-Brother Of Jesus Discovered In Jerusalem On Mount Zion
Recently, I came across these amazing videos of archaeological discoveries dating back to the First Century AD, showing what is purported to be perhaps the very first Christian church in Jerusalem, one that was started by James, the half-brother of Jesus. Not to be confused with James, the brother of John, who wrote the book of James that bears his name.
School Teaches 5-Year-Olds About Transgenderism WO Telling Parents
In Arlington County, Virginia, not even kindergarteners are exempt from pro-transgender messaging. So reports The Washington Post, which, earlier this month, featured an article about Ashlawn Elementary School, which honored National “Read Across America Day” by hosting a transgender spokesperson for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). The spokesperson read a story about a transgender child for a room full of kindergarten children.
Dozens of Christians Slaughtered By Muslim Militants
Dozens of Christians have been slaughtered by Muslim militants in Nigeria, yet the massacre has been completely ignored by the mainstream media.
Puzzling number of men tied to Ferguson protests have died
Two young men were found dead inside torched cars. Three others died of apparent suicides. Another collapsed on a bus, his death ruled an overdose. Six deaths, all involving men with connections to protests in Ferguson, Missouri, drew attention on social media and speculation in the activist community that something sinister was at play.
‘Anti-Hate’ Resolution Is A Stress Test For Criminalizing Dems’ Opposition
The House recently passed a non-binding resolution that condemns hate and bigotry in response to Rep. Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitic statements, citing a broad range of victimized groups, including Jews and Muslims. It doesn’t include white Christians—a stark and significant omission.
Gaetz pushes for abortion restrictions, funding for faith-based clinics
The national debate surrounding abortion came to Northwest Florida on Friday as U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz advocated for the passage of tougher abortion restrictions and for federal funding for faith-based pregnancy centers during a visit to a clinic in Milton.
Democrats use Nazi policy to get registration, then confiscation, of your guns
Happiness is a warm gun, sang the Beatles; but Democrats are singing registration, then confiscation, of your guns. A “Firearm Registration” bill was introduced in the Pennsylvania Legislature on March 8, 2019.
What are they trying to hide? Out of all the violent videos on the ‘net, possessing the NZ mosque shooting video can now get you 10 years in prison
Something is incredibly fishy about the New Zealand mosque shooting and how governments and the media have responded to it. Governments are now going to extraordinary lengths to eliminate the video from the internet while criminalizing anyone who dares possess it or distribute it.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Are the Temple Vessels Ready for Purim?
As Jews celebrate Purim on Wednesday evening (Thursday, in Jerusalem) it may be significant to consider the recent reappearance of many, if not all, of the Temple vessels that played a subtle yet significant role in the Purim story. Although the story of Purim takes place entirely in Persia and was not connected to any Temple rituals, the holiday is connected to the Temple and geulah (redemption) in several less obvious points. According to Jewish tradition, Persian King Ahasuerus served the feast described in the beginning of the Book of Esther on the sacred vessels of the Jewish Temple. Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, founder of the Temple Institute told Breaking Israel News that if the Jews today were given the opportunity to jumpstart the Temple service, it would require a mere four hours to do so.
Purim Supermoon: Countdown to Messiah
After reading the Book of Esther for the holiday of Purim on Wednesday evening, Jews leaving the synagogue will be greeted by the sight of a supermoon overhead, a phenomenon to which some rabbinic experts ascribe great import. The Purim supermoon will be the final in a series of three consecutive full-moon/ supermoons. The next appearance of supermoons will also be a triad, culminating on the night before Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year). Purim also coincides with the vernal (spring) equinox when the Sun crosses the celestial equator – the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator – from south to north. On the equinox, the day and night are each about 12 hours in length everywhere on Earth.
Trump in 2020, Jesus in 2024
You’ve probably heard the term “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” I don’t think it’s the Trump style that brings on the shivers of TDS. Rather, what invokes the fear, hatred, loathing and the human distemper symptoms among his opponents is his substance, his tenacity and his worldview. Look at the Trump positions that drive his opponents to TDS: His skepticism of the climate-change hysteria; His full-throated opposition to socialism; His genuine love of America; His commitment to the need for national sovereignty; His genuine support of Israel.
Gandhi’s grandson has a message for Israel
Dr. Arun Gandhi followed in his grandfather’s footsteps by advocating the concept of “non-violence,” sometimes perhaps crossing the line of what is seemingly acceptable, by suggesting that Israelis talk too much about the Holocaust. He believes that focusing on the Holocaust prevents the Jewish people from moving forward and there are no cultures in the world worth sharing.
Jewish Author: Christians Face Danger in America
A New York Times bestselling author is warning that Christians are in real danger of persecution — in America. And this warning comes from a surprising source, a prominent secular Jew. David Horowitz argues in his new book “Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America,” that secularists and leftists want to turn the nation into a godless, heathen society where religion has absolutely no role.
Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano suffers largest eruption in years
Mexico’s active Popocatepetl volcano has exploded late Monday evening, sending ash and debris high into the air and several kilometers away from the crater. The 9:38 pm explosion of the active crater sent a 1.2km-high column of ash and fragments into the air,…
Intel’s next-gen supercomputer to usher in exascale era in 2021
The next generation of supercomputers has an official start date. Intel and the US Department of Energy (DOE) are teaming up to deliver the world’s first exascale supercomputer in 2021, giving a huge boost to many different fields of research. Named Aurora, the new system will be a thousand times more powerful than the petascale generation that began in 2008 and is still in wide use today. Aurora will boast a performance of one exaflop, which is equal to one quintillion floating point operations per second. That will make it the first exascale supercomputer in the United States, and unless another competitor emerges from the shadows in the next two years, it’s on track to be the first in the world.
Islamic State fighters pinned on Syrian riverbank, warplanes fly above
Warplanes flew near Baghouz in eastern Syria early on the final remnants of the Islamic State group held a narrow strip of land along the Euphrates in a last-ditch defense of its dwindling territory. Defeat there would signal the end of the ultra-hardline Islamist movement’s control in eastern Syria, having held more than a third of Syria and Iraq at one point in 2014 as it sought to carve out a huge caliphate in the region.
Kuwait says U.S. Mideast peace plan should weigh regional considerations
Kuwait’s foreign minister said on Wednesday that a long-awaited US peace proposal for the Middle East should factor in regional considerations and all stakeholders. “We hope the plan will take into account the situation in the region and all the relevant parties,” Sheikh Sabah Khaled al-Sabah told a joint press conference with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is on a regional tour that will also take him to Israel and Lebanon.
EU delegation discusses intensification of antisemitism in Europe
Antisemitism is becoming an increasingly prominent issue in Europe. In the wake of a rise in the number of antisemitic incidents, especially in Europe, the problem was discussed by Ambassador Danny Danon and UN ambassadors from the European Union at a special meeting at the headquarters of the EU delegation to the UN.
Brazil gunmen shoot at convoy carrying nuclear fuel in Angra dos Reis
Gunmen have attacked a convoy of trucks carrying uranium fuel to a nuclear power plant near the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro, police say. The convoy came under attack as it drove past a community controlled by drug traffickers in Angra dos Reis, a tourist city 145km (90 miles) from Rio. Police escorting the convoy responded and a shootout followed. No-one was injured or detained.
Weedkiller glyphosate a ‘substantial’ cancer factor
A US jury has found that one of the world’s most widely-used weedkillers was a “substantial factor” in causing a man’s cancer. Pharmaceutical group Bayer had strongly rejected claims that its glyphosate-based Roundup product was carcinogenic. But the jury in San Francisco ruled unanimously that it contributed to causing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in California resident Edwin Hardeman.
Tracking tools found on EU government and health websites
Online tools which track user behaviour for advertisers have been found on a swathe of EU public health websites, including NHS and pages. These trackers could compromise sensitive data about people, according to researchers at data protection compliance service Cookiebot. The researchers also discovered trackers on 89% of EU government websites.
See the first supermoon on the spring equinox in 19 years
Assuming spring showers stay at bay, sky-watchers in the Northern Hemisphere will get to see a cosmic triple play on March 20, as a “super worm moon” lights up the vernal equinox. According to astronomy website, a full moon has not landed this close to the first day of spring since the year 2000, and the two celestial events won’t happen less than a day apart again until 2030.
Physicist Marcelo Gleiser: ‘Science does not kill God’
The annual Templeton Prize, which recognizes outstanding contributions to “affirming life’s spiritual dimension,” was awarded Tuesday to Brazilian Marcelo Gleiser — a theoretical physicist dedicated to demonstrating science and religion are not enemies… An agnostic, he doesn’t believe in God — but refuses to write off the possibility of God’s existence completely.
Egypt tightens restrictions on media, social networks
Egypt’s top media regulator…put into effect tighter restrictions that allow the state to block websites and even social media accounts with over 5,000 followers if they are deemed a threat to national security. The move is the latest step by the government…to suppress dissent. In recent years, Egypt has launched an unprecedented crackdown on reporters and the media, imprisoning dozens and occasionally expelling some foreign journalists.
Rare protests erupt against Hamas’ 12-year rule over Gaza
Hamas is facing the biggest demonstrations yet against its 12-year rule of the Gaza Strip, with hundreds of Palestinians taking to the streets in recent days to protest the dire living conditions in the blockaded territory. With little tolerance for dissent, the Islamic militant group has responded with heavy-handed tactics. It has arrested dozens of protesters, beaten activists and violently suppressed attempts by local media to cover the unrest.
40 children sang ‘Jesus Loves Me’ as tornado ripped roof off church, all survived
Members of the Mt. Zion Baptist Church in McCracken County, Kentucky, are thanking God after 40 preschoolers and 10 staff members escaped from their building unharmed after a tornado ripped the roof off their church.
Severe Tropical Cyclone Trevor makes 1st of 2 landfalls as a dangerous cyclone in Australia
Severe Tropical Cyclone Trevor made landfall on the Cape York Peninsula on Tuesday and is expected to plow westward into the Gulf of Carpentaria, threatening parts of the Northern Territory later this week.
Cyclone hit millions across Africa in record disaster
Full cost of last Thursday’s disaster still to emerge, death count could top 1,000; Red Cross: at least 400,000 people had been made homeless in central Mozambique alone; cyclone could rank as one of the worst weather-related disasters recorded in the southern hemisphere
Pro-Israel voices silenced at the UN in disturbing video
UN Human Rights Council interrupts,cuts audio of speaker rebutting anti-Israel lies during debate on alleged Israeli ‘war crimes.’
Ontario Passes Law Allowing Gov’t to Seize Children From Parents Who Oppose Gender Transition
Canada’s Ontario province has passed legislation that allows the government to seize children from families that refuse to accept their child’s chosen “gender identity” or “gender expression.”
Forensic Science Has Finally Identified ‘Jack the Ripper’
Jack the Ripper, one of the most legendary serial killers in recorded history, has been identified — 131 years after he stalked the streets of London.
‘Muslim terrorists’ in New Mexico tied to Democrats
A federal grand jury in New Mexico has indicted five Muslims who allegedly trained children to carry out school massacres on terrorism-related offenses, conspiracy to commit murder and kidnapping.
30 gravestones desecrated at Jewish cemetery in Massachusetts
Swastikas and anti-Semitic epithets were drawn on at least 30 gravestones at a Jewish cemetery in southern Massachusetts. The vandalism at the Hebrew Cemetery in Fall River, Massachusetts occurred over the weekend, police told local media.
State Dep’t: 800K to 2 Million Muslims Forced Into ‘Internment Camps’ in Communist China
The U.S. State Department, echoing reports by human rights groups and some news media, reported that between 800,000 and 2 million Muslims have been forced into “internment camps” in Communist China where they are reeducated “to erase religious and ethnic identities.” Many of the Muslims’ children are shipped off to orphanages by the authorities.
EXCLUSIVE: Google VP Stepped In After Employees Offended By Christian Video On Marriage
Google banned a video explaining Christian teaching on same-sex marriage from advertising on YouTube after backlash from upset employees, according to internal Google communications reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation.
FAIRLY UNBALANCED: As $71 Billion Dollar Disney Merger Deal Prepares To Finalize, Fox News Is Being Transformed Into A Progressive Liberal Platform
Over the past week, two key events took place that will tell you everything you need to know about what type of news outlet the new Fox station will be. First, Fox ordered that Conservative opinion show ‘Judge Jeanine‘ be dropped because she told the truth about Muslim congresswoman Rep. Ilhan Omar. The second thing that happened was the announcement that ultra-Liberal and former Democratic National Committee chief Donna Brazile would be getting her own show. Welcome to the “new” Fox News. Ugh…
The Globalist’s Doomsday Weapon Designed to Bring Down America
There is an insidious plot to bring down America. Over the next several days, a series of articles and interviews are going to be released which will leave no doubt that there is a plot to bring down America and the main thrust of that plot is being financed in places like Humboldt County and it will be manifested through the CALEXIT movement in which major parts of California will become its own country and function as a protectorate under the United Nations.
Raging Pro-Abortion Activists Behind the Pulpits
How many church goers filling Sunday pews at the United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Episcopal Church, Unitarian Universalist Association, Christian Church (Disciple of Christ) and Unity Church realize that their pastors publicly stated their support of the abortion chain Planned Parenthood twice in the past two years?
ICE Deports 256,000 Illegal Aliens, Including 6,000 Gang Members From US
Sweeping raids across the United States has seen violent gang members apprehended by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency, with more 256,000 illegal aliens deported in 2018 alone, according to reports.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Rep. Ilhan Omar and the land of the pirates
These type of bombings are so frequent in the Muslim world that Omar didn’t feel that 90 dead citizens were worth mentioning. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) who has been widely criticized for her anti-Semitic statements was remarkably silent just this last February 28th at the news that a radical Muslim group had blown up the Makkah Hotel in her hometown of Mogadishu, Somalia, killing over 30 and wounding 90. this is the land from which Congresswoman Omar emigrated. Hate originating from the Koran has ripped apart her home nation. Yet she cannot raise her voice to decry the killings called for and carried out throughout the Muslim world by, you guessed it, Muslims. This is the mindset of this woman who calls the democratic state of Israel, “a terrorist nation.”
US recognition of Israeli sovereignty over Golan could come next week – officials
Israeli and American officials say they expect an announcement on US recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights as soon as next week, when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits Washington. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the information had not yet been made public.
Home Office letter quotes violent BIBLE verses to ‘prove’ Christianity is not peaceful as it rejects asylum bid by Iranian convert
An Iranian national seeking asylum in Britain had his 2016 application turned down after saying he’d be persecuted for his new Christian beliefs in his home country. A Home Office asylum rejection letter said the claimants suggestion that Christianity was peaceful was ‘inconsistent’ because of images of ‘violence’ and ‘revenge’ in the Bible.
Russia deploys nuclear bombers to Crimea after US rolls out missile defence systems on Putin’s doorstep
Putin is sending squadrons of strategic nuclear bombers to Crimea after the US took over missile defence systems on his doorstep. The Kremlin is to station Tu-22M3 bombers at Gvardeyskoye air base – within a hour’s striking distance of NATO’s military set-up in Romania.
Prayer & Action: Deadly Cyclone Leaves ‘Insane Human Suffering’ in Mozambique
According to The Weather Channel, the situation in Mozambique remains “dire,” with children clinging to rooftops. The United Nations Food Agency says the emergency is getting “bigger by the hour.”
Brazil’s President is a Friend to President Trump and Biblical Values: “We are God-Fearing Men”
“My campaign didn’t have a lot of money; almost all the media in Brazil were against us, so it was a huge miracle that we won,” said Bolsonaro. Just 78 days into his presidency, Bolsonaro is already shaking-up Brazil’s political establishment. “To a large extent, I support what Trump does; He wants to make America great, I also want to make Brazil great. I also have concerns about the indiscriminate entrance of foreigners without any criteria. But beyond this, we are both Christians and we are God-fearing men,” he explained.
End of Days Guide to Purim
Rabbi Mattityahu Glazerson, an acknowledged Torah codes expert, revealed amazing clues indicating that this Purim is especially auspicious for the arrival of the Messiah. His calculations show that even if the Messiah does not arrive on Purim, the end date is much closer than most people realize.
Peace plan now: ‘Deal of the century’ should be revealed before April elections
Israelis and Palestinians have been waiting for the Trump administration’s “deal of the century” peace plan since May 2018. Now, President Donald Trump is saying he will unveil this plan only after the April 9 Israeli elections. However, there is a strong argument to be made that the peace plan should be shared immediately. “The time politically is never ripe in the Middle East,” says Gilead Sher…“If the plan is ready, let’s hear about it…”
U.K. promises to vote against anti-Israel resolutions at UNHRC
The UK has promised to honor its pledge to oppose anti-Israel resolutions at the United Nations Human Rights Council. In a piece written for The Jewish Chronicle, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said that items devoted to discussing rights abuses in the West Bank and Gaza have a “disproportionate and discriminatory” focus on Israel, and that the UK would oppose such discussions at the UNHRC.
Cyclone Idai: ‘15,000 people still need to be rescued’
Some 15,000 people still need to be rescued from the devastation caused by Cyclone Idai, Mozambique officials say. The cyclone victims there are stranded by catastrophic flooding and are clinging to roofs or stuck in trees, charities say. In the port city of Beira, aid workers say there is only two to three days of clean water left.
Two Palestinians killed in clashes in Nablus
Two Palestinian men have been killed in clashes with Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank. The Israeli military said explosive devices were hurled from a car at troops guarding Jewish worshippers at Joseph’s Tomb in the city of Nablus. The troops opened fire, killing two assailants, it added. In a separate incident near Ramallah, a Palestinian allegedly behind an attack that left two Israelis dead was killed in a firefight with Israeli forces.
US judge halts hundreds of drilling projects in groundbreaking climate change ruling
In the first significant check on the Trump administration’s “energy-first” agenda, a US judge has temporarily halted hundreds of drilling projects for failing to take climate change into account. Drilling had been stalled on more than 300,000 acres of public land in Wyoming after it was ruled the Trump administration violated environmental laws by failing to consider greenhouse gas emissions.
Rwanda sparks human rights concerns in proposing world’s first nationwide DNA database
Rwanda has proposed the world’s first country-wide DNA database, a project that will involve collecting samples from all of the country’s 12 million citizens in an effort to crack down on crime. The scheme has prompted concerns from human rights campaigners who believe the database could be misused by the government and violate international human rights laws.
US recognition of Israeli sovereignty over Golan could come next week – officials
Israeli and American officials say they expect an announcement on US recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights as soon as next week, when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits Washington… While US Secretary of State Pompeo avoided the issue of sovereignty over the Golan during his visit to Israel on Wednesday, he lauded the White House’s warm ties with the Jewish state and promised to step up pressure on Iran…
Exclusive: U.S. may soon pause preparations for delivering F-35s to Turkey
The United States could soon freeze preparations for delivering F-35 fighter jets to Turkey…in…the strongest signal yet…that Ankara cannot have both the advanced aircraft and Russia’s S-400 air defense system. The United States is nearing an inflection point in a years-long standoff with Turkey…after so far failing to sway President Tayyip Erdogan that buying a Russian air defense system would compromise the security of F-35 aircraft.
U.S. farmers face devastation following Midwest floods
Midwestern farmers have been gambling they could ride out the U.S.-China trade war by storing their corn and soybeans anywhere they could – in bins, plastic tubes, in barns or even outside. Now, the unthinkable has happened. Record floods have devastated a wide swath of the Farm Belt across Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota and several other states. Early estimates of lost crops and livestock are approaching $1 billion in Nebraska alone.
After Multiple Reports About New Zealanders Turning In Guns, Guess How Many Actually Did It?
“I don’t NEED, want or care about guns. I can happily live my life without them.”
Trump just scored a massive win at the Supreme Court that gives him immense power over migrants
On Tuesday, the Supreme Court ruled against immigrants who argued that even if they had committed crimes that made them deportable, the Department of Homeland Security could only take them into immigration custody to decide what to do with them after they’ve finished their sentences after more than roughly one day has gone by since their release.
Vimeo removes Christian church’s account over videos critical of homosexuality
Popular video hosting site Vimeo removed the account of Fairview Baptist Church, located in Oklahoma, after the organization hosted a conference criticizing homosexuality.
NBC Admits Hillary Clinton Used her Job to Cover up Pedophile Rings as Secretary of State
The NBC investigation was broadcast at a time when they were a real news organization rather than a branch of the Democratic Party’s PR department, and provided internal State Department memos to back up claims of a massive Hillary Clinton elite pedophile ring cover-up.
Muslim call to prayer will be broadcast across New Zealand, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern orders
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has said the country will pause for two minutes of silence on Friday, followed by the Muslim call to prayer which will be broadcast across the nation.
Missouri Senate Bans All Federal Gun Control Laws in Proposed Bill
Missouri may have just made the most monumental step towards freedom and individual liberty since the signing of the Bill of Rights. In an upcoming vote by Missouri’s state senate, the state is expected to pass a bill that would nullify ALL Federal gun laws and regulations, and make enforcement of those laws by federal officers within the State of Missouri a criminal offense. Republicans control both U.S. Senate seats and more than two-thirds of the seats in both the Missouri House and Senate.
Guest School Speaker Told A Bunch Of Student Athletes Hitler Was A ‘Good Leader.’ School District Responds
A New Jersey school district apologized Tuesday after one of its employees told high school student athletes that Adolf Hitler was a “good leader” at a Saturday presentation.
Elizabeth Warren Explains Why God Sends Some People to Heaven and Others to Another Place
Sen. Elizabeth Warren explained at a townhall meeting sponsored by CNN in Jackson, Miss., on Monday night how God picks some people to go to heaven and others to go to another place.
Devout UK Catholic Commentator Under Investigation for Using Wrong Pronoun in Tweet
A British Catholic commentator is under investigation for using the wrong pronoun in a tweet to describe a transgender woman.
Sucking Liberals Into A New Cold War
Out of fury against President Trump, many liberals have enlisted in the ranks of the New Cold War against Russia, seeming to have forgotten the costs to rationality and lives from the first Cold War…
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
IT’S OVER: ISIS Soldiers Have Surrendered To US-Led Troops As Last Terror Stronghold In Syria Is Now Liberated And Caliphate Destroyed
During the Obama years, ISIS grew by leaps and bounds, their power seemingly unstoppable as they slaughtered their way across Iraq and Syria. President Obama sat at the helm of the world’s strongest military, and yet was unable or unwilling to order the type of operations needed to vanquish ISIS. “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” Barack Obama. President Donald J. Trump has not been hindered by the same loyalties to Islam that his predecessor was, and because of that, was able to systematically destroy ISIS in a little over a 2 year period. The ISIS caliphate has crumbled, and the final offensive is over. While the official announcement hasn’t yet been made – Fox News has been told that this village, the last ISIS stronghold, is liberated.
EU leaders agree to short-term Brexit delay, granting PM Theresa May a lifeline
European Union leaders on Thursday night agreed to a short-term Brexit extension in order to allow British Prime Minister Theresa May more time to get her withdrawal agreement through Parliament — just a week before Britain was scheduled to leave the bloc.
Clinton, in newly revealed emails, discussed classified foreign policy matters, secretive ‘private’ comms channel with Israel
A newly unearthed batch of heavily redacted, classified emails from Hillary Clinton’s personal email server revealed that the former secretary of state discussed establishing a “private, 100% off-the-record” back channel to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and that one of her top aides warned her that she was in “danger” of being “savaged by Jewish organizations, in the Jewish press and among the phalanx of neoconservative media” as a result of political machinations by “Bibi and the Jewish leadership.” The 756-page group of new documents, revealed Thursday as part of a transparency lawsuit by Judicial Watch, seemingly contradicted Clinton’s insistence under oath in 2015 that she had turned over all of her sensitive work-related emails to the State Department, and included a slew of classified communications on everything from foreign policy to State Department personnel matters.
After eight years of civil war, can Syria be reassembled?
The figures are blurred, but it’s clear that it will take a lot of effort and treasure to put the country back together – if it’s to happen at all.
German leader meets with Hezbollah, supports terrorism against Israel
A delegation of far-right extremist European politicians, including a German neo-Nazi leader, met with Hezbollah’s foreign affairs chief Ammar Al-Moussawi in Beirut to express support for the Lebanese terrorist organization’s fight against the Jewish state. The right-wing extremist party, Alliance for Freedom and Peace, organized the delegation to Beirut that included members of German parliament and members of the European parliament from Britain, Italy, Belgium and Croatia.
City of David Excavations Reveal Jar Fragment from Period of Later Prophets
The shard is thought to date from the Persian rule of Jerusalem (fourth and fifth centuries BCE) and was found alongside other less impressive pieces from the same period. “Pottery from this period was exposed in the past in the City of David, but this is the first time that such a vessel has been found in archaeological excavations in Jerusalem or anywhere in the Judean highlands,”
UNHRC votes 23-8 for arms embargo and war crimes suits against Israel
The United Nations Human Rights Council voted 23-9 for an arms embargo against Israel and the prosecution of Israelis for war crimes for IDF actions along the Gaza border last year. Australia, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Fiji, Hungary, Togo and the Ukraine all opposed the resolution. The vote was held on Friday in Geneva, as the UNHRC wraps up its 40th session.
New Zealand minister lands in Turkey for ‘substantial’ talks over shooting
New Zealand’s foreign minister arrived in Turkey early Friday for what he called “substantial” talks after comments made by Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan over the killing of 50 people at mosques in Christchurch a week ago sparked a diplomatic spat between the nations. “We are looking forward to commemorating and grieving with the Turkish people as to the event, and to some substantial talks when we are here,” Winston Peters told reporters…
Democratic presidential candidates will not attend AIPAC
Some of the Democratic candidates for the US presidential elections said on Thursday they would not attend the annual AIPAC conference in Washington, D.C. next week. Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, former House of Representatives member Beto O’Rourke and Senator Kamala Harris of California, all of whom announced they would run for the Democratic primaries next year, decided not to attend the conference.
North Korea quits Kaesong liaison office with South Korea
North Korea has withdrawn from the inter-Korean liaison office which was opened amid a warming of ties last year to facilitate talks with the South. Seoul said it was contacted on Friday and informed that the North’s staff would be leaving later in the day. It has expressed its regret at the decision and is urging staff from the North to return as soon as possible.
Another Defense Agency Migrates Data to Amazon Cloud
The Defense Health Agency, which supports the delivery of health and medical services to millions of Army, Navy and Air Force personnel worldwide, is Amazon’s newest cloud customer. Amazon Web Services will now host DHA’s Armed Forces Billing and Collection Utilization Solution in GovCloud U.S. West region, a cluster of data centers built specifically to host some of the government’s most sensitive data.
Connecticut Assisted Suicide Bill Would Allow Doctors to Kill Mentally Disabled Patients
..the bill concerns the authority of doctors. It sets forth the circumstances under which a doctor could actively prescribe lethal drugs to directly cause the death of a supposedly willing patient without fear of liability.
Central US to remain underwater for weeks to come as historic river flooding continues
The flooding disaster that continues to unfold over the central United States is likely to continue well into April, putting more communities and farmland at risk.
Australia Threatened by Two Tropical Cyclones This Weekend
Two tropical cyclones, Trevor and Veronica, are expected to bring heavy rainfall, flooding and damaging winds to parts of Australia into this weekend.
Cyclone Veronica rapidly intensifies off WA’s Pilbara coast, expected to reach category five
A severe tropical cyclone brewing north of Western Australia has intensified more rapidly than expected, reaching a category four severity and prompting warnings of heavy rainfall, damaging winds and a destructive storm surge along coastal areas.
Cyclone Idai: Death toll surpasses 500 in southern Africa
A week after Cyclone Idai lashed southern Africa, flooding still raged Thursday as torrential rains caused a dam to overflow in Zimbabwe, threatening riverside populations.
Death toll rises in Mozambique as extent of ‘humanitarian catastrophe’ from devastating Cyclone Idai becomes clearer
The total number of fatalities rose above 350 across three countries as communities remain isolated by devastating flooding caused by Tropical Cyclone Idai.
OPINION: Opioids Have Killed As Many Americans As World War II, But Cable News Still Won’t Talk About It
America has been engulfed by the opioid epidemic for nearly two decades, and today, more people are dying as a result than ever before. From 1999 to 2017, almost as many Americans died of an opioid overdose as died fighting in World War II. While it is more critical now than ever before that we draw attention to this epidemic, the media — and cable news in particular — has continually ignored the magnitude of the issue.
House Dems Brought in a Soros Group to Fix Anti-Semitism, It Made Anti-Semitic Jokes
How disastrous are the attempts to rein in leftist anti-Semitism in the Dem House? The Washington Post, in between providing space to Islamist anti-Semites, did a sympathetic piece on a session, largely focusing on Rep. Tlaib’s crocodile tears. Media pieces have had the same focus. But here’s what they chose not to dwell on.
BREAKING: Judicial Watch Uncovers MORE Classified Emails on Hillary Clinton’s Private Server – LOCK HER UP!
Thank God for Judicial Watch. Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch announced Thursday it discovered at least 5 more classified emails on Hillary Clinton’s private server system.
WATCH: President Trump Signs Executive Order to Protect Free Speech on College Campuses
President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Thursday requiring colleges that receive federal funding to comply with the First Amendment’s protection of free speech.
Middle School Student Punished For Recreating Battlefield Cross For School Assignment
…Carlin told Fox News that his teacher knew he would be making the replica and said it would be alright. But when Carlin showed up to his Ohio school with his project — made from a helmet, boots and a Nerf dart gun — it was promptly taken away. He also said he was given a 3-day in-school suspension.
MI5: Far Right Terror Cases ‘Absolutely Dwarfed by Islamist Cases’
The number of far-right terror cases the authorities are faced with is “absolutely dwarfed” by the number of cases related to radical Islam, according to Britain’s Security Service, better known as MI5.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Cyclone Trevor hits Australia’s northern coast, bringing torrential rains
A vast cyclone has crashed into Australia’s northern coast, bringing torrential rains and winds of up to 250km/h (155 mph). Cyclone Trevor made landfall as a category four storm and officials have declared a state of emergency in some areas. Another storm, Cyclone Veronica, is set to strike the country’s west coast.
German police arrest 10 people on suspicion of planning Islamist attack
Police in Germany have arrested 10 people on suspicion of planning an Islamist attack. The arrests were made after some 200 police officers carried out raids in the states of Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate. The men had plotted to “kill as many ‘non-believers’ as possible” using a vehicle and guns, prosecutors said.
Russia building ‘ground force’ of killer robots – including deadly swarm of cat-sized ‘bomber drones’ and self-driving TANKS
A TERRIFYING new video showcases some of Russia’s latest killer robot technology. AI-controlled mini-tanks and swarms of autonomous cat-sized drones obliterate targets in the propaganda clip released by the Kremlin. The robots are designed to assist Russian infantry, and are currently controlled by a human remotely.
‘Highly Profitable Scam’: Southern Poverty Law Center ‘Ripping Off Donors,’ Former Staffer Says
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a “highly profitable scam” that “never lived up to the values it espoused,” according to former SPLC staffer Bob Moser. The New Yorker on Thursday published a scathing essay from Moser, now a Rolling Stone reporter, accusing the left-wing non-profit of “ripping off donors” while turning a blind eye to sexual harassment and racial discrimination within its own ranks.
Syria vows to ‘liberate’ the Golan
The Syrian government on Friday vowed to recover the Golan Heights after US President Donald Trump said it was time to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the region, Reuters reports. Damascus said on Friday the Golan would remain “Syrian, Arab” and added that Trump had shown contempt for international law.
Trump to lift ‘not necessary’ North Korea sanctions, White House confirms
Donald Trump has announced that he is ordering the withdrawal of recently announced North Korea-related sanctions imposed by the US treasury department. “It was announced today by the US Treasury that additional large-scale Sanctions would be added to those already existing Sanctions on North Korea,” Trump said on Twitter. “I have today ordered the withdrawal of those additional Sanctions!”
Pompeo urges Lebanon to move away from ‘dark’ Iran, Hezbollah
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday urged Lebanon to pick a side as he visited the country on a regional tour to build a united front against Iran. He especially expressed concern over the role of Hezbollah, an Iran-backed Shiite movement that is targeted by US sanctions but holds three cabinet posts in Lebanon.
First Lawsuit Filed Seeking To Make Mueller Report Public; Congress To See Conclusions This Weekend
“The public has a right to know”
NOAA Issues ‘Moderate’ Geomagnetic Storm Watch for the Weekend
Residents in thirteen States could get the chance to see the Northern Lights, or the aurora borealis, over the weekend due to a coronal mass ejection (CME) from the sun, according to weather officials from The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA):
Catastrophic Flooding In The Midwest Could Last For Months, And That Is Going To Mean A Dramatic Drop In U.S. Food Production
We have never seen catastrophic flooding like this, and the NOAA is now telling us that there will be more major flooding for at least two more months. On Thursday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration warned that “historic, widespread flooding” would “continue through May”.
Globalism: Australia Orders US Video Streaming Platform to Remove Videos or Face Action
This is an emergency alert concerning, the free speech video platform alternative to YouTube.
“Allahu Akbar”: New Zealand Recognizes Muslim Call to Prayer as News Anchors Wear Hijabs
New Zealanders across the country stopped to recognize the Muslim call to prayer as news anchors and armed police officers wore hijabs in solidarity one week after the Christchurch mosque massacre.
Marines Seize Pacific Island in Training for War With China
The U.S. Marines seized a small Japanese island in a drill vital for an all-out war with China.
Americans Outraged and Want Justice! Mueller Witch Hunt Will Go Down as Second Democrat Coup of US Government
Today it was announced that dirty cop Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel report was sent to Attorney General Barr. Many see this as the second attempted coup by Democrats to overthrow a Republican President and as a result are outraged!
Pompeo says Trump may have been sent by God to save Jews from Iran
Asked by Christian media about current relevance of Purim story, US secretary of state says he is ‘confident that the Lord is at work here’
When Omar met Erdogan: The unearthed report from their 2017 meeting
About a year and a half ago, on Sept. 18, 2017, a relatively unknown Minnesota state representative flew to New York City to hold a closed-door meeting with the president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was in town for the 72nd U.N. General Assembly. This meeting of now-Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., with Mr. Erdogan, the despotic ruler of Turkey, went almost entirely unreported, as it was not open to the press and Omar was not a high-profile figure. Since then, photos of the meeting surfaced on social media, but it largely appeared that there was no report detailing what happened during the hour-long meeting.
Google Influenced Midterm Elections, May Have Cost Republicans Seats: Study
You don’t say…
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Explosive device found in southern Israel after violent night along border
An explosive device carried by a cluster of balloons launched from the Gaza Strip was found in a field in southern Israel the morning after violent protests along the security fence. The device, which landed in the Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council in southern Israel, was removed by police sappers and caused no damage or injuries.
Muslims who stand up to Mullahs are no ‘Islamophobes’ – Tarek Fatah
“Muslims who stand up to Mullahs are no ‘Islamophobes,” wrote Toronto Sun columnist Tarek Fatah. The founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress…Fatah quoted United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al-Nahyan…“There will come a day when we see far more radicals, extremists and terrorists coming from Europe because of a lack of decision-making and [European politicians] trying to be politically correct.”
Italy joins China’s New Silk Road project
Italy has become the first developed economy to sign up to China’s global investment programme which has raised concerns among Italy’s Western allies. A total of 29 deals amounting to €2.5bn ($2.8bn) were signed during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Rome. The project is seen as a new Silk Road which, just like the ancient trade route, aims to link China to Europe.
How Pope Francis could shape the future of robotics
It might not be the first place you imagine when you think about robots. But in the Renaissance splendour of the Vatican…scientists, ethicists and theologians gather to discuss the future of robotics. The ideas go to the heart of what it means to be human and could define future generations on the planet. The workshop, Roboethics: Humans, Machines and Health was hosted by The Pontifical Academy for Life.
Flooding impairs drinking water treatment for Kansas City, Missouri
Record flooding along the Missouri River has impaired treatment of drinking supplies in Kansas City, raising health risks for infants, the elderly and others with compromised immune systems, the municipal water service warned on Saturday. The public health advisory came as utility crews struggled to replace broken pumps at a wastewater treatment plant submerged by floodwater about 30 miles upstream in Leavenworth, Kansas…
China refuses to concede on U.S. demands to ease curbs on tech firms: FT
Ahead of fresh high-level trade talks this week, China is not conceding to U.S. demands to ease curbs on technology companies, the Financial Times reported on Sunday, citing three people briefed on the discussions. U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin are scheduled to travel to Beijing for talks starting on March 28, the White House said on Saturday.
Mozambique tallies the dead and destruction in wake of deadly Cyclone Idai
In the week since Cyclone Idai triggered unprecedented flooding in central Mozambique, there have been speculative death tolls in the thousands, but barely any bodies recovered.
Cyclone Trevor, Cyclone Veronica: Australia’s north prepares for the worst as two cyclones approach
Two cyclones approaching Australia’s northern coast have forced residents in both Western Australia and the Northern Territory to evacuate. Tropical Cyclone Trevor, the size of the state of Victoria, touched down on the Northern Territory coast Saturday morning.
‘Drag Queen Story Time’ Canceled
…A drag queen story hour at the Houston library is being canceled, and organizers blame threats from “anti-LGBT” organizations for the decision. There was, of course, that little issue of one of the “readers” at the story time having been convicted of molesting an 8-year-old, of course.
Russia Gives US Red Line On Venezuela
“We assume that Washington treats our priorities seriously, our approach and warnings…”
FEAR: UK Schools Stop LGBT Program After Furious Muslim Backlash
Four more schools in Birmingham, U.K., have suspended an LGBT indoctrination program following a backlash by mostly Muslim parents.
Israel, US intercept long-range missiles during joint drill
PM Netanyahu lauds test, says Israel has earned a place “among global leaders” in development of missile defenses • Close military cooperation between U.S., Israel reflects shared concerns over Iran’s development of long-range missiles.
‘Muslim Terrorists’ In New Mexico Tied To Democrats
The leader, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, is the son of Imam Siraj Wahhaj, a former board member of the Council on American-Islamic Relations who is on record urging a violent overthrow of the “filthy” U.S. government. The elder Wahhaj gave an opening prayer at an event at the Democratic National Convention in 2012, pointed out Matthew Vadum in an column for FrontPage Magazine.
Woman Pregnant With Quadruplets Wants to Abort the Boy Babies
A woman who is pregnant with quadruplets after suffering from infertility now is considering whether to abort two of them.
Trump Overrules 52 Years of Policy, Fires Shot Heard Round The World
“After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability!” Trump said.
Make No Mistake the Mueller Investigation was a Coup Against President Trump and It’s Perpetrators Should Be Treated as Such
We reported in April 2018 that DAG Rod Rosenstein was required by law to ensure Mueller had no conflicts of interest to be Special Counsel – yet there is no way Mueller could have passed a reasonable level of scrutiny! But then Mueller created an entire team with similar and worse conflicts of interest. These conflicts prove that the Mueller investigation was a coup attempt from the start!
UK Coup Erupts: Theresa May Cabinet In Revolt, Plotting Her Imminent Overthrow
“The end is nigh. She won’t be prime minister in 10 days’ time.”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
26 Mar 2019
Published on: March 26, 2019 by RRadmin7
Hamas official: Iran ordered rocket attack on central Israel – report
Hamas reportedly gave its blessing for the rocket attack in hopes that of disrupting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s election campaign. The rocket attack on Mishmeret, which hit a home, left seven people injured including two infants. He claimed that Iran “went over the heads” of Hamas leadership and ordered an Islamic Jihad cell operating out of the Gaza Strip to carry out the attack. While senior officials in both Egypt and Gaza confirmed that Iran had ordered the attack, they claimed that Hamas’ leadership was aware of the plans to fire a rocket deep into Israeli territory.
IDF Strikes Hamas’ Terrorist Infrastructure in Gaza, Response to Missile Strike
The Israel Defense Forces has carried out dozens of airstrikes on key Hamas targets throughout the Gaza Strip on Monday evening following a rocket attack that destroyed a home in central Israel earlier in the day. “We are just at the beginning,” IDF Spokesman Brig. Gen. Ronen Manelis told Ynet News. “A large attack is planned. I think that Hamas understands this is a significant strike [following] a serious incident, and ultimately, this is a price that Hamas has been accruing for the past year.” According to the IDF, it has targeted Hamas’s secret military intelligence headquarters in Gaza.
VP Pence Castigates Antisemitic Rhetoric, 2020 Democratic Candidates
Vice President Mike Pence blasted Democratic freshmen in the House of Representatives on Monday, in addition to certain candidates on the 2020 presidential campaign trail, for the former using “rank antisemitic language” and the latter for declining to attend the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) annual policy conference in Washington. As far as Congress goes, without mentioning her by name, Pence pointed to the fact that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), who has repeatedly tweeted anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiment, and accused AIPAC of paying members of Congress to support the pro-Israel lobby’s agenda, has been “traffick[ing] in repeated antisemitic tropes.”“Antisemitism has no place in the Congress of the United States of America,” said the vice president to a thunderous applause from the crowd.
IDF hits enemy targets in Gaza following continued rocket attacks
Israel Defense Force fighter jets attacked 15 enemy targets early Tuesday morning, the IDF spokesperson announced as the rocket attacks on Israel’s southern communities continued into a second day. The targets include a military compound belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization in Beit Hanun and a military compound belonging to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization in Beit Lahiya.The color red alert siren sounded throughout the night in Sderot, the Shaar Hanegev regional council, the Eshkol Regional Council, the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council, and other Gaza border areas.
Iron Dome intercepts rockets in mid air as attacks continue
The Israel Defense Force Spokesperson’s Office said that about 30 rockets were identified emanating from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory. The Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepted a number of the incoming rockets. The rest struck open areas which although may have damaged natural areas hit no structures.
More than 10,000 people sign: Investigate Omar, Tlaib and CAIR
An online petition calling on US Attorney General William Barr and special antisemitism envoy Elan Carr to take a deep look at the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has reached 10,000 signatures. “It has just been about a week and we are very excited,” said Liora Rez, co-founder of the organization Stop Antisemitism, which launched the petition on “But what we want is for Barr and Carr to investigate CAIR’s ties to Hamas and how Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are involved with this organization, which we feel is extremely troubling.”
Russia: US Golan move will lead to ‘new tensions’
Moscow warned on Monday against “a new wave of tensions” in the Middle East following the decision by Washington to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, AFP reported. The comments come after US President Donald Trump signed a proclamation in recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Russia’s foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the move “ignores all international procedures” and would “only aggravate the situation”.
Pentagon chief says $1 billion of funding shifted to border wall
The U.S. Department of Defense shifted $1 billion to plan and build a 57-mile section of “pedestrian fencing”, roads and lighting along the border between the United States and Mexico, the Pentagon chief said on Monday.
Trump allies await results of two internal probes that could expose Russia investigation backstory
Trump allies are now awaiting the results of two long-running internal probes that could expose the backstory behind the Russia probe’s beginnings — and provide more detail on already-documented misconduct among top FBI and DOJ officials. DOJ Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz confirmed at a panel discussion last week that his office is continuing to review potential surveillance abuses by the FBI, a review that began last March and that Fox News is told is nearing completion.
Honduras and Romania proudly announce that they’re following Trump’s lead and moving their Israel embassies to Jerusalem
Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă announced plans Sunday to relocate her nation’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, following a similar announcement by Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez.
Tense quiet in southern Israel after night of rockets and airstrikes
Militants fired over 60 rockets into southern Israel and the Israeli military carried out hundreds of strikes in the Gaza Strip overnight…despite …claims that a ceasefire had been reached. IDF fighter jets, combat helicopters, tanks and naval vehicles struck on Tuesday morning, attacking additional terrorist targets…belonging to Hamas in…the central Gaza Strip, as well as a military compound belonging to Palestinian Islamic Jihad…
Trump signs document officially recognizing Israeli control over Golan
With Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu standing at his side, US President Donald Trump on Monday signed an official presidential proclamation recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights… “Today I am taking historic action to promote Israel’s ability to defend itself, and really to have very powerful and very strong national security, which they are entitled to have,” Trump said…soon after Netanyahu arrived at the White House…
Gulf states condemn U.S. recognition of Israeli control over Golan
Four Gulf Arab states on Tuesday rejected a US decision to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, with Riyadh warning the move would hurt the peace process and affect regional stability. Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait – all regional allies of Washington that host American troops – criticized the move by President Donald Trump to recognize Israel’s 1981 annexation, and said the territory was “occupied Arab land.”
Mexico demands apology from Spain and the Vatican over conquest
Mexico’s president has sent a letter to Spain’s King Felipe VI and Pope Francis urging them to apologise for human rights abuses committed during the conquest of the region 500 years ago. Andrés Manuel López Obrador said the indigenous peoples of Mexico had been the victims of massacres. Speaking in the ruins of an ancient city, he called for a full account of the abuses.
Venezuela crisis: Fresh power cuts black out Caracas
A second major power cut in just a few hours has plunged the Venezuelan capital Caracas into darkness again, with other regions also affected. It came after a four-hour blackout on Monday which the government sought to blame on opposition sabotage. A nationwide power cut earlier this month prompted looting and desperation in many parts of the country.
US-Mexico border wall: Pentagon authorises $1bn transfer
The Pentagon has authorised the transfer of $1bn (£758m) to army engineers for new wall construction along the US-Mexico border. The funds are the first under the national emergency declared by President Donald Trump to bypass Congress and build the barrier he pledged during his election campaign. Democrats have protested against the move. The funds will be used to build about 57 miles (91km) of fencing.
Caravan of migrants in Mexico starts moving towards U.S.
A caravan of some 1,200 migrants from Central America and Cuba began moving towards the U.S. border from southern Mexico this weekend, migration authorities said on Sunday. The National Migration Institute said the migrants were already inside Mexico when they opted to form a caravan in the southern city of Tapachula on the border with Guatemala.
Can AI Be a Fair Judge in Court? Estonia Thinks So
Government usually isn’t the place to look for innovation in IT or new technologies like artificial intelligence. But Ott Velsberg might change your mind. As Estonia’s chief data officer, the 28-year-old graduate student is overseeing the tiny Baltic nation’s push to insert artificial intelligence and machine learning into services provided to its 1.3 million citizens.
Life as one of China’s 13 million ‘deadbeats’ means slow trains, special ring tones
David Kong was feeling crumpled after a recent business trip to Chongqing, which took more than 30 hours on a hard sleeper known locally in China as the “green-skin train” for its distinctive dark olive hue. The same journey would have taken just three hours by air, or about 12 hours by high speed train, but Kong could not take either as he was a “deadbeat”.
Russia Deploys Troops, Equipment to Venezuela
Russian armed forces reportedly deployed to Venezuela over the weekend as the regime of President Nicolas Maduro continues to face intense pressure from a U.S.-backed political opposition. Two Russian military planes touched down outside the capital Caracas on Saturday carrying nearly a hundred troops and military staff, and 35 tons of cargo, according to media reports.
Article 13: EU’s controversial copyright law due for final vote
The European Parliament on Tuesday plans to take a final vote on a key piece of legislation that could have a significant impact on the future of the internet as Europeans know it. The …EU copyright directive, a proposed law that will overhaul copyright rules in Europe…will govern the way copyrighted content is uploaded to the internet — has many in the tech community throwing their hands up in despair.
The end of school: AI ‘Google brain’ implants to REPLACE education and ‘supercharge IQ’
Top AI expert Nikolas Kairinos believes artificial intelligence will improve people’s lives on a mass scale and dramatically transform the way we learn. The CEO and Founder of exclusively told Daily Star Online he is working on a revolutionary AI to “personalise education”. “The current area of focus is personalised education – trying to demarketise and de monetise learning so that anyone can learn almost anything using AI,”…
Virus attacks Spain’s defense intranet, foreign state suspected: paper
A computer virus infected the Spanish Defence Ministry’s intranet this month with the aim of stealing high tech military secrets, El País newspaper said on Tuesday, citing sources leading the investigation as suspecting a foreign power behind the cyberattack. A Defence Ministry spokesman said the ministry would not comment.
Mississippi Governor Signs Abortion Ban: I Want to Tell the Lord “I Fought for Innocent Babies”
Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant signed a “heartbeat bill” Thursday that will make abortion illegal in the state after a fetal heartbeat is detected.
Wisconsin town demanded churches adhere to LGBT ordinances – judge rules against them saying it’s an egregious beach of religious freedom
A judge ruled against a Wisconsin town’s effort to impose its “sexual orthodoxy” on churches through a “nondiscrimination” ordinance that declares all places of worship “public accommodations.”
Pedophiles demand to be included in the LGBT community, say they should be respected and tolerated like everyone else
Pedophiles are rebranding themselves as “MAPs” or “Minor Attracted Persons” in an effort to gain acceptance and be included into the LGBT community, according to several reports from LGBT news sites.
JUDGMENT DAY: IDF Begins Massive Airstrikes Throughout Gaza Strip In Response To Hamas Rocket Terror Attack From This Morning
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu wasted no time in ordering the IDF to begin striking dozens of targets in the Gaza Strip in response to an earlier rocket attack from Hamas this morning. There are also reports coming in that this may not just be a one-off act of retaliation, but rather a campaign against terror group Hamas that may last for days or weeks.
Pedophile Priest, Who Raped 150 Children, Killed in Prison by Own Victim
A notorious pedophile priest, who was convicted and jailed for raping 150 children, has been killed in prison by one of his own victims.
MEDIA BLACKOUT: Muslim Somali migrants are bringing a dangerous wave of tuberculosis to Minnesota – taxpayers funding the costly treatment
While parents of schoolchildren in California are being bullied into getting their kids vaccinated and shamed by the mainstream media, refugees are entering our country with highly contagious diseases and the media and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are barely batting an eye.
Vermont Legislature Bans Pastor from Giving Prayer After He Prays for “Everyone’s Right to Life”
…Though Bisson did not mention abortion, pregnancy or unborn babies at all in his devotion, some senators apparently thought his message about “everyone’s right to life” was too controversial and banned him.
Obamacare unconstitutional, Justice Department determines
The Trump administration told a federal appeals court Monday it thinks all of Obamacare is unconstitutional, marking an escalation in its fight against the 2010 law.
ISIS ‘caliphate’ ends in Baghouz, Syria
The five-year battle to wrest control of much of Syria and northern Iraq from the grip of the Islamic State came to an end this weekend in the small, dusty eastern Syrian village of Baghouz, with U.S.-backed forces liberating that last patch of land under Islamic State control and bringing an end to the group’s dreams of a restored “caliphate” in the Middle East.
Hillary Clinton Desperately Tries to Change the Subject After Mueller Report Collapses Her BIG LIE
That’s right. Hillary Clinton swapped one hoax for another and tweeted about the Climate Change hoax on Monday, acting like nothing ever happened.
University of Colorado Denver Politics Course Removes White Authors from Curriculum
A politics course at the University of Colorado Denver has intentionally removed all white authors from its syllabus.
NJ hires the first K-9 officer team to patrol schools full-time
The first K-9 officer team in New Jersey to work full time and perform campus safety and security duties on a high school or college campus comes in the wake of active school shootings happening around the country.
Nearly 110,000 suspected cholera cases reported in Yemen since January
Surge linked to early rains as well as use of contaminated water, with 18 million people lacking access to basic sanitation
Exclusive Audio: CAIR-LA Executive Director Announces Plans to Expand and Mobilize Muslim Community – Open 80 Mosques in California
CAIR-LA Executive Director Hussam Ayloush announced plans to “mobilize the Muslim community.”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
NASA satellite snaps fireball 10 times more powerful than Hiroshima bomb
NASA has released images of a meteor exploding over the Bering Sea last December with a force over 10 times greater than the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima in 1945. On December 18, 2018 at 23:55 GMT, the space agency’s Terra satellite took a series of photos of a giant fireball exploding 16 mi (26 km) above the Earth’s surface that is estimated to have released 173 kilotons of energy, making it the largest meteor blast since the Chelyabinsk incident of 2013.
We should all be celebrating the collapse of Hillary’s big lie
Stick a fork in impeachment. It’s dead. Victory doesn’t get any sweeter for the winners. Or more important for our country. The results of the probe by special counsel Robert Mueller are a tremendous vindication for President Trump and the many millions of Americans who never doubted his innocence. We now know that Hillary Clinton and her supporters misled the country in claiming that the White House was stolen from her. She started the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax and her claims, aided by the Obama White House and magnified by a thoroughly partisan media, set in motion a wild-goose chase. The chase undermined a duly elected president and cost taxpayers more than $30 million for an investigation that proved the accusations were flat-out false.
Rocket Strikes Israeli House; At Least 6 Wounded, Miraculously No Fatalities
Seven Israelis were wounded early Monday, when a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip directly struck a house; miraculously nobody was killed. The house in Moshav Mishmeret, in the Sharon Plain near to the city of Netanya – Israel’s seventh-largest population center – was almost totally destroyed.
House Majority Leader takes jab at Rep. Omar
House Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer at AIPAC conference: When someone accuses American supporters of dual loyalty, I say: accuse me. House Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) issued a strong rebuke of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and her anti-Semitic remarks in a speech at the AIPAC Policy Conference on Sunday. “I am not Jewish, nor do I do represent a large Jewish constituency. But I have visited Israel fifteen times, and I have seen the courage of its people and their enduring spirit to make their country flourish,” he said.
Mueller finds no Trump-Russia conspiracy but some questions left unresolved
Robert Mueller found no evidence of collusion between U.S. President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia in the 2016 election…
IDF blames Hamas for rocket strike; reservists called up as troops deployed to Gaza border
‘The rocket fire was carried out by Hamas from a Hamas position,’ army says after 7 hurt in direct hit on family home in Sharon region; Iron Dome and intelligence reservists summoned as infantry and armored troops moved to edge of Strip; Hamas apparently goes underground.
Graham sends ominous tweet to Comey: See you soon
The Hill reached out to Graham for clarification about his tweet and his office referred the website to a letter from Graham to the attorney general about investigating a FISA surveillance warrant against Carter Page, a former campaign adviser to then-candidate Trump.
IDF sends brigades, calls up reservists to Gaza border following rocket
Israel has deployed two infantry and armored brigades to southern Israel and has begun a limited call up for reservists in the intelligence and air defense corps following rocket fire on central Israel Monday morning, the IDF said. According to IDF Brig.-Gen. Ronen Manelis, the rocket was fired by Hamas operatives from a Hamas military post in Rafiah in the southern part of the Strip and had a range of 120 kilometers.
Venezuela crisis: Russian military planes land near Caracas
Two Russian military planes landed in Venezuela’s main airport on Saturday, reportedly carrying dozens of troops and large amounts of equipment. The planes were sent to “fulfil technical military contracts”, Russia’s Sputnik news agency reported. Javier Mayorca, a Venezuelan journalist, wrote on Twitter that he saw about 100 troops and 35 tonnes of equipment offloaded from the planes.
Islamic Jihad warns IDF not to strike Gaza, threatens ‘powerful response’
The head of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Ziad al-Nakhla, said Monday that if Israel launches an attack on Gaza, it would provoke a “powerful response” from the factions in the Strip. The statement comes in light of an anticipated Israeli retaliation to a Gaza rocket fire that destroyed a residential house in central Israel, wounding seven people, early Monday morning.
Netanyahu cuts short U.S. visit as Gaza tensions spike
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cut short a visit to the United States on Monday and the military said it dispatched reinforcements to the Gaza border after a rocket attack near Tel Aviv wounded seven people. Netanyahu threatened a forceful response to the long-range strike amid accusations from opponents in a closely contested Israeli election…that he had been showing weakness in the face of security challenges from Gaza militants.
U.S. Navy, Coast Guard ships pass through strategic Taiwan Strait
The United States sent Navy and Coast Guard ships through the Taiwan Strait on Sunday, the U.S. military said, as part of an increase in the frequency of movement through the strategic waterway despite opposition from China. The voyage risks raising tensions with China further but will likely be viewed by self-ruled Taiwan as a sign of support from Washington amid growing friction between Taipei and Beijing.
Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools
President Trump signaled his support on Monday for state bills that would allow public schools to teach courses in the Bible, which he once proclaimed was his favorite book.
VICTORY: Planned Parenthood sites across Ohio receive notice of state funding termination
Planned Parenthood locations across Ohio on Thursday received notice from the Ohio Department of Health that their state funding will end next month.
Newly Uncovered Clinton Email Exchange Describes Plan To Thwart U.S. ‘Jewish Leadership’
On Thursday, Judicial Watch released what it says is likely the “final batch” of emails recovered or found by the FBI among the 33,000 emails Hillary Clinton tried to “delete or destroy” from her unsecured private email server.
CONQUERED: New Zealand opens Parliament session with a reading of the Koran, as their over the top appeasement of Muslims continues
The Quran was recited during New Zealand’s parliament session on Tuesday, the first since last week’s terrorist attack on two mosques that claimed 50 lives.
Syria vows to go to was with Israel and liberate the Golan Heights, if Trump recognizes it as part of the Jewish State
Trump’s declaration is the latest US step to fuel anger in the region, both in states that are hostile to Israel and others that have relations with it and are allied to the United States.
Texas House Passes Bill Legalizing Child-Run Lemonade Stands
The Texas House passed legislation on Wednesday that would allow children to run temporary lemonade stands without having to obtain a permit.
Ted Malloch: Beware of the Mark of the Beast, Beware of the “Multi”
..Today, we have a new, modern ‘mark’ to beware: it is anything and everything with the prefix — “Multi.” Let me explain. Multi is the shortened form of the word multiple but it often spells pure evil and the opposite of the good or godly. Here are five vivid examples to illustrate the point.Multiculturalism..
Gene-edited food quietly arrives in restaurant cooking oil – The Washington Post
Somewhere in the Midwest, a restaurant is frying foods with oil made from gene-edited soybeans. That’s according to the company making the oil, which says it’s the first commercial use of a gene-edited food in the U.S.
Hunt For Blue November: Democrats Would Sooner Destroy America Than Lose To Trump In 2020
“With the likelihood of a Democratic candidate ousting Trump in 2020 looking like mission impossible, the party is resorting to a number of desperate and even dangerous tactics to steal as many voters as possible…”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Hamas official: Iran ordered rocket attack on central Israel – report
Hamas reportedly gave its blessing for the rocket attack in hopes that of disrupting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s election campaign. The rocket attack on Mishmeret, which hit a home, left seven people injured including two infants. He claimed that Iran “went over the heads” of Hamas leadership and ordered an Islamic Jihad cell operating out of the Gaza Strip to carry out the attack. While senior officials in both Egypt and Gaza confirmed that Iran had ordered the attack, they claimed that Hamas’ leadership was aware of the plans to fire a rocket deep into Israeli territory.
IDF Strikes Hamas’ Terrorist Infrastructure in Gaza, Response to Missile Strike
The Israel Defense Forces has carried out dozens of airstrikes on key Hamas targets throughout the Gaza Strip on Monday evening following a rocket attack that destroyed a home in central Israel earlier in the day. “We are just at the beginning,” IDF Spokesman Brig. Gen. Ronen Manelis told Ynet News. “A large attack is planned. I think that Hamas understands this is a significant strike [following] a serious incident, and ultimately, this is a price that Hamas has been accruing for the past year.” According to the IDF, it has targeted Hamas’s secret military intelligence headquarters in Gaza.
VP Pence Castigates Antisemitic Rhetoric, 2020 Democratic Candidates
Vice President Mike Pence blasted Democratic freshmen in the House of Representatives on Monday, in addition to certain candidates on the 2020 presidential campaign trail, for the former using “rank antisemitic language” and the latter for declining to attend the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) annual policy conference in Washington. As far as Congress goes, without mentioning her by name, Pence pointed to the fact that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), who has repeatedly tweeted anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiment, and accused AIPAC of paying members of Congress to support the pro-Israel lobby’s agenda, has been “traffick[ing] in repeated antisemitic tropes.”“Antisemitism has no place in the Congress of the United States of America,” said the vice president to a thunderous applause from the crowd.
IDF hits enemy targets in Gaza following continued rocket attacks
Israel Defense Force fighter jets attacked 15 enemy targets early Tuesday morning, the IDF spokesperson announced as the rocket attacks on Israel’s southern communities continued into a second day. The targets include a military compound belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization in Beit Hanun and a military compound belonging to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization in Beit Lahiya.The color red alert siren sounded throughout the night in Sderot, the Shaar Hanegev regional council, the Eshkol Regional Council, the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council, and other Gaza border areas.
Iron Dome intercepts rockets in mid air as attacks continue
The Israel Defense Force Spokesperson’s Office said that about 30 rockets were identified emanating from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory. The Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepted a number of the incoming rockets. The rest struck open areas which although may have damaged natural areas hit no structures.
More than 10,000 people sign: Investigate Omar, Tlaib and CAIR
An online petition calling on US Attorney General William Barr and special antisemitism envoy Elan Carr to take a deep look at the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has reached 10,000 signatures. “It has just been about a week and we are very excited,” said Liora Rez, co-founder of the organization Stop Antisemitism, which launched the petition on “But what we want is for Barr and Carr to investigate CAIR’s ties to Hamas and how Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are involved with this organization, which we feel is extremely troubling.”
Russia: US Golan move will lead to ‘new tensions’
Moscow warned on Monday against “a new wave of tensions” in the Middle East following the decision by Washington to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, AFP reported. The comments come after US President Donald Trump signed a proclamation in recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Russia’s foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the move “ignores all international procedures” and would “only aggravate the situation”.
Pentagon chief says $1 billion of funding shifted to border wall
The U.S. Department of Defense shifted $1 billion to plan and build a 57-mile section of “pedestrian fencing”, roads and lighting along the border between the United States and Mexico, the Pentagon chief said on Monday.
Trump allies await results of two internal probes that could expose Russia investigation backstory
Trump allies are now awaiting the results of two long-running internal probes that could expose the backstory behind the Russia probe’s beginnings — and provide more detail on already-documented misconduct among top FBI and DOJ officials. DOJ Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz confirmed at a panel discussion last week that his office is continuing to review potential surveillance abuses by the FBI, a review that began last March and that Fox News is told is nearing completion.
Honduras and Romania proudly announce that they’re following Trump’s lead and moving their Israel embassies to Jerusalem
Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă announced plans Sunday to relocate her nation’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, following a similar announcement by Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez.
Tense quiet in southern Israel after night of rockets and airstrikes
Militants fired over 60 rockets into southern Israel and the Israeli military carried out hundreds of strikes in the Gaza Strip overnight…despite …claims that a ceasefire had been reached. IDF fighter jets, combat helicopters, tanks and naval vehicles struck on Tuesday morning, attacking additional terrorist targets…belonging to Hamas in…the central Gaza Strip, as well as a military compound belonging to Palestinian Islamic Jihad…
Trump signs document officially recognizing Israeli control over Golan
With Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu standing at his side, US President Donald Trump on Monday signed an official presidential proclamation recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights… “Today I am taking historic action to promote Israel’s ability to defend itself, and really to have very powerful and very strong national security, which they are entitled to have,” Trump said…soon after Netanyahu arrived at the White House…
Gulf states condemn U.S. recognition of Israeli control over Golan
Four Gulf Arab states on Tuesday rejected a US decision to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, with Riyadh warning the move would hurt the peace process and affect regional stability. Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait – all regional allies of Washington that host American troops – criticized the move by President Donald Trump to recognize Israel’s 1981 annexation, and said the territory was “occupied Arab land.”
Mexico demands apology from Spain and the Vatican over conquest
Mexico’s president has sent a letter to Spain’s King Felipe VI and Pope Francis urging them to apologise for human rights abuses committed during the conquest of the region 500 years ago. Andrés Manuel López Obrador said the indigenous peoples of Mexico had been the victims of massacres. Speaking in the ruins of an ancient city, he called for a full account of the abuses.
Venezuela crisis: Fresh power cuts black out Caracas
A second major power cut in just a few hours has plunged the Venezuelan capital Caracas into darkness again, with other regions also affected. It came after a four-hour blackout on Monday which the government sought to blame on opposition sabotage. A nationwide power cut earlier this month prompted looting and desperation in many parts of the country.
US-Mexico border wall: Pentagon authorises $1bn transfer
The Pentagon has authorised the transfer of $1bn (£758m) to army engineers for new wall construction along the US-Mexico border. The funds are the first under the national emergency declared by President Donald Trump to bypass Congress and build the barrier he pledged during his election campaign. Democrats have protested against the move. The funds will be used to build about 57 miles (91km) of fencing.
Caravan of migrants in Mexico starts moving towards U.S.
A caravan of some 1,200 migrants from Central America and Cuba began moving towards the U.S. border from southern Mexico this weekend, migration authorities said on Sunday. The National Migration Institute said the migrants were already inside Mexico when they opted to form a caravan in the southern city of Tapachula on the border with Guatemala.
Can AI Be a Fair Judge in Court? Estonia Thinks So
Government usually isn’t the place to look for innovation in IT or new technologies like artificial intelligence. But Ott Velsberg might change your mind. As Estonia’s chief data officer, the 28-year-old graduate student is overseeing the tiny Baltic nation’s push to insert artificial intelligence and machine learning into services provided to its 1.3 million citizens.
Life as one of China’s 13 million ‘deadbeats’ means slow trains, special ring tones
David Kong was feeling crumpled after a recent business trip to Chongqing, which took more than 30 hours on a hard sleeper known locally in China as the “green-skin train” for its distinctive dark olive hue. The same journey would have taken just three hours by air, or about 12 hours by high speed train, but Kong could not take either as he was a “deadbeat”.
Russia Deploys Troops, Equipment to Venezuela
Russian armed forces reportedly deployed to Venezuela over the weekend as the regime of President Nicolas Maduro continues to face intense pressure from a U.S.-backed political opposition. Two Russian military planes touched down outside the capital Caracas on Saturday carrying nearly a hundred troops and military staff, and 35 tons of cargo, according to media reports.
Article 13: EU’s controversial copyright law due for final vote
The European Parliament on Tuesday plans to take a final vote on a key piece of legislation that could have a significant impact on the future of the internet as Europeans know it. The …EU copyright directive, a proposed law that will overhaul copyright rules in Europe…will govern the way copyrighted content is uploaded to the internet — has many in the tech community throwing their hands up in despair.
The end of school: AI ‘Google brain’ implants to REPLACE education and ‘supercharge IQ’
Top AI expert Nikolas Kairinos believes artificial intelligence will improve people’s lives on a mass scale and dramatically transform the way we learn. The CEO and Founder of exclusively told Daily Star Online he is working on a revolutionary AI to “personalise education”. “The current area of focus is personalised education – trying to demarketise and de monetise learning so that anyone can learn almost anything using AI,”…
Virus attacks Spain’s defense intranet, foreign state suspected: paper
A computer virus infected the Spanish Defence Ministry’s intranet this month with the aim of stealing high tech military secrets, El País newspaper said on Tuesday, citing sources leading the investigation as suspecting a foreign power behind the cyberattack. A Defence Ministry spokesman said the ministry would not comment.
Mississippi Governor Signs Abortion Ban: I Want to Tell the Lord “I Fought for Innocent Babies”
Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant signed a “heartbeat bill” Thursday that will make abortion illegal in the state after a fetal heartbeat is detected.
Wisconsin town demanded churches adhere to LGBT ordinances – judge rules against them saying it’s an egregious beach of religious freedom
A judge ruled against a Wisconsin town’s effort to impose its “sexual orthodoxy” on churches through a “nondiscrimination” ordinance that declares all places of worship “public accommodations.”
Pedophiles demand to be included in the LGBT community, say they should be respected and tolerated like everyone else
Pedophiles are rebranding themselves as “MAPs” or “Minor Attracted Persons” in an effort to gain acceptance and be included into the LGBT community, according to several reports from LGBT news sites.
JUDGMENT DAY: IDF Begins Massive Airstrikes Throughout Gaza Strip In Response To Hamas Rocket Terror Attack From This Morning
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu wasted no time in ordering the IDF to begin striking dozens of targets in the Gaza Strip in response to an earlier rocket attack from Hamas this morning. There are also reports coming in that this may not just be a one-off act of retaliation, but rather a campaign against terror group Hamas that may last for days or weeks.
Pedophile Priest, Who Raped 150 Children, Killed in Prison by Own Victim
A notorious pedophile priest, who was convicted and jailed for raping 150 children, has been killed in prison by one of his own victims.
MEDIA BLACKOUT: Muslim Somali migrants are bringing a dangerous wave of tuberculosis to Minnesota – taxpayers funding the costly treatment
While parents of schoolchildren in California are being bullied into getting their kids vaccinated and shamed by the mainstream media, refugees are entering our country with highly contagious diseases and the media and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are barely batting an eye.
Vermont Legislature Bans Pastor from Giving Prayer After He Prays for “Everyone’s Right to Life”
…Though Bisson did not mention abortion, pregnancy or unborn babies at all in his devotion, some senators apparently thought his message about “everyone’s right to life” was too controversial and banned him.
Obamacare unconstitutional, Justice Department determines
The Trump administration told a federal appeals court Monday it thinks all of Obamacare is unconstitutional, marking an escalation in its fight against the 2010 law.
ISIS ‘caliphate’ ends in Baghouz, Syria
The five-year battle to wrest control of much of Syria and northern Iraq from the grip of the Islamic State came to an end this weekend in the small, dusty eastern Syrian village of Baghouz, with U.S.-backed forces liberating that last patch of land under Islamic State control and bringing an end to the group’s dreams of a restored “caliphate” in the Middle East.
Hillary Clinton Desperately Tries to Change the Subject After Mueller Report Collapses Her BIG LIE
That’s right. Hillary Clinton swapped one hoax for another and tweeted about the Climate Change hoax on Monday, acting like nothing ever happened.
University of Colorado Denver Politics Course Removes White Authors from Curriculum
A politics course at the University of Colorado Denver has intentionally removed all white authors from its syllabus.
NJ hires the first K-9 officer team to patrol schools full-time
The first K-9 officer team in New Jersey to work full time and perform campus safety and security duties on a high school or college campus comes in the wake of active school shootings happening around the country.
Nearly 110,000 suspected cholera cases reported in Yemen since January
Surge linked to early rains as well as use of contaminated water, with 18 million people lacking access to basic sanitation
Exclusive Audio: CAIR-LA Executive Director Announces Plans to Expand and Mobilize Muslim Community – Open 80 Mosques in California
CAIR-LA Executive Director Hussam Ayloush announced plans to “mobilize the Muslim community.”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Adam Schiff urged to step down as chairman by House Intelligence Committee Republicans
Every Republican on the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday demanded Rep. Adam Schiff step down as chairman over the California Democrat’s repeated claims to have evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. “Your actions both past and present are incompatible with your duty as Chairman of this Committee,” the letter stated. “We have no faith in your ability to discharge your duties in a manner consistent with your Constitutional responsibility and urge your immediate resignation as Chairman of this Committee.”
Dear Jewish-American leftists: It’s time for a talk
From one Jew to another. From one parent/grandparent to another. From one who utters “Never Again!” to another. From one witnessing the vile anti-Semitic floats in Belgian parades to another. From one in horror watching the U.K. descend into 100 monthly anti-Semitic incidents to another. And from one seeing, in disbelief, the rise of anti-Semitism in the U.S. to another. We may not agree on much else, but this outrage we have in common.
Trump vows to release FISA docs now that Mueller probe is concluded, slams ‘treasonous’ FBI
President Trump, in an exclusive wide-ranging interview Wednesday night with Fox News’ “Hannity,” vowed to release the full and unredacted Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants and related documents used by the FBI to probe his campaign, saying he wants to “get to the bottom” of how the long-running Russia collusion narrative began. Trump also accused FBI officials of committing “treason” — slamming former FBI Director James Comey as a “terrible guy,” former CIA Director John Brennan as potentially mentally ill, and Democrat House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff as a criminal.
Netanyahu Compares Trump to Cyrus for Recognizing Golan
To paraphrase Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, once again President Trump showed that the American people stand behind Israel by becoming the first world leader to officially recognize Israeli sovereignty on the Golan. And the timing of his act, coming while Hamas fired rockets at Israeli houses, could not possibly be more poignant.
US envoy hints at peace deal with Israeli security control in West Bank
Friedman gave no details of the U.S. blueprint. But he appeared to suggest it was in Israel’s best interests to engage now on the deal, while the United States has a president sympathetic to its security concerns. “Can we leave this to an administration that may not understand the existential risk to Israel if Judea and Samaria are overcome by terrorists in the manner that befell the Gaza Strip after the IDF withdrew from this territory?”
Sen. Rand Paul: Source says Obama CIA Director forced dossier against Trump – demands hearings
“BREAKING: A high-level source tells me it was Brennan who insisted that the unverified and fake Steele dossier be included in the Intelligence Report… Brennan should be asked to testify under oath in Congress ASAP,” Paul tweeted Wednesday afternoon.
Pope mourns the hundreds of Christians slaughtered in Africa for faith in Jesus – refuses to acknowledge Muslims did all the killings
As Breitbart News reported, Muslim militants slaughtered over 120 Christians in just three weeks in central Nigeria, looting and burning dozens of homes and churches. The Barnabas Fund, a Christian watchdog group, later corrected the number, noting that more than 300 Christians had in fact been slain in the Islamists’ “killing spree.”
Ethics in question when experiments continue
The international group of scientists wants a worldwide moratorium on altering genes so as to halt the practice of designer babies. Dr. David Prentice of the Charlotte Lozier Institute tells OneNewsNow the move comes after a scientist in China altered the genes of two girls. “They really want to kind of pull the wool over people’s eyes here and make it look like they’re very concerned about the ethics of embryo research and designer babies, but they really just want to leave the door open for them to do all the practice and experiments they want,”
Israel will protect Europe, even if Europe doesn’t deserve it
Europe knows full well that the Golan Heights are a barrier to Islamic jihad and that Israel is keeping Iran at bay there. After moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, Donald Trump recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Whoever has been there, or has chewed up a bit of history, knows that Israel can never leave the area.
Syrian TV claims Israel attacked in Aleppo
Syrian state television reported that the attack was an Israeli attack and noted that “Syria’s air defense forces intercepted several missiles.” It was also reported that the attack targeted warehouses used by the Iranian forces operating on Syrian soil.
2000-year-old Jewish Archaeological Site Discovered Under Arab Suburb of Jerusalem
The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced an impressive discovery: a 2,000-year-old village containing the remains of a wine press and storage jars, a dovecote cut into the walls of a cave, an olive press, a water cistern, burial caves, and mikveh (ritual bath). Archaeologists estimate the village stood during the times of the Hasmoneans who ruled Judea from 140-116 BCE and are the featured as the heroes in the story of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah.
At least 7 killed in attack on Aleppo; Syria blames Israel – report
At least seven Iranian-linked militia fighters are said to have been killed in an alleged Israeli airstrike in Syria’s Aleppo’s province, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on Thursday. They form part of a wider Iranian-supported presence near Aleppo and have reportedly suffered casualties in previous airstrikes.
PA: Upsurge of tensions could lead to ‘explosion’ in West Bank
As all eyes are on the Gaza Strip following this week’s firing of a rocket at the Kfar Saba region and the subsequent Israeli military strikes on Hamas targets, the situation in the West Bank seems to be heating up, following a series of incidents in which five Palestinians and two Israelis were killed in the past two weeks.
Syria asking the Security Council to discuss Golan Heights
The Syrian mission to the United Nations is urging the UN Security Council to call a meeting regarding President Donald Trump’s decision to sign a proclamation recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights. A UN official toldThe Jerusalem Post he estimated a meeting on this matter would take place in the upcoming weeks.
Islamic State group: Syria’s Kurds call for international tribunal
The Kurdish-led administration in northern Syria has called for the creation of an international tribunal to try thousands of suspected members of the Islamic State (IS) group. One official, Abdul Karim Omar, told the BBC they were struggling to cope with the thousands who emerged from the last IS enclave of Baghuz, in the east. Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) captured the village last week.
Article 13: Memes exempt as EU backs controversial copyright law
Copyright laws which critics say could change the internet have been voted in by the European Parliament. The new rules, including the controversial Article 13, will hold tech firms responsible for material posted without copyright permission. Sharing memes and GIFs will still be allowed under the new laws.
Bees: Many British pollinating insects in decline, study shows
A third of British wild bees and hoverflies are in decline, according to a new study. If current trends continue, some species will be lost from Britain altogether, the scientists say. The study found “winners” and “losers” among hundreds of wild bees and hoverflies, which pollinate food crops and other plants.
Utah governor signs into law bill to ban abortion after 18 weeks
Gov. Gary Herbert on Monday signed into law a bill to ban abortions in Utah after 18 weeks. Utah previously allowed abortions up to 22 weeks gestation, but many Utah doctors drew the line at 21 weeks to avoid risk of violating the law. HB136, sponsored by Rep. Cheryl Acton, R-Salt Lake City, originally set the limit for legal abortions at 15 weeks gestation, but the bill was revised in the House.
Mission Shakti: Space debris warning after India destroys satellite
The acting US defence secretary has warned that the testing of anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons can create a “mess” in space after India destroyed one of its own satellites on Wednesday. Patrick Shanahan said the US was still studying the Indian test, which Delhi insisted it carried out in low-earth orbit to not leave space debris. India is the fourth country to have carried out an ASAT test.
Head of NZ Mosque Criticized for Blaming Christchurch Massacres on Mossad
The chairman of New Zealand’s biggest mosque told a rally…that Israel’s intelligence agency, Mossad, was behind the far-right terrorist attack on two Christchurch mosques… In a video…Ahmed Bhamji can be heard saying, “I will not mince my words. I stand here and I say that I have a very, very strong suspicion that there is some group behind him, and I am not afraid to say that I feel that the Mossad is behind this.”
Mom Ignores Doctor When Her Sick 2-Year-Old Starts Feeling Better, Child Services Send a SWAT Team
Chandler, Arizona, cops broke through the door of a family’s home in the middle of the night, stormed in, pointed their guns, handcuffed the father, and watched as the state’s Department of Child Safety (DCS) took custody of the parents’ three kids—all because mom had decided her toddler’s fever was not serious enough to merit a trip to the hospital.
Gaza terms take shape: End to border violence, better conditions in Strip
An Egyptian delegation presented Hamas officials with Israel’s terms for the end to the latest round of hostilities, during an overnight meeting Wednesday in Gaza. The meeting, which took place at Hamas leader Yahya Simwar’s office, also included representatives from Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
New Jersey Passes Bill Making It 7th State to Legalize Assisted Suicide, Will Force Taxpayers to Fund Suicides
The New Jersey state legislature today approved a bill targeting elderly and disabled people that legalizes assisted suicide statewide. The governor has pledged to sign the bill into law.
Pope mourns the hundreds of Christians slaughtered in Africa for faith in Jesus – refuses to acknowledge Muslims did all the killings
Pope Francis prayed publicly for the Christians massacred recently in Nigeria and Mali as the Vatican celebrated a day of remembrance for martyred missionaries Sunday.
HEAVENLY: Stunning scenes in Israel as billions of butterflies converge on the Holy Land
Billions of painted lady butterflies were spotted in Israel on Thursday during the holiday of Purim as the colorful insects make their way to Cyprus, the Israel Nature and Parks Authority reported. The butterflies pass through the country at the rate of 25,000 per hour, Channel 12 news reported.
Pope Francis tells world to wake up because a massive water shortage is coming because of climate change
Pope Francis tied a lack of water in different parts of the world to global warming Sunday, calling it one of the “inevitable consequences of climate change.”
Judicial Watch Files Lawsuit against Department of Justice Seeking FBI Interviews with Obama, Jarret, and Emanuel Relating to Criminal Investigation of Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich
Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice seeking access to FBI reports of interviews – “302s” – of President Obama, Valerie Jarrett, and Rahm Emanuel. The interviews were taken as part of the FBI’s criminal investigation of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:16-cv-01888)).
“Caravana Madre”: Mexico Warns 20,000 Migrant ‘Mother of All Caravans’ Forming in Honduras
Mexico’s Interior Minster Olga Sánchez Cordero sounded the alarm Wednesday about a new caravan, dubbed “Caravana Madre” (Mother of All Caravans), forming in Honduras that could swell to 20,000 migrants trying to enter the United States after crossing Mexico. Mexico will reportedly change its visa policy to try keep migrants from traveling north through the country, but will not militarize the border to stop the migrants.
US slammed at UN Security Council for recognizing Golan as Israeli
The United States came under sharp criticism from the 14 other Security Council nations Wednesday for its decision to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights in violation of council resolutions.
Brunei to impose death by stoning for gay sex and adultery
Adultery and gay sex in Brunei will be subject to death by stoning from next week, authorities said, under a strict Sharia law that has been on hold for four years amid heavy criticism.
James Dobson: Christians targeted by dark new bill
James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family and the James Dobson Family Institute, the author of dozens of books on family and adviser to presidents, warns the Democrats’ proposed Equality Act is a really, really bad deal for the nation.
George Soros Spent $408k on Kim Foxx, Prosecutor in Jussie Smollett Case
Left-wing billionaire mega-donor George Soros donated $408,000 in 2016 to a super PAC that supported Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, whose office prosecuted — and dropped — the Jussie Smollett case.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Adam Schiff urged to step down as chairman by House Intelligence Committee Republicans
Every Republican on the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday demanded Rep. Adam Schiff step down as chairman over the California Democrat’s repeated claims to have evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. “Your actions both past and present are incompatible with your duty as Chairman of this Committee,” the letter stated. “We have no faith in your ability to discharge your duties in a manner consistent with your Constitutional responsibility and urge your immediate resignation as Chairman of this Committee.”
Dear Jewish-American leftists: It’s time for a talk
From one Jew to another. From one parent/grandparent to another. From one who utters “Never Again!” to another. From one witnessing the vile anti-Semitic floats in Belgian parades to another. From one in horror watching the U.K. descend into 100 monthly anti-Semitic incidents to another. And from one seeing, in disbelief, the rise of anti-Semitism in the U.S. to another. We may not agree on much else, but this outrage we have in common.
Trump vows to release FISA docs now that Mueller probe is concluded, slams ‘treasonous’ FBI
President Trump, in an exclusive wide-ranging interview Wednesday night with Fox News’ “Hannity,” vowed to release the full and unredacted Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants and related documents used by the FBI to probe his campaign, saying he wants to “get to the bottom” of how the long-running Russia collusion narrative began. Trump also accused FBI officials of committing “treason” — slamming former FBI Director James Comey as a “terrible guy,” former CIA Director John Brennan as potentially mentally ill, and Democrat House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff as a criminal.
Netanyahu Compares Trump to Cyrus for Recognizing Golan
To paraphrase Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, once again President Trump showed that the American people stand behind Israel by becoming the first world leader to officially recognize Israeli sovereignty on the Golan. And the timing of his act, coming while Hamas fired rockets at Israeli houses, could not possibly be more poignant.
US envoy hints at peace deal with Israeli security control in West Bank
Friedman gave no details of the U.S. blueprint. But he appeared to suggest it was in Israel’s best interests to engage now on the deal, while the United States has a president sympathetic to its security concerns. “Can we leave this to an administration that may not understand the existential risk to Israel if Judea and Samaria are overcome by terrorists in the manner that befell the Gaza Strip after the IDF withdrew from this territory?”
Sen. Rand Paul: Source says Obama CIA Director forced dossier against Trump – demands hearings
“BREAKING: A high-level source tells me it was Brennan who insisted that the unverified and fake Steele dossier be included in the Intelligence Report… Brennan should be asked to testify under oath in Congress ASAP,” Paul tweeted Wednesday afternoon.
Pope mourns the hundreds of Christians slaughtered in Africa for faith in Jesus – refuses to acknowledge Muslims did all the killings
As Breitbart News reported, Muslim militants slaughtered over 120 Christians in just three weeks in central Nigeria, looting and burning dozens of homes and churches. The Barnabas Fund, a Christian watchdog group, later corrected the number, noting that more than 300 Christians had in fact been slain in the Islamists’ “killing spree.”
Ethics in question when experiments continue
The international group of scientists wants a worldwide moratorium on altering genes so as to halt the practice of designer babies. Dr. David Prentice of the Charlotte Lozier Institute tells OneNewsNow the move comes after a scientist in China altered the genes of two girls. “They really want to kind of pull the wool over people’s eyes here and make it look like they’re very concerned about the ethics of embryo research and designer babies, but they really just want to leave the door open for them to do all the practice and experiments they want,”
Israel will protect Europe, even if Europe doesn’t deserve it
Europe knows full well that the Golan Heights are a barrier to Islamic jihad and that Israel is keeping Iran at bay there. After moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, Donald Trump recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Whoever has been there, or has chewed up a bit of history, knows that Israel can never leave the area.
Syrian TV claims Israel attacked in Aleppo
Syrian state television reported that the attack was an Israeli attack and noted that “Syria’s air defense forces intercepted several missiles.” It was also reported that the attack targeted warehouses used by the Iranian forces operating on Syrian soil.
2000-year-old Jewish Archaeological Site Discovered Under Arab Suburb of Jerusalem
The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced an impressive discovery: a 2,000-year-old village containing the remains of a wine press and storage jars, a dovecote cut into the walls of a cave, an olive press, a water cistern, burial caves, and mikveh (ritual bath). Archaeologists estimate the village stood during the times of the Hasmoneans who ruled Judea from 140-116 BCE and are the featured as the heroes in the story of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah.
At least 7 killed in attack on Aleppo; Syria blames Israel – report
At least seven Iranian-linked militia fighters are said to have been killed in an alleged Israeli airstrike in Syria’s Aleppo’s province, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on Thursday. They form part of a wider Iranian-supported presence near Aleppo and have reportedly suffered casualties in previous airstrikes.
PA: Upsurge of tensions could lead to ‘explosion’ in West Bank
As all eyes are on the Gaza Strip following this week’s firing of a rocket at the Kfar Saba region and the subsequent Israeli military strikes on Hamas targets, the situation in the West Bank seems to be heating up, following a series of incidents in which five Palestinians and two Israelis were killed in the past two weeks.
Syria asking the Security Council to discuss Golan Heights
The Syrian mission to the United Nations is urging the UN Security Council to call a meeting regarding President Donald Trump’s decision to sign a proclamation recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights. A UN official toldThe Jerusalem Post he estimated a meeting on this matter would take place in the upcoming weeks.
Islamic State group: Syria’s Kurds call for international tribunal
The Kurdish-led administration in northern Syria has called for the creation of an international tribunal to try thousands of suspected members of the Islamic State (IS) group. One official, Abdul Karim Omar, told the BBC they were struggling to cope with the thousands who emerged from the last IS enclave of Baghuz, in the east. Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) captured the village last week.
Article 13: Memes exempt as EU backs controversial copyright law
Copyright laws which critics say could change the internet have been voted in by the European Parliament. The new rules, including the controversial Article 13, will hold tech firms responsible for material posted without copyright permission. Sharing memes and GIFs will still be allowed under the new laws.
Bees: Many British pollinating insects in decline, study shows
A third of British wild bees and hoverflies are in decline, according to a new study. If current trends continue, some species will be lost from Britain altogether, the scientists say. The study found “winners” and “losers” among hundreds of wild bees and hoverflies, which pollinate food crops and other plants.
Utah governor signs into law bill to ban abortion after 18 weeks
Gov. Gary Herbert on Monday signed into law a bill to ban abortions in Utah after 18 weeks. Utah previously allowed abortions up to 22 weeks gestation, but many Utah doctors drew the line at 21 weeks to avoid risk of violating the law. HB136, sponsored by Rep. Cheryl Acton, R-Salt Lake City, originally set the limit for legal abortions at 15 weeks gestation, but the bill was revised in the House.
Mission Shakti: Space debris warning after India destroys satellite
The acting US defence secretary has warned that the testing of anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons can create a “mess” in space after India destroyed one of its own satellites on Wednesday. Patrick Shanahan said the US was still studying the Indian test, which Delhi insisted it carried out in low-earth orbit to not leave space debris. India is the fourth country to have carried out an ASAT test.
Head of NZ Mosque Criticized for Blaming Christchurch Massacres on Mossad
The chairman of New Zealand’s biggest mosque told a rally…that Israel’s intelligence agency, Mossad, was behind the far-right terrorist attack on two Christchurch mosques… In a video…Ahmed Bhamji can be heard saying, “I will not mince my words. I stand here and I say that I have a very, very strong suspicion that there is some group behind him, and I am not afraid to say that I feel that the Mossad is behind this.”
Mom Ignores Doctor When Her Sick 2-Year-Old Starts Feeling Better, Child Services Send a SWAT Team
Chandler, Arizona, cops broke through the door of a family’s home in the middle of the night, stormed in, pointed their guns, handcuffed the father, and watched as the state’s Department of Child Safety (DCS) took custody of the parents’ three kids—all because mom had decided her toddler’s fever was not serious enough to merit a trip to the hospital.
Gaza terms take shape: End to border violence, better conditions in Strip
An Egyptian delegation presented Hamas officials with Israel’s terms for the end to the latest round of hostilities, during an overnight meeting Wednesday in Gaza. The meeting, which took place at Hamas leader Yahya Simwar’s office, also included representatives from Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
New Jersey Passes Bill Making It 7th State to Legalize Assisted Suicide, Will Force Taxpayers to Fund Suicides
The New Jersey state legislature today approved a bill targeting elderly and disabled people that legalizes assisted suicide statewide. The governor has pledged to sign the bill into law.
Pope mourns the hundreds of Christians slaughtered in Africa for faith in Jesus – refuses to acknowledge Muslims did all the killings
Pope Francis prayed publicly for the Christians massacred recently in Nigeria and Mali as the Vatican celebrated a day of remembrance for martyred missionaries Sunday.
HEAVENLY: Stunning scenes in Israel as billions of butterflies converge on the Holy Land
Billions of painted lady butterflies were spotted in Israel on Thursday during the holiday of Purim as the colorful insects make their way to Cyprus, the Israel Nature and Parks Authority reported. The butterflies pass through the country at the rate of 25,000 per hour, Channel 12 news reported.
Pope Francis tells world to wake up because a massive water shortage is coming because of climate change
Pope Francis tied a lack of water in different parts of the world to global warming Sunday, calling it one of the “inevitable consequences of climate change.”
Judicial Watch Files Lawsuit against Department of Justice Seeking FBI Interviews with Obama, Jarret, and Emanuel Relating to Criminal Investigation of Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich
Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice seeking access to FBI reports of interviews – “302s” – of President Obama, Valerie Jarrett, and Rahm Emanuel. The interviews were taken as part of the FBI’s criminal investigation of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:16-cv-01888)).
“Caravana Madre”: Mexico Warns 20,000 Migrant ‘Mother of All Caravans’ Forming in Honduras
Mexico’s Interior Minster Olga Sánchez Cordero sounded the alarm Wednesday about a new caravan, dubbed “Caravana Madre” (Mother of All Caravans), forming in Honduras that could swell to 20,000 migrants trying to enter the United States after crossing Mexico. Mexico will reportedly change its visa policy to try keep migrants from traveling north through the country, but will not militarize the border to stop the migrants.
US slammed at UN Security Council for recognizing Golan as Israeli
The United States came under sharp criticism from the 14 other Security Council nations Wednesday for its decision to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights in violation of council resolutions.
Brunei to impose death by stoning for gay sex and adultery
Adultery and gay sex in Brunei will be subject to death by stoning from next week, authorities said, under a strict Sharia law that has been on hold for four years amid heavy criticism.
James Dobson: Christians targeted by dark new bill
James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family and the James Dobson Family Institute, the author of dozens of books on family and adviser to presidents, warns the Democrats’ proposed Equality Act is a really, really bad deal for the nation.
George Soros Spent $408k on Kim Foxx, Prosecutor in Jussie Smollett Case
Left-wing billionaire mega-donor George Soros donated $408,000 in 2016 to a super PAC that supported Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, whose office prosecuted — and dropped — the Jussie Smollett case.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Adam Schiff urged to step down as chairman by House Intelligence Committee Republicans
Every Republican on the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday demanded Rep. Adam Schiff step down as chairman over the California Democrat’s repeated claims to have evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. “Your actions both past and present are incompatible with your duty as Chairman of this Committee,” the letter stated. “We have no faith in your ability to discharge your duties in a manner consistent with your Constitutional responsibility and urge your immediate resignation as Chairman of this Committee.”
Dear Jewish-American leftists: It’s time for a talk
From one Jew to another. From one parent/grandparent to another. From one who utters “Never Again!” to another. From one witnessing the vile anti-Semitic floats in Belgian parades to another. From one in horror watching the U.K. descend into 100 monthly anti-Semitic incidents to another. And from one seeing, in disbelief, the rise of anti-Semitism in the U.S. to another. We may not agree on much else, but this outrage we have in common.
Trump vows to release FISA docs now that Mueller probe is concluded, slams ‘treasonous’ FBI
President Trump, in an exclusive wide-ranging interview Wednesday night with Fox News’ “Hannity,” vowed to release the full and unredacted Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants and related documents used by the FBI to probe his campaign, saying he wants to “get to the bottom” of how the long-running Russia collusion narrative began. Trump also accused FBI officials of committing “treason” — slamming former FBI Director James Comey as a “terrible guy,” former CIA Director John Brennan as potentially mentally ill, and Democrat House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff as a criminal.
Netanyahu Compares Trump to Cyrus for Recognizing Golan
To paraphrase Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, once again President Trump showed that the American people stand behind Israel by becoming the first world leader to officially recognize Israeli sovereignty on the Golan. And the timing of his act, coming while Hamas fired rockets at Israeli houses, could not possibly be more poignant.
US envoy hints at peace deal with Israeli security control in West Bank
Friedman gave no details of the U.S. blueprint. But he appeared to suggest it was in Israel’s best interests to engage now on the deal, while the United States has a president sympathetic to its security concerns. “Can we leave this to an administration that may not understand the existential risk to Israel if Judea and Samaria are overcome by terrorists in the manner that befell the Gaza Strip after the IDF withdrew from this territory?”
Sen. Rand Paul: Source says Obama CIA Director forced dossier against Trump – demands hearings
“BREAKING: A high-level source tells me it was Brennan who insisted that the unverified and fake Steele dossier be included in the Intelligence Report… Brennan should be asked to testify under oath in Congress ASAP,” Paul tweeted Wednesday afternoon.
Pope mourns the hundreds of Christians slaughtered in Africa for faith in Jesus – refuses to acknowledge Muslims did all the killings
As Breitbart News reported, Muslim militants slaughtered over 120 Christians in just three weeks in central Nigeria, looting and burning dozens of homes and churches. The Barnabas Fund, a Christian watchdog group, later corrected the number, noting that more than 300 Christians had in fact been slain in the Islamists’ “killing spree.”
Ethics in question when experiments continue
The international group of scientists wants a worldwide moratorium on altering genes so as to halt the practice of designer babies. Dr. David Prentice of the Charlotte Lozier Institute tells OneNewsNow the move comes after a scientist in China altered the genes of two girls. “They really want to kind of pull the wool over people’s eyes here and make it look like they’re very concerned about the ethics of embryo research and designer babies, but they really just want to leave the door open for them to do all the practice and experiments they want,”
Israel will protect Europe, even if Europe doesn’t deserve it
Europe knows full well that the Golan Heights are a barrier to Islamic jihad and that Israel is keeping Iran at bay there. After moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, Donald Trump recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Whoever has been there, or has chewed up a bit of history, knows that Israel can never leave the area.
Syrian TV claims Israel attacked in Aleppo
Syrian state television reported that the attack was an Israeli attack and noted that “Syria’s air defense forces intercepted several missiles.” It was also reported that the attack targeted warehouses used by the Iranian forces operating on Syrian soil.
2000-year-old Jewish Archaeological Site Discovered Under Arab Suburb of Jerusalem
The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced an impressive discovery: a 2,000-year-old village containing the remains of a wine press and storage jars, a dovecote cut into the walls of a cave, an olive press, a water cistern, burial caves, and mikveh (ritual bath). Archaeologists estimate the village stood during the times of the Hasmoneans who ruled Judea from 140-116 BCE and are the featured as the heroes in the story of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah.
At least 7 killed in attack on Aleppo; Syria blames Israel – report
At least seven Iranian-linked militia fighters are said to have been killed in an alleged Israeli airstrike in Syria’s Aleppo’s province, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on Thursday. They form part of a wider Iranian-supported presence near Aleppo and have reportedly suffered casualties in previous airstrikes.
PA: Upsurge of tensions could lead to ‘explosion’ in West Bank
As all eyes are on the Gaza Strip following this week’s firing of a rocket at the Kfar Saba region and the subsequent Israeli military strikes on Hamas targets, the situation in the West Bank seems to be heating up, following a series of incidents in which five Palestinians and two Israelis were killed in the past two weeks.
Syria asking the Security Council to discuss Golan Heights
The Syrian mission to the United Nations is urging the UN Security Council to call a meeting regarding President Donald Trump’s decision to sign a proclamation recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights. A UN official toldThe Jerusalem Post he estimated a meeting on this matter would take place in the upcoming weeks.
Islamic State group: Syria’s Kurds call for international tribunal
The Kurdish-led administration in northern Syria has called for the creation of an international tribunal to try thousands of suspected members of the Islamic State (IS) group. One official, Abdul Karim Omar, told the BBC they were struggling to cope with the thousands who emerged from the last IS enclave of Baghuz, in the east. Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) captured the village last week.
Article 13: Memes exempt as EU backs controversial copyright law
Copyright laws which critics say could change the internet have been voted in by the European Parliament. The new rules, including the controversial Article 13, will hold tech firms responsible for material posted without copyright permission. Sharing memes and GIFs will still be allowed under the new laws.
Bees: Many British pollinating insects in decline, study shows
A third of British wild bees and hoverflies are in decline, according to a new study. If current trends continue, some species will be lost from Britain altogether, the scientists say. The study found “winners” and “losers” among hundreds of wild bees and hoverflies, which pollinate food crops and other plants.
Utah governor signs into law bill to ban abortion after 18 weeks
Gov. Gary Herbert on Monday signed into law a bill to ban abortions in Utah after 18 weeks. Utah previously allowed abortions up to 22 weeks gestation, but many Utah doctors drew the line at 21 weeks to avoid risk of violating the law. HB136, sponsored by Rep. Cheryl Acton, R-Salt Lake City, originally set the limit for legal abortions at 15 weeks gestation, but the bill was revised in the House.
Mission Shakti: Space debris warning after India destroys satellite
The acting US defence secretary has warned that the testing of anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons can create a “mess” in space after India destroyed one of its own satellites on Wednesday. Patrick Shanahan said the US was still studying the Indian test, which Delhi insisted it carried out in low-earth orbit to not leave space debris. India is the fourth country to have carried out an ASAT test.
Head of NZ Mosque Criticized for Blaming Christchurch Massacres on Mossad
The chairman of New Zealand’s biggest mosque told a rally…that Israel’s intelligence agency, Mossad, was behind the far-right terrorist attack on two Christchurch mosques… In a video…Ahmed Bhamji can be heard saying, “I will not mince my words. I stand here and I say that I have a very, very strong suspicion that there is some group behind him, and I am not afraid to say that I feel that the Mossad is behind this.”
Mom Ignores Doctor When Her Sick 2-Year-Old Starts Feeling Better, Child Services Send a SWAT Team
Chandler, Arizona, cops broke through the door of a family’s home in the middle of the night, stormed in, pointed their guns, handcuffed the father, and watched as the state’s Department of Child Safety (DCS) took custody of the parents’ three kids—all because mom had decided her toddler’s fever was not serious enough to merit a trip to the hospital.
Gaza terms take shape: End to border violence, better conditions in Strip
An Egyptian delegation presented Hamas officials with Israel’s terms for the end to the latest round of hostilities, during an overnight meeting Wednesday in Gaza. The meeting, which took place at Hamas leader Yahya Simwar’s office, also included representatives from Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
New Jersey Passes Bill Making It 7th State to Legalize Assisted Suicide, Will Force Taxpayers to Fund Suicides
The New Jersey state legislature today approved a bill targeting elderly and disabled people that legalizes assisted suicide statewide. The governor has pledged to sign the bill into law.
Pope mourns the hundreds of Christians slaughtered in Africa for faith in Jesus – refuses to acknowledge Muslims did all the killings
Pope Francis prayed publicly for the Christians massacred recently in Nigeria and Mali as the Vatican celebrated a day of remembrance for martyred missionaries Sunday.
HEAVENLY: Stunning scenes in Israel as billions of butterflies converge on the Holy Land
Billions of painted lady butterflies were spotted in Israel on Thursday during the holiday of Purim as the colorful insects make their way to Cyprus, the Israel Nature and Parks Authority reported. The butterflies pass through the country at the rate of 25,000 per hour, Channel 12 news reported.
Pope Francis tells world to wake up because a massive water shortage is coming because of climate change
Pope Francis tied a lack of water in different parts of the world to global warming Sunday, calling it one of the “inevitable consequences of climate change.”
Judicial Watch Files Lawsuit against Department of Justice Seeking FBI Interviews with Obama, Jarret, and Emanuel Relating to Criminal Investigation of Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich
Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice seeking access to FBI reports of interviews – “302s” – of President Obama, Valerie Jarrett, and Rahm Emanuel. The interviews were taken as part of the FBI’s criminal investigation of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:16-cv-01888)).
“Caravana Madre”: Mexico Warns 20,000 Migrant ‘Mother of All Caravans’ Forming in Honduras
Mexico’s Interior Minster Olga Sánchez Cordero sounded the alarm Wednesday about a new caravan, dubbed “Caravana Madre” (Mother of All Caravans), forming in Honduras that could swell to 20,000 migrants trying to enter the United States after crossing Mexico. Mexico will reportedly change its visa policy to try keep migrants from traveling north through the country, but will not militarize the border to stop the migrants.
US slammed at UN Security Council for recognizing Golan as Israeli
The United States came under sharp criticism from the 14 other Security Council nations Wednesday for its decision to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights in violation of council resolutions.
Brunei to impose death by stoning for gay sex and adultery
Adultery and gay sex in Brunei will be subject to death by stoning from next week, authorities said, under a strict Sharia law that has been on hold for four years amid heavy criticism.
James Dobson: Christians targeted by dark new bill
James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family and the James Dobson Family Institute, the author of dozens of books on family and adviser to presidents, warns the Democrats’ proposed Equality Act is a really, really bad deal for the nation.
George Soros Spent $408k on Kim Foxx, Prosecutor in Jussie Smollett Case
Left-wing billionaire mega-donor George Soros donated $408,000 in 2016 to a super PAC that supported Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, whose office prosecuted — and dropped — the Jussie Smollett case.
Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
30 Mar 2019
Published on: March 30, 2019 by RRadmin7
IDF tank strikes Hamas post in response to explosive devices thrown
An IDF tank struck a Hamas position in the northern Gaza Strip Friday night in retaliation for explosive devices thrown across the security fence during violent riots. The strike came after violent night time riots broke out across the Gaza border which saw several Palestinians wounded by IDF gunfire. Loud explosions were also heard through the night in communities in southern Israel after explosive devices went off in the Strip.
30,000 protesters gather along Gaza fence, attacks reported
30,000 protesters gathered along the Gaza border on Saturday afternoon as a part of the March of Return protests, inciting violence with stone-throwing and tire-burning. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh joined the riots along with members of the Egyptian intelligence, Palestinian media reported. The demonstrations, which Palestinian reports claimed will be peaceful, are part of the March of Return protests along the Gaza border.
Germany’s Ambassador to U.N. compares Israel to Hamas
New York. The German Bild paper published on Wednesday a scathing editorial accusing the country’s UN Ambassador Christoph Heusgen of betraying Chancellor Angela Merkel’s security pledge to Israel by comparing the Jewish state to the terrorist organization Hamas. The editorial authored by Filipp Piatov…took Heusgen to task for comparing Israel’s security measures against Palestinian terrorists with Hamas rocket attacks.
Thirty men sentenced for Egyptian church attack plot
Thirty men were sentenced to between 10 years to life imprisonment on Saturday for planning a suicide bombing on a church in the Egyptian city of Alexandria and other charges, court official said. Authorities said at the time of their arrest that the defendants had embraced the ideas of the Islamic State group and received training abroad and in Egypt.
Afghanistan flood death toll at 17, worsening already desperate situation
Heavy rains caused flash floods in western Afghanistan that killed at least 17 people, destroying homes and sweeping through makeshift shelters that housed displaced families, a government official said on Saturday. Two days of flooding that started on Thursday killed 12 people in Jawzjan and two in Badghis, provinces that border Turkmenistan, said Hasibullah Shir Khani, a spokesman for Afghanistan’s National Disaster Management Authority.
Trump threatens to shut Mexico border amid migration surge
President Donald Trump has said he is likely to close the US border if Mexico does not do more to stop migrants reaching the United States. The closure would disrupt border crossings, threatening trade worth billions of dollars. Mr Trump’s threat follows a surge in migrants travelling through Mexico to seek asylum in the US.
DEA Never Checked If Its Massive Surveillance Operations Are Legal, Watchdog Says
The Drug Enforcement Administration skirted numerous legal checks on a trio of bulk data collection programs dating back to the early 1990s, according to an internal watchdog. In a heavily redacted, 144-page report…the Justice Department Inspector General revealed the administration failed to fully assess the legal basis for three massive international surveillance operations that ran largely unchecked from 1992 to 2013.
Magnitude 6.1 earthquake hits Papua New Guinea: USGS
A magnitude 6.4 earthquake hit Papua New Guinea’s New Britain island, 186 km (115 miles) east of Kandrian, on Saturday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries from the quake which, USGS said struck at 1120 GMT, the Center added. Earlier reports measured the magnitude at 6.4.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Posts Shock Video Implying United States May Also Support The Building Of A Third Jewish Temple In Israel
From a Bible prophecy perspective, Donald Trump is the greatest president since Harry S. Truman recognized the regathered nation of Israel back on May 14th, 1948. And in many respects, I would dare say that President Trump has outdone his predecessor regarding Israel. So now the question is, just how far is he planning to go? Could it be that part of Jared Kushner’s secret Middle East Peace Plan contains a Third Jewish Temple to be constructed in Jerusalem?
China Develops Cruise Missile that Launches from Cargo Ships
According to U.S. defense officials quoted by the Washington Free Beacon on Wednesday, China is developing a long-range cruise missile that can be hidden inside shipping containers and launched from civilian freighters, a type of ship China happens to own in abundance.
Dozens of actors pledge to resist filming in Georgia if the state passes its anti-abortion “heartbeat bill”
…And so stars—led by actress Alyssa Milano, whose Insatiable is currently filming its second season in the state—have now started signing their names to a public letter demanding that governor Brian Kemp veto the bill if it comes across his desk.
1,100 dead dolphins reportedly discovered on French coast this year: ‘There’s never been a number this high’
A staggering number of deceased, maimed dolphins have reportedly been found on the shores of France this year.
After Cyclone Idai, bodies litter Mozambique’s fields, and the true death toll may never be known
The flooding is estimated to have affected nearly 2 million people in Mozambique, where the official number of dead stands at 468. But the actual death toll from Cyclone Idai may never be known.
Fury at German band Rammstein’s ‘repulsive’ Holocaust clip
German hardrock band Rammstein sparked protests from politicians, historians and Jewish groups Thursday with a video showing band members dressed as concentration camp prisoners with nooses around their necks.
An Outbreak Spreads Fear: Of Measles, of Ultra-Orthodox Jews, of Anti-Semitism
A measles outbreak in a New York suburb has sickened scores of people and stoked long-smoldering tensions between the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community and the secular world at large.
Presidents #25 and #35 Were Assassinated, Will #45 Be Next?
Trump has shown renewed resolve when it comes to taking on the Deep State since the Mueller nothing burger was delivered. This, in my opinion, has made him a marked man.
Minnesota Attempts to Subvert Electoral College by Slipping Nat’l Popular Vote into Omnibus Bill
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again—or just hide your idea in a giant piece of legislation, where you hope it won’t get noticed.
CLINTON BODY COUNT: Former Clinton And Obama Advisor Alan Krueger Found Dead Of Apparent Suicide Ahead Of New Book Release In June
Professor Alan Krueger, a man who had a new book coming out in June and everything to live for, suddenly decided to commit suicide for no apparent reason, stunning his colleagues and associates. But I could tell you two people not stunned by this news, Bill and Hillary Clinton. Why? Because they have long since grown accustomed to the people they used to work with dying under sudden and suspicious circumstances. This profoundly unlucky group of people, nearly 60 in total, are members of what we like to call The Clinton Dead Pool. Since they can no longer speak, we shall speak for them.
Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Deus Ex Machina: Religions Use Robots to Connect With the Public
Gabriele Trovato is worried about tomorrow. Or at least that’s what he confesses to SanTO, one of his religion-inspired robots. Just shy of 17 inches tall, SanTO resembles those small figurines of saints often found in Catholic homes—except with a computer, microphone, sensors and a facial recognition-enabled camera. As Mr. Trovato touches and speaks to the machine, its deep, echoing voice responds with a Bible quote: “From the Gospel according to Matthew,” it says, “do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Should they ever become sentient, robots could join faiths themselves, raising questions about religious identity, he said. Would a robot count for a minyan, a Jewish quorum for religious obligations?
DOJ to receive criminal referrals for Russia spygate
After special counsel Robert Mueller confirmed his longtime assertion that the Trump campaign did not collude with Russia, House Intelligence Committee ranking Member Devin Nunes is “going on offense” to probe the origin of the collusion claims. Nunes plans to send a criminal referral next week to the Justice Department detailing “multiple referrals on a number of different crimes” as part of an investigation of alleged misconduct by the DOJ and the FBI.
UAE official urges Arab openness to Israel
UAE foreign minister calls the decision to ban contact with Israel ‘very, very wrong,’ expects increased contact between Arab world and Jewish state; ‘in 15 years’ time, discussions will revolve around equal rights in one state,’ he says of Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Is the IDF prepared for Palestinian violence this weekend?
With a violent week behind it, Israel’s security establishment is bracing for thousands of Palestinians to riot this weekend across the West Bank and Gaza Strip, marking Land Day and the one-year anniversary of the Great March of Return demonstrations along the Gaza front.
Pope enacts new legislation to prevent child abuse in Vatican
The over-arching law, which the Vatican first promised to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child in 2013, goes into effect on June 1. It calls for a Vatican official or employee convicted of abusing a child to be dismissed, sets up procedures for reporting suspected abuse, and imposes more screening of prospective employees to prevent hiring potential abusers.
End-of-Days Expert: Disaster Drills, Sign ‘Governments Know Something Big is Coming’
“There were always drills but the number is growing by leaps and bounds,” Ovadia told Breaking Israel News. “Everyone, secular and religious, from every country, is talking about the end-of-days. It is clear that there is some knowledge out there driving this. So many governments are preparing for a global crisis, something unprecedented. The governments making these drills know that something big is coming.” “It is understandable to hold hurricane drills or the like in a specific season,” Ovadia emphasized. “But there is no season for earthquakes. It is remarkable that so many countries decided to hold earthquake drills at the same time.”
Trump Administration Cracks Down on International Abortion “Backdoor Funding Schemes”
“The Trump administration has been the most pro-life administration in history, and Secretary Pompeo and President Trump should be thanked for closing the loopholes that allowed NGOs to take our taxpayer dollars and give them to sub-contractors that commit or promote abortions.” -Students for Life of America president, Kristan Hawkins
Seismic activity in Montana means potential for large earthquake
Western Montana is a hotbed of seismic activity. There have been 16 earthquakes in the area since Jan. 1, and scientists say a big earthquake is a possibility, but there’s no way to predict when that could happen.
Missouri House approves Bible class in public schools
A bill introduced Rep. Ben Baker (R-Neosho) and passed by the Missouri House would allow school districts to offer study of the Bible as an elective class. “The resolution declares that the purpose of such courses is to teach students the biblical content, characters, and narratives of the Bible that are prerequisites to understanding contemporary society and culture,” the bill reads.
U.S. to put Israeli sovereignty over Golan Heights on the map
United States government maps are slated to be redrawn to reflect US President Donald Trump’s official recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, according to a report by Voice of America. A State Department spokesperson told VOA that the map changes would be “consistent” with Trump’s declaration, although he did not indicate how long it would take to make this change.
Palestinians call for mass Gaza border protests on Saturday
Factions in the Gaza Strip are urging Palestinians to participate in Saturday’s mass protests near the border with Israel afternoon prayers. The factions urged Palestinians on Thursday to “maintain the peaceful and popular nature” of the protests, and said they don’t want to give Israel an excuse to use force against the demonstrators.
Religions Use Robots to Connect With the Public
Gabriele Trovato is worried about tomorrow. Or at least that’s what he confesses to SanTO, one of his religion-inspired robots. Just shy of 17 inches tall, SanTO resembles those small figurines of saints often found in Catholic homes—except with a computer, microphone, sensors and a facial recognition-enabled camera.
The Pentagon is ‘Absolutely Unapologetic’ About Pursuing AI-Powered Weapons
Protecting the U.S. in the decades ahead will require the Pentagon to make “substantial, sustained” investments in military artificial intelligence, and critics need to realize it doesn’t take that task lightly, according to…Defense Department officials. Efforts to expand the department’s use of AI systems have been met with public outcry among many…who worry the U.S will soon entrust machines to make life-and-death decisions on the battlefield.
Shuttle diplomacy: Egyptian delegation returns to Israel after meeting Hamas in Gaza
The Egyptian team tasked with mediating an agreement to end days of fighting in the Gaza Strip continued with its shuttle diplomacy Thursday afternoon, returning to Israel at around 1pm, after meeting with Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups. The delegation, made up of Egyptian intelligence officials, returned from Gaza via the Erez Crossing, to convey the Hamas response to an Israeli proposal for restoring calm along the border.
U.S. lawmakers introduce bill to stop NSA’s mass data collection
Republican and Democratic U.S. lawmakers introduced a bill on Thursday that would end the collection of Americans’ phone records by the National Security Agency in an effort to undo a widely criticized security measure passed in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. “The NSA’s sprawling phone records dragnet was born in secrecy, defended with lies and never stopped a single terrorist attack,” said Democratic Senator Ron Wyden…
Cyclone in Mozambique death toll climbs as cholera cases confirmed in Beira
The first cases of cholera have been confirmed in the cyclone-ravaged city of Beira, Mozambican authorities announced on Wednesday, raising the stakes in an already desperate fight to help hundreds of thousands of people sheltering in increasingly squalid conditions. The death toll in Mozambique is now at least 468, with 259 dead in Zimbabwe and at least 56 dead in Malawi.
Someone alive today will live to be 1,000 years old, ‘incendiary’ tech honcho claims
Someone alive on Earth today will reach the ripe old age of 1,000. That’s according to one prominent British scientist, who is determined to “hack” human mortality by finding a scientific answer to the Fountain of Youth.
China Shuts Down, Changes Locks on 1,000-Member Church
China shut down a well-known 1,000-member Beijing church over the weekend and then changed the locks to prevent members from returning to the building.
Fed investigation sought into San Antonio ‘bigotry’
The backlash against the San Antonio City Council’s vote to exclude Chick-fil-A from an airport contract because of its owners’ religious beliefs now includes a formal request for a federal investigation of the city.
Islamic Terrorists Ramp Up Attacks On Nigerian Christians
Islamic terrorists killed more than 120 Christians and burned dozens of homes in northern Nigeria in a series of attacks they have waged since February.
Mexican Cartel-Linked Drug Operation Busted in Minnesota, Say Police
A raid on a luxury high-rise residence in downtown Minneapolis Saturday resulted in the seizure of 64 pounds of methamphetamine, three pounds of heroin, and the arrests of two males–one believed to have direct ties to a Mexican cartel.
Texas Legislature Advances Multiple Pro-Life Bills
Iconic red state Texas is the most populous state in the country with unanimous Republican leadership across both the state legislature and the gubernatorial mansion. Its conservative legal leadership, in the state attorney general and solicitor general offices, is second to none across all the nation’s red states. As such, the Lone Star State is sometimes looked upon as a paragon of how a red state ought to govern when it comes to some of the bread-and-butter issues that undergird the American conservative movement.
Facebook Hires George Soros to Help Remove Conservative Content from Platform
Facebook has drafted in the help of billionaire globalist George Soros in a bid to remove “unwanted” Conservative content from the platform to better regulate elections.
WATCH: Vicious self-hating Jew Bernie Sanders exploits the Holocaust in political ad
Bernie Sanders has spent much of his adult life in the U.S Congress, and has accomplished next to nothing other than attacking Israel and its supporters. Since Sanders has ascended to the national spotlight in 2016, few have done more to legitimize Jew-hatred in the United States. However, Sanders may have reached a new low with his recent political ad.
Facebook Hires George Soros to Help Remove Conservative Content from Platform
Facebook has drafted in the help of billionaire globalist George Soros in a bid to remove “unwanted” Conservative content from the platform to better regulate elections.
“Rome, city of bridges, never walls!,” says Pope, “Jesus demands” we take in Muslim migrants
The Pope lives in a walled city within Rome. Will he tear down those walls? How many Muslim migrants has the Vatican taken in? Or is it the poor and disenfranchised of Rome and Italy in general who must pay the price for this man’s virtue signaling?
Netanyahu orders army to be ready for ‘wide-scale campaign’ in Gaza
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has instructed the army to be ready for a “wide-scale campaign” in the Gaza Strip ahead of major clashes expected over the weekend.
Wikipedia Editors Paid to Protect Political, Tech, and Media Figures
However, Feinberg’s article noted several of Sussman’s requests involved removing or watering down potentially damaging material about clients, even when citing sources considered reliable on the site. Such removals would appear to violate Wikipedia’s neutrality policy…
Ilhan Omar Attacks Nancy Pelosi for Opposing Boycott of the Jews
The horror of the hate is very real, but we can be grateful that American is seeing this, hearing this, finally — the true face of the new Nazi party. The notoriously hard left enemedia has hidden the evil of the Democrat party for far too long. Scrub as they might, the antisemitism of the new Democratic leaders is too obvious to shroud. Omar’s “it’s all about the Benjamins” remarks evoke Goebbels and company’s “international Jewish conspiracy.”