For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing .
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Benjamin Netanyahu brings Donald Trump into Likud election campaign
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu brought in a major figure to make a cameo appearance in the Likud campaign: US President Donald Trump. “And frankly, a strong prime minister is a strong Israel, and you truly have a great prime minister in Benjamin Netanyahu – there’s nobody like him,” Trump added. “He’s a winner, he’s highly respected, he’s highly thought of by all and people really do have great, great respect for what’s happening in Israel.
Returning to Prophecy; Christianity’s Hebraic Roots and Defending Israel and its Jews
In Cardoza-Moore’s assessment the reappearance and seemingly widespread acceptance of open antisemitism (predominantly in the US, but the same holds true of Europe and elsewhere also) should be a “wake-up call to both Christians and Jews.” She said that PJTN’s mission was to “educate Christians around the world to stand with Jewish people to counter antisemitism.” And she is under no illusion about the scale of the task. She stated that if one had mentioned to her in 2005, for example, that in 2019 we’d see antisemitism as commonplace, she would have not thought it possible. “Why is the Church silent on this issue?”
2018 natural disasters statistics: volcanic activity resulted in more deaths than previous 18 years combined
There were 281 climate-related and geophysical events recorded in the EM-DAT (International Disaster Database) in 2018. These caused deaths of 10 733 people and affected 61 million people across the world. There were a number of major disasters in certain regions, however, there were no mega-disasters which inflate yearly averages, such as the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) who manages EM-DAT said. Earthquakes and tsunamis accounted for the majority of the 10 373 lives lost.
Pelosi-Affiliated PAC Sent $250,000 to George Soros Effort
A political action committee linked to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) pushed a total of $250,000 to an activist campaign that was primarily bankrolled by liberal billionaire George Soros, Federal Election Commission filings show. The House Majority PAC, the Pelosi-affiliated group dedicated to electing Democrats to the House of Representatives, this past election cycle made numerous transfers to the “Win Justice” campaign, which was launched by a handful of liberal activist organizations including Planned Parenthood Votes, Color of Change PAC, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and the Center for Community Change.
House Gives Victims of Illegal Alien Crime Bipartisan Standing Ovation on Chamber Floor
The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday gave victims of illegal alien crimes a bipartisan standing ovation on the floor of the chamber as House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy read out the names of Americans killed by illegal aliens in a lengthy speech. McCarthy began his speech bashing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s strategy on the government funding battle that has protected the “status quo” on immigration, a system that has led to serious consequences for American citizen victims of illegal immigration. There have been 266,000 criminal aliens arrested the last two years. This includes charges or convictions of 100,000 assaults, nearly 30,000 sex crimes, and 4,000 violent killings. Three hundred Americans die every week from heroin. And More than 90 percent of heroin comes across the Southern border. And roughly 10,000 children are being smuggled into the U.S. every year to be sold for human trafficking.
US plans suspension of nuclear treaty with Russia, official says
The U.S. plans to suspend its obligations under a 1987 nuclear weapons treaty with Russia after a deadline passes this weekend and the Trump administration inches closer to full withdrawal from a pillar of Cold War diplomacy, a White House official said Monday. Unless Russia destroys all its ground-launched cruise missiles known as 9M729s, associated equipment and launchers by Feb. 2, the U.S. will suspend its obligations under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, according to the official, who asked not to be identified because a decision hasn’t been announced.
Another minor earthquake rattles central Massachusetts
A magnitude 1.6 earthquake centered in Templeton was recorded just after 6 p.m. Monday. The tremor comes about a month after the area felt two other minor earthquakes.
Japanese astronomers spot new class of object in the Kuiper Belt
While astronomers are still hunting for a huge new planet somewhere beyond Neptune, smaller objects have been turning up with surprising regularity lately. Now, a team at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan has discovered a new class of object that has long been thought to exist in the Kuiper belt on the fringes of the solar system. It’s a small body on the scale of a few kilometers.
Advanced AI system converts brain signals into speech
In a remarkable landmark breakthrough, scientists have demonstrated a computer system effectively translating brain signals into intelligible speech. The extraordinary experiment presents a proof-of-concept that could pave the way for a large variety of brain-controlled communication devices in the future. The science fiction idea of being able to control devices or communicate with others just by thinking is slowly, but surely, getting closer to reality.
Florida recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s undivided capital
Florida’s state cabinet took the unusual step of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s “eternal and undivided capital.” It issued a proclamation to on Tuesday in a move that places it one step ahead of the Trump Administration’s stance on Israel, which recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, but has not spoken of whether it supports a united or divided Jerusalem.
Gilets jaunes: France to ban masks at protests amid unrest
France’s National Assembly has approved a law banning the wearing of masks at protests, and another to ban specific people from taking part in rallies. Wearing a mask could now result in a one-year prison sentence and a €15,000 (£13,000; $17,000) fine. France has seen weekly protests by the “gilets jaunes” (yellow vest) movement – with isolated pockets of violence.
Italy in recession amid sluggish eurozone
Italy’s economy tipped into recession at the end of last year, according to latest figures. In the final three months of 2018, the economy shrank by 0.2%, following a 0.1% decline in the third quarter, the Istat statistics office said. Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said the contraction was likely to continue into 2019.
Mystery illness sees Canada halve its Cuba embassy staff
Canada will cut its embassy staff in Cuba by up to half after a mystery illness affected another person there, authorities in Ottawa have said. Medical testing after the reappearance of unusual symptoms in November saw a 14th Canadian affected. Canada’s foreign office said the number of staff will now be cut by up to half as a result.
Polar vortex brings deadly cold snap to US states
Cities are all but shutting down across the US Midwest as the region shivers in a deadly cold snap known as a polar vortex. At least eight people have been killed in several states as a result of the Arctic weather. Temperatures fell to -30C (-22F) in Chicago – colder than parts of Antarctica – and -37C in North Dakota. Freezing weather will chill 250 million Americans, and 90 million will experience -17C (0F) or below.
New report finds heavy metals like arsenic and lead in 45 packaged fruit juices
Some popular fruit juices may contain heavy metals, according to a new report out Wednesday morning. Consumer Reports tested 45 packaged fruit juices for heavy metals, like lead, arsenic, and cadmium and found measurable levels in every product. Long-term exposure to these metals could cause some serious health risks, like kidney disease and certain types of cancer.
U.S. to stop complying with nuclear pact with Russia after talks flop
The United States will stop complying with a landmark nuclear pact with Russia as soon as this weekend after last-ditch talks with Moscow to save it fell flat, a senior U.S. arms control official said on Thursday. Washington has long accused Russia of flouting the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), alleging that a new Russian missile, the Novator 9M729, called the SSC-8 by NATO, violates the pact…
Sarah Sanders: God Wanted Donald Trump to Become President
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders spoke to CBN News reporters David Brody and Jennifer Wishon in an interview Wednesday in which she said she believed God wanted Donald Trump to become president of the United States.
‘Several thousand’ more troops preparing to deploy to the border, Shanahan says
The Pentagon is preparing to send “several thousand” more troops to the southern border following a request from the Department of Homeland Security, Acting Defense Secretary Pat Shanahan said today.
Toronto absolutely smashed its previous snowfall record yesterday
In fact, it snowed so much Toronto smashed its previous snowfall record for January 28, previously set in 2009. A decade ago, 13.4 cm fell across the city, while yesterday, a whopping 26.4 cm landed on Toronto.
Dems to strike ‘so help you God’ from oath taken in front of key House committee, draft shows
A key committee in the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives is moving to eliminate the God reference from the oath administered to witnesses testifying before the panel, as part of a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to a draft obtained exclusively by Fox News.
Gosnell 2: The Exoneration
“…I continue to feel optimistic of the eventual outcome…the vindication of what I’ve done, why I’ve done it and how [it] will become accepted within my lifetime.”— Kermit Gosnell, after his conviction
A CATHOLIC DISGRACE: Pro-gay bishop who slandered Covington teens to lead controversial ‘LGBTQ’ retreat at Notre Dame
A famously pro-gay Catholic bishop is slated to lead an “LGBTQ retreat” next weekend at the University of Notre Dame. At the retreat, Bishop John Stowe of Lexington, Kentucky “will be integrating sexual orientation and faith from a Scriptural and Biblical perspective,” according to an online description provided by the University’s Gender Relations Center (GRC). The University’s Campus Ministry is a cosponsor.
OF COURSE: After Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth, New York Now Considering Legalizing Assisted Suicide
There are three assisted suicide related bills introduced in New York. The first bill A 30 is a study bill requiring the commissioner of health to conduct a study relating to medical aid in dying. Study bills always raise a caution because you don’t study an issue unless you are considering legalization.
339 Arrested in 3-Day Human Trafficking Sting in California
Authorities arrested 339 people during a three-day human trafficking sting in California, law enforcement officials announced Tuesday.
Petition to ‘Impeach Nancy Pelosi for Treason’ Exceeds Target of 100k Signatures
As Neon Nettle reported on Monday, the campaign calls for the Democratic House speaker’s impeachment and began gathering momentum over the weekend.
‘We’ve Become Dumber’: Media Rushes To Tie Record-Breaking Cold On Global Warming
A “polar vortex” event is breaking record-low temperature readings across the Great Plains and Midwest, and many in the media are rushing to blame the deep freeze on global warming.
FBI Deep State Source Nellie Ohr Spied on Trump Children During Election
As the details surrounding the Spygate scandal are uncovered, connections draw closer to former President Obama.
WATCH: Ilhan Omar Suggests Israel Should Not Be Allowed To Exist As Jewish State, Suggests Not A ‘Democracy’
Anti-Semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) suggested in an interview this week that Israel should not be allowed to exist as a Jewish state, Israel is not a democracy, and compared Israel to Iran — which is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.
Democrats Propose Eliminating This Word That Witnesses Swear In Oaths. What A Surprise.
Look at the following question that is part of the draft for new rules for witnesses instituted by the Democratic-controlled House Committee on Natural Resources and see if you can guess what’s missing: “Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?”
Va. Delegate Introduces Bill That Would Allow Abortions Up to Moment of Birth
Virginia Delegate Kathy Tran (D)introduced a bill, House Bill No. 2491, that would eliminate restrictions on abortion in Virginia and would permit abortions to be performed right up to the moment of birth.
Facebook Paid Children as Young as 13 to Install App That ‘Spied’ on Them
Social media giant Facebook has admitted it paid young people to install a ‘social media research’ app on their phone to monitor web activity, reports say.
Democrats just legalized murdering their own children in New York… do you really think they won’t murder Christians and Trump supporters next?
Under a new law that just took effect in New York, a child may be aborted up to the due date or even during the birth itself. If that child survives the attempted abortion and is born alive, that child may be murdered on sight by an abortionist to “complete” the abortion.
Sheriffs in Rural Washington Refuse to Enforce Latest Gun Controls
Sheriffs in rural Washington state are reportedly refusing to enforce the gun controls contained in I-1639, an initiative passed by voters in November 2018…The NRA-ILA noted that this was a repeat of a 2014 initiative — I-594 — in which wealthy donors heaved gun control onto the backs of law-abiding citizens.
Poll stunner! Blacks like taxpayer funding for abortionists
A new Barna Group poll commissioned by the pro-life movie “Unplanned” found that blacks support tax subsidies for abortion giant Planned Parenthood more than any other group.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
China acts like it’s ‘preparing for WWIII’ in South China Sea, Sen. Inhofe warns
China’s continuing militarization of the islands in the South China Sea has one member of Congress warning that the communist nation may be preparing for war. Republican Sen. James Inhofe, chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said on Tuesday that China’s ongoing militarization activities resemble preparation for a world war, the Navy Times reported. “It’s like you’re preparing for World War III,” Inhofe said. “You’re talking to our allies over there and you wonder whose side they’re going to be on.”
Store Your Gold At The Bank Of England And You Might Never See It Again
The Bank of England’s decision to deny Maduro officials’ withdrawal request comes after top U.S. officials, including Secretary of StateMichael Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton, lobbied their U.K. counterparts to help cut off the regime from its overseas assets, according to one of the people, who asked not to be identified.”
The Democrats Lose Their Minds
… the “system” of relatively free enterprise that allowed them to grow rich—and finance or innovate remarkable advances in technology and productivity that have benefited the world—should be altered drastically. Hence AOC’s call for a 70-percent marginal tax rate—backed by the same genius from Berkeley who designed Warren’s expropriation of wealth—to help pay for the “Green New Deal” that will give us “a 100% greenhouse gas neutral power generation system, decarbonizing industry and agriculture and more.
Louis Farrakhan calls for separate state for Black Americans, says that’s ‘what God wants’
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan called for a separate state for Black Americans in an Instagram video posted on Thursday, saying that’s “what God wants” while those opposed he described as “slaves.”
US cuts off all aid to PA security forces
Officials at the US Embassy in Jerusalem confirm that as a result of the Taylor Force Law taking effect on Friday, all American funding for the Palestinian security forces will be discontinued, including for the purchase of equipment and training.
Why Are the Religious Right-Wing and Secular Left-Wing?
But just as it is in Israel, the politics in America and the rest of the world are divided along religious lines; the religious are right-wing and the secular are left-wing. I can think of a lot of reasons for this: Religion trains people to live for a greater good. A non-belief in God teaches a person that they are living just for themselves, that they are the ultimate authority and the ultimate goal. Even when the non-religious express a moral ideal, it is warped and self-centered.
US funding for Palestinian security services ends
The US funding and training program for the PA’s security services was set to end at midnight on Thursday, as diplomats and politicians scrambled to find a way to mitigate the impact on West Bank stability. The 14-year-old US Security Coordinator (USSC) mission, and the $61 million the US provides annually, is perceived to be the cornerstone to an effective Palestinian Authority security service.
ISIS could regain control of Syria within a year, Pentagon reports
ISIS could regain control of Syrian territory within six to 12 months, according to a draft of the Department of Defense Inspector General Quarterly Report on the ongoing Syrian situation. Analysts fear the impending pullout of US troops would created a vacuum filled by the extremist group. US President Donald Trump has ordered all of the approximately 3,000 US troops to leave the civil war-torn country within 120 days.
Attorney-General will decide on Netanyahu’s indictment before Israel’s election
Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit formally announced on Friday that he will decide Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s legal fate before the upcoming April 9 election. Though there have been leaks to this effect, this was the first time that Mandelblit himself confirmed it, rejecting a request by Netanyahu’s lawyers to delay the decision.
UK, France and Germany create payments system to trade with Iran
The UK, Germany and France have created a new payments system to allow European businesses to trade with Iran without falling foul of US sanctions. All three opposed last year’s decision by President Donald Trump to abandon a 2015 deal under which international sanctions on Iran were lifted. Some of the US sanctions make it difficult for European banks to make direct payments to Iran.
Army simulates attack on gas rigs in most complex naval drill in decades
The Israel Navy this week simulated an attack on the country’s natural gas platforms, including a live-fire test of sea-to-sea missiles to destroy an “enemy ship,” the military said Thursday. Four Sa’ar-4.5 model corvettes participated in the week-long naval exercise, dubbed “Raging Sea,” which ended on Thursday.
Despite international disapproval, Lebanon forms government with Hezbollah
Lebanese political factions agreed finally Thursday on the formation of a new government, breaking a nine-month deadlock that only deepened the country’ economic woes. Rival political groups have been locked in disagreement over the make-up of a new government since May, after the country’s first parliamentary elections in nine years.
Polar vortex 2019: While we shiver, Australia is enduring record heat
Extreme weather has wreaked havoc worldwide this month: As the upper Midwest shivered with record-breaking cold temperatures thanks to the polar vortex, wild extremes in weather were reported in other parts of the world.
Liberals outraged as Trump endorses Bible literacy classes in public schools
President Donald Trump raised a lot of eyebrows Monday by endorsing biblical literacy education in public schools, earning praise from socially-conservative supporters and scorn from secular critics.
South Carolina Senate Approves Bill to Ban All Abortions, Declares Unborn Babies People Under Law
The South Carolina Senate approved a measure to ban all abortions in the state Wednesday night, barely 24 hours after defeating a similar proposal.
Republicans Block Democratic Bill Allowing Abortions Up Until Birth
Virginia Republicans swooped in and blocked a proposed Democratic bill that would allow abortions to take place up until the point of birth in the state.
Fox News Films Migrants Moving Closer To US Border
“Fox & Friends” shared footage of migrants moving closer to the U.S. southern border Thursday, reporting the latest caravan numbers nearly 3,000.
Newly-Elected FL Gov. Ron DeSantis Issues Executive Order Eliminating Common Core From Florida Schools
Newly-elected Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced Thursday at a news conference that he is issuing an executive order to completely eliminate ‘Common Core’ from Florida schools.
Mexican President AMLO: ‘No More War’ on Drugs
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) sent shockwaves after publicly claiming an end to his country’s drug war. The politician said his administration will focus on reducing violent crimes instead of capturing regularly violent drug lords.
Blacklisters at Microsoft’s NewsGuard Label Proven Hoaxes ‘Credible’
NewsGuard, which is the establishment media’s latest effort to blacklist alternative media sites, is giving its sign of approval to proven hoaxes, even to stories that have been retracted.
CBP Announces Biggest Fentanyl Seizure Ever
U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced Thursday the largest seizure of fentanyl in the agency’s history.
Virginia Del. Kathy Tran Submitted Bill To Save Caterpillars On Same Day As Late-Stage Abortion Bill
The Democratic Virginia delegate who has recently come under fire for sponsoring a bill in the Virginia House of Delegates that would allow the termination of a pregnancy up to 40 weeks old, is also the chief patron of a bill that would protect the lives of “fall cankerworms” during certain months.
Disney Is Holding A Pride Parade At One Of Its Theme Parks For The First Time Ever
The Walt Disney Company is embracing LGBT pride month for the first time ever and hosting a gay pride parade in its Disneyland Paris park in France.
33 arrested on sex trafficking charges ahead of Super Bowl
Authorities say 33 people have been arrested in Atlanta on sex trafficking charges ahead of the Super Bowl. Homeland Security Investigations Agent Nick Annan tells…the arrests happened this week, but declined to discuss case specifics due to ongoing investigations.
Tyson recalls chicken nuggets over reports of rubber inside
Tyson Foods is recalling some chicken nuggets after customers said they found pieces of “soft, blue rubber” inside. The U.S. Agriculture Department said the 5-pound (2-kilogram) bags should be thrown away or returned. The agency says there are no confirmed reports of anyone getting sick from the rubber.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Putin: Russia will start creating new missiles, including hypersonic ones
Russia has suspended the Cold War-era Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday, also instructing the government not to initiate disarmament talks with Washington. Russia’s actions come as a response to the United States’ Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declaring on Friday that The United States is suspending its compliance with the INF treaty with Russia on Saturday…
Pope Francis heading to UAE for historic meeting
135,000 tickets have been issued for a historic mass with Pope Francis. The Pope is heading to the United Arab Emirates, the first papal visit to the Arabian peninsula. The February 3-5 visit will also highlight coexistence, religious freedom and interfaith relations as the Pope meets with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed el-Tayebb. The UAE has declared 2019 the “year of tolerance,” bringing together different religions.
EU-Japan trade: Five things about the world’s biggest deal
Cheaper wine and cheese for Japan, cheaper cars for the EU – part of what the EU-Japan trade deal, now in force, means. The world’s biggest such deal, it covers nearly a third of global GDP and 635 million people. However there are warnings that the UK could lose its benefits if it leaves the EU without an agreement.
Australia weather: Monsoon rains cause floods in Queensland
Exceptional monsoon rains have caused severe flooding in parts of Australia’s north-eastern state of Queensland. Cars and livestock have been swept away over a large area around the coastal city of Townsville. Emergency crews are evacuating people on rafts. Up to 20,000 homes could be flooded if the downpours continue, officials warn.
Typhus Epidemic Worsens in Los Angeles
A veteran Los Angeles City Hall official is one of the latest victims of an epidemic of the infectious disease typhus that continues to worsen across LA County. For months, LA County public health officials have said typhus is mainly hitting the homeless population. But Deputy City Attorney Liz Greenwood, a veteran prosecutor,…was diagnosed with typhus in November, after experiencing high fevers and excruciating headaches.
New U.S. Experiments Aim To Create Gene-Edited Human Embryos
A scientist in New York is conducting experiments designed to modify DNA in human embryos as a step toward someday preventing inherited diseases, NPR has learned. For now, the work is confined to a laboratory. But the research, if successful, would mark another step toward turning CRISPR, a powerful form of gene editing, into a tool for medical treatment.
With Cash Handouts, India Takes Step Toward Universal Basic Income
India unveiled huge handouts for farmers, setting the stage for an election-year spending spree, a possible prelude to implementing a universal basic income in an effort to deal with widespread poverty. India’s budget for the year starting April 1, which was released Friday, doubled the income at which people have to start paying taxes, while promising payouts to help small farmers.
Iran unveils long-range cruise missile on revolution anniversary
Iran unveiled a new cruise missile with a range of 1,300 km (800 miles) on Saturday during celebrations marking the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, state television reported. “This cruise missile needs a very short time for its preparedness and can fly at a low altitude,” Defence Minister Amir Hatami said during the unveiling ceremony.
Boy Scouts Makes History Welcoming Girls to Its Ranks
A longtime American tradition ended Friday as the Boy Scouts of America officially changed its name to Scouts BSA. Now, girls ages 11 through 17 may join and participate in programs, including earning the Eagle Scout rank.
Report: Netanyahu to Meet Trump’s ‘Peace Team’ at Warsaw Mideast Conference
The White House “peace team” — President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner and Middle East negotiation coordinator Jason Greenblatt — will attend the Warsaw conference on the Middle East over Feb. 13-14, a senior White House official told Channel 13’s Barak Ravid on Thursday.
January was officially Australias hottest month on record
Australia sweltered through its hottest month on record in January and the summer of extremes continued with wildfires razing the drought-parched south and flooding in expanses of the tropical north.
Polar vortex’s bitter cold could cost US economy $5 billion, though the worst may be over
The extended winter freeze that so far has pounded entire regions of the U.S. figures to chill the economy, too. AccuWeather estimates a total cost to the economy of up to $14 billion, and while much of that will be recouped, up to $5 billion could be lost permanently.
Gov. Who Described Letting Baby Die Quoted Bible at Prayer Breakfast: ‘Whatever You Did for One of the Least of These…’
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, who is a pediatric neurologist, and who on WTOP radio on Wednesday morning described how a baby who was born alive could be left to die, gave a speech at a Virginia prayer breakfast last year where he quoted from a passage in the Gospel of Matthew.
Voter Fraud: 11,000 Non-Citizens Registered to Vote in Pennsylvania
Over 11,000 non-citizens have been discovered on voter rolls in Pennsylvania, despite being ineligible to register, state officials have admitted.
BOOM: Top US Defense Official testifies that President Trump does NOT need Congress nor a National Emergency to build a border wall
President Trump can build a border wall using the United States military to stop mass illegal immigration and drug trafficking without funding approval from Congress and without having to declare a national emergency.
Radical anti-Semitic Muslim Congesswoman demands that US taxpayers pay for her trip to ‘Palestine’, where she plans to slander Israel and America
Congressman Brian Babin on Thursday urged House Democrats to nix a trip one of their own members has planned to visit Palestinian-controlled territory in Israel. Mr. Babin, Texas Republican, said Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s planned trip would damage America’s foreign policy interests.
Microsoft Blacklist: NewsGuard Warns Breitbart Is ‘Fake News’ 29 Times on Single Google Page
NewsGuard, the browser extension that rates the “trustworthiness” of news outlets, and is run by establishment media figures along with former Clinton, Obama and Bush administration members, warns that Breitbart News is “Fake News” 29 times in one Google search.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Israel begins construction of smart fence along Gaza border
Israel began construction of an upgraded security barrier along the Gaza Strip border last week… “On Thursday, we began working on the final component of the barrier project along the Gaza border,” said Brig.-Gen. Eran Ophir, head of the army’s fence-building project. “The barrier is unique and especially suited to threats from the Gaza Strip and will provide a maximum response to prevent entry into Israeli territory.”
Australia weather: Townsville warned as floodgates open
Thousands of residents in and around the Australian city of Townsville have been warned of “unprecedented flooding” after dam gates were fully opened on Sunday as monsoon rains continued. Rain in the state of Queensland, where Townsville is located, has swollen the Ross River dam beyond its capacity. Officials earlier warned that up to 20,000 homes could be flooded.
China Urges the World to Undermine U.S. Sanctions
China’s state-run Global Times on Friday applauded the launch of a European system to evade U.S. sanctions on Iran, pleased by the damage it could inflict upon U.S. sanctions against China, Venezuela, North Korea, and other countries. The Chinese saluted France, Germany, and Britain for moving toward a day when the U.S. dollar is no longer the world’s dominant currency and perhaps Chinese money will take its place.
GM Sought to Outsource 2.8K U.S. Jobs to Foreigners While Laying Off Americans
Multinational corporation General Motors (GM) sought to import nearly 2,800 foreign workers in the last three years to take U.S. jobs while laying off American workers. GM will be laying off at least 4,250 of its white-collar workers in Canada and America — with the vast majority in the U.S. — starting next week.
The Pope’s Stubborn Silence on the Persecution of Christians
Unfortunately, Pope Francis’s stance on Islam seems to be coming from a fantasy world. “Authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence”, the Pope claimed, not quite accurately. It is as if all of the Pope’s efforts have been directed to exonerating Islam from any of its responsibilities.
CCCU vice chair admits there is ‘risk’ associated with its LGBT compromise
A board member for one of the largest Christian college associations in the country admits that there is “risk” associated with its recent push for legislation that would provide LGBT discrimination protections in exchange for religious exemptions for traditional Christian beliefs on sexuality. Shirley Mullen…defended the 180-school network’s support for the “Fairness for All” initiative…
Iranian, Russian diplomats hold talks over Syria
The meeting anticipates a trilateral summit of the presidents of the guarantor states of the Syria peace process, Iran, Russia, and Turkey, scheduled to be held on February 14 in Russia’s Sochi. Since January 2017, Moscow, Tehran, and Ankara have been mediating dialogue between representatives from the Damascus government and opposition groups in a series of talks held in Astana and other places.
Feds caught pushing Buddhist-based meditation on preschoolers
The federal government has been caught trying to push a Buddhist-based meditation program on preschoolers, and the American Center for Law and Justice is demanding that the public be given the details.
US thaws from Arctic deep freeze, as death toll hits 21
A brutal cold spell that paralyzed the US Midwest, freezing water mains, causing power outages and canceling flights, eased on Friday, with forecasts predicting a rapid thaw.
UK weather: coldest day in seven years as mercury drops to -14.4C
The lowest temperature in the UK for seven years was recorded on Thursday as snowy and icy weather continued to hit Britain.
Alps hit by ‘once-in-a-generation’ snow storms
Tens of thousands of people have been stranded across the Alps after ‘once-in-a-generation’ weather dumped almost 2 meters of snow on some ski resorts in less than 48 hours.
13 States that Have Ruled Unborn Babies Are Children
Last week, New York state shocked the nation by passing an abortion law that allows pregnant women to terminate their pregnancies up until their due dates. The progressive law is the first of its kind, but New York appears to only be the first of many states who are considering adopting similar legislation.
Exhumed Remains Of Karl Marx To Run For US President
“…6,000 years of human history shows us that whenever too much wealth becomes concentrated at the top, it always gets redistributed by either socialist policies or violent revolution…”
Report: San Francisco Has More Drug Addicts Than High School Students
San Francisco has more intravenous drug users than high school students, according to a San Francisco news outlet. “Injection drug users” outweigh high schoolers by more than 50 percent according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
Federal Court Orders Discovery on Clinton Email, Benghazi Scandal: Top Obama-Clinton Officials, Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes to Respond to Judicial Watch Questions Under Oath
Judicial Watch announced today that United States District Judge Royce C. Lamberth ruled that discovery can begin in Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. Obama administration senior State Department officials, lawyers, and Clinton aides will now be deposed under oath. Senior officials — including Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Sullivan, and FBI official E.W. Priestap — will now have to answer Judicial Watch’s written questions under oath.
Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey Admits Twitter Colludes with Far Left Activist Groups and Governments Like Pakistan to Censor Users
Isn’t it time for Twitter to move its headquarters to Lahore? We reported in July 2018 that Twitter has long been accused of censoring conservatives. Twitter was indeed censoring and shadowbanning the President of the United States, Donald Trump’s twitter account, @realDonaldTrump.
Bavarian Elementary Schools To Install ‘Third Sex’ Bathrooms
Three new elementary schools around Munich in the German state of Bavaria are putting forth a proposal to create a bathroom for a “third gender” for children who do not identify as boys or girls.
Paul Craig Roberts Exposes “The Lawless Government”
“I remember when a suspect was regarded as innocent until proven guilty in a fair trial… In the United States, law is no longer a shield of the people. Law is a weapon in the hands of prosecutors…”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Putin, Erdogan, Rohani Set For Sochi Summit On Syria
The leaders of Russia, Iran, and Turkey are scheduled to meet in the Russian Black Sea resort of Sochi on February 14 to discuss the situation in Syria, according to Turkish and Russian state media. The reports on February 3 did not give full details of the planned meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Hassan Rohani of Iran. But Russia’s NTV broadcaster said the leaders will discuss the situation around the so-called deescalation zone around Idlib in Syria and the pending withdrawal of U.S. troops from the war-ravaged country.
Border agents reportedly discover 60-foot tunnel to Mexico at southern border
The tunnel, which is seemingly under construction to stretch toward Mexico, was discovered on the American side of the border, near the Rio Grande River in Hidalgo, Texas, KRGV reported on Wednesday.
Iran Unveils Cruise Missile Neither Israel Nor US Can Intercept
Iran state television announced their military had successfully tested the new Hoveizeh surface-to-surface cruise missile. The missile, launched from a mobile launcher, has an effective range of 800 miles, putting Israel and U.S. troops stationed in the region within range.
What Putin Really Wants in Syria
With the United States preparing to exit the Syrian conflict, the Kremlin’s strategy won’t change much. That’s because it was never about Syria from the beginning. Projecting the effects of Russia’s Syria campaign beyond the Middle East was always the Kremlin’s goal.
Sightings of rare fish in Japan raise fears of earthquake, tsunami
Fears of an incoming natural disaster in Japan are swirling online after sightings of a deep-water fish believed to be a harbinger of earthquakes and tsunamis. On Friday, two oarfish were discovered after being caught in fishing nets off the northern prefecture of Toyama, bringing the total found this season to seven.
Mueller’s abuses on view for the world to see
Something struck a raw nerve in this country when 26 agents showed up with automatic weapons drawn in a pre-dawn raid to arrest Roger Stone, terrorizing his deaf wife. Suddenly, all the mumbo jumbo about special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation being objective and focused on national security melted away in the face of a police-state action so completely inexplicable.
New Dem presidential candidate calls for ‘spiritual awakening’ in US
“We need a moral and spiritual awakening in the country,” Williamson, who launched her campaign Monday in Los Angeles,… Williamson is a best-selling author and spiritual counselor to Oprah Winfrey. She said in the interview Thursday that her career has prepared her to tackle the country’s “deeper levels of moral dysfunction.”
Netanyahu to enact penalty for Palestinian pay-for-slay: report
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to authorize withholding taxes and tariffs…in light of its continued monthly payments to terrorists and their families…The Deduction Law requires the Defense Ministry to present the Security Cabinet with information about how much the PA paid terrorists in prison or the families of terrorists who were killed, and for the Finance Minister to deduct that amount from the taxes and tariffs…
Rabbis praise tolerance at UAE interfaith conference
The Chief Rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich said that Jews and Muslims have lived together for thousands of years in comments on the sidelines of a major interfaith gathering in Abu Dhabi. He is one of several rabbis, including Rabbi Marc Schneier, founder of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, attending the event, according to local reports and sources.
‘Superhuman’ robots will outstrip mankind within 50 years, warns AI expert
ROBOTS will be in a position to outstrip the abilities of mankind within half a century, an expert in artificial intelligence has warned, stressing it was vital to introduce safeguards to prevent mankind being “replaced”…Considering the vast technological progression witnessed in the last decade, Mr Ambroggi said 50 years was “sufficient” to close several gaps with human being.
Life under ISIS led these Muslims to Christianity
Four years have passed since the Islamic State group’s fighters were run out of Kobani, a strategic city on the Syrian-Turkish border, but the militants’ violent and extreme interpretation of Islam has left some questioning their faith. A new church is attracting converts. It is the first local Christian place of worship for decades.
Bitcoin in the service of Hamas
The security establishment is expressing concern after the military wing of Hamas made a decision to alter its financial strategy and use the virtual cryptocurrency Bitcoin. Ever since its founding, Hamas has played a cat and mouse game with Israeli intelligence agencies in an effort to conceal the complex channels that fund its operations, using various banks and currency exchangers.
Taiwan takes dig at China’s lack of democracy in new year message
Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen took a dig at China’s lack of freedom in a message to mark Tuesday’s start of the Lunar New Year, saying she hoped ethnic Chinese all over the world could experience the “blessing” of democracy. Self-governed Taiwan is China’s most sensitive issue and is claimed by Beijing as its sacred territory.
Swine flu outbreak kills 9 in Morocco
An outbreak of swine flu in Morocco has left nine people dead in the past week, the kingdom’s health minister said Saturday.
FLASHBACK: Nancy Pelosi has audacity to say that Democrats do the Lord’s work, while Republicans dishonor G-d
In yet another example of moral narcissism and the liberal inability to understand conservative positions on faith, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi declared that her party, the Democratic Party, does the will of God while Republicans dishonor their Creator.
Liberals cheer as New Jersey to require all schools to teach LGBT history
New Jersey has become the second state in the nation after California to adopt a law that requires schools to teach about LGBT history in a move hailed by civil rights groups as a step toward inclusion and fairness.
JUSTICE: USA Powerlifting bans all trans women from competing as women
USA Powerlifting has banned all transgender women from competing as women, even as a trans powerlifter in Minnesota recently won a state championship with another association, setting a state record.
‘Demonic’ Events Allegedly Took Place During “John of God’s” Interrogation with Police
Detectives questioning a celebrity medium accused of sexually abusing more than 300 women, have reported weird events during their two hour interrogation. Unexplained incidents ranging from a ‘bizarre’ computer crash to wiring on electrical appliances suddenly ‘short circuiting’ appears to suggest supernatural forces were at play during the interview.
Pentagon sending 3,750 more troops to Mexico border
The Pentagon announced Sunday the deployment of 3,750 more active-duty troops to the U.S. border with Mexico.
$2M Worth of Meth And Marijuana Seized in Arizona Border Drug Bust
Police officials have confirmed an estimated $2 million worth of methamphetamine and marijuana has been seized in Arizona this week, according to reports.
‘Rage rooms’ hotter than a Louisville Slugger
But do they really defuse anger, stress or help you practice violence?
Israel builds Gaza Strip border fence
Israel says it has started reinforcing its border fence with the Gaza Strip, erecting a galvanized steel barrier 20 feet high that will run the length of territory.
Israeli report claims terrorists have ‘infiltrated’ Palestinian NGOs
An Israeli government report accused some Western-backed Palestinian NGOs of having close ties with current and former terrorists, some of whom have shifted to battling the country through nonviolent means.
“Faith Healer” of Oprah and the Clintons has been Arrested for Mass Murder & Trafficking Children & Selling their Babies
Police have arrested Bill Clinton’s faith healer for running Brazil’s largest ever child sex ring. Joao Teixeira de Faria – known as John of God – achieved international fame after being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey and having a list of famous clients, including Bill Clinton.
Students Sue Pennsylvania School For Ban on ‘Distributing Bibles’
Student at a Pennsylvania high school has filed a lawsuit after being banned from distributing Bibles during lunch break, according to reports.
CBS Rejects Pro-Flag, Anti-Kaepernick Ad Starring Benghazi Hero For Super Bowl (VIDEO)
Nine Line Apparel is a company which was started by a survivor of Benghazi. He created an ad for his company which asks people to “just stand.” It is obviously a reaction to the Kaepernick kneeling controversy.
The ad stars Benghazi hero Mark Geist.
Hot meal handouts to homeless trashed by state regs
A San Diego Christian ministry that fed hot meals to 200 homeless people daily on an annual budget of just $7,000 has been forced to close its doors because of new state regulatio
Why Are the Democrats Allowing the Murder of Babies Exiting the Womb?
What is behind the mass murder being promoted in America by the Democrats. On one hand, they are legalizing the state sponsored execution of infants as they prepare to leave the womb. On the other hand, the Democrats are sponsoring assisted suicide bills. What is behind these Nazi-Germany style pieces of legislation?
War Looms Closer As Marines Land In Colombia
The Marines have landed in Colombia. War with Russia looms closer.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
The Fall of the Media Temple
The media sold off its own temple last week and no one noticed. A decade ago, a 643,000 square foot shrine to the media went up off the Washington Mall. The media funded organization behind it boasted that its Great Hall of News atrium was taller than the Sistine Chapel. The thousands of artifacts included a 3,262 year old cuneiform brick from ancient Sumeria and a 2,756 year old statue of the Egyptian god Thoth, the mythical inventor of writing, worshiped by the media. Last week, the $450 million temple constructed by the media to worship itself was sold off for $372 million to Johns Hopkins. There’s no word on whether they threw in the statue of their fallen god. And nobody was buying the Newseum’s t-shirts of Thoth; the dead idol of a dying industry.
Trump Nominations Begin to Remake the Liberal 9th Circuit
Trump announced three nominations this week to the San Francisco-based appeals court, which covers California, Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and the eastern part of Washington state. Earlier this month, the president renominated two other judges for the 9th Circuit. For the 9th Circuit, Trump announced his intent Wednesday to nominate Daniel A. Bress, 39, a lawyer with the firm of Kirkland & Ellis LLP; Daniel P. Collins, a former associate deputy U.S. attorney general who now is in private practice; and Kenneth Kiyul Lee, 44, a former associate counsel to President George W. Bush, also now in private practice. All three men are from California.
Iranian MP asks Russia to activate S-300s during Israeli strikes
National Security and Foreign Policy Committee in the Iranian Majlis Chairman Heshmat-Allah Falahat….asked the Russians to activate the S-300 system during Israeli air strike to test it and see whether it works.
The menace of waves of infectious diseases
Over the course of 2018, Israel experienced waves of infectious diseases, primarily including measles, leptospirosis, Jericho sore, West Nile fever, and rabies.
Russians fight U.S. in Syria, then hide their losses
About 100 Russian military contractors were killed in the Deir al-Zor battle, sources have said. The Russian foreign ministry has said that only a handful of Russian citizens were killed there and dismissed reports of heavy losses.
Senior Israeli leaders pledge: 2 million Jews in the West Bank – report
Dozens of senior ministers and Knesset members from Likud and other right-of-center parties overnight signed a declaration to support the “Nahal” movement, which promotes a settlement plan from the time of former prime minister Yitzhak Shamir, according to a report published Tuesday by Israeli press. The movement’s goal: Two million settlers living in the West Bank.
Australia floods: Two found dead as waters grip Townsville
Two men have died in floodwaters that have forced large-scale evacuations in the Australian city of Townsville. The pair’s bodies were found near a park on Tuesday, following what has been described as a “once in a century” flood in the northern Queensland city. Police did not confirm whether the victims were two men, aged 21 and 23, whose disappearances on Monday had led to the discovery of the bodies.
Top cleric urges Middle East’s Muslims to ’embrace’ Christians
The head of Sunni Islam’s highest seat of learning has urged the Middle East’s Muslims to “embrace” local Christians. Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, the grand imam of al-Azhar in Egypt, told an interfaith meeting in Abu Dhabi attended by Pope Francis that Christians were “our companions”. He also called on Muslims in the West to integrate into their communities while maintaining their identities.
Obesity-related cancers rising fastest among millennials, study finds
Mirroring the decades-long increase in obesity rates in the U.S., cancers that are thought to be driven at least in part by excess weight are also on the rise among people under age 50, a new study suggests. Rates for six of 12 cancers related to obesity have been increasing in successive generations of young adults, with the sharpest increases in the youngest age groups…
Russian Navy has new weapon that makes targets hallucinate, vomit: report
The Russian Navy reportedly has a new weapon that can disrupt the eyesight of targets as well as make them hallucinate and vomit. Russian state news agency RIA Novosti reported that a Russian military contractor has installed the weapon on two Russian warships. The weapon fires a beam similar to a strobe light that affects the target’s eyesight, making it more difficult for them to aim at night.
‘Rain Tax’ Likely To Become Reality In New Jersey
New Jersey is one of the highest taxed states in the country. Now, residents and businesses could be taxed extra … when it rains…A new bill calls for the creation of local or regional storm water utilities, giving local counties and municipalities the power to collect a tax from properties with large paved surfaces such as parking lots, CBS2’s Meg Baker reported.
Fears ‘deadliest ever’ Ebola will infect MILLIONS as disease rapidly spreads
The group of medics put their names to a letter in the Lancet yesterday calling for “high-level political, financial, and technical support to address the Ebola outbreak that started last May” in the Congo. The current outbreak – first declared just six months ago – is already the world’s second-biggest having killed nearly 1,000 since it began.
Anxiety on rise among the young in social media age
The number of young people in the UK who say they do not believe that life is worth living has doubled in the last decade, amid a sense of overwhelming pressure from social media which is driving feelings of inadequacy, new research suggests. In 2009, only 9% of 16-25-year-olds disagreed with the statement that “life is really worth living”, but that has now risen to 18%.
Russia plans new missile systems to counter U.S. by 2021
Russia will race to develop two new land-based missile launch systems before 2021 to respond to Washington’s planned exit from a landmark nuclear arms control pact, it said on Tuesday. President Vladimir Putin said at the weekend that Russia had suspended the Cold War-era Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), which bans both nations from stationing short- and intermediate-range land-based missiles in Europe.
SCHUMER’S PLOT: Dems Introduce Bill to STOP Trump From Using Military to Build Border Wall
Senate Democrats introduced legislation Monday that would effectively ban President Trump from using the US military to construct his proposed border wall; setting the stage for a legal-showdown should the President declare a national emergency.
‘Unprecedented’ Flooding Overtakes Australian City After Over Three Feet of Monsoonal Rain
Residents of monsoon-soaked Townsville awaited more rain Monday night, adding to the nearly 50 inches that has devastated the city in northeast Queensland, Australia.
Toll in Brazil dam disaster rises to 121 dead, 226 missing
The toll from a dam collapse last week at a mine in southeast Brazil has risen to 121 dead and 226 missing, officials said Saturday.
Satan’s Party: Senate Democrats Block Bill Prohibiting Infanticide
Senate Democrats blocked a measure on Monday night that would prohibit infanticide.
“Mystery virus” spreading like wildfire across U.S. population, putting people in bed for a MONTH… is this a depopulation bioweapon experiment?
…Unfortunately, a new virus is going around that is turning what is normally a week-long nuisance into a month-long nightmare – and speculation abounds regarding its origin.
FLAT OUT MURDER: Vermont Abortion Bill Shockingly Goes Even Further than Virginia and New York’s
I read the Virginia abortion bill in the same way as David does. The good news is that it is unlikely to be enacted. But as I pointed out the other day, Vermont’s goes all the way to creating an absolute right to an abortion, at any time in the pregnancy and for any reason, with no limitations as to method. For those who might have missed it, here’s the pertinent portion of H-0057
Outrageous new Texas transgender bills seek to ban Christianity in the conservative State
A showdown between religious freedom and transgender privileges is underway in Texas, where six pro-LGBTQ bills are targeting the constitutional rights of Christians.
Pope Orders Chinese Catholics to Obey Oppressive Communist Regime
The Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, published an article Sunday in Italian, English, and Chinese, saying that the pope has invited “all the Bishops to renew their total adherence to Christ and to the Church.”
Is The Bible Verse Nancy Pelosi Quoted Actually In The Bible?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shared a Bible verse at the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities conference Wednesday, but according to theology professors, the verse she shared is not in the Bible
Lone Dem Senator Blocks Bill Banning Infanticide For Babies Who Survive Abortions
On Monday, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), blocking a Senate bill that would require doctors to give aid to babies who survived abortions, objected to the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, and her one vote was enough to prevent the Senate from passing the bill in a unanimous consent vote, LifeSiteNews reports.
Ocasio-Cortez Invites Anti-Kavanaugh Soros Operative To SOTU
The Soros-funded activist who harassed former Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) in an elevator amid the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation fiasco will attend President Trump’s State of the Union address as a guest of socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).
Democrats Push Plan to Allow Migrant Child Traffickers Free Entry to the US
During negotiations with President Donald Trump over his requested funds for the US Southern Border wall, House Democrats have pushed a plan that would end immigration enforcement against migrants trafficking children into the country.
After mocking “chemtrails” for over a decade, global elites suddenly announce geoengineering plan to “dim the sun” with aerial spraying
Back in 2008, a news publication called Phoenix Times News published a story mocking people who believe in so-called “chemtrails,” calling the concept of geoengineering a “strong competitor for dumbest conspiracy theory ever.” There’s simply no such thing as chemical aerosols that are blasted from airplanes, and that remain suspended in the atmosphere, we were all continually told – with a constant emphasis on the alleged “ridiculousness” of such a notion.
Judicial Watch Obtains Emails Showing Podesta Group’s Work for Pro-Russia Ukrainian Political Party
Judicial Watch today released new documents from the U.S. Department of State showing the Podesta Group working on behalf of the pro-Russia Ukrainian political group “Party of Regions.” The new documents also show longtime Obama and Clinton counselor John Podesta lobbying on behalf of his brother’s firm.
US Foster Care Supplies 88 Percent of Sex Trafficked Children, Study Finds
Child sex slavery is a rapidly expanding problem in the United States, yet it’s a problem many people don’t want to face up to.
Baby body parts in ‘humanized mice’ experiments
The American Center for Law and Justice has submitted to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease a Freedom of Information Act a request for documentation of its “humanized mice” program, which uses the body parts of aborted babies for “HIV therapeutics development.”
GM Starts Laying Off Thousands of American Workers
Executives at General Motors (GM) have started laying off American workers in Michigan, Ohio, Maryland, Georgia, and Texas, while the multinational corporation is reportedly expanding production in China and Mexico.
Cancer industry plotting to DESTROY the new cancer cure developed by Israeli scientists… the attacks have already begun
The moment that Israeli scientists announced they had discovered a universal cancer cure that worked with a single injection and required no toxic chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery, I said to myself, “The cancer industry is going to destroy this team of scientists.”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Oceans Turning Bluer, Indicative of Greater Sense of Godly Revelation
Scientists predict the oceans will grow warmer and turn a deeper blue, which rabbis say more closely resembles the Throne of Glory. According to the research, more than 50 percent of the world’s oceans will shift in color. Open-ocean regions are more barren and have fewer of the phytoplankton and currently appear blue. The researchers predicted that in the future, these regions will become bluer. Colder regions of the ocean, generally those near the poles, currently appear green but will, in the future appear even more vibrantly green.
Is Encouraged Euthanasia the Future of Socialized Medicine?
As the political discussion concerning the future of American healthcare grows more intense, the implicit issue of euthanasia stands in the wings. One rabbi noted that the issues of abortion and euthanasia are two sides of the same coin, both destroying the relationship between parent and child. “The danger of socialized medicine is that everything is under someone else’s control, not necessarily the patient or their family,” the physician, who prefers to remain anonymous, told Breaking Israel News.“The chief motivation is economic and not health. Euthanasia fits into that mindset.”
The Worst Mayors in America are Running for President
Newark is the most dangerous city in New Jersey, Tallahassee is the most dangerous city in Florida, and South Bend is the most dangerous city in Indiana. But instead of fixing their failed cities, the current mayor of South Bend, and the former mayors of Newark and Tallahassee want to run for president.
Earth’s north magnetic pole sprints toward Siberia
According to NOAA, the WMM was scheduled to be updated at the end of 2019 and released as WMM2020, but the magnetic pole has shifted so far in the direction of Siberia so quickly that it reached a speed of over 34 mi (55 km) per year. Therefore, an unusual early update was required to ensure safe navigation – especially in the polar regions where magnetic compasses become unreliable.
Implant brings increased dexterity and sense of touch to hand prosthesis
A collaboration working under the EU-funded DeTOP project has developed a new hand prosthesis that reads signals direct from nerves and muscles via electrodes implanted in the patient’s arm. As well as making more refined hand movements possible, the technique is reported to provide sensory feedback to the patient from the prosthesis itself, in the form of tactile sensations, which should help the user determine how much force to apply when grasping an object – something that’s not easy to do when relying on visual cues only.
Gantz: Israel should not control Palestinians, praises disengagement model
Israel Resilience Party chairman and former IDF chief of staff Benny Gantz said Israel must find a solution to the settlement crisis. “We are not looking to control anyone else,” Gantz said in his first interview since announcing his candidacy for prime minister. Speaking with the Hebrew daily Yediot Aharonot in an article published Wednesday, Gantz said, “We must find a way that does not require us to exercise control over other people.”
Brexit risk for UK aid as Swiss cut off from EU funding
Some of the UK’s major aid agencies may be facing a funding shortfall once Britain leaves the European Union. Many had hoped that funding might continue after Brexit, especially if a deal is agreed. Aid agencies in non-EU member Switzerland have regularly received EU funding, based on the strong bilateral ties Switzerland has with the bloc.
Egypt MPs to vote on extending presidential term limits
An Egyptian parliamentary committee has given initial approval to a proposal to amend the constitution in a way that would extend President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi’s time in office, state media say. Mr Sisi is due to stand down in 2022, when his second four-year term ends. But a proposal from the majority bloc in parliament would lengthen future presidential terms to six years and let Mr Sisi stand for another two terms.
Valley Fever cases in California continue to increase
A potentially deadly illness found in the soil and dusty winds of California’s Central Valley is on the rise, state health officials say. Documented cases of Valley Fever rose 11 percent in 2018 — a preliminary total of 7,886 cases compared to 7,090 cases for the same period in 2017, according to the California Department of Public Health. Health officials said final data for 2018 will be available in March.
Loud booms in downtown L.A.? That was a U.S. Army training exercise
A series of loud booms that rocked downtown Los Angeles on Monday night startled some people who complained on social media. But Los Angeles police said there’s no reason to be alarmed. The noises were part of a U.S. Army training exercise involving aircraft and weapon simulations in urban settings. The training is set to run through Saturday in Los Angeles and Long Beach.
Putin taunts Trump: 400 Russian military contractors sent to Venezuela in support of Maduro
Russia is playing a high-stakes game in the mounting crisis in Venezuela, where socialist President Nicolas Maduro has been mortgaging part of the country’s oil resources in exchange for financial and military support from Moscow. Latin America is far from Russia, and Venezuela is impoverished, surrounded by hostile neighbors and squarely in the crosshairs of the Trump administration.
US Senate passes bill censuring supporters of Israel boycott
The US Senate passed a Mideast policy bill on Tuesday including a measure that would allow states to penalize businesses that take part in boycotts of Israel and an amendment that breaks with President Donald Trump by opposing any plans for an abrupt withdrawal of troops from Syria. The Senate backed the Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act by a lopsided 77-23 on Tuesday…
Iran’s Rulers Shocked As Israel And The US Successfully Tests Massive Anti-ballistic Missile System
Israel Successfully Tests Arrow 3 Anti-Missile Test, Sending Strong Warning to Iran.
Radical Muslim Democratic Congresswoman actually defends an Islamic terror attack- and it’s not the first time
Video shows lawmaker saying of terror acts, ‘These are byproducts of … our involvement in other people’s affairs’
Is It Beginning? 10 Significant Quakes Rock Cali Coastline As Mount St. Helens Rumbles Back To Life
Could it be possible that we are a lot closer to ‘the big one’ than many had anticipated?
Nancy Pelosi Tells Adopted Woman: Your Mom Should Have Had the “Choice” to Abort You
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has made some pretty outrageous statements about abortion in the past.
Muslim migrant burglar who broke into funeral and had sex with corpse jailed in the UK, in case that has country reeling
A burglar who had sex with a corpse after breaking into a funeral parlor has been jailed for six years, BBC News reports.
Pope: Nuns sexually abused, forced abortions
Pope Francis on Tuesday disclosed that nuns have been sexually abused by priests and bishops, and even now are being held as sex slaves.
Pentagon: Islamic State Could Resurge in Syria in 6-12 Months
“Battled-hardened” Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) remnants in Syria “could likely” mount a resurgence in “six to 12 months” absent “sustained counterterrorism pressure” by American and local troops, the Pentagon’s inspector general (IG) warned in a report released Monday.
More Than 1,500 Migrants Arrive At Barrierless U.S.-Mexico Border Along Texas
More than 1,500 migrants have recently arrived at a section of the U.S.-Mexico border along Texas that does not have any barriers.
Scientists: ‘No evidence’ climate change causing cold from polar vortex dips
Numerous media outlets cited last week’s polar vortex as an example of extreme weather caused by climate change, but it turns out such cold snaps are actually on the decline.
Congress’s Vote To Keep War In Afghanistan Sells Out American Soldiers
The U.S. Senate cannot agree on anything. They are so mired in partisan gridlock, a resolution declaring the sky to be officially the color blue would fail along party lines. But there is one thing and one thing only they agree on: 17 years of our troops dying in Afghanistan isn’t long enough.
Israeli Gov. Releases Report Alleging Terrorists Have Infiltrated NGOs That Push BDS Movement
Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs and Public Diplomacy released a report Sunday detailing alleged connections between non-governmental organizations that support and call for the Boycott, Divestment, Sanction (BDS) Movement and terrorist organizations.
OPEC Proposes Formal Oil-Production Alliance With Russia
If adopted, the new arrangement would help OPEC and the 10-member bloc led by Russia counter the US’s growing clout in global oil markets.
San Francisco Launches App To Track Homeless People
“We’re trying to build what I think of as an air traffic control system.”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Trump Invokes God at SOTU, While Pelosi Misquotes Bible
President Trump ranged far and wide in his State of the Union Address on Tuesday night, referring to the myriad of issues he has dealt with in the first half of his presidency but in a manner similar to many of his other landmark speeches, the president invoked the name of God six times. This topped his inaugural address in which he invoked God’s name five times. Nancy Pelosi frequently quotes what she claimed was her favorite verse in the Bible. In an Earth Day press release, she wrote, “The Bible tells us in the Old Testament, ‘To minister to the needs of God’s creation is an act of worship. To ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us.” She has reportedly quoted the false passage at least 11 times from the House floor since 2002, according to the Congressional Record. As most BIN readers probably know, these words do not actually appear in the Bible. When called out for her error, Pelosi remained unrepentant.
Russia’s Witches Back Vladimir Putin With Magic, but U.S. Spell Casters Turned Against Donald Trump
An organization known as the Empire of the Strongest Witches held a “circle of power” session Tuesday to offer their backing for the longtime Russian leader. A group comprising mostly of women clad in black robes could be seen in video footage shared by Reuters as they lined along the walls of a room and self-proclaimed leader Alyona Polyn stood in the center reciting spells and ringing bells in hopes of bringing Putin success and the nation.
Northern California’s Cascadia Subduction Zone Hit by 11 Earthquakes Over Weekend
Over the weekend, nearly a dozen earthquakes struck within a relatively small region just off the coast of Northern California, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS). … the area where the earthquakes struck is particularly geologically active because it is located near what’s known as the “Mendocino Triple Junction,” which is the intersection between three tectonic plates—the North American plate, the Pacific plate and the Gorda plate.
Bacteria found to sacrifice themselves to protect the colony from antibiotics
For such simple organisms, bacteria are surprisingly crafty when it comes to defending themselves from antibiotics. They build biofilms to protect colonies, hibernate until the danger passes, and of course they’re steadily evolving genetic resistance to our best drugs. Now researchers at Princeton and California State University-Northridge have discovered a new bacterial defense mechanism, where dying bugs will “hoard” antibiotics to allow their neighbors to grow unharmed.
CRISPR-CasX could be the next small gene-editing enzyme
The Cas9 protein has proven effective over the last few years, but alternatives, such as Cas12a and Cas12b, are quickly emerging. Now, researchers at UC Berkeley have tested a new candidate, CasX, which seems to have a few advantages of its own.
Ancient glacial landscape unexpectedly found in African desert
Drumlins are a distinct type of hill, where the ground rises fairly steeply at one side and then tapers off in a more gentle slope down the other end. These formations are usually found in places you’d probably expect to have once been covered in glaciers – they’re common in Canada and the northern states of the US, as well as England, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, Germany, Finland and Greenland. That makes the newly discovered drumlins in Namibia unusual.
Three more Eastern Washington sheriffs say they won’t enforce gun control initiative
Three more Eastern Washington sheriffs said Monday they will not enforce a state gun-control law that voters passed in November. The sheriffs in Grant, Lincoln and Okanogan counties joined at least seven other county sheriffs who previously pledged to ignore Initiative 1639, which adds requirements on gun storage and background checks and raises the minimum age to purchase semi-automatic assault rifles.
Hammer and pickle: Vietnam-style reform would mean big changes for North Korea
Vietnamese reforms have seen per capita GDP soar almost five-fold since 1986 and kept Vietnam’s ruling Communist Party, which tolerates little dissent, firmly in power. But it has necessitated political change and levels of individual freedoms that would require major reforms in North Korea, where Kim Jong Un exercises almost total control and is revered by state propaganda as a living deity.
Diplomats: U.S. blocks U.N. statement on Hebron monitors
The United States blocked a draft United Nations Security Council statement on Wednesday that would have expressed regret at Israel’s decision to eject a foreign observer force from the flashpoint Palestinian city of Hebron, diplomats said. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last week he would not renew the mandate of the Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH), accusing the observers of anti-Israel activity.
Lebanon appoints first-ever female in charge of security in Arab world
Lebanon named a woman, Raya El-Hassan, as the first-ever female in charge of security in the Arab World on Wednesday. Hassan was appointed as the interior minister after a nine-month government deadlock. “Proud of Lebanese women, proud of the four female ministers in the government, proud of the first woman interior minister in the Arab world, proud of the future, proud of Lebanon,” Prime Minister of Lebanon Saad Hariri tweeted on Friday.
Iran fails to launch second satellite – report
Iran has failed its second attempt in recent weeks to launch a satellite into space, according to images released by two separate specialized spage imaging companies. On Thursday morning, several images released to US media by DigitalGlobe and Planet, which showed blackened scorch marks consistent with a launch or failed launch of a craft, were seen on a launch pad at the Imam Khomeini Space Center in Iran’s Semnan province.
Trump sees total rout of Islamic State group as imminent
US President Donald Trump has said territory held by the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq could be “100%” liberated as early as next week. “It should be announced, probably some time next week, that we will have 100% of the caliphate,” he told a gathering of coalition partners. However, he also cautioned that he wanted to “wait for the official word”.
Pentagon moving 250 active-duty troops to Eagle Pass, Texas, because of migrant caravan
The Pentagon is moving 250 active duty troops to the border town of Eagle Pass, Texas, in advance of the arrival of a new caravan of migrants… The move reflects President Donald Trump’s mention of a “human wall,” but comes amid increasing frustration among Pentagon leaders with the continued border requests from Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.
Desert floods strike Israel’s south
Heavy rains and thunderstorms struck Israel, mostly its south, in the early hours of Thursday, flooding desert wadis and blocking roads in the Negev and Judean deserts and in the resort city of Eilat. The Nature and Parks Authority closed tourism sites in the south and east, among them Masada and Ein Gedi.
Syria’s Russian-made air defense system appears ready for use
Russian-supplied S-300 anti-aircraft missile system deployed on Syrian soil appear to have become operational, according to satellite images taken by Israeli ImageSat International company and published by Israeli military Wednesday. Three out of four aerial defense batteries were captured in an upright position, while the fourth one remained covered by a net.
Democrats launch 10-year ‘Green New Deal’ for clean energy
Rising Democratic star Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Democratic Senator Ed Markey on Thursday laid out the goals of a Green New Deal to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in 10 years, setting a high bar for Democrats who plan to make climate change a central issue in the 2020 presidential race.
Yechiel Eckstein, Rabbi Who Built Ties With Christians, Dies
Yechiel Eckstein, an Israeli-American rabbi who raised hundreds of millions of dollars for Israel by promoting closer ties with evangelical Christians around the world, died on Wednesday.
The Invasion of the US Has Begun
The United States military is simultaneously preparing for two separate actions INSIDE the country. One one hand, the United States is preparing to deal with extreme insurrection, which will be perpetrated through embedded terrorist forces (eg ISIS, al-Qaeda, MS-13, Mexican drug cartels and various other factions associated with the Calexit movement). On the other hand the US is preparing to deal with asymmetric warfare emanating from both South and North of the border.
Pope Francis admits that priests kept nuns as sex slaves and forced them to have abortions, as biggest scandal to ever hit the church erupts
Pope Francis has admitted that clerics have sexually abused nuns, and in one case they were kept as sex slaves.
US Army to Acquire Israel’s Vaunted Iron Dome System – Perhaps the Most Sophisticated Military Techonology Ever
The US Army informed the Ministry of Defense of its decision to purchase Iron Dome systems for immediate use by the US Army.
New hope for pediatric burn scars using Israeli lasers
While the scars cannot be removed completely, laser treatments can improve their appearance dramatically by diminishing their size, stiffness and discoloration.
Images suggest Iran launched satellite despite US criticism
Iran appears to have attempted a second satellite launch despite US criticism that its space program helps it develop ballistic missiles, satellite images released Thursday suggest. Iran has not acknowledged conducting such a launch.
Mississippi Senate Committee Passes Bill to Ban Abortions When Unborn Baby’s Heartbeat Begins
A Mississippi bill to protect unborn babies once they have a detectable heartbeat moved forward Tuesday in the state Senate.
Justice Department to investigate Jeffrey Epstein plea deal
…“Jeffrey Epstein is a child rapist and there’s not a single mom or dad in America who shouldn’t be horrified by the fact that he received a pathetically soft sentence,’’ Sasse said on Wednesday. “The victims of Epstein’s child sex trafficking ring deserve this investigation — and so do the American people and the members of law enforcement who work to put these kinds of monsters behind bars.’’
House Democrats Held The First Climate Change Hearings In Six Years. It Was A Mess
Top House Democrats finally got their wish to hold the first hearings on global warming in six years Wednesday, but both committee hearings meandered into discussions of civil rights, race and apocalyptic warnings without much talk about science.
JOHN SOLOMON BOMBSHELL: Robert Mueller Hauled Before FISA Court to Address FBI Abuses in 2002
According to a new bombshell report released by award winning investigative journalist John Solomon, former FBI Director Robert Mueller was hauled before the FISA court to address an enormous number instances the FBI cheated on FISA warrants.
Cancer industry plotting to DESTROY the new cancer cure developed by Israeli scientists… the attacks have already begun
The moment that Israeli scientists announced they had discovered a universal cancer cure that worked with a single injection and required no toxic chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery, I said to myself, “The cancer industry is going to destroy this team of scientists.”
Real ID laws are a back door to adult vaccine mandates across the U.S., experts say
While the pro-vaccine mainstream media is busy trying to convince the masses to willingly inject themselves with Big Pharma’s toxic vaccine cocktails, the Deep State is marching towards total vaccine tyranny — starting with stamping out free speech, and ending with vaccine mandates.
All the vaccines in the world can’t stop the Los Angeles TYPHUS epidemic that’s exploding due to third-world socialist conditions
…While measles is a viral infection which a strong immune system can fend off, typhus is a bacterial infection which, left untreated, can cause serious complications and results in death in at least 40 percent of cases. There is no vaccine against typhus, which perhaps explains why the media is largely ignoring this story. Ironically, while vaccines have a sketchy track record at best at preventing diseases like measles, typhus can be eliminated easily through simple hygiene practices. And yet it continues to spread across the city of Los Angeles.
Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS Comes to DC
An international who’s who of global leaders is scheduled to meet in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday to discuss with the Trump administration next steps to deal a death blow to the ISIS terrorist group and thwart the Iranian regime’s military intervention across the Middle East, according to senior State Department officials.
Panera’s Socialist Pay-What-You-Want Restaurant Implodes: Students, Homeless Mob The Place
According to Eater, after nine years of being in business, Panera Bread’s socialist pay-what-you-want restaurant, Panera Cares, will officially be closing shop on February 15 due to the business model’s unsustainability.
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Russia: We won’t move embassy to Jerusalem
The Russian government will not be moving its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Russia’s ambassador said Thursday night, despite signals from Moscow that Russia has shifted its stance on the Israeli capital.
IRGC Deputy Commander Threatens Europe if They Attempt Iranian Disarmament
Further underlining that Iran’s missile program is offensive was Salami’s warning in this interview that if Europe pressures Iran on this matter too much, the regime will take a “strategic leap” and will increase its missiles’ range.
Analysis: The Middle East’s tectonic shifts
The region is now at a crossroads no less important than during the decline and fall of the Ottoman Empire 100 years ago.
Iran fails to launch second satellite – report
Iran has failed in its second attempt in recent weeks to launch a satellite into space, according to images released by two companies specializing in space imaging. On Thursday morning, several images released to US media by DigitalGlobe and Planet, which showed blackened scorch marks consistent with a launch or failed launch of a craft, were seen on a launch pad at the Imam Khomeini Space Center in Iran’s Semnan province. Iranian state media and authorities have remained mum on the reports, suggesting that the launch was indeed a failure.
Iran unveils new ballistic missile
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards on Thursday unveiled a new ballistic missile with a range of 1,000 kilometers, AFP reported, citing the Revolutionary Guards’ official news agency Sepah. The move was the latest show of military might by the country as it celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution at a time of heightened tensions with the United States.
Judge grills Mueller team on claim Manafort lied; prosecutors say issue’s ‘at heart’ of Russia probe
Toward the end of the proceeding, Jackson took particular umbrage at prosecutors’ contention that Manafort had lied about his contacts with the Trump administration. “And of all of them, this is the one where I have the most difficulty figuring out where the real contradiction is of moment to the investigation,” Jackson said.
Mueller deputy briefed on anti-Trump dossier research months before 2016 election: testimony
Newly confirmed congressional testimony reveals that Andrew Weissmann, now a top deputy in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, was briefed in August 2016 on the opposition research behind the anti-Trump dossier – underscoring how early and widely the Democrat-funded research was shared among senior FBI and Justice Department officials.
Slum By The Bay
San Francisco is one of the richest cities it the world. It’s given us music, technology and elegant architecture.
Now it gives us filthy homeless encampments. One urban planner told me, “I just returned from the Tenderloin (a section of San Francisco). It’s worse than slums of India, Haiti, Africa!” “There’s **** everywhere. It’s just a mess out here.”
U.S. to withdraw all troops from Syria by April – report
The Pentagon plans to remove all American forces from Syria by the end of April, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday. In addition, the United States is planning to remove a significant portion of the military forces by mid-March. Critics of the pullout note the Trump Administration has yet to implement an orderly plan to protect Kurdish military groups, who are allies with US forces, from attacks by Turkish forces upon their departure.
Iran builds new secret missile site in Syria for Hezbollah
Iran, Syria and Hezbollah are establishing a missile factory on the outskirts of the Syrian town of Safita, Israel revealed… Israel’s strategy, according to the report, is to make the efforts public to thwart the construction and success of the factory, which is supposed to be where Iran will turn Hezbollah’s missiles into precision-guided munitions, capable of striking targets in the Jewish state with unprecedented accuracy.
Iran reveals new missile and underground ‘city’
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards inaugurated a surface-to-surface ballistic missile with a range of 1,000 km (621 miles), the semi-official Fars news agency reported…ignoring demands Western demands that Tehran halt its missile program. Fars published pictures of an underground missile factory called “underground city,” saying the “Dezful” missile was a version of the Zolfaghar missile that has a 700 km range and a 450 kg (992 lb) warhead.
France recalls ambassador to Italy as diplomatic row deepens
A diplomatic row between France and Italy has deepened, with France complaining of “unfounded attacks and outlandish claims” by Italian leaders. France recalled its ambassador to Italy for talks on Thursday, saying the situation was “unprecedented” since the end of World War Two. It comes after Italian Deputy PM Luigi Di Maio met French “yellow-vest” protesters near Paris on Tuesday.
Israel envoy to UN calls Hebron observer force ‘violent, biased’
Israel’s UN ambassador on Thursday accused international observers in Hebron of acting as “a violent, biased” force and defended the government’s suspension of their mandate—and US support for Israel’s action. Danny Danon said that instead of maintaining order and neutrality, the observers “used violence, created friction with the civilian population, and interfered with security forces.”
U.S. military aims to withdraw from Syria by April: WSJ
The U.S. military is preparing to withdraw American forces from Syria by the end of April and a significant portion of them will be out by the middle of March, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing current and former U.S. officials. A U.S. official confirmed the April target to Reuters, saying the withdrawal included a pull-out from the U.S. military base at Tanf, near the Syrian border with Iraq and Jordan.
Wife of John McCain Claims to be a Witness to Child Sex Trafficking
While the Super Bowl is known as one of the biggest days for human trafficking, Cindy McCain said big events like the game aren’t the only place that the crime happens.
Swine fever spreads in Japan; gov’t warns of ‘extremely serious’ phase
Japan’s swine fever epidemic is spreading, with local authorities in five central and western prefectures saying Wednesday they are struggling to contain the highly contagious virus that was first reported in September.
A Virginia bill will erase the words HUSBAND and WIFE from law because it could be offensive to the LGBT community
Between its extreme abortion bill and the governor’s racist photos, the state of Virginia has been headlining the news. But in the midst of the media frenzy, proposed changes to its parenthood laws were approved in the Virginia House today. Before my tweetstorm about it last night, #HB1979 had only a handful of tags. But it deserves serious attention because it turns children into products, all in the name of “progress.”
Pope Francis returns from his Muslim outreach tour to Abu Dhabi, says Islam and Christianity will start to promote common values
“We wanted to give a further, clear and decisive sign” Upon returning from his historic Apostolic Journey to the Arabian Penninsula, specifically the United Arab Emirates, Pope Francis said that the Islamic world and the Christian world will work together to promote “common values.”
SHARIA POLICE: Muslim Community Patrol in Brooklyn Driving Cars That Look Identical to NYPD Cruisers, Wear Outfits That Look Like Cops
Muslim Community Patrol’ in New York, are driving cars that look identical to actual NYPD cruisers — a white Ford Taurus with red and white emergency lights — whilst wearing blue police style uniforms.
Extraterrestrial Mineral Harder than Diamonds Discovered in Israel
A new discovery in the mountains of northern Israel has caused significant excitement for geologists around the world. While working in the Zevulun Valley, close to Mount Carmel, Israeli mining company Shefa Yamim found a new mineral never before discovered on earth.
Infanticidal Democrats Took Their Cues from Barack Obama
When it comes to the most significant moral issues of our time, no one should be surprised by immoral actions of modern liberals. You can be saddened, shocked, angry, disgusted, and the like, but you should not be surprised. This is certainly true when it comes to the issue of even infanticide.
Democrats Accused of ‘Child Sacrifices’ Over Pro-Abortion Push
Democrats have been accused of promoting “child sacrifices” due to their recent push for late-term abortion.
New Mexico Passes Law to Execute Babies at Birth
The New Mexico House approved a radical pro-abortion bill Wednesday that would keep abortions legal through all nine months of pregnancy even if Roe v. Wade is overturned.
The alarming dimensions of the opioid crisis
There is no question that the opioid crisis is one of the greatest killers in American history. Responsible for more than 47,600 overdoses in 2017 alone, these drugs were the leading cause of death from unintentional injuries for Americans that year, ahead of such common occurrences as car crashes and falls.
The police state goes full Orwellian: Federal court rules no justification needed to place anyone on a “suspicious persons” list
The Left has practically taken over every single institution in America including education, healthcare, entertainment, pop culture and society in general, but it’s not enough: Now they’re coming for the justice system as well.
China Is Embracing 5G Development Despite the Medical Warnings
5G mini cell towers are going in near every home. Nobody is safe from this incursion of deadly radiation. Rural areas are being targeted in record numbers.
Flu Shots Are Killing Senior Citizens in Record Numbers, Study Warns
Researchers have found that senior citizens are being killed by flu vaccines in record numbers, and the death rate is rising at an alarming rate.
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Russian diplomat warns of Israel-Lebanon conflict, slams U.S. for ‘incitement’
Russian Ambassador to Lebanon Alexander Zasypkin warned of a possible conflict between Israel and Lebanon and accused the US of inciting “new conflicts” in the Middle East during an interview in the Russian news agency Sputnik on Saturday. “As for a conflict between Israel and Lebanon, nothing can be predicted with certainty,” he said, adding that America’s influence in the region was “negative.”
North Korea nuclear talks: Hanoi to host Trump summit with Kim
US President Donald Trump says his second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will be held in the Vietnamese capital Hanoi. The two men will meet on 27-28 February for talks expected to focus on persuading the communist state to give up its nuclear weapons programme. Modern relations with Vietnam are seen as a model for US ties with the North.
Nord Stream 2: EU agrees tighter rules for Russian pipeline
EU ambassadors have agreed to toughen regulations on a controversial gas pipeline from Russia to Germany, but they have decided not to back plans that might threaten its completion. Work on the 1,225km (760-mile) Nord Stream 2 pipeline under the Baltic Sea is set to end this year, but it has angered several EU countries. The EU wants to bring pipelines coming into the bloc under its energy rules.
Finland basic income trial left people ‘happier but jobless’
Giving jobless people in Finland a basic income for two years did not lead them to find work, researchers said. From January 2017 until December 2018, 2,000 unemployed Finns got a monthly flat payment of €560 (£490; $634). The aim was to see if a guaranteed safety net would help people find jobs, and support them if they had to take insecure gig economy work.
Extreme rainfall has led to deadly floods in northern Chile
Heavy rains have wreaked havoc in northern Chile causing rivers to overflow and forcing residents from their flooded homes. Extreme rainfall in the Andes claimed several lives and destroyed homes and roads. In the Atacama Desert, normally one of the driest places on Earth, a 60m (196ft) waterfall that had run dry for 10 years has been reactivated.
Nearly 700 evacuated in Brazil over mine safety concerns
About 700 people have been evacuated from towns near two dams in Brazil’s Gerais state following safety concerns. Mining firm Vale said it has moved 500 people living close to Gongo Soco dam in Barão de Cocais. A further 200 near Serra Azul dam in Itatiaiuçu were moved by ArcelorMittal, which runs both dams with Vale. They are used to store waste from mining.
Reports: Russian authorities make deal with Google
Russian news reports say that Google has agreed with national authorities to delete links to websites banned in Russia. The daily Vedomosti reported Thursday that Google has reached an agreement with the Russian state media oversight agency, Roskomnadzor, to regularly receive updated lists of banned sites and delete links to them upon review.
In the name of ‘fake news,’ Asian governments tighten control on social media
…Taiwan is one of at least seven countries across eastern Asia that have recently enacted or are considering laws to limit or gain access to information about internet reports that officials claim are false, speculative, exaggerated, or truthful yet hurtful. As does President Trump, they often lump such reports under a vague, and often misleading, heading: fake news.
U.S. appeals court to revisit open carrying of guns
A federal appeals court has decided to reconsider its recent decision that the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects the right to openly carry guns in self-defense. In an order on Friday, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said it will revisit whether Hawaii acted lawfully in denying the plaintiff George Young a permit to openly carry a loaded gun in public.
Seattle snowfall: Friday will bring a potentially crippling storm
Monday’s storm may soon seem like just a light dusting after a snowstorm forecast to be even larger slams the region Friday through Saturday.
‘Like a wildfire’: Washington state measles outbreak has potential to go very big, very quickly
Measles outbreaks have sprung up in nine other states this winter, but officials are particularly alarmed about the one in Clark County because of its potential to go very big very quickly.
Video Shows Rats Inside L.A. City Hall Amid Typhus Outbreak That May Force Removal of the Gov’t Hub’s Carpets
All carpets at Los Angeles City Hall may need to be replaced amid a Typhus outbreak that may have infected one city employee while at work, according to a motion filed by Council President Herb Wesson on Wednesday.
New Mexico abortion bill called ‘most extreme in the nation’
Following the New York abortion law celebrated by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Vermont is pushing a “right to abortion” bill that goes even further. But opponents of a new abortion bill in New Mexico say a proposal in that state would be the “most extreme bill in the nation” due to its far-reaching changes.
‘Use Him for Your Kingdom’s Sake’: This Powerful Prayer Over President Trump Brought Democrats and Republicans Together
At the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, event co-chairs Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) and Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) joined together in a rare moment of unity in Washington to pray over President Donald Trump.
Iran Leader: ‘Death To America’ Really Means ‘Death To Trump’
Iranian Supreme Ruler Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has reiterated the old slogan ‘death to America’ saying that it means ‘death to Trump’
No longer a conspiracy theory: MIT scientists confirm they possess technology to beam voices into your head
A crackpot theory no more, scientists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology just revealed they now possess the technology to beam voices into your head. For years , the mainstream media has been poking fun at anyone who actually believed the “powers that be” are desperately trying to usurp control over humanity — but some of the latest technological developments are clear indications that a totalitarian regime is brewing on the horizon.
U.S. Military, Israel Defense Forces Will Conduct Joint Drills Next Week
The United States military will participate in “Juniper Falcon” a joint operation alongside Israeli Defense Forces troops in Israel next week.The drill will renew a bilateral strategic partnership as well as test the forces’ abilities to handle continued volatility in the region.
BREAKING: Surveillance video captures FBI directing CNN camera man at Roger Stone raid; it’s all THEATER
Stunning new video footage released exclusively by shows FBI personnel directing the CNN camera man who filmed the armed raid of Roger Stone. The new footage exposes the pure theater of the armed “Gestapo” raid on Roger Stone, which was carried out by 29 armed, geared-up FBI agents who now function as Robert Mueller’s domestic terrorism mercenaries.
Supremes asked to confirm embryos are ‘persons’
As the battle over abortion intensifies following Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s assent to infanticide and New York’s passage of an abortion-until-birth law, the U.S. Supreme Court is being asked to review a Colorado case involving frozen embryos.
Massachusetts Is Latest Liberal State to Approve Abortion Up to Birth of Baby
Massachusetts followed New York and became the latest liberal state to approve of abortion up to birth of a baby.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Netanyahu to meet Pence, Pompeo this week in Warsaw
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Sunday that he will meet US Vice President Mike Pompeo and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo later this week at a US-sponsored ministerial summit in Warsaw, Poland, to “promote a future of peace and security in the Middle East.” The prime minister said he will meet additional leaders as well, though he did not give any names.
Turkey demands China close camps after reports of musician’s death
Turkey has called on China to close its detention camps following the reported death of a renowned musician from the ethnic Uighur minority. Abdurehim Heyit is thought to have been serving an eight-year sentence in the Xinjiang region, where up to a million Uighurs are reportedly being detained. A statement from Turkey’s foreign ministry said they were being subjected to “torture” in “concentration camps”.
New Zealand wildfire: Thousands of people evacuated near Nelson
Thousands of people have been evacuated from a New Zealand town as firefighters battle a wildfire stoked by winds in the country’s South Island. The blaze, which began six days ago near the city of Nelson, is now threatening the town of Wakefield. A state of emergency has been declared and about 3,000 people have fled their homes in the district of Tasman.
IS resists ‘final push’ by US-backed force in eastern Syria
US-backed fighters in Syria say they are meeting fierce resistance in the last enclave held by Islamic State (IS) militants near the Iraqi border. A spokesman for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) told the AP news agency “the most experienced” jihadists are defending their last stronghold. Two years ago IS controlled large areas of Syria and Iraq.
China is unleashing killer robots and stealth drones that carry out targeted airstrikes without a human pressing the fire button
CHINA is aggressively unleashing lethal fully autonomous drones that can carry out targeted military strikes, a think tank has warned. The killer drones and pilotless aircraft fitted with AK-47 rifles are being exported to Asia, Africa and combat zones in the Middle East. US national security think tank Center for a New American Security (CNAS) said in a report that Chinese officials see this AI ‘arms race’ as a threat to global peace.
After holiday lull, Central American family migration returns to record levels, new figures show
U.S. border officials said Friday they saw an abrupt drop-off in illegal crossings during the holiday season, but the number of Central Americans arriving in family groups has returned to record levels since then. The lull in unauthorized crossings suggests some Central American migrants – and the smuggling organizations that deliver them to the border – may have taken a break or deferred the journey north until after the holidays.
French yellow vest anti-govt protests turn violent in Paris
A French yellow vest protester’s hand was ripped apart Saturday during violent clashes in Paris as demonstrators tried to storm the French National Assembly in a 13th consecutive week of unrest. Police said the injured protester lost four fingers as police swooped in to stop protesters from breaching the parliament’s exterior.
Gun-seizure laws grow in popularity since Parkland shooting
In the year since the deadly mass shooting at a Florida high school, more and more states have passed laws making it easier to take guns away from people who may be suicidal or bent on violence against others, and courts are issuing an unprecedented number of seizure orders across the country. Supporters say these “red flag” laws are among the most promising tools to reduce the nearly 40,000 suicides and homicides by firearm each year…
Israel’s north braces for more snow as another storm hits
Snowfalls slowly resumed over the weekend in the Golan Heights as another storm system hit Israel on Sunday, which is expected to last for several days. Rainfall accompanied by thunderstorms will spread throughout the day Sunday from northern parts of the country to southern parts of the Negev Desert. According to Meteo-Tech meteorological company, there is fear of flooding in the Judean Desert, the Dead Sea and the Jordan Valley.
Exclusive: Venezuela shifts oil ventures’ accounts to Russian bank – document, sources
Venezuela’s state-run oil company PDVSA is telling customers of its joint ventures to deposit oil sales proceeds in an account recently opened at Russia’s Gazprombank AO, according to sources and an internal document seen by Reuters on Saturday. PDVSA’s move comes after the United States imposed tough, new financial sanctions on Jan. 28 aimed at blocking Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro’s access to the country’s oil revenue.
South Korea signs deal to pay more for U.S. troops after Trump demand
Officials signed a short-term agreement on Sunday to boost South Korea’s contribution toward the upkeep of U.S. troops on the peninsula, after a previous deal lapsed amid U.S. President Donald Trump’s call for the South to pay more. About 28,500 U.S. troops are stationed in South Korea, where the United States has maintained a military presence since the 1950-53 Korean War.
Temperature in Canada’s Saskatoon plunges to lowest in over a century
Temperatures in Canada’s midwest city of Saskatoon dipped to as low as minus 42.6 degrees Celsius (minus 44.68 degrees Fahrenheit) on Wednesday, breaking a 112-year record, according to Environment Canada.
Delhi Noida NCR hailstorm photos: In a rare event, yesterday’s hailstorm turned Delhi-NCR white!
Heavy rains and hailstorm on Thursday afternoon did not just leave the capital look like a winter wonderland but also improved the air quality. People witnessed heavy rains in most parts of Delhi NCR though hailstorm was only witnessed in some isolated parts including Noida and Greater Noida.
World’s Driest Desert Floods as Extreme Weather Events Rise
The world’s driest desert is flooding and some of the planet’s wettest woodlands are burning. Welcome to summer in Chile.
The Health Ranger is right: Demonic possession is EVERYWHERE
If you’re wondering why there seems to be a quickening as of late, with evil in society now increasing at an exponential rate, the answer lies in the spiritual realm.
Did you know the Zika virus is patented? (Guess who owns it…)
…Now comes the question of who owns the patent of the Zika virus.The Zika virus is a commodity that had been purchased online from the ATCC-LGC partnership for 599 euros by The Rockefeller Foundation.
6-Time Super Bowl Winner Tom Brady Attributes His Incredible Success To Witchcraft, Pagan Altars And ‘Protection Stones’ From His Witch Wife
Tom Brady of the New England Patriots, like him or not, is the most successful quarterback of all time. He has a phenomenal talent and after his 6th Super Bowl victory he stopped to reflect on the secret of his incredible success. It’s witchcraft. Not kidding.
If all press is good press, Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota has had a smash-up couple of weeks. She’s made anti-Semitic remarks. She supports BDS. She’s defended the noxious Black Hebrew Israelites against the Covington Catholic kids, saying that the notoriously racist sect were actually the victims at the March to Life brouhaha. You know, fun stuff like that.
Man Accused of Murdering Pregnant Girlfriend Has Charges Related to Killing the Fetus Dropped — Thanks to NY’s New Abortion Law
A man charged with murdering his pregnant girlfriend has had the charges related to killing her unborn baby dropped — thanks to New York’s new abortion laws.
Where Are Missing Homeless People Being Taken?
Every government the size of the United States must have contingency plans on how to deal with widespread population movement and;0r incarceration. Along these lines, where have all the homeless gone. Homeless camps are disappearing all the country. They are going somewhere. We learned that in Hurricane Harvey, many of the missing are going to FEMA Camps.
FBI seeking to covertly create national DNA database that turns everyone into a suspect … and you help create it if you use DNA analysis services
In the 2002 science fiction movie, Minority Report, a specialized police department known as PreCrime arrests “criminals” before any crime ever takes place based on information supplied to them by three psychics called precogs. When the movie was released 17 years ago, it seemed like the ultimate in escapist fantasy; it certainly did not seem possible that the police would start going around arresting people on the basis of what they might do based on their personality types and other information.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
11 Feb 2019
Published on: February 11, 2019 by RRadmin9
Sanhedrin Calls for Nations To Observe Sexual Purity for Role in Third Temple
As part of its initiative to establish an Organization of 70 Nations to replace the United Nations, the Sanhedrin made a call for the nations to adhere to principles of sexual purity. Rabbi Hillel Weiss, the spokesman for the Sanhedrin, explained that this was extrapolated from the Rabbinic law which states that there are three sins that a Jew must choose to martyr himself rather than commit: idolatry, murder, and sexual transgression.
Ocean Shipping Rates Plunge: Just A Blip Or The End Of Globalization?
The Baltic Dry Index represents the cost of renting an ocean-going container ship to move goods from, say, Chinese factories to the Port of Los Angeles. The more stuff being made and sold, the higher the demand for such ships, and thus the higher the price to rent one. And vice versa. This is definitely one of the vice versa times. After rising to robust levels in mid-2018 the Baltic Dry Index has since plunged by about two-thirds.
Putin dismisses nine Russian generals
A decree made public on February 8 said Putin had replaced nine generals and two colonels who held high-level positions in the Investigative Committee and the Interior and Emergency Situations ministries. The dismissed officials included General Sergei Solopov, the chief of the directorate to prevent corruption in Moscow’s police force, and General Irina Zeibert, a senior aide to the chief of the Investigative Committee. None of the officers who were dismissed was publicly prominent, and no reason was given for their sackings.
State Dept. Lied About UN Textbooks Inciting Palestinian Violence
A new report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office accuses the U.S. State Department of misleading Congress over recent couple years regarding actions by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, or UNRWA, over the distribution of textbooks that promote Palestinian violence against Israel, evidence that has long been documented.
Russian proxies in Donbas open fire three times at positions of Joint Forces Feb 10
Russian occupation forces in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas fired three times at the positions of the Ukrainian troops, “In the action area of the Skhid [East] Tactical Grouping, mercenaries fired at positions of the Ukrainian military near the village of Hnutove using 82mm mortars, and near the town of Krasnohorivka…
Death Penalty for Palestinian Who Savagely Murdered Jewish Teen?
… government ministers are demanding that the courts finally invoke Israel’s underutilized death penalty. What’s got the whole nation in a uproar is the savage murder last Thursday in Jerusalem of a teenage Jewish girl by a knife-wielding Palestinian man.
NJ Voters Furious As Governor Murphy Prepares To Sign ‘Rain Tax’ Into Law
Just when frustrated residents of New Jersey, one of the most heavily taxed states in the US, thought Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy had already brought the state into the ninth circle of taxation hell with new taxes to save the state’s ailing pension system, middle class voters in one of the least affordable states in the country have now been given one more thing to complain about: A tax on the rain.
Theresa May accepts talks offer from Jeremy Corbyn in bid for Brexit breakthrough
Theresa May has accepted the offer of more talks with Jeremy Corbyn to break the Brexit deadlock, boosting chances of a breakthrough. The prime minister indicated their teams should meet “as soon as possible” – with fewer than 50 days to go until the UK leaves the EU and no agreement ratified by parliament. She vowed to take up the points raised by Mr Corbyn in a letter, replying to an earlier one sent by the Labour leader setting out his price for passing a deal.
Controversial experiments that could make bird flu more risky poised to resume
Controversial lab studies that modify bird flu viruses in ways that could make them more risky to humans will soon resume after being on hold for more than 4 years. ScienceInsider has learned that last year a U.S. government review panel quietly approved experiments proposed by two labs that were previously considered so dangerous that federal officials had imposed an unusual top-down moratorium on this kind of research. The outcome may not satisfy scientists who believe that certain studies that aim to make pathogens more potent or more likely to spread in mammals are so risky that they should be limited or even banned.
Rouhani says Iran to continue expanding its military might
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Monday that Iran was determined to expand its military power and ballistic missile program despite mounting pressure from hostile countries to curb Iran’s defensive work, state TV reported. “We have not asked and will not ask for permission to develop different types of … missiles and will continue our path and our military power,” Rouhani said…
Egypt pumps toxic gas into smuggling tunnel, killing two Palestinians
Two Palestinians died Monday and several others injured after Egyptian troops pumped toxic fumes into a smuggling tunnel stretching into the Sinai Peninsula from the Gaza Strip. The Hamas-run Gaza Interior Ministry was quoted by Wafa news as identifying the two as 39-year-old Hamas officer Abdul Hamid al-Aker, who was killed during a “security mission to inspect the tunnel,” and 28-year-old Sobhi Abu Qarshin.
Mossad, MI6 smuggled Iranian nuclear scientist to the UK – Report
Mossad, British secret services and the CIA extracted an Iranian nuclear scientist out of Tehran and provided him with a safe haven in the US, the Daily Mail reported on Sunday. The Iranian scientist is thought to have been smuggled into the UK on an inflatable boat alongside other Iranian migrants who crossed over to Lydd at the beginning of 2019.
Spain Catalonia: Madrid mass protest over talks policy
Supporters of Spanish conservative and centrist parties have held a protest in Madrid against government plans to hold talks with Catalan separatists. The centre-right Popular Party (PP) and Ciudadanos (Citizens) say Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s plan to appoint an intermediary for the talks amounts to treason. The separatists have rejected the offer – they want a new independence vote.
Haiti protesters call on President Jovenel Moise to quit
Opposition demonstrators in Haiti have burnt tyres and thrown stones, urging President Jovenel Moise to step down. At least four people have been killed and dozens injured in four days of protests in the capital Port-au-Prince and other cities. Many Haitians accuse Mr Moise and other officials of corruption. Thousands have taken to the streets this week.
US shutdown looms as border talks stall ahead of deadline
US congressional talks over a border security deal have stalled raising the chances of another government shutdown. Negotiators were hoping for a deal by Monday to give Congress time to pass legislation by Friday, when the federal funding agreement runs out. They remain divided on how many undocumented immigrants can be detained and funding for President Trump’s promised border wall with Mexico.
‘Strategic messaging’: Russian fighters in Arctic spark debate on Canada’s place at the top of the world
Recent Russian moves in the Arctic have renewed debate over that country’s intentions and Canada’s own status at the top of the world. The newspaper Izvestia reported late last month that Russia’s military will resume fighter patrols to the North Pole for the first time in 30 years. The patrols will be in addition to regular bomber flights up to the edge of U.S. and Canadian airspace.
Plummeting insect numbers ‘threaten collapse of nature’
The world’s insects are hurtling down the path to extinction, threatening a “catastrophic collapse of nature’s ecosystems”, according to the first global scientific review. More than 40% of insect species are declining and a third are endangered, the analysis found. The rate of extinction is eight times faster than that of mammals, birds and reptiles.
Netherlands to allow Palestinians to list West Bank, Gaza as birthplaces
The Netherlands will allow Palestinians born after the establishment of the State of Israel to list their official birthplace as the West Bank, Gaza Strip or East Jerusalem… While the Netherlands doesn’t recognize Palestine as a state, the Dutch civil registry will now recognize the West Bank and Gaza as the birthplace for those born there after May 15, 1948—the day the British Mandate officially ended and the State of Israel was established.
Hamas resumes night time clashes on Gaza border
Hamas escalated its struggle against Israel on Sunday night with the resumption of night time clashes on the Gaza border, months after stopping them. Dozens of Palestinians launched firecrackers and fireworks at IDF forces east of Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip. The Israeli forces used crowd dispersal measures to keep the rioters away from the border fence.
Trump administration unveils order to prioritize and promote AI
U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday will sign an executive order asking federal government agencies to dedicate more resources and investment into research, promotion and training on artificial intelligence (AI)… Under the American AI Initiative, the administration will direct agencies to prioritize AI investments in research and development, increase access to federal data and models…and prepare workers to adapt to the era of AI.
12 Feb 2019
Published on: February 12, 2019 by RRadmin7
Troubling signs that Satanism is infiltrating Catholic Church
The recent news regarding the promotion by Pope Francis of Argentine bishop Gustavo Oscar Zanchetta to a senior position at the Vatican despite, it appears, already-known serious accusations against him is yet another example, among so many, of how this pope surrounds himself with unsavory characters. So far from being committed to moral reform, he empowers those who are morally compromised, while distancing or disgracing those who are morally strong. God makes it clear that the Israelites must not bring filthy things to the temple as offerings. The earnings of prostitutes (“strumpets”) and male cult prostitutes (“dogs”) are strictly prohibited and are to be excluded.
Eurosceptic parties could paralyse Brussels, report warns, with big gains expected at May election
Eurosceptic parties are on course to take a third of seats in May’s European Parliament elections and could form alliances to destroy the EU from within, new research has claimed.
FBI scrambled to respond to Hillary Clinton lawyer amid Weiner laptop review, newly released emails show
“It is big news that, just days before the presidential election, Hillary Clinton’s personal lawyer pressured the top lawyer for the FBI on the infamous Weiner laptop emails,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. “These documents further underscore that the fix was in for Hillary Clinton. When will the Justice Department and FBI finally do an honest investigation of the Clinton email scandal?”
U.S. lawmakers reach tentative deal to avoid government shutdown
U.S. congressional negotiators said on Monday they reached a tentative deal on border security funding to avert another partial government shutdown due to start on Saturday, but an aide said it did not include the $5.7 billion President Donald Trump wants for a border wall.
U.S. Catholic officials welcome Catholic-Muslim document signed by pope
The declaration signed by Pope Francis and Sheik Ahmad el-Tayeb, the grand imam of al-Azhar, during the pope’s trip to the United Arab Emirates “is a clarion call for robust dialogue that leads to peace,” said the Catholic chairman of the National Catholic-Muslim Dialogue and the chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs. “We, who believe in God and in the final meeting with him and his judgment, on the basis of our religious and moral responsibility, and through this document, call upon ourselves, upon the leaders of the world as well as the architects of international policy and world economy, to work strenuously to spread the culture of tolerance and of living together in peace,” the document said.
The White House burns the intelligence community again with a threatening message to Iran
The White House has again differed with the intelligence community’s findings by saying Iran is working on a nuclear weapon. Trump has publicly berated his top intelligence officials for saying Iran isn’t building a nuclear weapon. The White House ended its message to Iran with a veiled threat to Iran’s government.
God’s Numerical Patterns: Israel’s 70th Year & Bible Prophecy
NUMBERS have meaning in Scripture. Seeing how the number 70 symbolizes restoration, it’s interesting that restoration-themed events in Israel’s history tend to occur at a 70-year interval: From the UN vote in favor of the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1947 to the first recognition by a foreign power (US) that Jerusalem is its capital in 2017 is 70 years. From the first modern Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel (Petah Tikvah) in 1878 to the birth of the Nation in 1948 is 70 years.
Sanhedrin Calls for Nations To Observe Sexual Purity for Role in Third Temple
As part of its initiative to establish an Organization of 70 Nations to replace the United Nations, the Sanhedrin made a call for the nations to adhere to principles of sexual purity. Rabbi Hillel Weiss, the spokesman for the Sanhedrin, explained that this was extrapolated from the Rabbinic law which states that there are three sins that a Jew must choose to martyr himself rather than commit: idolatry, murder, and sexual transgression.
Venezuela’s Juan Guaido says he is working to restore ties with Israel
Venezuela’s self-declared leader Juan Guaido he was working to restore ties with Israel that Caracas cut off a decade ago in solidarity with the Palestinians. Israel is among US-aligned powers that rallied to Guaido after he declared himself Venezuela’s leader last month in a power struggle with socialist President Nicolas Maduro, under whom the country has sunk into poverty.
US border security deal reached to avert new shutdown
Democrats and Republicans have reached an agreement in principle over border security to fund the US government and avert another partial shutdown. The agreement contains only a fraction of the money President Donald Trump wants for his promised border wall and does not mention a concrete barrier. The deal still needs to be approved by Congress and signed by the president.
GPS jamming during NATO drills in 2018 a big concern
The Norwegian Intelligence Service says GPS signal disruption as seen during major NATO drills in Norway last year “is of particular concern” for the military and “is also a threat to civil aviation in peacetime.” The intelligence agency said Monday in its annual report that the signal jamming “represents not only a new challenge” for NATO members, but saying Russia’s ability to projects its power “in peace, crisis and war will increase.”
Iran warns it would ‘raze Tel Aviv to the ground’ if attacked by U.S.: IRNA
A senior Revolutionary Guards commander said on Monday that Iran would demolish cities in Israel to the ground if the United States attacked the Islamic Republic. “The United States does not have the courage to shoot a single bullet at us despite all its defensive and military assets. But if they attack us, we will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground,” Yadollah Javani, the Guards’ deputy head for political affairs was quoted as saying…
Syrian Report: Israel fired missiles in southern province
An Israeli Air Force drone fired four missiles near a demolished hospital and an army observation post in Syria’s southern Quneitra province near the border with Israel, but there had been only material damage, the Syrian army said on Monday. An army source was quoted by state news agency SANA as saying that the “Israeli enemy” also hit several sites along border villages close to a 1974 demilitarized zone on the Golan frontier…
Israel pushes for UN to declare Hezbollah as a terror organization
In a bid to persuade the members of the United Nations Security Council to dub Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, senior officers from Israel’s Military Intelligence Directorate are expected to brief the members of the international body on the Iran-backed group’s activity in Lebanon. They will voice their concerns over its…establishment of extensive terror infrastructures, and…the need to prevent further Iranian entrenchment in Syria.
Netherlands to allow Palestinians to list West Bank, Gaza as birthplaces
The Netherlands will allow Palestinians born after the establishment of the State of Israel to list their official birthplace as the West Bank, Gaza Strip or East Jerusalem, Dutch State Secretary Raymond Knops said Saturday. While the Netherlands doesn’t recognize Palestine as a state, the Dutch civil registry will now recognize the West Bank and Gaza as the birthplace for those born there after May 15, 1948…
Seattle snow: February is snowiest in 70 years, more is on the way
Hold on to your warm, woolen hats, Seattle: You are not out of the icebox yet. After a weekend snowstorm pummeled the normally mild Northwestern city – making this month the city’s snowiest February since 1949, according to AccuWeather – another one-two punch is expected this week.
Plummeting insect numbers ‘threaten collapse of nature’
The world’s insects are hurtling down the path to extinction, threatening a “catastrophic collapse of nature’s ecosystems”, according to the first global scientific review.
Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2018, Killing 42 Million People – Your Tax Money Funded Many of Them
More human beings died in abortions than any other cause of death in 2018, a new report indicates. A heartbreaking reminder about the prevalence of abortion, statistics compiled by Worldometers indicate that there were nearly 42 million abortions world-wide in 2018.
Elizabeth Warren Compares Abortion to “Getting Your Tonsils Out”
Sen. Elizabeth Warren recycled age-old, debunked talking points on abortion this week to urge opposition to U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Southern Baptist scandal: Convention leaders react to investigation detailing sexual abuse
“20 years, 700 victims” So reads part of the headline of a sweeping investigation that has found years of sexual abuse perpetrated by hundreds of Southern Baptist church leaders against an even larger number of victims.
BOMBSHELL: Apple demands Natural News stop writing about abortions or Satanism; threatens to block Natural News app from all Apple devices
In a series of shocking “demand” emails containing screen captures showing lists of Natural News articles, Apple has demanded Natural News stop publishing articles critical of abortions or Satanism, threatening to block the Natural News app from all Apple devices if Apple’s demands are not met.
Globalist Merkel calls for end of nation states… the New World Order agenda is now out in the open
Elites in Europe have been angling for an EU superstate for decades, but have yet to pull it off. And based on recent developments, it may never happen now. When the European Union formed, it represented major progress towards the globalist goal of creating an EU superstate where individual countries would be absorbed, de-cultured, and made subservient to a continental governing body.
HOLY CRAP! MN Democrat Ilhan Omar Posts Another Anti-Semitic Tweet and Follows It Up with a “Hook-Nosed” Jewish Retweet
Anti-Jew Democrat lawmaker Ilhan Omar attacked the pro-Life Catholic Covington high school boys after they were viciously smeared by the liberal Trump-hating media.
13 Feb 2019
Published on: February 13, 2019 by RRadmin7
Bolton Echoes Netanyahu on Iran’s Threats to America
In the wake of reaffirmation of Tehran’s readiness to attack Israel and America by top-ranking Iranian officials, U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton told Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who celebrated 40 years since the Islamic revolution in Iran, that “I don’t think you’ll have many more anniversaries to enjoy.”
How Prophecy Unfolds
With the news that state governments are beginning to legalize infanticide, can the end be far away? This week, a story broke about American rabbis reaching out for interfaith dialogue with Gulf States. Evangelical pastors have been part of these junkets, including the anti-Israel Bob Roberts Jr., who claims to support Israel! The world is upside down.
Israeli Justice Minister: Trump Peace Plan ‘Calls for Palestinian State’
U.S. President Donald Trump’s soon-to-be announced Middle East peace plan will call on Israel to “turn over large swaths of land in Judea and Samaria to the Palestinian Authority, and will lead to the establishment of Palestinian State.” This is according to a warning delivered by Israel’s Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, who is currently running for Knesset alongside Education Minister Naftali Bennett as part of a right-wing party the two just founded called the New Right.
Was Congresswoman Omar scheduled to speak alongside antisemite Abdallah?
Hours after The Jerusalem Post reported that US Rep. Ilhan Omar would give the keynote address at an Islamic Relief USA dinner alongside an official from the organization known for his antisemitic comments, the congresswoman’s PR team began pushing back, and the event’s marketing materials and online invitations were changed.
Pence says Congress should expel Ilhan Omar over antisemitic tweet
“Those who engage in anti-Semitic tropes should not just be denounced, they should face consequences for their words,” Pence wrote. US Rep. Ilhan Omar should be expelled from Congress or censured over her antisemitic comments, US Vice President Mike Pence tweeted on Tuesday night. With his tweet, Pence added his voice to the growing calls for the freshmen Democratic congresswoman from Minnesota to be ousted from Congress. “What she said is so deep-seated in her heart that her lame apology – and that’s what it was, it was lame, and she didn’t mean a word of it – was just not appropriate,” Trump said.
Netanyahu rejected a Saudi peace initiative
According to the Saudi proposal, Israel and Saudi Arabia would formulate an updated version of the Arab peace initiative, Netanyahu and the Saudi foreign minister would present the initiative together at the UN General Assembly a month later, and Israel and Saudi Arabia will declare that the Israeli-Palestinian Arab conflict is entering a process of resolution.
Tech Elites, Donor Class Unite with GOP/Dems to Outsource White-Collar American Jobs
A plan known as the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act, introduced in the Senate by Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Kamala Harris (D-CA), as well as Reps. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and Ken Buck (R-CO), would eliminate the U.S. country caps in the legal immigration system and would fast-track outsourcing of white-collar American jobs to mostly Indian and Chinese nationals imported to the country by businesses, outsourcing firms, and multinational corporations. The country caps were originally implemented to prevent any one country from monopolizing the legal immigration system. Eliminating the country caps would immediately fast-track up to 300,000 green cards, and eventually American citizenship, to primarily Indian nationals in the U.S. on the H-1B visa, so long as they agree to take high-paying, white-collar jobs from Americans.
Hamas attempts to recruit West Bank, Jerusalem residents – via satellite
A secret Hamas unit in the Gaza Strip used the al-Aqsa TV station to communicate with and direct Palestinians in the West Bank to carry out attacks inside Israel, the Shin Bet security agency cleared for publication on Wednesday. According to the Shin Bet, dozens of young Palestinian men and women from the West Bank and East Jerusalem who have been in contact with members of this unit have been arrested in recent years.
Abbas embarks on trip to wage battle over Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has embarked on a trip to moderate Arab countries to wage a battle against US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century,” according to a report published by Israel Hayom on Wednesday. Abbas is traveling from one Arab country to another in an attempt to prevent Middle East countries from supporting Trump’s peace plan.
Christmas Island: Australia ‘to re-open’ controversial detention centre
Australian PM Scott Morrison says he will re-open a controversial detention centre on Christmas Island, after a historic defeat in parliament. On Tuesday, non-government MPs secured enough votes to pass a bill making it easier for sick refugees held offshore to be treated in the country. Mr Morrison said the law would weaken the nation’s tough border policies and embolden human traffickers.
McConnell to set up vote on Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Green New Deal’
The Senate will hold a vote on the Green New Deal, an environmental and energy plan touted by progressives, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said… McConnell told reporters after a meeting of the Senate Republican caucus that he has “great interest” in the plan, which would spell an end for coal, a key economic driver in McConnell’s home state of Kentucky, while promising new jobs for out-of-work miners and other workers.
Facing misery in Gaza, more and more Palestinians trying to sneak into Israel
More than 15 Palestinians infiltrated into Israel from Gaza since the beginning of 2019, seeking to escape the socioeconomic distress in the coastal enclave, according to the Israel Defense Forces Southern Command. Only a small proportion of those attempting to cross into Israel have been identified as Hamas members. The IDF said their main motive for breaching the fence was to escape their “misery” in the Strip.
Israel, Arab states come together at conference against Iran
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in Poland…to join senior officials from 60 nations at the Warsaw summit on peace and security in the Middle East…in an effort to ratchet up pressure against Iran. “I think that holding this conference…and discuss one topic—which, in my opinion, is the most important for our national security—is a very important achievement…”
Federal Court Orders Discovery on Clinton Email, Benghazi Scandal: Top Obama-Clinton Officials, Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes to Respond to Judicial Watch Questions Under Oath
Judicial Watch announced today that United States District Judge Royce C. Lamberth ruled that discovery can begin in Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. Obama administration senior State Department officials, lawyers, and Clinton aides will now be deposed under oath. Senior officials — including Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Sullivan, and FBI official E.W. Priestap — will now have to answer Judicial Watch’s written questions under oath.
A US national Jewish group says community relations are in crisis
An increase in anti-Semitism, an intensification of anti-Israel activity and decades of neglect have created a crisis in the Jewish community relations field, according to the umbrella group for Jewish public policy organizations, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs
The Democrats: The Party of Kremlin Dreamers
In 1920 British writer H.G. Wells visited Russia and interviewed Vladimir Lenin in the Kremlin, where they discussed the future of socialist Russia. In the aftermath of his visit, Wells wrote an insightful book, Russia in the Shadows, in which he called Lenin “The Kremlin Dreamer.”
Pro-Abortion University Staffer Calls for Raping Pro-Life College Students
A Purdue University staff member is being investigated after he allegedly threatened to rape pro-life women during an online debate about the campus pro-life club’s recent campaign.
Stocks Surge As Senate Intel Committee Confirms “No Collusion”
Nearly a year after their colleagues in the House reached a similar conclusion, the Senate Intel Committee said on Tuesday that it was preparing to conclude its investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia after finding – get this – no direct evidence of a conspiracy, according to NBC News.
Living Under the Dark Cloud of Luciferianism
Whether it is fully realized by most of my fellow citizens or not—and I pray it finally is—we currently find ourselves in a war for our survival as both a country and a people. Gallup polling reports that 5 million Latin Americans plan to relocate to the USA—legally or illegally—within the next 12 months
Ebola Outbreak In The DRC Leaves 500 Dead, Including Nearly 100 Children
The group advises that the death toll may continue to climb as the number of cases has doubled in January from 20 to 40 a week, with 120 new cases coming in the last few weeks of the month.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib Wrote Column For Nation Of Islam Publication
Democratic Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib in 2006 wrote an op-ed column for Final Call, a Nation of Islam publication founded by Louis Farrakhan, in the latest tie to emerge between the congresswoman and anti-Semitic figures.
Virginia bill erases words ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ from law, defines embryonic humans as property
Between its extreme abortion bill and the governor’s racist photos, the state of Virginia has been headlining the news. But in the midst of the media frenzy, proposed changes to its parenthood laws were approved in the Virginia House today. Before my tweetstorm about it last night, #HB1979 had only a handful of tags. But it deserves serious attention because it turns children into products, all in the name of “progress.”
George Soros Calls on Globalists Around the World to Save The EU
Billionaire George Soros has called on globalists and pro-Europe voters to ‘wake up’ before the continent ‘sleepwalks into oblivion’ ahead of the coming European elections.
Under new law, TWITTER could now decide whether people are allowed to own guns… techno-fascism is here
Democrats’ loathing of the Second Amendment is directly tied to the party’s loathing of individuality, freedom, and personal liberty. Why else would they spend so much time trying to figure out new and improved ways of restricting Americans’ right to keep and bear arms?
The Two Reasons Behind the Recent Military Activity in LA
We have entered a phase in the war between the left and right that definitive actions are being taken. This conflict is no longer a war of words designed to win some intellectual and philosophical debate. This is becoming high stakes poker of the highest order.
Israeli airports fend off 3 million attempted attacks a day, cyber head says
Israel’s Airports Authority, in charge of the nation’s international and domestic airports and its land border crossings, has to block three million attempts to breach its systems a day, mostly by bots, the head of cyber and information security at the authority, Roee Laufer, said.
14 Feb 2019
Published on: February 14, 2019 by RRadmin7
Rats, Public Defecation, & Open Drug Use: Our Major Western Cities Are Becoming Uninhabitable Hellholes
Those that must live among the escalating decay are often numb to it, but most of those that are just in town for a visit are absolutely shocked by all of the trash, human defecation, crime and public drug use that they encounter. Once upon a time, our beautiful western cities were the envy of the rest of the world, but now they serve as shining examples of America’s accelerating decline. The worst parts of our major western cities literally look like post-apocalyptic wastelands, and the hordes of zombified homeless people that live in those areas are too drugged-out to care. Officials at Los Angeles’ City Hall are considering ripping all of the building’s carpets up, as rats and fleas are said to be running riot in its halls. A motion was filed by Council President Herb Wesson on Wednesday to enact the much needed makeover amid a typhus outbreak in the downtown area.
Mideast Political Climate Change
Speaking to Netanyahu in the video, bin Abdullah said, “People in the Middle East have suffered a lot because they have stuck to the past. Now we say, this is a new era, for the future.” In an earlier sign of Mideast political climate change, Oman had hosted the Israeli prime minster this past October.
Limbaugh urges Trump: Order probe of ‘these Obama people’
‘All of them need to be charged’
Talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh is now urging President Trump to order the U.S. Justice Department to probe “the real criminal activity” and “actual felonies” committed by Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee and members of the Obama Justice Department in connection with efforts to change the outcome of the 2016 race for president.
Liberman: Next confrontation with Gaza must be the last
Liberman said that an assessment of military intelligence published on Wednesday that indicated that it is likely that Israel will have a major escalation within the next 12 months with the Palestinians in Gaza or the West Bank “is completely consistent with my assessments over the past year. The question now is not ‘Will there be another confrontation with Hamas in the Gaza Strip?’ but rather ‘When will this happen?'”
Jared Kushner on Middle East peace plan: I’m optimistic
US President Donald Trump’s senior advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner said that he is optimistic about Trump’s Middle East peace plan during the Warsaw ministerial conference on Thursday. He added that the plan will be revealed after the Israeli elections, and that the parties involved must “keep an open mind.” “We hear Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Israel and we understand that there is a chance,” Kushner told participants at the conference, adding that “they do a better job than me to explain why there is a reason to be optimistic.”
Abbas Proves Once Again He is not a Partner for Peace
The Palestinians are hoping to keep the United States from presenting its Middle East peace plan. To this end, Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas has embarked on a tour of Arab states, to try to keep them from supporting the so-called “deal of the century” and to ensure the Arab leaders stick to their promise to support Palestinian demands on the core issues of the conflict, chief among them the recognition of eastern Jerusalem as the capital of an independent Palestinian state.
Trump, Pence Upbraid Omar Tweets, Saying ‘Antisemitism no Place in Congress’
Both the president and the vice president of the United States reprimanded Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) for recent anti-Semitic comments and called for her to face consequences. “[Omar’s] tweets were a disgrace & her apology was inadequate. Anti-Semitism has no place in the United States Congress, much less the Foreign Affairs Committee,” U.S. Vice President Mike Pence tweeted on Tuesday. “Those who engage in anti-Semitic tropes should not just be denounced, they should face consequences for their words.”
Hillary Clinton Campaign Accused of Laundering $84 Million, FEC Refuses to Probe
Despite growing pressure, the FEC is refusing to investigate allegations that $84 million was funneled through Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential election campaign in an illegal money laundering scheme.
Explosive New Book ‘In The Closet Of The Vatican’ Reveals That 80% Of Catholic Priests Are Homosexuals And Many Use Male Prostitutes
he Catholic Church is not Christian, it is Roman Catholic. The Christian Church we see in the Bible was started by Jesus Christ, while the Catholic Church is the creation of pagan political Rome that was designed to keep the empire alive. And in regards to that, it has been fantastically successful. Pagan Rome is alive and well, wrapped inside the wolfish veneer of the counterfeit church. To the world’s 1.5 billion Roman Catholics, please prayerfully consider the following verses as part of your invitation to be partakers in eternal life.
Pregnant Transgender Demands Child is Officially Declared ‘Motherless’
A transgender man who gave birth to a child is at the epicenter of a landmark trial which is being supervised by the most senior family court judge in England and Wales.
Monica Witt, former air force specialist, accused of conspiring to share classified information with IranA former Air Force intelligence specialist who defected to Iran has been charged with espionage after authorities allege she gave that country’s government information about a highly classified military program and helped Iranian hackers target her former colleagues.
Pompeo: No peace in the Middle East without confronting Iran
Confronting Iran is the only way to ensure peace in the Middle East, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said prior to meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu… “You can’t achieve peace and stability in the Middle East without confronting Iran. It is just not possible. They are a maligned influence in Lebanon, in Yemen and Syria and Iraq. The three H’s – Houthis, Hamas and Hezbollah – these are real threats…” Pompeo said.
White House accelerates secret program to sabotage Iran missiles – report
The White House has pushed forward a secret program to sabotage Iranian missiles and rockets as part of a campaign to undercut Iran’s military, according to administration officials in a report by the New York Times. No one can precisely measure the success of the program, which has never been publicly acknowledged, but the recent failure of Iran’s attempted satellite launches raised some suspicion.
Zimbabwe gold miners feared dead in Kadoma flood
At least 23 gold panners in Zimbabwe are feared to have drowned underground after heavy rains flooded two mines. Police said rescue teams were trying to pump out the water and search for bodies and any survivors at the mines near the town of Kadoma. The two mines, called Silver Moon Mine and Cricket Mine, are run by registered companies, according to local media.
US says ex-intel official defected to Iran, revealed secrets
A former U.S. Air Force counterintelligence specialist who defected to Iran despite warnings from the FBI has been charged with revealing classified information to the Tehran government…prosecutors said. The Justice Department also accused Monica Elfriede Witt, 39, of betraying former colleagues in the U.S. intelligence community by feeding details about their personal and professional lives to Iran.
The House Is Set To Vote On Trillion Dollar Spending Bill Tomorrow. No One Has Read It
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on a government appropriations bill Thursday evening and, with a day until the vote, lawmakers still have not received the text of the legislation. “No one has seen the final wording of a long and complicated bill we will be expected to vote on tomorrow evening,” Republican Maryland Rep. Andy Harris told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “That’s no way to run a legislature.”
Report: US resumes program to sabotage Iran missiles
The US has resumed a secret operation to destroy Iran’s missile program, the New York Times reported Thursday. The paper cites officials in the current and previous administrations who say the program is part of “an expanding campaign by the United States to undercut Tehran’s military and isolate its economy.”
U.S.-China trade talks move to higher level as deadline looms
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said he was looking forward to trade talks with China on Thursday, as discussions in Beijing moved to a higher level in a push to de-escalate a tariff war ahead of a March 1 deadline for a deal. The talks, scheduled to run through Friday, follow three days of deputy-level meetings to work out technical details, including a mechanism for enforcing any trade agreement.
Russia to Turkey: You can’t have Syrian safe zone without Assad’s consent
Russia told Turkey on Thursday it had no right to create a “safe zone” inside Syria unless it sought and received the consent of President Bashar al-Assad, signaling tensions as a three-way summit on the Syrian conflict began. President Vladimir Putin, one of Assad’s closest allies, was hosting the summit in the Black Sea resort of Sochi to discuss the future of Syria with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.
Rats, Public Defecation, & Open Drug Use: Our Major Western Cities Are Becoming Uninhabitable Hellholes
… if things are falling apart this dramatically now, how bad will things get when economic conditions really start to deteriorate?
A Giant Atmospheric River Is About to Dump Loads of Rain on California’s Snowpack, Threatening Floods
California gets most of its rain during the winter, but this wet season has proven especially juicy so far. The moisture parade continued on Wednesday with a major atmospheric river descended on the Golden State, raising concerns of flooding and mudslides as it dumps heavy rain and snow across a wide region through Thursday evening.
Most pro-choice Americans oppose late-term abortion: poll
Around two-thirds of Americans who identify as “pro-choice” oppose third-trimester abortions, according to a newly released poll by YouGov and the pro-life group Americans United for Life.
House passes bill to end US support for Saudi war in Yemen
The House on Wednesday easily passed a bill that would require President Trump to withdraw U.S. military support from the Saudi Arabia-led coalition in Yemen.
Paul Manafort, Former Trump Campaign Chairman, Lied to Federal Investigators, Judge Rules
A federal judge in Washington, D.C. said in a court order on Wednesday that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort violated a plea agreement with the Special Counsel’s office.
Suicide Attack Kills 27 Members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards
A suicide bomber killed at least 27 members of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards on Wednesday, Tasnim news agency said, in a southeastern region where security forces are facing a rise in attacks by militants from the country’s Sunni Muslim minority.
Whitehead: Is It Too Late For Non-Violent Means To Restore American Liberty?
“…time is running out…we are fast approaching the point at which we will have nothing left to lose.“
Harvest Bible Chapel founding pastor James MacDonald fired; ‘shocking’ audio revealed
Longtime leader of the Chicago-area megachurch Harvest Bible Chapel James MacDonald has been ousted as senior pastor in light of unsavory remarks he made on a hot mic that were aired on local media
US Army Set To Field “iPhone Of Lethality” Assult Rifle By 2022
“We have hundreds of capabilities we can put into this weapons system”
Mars Rover Opportunity Is Dead After Record-Breaking 15 Years on Red Planet
One of the great exploration stories of our time is officially over. NASA declared its Opportunity Mars rover dead today (Feb. 13), more than eight months after the solar-powered robot went silent during a raging dust storm on the Red Planet — and a day after the final calls to wake Oppy up went unanswered.
At Warsaw conference, Pence hails Netanyahu ‘breaking bread’ with Arab leaders
US Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday hailed the symbol of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “breaking bread” with Arab leaders at a Mideast conference in Warsaw, saying he hoped it heralded further cooperation to come.
15 Feb 2019
Published on: February 15, 2019 by RRadmin7
UK’s Dangerous, Israel-Hating ‘Hero’ Exposed
He’s not fit to be leader of the Labour Party, and not fit to be Britain’s Prime Minister,” the man who worked closely with Mr Corbyn over three decades is quoted as saying. Coinciding with the serialisation comes news of vicious racist attacks against Jewish Labour MP Luciana Berger over claims she plans to join a breakaway movement along with several others.
Lightning’s electromagnetic fields may have a weird “healing” effect on living cells
For as long as life has existed on Earth, it’s been bathed in these incredibly weak fields, but they were generally not thought to have any real impact. But in the new study, scientists at Tel Aviv University found that these fields could be exerting influence on life after all… “The most important effect was that the atmospheric ELF fields actually protected cells under stress conditions. In other words, when biological cells are under stress – due to lack of oxygen, for example – the atmospheric fields from lightning appear to protect them from damage. “It may explain why all living organisms have electrical activity in the same ELF spectral range, and it is the first time such a connection has been shown.
Pulwama attack: India will ‘completely isolate’ Pakistan
India has said it will ensure the “complete isolation” of Pakistan after a suicide bomber killed 46 soldiers in Indian-administered Kashmir. Federal Minister Arun Jaitley said India would take “all possible diplomatic steps” to cut Pakistan off from the international community. India accuses Pakistan of failing to act against the militant group which said it carried out the attack.
Researchers create ‘malicious’ writing AI
A team of researchers who have built an artificially-intelligent writer say they are withholding the technology as it might be used for “malicious” purposes. OpenAI…shared some new research on using machine learning to create a system capable of producing natural language, but in doing so the team expressed concern the tool could be used to mass-produce convincing fake news.
NASA heading back to Moon soon, and this time to stay
NASA is accelerating plans to return Americans to the Moon, and this time, the US space agency says it will be there to stay. Jim Bridenstine, NASA’s administrator, told reporters Thursday that the agency plans to speed up plans backed by President Donald Trump to return to the moon, using private companies.
Arab leaders play down Palestinian issue in leaked video
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office on Thursday released a video of a closed meeting in which senior Gulf Arab officials play down the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, defend Israel’s right to defend itself, and describe Iran as the greatest threat to regional peace.
IDF conducts exercise with US military
The IDF and the US European Command (USEUCOM) held a joint exercise, codenamed Juniper Falcon, that concluded Thursday. The two militaries examined a scenario in which an attack by Israel on Iranian interests in Syria or Lebanon elicits an Iranian retaliatory missile strike with the US coming to Israel’s’ aid.
Netanyau: Israel anticipating Trump’s Mideast ‘deal of the century’
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with US Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday during the Middle East Conference being held in Warsaw Poland. The PM referred to President Donald Trump’s proposal saying that “Israel is anticipating the deal of the century. “I know that the Trump administration seeks to ensure Israel’s security for generations to come,” Netanyahu added.
Exclusive: China offers to end market-distorting subsidies but won’t say how
China has pledged to end market-distorting subsidies for its domestic industries but offered no details on how it would achieve that goal, according to three people familiar with the U.S.-China trade talks in Beijing this week. China promised to bring all subsidy programs into compliance with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules, the sources said, but U.S. negotiators reacted skeptically…
Liberals fume as President Trump endorses efforts by legislators in several states to allow public schools to offer Bible classes
President Trump appeared to endorse efforts by legislators in several states to allow public schools to offer Bible classes.
Israel BANS the United Nations Security Council from entering the country to ‘monitor its treatment of the Palestinians’
Israel has told the UN Security Council that it opposes a planned visit by the top UN body to Judea and Samaria for a close-up look at the situation, Kuwait’s ambassador said Wednesday.
PARTY OF EVIL: Democrats block bill to stop infanticide for fifth time in Congress, proving yet again what their true agenda is
Democrats in the House of Representatives on Monday evening blocked another vote on legislation to guarantee medical care for newborns who survive attempted abortions, marking the fifth instance in the House and the sixth overall.
Record-breaking snowfall cloaks Moscow
Record snowfall covered Moscow on Wednesday, with streets and monuments blanketed in white and dozens of flights cancelled at the city’s main airport.
Weird Weather: Seattle Is Beating Denver In Snowfall This Season
When you think of the weather in Seattle you probably picture either fog or rain instead of snow. But an unusual weather pattern has allowed back-to-back storms to drop record snow across the Pacific Northwest this month.
New Bible translation technology by Wycliffe spreading Gospel faster than ever before
New technology has emerged that will enable quicker translation of the Bible and faster spread of the Gospel, accelerated by indigenous people doing the work of translation
What Border Crisis? Oh. That Border Crisis – Mexican Oxy Is Killing Americans
The little blue pills made by the Sinaloa cartel are nicknamed ‘Mexican oxy,’ but they’re laced with fentanyl and helping drive a surge of fatal US overdoses.
DHILLON: Microsoft Wants To Pick The News You Read
Controlling what news voters do and do not receive has become a big focus in the digital age. Mainstream media giants and establishment political operatives alike have long fought to stigmatize, discredit, and censor any news that doesn’t fit their agendas.
Congo Adds Measles Outbreak to Ebola and Cholera Epidemics
The United Nations reported on Wednesday that a measles outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has killed at least a hundred children since the beginning of the year, adding to a medical and security crisis that already included Ebola, cholera, and factional violence that makes it difficult for doctors to treat any of the deadly diseases
Border Patrol Seizes ‘Enough Fentanyl to Kill 4M Americans’ in California
17.4 pounds of the deadly drug fentanyl has been seized by U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers after a vehicle inspection earlier this week in California.
Oman papers ignore Netanyahu-Omani FM meeting: 5 things to know from past week
Jordanian columnist defends kingdom’s participation in Warsaw summit; ex-PA minister laments Israeli Arab party disunity; former PA official says Hamas-Fatah detente stuck
Netanyahu tells Pence he is ‘looking forward to peace plan’ |
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US Vice President Mike Pence met in Warsaw Thursday, where the Israeli leader said he was eager to learn details of the Trump administration’s peace plan for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Five Republicans join Democrats for useless gun control
..If the point of the bill is to stop criminal acts of gun violence, it’s largely useless. If the point, however, is to erode Second Amendment rights under a cloak of halting gun violence — well then, we have a winner.
Russia Makes Preparations To ‘Cut Off’ Its Internet From the Entire World
Russia is testing its technological independence by developing plans to disconnect its internet from the rest of the planet, according to reports.
Mueller Has Replaced Clinton As America’s #1 Threat-Can FEMA Camps Be Far Behind?
…my family is having discussions about possibly leaving the country. The topic centers around the radical proposals from the women of tyranny in the Democratic Party, namely, Elizabeth Warren (the government will own your business when I am President), Ocasio Cortez (there will be no businesses left when the (Gang-Green New Deal is implemented) and Kamala Haris (70% tax rates).
HUH? Arkansas Swears In All-Female ‘Boy Scout’ Troop
The Boy Scouts of America have become so “inclusive” that they have basically become the Girl Scouts.
Voters Oppose Democrats’ Stance on Abortion
An overwhelming majority of Americans support congressional action to protect children born alive through failed abortions and oppose efforts to expand late-term abortions.
Is it really legitimate to talk about legitimacy?
There was a time when the world understood the need for a Jewish state; somehow, it’s now up for debate
Shocking Revelation: Putin Announces Implementing National ID Card by 2024
Is Putin joining the globalists? By 2024, he plans to issue a mandatory national ID card!
Democrats Express Openness To Federal Gun Registry
Democratic House Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries defended his party’s push for a universal background check bill Wednesday, claiming that any enforcement of the legislation — including federal firearm registration — will be left to the Department of Justice to decide.
2020 Dems Forced to Vote on Green New Deal, Go on Record for AOC’s Socialism
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has announced that the Senate will vote on Green New Deal, forcing Democratic 2020 hopefuls to officially go on the record regarding Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s radical socialism plan.
1.4 Million Households No Longer Need Food Stamps Under Trump, Report
Over 1.4 million American households have stopped using food stamps since President Donald Trump’s first full month in office in February 2017, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has reported.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
16 Feb 2019
Published on: February 16, 2019 by RRadmin7
Vatican defrocks former US cardinal Theodore McCarrick over sex abuse
Pope Francis has defrocked former U.S. Cardinal Theodore McCarrick after Vatican officials found him guilty of soliciting for sex while hearing Confession and sexual crimes against minors and adults, the Holy See said Saturday.
The scandal swirling around McCarrick was even more ****ing to the church’s reputation in the eyes of the faithful because it apparently was an open secret that he slept with adult seminarians.
Turkey,Russia, Iran increasingly challenge US during Syria discussions
The Presidents of Turkey, Iran and Russia gathered in Sochi at the end of last week to discuss the situation in Syria. It is the latest of several important and high profile gatherings of these countries to seek a way to end the Syrian conflict and also to increase their coordination on regional issues. This is a direct challenge to US power in the Middle East…
Gene-edited animal plan to relieve poverty in Africa
A researcher in Edinburgh is leading efforts to develop gene-edited farm animals for poor farmers in Africa. Prof Appolinaire Djikeng is developing cows, pigs and chickens that are resistant to diseases and more productive. Among them are cattle that have been gene edited to be heat-resistant.
Abdul Fattah al-Sisi: Egyptian president may rule until 2034
Egypt’s parliament has overwhelmingly voted to approve draft constitutional changes that could extend President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi’s time in office by another 12 years. Mr Sisi is due to stand down in 2022 when his second four-year term ends. But 485 of the country’s 596 lawmakers voted on Thursday to lengthen presidential terms to six years and let Mr al-Sisi serve another two.
Trump declares national emergency to get border wall funding
President Donald Trump capped months of political drama Friday, announcing he’s signing a bill to fund the government, avoiding another government shutdown, while also taking the extraordinary action of declaring a national emergency to secure additional money for his proposed border wall that congressional Democrats refused to give him. “I am going to be signing a national emergency,” Trump said.
Chinese State Media Warns of Impending ‘High-Tech Cold War’ Fueled by A.I. Competition
U.S President Donald Trump’s executive order instructing the American government this week to prioritize the development of artificial intelligence (AI) could trigger a “new high-technology Cold War” between the United States and China, the Beijing-run Global Times cautioned on Tuesday.
Israeli officer lightly hurt by explosive device on Gaza border
An Israeli officer was lightly wounded after an explosive device had been hurled at him during violent clashes that erupted along the Gaza border as some 11,000 Palestinians took part in a weekly demonstration on Friday evening… At least 20 Palestinians are reported to have also been wounded by IDF fire, according to the medical sources in Gaza.
Iran asks Pakistan to move against attackers, warns Saudi
Iran urged neighbouring Pakistan on Saturday to crack down on militants who killed 27 of its Revolutionary Guards…or expect military action by Tehran “to punish the terrorists”…Revolutionary Guards commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari also warned Iran’s regional rival Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that they could face “retaliatory measures” for supporting militant Sunni groups…
Pro-Abort Grandmas in Maine Form Group to Promote Aborting Grandkids
A group of grandmothers in Maine is causing quite a stir for a little group they’ve formed “GRR!” which advocates for their children and grandchildren to have the right to abort any further progeny.
Judicial Watch uncovers ‘chart’ of Hillary’s potential violations
Government watchdog Judicial Watch revealed Friday it has obtained another 186 pages of documentation from the Justice Department regarding Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, and they show evidence of a cover-up of an FBI chart of possible violations by her.
Gunman kills 5 people, wounds 5 police at Illinois factory
An employee of a manufacturing company opened fire at its suburban Chicago plant Friday, killing five people and wounding five police officers before he was fatally shot, police said.
India Blames Pakistan for Terror Attack, Vows ‘Jaw-Breaking Reply’
India accused its fellow nuclear power Pakistan of being behind a terrorist suicide bomb attack in Kashmir that killed at least 44 Indian security officers on Thursday, reportedly marking the deadliest attack in the disputed region in decades.
France Investigates Pope’s Ambassador for Homosexual Assault
The Paris public prosecutor has opened an investigation into charges that the Vatican nuncio to France, Archbishop Luigi Ventura, repeatedly molested a junior mayoral aide sexually during a speech last month.
Russians Told To “Prepare For Worst Outcome” As US Prepares New Sanctions
“We need to prepare for the very worst of situation”
Hillsong Church Affirms Full Pro-LGBTQ Position As They Hold Their One World Religion Alpha Conference Featuring A Roman Catholic Mass
Hillsong Church has millions of followers who have made their Laodicean church corporation wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. Over the past few years, Hillsong has gone from a mildly worldly group that won Grammy awards, to a full-blown snakepit of apostasy and heretical teachings.
Jon Voight Fiercely Defends His Film ‘Roe V. Wade’
In an exclusive interview with The Daily Mail, Oscar winner Jon Voight fiercely defended his new film, “Roe v. Wade,” which has triggered ferocious backlash from pro-abortion advocates.
CULTURE OF DEATH: Illinois Democrats Move To Lift Ban On Partial Birth Abortion
The newly elected, Governor JB Pritzker, has promised to make Illinois the abortion capital of the world, and he’s making good on his word.
House Judiciary Committee Probes Trump National Emergency After Contradictory Statement
“By the president’s very own admission in the Rose Garden, there is no national emergency.”
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
17 Feb 2019
Published on: February 17, 2019 by RRadmin7
Iran’s foreign minister says risk of war with Israel is ‘great’
Iran’s foreign minister said on Sunday Israel was looking for war and the way Israel and the United States were acting made the prospect of war great. “Certainly, some people are looking for war … Israel,” Mohammad Javad Zarif said… “The risk is great and the risk will be even greater if you continue to turn a blind eye to severe violations of international law,” he said, pointing the finger at Israel and the United States.
Qatar: Palestinian issue core stumbling block to ties with Israel
The unresolved Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the main reason for Qatar and Israel having no diplomatic ties, Qatar’s Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani said… “The core issue of the relationship between Qatar and Israel is the Palestinian issue,” Al-Thani said. “As long as this is not resolved, there will always be a problem between us. This applies for all the Arab countries.”
Netanyahu warns Arab countries not to reject Trump peace plan – report
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Arab countries not to reject the Trump peace plan before it is presented…at last week’s conference in Warsaw… “We will wait to see what the plan will look like that will be presented after the Israeli elections,” Netanyahu said. “As you can imagine, that takes up a little bit of my time now. We await the presentation of that plan.
Pakistan rolls out red carpet for Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed
For a country running out of foreign reserves, facing a yawning current account deficit and fighting to secure its financial future, Pakistan is putting on quite a show for Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler – Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. And it’s easy to see why: Prime Minister Imran Khan needs money, and he needs it fast. MBS, as he’s known, is coming to town promising billions.
Yellow-vest protests: Macron condemns anti-Semitic abuse
French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned anti-Semitic abuse directed at a prominent intellectual by a group of “yellow vest” protesters in Paris. Police stepped in to protect the philosopher Alain Finkiel***** after he was bombarded with insults and anti-Jewish taunts in the French capital. President Macron said it was an “absolute negation” of what made France great and would not be tolerated.
China and Russia Team Up for Push to Split U.S. From NATO Allies
If China and the U.S. are in the midst of a divorce, Europeans look increasingly like the children. That was the impression given by a series of back-to-back appearances on Saturday, from U.S. President Mike Pence, Chinese politburo member Yang Jiechi, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Nasrallah: Israelis have no faith in IDF abilities
Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah on Saturday boasted that the terror organization is capable of infiltrating northern Israel, even as Israelis are uncertain that their army can protect them. “They (Israelis) don’t trust their army, but we trust our resistance,” he said… “They are certain that the resistance can enter the Galilee but they are uncertain that their army is capable of entering Lebanon, and this is a great transformation.”
Get set for ‘super snow moon,’ the biggest supermoon of the year
Skygazers will be treated to the “super snow moon,” on Feb. 19, the largest supermoon of 2019.
Trudeau government uses official @Canada twitter account to promote drag queen
Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government used its official @Canada Twitter account Saturday to promote a Canadian drag queen.
Kentucky Senate Committee Passes Bill to Ban Abortions After Baby’s Heartbeat Begins
A Kentucky Senate committee approved a bill Thursday to ban abortions once an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable after hearing the heartbeat of a baby in its mother’s womb.
Potential privacy lapse found in Americans’ 2010 census data
An internal team at the Census Bureau found that basic personal information collected from more than 100 million Americans during the 2010 head count could be reconstructed from obscured data, but with lots of mistakes, a top agency official disclosed Saturday.
New Jersey leaders near deal to legalize marijuana, tax sales by weight: Reports
Marijuana legalization in New Jersey is nearer than ever as the result of a broad agreement tentatively reached among leading state Democrats, local outlets reported Friday.
Report: Mexican Authorities Relocate Caravan Riders Staying Near The U.S. Border
Mexican officials on Friday disbanded roughly 1,400 caravan riders currently standing in the border city of Piedras Negras, along the Texas border. The decision was made after the asylum seekers rioted earlier in the week,
Cardinal Theodore McCarrick defrocked by Pope Francis
Pope Francis has defrocked former U.S. Cardinal Theodore McCarrick after Vatican officials found him guilty of soliciting for sex while hearing Confession and sexual crimes against minors and adults, the Holy See said Saturday.
In gun-controlled Mexico, the murder rate is nearly 500% HIGHER than in the USA
As U.S. border agents crack down on organized crime, drugs, and human trafficking at the southern border, the Mexican government has no choice but to deal with and pay for the crime that their country fosters. Mexico’s homicide figure for 2018 was 33,341 — far surpassing the 2017 tally of 29,168. Violence is rising in Mexico as the country absorbs their own crime problem, deflected back to them due to assertive border policies enforced by ICE and U.S. President Donald Trump.
The COSMIC truth: Ten revelations that prove Democrats are DEMON-infested creatures pretending to be human
When you interact with top-level Democrats, never make the mistake of thinking you’re dealing with human beings. The cosmic truth of the matter is that high-level “DEMONcrats” are quite literally demon-infested creatures who are pretending to be human.
This Man Is the Only Thing Standing Between You and Total Enslavement
This man is the only thing standing between you and total tyranny from the left. He stand between you and FEMA camps. He stand between you and the loss of your rights and even your life. Perhaps we should all stand up and support this President as he risks everything for us.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
18 Feb 2019
Published on: February 18, 2019 by RRadmin7
Machines Simulate Speedy Learning
Researchers at Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have developed a platform able to speed up the learning process of artificial intelligence (AI) systems 1,000 times over.
A canyon-shaped hole in the sun’s atmosphere is facing Earth and spewing solar wind in our direction. Estimated time of arrival: Feb. 19th or 20th. G1-class geomagnetic storms and Arctic auroras are possible when the gaseous material makes contact with our planet’s magnetic field.
Papua New Guinea earthquake: Huge 6.4 tremor hits Pacific island
An earthquake measured at 6.4 has struck Papua New Guinea in the southwestern Pacific. A tsunami warning is currently in effect for the surrounding area. The earthquake struck at a depth of 367.93km, 47km north west of the town of Namatanai at 2.35pm UTC.
Warsaw Summit winners and losers
Last week’s Warsaw Summit was a not-so-successful attempt by the United States to form a broad international coalition to support the Trump administration’s Middle East policies. In order that the conference not be a complete failure, the Trump administration decided to add the goal of consolidating political and economic support for the “deal of the century” to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This goal is in line with the conference’s stated goal of stabilizing the Middle East and it gave Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt (the ones behind the scheme) an opportunity to enlist the moderate Arab states in support of the deal. On the other hand, the conference did indicate a strong likelihood for the formation of an Arab NATO alliance of sorts that would include the Gulf states, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia.
Catholic Church credibility on the line at abuse meeting
The Vatican will gather senior bishops from around the world later this week for a conference on sex abuse designed to guide them on how best to tackle a problem that has decimated the Church’s credibility, but critics say it is too little, too late. “The fact that this still exists in 2019, that there is still awareness-raising that has to be done (among bishops) is a measure of what a low priority this has truly been for the Vatican,” said Anne Barrett-Doyle of the U.S.-based abuse tracking group
In Off-Record Conference Call Trump Labeled Late-Term Abortions “Execution”
President Trump held a conference call with 4,500 participants on Thursday in which he reportedly referred to late-term abortions as “execution.”
Iranian FM: Risk of war with Israel is great
Zarif had on Saturday Iran rejected US Vice President Mike Pence’s remarks accusing the Islamic Republic of anti-Semitism akin to the Nazis, calling them “laughable” and insisting that Iran was “just against Zionists.”
Palestinians, Jordanians expand alliance to torpedo Trump’s peace plan
The Palestinians and the Jordanians have set up a joint council for the administration of the Temple Mount and other Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem in an effort to preemptively torpedo the advancement of US President Donald Trump’s regional peace plan. Yoni Ben-Menachem…told the Hebrew daily that the move constitutes “a violation of the Oslo agreement and seriously harms Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem.”
Pulwama attack: Four Indian soldiers killed in Kashmir gun battle
Four soldiers have been killed in Indian-administered Kashmir in a gun battle with militants, police say. The clash occurred in Pulwama district, where more than 40 Indian paramilitary police were killed in a suicide attack on Thursday, raising tensions between nuclear-armed India and Pakistan. A civilian and two alleged militants were also killed as Indian troops searched for suspects.
FBI plotting to keep DNA of ENTIRE population on file to create ‘nation of suspects’
President Donald Trump has signed the Rapid DNA Act into law which means the police can routinely take DNA samples from people who are arrested but not yet convicted of a crime. The law, which was signed in 2017 and comes into effect this year, will require several states to connect Rapid DNA machines to Codis – the national DNA database controlled by the FBI.
EUROPEAN CHAOS: Men Can Be Mothers in UK, While French Schools Erase Terms ‘Father,’ ‘Mother’
A UK government lawyer has said that “mother” is no longer a gender specific term preserved only for women. The comments were made during a High Court hearing where a ‘transgender’ man born a woman gave birth to a child and is seeking to be named the father, rendering the baby legally motherless, reports The Telegraph.
Temple Mount Prophecy Taking Place Precisely on Schedule in Israel
Christians, Jews, and Muslims have been battling over mountaintop land in Jerusalem for centuries. Recent attempts at a rational, politically negotiated solution have all ended badly. Perhaps what politicians should do is reference prophetic sources which describe in great detail the end-of-days Temple Mount agenda for all concerned.
A medical breakthrough from Israel can effectively cure cancer, the deadly disease that kills millions of people around the world every year.
FLASHBACK: Australia PM’s adviser says climate change is ‘UN-led ruse to establish new world order’ – do you agree?
Tony Abbott’s business adviser says global warming a fallacy supported by United Nations to ‘create a new authoritarian world order under its control’
Let’s Declare Maxine Waters and Democrats crazy and other left-wing agitators have planned demonstrations across the U.S. for Presidents Day in response to Donald Trump’s decision to declare a national emergency for border wall funding.
Ilhan Omar’s District Is ‘Terrorist Recruitment Capital Of The US,’ Report Says
Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District, represented by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D), is the terrorist recruitment capitol of the United States, according to FBI statistics.
DNA access to police solves cases, raises ethical questions
A woman researching her ancestry submitted her DNA to a genealogy website — and ended up leading police to her half brother, who left his DNA at a crime scene decades ago.
Washington Post Columnist: Christians Like Mike Pence Are Bigots for Not Supporting Homosexuality
According to Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen, Christians who believe that homosexuality is a sin are no different from those who have or still do, support segregation.
How Minneapolis’ Somali Muslim community became the jihad terrorist recruitment capital of the US
Third World jihad savages embedded in America, and now, through stealth jihad, they are bringing their hatred and bigotry into the hallowed halls of Congress. I wonder: if there had been Nazi/German-American Bund members of Congress during World War II, would the Democrats have lauded and rewarded them with coveted committee positions?
Trump Demands Europe ‘Takes Back’ and Jails 800 Captured ISIS Fighters
US President Donald Trump has demanded that European allies – the UK, France, and Germany – must “take back” and jail up to 800 ISIS fighter captured in Syria by the United States.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
19 Feb 2019
Published on: February 19, 2019 by RRadmin7
Racing toward Armageddon
“Oh, give me a break! I’ve heard that before! They’ve been saying forever that Jesus is coming back, and nothing has really changed.” Actually, a lot of things have changed. I believe we’re living in the last days. It’s as though everything has been sped up, moving rapidly toward what the Bible calls the end of days or the last days. Jesus compared it to labor pains: The closer to the moment of delivery, the closer together the labor pains will be.
‘Ilhan Omar is waging an unholy war against the Jewish people’
Evangelical Christian leader launches campaign to demand Congresswoman Omar’s resignation over anti-Semitism. “The Jews don’t stand alone.” “Ilhan Omar is waging an unholy war against the Jewish people from Congress. She is about to learn that the Jewish people don’t stand alone, millions of people of faith and conscience stand with the Jewish people. We will neither sleep nor slumber as she uses the heart of American democracy and freedom to defame God’s chosen people and God’s chosen land.”
Netanyahu on eve of U.S. peace plan rollout: ‘Our ties stronger than ever’
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a cabinet meeting on Sunday Israel’s relationship with the U.S. is at its apex. Netanyahu’s comments come some two months before the US is expected, at long last, to roll out its Middle East peace blueprint – after the April 9 election. Netanyahu met US Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo last week at the Middle East summit in Warsaw. He said that the conference marked a “historic change” which held a great deal of significance for Israel.
U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein to step down in March – official
Rod Rosenstein, the U.S. deputy attorney general who appointed special counsel Robert Mueller to investigate possible ties between Russia and President Donald Trump’s campaign, is expected to step down by mid March, a Justice Department official said on Monday.
Scientists Baffled by New Phenomenon: Explosions of Light in Cloudless Skies
The Research Institute of Nuclear Physics at the Russian State University reported that an ultraviolet telescope mounted on the Lomonosov MVL-300 satellite registered unexplained “explosions” in the upper atmosphere. “With the help of the telescope, we have obtained even more important results than we expected,” Mikhail Panasyuk told Sputnik News. “It looks like we have encountered new physical phenomena… We do not yet know their physical nature…
Sea of Galilee’s waterline expected to rise above lower red line
The water level in the Sea of Galilee, or Kinneret, is expected to climb above the freshwater lake’s lower red line for the first time in two years, at which point pumping will no longer face government restrictions.
US, North Korea considering exchanging liaison officers
The US and North Korea are seriously considering exchanging liaison officers, an incremental step towards building formal diplomatic relations, two sources with knowledge of the discussions told CNN on Monday.
Supreme Court candidate blasted for being Christian
Brian Hagedorn, a current Wisconsin Court of Appeals judge and a former legal counsel for Gov. Scott Walker, said at the time he was considering a run for the top court that he “expected to be attacked here, because that’s what’s happening all across the country,”
‘TREASON’: Rep. Chris Stewart Lambastes Andrew McCabe For Push To Oust Trump
Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT) appeared on Fox News following the bombshell report and laid into McCabe for engaging in actions that the congressman likened to a “coup” and to attempted “treason.” “What I think we have to ask ourselves, is: How in the world was this man the Acting Director of the FBI when he exercised this kind of judgment?” said the GOP rep. “An individual who seriously said, we should implement the 25th Amendment, which is essentially a coup. I mean, it’s essentially treason to say, we’re gonna remove this president — based on what? Based on nothing,”
Boeing wins US$43 million contract to build four Orca robotic super subs
The US Navy has awarded Boeing a US$43 million contract to build four of its Orca Extra Large Unmanned Undersea Vehicles (XLUUVs) and support gear. Built in partnership with Huntington Ingalls Industries, the 51-ft (15.5 m) long unmanned submarines will operate in blue water environments thanks to autonomous navigation systems and a fuel module providing a range of 6,500 nm (7,480 mi / 12,038 km).
Hungary to establish trade office in Jerusalem
Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced Tuesday that his country will set up a trade delegation with “diplomatic status” in Jerusalem. The announcement followed an hour-long meeting he had with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu, at a photo opportunity with Oban, referred to the trade office as an “extension” of the Hungarian embassy in Jerusalem.
Palestinians say Israel ‘playing with fire’ by closing Temple Mount gate
The Palestinian Authority on Monday warned that Israel was “playing with fire” after clashes erupted at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem over the closure of the Golden Gate site – also known as the Gate of Mercy – to Muslim worshipers. The PA also accused Israel of “waging war on Islam” and called on the intervention of the international community.
Pulwama attack: Pakistan warns India against military action
Pakistan has warned it will retaliate if India takes military action against it after a militant attack on Indian forces in Indian-administered Kashmir. Prime Minister Imran Khan went on television to call on India to provide evidence to support its claims that Pakistan was involved. More than 40 members of India’s security forces died in Thursday’s suicide bombing on their convoy.
Trump urges Venezuelan military: ‘Set your country free’
US President Donald Trump has appealed directly to the Venezuelan military to abandon their support for President Nicolás Maduro. In a speech in Miami, the president warned “the eyes of the entire world” were on those propping him up. Mr Trump said those who continued to back Mr Maduro’s government were risking their own futures and lives.
Anti-Semitic Attacks Fuel Continuing Rise in Hate Crimes in New York
One video showed a 51-year-old Jewish man being beaten to the ground by three young men, who seemed to select him at random. Another showed an Orthodox Jewish man being chased across the street by a man wielding a tree branch. A third showed an Orthodox Jewish man hanging on to a fence as an assailant jumped and choked him.
Global Slowdown Leaves Growth Weakest Since Financial Crisis
The global economy’s loss of momentum has left expansion now looking like its weakest since the global financial crisis, a development that’s already sparked a dramatic shift among central banks. A UBS model suggests world growth slowed to a 2.1 percent annualized pace at the end of 2018, which it says would be the weakest since 2008-2009.
Waqf demand leads to fears of fresh Temple Mount clashes
A year and a half after the crisis over using metal detectors at the Temple Mount compound, new tensions are developing at the Jerusalem site holy to Jews and Muslims, which threaten to erupt into violence. In recent days, the Waqf…has been trying to reopen a small compound in the eastern part of the Mount, on the inner side of the Golden Gate entrance.
Ahead of Saudi visit, China seeks ‘deeper trust’ with Iran
China wants to deepen “strategic trust” with Iran, the Chinese government’s top diplomat told Iran’s foreign minister on Tuesday, days before Saudi Arabia’s crown prince visits Beijing, underscoring China’s difficult Middle East balancing act. China has traditionally played little role in Middle East conflicts or diplomacy, despite its reliance on the region for oil, but it has been trying to raise its profile, especially in the Arab world.
New round of U.S.-China trade talks to begin in Washington on Tuesday
new round of talks between the United States and China to resolve their trade war will take place in Washington on Tuesday, with follow-up sessions at a higher level later in the week, the White House said. The talks follow a round of negotiations that ended in Beijing last week without a deal but which officials said had generated progress on contentious issues between the world’s two largest economies.
Islamic State steps up guerrilla attacks in Syria: SDF
Islamic State has stepped up guerrilla attacks against U.S.-backed fighters in eastern Syria, pointing to the threat the jihadists will pose even after they lose their last enclave there… The U.S.-backed SDF is on the brink of defeating Islamic State (IS) in its last pocket in eastern Syria, the village of Baghouz, where it estimates a few hundred Islamic State fighters and about 2,000 civilians are under siege.
Blain: “My Recent US Trip Was An Eye-Opener – Poverty Has Never Been So Visible On The Street”
“Why should a rich man pay to make the poor comfortable? Because, if you don’t… eventually they will eat you. Simple as – it’s the cost of membership.”
China hearing gospel via Africa; church growing amid brutal persecution
As the Chinese economically invest in and build infrastructure in Africa, Africans are evangelizing the Chinese.
YouTube Facilitates Softcore Child Porn Exploitation Network, Says Content Creator
}A YouTube content creator is accusing the video platform of facilitating a soft-core child porn exploitation network right out in the open.
Massive IDF Drill ‘Simulates Conditions of All-Out War with Hezbollah’ in Lebanon
The Israeli army underwent a massive simulation within the past week to train troops for combat missions in conditions similar to those in Lebanon, announced the Israel Defense Forces on Friday.
French schools to change ‘mother & father’ to ‘parent 1 and 2’ under new law, which appeases LGBT community
A prominent psychiatrist, at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Paul R McHugh, claims that transgender individuals suffer from a form of mental illness and that Gender Reassignment is “biologically impossible.”
Johns Hopkins Chief Psychiatrist: Transgender Is A ‘Mental Disorder’
A prominent psychiatrist, at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Paul R McHugh, claims that transgender individuals suffer from a form of mental illness and that Gender Reassignment is “biologically impossible.”
Barna Group Shock Poll Reveals That 47% Of All Christian Millennials Believe That Witnessing The Gospel And Evangelizing Is Wrong
The command of our apostle Paul, rightly divided and dispensationally correct, is that all born again Christian are to preach, teach and otherwise share the gospel of the grace of God with as many people as is humanly possible. It is a theme and a subject he touches on over, and over and over again. However, your average Laodicean end times church spends precious little time on the doctrines that Jesus and the Holy Spirit gave to Paul during those three and a half years of his “christian college” education in the Damascus wilderness.
Islamic State fighters besieged in Syria refuse to surrender, ask for an exit
More than 300 Islamic State fighters surrounded in a tiny area in eastern Syria are refusing to surrender to US-backed Syrian forces and are trying to negotiate an exit, Syrian activists and a person close to the negotiations said Monday.
Rouhani: US sanctions are ‘economic war’ on Iran
Iran’s president on Monday described the US sanctions imposed on Iran as an “economic war,” which he characterized as “more difficult than military war.”
India Weighs Military Strikes In Kashmir After Deadliest Terror Attack In 30 Years
Tensions are once again rising along South Asia’s most volatile border region…
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Landmark research creates “universal” stem cells using CRISPR gene editing
In an incredible milestone, scientists have for the first time created “universal” stem cells by using CRISPR gene-editing technology to produce pluripotent stem cells that can be transplanted into any patient without generating an immune system response. Pluripotent stem cells are those incredible cells that have the ability to become any kind of cell that the body needs.
Buckle up and hunker down: Coast-to-coast storm to bring weather misery to 200 million
A powerful storm that began its journey Sunday in California will roar across the country over the next two to three days, spreading heavy snow, torrential rain and crippling ice to more than 200 million Americans. That’s about 60 percent of the population, AccuWeather said. “Parts of 39 of the 48 contiguous United States will be touched by the massive storm, including every state east of the Mississippi River,”
‘Spill all of their blood’: Woman who called for terror attacks at Memorial Day parades begging to return to US
Hoda Muthana, 24, left Hoover, Alabama in 2014, in order to join ISIS in Syria, where she would later call for US Muslims to ‘spill all of the blood’ by launching terror attacks during Memorial Day events. Now, having lost two of her three jihadi fighter husbands and living in a squalid refugee camp, she claims to have been brainwashed and made a ‘big mistake’ when she travelled to Syria.
Judicial Watch Sues for Coup Documents
Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for all records of communication of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the Office of the Attorney General Jeff Sessions, or the Office of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein discussing the 25th Amendment or presidential fitness. Additionally, the lawsuit seeks all recordings made by any official in the Office of the Attorney General or Deputy Attorney General of meetings in the Executive Office of the President or Vice President. The suit was filed after the Justice Department failed to respond to three separate FOIA requests dated September 21, 2018 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:19-cv-00388)). The lawsuit seeks all written and audio/visual records of any FBI/DOJ discussions regarding the 25th Amendment and plans to secretly record President Trump in the Oval Office.
The President of the United States of America Has Confirmed a Coup Attempt Against the Presidency
President Donald Trump agreed that alleged discussions of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein invoking the 25th Amendment in the days after the firing of former FBI Director James Comey constituted an illegal coup attempt in a Monday morning tweet. “The biggest abuse of power and corruption scandal in our history, and it’s much worse than we thought. Andrew McCabe (FBI) admitted to plotting a coup (government overthrow) when he was serving in the FBI, before he was fired for lying & leaking.” @seanhannity @FoxNews Treason!
Air Force Under Secretary tells Vance airmen to prepare for new conflicts
Under Secretary of the Air Force Matthew Donovan told airmen at Vance Air Force Base to prepare themselves for a new era of superpower competition similar to the Cold War, during a graduation address at the base on Friday. Donovan told the graduates Friday they should expect a world that looks “eerily similar” to the one he faced when he graduated. “As I sat in my graduation seat, the threat of Soviet power was never more real, and we would continue to face the Warsaw Pact for another eight years,” Donovan said.
‘Irritated’ by Russia, Navy Admiral sends US destroyer to Black Sea in support of Ukraine
Adm. James Foggo, Commander of U.S. Naval Forces in Europe, ordered the guided-missile destroyer USS Donald Cook to join Ukraine for exercises in the Black Sea as they anticipate another attack from Russia, the Washington Examiner reported Tuesday.
Earthquake reveals mountain ranges ‘bigger then Everest’ buried in Earth
Unearthed due to one of the biggest earthquakes on record, geologists from Princeton University have discovered massive mountain ranges some 660km deep beneath Earth’s crust in mysterious inner region known as the mantle. Instead of a peak sticking out with free space above, the rocky landscape grate up against other layers of rock. According to the researchers, these hidden mountains are unlike anything on earth. “It’s hard to compare them to the mountains we see at the surface. This is a solid-solid boundary, with solid above and solid below,” lead scientist Jessica Irving told The Sun. “They could be as big as Everest, and maybe even bigger.”
Netanyahu postpones trip to Moscow, new date to be set soon
The planned meeting in Moscow on Thursday between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss the situation in Syria has been postponed, the Prime Minister’s Office announced on Wednesday morning. No reason for the postponement was given, though it led to speculation that it had to do with the political situation in Israel and Thursday’s deadline for party mergers.
Putin: We’ll target USA if Washington deploys missiles in Europe
Russia will respond to any US deployment of short or intermediate-range nuclear weapons in Europe by targeting not only the countries where they are stationed, but the United States itself, President Vladimir Putin said… In his toughest remarks yet…Putin said Russia was not seeking confrontation and would not take the first step to deploy missiles in response to Washington’s decision this month to quit a landmark Cold War-era arms control treaty.
Israel unveils Rafael’s new advanced bunker buster missile, ‘Rocks’
With tensions still high between Israel and Iran a new air-to-surface long-range missile designed for to destroy targets deep underground in heavily defended areas has been developed by Israeli defense giant Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. Dubbed “Rocks,” the innovative missile is being presented this week for the first time at the Aero India Air Show in Bangalore, India.
Ukraine mall displays Nazi swastika on staircase
A shopping mall in Ukraine that is located on a street named for a collaborator with the Nazis decorated a staircase with a large swastika. Images and footage from inside the Horodok shopping mall on Kiev’s Bandera Avenue surfaced Monday on Facebook. They show shoppers climbing up and down the staircase, whose middle-section stairs feature a large swastika locked in a white rhombus encircled by red, similar to Nazi Germany’s flag.
Catholic cardinals urge end of ‘homosexual agenda’
Two prominent Roman Catholic Church cardinals have urged an end of what they call “the plague of the homosexual agenda”, telling bishops to break their complicity over cases of sexual abuse. In an open letter, Cardinals Burke and Brandmüller say the Church has wrongly blamed the abuse of power by clergy as the main cause of the scandals. Instead, they say the cases involve priests who have “gone away from the truth of the Gospel”.
House launches probe of US nuclear plan in Saudi Arabia
The US is rushing to transfer sensitive nuclear power technology to Saudi Arabia, according to a new congressional report. A Democratic-led House panel has launched an inquiry over concerns about the White House plan to build nuclear reactors across the kingdom. Whistleblowers told the panel it could destabilise the Middle East by boosting nuclear weapons proliferation.
Google admits error over hidden microphone
Google has acknowledged that it made an error in not disclosing that one of its home alarm products contained a microphone. Product specifications for the Nest Guard, available since 2017, had made no mention of the listening device. But earlier this month, the firm said a software update would make Nest Guard voice-controlled.
Cyber-thieves set sights on hijacking payment data
Thousands of websites are being hit by cyber-thieves who implant code to scoop up payment card numbers, research suggests. Security giant Symantec found more than 4,800 websites were being hit by these “form-jacking” attacks every month. High-profile victims of these attacks include airline BA and Ticketmaster.
Gory spirit festival lights up Cambodian capital
Spirit mediums in headdresses and lurid make-up, their cheeks pierced by needles and tongues cut by knives, led a striking procession Tuesday through the Cambodian capital to mark the end of Chinese New year. Hundreds of people poured through an alley for the colourful annual festival, known as the Hei Neak Ta, or the spirit parade. The procession mixes Chinese ritual and local folk traditions in a country where beliefs in the spirit world run deep.
You may soon have to give your DNA to the state and pay $250 for the privilege
Arizona could soon be one of the first states to maintain a massive statewide DNA database. And if the proposed legislation passes, many people — from parent school volunteers and teachers to real estate agents and foster parents — will have no choice but to give up their DNA. Under Senate Bill 1475…DNA must be collected from anyone who has to be fingerprinted by the state for a job, to volunteer in certain positions or…other reasons.
Palestinian president rejects tax money from Israel
The Palestinian Authority (PA) will no longer accept tax revenues collected on its behalf by Israel following its decision to trim the sum over the PA’s financial support of militants’ families, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said. The cash-strapped Palestinian Authority, an interim self-government body set up following the 1993 Oslo peace accords, has suffered a series of financial blows in the past year.
US Palestinian mission to merge with Israeli embassy next month
The United States Consulate General in Jerusalem, which serves Palestinians, will be absorbed into the new US Embassy to Israel in March, a US official said on Tuesday, giving a date for a merger that has been condemned by Palestinians. The decision to create a single diplomatic mission was announced last October by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who did not say at the time when this would take place.
Waqf demand leads to fears of fresh Temple Mount clashes
A year and a half after the crisis over using metal detectors at the Temple Mount compound, new tensions are developing at the Jerusalem site holy to Jews and Muslims, which threaten to erupt into violence. In recent days, the Waqf —the Islamic trust tasked with maintaining the Muslim structures at the site — has been trying to reopen a small compound in the eastern part of the Mount, on the inner side of the Golden Gate entrance.
Planned Parenthood kept aborted babies alive to harvest organs, ex-technician says
In an undercover video released Wednesday, a former technician for a tissue-harvesting company details how an aborted baby was kept alive so that its heart could be harvested at a California Planned Parenthood facility, raising more legal questions about the group’s practices.
Praising God at Hell’s Gate: Pastor Starts a Church at Planned Parenthood to Fight Abortion
When Pastor Ken Peters of Spokane, Washington, says he believes the church is the the greatest hope to end abortion, he means it. That is why he decided to bring the church to where it was most necessary: to the very front door of a Planned Parenthood facility. Called “The Church at Planned Parenthood,” the church plant, or new congregation of an already-established church, gathers once a month to pray and worship God right outside the facility’s doors.
Israeli-made goggles give surgeons X-ray vision
The headset by Israel-based Augmedics projects X ray-like 3D visualization of the patient in real time, allowing surgeons to “see” through the patient’s skin, muscle tissue, and bone.
Abortionist Calls Himself a “Christian Abortion Doctor” Who “Does the Lord’s Work”
Abortion, in and of itself, is a moral horror. But for abortion activists to claim the name of Jesus Christ in order to justify killing unborn children, that crosses over into new territory. I’m not talking about the moral gymnastics of equivocation employed by so many Christian progressives to justify abortion in extreme cases, as wrong and harmful as that is. I’m talking about Christians actually celebrating and promoting abortion as God’s work. For instance, those mainline Protestant priests and pastors who pray God’s blessing over abortion clinics. That’s just blasphemy.
CDC: Zombie Virus Spreading in US, Humans Could be Infected
The Center for Disease Control has issued a warning about a deadly disease that is spreading across the United States. Chronic Wasting Disease, also known as ‘zombie deer disease,’ is an illness that infects the brain, spine, and tissue of elk, moose and deer.
Mystery: ‘Light explosions’ detected in clear skies
A new phenomenon – light explosions in the sky – has attracted the attention of scientists as well as a rabbi who notes that lights in the “heaven” are “one of the signs the Messiah is imminent.”
Bernie Sanders Calls For Complete Socialism Saying It Is Time To ‘Finish The Revolution’ Of His Radical Progressive Agenda To Change America
When I was in school back in the 1970’s, they taught us about Socialism in history class. It was presented to us as an inherent form of evil tyranny, akin to it’s older brother of Communism, and something that was to be avoided at all costs. Socialism, we were told, was a precursor to the collapse of a formerly free nation as it slid down into despotism. In 2019, things have radically changed for the worse.
After blaming Israel, Iran says Pakistani carried out suicide attack on troops
The suicide bomber that carried out last week’s attack that killed 27 members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards was a Pakistan national, the force’s Sepah news agency reported on Tuesday.
Vatican has a secret process to deal with priests that father children
The Vatican has an established process to deal with priests who father children, a Holy See spokesperson confirmed to The New York Times on Monday.
Kansas Lawmakers Introduce Bills to Censor Internet Pornography
State lawmakers in Kansas recently introduced two bills that would effectively censor pornography in the state by requiring computers and smartphones sold in the state to have porn filters installed.
6 Illegal Immigrants Arrested in NC Running Major Drug Trafficking Operation
Six Mexican cartel-tied illegal immigrants were arrested in North Carolina for running a major cross-border drug trafficking operation, according to reports.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
21 Feb 2019
Published on: February 21, 2019 by RRadmin9
Russia completes testing of ‘Poseidon’ thermonuclear torpedo
The 24 m long UUV armed with a nuclear warhead is designed to navigate autonomously with a maximum speed of 107 kt and detonate near an enemy coastal city, generating a tsunami wave, Russian state media reported.
Mystic Roots: Why does the U.S. President Trump Eat a Lot of Red Meat and Drink Coca Cola?
“The same people who cheered him on a few years ago are precisely the people who are most against him today. When Trump arose and made clear that he was going to be for Israel, to help the Moshiach come into the world, that caused a huge turmoil in the world specifically among his former friends,” Rabbi Fish explained. “He is, after all, just a president who will be gone in a few years. But people who fear the Moshiach went into a panic. They can tell that the day of reckoning is very near.”
First human gene therapy surgery attempts to halt common form of vision loss
“When the virus opens up inside the retinal cell it releases the DNA of the gene we have cloned, and the cell starts making a protein that we think can modify the disease, correcting the imbalance of the inflammation caused by the complement system.” The therapy involves surgically detaching the retina and directly delivering the viral solution to the back of the eye. This targeted approach ensures the treatment is contained to a single point, while the virus is also engineered to only infect specific retinal cells.
Concerned with Closer Turkish-Russian Ties, Trump Blocks F-35 Sale
U.S. President Donald Trump signed appropriations legislation late last week that blocks the sale of F-35 fighter jets to Turkey. The transfer of these fighter planes to Ankara will not proceed until the U.S. Secretary of State and U.S. Secretary of Defense provide an update to Congress related to Turkey’s purchase of the S-400 missile-defense system from Russia. Turkey’s acquisition of the S-400 missile systems from Moscow could enable Turkey’s potential ejection from the F-35 program, in addition to purchasing other weapons such as Lockheed’s F-16 fighter, UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters and Boeing’s CH-47F Chinook helicopter. “We will not stand idly by while NATO allies purchase weapons from our adversaries,”
When hypocrisy becomes anti-Semitism
The anti-Semitic tweet by US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar about the Israeli lobby AIPAC buying politicians with money continues to stir up a storm. It is interesting that Israel bothers her more than Somalia, where she was born and whence she fled. A massacre has been going in the African nation for dozens of years, primarily in the name of jihad.
Trump Demands $2.5Bn Back For California’s High-Speed Rail Fail; Pulls $929Mn Grant
The US Department of Transportation (DOT) says it is exploring legal options to claw back $2.5 billion from California in federal funds which have already been spent on the ill-fated statewide high-speed rail system, according to the New York Times. The Trump administration is also canceling a $929 million grant which was allocated to the California High-Speed Rail Authority detailed in a letter from DOT, just one week after California Governor Newsom announced that the project had been derailed by cost overruns and numerous delays.
Utah hit by 5th minor earthquake in 5 days
The fifth minor earthquake in five days rattled Utah just after midnight Wednesday — this one a magnitude 4 about five miles southwest of Kanosh in Millard County. There were no reports on damage in the sparsely populated area.
Iran launches large-scale maritime war games in the Persian Gulf
Velayat-97 will see the participation of submarines, warships, helicopters and surveillance planes as well as missile launches from the naval vessels.
With tensions high between Israel and Iran, the Islamic Republic began an annual week-long naval war games in the Persian Gulf and strategic Strait of Hormuz.
Trump envoy to ‘Post’: Antisemitism at its worst since Holocaust
The Jewish people are facing the worst wave of antisemitism since the Holocaust, Elan Carr, the Trump administration’s new special envoy to combat antisemitism, told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday. Carr was appointed Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism earlier this month after the post had been vacant for two years since Donald Trump became president in 2016.
Bangladesh fire: Blaze kills dozens in Dhaka historic district
A fast-moving fire swept through a historic district of Bangladesh’s capital, Dhaka, killing at least 78 people, officials say. The blaze broke out at night in a residential building that had flammable material stored on the ground floor. Members of a bridal party are thought to be among the victims. It is not yet clear what started the fire.
Pope Francis: Concrete action needed against child abuse at Church
Pope Francis has said the world expects “concrete measures” to tackle child sexual abuse by priests and not only “simple and obvious condemnations”. At a summit to discuss the scandals that have rocked the Roman Catholic Church, he said “the cry of the little ones seeking justice” had to be heard. Details of sexual abuse have emerged across the world and the Church has been accused of covering up crimes.
Israel elections: Netanyahu challengers Gantz and Lapid join forces
Two of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s strongest challengers in April elections have announced a centrist alliance in a bid to defeat him. Ex-army chief Benny Gantz and centrist politician Yair Lapid agreed to rotate as prime minister if they win. Separately, Mr Netanyahu forged an alliance with several far-right parties to try to shore up votes.
Feds: Coast Guard lieutenant compiled hit list of lawmakers
A Coast Guard lieutenant who was arrested last week is a “domestic terrorist” who drafted an email discussing biological attacks and had what appeared to be a hit list that included prominent Democrats and media figures, prosecutors said in court papers. Christopher Paul Hasson is due to appear Thursday in federal court in Maryland after his arrest on gun and drug offenses, but prosecutors say those charges are the “proverbial tip of the iceberg.”
EU countries back copyright reforms aimed at Google, Facebook
European Union countries on Wednesday endorsed an overhaul of the bloc’s copyright rules which would force Google and Facebook Inc to pay publishers for news snippets and filter out copyright-protected content on YouTube or Instagram. A majority of EU diplomats agreed to the revamp while Finland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Poland refused to back the deal and two other EU countries abstained.
Putin to U.S.: I’m ready for another Cuban Missile crisis if you want one
President Vladimir Putin has said that Russia is militarily ready for a Cuban Missile-style crisis if the United States is foolish enough to want one and that his country currently has the edge when it comes to a first nuclear strike. The Cuban Missile Crisis erupted in 1962 when Moscow responded to a U.S. missile deployment in Turkey by sending ballistic missiles to Cuba, sparking a standoff that brought the world to the brink of nuclear war.
Scientists Release Controversial Genetically Modified Mosquitoes In High-Security Lab
Scientists have launched a major new phase in the testing of a controversial genetically modified organism: a mosquito designed to quickly spread a genetic mutation lethal to its own species, NPR has learned. For the first time, researchers have begun large-scale releases of the engineered insects, into a high-security laboratory in Terni, Italy.
US debt hits record under Trump, Republicans mum
More massive than the US economy, the national debt hit a new record of $22 trillion under President Donald Trump but Republicans who traditionally rail against debt and deficits have remained mum. The sum of borrowing to cover chronic deficits as well as growing interest payments, this mountain of debt already stood at $19.95 trillion when Trump entered the White House, reaching the equivalent of US GDP for the first time since World War II.
‘Xi cult’ app is China’s red hot hit
A propaganda app that puts China’s powerful President Xi Jinping in anyone’s pockets has become a hit in the country — with a helpful nudge from Communist Party officials. Millions have downloaded the app, which tracks the amount of time users spend browsing inspirational quotes from the Chinese leader and watching short videos of his speeches and travels.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
22 Feb 2019
Published on: February 22, 2019 by RRadmin7
US, China Trade Negotiators Rush To Strike A Deal Before Trump Tariffs Hit
“It can be said that we are now in the sprint phase, and both negotiating teams are working towards the goal of reaching an agreement within the deadline, but some problems are still quite complicated to resolve,”
Top FBI lawyer thought Hillary should be charged
Former FBI General Counsel James Baker originally believed Hillary Clinton should be charged for mishandling highly classified information, according to his testimony to Senate and House committees. Baker thought Clinton’s use of a private server to transmit classified information was “alarming” and “appalling,” reported investigative reporter Sara Carter. The FBI’s top lawyer believed the former secretary of state’s behavior was sufficient to obtain an indictment under the Espionage Act for mishandling sensitive government documents.
Strong earthquake shakes Ecuador
An earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale struck Ecuador early Friday afternoon. According to the US Geological Survey, the earthquake’s epicenter was registered as 140 miles southeast of Ambato, Ecuador. The quake, which occurred at 10:17a.m. local time, affected both Peru and Colombia, in addition to Ecuador.
Evangelical Christian Leader Demands Ilhan Omar’s Resignation Over Antisemitism
Laurie Cardoza-Moore, President of Proclaiming Justice to The Nations is launching a nationwide campaign to create enough pressure to demand Ilhan Omar’s immediate resignation from Congress. The move, which includes a petition called “The Million Signature March,” follows at least two separate occasions when Rep. Omar’s tweets have been interpreted as wildly antisemitic.
Report: Millennials Largely Uninterested in Israel
Approximately 4,000 people, between the ages of 14-52, were surveyed. Participants included residents of 12 countries, collectively, in North America, Western Europe, South America and Australia. The main finding revealed that as generations decrease in age, so does their interest in Israel as a subject.
Iran navy conducts “massive drill” in Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman
Iran has sent much of its navy to take part in a three-day drill across two million square kilometers of sea between the Straits of Hormuz and the Indian Ocean. Iranian media boasted that this was a major illustration of Tehran’s sea power. Missiles will be launched, reconnaissance drones, and submarines will take part, along with helicopters and frigates.
Israel’s first lunar spacecraft, Beresheet, blasts off – analysis
Space exploration for Israel could have come to a grinding halt in 2003, when the country’s first astronaut, Ilan Ramon, perished with his American colleagues in the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. It took years for the Israel space program to get back on track. But with this week’s launch of the SpaceIL lunar spacecraft, the sky is the limit.
Pulwama attack: India government must protect Kashmiris – top court
India’s top court has ordered the government to protect Kashmiri people from attacks in apparent retaliation for last week’s deadly bombing in Indian-administered Kashmir. There have been several reports of Kashmiri students and businessmen being harassed or beaten up in recent days. The Supreme Court has also sought a response from the states where these alleged incidents happened.
Australia seeks clarification on China coal import ‘block’
The Australian government says it is seeking an “urgent” clarification from Beijing over reports that a major Chinese port has halted imports of Australian coal. Australia is a top supplier of coal to China, its biggest export market. Beijing has not confirmed the reported halt in the port of Dalian, but called changes in such arrangements “normal”.
Venezuela crisis: Maduro closing border with Brazil
Venezuela’s embattled President Nicolás Maduro has ordered the closure of the border with Brazil amid a row over foreign humanitarian aid. The leftist leader went on TV to say he was also considering shutting the key border with Colombia to stop the opposition bringing in relief. He denies any crisis and calls the aid delivery plans a US-orchestrated show.
Syria war: US to leave 200 troops for peacekeeping after withdrawal
The US military will keep 200 troops in Syria to serve as a peacekeeping force after it pulls out most of its soldiers, the White House says. President Donald Trump has come under fierce criticism for his decision last December to withdraw 2,000 troops. He said the Islamic State group (IS) had been “defeated”, but critics warn the group has not disappeared entirely.
China’s CRISPR twins might have had their brains inadvertently enhanced
The brains of two genetically edited girls born in China last year may have been changed in ways that enhance cognition and memory, scientists say. The twins, called Lulu and Nana, reportedly had their genes modified before birth by a Chinese scientific team using the new editing tool CRISPR. The goal was to make the girls immune to infection by HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
US military conducts observation flight over Russia
The US military is conducting a surveillance flight over Russia as part of an international agreement, the Pentagon said Thursday. The flight falls under the Open Skies Treaty, an international accord aimed at promoting military transparency through reciprocal, unarmed observation flights over each of the 34 signatory countries’ terrains.
Speak Of The Bible: Locust Swarms Imminent In Egypt, Saudi Arabia
The United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) warned that an infestation of desert locusts in Sudan and Eritrea is rapidly spreading along both sides of the Red Sea towards Egypt and Saudi Arabia. According to an agency press release, heavy rains triggered two generations of breeding since October, leading to a substantial increase in the locust population.
Magnitude 7.5 quake hits Peru-Ecuador border region-USGS
A deep earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5 struck the Peru-Ecuador border region early on Friday morning, the United States Geological Survey said. The quake’s epicentre was in a sparsely populated area 224 km (140 miles) east-southeast of Ambato, Ecuador, at a depth of 132 km. The USGS’s initial reading had assessed the quake, which occurred at 5:17 a.m. (1017 GMT), at magnitude 7.7.
Vermont House passes H. 57 no-limits abortion bill
The Vermont House passed overwhelmingly Thursday a sweeping, no-limits abortion bill that makes terminating a pregnancy a “fundamental right” and ensures access to the procedure at every stage of gestation.
Controversial GMO Mosquito Experiment To Fight Malaria Kicks Off
Scientists have launched a major new phase in the testing of a controversial genetically modified organism: a mosquito designed to quickly spread a genetic mutation lethal to its own species, NPR has learned.
FDA chief says feds might intervene if states continue allowing vaccine exemptions
The head of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning that states might “force the hand of the federal health agencies” if they continue to allow vaccine exemptions amid an ongoing measles outbreak.
More than 130 dead in measles outbreak blamed on Philippine anti-vax movement
More than 130 people, mainly children, have died and 8,443 others have fallen ill in the Philippines during a measles outbreak that has been largely blamed on nationwide fears about vaccinations.
Snow falls in Las Vegas for the second time in a week
For the second time in a week it snowed in the Las Vegas area. A winter storm moving through the Southwest on Wednesday drew down temperatures and sparked precipitation.
Pope says church’s attackers are linked to devil
Pope Francis says that those who are constantly attacking the church are linked to the devil. Francis on Wednesday told pilgrims from southern Italy that the church’s “defects” must be denounced in order to correct them.
CA Democrats Author Bill to Protect Sex Offenders Who Lure Minors
State Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and Assemblywoman Susan Eggman (D-Stockton) introduced recent legislation “to end blatant discrimination against LGBT young people regarding California’s sex offender registry.”
The World Council of Churches sent foreign nationals to pose as tourists to gather information about IDF operations and training in Jerusalem and Hebron, according to reports.
VICTORY: Arizona Defeats Bill to Allow Infanticide and End Medical Care for Babies Born Alive After Abortions
An Arizona House committee has defeated legislation that would allow infanticide, following the new law in New York state for abortions up to birth. Like that New York state law, the Arizona bill would repeal medical care for babies born alive after abortions. That’s a law that’s been on the books for 44 years.
After Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth, New York Wants to Shut Down Christian Adoption Agency
Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing a faith-based adoption provider will be available for media interviews after a federal court hearing Tuesday in New Hope Family Services’ lawsuit against the state of New York. New Hope asked the court in December to stop the state from targeting it for its religious beliefs and to preserve its ability to continue placing children in adoptive homes while the lawsuit moves forward.
Disturbing Video Surfaces Shows NY Abortion Clinic Assuring Woman Baby Will Be Killed If Born Alive
With the issue of late-term abortions being debated in legislatures across the country, pro-life advocate Lila Rose shared an undercover video shot in 2013 showing a woman identified as a New York abortion facility worker promising a would-be client that a baby breathing following a procedure would be drowned.
China has unveiled its ‘first female AI news anchor’
…China’s state-run news agency, Xinhua, today unveiled “the world’s first female AI news anchor”; a gender-balancing counterpart for the existing male AI news presenters.
Expert Confirms Flu Shot Behind Deadly Epidemic That’s Killed Thousands
As thousands continue to die from the deadly flu outbreak, health officials have now come forward to confirm that the influenza epidemic was actually caused by the vaccine itself.
Governments warned to stockpile antibiotics to prepare for the coming global pandemic
A new report is urging government officials to begin stockpiling antibiotics in preparation for a potential global influenza pandemic, claiming that doing so will ultimately end up saving authorities tens of billions of dollars.
Lansdale PA Mayor Proclaims February 2nd As ‘Inclusion Day’ To Commemorate ‘Drag Queen Story Fun Time’ LGBTQP Indoctrination Of School Children
Let your mind wander back in time to just a few years ago. Try and imagine a world, an America, where drag queens would be allowed to do ‘story time’ indoctrination and read books filled with perversion to your children. Now try and imagine where the mayor of your town would like that so much, that he would issue an official proclamation celebrating that event. Now, open your eyes. You’re living in the end times.
23 Feb 2019
Published on: February 23, 2019 by RRadmin7
Limbaugh: Dems ‘sicker by the day’
…“If life is cheap, if life is not special, if life doesn’t have anything noteworthy about it, then nobody is going to have any appreciation for it at any stage of it. My God, this is Satanic!
BREAKING NOW: Dow Tops 26,000, Wraps-Up NINE WEEK ‘Winning Streak’
Stocks inched up Friday as American and Chinese negotiators ended a productive round of trade talks; topping 26,000 for the first time since November of last year and finishing a nine-week “winning streak.”
IRS Admits It Encourages Illegals To Steal Social Security Numbers For Taxes
The IRS actually wants illegal immigrants to illegally use Social Security numbers, he suggested. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen made the surprising statement in response to a question from Sen. Dan Coats, R-Ind., at a Senate Finance Committee meeting.
Rats, Public Defecation And Open Drug Use: Major Western Cities Are Becoming Uninhabitable Hellholes
…Major Western Cities Are Becoming Uninhabitable Hellholes
Is China’s Social Credit System A Preview Of The Coming “Beast System”?
Virtually everything that you do online and offline is being monitored, tracked or recorded by someone. Could you imagine what life would be like if the government compiled all of that information into a giant database and used it to punish those that had engaged in politically-incorrect behavior?
New England Patriots Owner Arrested for Role in Human Trafficking
Police said Kraft was involved in two incidents in the last month at the Orchids of Asia Day Spa in Jupiter and there is video evidence of both showing the Patriots owner in the act. Kraft is one of 25 people who will be charged by Jupiter Police in this specific bust.
Parents Sue to Fight Anti-White, Anti-Male, Anti-Christian, Communist Indoctrination in California
Parents in Santa Barbara, California, are suing a leftist hate group called Just Communities and the local school board there to end the group’s taxpayer-funded so-called implicit bias training that has a powerful anti-white, anti-male, and anti-Christian slant.
FOX News Reporter CUT OFF By Israeli Forces – Told To Take Cover from Grenade Attacks at Gaza Border
During a live broadcast today FOX News reporter Trey Yingst was cut off and forced to take cover at the Israeli-Gaza border. The Palestinians were hurling grenades and IEDs in his direction.
Jewish Population of Paris Suburbs Rapidly Decreasing
As France experiences a rise in anti-semitism the heavily-migrant populated Paris suburbs are seeing their Jewish communities dwindle as families choose to move away.
Switzerland Wonders Where Weapons To Lebanon Went. The U.S. Should Also Worry About Its Arms Exports Going There
Switzerland, suddenly aware that arms it was sending to a former Lebanese minister had gone missing, has decided to suspend arms exports to Lebanon. What makes this interesting is that the U.S. has been supplying arms to the Lebanese army which could wind up in the hands of the terrorist group Hezbollah.
Planned Parenthood Videos Will Be Shown in Court
Judge Christopher Hite of the San Francisco Superior Court denied the requests of California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and his abortion allies to seal and shield from public viewing the video evidence to be shown in the courtroom during Sandra Merritt’s upcoming preliminary hearing…
Thousands of Palestinians break into closed off Temple Mount section
Thousands of Palestinian protesters on Friday burst into a section of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount that has been closed by Israeli court order for over 15 years. Palestinians chanting “Allahu Akbar” streamed into a sealed-off area of Al-Aqsa Mosque during prayers.
United Nations Warns That Billions Of Locusts Now Gathering On Both Sides Of The Red Sea Preparing To Swarm Egypt And Saudi Arabia
Even with all the gruesome weaponry that fallen man has created over the years, few things are creepier or more disturbing than when the insect world comes swarming. When God wanted to get Pharoah’s attention in the Old Testament, He sent plagues of disgusting insects and reptilian creatures. Right now, billions of locusts are descending on Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Kinda funny, though, how these swarms almost always skip right over Israel, isn’t it?
From Syria, IS slips into Iraq to fight another day
Islamic State fighters facing defeat in Syria are slipping across the border into Iraq, where they are destabilizing the country’s fragile security, US and Iraqi officials say.
Soros Groups File Lawsuits Attacking Trump’s Border Wall
Sixteen states and at least six activist groups have filed or are preparing lawsuits taking aim at President Trump’s Feb. 15 emergency declaration that seeks to divert already appropriated government funds to build a wall on the nation’s porous border with Mexico.
Denmark Passes ‘Paradigm Shift’ Asylum Bill To Send Refugees Back Home
Denmark has passed a new bill aimed at rapidly reducing the number of refugees in the country by turning the focus away from integration to sending them back to their countries of origin.[/b]
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Illegal-alien brothers who dealt in baby body parts arrested
Two Ecuadorian brothers who ran a company ordered to close because of its trade with abortionists in baby body parts have been apprehended by ICE. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman Nestor Yglesias said the brothers, Roberto and William Isaias, were “unlawfully present” in the U.S. and were moved to the agency’s “removal operations” for deportation.
Bye Bye Brussels. You have already been conquered
Since 2001… Mohamed is the most common name given to boys born in Brussels”. At the moment in Molenbeek, 21 municipal officials out of 46 are Muslim. “Belgium, like France, is an endangered country”, the French journalist Eric Zemmour said to the Belgian media Dhnet. “I do not understand how your authorities have let their country go.
Total Backfire – AOC, Amazon and the Socialist Disaster
Boy-oh-boy! If you wanted to see socialism backfire before your eyes – proof that anti-capitalist sentiment leads no place good – I think we just saw it. In one of the oddest chapters in recent American politics, an avowed socialist and Democrat congresswoman, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, just spiked 25,000 to 50,000 jobs and tens of billions of dollars of revenue for New York City. She single-handedly vaporized one of the most sought-after economic opportunities in a decade – with strident, ill-informed, and ill-timed words.
Iran fights to get around US sanctions in Iraq, Turkey, Russia and Syria
A new customs gate in the Saray district of Van province in Turkey is expected to boost trade with Iran, according to Turkish media. It is one of several links Iran is hoping to use to maintain its economy amid US sanctions and in the wake of the US-backed summit in Poland that Washington hoped would focus on Iran.
Trump picks Kelly Craft for U.N. ambassador after Nikki Haley
U.S. President Donald Trump announced on Friday the nomination of Kelly Craft, currently the US ambassador to Canada, as his envoy to the United Nations. Craft, a top Republican donor from Kentucky, rose this week as a serious contender for the post based on a recommendation by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a fellow Kentuckian.
Brexit: Greg Clark, Amber Rudd and David Gauke issue delay warning
Brexit should be delayed if Parliament does not approve a deal in the coming days, three cabinet ministers have warned publicly for the first time. Ahead of crucial votes in the Commons, Greg Clark, Amber Rudd and David Gauke told the Daily Mail time was running out and that they hoped for a breakthrough in negotiations soon.
Microsoft staff: Do not use HoloLens for war
At least 50 Microsoft employees have demanded the company back out of a deal with the US military to provide augmented reality technology. In particular, the group has said the firm’s headset, HoloLens, must not be used to “help people kill”. In November, Microsoft agreed a $479m (£367m) deal to develop a platform that would involve soldiers using about 100,000 headsets.
You Give Apps Sensitive Personal Information. Then They Tell Facebook.
Millions of smartphone users confess their most intimate secrets to apps, including when they want to work on their belly fat or the price of the house they checked out last weekend. Other apps know users’ body weight, blood pressure, menstrual cycles or pregnancy status. Unbeknown to most people, in many cases that data is being shared with someone else: Facebook Inc.
Warning issued over attacks on internet infrastructure
Key parts of the internet infrastructure face large-scale attacks that threaten the global system of web traffic, the internet’s address keeper warned Friday. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) declared after an emergency meeting “an ongoing and significant risk” to key parts of the infrastructure that affects the domains on which websites reside.
Trump administration bans abortion referrals at U.S.-funded clinics
The Trump administration said on Friday that taxpayer-funded family planning clinics which primarily serve low-income Americans will no longer be able to refer patients for abortions… The new regulation was announced by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as part of Title X, a government family planning program that serves about 4 million people.
Limbaugh: Dems ‘sicker by the day’
…“If life is cheap, if life is not special, if life doesn’t have anything noteworthy about it, then nobody is going to have any appreciation for it at any stage of it. My God, this is Satanic!
BREAKING NOW: Dow Tops 26,000, Wraps-Up NINE WEEK ‘Winning Streak’
Stocks inched up Friday as American and Chinese negotiators ended a productive round of trade talks; topping 26,000 for the first time since November of last year and finishing a nine-week “winning streak.”
IRS Admits It Encourages Illegals To Steal Social Security Numbers For Taxes
The IRS actually wants illegal immigrants to illegally use Social Security numbers, he suggested. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen made the surprising statement in response to a question from Sen. Dan Coats, R-Ind., at a Senate Finance Committee meeting.
Rats, Public Defecation And Open Drug Use: Major Western Cities Are Becoming Uninhabitable Hellholes
…Major Western Cities Are Becoming Uninhabitable Hellholes
Is China’s Social Credit System A Preview Of The Coming “Beast System”?
Virtually everything that you do online and offline is being monitored, tracked or recorded by someone. Could you imagine what life would be like if the government compiled all of that information into a giant database and used it to punish those that had engaged in politically-incorrect behavior?
New England Patriots Owner Arrested for Role in Human Trafficking
Police said Kraft was involved in two incidents in the last month at the Orchids of Asia Day Spa in Jupiter and there is video evidence of both showing the Patriots owner in the act. Kraft is one of 25 people who will be charged by Jupiter Police in this specific bust.
Parents Sue to Fight Anti-White, Anti-Male, Anti-Christian, Communist Indoctrination in California
Parents in Santa Barbara, California, are suing a leftist hate group called Just Communities and the local school board there to end the group’s taxpayer-funded so-called implicit bias training that has a powerful anti-white, anti-male, and anti-Christian slant.
FOX News Reporter CUT OFF By Israeli Forces – Told To Take Cover from Grenade Attacks at Gaza Border
During a live broadcast today FOX News reporter Trey Yingst was cut off and forced to take cover at the Israeli-Gaza border. The Palestinians were hurling grenades and IEDs in his direction.
Jewish Population of Paris Suburbs Rapidly Decreasing
As France experiences a rise in anti-semitism the heavily-migrant populated Paris suburbs are seeing their Jewish communities dwindle as families choose to move away.
Switzerland Wonders Where Weapons To Lebanon Went. The U.S. Should Also Worry About Its Arms Exports Going There
Switzerland, suddenly aware that arms it was sending to a former Lebanese minister had gone missing, has decided to suspend arms exports to Lebanon. What makes this interesting is that the U.S. has been supplying arms to the Lebanese army which could wind up in the hands of the terrorist group Hezbollah.
Planned Parenthood Videos Will Be Shown in Court
Judge Christopher Hite of the San Francisco Superior Court denied the requests of California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and his abortion allies to seal and shield from public viewing the video evidence to be shown in the courtroom during Sandra Merritt’s upcoming preliminary hearing…
Thousands of Palestinians break into closed off Temple Mount section
Thousands of Palestinian protesters on Friday burst into a section of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount that has been closed by Israeli court order for over 15 years. Palestinians chanting “Allahu Akbar” streamed into a sealed-off area of Al-Aqsa Mosque during prayers.
United Nations Warns That Billions Of Locusts Now Gathering On Both Sides Of The Red Sea Preparing To Swarm Egypt And Saudi Arabia
Even with all the gruesome weaponry that fallen man has created over the years, few things are creepier or more disturbing than when the insect world comes swarming. When God wanted to get Pharoah’s attention in the Old Testament, He sent plagues of disgusting insects and reptilian creatures. Right now, billions of locusts are descending on Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Kinda funny, though, how these swarms almost always skip right over Israel, isn’t it?
From Syria, IS slips into Iraq to fight another day
Islamic State fighters facing defeat in Syria are slipping across the border into Iraq, where they are destabilizing the country’s fragile security, US and Iraqi officials say.
Soros Groups File Lawsuits Attacking Trump’s Border Wall
Sixteen states and at least six activist groups have filed or are preparing lawsuits taking aim at President Trump’s Feb. 15 emergency declaration that seeks to divert already appropriated government funds to build a wall on the nation’s porous border with Mexico.
Denmark Passes ‘Paradigm Shift’ Asylum Bill To Send Refugees Back Home
Denmark has passed a new bill aimed at rapidly reducing the number of refugees in the country by turning the focus away from integration to sending them back to their countries of origin.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Bennett: Netanyahu and Trump to build Palestinian state after elections
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will go along with US President Donald Trump’s peace plan and call for a Palestinian state, Education Minister Naftali Bennett warned on his way into Sunday’s cabinet meeting. “Netanyahu and Trump are coordinating the presentation of a plan to establish a Palestinian state the day after the election,” he said.
Police arrest head of Waqf following Temple Mount riots
The two senior Wakf officials were arrested on Sunday in a follow-up to Friday’s riots on the Temple Mount in which thousands of Palestinians stormed the Golden Gate, which had been closed by a court order since 2003. Jerusalem Police on Sunday arrested the east Jerusalem Wakf chairman Sheikh Abdel Azim Salhab, and Sheikh Najeh Bkeirat, deputy director of the Wakf.
AIPAC, AJC issue rare rebuke of Netanyahu for drawing in extremists
America’s largest Israel advocacy organizations issued an extraordinary rebuke of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government…responding to his move to ally with an extremist party…On Wednesday, Netanyahu supported an agreement between Bayit Yehudi and Otzma Yehudit, an offshoot of a racist political movement that has been designated a terrorist organization abroad and banned from Knesset lists since the 1980s.
Kim Jong-un leaves North Korea for Vietnam by train
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has departed for Hanoi by train for talks with US President Donald Trump. He arrived at the Chinese border city of Dandong after 21:00 local time (13:00 GMT) on Saturday. The much anticipated second US-North Korea summit is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday in the Vietnamese capital.
Australian farmers’ long road after mass cattle deaths
Like many other Australian graziers, Matt Bennetto could only start to count the dead after the rain had stopped. Flying in a helicopter over his sodden cattle station, he was confronted by the “nightmare” of mass cattle losses. Animals were strewn across pastures which had turned into water and mud.
Pope Francis compares child sex abuse to human sacrifice
Pope Francis has promised concrete action to tackle child sex abuse at the end of a Roman Catholic Church summit on paedophilia. Clergy guilty of abuse were “tools of Satan”, the Pope said, pledging to face every case with “utmost seriousness”. Child sex abuse, he said, reminded him of the ancient religious practice of child sacrifice in pagan rites.
Venezuela crisis: Guaidó calls for support amid deadly border clashes
Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó has called on other nations to consider “all measures” to oust President Nicolas Maduro. International pressure is building on Mr Maduro after opposition-led efforts to bring aid into Venezuela descended into deadly violence on Saturday. At least two people died in clashes between civilians and troops loyal to Mr Maduro, including a 14-year-old boy.
U.S., China sprint to seal deal ahead of Trump’s deadline
U.S. and Chinese negotiators met for over seven hours on Saturday to resolve their trade dispute and avoid an escalation of the tit-for-tat tariffs that have already disrupted global commerce, slowed the world economy and roiled financial markets. The two sides will meet again on Sunday morning as they race to seal an agreement before a March 1 deadline imposed by U.S. President Donald Trump…
Judge tosses criminal ‘noise’ complaint against street preacher –
A judge in Washington state has tossed a criminal “noise” complaint against an evangelist who preaches regularly outside a Planned Parenthood abortion business.
Putin Threatens to Target U.S. with Hypersonic Missiles
Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered his version of a State of the Union address on Wednesday and included a threat to target the United States with ostensibly invincible hypersonic nuclear-capable missiles if the U.S. deploys intermediate-range ballistic missiles to Europe.
Arkansas passes bill ordering their law enforcement to cut off all ties with Islamic group CAIR, due to their close ties to terrorists
On Monday, February 18, the Arkansas House of Representatives sent a strong signal to law enforcement agencies within its borders to beware of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).
Black South African politician urges his followers to ‘kill whites’ – ‘We will kill their children and their women’
The leader of a South African political party has called for the killing of white women and children in a row over the taxi industry. Andile Mngxitama, president of Black First Land First (BLF), was speaking at a rally on the weekend in Potchefstroom near Johannesburg when he made the violent comments. He tells the cheering crowd: ‘For each one person that is being killed by the taxi industry, we will kill five white people.
US vows to take action as Venezuela aid operation turns deadly
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Saturday the United States “will take action” as high-risk operation to get humanitarian aid into Venezuela descended into deadly chaos Saturday after President Nicolas Maduro’s security forces fired on demonstrators and aid trucks were set ablaze.
Supreme Court tells abortionists to leave Catholic bishops alone, in major religious victory for Conservatives
The U.S. Supreme Court, without comment, has refused to take up a case launched by the abortion industry against Catholic bishops in Texas, leaving standing a lower court decision that told the abortionists to leave the religious leaders alone.
Pope says on eve of abuse summit: Those who spend lives accusing Church are ‘relatives of the devil’
Those who spend their lives accusing the Church are the “friends, cousins and relatives of the devil,” Pope Francis said today, on the eve of the Vatican clergy sex abuse summit.
Planned Parenthood President: We Kill Babies Because “We Believe in Life. It’s Being Pro-Life”
Interview magazine published a pro-abortion puff piece on Feb. 20 in which Planned Parenthood President Dr. Leana Wen gave a softball interview to Chelsea Clinton in what was essentially a love letter to abortion giant.
HERE WE GO: Crooked Hillary and Politico Publish Hit List of 200 Influential Conservatives They call “Foreign Actors” Who They Want Removed from Twitter
Hillary Clinton, Politico, the liberal media, DC elites and far left organizations are coordinating efforts to silence real people who support Donald Trump and his agenda in the runup of the 2020 election.
The Riddle of Climate Change
Let me explain. Pollution and climate change are two separate issues. Environmental pollution is a man-made problem that humans can and should remedy. Taking responsibility for our behavior is a necessary part of civilized life and eliminating environmental horrors like the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is something we all need to support. So far so good.
Student Suspended from University for Calling Halal Slaughter ‘Inhumane’
A British teenager claims he has been suspended from university for describing halal slaughter as “inhumane” and saying immigrants should not be allowed to use the National Health Service (NHS) for free, and cannot return unless he signs a conduct agreement and undertakes diversity training.
Major Florida Sex Trafficking Sting Results in Nearly 50 Arrests and 200 Warrants, with More Still Coming
Authorities say they have connected dozens of men to a major sex and human trafficking operation in Florida. Now nearly 50 of them are in police custody, and five spas have been raided. Vero Beach Police Chief David Currey explained there was “very little” in the way of actual massaging going on at the spas.
Donald Trump Administration: Abortion Is Not Family Planning
The Trump administration issued a final rule Friday that underscores that federal taxpayer funds provided for family planning services may not be used to support abortion in any way.
UK: Students vote against starting a Jewish society after Holocaust denier complains
How many Muslim societies, planning G-d knows what, does Essex University have? Thanks to the left, and in significant part thanks to Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party, Jew-hatred has been normalized in Britain today. Politicians all across the political spectrum are rushing to win the vote of the growing and restive Muslim population by becoming increasingly antisemitic. It’s evil.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Middle East Braces for Locust Plague Return
After a wave of strange phenomena Egypt and Saudi Arabia are currently struggling to cope with swarms of locusts; and the plague promises to only get worse. Unusually heavy rains this month are leading to the second generation born of a wave of locusts that first appeared in Sudan and Eritrea in December.
The Anti-Israel World Council of Churches
The World Council of Churches Program in Israel ostensibly sends delegates to “monitor” and “report human rights abuses”. It is all a sham. The organization works with fringe anti-Israel organizations such as B’eTselem and Breaking the Silence. It took years to finally expose the World Council of Churches Program for what it is-an Anti-Israel Group with an Anti-Israel agenda.
Post-Khashoggi, Saudis Make a Major Move
The kingdom names a female envoy to the US. The kingdom appointed Princess Reema bint Bandar bin Sultan to the post Saturday … The daughter of a major Saudi figure—her dad, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, was ambassador to the US from 1983 to 2005 …
Pope Francis: Predator Priests Become ‘Tool of Satan
Francis closes out summit on sexual abuse with harsh words, but leaves survivors disappointed.
Violence Breaks Out On Temple Mount as Muslims Claim Gate Where Shechinah Dwells
Jerusalem Police on Sunday arrested two senior officials of the Waqf (Muslim authority): the Chairman of the Wakf Department in east Jerusalem, Shiekh Abdel Azim Salhab and Sheikh Najeh Bkeirat, deputy director of the Wakf. The Waqf is under Jordanian jurisdiction and earlier this month, the Jordanian government increased the Waqf council from 11 to 18 in a move that was seen to bolster the Palestinian Authority control over the Temple Mount. It is believed that this is an attempt to consolidate control over the site before the U.S. announces President Trump’s Middle-East Peace Plan.
Iran hints at major confrontation with Israel
You probably didn’t know this, but Judaism is at the basis of the radical Muslim ideology Wahhabism and is responsible for the rise of the Islamic State Jihadist group. This is what Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the division responsible for exporting the Islamic Revolution, claimed during a speech after the Friday prayers in the city of Babol, Iran.
Vietnam relishes role as peace maker as it seeks to balance ties
While the leaders of North Korea and the United States debate banishing nuclear bombs from the Korean peninsula, the host of their summit this week, Vietnam, long almost synonymous with war, is relishing its role as a promoter of peace.
NYC Muslim cleric: Don’t befriend Christians, Jews
A New York City Muslim cleric told his congregants in a sermon they must not befriend or engage in any alliances with Christians and Jews. The exhortation by Abul Baraa Muhammad Abdullah Amreeki was based directly on verses from the Quran, …
Pentagon sending 1,000 more troops to the Mexican border
The Pentagon will increase the number of troops along the U.S.-Mexico border to about 6,000 by the start of next month as the Trump administration turns its attention to securing remote areas between official ports of entry, a senior U.S. defense official said Friday. About 1,000 additional personnel will be deployed with orders to string more concertina wire and install detection systems, the official said.
Is Silicon Valley’s quest for immortality a fate worse than death?
A number of billionaires have pumped money into research that aims to keep people fighting fit as they age. Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page have pumped millions into Calico, a secretive health venture which aims to “solve death”. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and the billionaire Peter Thiel are backers of Unity Biotechnology, which hopes to combat the effects of aging. The idea of never dying might sound like something from science fiction, but the experimental techniques are far removed from a brain in a jar, a body in a freezer or a heart wired up to a car battery.
Islamic Jihad claims new missiles can reach Netanya
The Gaza-based Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror said Sunday evening that with the help of Iran it has developed a new missile capable of striking cities beyond Netanya. In a documentary broadcast on Iran’s Al-Alam television, a spokesperson known as Abu Hamza claimed the group possesses “precision” rockets and missiles with destructive power that “only God knows.”
High court deciding fate of cross-shaped Maryland memorial
Steven C. Lowe says he has always thought that a 40-foot-tall, concrete cross that stands on a large, grassy highway median near his Maryland home was odd. For years, he says, he didn’t know that the cross is a war memorial. A plaque on the cross’ base lists the names of 49 area residents who died in World War I, but it isn’t easily read from the road and getting to the monument requires dashing across traffic.
Special ops to turn focus from war on terror to China, Russia
America’s elite special operations forces are getting new marching orders as the Pentagon…trains its eye on big-power rivals such as China and Russia. In a major shift of mission, officials at U.S. Special Operations Command are drafting new guidance to reorient its cadre of top-tier military units to fight the expanding armies and navies of what U.S. strategists call “near-peer” powers.
Israel arrests senior Muslim cleric after Jerusalem holy site unrest
Police in Jerusalem arrested…a senior Muslim cleric…two days after he re-opened a mosque sealed by Israel during a Palestinian uprising in 2003. Sheikh Abdel-Azeem Salhab…personally reopened the gate leading into the Bab al-Rahmeh mosque on Friday, and hundreds of Muslims went inside to pray for the first time in years.
China’s technology challenge is bigger than just Huawei, British spymaster says
The West needs to understand that the challenge of China’s technological revolution runs much deeper than Huawei’s row with the United States over intellectual property theft and state espionage, one of Britain’s top spies said. Huawei…is under intense scrutiny after the United States told allies not to use its technology because of fears it could be a vehicle for Chinese spy operations.
High schools not prepared for coming ‘tsunami’ of children with autism: support group
High schools are not prepared for a “tsunami” of children with autism who need greater education options, an autism support group has warned.
Florida mom discovers suicide tips in video on YouTube Kids
Warning: This story mentions suicide and may be disturbing to some readers. A mom is warning parents to better monitor their kids’ online activity after finding a disturbing video that appears to give children instructions to harm themselves.
Trump Administration cuts $60 million from radically liberal Planned Parenthood
The Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released its final rule changing funding regulations under the Title X family planning program, a long-awaited action expected to reduce Planned Parenthood’s federal tax subsidies by almost $60 million.
Australian official: Climate change is a U.N.-led conspiracy to establish a new world order
Climate change controversy continues to grow, with an increasing number of skeptics coming forward to speak out. Now, a top adviser to former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has just declared that global warming is a conspiracy pushed by a power-hungry United Nations.
Can Facebook Monopolize Your Data, Even If You’re Not On Facebook?
Facebook spent years forging various partnership agreements with other digital media monsters to gobble up huge troves of users’ private data even when customers are not perusing the company’s platform, according to testing conducted by The Wall Street Journal.
Man Who Refuses to Pay Taxes Until Abortion Is Defunded Wins Huge Court Victory
A Christian man who refuses to pay his taxes until the government stops funding abortion has won an historic lawsuit against the IRS.
Pennsylvania Mayor to Issue ‘Inclusion Day’ Proclamation in Support of Recent ‘Drag Queen Story Fun Time’
The mayor of Lansdale, Pennsylvania has agreed to issue a proclamation marking every Feb. 2 as “Inclusion Day” in commemoration of a recent “Drag Queen Story Fun Time” featuring the drag queen “Annie Christ”—a play-on-words of “anti-Christ.” The event generated both support and protest.
Pope Francis Calls for ‘All Out Battle’ Against Sex Abuse But Disappoints Victims, Leaves Unanswered Questions
Pope Francis spoke Sunday at the conclusion of a four-day Vatican summit addressing the sexual abuse of minors in light of recent scandals in the Church.
NYC Muslim cleric: Don’t befriend Christians, Jews
A New York City Muslim cleric told his congregants in a sermon they must not befriend or engage in any alliances with Christians and Jews.
The 9 Elements of Genocide Are In Place and Are Awaiting the Right False Flag
If we take an objective look at today’s America, we can clearly see that all the elements of a genocide, all nine elements, are in place and the event is simply awaiting the right catalyst.
Watch Deep-Sea Iranian Sub Carry Out First Cruise Missile Test-Launch
The drill was interpreted as a warning to the US following the return of US aircraft carriers to the region after a long absence…
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Blizzard brought Winona County, southern Minnesota to standstill
Tim Walz declared a peacetime state of emergency in response to the blizzard, allowing for the Minnesota National Guard to assists stranded motorists around the state. But even the national guard had issues in Wabasha County. According to a Facebook post by the Wabasha Police Department, a tank was stuck Sunday while trying to assist in rescue efforts. “If a tank cannot make it,” the post said, “you should probably not try.”
Russian TV lists potential nuclear strike targets in US after Putin warning
Russian state TV on Sunday listed potential targets in the U.S. in the event of a nuclear strike and claimed that its new hypersonic missile technology could reach them in less than five minutes. Reuters called the report “unusual even by the sometimes bellicose standards of Russian state TV.” The targets included the Pentagon and Camp David.
‘Trump won’t force Mideast peace plan on Israel’
“The rule by Trump is…Trump and his administration will not force Israel to do something that views as being against its security interests. If Israel says, ‘No’, Washington won’t force Jerusalem [to accept it], and that is a very important thing.”
Kushner: Trump’s peace plan will focus on drawing the borders of Israel
Jared Kushner was interviewed on Monday on Sky News in Arabic, saying that “the American peace plan is very detailed and will focus on drawing the border and resolving the core issues.” “The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been used for years to incite extremism,” Kushner said, “for years resistance to the nation of Israel has united the region, but now it is changing … We see that Iran is the greatest threat in the region.” “We want to see the Palestinians united under one leadership, the Palestinians want a non-corrupt government that cares for their own interests,” Kushner added.
Mystery surrounds Mohammad Javad Zarif’s ‘resignation
A day after Mohammad Javad Zarif announced his resignation on Instagram, the foreign minister of Iran is receiving support from members of parliament in Tehran amid calls for the president not to accept his decision. The resignation of Iran’s most famous diplomat and the man often seen as the foreign face of Tehran, has plunged Iran’s highest levels of government and media into a momentary sense of bewilderment and lack of certainty.
Jesus was a ‘sorcerer,’ Bible a ‘book of magic,’ say Christian witches ahead of first annual convention
The first annual Christian witches convention is set to be hosted in Salem, Massachusetts, this April and will feature internationally recognized Prophet Calvin Witcher who agrees with the convention’s host that Jesus was a sorcerer and the Bible is really a “book of magic.” The Rev. Valerie Love, the force behind the event who describes herself as a practicing Christian witch and an ordained minister of spiritual consciousness, recently launched the Covenant of Christian Witches Mystery School to help Christians tap into magic, which critics are condemning as “dangerous.” In an extended discussion with Witcher … said the Bible is a “huge book of sorcery.”
Netanyahu bids ‘good riddance’ after Iranian FM Mohammed Zarif resigns
“Zarif is gone – good riddance,” Prime Minister Netanyahu said on Tuesday after Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Zarif announced his resignation. Writing on Twitter, Netanyahu said that “as long as I’m around, Iran won’t get nuclear weapons.” “Many thanks for the generosity of the dear and brave people of Iran and its authorities over the past 67 months,” Zarif wrote on his Instagram page jzarif_ir late Monday.
Balakot: Indian air strikes target militants in Pakistan
India says it launched air strikes against militants in Pakistani territory in a major escalation of tensions between the two countries. A top Indian minister said strikes targeted a training camp of the Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) group in Balakot. Pakistan said the strikes hit an empty area but vowed to respond.
Iran hosts Syria’s Assad in Tehran, slams American “plots”
In an important and symbolic visit Syria’s Bashar al-Assad visited Tehran on Monday and met with Iran’s Supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei as well as other key officials. Iran praised Syria’s “victory” as an example of Iran’s victory and condemned US “plots” against the region. In a rare trip abroad for Assad, the Syrian regime leader traveled to Iran where he held numerous meetings with Iranian officials.
Time for Action: Chase Bank Denies Service to Conservatives
It’s hard to imagine how conservatives could be even more complacent than they actually are about what’s being done to this country. The schools our children are taught in are almost universally run by liberals who hate everything we stand for, but we don’t demand that our representatives pull funding from state schools that behave that way.
UCLA Students Support Concentration Camps For Trump Supporters
Kaitlin Bennett went undercover at UCLA as Jenna Talia to ask students to sign a petition to throw conservatives into involuntary re-education camps. Not only were the students she approached ecstatic to sign it, but one member of UCLA’s student government encouraged her to change the language to “diversity” and “sensitivity training” to hide their real intentions so the administration would approve it.
Report: Home Assistants with ‘Moral AI’ Could Call Police on Owners
The Daily Mail reported that home assistants could soon report their owners to the police for breaking the law based on a “Moral A.I.” system, if the ideas of academics in Europe are implemented. The newspaper reported that academics at the University of Bergen in Norway discussed the idea of a “moral A.I.” for smart home assistants, like the Amazon Echo, Google Home, and Apple HomePod, during a conference.
Trump peace proposal inflaming the Right
After Jared Kushner, adviser and son-in-law to President Donald Trump, made some revealing statements about the much-discussed Trump peace plan on Monday, New Right Party is trading barbs with the Likud regarding the possibility that Trump will pressure Israel into allowing a Palestinian state.
Kushner, in Gulf, says U.S. Mideast peace plan addresses borders issue
White House adviser Jared Kushner, giving a broad outline of a U.S. peace plan for the Middle East, said it will address final-status issues of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including establishing borders. In an interview…Kushner made no specific mention of a Palestinian state, whose creation had been at the foundation of Washington’s peace efforts for two decades.
House set to vote to end Trump’s border wall ’emergency’
The U.S. House of Representatives votes on Tuesday on a resolution to terminate President Donald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency to build a wall on the border with Mexico. House Democrats introduced the resolution last week, challenging Trump’s assertion that he could take money Congress had appropriated for other activities and use it to build the wall.
Judge gives green light to Trump ban on gun ‘bump stocks’
A federal judge gave the Trump administration the go-ahead on Monday to ban “bump stocks” – rapid-fire gun attachments used in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history – in a defeat for firearms rights advocates. Opponents had sought a preliminary injunction saying the government did not have the legal authority to enforce the ban.
Why is ‘locust’ a trigger word for the Bible?
Locusts are swarming in the Middle East, triggering thoughts of biblical plagues and pestilence. Here are a few of last week’s headlines warning of major imminent attacks in the Middle East – not by men and weapons of war, but by grasshoppers.
EXCLUSIVE: DOJ Prevented FBI From Pursuing Gross Negligence Charges Against Clinton
..Early in the Hillary Clinton email case, the Department of Justice reached a decision that would have far-reaching implications in the FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server.
Russian State TV: If Putin Strikes America With Nuclear Weapons, These Are His Targets
On Sunday night, Dmitry Kiselyov, presenter of Russia’s main weekly TV news show ‘Vesti Nedeli,’ revealed a map of America with marked off targets, should a Cold War-style nuclear war develop between Russia and the United States.
Democrats Hoping To Be The Next President All Voted Against Born Alive Bill And One Republican Didn’t Even Vote
The Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act, which would have ensured that babies who survive abortions are given medical attention, failed to pass the U.S. Senate Monday evening.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Hints That People Will Need To Be Prevented Through Forced Sterilization From Having Kids In Order To ‘Stop Climate Change’ From Spreading
Before you go and accuse me of writing a ‘sensationalistic headline’ please hear me out, because what I am telling you is very true. Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, as silly sounding and ignorant she may be, has made it to the ‘big show’ of American politics, and she has very powerful backing behind her.
PayPal CEO Admits Partnership with Far-Left SPLC to Blacklist Conservatives
PayPal CEO Dan Schulman admitted during an interview with the Wall Street Journal that PayPal works with the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) when it considers blacklisting conservatives.
Prosecutors Charge LGBT Activist with Burning Down Own Home
…The newspaper, citing two individuals who worked along Joly at St. Johns United Church of Christ, where the Jackson Pride Center is based from, reported that Jolly, 54, had become “frustrated the controversy over gay rights had died down with the passage of the nondiscrimination law.”
Six Dead in Mexican Border City Weekend Cartel Clashes near Texas
Six people died in the most recent wave of local cartel violence over the weekend.
NY Democrats’ Health Care Law Spends $500m Taxpayer Money on Illegal Immigrants
Democratic New York lawmakers have introduced a new bill that pushes to spend over $500 million in taxpayer money to provide free health care for illegal immigrants in the cash-strapped state.
IN THE NAME OF ALLAH: The End Times ‘Universal Peace Document’ Pope Francis Signed With Islamic Leader Makes No Reference Of Any Kind To Jesus Christ Or The Bible
Back in 2015, when Pope Francis addressed the United Nations, he said a very unusual thing. Speaking to the General Assembly, the Catholic leader said that he had come ‘in my own name‘ to speak with them. Huh?? I thought that the “holy father” was the ‘Vicar of Christ‘, and was the representative of Jesus Christ on the earth? The Bible tells us, of course, that the pope is no such thing, but the Catholic Church says that he is, right? So why on Earth did he not say that he had come ‘in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth’?
How the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact might unleash a violent civil war following the 2020 election… which is exactly what Democrats want
It’s no longer difficult to see how the next civil war unfolds. Lawless Democrats, driven to the point of madness over the defeat of Hillary Clinton, have already formed a pact of a dozen U.S. states. This pact — dubbed the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact — will divert the electoral votes of those states to the candidate that wins the popular vote (i.e. has the most overall national votes), even if those votes are achieved via widespread voting fraud, ballot harvesting and the coordinated mass voting of illegals — all favorite tactics of lawless Democrats.
Islamic Jihad touts new missile that can hit Tel Aviv and beyond
The Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group boasted Sunday evening that it had developed a new missile that can hit beyond Tel Aviv, threatening to turn Israeli cities into “hell.”
Britain to blacklist Hezbollah in its entirety as a terror group
The United Kingdom on Monday moved to outlaw the Lebanese organization Hezbollah and recognize it in its entirety as a terror group, the British government said in a statement.
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
“This Is Unprecedented Territory” – Pakistan Shoots Down 2 Indian Fighter Jets In Dramatic Border Conflict Escalation
Indian and Pakistani fighter jets engaged each other, resulting in the worst escalation since the war between the two in 1971. Pakistan said it engaged six targets across the de facto border between the nuclear-armed neighbors. Pakistan said its fighter planes shot down two Indian fighter aircraft that entered its airspace. Two Indian pilots were in its custody, one of them in hospital. Meanwhile, Indian paramilitary forces clashed with Kashmir militants in India-controlled Kashmir on Wednesday. Two militants were killed. One analyst told Bloomberg that we are now in “unprecedented territory.”
BDS Fail: Pope Gives Green Light for Vatican to Invest in Israel
The anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement suffered yet another setback last week when Pope Francis approved investing Vatican funds in Israeli start-ups. A representative of the Vatican’s investment fund, Dickson Doll, spoke earlier this month at the Axis Tel Aviv investors’ conference, and discussed investment opportunities with a number of Israeli companies.
Trust In Media Hits Rock Bottom: 60% Of Americans Think Journalists Pay Their Sources
a survey conducted by the Columbia Journalism Review recently confirmed that trust in the American media has hit a new low. According to the survey of 4,214 American adults, which was carried out by Reuters/Ipsos, the media ranked dead last in a list of most trustworthy Washington institutions, behind Congress, the military and – get this – the executive branch.
Cardinal George Pell Child Abuse Conviction Shows Catholic Church ‘Is Incapable of Change From Within’
A group for survivors of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church said the conviction of Cardinal George Pell—a papal adviser and the most senior member of the church to be found guilty of molesting children—in Australia shows the institution “is incapable of change from within.” Pell, 77, was convicted in December of sexually abusing two choir boys in a room at Melbourne’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral in 1996, the Associated Press reported.
Witchcraft, Lies and Football
So, Tom Brady says his wife is a witch and her rituals helped the Patriots win the Super Bowl. But she’s a “good witch, “ Brady laughingly told the media. There’s actually no such thing and Brady’s reckless ignorance will now help promote witchcraft and sorcery to an American public that’s already confused enough.
What North Korea’s Underground Christians are Praying For as President Trump Meets with Kim Jong-Un; How We Can ‘Stand in the Gap’ in Prayer with Them
Peace. That’s the No. 1 thing that everyone is hoping and praying will come from this meeting in Vietnam. But while millions watch Kim Jung-Un and Trump at this summit, hoping for a denuclearization deal, thousands of people back in North Korea will be secretly praying for another kind of peace.
Netanyahu: ‘Won’t be Another Mosque on the Temple Mount’
An Israeli government official said: “The prime minister gave instructions to enforce the court’s order without compromise. The political echelon won’t allow the site to become a mosque. This directive was passed to the police and this message was delivered to certain authorities and to Jordan as well. The prime minister has instructed the public security minister [Gilad Erdan] to remove the rugs and other equipment from the site.”
Unofficial Relations Between Israel and Sunni-Arab Gulf States Continue to Increase
The Warsaw summit on the Middle East held earlier this month served as the latest reminder of the growth of unofficial relations between Israel and Sunni-Arab Gulf states. The conference saw Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu share a platform with foreign ministers from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Yemen and Oman. These Persian Gulf countries have no official ties with Israel as of now, but are nevertheless expanding their engagement with the Jewish state.
Ilhan Omar represents Hamas in Congress? Laurie Cardoza-Moore makes claim
Proclaiming Justice to the Nations founder Laurie Cardoza-Moore has accused Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) of being a “Hamas plant” in Congress. “Ilhan Omar covertly represents Hamas in the US Congress, we need to act now before this blows up in our faces,” Cardoza-Moore said in a statement.
Netanyahu lands in Moscow for meeting with Putin over Syria
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu landed here on a frigid Moscow morning for talks Wednesday with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He is scheduled to meet Putin in the early afternoon in the Kremlin. A planned meeting in the evening with leaders of the Jewish community was cancelled, and his departure back to Israel — now scheduled for 9.30 pm.– was moved up.
Pakistan India: Pakistan shoots down Indian aircraft over Kashmir
Pakistan says it has shot down two Indian military jets and captured two pilots in a major escalation between the nuclear powers over Kashmir. India says it lost one MiG21 fighter and a pilot is missing in action. Pakistani PM Imran Khan said the two sides could not afford a miscalculation with the weapons they had.
House votes to block Trump border wall national emergency
The US House of Representatives has voted to revoke President Donald Trump’s emergency declaration over building a US-Mexico border wall. The bid to overturn the declaration now goes to the Republican-majority Senate, where some conservatives have said they will vote with Democrats. Mr Trump, who declared the emergency after Congress refused funding for the wall, has said he will veto the bill.
OneWeb satellite internet mega-constellation set to fly
London-based start-up OneWeb is set to launch the first six satellites in its multi-billion-pound project to take the internet to every corner of the globe. The plans could eventually see some 2,000 spacecraft orbiting overhead. Other companies are also promising so-called mega-constellations, but OneWeb believes it has first-mover advantage with an operational system.
U.S. House Democrats introduce sweeping ‘Medicare for All’ bill
Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives unveiled an ambitious proposal on Tuesday to move all Americans into the government’s Medicare health insurance program, tapping into public frustration over the rising cost of healthcare that has become a key issue for the party as it seeks to gain control of Congress and the White House in 2020.
Stick to Marx not ‘ghosts and spirits’, China warns party members
China’s ruling Communist Party warned party members…to stick to Marx and Lenin and not believe in “ghosts and spirits”, in the latest effort to root out superstitious practices. China officially guarantees freedom of religion for…Christianity, Buddhism and Islam, but party members are meant to be atheists and are especially banned from participating in what China calls superstitious practices like visiting soothsayers.
In major religion case, Supreme Court weighs Maryland cross dispute
The conservative-majority U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday takes up one of the biggest cases of its current term when it weighs whether a cross-shaped war memorial on public land in Maryland is an unconstitutional government endorsement of religion. The…Peace Cross, a…concrete memorial to 49 men…Prince George’s County killed in World War One, is situated on public land at a busy road intersection in Bladensburg…
Typhoon Wutip sideswipes Guam: The first February super typhoon in a century packs 180 mph gusts
The United States was hit by a barrage of wild weather over the weekend. Tornadoes carved through the South, a blizzard buried the northern plains, and flash floods drenched the Tennessee Valley. But amid the busy weekend, the United States also was struck by something you might not be expecting at this time of the year: a typhoon.
‘Ice tsunami’ spawned by windstorm spurs evacuations along Lake Erie, as thousands without power across East
High winds causing chaos across the eastern half of the country with power outages and travel delays have created another problem: a literal wall of ice.
100 mph winds in Sierra, snow from Oregon to Montana
A fierce winter storm packing winds in excess of 100 mph (160 kph) and predicted to bring as much as 8 feet (2.4 meters) of snow to the Sierra Nevada barreled into the West on Monday, toppling trucks and trees, triggering power outages and closing roads and schools from Oregon to Montana.
February is coldest in Los Angeles in nearly 60 years
This month is the coldest February in downtown Los Angeles in nearly 60 years, with the average high temperature at 60.6 degrees as of Sunday. That’s a full 8 degrees below the normal average temperature, the National Weather Service said in a news release announcing the record lows.
AI ‘Deity’ To Preach Buddhism In Japanese Temple
A Japanese robot has been created to preach the teachings of Buddha in colloquial language at the Kodaiji Temple in the ancient city of Kyoto.
Ontario board will force elementary schools to fly homosexual ‘pride’ flag in June
An Ontario public school board voted last week to force all its elementary schools to fly the pro-homosexual rainbow “pride” flag for at least a week in June.
Christian Professor Rebecca Todd Peters Claims “Abortion is a Moral Good”
A guest lecturer at Emory University in Georgia plans to tell students why she, as a Christian, believes that abortion is a “moral good.”
United Methodist Church vote keeps gay clergy, marriage bans
Representatives of the United Methodist Church voted Tuesday to uphold traditional church bans against homosexual clergy and same-sex marriage — a move that could lead to a schism in the second-largest Protestant denomination in the United States.
Feminist Kamala Harris Supports Decriminalizing Sex Work
Further distancing herself from her professionaprosecutorial past, the supposed feminist Kamala Harris now supports decriminalizing sex work.
Man Receives A Microchip Implant Live On-Stage At The Mobile World Congress Technology Event In Barcelona Spain
For nearly 10 years now, we here at Now The End Begins have been telling you about the coming Mark of the Beast. The human implantable microchip was first released in the aftermath of 9/11, and since then the technology has grown by leaps and bounds. In 2017 we told you about the Wisconsin company Three Square who held a ‘chip party‘ for all of their employees. Then in 2018 we told how that same company who had previously promised their chips would never be used for tracking are now being used for tracking. My, my, but things are accelerating so quickly.
The 5 Most Troubling Religion Courses Taught in College Classrooms this Year
Leftist (and often times secular) professors are spending their time demonizing Christianity, misrepresenting the Bible, and misconstruing long established religious principles. While this list could go on for pages, here are the five most troubling religion courses we found that are being offered this school year.
IAF Air Strike: Pakistan Prepares For ‘All Eventualities’ Following India Attack
It’s the biggest escalation between South Asia’s nuclear-armed rivals in decades and with a bitterly contested national election in India just weeks away, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was quick to exploit his military’s air strikes on a terrorist camp inside Pakistan Tuesday.
Child with 4 LGBT Parents Campaigns for Gay Couple in Disney Comic
A Dutch child with two lesbian mothers and two homosexual fathers has pressured a comic book publisher into including a gay couple in its next issue of Donald Duck.
The Four States of the Apocalypse
“This is the flip side (of) tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich. The rich leave, and now what do you do?” said New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo on Feb. 4.
Facebook says ad transparency rules will go live barely 3 weeks before elections
Facebook on Tuesday refused to give a precise date for the rollout of its political advertisement transparency tool, which will force the sponsors of ads to identify themselves publicly.
George Soros and Bill Gates Exposed as the Force Behind Facebook’s New ‘Fake News’ Detector
…Billionaire globalist George Soros is among several liberal ‘luminaries’ funding the social media platform’s latest foray into soft censorship of dissent.
Nazi flag flown in Canadian community, removed following complaints
A Nazi swastika flag was raised over a property in the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island, drawing complaints from neighbors and the local Jewish community.
US officials discuss Israeli-Palestinian peace with Gulf leaders
US officials Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt hav
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
“This Is Unprecedented Territory” – Pakistan Shoots Down 2 Indian Fighter Jets In Dramatic Border Conflict Escalation
Indian and Pakistani fighter jets engaged each other, resulting in the worst escalation since the war between the two in 1971. Pakistan said it engaged six targets across the de facto border between the nuclear-armed neighbors. Pakistan said its fighter planes shot down two Indian fighter aircraft that entered its airspace. Two Indian pilots were in its custody, one of them in hospital. Meanwhile, Indian paramilitary forces clashed with Kashmir militants in India-controlled Kashmir on Wednesday. Two militants were killed. One analyst told Bloomberg that we are now in “unprecedented territory.”
BDS Fail: Pope Gives Green Light for Vatican to Invest in Israel
The anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement suffered yet another setback last week when Pope Francis approved investing Vatican funds in Israeli start-ups. A representative of the Vatican’s investment fund, Dickson Doll, spoke earlier this month at the Axis Tel Aviv investors’ conference, and discussed investment opportunities with a number of Israeli companies.
Trust In Media Hits Rock Bottom: 60% Of Americans Think Journalists Pay Their Sources
a survey conducted by the Columbia Journalism Review recently confirmed that trust in the American media has hit a new low. According to the survey of 4,214 American adults, which was carried out by Reuters/Ipsos, the media ranked dead last in a list of most trustworthy Washington institutions, behind Congress, the military and – get this – the executive branch.
Cardinal George Pell Child Abuse Conviction Shows Catholic Church ‘Is Incapable of Change From Within’
A group for survivors of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church said the conviction of Cardinal George Pell—a papal adviser and the most senior member of the church to be found guilty of molesting children—in Australia shows the institution “is incapable of change from within.” Pell, 77, was convicted in December of sexually abusing two choir boys in a room at Melbourne’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral in 1996, the Associated Press reported.
Witchcraft, Lies and Football
So, Tom Brady says his wife is a witch and her rituals helped the Patriots win the Super Bowl. But she’s a “good witch, “ Brady laughingly told the media. There’s actually no such thing and Brady’s reckless ignorance will now help promote witchcraft and sorcery to an American public that’s already confused enough.
What North Korea’s Underground Christians are Praying For as President Trump Meets with Kim Jong-Un; How We Can ‘Stand in the Gap’ in Prayer with Them
Peace. That’s the No. 1 thing that everyone is hoping and praying will come from this meeting in Vietnam. But while millions watch Kim Jung-Un and Trump at this summit, hoping for a denuclearization deal, thousands of people back in North Korea will be secretly praying for another kind of peace.
Netanyahu: ‘Won’t be Another Mosque on the Temple Mount’
An Israeli government official said: “The prime minister gave instructions to enforce the court’s order without compromise. The political echelon won’t allow the site to become a mosque. This directive was passed to the police and this message was delivered to certain authorities and to Jordan as well. The prime minister has instructed the public security minister [Gilad Erdan] to remove the rugs and other equipment from the site.”
Unofficial Relations Between Israel and Sunni-Arab Gulf States Continue to Increase
The Warsaw summit on the Middle East held earlier this month served as the latest reminder of the growth of unofficial relations between Israel and Sunni-Arab Gulf states. The conference saw Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu share a platform with foreign ministers from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Yemen and Oman. These Persian Gulf countries have no official ties with Israel as of now, but are nevertheless expanding their engagement with the Jewish state.
Ilhan Omar represents Hamas in Congress? Laurie Cardoza-Moore makes claim
Proclaiming Justice to the Nations founder Laurie Cardoza-Moore has accused Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) of being a “Hamas plant” in Congress. “Ilhan Omar covertly represents Hamas in the US Congress, we need to act now before this blows up in our faces,” Cardoza-Moore said in a statement.
Netanyahu lands in Moscow for meeting with Putin over Syria
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu landed here on a frigid Moscow morning for talks Wednesday with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He is scheduled to meet Putin in the early afternoon in the Kremlin. A planned meeting in the evening with leaders of the Jewish community was cancelled, and his departure back to Israel — now scheduled for 9.30 pm.– was moved up.
Pakistan India: Pakistan shoots down Indian aircraft over Kashmir
Pakistan says it has shot down two Indian military jets and captured two pilots in a major escalation between the nuclear powers over Kashmir. India says it lost one MiG21 fighter and a pilot is missing in action. Pakistani PM Imran Khan said the two sides could not afford a miscalculation with the weapons they had.
House votes to block Trump border wall national emergency
The US House of Representatives has voted to revoke President Donald Trump’s emergency declaration over building a US-Mexico border wall. The bid to overturn the declaration now goes to the Republican-majority Senate, where some conservatives have said they will vote with Democrats. Mr Trump, who declared the emergency after Congress refused funding for the wall, has said he will veto the bill.
OneWeb satellite internet mega-constellation set to fly
London-based start-up OneWeb is set to launch the first six satellites in its multi-billion-pound project to take the internet to every corner of the globe. The plans could eventually see some 2,000 spacecraft orbiting overhead. Other companies are also promising so-called mega-constellations, but OneWeb believes it has first-mover advantage with an operational system.
U.S. House Democrats introduce sweeping ‘Medicare for All’ bill
Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives unveiled an ambitious proposal on Tuesday to move all Americans into the government’s Medicare health insurance program, tapping into public frustration over the rising cost of healthcare that has become a key issue for the party as it seeks to gain control of Congress and the White House in 2020.
Stick to Marx not ‘ghosts and spirits’, China warns party members
China’s ruling Communist Party warned party members…to stick to Marx and Lenin and not believe in “ghosts and spirits”, in the latest effort to root out superstitious practices. China officially guarantees freedom of religion for…Christianity, Buddhism and Islam, but party members are meant to be atheists and are especially banned from participating in what China calls superstitious practices like visiting soothsayers.
In major religion case, Supreme Court weighs Maryland cross dispute
The conservative-majority U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday takes up one of the biggest cases of its current term when it weighs whether a cross-shaped war memorial on public land in Maryland is an unconstitutional government endorsement of religion. The…Peace Cross, a…concrete memorial to 49 men…Prince George’s County killed in World War One, is situated on public land at a busy road intersection in Bladensburg…
Typhoon Wutip sideswipes Guam: The first February super typhoon in a century packs 180 mph gusts
The United States was hit by a barrage of wild weather over the weekend. Tornadoes carved through the South, a blizzard buried the northern plains, and flash floods drenched the Tennessee Valley. But amid the busy weekend, the United States also was struck by something you might not be expecting at this time of the year: a typhoon.
‘Ice tsunami’ spawned by windstorm spurs evacuations along Lake Erie, as thousands without power across East
High winds causing chaos across the eastern half of the country with power outages and travel delays have created another problem: a literal wall of ice.
100 mph winds in Sierra, snow from Oregon to Montana
A fierce winter storm packing winds in excess of 100 mph (160 kph) and predicted to bring as much as 8 feet (2.4 meters) of snow to the Sierra Nevada barreled into the West on Monday, toppling trucks and trees, triggering power outages and closing roads and schools from Oregon to Montana.
February is coldest in Los Angeles in nearly 60 years
This month is the coldest February in downtown Los Angeles in nearly 60 years, with the average high temperature at 60.6 degrees as of Sunday. That’s a full 8 degrees below the normal average temperature, the National Weather Service said in a news release announcing the record lows.
AI ‘Deity’ To Preach Buddhism In Japanese Temple
A Japanese robot has been created to preach the teachings of Buddha in colloquial language at the Kodaiji Temple in the ancient city of Kyoto.
Ontario board will force elementary schools to fly homosexual ‘pride’ flag in June
An Ontario public school board voted last week to force all its elementary schools to fly the pro-homosexual rainbow “pride” flag for at least a week in June.
Christian Professor Rebecca Todd Peters Claims “Abortion is a Moral Good”
A guest lecturer at Emory University in Georgia plans to tell students why she, as a Christian, believes that abortion is a “moral good.”
United Methodist Church vote keeps gay clergy, marriage bans
Representatives of the United Methodist Church voted Tuesday to uphold traditional church bans against homosexual clergy and same-sex marriage — a move that could lead to a schism in the second-largest Protestant denomination in the United States.
Feminist Kamala Harris Supports Decriminalizing Sex Work
Further distancing herself from her professionaprosecutorial past, the supposed feminist Kamala Harris now supports decriminalizing sex work.
Man Receives A Microchip Implant Live On-Stage At The Mobile World Congress Technology Event In Barcelona Spain
For nearly 10 years now, we here at Now The End Begins have been telling you about the coming Mark of the Beast. The human implantable microchip was first released in the aftermath of 9/11, and since then the technology has grown by leaps and bounds. In 2017 we told you about the Wisconsin company Three Square who held a ‘chip party‘ for all of their employees. Then in 2018 we told how that same company who had previously promised their chips would never be used for tracking are now being used for tracking. My, my, but things are accelerating so quickly.
The 5 Most Troubling Religion Courses Taught in College Classrooms this Year
Leftist (and often times secular) professors are spending their time demonizing Christianity, misrepresenting the Bible, and misconstruing long established religious principles. While this list could go on for pages, here are the five most troubling religion courses we found that are being offered this school year.
IAF Air Strike: Pakistan Prepares For ‘All Eventualities’ Following India Attack
It’s the biggest escalation between South Asia’s nuclear-armed rivals in decades and with a bitterly contested national election in India just weeks away, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was quick to exploit his military’s air strikes on a terrorist camp inside Pakistan Tuesday.
Child with 4 LGBT Parents Campaigns for Gay Couple in Disney Comic
A Dutch child with two lesbian mothers and two homosexual fathers has pressured a comic book publisher into including a gay couple in its next issue of Donald Duck.
The Four States of the Apocalypse
“This is the flip side (of) tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich. The rich leave, and now what do you do?” said New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo on Feb. 4.
Facebook says ad transparency rules will go live barely 3 weeks before elections
Facebook on Tuesday refused to give a precise date for the rollout of its political advertisement transparency tool, which will force the sponsors of ads to identify themselves publicly.
George Soros and Bill Gates Exposed as the Force Behind Facebook’s New ‘Fake News’ Detector
…Billionaire globalist George Soros is among several liberal ‘luminaries’ funding the social media platform’s latest foray into soft censorship of dissent.
Nazi flag flown in Canadian community, removed following complaints
A Nazi swastika flag was raised over a property in the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island, drawing complaints from neighbors and the local Jewish community.
US officials discuss Israeli-Palestinian peace with Gulf leaders
US officials Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt hav