Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Re: Rapture Ready News October 2017

"Fair Use for Information & Educational Purposes"

28 Oct 2017
Published on: October 28, 2017 by RRadmin7
423-2: House Passes Bill Targeting Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program
The House of Representatives on Thursday passed with overwhelming support bipartisan sanctions legislation targeting Iran’s ballistic missiles, which has provided Tehran with sophisticated S-300 surface-to-air missiles. The bill includes provisions that could ensnare Russia.

Authorities Are Now Refusing To Release Any New Information About The Las Vegas Massacre – FBI Says “It Doesn’t Matter”
In yet another obvious example of the massive cover-up currently underway surrounding the Las Vegas Massacre, authorities with both the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and the FBI have refused to provide any updates to the media since they ridiculously changed their entire narrative two weeks ago.

Obama Appointed Left-Wing Judge Awards Black Lives Matter Protesters $1000 Each for Baton Rouge Protests
Radical left-wing judge John W. deGravelles awarded up to 70 Black Lives Matter protesters up to $1,000 each for excessive force during anti-police protests in 2016. John W. deGravelles was appointed by Barack Obama.

Pedophilia Is the New Normal-The Anti-Christian Movement Is Led by Google and Netflix
Jesus and his Christian followers had a very special place in their hearts for children. The Bible admonishes all parents to protect their children with their lives and to fulfill their duty of raising up their children to obey and fear God. I am reminded what the Bible says about the requirement to protect the children in Luke 17:2 as the word of God proclaims:

Trump Will Shrink Bears Ears Monument
…Bears Ears encompasses 1,351,849 acres, making it one of the largest land-based monuments ever created. Republicans said Obama had gone beyond what he’s authorized to do under the Antiquities Act, which gives the president authority to designate monuments. The GOP said Obama improperly put large swaths of land under stricter federal control.

Get Ready for the Trump Boom
…The previous administration’s economic policies resulted in a near doubling of the national debt from $10.6 trillion in 2009 to nearly $20 trillion in 2016. … This run-up in debt over the last eight years brought it to a level that we have not seen since shortly after World War II.

Cast Your Obamacare, Says Hill GOP Senators and Congressmen
House and Senate leaders may disagree on how to fix Obamacare, but they certainly don’t dispute why. After seven years, the only thing higher than the costs of the Left’s health care law may be the mounds of evidence about its failures. Already, families are bracing themselves for January 1, when experts warn that most Americans will wake up with a headache — and not from a lack of sleep from the night before.

Joe Biden Resurrects his & Obama’s 2014 ‘It’s on Us’ Campaign
Providing side show distraction for Hillary Clinton and the DNC—both now busted as the main Russian colluders in the long-running Russians-stole-the-election conspiracy—are (drum roll here) ex vice president Joe Biden—teamed up with Lady Gaga.

Trump’s Storm Is Lashing The Halls Of Corruption
About two months ago, I wrote an article here on Zero Hedge entitled, “Trump Is Slow-Playing His Cards In This Game Of Deep State Poker.” Since that article, and since Trump’s seemingly cryptic statement, we have been witness to the following:
Clinton and Obama friend Harvey Weinstein’s disgraceful fall from his perch atop Hollywood. Confirmation that James Comey sought to exonerate Hillary Clinton before even interviewing her. Fusion GPS executives invoking the Fifth Amendment, their lawyers fighting, red of tooth and claw, to keep Congressional investigators from combing through Fusion’s bank records.
A slate of Project Veritas videos embarrassing the legacy media.
Etc., Etc.,
I don’t know about you, but I don’t believe in that many coincidences in that short a period of time. It rather strikes me as coordinated effort.

The Anti-Israel UN List of Shame: Is Your Company on it?
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Jordan’s Prince Zeid bin Ra’ad Zeid al-Hussein, sent out letters to approximately 190 companies informing them that they have been blacklisted due to their operations in the “occupied Palestinian territories”. This is the term used to describe the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. The blacklist targets many prominent Israeli businesses as well as multinational corporations. The list reportedly includes some 30 American firms as well. Some of the companies listed are large Israeli and international corporations, like Israel Aerospace Industries, Hewlett-Packard, Motorola, Ahava cosmetics, the Cellcom and Partner telecommunications companies, and RE/MAX real estate.

‘We will not rest until every Jew wishing to immigrate is here’
Two hundred twenty seven new immigrants (olim) from Belarus, France, Russia and Ukraine arrived in Israel during Israel Aliyah (immigration) Week. 174 of the new olim arrived on the Tuesday, as the Knesset celebrated Yom Ha’aliyah (Immigration Day). The new Israeli citizens join over 10,000 others who were brought to Israel by International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ)

Is Madagascar’s Spreading Plague Outbreak Precursor to End-of-Days Epidemic?
But the disease may have even deeper roots in human history. The sixth plague in Egypt, boils, may very well have been bubonic plague, whose characteristic symptom is boil-like skin lesions that form black ulcers. “It shall become a fine dust all over the land of Egypt, and cause an inflammation breaking out in boils on man and beast throughout the land of Egypt. Exodus 9:9”

Planned bridge to connect Saudi Arabia with Egypt
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman announced Tuesday his intention to create a new high-tech mega city in western Saudi Arabia, called NEOM, for a cost of $500 billion. According to the plans, the Saudi kingdom intends to erect a bridge passing over the Red Sea and linking NEOM to Egypt, reported American news site Bloomberg, a project Israel may have to assent to for it to go forward. The 1979 peace accords between Israel and Egypt enshrine Israel’s free passage through the Straits of Tiran in the Red Sea, over which the bridge is planned to pass.

ESPN preparing for more layoffs, report says
ESPN is planning another round of layoffs just six months after the network fired more than 100 employees, Sporting News reports. Multiple sources told the sports news site that 40 to 60 people including on-air talent and radio personalities may be sent packing. The layoffs could come as soon as late November or early December. ESPN declined Fox News’ request for comment.

NFL Popularity Plummets In New Poll, Especially Among Republicans
The survey found that 46 percent of the viewers had a positive opinion of the NFL while 41 percent viewed the league negatively. In comparison, just four years earlier, 64 percent of the people had a positive view while 19 percent had an unfavorable one.

Turn Israel into pariah state to ‘end occupation,’ UN official urges
The United Nations must “review Israel’s status as a law-abiding member of the United Nations” by declaring its “occupation as illegal,” UN Human Rights Council special investigator Michael Lynk said on Thursday. Such a move would isolate Israel internationally by way of forcing it to end its “occupation” of Palestinian territories, Lynk said at a press conference in New York.

IN PICTURES: Flames threaten Jerusalem forest
Fires broke out in the Jerusalem hills Thursday night, and continue to burn as of Friday morning. According to The Jewish National Fund, forty firefighting teams are battling the flames, which broke out in a forest in the Sataf area of the Jerusalem hills. Eight fire-fighting planes and a helicopter also aided in the effort. It is estimated that 2,000 dunams (about 500 acres) of woodlands have been thus far destroyed.

Catalan crisis: Spain PM Rajoy demands direct rule
Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has called on senators to approve direct rule over Catalonia, amid an escalating crisis over the region’s push for independence. He said he wanted to dismiss Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont, his vice-president and all regional ministers. Mr Rajoy’s speech was met with applause in the Spanish senate, where his Partido Popular has a majority.

Catholic Hospital Group Grants Euthanasia to Mentally Ill, Defying Vatican
A chain of Catholic psychiatric hospitals in Belgium is granting euthanasia to non-terminal patients, defying the Vatican and deepening a challenge to the church’s commitment to a constant moral code. The board of the Brothers of Charity, Belgium’s largest single provider of psychiatric care, said the decision no longer belongs to Rome.

Watch: Flaw Allows Hackers to Spy with Robot Vacuum
A flaw discovered by security researchers would have allowed hackers to take control of numerous LG smart devices including a camera-equipped robot vacuum.

24,000 Homicides: Mexico On Pace For Most Violent Year In History As Drug Wars Spiral Out Of Control
“2017 might be the most violent year in Mexican history. Semáforo Delictivo said that, due to the 24,000 homicides between January and September, the year is proving even worse than 2011, when President Felipe Calderón’s war on drugs led to 22,000 homicides.”

Trump Admin. Settles With Tea Party Groups Targeted By Obama IRS for Unfair, Extreme Scrutiny
Finally, some good news for more than 400 conservative groups who were illegally singled out for their political affiliations and subsequently targeted and subjected to unfair and extreme scrutiny by the Obama Era Internal Revenue Service.

The Pneumonic Plague Is Spreading: Warnings Issued to 9 Countries
…When I wrote about the plague less than two weeks ago, I cited a source that said there were 200 infections and 33 deaths. As of today, those numbers have increased dramatically to more than 1300 infections and 124 deaths. And according to many infectious disease experts, the outbreak has not yet reached its peak.

Obama Justice Department’s $1 Billion ‘Slush Fund’ Boosted Liberal Groups
President Barack Obama’s Justice Department created a “slush fund” of nearly $1 billion using legal settlements with banks and steered those funds to political allies on the left while excluding conservative groups, internal documents show.

Trey Gowdy Officially Cleared to Go After Lynch, Clinton
…a good number of the goofy, ridiculously fishy goings on of the Obama-era DOJ are on their way to being brought into the light, and we couldn’t be happier. Former President Barack Obama’s Justice Department is as scandal-ridden as scandal-ridden gets, with former Attorneys General Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder potentially on the hook for a bevvy of misbehavior.

BREAKING: Entire Indiana Police Dept. Quits After Being Told To Do These 3 SICK Things
Unfortunately, liberalism has so infected our culture that disregard for our police officers is now widespread….. One of the main charges against the Bunker Hill Town Council is that they wanted to use the police to collect information on their political rivals. The police officers refused to take part in unethical abuses of their resources.

Baby Food: Arsenic Found in 65 Percent of It, Study Says
Sixty-five percent of baby food brands tested positive for arsenic, and smaller percentages also had lead, cadmium, and BPA, according to a new study.

Campaigners Demand ‘Urgent Action’ as Child Sex Grooming Cases Rise 64 Per Cent in Just One Year
..Data released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed there were 1,771 grooming offences recorded across England and Wales in the year up to June, rising from 1,080 in the previous year.

Trump Directs State, USAID to Bypass United Nations, Deliver U.S. Aid More Directly to Christians, Yazidis In Iraq
President Trump has issued a White House directive forcing the State Department and USAID to bypass the United Nations and stop its “ineffective” relief efforts aimed at helping Iraqi Christians, Yazidis, and other persecuted religious minorities, and instead to provide the assistance either directly or through “faith-based groups.”


Re: Rapture Ready News October 2017

"Fair Use for Information & Educational Purposes"

George Washington’s Church Says Plaque Honoring First President Must Come Down
…The church came to the conclusion that the plaques were not acceptable to all worshipers. “The plaques in our sanctuary make some in our presence feel unsafe or unwelcome,” leaders said, a reference to the fact that Washington was a slaveholder.

REPORT: Pentagon Plans “National Blackout Drill During Antifa Protests In November”
The U.S. Department of Defense will carry out a blackout drill during the national Antifa protests in November. The executive order mandating the drill states, “Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

Pentagon Recommends That Women Be Required To Sign Up For The Draft
The Pentagon is recommending that women be required to register for the draft just like men. They want this to boost military enrollment. But if you are messing with the draft, is war imminent? Why would you do this? Do they know something we don’t? Personally, I join Ted Cruz in saying that this is a horrible idea and should not be done. I have seen no major recruitment drive to replenish the military after Barack Obama decimated it. Shouldn’t we try that first? This came out in a Defense Department report addressed to Congress.

Vatican Priest Claims 12-Year-Old Victim Was Impregnated By Holy Spirit
A Vatican pedophile priest who is accused of impregnating a 12-year-old girl says he is not responsible for the pregnancy and that the child was born of the Holy spirit. The parents of the 12-year-old girl are accusing Father Ariel Bartholemew, 56, of the Catholic Church of having impregnated their daughter.

BRUTAL TRUTH: The Flag of Palestine Before 1948 That Will Shut Up Every Muslim in The World
Further proof of the lie (as if we needed any more) of the vicious historical revisionism by the Muslim world to erase the Jewish State and create a mythical Islamic narrative surrounding five thousand years of Jewish history.The fact is that Palestine is Israel – the Jewish homeland.

Heritage Foundation destroys claim vote fraud doesn’t happen
Although Democrats consistently attack President Trump’s voter fraud commission, insisting significant voter fraud doesn’t exist and that Republican efforts to curb fraud actually are intended to suppress minority voters, the existence of a Heritage Foundation database filled with voter-fraud cases is refuting the entire Democratic narrative about electoral integrity.

Baghdad and Tehran’s goal: The Destruction of Kurdistan
The advance of the Iran-supported Iraqi government and paramilitary forces against their Kurdish opponents moved forward this week. The Kurdish Regional Government, in a statement issued on the morning of October 25, offered to “freeze” the results of the referendum on independence conducted on September 25, in light of what it called the “grave and dangerous circumstances” currently prevailing.

Mattis: North Korea nuclear threat accelerating
The threat of nuclear attack from North Korea is increasing, US Defence Secretary James Mattis said during a visit to South Korea. Mr Mattis warned it would face a “massive military response” if it used nuclear weapons. Separately, North Korea released a South Korean fishing boat which it said had been found in North Korean waters illegally.

Catalonia independence: Spain takes charge of Catalan government
The Spanish government has stripped Catalonia of its autonomy and taken charge of its government. The measures early on Saturday came after the Catalan parliament voted to declare independence on Friday. An official state bulletin dismissed Catalan leaders and handed control of Catalonia to Spain’s Deputy Prime Minister, Soraya Saenz de Santamaria.

Brexit: EU bank may not fully repay UK until 2054
Billions of euros of British taxpayers’ money could remain locked into an EU bank for more than thirty years after Brexit, the UK has been warned. Alexander Stubb, vice president of the European Investment Bank – in which the UK is a 16% shareholder – said it would not be fully repaid until 2054. He described Brexit as a “travesty” but denied the move was a punishment.

DoD Plans Solar-Storm-Based National Blackout Drill During Antifa Protests In November
According to The National Association for Amateur Radio (ARRL), elements of the US Department of Defense (DOD) will simulate a “communications interoperability” training exercise across the United States on November 04-06. The announcement released on October 24 has not been widely distributed to the media, because the drill is simulating a total grid collapse and could spark public fear.

Hamas leader blames Israel for assassination attempt on security commander
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh blamed Israel for the assassination attempt that took place earlier Friday against the commander of Hamas’s internal security forces in Gaza, Tawfiq Abu Naim. “Through these crimes, Israel is trying to dissuade Hamas from its ways and its adherence to the rights and struggle of the Palestinian people,” Haniyeh said while visiting Abu Naim at the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza.

UN official calls for sanctions against Israel, pens scathing report
A United Nations official called on Thursday for heavy sanctions to be imposed on Israel to “bring a complete end to the 50 years of occupation of the Palestinian territories in as expeditious a time period as possible.” In a scathing report authored for the UN Security Council by the Canadian law professor Michael Lynk…the international community is urged to take harsh measures against Israel.

Tennessee cities brace for protests over refugee resettlement
White nationalists and neo-Nazis are expected to converge on the small Tennessee cities of Shelbyville and Murfreesboro on Saturday to protest refugee resettlement in the state, seven months after it sued the U.S. government over the issue. The “White Lives Matter” rally, by some of the groups involved in a Virginia march in August that turned violent, is also expected to draw hundreds of counter-demonstrators and a heavy local police presence.

423-2: House Passes Bill Targeting Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program
The House of Representatives on Thursday passed with overwhelming support bipartisan sanctions legislation targeting Iran’s ballistic missiles, which has provided Tehran with sophisticated S-300 surface-to-air missiles. The bill includes provisions that could ensnare Russia.

Authorities Are Now Refusing To Release Any New Information About The Las Vegas Massacre – FBI Says “It Doesn’t Matter”
In yet another obvious example of the massive cover-up currently underway surrounding the Las Vegas Massacre, authorities with both the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and the FBI have refused to provide any updates to the media since they ridiculously changed their entire narrative two weeks ago.

Obama Appointed Left-Wing Judge Awards Black Lives Matter Protesters $1000 Each for Baton Rouge Protests
Radical left-wing judge John W. deGravelles awarded up to 70 Black Lives Matter protesters up to $1,000 each for excessive force during anti-police protests in 2016. John W. deGravelles was appointed by Barack Obama.

Pedophilia Is the New Normal-The Anti-Christian Movement Is Led by Google and Netflix
Jesus and his Christian followers had a very special place in their hearts for children. The Bible admonishes all parents to protect their children with their lives and to fulfill their duty of raising up their children to obey and fear God. I am reminded what the Bible says about the requirement to protect the children in Luke 17:2 as the word of God proclaims:

Trump Will Shrink Bears Ears Monument
…Bears Ears encompasses 1,351,849 acres, making it one of the largest land-based monuments ever created. Republicans said Obama had gone beyond what he’s authorized to do under the Antiquities Act, which gives the president authority to designate monuments. The GOP said Obama improperly put large swaths of land under stricter federal control.

Get Ready for the Trump Boom
…The previous administration’s economic policies resulted in a near doubling of the national debt from $10.6 trillion in 2009 to nearly $20 trillion in 2016. … This run-up in debt over the last eight years brought it to a level that we have not seen since shortly after World War II.

Cast Your Obamacare, Says Hill GOP Senators and Congressmen
House and Senate leaders may disagree on how to fix Obamacare, but they certainly don’t dispute why. After seven years, the only thing higher than the costs of the Left’s health care law may be the mounds of evidence about its failures. Already, families are bracing themselves for January 1, when experts warn that most Americans will wake up with a headache — and not from a lack of sleep from the night before.

Joe Biden Resurrects his & Obama’s 2014 ‘It’s on Us’ Campaign
Providing side show distraction for Hillary Clinton and the DNC—both now busted as the main Russian colluders in the long-running Russians-stole-the-election conspiracy—are (drum roll here) ex vice president Joe Biden—teamed up with Lady Gaga


Re: Rapture Ready News October 2017

"Fair Use for Information & Educational Purposes"

PM delays vote on bill annexing Greater Jerusalem after US frowns on it
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delayed on Saturday an initial vote on the Greater Jerusalem bill, after some of his coalition partners opposed it and the US appeared to frown on it. The Ministerial Committee for Legislative Affairs had intended to vote Sunday on the bill, which would shore up the Jewish vote in Jerusalem by annexing 19 settlements to the capital.

Rouhani: Iran will continue to produce missiles
Iran will continue to produce missiles for its defense and does not consider that a violation of international accords, President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday in a speech broadcast on state television. Rouhani spoke days after the US House of Representatives voted for new sanctions on Iran’s ballistic missile program, part of an effort to clamp down on Tehran without immediately moving to undermine an international nuclear agreement.

Somalia Mogadishu: Deadly attacks rock capital
Security forces in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, have ended a 15-hour siege of a hotel stormed by armed militants. The gunmen entered the building after two bombs were detonated in the area. At least 20 people were killed, and it is feared more bodies will be found as security forces search the hotel. The Islamist militant group al-Shabab said it had carried out the bombings.

Mattis: North Korea nuclear threat accelerating
The threat of nuclear attack from North Korea is increasing, US Defence Secretary James Mattis said during a visit to South Korea. Mr Mattis warned it would face a “massive military response” if it used nuclear weapons. Separately, North Korea released a South Korean fishing boat which it said had been found in North Korean waters illegally.

Turkey detains 61 people over suspected Islamic State links : Anadolu
Turkish police detained 61 people over suspected links to Islamic State in anti-terror operations in two cities, the state-run Anadolu Agency said on Sunday. Counter-terrorism police raided houses in Bursa, a northwestern province of Turkey, and detained 39 people including 28 Syrian nationals and two Azerbaijani nationals, Anadolu said. Eight of the detained suspects were minors, it said.


Re: Rapture Ready News October 2017

"Fair Use for Information & Educational Purposes"

He claims to talk with dead (John Lennon, Thomas Edison) via a ‘ghost box’
Chris Moon grew up in a religious household, raised by a Jewish mother and Catholic father, and despite working with them both, he has chosen neither path. Not directly, anyway. “I’m what I call an evolving spiritualist,” Moon said. Moon, 44, and his mother were traveling between tour stops when he spoke to the Pioneer Press this week about their book and his life as the world’s foremost electronic medium. Moon, in fact, contends that he is likely the world’s only electronic medium because only he uses a ghost box engineered by its inventor, the late Frank Sumption.

Pope Francis has abolished hell, purgatory, heaven: papal confidant
“Pope Francis has abolished the places where souls were supposed to go after death: hell, purgatory, heaven. The idea he holds is that souls dominated by evil and unrepentant cease to exist, while those that have been redeemed from evil will be taken up into beatitude, contemplating God.” “The universal judgment that is in the tradition of the Church therefore becomes devoid of meaning. It remains a simple pretext that has given rise to splendid paintings in the history of art. Nothing other than this.”

North Korea conducting evacuation, blackout drills amid growing tensions with US, report says
As tensions between the U.S. and North Korea continue to grow, the regime has been conducting safety measures for its people amid threats of nuclear war. The country has “conducted rare blackout exercises and mass evacuation drills in secondary, tertiary cities and towns last week,” NK News reported Saturday. The drills were not conducted in the nation’s capital of Pyongyang.

Moderate earthquake shakes Kashmir Valley
A moderate intensity earthquake measuring 5.7 on the Richter scale shook the Kashmir valley on Saturday night. No loss of life or property was reported anywhere in the valley.A spokesman of the Meteorological Department Kashmir said that the tremor hit the valley at 11.15 pm on Saturday and lasted only a few seconds. “The epicenter of the earthquake was in the Hindukush Region in Afghanistan,” he said.

PA’s Abbas: Hamas Unity Government Ministers Must Recognize Israel
Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas said on Sunday that he will not appoint any Hamas officials to the Palestinian unity government unless they publicly recognize Israel, the Times of Israel reported.

La Niña WATCH activated
models suggest the tropical Pacific Ocean will continue to cool, making the chance of a La Niña forming in late 2017 at least 50%; around double the normal likelihood. While this means the Bureau’s ENSO Outlook has shifted to La Niña WATCH, rainfall outlooks remain neutral due to competing climate drivers.

German Socialist Party was Hitler’s first choice, says historian
Newly discovered documents show Hitler only joined Nazi party after being rejected by his first choice, the German Socialist Party. The German Socialist Party, which like the Nazi party was staunchly nationalistic, was larger and more influential in the immediate aftermath of the First World War. The document in question – based on the testimony of German Socialist Party founder Hans Georg Grassinger – described Hitler’s attempt to join the party in the fall of 1919.

Apocalyptic photos show sea of hail swamping cars in Argentina
The aftermath of a storm which dumped up to five feet of water and hail in Argentina has been revealed in images released by the World Meteorological Organisation.

PM delays vote on bill annexing Greater Jerusalem after US frowns on it
The bill in question seeks to legalize the annexation of 19 settlements to the capital and has sparked a heated debate in the government.

Politico: Kushner Took Secret Trip to Saudi Arabia
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner took an unannounced trip to Saudi Arabia late last week to discuss a Middle East peace initiative, a White House official told Politico.

Antifa’s Coup to Replace Our Constitutional Republic Through Destablizing Terror Attacks
If this article was a movie, we would already be hearing music associated with danger. It is time to synthesize what know about Vegas and to extrapolate some meaning about what is coming based on two variables, what we know and what has already happened.

WOW! Obama Campaign Paid Nearly $1 Million To Law Firm Connected To Fusion GPS

In yet another twist to the Clinton/DNC/Fusion GPS saga, Federal Election Commission (FEC) records show former president Barack Obama’s campaign organization, Obama For America (OFA), paid $972,000 to Perkins Coie, the law firm connected to Fusion GPS.

The tide is turning: Big Pharma billionaire arrested, charged with conspiracy and bribery of doctors
I almost never thought I’d see the day when a Big Pharma founder and owner was finally arrested for running a criminal drug cartel, but that day has arrived.

Ben Carson has uncovered half a trillion dollars misplaced (lost or stolen) by Obama’s HUD
So, where is the money? Ben Carson has revealed massive incompetence and possibly corruption in Obama’s Department of Housing and Urban Development, with over half a trillion dollars improperly accounted for, which generally means lost or stolen.

IN PLAIN SIGHT: An Islamic army caught hiding in the US exposed on national TV
“A disturbing clip has just surfaced of Fox News host Sean Hannity exposing the fact that deadly terrorist training camps have been popping up all over the U.S.

FBI Informant Just Pulled Out a Piece of Paper on Live TV That Will Make Hillary Clinton SHIVER in Fear
…Fox Legal Analyst Greg Jarrett joined the panel on Hannity and dropped a bombshell that will have Hillary Clinton panicking. Jarrett laid out 13 crimes Hillary Clinton could be convicted of, now that the FBI informant is allowed to testify. The crimes include 6 felony corruption charges,Racketeering, and 2 counts of the espionage act. The FBI informant’s lawyer says he has tapes, emails, conversations that prove the Russian collusion.

Obama legacy: Making DHS officers’ work impossible
Former insider: ‘Directives from the former administration basically handcuffed us’

Muslims livid as Israel begins process of annexing 18 settlements into GREATER JERUSALEM, and the Trump Adminisation puts up no opposition
US Department of State spokesperson says she won’t comment on Jerusalem bill, notes bill still has to go through legislative process.

ALERT: Look What Obama Did With Social Security, This Is Nasty
…The Social Security Administration is one of the most crucial pillars of our economy. It ensures that people who work their entire lives can get help when they start getting older and retire, or perhaps get injured when they are younger. Obama paid out $1 billion in benefits to people who did not have a Social Security Number, according to Fox News
