For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing .
Received the email posted below from Steve K., which is very encouraging, excellent written word, explaining that the timing for the Rapture could be at hand within days, imminently. Read and be blessed! Valerie
Hi Valerie,
Take heart my dear sister in the Lord, we will soon be rescued (via Rapture) out of this dying world system. Heb.10:36-38, "For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise. For yet a little while, And He who is coming will come and will not tarry.
Now the just shall live by faith, But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him."
The most important component in the life of a believer is endurance, especially in the times we are now living in.
The foolish virgins (Matt.25) will abandon their longing and joyously anticipating Jesus' return due to many factors. Chief among them, in my opinion, is their false pre-suppositions they have in their thinking concerning a precise time-frame of His arrival, and when it does not come to pass, privately or publicly, blame Jesus for "breaking His promise".
Conversely, the wise virgins will hold fast to Christ's promise of His return for His Bride. They will ultimately cling to their belief that His signs and promises are genuine, and place the blame where it belongs - man's faulty interpretation of His Word.
It is likely that the oil spoken of in the parable of the 10 virgins is primarily speaking of patient, faithful, endurance in Christ and steadfast confidence in His promises. This oil cannot be purchased, and is not
transferrable from one person to another.
"But while the bridegroom was delayed" - Matt.25:5
It is extremely likely that this delay must take place before Christ comes to receive His body of believers. It also appears to me that this delay took place very recently. It may have occurred on Sept. 9th (Jupiter was "birthed" in Virgo), or during the time-frame of Sept.21-24 (the Feast of Trumpets and the Rev.12 Sign).
Concerning the possible delay of Sept.9th :
Sept.9, 2017 - the man-child or corporate body of Christ born Plus 21-days - delay of Dan.10:13 = Sept 30, 2017 - Yom Kippur. Could it be that this 21-day delay is the fulfillment of your SkyBlue21 vision? After all, the two spectacular signs given by YHWH occurred in the "sky" between the Sept.9th and Sept. 30th time-frame .... The
Great American Eclipse and The Sign of the Woman - Rev.12.
The Great American Solar Eclipse .. "the end-times Sign of Jonah?! With all of your excellent posts about this Eclipse, there is no need to give an over-view of the sign.
The following information/theory is something that came to me personally. Therefore, it will most likely be a new , and hopefully encouraging piece of information to you. It just may provide more reasons to look forward to a possible "Yom Kippur Rapture". I am hoping and praying that the time-frame of Sept.29 - Oct.1 will be our time of Departure.
If the Lord tarries beyond these dates, I suppose all of us "watchers" will turn our attention to the 2nd sign of Rev.12 - the fiery red dragon
(a very difficult sign to decipher indeed).
The Great American Eclipse & The Feast of Trumpets :
There is a very interesting division of time within the 40-day time-frame from the Aug.21st Eclipse to Yom Kippur on Sept.30th. Not only is there a 33-day/7-day split created by the Rev.12 Sign, there is also a 30-day/10-day division.
There are 30 days from the Eclipse (Aug.21) to the Feast of Trumpets (Sept21/22), and, there are 10 days from Trumpets to Yom Kippur (Sept.30/Oct.1).
At first glance, it may not seem like these numbers could possibly indicate a connection to a possible "Yom Kippur Rapture", so let's take a closer look .
The Great American "Wedding Ring " Eclipse = (30) days + (10) days to Yom Kippur :
On the Gregorian ("American"calendar), Yom Kippur falls on the (30)th day of September in 2017.... and, On the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur always lands precisely on the (10)th
day of the 7th month (Lev.23:27), which corresponds to Sept.30th this year.
Could the very meaning of the numbers 30 and 10 provide us with more credible evidence?
(1) Number 30 :
It is clear that God places a great amount of emphasis on the age (or #30) -
(a) Joseph was 30 years old when he became 2nd in command to pharaoh,
after being in prison as a slave in Egypt.(Gen.41:46).
(b) The priests officially entered service at age 30. (Num.4:3).
(c) David became King when he was 30 years old, he was a mere shepherd
before his anointing. (2 Sam.5:4).
(d) Ezekiel was called by God as a prophet at age 30 (Ezek.1:1).
(e) John the Baptist was age 30 when he came out from the wilderness to
pave the way for Messiah.
(f) Jesus officially started His ministry at age 30. (Luke 3:23).
source : "Number 30 in the Bible/ What's the Significance of age 30 in the Bible?" @
(2) Number 10 :
(a) There were 10 virgins in Matt.25:1-3 (5 wise and 5 foolish).
(b) There are 10 commandments.
(c) The phrase "God said" appears 10 times in the creation week of Genesis 1, which speaks of God's completeness in all of God's creation and in all that God says.
(d) When God punished Egypt for not letting the Israelites go, there were 10 plagues sent which are reflective of the completeness of God's judgment.
(e) The Passover lamb was to be sacrificed on the 10th day of the first month (Exod.12:3). Since Jesus was the atonement provided for sinners, the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) was on the 10th day of the 7th month.
(f) There were exactly 10 generations that lived up to the flood of Noah's day when the flood of God's judgment on sinful man overwhelmed all those who refused to repent.
(g) In Judaism, the 10 days between the Feast of trumpets and Yom Kippur were called "the 10 days of awe". source ; "What Does The Number Ten (10) Mean or Represent in the Bible?"
Valerie, feel free to post any or all information shared in this e-mail to the RFTH family ....... Can't be long now! God Bless ------- Steve K.
Hi Steve K. & Everyone,
Steve, Thanks so very much for sharing your personal thoughts and ideas, encouragement on the Rapture, and information on the reasoning for the delays, etc. I too believe that the Rapture is close, even in the next few days. I can't give up the watch, for the Lord's coming at the Rapture, it's what I look forward to each and every day, Jesus coming for His bride.
Speaking of the number 10; a partial scriptural verse that came to mind after the none Rapture re: Sept 21-23 was Revelation 2:10 “and you shall have tribulation ten days."
Why this part of scripture came to mind, I don't really know for certain. However, I'm just guessing, could it be 10 days inclusive from Sept. 21 - Sept. 30th are a clue for the timing of the 2017 Rapture?
The number 30 can symbolize dedication to a particular task or calling. Christ began to publicly preach the gospel (Luke 3:23). His ministry lasted for three years. Jesus died at the age of 33.
The number 40 generally symbolizes a period of testing, trial or probation.
The following in quotes are the statements you made in your email.
"The Great American Eclipse & The Feast of Trumpets :
There is a very interesting division of time within the 40-day time-frame from the Aug.21st Eclipse to Yom Kippur on Sept.30th. Not only is there a 33-day/7-day split created by the Rev.12 Sign, there is also a 30-day/10-day division.
There are 30 days from the Eclipse (Aug.21) to the Feast of Trumpets (Sept21/22), and, there are 10 days from Trumpets to Yom Kippur (Sept.30/Oct.1).
At first glance, it may not seem like these numbers could possibly indicate a connection to a possible "Yom Kippur Rapture", so let's take a closer look .
The Great American "Wedding Ring " Eclipse = (30) days + (10) days to Yom Kippur :
On the Gregorian ("American"calendar), Yom Kippur falls on the (30)th day of September in 2017.... and, On the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur always lands precisely on the (10)th
day of the 7th month (Lev.23:27), which corresponds to Sept.30th this year."
Steve K., note also the the three numbers that come up in Revelation 2:10 “and you shall have tribulation ten days";Number 21, Number 10, and add the 2+1=3 add 0 = Number 30.
I too hope and pray that in the next few days we'll be going home with Jesus via the Rapture.
God Bless,
The Jubilee Trumpet Sounds on September 30
Valerie, Steve and everyone,
I just listened to a you tube by a lady "walking by the spirit" Yom Kippur rapture/short version. She has gotten confirmation of the day of atonement as the rapture timing. Valerie have you watched this one yet? You had posted a video by her last week!
Getting excited this really could be it!😁
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) 2017, Seeds of Revelation
Rabbi Schneider
Published on Sep 29, 2017
Sunset Friday, September 29th – Nightfall Saturday, September 30th.
The penalty for sin is death, but did you know that Jesus fulfilled Yom Kippur once and for all?
Leviticus 17: 11, says, "For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement."
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"
The bridesmaids knew when Jesus was coming!
Cornelius Jones
Published on Sep 29, 2017
My Comments:
Yes, Yes, Yes, or better still, I believe Jesus' coming is at the doors, Amen, Amen & Amen!!!
Come Lord Jesus Come!!!
Valerie and all,
Yes! That's the video I watched yesterday and happened to land on it from a whole other video. I wasn't planning to see it or looking for it! She seems so sweet and wonderful (also humble). I pray today is the day!!
Thank you for posting the video!