Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Heads Up for a FF - Email from Steve K. Re: Obama

Hi Valerie - Hope everything is going well.

Just thought I would sent you an e-mail explaining what my thoughts

are concerning the recent Presidential election. I will be forwarding

you my response to a couple of messages sent by members of one

of my study groups containing my vantage point.

Please feel free to post whatever portions of the material that I

send you on Rapture Fight To Heaven (if you feel led).

Happy holidays to you and your family,

Steve K.

Sent: 17-Dec-2016
Subject: RE: Heads Up for a FF

Pasha, James and IC7,

Excellent observations Pasha and James. It appears to me that something

major must happen before Obama "leaves office" on Jan.20, 2017.

I remain confident that Obama will not leave office, and therefore

he will have to "show his hand", that is, reveal in what manner he will

cause martial law to remain there.

It is also very possible that the Rapture event will be that event that

justifies martial law. However, it sure seems as though Obama is setting

up Russia as the bad guy in order to justify a war....we are surely living

in ominous times!!

As to the extent or degree that a person believes that a major event will

happen before Jan.20, 2017, it is directly in proportion to their belief that

Obama is the son of perdition or the anti-Christ..... and in my case, I remain

firmly convinced.

It is also possible that an event causes martial law, Obama stays in office, but

the Rapture does not take place..... a scenario that most likely few have

pondered. I sure hope and pray that doesn't pan out.

Recently I have been re-reading the mathematical evidence that Obama will

be the son of perdition during Jacob's Trouble at the Fivedoves website.

Here is an amazing article that is in my opinion nothing short of compelling ..

"John Tng (2 Dec 2008) "Is the Man of Sin Revealed?"

Keep in mind that he wrote the following statement 8 years ago!, " Obama

will be sworn in Jan.20, 2009. Given his immense popularity, let's just say he

will go on and win the second term which ends on Jan.20, 2017.

What do you know? On that date, Obama will have lived close to 55.5 years,

that is, 666 months since his birth on Aug.4, 1961! To be precise, the total

number of days inclusive is 20259 (55 years 5 months 17 days). Jan. 2017

is Obama's 666th month since birth.

But better still, 20259 days is the sum of 6+6+6 values of Barack Hussein

Obama (standard value 793) and Barry Soetoro (standard value 1458)!!!

From Aug.4, 1961 to Jan. 20, 2017 =

(793 + 1458 + 793 +1458 +793 +1458) + ; 6 values

(793 + 1458 + 793 + 1458 + 793 + 1458) ; 6 values

(793 + 1458 + 793 + 1458 + 793 + 1458) ; 6 values

Don't forget the distance between 793 and 1458 is 666 inclusive! If we

were to form the 6 + 6 + 6 standard values of Barack Hussein Obama

and Barry Soetoro in a circle, a pattern of (6 + 6 + 6) X 666 emerges!"

Please read the entire article in order to digest the "amazingness" of

all this!! Is this just coincidence or randomness?? I personally do not

believe so.

Here is another of John's convincing articles that you will be glad you

read .......... "John Tng (18 Feb 2009) "A Number sent from God".

If you are anything like me, you will be left in awe!

Lest we forget all the evidence that points to Obama as being the

soon to be revealed to the world ...."man of sin" (2 Thess. 2:3).

As I stated earlier, this is only my opinion, not a "word from the Lord",

I could be wrong, and have been many times, but I hope and pray this

time will be different. I am simply filled with excitement and expectancy!!

God Bless,

Steve K.


Sent: 17-Dec-2016
Subject: Heads Up for a FF


This is not a prediction as I'm not a prophet. It's only a heads up because I found something extremely disturbing. Please refer to the CNN link below, part of which has our present potus saying the following:

"I think there is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections that we need to take action and we will at a time and place of our own choosing,"Obama told NPR."

This phrase "we will at a time and place of our own choosing" was EXACTLY what George W. Bush said right before invading Iraq.

This is a freemason/illuminati phrase and for sure a war, or false flag that causes one, is coming.

It appears he is going to do 'something', and it won't be good for any of us.

They are still itching to start WW3, and we are not out of the woods regarding it.


They might attack nyc as that's Trump's base and where he is most of the time. What if it's another 9/11 but much worse? What if it's something that "takes Trump out" along with many others?

BO would continue in office and we'd be under martial law, no question.

It is very telling that he copied, word for word, the same thing G.W. Bush said right before going to war with Iraq. Many believe 9/11 was a false flag. We subsequently lost many freedoms and went into long wars after it. A bigger false flag would result in WW3 and martial law...which is what they want. For those who think potus is the ac….the only way the n.w.o. elites can make a move, is while he is still in power. He never became Secretary General of the UN, so time is running out. This is a heads up to be vigilant as we are in a dangerous time period.


Heads Up for a FF - Email from Steve K Re: Obama.

Hi Steve,

Thanks for sending these emails, which are most interesting.

I too believe, Obama is the Son of Perdition, therefore, I wouldn't put it past him,
trying anything he possibly can in order to stay in office. When it comes to BO pulling a fast one over, it doesn't surprise me, and yes it's very possible what you,
Pasha, & James, think. I pray the Rapture takes place, beforehand, I just can bear the thought of still being here, if this should take place, and we're still here; Lord have mercy on His own.

A Merry Christmas & Blessed New Year; hoping we'll all meet soon at that great gathering in the air, the Rapture Flight to Heaven.



Heads Up for a FF - Email from Steve K Re: Obama.

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama on Thursday vowed retaliatory action against Russia for its meddling in the US presidential election.

"I think there is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections that we need to take action and we will at a time and place of our own choosing," Obama told NPR.

Describing potential countermeasures by the US, the President said "some of it may be explicit and publicized; some of it may not be."

His remarks suggested Obama was planning to act in the final weeks of his administration to punish Russia for its cyber intrusion into US political institutions in a bid to influence the US vote.

Obama is also expected to address the Russian hacking allegations during his final planned news conference of the year from the White House on Friday at 2 p.m. ET.
Options for Obama include scaling up financial sanctions on Russia or engaging in an online counterattack, though Obama has warned against ratcheting up tensions into a full-scale cyberwar.

Obama said in the interview the US government was already working to ensure the response was "proportional" and "meaningful," suggesting that plans for a response were being laid. But didn't detail any specific options.

Read more:


Heads Up for a FF - Email from Steve K Re: Obama.

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Published on Dec 17, 2016
Here's the link that goes with the video:


Heads Up for a FF - Email from Steve K Re: Obama.

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Judge Napolitano Drops A Bomb: US Intelligence Was Behind Hacks — Not Russia

Read more:http://dailycaller.com/2016/12/15/judge-napolitano-drops-a-bomb-u-s-intelligence-was-behind-hacks-not-russia/#ixzz4TARiKbjW

Heads Up for a FF - Email from Steve K Re: Obama.


Didn't I, in a former/or previous post...suspect that something like this just may be coming down the pike--re: the Dems, George Soros & his MoveOn.org, etc.?

Such as them trying more of their dirty rotten tricks to via the Electoral College, keep the Donald out of taking office this coming January 20th, 2017?

Then enabling Zero to stay in office for (heaven forbid!!!) still yet a third term?

Btw, I'm still praying that God won't allow this to happen.


Heads Up for a FF - Email from Steve K Re: Obama.


I too am praying that the Lord won't allow this to take place as well.

May God have mercy on His own, and remove His bride from the Earth prior to this event, should it take place after all. Lord have mercy on your Bride, and take her home to heaven via the Rapture beforehand. Amen!



Heads Up for a FF - Email from Steve K Re: Obama.


I too am praying that the Lord won't allow this to take place as well.

May God have mercy on His own, and remove His bride from the Earth prior to this event, should it take place after all. Lord have mercy on your Bride, and take her home to heaven via the Rapture beforehand. Amen!



I too, Valerie, will also say a hardy AMEN!!! to...to your prayer!!!


Heads Up for a FF - Email from Steve K Re: Obama.

Amen, indeed!

Heads Up for a FF - Email from Steve K Re: Obama.

"Fair Use for information & Discussion Purposes"

Published on Dec 19, 2016
Sub for more: http://nnn.is/the_new_media | Danny Gold for Liberty Writers reports, President Barack Obama is not exactly known for making “good decisions.” Just look at Obamacare. Still, even those DISASTERS cannot begin to compare to his THREAT to Russia last night. That’s right! Obama thought it was a good idea to PROMISE a retaliation to Russia for their unproven “election hacks”. He told NPR News that the US will strike back at a “time and place of our choosing.”

Heads Up for a FF - Email from Steve K Re: Obama.


Published on Dec 19, 2016
Sub for more: http://nnn.is/the_new_media | Truth Division News reports, Outgoing President Barack Obama won’t be going anywhere, according to author and insider Ed Klein. In fact, Obama might have a trick up his sleeve to make life hard for President-Elect Donald Trump and that involves setting up a shadow government.