Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Mid-East Prophecy Update – November 6th, 2016

Published on Nov 6, 2016
Pastor J.D. addresses some weighty matters and warns of that which may in fact be coming, not just upon the U.S., but the entire world.


To all my Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

Please make time now, to watch this somber message, which weighs heavily upon the Pastor's heart, he is actually trying to fight back tears, as he gives this dire message, for America, and the world. Please, please, pray, for him, yourselves, and all the brothers and sisters in Christ, pray for the lost, the ignorant, pray that nothing happens.

From tomorrow Monday Nov. 7 until the end of this year, there is great darkness that has and is descending upon the earth, and evil is running aloft, in ever corner of the world.

The elections in the next couple of days, and the corrupt government whom will continue to govern until the end of this year, have plans of their own, information which Pastor J.D. has received from credible and reliable sources.

Time has come, to stay closer to God, than ever before.

Remember the Rapture is imminent, and will happen when we least expect it too.

Wake up children of God, our redemption draws nigh!




I haven't watched the video as yet, but if I'm understanding you correctly, Valerie, Pastor J.D. is saying that even if Donald Trump is elected tomorrow, as I'm praying he will be, the darkness is still going to descend onto this earth and cover it. Which means we could still be Raptured any time. Right?

All I can say is, I'm glad that Jesus is coming to get us. Meanwhile, I have a question to ask you, Valerie. Has God spoken to you about who our next president will be? I know He told you previously that Obama would be, and he has, twice.


Kathy G.
I haven't watched the video as yet, but if I'm understanding you correctly, Valerie, Pastor J.D. is saying that even if Donald Trump is elected tomorrow, as I'm praying he will be, the darkness is still going to descend onto this earth and cover it. Which means we could still be Raptured any time. Right?

All I can say is, I'm glad that Jesus is coming to get us.


Please check out my Tim LaHaye & Dr. David Jeremiah thread!

As I was listening to Pastor J.D.'s above ME Prophecy Update video; thoughts of the contents of Tim LaHaye's book--Left Behind entered my head...which are indeed about to be fulfilled over in the Middle East.

Infact, I wish that you, Valerie, would please stick Dr. David Jeremiah's The Rapture of the Redeemed video under this, YOUR thread...as reference to watch here too. OK!?

Thank you, and...



Valerie, I'm taking the liberty of copying and pasting your post from Tammy's thread into this one. Because after the heavy message contained in J.D.'s video, we believers definitely need a big shot of hope!

Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Dr. David Jeremiah | The Rapture of the Redeemed (Nov-11-2016)

Published on Nov 6, 2016
Learn about the great escape of the believers in Jesus Christ and this event’s importance in the prophetic end times.


Kathy G.
I haven't watched the video as yet, but if I'm understanding you correctly, Valerie, Pastor J.D. is saying that even if Donald Trump is elected tomorrow, as I'm praying he will be, the darkness is still going to descend onto this earth and cover it. Which means we could still be Raptured any time. Right?

All I can say is, I'm glad that Jesus is coming to get us. Meanwhile, I have a question to ask you, Valerie. Has God spoken to you about who our next president will be? I know He told you previously that Obama would be, and he has, twice.

Kathy, I strongly advise that you listen to this video a.s.a.p., today, would be advisable.

Many times I had stated, and still to date, saying, that the Rapture is "imminent",
therefore, we could still be Raptured at any time.

There is no doubt that Jesus is coming, at any moment. The Lord, has let me know that Obama would become President, and His word has come to pass, twice over.

In regards to this election, God has not spoken to me about, who would win the election, this time. I'm hoping and praying it will be Trump. If by chance Clinton is elected, God is going to send great judgment, and wrath, upon America, and the rest of the world. I believe, the peoples decision on election day Nov. 8, 2016, will be the catalyst that either brings America back to God, or brings down God's wrath upon her, and the world.

We are living in perilous times; only God knows what Obama, Clinton, have cooked up in their black cauldron of evil deeds, for the American people very shortly.

I'm praying, that peoples hearts will be moved to do right by God.

Praying for God's mercy on all of us, this very day.




Thank you sooo very much, Valerie & Kathy.

As I watched Pastor J.D.'s ME Prophecy Update today, and yesterday on TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network)--Dr. David Jeremiah's Turning Point program (see the above video). I dare say that the sermons made by both Dr. Jeremiah & Pastor J.D., certainly do fit perfectly together just like the latter's Jigsaw Puzzle, don't they?

Also, since we're on the brink of seeing the real-life scenario from Tim LaHaye-Jerry Jenkins' Left Behind happening...we very well could be on "the" cusp of our imminent Rapture Flight To Heaven departure, to boot. That's just how near we truly must be. Yes!?

So for now, we'll have to sit back 'n' wait to see what happens during/or after tomorrow's Nov. 8th Election(s), won't we?

We can almost hear Jesus' footsteps at the door...


P.S. Since Tim LaHaye is in heaven, dontcha wonder if he is watching the contents of his Award Winning Book--Left Behind, playing out in real-life, down here on planet Earth?


Perhaps he is. Who knows?

Well, I have played both videos, and all I can say is, I'm glad that Jesus is coming to get us! Meanwhile, I'm praying for Donald Trump's election tomorrow.


Me too, Kathy, me too!!!



And with that all said, now for a potential worst-case scenario: the election of Hillary Clinton. As I said, I'm praying that God will keep her out of the Oval Office and I know that many others are, too, but I haven't forgotten how God said no to our petitions during the last 2 elections. I know there's a very real chance that He may say no again, much as I dread that prospect since that answer would mean the death of our country. If He does say no and Hillary is elected, what should we Christians in America prepare for? The Rapture or death? If God is going to take us in the near future anyway, I prepare He'll take us in the Rapture instead of leaving us to become collateral damage.


Kathy G.
And with that all said, now for a potential worst-case scenario: the election of Hillary Clinton. As I said, I'm praying that God will keep her out of the Oval Office and I know that many others are, too, but I haven't forgotten how God said no to our petitions during the last 2 elections. I know there's a very real chance that He may say no again, much as I dread that prospect since that answer would mean the death of our country. If He does say no and Hillary is elected, what should we Christians in America prepare for? The Rapture or death? If God is going to take us in the near future anyway, I prepare He'll take us in the Rapture instead of leaving us to become collateral damage.


Now that President Elect Donald J. Trump & VP Elect Mike Pence have won the 2016 Presidential & VP Election...for now, we have a much brighter future to look forward to.

Also, I wonder where we as Christian Believers, go from here, re: our imminent Rapture!? Is Jesus going to come for us before the end of 2016 or what!?!



Good question. I just don't know. Any ideas on that, Valerie?


Tammy & Kathy,

Please remember the Rapture is still imminent, that hasn't changed.

Praise God Donald Trump has been elected as the next President of the United States. However, Obama is still in office, and God knows for certain, if he has evil ideas,
of engaging the U.S. in the Nuclear exchange with Russia, over Syrian no fly zones, etc.

Remember the Russians were asked by Assad to come in and help, therefore, for the Russians, there are "no fly zone restrictions". I pray Obama doesn't decide to engage war with Russia and risk nuclear attack in order for him to stay in office. Remember he made provisions that if this would happen during his administration he could remain in office indefinitely. He can not be trusted, as he, along with Hillary, have been chronic liars, and have deceived many in the past years.

Another scenario is, the world is still in a World War 3 mode in middle East, etc. This is also, a sign, that things could explode further in the very near future. God hasn't appointed Jesus' bride to wrath, the Rapture is and will remain imminent, giving her complete trust in the Lord's promises which will come to pass.

I still believe the Rapture is imminent, and the Bride, will be removed very soon.

Keep watching, it worth waiting even a bit longer, since the chances are more favorable of getting many more souls on board for Jesus now.

For when we LEAST EXPECT IT, Jesus will come at the Rapture!
Look up our redemption draws near!




As Paul Begley has said in the above video, the Church has been given a bubble, a window of opportunity to use.

God, thank You so much for giving us the victory in this election! Thank You that Hillary Clinton will not be our next president. Please, God, enable the Church to make full use of this window of opportunity You've given us. And please make this window last until the trumpet blows and you send Jesus to call us Home. In Jesus' name, amen.