Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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A Hashanah Rabbah Rapture?! - Steve K.

Email received from Steve K. posted below:

A Hashanah Rabbah Rapture?

Hi Valerie - It's been a while since I've put my 2 cents in ; been so busy with work

and ministry. However, I truly believe that now is the time for me to voice my

opinion concerning an extremely high Rapture watch period.

Let me first say that I have been reading all your posts; they have been very

enlightening and encouraging..

thank you!

Just as I began constructing all my thoughts (in article

form) for the high watch period of Oct.22-24, I came across

Michelle's excellent article which points to the same time-frame.

I will be forwarding you an e-mail that I sent. That e-mail contains the core of my

message, but the following information has not yet been sent.

Feel free to post any or all of the information that I am sending you (in both e-


If this is truly Israel's Jubilee Year, and I still believe it is, then

the most difficult aspect of it becomes determining it's end-point.

Perhaps the Feast of Ingathering [Tabernacles] will mark the end

of the Jubilee Year, as opposed to the widely held view that the

Day of Atonement will mark it's terminus. The following Scripture

appears to lend some credence to my theory ...

Exodus 34:22, "And you shall observe the Feast of Weeks, of the

firstfruits of the wheat harvest, and the FEAST OF INGATHERING


I was really shocked and excited when I seen that Michelle's

timeline was so very close to what was I was perceiving!

Although many were, and are, looking for the Rapture to occur

during the Feast of Trumpets (for many good Biblical reasons),

perhaps it will take place during the Feast of Tabernacles (most

likely on day #7 - Hoshanah Rabbah ; with Christ's Return seeing

it's fulfillment at the end of Daniel's 70th Week during the Feast

of Trumpets.

According to the Hebcal (Hillel calendar) :

Oct.22/23, 2016 - Hoshanah Rabbah - Rapture??

Plus 2520 days - 7 prophetic years @360 days/yr.

= Sept.16/17, 2023 - day #2 Feast of Trumpets - 2nd Coming??

If the Rapture is fulfilled (hopefully and prayerfully) on Oct.22/23,

then Oct.24th - Shemini Atzeret, would mark the first full day of

Daniel's 70th Week (7-year Trib.). Shemini Atzeret is the "8th day

assembly" - will the Church be "assembled" in Heaven, while the

world begins the onset of Daniel's 70th Week on Earth??

Could Oct.22/23/24, 2016 be the dates that the angelic messenger

revealed to Vincent Tan as "$2.34"??!... and,

Could Oct.23, 2016 / 21 Tishri, 5777 be the fulfillment of your

"SkyBlue 21" vision??! ...Exciting Times!!

God Bless you and your ministry Valerie,

with the love of Christ,

Steve K.

Re: A Hashanah Rabbah Rapture?! - Steve K.

2nd Email received from Steve K. & Posted below:

"Obama's Time"

On Oct.9, 2009, Obama was chosen to be the recipient of the

Nobel Peace Prize. Dan. 8:25 - "and he [the son of perdition]

shall magnify himself in heart, and by peace shall destroy many" ....

Dan.11:24, "he shall enter peaceably".

Oct.9, 2009 was the 7th day of Tabernacles - Hoshanah Rabbah.

This may be the meaning of your "putting up 7 fingers as Obama

was just looking".

In 2016, the 7th day of Tabernacles will land on Oct.23rd, which

in turn, falls 21 days after the Feast of Trumpets (which began

@sunset Oct.2nd) ........ the 21-day delay of Dan.10:16?

Oct.23, 2016 - Hoshanah Rabbah - Rapture/Sudden Destruction?

Plus 2520 days - 7 prophetic years

= Sept.17, 2023 - day #2 Feast of Trumpets (2nd Coming?)

At the White House Correspondents Association Dinner on
April 28, 2012, Obama stated " In my first term we ended the war


Although we celebrate the birth of Christ ("Christmas") on Dec.25th

here in the U.S., most Bible scholars place His birth during the

Feast of Tabernacles.

Obama is now nearing the end of his second term. Will he begin

his unrestrained reign as the son of perdition during this year's

Feast of Tabernacles? - refer to this "must-see" video, "the lost

Anti-Christ : What will happen? His Term Ends Soon - Obama :

Anti- - Christ or Not? - (by Wayne Levi Price - Tribulation Saints).

Not only was Mr. Obama chosen to receive the Nobel Peace Prize

right on the 7th day of Tabernacles, but he was given the award just

a few hours before the start of the 24th day of Kislev!

Those are the 2 dates mentioned in Haggai 2 regarding the Lord

shaking the heavens and the earth and the desired of all nations

coming to him. Those 2 dates are incredibly important on God's


What are the odds that Obama just so happened to be chosen as

the world's most notable man of "peace" on the 7th day of Tabernacles

and then given the award right before Hanukkah eve, the 24th day of

Kislev??!! ..... it's time to HOLD ON TO YOUR SEATS!!

Re: A Hashanah Rabbah Rapture?! - Steve K.

Hi Steve K.,

You're most welcome, and I too want to thank you for contributing your thoughts here on Rapture Flight to Heaven. Therefore, thank you, for sharing with all of us here, I and many others are blessed with encouragement you and Michelle, and others bring to this site and it's participants, of the nearness of the Lord's coming at the Rapture.

Good to hear from you by email. I'm very pleased that you been reading all the posts and find them enlightening and encouraging. Makes my day, to know that you and perhaps others appreciate this ministry here too.

Yes I did notice, that Michelle's excellent article which points to the same time-frame, as yours.

"Could Oct.22/23/24, 2016 be the dates that the angelic messenger

revealed to Vincent Tan as "$2.34"??!"... Could be, we'll soon find out won't we!

"Could Oct.23, 2016 / 21 Tishri, 5777 be the fulfillment of your

"SkyBlue 21" vision??! ...Exciting Times!!" All I can add is we'll soon find out,

what those days hold in store for each one of us. The Rapture has always been imminent, therefore, if the good Lord chose any of the dates mentioned to send Jesus to come and get His bride, it will happen. I'm watching daily, I don't want to miss a thing.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

God Bless you,

In the love of Jesus,


Re: A Hashanah Rabbah Rapture?! - Steve K.

Valerie and All,

Here is an excellent, "Must-See" video that explains the
order of events described in 2 Thess.2:3 entitled, "The
Rapture, the US election, Obama, you will be surprised
how it all ties together this fall" (by One New Man @
< WorshipHisHolyName.com >).

The Greek word apostasia has been translated to mean
"a falling away" in most English translations of the
Bible. However, the word apostasia in the Greek language
does not mean falling away from faith or rebellion.

Apostasia = "apo" - from, and "stasia" - spot or place.
In the context of 2 Thess.2:3, apostasia refers to a
departing from the place of this earthly realm.
In other words, the Rapture event will be the snatching
away of the Bride from this world into Heaven by her
Bridegroom - Jesus Christ.

2 Thess.2:3 gives a specific order of events which reveals
a pre-tribulational Rapture :

(1) The departure (apostasia) or Rapture of the Church.

(2) The revealing of the man of sin.

(3) The commencement of "that day" - the "day" or time
of judgment.

The Rapture event certainly appears to be built around,
or closely associated with, Obama's presidency .. we will
soon find out!!

Re: A Hashanah Rabbah Rapture?! - Steve K.

Steve K., & All,

I had recently posted this on the stickies above, and provide the quote, from my thread:

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

The Rapture, the US election, Obama, you will be surprised how it all ties together this fall

Published on Jul 27, 2016
Rapture in the Bible, the Beast revealed, US election suspended, being caught up in the air this Fall Feasts, Obama stays in the White House

My Comments: It's an excellent video I agree, and therefore, I posted it one again under your thread.

God Bless,


Re: A Hashanah Rabbah Rapture?! - Steve K.

Steve K., & All,

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

The Rapture, the US election, Obama, you will be surprised how it all ties together this fall

Published on Jul 27, 2016
Rapture in the Bible, the Beast revealed, US election suspended, being caught up in the air this Fall Feasts, Obama stays in the White House

My Comments:

I watched this video again, and listened closely to what this man was stating.

He calls Obama "the Beast" the "Son of Perdition". He will be revealed FULLY to the entire world after the Rapture, has taken place. Some of us know and call him, "The Antichrist" and rightfully so, the beast or A.C. is one and the same person. He says that the A.C., properly know as "The Beast", will suspend the elections, due to the Rapture taken prior to election day. Since we have approximate 20 days left since Nov. 8, 2016, there is a possibility the Rapture may take place sometime beforehand.

Therefore, The Rapture could be any day now, Feast Day, or any day just beforehand.
Then it would give Obama, a reason, the disappearance of many people all over the world, including in U.S. to cancel the elections, and remain in power, indefinitely, during such a crisis. He would take full power, by seizing this opportunity to stay in office..as ruler, King power over all, then his true identity will be FULLY REVEALED TO ALL LEFT BEHIND. MARSHALL LAW WOULD BE ENFORCED and those who elected him in the first place, will regret their decision to do so.

It may or may not be be the Rapture that is the catalyst beforehand, that will help keep him in power. There is much tension between U.S. & Russia over Syria and threat of Nuclear War, WW3. There could be A Declaration of War, against one another, because the U.S. & Russia are each fighting for their own agendas in Syria. Possible Nuclear exchange over Syria, would create a FULL BLOWN WW3, and reason for him to remain in power as well. The third possibility is, that the Rapture, & WW3 happen simultaneously beforehand, which cause him to stay in power as welll.

However, in any case, I believe we'll be taken before, the "O" A.C. is FULLY revealed to the WORLD, be it the Rapture, or Nuclear war with Russia, or any combination of the above mentioned.

Fasten your seat belts, The Rapture Flight to Heaven will happen imminently!

Look up our redemption draw near!!!



Re: A Hashanah Rabbah Rapture?! - Steve K.

Hi Valerie, Kathy, Steve & All!

This morning when I stepped outside of my garage to walk over to turn my brother's PC on, I glanced up at the dawn sky...and was delightfully surprised to see just how close the Ark-shaped Moon-boat was to the Orion.

The Orion seems to be set inside the Big Dipper; making the shape of the dipper to look like the doors of heaven. Anyhoo, the Moon seemed to me to look like it was nearing the Orion (like a spaceship is to that space station) to drop off its passengers.

So therefore--I ask you all, could this too be a sign from God, that He is just about to give "both" His thumbs-up to His Son, Jesus, to come for us...or, what!?!
