Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Michelle's email, for your interest & encouragement.

Thanks Michelle, glad to hear you are feeling better now.

God Bless!


Dear Valerie,

Thankyou for you prayers, I am slowly getting better. I have been trying to keep up with the posts and have been doing my usual research again.

Most of what I want to share with you has come since 2nd October.

It may be some confirmation to other posts you have put up.

I submit it for your interest and discernment.

As always, NOT “setting a date” but ever looking for clues that God may be giving us from his Word and his Spirit to his watching children.

This first article, I read on 23rd September, and I immediately began to be prompted to go back and look up a dream from2012 that mentioned a ‘No Fly Zone’ being imposed in Syria and the Rapture. I was prompted several times to check this out- it took me a couple of days to do it, as I was still very sick at that time. I believe that the Lord was wanting to give us some more detailed information beginning with this and it has been flowing ever since.

The Lord has highlighted again the calendar that He uses – a 360 day calendar (which I call Jubcal) - which as I mentioned in my last post was ‘reset’ for our benefit at the beginning of 5776 on 14th September, 2015. I was astounded when He led me to see the convergence of the observed Hebrew calendar dates with His calendar for this October. I hope this information will be a blessing and encouragement to those watching and patiently waiting. Needless to say, I am on super expectant watch now and would encourage all to keep watching as the picture becomes clearer every day.

Blessings to you , your family, and all the RFTH watching saints.


Senate Committee Asks General about "No-Fly Zone" for Syria; Reply "Would require us to go to WAR . . . with Russia"

- Sep 23, 2016. https://www.superstation95.com/index.php/world/2090

A US Senate Committee receiving a briefing from United States Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford, the current Chairman of the Joint CHiefs of Staff, asked if the US should impose a "No-Fly ZOne" in Syria, "to prevent barrel bombs from being dropped." General Dunford responded "That would require going to war . . . . with Russia . . . . and Syria."

Video of the exchange appears below; just so you know what our public servants in the US Senate are getting us into:


[This article reminded me of Robert Rose’s Dream regarding Syria – No Fly Zone – and the Rapture . and I was prompted to go and look it up again – see below]


Robert Rose (23 Oct 2012)
"Rapture and Syria Dream"

I had a dream about the Rapture and a No Fly Zone in Syria this morning 10-22-2012

I was in a room full of people (probably around 50 or so) and there was a military general speaking to other military personnel and civilians. He was explaining to everyone what the plans were for Syria.

There was a map he was pointing to that had the country of Syria displayed. He outlined a certain portion of Syria and said, “On Wednesday we will impose a “no fly zone” in Syria. This person also made it known to everyone to stock up on food and water immediately, because the result of a no fly zone would mean the beginning of world war 3. This person also said something very interesting at the end of my dream. He said, “if we impose this no fly zone in Syria on Wednesday, then how much closer is the rapture?”

I was not made aware of which “Wednesday” he was talking about, however this was the 2nd dream I have had about this subject being on a “Wednesday” and those were his exact words. I remember it so clearly.

Do whatever you would like with this dream, but I firmly believe it was from the Lord Jesus.

I also gave this message to a Pastor the I subscribe to on YouTube.

[Note the date of the dream was October 22nd. In 2016, October 22nd is a Saturday.

The Wednesdays in October 2016 are on the 5th , 12th , 19th and 26th.

On Hebcal, 2016, October 22 = 20th Tishrei (during Tabernacles, 6th day); the following Wednesday would then be October 26th = 24th Tishrei = day after Simchat Torah.

The inference in the dream is that the Rapture would occur before that

ie. before the end of Tabernacles. (if in 2016) ]


NOTES 2nd OCTOBER, 2016.


24th October = 17 Cheshvan. (This is Shemini Atzeret (8th day of Tabernacles on Hebcal)

17th Cheshvan “the flood came”[Genesis 7:11] “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man.” [Matthew 24:37]

R.H in 2023 on Hebcal is 16th Sept. >>minus 2520 days

= Saturday 22nd October, 2016. [15th Cheshvan on Jubcal]

Compare this with Jeroboam establishing his own festival on this date in opposition to the 15th Tishrei Tabernacles Feast (moed) of the LORD.

1Ki 12:32

And Jeroboam ordained a feast in the eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the month, like unto the feast that is in Judah, and he offered upon the altar. So did he in Bethel, sacrificing unto the calves that he had made: and he placed in Bethel the priests of the high places which he had made.

1Ki 12:33

So he offered upon the altar which he had made in Bethel the fifteenth day of the eighth month, even in the month which he had devised of his own heart; and ordained a feast unto the children of Israel: and he offered upon the altar, and burnt incense.

NOTE THAT OCT 22nd was the date of Robert Rose’s dream re SYRIA no fly zone and war between US and Russia. If the no fly zone is imposed on the following Wednesday, that would be the 26th, October. The Rapture would occur before that … possibly on October 22 or 23 prior to Shemini Atzeret (Hebcal) which is also 17 Cheshvan on JUBCAL. The day the judgement of the Flood began.

OCTOBER 4th Notes (Tishrei 2 on Hebcal)
I was reading Clay’s 2 recent articles on Damascus, Sudden destruction , 9/11 and the Rapture passage of 1 Thessalonians 4:16. tonight.

He makes this comment near the end of his article :
“We know that unique Bible truths are associated with Bible people and specifically with their names. This is the almost 19 year old argument I've been making about Jared, Enoch's father, whose name means "Descend", found in Genesis five.

Jared's Greek gematria = 416

When you see 416, always think First Thessalonians 4:16. That verse, and the next, tells us what happens first, before the shout, before the resurrection of the dead and before the catching away of the living, when the Lord Himself "descends" from heaven and sets off the other events.

Watch this simple but prophetic math:

1327 = 416 + 911 !

I'm positive that 911 is the same number as 9-11, and I'm also sure that one could potentially do an inclusive day count from September 11, 2001, to the day of the Descending of the Lord (1st Thessalonians 4.16) and that it would be a number we recognize.

So, based on the convergence of the Jubcal and Hebcal calendars as described above, I wondered what the day count might be from Sept 11, 2001 to Oct 24, 2016 (day 8 of Tabernacles on Hebcal, (Tishrei 22) which is also the 17th Cheshvan on Jubcal.
This alignment of the Hebcal and Jubcal calendars has Day 1 of Tabernacles on Hebcal coinciding with Cheshvan 10 on Jubcal (Noah enters the ark 7 days before the flood. So then 7 days later we have Cheshvan 17 (day judgement falls) on Jubcal coinciding with Shmini Atzeret – day 8 of Tabernacles. On the Hebcal observed calendar.

From and including: Tuesday, 11 September 2001
To and including: Monday, 24 October 2016
Result: 5523 days
I looked up the corresponding Strong’s word in Hebrew and was amazed to find this:-
H5523:Cukkowth = Succoth (gem 486) = booths, (tabernacles)
First occurrence in:
Gen 33:17 And Jacob journeyed to Succoth, and built him an house, and made booths for his cattle: therefore the name of the place is called Succoth.

It appears twice in this verse.
Succoth is the Hebrew word for Tabernacles.

H5522: Cikkuwth = Sikkuth = tent, tabernacle (also with gem of 486) would correspond with day 7 of Tabernacles on Hebcal and Cheshvan 16 (eve of destruction) on Jubcal.

Going back 7 days, the day count from Sept 11, 2001 to Day 1 of Tabernacles on Hebcal is 5516 days, which made me wonder if the entire Feast of Tabernacles would be represented by the words corresponding to this time line.

H5516:Ciycera = Sisera = “battle array”
H5517:Ciy’a’ = Sia or Siaha = “departing”
H5518:ciyr = to boil up, a pot or cauldron.
H5519:cak = from H5526 , a throng or multitude.
H5520:cok = den, pavilion, tabernacle, booth.
H5521:cukkah = tabernacle, booth, pavilion, covert (use in Lev 23:34)
H5522:Cikkuwth = Sikkuth = tent, tabernacle.
H5523:Cukkowth = Succoth = booths, tabernacles.

G5523: Chorazin = “a furnace of smoke”. A town in Galilee.

First occurrence:-
Mat 11:21 Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works, which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.

‘55’ is the gematria value for H3618: kallah= bride. Perhaps the numbers indicate Tabernacles is the Feast for the Bride. The numbers 16 – 23 correspond with the dates in October (2016) for Tishrei 15- 22 which is days 1 through 8 of Tabernacles 5777 on Hebcal.
***Also the Jubilee year is 55 weeks on Hebcal.
From and including: Monday, 14 September 2015 (1 Tishrei 5776)
To and including: Sunday, 2 October 2016 (29 Elul 5776)
Result: 385 days
= 55 weeks.
(55 = Hebrew gematria for Bride H3618:Kallah = Bride)

The span of a ‘55’ week year in this Jubilee year is only because it happens to be a leap year with the extra month of Adar Bet. How amazing that this Jubilee year of 5776 is exactly 55 weeks long - denoting the Bride.

Today, 4th October, 2016. I was reviewing another message to the Church from the 5.8 EQ in Christchurch on 14th February, Valentine’s day. It occurred at 00:13 UT; 13:13 NZ. See notes below.
Christchurch EQ Magnitude 5.8 on 14th FEBRUARY, 2016 at 00:13UT;13:13 NZ time.

G13: Agabus = “locust”

H13:’obdan = destruction (Only found in Esther 8:6 “For how can I endure to see the evil that shall come unto my people? Or how can I endure to see the destruction of my kindred?”

[Perhaps a reference to the locusts of Revelation 9:7-11 and the destruction they will bring.]

I was led to look at the Strong’s number associations for this quake for a number of reasons.

Firstly, it was the largest quake there for some time and since the 4th September 2010 quake in Christchurch it has been evident that the Lord has a message for his Church through the timing of quakes in that city.

Secondly, the DAY of this quake stood out to me – VALENTINE’S DAY.

The members of Christ’s Church have endured a long and sometimes difficult wait for the day when they see their King. It seems that our Bridegroom wanted to give us a message on the day that the world recognizes as the day for those in love.

(Even though the origin of Valentine’s Day is definitely not Christian, it is generally taken as a day for couples to express their love for each other.)

The Bride should be eager to get a “letter” from her Bridegroom in the days before he arrives!

In addition to this I was already watching Christchurch closely because the month of February began with the word “Barak” and an interesting message came out in the days prior to the February 14th earthquake.

The word string mentioned…” involved with, half dead Barak , a murderer, watch, take heed, the decay of death spurned, rejected. An interpreter shall come forth, religious, sent forth, to set the interpretation, to cut off dishonour and reproach, sitting at dinner.

The Greek word string for February 14th, Valentine’s Day went like this:

‘differing, more excellent (gifts) able to teach, doctrine, given, to wake up, stir up, arouse, to find out by asking. Two years, the declaration, of where two seas meet (US?). righteous judgement, justly, righteously, a judge, casts a net, on account of, Castor & Pollux (the twin sons of Jupiter), a servant, a servant, to take, a sickle, mighty, and grievous to be borne, and hard to be uttered. Always finding fault, the house of the seventy, (the Sanhedrin??) in the Hebrew language, nearer, in vain, to make, peace. The peacemakers, come in, one after the other, to run in, whether, a hundred years old, conspicuous, to give themselves over to fornication, to pervert and change for the worse. Declare and expound, flee out of the way, escape, depart out by fleeing, less than the least, miserable, to be pitied. (I will be) merciful to, the engrafted, begin, to be glorious, free from sins, clothed with a garment, a thing wrought, powerful and effective, to convict (of sin) and convince, to depart, go forth, a power obtained by practice, to awake out of sleep, to arrive, to be at hand, at, to write upon or inscribe, and cause to sit upon.

Later, on Feb 15th, another word string was, “The brightness of Christ, wait for, look for patiently, and put off from oneself, the things that choke or drown.”

From and including: Sunday, 14 February 2016
To and including: Monday, 24 October 2016 (17 Cheshvan on Jubcal: Shemini Atzeret on Hebcal.
Result: 254 days (Clay linked this number with destruction from 9/11 studies. 9/11 was day # 254 in 2001.)

Also on a personal note, way back in 2006, when the Lord first started to show me these things, He kept highlighting “22/23” . I could never figure out what it was except that I had an idea it was 2 consecutive days – but on what calendar and what month I did not know. It may be that it refers either to 22/23 Tishrei, OR 22/23 October associated with the other items listed here. I think 22/23 October fits better, because Oct 24th is Cheshvan 17 on God’s 360 day calendar –day of judgement. Also because when it is 6pm in Israel on Saturday 22nd Oct, it will be 23 Oct in parts of Asia and Australia.

Notice that this seems to tie in with Robert Rose’s dream which was on Oct 22nd 2012 and he posted it on 23rd Oct.

In addition, I recently read about a man in Nairobi, Kenya who had a vision of the rapture happening. He said it was about 6pm on a Saturday. Nairobi is the same time zone as Israel.

Here’s Carlos’s Testimony: “…I was in the city center of Nairobi city, I had been sent by my mother to do some errands and I was now on my way back home. As I was crisscrossing shoulder to shoulder I suddenly looked down for I felt very uneasy with my left shoe so I bent down to adjust it. I was very aware of my surroundings suddenly standing up I just froze and looked up and then leveled my head where I could see cars. They all began crashing simultaneously and there were people falling at the same time because all over, graves were opening.

Directly above, to the direction I was facing, I saw a big angel with big triangular curved elegant wings with a golden trumpet standing in front of the other angels, and the line of these angels stretched back as far as I could see and he blew the trumpet a second time. Then I turned to the opposite direction and I saw people flying towards a center and there was JESUS with Angel Michael at his side. It’s then that I realized that the heavenly citizens were on opposite sides of the sky. The music from the trumpet was sweet and loud and did not hurt my ears. I don’t remember the tune but it was inviting pulling me up to the clouds.

THE Arch Angel who had the trumpet in front seemed to blow it continuously blowing a long key and the others behind him seemed to play Music but it was pure harmony all the same..the sky light was so bright like golden yellowish color.

It was around 6:00 PM and it was a Saturday.

I noticed that people seemed confused at the noise, others were hysterical, as if demon possessed, because they held their ears and screamed in agony.

It then vanished as quick as it had started…I closed my eyes and started shaking my head. I seemed to have stepped into eternity. Even though I was very much aware of everyone else. That’s when I realized that people were looking at me. Then it hit me! I was standing right in the middle of the path as if in a trance.

When I got home I prayed to the Father to let me know everything. He let me know that it was my expectancy that was beaming in my spirit ever since I started fellowship with my FB family, talking about the rapture and the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.

Then later, that’s when it came to my realization, ONLY THE READY will hear the Trumpet sound as music. But the unbelievers, due to the commotion with the earthquake and the crashing of everything around them, will be confused with hysteria, the Trumpet will sound like bomb explosions going off all around them.

The rapture itself will also not take too long in this “time existence” I was made to understand that it will take less than 5 minutes. It will happen so fast and everything will go quiet again.

To those who will be flying it will be an eternal moment. For eternity has been placed in our hearts according to the Scriptures. But I’m guessing, for those who are left here, it will be the longest 5 minutes of their entire existence. I saw everything happening so fast, yet through their eyes I saw everything happening in slow motion, like a never ending nightmare.

Soon people, very soon, its going to happen.

– also on 4th October, see also below, 5.5 EQ in Bonin Islands, Japan and message for the Church attached.

5-5 EQ @ 14:00UT on OCTOBER 4th, 2016; Epi 23:00. BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN.
The Bonin Islands are named from bunin which means “uninhabited’ or “no people” as many of these islands are uninhabited. But, I remember from years ago, when I was first studying the earthquake messages, that names of locations are important too, regarding messages to the Church. Two of the islands in this group are called “Bridegroom” island and “Bride” island.
Also note that the EQ has a magnitude 5.5 on the EMSC site.
The number 55 is associated with the Bride. It is the gematria value of H3618:Kallah = Bride.
This is another message to the Bride.

UT. G1400:doulon = a bondservant; one who gives himself up to another’s will, to the disregard of his own interest. [ Christ was the ultimate bondservant for our benefit.]

EPI. G2300:theaomai = Behold, look upon, view attentively.

UT. H1400:gebar = man, a certain man.

EPI. H2300:chadad = be keen, be alert, sharpeneth,

ISRAEL. G1700:emou= (to) me, my, mine,

ISRAEL H1700 : dibrah = my cause.

October 5th.
Today, as I was getting ready to go out to buy petrol and groceries I noticed that my watch had stopped. It read 7:55. The actual time was 2:32 pm. I set it going again and was about to leave, but I was prompted to look up the Strongs before I left the house- in fact I couldn’t leave until I did.

G755:architriklinos = The Governor of the Feast.
This word only used in John 2:8,9 – the narrative of the wedding in Cana “ And both Jesus was called and his disciples to the marriage” (Jn2:2)
[There is a banquet feast being prepared for the Church and the Governor of the Feast attends to every detail of it]

>Then I went to the petrol station. The car didn’t need as much fuel as
I’d thought - it stopped at 7.55 litres – wouldn’t take any more.
SO I had 2 witnesses to 755 (the Governor of the Feast) within less than an hour.
The watch stopping reminded me of Ron Reese back in 2008, when he had the number 711 highlighted to him when his clock or watch stopped . The thought came to me that God may have been highlighting, for him, the date of the Sudden Destruction (which he wrote about) – Cheshvan 17 – the day the flood began – which is found in GENESIS 7:11.
And since I had just had highlighted to me the convergence of Tabernacles this month on Hebcal aligning with Cheshvan 10 -17, I was just a little stunned.
It is also interesting that October 23 (Sunday) is the last day of week #42 of 2016 on Gregorian calendar. The number 42 means “The Coming of Christ”.
Oh yes, and when I was standing at the petrol pump, amazed that the car would only take 7.55 litres – I was reminded of Vincent Tan and his encounter and had to smile. God is good. Always trying to encourage us.

Just for interest sake, G711: Aristobulous = The best councillor.
It is only found in Romans 16:10. [16 for year; 10 for month??]

Rom 16:10 Salute Apelles approved in Christ. Salute them which are of Aristobulus' household.

This verse reads :- Salute “called” approved in Christ. Salute them which are of “the best councillor’s” household.

In the above illustrations , there may be some clues to the answer we all want to know. In the narrative of Noah entering the ark, God summoned him and the other occupants to enter the ark on Cheshvan 10, but the ark was not lifted up until the rains began on Cheshvan 17.
During that week they were probably doing their last preparations for their journey above the coming judgement, as God brought the animals in.
It is interesting that in the calendar comparison I’ve been shown Cheshvan 10 on God’s 360 day calendar is the same day as 15 Tishrei , Day 1 of Feast of Tabernacles on the observed Hebcal. Cheshvan 17 on God’s 360 day calendar corresponds exactly with Shemini Atzeret on Hebcal – the 8th day of Tabernacles a celebration that may be kept in heaven.

Maranatha ! Come Lord Jesus.


Thanks Michelle,

Dear Michelle & Everyone,

That is a most interesting post and much thought has gone into it. Thanks so much for sharing it with everyone here. Yes, I do believe Jesus is coming soon, and the Lord's Coming is "Imminent". Because the Pre tribulation Rapture, has always been taught in scripture as imminent, Jesus coming at any moment. The Lord could come anytime now, be it a regular day or a Feast day, it all depends when God the Father, sends His Son to gather His bride unto Himself.

I feel this joy, anticipation, and fully trust God to come through for His very own, very, very, very soon. Rejoice, Oh Bride of Christ, Jesus is Coming to catch you away at any moment, in a twinkle of an eye.....look up the time has arrived. Rejoice, and be glad, for His word is worth more than silver or gold, and the Lord keeps His promises and fulfills His word accordingly.

This October is very promising, every single day is promising, filled with great expectation and anticipation of the arrival of Jesus in the clouds at the Rapture.

Soon and very, very, very, soon Michelle, and everyone,

God Bless you all, See you soon, at that great Rapture Flight to Heaven.




Email received from Steve K. posted below:

A Hashanah Rabbah Rapture?

Hi Valerie - It's been a while since I've put my 2 cents in ; been so busy with work

and ministry. However, I truly believe that now is the time for me to voice my

opinion concerning an extremely high Rapture watch period.

Let me first say that I have been reading all your posts; they have been very

enlightening and encouraging..

thank you!

Just as I began constructing all my thoughts (in article

form) for the high watch period of Oct.22-24, I came across

Michelle's excellent article which points to the same time-frame.

I will be forwarding you an e-mail that I sent. That e-mail contains the core of my

message, but the following information has not yet been sent.

Feel free to post any or all of the information that I am sending you (in both e-


If this is truly Israel's Jubilee Year, and I still believe it is, then

the most difficult aspect of it becomes determining it's end-point.

Perhaps the Feast of Ingathering [Tabernacles] will mark the end

of the Jubilee Year, as opposed to the widely held view that the

Day of Atonement will mark it's terminus. The following Scripture

appears to lend some credence to my theory ...

Exodus 34:22, "And you shall observe the Feast of Weeks, of the

firstfruits of the wheat harvest, and the FEAST OF INGATHERING


I was really shocked and excited when I seen that Michelle's

timeline was so very close to what was I was perceiving!

Although many were, and are, looking for the Rapture to occur

during the Feast of Trumpets (for many good Biblical reasons),

perhaps it will take place during the Feast of Tabernacles (most

likely on day #7 - Hoshanah Rabbah ; with Christ's Return seeing

it's fulfillment at the end of Daniel's 70th Week during the Feast

of Trumpets.

According to the Hebcal (Hillel calendar) :

Oct.22/23, 2016 - Hoshanah Rabbah - Rapture??

Plus 2520 days - 7 prophetic years @360 days/yr.

= Sept.16/17, 2023 - day #2 Feast of Trumpets - 2nd Coming??

If the Rapture is fulfilled (hopefully and prayerfully) on Oct.22/23,

then Oct.24th - Shemini Atzeret, would mark the first full day of

Daniel's 70th Week (7-year Trib.). Shemini Atzeret is the "8th day

assembly" - will the Church be "assembled" in Heaven, while the

world begins the onset of Daniel's 70th Week on Earth??

Could Oct.22/23/24, 2016 be the dates that the angelic messenger

revealed to Vincent Tan as "$2.34"??!... and,

Could Oct.23, 2016 / 21 Tishri, 5777 be the fulfillment of your

"SkyBlue 21" vision??! ...Exciting Times!!

God Bless you and your ministry Valerie,

with the love of Christ,

Steve K.

2nd Email received from Steve K. & Posted below:

"Obama's Time"

On Oct.9, 2009, Obama was chosen to be the recipient of the

Nobel Peace Prize. Dan. 8:25 - "and he [the son of perdition]

shall magnify himself in heart, and by peace shall destroy many" ....

Dan.11:24, "he shall enter peaceably".

Oct.9, 2009 was the 7th day of Tabernacles - Hoshanah Rabbah.

This may be the meaning of your "putting up 7 fingers as Obama

was just looking".

In 2016, the 7th day of Tabernacles will land on Oct.23rd, which

in turn, falls 21 days after the Feast of Trumpets (which began

@sunset Oct.2nd) ........ the 21-day delay of Dan.10:16?

Oct.23, 2016 - Hoshanah Rabbah - Rapture/Sudden Destruction?

Plus 2520 days - 7 prophetic years

= Sept.17, 2023 - day #2 Feast of Trumpets (2nd Coming?)

At the White House Correspondents Association Dinner on
April 28, 2012, Obama stated " In my first term we ended the war


Although we celebrate the birth of Christ ("Christmas") on Dec.25th

here in the U.S., most Bible scholars place His birth during the

Feast of Tabernacles.

Obama is now nearing the end of his second term. Will he begin

his unrestrained reign as the son of perdition during this year's

Feast of Tabernacles? - refer to this "must-see" video, "the lost

Anti-Christ : What will happen? His Term Ends Soon - Obama :

Anti- - Christ or Not? - (by Wayne Levi Price - Tribulation Saints).

Not only was Mr. Obama chosen to receive the Nobel Peace Prize

right on the 7th day of Tabernacles, but he was given the award just

a few hours before the start of the 24th day of Kislev!

Those are the 2 dates mentioned in Haggai 2 regarding the Lord

shaking the heavens and the earth and the desired of all nations

coming to him. Those 2 dates are incredibly important on God's


What are the odds that Obama just so happened to be chosen as

the world's most notable man of "peace" on the 7th day of Tabernacles

and then given the award right before Hanukkah eve, the 24th day of

Kislev??!! ..... it's time to HOLD ON TO YOUR SEATS!!

Hi Steve K.,

You're most welcome, and I too want to thank you for contributing your thoughts here on Rapture Flight to Heaven. Therefore, thank you, for sharing with all of us here, I and many others are blessed with encouragement you and Michelle, and others bring to this site and it's participants, of the nearness of the Lord's coming at the Rapture.

Good to hear from you by email. I'm very pleased that you been reading all the posts and find them enlightening and encouraging. Makes my day, to know that you and perhaps others appreciate it this ministry here too.

Yes I did notice, that Michelle's excellent article which points to the same time-frame, as yours.

"Could Oct.22/23/24, 2016 be the dates that the angelic messenger

revealed to Vincent Tan as "$2.34"??!"... Could be, we'll soon find out won't we!

"Could Oct.23, 2016 / 21 Tishri, 5777 be the fulfillment of your

"SkyBlue 21" vision??! ...Exciting Times!!" All I can add is we'll soon find out,

what those days hold in store for each one of us. The Rapture has always been imminent, therefore, if the good Lord chose any of the dates mentioned to send Jesus to come and get His bride, it will happen. I'm watching daily, I don't want to miss a thing.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

God Bless you,

In the love of Jesus,



Valerie, Kathy, Michelle, & Steve K--

I too, am also watching as well.

This morning, when it was still dark outside, and after going next door to turn my brother's computer on. I happen to glance up at the still dawn sky. I saw the Little (or, is it the Big) Dipper, and only just southwest of it...I saw the Orion, surrounded by what lookslike to being the doors of heaven.

It's the Orion, & the doors of heaven, that I'll keep my eyes peeled to from now on...as I wait for those doors to open, and see Jesus descending in "the" cloud(s) to Rapture us off of this planet.

Surely, they should open soon. Yes!?!



Email from Michelle, for posting the following:

Dear Valerie and all the RFTH Family,

I have a few more items to share that might be of interest to those watching the incredible sequence of events we are witnessing day by day.

In my above post I mentioned the number 755 - G755: architriklinos = Governor of the Feast” and that I’d had this number highlighted twice the same day……. Well, there was one more ‘witness’ and it came through the daily Christchurch EQ list on Oct 7th, later the same day Valerie put my post on. For me this was the ‘third witness’ that I looked for regarding this message. The Christchurch EQ list has been how the Lord has consistently spoken to us His Church.

The significance of the term “Governor of the Feast” is that it refers to the One who is convening and preparing “The Feast” for the Bride.

The term “The Feast” has been used of The Feast of Tabernacles or The Feast of Ingathering. [2 Chronicles 5:3 compare with 1 Kings 8:21] the concluding Feast on the religious calendar. When the term “Ingathering” is used it reminds me of the verse,

2Th 2:1

Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

In the chapter where Paul gives the sequence of events just prior to the Rapture.

Some Bible teachers believe that when Jesus said there were “four months to the harvest” in John 4:35 that he was referring to the “harvest of the Church” because there is four months between Pentecost (when the Church was planted) to The Feast of the Harvest/ Tabernacles/ Ingathering.

Tabernacles are a Feast or festival that celebrates God’s Protection of his people. It is also a time of celebration. We also know from the Scriptures that it will continue to be celebrated throughout the Millennium.

In John 1:14, we read,

Joh 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

The term “dwelt among us” means to “tabernacle with” or to abide in a

temporary dwelling or tent. You could possibly say that Jesus even fulfilled the

Feast of Tabernacles in one sense by his dwelling in a temporary body here on

earth for 33 years. The Transfiguration gave the disciples that were with him a

glimpse of his glory.

Both Paul and Peter used the term “tabernacle” for our mortal bodies that will be

changed to immortal at the Rapture. Paul says that we exchange these temporary

dwellings for an eternal house in the heavens. What a joyful thought!

2Co 5:1

For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.

2Co 5:4

For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life.

2Pe 1:14

Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me.

Some Bible teachers also believe that there is reasonable evidence that Jesus was born on Tabernacles and circumcised (dedicated – a sign of the covenant) on the 8th day of Tabernacles when he was presented at the Temple. LUKE 2:21 tells us that he was given his name on the same day.

Luk 2:21And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

There may be a possible link with the Church receiving a new name upon arrival in heaven in Revelation 3:7ff in the Letter to the Philadelphian Church.

Rev 3:10

Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

Rev 3:11

Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.

Rev 3:12

Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.

The gathering storm and threat of a nuclear exchange that has been escalating this month has highlighted the powers involved and the fast approach of God’s Judgement.

On October 9th, I had a phone call at 11:58. Afterward I was moved to look up the corresponding word G1158: DANIEL = “Judgement of God” In the Greek, it only occurs in Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14, both passages we know well.

To my amazement, on October 13th I had another phone call at exactly 11:58.

This was simply the Lord’s way of confirming his message by the second witness.

I am amazed by the world events that have occurred in this same time frame.

These next verses speak of being hidden in God’s tabernacle during the time of trouble and offering “sacrifices of joy” in song there.

Psa 27:5

For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.

Psa 27:6

And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD.

On OCTOBER 15th there was a 6.4 EQ in the New Britain region, PNG. At 8:03UT; 18:03 epicentre; 11:03 Israel time.

The message contained in the word study of this earthquake really caught my attention.

G803:asphaleia = “the certainty”

First found in this verse:

Luk 1:4 That thou mightest know the certainty of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed.

G1803:hex = six. (after 6 days)

First occurrence:

Mat 17:1 And after six days Jesus taketh Peter James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart

The words highlighted for me here were “and after six days”

This is the narrative of the Transfiguration. In this narrative, Peter wants to build booths or tabernacles for Moses and Elijah and Jesus. (v.4)

Could this mean, after 6 days (of the Feast of Tabernacles) the transfiguration occurred?

This EQ occurred on October 15th. Add 6 days is October 21st – AFTER 6 days would be the 7th day which is Saturday the 22nd, October. (20th Tishrei)

Hoshana Rabbah – the Last Great Day or the 7th day of Tabernacles will start at sunset on Saturday Oct 22nd in Israel. As mentioned before, it will be already October 23rd in New Zealand, Australia and parts of East Asia.

The rest of the data for this EQ is as follows. Notice though that the Hebrew words deal with verses that are symbolic of the judgement of Babylon and the 7 year tribulation.

H803:’ashuwyah = Her foundations, supporting structure. (are fallen)

Only found in 1 verse:

Jer 50:15 Shout against her round about: she hath given her hand: her foundations are fallen, her walls are thrown down: for it is the vengeance of the LORD: take vengeance upon her; as she hath done, do unto her.

H1803:dallah = poor, poorest.

First occurrence -Pharoah’s dream of the 7 poor and lean fleshed cows. Represents the 7 year Tribulation.

Gen 41:19 And, behold, seven other kine came up after them, poor and very ill favoured and leanfleshed such as I never saw in all the land of Egypt for badness:

Israel G1103:gnesios = the sincerity, true, genuine.

Israel H1103:balac = a gatherer.(of figs) Amos 7:14

Jesus is the true, genuine gatherer unto Himself.

The overall message is :- “That thou mayest know the certainty of those things wherein thou hast been instructed>> after 6 days (of Tabernacles)

The foundations of Babylon will fall, the 7 bad years come.

The message from the genuine gatherer.

On OCTOBER 17th (Cheshvan 10 JUBCAL; Tishrei 15 Hebcal), there was another EQ in the same area. A 6.9 a t6:14 UT; New Britain region, PNG. 16:14 epicentre; 9:14 Israel time.

This is the next installment of God’s message on this subject, I believe.

G614: apokruphos = secret, hidden, kept secret.

First occurrence:

Mar 4:22 For there is nothing hid which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad .

G1614: ekteino =put forth, stretch forth towards.

First occurrence:

Mat 8:3 And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.

Jesus stretches forth his hand.


First occurrence:

Exo 23:16 And the feast of harvest, the firstfruits of thy labours, which thou hast sown in the field: and the feast of ingathering, which is in the end of the year, when thou hast gathered in thy labours out of the field.

H1614: gophriyth = brimstone. (Judgement of God)

First occurrence:

Gen 19:24 Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;

Israel G914: Barachias = “Jehovah blesses”

Mat 23:35 That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.

Israel H914: badal = separation, sever out, set apart, divided.

Gen 1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

So, we have here a message that says, That which was hidden, kept secret, (Jesus) put forth his hand of Ingathering.

Brimstone (Judgement as upon Sodom and Gomorrha)

Jehovah blesses the set apart, separated ones. (Just as He separated the light from the darkness)

Also I had an unusual phone call on October 17th, at 9:01-9:02.

I perceived this was from the Lord to instruct me a little further.

G901: bathus = “Very early in the morning.”(on the first day of the Week (Sunday)

First occurrence – the Resurrection of Jesus.

Luk 24:1 Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them.

G902: baion = palm branch.

(part of the lulav used in the Hoshana Rabbah procession)


I have shared this material about Tabernacles, and the examples and types in the Bible concerning it, as well as the recent earthquake messages, for interest sake and to encourage. I do not want to offend any brother or sister by insisting on my interpretation of the foregoing information.

So, as always, I recommend all exercise their own discernment and wait upon the LORD. We all sense that our “wait” is almost over so let us rejoice and be glad in that trust.

With heartfelt prayers for abundant blessings and peace to all the RFTH family,



Hi Michelle, Hope you are feeling much better, each and every day.

I posted your email, under your thread you suggested below.

Very interesting information, coming straight from scripture.

Let's hope and pray that the time has finally arrived for our departure.

Feast of Tabernacles, is a good contender for the Rapture, because,
I believe, in the Pre Tribulation Rapture, which could happen on any day,
or any Feast. Only the Pre Tribulation Rapture has always been imminent.

