Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

Born on September 28th, 1998, and died on October 17th, 2015, Our Beloved little Dog & Friend died of Old Age, his internal system, stopped working, and his muscular motor system shut down. He couldn't stand up on his legs, although he tried desperately, to get up, he couldn't. He was given a couple of sedative injections for pain at the vets, and passed away quietly. We stayed for the longest time by his side, trying to comfort him with words of comfort and love as we stroked his beautiful white hair and wiped his face with a wet paper towel. Said our goodbyes, and kissed him one last time.

My husband, & I, and our family members are grieving our loss, because he was loved so much by all, he touched us with his unconditional love and through his love, we were brought together closer to one another, this was our gift from him to us. In turn, we tried to give him, all the love and affection we could, which he so deserved.

Our little Furby, was truly an Angel sent from above, and the good Lord, called him home, his work was finished.

I miss him so much already, and don't know how I'm going to make it through, without, my best buddy, and friend.

Please pray for me and our family. Furby is free, no more pain or suffering. Jesus called him home, and now he is a young dog once again.

We miss you little guy; Thanks for the 17 years, and 19 days we spent together love, Grandma, Valerie

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

Oh, no!! Aww!!! =( Sorry to hear that, Valerie.

Furby was a precious dog, I know. My Elmo, thankfully, is still alive, though old and possibly arthritic. I have prayed that he would be Raptured with me when the time comes. At least Furby will be waiting for you when the trumpet blows.

Kathy G.

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

Thank you Kathy, for your kind remarks. We miss him more than ever today, being the first day without him. I was final able to post this picture, properly, as I was too upset yesterday, and just couldn't figure it out.

Furby was Lora's our daughter's dog, he was left to live with us when she got married, because she couldn't take him where they were living. Later on when they got their own house, Furby was too attached to Ed and I, and she didn't have the heart to separate him from us. Therefore, we spent many wonderful years together, and became very attached to him. It's a very difficult time for all of us. Our hearts are broken, however, we know that one day, we will see him again.

Lora's having a hard time, just like Ed & I, tears just keep on flowing. Praying God will heal the hurt, and that soon we will all be reunited via the Rapture.

Rest in Peace, our precious little one.

Furby photo 7DDF615E55_zpsgc0sirg6.jpg

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

This is for our family who just lost our beloved pet dog Furby, and all those who have lost their pets, past, present and future. This is a most encouraging video, and gives us hope for a future reunion with our precious animals, who have shared our lives, and left a lasting impression on us and those they touched.

Dedicated to our precious little dog Furby...love you!

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Animals in Heaven (Subtitled)

Published on Apr 17, 2013
Do animals go to Heaven? You bet your bottom they do! This video also proves that they have a soul. "What is a soul?" "What is the difference between a soul, spirit, and body?" All answered here and more!

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

Please know that I have prayed for you and your husband over this loss.

Why does it hurt so much when we lose a pet? I think it’s because they express to us the closest thing to Christ’s type of unconditional love. And to lose that type of love, a sort of perfect, Christ love, well… it hurts… bad.

When I lost one of my dogs as a boy, Christ directed me to find a rather obscure passage. I consider it Biblical proof that animals do go to heaven.
“…If there is a natural body, there is a spiritual body.” -- 1 Corth 15:44

That verse doesn’t say anything about being human. Therefore, I believe it applies to all of God’s creatures. And He brought that to my attention for the first time after losing my golden retriever, HoneyBear.

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

Please know that I have prayed for you and your husband over this loss.

Why does it hurt so much when we lose a pet? I think it’s because they express to us the closest thing to Christ’s type of unconditional love. And to lose that type of love, a sort of perfect, Christ love, well… it hurts… bad.

When I lost one of my dogs as a boy, Christ directed me to find a rather obscure passage. I consider it Biblical proof that animals do go to heaven.
“…If there is a natural body, there is a spiritual body.” -- 1 Corth 15:44

That verse doesn’t say anything about being human. Therefore, I believe it applies to all of God’s creatures. And He brought that to my attention for the first time after losing my golden retriever, HoneyBear.

Thank you so much for your prayers Brady, it does hurt very much. Our pet's love is unconditional, and it is the closest thing to Christ's type love we have here on Earth.

To lose this type of love, breaks your heart. Only God's love is perfect, but his pets give us almost perfect love, a taste of what love feels like in Heaven. When I close my eyes I can picture Furby, sitting with Jesus, and lovingly staring in the Lord's face, like he use to do with us. I know he's waiting for us, and he's watching to see who comes through those pearly gates.

Sunday was a very hard day for us, being the first day totally without him, so tears
would flow on and off, missing certain events, like the home coming greetings, the daily feeding, walking, grooming, talking, and spending precious time together, everything seems different, nothing seems the same. We were 3, and now we are 2; It's Sad, but true, our friend went to Heaven...hope tomorrow is easier...sigh!

I have many precious memories, but the one I cherish the most is, one time, I was extremely sad, and hurting, and I was sitting beside Furby on the sofa. Tears were flowing down, he immediately started jumping up and giving me wet kisses, licking all my tears off as quickly as possible, until my whole face was washed with kisses. He made my tears turned into joy and laughter, whatever made me so sad, didn't matter any more. This is just one of many precious memories I have. However, this one is so special to me. It reminds me, that Jesus will wipe away all of our tears, and turn our sorrow to joy.

Thanks for the memories Furby.

Perhaps, Furby, has met up with HoneyBear,and running and playing with other dogs and animals in heaven. No more pain or suffering, thank God for that.

Brady, they are waiting there for us...What a reunion that will be. God Bless!

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!


Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

Thank you Kathy, that is a beautiful poem.

This is a very touching poem.

God Bless you and yours, especially Elmo.


Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

I received a wonderful email from Reva, which she shared some personal experiences with her pets. Since I didn't receive permission in her email to post her remarks, I will instead, post MY REPLY to her email.

Hi Reva,

Thank you so very much for prayers, for us, and for sharing your heartbreaking experience in regards to your beloved Lexie! I hope Furby has met up with Lexie and other animals in Heaven and that they are having, the best time ever, running, playing, and worshiping God in His Heavenly Kingdom together.

You are so very right about the long drawn out stress on the body, crying and grieving hard and long is bad for the body. I know it to be true, when my Mom died. My health just plummeted down so quickly, I was having stress tests down on my heart, etc. etc...it really did a number on me. Then I realized, my Mom was alright, she was in a better place, it was I that still had to go through life's sorrow, pain, suffering, and joy intermittent; not her. It reminded me, when Jesus said to those who were weeping, when our Lord was carrying His cross; Weep for yourselves and your children. Jesus knew that his suffering would soon be over and end, but those who are still alive, have their cross yet to bear, until they too, reach
the Lord's Heavenly Kingdom.

My husband and I are 68 years of age, and our health is to be taken into consideration, therefore, since Ed had a major heart attack, with triple bypass surgery 10 years ago, and I'm disabled with mobility problems, with walking, and live in chronic pain; we could not in any way adopt a new dog/pet, not now or even in the near future. We were committed to Furby, and no matter what, we were going to see him through, no matter how long he lived. He lived over one hundred years in human life span, 7 x 17 = 11 9 years.

Yes he lived a long life, and he tried his very best till the very end. He just couldn't go on, he was deaf, lame on one leg, and then the other legs all gave out at once, even his spine could no longer hold up his body. He's paid his dues here, his work is done, now he is healthy and free, living with Our Creator, who loves him so much and has given him his just rewards now. He is in a place called Heaven now, and he deserves it. I can picture him, lovingly staring at Jesus like he use to stare at us.

Maranatha! Yes, I too am looking forward to the Lord's coming at the Rapture, at any moment now. I too look forward to seeing Furby, and other pets that have passed over, our 2 miscarried grandchildren, my parents, and many love ones, family and friends, whom are no longer with us. There will be a grand reunion, in that place called Heaven. In the meantime God will mend our broken hearts,, and heal the pain of separation we feel at present. God's presence here on Earth and in Heaven is so essential, He let's us know, how much He loves us, and all of his creatures, small and great.

Thank you once again for taking the time to share your prayers, your thoughts, and your comforting remarks. May you continue to have many more wonderful moments with Toby, now and for eternity.

God Bless you and yours!
In Jesus' Love,


"We’ll be soooo glad when death is no more!! When we’re never separated….. when death is swallowed up in victory forever!!"

P.S. I will share MY thanks and reply to You, on Furby's thread, since you have not given your permission to post your email in your letter.

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

I received another wonderful email from Michelle, here I did likewise, and posted my reply, instead of her entire email.

Michelle, I Thank you so much for your words of comfort and prayer.

I so appreciate you taking the time to write, especially the following in quotes.

"I sincerely pray for the Lord's comfort as you grieve, and that you will rest in the peace and expectation of being reunited with him hopefully very soon. Love and every blessing in Christ, Michelle"

I will relay MY REPLY on Furby's thread at the website, since I respect your privacy, and without permission, I'd rather post my reply, with a small quote, instead of your entire email.

Know that I will remember you and yours in my prayers.

In Jesus' Love,


Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

Valerie, so sad to hear of the loss of your beloved dog Furby. It hurts right to our heart, to the depths of us to lose a pet.
Yet, heaven is ahead. There are verses in the bible that lead me to believe our pets are in heaven, they also have life, although animals are not in the image of God as man was made, yet they also are made by God.
Here is example:
Rev 5:13 And every created thing which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all things in them, I heard saying, "To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever."
See this? to Him who sits on the throne. how could every created thing, even under the earth and in heaven say this unless they know of the Lamb? every created thing includes the animals. every means every.

Romans 8 talks about "the creation", not just mankind, but "creation":
…19 For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.…

Hugs Valerie, and Maranatha! May the appearing of our glorious Lord from heaven come very soon

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

Hi Valerie,

So sorry to read about the loss of your loving dog Furby. Not too long ago
I also suffered the loss of my beloved cat ... Mr.Pepperoni, he was also
17 years old.

The one thought that helped me most through my grieving process was this ;
Since Jesus created him, He loves him even more than I do!..
Talk about being in "good hands"!

Here is a very encouraging article that brings forth excellent Biblical
evidence for a (soon-coming) reunion with Furby ...

"Will our Pets be In Heaven? A Biblical View Of The Loss Of A Pet - God's
Eternal Plan For His Animal Creation" (@heavenquestions.com)

This website also offers a condensed version of the article in tract form.
I use them to reach the loss when I take my dog(Jenny Bo-Benny)for a walk or hiking, it
is a really good way to "break the ice" and share the only real hope we
have in this life or the life to come .... our precious Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ!

God Bless you and your family,
Steve K.

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

Valerie, so sad to hear of the loss of your beloved dog Furby. It hurts right to our heart, to the depths of us to lose a pet.
Yet, heaven is ahead. There are verses in the bible that lead me to believe our pets are in heaven, they also have life, although animals are not in the image of God as man was made, yet they also are made by God.
Here is example:
Rev 5:13 And every created thing which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all things in them, I heard saying, "To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever."
See this? to Him who sits on the throne. how could every created thing, even under the earth and in heaven say this unless they know of the Lamb? every created thing includes the animals. every means every.

Romans 8 talks about "the creation", not just mankind, but "creation":
…19 For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.…

Hugs Valerie, and Maranatha! May the appearing of our glorious Lord from heaven come very soon

Regina, thank you so much for your kind remarks & Scripture, which is well worth repeating, as I too believe these passages are revlent to God's creation and creatures, including animals.


Rev 5:13 And every created thing which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all things in them, I heard saying, "To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever."
See this? to Him who sits on the throne. how could every created thing, even under the earth and in heaven say this unless they know of the Lamb? every created thing includes the animals. every means every.

Romans 8 talks about "the creation", not just mankind, but "creation":
…19 For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.…


God Bless,

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

Steve K.
Hi Valerie,

So sorry to read about the loss of your loving dog Furby. Not too long ago
I also suffered the loss of my beloved cat ... Mr.Pepperoni, he was also
17 years old.

The one thought that helped me most through my grieving process was this ;
Since Jesus created him, He loves him even more than I do!..
Talk about being in "good hands"!

Here is a very encouraging article that brings forth excellent Biblical
evidence for a (soon-coming) reunion with Furby ...

"Will our Pets be In Heaven? A Biblical View Of The Loss Of A Pet - God's
Eternal Plan For His Animal Creation" (@heavenquestions.com)

This website also offers a condensed version of the article in tract form.
I use them to reach the loss when I take my dog(Jenny Bo-Benny)for a walk or hiking, it
is a really good way to "break the ice" and share the only real hope we
have in this life or the life to come .... our precious Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ!

God Bless you and your family,

Steve K.

Thank you Steve, for your kind remarks, and I'm sorry to hear of your recent loss a cat named Pepperoni; by the way Furby loved Cats for some reason, so I can see him
playing with Pepperoni, catch me if you can, or some other fun loving game.

I really like this website, it has some good information, those who wish to visit, just click the link below.

"Will our Pets be In Heaven? A Biblical View Of The Loss Of A Pet - God's
Eternal Plan For His Animal Creation"


Steve, call it coincidence, divine intervention, or whatever you will, but the exact same thought, came to mind, just before, I read your post.

"The one thought that helped me most through my grieving process was this ; Since Jesus created him, He loves him even more than I do!..Talk about being in "good hands"! "

These words have been comforting me, ever since they came to mind, and your post
just confirmed them, the Lord is speaking through scripture, for our behalf. Thanks be to God.

The other thing, that comforts me, right at this moment, knowing, that very soon,
there will be this joyous awesome, gathering, a reunion in Heaven, animals, people, alike. My heart is uplifted just dwelling on this thought alone.

May it be soon Steve, there are many other animals, and people in my life who have passed on before me, who are waiting to welcome me home and I'm sure yours are awaiting as well for you.

God Bless You and Yours,



This little white dog reminds me of Furby, just sitting and patiently waiting!

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

Email received from my Son Paul...sharing his thoughts on Furby's recent passing.

Hi Mom,

I read all of the posts on your website and they were simply beautiful! You also have some wonderful people posting on your site - thank you to all of you for your support! It made me feel a lot better - I can also see him running and playing in Heaven with all the other pets there. I can also imagine him waiting and running to each of us when it is our time to enter Heaven! Right now, it makes me feel better to strive to live life more abundantly and to have something to look forward to in the future. I really miss Furby too but he wants us to carry on to love each other more each day. It is strange - although I loved our cat Morkie back in the 1980's - I carried on with life not really thinking about her a lot after she passed (occasionally - yes - but not a lot). However, Furby really had this special feel or energy about him that affected us all in the best way. I believe he was the best pet we ever had that I can remember (no disrespect to our first dog PJ but I can't remember PJ as I was way too young when he died).

I find it interesting that I am spending more time with Dad with this bathroom project. We had started weeks ago, then Furby passed away, and now we have to continue with the bathroom after his passing. It feels like it was meant for him to pass away right in the middle of this project while spending time with Dad. This is why I also want you to come up to our house during the week - I feel that I want to spend more time with you too.

My good friend at work (African friend), Baba, said to me during last Friday's shift that I will miss the following week of work and return to day shift the week after. He mentioned that I will be the only one in our area, during my week of return, not to receive a pay stub/cheque for the previous week missed. I told him "That's ok, I am going to spend time with my Dad on the bathroom. I value it much more to spend time with family than any amount of money - money isn't everything." He looked at me and told me that I was right - of course I am right! Then the events of Saturday happened which put this all in more clearer perspective.

Although I miss Furby a lot, I feel his passing is a gift from God to me to spend more time with family. Even after this project is done, we have to make more time to visit on Sundays. Although it is the only day we have off, it doesn't matter - we have to make a better effort to visit even if it is for a few hours each time. Work is a burden, actually this country is a burden to survive in it each day. It didn't matter who won the election - they are all overpaid, over-promising, rich people that shape this country in the way it is and the way it will be - pathetic, in my opinion. This is why things are so expensive and all people do here is really "work, work, work to pay taxes, taxes, and taxes". As a result, I had become so bogged down with work the last few years that it has pulled me away from the real important things - family. But that is going to change.

Thank you God and thank you Furby for opening my eyes and putting me back on the right track on what is really important in life. It is one of God's mysterious acts of talking to and showing us. Since Furby's passing, I feel refreshed - like a new start for me. It feels like pulling out a "positive - something good" from a "negative/sad" event. Dad is also right - we have to remember the great times with Furby and not dwell on last Saturday - again, focusing on the positive over the negative.

Anyways, I love you and Dad very much! I love Gloria and her family very much! I love Lora, José, Arianna, and Allison very much too! It is time to move forward, to be so positive about things around us, and make the best out of each day! We have to count our blessings - "it is about what we have, not about what we don't have". And, simply put - we have each other.

Love, your son,


P.S. You have my permission to post this on your website. :)

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

Email received from my Son Paul...sharing his thoughts on Furby's recent passing.

Hi Mom,

I read all of the posts on your website and they were simply beautiful! You also have some wonderful people posting on your site - thank you to all of you for your support! It made me feel a lot better - I can also see him running and playing in Heaven with all the other pets there. I can also imagine him waiting and running to each of us when it is our time to enter Heaven! Right now, it makes me feel better to strive to live life more abundantly and to have something to look forward to in the future. I really miss Furby too but he wants us to carry on to love each other more each day. It is strange - although I loved our cat Morkie back in the 1980's - I carried on with life not really thinking about her a lot after she passed (occasionally - yes - but not a lot). However, Furby really had this special feel or energy about him that affected us all in the best way. I believe he was the best pet we ever had that I can remember (no disrespect to our first dog PJ but I can't remember PJ as I was way too young when he died).

I find it interesting that I am spending more time with Dad with this bathroom project. We had started weeks ago, then Furby passed away, and now we have to continue with the bathroom after his passing. It feels like it was meant for him to pass away right in the middle of this project while spending time with Dad. This is why I also want you to come up to our house during the week - I feel that I want to spend more time with you too.

My good friend at work (African friend), Baba, said to me during last Friday's shift that I will miss the following week of work and return to day shift the week after. He mentioned that I will be the only one in our area, during my week of return, not to receive a pay stub/cheque for the previous week missed. I told him "That's ok, I am going to spend time with my Dad on the bathroom. I value it much more to spend time with family than any amount of money - money isn't everything." He looked at me and told me that I was right - of course I am right! Then the events of Saturday happened which put this all in more clearer perspective.

Although I miss Furby a lot, I feel his passing is a gift from God to me to spend more time with family. Even after this project is done, we have to make more time to visit on Sundays. Although it is the only day we have off, it doesn't matter - we have to make a better effort to visit even if it is for a few hours each time. Work is a burden, actually this country is a burden to survive in it each day. It didn't matter who won the election - they are all overpaid, over-promising, rich people that shape this country in the way it is and the way it will be - pathetic, in my opinion. This is why things are so expensive and all people do here is really "work, work, work to pay taxes, taxes, and taxes". As a result, I had become so bogged down with work the last few years that it has pulled me away from the real important things - family. But that is going to change.

Thank you God and thank you Furby for opening my eyes and putting me back on the right track on what is really important in life. It is one of God's mysterious acts of talking to and showing us. Since Furby's passing, I feel refreshed - like a new start for me. It feels like pulling out a "positive - something good" from a "negative/sad" event. Dad is also right - we have to remember the great times with Furby and not dwell on last Saturday - again, focusing on the positive over the negative.

Anyways, I love you and Dad very much! I love Gloria and her family very much! I love Lora, José, Arianna, and Allison very much too! It is time to move forward, to be so positive about things around us, and make the best out of each day! We have to count our blessings - "it is about what we have, not about what we don't have". And, simply put - we have each other.

Love, your son,


P.S. You have my permission to post this on your website. :)

Hi Paul,

Thanks for taking the time from your busy schedule, and reading the posts and sending a reply. Yes, there are some caring, understanding, and God loving people who post here, and make my days more bearable, especially at times like these. I thank God for each one of them. They share God's love, and encourage one another, especially at time of need. I'm blessed to be a part of this group of caring Christian people. They practice what they were taught by Jesus. Love God first and foremost, and love one another, but this they will know you are my disciples.

Paul, Thanks for giving me permission to post your email. Son, you've always been a hard worker, whether in school or at work, whatever you put your mind to do and give it your all.

Sometimes it takes a death, in this case of an animal our pet dog Furby, to wake up and realize, how short life really is; and what really matters in life. Material things, house, money, etc., we'll leave behind, but the love of family and one another, we can take with us, or keep in our hearts until we meet and reunited with one another in Heaven. It's the love and relationships we have here on Earth with one another, we'll be able to share with one another, and with Jesus in Heaven. God created man/woman for this reason, to have a relationship with Him. That's why we make time in prayer with God, so that our relationship grows stronger, as does our love.

I believe, that sometimes animals can teach us how to live life more fully or abundantly, and to stop and smell the roses, as Furby loved to literally do. Make time, enjoy the moments of your life, with the people, pets, you love, for life on Earth is short. If you're totally concentrating on work and work alone, life can pass you by in a "blink of an eye".

I do understand we all must make a living to support our needs, food, shelter, clothing; however, our physical, emotional, spiritual, needs, also need to be nurtured. We all need to share our love, and in turn receive love, even the Lord Jesus wants that personal relationship with people.

I'm so glad to hear you are willing to make time to free yourself and give yourself permission to enjoy the people, you love; before, the Lord calls them home. For no one
is promised tomorrow, all we really have is today, this very moment.

I'm glad to see you and Dad are spending some quality time together, bonding and sharing moments, you'll cherish one day; and at the same time you're getting hands on experience renovating your bathroom.

I believe you are right when it comes to Furby, animals can teach us a lot about life, if we just stop for a moment, and realize what really is important in this life and eternal life. They teach us to love unconditionally, to forgive when someone wrongs them, compassion, understanding, patience, endurance, persistence, I can go on and on.
Furby taught me to be strong, even when I'm weak, to get up, and do the best I'm able too. If I fall or fail, to get up and try, try again, and it keeps me going. Persistence, endurance, and how to love unconditionally, now that last one was the hardest, but I'm still learning.

Isn't strange, but at the same time so wonderful Paul, even in death, Furby is touching our lives for the better; and the saying that God works in mysterious ways is ever so true; if God could make such a difference in our lives, through one little dog, then, is there anything impossible for God....absolutely positively not.

For all things are possible through Christ, who strengthens us daily.

Love you and all of our family, including our little Furby.

My deepest desire in this life, was to love and be loved, and I have that from all of you and especially God.

Love, Mom

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!


I hope that I'm better late then never sending along to you & your family my sympathies.

I too, am very sorry to hear about the passing away of your cute little dog, Furby. Ever since my beloved Collie dog, King, left us much too soon many many moons ago...I have experienced a couple dreams for which I saw him in heaven with Jesus both times. I betcha 10-1 that Furby too, will be waiting for you up there in our heavenly home.

Talk about the treasures that Jesus has promised us, that are waiting for us for when we get to heaven! Our beloved pets are indeed all apart of the treasures He has waitng for us, to be waiting to being reunited with us too.

& s


P.S. I loved seeing all those above pictures of our pets in heaven, although I didn't see my Collie dog, King, in them. I "know" he's up there waiting for me.

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

Hi Tammy, Thanks for you sentiments, and remarks. I'm sure Furby is doing great, perhaps even met up with King right now, and our other dog PJ. gone for 42 years ago and Morkie our cat that passed on more than 35 years ago.

Speaking of having an amazing dream, I was really surprised, that neither myself or our daughter has had a dream so far about him. I believe this is due, we are not getting that deep sleep, dream rem state of dreaming, however, my husband had an awesome dream of Jesus and Furby last night.

Ed told me, that he saw Jesus standing in Heaven, all dressed in white, and Furby, the little white dog he was, was standing up right beside Jesus, with this big happy grin on his face, his tail was wagging, and he was beautifully groomed, and shinny clean. Ed thanked Jesus for accepting Furby into His kingdom,and for taking care of him now. He said the scene was in this beautiful setting garden, with these huge gates behind them that were opened. Jesus let Ed know, that Furby is very happy with his surroundings and new home. Furby is looked after, and eagerly awaiting our arrival to Heaven. In the meantime, the whole family can "Rest" assure, that Furby is well, able to stand all a fours when no problem, is a young healthy dog again. Ed told Furby to behave, and be a good boy, and listen to Jesus, and to be watching for us when our time comes to meet him once again. Jesus said, Furby is in the best hands, and all Furby wanted was for us to remember the good memories, and not dwell, on those hard few days before and on the day of his passing. It was very heart wrenching, and all Furby wants, is for us his family to heal and be alright now. That was the end of his awesome dream.

Ed was always the one to take Furby for his daily walks, feed him his doggy treats, and spend the guy time together.

I believe we are starting to heal, especially after this dream, knowing Furby is not in pain anymore, and could stand and walk on his legs, and to spent time with Jesus is all of our dreams...he's one blessed dog..and we are blessed, that Jesus assured us,
we can be "rest assured", he's fine, and we will be too!

Thank you Jesus, for accepting your little creation into your kingdom, and appearing to Ed in His dreams, to let us know all is well. Amen!



Furby Puppy - then & in heaven now

Furby Smiling - happy dog.

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

(Forgot to mentioned, that Jesus and Furby were walking toward Ed, together)

I was really surprised, that neither myself or our daughter has had a dream so far about him. I believe this is due, we are not getting that deep sleep, dream rem state of dreaming, however, my husband had an awesome dream of Jesus and Furby last night.

Jesus and Furby were walking toward Ed, when they got close enough they stopped and stood still. (I forgot to mention this yesterday on the post). The scene was amazing and spectacular, absolutely beautiful and breathtaking.

Ed told me, that he saw Jesus standing in Heaven, all dressed in white, and Furby, the little white dog he was, was standing up right beside Jesus, with this big happy grin on his face, his tail was wagging, and he was beautifully groomed, and shinny clean. Ed thanked Jesus for accepting Furby into His kingdom,and for taking care of him now. He said the scene was in this beautiful setting garden, with these huge gates behind them that were opened. Jesus let Ed know, that Furby is very happy with his surroundings and new home. Furby is looked after, and eagerly awaiting our arrival to Heaven. In the meantime, the whole family can "Rest" assure, that Furby is well, able to stand all a fours when no problem, is a young healthy dog again. Ed told Furby to behave, and be a good boy, and listen to Jesus, and to be watching for us when our time comes to meet him once again. Jesus said, Furby is in the best hands, and all Furby wanted was for us to remember the good memories, and not dwell, on those hard few days before and on the day of his passing. It was very heart wrenching, and all Furby wants, is for us his family to heal and be alright now. That was the end of his awesome dream.

Ed was always the one to take Furby for his daily walks, feed him his doggy treats, and spend the guy time together.

I believe we are starting to heal, especially after this dream, knowing Furby is not in pain anymore, and could stand and walk on his legs, and to spent time with Jesus is all of our dreams...he's one blessed dog..and we are blessed, that Jesus assured us,
we can be "rest assured", he's fine, and we will be too!

Thank you Jesus, for accepting your little creation into your kingdom, and appearing to Ed in His dreams, to let us know all is well. Amen!



OUR FURBY ---- SEPTEMBER 28TH, 1998 - OCTOBER 17TH, 2015----

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

7 Days today, since Furby left to be with the Lord in Heaven.
Sure wish the Rapture would happen now, still miss him so very much.

Being separated from the people or animals we love, is part of life, however, in Heaven, we'll all be reunited.............Waiting for that Glorious day to come.



7 days have passed, and we still miss you very much!

OUR FURBY ---- SEPTEMBER 28TH, 1998 - OCTOBER 17TH, 2015----

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

"Fair Use for Information & Educational Purposes"

Animals In Heaven - ( Do Pets Go To Heaven?) - NDE Stories

Published on May 24, 2013
NDE Accounts of pets and animals in the afterlife.
►Animals In Heaven Near Death Experience Page: http://bit.ly/YWTzBC
►Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1pF4ES5

My Comments:

7 Days today, since Furby left to be with the Lord in Heaven.
Sure wish the Rapture would happen now, still miss him so very much.

Being separated from the people or animals we love, is part of life, however, in Heaven, we'll all be reunited.............Waiting for that Glorious day to come.



7 days have passed, and we still miss you very much!

OUR FURBY ---- SEPTEMBER 28TH, 1998 - OCTOBER 17TH, 2015----

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

My Tribute to Furby

Hi Mom:

Please add this to your site as my tribute to furby. I finally feel I have the right words together to say what I need to say:

My Tribute to our dog Furby (Born September 28 1998 - Died 17 October 2015)

Our dog Furby was a true blessing from God. The day my mother and I, and my boyfriend at the time, now husband, picked him up at the pet store, we all fell in love with him. I will always remember holding him for the first time in my hands, and he was a tiny punky then, and my mother asking me " Soooo.... what do you think?" And looking into his sweet little eyes I knew we had to take him home with us. And that's how our life began with Furby. He was a feisty little one, full of energy, life, fun and games. I would love taking him for walks, just him and I. I would talk to him like a human being, and he always looked like he understood my totally. The moment I walked into the door, or any of us did he was all over us with his big kisses. When I got married it broke my heart not to be able to take him with me because the house where we were moving to already had a dog, and I couldn't bear to take him away from my parents who loved him so very much. Life continued and Furby grew, I had my children and they fell in love with him too. He was always there as part of our family. He could always put a smile on our faces even in the worst of times. When we adopted Furby we always said we saved his life because he was six months old and no one had adopted him yet, and he was sick with kennel cough. But, the truth is, Furby saved our lives. All of us in one way or another. He made me love life again and made me feel unconditional love.

As time passed we all saw Furby getting older and realized our time would be short with him. Every year that passed I thought he would never leave us, until Oct 17 2015 came. One the hardest days in my life, but I am thankful I was there for him as he passed into God's hands, and the fact I could say goodbye to him together with my parents who loved him so very much. I am glad I could be there to support them, and had them to support me too.

I thank you Mom and Dad for being the best grandparents to my little baby boy, (I always said he was my baby boy lol). You both took such great care of him, no one could have done a better job. He will forever live in our memories and our hearts forever.

This took me a lot to type out, my heart is still broken, but I know with God's help each day will get easier. I will see him again in God's kingdom, and as I told Furby, when my day comes I would look for him to the end's of heaven and earth. This situation makes us all greatful for the time we have together as a family. Never take each other for granted, love unconditionally, and be there no matter what for one another. God has given me many blessings, but the greatest blessing I have is my family, my mother, father, brother Paul and his wife Gloria, my husband Jose, my children Arianna and Allison. Without any of them life would never be the same. As for Furby, he was family too, will always be in my heart and as the Ukrainian saying goes, he will be forever remembered.

Thank you Furby for the memories and all of your love. As I told you that day, take our love with you and go to Jesus. The only peace I have is that you are with your maker, Jesus Christ, and there is no better place to be.

Thank you to all you wonderful people who post on my mother's site. God bless you all for your kind words. My mother is a very special lady and devotes her life to Jesus. There is a special place for her in heaven as well.

Yours in Christ,

Lora Osorio

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

God bless your wonderful daughter Lora for her heart of love. Soon, we will be reunited with our loved ones who have gone before to be with the Lord, and I believe with the precious pets He has created and provided us with. Soon Valerie. Soon Lora. In the twinkling of an eye...

Re: Today A Precious Family Member Died....Our Beloved Little Dog Furby!!!

My Tribute to Furby

Hi Mom:

Please add this to your site as my tribute to furby. I finally feel I have the right words together to say what I need to say:

My Tribute to our dog Furby (Born September 28 1998 - Died 17 October 2015)

Our dog Furby was a true blessing from God. The day my mother and I, and my boyfriend at the time, now husband, picked him up at the pet store, we all fell in love with him. I will always remember holding him for the first time in my hands, and he was a tiny punky then, and my mother asking me " Soooo.... what do you think?" And looking into his sweet little eyes I knew we had to take him home with us. And that's how our life began with Furby. He was a feisty little one, full of energy, life, fun and games. I would love taking him for walks, just him and I. I would talk to him like a human being, and he always looked like he understood my totally. The moment I walked into the door, or any of us did he was all over us with his big kisses. When I got married it broke my heart not to be able to take him with me because the house where we were moving to already had a dog, and I couldn't bear to take him away from my parents who loved him so very much. Life continued and Furby grew, I had my children and they fell in love with him too. He was always there as part of our family. He could always put a smile on our faces even in the worst of times. When we adopted Furby we always said we saved his life because he was six months old and no one had adopted him yet, and he was sick with kennel cough. But, the truth is, Furby saved our lives. All of us in one way or another. He made me love life again and made me feel unconditional love.

As time passed we all saw Furby getting older and realized our time would be short with him. Every year that passed I thought he would never leave us, until Oct 17 2015 came. One the hardest days in my life, but I am thankful I was there for him as he passed into God's hands, and the fact I could say goodbye to him together with my parents who loved him so very much. I am glad I could be there to support them, and had them to support me too.

I thank you Mom and Dad for being the best grandparents to my little baby boy, (I always said he was my baby boy lol). You both took such great care of him, no one could have done a better job. He will forever live in our memories and our hearts forever.

This took me a lot to type out, my heart is still broken, but I know with God's help each day will get easier. I will see him again in God's kingdom, and as I told Furby, when my day comes I would look for him to the end's of heaven and earth. This situation makes us all greatful for the time we have together as a family. Never take each other for granted, love unconditionally, and be there no matter what for one another. God has given me many blessings, but the greatest blessing I have is my family, my mother, father, brother Paul and his wife Gloria, my husband Jose, my children Arianna and Allison. Without any of them life would never be the same. As for Furby, he was family too, will always be in my heart and as the Ukrainian saying goes, he will be forever remembered.

Thank you Furby for the memories and all of your love. As I told you that day, take our love with you and go to Jesus. The only peace I have is that you are with your maker, Jesus Christ, and there is no better place to be.

Thank you to all you wonderful people who post on my mother's site. God bless you all for your kind words. My mother is a very special lady and devotes her life to Jesus. There is a special place for her in heaven as well.

Yours in Christ,

Lora Osorio

Hi Lora, I'm very glad to hear you were finally able to take some time and quietly reflect your thoughts, on a tribute to Furby. I know how much you love him, and how hard it was for you to leave him at home, once you got married. I really love the picture of you on your wedding day with Furby by your side; sorry I tried to enlarge the image you emailed me but to no avail. Yes, he was, and always will be your precious baby boy, as you called him.

Lora,we thank you for leaving Furby with us, for when both, you and Paul got married just months apart the same year, Furby was a great comfort to us, helping us with this huge transition. We were more than grateful, many a times, that he was with us for so many memorable and wonderful years, growing old, along side with us. It was a blessing, and a comfort in our old age to experience his unconditional love.

We all know he was a gift from God to us, and each one of us were touched for the better because of this little guy, who thought, he could take the world on, only to find out, he wasn't as big as he thought, and in old age, slowed down like the rest of us over 65. Time goes on, and we all grow old, if the good Lord allows us live that long.

I know how hard it was for you, dad and myself, on Saturday Oct. 17, 2015, at the vets, when Furby was dying and breath his last. Many uncontrollable tears were shed, as we said our goodbyes. I know how much harder, it was for you to say the final goodbye, just recently. I wanted so to comfort you, but I was grieving myself as well as dad, and all I could do was hug you both and cry along side and keep repeating; "If you love someone you'll let them go"...and we did!

I know he loves you so very much, and when he would hear your voice on the phone, his ears wound perk up, and he would look to see where you were. He loved Arianna, and Allison too, and for whatever reason, felt very close to Arianna, and slobber her with kisses. I'm so grateful to God, that we got to spend Thanksgiving together, along with Furby, as turkey was one of his favorite foods, and I prayed he would still be around for at least this Thanksgiving. God granted, my plea, and we all had a chance to thank God for His goodness. I was so surprised that He even ate the turkey soup with rice, I made the next day. He sure loved to eat, good homemade food. I think that's why he lived so long, and his overall health through the years was good.

Well today, it rained all day, the we received a message, that we could come down to the vets and take home Furby's cremated remains. It was extremely hard Lora, as I told you on the phone when we came home.

We drove down to the vet's office, and his front door is glass, from top to bottom, so anyone inside could see out, or on the outside in. We pulled up, and as I was opening the car door, I turned around and immediately saw this little white dog that resembled Furby so much, eagerly looking out the glass door excited, wagging his tail. We entered and the owner was sitting down with the little dog, and he was standing on the floor, he quickly approached me, and I let him smell my hand, to let him know I was friendly, and as I did that, he immediately started to give me kisses all over my hand. I looked at him, and said "thanks little one, I really needed that today". I quickly explained to the owner we were here to pick up the remains of our little guy. I think it was a sign, a last bunch of kisses of thanks and goodbye from our little fellow, through this little dog.

We know that we have only his remains, and that Furby is alive, in Heaven. We brought his remains home, in the little white urn below, however, his spirit is with God where Furby abides in his eternal home.


It was another hard day today, but it was more of a closure.
Dad and I love our whole family as mentioned many times before, each one of you are dear and near to our hearts and will always be, and of course our love for Furby will live on forever too.

Yes Lora, there are many wonderful people here who understand, and uplift one another
in time of need, which I'm ever so grateful and thankful daily; and in turn remember them as well in my daily prayers.

We'll see him soon God willing, via the Rapture, and for now, we must go on and continue to occupy until Jesus comes for us.

In Jesus' Love,


Regina, Thanks for your comforting and kind remarks!

God Bless you too dear Sister in Christ, and I'm so looking forwarded to that blessed
hope, when Jesus our Lord will come at the Rapture. See you soon, at that great
gathering in the sky. God Bless, Maranatha, Valerie

Re: Today One Year Anniversary ...Our Beloved Little Dog Furby Passing!

One Year Anniversary of the passing of our Beloved Little Dog "Furby"

October 17th, 2015 - October 17th, 2016...We Remember Furby,a Precious Family Member, whom we shall meet one day in Heaven.

Furby, We think of you often, and shed a tear now and then, because we love you and miss you, little guy. However, you're in good hands with Jesus, safe, sound, well, happy, and full of youth, happily playing once more, like you use to do. The first six months just tore at our hearts so much, and joy was hard to find in life again. Our daily lives were filled with a void, you are so missed. Sadness over took us, until one day we saved a life from a shelter, of one homeless, small toy poodle dog, who needed us as much as we needed her. You'll meet her one day in Heaven. God sent us Daisy, to love us, and help mend our broken hearts, until we meet again my friend. She reminds me, somewhat of your mannerisms and many times when I hug her I think about the many times I hugged you too and can imagine holding and hugging you as well. You will always remain in our thoughts and hearts, and could never be replaced. God made you one of a kind, and you'll always be special to us. Your little adopted Sister Daisy, is just another addition to our Family, and she is also
special to us in her own way too. Hope you have met with all our other pets, who have gone well before you.

The Rapture may happen this year, and that would mean we'd meet in heaven very soon.
Be a good boy for Jesus, and remember to come and greet us, when we cross over and
meet again, my beloved friend. Hugs & Kisses, Love, Grandma Val, Grandpa Ed., Sister Daisy .

OUR FURBY ---- SEPTEMBER 28TH, 1998 - OCTOBER 17TH, 2015----

Re: Today One Year Anniversary ...Our Beloved Little Dog Furby Passing!

You and I are in the same situation, Valerie. In October of last year, you lost Furby; in April of this year, we lost Elmo. At least you were able to get another dog when you were ready to do so. I don't know if we will ever get another one.

I know that another dog can never take Furby's place, but if Daisy is helping in any way, that's wonderful.

Re: Today One Year Anniversary ...Our Beloved Little Dog Furby Passing!

Kathy G.
You and I are in the same situation, Valerie. In October of last year, you lost Furby; in April of this year, we lost Elmo. At least you were able to get another dog when you were ready to do so. I don't know if we will ever get another one.

I know that another dog can never take Furby's place, but if Daisy is helping in any way, that's wonderful.

Kathy, I know that no other dog could replace Furby, just like another dog could never replace Elmo ether. They are one of a kind, in character, personality, affection, etc., this makes each one as different and special.

Daisy has brought us out of deep sadness, and given us so much joy, laughter, love, and has become a member of our family. She has eased the pain, of loosing our best friend, by keeping our minds on the present, and not constantly living in the past. The void has grown much smaller, and the good, she has brought outweighs all the work, that is necessary to keep a dog healthy and happy.

We've always had pets in our family while, we were growing up as children. When we got married, and had our children, we made sure, they enjoyed, the same love of many pets through their lives. As for ourselves, we can not see ourselves without a little friend to share our lives. There is nothing that feels so good as unconditional love, which is given freely by God, and our pets. Just knowing no matter what kind of day you've had, your friend is always happy to greet you at the door, with great excitement, and lots of kisses or just sit with you, as you relax.

In Heaven I hope to meet, Furby the white Shipoo dog, Morky the black & white, cat, P.J.Labrador Retriever dog, bow tie black & white cat, Billy the white mini Samoa dog, Pepper the salt & pepper cat, Hugo black & brown Sausage dog, There are many others, turtles, fishes, hamster, etc. I hope to meet most if not all of them once again.