Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Merry Christmas to Ukraine and Orthodox People Celebrating Christmas Jan. 7, 2015

On behalf of my Ukrainian Parents, whom are both with the Lord, 1992 & 1994, and on my behalf, I would like to wish a very Merry Christmas to those celebrating today especially Orthodox Christians.

Although my family and I don't celebrate on that day since my parents died, we still
remember our loved ones who have passed on that very day of Christmas celebrations and gatherings gone by. My Mother and Father, My Grandmother, and Grandfather who I never met, and all relations. In their memory, our family remembers that Jesus has always been the center of our gatherings together,at Ukrainian Christmas, as one family in Christ Jesus. "Christ is born" "Let's Praise His Name" are the translated greetings on Christmas Day & A Very Happy New Year come Jan. 14th, 2015.

For those like myself and family who celebrate Christmas on December 25th, yesterday was the day in remembrance of the visitation of three Magi who visited Jesus bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

The visit of the Magi is commemorated in most Western Christian churches by the observance of Epiphany, 6 January..Which was celebrated yesterday.

This is another reason for those who may wonder why I keep the Christmas Images up much longer than others.

It's not important on what day, or month, one celebrates the birth of Jesus, it's important, that we remind the rest of the world, why we should celebrate at all. For Jesus is the greatest gift the world has ever received to this very day.

Happy Birthday Jesus!

"Fair Use for Information & Educational Purposes"

Re: Merry Christmas to Ukraine and Orthodox People Celebrating Christmas Jan. 7, 2015

1 Hour of Ukrainian Christmas and Holiday Classics. Колядки і Щедрівки. Різдво Христове

A compilation of beautiful Ukrainian Christmas music. Ukraine is a country with strong Christian traditions. I hope this will bless you this Christmas season and introduce you to some good new music (if you don't know it already). Enjoy!

1 Hour of Ukrainian Christmas and Holiday Classics. Колядки і Щедрівки. Різдво Христове

Published on Dec 24, 2014
Enjoy a 1 Hour Playlist consisting of Ukrainian Christmas Music (Ukr: Колядки) and Other Holiday Songs (Ukr: Щедрівки) with Christmas Scenery. Have a Merry Christmas with your family and traditions, including these Ukrainian Christmas carols and songs. Click "Show More" below to see a complete song list.

Колядки і Щедрівки. Найкраща Збірка 1 година. Різдво Христове.

Note: I do not own any of these songs. They are owned by their various respective copyright holders.

This video is "not" for profit. I made the music playlist purely for the purpose of sharing with others my love for Christmas. Please support the artists on the list above when you are thinking of buying music. Thank you "YouTube" for making this possible for us.

Complete Song List:
0:00 Good Evening to You, Sir, Host (Ukr:Добрий Вечір Тобі, Пане, Господарю)
1:57 Oh, in Jerusalem the Bells Rang. Bountiful Evening! Good Evening! (Ukr: О в Єрусалимі/Щедрий Вечір, Добрий Вечір)
3:54 Today, a Happiness Occurred that Hasn't Happened Before (Ukr:Нині Радість Стала/Нова Радість Стала)
6:26 Night Covers the Land of Judea (Ukr:Землю Юдейську Нічка Вкриває)
8:38 What Is That Miracle, News In the World That the Virgin Mary Gave Birth To a Son (Ukr:Що То За Предиво)
11:44 Oh Little Town of Bethlehem (Ukr:Маленьке Місто Вифлеєм)
17:16 Sleep. Jesus, Sleep (Ukr:Спи, Ісусе, Спи)
21:04 The Sky is Filled with Bright Stars. Bountiful Evening! Good Evening! (Ukr:Небо Ясні Зорі Вкрили/Щедрий Вечір, Добрий Вечір)
24:18 Oh Darling, Darling, Joy for All In the World (Ukr:Ой Ладо, Ладо)
28:48 Silent Night, Holy Night (Ukr:Свята Ніч, Тиха Ніч)
32:41 Pre-Eternal God Is Born! (Ukr:Бог Предвічний Народився)
35:19 Oh Above Bethlehem A Star Shone (Ukr:Ой Над Вифлеємом Зірка Сіяла)
37:12 Heaven and Earth Celebrate Today (Ukr:Небо І Земля)
39:07 A Bright Star Has Risen In Heaven. Christ Is Born, Praise Him! (Ukr:На Небі Зірка Ясна Засяла/Христос Родився, Славіте!)
40:39 Shchedryk/Carol of the Bells (Ukr:Щедрик)
42:04 Angels in Heaven Sing a Song. Glory To God In the Highest. (Ukr:Янголи В Небі Пісню Співають)
44:46 There Is News Across the Entire World, The Virgin Mary Gave Birth To A Son (Ukr:По Всьому Світу Стала Новина)
46:22 Mary Did You Know? (Ukr:Знали Ти Колись?)
49:42 There Is News In Bethlehem, The Virgin Gave Birth To A Son (Ukr:В Вифлеємі Новина)
51:15 Joy to the World (Ukr:Радуйся Світ)
53:05 Three Glorious Kings, From Whence Do You Come? (Ukr:Три Славнії Царі)
56:02 Oh, High Above the Fields (Ukr:Ой Високо Над Полями)
57:18 Christ Was Born, God Reincarnated in Bethlehem's Stables (Ukr:Христос Родився, Бог Воплотився)
1:00:54 God Is Being Born (Ukr:Бог Ся Рождає)
1:04:01 Be Healthy! (Ukr:Будьте Здорові)
1:04:35 Festive Bells Ringing (Ukr:Святковий Дзвін)

Re: Merry Christmas to Ukraine and Orthodox People Celebrating Christmas Jan. 7, 2015

Merry Christmas to you and all of your nation of Ukraine Valerie. It is fun to have TWO Christmases, especially since I don't think we will be here next Christmas at all. God bless!

Re: Merry Christmas to Ukraine and Orthodox People Celebrating Christmas Jan. 7, 2015

Two days on which to exchange Chrsitmas gifts! I like that. =)

And I definitely want to celebrate next Christmas in Heaven!


The fireplace just don't warm our hearts like it ought to;
The carols seem so hollow to our ears.
A million miles from home and we're feeling lonesome,
Lonesome for that place we love so dear.

We know the perfect way to spend the holiday.
Why don't You come and take us Home with You?

Why don't You come and take us Home for Christmas?
Wrap us all up with arms of shining love?
Ride us through the sky on magic sleighs,
And we'll be the gifts for Your birthday.
Why don't You come and take us Home with You?

The light within Your eyes would warm us forever.
Our new song would be ringing loud and clear.
No miles between us there, we'd be contented,
Contented in the place we love so dear.

We know the perfect way to spend the holiday.
Why don't You come and take us Home with you?

Why don't You come and take us Home for Christmas?
Wrap us all up with arms of shining love?
Ride us through the sky on magic sleighs,
And we'll be the gifts for Your birthday.
Why don't You come and take us Home with You?

Why don't You come and take us Home with You?

Re: Merry Christmas to Ukraine and Orthodox People Celebrating Christmas Jan. 7, 2015

Thank you Texas Sue & Kathy, I appreciate your warm wishes and greetings to the people of Ukraine. I believe you're both right, the next Christmas we celebrate will be in Heaven, what a privilege that will be. Can't wait; it will be the best celebration ever. Just picture it, we'll be laying our watcher's crowns before the Lord, and I'm sure they are made of gold and precious jewels. What better gift could we wish for,
than being with Jesus, face to face, each and everyday.


God Bless,


Re: Merry Christmas to Ukraine and Orthodox People Celebrating Christmas Jan. 7, 2017

On behalf of my Ukrainian Parents, whom are both with the Lord, 1992 & 1994, and on my behalf, I would like to wish a very Merry Christmas to those celebrating today especially Orthodox Christians.

Although my family and I don't celebrate on that day since my parents died, we still
remember our loved ones who have passed on that very day of Christmas celebrations and gatherings gone by. My Mother and Father, My Grandmother, and Grandfather who I never met, and all relations. In their memory, our family remembers that Jesus has always been the center of our gatherings together,at Ukrainian Christmas, as one family in Christ Jesus. "Christ is born" "Let's Praise His Name" are the translated greetings on Christmas Day & A Very Happy New Year come Jan. 14th, 2015.

For those like myself and family who celebrate Christmas on December 25th, yesterday was the day in remembrance of the visitation of three Magi who visited Jesus bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

The visit of the Magi is commemorated in most Western Christian churches by the observance of Epiphany, 6 January..Which was celebrated yesterday.

This is another reason for those who may wonder why I keep the Christmas Images up much longer than others.

It's not important on what day, or month, one celebrates the birth of Jesus, it's important, that we remind the rest of the world, why we should celebrate at all. For Jesus is the greatest gift the world has ever received to this very day.

Happy Birthday Jesus!

"Fair Use for Information & Educational Purposes"

Merry Ukrainian Christmas Jan. 7, 2017 - Happy Birthday Jesus!