For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing .
Hi everyone!! Valerie or Lisa or Kathy Sue or Betty Lu or Whooptido or Sister Sue---> Someone!! Please go to Ritan Now and post my 1,290 Days Of 7 Trumpet Judgments on Rapture Flight To Heaven!!!
I don't want to have to type the whole thing out again!! I don't know how to paste the other post on this website--I have no Computer Savvy!!
I guess I might talk briefly about a date coming up soon that has all eyes on the jewish day of the 9th of AV!!
This year it so happens to fall on the day of President Obama's birthday--maybe the eve of this day of the 9th--but either way we are always behind a day in Israel!! It may be the 8th over here but the 9th in Israel!!
The Ground invasion in Gaza that took place around the 17th of Tammuz on the jewish calendar--was actually decided on in a secret top meeting in Israel on this date--- was from July 15, 2014 and may last until August 5, 2014---or the 9th of AV!!
For a period of 21 days! In Daniel 10 the angel Michael had been hindered by the prince of the kingdom of Persia (Modern day IRAN) for 21 days; the angel had a vision to deliver to the prophet Daniel the things which would befall Israel in the LAST DAYS!!
We know of lately how the King of Iran (Persia) is hindering the Peace and security in Israel by supplying the Hamas militants in Gaza with rockets to do harm and murder to the nation of Israel!
This ground war may continue for a couple more days or weeks according to the top Israel commanders as some are speaking out about the duration of this war campaign!
President Woodrow Wilson had given a public statement on another historic but similar occassion on August 4, 1914----which would put the United States in a NEUTRAL stance to the growing European war, which began just weeks earlier on June 28, 1914 with the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Ferdinand.!!
The trigger for war had begun!! The United States on August 4th had committed to stay out of the war---no involvment!!!
Looks like again at the same time and 100 years later to the day our week leadership President Obama of the United States will decide to stay out of the world conflicts on August 4, 2014!~~
Will the world see the start of World War III this year as was the case in 1914? We cannot know for sure but there may be a limited war coming soon!!
Look for a Peace Treaty in Israel by September or October 2014 ---> That is when the tribulation most likely will have to start counting down!!
You got it, Scott! Going over to RITAN and post this for you right now.
Shoot, I haven't even had a chance to read it yet, either!!
Okay, I got a chance to read it now. Good catch! I liked this part:
Lisa---I think you hit the nail on the head with that White Flag incident!!! We seem to be in a state of surrender to our response to these terrorist murderers!! We need someone like Martin Luther King or Abraham Lincoln in the White House--if he was alive and running as an independent--I would vote for him--they had a spine and fortitude!!
Here is the article Scott:
Humblehorse must be on the same energy drink today!! I just got the inspiration last night to revisit or to rethink how important and how rare the signs on Passover of 2014 were!
Not only that but to have the main number of calculated days given to us in Revelation 11 with the ministry of the two witnesses timeline and have this single listed number come out to fall on the backward count date of April 13-14, 2014 on the Passover Feast—is very remarkable!!!
Why this number of days came out to the April 13-14, 2014 Passover Feast is something we cannot easily cover up or gloss over!!! Now my message is really sounding like the start of our good brother member Humblehorse!!!
I just did another simple math test and I added all the 7 trumpet judgment days up and came to the number 1,290 days!!
How did I arrive at this number!! Well it appears that the 7 trumpet judgments may very well each last 5 months apiece-except the 6th trumpet judgment where we are told in Revelation 9 that it will last a year and a month and a day!!
The 5th trumpet judgment we are told in Revelation 9 last 5 months!! The reason why the 6th trumpet judgment last much longer then the other 5 judgment is that it has more war movements and fatalities involved–it last a year and one month!!
That is 360 days plus an extra 30 day month to add up to 390 days in the jewish year and extra month!!
It so happens the 2016 year has an extra 30 day month to make up the 13th month or extra 30 days to the 360 day year!!!
Here is the 7 trumpet judgments in simple math and length!
1st Trumpet—-> 5 months= 150 days!
2nd Trumpet—-> 5 months= 150 days!
3rd Trumpet—> 5 Months= 150 days
4th Trumpet —–> 5 Months= 150 days!
5th Trumpet—–> 5 months= 150 Days!
6th trumpet —-> One Year / One Month= 360+30= 390 Days!!! 2016 has 360 days + 13th month/ 30 days
7th Trumpet—-> 5 months= 150 Days!!
OK now we have all our days that take in the full 7 trumpet judgment timeline!! If you add all the days up to these 7 trumpet judgments you have a total amount of 1,290 days!!!
From April 14, 2014 until September 23, 2017 we have a total DAY COUNT OF 1,260 DAYS!! But in the 6th trumpet judgment there is a mention of a full year and an extra month leading up to its conclusion in Revelation 11:13–The 188th verse of the Book of Revelation!!
Just so happens that the 6th trumpet judgment that could be taking place in the year 2016 and 2017 is the jewish year that contains this additional 13th extra 30 day month!!!
Think about what just occurred on April 13-14, 2014 Passover!!!
We had a very impressive Great Earthquake of Preliminary magnitude of 8.3 in the Solomon Islands on April 12-13, 2014!!
We had the first Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Tetreds on the Passover Feast the Jewish Calendar !!
We had the Planet Mars going into a circular retrograde pattern in Virgo at the same time the Moon was turning Blood red in Virgo also!
We had the two special small asteroid Planetoids called Ceres and Vesta in Virgo also going in retrograde pattern in the stalk of grain above her belly!!! They are the two olive BRANCHES– and the two Lampstands—Lights in the Heavens!!
This is the Sign of the two witnesses that will soon be appearing in Jerusalem if not AT THAT TIME—Most likely in the near future!!
They may not start their ministry of pronouncing judgments right away-but still they could be in Jerusalem doing preliminary work to prepare the 144,000 for their work during the early tribulation period!!
We had the 188 Earthquake Cycle take place first on April 12-13, 2014 which was a GREAT Earthquake and it hit in the Solomon Islands–The sign that the Temple might be on its way!!!
We had the 188 Earthquake Cycle take place first on April 12-13, 2014 which was a GREAT Earthquake and it hit in the Solomon Islands–The sign that the Temple might be on its way!!!
There were some other amazing signs happening of this very interesting date around Passover 2014!! But I just wanted to remind everyone that besides the Revelation 12 sign in Virgo that takes place in the year 2017—this past Passover Feast sign in Virgo must be ranked as the first most comparable Great signs in the Heaven–that may be in Second Place!!
Why did the 1,260 day number count just so happen to reach back from the Revelation 12 sign on September 23, 2017 and just happened to fall on this second most amazing Heavenly Sign in the Sky? Why is the number count of 1,260 days the only one that works for this timeline and it is the only one in the chapter of Revelation 11 that gives us the Revelation 12 Sign?—> April 13, 2014 + 1,260 = September 23, 2014!!!
Now how about this second set of day counts for the total of the 7 trumpet judgments equalling 1,290 days!!! The extra 30 days is for the extra 13th month in the jewish year of 2016!!!
We need to ask ourselves if there is something going on here which is about to be solved or about to be entered into as it relates to the tribulation period!!
The two witnesses are not the Sign which begins the tribulation period!! If April 13-14, 2014 was the Two witnesses starting date of there preperation period or phase one of their early ministry—then that is not the start of the tribulation period timeline!!!
When does the tribulation period begin? When the Peace Treaty is signed!!!!
I can tell you for a fact when the first trumpet judgment begins–or better yet on what feast day this will take place on!!!
According to Revelation 8 the 7th seal is removed from the scroll and this opens up the book of the title deed to the planet earth to it rightful owner—the trumpets announce this kingdom proclaimation!
The angel at the Golen Altar in heaven is dressed in his golden vesture that is worn by the priests who minister in the temple and the ceremony is that of the feast of atonement!!! This angel is about to pronounce God’s judgment and wrath period on the earth in preparation of the Lord taking back His kingdom that was taken over by Satan and his forces!!
When do the Trumpet Judgments begin? They start on a Day of Atonement Feast!!!!
This October 5, 2014 is the Day of Atonement and I have no idea if this will be the start of the Trumpet Judgments or the tribulation period!!
The Peace Treaty between Israel and the Palestinians must be signed on this day or before to officially begin this Tribulation of Judgment period!!
That is why these judgments must fall on the world!! God is bringing his wrath on the nations for pressurring the nation of Israel to sale their land to her surrounding enemies!
I find it interesting that on October 18, 2014 is the next 188 Earthquake cycle just one day before Comet Siding Spring is to have that close encounter with the Planet Mars on October 19, 2014!!!
I sure had big prophetic plans for this Comet Siding Spring a few months ago when it was not certain if it was going to impact the red planet or not—but as of lately there still is no chance of a direct impact!!
I do see how this Comet Siding Sping does go through the Constellation ARA–ALTAR in Heaven and is cast out towards the red planet as a possible fulfillment of this Angel in Heaven standing at the golden altar and casting out the coal and fire towards the earth—could the debris from Comet Siding Spring hit Mars and come back towards earth in a shower of RED dust that turns the waters blood color?!!!
I have more on this later but this is all I can ferret out until this October date comes to pass!! I still believe this Comet Siding Spring could fulfill two trumpet judgments if it does impact Mars!!!
That is all for now!! I cannot find any thing in the heavens that match the signs of April 13-14, 2014 or September 23, 2017!!!
The only other big or Great sign out there in the near future is the planets moving into the constellation of Capricorn in December 2020 and in January 2021!!! That is the Sign of the Coming of the Son of Man at the end of the tribulation period!!
From September 2014 until September 2021 is a seven year tribulation period!!!
We are running on fumes and the world is about to run on empty!! Our lamps are running low on oil and the world is about to hit the tank empty marker—-we have to be outta here soon or there will not be anything left to solve–just kidding–there will always be mysteries to solve—no one knows the mind of God–it is beyond searching out!!!!
Thanks for some interesting information, something to think on. I'm all for
the Rapture taking place this September, I think most of us here feel this way.
God knows how much we are longing for Jesus' coming in the clouds for His bride.
Let it be dear Lord, let it finally be, Amen.
Some of us like myself, keep wondering,
like tired children returning from a long trip going home, asking "are we there yet?" Soon, very soon, Home sweet Home.
Lisa--that was a great answer and the schools today need to have a bible studies course in every classroom---just think how much more spiritual minded kids would be if they would come to school with questions about the bible and where you go when you die and what is sin and is there a devil--that is where their education should begin--their souls are more important then all the studies in the world!
Thanks Texas Sue for posting the message from Rita Now onto this website!! This will be something that needs to be shared with the larger family!
Valerie---About that road trip imagery---I take the rapture as a road trip on a highway that leads to Raptureville--as you get closer to this Permanent Vacation Town the signs of the coming town attractions become more frequent---then as you get right up on the outer city limits you see the signs all over the place!!
We are seeing the signs everywhere!!! Where are you Raptureville?!! Come Lord Jesus!
You're welcome Scott. I can see why you didn't want to have to type that all over again - pretty lengthy!.
If you want to copy and paste it's very easy.
First - "left click" your mouse, in "front first word" you want to copy.
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"Hold down the left side" of mouse and "scroll across all" what you want copied., "Only let go at the end of last word you want copied".
If done correctly, you should see a
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"Right click" over the highlighted area with mouse, a window will open, click "Copy"
Now go to the message board where you want your message to appear.
Type in your "Subject" in, then go down to "Enter Message".
On the blank page, "Right click" and click "Paste", and tada, your message
should be posted on the blank page as if you retyped it. Press post message as usual.
I had to learn this years ago, when I first started using my Son's computer back in the early 1990's, and it was too much typing things over and over again; until my Son showed me how to "copy and paste"...sure makes it much easier, especially when I have to post something from another site.
Hope this helps, if not, there's always someone around, that will be happy to do it for you on our forum.
God Bless,
P.S. This is for everyone, new and old members alike.
With COPYRIGHTED material from ANOTHER site, remember to post AT TOP OR BOTTOM the following:
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Copy and paste only "half" or so, and the rest type ... "Read more at" the bottom with the "link" provide. THIS IS ONLY FOR COPYRIGHT MATERIAL SITES.
If you forget don't worry, I have it typed at the very bottom in the blue area, as well as at the top blue area. IT SHOULD BE SUFFICIENT.
Tammy S. ---Yes I see some potential presidential material in govenor Rick Perry!! He has some intestinal fortitude which the White House is very much lacking--In fact the president just recently complying to the plan to send troops down to the border--he did not respond until after the governor made the first move--that seems to be the pattern with this president!!
Thanks Valerie for the cut and paste lesson--I doubt if it will stick with me but I am really lame when it comes to learning new tricks!! Scarby seems to be rubbing off on me--and I know you can't teach that mangy old dog new tricks!!
Thank you, Tammy, I agree. Like Scott, I believe that Rick Perry would be a wonderful presidential candidate and Texas is so blessed to have him as governor. However, I pray that we are gone before the next presidential election in 2016, though!!!
Lisaleenie, Tammy, Scott, and Valerie, I hope we are gone too before the next election and I know you are all on board with that. The thought of staying here even one more year is just too awful to think about, especially with all that is happening around us.
The 9th of AV is on Monday, August 4th. Historically this has always been a very dark day for Israel and the Jewish people. Pray for God to cancel any plans the enemy has to bring this curse forward and commit mayhem and tragedy against Israel. If you are not familiar with all of the disasters that occurred on this date, by all means go to the internet and look it up. Worth knowing!
Texas Sue & Everyone, here's a good article that describes some of the major things which occurred on that day, involving the Jewish people.
"Fair Use for Information & Educational Purposes"
What happened on the Ninth of Av;
The 9th of Av, Tisha b'Av, commemorates a list of catastrophes so severe it's clearly a day specially cursed by G‑d.
Picture this: The year is 1313 BCE. The Israelites are in the desert, recently having experienced the miraculous Exodus, and are now poised to enter the Promised Land. But first they dispatch a reconnaissance mission to assist in formulating a prudent battle strategy. The spies return on the eighth day of Av and report that the land is unconquerable. That night, the 9th of Av, the people cry. They insist that they'd rather go back to Egypt than be slaughtered by the Canaanites. G‑d is highly displeased by this public demonstration of distrust in His power, and consequently that generation of Israelites never enters the Holy Land. Only their children have that privilege, after wandering in the desert for another 38 years.
The First Temple was also destroyed on the 9th of Av (423 BCE). Five centuries later (in 69 CE), as the Romans drew closer to the Second Temple, ready to torch it, the Jews were shocked to realize that their Second Temple was destroyed the same day as the first.
When the Jews rebelled against Roman rule, they believed that their leader, Simon bar Kochba, would fulfill their messianic longings. But their hopes were cruelly dashed in 133 CE as the Jewish rebels were brutally butchered in the final battle at Betar. The date of the massacre? Of course—the 9th of Av!
One year after their conquest of Betar, the Romans plowed over the Temple Mount, our nation's holiest site.
The Jews were expelled from England in 1290 CE on, you guessed it, Tisha b'Av. In 1492, the Golden Age of Spain came to a close when Queen Isabella and her husband Ferdinand ordered that the Jews be banished from the land. The edict of expulsion was signed on March 31, 1492, and the Jews were given exactly four months to put their affairs in order and leave the country. The Hebrew date on which no Jew was allowed any longer to remain in the land where he had enjoyed welcome and prosperity? Oh, by now you know it—the 9th of Av.
Ready for just one more? World War II and the Holocaust, historians conclude, was actually the long drawn-out conclusion of World War I that began in 1914. And yes, amazingly enough, Germany declared war on Russia, effectively catapulting the First World War into motion, on the 9th of Av, Tisha b'Av.
Read more at:
Hmmm...B.H.O, born on the 9th of Av..Coincidence?
Interesting thoughts from Charles Holler on 5 Doves about the 9th of Av.
Charles Holler (3 Aug 2014)
"RE: Jean Stepnoski"
Greetings John and Doves,
Just a quick thanks to Jean for her insight into the 9th of Av thru the 15th of Av. Thank you Jean. I know many look to Rosh Hashana or Pentecost for good rapture dates and maybe they are for The Second Coming instead. We are the living Temple. When the Church is raptured, the temple will be gone.When the first two temples where destroyed, they were gone. If it is on the 9th of Av what a true day of mourning for The Jewish people it would be as they see the Church (temple) gone, and the scales drop from their eyes. This would be the perfect day for the 70th week (The time of Jacobs Trouble) to begin. This is also the 216 th day of the year 6x6x6 and Obama's birthday whose Chicago address zip code is 60606. Finally if his birth certificate is fake, why choose this as the day of his birth and the time 7:24 pm makes it the 9th of Av this year? See everyone on the air.
Charles Holler Sr
IMO, Perry is just another NWO puppet. I agree with Henry Makow's article here..
His attempt to force vaccinate Gardasil on little girls was highly suspect.
Texas Sue, please add me to your list. I hope we are not here an entire year more as well. But nevertheless, not my will but God's be done.
I pray for our Abba Father to pour out the Holy Spirit on His people in greater measure, in power for us to walk in what He has called us to do until He brings us home. Kenneth Bae and other suffering Christians especially need the comfort only our Abba can bring. Only God can set us free to worship Him and live with Him eternally. Come soon Lord Jesus. Come quickly our beloved Lord. Amen
At the above link to Kenneth Bae's name is this article below.
Scott, & Everyone,
It is here, August 4th, 2014, today, the 9th of Av; let's see what this day
has in store for us and the rest of the world.
Let God's will be done, here on Earth, as it is in Heaven!
Some will find this a day of celebrations, Some will find this a day of mourning; yet others will find this as a day of hope of the Lord's Coming at the Rapture, which is imminent.
Whatever today may bring, continue to lean on the Lord for understanding,
and let not your faith in God waiver, or let your hearts be troubled. When God makes a promise, the Lord our God follows through; therefore, look up our redemption draws nigh!