Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Dear RFTH family,

A lot of us are under heavy attack and it is getting worse. I was wondering if we should set a date aside for all of us to pray for a lot of protection for the bride of Christ against the enemy's attacks. we can also pray for God to let RFTH keep going strong and protect this site against the enemy's attacks too.

how about this Saturday or Sunday. The time doesn't matter. let's all get together.

thank you

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

That sounds like a great idea! I'm in. I know what you are talking about. I have never seen the enemy attack this hard in my life. He's pulling out all the tricks. (Just a thought, but there are free conference lines that you can set up. I used to have a prayer line where we all would call in to the conference line at a certain night at a certain time, and we would take turns praying. The call would be free, no charges.) Just a thought.

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Kristi, thanks for joining in. I don't know a lot about these conference calls. if you know how to do it, that would be fine with me. I would love to be able to talk and pray with you or we can just set up a date and pray at the same time. let's see if anybody else has any other suggestions.

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Yes guys I agree it is intense at the moment. But Persistence beats resistence, so keep praying. We have a lot to look forward too. Be of good cheer for Jesus has overcome the world. We do not need to fear the adversary. Fear is not of the Lord Jesus. The scriptures allways tell us not the fear. Easier said than done sometimes but it is possible.

One thing is for certain, make sure you restrict the information gateways you visit on the internet. If the Holy spirit indicates to you to leave then do it immediately. Even apparently Christian sites. There is always a reason. It takes practice and discipline but make sure you learn how. This will protect your mind more from oppression. Seek him early. Seek him often. Again easier said than done sometimes but it is essential.

I am not an expect by any stretch of the imagination but I pray every day for the Lord Jesus to rebuke the adversary along the lines of "May the Lord Jesus rebuke thee Satan". Always remember not to rail in prayer against the adversary or give him any undue attention. He feed on this also. He wants us cowering in fear and loosing our peace. Yes, we all do this from time to time but if we abide in him, Jesus will give us peace.

Sometimes it requires the speaking out Loud of scriptures. Start like Jesus did "It is written, I am a child of God. It is written, with his stripes I am healed. It is written, Jesus has come in the flesh, etc" Say it with firmness and the adversary must flee.

The adversary and his agents will sometimes test our understanding of our authority so allways be sure to plead the blood of Jesus over our lives and our families lives. Ask our Lord Jesus to cover us with his blood forgive us for our sins and trespasses.

Another good one that seems to work well for persitent entities or those exerting force from a remote location or some other type of interdimensional deception is to ask our father for giant warrior angels to remove the entity. Also ask our father through Jesus to send a legion of warrior angels to gaurd our home or as we travel. There is proabably always an angel nearby with believers but it does hurt to ask for more.

Make sure you bless our enemies known and unknown and ask our father to send ministering angels to read the scriptures in their presence.

I am personally a bit extreme in this regard but make sure you house is clean. By this I don't mean dust, I mean get rid of any thing that the Holy spirit leads you too get rid of in the house. If you seek his opinion he will provide it through those a-ha! moments to deal with many things that are not to his liking and those things that will provide some sort of access to the adversary. (They are not neccessarily one and the same. Sometimes it is so called Christian books).

Remember Satan is the ultimate pharisee. Whilst we have freedom in Jesus we do not have licence and sometimes we need to admit our sin of ommission by having stuff in our lives that is normal to most people. Satan will pray on this when he needs an angle on you and use technical points to try and get at you.

He may try and get at you through relationships. Saved an unsaved family and friends. That is moy most recent exprience. Neccessary business partners that do not understand his activities. You need to pray for everyone around you. Cop the heat without allowing your emtions to control you and go out of your way to forgive in your heart, so that the adversary has nothing in you.

I am writing this to myself as much as the RFTH family because I have been a bit slack in prayer lately.

I hope this is some help. Thank you Yeshua.



Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Wow John! You are really in the Spirit with that one. Speechless right now. Awesome word ! Thank you! I'm going to print this one out to remind myself Thanks again. Blessings!

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Awesome, Heidi, well let me now what you decide. Shoot me an e-mail if you like. I love praying!

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

John, thank you so much for taking the time to write all this. It is great information. I will definitely be doing all that.

I will try to remember to do this every day and take more time to pray against all the attacks this Saturday (why do I have a feeling I am going to end up getting sick or something this Friday) anyway, I will take the time to pray especially this Saturday. whoever can join me, it will be great. thank you so much. the more people praying about this the better. thank you so much John & Kristi.

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks


With his stripes we are healed. Always take captive any suggestion of sickness. This especially hard when you "feel" that way but symtoms are not illness. Rebuke it all.


Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Praying for each other and for RFTH is a very good idea. First thing in the morning and just before going to sleep at night is a good time to pray and "set a watch" over our loved ones and the forum and all of its members. It is good to pray for the blood of Jesus around us and like John said, ask God to station extra angels to watch over and protect us all body, soul, and spirit, as we sleep and while we are awake.

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

I love the ideas Hiedi and Kristi! I think prayer with each other is wonderful...and I think the prayer line idea is wonderful too! I've been wanting to hold random fast daus also..for those us who are able to fast. I thinl its amazing for us to come together in this way! Especially in these last days.. So with that said..I'm in for anything that comes to mind. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Its a good way to build a spiritual family connection..strengthening our faith love trust and communion in our Lord until His return.

I love what you said too John! Very informative and helpful! I definitely will be jotting down notes. Love you brother.


Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Kalan, I love the idea of the prayer line too but I don't know how you do it. If someone knows how to set it up, that would be great. I would definitely join in.
Unfortunately, I have a problem with fasting. I really believe it is so effective but it never worked out for me. I get sick without food.

I would love to find ways to be more connected with my brothers and sisters especially in these times. any suggestions are welcome.

John, thank you for saying "by his stripes you are healed" I really needed that reminder tonight.

Texas Sue, thank you for your prayers. It is a good idea to pray that every day and night.

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Awesome Kalan. Heidi, as I posted earlier, I have had a prayer line before. So if you all feel led, I can set one up in about 5 minutes. It's very easy to do. We can see what day and time would be good for everyone, and then call in at that time. So let me know. Oh, and I really need prayer. I was walking to my car tonight, and as I stepped off of the curb, I fell. I went to the hospital, and the Dr. said I broke my foot, and I twisted my bone. He said I might need surgery. I have never broken a bone in my body. My family has been attacked so heavily these last few weeks. We need prayer.

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Kristi, I am so sorry to hear of your accident. I will definitely be praying for you. It would be lovely if you can set the prayer line up. I would definitely like to do it.

God bless you

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks


Prayer is a wonderful weapon against evil. I pray every night for my family, for the forum and for all members here. I also felt it was so important to pray for one another, that when I first started this forum, the text after the title also includes the following: " Pray for one another, as we watch for the Lord's imminent return!"

Makes me happy to hear people here will be praying for one another!

The prayers of the righteous avail much!

Blessings & My prayers are with you all!


Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Heidi, I will set a prayer line today and follow up with you.

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Thank you Valerie for your prayers and all that you do for us.

thank you Kristi. how is your foot? are you feeling better.

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Hi heidi & all,

I'm new to this site & this is my first post. My family & I are all under attack too - I'd be happy to join in a prayer group. I'm praying for you now.


Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Hi Heidi and everyone,
My foot has been in some pain, so I have been resting. Thanks for asking. I have set up the conference call line. The phone number is: (760) 984-1000 and the Participant Access Code: 419921#. So how it works is you would call the number, then when prompted, enter in the access code followed by the # sign, say your name, and then you're on. So it's set up now, so whenever there is a free moment that is feasible for whomever would like to participate, we can all call on that day and pray together.

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Welcome Hismerc153! Sorry to hear that you and your loved ones are being attacked. Satan knows his time is even shorter now, so he is pulling out all of his tricks and not relenting. We will pray for you.

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Welcome to our friendly forum, Hismerc153!

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Welcome Ann. I'm sorry you are under attack too.

Kristi, thank you for setting up the line. That's amazing.
should we agree on a time to call? what time zones are you in? I am Eastern standard. it's 12:45 pm right now. should everyone who wants to call the line and pray write what times they would be home and available this weekend and then we pick a time? I guess early morning or late at night would be when most would be available.please tell me what you think


Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

I'm in Eastern time zone as well. Saturday is good for me, at night is better for me because I have a lot of little ones. Could the moderators post an invite maybe and have everyone reply with the times that are good for them? Maybe some can take like a "shift". Like We could do the eastern time zone, and maybe Texas Sue could do her time zone, etc. (Just an example not volunteering anyone! LOL)

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

I am available tomorrow evening too. It does not matter how late it is. It would be great if the moderators can help. thank you

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Kristi and all, I cannot commit to a time but I do pray for people here and for all God's people.
There is so much attack spiritually now; and so many needs for physical and emotional healing; and the church is persecuted and suffering. We see it less in the West but even in the West it is becoming more and more socially unacceptable to believe in Christ. Ok to go to church, but if a person admits to believing Jesus rose from the dead and is coming back, this is too much for our society.
"Fair Use for Information and Discussion Purposes"

Lord please come back. One brother said it well, we "have overstayed our welcome". Please look at what is happening to Jerusalem today, how the nations want to divide it up, spoil it, and destroy the remnant of the Jewish people who survived the Holocaust. Please forgive the sins of Israel and defend Jerusalem for Your own name's sake, so that the nations will believe You are God.
Please remember Your covenant and dwelling place on earth.
Father, I ask that you hear the prayers and see the needs of all Your people. The needs are too great for us, but You are the supplier of all the earth. Please forgive our sins; fill us with Your Holy Spirit; heal us, and bring us safely home to You. You are our refuge. We praise You for Your works and for who You are. There is no one as mighty or wonderful as You.

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Thank you for your prayers Regina.

How about this: I am available tomorrow, Saturday April 21, starting 9 pm to pray with anyone who wants to call the prayer line. Please let me know if you would like to join in and what time is better. (9, 9:30 or 10 pm…) Kristi, if no one else is available maybe we can still do this together.
Thank you everybody.

Kristi set up this number: "The phone number is: (760) 984-1000 and the Participant Access Code: 419921#. " Kristi, is it toll free? I just want to know if I should use my calling card.

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Thank you Kristi, Kathy, Heidi & all for your warm welcome and your prayers, they mean a LOT! - hoping to join your pray group - I have a special request for my son and husband today - for their healing (especially my son)- in the meantime - I'll be praying for you

Love in Jesus,

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Hismerc153, We will be sure to lift them up in prayer. Heidi, 9 p.m. sounds great. I'm not sure if the number is toll free, I think it's long distant. I tried to find a toll free number, but they still charge like $.5 a minute; which is really not free.

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Kristi, thank you for letting me know. I will use my calling card. I will call the number at 9 pm and dial the access code. we can prayer together. if anyone else wants to join in, that will be great.

Ann, we will pray for your family.

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Heidi, if you feel comfortable e-mail me your number, and I can call you, then call the conference line on a 3-way call, that way you can save your calling card minutes. But it's up to you. If you'd rather use the card it's quite all right.

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Kristi, I had problems emailing you directly. can you please send me an email. thank you

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

kvirtuous7@yahoo.com is my e-mail address
I do not see your e-mail on the post.

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Kristi, I just sent you an email. did you get it?

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

Ann, thank you for your prayers. I appreciate it.

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

To my dear sisters who prayed with me tonight, thank you so much for calling in and joining. It was such a blessing.

I am sorry my line got disconnected towards the end of the call. I was using my calling card and I got interrupted by a message of how many minutes were left. I ended up having to call in a couple of times again by which time you ended the call. Sorry about that.

Re: let's all join together in prayer for protection against the enemy's attacks

To my dear sisters who prayed with me tonight, thank you so much for calling in and joining. It was such a blessing.

I am sorry my line got disconnected towards the end of the call. I was using my calling card and I got interrupted by a message of how many minutes were left. I ended up having to call in a couple of times again by which time you ended the call. Sorry about that.

No worries Hedi! Ladies, what an awesome time we had! Father is so awesome! I really enjoyed the prayers and the encouraging words. Let's keep this up! To everyone on the RFTH forum, we all lifted you all up in prayer tonight! Heidi we all agreed to meet every Saturday at 9 pm Eastern time. Let me know if this is not a good time. Everyone on this forum is welcome and encouraged to join. All you have to do is call in at that time. Blessings! To join the prayer line on Saturdays @ 9 p.m. Eastern Time call:

Conference Dial-in Number: (760) 984-1000
Participant Access Code: 419921#