Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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The Creeping Darkness Has Me Counting The Days

Jim Fletcher puts into words exactly how many of us are feeling right now. This is a great article.

Fair use for information and discussion purposes


The Creeping Darkness Has Me Counting The Days Till Glory

By Jim Fletcher


My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. (John 10:27,28)

It is three days since the Mid-America Prophecy Conference in Tulsa, and I am alone this evening and thinking about Charles Spurgeon, taking comfort in the fact that he battled depression from time to time.

I really think he hated this world.

And I mean that in a good way.

My wife is working at the hospital tonight, and our kids are now all out on their own.

I am feeling blue this evening.

The older I get, the more I realize that we shouldn't hold things in, since as humans, we are all shivering in the cold void, as it were. How in the world do people survive day-to-day without the God of the Bible as the core of their existence?

I really don't know.

My life has been and is blessed, to the point that I am embarrassed. God is very good to me.

Yet there is a creeping darkness in this world that causes me to count the days. People like us are nut-jobs in the culture, marginalized not only by cruel media types, but mostly by those in the professing church. Some are working overtime to perfect the Church so it can be handed off to Jesus like a dive-play from the one-yard line on the last play of the Super Bowl.

One invites ridicule and derision by saying that the American Church is a bloated sturgeon, very dead and rotting on the sands of time. I am astonished with each passing week at the heresy and apostasy that passes for orthodoxy. Mega-leaders-elevated to pope-like status-using social media to cruelly and viciously mock discernment ministries. And they get away with it.


Because there is only a remnant left now. Millions and millions follow the absurd and unscriptural teachings of men who have crept into the Church. Itching ears. Forms of godliness.

Denying the power.

Then there is just the rank evil. I'm so sick to death of hearing about murders and rapes and abuse of all kinds. Just bone-weary. The grotesque evil practiced in the government, from the very top down. Unhinged decadence on TV and film.


Grotesque, slouching, crouching, monstrous, chilling evil.

And people watch reality shows.

Hey, this whole thing is a reality show.

A dear, long-time friend now thinks I'm not only a nut for my beliefs, but views me-I think-as a jabbering, whispering shadow-person, furtively glancing this way and that.

Clear truth is so foreign to our culture that we might as well speak a language we just made up.

In Matthew 24:13, Jesus said: "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved."

We are going to glory, and I believe it is sooner rather than later. We simply must endure. Thank goodness Jesus left us His Word and the Holy Spirit for comfort.

I once heard John Shelby Spong, in person, shamelessly mock the idea of a literal Second Coming.

Last summer, I stood with my wonderful, soon-to-be 20-year-old son, on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. We were standing just behind the famed Golden Gate, looking at the Mount of Olives, where we are promised that Jesus Christ, the Messiah, will one day return to rescue a disintegrating world.

I put my hand on my son's shoulder-he is tall and strong and handsome-and prayed. I prayed for him, for our family and friends, and for the strength to endure what is coming. We looked again at the Mount of Olives and I pointed and said, "He is going to physically return there." A Palestinian security guard looked at us menacingly and I felt chagrin for this sick world.

In Acts 1:10-11, we read:

And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;

Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

I cannot comprehend-I cannot wrap my mind around-the blasphemy of John Spong.

The promise of Christ's return, to a real place in real time, is sure.

When Jonathan and I stood there for those few moments, I longed to see Him return right there and then.

I am a deranged person for that, in today's world.

We left the Mount, finished our trip, returned home to our lives, and I here I sit. I am waiting.

Constantly now, I hear fellow believers almost groan for God to take them home. I do not think our minds were made to absorb the horrors we see now.

I do not mean to be depressing tonight, though I am depressed. The sun will shine tomorrow.

Many readers of "Israel Watch" tell me A) we will meet one day in heaven, or B) they are so tired and so want to go home. Their jobs are a millstone around their necks; family squabbles are blowing-up relationships; bizarre changes in previously routine lives are leaving people reeling; friends now look at us like we are wearing clown costumes.

It's too much for some. When a 35-year-old verbalizes that he or she longs to go home-the same language that used to be reserved for an 85-year-old confined to a fading body-friends, the return of the Lord must be close.

Something very strange entered our world only a few years ago, I believe that. One could almost feel a cold wind suddenly sweep through. Everyone recognizes it.

My favorite preacher has been dead for 15 years. Isn't that something? Last night on our RaptureReadyRadio show, "Tonight Matters," I asked John McTernan if there are any nationally known Bible teachers/pastors that he "follows."

He said no.

I want to weep.

They are all writing narcissistic bestselling clap-trap.

My favorite pastor came from Iowa with his new bride just before World War II and they established a country church on a rocky hillside and there they ministered for 50 years. He simply preached the Word from behind a simple pulpit to a few families. His wife played the organ and taught VBS and Sunday school. They ate food from their garden and observed the Sabbath and lived very simply. When my mother brought them their supper one night, she left and said, "I'll see you tomorrow."

He said, "I hope not."

He passed first and his wife spent a few years in a retirement home and at 95, almost totally blind and deaf, she memorized the entire book of Revelation.

They never built a mega-church or even heard of the concept. They wore simple clothes and didn't own a TV. He never wrote a book that got him on big-time Christian television.

America's most famous pastors today would think him a loser.

What a sick, vile, repulsive world we live in.

I will stop for now. I appreciate the fellowship with readers who come to RaptureReady. We will see each other soon.

In the 2000 film, The Patriot, a reluctant colonial warrior played by Mel Gibson gave his two young sons quick instructions as they prepared to ambush a blood-thirsty British patrol in a forest. He knelt down and looked at one son who appeared to be wavering and said, "Steady."

Then he was off.

In this moment that the Lord has privileged us to live in and see with our own eyes-the Day longed-for by many previous generations-we must remember to be steady. Our Champion, our Warrior is in charge, in control.

Love to you all.


Re: The Creeping Darkness Has Me Counting The Days

OH SUE !!!!!: Many readers of "Israel Watch" tell me A) we will meet one day in heaven, or B) they are so tired and so want to go home. Their jobs are a millstone around their necks; family squabbles are blowing-up relationships; bizarre changes in previously routine lives are leaving people reeling; friends now look at us like we are wearing clown costumes.

It's too much for some. When a 35-year-old verbalizes that he or she longs to go home-the same language that used to be reserved for an 85-year-old confined to a fading body-friends, the return of the Lord must be close.

I fit in with everything above. I just want to go home. I am from a small country town called Somerset and I now live 20 min. from downtown Pittsburgh...I long for the old days of the 60s and countrytime lemmonade drinks. I am so tired of this world I could vomit. I beg God nearly everyday just to take us home. There is nothing left for me down here.

Re: The Creeping Darkness Has Me Counting The Days

Thank you Texas Sue for posting this. Mary, are so in the Spirit right now. I can relate to that man on so many levels. As a matter of fact, I just posted on my Facebook today:

8 hours ago

Tired of this world, there is nothing here for us. I want to go home so bad. I wish Jesus would come already. Geesh, patience is not my virtue.

And two friends commented:

Precious: ‎...hang in their kiddo,it's just around the corner ;)

Carmen: Put your fire proof gloves on and start snatching souls because He is coming soon.

I have been so overwhelmed these last couple of months with an urgency to go home. Just like the author of your post said, even I groan and moan to go home, and I am only 33. I am tired of all of the news reports on murders, rapes, etc. I am tired of all of the people bashing our beliefs and mocking us. I am tired of all of the stress and weariness of life. I so long to be home with our Lord. A lot of brothers and sisters feel the same way. Waiting is so hard to do. But, as Mel Gibson said, "Steady."

Re: The Creeping Darkness

Thank you for posting this, Texas Sue. It brought me to tears while it states so perfectfly what we're experiencing. Thank you everyone who shares on this forum where our loneliness and sorrow, our longing faith and sincere hope can be expressed, communicated, made a little lighter by fellowship.

Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. (Proverbs 13:12)

Maranatha! Oh LORD Jesus, please come and call Your waiting Bride home ...

Re: The Creeping Darkness

A) we will meet one day in heaven, or B) they are so tired and so want to go home. Their jobs are a millstone around their necks; family squabbles are blowing-up relationships; bizarre changes in previously routine lives are leaving people reeling; friends now look at us like we are wearing clown costumes.

I want to go home. I'm weary, sick of evil, and want nothing more than for the Lord to be ruling here. King of Kings and Lord of Lords come back.

RFTH bros and sisters, you are an oasis

Re: The Creeping Darkness Has Me Counting The Days

Texas Sue
Jim Fletcher puts into words exactly how many of us are feeling right now. This is a great article.

Fair use for information and discussion purposes


The Creeping Darkness Has Me Counting The Days Till Glory

By Jim Fletcher


My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. (John 10:27,28)

It is three days since the Mid-America Prophecy Conference in Tulsa, and I am alone this evening and thinking about Charles Spurgeon, taking comfort in the fact that he battled depression from time to time.

I really think he hated this world.

And I mean that in a good way.

My wife is working at the hospital tonight, and our kids are now all out on their own.

I am feeling blue this evening.

The older I get, the more I realize that we shouldn't hold things in, since as humans, we are all shivering in the cold void, as it were. How in the world do people survive day-to-day without the God of the Bible as the core of their existence?

I really don't know.

My life has been and is blessed, to the point that I am embarrassed. God is very good to me.

Yet there is a creeping darkness in this world that causes me to count the days. People like us are nut-jobs in the culture, marginalized not only by cruel media types, but mostly by those in the professing church. Some are working overtime to perfect the Church so it can be handed off to Jesus like a dive-play from the one-yard line on the last play of the Super Bowl.

One invites ridicule and derision by saying that the American Church is a bloated sturgeon, very dead and rotting on the sands of time. I am astonished with each passing week at the heresy and apostasy that passes for orthodoxy. Mega-leaders-elevated to pope-like status-using social media to cruelly and viciously mock discernment ministries. And they get away with it.


Because there is only a remnant left now. Millions and millions follow the absurd and unscriptural teachings of men who have crept into the Church. Itching ears. Forms of godliness.

Denying the power.

Then there is just the rank evil. I'm so sick to death of hearing about murders and rapes and abuse of all kinds. Just bone-weary. The grotesque evil practiced in the government, from the very top down. Unhinged decadence on TV and film.


Grotesque, slouching, crouching, monstrous, chilling evil.

And people watch reality shows.

Hey, this whole thing is a reality show.

A dear, long-time friend now thinks I'm not only a nut for my beliefs, but views me-I think-as a jabbering, whispering shadow-person, furtively glancing this way and that.

Clear truth is so foreign to our culture that we might as well speak a language we just made up.

In Matthew 24:13, Jesus said: "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved."

We are going to glory, and I believe it is sooner rather than later. We simply must endure. Thank goodness Jesus left us His Word and the Holy Spirit for comfort.

I once heard John Shelby Spong, in person, shamelessly mock the idea of a literal Second Coming.

Last summer, I stood with my wonderful, soon-to-be 20-year-old son, on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. We were standing just behind the famed Golden Gate, looking at the Mount of Olives, where we are promised that Jesus Christ, the Messiah, will one day return to rescue a disintegrating world.

I put my hand on my son's shoulder-he is tall and strong and handsome-and prayed. I prayed for him, for our family and friends, and for the strength to endure what is coming. We looked again at the Mount of Olives and I pointed and said, "He is going to physically return there." A Palestinian security guard looked at us menacingly and I felt chagrin for this sick world.

In Acts 1:10-11, we read:

And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;

Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

I cannot comprehend-I cannot wrap my mind around-the blasphemy of John Spong.

The promise of Christ's return, to a real place in real time, is sure.

When Jonathan and I stood there for those few moments, I longed to see Him return right there and then.

I am a deranged person for that, in today's world.

We left the Mount, finished our trip, returned home to our lives, and I here I sit. I am waiting.

Constantly now, I hear fellow believers almost groan for God to take them home. I do not think our minds were made to absorb the horrors we see now.

I do not mean to be depressing tonight, though I am depressed. The sun will shine tomorrow.

Many readers of "Israel Watch" tell me A) we will meet one day in heaven, or B) they are so tired and so want to go home. Their jobs are a millstone around their necks; family squabbles are blowing-up relationships; bizarre changes in previously routine lives are leaving people reeling; friends now look at us like we are wearing clown costumes.

It's too much for some. When a 35-year-old verbalizes that he or she longs to go home-the same language that used to be reserved for an 85-year-old confined to a fading body-friends, the return of the Lord must be close.

Something very strange entered our world only a few years ago, I believe that. One could almost feel a cold wind suddenly sweep through. Everyone recognizes it.

My favorite preacher has been dead for 15 years. Isn't that something? Last night on our RaptureReadyRadio show, "Tonight Matters," I asked John McTernan if there are any nationally known Bible teachers/pastors that he "follows."

He said no.

I want to weep.

They are all writing narcissistic bestselling clap-trap.

My favorite pastor came from Iowa with his new bride just before World War II and they established a country church on a rocky hillside and there they ministered for 50 years. He simply preached the Word from behind a simple pulpit to a few families. His wife played the organ and taught VBS and Sunday school. They ate food from their garden and observed the Sabbath and lived very simply. When my mother brought them their supper one night, she left and said, "I'll see you tomorrow."

He said, "I hope not."

He passed first and his wife spent a few years in a retirement home and at 95, almost totally blind and deaf, she memorized the entire book of Revelation.

They never built a mega-church or even heard of the concept. They wore simple clothes and didn't own a TV. He never wrote a book that got him on big-time Christian television.

America's most famous pastors today would think him a loser.

What a sick, vile, repulsive world we live in.

I will stop for now. I appreciate the fellowship with readers who come to RaptureReady. We will see each other soon.

In the 2000 film, The Patriot, a reluctant colonial warrior played by Mel Gibson gave his two young sons quick instructions as they prepared to ambush a blood-thirsty British patrol in a forest. He knelt down and looked at one son who appeared to be wavering and said, "Steady."

Then he was off.

In this moment that the Lord has privileged us to live in and see with our own eyes-the Day longed-for by many previous generations-we must remember to be steady. Our Champion, our Warrior is in charge, in control.

Love to you all.


You said it Sue, he does put into words exactly how many of us are feeling right now; I'm one of the many!

Excellent article!

Our Faith in God to help us through this darkness, and just knowing that there are others that feel this way, makes it some what bare able!

Come Lord Jesus Come Quickly!


Re: The Creeping Darkness Has Me Counting The Days

Like all of you, when I first read this I could not believe how close it was to exactly how I am feeling right now and what I have heard from other rapture-watchers! Stunning in its complete detail of our position in this world now. Especially identified with this part:

A dear, long-time friend now thinks I'm not only a nut for my beliefs, but views me-I think-as a jabbering, whispering shadow-person, furtively glancing this way and that.

Clear truth is so foreign to our culture that we might as well speak a language we just made up.

Truth is not a very welcome or accepted commodity in today's market. Amazing how most churches are on a completely different plane of existence and oddly blind to what is happening right in front of them daily on a world-wide scale. So ready to go home, so hope it is hours, maybe days, and not months or years from now. Please come Lord Jesus and bring us home.